Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 79543-79544 [E8-30739]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 249 / Monday, December 29, 2008 / Notices
speeds of 220 mph on mostly dedicated,
fully graded-separated tracks, with stateof-the-art safety, signaling, and
automated train control systems. The
San Francisco to San Jose HST corridor
selected by the Authority and FRA
follows the Caltrain right-of-way from
San Francisco to San Jose. The HST
would operate in this area at speeds
below 150 mph and would share tracks
with Caltrain express commuter trains.
Further engineering studies to be
undertaken as part of this EIR/EIS
process will examine and refine
alignments in the Caltrain right-of-way.
The entire alignment would be grade
separated. The options to be considered
for the design of grade separated
roadway crossings would include (1)
Depressing the street to pass under the
rail line; (2) elevating the street to pass
over the rail line; and (3) leaving the
street as-is and constructing rail line
improvements to pass over or under the
local street. In addition, alternative sites
for right-of-way maintenance, train
storage facilities and a train service and
inspection facility will be evaluated in
the San Francisco to San Jose HST
project area.
The preferred station in the City of
San Francisco is the Transbay Transit
Center; in the City of Millbrae the
existing Millbrae BART/Caltrain
Station, and in the City of San Jose the
Intermodal Diridon Station. These
locations were selected by the Authority
and FRA through the Bay Area to
Central Valley HST Final Program EIR/
EIS considering the project purpose and
need, and the program objectives.
Potential station locations in the City of
Redwood City at the existing Caltrain
Station near downtown or in the City of
Palo Alto at the existing Caltrain Station
near downtown will also be evaluated
in this project EIR/EIS. Alternative
station sites at or near the selected
station locations may be identified and
evaluated in this Project EIR/EIS.
Probable Effects: The purpose of the
EIR/EIS process is to explore in a public
setting the effects of the proposed
project on the physical, human, and
natural environment. The FRA and the
Authority will continue the tiered
evaluation of all significant
environmental, social, and economic
impacts of the construction and
operation of the HST system. Impact
areas to be addressed include
transportation impacts; safety and
security; land use and zoning; land
acquisition, displacements, and
relocations; cumulative and secondary
impacts; cultural resource impacts,
including impacts on historical and
archaeological resources and parklands/
recreation areas; neighborhood
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compatibility and environmental
justice; natural resource impacts
including air quality, wetlands, water
resources, noise, vibration, energy,
wildlife and ecosystems, including
engendered species. Measures to avoid,
minimize, and mitigate adverse impacts
will be identified and evaluated.
The San Francisco to San Jose HST
Project EIR/EIS will be prepared in
accordance with FRA’s Procedures for
Considering Environmental Impacts (64
FR 28545 [May 26, 1999]) and will
address not only NEPA and CEQA but
will also address as necessary other
applicable statutes, regulations, and
executive orders, including the Clean
Air Act, Section 404 of the Clean Water
Act, Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966, Section 4(f) of
the Department of Transportation Act,
the Endangered Species Act, and
Executive Order 12898 on
Environmental Justice.
This EIR/EIS process will also
continue the NEPA/Clean Water Act
Section 404 integration process
established through the Statewide
Program EIR/EIS process. The EIR/EIS
will evaluate project alignment
alternatives, station and maintenance
facility locations to support a
determination of the Least
Environmentally Damaging Practicable
Alternative (‘‘LEDPA’’) by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Scoping and Comments: FRA
encourages broad participation in the
EIS process during scoping and review
of the resulting environmental
documents. Comments are invited from
all interested agencies and the public to
ensure the full range of issues related to
the proposed action and reasonable
alternatives are addressed and all
significant issues are identified. In
particular, FRA is interested in
determining whether there are areas of
environmental concern where there
might be a potential for significant sitespecific impacts. Public agencies with
jurisdiction are requested to advise FRA
and the Authority of the applicable
permit and environmental review
requirements of each agency, and the
scope and content of the environmental
information that is germane to the
agency’s statutory responsibilities in
connection with the proposed project.
Public agencies are requested to advise
FRA if they anticipate taking a major
action in connection with the proposed
project and if they wish to cooperate in
the preparation of the Project EIR/EIS.
Public scoping meetings have been
scheduled as an important component
of the scoping process for both the State
and Federal environmental review. The
scoping meetings described in this
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Notice will also be the subject of
additional public notification.
FRA is seeking participation and
input of all interested federal, state, and
local agencies, Native American groups,
and other concerned private
organizations or individuals on the
scope of the EIR/EIS. Implementation of
the San Francisco to San Jose section of
the HST system is a federal undertaking
with the potential to affect historic
properties. As such, it is subject to the
requirements of section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act of
1966 (16 U.S.C. 470f.). In accordance
with regulations issued by the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation, 36
CFR part 800, FRA intends to coordinate
compliance with section 106 of this Act
with the preparation of the EIR/EIS,
beginning with the identification of
consulting parties through the scoping
process, in a manner consistent with the
standards set out in 36 CFR 800.8.
Issued in Washington, DC on December 18,
Mark E. Yachmetz,
Associate Administrator for Railroad
[FR Doc. E8–30751 Filed 12–24–08; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
December 18, 2008.
The Department of Treasury is
planning to submit the following public
information collection requirement(s) to
OMB for review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Copies of the
submission(s) may be obtained by
calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this
information collection should be
addressed to the reviewer listed and to
the Treasury Department Clearance
Officer, Department of the Treasury,
Room 11020, 1750 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220.
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before February 27, 2009
to be assured of consideration.
Office of Procurement
OMB Number: 1505–0107.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Regulation Agency Protests.
Description: The information being
collected is obtained from contractors as
part of their submissions whenever they
file a bid protest with the Department or
any of its Bureaus. The information is
used by Treasury officials in deciding
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 249 / Monday, December 29, 2008 / Notices
how the protest should be resolved.
Failure to collect this information
would result in a non-uniform or
unclear submission and delayed
resolution of agency protests.
Respondents: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden: 46
OMB Number: 1505–0080.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Post-Contract Award
Description: Information requested of
contractors is specific to each contract
and is required for Treasury to properly
evaluate the progress made and/or
management controls used by
contractors providing supplies or
services to the Government, and to
determine contractors’ compliance with
the contracts, in order to protect the
Government’s interest.
Respondents: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden:
47,796 hours.
OMB Number: 1505–0081.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Solicitation of Proposal
Information for Award of Public
Description: Information requested of
offerors is specific to each procurement
solicitation, and is required for Treasury
to properly evaluate the capabilities and
experience of potential contractors who
desire to provide the supplies or
services to be acquired. Evaluation will
be used to determine which proposal
most benefits the Government.
Respondents: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden:
410,988 hours.
Clearance Officer: Jean Carter,
Treasury Office of Procurement, 1500
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC
20220, (202) 622–6760.
OMB Reviewer: Nick Fraser (202) 395–
5887, Office of Management and Budget,
Room 10235, New Executive Office
Building, Washington, DC 20503.
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–30739 Filed 12–24–08; 8:45 am]
dwashington3 on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
December 18, 2008.
The Department of Treasury will
submit the following public information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
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review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13, on or after the
publication date of this notice. Copies of
the submission(s) may be obtained by
calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this
information collection should be
addressed to the OMB reviewer listed
and to the Treasury Department
Clearance Officer, Department of the
Treasury, Room 11000, 1750
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220.
Dates: Written comments should be
received on or before January 28, 2009
to be assured of consideration.
Bureau of Public Debt (BPD)
OMB Number: 1535–0091.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Regulations Governing U.S.
Treasury Securities—State and Local
Government Series.
Forms: PD F 1849.
Description: This collection is
required by regulations governing U.S.
Treasury Securities—State and Local
Government Series.
Respondents: State, local, or tribal
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 542
Clearance Officer: Brian Lallemont
(304) 480–8150, Bureau of the Public
Debt, 200 Third Street, Parkersburg,
West Virginia 26106.
OMB Reviewer: Nick Fraser (202) 395–
5887, Office of Management and Budget,
Room 10235, New Executive Office
Building, Washington, DC 20503.
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–30740 Filed 12–24–08; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
December 19, 2008.
The Department of Treasury will
submit the following public information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 on or after the date
of publication of this notice. Copies of
the submission(s) may be obtained by
calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this
information collection should be
addressed to the OMB reviewer listed
and to the Treasury Department
Clearance Officer, Department of the
Treasury, Room 11000, and 1750
PO 00000
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Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220.
Dates: Written comments should be
received on or before January 28, 2009
to be assured of consideration.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
OMB Number: 1545–1417.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Indian Employment Credit.
Description: Employers can claim a
credit for hiring American Indians or
their spouses to work within an Indian
reservation. The credit is figured by
multiplying by 20% the increase in
wages and health insurance costs over
the comparable amount paid or incurred
during calendar year 1993.
Respondents: Individuals or
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 4,332
Clearance Officer: Glenn P. Kirkland
(202) 622–3428, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6516, 1111 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224.
OMB Reviewer: Nicholas A. Fraser
(202) 395–5887, Office of Management
and Budget, Room 10235, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503.
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–30741 Filed 12–24–08; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee on Disability
Compensation; Notice of Meeting
The Department of Veterans Affairs
gives notice under Public Law 92–463
(Federal Advisory Committee Act) that
the Advisory Committee on Disability
Compensation will meet on January 12,
2009, in the Carlton Room, at the St.
Regis Washington, DC, 923 16th and K
Streets, NW., from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The meeting is open to the public.
The purpose of the Committee is to
advise the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
on establishing and supervising a
schedule to conduct periodic reviews of
the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities.
The Committee will receive briefings
about studies on compensation for
veterans with service-connected
disabilities and other veteran benefits
programs. An open forum for verbal
statements from the public will be
available in the afternoon. People
wishing to make verbal statements
before the Committee will be
accommodated on a first-come, firstserved basis and will be provided three
minutes per statement.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 249 (Monday, December 29, 2008)]
[Pages 79543-79544]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-30739]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
December 18, 2008.
The Department of Treasury is planning to submit the following
public information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and
clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13.
Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling the Treasury
Bureau Clearance Officer listed. Comments regarding this information
collection should be addressed to the reviewer listed and to the
Treasury Department Clearance Officer, Department of the Treasury, Room
11020, 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220.
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before February 27,
2009 to be assured of consideration.
Office of Procurement
OMB Number: 1505-0107.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Regulation Agency Protests.
Description: The information being collected is obtained from
contractors as part of their submissions whenever they file a bid
protest with the Department or any of its Bureaus. The information is
used by Treasury officials in deciding
[[Page 79544]]
how the protest should be resolved. Failure to collect this information
would result in a non-uniform or unclear submission and delayed
resolution of agency protests.
Respondents: Businesses and other for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden: 46 hours.
OMB Number: 1505-0080.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Post-Contract Award Information.
Description: Information requested of contractors is specific to
each contract and is required for Treasury to properly evaluate the
progress made and/or management controls used by contractors providing
supplies or services to the Government, and to determine contractors'
compliance with the contracts, in order to protect the Government's
Respondents: Businesses and other for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden: 47,796 hours.
OMB Number: 1505-0081.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Solicitation of Proposal Information for Award of Public
Description: Information requested of offerors is specific to each
procurement solicitation, and is required for Treasury to properly
evaluate the capabilities and experience of potential contractors who
desire to provide the supplies or services to be acquired. Evaluation
will be used to determine which proposal most benefits the Government.
Respondents: Businesses and other for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Reporting Burden: 410,988 hours.
Clearance Officer: Jean Carter, Treasury Office of Procurement,
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20220, (202) 622-6760.
OMB Reviewer: Nick Fraser (202) 395-5887, Office of Management and
Budget, Room 10235, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E8-30739 Filed 12-24-08; 8:45 am]