Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; North Pacific Halibut and Sablefish Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery Programs, 73908-73913 [E8-28721]

Download as PDF 73908 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices Request for Public Comments Interested parties may submit written comments relevant to the determination whether a Certificate should be issued. If the comments include any privileged or confidential business information, it must be clearly marked and a nonconfidential version of the comments (identified as such) should be included. Any comments not marked privileged or confidential business information will be deemed to be nonconfidential. An original and five (5) copies, plus two (2) copies of the nonconfidential version, should be submitted no later than 20 days after the date of this notice to: Export Trading Company Affairs, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7021–X H, Washington, DC 20230. Information submitted by any person is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). However, nonconfidential versions of the comments will be made available to the applicant if necessary for determining whether or not to issue the Certificate. Comments should refer to this application as ‘‘Export Trade Certificate of Review, application number 08–00009.’’ A summary of the application follows. Summary of the Application Applicant: Golden Tree Trading Company (‘‘GTTC’’), 8040 N. Augusta Street, Fresno, CA 93720. Contact: Mr. Sypher Lee, Telephone: (626) 500–7942. Application No.: 08–00009. Date Deemed Submitted: November 20, 2008. Members: None. The applicant (GTTC) seeks a Certificate of Review to engage in the Export Trade Activities and Methods of Operation described below in the following Export Trade and Export Markets. I. Export Trade 1. Products All Products. 2. Services All Services. mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES 3. Technology Rights Technology rights, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. 4. Export Trade Facilitation Services (as They Relate to the Export of Products, Services, and Technology Rights) Export Trade Facilitation Services including, but not limited to, VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 Jkt 217001 professional services in the areas of government relations and assistance with state and federal programs; foreign trade and business protocol; consulting; market research and analysis; collection of information on trade opportunities; marketing; negotiations; joint ventures; shipping; export management; export licensing; advertising; documentation and services related to compliance with customs requirements; insurance and financing; trade show exhibitions; organizational development; management and labor strategies; transfer of technology; transportation; and facilitating the formation of shippers’ associations. II. Export Markets The Export Markets include all parts of the world except the United States (the fifty states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands). III. Export Trade Activities and Methods of Operation 1. With respect to the export of Products and Services, licensing of Technology Rights and provision of Export Trade Facilitation Services, GTTC, subject to the terms and conditions listed below, may: a. Provide and/or arrange for the provision of Export Trade Facilitation Services and engage in promotional and marketing activities and collect information on trade opportunities in the Export Markets and distribute such information to clients; b. Enter into exclusive and/or nonexclusive licensing and/or sales agreements with Suppliers for the export of Products, Services, and/or Technology Rights to Export Markets; c. Enter into exclusive and/or nonexclusive agreements with distributors and/or sales representatives in Export Markets; d. Allocate export sales or divide Export Markets among Suppliers for the sale and/or licensing of Products, Services, and/or Technology Rights; e. Allocate export orders among Suppliers; f. Establish the price of Products, Services, and/or Technology Rights for sales and/or licensing in Export Markets; g. Negotiate, enter into, and/or manage licensing agreements for the export of Technology Rights; h. Enter into contracts for shipping; and PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 i. Refuse to provide Export Trade Facilitation Services to customers in any Export Market or Markets. 2. GTTC may exchange information with individual Suppliers on a one-toone basis regarding that Supplier’s inventories and near-term production schedules in order that the availability of Products for export can be determined and effectively coordinated by GTTC with its distributors in Export Markets. IV. Terms and Conditions of Certificate 1. In engaging in Export Trade Activities and Methods of Operation, GTTC will not intentionally disclose, directly or indirectly, to any Supplier any information about any other Supplier’s costs, production, capacity, inventories, domestic prices, domestic sales, or U.S. business plans, strategies, or methods that is not already generally available to the trade or public. 2. GTTC will comply with requests made by the Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the Secretary or the Attorney General for information or documents relevant to conduct under the Certificate. The Secretary of Commerce will request such information or documents when either the Attorney General or the Secretary of Commerce believes that the information or documents are required to determine that the Export Trade, Export Trade Activities and Methods of Operation of a person protected by this Certificate of Review continue to comply with the standards of section 303(a) of the Act. Definition ‘‘Supplier’’ means a person who produces, provides, or sells Products, Services, and/or Technology Rights. Dated: November 26, 2008. Jeffrey Anspacher, Director, Export Trading Company Affairs. [FR Doc. E8–28724 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DR–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RIN 0648–XL90 Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; North Pacific Halibut and Sablefish Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery Programs National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. AGENCY: E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1 73909 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices On March 20, 2000, NMFS published regulations implementing the IFQ cost recovery program (65 FR 14919), which SUMMARY: NMFS publishes IFQ standard are set forth at § 679.45. Under the prices for the individual fishing quota regulations, an IFQ permit holder incurs (IFQ) cost recovery program in the a cost recovery fee liability for every halibut and sablefish fisheries of the pound of IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish North Pacific. This action is intended to that is landed on his or her IFQ provide holders of halibut and sablefish permit(s). The IFQ permit holder is IFQ permits with the 2008 standard responsible for self–collecting the fee prices and fee percentage to calculate liability for all IFQ halibut and IFQ the required payment for IFQ cost sablefish landings on his or her recovery fees due by January 31, 2009. permit(s). The IFQ permit holder is also responsible for submitting a fee liability DATES: Effective December 4, 2008. payment to NMFS on or before the due FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: date of January 31 following the year in Troie Zuniga, Fee Coordinator, 907– which the IFQ landings were made. The 586–7231. dollar amount of the fee due is SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: determined by multiplying the annual IFQ fee percentage (3 percent or less) by Background the ex–vessel value of each IFQ landing NMFS Alaska Region administers the made on a permit and summing the halibut and sablefish IFQ programs in totals of each permit (if more than one). the North Pacific. The IFQ programs are Standard Prices limited access systems authorized by the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery The fee liability is based on the sum Conservation and Management Act of all payments of monetary worth made (Magnuson–Stevens Act) and the to fishermen for the sale of the fish Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1982. during the year. This includes any Fishing under the IFQ programs began retro–payments (e.g., bonuses, delayed in March 1995. Regulations partial payments, post–season implementing the IFQ program are set payments) made to the IFQ permit forth at 50 CFR part 679. holder for previously landed IFQ halibut or sablefish. In 1996, the Magnuson–Stevens Act For purposes of calculating IFQ cost was amended (by Public Law 104–297) recovery fees, NMFS distinguishes to, among other things, require the between two types of ex–vessel value: Secretary of Commerce to ‘‘collect a fee ‘‘actual’’ and ‘‘standard.’’ ‘‘Actual’’ ex– to recover the actual costs directly vessel value is the amount of all related to the management and enforcement of any . . . individual quota compensation, monetary or non– program.’’ This requirement was further monetary, that an IFQ permit holder received as payment for his or her IFQ amended in 2006 (by Public Law 109– fish sold. ‘‘Standard’’ ex–vessel value is 479) to include collection of the actual the default value on which to base fee costs of data collection, and to replace liability calculations. IFQ permit the reference to ‘‘individual quota program’’ with a more general reference holders have the option of using actual to ‘‘limited access privilege program’’ at ex–vessel value if they can satisfactorily section 304(d)(2)(A). This section of the document it, otherwise the ‘‘standard’’ Magnuson–Stevens Act also specifies an ex–vessel value is used. Regulations at § 679.45(c)(2)(i) require upper limit on these fees, when the fees the Regional Administrator to publish must be collected, and where the fees IFQ standard prices during the last must be deposited. Notification of standard prices and fee percentage. ACTION: quarter of each calendar year. These standard prices are used, along with estimates of IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landings, to calculate standard values. The standard prices are described in U.S. dollars per IFQ equivalent pound for IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landings made during the year. IFQ equivalent pound(s) is the weight (in pounds) for an IFQ landing, calculated as the round weight for sablefish and headed and gutted net weight for halibut. NMFS calculates the standard prices to closely reflect the variations in the actual ex–vessel values of IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landings by month and port or port– group. The standard prices for IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish are listed in the tables that follow the next section. Data from ports are combined as necessary to protect confidentiality. Fee Percentage Section 304(d)(2)(B) of the Magnuson–Stevens Act specifies a maximum fee of 3 percent of the ex– vessel value of fish harvested under an IFQ Program. NMFS annually sets a fee percentage for sablefish and halibut IFQ holders that is based on the actual annual costs associated with certain management and enforcement functions, as well as the standard ex– vessel value of the catch subject to the IFQ fee for the current year. The method used by NMFS to calculate the IFQ fee percentage is described at § 679.45(d)(2)(ii). Regulations at § 679.45(d) require NMFS to publish the IFQ fee percentage for the halibut and sablefish IFQ fisheries in the Federal Register during or before the last quarter of each year. For the 2008 sablefish and halibut IFQ fishing season, an IFQ permit holder is to use a fee liability percentage of 1.4 percent to calculate his or her fee for landed IFQ in pounds. The IFQ permit holder is responsible for submitting the fee liability payment to NMFS on or before January 31, 2009. REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY LANDING LOCATION FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 $4.42 — July 31 $4.67 — August 31 $4.71 — LANDING LOCATION mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES CORDOVA VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 PERIOD ENDING Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1 73910 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY LANDING LOCATION FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON— Continued HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) September 30 $4.34 — October 31 $4.34 — November 30 $4.34 — March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 — — July 31 — — August 31 — — September 30 — — October 31 — — November 30 — — March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 $4.62 — July 31 $4.74 — August 31 $4.29 — September 30 — — October 31 — — November 30 — — March 31 — — April 30 $4.28 — May 31 $4.41 — June 30 — — July 31 $4.04 — August 31 $4.35 — September 30 $4.43 — October 31 $4.43 — November 30 $4.43 — March 31 $3.93 $2.66 April 30 $4.13 $2.86 May 31 $4.22 $2.91 June 30 $4.23 $2.99 July 31 $4.32 $3.06 August 31 $4.36 $3.09 LANDING LOCATION DUTCH HARBOR HOMER KETCHIKAN mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES KODIAK VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 PERIOD ENDING Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1 73911 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY LANDING LOCATION FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON— Continued HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) September 30 $4.39 $3.13 October 31 $4.39 $3.13 November 30 $4.39 $3.13 — — April 30 $4.11 — May 31 $4.27 — June 30 $4.35 — July 31 $4.42 — August 31 $4.46 — September 30 $4.43 — October 31 $4.43 — November 30 $4.43 — March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 — — July 31 — — August 31 — — September 30 — — October 31 — — November 30 — — March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 — — July 31 $4.53 $4.14 August 31 $4.28 $4.71 September 30 — — October 31 — — November 30 — — March 31 — — April 30 — — May 31 — — June 30 — — July 31 — — August 31 — — LANDING LOCATION PETERSBURG SEWARD SITKA mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES YAKUTAT VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 PERIOD ENDING March 31 Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1 73912 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY LANDING LOCATION FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON— Continued HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) September 30 — — October 31 — — November 30 — — LANDING LOCATION PERIOD ENDING REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY PORT GROUP FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) — — April 30 $4.06 $2.65 May 31 $4.10 $2.82 June 30 $4.23 $2.85 July 31 $4.22 $3.13 August 31 $4.30 $2.88 September 30 $4.22 $2.87 October 31 $4.22 $2.87 November 30 $4.22 $2.87 March 31 $4.10 $2.89 April 30 $4.30 $2.95 May 31 $4.28 $2.98 June 30 $4.30 $3.03 July 31 $4.38 $3.06 August 31 $4.38 $3.08 September 30 $4.38 $3.26 October 31 $4.38 $3.26 November 30 $4.38 $3.26 March 31 $4.17 $3.26 April 30 $4.17 $3.25 May 31 $4.27 $3.22 June 30 $4.41 $3.30 July 31 $4.48 $3.82 August 31 $4.45 $3.87 September 30 $4.49 $3.33 October 31 $4.49 $3.33 November 30 $4.49 $3.33 March 31 $4.13 $3.10 April 30 $4.25 $3.05 May 31 $4.26 $3.03 PORT GROUP BERING SEA1 CENTRAL GULF OF ALASKA2 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES SOUTHEAST ALASKA3 ALL4 VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 PERIOD ENDING March 31 Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1 73913 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices REGISTERED BUYER STANDARD EX–VESSEL PRICESBY PORT GROUP FOR 2008 IFQ SEASON—Continued HALIBUT STANDARD EX –VESSEL PRICE ($) SABLEFISH STANDARD EX– VESSEL PRICE ($) June 30 $4.32 $3.06 July 31 $4.36 $3.25 August 31 $4.37 $3.25 September 30 $4.36 $3.26 October 31 $4.36 $3.26 November 30 $4.36 $3.26 PORT GROUP PERIOD ENDING 1Landing locations Within Port Group – Bering Sea: Adak, Akutan, Akutan Bay, Atka, Bristol Bay, Chefornak, Dillingham, Captains Bay, Dutch Harbor, Egegik, Ikatan Bay, Hooper Bay, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Mekoryuk, Naknek, Nome, Quinhagak, Savoonga, St. George, St. Lawrence, St. Paul, Togiak, Toksook Bay, Tununak, Beaver Inlet, Ugadaga Bay, Unalaska 2Landing Locations Within Port Group – Central Gulf of Alaska: Anchor Point, Anchorage, Alitak, Chignik, Cordova, Eagle River, False Pass, West Anchor Cove, Girdwood, Chinitna Bay, Halibut Cove, Homer, Kasilof, Kenai, Kenai River, Kodiak, Port Bailey, Nikiski, Ninilchik, Old Harbor, Palmer, Sand Point, Seldovia, Resurrection Bay, Seward, Valdez, Whittier 3Landing Locations Within Port Group – Southeast Alaska: Angoon, Baranof Warm Springs, Craig, Edna Bay, Elfin Cove, Excursion Inlet, Gustavus, Haines, Hollis, Hoonah, Hyder, Auke Bay, Douglas, Tee Harbor, Juneau, Kake, Ketchikan, Klawock, Metlakatla, Pelican, Petersburg, Portage Bay, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Protection, Point Baker, Sitka, Skagway, Tenakee Springs, Thorne Bay, Wrangell, Yakutat 4Landing Locations Within Port Group – All: For Alaska: All landing locations included in 1, 2, and 3. For California: Eureka, Fort Bragg, Other California. For Oregon: Astoria, Aurora, Lincoln City, Newport, Warrenton, Other Oregon. For Washington: Anacortes, Bellevue, Bellingham, Nagai Island, Edmonds, Everett, Granite Falls, Ilwaco, La Conner, Port Angeles, Port Orchard, Port Townsend, Rainier, Fox Island, Mercer Island, Seattle, Standwood, Other Washington. For Canada: Port Hardy, Port Edward, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Haines Junction, Other Canada Note In many instances prices have not been reported to comply with confidentiality guidelines that prevent price reports when there are fewer than three processors operating in a location during a month. Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. Dated: November 28, 2008. Emily H. Menashes Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service. [FR Doc. E8–28721 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–22–S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RIN 0648–XK27 Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals During Specified Activities; Beach Boulevard AICWW Bridge Blasting Project, Duval County, FL National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental take authorization. mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES AGENCY: SUMMARY: In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) regulations, NMFS has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) for the take of small numbers of marine mammals, by Level B harassment only, incidental to the removal and replacement of support structures for the Beach Boulevard Bridge over the Atlantic Intracoastal VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:35 Dec 03, 2008 Jkt 217001 Waterway (AICWW) in Duval County, FL. The IHA is effective from December 1, 2008, through February 28, 2009. ADDRESSES: A copy of the IHA is available by writing to Michael Payne, Chief, Permits, Conservation and Education Division, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East–West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910–3225, or by telephoning the contact listed here. A copy of the application containing a list of the references used in this document may be obtained by writing to the address specified above, telephoning the contact listed below (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT), or online at: permits/incidental.htm. Documents cited in this notice may be viewed, by appointment, during regular business hours, at the aforementioned address. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard Goldstein or Ken Hollingshead, NMFS, (301) 713–2289. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DATES: Background Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce to allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a proposed authorization is provided to the public for review. An authorization shall be granted if NMFS finds that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or stock(s) and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses, and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such takings are set forth to achieve the least practicable adverse impact. NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as ’’ impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival.’’ Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA established an expedited process by which citizens of the United States can apply for an authorization to incidentally take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment. Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the MMPA defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (I) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has the potential E:\FR\FM\04DEN1.SGM 04DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 234 (Thursday, December 4, 2008)]
[Pages 73908-73913]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-28721]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XL90

Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; North 
Pacific Halibut and Sablefish Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery 

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

[[Page 73909]]

ACTION: Notification of standard prices and fee percentage.


SUMMARY: NMFS publishes IFQ standard prices for the individual fishing 
quota (IFQ) cost recovery program in the halibut and sablefish 
fisheries of the North Pacific. This action is intended to provide 
holders of halibut and sablefish IFQ permits with the 2008 standard 
prices and fee percentage to calculate the required payment for IFQ 
cost recovery fees due by January 31, 2009.

DATES: Effective December 4, 2008.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Troie Zuniga, Fee Coordinator, 907-



    NMFS Alaska Region administers the halibut and sablefish IFQ 
programs in the North Pacific. The IFQ programs are limited access 
systems authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) and the Northern Pacific Halibut 
Act of 1982. Fishing under the IFQ programs began in March 1995. 
Regulations implementing the IFQ program are set forth at 50 CFR part 
    In 1996, the Magnuson-Stevens Act was amended (by Public Law 104-
297) to, among other things, require the Secretary of Commerce to 
``collect a fee to recover the actual costs directly related to the 
management and enforcement of any . . . individual quota program.'' 
This requirement was further amended in 2006 (by Public Law 109-479) to 
include collection of the actual costs of data collection, and to 
replace the reference to ``individual quota program'' with a more 
general reference to ``limited access privilege program'' at section 
304(d)(2)(A). This section of the Magnuson-Stevens Act also specifies 
an upper limit on these fees, when the fees must be collected, and 
where the fees must be deposited.
    On March 20, 2000, NMFS published regulations implementing the IFQ 
cost recovery program (65 FR 14919), which are set forth at Sec.  
679.45. Under the regulations, an IFQ permit holder incurs a cost 
recovery fee liability for every pound of IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish 
that is landed on his or her IFQ permit(s). The IFQ permit holder is 
responsible for self-collecting the fee liability for all IFQ halibut 
and IFQ sablefish landings on his or her permit(s). The IFQ permit 
holder is also responsible for submitting a fee liability payment to 
NMFS on or before the due date of January 31 following the year in 
which the IFQ landings were made. The dollar amount of the fee due is 
determined by multiplying the annual IFQ fee percentage (3 percent or 
less) by the ex-vessel value of each IFQ landing made on a permit and 
summing the totals of each permit (if more than one).

Standard Prices

    The fee liability is based on the sum of all payments of monetary 
worth made to fishermen for the sale of the fish during the year. This 
includes any retro-payments (e.g., bonuses, delayed partial payments, 
post-season payments) made to the IFQ permit holder for previously 
landed IFQ halibut or sablefish.
    For purposes of calculating IFQ cost recovery fees, NMFS 
distinguishes between two types of ex-vessel value: ``actual'' and 
``standard.'' ``Actual'' ex-vessel value is the amount of all 
compensation, monetary or non-monetary, that an IFQ permit holder 
received as payment for his or her IFQ fish sold. ``Standard'' ex-
vessel value is the default value on which to base fee liability 
calculations. IFQ permit holders have the option of using actual ex-
vessel value if they can satisfactorily document it, otherwise the 
``standard'' ex-vessel value is used.
    Regulations at Sec.  679.45(c)(2)(i) require the Regional 
Administrator to publish IFQ standard prices during the last quarter of 
each calendar year. These standard prices are used, along with 
estimates of IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landings, to calculate 
standard values. The standard prices are described in U.S. dollars per 
IFQ equivalent pound for IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landings made 
during the year. IFQ equivalent pound(s) is the weight (in pounds) for 
an IFQ landing, calculated as the round weight for sablefish and headed 
and gutted net weight for halibut. NMFS calculates the standard prices 
to closely reflect the variations in the actual ex-vessel values of IFQ 
halibut and IFQ sablefish landings by month and port or port-group. The 
standard prices for IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish are listed in the 
tables that follow the next section. Data from ports are combined as 
necessary to protect confidentiality.

Fee Percentage

    Section 304(d)(2)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act specifies a 
maximum fee of 3 percent of the ex-vessel value of fish harvested under 
an IFQ Program. NMFS annually sets a fee percentage for sablefish and 
halibut IFQ holders that is based on the actual annual costs associated 
with certain management and enforcement functions, as well as the 
standard ex-vessel value of the catch subject to the IFQ fee for the 
current year. The method used by NMFS to calculate the IFQ fee 
percentage is described at Sec.  679.45(d)(2)(ii).
    Regulations at Sec.  679.45(d) require NMFS to publish the IFQ fee 
percentage for the halibut and sablefish IFQ fisheries in the Federal 
Register during or before the last quarter of each year. For the 2008 
sablefish and halibut IFQ fishing season, an IFQ permit holder is to 
use a fee liability percentage of 1.4 percent to calculate his or her 
fee for landed IFQ in pounds. The IFQ permit holder is responsible for 
submitting the fee liability payment to NMFS on or before January 31, 

                               IFQ SEASON
                                      HALIBUT STANDARD    STANDARD EX-
CORDOVA            March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            $4.42             --
                   July 31            $4.67             --
                   August 31          $4.71             --

[[Page 73910]]

                   September 30       $4.34             --
                   October 31         $4.34             --
                   November 30        $4.34             --
DUTCH HARBOR       March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            --                --
                   July 31            --                --
                   August 31          --                --
                   September 30       --                --
                   October 31         --                --
                   November 30        --                --
HOMER              March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            $4.62             --
                   July 31            $4.74             --
                   August 31          $4.29             --
                   September 30       --                --
                   October 31         --                --
                   November 30        --                --
KETCHIKAN          March 31           --                --
                   April 30           $4.28             --
                   May 31             $4.41             --
                   June 30            --                --
                   July 31            $4.04             --
                   August 31          $4.35             --
                   September 30       $4.43             --
                   October 31         $4.43             --
                   November 30        $4.43             --
KODIAK             March 31           $3.93             $2.66
                   April 30           $4.13             $2.86
                   May 31             $4.22             $2.91
                   June 30            $4.23             $2.99
                   July 31            $4.32             $3.06
                   August 31          $4.36             $3.09

[[Page 73911]]

                   September 30       $4.39             $3.13
                   October 31         $4.39             $3.13
                   November 30        $4.39             $3.13
PETERSBURG         March 31           --                --
                   April 30           $4.11             --
                   May 31             $4.27             --
                   June 30            $4.35             --
                   July 31            $4.42             --
                   August 31          $4.46             --
                   September 30       $4.43             --
                   October 31         $4.43             --
                   November 30        $4.43             --
SEWARD             March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            --                --
                   July 31            --                --
                   August 31          --                --
                   September 30       --                --
                   October 31         --                --
                   November 30        --                --
SITKA              March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            --                --
                   July 31            $4.53             $4.14
                   August 31          $4.28             $4.71
                   September 30       --                --
                   October 31         --                --
                   November 30        --                --
YAKUTAT            March 31           --                --
                   April 30           --                --
                   May 31             --                --
                   June 30            --                --
                   July 31            --                --
                   August 31          --                --

[[Page 73912]]

                   September 30       --                --
                   October 31         --                --
                   November 30        --                --

                                      HALIBUT STANDARD    STANDARD EX-
BERING SEA\1\      March 31           --                --
                   April 30           $4.06             $2.65
                   May 31             $4.10             $2.82
                   June 30            $4.23             $2.85
                   July 31            $4.22             $3.13
                   August 31          $4.30             $2.88
                   September 30       $4.22             $2.87
                   October 31         $4.22             $2.87
                   November 30        $4.22             $2.87
CENTRAL GULF OF    March 31           $4.10             $2.89
                   April 30           $4.30             $2.95
                   May 31             $4.28             $2.98
                   June 30            $4.30             $3.03
                   July 31            $4.38             $3.06
                   August 31          $4.38             $3.08
                   September 30       $4.38             $3.26
                   October 31         $4.38             $3.26
                   November 30        $4.38             $3.26
SOUTHEAST          March 31           $4.17             $3.26
                   April 30           $4.17             $3.25
                   May 31             $4.27             $3.22
                   June 30            $4.41             $3.30
                   July 31            $4.48             $3.82
                   August 31          $4.45             $3.87
                   September 30       $4.49             $3.33
                   October 31         $4.49             $3.33
                   November 30        $4.49             $3.33
ALL\4\             March 31           $4.13             $3.10
                   April 30           $4.25             $3.05
                   May 31             $4.26             $3.03

[[Page 73913]]

                   June 30            $4.32             $3.06
                   July 31            $4.36             $3.25
                   August 31          $4.37             $3.25
                   September 30       $4.36             $3.26
                   October 31         $4.36             $3.26
                   November 30        $4.36             $3.26
\1\Landing locations Within Port Group - Bering Sea: Adak, Akutan,
  Akutan Bay, Atka, Bristol Bay, Chefornak, Dillingham, Captains Bay,
  Dutch Harbor, Egegik, Ikatan Bay, Hooper Bay, King Cove, King Salmon,
  Kipnuk, Mekoryuk, Naknek, Nome, Quinhagak, Savoonga, St. George, St.
  Lawrence, St. Paul, Togiak, Toksook Bay, Tununak, Beaver Inlet,
  Ugadaga Bay, Unalaska
\2\Landing Locations Within Port Group - Central Gulf of Alaska: Anchor
  Point, Anchorage, Alitak, Chignik, Cordova, Eagle River, False Pass,
  West Anchor Cove, Girdwood, Chinitna Bay, Halibut Cove, Homer,
  Kasilof, Kenai, Kenai River, Kodiak, Port Bailey, Nikiski, Ninilchik,
  Old Harbor, Palmer, Sand Point, Seldovia, Resurrection Bay, Seward,
  Valdez, Whittier
\3\Landing Locations Within Port Group - Southeast Alaska: Angoon,
  Baranof Warm Springs, Craig, Edna Bay, Elfin Cove, Excursion Inlet,
  Gustavus, Haines, Hollis, Hoonah, Hyder, Auke Bay, Douglas, Tee
  Harbor, Juneau, Kake, Ketchikan, Klawock, Metlakatla, Pelican,
  Petersburg, Portage Bay, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Protection,
  Point Baker, Sitka, Skagway, Tenakee Springs, Thorne Bay, Wrangell,
\4\Landing Locations Within Port Group - All: For Alaska: All landing
  locations included in 1, 2, and 3. For California: Eureka, Fort Bragg,
  Other California. For Oregon: Astoria, Aurora, Lincoln City, Newport,
  Warrenton, Other Oregon. For Washington: Anacortes, Bellevue,
  Bellingham, Nagai Island, Edmonds, Everett, Granite Falls, Ilwaco, La
  Conner, Port Angeles, Port Orchard, Port Townsend, Rainier, Fox
  Island, Mercer Island, Seattle, Standwood, Other Washington. For
  Canada: Port Hardy, Port Edward, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Haines
  Junction, Other Canada
Note In many instances prices have not been reported to comply with
  confidentiality guidelines that prevent price reports when there are
  fewer than three processors operating in a location during a month.

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: November 28, 2008.
Emily H. Menashes
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E8-28721 Filed 12-3-08; 8:45 am]
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