Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals During Specified Activities; Beach Boulevard AICWW Bridge Blasting Project, Duval County, FL, 73913-73922 [E8-28720]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
June 30
July 31
August 31
September 30
October 31
November 30
locations Within Port Group – Bering Sea: Adak, Akutan, Akutan Bay, Atka, Bristol Bay, Chefornak, Dillingham, Captains Bay, Dutch
Harbor, Egegik, Ikatan Bay, Hooper Bay, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Mekoryuk, Naknek, Nome, Quinhagak, Savoonga, St. George, St.
Lawrence, St. Paul, Togiak, Toksook Bay, Tununak, Beaver Inlet, Ugadaga Bay, Unalaska
2Landing Locations Within Port Group – Central Gulf of Alaska: Anchor Point, Anchorage, Alitak, Chignik, Cordova, Eagle River, False Pass,
West Anchor Cove, Girdwood, Chinitna Bay, Halibut Cove, Homer, Kasilof, Kenai, Kenai River, Kodiak, Port Bailey, Nikiski, Ninilchik, Old Harbor,
Palmer, Sand Point, Seldovia, Resurrection Bay, Seward, Valdez, Whittier
3Landing Locations Within Port Group – Southeast Alaska: Angoon, Baranof Warm Springs, Craig, Edna Bay, Elfin Cove, Excursion Inlet, Gustavus, Haines, Hollis, Hoonah, Hyder, Auke Bay, Douglas, Tee Harbor, Juneau, Kake, Ketchikan, Klawock, Metlakatla, Pelican, Petersburg, Portage Bay, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Protection, Point Baker, Sitka, Skagway, Tenakee Springs, Thorne Bay, Wrangell, Yakutat
4Landing Locations Within Port Group – All: For Alaska: All landing locations included in 1, 2, and 3. For California: Eureka, Fort Bragg,
Other California. For Oregon: Astoria, Aurora, Lincoln City, Newport, Warrenton, Other Oregon. For Washington: Anacortes, Bellevue, Bellingham, Nagai Island, Edmonds, Everett, Granite Falls, Ilwaco, La Conner, Port Angeles, Port Orchard, Port Townsend, Rainier, Fox Island,
Mercer Island, Seattle, Standwood, Other Washington. For Canada: Port Hardy, Port Edward, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Haines Junction, Other
Note In many instances prices have not been reported to comply with confidentiality guidelines that prevent price reports when there are
fewer than three processors operating in a location during a month.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: November 28, 2008.
Emily H. Menashes
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E8–28721 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XK27
Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals
During Specified Activities; Beach
Boulevard AICWW Bridge Blasting
Project, Duval County, FL
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental
take authorization.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA) regulations, NMFS has issued
an Incidental Harassment Authorization
(IHA) to the Jacksonville Transportation
Authority (JTA) for the take of small
numbers of marine mammals, by Level
B harassment only, incidental to the
removal and replacement of support
structures for the Beach Boulevard
Bridge over the Atlantic Intracoastal
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Waterway (AICWW) in Duval County,
The IHA is effective from
December 1, 2008, through February 28,
ADDRESSES: A copy of the IHA is
available by writing to Michael Payne,
Chief, Permits, Conservation and
Education Division, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries
Service, 1315 East–West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910–3225, or by
telephoning the contact listed here.
A copy of the application containing
a list of the references used in this
document may be obtained by writing to
the address specified above, telephoning
the contact listed below (see FOR
online at:
permits/incidental.htm. Documents
cited in this notice may be viewed, by
appointment, during regular business
hours, at the aforementioned address.
Howard Goldstein or Ken Hollingshead,
NMFS, (301) 713–2289.
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct
the Secretary of Commerce to allow,
upon request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of marine mammals
by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
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geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
authorization is provided to the public
for review.
An authorization shall be granted if
NMFS finds that the taking will have a
negligible impact on the species or
stock(s) and will not have an
unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
subsistence uses, and if the permissible
methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
forth to achieve the least practicable
adverse impact. NMFS has defined
‘‘negligible impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103
as ’’ impact resulting from the
specified activity that cannot be
reasonably expected to, and is not
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
species or stock through effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival.’’
Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA
established an expedited process by
which citizens of the United States can
apply for an authorization to
incidentally take small numbers of
marine mammals by harassment. Except
with respect to certain activities not
pertinent here, the MMPA defines
‘‘harassment’’ as:
any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance
which (I) has the potential to injure a marine
mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild
[Level A harassment]; or (ii) has the potential
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
to disturb a marine mammal or marine
mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of behavioral patterns, including,
but not limited to, migration, breathing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering
[Level B harassment].
16 U.S.C. 1362(18).
Section 101(a)(5)(D) establishes a 45day time limit for NMFS review of an
application followed by a 30-day public
notice and comment period on any
proposed authorizations for the
incidental harassment of marine
mammals. Within 45 days of the close
of the comment period, NMFS must
either issue or deny issuance of the
Summary of Request
On May 5, 2008, NMFS received a
letter from the JTA, requesting an IHA.
The requested IHA will authorize the
take, by harassment, of small numbers
of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) incidental to
explosive demolition performed for the
purpose of removing support structures
for the Beach Boulevard Bridge on the
AICWW in Duval County, Florida. The
Beach Boulevard Bridge spans
approximately 300 ft (91.5 m) over open
water. The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) and St. Johns River
Water Management District (SJRWMD)
have issued Environmental Resource
Permits to JTA for the replacement of
the existing Beach Boulevard Bridge
over the AICWW. The ACOE issued
permit SAJ–2003–9340 on November
22, 2005, to expand State Road 212
(Beach Boulevard) from San Pablo Road
to Penman Road in Jacksonville, Duval
County, Florida. The permit included
authorization to replace Beach
Boulevard Bridge over the AICWW. The
blasting of the bridge will reduce the
amount of time that tugs and barges are
active in the AICWW, thereby reducing
risks to wildlife.
Additional information on the
blasting project is contained in the
application and Supplemental
Environmental Assessment (SEA),
which is available upon request (see
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Specified Activities
The purpose of the blasting project is
to remove twelve support structures
from the old bridge by explosive
demolition. While dismantling and
discarding the existing bridge spam will
be routine, the strength and mass of the
bridge footers pose a dismantling
problem. After careful consideration,
the bridge contractor, Superior
Construction, has determined that
demolishing the footers with explosives
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is the most practical means of
destroying them. The new, fully
permitted bridge will consist of separate
eastbound and westbound spans. The
new westbound bridge, which is 100
percent constructed and in use, occurs
where no bridge structure previously
existed. The location of the future
eastbound bridge, which has not yet
been started, coincides almost exactly
with the existing bridge, necessitating
the full removal of the latter. The
existing bridge support piers are
undersized, relative to the future span’s
requirements, and must be removed to
make room for construction equipment
and the new bridge, particularly its
support piles. The permitted method of
removal of the old bridge allows for the
footers to be removed via non–explosive
means from barges. The barges would
have to be relocated regularly by a large
tug boat for up to three months due to
the quantity of concrete involved and
the limited reach of the equipment.
Under the existing permits, the most
practical way of demolishing the old
bridge supports is to use a hydraulic hoe
ram, the equivalent of a large jack
hammer, mounted on a barge,
maneuvered by a tug boat, and literally
chip the concrete supports into tens of
thousands of pieces. For demolition of
the piers adjacent to the channel, a
barge with a large chipper will operate
from the channel and chip at an angle
away from the channel. This way,
nearly all of the small amount of rubble
that falls toward the channel will land
in the chipper barge.
There are only two practical ways of
taking down the bridge supports — one
method entails the aforementioned hoe
ram which would chip the concrete into
tens of thousands of pieces, the other
involves explosives. Under a hoe ram
only (i.e., no blasting) scenario, the risks
to wildlife stem from tugs and barges
operating in the AICWW, for a total of
900 hours (90 days x 10 hours per day).
An additional impact would be incurred
by the protracted percussion pounding
of the hammer. In a blasting scenario,
risks to wildlife include the three blast
events, and tug/barge activity in the
AICWW totaling 400 hours (40 days x
10 hours per day). A Blasting Plan
document has been prepared for this
proposed action (see JTA’s application).
The JTA currently is in the process of
replacing the Beach Boulevard Bridge
across the AICWW. The project area is
depicted in Location Map, Exhibit 1 of
JTA’s application. The new bridge will
consist of separate eastbound and
westbound spans. The new westbound
bridge, which has been constructed and
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is in use, occurs where no bridge
structure previously existed. The
location of the future eastbound bridge,
which has not yet been started,
coincides almost exactly with the bridge
that is being replaced, necessitating the
full removal of the latter. The existing
bridge’s support piers are undersized,
relative to the future span’s
requirements, and must be removed to
make room for construction equipment
and the new bridge, particularly its
support piles. JTA plans to demolish the
piers with controlled explosives.
Baseline Conditions
The over water portion of the western
side of the old bridge is supported by
four piers of bent piles. The eastern,
over water portion is supported by four
similar piers and four bascule pier piles.
Concrete coffer dams support the footers
on both sides of the navigable channel.
The below–water plan view of these
twelve supports is indicated on Salient
Features, Plan View, Exhibit 2 of JTA’s
application. The supports on both sides
are protected from erosional scour by
much rip rap and numerous gabions. A
navigation channel is between the two
sets of bent pile piers. A protective
fender system is in place. Over the
years, much rock, gravel, and rip rap has
been placed in the open water under the
Blasting Details
As preface to preparing the 12
structures (the number of supports
below the mean low water elevation) for
explosive demolition and consistent
with the current permits, each structure
will be chipped to approximately 5 ft
(1.5 m) National Geodetic Vertical
Datum (NGVD). Once the supports have
been lowered to 5 ft NGVD, the below
water and remaining above water
portions will be removed by explosives.
Three separate blast events will take
place during the project. The locations
and sequence of the blasts are indicated
on Exhibit 5 of JTA’s application. In
preparation for each blasting event,
floating turbidity curtains will be
deployed within 40 ft (12.2 m) of the
structures to be blasted. The curtains
will minimally be 6 ft (1.8 m) long.
Curtains longer than 6 ft would be torn
and carried away by the currents at the
bridge and ultimately become waste.
Once the curtains are in place, the target
concrete will be drilled, explosives will
be placed in the drill holes, and the drill
holes will be stemmed. Mats to contain
debris will be draped over the above
water portion of the supports. Only after
all the measures described in the Marine
Wildlife Safety Plan and Manatee,
Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle Survey
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
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Watch Plan have been implemented (see
Exhibit 7 in JTA’s application for the
location of wildlife spotters), will the
blast events occur. The duration of each
event will be approximately two
seconds. The first blast is tentatively
scheduled for the first week in
December 2008 and will focus on
demolishing the four western supports
and underlying coffer dam. The second
event will occur about 10 days later and
destroy the supports and coffer dam on
the immediate eastern side of the
channel. The final blast event will take
place on or about December 31, 2008
and will eliminate the four supports
situated east of the channel and west of
the eastern bridge abutment. The
existing fenders will be removed
immediately prior to the final blasting
The radius of dangerous effect or
‘‘harm’’ for underwater explosives is
based on a Navy Diver formula derived
for human divers. Importantly, the
formula is based on an uncontrolled
blast suspended in the water column;
the formula yields an artificially high
radius in instances of controlled or
contained blasts, like the kind proposed
at the Beach Boulevard Bridge. The
Navy Diver formula used for the Safety
Zone is:
R = [520(W)1⁄3] + 500
where R = Safety Zone radius and W =
weight of explosives in pounds per
delay (0.009 second minimum
separation). With 16.5 pounds (lbs) of
dynamite the maximum explosives per
delay, the Safety Zone is 1,824 ft (556.4
m). The max/delay of dynamite (16.5
lbs) is equivalent to 13.2 lbs of TNT.
This radius is depicted in Exhibit 7 of
JTA’s application.
Demolition Debris
Approximately 3,604 cubic yards (cy)
of blast debris is anticipated (8 bascule
piers, 2,900 cy; 2 coffer dams, 440 cy;
and the eastern four piers, 264 cy). All
of the debris would also have been
generated by chipping demolition. Most
of the debris will remain close to its
source. Some will fall along side slopes
and the bottom of the AICWW channel.
The average size of the blast debris will
be 6 to 9 inches. A small percentage of
the debris will be finer particles,
including dust. Some may become
displaced by as much as 0.5 cy. The use
of mats on the above water portions of
the supports will prevent fragments
from traveling through the air. Due to
the resistance, portions of the supports
will prevent fragments from traveling
through the air. Due to the resistance of
the water itself, none of the underwater
demolition debris will be propelled
beyond a 40 ft (12.2 m) radius, see
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Exhibit 8 of JTA’s application.
Unfortunately, the high water flow
velocities under the bridge preclude
most turbidity control measures. This
problem will be largely offset by the fact
that most of the debris will quickly
settle due to its mass. The very fine
material will not have major impacts
since the AICWW continuously
transports a considerable load of
suspended fine materials in the water
A modicum of rebar is embedded in
the piers. This will likely remain in
place through the blasting. Some rebar
may topple into the water. All
accessible rebar will be removed by
heavy equipment (see the Debris
Removal section below). A very small
percentage of the rebar may remain in
the AICWW.
The non–explosive deconstruction of
the bridge will yield mostly large
disassembled pieces and large jack–
hammered pieces. These will be
removed by trucks using the remaining
bridge. The existing grates, which
directly overlie the navigation channel,
will be easily removed, without
impeding navigation. A small amount of
the span pieces inevitably will fall into
the water beneath the bridge, outside
the channel. These will be removed
during the removal of the blast rubble
(see the Debris Removal section below).
Debris Removal
Quick removal of any blasting debris
from the navigation channel is
imperative. Any debris which affects the
cross-sectional and profile integrity of
the channel will be removed via the
dual barge method described below,
within 6–8 hours of the blasting event.
Exhibit No. 3 (in JTA’s application)
indicates bottom contours as
determined in 2006. The contours were
generated with side scanning sonar that
recorded continuously along nine east/
west traverses spaced 50 ft (15.2 m)
apart. A new bottom contour survey will
be produced a few weeks prior to any
chipping demolition. The survey will
result from a side–scanning sonar
recording bottom depths continuously
along 40 east/west traverses spaced 10
ft (3.1 m) apart. The 2008 survey will
also have 5 ft (1.5 m) contours and serve
as the reference for all post–demolition
debris removal. The survey will be
forwarded to ACOE and SJRWMD prior
to any chipping demolition. Following
demolition, debris will be removed from
the bottom so that only an incidental
quantity remains post–development.
After debris removal, a final survey of
the bottom will be prepared and
submitted to ACOE and SJRWMD. The
survey will be generated using a side–
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scanning sonar which records bottom
depths continuously along 40 east/west
traverses spaced 10 ft apart. The contour
level will be 5 ft.
Two barges will be used during debris
removal. One will have either a large
back hoe or a small crane that will lift
debris from the waterway. The second
barge will hold the debris. Whether on
the east or west side of the navigation
channel, the paired barges will be
oriented north/south, thereby keeping
the navigation channel largely
unobstructed. A land based back hoe or
crane will empty the barge loads into
awaiting dump trucks. Creosote soaked
piles will be taken to Trail Ridge Land
Fill in western Duval County, Florida.
Concrete and rebar will be taken to one
of several approved C & D land fills in
Duval County, Florida. JTA knows of no
other practical means of debris removal/
Additional details regarding the
proposed explosive demolition project
can be found in the SEA:
‘‘Supplemental Assessment on an
Authorization for the Incidental Take of
Marine Mammals Associated with
Confined Underwater Blasting as a
Construction Method for Removing
Support Structures of the Beach
Boulevard AICWW Bridge Project in
Duval County, Florida by the
Jacksonville Transportation Authority.’’
The SEA can also be found online at:
Dates, Duration, and Location of
Specified Activity
The bi–directional bridge which is
being replaced has been closed and
currently is undergoing partial
disassembly in preparation for
demolition. Nearly all of the above
water part of the bridge will be
demolished via chipping. The below–
water portions and a small–amount of
the above water portions of the bridge
will be demolished by the use of
explosives. The first blasting event will
occur on or shortly after December 1,
2008, and the subsequent two blasts will
be completed by December 31, 2008.
The existing Beach Boulevard Bridge
traverses the AICWW in Sections 36 and
38, Township 2 South, Ranges 28 and
29 East, Duval County, Jacksonville,
Florida (see Exhibit 1 of the Blasting
Plan in JTA’s application for more
information). Approximate coordinates
of the site are as follows: 30°17′17″
North latitude, 81°26′18″ West
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
Description of Marine Mammals and
Habitat Affected in the Activity Area
Several cetacean species and a single
species of sirenian are known to or
could occur in the Duval County study
area and off the Southeast Atlantic
coastline (see Table 1 below). Species
listed as Endangered under the U.S.
Endangered Species Act (ESA), includes
the humpback, sei, fin, blue, North
Atlantic right, and sperm whale. The
marine mammals that occur in the
blasting area belong to three taxonomic
groups: mysticetes (baleen whales),
odontocetes (toothed whales), and
sirenians (the manatee). Table 1 below
outlines the cetacean species and their
habitat in the region of the proposed
project area.
True’s beaked whale
(Mesoplodon mirus)
Blainville’s beaked
Dwarf sperm whale
(Kogia sima)
Pygmy sperm whale
(Kogia breviceps)
Killer whale
(Orcinus orca)
Short–finned pilot
and offshore
False killer whale
(Pseudorca crassidens)
Mellon–headed whale
Pygmy killer whale
(Feresa attenuata)
Risso’s dolphin
(Grampus griseus)
Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
Rough toothed dolphin
(Steno bredanensis)
Fraser’s dolphin
(Lagenodelphis hosei)
Striped dolphin
(Stenella coeruleoalba)
Pantropical spotted dolphin
(Stenella attenuata)
Atlantic spotted dolphin
(Stenella frontalis)
to pelagic
Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
Clymene dolphin
(Stenella clymene)
North Atlantic right
(Eubalaena glacialis)
Humpback whale
Bryde’s whale
(Balaenoptera brydei)
Minke whale
and pelagic
Blue whale
Sei whale
(Balaenoptera borealis)
Fin whale
Sperm whale
Cuvier’s beaked whale
(Ziphius cavirostris)
Gervais’ beaked whale
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West Indian (Florida)
(Trichechus manatus
and estuaries
1U.S. Endangered Species Act: EN = Endangered, T = Threatened, NL = Not listed
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The two species of marine mammals
that are known to commonly occur in
close proximity to the blasting area of
the St. Johns River, AICWW, and Beach
Boulevard (otherwise known as State
Road 212– U.S. Highway 90) are the
West Indian (Florida) manatee and
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.
Florida Manatee
The West Indian manatee in Florida
and U.S. waters is managed under the
jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) and is listed
as Endangered under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA). They primarily
inhabit coastal and inshore waters. The
Atlantic population of this species
frequents the AICWW (Pablo Creek)
project vicinity, particularly as a
migration route in the spring and fall,
but may be found anytime during the
year. The immediate area near the
project site is considered foraging
habitat and animals may potentially loaf
for long periods of time in the marina
basin adjacent to the site, which
increases the likelihood of manatee
presence during the explosive
demolition of the structures. Manatee
occurrences are extremely rare during
winter months (December, January, and
February) in typical years because of the
cold water temperatures in the
waterway and lack of warm water refuge
sites nearby. To minimize potential
involvement with manatees from
underwater explosions, the optimal
timeframe to utilize explosives is during
the winter months of the year. The
USFWS considers this timeframe ‘‘the
manatee construction window’’ for
utilizing explosives.
Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are
distributed worldwide in tropical and
temperate waters, and in U.S. waters
occur in multiple complex stocks along
the U.S. Atlantic coast. According to the
2005 NOAA stock assessment report,
bottlenose dolphins inhabiting water
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
less than 66 ft (20 m) deep are divided
into 36 separate inshore or coastal
stocks while animals in water 66–656 ft
(20–200 m) deep constitute three
continental shelf stocks.
These complex stock segments of
coastal bottlenose dolphins are based on
a combination of geographical,
ecological, and genetic research.
However, because the data of structure
of stocks is complex, coastal and
continental shelf stocks may overlap,
the exact structure of these stocks
continues to be revised as research is
completed. Analytical results of the
overall genetic variation indicate a
minimum of five stocks of coastal
bottlenose dolphins along the U.S.
Atlantic coast.
The action would occur inshore at a
depth of less than 66 ft (20.1 m) and,
therefore, has the potential to affect the
coastal stocks. From genetic analysis,
the bottlenose dolphin population
around Duval County, Florida consists
of part of the Western North Atlantic
Coastal Morphotype stock. This stock
may also include demographically
distinct coastal and resident estuarine
populations that are defined by seasonal
migratory and transient movements
throughout large home ranges. The
movement along the southern portion of
the Atlantic coast is poorly understood
and is currently under study. The
resident estuarine stocks are likely
demographically distinct from coastal
stocks and are currently included in the
coastal management unit definitions.
The estimated population for the U.S.
Western North Atlantic Coastal
Morphotype stock of Atlantic bottlenose
dolphins, which are based on aerial
surveys and counts conducted in winter
1995 and summer 2002, is
approximately 17,466 animals; but these
estimates do not include all estuarine
waters and the abundance may be
negatively biased.
Based upon available data and
analysis, seven management units with
the range of the coastal morphotype of
western North Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin have been defined, yet the
population structure is probably more
complex and will continue to be refined
as research efforts continue. The best
abundance estimate of the Northern
Florida management unit is 448
individuals. The Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin is not listed as threatened or
endangered under the ESA, and the U.S.
coastal migratory stock is considered
depleted and the management units are
considered strategic under the MMPA.
NMFS defines seven geographic
management units within the range of
the coastal morphotype of the Western
North Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. The
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bottlenose dolphin stocks within the
Western North Atlantic population are
complex, and resident estuarine stocks
likely exist, but they are currently
included in coastal management unit
definitions. Abundance estimates do not
exist for estuarine waters. Further, each
management unit definition likely
encompasses seasonal residents and
migratory or transient animals. Genetic
analyses, photo–identification, radio
transmitters, and stable isotope radios of
oxygen were used to identify the stocks.
The AICWW Beach Boulevard Bridge
project site is in the Northern Florida
management unit for Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin coastal morphotypes. Atlantic
bottlenose dolphins are known to occur
in the project area at or within a few
hundred feet of the project several times
a week. Dolphins, when present near
the project site, usually occur in groups
of two or three. Bottlenose dolphin
occurrence in the Jacksonville area is
year–round, however significant
seasonal variation exists.
Based on photo–identification and
behavioral data, Caldwell (2001)
identified three behaviorally
differentiated bottlenose dolphin
communities in the Jacksonville, Florida
area. These three distinct communities
have been called Northern, Southern,
and Coastal. The Northern community
has year–round residency and random
social affiliations, with a mean group
size of 5 individuals. The Southern
community has seasonal residency and
non–random social affiliations, with a
mean group size of 22 individuals. The
Coastal community has no residency
and random social affiliations, with a
mean group size of 17 individuals. The
social structure on a small geographic
scale of these three distinct populations
varies based on significant genetic
differentiation and behavior. Although
the three Jacksonville area communities
use contiguous habitats, the Northern
and Southern communities are
primarily inshore, and the Coastal
community generally uses the coastal
waters of the Jacksonville area from the
beach to 1.9 miles (3 km) offshore
(Caldwell, 2001). The Southern and
Coastal communities have partially
overlapping ranges, while the Northern
and Southern community’s ranges may
generally be separated by the St. John’s
River. Also, the Southern and Coastal
communities are behaviorally and
genetically differentiated from the
Northern community (Caldwell, 2001).
In Florida and other states along the
U.S. East Coast, bottlenose dolphin
abundance and density is often
correlated with water temperature and
season. Significantly fewer dolphins
were observed during the winter season
PO 00000
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when water temperature falls below 16
degrees Celsius (Caldwell, 2001).
NMFS anticipates that no bottlenose
dolphins will be injured or killed during
the three blasting events. The specific
objective of JTA’s wildlife watch plan is
to ensure that no dolphins (or manatees)
are in the area during the blast
detonations. Because of the
circumstances and the proposed
mitigation and monitoring requirements
discussed herein this document, NMFS
believes it highly unlikely that the
activities would result in injury (Level
A harassment), serious injury or
mortality of bottlenose dolphins,
however, they may temporarily avoid
the area where the proposed explosive
demolition will occur. The JTA has
requested the incidental take of six
bottlenose dolphin for the action. The
estimated abundance of the Western
North Atlantic Coastal stock is
approximately 17,466 animals and the
estimated abundance of the North
Florida management unit is
approximately 448 animals. NMFS has
determined that the number of
requested incidental takes for the
proposed action are small relative to
population estimates, of Atlantic
bottlenose dolphins.
Further information on the biology
and local distribution of these species
and others in the region can be found in
JTA’s application, which is available
upon request (see ADDRESSES), and the
NMFS Marine Mammal Stock
Assessment Reports, which are available
online at:
Potential Effects of Activities on Marine
In general, potential impacts to
marine mammals from explosive
detonations could include both lethal
and non–lethal injury (Level A
harassment), as well as Level B
harassment. In the absence of
mitigation, marine mammals may be
killed or injured as a result of an
explosive detonation due to the
response of air cavities in the body,
such as the lungs and bubbles in the
intestines. Effects are likely to be most
severe in near surface waters where the
reflected shock wave creates a region of
negative pressure called ‘‘cavitation.’’
A second potential possible cause of
mortality is the onset of extensive lung
hemorrhage. Extensive lung hemorrhage
is considered debilitating and
potentially fatal. Suffocation caused by
lung hemorrhage is likely to be the
major cause of marine mammal death
from underwater shock waves. The
estimated range for the onset of
extensive lung hemorrhage to marine
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mammals varies depending upon the
animal’s weight, with the smallest
mammals having the greatest potential
hazard range.
NMFS’ criteria for determining non–
lethal injury (Level A Harassment) from
explosives are the peak pressure that
will result in: (1) the onset of slight lung
hemorrhage, or (2) a 50–percent
probability level for a rupture of the
tympanic membrane (TM). These are
injuries from which animals would be
expected to recover on their own.
NMFS has established dual criteria for
what constitutes Level B Harassment:
(1) An energy based temporary
threshold shift (TTS) received sound
levels 182 dB re 1 µPa2–s cumulative
energy flux in any 1/3 octave band
above 100 Hz for odontocetes (derived
from experiments with bottlenose
dolphins (Ridgway et al., 1997;
Schlundt et al., 2000); and (2) 12 psi
peak pressure cited by Ketten (1995) as
associated with a safe outer limit for
minimal, recoverable auditory trauma
(i.e., TTS). The Level B harassment
zone, therefore, is the distance from the
mortality, serious injury, injury (Level A
harassment) zone to the radius where
neither of these criterions is exceeded.
The primary potential impact to the
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins occurring
in the St. Johns River and AICWW from
the detonations is Level B harassment
incidental to noise generated by
explosives. In the absence of any
mitigation or monitoring measures,
there is a very small chance that a
marine mammal could be injured or
killed when exposed to the energy
generated from an explosive force on the
sea floor. However, NMFS believes the
proposed monitoring and mitigation
measures will preclude this possibility
in the case of this particular activity.
Non–lethal injurious impacts (Level A
harassment) are defined in this
proposed IHA as TM rupture and the
onset of slight lung injury. The
threshold for Level A Harassment
corresponds to a 50–percent rate of TM
rupture, which can be stated in terms of
an energy flux density (EFD) value of
205 dB re 1 µPa2 s. TM rupture is well–
correlated with permanent hearing
impairment (Ketten, 1998) indicates a
30–percent incidence of permanent
threshold shift (PTS) at the same
threshold). The farthest distance from
the source at which an animal is
exposed to the EFD level for the Level
A harassment threshold is 295 ft (89.9
Level B (non–injurious) harassment
includes temporary (auditory) threshold
shift (TTS), a slight, recoverable loss of
hearing sensitivity. One criterion used
for TTS is 182 dB re 1 µPa2 s maximum
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EFD level in any 1/3– octave band above
100 Hz for toothed whales (e.g.,
dolphins). A second criterion, 23 psi,
has recently been established by NMFS
to provide a more conservative range of
TTS when the explosive or animals
approaches the sea surface, in which
case explosive energy is reduced, but
the peak pressure is not. The distance
for 23 psi is 1,180 ft (359.8 m) (NMFS
will apply the more conservative of
these two distances).
Level B harassment also includes
behavioral modifications resulting from
repeated noise exposures (below TTS) to
the same animals (usually resident) over
a relatively short period of times.
Threshold criteria for this particular
type of harassment are currently still
being considered. One recommendation
is a level of 6 dB below TTS (see 69 FR
21816, April 22, 2004), which would be
176 dB re 1 µPa2 s. Due, however, to the
infrequency of detonations, the short
overall time period of the project, and
the continuous movement of marine
mammals in the AICWW, NMFS
believes that behavioral modification
from repeated exposures to the same
animals is highly unlikely.
The Safety Zone radius of the blast is
determined by using the Navy Diver
Formula for an uncontrolled blast
suspended in the water column. In the
current instance, the formula is
conservative since the charges to be
used for Beach Boulevard Bridge footers
will be confined within the footers,
effectively reducing both the pressure
and impulse of a water shock wave. In
addition, boreholes will be stemmed at
the in collars to further contain the
pressures. The Safety Zone radius
formula in feet is expressed by the
following: R = 520 (W) 1⁄3 + 500 (R =
exclusion zone radius, W = weight of
explosive in pounds per delay)
For the designed maximum
explosives per delay of 16.5 pounds, the
resulting Safety Zone is 1,824 ft. The
max/delay of explosives is 16.5 lbs
dynamite, which is equivalent to 13.2
lbs TNT. A maximum psi of 23 is used
to determine the TTS distance and a
maximum psi of 100 is used to
determine the PTS distance. Cole’s
equation for determining max pressures
created by free–field underwater
explosions used is expressed by the
following: P = 21,600 (W 1⁄3 / R) 1.13 (P
= pressure, W = TNT weight/delay, R=
radius in feet)
TTS Distance:
R = (13.21⁄3) / (23/21,600)0.885 = 1,180 ft
PTS Distance:
R = (13.21⁄3) / (100/21,600)0.885 = 295 ft
NMFS considers the Safety Zone
radius calculated using the Navy Diver
Formula conservative for marine
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mammals when compared to the
calculated distances for TTS and PTS.
The calculated Safety Zone will be used
for both Atlantic bottlenose dolphin and
the Florida manatee. Blasting is
anticipated to be completed with three
shots occurring over a two to three week
period. The time frame for the blasting
is subject to change dependent upon
weather, tides, etc.
Comments and Responses
On Friday, October 24, 2008 (73 FR
63436), NMFS published in the Federal
Register a notice of a proposed IHA for
JTA’s request to take marine mammals
incidental to conducting the removal of
bridge support structures by explosive
demolition, and requested comments
regarding this proposed IHA (FRNOR).
During the 30-day public comment
period, NMFS received comments from
the Marine Mammal Commission
Commission Comment 1: The
Commission recommends that NMFS
issue the requested authorization
provided that NMFS consult with
USFWS to ensure that it has reviewed
the applicant’s recent information
supplementing the 1999 biological
assessment, revised blasting plan, and
the current Draft Manatee, Marine
Mammal, and Sea Turtle Survey Watch
Response: Based on correspondence
between NMFS, USFWS, and the
applicant, both agency’s have reviewed
and determined JTA’s recent
information supplementing the 1999
biological assessment, revised blasting
plan, and the current Draft Manatee,
Marine Mammal, and Sea Turtle Survey
Watch Plan are sufficient for the
proposed action.
Commission Comment 2: The
Commission recommends that NMFS
issue the requested authorization
provided that the applicant be required
to conduct all practicable monitoring
and mitigation measures that reasonably
can be expected to protect the
potentially affected marine mammal
species from serious injury.
Response:NMFS concurs with the
Commission’s recommendation and has
included requirements to this effect in
the IHA.
Commission Comment 3: The
Commission recommends that NMFS
issue the requested authorization
provided that operations be suspended
immediately, pending review by NMFS,
if a dead or seriously injured marine
mammal is found in the vicinity of the
operations and the death or injury could
have occurred incidental to those
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Response: NMFS concurs with the
Commission’s recommendation and has
included a requirement to this effect in
the IHA.
Commission Comment 4: The
Commission reiterates its view that an
across–the–board definition of
temporary threshold shift (TTS) as
constituting no more than Level B
harassment inappropriately dismisses
possible injury (Level A harassment)
and biologically significant behavioral
effects to the affected animals that may
occur if an animal’s hearing is
compromised, even temporarily.
Response: This issue has been
addressed several times by NMFS in the
past and NMFS stated in previous
Federal Register notices (68 FR 64595,
November 14, 2003 and 71 FR 76989,
December 22, 2006) that the
reclassification of TTS from Level B to
Level A harassment requires support
and scientific documentation, and not
be based on speculation that TTS might
result in increased predation, for
example. In addition, it is irrelevant for
this IHA, because sound levels will not
be high since mitigation and monitoring
requirements under the IHA is expected
to prevent TTS. Also, while there has
been discussion among scientists
regarding whether a permanent shift in
hearing thresholds (PTS) can occur with
repeated exposures of TTS, at least one
study showed that long–term (4–7 years)
noise exposure on 3 experimental
pinnipeds species had caused no change
on their underwater hearing thresholds
at frequencies of 0.2–6.4 kHz (Southall
et al., 2005).
TTS can effect how an animal behaves
in response to the environment,
including conspecifics, predators, and
prey. The following physiological
mechanisms are thought to play a role
in inducing auditory fatigue: effects to
sensory hair cells in the inner ear that
reduce their sensitivity, modification of
the chemical environment within the
sensory cells, residual muscular activity
in the middle ear, displacement of
certain inner ear membranes, increased
blood flow, and post–stimulatory
reduction in both efferent and sensory
neural output. Ward (1997) suggested
that when these effects result in TTS
rather than PTS they are within the
normal bounds of physiological
variability and tolerance and do not
represent a physical injury.
Additionally, Southall et al. (2007)
indicated that although PTS is a tissue
injury, TTS is not because the reduced
hearing sensitivity following exposure
to intense sound results primarily from
fatigue, no loss, of cochlear hair cells
and supporting structures and is
reversible. Accordingly, NMFS classifies
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TTS (when resulting from exposure to
underwater detonations) as Level B
harassment, no Level A harassment
Incidental Take Authorization
Provided the proper mitigation and
monitoring measures are implemented,
the blasting activities may result in the
incidental taking of marine mammals by
Level B behavioral harassment only. As
a result, the JTA has requested an IHA
for Level B harassment.
Level A take (i.e., injury or mortality)
due to the explosive demolition of
bridge support structures is not
anticipated during the blasting
operations. Since the activities will
occur during the winter season, the
abundance of marine mammals in the
action area should be at its lowest.
Injuries or mortalities due to the
blasting events are not anticipated
because of the incorporation of
mitigation and monitoring measures
described below.
Estimated Number of Marine Mammal
As discussed above, NMFS
anticipated that take of marine
mammals will occur in the form of
disturbance from the explosive
demolition of bridge support structures.
As also discussed above, no lethal take
is expected to result from the blasting
activities. Due to NMFS estimates, the
JTA has been authorized the incidental
take of nine Atlantic bottlenose
dolphins during the effective dates of
the three planned blasting events.
The population size of the U.S.
Western North Atlantic Coastal stock of
bottlenose dolphins is estimated to be
17,466 animals. Population estimates for
the North Florida management unit is
estimated 448 animals. The estimated
total possible number of individuals
that may be incidentally harassed
during the project is 9 animals, which
is 0.05 and 2 percent of the respective
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin population
for the Western North Atlantic Coastal
stock and North Florida management
unit for this species. NMFS had
determined that these are small
numbers, relative to population
estimates, of Atlantic bottlenose
Possible Effects of Activities on Marine
Mammal Habitat
The JTA expects the effects on marine
mammal habitat to be minimal. The
existing land cover and land use within
the project area include the two bridge
abutments, the open water of the
AICWW, salt marsh, a marina to the
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
northeast, and a navigable water body to
the southeast. The salt marsh, largely
occurring north and south of the
western bridge abutment, is dominated
by grasses (Spartina alterniflora and
Juncus roemaerianus). Invertebrates
(mollusks, polychaetes, crustaceans, and
insects) and terrestrial vertebrates
(mammals, wading birds) are common
marsh associates. Fish frequent the
marsh at high and mid–tides. The
remainder of the submerged area is mud
and sand. Polychaetes, crustaceans, and
mollusks likely occur in areas where
tidal flow velocity is not high. Fish
occur over the bottoms. There is no
submerged aquatic vegetation in the
The vast majority of the debris from
the demolition will be gravel size and
larger, as well as a small amount of
sand–sized pieces (indicated in the
Demolition Debris section and Exhibit 7
of the Blasting Plan). The blast debris
will not disperse across an area wider
than 80 ft (24.4 m).
No components of the bridge will be
purposefully placed in the AICWW;
only those demolition fragments which
are impractical to keep out of the water
will end up on the bottom. The bascule
grates and all of the rebar in those
portions of the supports that will be
chipped will undergo controlled
removal. Most of the rebar in those
portions of the supports that will be
demolished by explosives will remain
intact and in place, and therefore will be
easily cut and removed with heavy
machinery. Only a small portion of the
support structure rebar will end up in
the AICWW.
Most of the horizontal portions of the
bridges (i.e., spans) will be
deconstructed through the use of cranes,
large chippers, and trucks. Very little of
this portion of the bridge will fall into
the water. The vertical supports will be
shipped to an elevation of 5 ft (1.5 m),
with nearly all of the concrete fragments
falling into the open water away from
the channel, and the steel rebar cut and
hauled away for disposal or recycling.
Rubble generated by the explosive
demolition of the remaining above water
stubs and all of the submerged portions
of the supports will be removed in
accordance with the Debris Removal
section of the Blasting Plan.
The profile and cross-section of the
channel will be re–established within
6–8 hours of each of the three blasting
events, as referenced in the Debris
Removal section of the Blasting Plan.
Debris in the project area, but outside of
the channel, will be removed within 30
days of the final blasting event.
It is anticipated that the blasting
events will not physically impact the
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marine mammal habitat in the AICWW
except for the blast debris which falls to
the bottom. The anticipated biological
impact of the explosive demolition is
that benthic and water column dwelling
vertebrate and invertebrate species near
the blasts will be killed by pressure
waves. Restoration of the physical
habitat adjacent to the AICWW channel
will begin within an hour or two of the
two related blast events and will entail
debris removal. Restoration of the
physical habitat at the bridge will be
completed within 30 days of the final
blasting and will involve re–establishing
the pre–blast contours through the use
of a clamshell dredge and/or large back
The activity will have a small and
inconsequential impact to the physical
habitat at/near the bridge. The blasting
events will have an ephemeral impact
on the biological component of the near
bridge habitat. Temporary disturbance
of the project area during the proposed
blasting activities is not expected to
reduce post–construction use of the area
by resident and transient species. The
project is not expected to result in loss
of bottlenose dolphin habitat. Habitat
modifications, if any, are anticipated to
be inconsequential and are not expected
to have any effect on the dolphin
species and/or stock.
The blasting versus non–blasting
discussion hinges on whether the
additional 500 hours of permitted tug/
barge activity without several trained
wildlife observers represents a greater
risk to wildlife than the three proposed
blast events which include a Watch Plan
specifically designed and implemented
to minimize risk provided the suggested
mitigation and monitoring is
implemented by JTA.
Impacts to navigation in the AICWW
are expected to be low, whether blasting
occurs or not. However, it is obvious
that a project entailing 400 hours of tug/
barge activity will be less impacting
than 900 hours of tug/barge operations.
The only two practical means of
removing the existing footers is by
chipping or explosives, with chipping
the no–action alternative, in this case.
Chipping while protracted, is in fact
possible. However, risks to wildlife,
slight risks to boat navigation and brief
channel closures are all positively
correlated to the demolition duration.
Therefore, explosive demolition, while
not risk–free, is superior to chipping.
The location and nature of the
blasting combine to indicate that
impacts to the AICWW will be limited.
The footprint of the bridge in the
blasting area comprises a channel that
experiences high scour, and shallower
bottoms that are covered with rip rap,
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gravel, and rocks. It is highly
manipulated and artificial setting. The
blasting will consist of three brief shock
waves and result in more rubble falling
on top of the existing rubble.
Five complications to further impact
minimization exist. First the area is
tidally influenced with the normal tidal
range over 4 ft (1.2 m). The constant ebb
and flow limits turbidity control
measures. Second, the AICWW is
comparatively narrow at the bridge
crossing, leading to strong currents.
Third, the currents are bi–directional,
eliminating any minimization measures
that might be implementable at a uni–
directional flow location. Fourth,
interstitial gaps in the rip rap and
general rubble all but prevent turbidity
containment, particularly when
combined with the three
aforementioned complications. Finally,
maintenance of navigation in the
channel severely limits possible
remediation and containment of blast
rubble coming from the eight footers
next to the channel.
The JTA anticipates no loss or
modification to the habitat used by
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in the
AICWW. The primary source of marine
mammal habitat impact resulting from
the explosive demolition is noise, which
is intermittent (maximum 3 times per
year) and of limited duration. The
effects of debris (which will be
recovered following test activities), were
analyzed in JTA’s application and
concluded that marine mammal habitat
would not be affected.
NMFS anticipates that the action will
result in no impacts to marine mammal
habitat beyond rendering the areas
immediately around the bridge support
structures less desirable shortly after the
blasting event. Three blasting events
over a two to three week period are
anticipated during the validity of the
Blasting impacts to the AICWW
estuarine water column and bottoms
will consist of three rapidly moving
pressure waves. Excepting a very small
area (approximately 40 ft or 12.2 m)
immediately around the blasts, the
substrate will not be affected. The
estuarine water column will be affected
for a distance less than 1,824 ft (556.4
m) from the blasts (according to the
commonly used blasting safety formula).
The impacts will be localized and
instantaneous. Impacts to marine
mammal, invertebrate, and fish species
are not expected to be detrimental.
In the absence of acoustic
measurements (due to the high cost and
complex instrumentation needed), in
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
order to protect endangered, threatened,
and protected species, the following
equation has been adopted by the JTA
for the blasting project to determine the
zone for potential harassment, injury or
mortality from an open water explosion
and to assist the JTA in establishing
mitigation and monitoring to reduce
impacts to the lowest level practicable.
This equation is believed to be
conservative because they are based on
humans, who are more sensitive than
dolphins, and on unconfined charges,
while the proposed blasts in the
AICWW will be confined (stemmed)
charges. The equation, based on the
Navy Diver Formula, is:
Safety Zone radius = 520 (lbs/delay)1⁄3
+ 500
The Safety Zone is the approximate
distance in feet beyond which injury
(Level A Harassment) is unlikely from
an open water explosion and mortality
is not expected. This zone will be used
for implementing mitigation measures
for both Florida manatees and Atlantic
bottlenose dolphins.
In the AICWW or any area where
explosives are required to remove bridge
support structures, marine mammal
protection measures will be employed
by the JTA. For each explosive charge,
the JTA will ensure that a detonation
will not occur if a marine mammal is
sighted by a dedicated biologically–
trained observer within the safety zone,
a circular area around the detonation
site with the following radius: R =
520(W)1⁄3 + 500 (520 times the cube root
of the weight of the explosive charge in
pounds) where: R = radius of the safety
zone in ft; W = weight of the explosive
charge in lbs per delay (9 ms minimum
Although the area inside the Safety
Zone is considered to be an area for
potential injury, the JTA and NMFS
believe that because all explosive
charges will be stemmed (placed in
drilled hole and tamped with rock), the
areas for potential mortality and injury
will be significantly smaller than this
area and, therefore, it is unlikely that
even non–serious injury would occur if
as is believed to be the case, monitoring
and mitigating this zone will be
effective. Since bottlenose dolphins are
commonly found on the surface of the
water, implementation of a mitigation
and monitoring program is expected by
NMFS to be effective.
The JTA will implement mitigation
measures and a monitoring program that
will establish the Safety Zone radius to
ensure that bottlenose dolphins will not
be injured during blasting and that
impacts will be at the lowest level
practicable. Additional mitigation
measures include: (1) confining the
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explosives in a borehole with drill
patterns restricted to a minimum of 8 ft
(2.4 m) separation from any other
loaded borehole; (2) restricting the
hours of detonation from 2 hours after
sunrise to 1 hour before sunset to ensure
adequate observation of marine
mammals in the Safety Zone; (3)
staggering the detonation for each
explosive hole in order to spread the
explosive’s total overpressure over time;
(4) capping or stemming the boreholes
containing explosives with angular rock
or crushed stone (sized at 1/20 to 1/8 of
the borehole diameter) to a minimum of
12 inches in depth in order to reduce
the outward potential of the blast,
thereby reducing the chance of injuring
a marine mammal; (5) matching, to the
extent possible, the energy needed in
the ‘‘work effort’’ of the borehole to the
rock mass to minimize excess energy
vented into the water column; (6)
establishing a Safety Zone (1,824 ft) for
confined blasting based on the
maximum weight of explosives
detonated (16.5 lbs per 25 ms delay) and
calculated using the Navy Diver
Formula; (7) conducting a marine
protected species watch (as described in
the Marine Wildlife Safety Plan and
Manatee, Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle
Survey Watch Plan) with no less than
five NMFS–qualified observers from a
small water craft, aircraft, and/or an
elevated platform on the explosives
barge, beginning at least 60 minutes
before and continuing for at least 30
minutes after each detonation to ensure
that there are no marine mammals in the
area at the time of detonation; (8)
allowing animals to leave the Safety
Zone under their own volition; and (9)
conducting blasts during time periods of
the year when there are low marine
mammal abundance densities. Avoiding
periods when marine mammals are in
the blasting zone is another mitigation
measure to protect marine mammals
from underwater explosions. Given the
poor water clarity and available habitat
in the immediate area of the project, the
USFWS recommended demolition
utilizing explosives during the
‘‘manatee construction window’’
(December–February) when the
occurrence or density of marine
mammals in the Jacksonville area is at
its lowest.
The JTA will be implementing a
Marine Wildlife Safety Plan and a
Manatee, Marine Mammal, and Sea
Turtle Watch Plan (Watch Plan) that
will minimize the possibility of
incidental take to pressure waves from
the blast to the fullest extent practicable.
JTA is working on the Watch Plan with
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USFWS, SJRWMD, Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission
(FWC), and ACOE. The Watch Plan has
been prepared to ensure the protection
of those species large enough to be
located visually within the zone of
blasting activities influence.
A nearly identical Watch Plan was
used during the demolition of the Fuller
Warren Bridge, which spans
approximately 3,600 ft (1,097.6 m) over
open water in downtown Jacksonville,
Florida. The Beach Boulevard Bridge
spans approximately 300 ft (91.5 m)
over open water. Applying the same
specifications for a project that is more
than an order of magnitude smaller in
scale represents an effort to provide
more than adequate protection for large
wildlife including bottlenose dolphins.
The observer monitoring program will
take place in a large circular area around
the blasting site (also referred to as the
Watch Zone). Any marine mammal(s) in
the Safety, or Watch Zone will not be
forced to move out of those zones by
human intervention. Detonation shall
not occur until the animal(s) move(s)
out of the Safety Zone on its own
Monitoring and mitigation will
consist primarily of surveying and
taking action to avoid detonating
charges when protected species are
within the Safety Zone radius. The
marine wildlife safety observer team
will consist of five members. The team
will have a chief observer, who will be
the aerial observer in a helicopter, and
four other stationary ground and/or
waterborne observers. Observers will be
equipped with two–way radios,
binoculars, a sighting log, map, signal
flags, and polarized sunglasses.
Proposed monitoring requirements in
relation to JTA’s blasting activities will
include observations made by the
applicant and their associates.
Information recorded will include
species counts, numbers of observed
disturbances, and descriptions of the
disturbance behaviors before, during
and after blasting activities.
Observations of unusual behaviors,
numbers, or distributions of marine
mammals and sea turtles in the activity
area to NMFS and USFWS so that any
potential follow–up observations can be
conducted by the appropriate personnel.
In addition, observations of tag–bearing
marine mammal, sea turtles, and fish
carcasses as well as any rare or unusual
species of marine mammals and fish
will be reported to NMFS and USFWS.
If at any time injury or death of any
marine mammal occurs that may be a
result of the proposed blasting activities,
the JTA will suspend activities and
contact NMFS immediately to
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
determine how best to proceed to ensure
that another injury or death does not
occur and to ensure that the applicant
remains in compliance with the MMPA.
Several mitigation measures to reduce
the potential for harassment from
explosive demolition activities would
be (or are proposed to be implemented)
implemented as part of the blasting
construction activities. The potential
risk of injury or mortality would be
avoided with the following proposed
mitigation and monitoring measures.
Monitoring of the test area will continue
throughout the activity until the last
detonation is complete. The activity
would be postponed if:
(1) Any marine mammal is visually
detected with the Safety Zone (1,824 ft).
The delay would continue until the
animal(s) that caused the postponement
is confirmed to be outside the Safety
Zone (visually observed swimming out
of the range and not likely to return).
(2) Any marine mammal is detected in
the Safety Zone and subsequently is not
seen again. The activity would not
continue until the last verified location
is outside the Safety Zone and the
animal is moving away from the activity
area, or the animal has not been seen for
at least 30 minutes within the Safety
(3) Large schools of fish are observed
in the water within the Safety Zone. The
delay would continue until large
schools are confirmed to be outside the
Safety Zone.
In the event of a postponement, pre–
activity monitoring would continue as
long as weather and daylight hours
allow. If a charge failed to explode,
mitigation measures would continue
while operations personnel attempted to
recognize and solve the problem, i.e.,
detonate the charge.
A formal Plan Coordination Meeting
will be held no later than three days
before the first detonation event to
review the items listed above, to discuss
the responsibilities of all parties, and to
review and approve the schedule of
events. Attendees will include the
contractor’s representative, the entire
Marine Wildlife Safety Observer team,
the blasting consultant, the USFWS,
FWC, the USCG, and other interested
environmental parties such as NMFS
and Florida Marine Patrol. The agenda
will be coordinated by Superior
Construction with the blasting
contractor, USFWS, and FDEP. It will
include the latest information about the
possible presence of marine mammals
during the operation, the logistics of the
detonation schedule, the
communications plan, and the
responsibilities of all parties involved.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
A summary report will be submitted to
all interested parties.
Post–activity monitoring is designed
to determine the effectiveness of pre–
activity monitoring and mitigation by
reporting any sightings of dead or
injured marine mammals. Post–
detonation monitoring, concentrating on
the area down current of the test site,
would commence immediately
following each detonation and continue
for at least one hour after the last
detonation. The monitoring team would
document and report to the appropriate
marine mammals killed or injured
during the activity and, if practicable,
recover and examine any dead animals.
The species, number, location, and
behavior of any animals observed by the
teams would be documented and
reported to the project leader.
West Indian manatees, which are
federally listed as Endangered under the
ESA and managed by the USFWS, are
not expected in the St. John’s River and
AICWW (Pablo Creek) during the time
periods when the activities would be
conducted. However, if manatees are
sighted during the activities, the JTA
would follow similar mitigation and
monitoring procedures in place for
bottlenose dolphins to avoid impacts,
suspending activities in any areas
manatees are occupying.
After completion of all detonation
events, the Chief Observer will submit
a summary report to regulatory agencies.
This report will contain the observer’s
logs, provide the names of the observers,
and their positions during the event, the
number and location of marine
mammals sighted during the monitoring
period, the behavior observations of the
marine mammals, and the actions that
were taken when the animals were
observed in the project area.
The JTA will notify NMFS and the
Regional Office prior to initiation of
each explosive demolition session. Any
takes of marine mammals other than
those authorized by the IHA, as well as
any injuries or deaths of marine
mammals, will be reported to the
Southeast Regional Administrator,
within 24 hours. A draft final report
must be submitted to NMFS within 90
days after the conclusion of the blasting
activities. The report will include a
summary of the information gathered
pursuant to the monitoring
requirements set forth in the IHA,
including dates and times of
detonations as well as pre– and post–
blasting monitoring observations. A
final report must be submitted to the
Regional Administrator within 30 days
after receiving comments from NMFS on
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:35 Dec 03, 2008
Jkt 217001
the draft final report. If no comments are
received from NMFS, the draft final
report will be considered to be the final
For the reasons already described in
this Federal Register Notice, NMFS has
determined that the described blasting
activities and the accompanying IHA
may have the potential to adversely
affect species under NMFS jurisdiction
and protected by the ESA. The ACOE,
on behalf of the JTA, requested a section
7 consultation pursuant to the ESA with
NMFS. Since ESA–listed species are not
expected to be adversely affected by the
activities provided the described
protected species avoidance measures
for the use of explosives are
implemented, a Letter of Concurrence
was prepared by the NMFS Southeast
Regional Office, dated October 9, 2008.
National Environmental Policy Act
NMFS prepared an Environmental
Assessment (EA) on an Authorization
for the Incidental Take of Marine
Mammals Associated with Confined
Underwater Blasting as a Construction
Method for Civil Works Projects along
the Coast of Florida by the Jacksonville
District of the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, which analyzed the issuance
of multiple IHAs over several years for
these activities, as well as prepared a
SEA for the action. The action described
in the SEA is similar to the action that
was analyzed in the 2005 EA, and the
EA and 2008 SEA remains applicable. A
copy of the EA and SEA are available
upon request (see ADDRESSES).
Based on JTA’s application, as well as
the analysis contained herein, NMFS
has determined that the impact of the
described blasting project will result, at
most, in a temporary modification in
behavior by small numbers of Atlantic
bottlenose dolphin, in the form of
temporarily vacating the Beach
Boulevard AICWW Bridge area to avoid
blasting activity and potential for minor
visual and acoustic disturbance from
dredging and detonations. The effect of
the blasting project is expected to be
limited to short–term and localized
TTS–related behavioral changes.
Due to the infrequency, short time–
frame, and localized nature of these
activities, the number of marine
mammals, relative to the population
size, potentially taken by harassment is
small. In addition, no take by injury or
death is anticipated, and take by Level
B harassment will be at the lowest level
practicable due to incorporation of the
PO 00000
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monitoring and mitigation measures
mentioned previously in this document.
NMFS has further determined that the
anticipated takes will have a negligible
impact on the affected species or stock
of marine mammals. No injury (Level A
harassment), serious injury, and/or
mortality are authorized for marine
mammals. The provision requiring that
the activity not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on the availability of the
affected species or stock for subsistence
uses does not apply to this proposed
action as there are no subsistence users
within the geographic area of the
proposed project.
As a result of these determinations,
NMFS proposes to issue an IHA to the
JTA for the harassment of small
numbers (based on populations of the
species and stock) of Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin incidental to the explosive
demolition of bridge support structures,
provided the previously mentioned
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
requirements are incorporated.
Dated: November 28, 2008.
Helen M. Golde
Deputy Director, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E8–28720 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XC72
Marine Mammals; File No. 881–1758
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of permit
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that an
amendment to scientific research Permit
No. 881–1758–00 has been issued to the
Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), 301
Railway Avenue, Seward, AK 99664 (Dr.
Ian Dutton, Responsible Party).
ADDRESSES: The application and related
documents are available for review
upon written request or by appointment
in the following offices:
Permits, Conservation and Education
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
NMFS, 1315 East–West Highway, Room
13705, Silver Spring, MD 20910; phone
(301)713–2289; fax (301)427–2521; and
Alaska Region, NMFS, P.O. Box
21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668; phone
(907)586–7221; fax (907)586–7249.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 234 (Thursday, December 4, 2008)]
[Pages 73913-73922]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-28720]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XK27
Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals During Specified Activities;
Beach Boulevard AICWW Bridge Blasting Project, Duval County, FL
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental take authorization.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
regulations, NMFS has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization
(IHA) to the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) for the take
of small numbers of marine mammals, by Level B harassment only,
incidental to the removal and replacement of support structures for the
Beach Boulevard Bridge over the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICWW)
in Duval County, FL.
DATES: The IHA is effective from December 1, 2008, through February 28,
ADDRESSES: A copy of the IHA is available by writing to Michael Payne,
Chief, Permits, Conservation and Education Division, Office of
Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3225, or by telephoning the contact
listed here.
A copy of the application containing a list of the references used
in this document may be obtained by writing to the address specified
above, telephoning the contact listed below (see FOR FURTHER
permits/incidental.htm. Documents cited in this notice may be viewed,
by appointment, during regular business hours, at the aforementioned
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard Goldstein or Ken Hollingshead,
NMFS, (301) 713-2289.
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.)
direct the Secretary of Commerce to allow, upon request, the
incidental, but not intentional, taking of marine mammals by U.S.
citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial
fishing) within a specified geographical region if certain findings are
made and either regulations are issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed authorization is provided to the
public for review.
An authorization shall be granted if NMFS finds that the taking
will have a negligible impact on the species or stock(s) and will not
have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species
or stock(s) for subsistence uses, and if the permissible methods of
taking and requirements pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and
reporting of such takings are set forth to achieve the least
practicable adverse impact. NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in
50 CFR 216.103 as '' impact resulting from the specified activity
that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to,
adversely affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates
of recruitment or survival.''
Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA established an expedited process
by which citizens of the United States can apply for an authorization
to incidentally take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.
Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the MMPA
defines ``harassment'' as:
any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (I) has the
potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild [Level A harassment]; or (ii) has the potential
[[Page 73914]]
to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by
causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering [Level B harassment].
16 U.S.C. 1362(18).
Section 101(a)(5)(D) establishes a 45-day time limit for NMFS
review of an application followed by a 30-day public notice and comment
period on any proposed authorizations for the incidental harassment of
marine mammals. Within 45 days of the close of the comment period, NMFS
must either issue or deny issuance of the authorization.
Summary of Request
On May 5, 2008, NMFS received a letter from the JTA, requesting an
IHA. The requested IHA will authorize the take, by harassment, of small
numbers of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) incidental
to explosive demolition performed for the purpose of removing support
structures for the Beach Boulevard Bridge on the AICWW in Duval County,
Florida. The Beach Boulevard Bridge spans approximately 300 ft (91.5 m)
over open water. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and St. Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) have issued Environmental
Resource Permits to JTA for the replacement of the existing Beach
Boulevard Bridge over the AICWW. The ACOE issued permit SAJ-2003-9340
on November 22, 2005, to expand State Road 212 (Beach Boulevard) from
San Pablo Road to Penman Road in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida.
The permit included authorization to replace Beach Boulevard Bridge
over the AICWW. The blasting of the bridge will reduce the amount of
time that tugs and barges are active in the AICWW, thereby reducing
risks to wildlife.
Additional information on the blasting project is contained in the
application and Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA), which is
available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
Specified Activities
The purpose of the blasting project is to remove twelve support
structures from the old bridge by explosive demolition. While
dismantling and discarding the existing bridge spam will be routine,
the strength and mass of the bridge footers pose a dismantling problem.
After careful consideration, the bridge contractor, Superior
Construction, has determined that demolishing the footers with
explosives is the most practical means of destroying them. The new,
fully permitted bridge will consist of separate eastbound and westbound
spans. The new westbound bridge, which is 100 percent constructed and
in use, occurs where no bridge structure previously existed. The
location of the future eastbound bridge, which has not yet been
started, coincides almost exactly with the existing bridge,
necessitating the full removal of the latter. The existing bridge
support piers are undersized, relative to the future span's
requirements, and must be removed to make room for construction
equipment and the new bridge, particularly its support piles. The
permitted method of removal of the old bridge allows for the footers to
be removed via non-explosive means from barges. The barges would have
to be relocated regularly by a large tug boat for up to three months
due to the quantity of concrete involved and the limited reach of the
Under the existing permits, the most practical way of demolishing
the old bridge supports is to use a hydraulic hoe ram, the equivalent
of a large jack hammer, mounted on a barge, maneuvered by a tug boat,
and literally chip the concrete supports into tens of thousands of
pieces. For demolition of the piers adjacent to the channel, a barge
with a large chipper will operate from the channel and chip at an angle
away from the channel. This way, nearly all of the small amount of
rubble that falls toward the channel will land in the chipper barge.
There are only two practical ways of taking down the bridge
supports -- one method entails the aforementioned hoe ram which would
chip the concrete into tens of thousands of pieces, the other involves
explosives. Under a hoe ram only (i.e., no blasting) scenario, the
risks to wildlife stem from tugs and barges operating in the AICWW, for
a total of 900 hours (90 days x 10 hours per day). An additional impact
would be incurred by the protracted percussion pounding of the hammer.
In a blasting scenario, risks to wildlife include the three blast
events, and tug/barge activity in the AICWW totaling 400 hours (40 days
x 10 hours per day). A Blasting Plan document has been prepared for
this proposed action (see JTA's application).
The JTA currently is in the process of replacing the Beach
Boulevard Bridge across the AICWW. The project area is depicted in
Location Map, Exhibit 1 of JTA's application. The new bridge will
consist of separate eastbound and westbound spans. The new westbound
bridge, which has been constructed and is in use, occurs where no
bridge structure previously existed. The location of the future
eastbound bridge, which has not yet been started, coincides almost
exactly with the bridge that is being replaced, necessitating the full
removal of the latter. The existing bridge's support piers are
undersized, relative to the future span's requirements, and must be
removed to make room for construction equipment and the new bridge,
particularly its support piles. JTA plans to demolish the piers with
controlled explosives.
Baseline Conditions
The over water portion of the western side of the old bridge is
supported by four piers of bent piles. The eastern, over water portion
is supported by four similar piers and four bascule pier piles.
Concrete coffer dams support the footers on both sides of the navigable
channel. The below-water plan view of these twelve supports is
indicated on Salient Features, Plan View, Exhibit 2 of JTA's
application. The supports on both sides are protected from erosional
scour by much rip rap and numerous gabions. A navigation channel is
between the two sets of bent pile piers. A protective fender system is
in place. Over the years, much rock, gravel, and rip rap has been
placed in the open water under the bridge.
Blasting Details
As preface to preparing the 12 structures (the number of supports
below the mean low water elevation) for explosive demolition and
consistent with the current permits, each structure will be chipped to
approximately 5 ft (1.5 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD).
Once the supports have been lowered to 5 ft NGVD, the below water and
remaining above water portions will be removed by explosives.
Three separate blast events will take place during the project. The
locations and sequence of the blasts are indicated on Exhibit 5 of
JTA's application. In preparation for each blasting event, floating
turbidity curtains will be deployed within 40 ft (12.2 m) of the
structures to be blasted. The curtains will minimally be 6 ft (1.8 m)
long. Curtains longer than 6 ft would be torn and carried away by the
currents at the bridge and ultimately become waste. Once the curtains
are in place, the target concrete will be drilled, explosives will be
placed in the drill holes, and the drill holes will be stemmed. Mats to
contain debris will be draped over the above water portion of the
supports. Only after all the measures described in the Marine Wildlife
Safety Plan and Manatee, Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle Survey
[[Page 73915]]
Watch Plan have been implemented (see Exhibit 7 in JTA's application
for the location of wildlife spotters), will the blast events occur.
The duration of each event will be approximately two seconds. The first
blast is tentatively scheduled for the first week in December 2008 and
will focus on demolishing the four western supports and underlying
coffer dam. The second event will occur about 10 days later and destroy
the supports and coffer dam on the immediate eastern side of the
channel. The final blast event will take place on or about December 31,
2008 and will eliminate the four supports situated east of the channel
and west of the eastern bridge abutment. The existing fenders will be
removed immediately prior to the final blasting event.
The radius of dangerous effect or ``harm'' for underwater
explosives is based on a Navy Diver formula derived for human divers.
Importantly, the formula is based on an uncontrolled blast suspended in
the water column; the formula yields an artificially high radius in
instances of controlled or contained blasts, like the kind proposed at
the Beach Boulevard Bridge. The Navy Diver formula used for the Safety
Zone is:
R = [520(W)\1/3\] + 500
where R = Safety Zone radius and W = weight of explosives in pounds per
delay (0.009 second minimum separation). With 16.5 pounds (lbs) of
dynamite the maximum explosives per delay, the Safety Zone is 1,824 ft
(556.4 m). The max/delay of dynamite (16.5 lbs) is equivalent to 13.2
lbs of TNT. This radius is depicted in Exhibit 7 of JTA's application.
Demolition Debris
Approximately 3,604 cubic yards (cy) of blast debris is anticipated
(8 bascule piers, 2,900 cy; 2 coffer dams, 440 cy; and the eastern four
piers, 264 cy). All of the debris would also have been generated by
chipping demolition. Most of the debris will remain close to its
source. Some will fall along side slopes and the bottom of the AICWW
channel. The average size of the blast debris will be 6 to 9 inches. A
small percentage of the debris will be finer particles, including dust.
Some may become displaced by as much as 0.5 cy. The use of mats on the
above water portions of the supports will prevent fragments from
traveling through the air. Due to the resistance, portions of the
supports will prevent fragments from traveling through the air. Due to
the resistance of the water itself, none of the underwater demolition
debris will be propelled beyond a 40 ft (12.2 m) radius, see Exhibit 8
of JTA's application. Unfortunately, the high water flow velocities
under the bridge preclude most turbidity control measures. This problem
will be largely offset by the fact that most of the debris will quickly
settle due to its mass. The very fine material will not have major
impacts since the AICWW continuously transports a considerable load of
suspended fine materials in the water column.
A modicum of rebar is embedded in the piers. This will likely
remain in place through the blasting. Some rebar may topple into the
water. All accessible rebar will be removed by heavy equipment (see the
Debris Removal section below). A very small percentage of the rebar may
remain in the AICWW.
The non-explosive deconstruction of the bridge will yield mostly
large disassembled pieces and large jack-hammered pieces. These will be
removed by trucks using the remaining bridge. The existing grates,
which directly overlie the navigation channel, will be easily removed,
without impeding navigation. A small amount of the span pieces
inevitably will fall into the water beneath the bridge, outside the
channel. These will be removed during the removal of the blast rubble
(see the Debris Removal section below).
Debris Removal
Quick removal of any blasting debris from the navigation channel is
imperative. Any debris which affects the cross-sectional and profile
integrity of the channel will be removed via the dual barge method
described below, within 6-8 hours of the blasting event.
Exhibit No. 3 (in JTA's application) indicates bottom contours as
determined in 2006. The contours were generated with side scanning
sonar that recorded continuously along nine east/west traverses spaced
50 ft (15.2 m) apart. A new bottom contour survey will be produced a
few weeks prior to any chipping demolition. The survey will result from
a side-scanning sonar recording bottom depths continuously along 40
east/west traverses spaced 10 ft (3.1 m) apart. The 2008 survey will
also have 5 ft (1.5 m) contours and serve as the reference for all
post-demolition debris removal. The survey will be forwarded to ACOE
and SJRWMD prior to any chipping demolition. Following demolition,
debris will be removed from the bottom so that only an incidental
quantity remains post-development. After debris removal, a final survey
of the bottom will be prepared and submitted to ACOE and SJRWMD. The
survey will be generated using a side-scanning sonar which records
bottom depths continuously along 40 east/west traverses spaced 10 ft
apart. The contour level will be 5 ft.
Two barges will be used during debris removal. One will have either
a large back hoe or a small crane that will lift debris from the
waterway. The second barge will hold the debris. Whether on the east or
west side of the navigation channel, the paired barges will be oriented
north/south, thereby keeping the navigation channel largely
unobstructed. A land based back hoe or crane will empty the barge loads
into awaiting dump trucks. Creosote soaked piles will be taken to Trail
Ridge Land Fill in western Duval County, Florida. Concrete and rebar
will be taken to one of several approved C & D land fills in Duval
County, Florida. JTA knows of no other practical means of debris
Additional details regarding the proposed explosive demolition
project can be found in the SEA: ``Supplemental Assessment on an
Authorization for the Incidental Take of Marine Mammals Associated with
Confined Underwater Blasting as a Construction Method for Removing
Support Structures of the Beach Boulevard AICWW Bridge Project in Duval
County, Florida by the Jacksonville Transportation Authority.'' The SEA
can also be found online at:
Dates, Duration, and Location of Specified Activity
The bi-directional bridge which is being replaced has been closed
and currently is undergoing partial disassembly in preparation for
demolition. Nearly all of the above water part of the bridge will be
demolished via chipping. The below-water portions and a small-amount of
the above water portions of the bridge will be demolished by the use of
explosives. The first blasting event will occur on or shortly after
December 1, 2008, and the subsequent two blasts will be completed by
December 31, 2008.
The existing Beach Boulevard Bridge traverses the AICWW in Sections
36 and 38, Township 2 South, Ranges 28 and 29 East, Duval County,
Jacksonville, Florida (see Exhibit 1 of the Blasting Plan in JTA's
application for more information). Approximate coordinates of the site
are as follows: 30[deg]17'17'' North latitude, 81[deg]26'18'' West
[[Page 73916]]
Description of Marine Mammals and Habitat Affected in the Activity Area
Several cetacean species and a single species of sirenian are known
to or could occur in the Duval County study area and off the Southeast
Atlantic coastline (see Table 1 below). Species listed as Endangered
under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA), includes the humpback,
sei, fin, blue, North Atlantic right, and sperm whale. The marine
mammals that occur in the blasting area belong to three taxonomic
groups: mysticetes (baleen whales), odontocetes (toothed whales), and
sirenians (the manatee). Table 1 below outlines the cetacean species
and their habitat in the region of the proposed project area.
Table 1. The habitat and conservation status of marine mammals
inhabiting the proposed study area in the Southeast U.S. Atlantic Ocean.
Species Habitat ESA\1\
Mysticetes Coastal and shelf EN
North Atlantic right whale
(Eubalaena glacialis)
Humpback whale Pelagic and banks EN
(Megaptera novaeangliae)
Bryde's whale Pelagic and coastal NL
(Balaenoptera brydei)
Minke whale Shelf, coastal, and NL
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata) pelagic
Blue whale Pelagic and coastal EN
(Balaenoptera musculus)
Sei whale Primarily offshore, EN
(Balaenoptera borealis) pelagic
Fin whale Slope, mostly EN
(Balaenoptera physalus) pelagic
Odontocetes Pelagic, deep seas EN
Sperm whale
(Physeter macrocephalus)
Cuvier's beaked whale Pelagic NL
(Ziphius cavirostris)
Gervais' beaked whale Pelagic NL
(Mesoplodon europaeus)
True's beaked whale Pelagic NL
(Mesoplodon mirus)
Blainville's beaked whale Pelagic NL
(Mesoplodon densirostris)
Dwarf sperm whale Offshore, pelagic NL
(Kogia sima)
Pygmy sperm whale Offshore, pelagic NL
(Kogia breviceps)
Killer whale Widely distributed NL
(Orcinus orca)
Short-finned pilot whale Inshore and NL
(Globicephala macrorhynchus) offshore
False killer whale Pelagic NL
(Pseudorca crassidens)
Mellon-headed whale Pelagic NL
(Peponocephala electra)
Pygmy killer whale Pelagic NL
(Feresa attenuata)
Risso's dolphin Pelagic, shelf NL
(Grampus griseus)
Bottlenose dolphin Offshore, inshore, NL
(Tursiops truncatus) coastal, estuaries
Rough toothed dolphin Pelagic NL
(Steno bredanensis)
Fraser's dolphin Pelagic NL
(Lagenodelphis hosei)
Striped dolphin Pelagic NL
(Stenella coeruleoalba)
Pantropical spotted dolphin Pelagic NL
(Stenella attenuata)
Atlantic spotted dolphin Coastal to pelagic NL
(Stenella frontalis)
Spinner dolphin Mostly pelagic NL
(Stenella longirostris)
Clymene dolphin Pelagic NL
(Stenella clymene)
Sirenians Coastal, rivers and EN
West Indian (Florida) manatee estuaries
(Trichechus manatus
\1\U.S. Endangered Species Act: EN = Endangered, T = Threatened, NL =
Not listed
The two species of marine mammals that are known to commonly occur
in close proximity to the blasting area of the St. Johns River, AICWW,
and Beach Boulevard (otherwise known as State Road 212- U.S. Highway
90) are the West Indian (Florida) manatee and Atlantic bottlenose
Florida Manatee
The West Indian manatee in Florida and U.S. waters is managed under
the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and is
listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). They
primarily inhabit coastal and inshore waters. The Atlantic population
of this species frequents the AICWW (Pablo Creek) project vicinity,
particularly as a migration route in the spring and fall, but may be
found anytime during the year. The immediate area near the project site
is considered foraging habitat and animals may potentially loaf for
long periods of time in the marina basin adjacent to the site, which
increases the likelihood of manatee presence during the explosive
demolition of the structures. Manatee occurrences are extremely rare
during winter months (December, January, and February) in typical years
because of the cold water temperatures in the waterway and lack of warm
water refuge sites nearby. To minimize potential involvement with
manatees from underwater explosions, the optimal timeframe to utilize
explosives is during the winter months of the year. The USFWS considers
this timeframe ``the manatee construction window'' for utilizing
Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are distributed worldwide in tropical
and temperate waters, and in U.S. waters occur in multiple complex
stocks along the U.S. Atlantic coast. According to the 2005 NOAA stock
assessment report, bottlenose dolphins inhabiting water
[[Page 73917]]
less than 66 ft (20 m) deep are divided into 36 separate inshore or
coastal stocks while animals in water 66-656 ft (20-200 m) deep
constitute three continental shelf stocks.
These complex stock segments of coastal bottlenose dolphins are
based on a combination of geographical, ecological, and genetic
research. However, because the data of structure of stocks is complex,
coastal and continental shelf stocks may overlap, the exact structure
of these stocks continues to be revised as research is completed.
Analytical results of the overall genetic variation indicate a minimum
of five stocks of coastal bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. Atlantic
The action would occur inshore at a depth of less than 66 ft (20.1
m) and, therefore, has the potential to affect the coastal stocks. From
genetic analysis, the bottlenose dolphin population around Duval
County, Florida consists of part of the Western North Atlantic Coastal
Morphotype stock. This stock may also include demographically distinct
coastal and resident estuarine populations that are defined by seasonal
migratory and transient movements throughout large home ranges. The
movement along the southern portion of the Atlantic coast is poorly
understood and is currently under study. The resident estuarine stocks
are likely demographically distinct from coastal stocks and are
currently included in the coastal management unit definitions. The
estimated population for the U.S. Western North Atlantic Coastal
Morphotype stock of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, which are based on
aerial surveys and counts conducted in winter 1995 and summer 2002, is
approximately 17,466 animals; but these estimates do not include all
estuarine waters and the abundance may be negatively biased.
Based upon available data and analysis, seven management units with
the range of the coastal morphotype of western North Atlantic
bottlenose dolphin have been defined, yet the population structure is
probably more complex and will continue to be refined as research
efforts continue. The best abundance estimate of the Northern Florida
management unit is 448 individuals. The Atlantic bottlenose dolphin is
not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA, and the U.S.
coastal migratory stock is considered depleted and the management units
are considered strategic under the MMPA.
NMFS defines seven geographic management units within the range of
the coastal morphotype of the Western North Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin. The bottlenose dolphin stocks within the Western North
Atlantic population are complex, and resident estuarine stocks likely
exist, but they are currently included in coastal management unit
definitions. Abundance estimates do not exist for estuarine waters.
Further, each management unit definition likely encompasses seasonal
residents and migratory or transient animals. Genetic analyses, photo-
identification, radio transmitters, and stable isotope radios of oxygen
were used to identify the stocks.
The AICWW Beach Boulevard Bridge project site is in the Northern
Florida management unit for Atlantic bottlenose dolphin coastal
morphotypes. Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are known to occur in the
project area at or within a few hundred feet of the project several
times a week. Dolphins, when present near the project site, usually
occur in groups of two or three. Bottlenose dolphin occurrence in the
Jacksonville area is year-round, however significant seasonal variation
Based on photo-identification and behavioral data, Caldwell (2001)
identified three behaviorally differentiated bottlenose dolphin
communities in the Jacksonville, Florida area. These three distinct
communities have been called Northern, Southern, and Coastal. The
Northern community has year-round residency and random social
affiliations, with a mean group size of 5 individuals. The Southern
community has seasonal residency and non-random social affiliations,
with a mean group size of 22 individuals. The Coastal community has no
residency and random social affiliations, with a mean group size of 17
individuals. The social structure on a small geographic scale of these
three distinct populations varies based on significant genetic
differentiation and behavior. Although the three Jacksonville area
communities use contiguous habitats, the Northern and Southern
communities are primarily inshore, and the Coastal community generally
uses the coastal waters of the Jacksonville area from the beach to 1.9
miles (3 km) offshore (Caldwell, 2001). The Southern and Coastal
communities have partially overlapping ranges, while the Northern and
Southern community's ranges may generally be separated by the St.
John's River. Also, the Southern and Coastal communities are
behaviorally and genetically differentiated from the Northern community
(Caldwell, 2001).
In Florida and other states along the U.S. East Coast, bottlenose
dolphin abundance and density is often correlated with water
temperature and season. Significantly fewer dolphins were observed
during the winter season when water temperature falls below 16 degrees
Celsius (Caldwell, 2001).
NMFS anticipates that no bottlenose dolphins will be injured or
killed during the three blasting events. The specific objective of
JTA's wildlife watch plan is to ensure that no dolphins (or manatees)
are in the area during the blast detonations. Because of the
circumstances and the proposed mitigation and monitoring requirements
discussed herein this document, NMFS believes it highly unlikely that
the activities would result in injury (Level A harassment), serious
injury or mortality of bottlenose dolphins, however, they may
temporarily avoid the area where the proposed explosive demolition will
occur. The JTA has requested the incidental take of six bottlenose
dolphin for the action. The estimated abundance of the Western North
Atlantic Coastal stock is approximately 17,466 animals and the
estimated abundance of the North Florida management unit is
approximately 448 animals. NMFS has determined that the number of
requested incidental takes for the proposed action are small relative
to population estimates, of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.
Further information on the biology and local distribution of these
species and others in the region can be found in JTA's application,
which is available upon request (see ADDRESSES), and the NMFS Marine
Mammal Stock Assessment Reports, which are available online at: https://
Potential Effects of Activities on Marine Mammals
In general, potential impacts to marine mammals from explosive
detonations could include both lethal and non-lethal injury (Level A
harassment), as well as Level B harassment. In the absence of
mitigation, marine mammals may be killed or injured as a result of an
explosive detonation due to the response of air cavities in the body,
such as the lungs and bubbles in the intestines. Effects are likely to
be most severe in near surface waters where the reflected shock wave
creates a region of negative pressure called ``cavitation.''
A second potential possible cause of mortality is the onset of
extensive lung hemorrhage. Extensive lung hemorrhage is considered
debilitating and potentially fatal. Suffocation caused by lung
hemorrhage is likely to be the major cause of marine mammal death from
underwater shock waves. The estimated range for the onset of extensive
lung hemorrhage to marine
[[Page 73918]]
mammals varies depending upon the animal's weight, with the smallest
mammals having the greatest potential hazard range.
NMFS' criteria for determining non-lethal injury (Level A
Harassment) from explosives are the peak pressure that will result in:
(1) the onset of slight lung hemorrhage, or (2) a 50-percent
probability level for a rupture of the tympanic membrane (TM). These
are injuries from which animals would be expected to recover on their
NMFS has established dual criteria for what constitutes Level B
Harassment: (1) An energy based temporary threshold shift (TTS)
received sound levels 182 dB re 1 [micro]Pa\2\-s cumulative energy flux
in any 1/3 octave band above 100 Hz for odontocetes (derived from
experiments with bottlenose dolphins (Ridgway et al., 1997; Schlundt et
al., 2000); and (2) 12 psi peak pressure cited by Ketten (1995) as
associated with a safe outer limit for minimal, recoverable auditory
trauma (i.e., TTS). The Level B harassment zone, therefore, is the
distance from the mortality, serious injury, injury (Level A
harassment) zone to the radius where neither of these criterions is
The primary potential impact to the Atlantic bottlenose dolphins
occurring in the St. Johns River and AICWW from the detonations is
Level B harassment incidental to noise generated by explosives. In the
absence of any mitigation or monitoring measures, there is a very small
chance that a marine mammal could be injured or killed when exposed to
the energy generated from an explosive force on the sea floor. However,
NMFS believes the proposed monitoring and mitigation measures will
preclude this possibility in the case of this particular activity.
Non-lethal injurious impacts (Level A harassment) are defined in
this proposed IHA as TM rupture and the onset of slight lung injury.
The threshold for Level A Harassment corresponds to a 50-percent rate
of TM rupture, which can be stated in terms of an energy flux density
(EFD) value of 205 dB re 1 [micro]Pa\2\ s. TM rupture is well-
correlated with permanent hearing impairment (Ketten, 1998) indicates a
30-percent incidence of permanent threshold shift (PTS) at the same
threshold). The farthest distance from the source at which an animal is
exposed to the EFD level for the Level A harassment threshold is 295 ft
(89.9 m).
Level B (non-injurious) harassment includes temporary (auditory)
threshold shift (TTS), a slight, recoverable loss of hearing
sensitivity. One criterion used for TTS is 182 dB re 1 [micro]Pa\2\ s
maximum EFD level in any 1/3- octave band above 100 Hz for toothed
whales (e.g., dolphins). A second criterion, 23 psi, has recently been
established by NMFS to provide a more conservative range of TTS when
the explosive or animals approaches the sea surface, in which case
explosive energy is reduced, but the peak pressure is not. The distance
for 23 psi is 1,180 ft (359.8 m) (NMFS will apply the more conservative
of these two distances).
Level B harassment also includes behavioral modifications resulting
from repeated noise exposures (below TTS) to the same animals (usually
resident) over a relatively short period of times. Threshold criteria
for this particular type of harassment are currently still being
considered. One recommendation is a level of 6 dB below TTS (see 69 FR
21816, April 22, 2004), which would be 176 dB re 1 [micro]Pa\2\ s. Due,
however, to the infrequency of detonations, the short overall time
period of the project, and the continuous movement of marine mammals in
the AICWW, NMFS believes that behavioral modification from repeated
exposures to the same animals is highly unlikely.
The Safety Zone radius of the blast is determined by using the Navy
Diver Formula for an uncontrolled blast suspended in the water column.
In the current instance, the formula is conservative since the charges
to be used for Beach Boulevard Bridge footers will be confined within
the footers, effectively reducing both the pressure and impulse of a
water shock wave. In addition, boreholes will be stemmed at the in
collars to further contain the pressures. The Safety Zone radius
formula in feet is expressed by the following: R = 520 (W) \1/3\ + 500
(R = exclusion zone radius, W = weight of explosive in pounds per
For the designed maximum explosives per delay of 16.5 pounds, the
resulting Safety Zone is 1,824 ft. The max/delay of explosives is 16.5
lbs dynamite, which is equivalent to 13.2 lbs TNT. A maximum psi of 23
is used to determine the TTS distance and a maximum psi of 100 is used
to determine the PTS distance. Cole's equation for determining max
pressures created by free-field underwater explosions used is expressed
by the following: P = 21,600 (W \1/3\ / R) \1.13\ (P = pressure, W =
TNT weight/delay, R= radius in feet)
TTS Distance:
R = (13.2\1/3\) / (23/21,600)\0.885\ = 1,180 ft
PTS Distance:
R = (13.2\1/3\) / (100/21,600)\0.885\ = 295 ft
NMFS considers the Safety Zone radius calculated using the Navy
Diver Formula conservative for marine mammals when compared to the
calculated distances for TTS and PTS. The calculated Safety Zone will
be used for both Atlantic bottlenose dolphin and the Florida manatee.
Blasting is anticipated to be completed with three shots occurring over
a two to three week period. The time frame for the blasting is subject
to change dependent upon weather, tides, etc.
Comments and Responses
On Friday, October 24, 2008 (73 FR 63436), NMFS published in the
Federal Register a notice of a proposed IHA for JTA's request to take
marine mammals incidental to conducting the removal of bridge support
structures by explosive demolition, and requested comments regarding
this proposed IHA (FRNOR). During the 30-day public comment period,
NMFS received comments from the Marine Mammal Commission (Commission).
Commission Comment 1: The Commission recommends that NMFS issue the
requested authorization provided that NMFS consult with USFWS to ensure
that it has reviewed the applicant's recent information supplementing
the 1999 biological assessment, revised blasting plan, and the current
Draft Manatee, Marine Mammal, and Sea Turtle Survey Watch Plan.
Response: Based on correspondence between NMFS, USFWS, and the
applicant, both agency's have reviewed and determined JTA's recent
information supplementing the 1999 biological assessment, revised
blasting plan, and the current Draft Manatee, Marine Mammal, and Sea
Turtle Survey Watch Plan are sufficient for the proposed action.
Commission Comment 2: The Commission recommends that NMFS issue the
requested authorization provided that the applicant be required to
conduct all practicable monitoring and mitigation measures that
reasonably can be expected to protect the potentially affected marine
mammal species from serious injury.
Response:NMFS concurs with the Commission's recommendation and has
included requirements to this effect in the IHA.
Commission Comment 3: The Commission recommends that NMFS issue the
requested authorization provided that operations be suspended
immediately, pending review by NMFS, if a dead or seriously injured
marine mammal is found in the vicinity of the operations and the death
or injury could have occurred incidental to those operations.
[[Page 73919]]
Response: NMFS concurs with the Commission's recommendation and has
included a requirement to this effect in the IHA.
Commission Comment 4: The Commission reiterates its view that an
across-the-board definition of temporary threshold shift (TTS) as
constituting no more than Level B harassment inappropriately dismisses
possible injury (Level A harassment) and biologically significant
behavioral effects to the affected animals that may occur if an
animal's hearing is compromised, even temporarily.
Response: This issue has been addressed several times by NMFS in
the past and NMFS stated in previous Federal Register notices (68 FR
64595, November 14, 2003 and 71 FR 76989, December 22, 2006) that the
reclassification of TTS from Level B to Level A harassment requires
support and scientific documentation, and not be based on speculation
that TTS might result in increased predation, for example. In addition,
it is irrelevant for this IHA, because sound levels will not be high
since mitigation and monitoring requirements under the IHA is expected
to prevent TTS. Also, while there has been discussion among scientists
regarding whether a permanent shift in hearing thresholds (PTS) can
occur with repeated exposures of TTS, at least one study showed that
long-term (4-7 years) noise exposure on 3 experimental pinnipeds
species had caused no change on their underwater hearing thresholds at
frequencies of 0.2-6.4 kHz (Southall et al., 2005).
TTS can effect how an animal behaves in response to the
environment, including conspecifics, predators, and prey. The following
physiological mechanisms are thought to play a role in inducing
auditory fatigue: effects to sensory hair cells in the inner ear that
reduce their sensitivity, modification of the chemical environment
within the sensory cells, residual muscular activity in the middle ear,
displacement of certain inner ear membranes, increased blood flow, and
post-stimulatory reduction in both efferent and sensory neural output.
Ward (1997) suggested that when these effects result in TTS rather than
PTS they are within the normal bounds of physiological variability and
tolerance and do not represent a physical injury. Additionally,
Southall et al. (2007) indicated that although PTS is a tissue injury,
TTS is not because the reduced hearing sensitivity following exposure
to intense sound results primarily from fatigue, no loss, of cochlear
hair cells and supporting structures and is reversible. Accordingly,
NMFS classifies TTS (when resulting from exposure to underwater
detonations) as Level B harassment, no Level A harassment (injury).
Incidental Take Authorization Requested
Provided the proper mitigation and monitoring measures are
implemented, the blasting activities may result in the incidental
taking of marine mammals by Level B behavioral harassment only. As a
result, the JTA has requested an IHA for Level B harassment.
Level A take (i.e., injury or mortality) due to the explosive
demolition of bridge support structures is not anticipated during the
blasting operations. Since the activities will occur during the winter
season, the abundance of marine mammals in the action area should be at
its lowest. Injuries or mortalities due to the blasting events are not
anticipated because of the incorporation of mitigation and monitoring
measures described below.
Estimated Number of Marine Mammal Takes
As discussed above, NMFS anticipated that take of marine mammals
will occur in the form of disturbance from the explosive demolition of
bridge support structures. As also discussed above, no lethal take is
expected to result from the blasting activities. Due to NMFS estimates,
the JTA has been authorized the incidental take of nine Atlantic
bottlenose dolphins during the effective dates of the three planned
blasting events.
The population size of the U.S. Western North Atlantic Coastal
stock of bottlenose dolphins is estimated to be 17,466 animals.
Population estimates for the North Florida management unit is estimated
448 animals. The estimated total possible number of individuals that
may be incidentally harassed during the project is 9 animals, which is
0.05 and 2 percent of the respective Atlantic bottlenose dolphin
population for the Western North Atlantic Coastal stock and North
Florida management unit for this species. NMFS had determined that
these are small numbers, relative to population estimates, of Atlantic
bottlenose dolphins.
Possible Effects of Activities on Marine Mammal Habitat
The JTA expects the effects on marine mammal habitat to be minimal.
The existing land cover and land use within the project area include
the two bridge abutments, the open water of the AICWW, salt marsh, a
marina to the northeast, and a navigable water body to the southeast.
The salt marsh, largely occurring north and south of the western bridge
abutment, is dominated by grasses (Spartina alterniflora and Juncus
roemaerianus). Invertebrates (mollusks, polychaetes, crustaceans, and
insects) and terrestrial vertebrates (mammals, wading birds) are common
marsh associates. Fish frequent the marsh at high and mid-tides. The
remainder of the submerged area is mud and sand. Polychaetes,
crustaceans, and mollusks likely occur in areas where tidal flow
velocity is not high. Fish occur over the bottoms. There is no
submerged aquatic vegetation in the area.
The vast majority of the debris from the demolition will be gravel
size and larger, as well as a small amount of sand-sized pieces
(indicated in the Demolition Debris section and Exhibit 7 of the
Blasting Plan). The blast debris will not disperse across an area wider
than 80 ft (24.4 m).
No components of the bridge will be purposefully placed in the
AICWW; only those demolition fragments which are impractical to keep
out of the water will end up on the bottom. The bascule grates and all
of the rebar in those portions of the supports that will be chipped
will undergo controlled removal. Most of the rebar in those portions of
the supports that will be demolished by explosives will remain intact
and in place, and therefore will be easily cut and removed with heavy
machinery. Only a small portion of the support structure rebar will end
up in the AICWW.
Most of the horizontal portions of the bridges (i.e., spans) will
be deconstructed through the use of cranes, large chippers, and trucks.
Very little of this portion of the bridge will fall into the water. The
vertical supports will be shipped to an elevation of 5 ft (1.5 m), with
nearly all of the concrete fragments falling into the open water away
from the channel, and the steel rebar cut and hauled away for disposal
or recycling. Rubble generated by the explosive demolition of the
remaining above water stubs and all of the submerged portions of the
supports will be removed in accordance with the Debris Removal section
of the Blasting Plan.
The profile and cross-section of the channel will be re-established
within 6-8 hours of each of the three blasting events, as referenced in
the Debris Removal section of the Blasting Plan. Debris in the project
area, but outside of the channel, will be removed within 30 days of the
final blasting event.
It is anticipated that the blasting events will not physically
impact the
[[Page 73920]]
marine mammal habitat in the AICWW except for the blast debris which
falls to the bottom. The anticipated biological impact of the explosive
demolition is that benthic and water column dwelling vertebrate and
invertebrate species near the blasts will be killed by pressure waves.
Restoration of the physical habitat adjacent to the AICWW channel will
begin within an hour or two of the two related blast events and will
entail debris removal. Restoration of the physical habitat at the
bridge will be completed within 30 days of the final blasting and will
involve re-establishing the pre-blast contours through the use of a
clamshell dredge and/or large back hoe.
The activity will have a small and inconsequential impact to the
physical habitat at/near the bridge. The blasting events will have an
ephemeral impact on the biological component of the near bridge
habitat. Temporary disturbance of the project area during the proposed
blasting activities is not expected to reduce post-construction use of
the area by resident and transient species. The project is not expected
to result in loss of bottlenose dolphin habitat. Habitat modifications,
if any, are anticipated to be inconsequential and are not expected to
have any effect on the dolphin species and/or stock.
The blasting versus non-blasting discussion hinges on whether the
additional 500 hours of permitted tug/barge activity without several
trained wildlife observers represents a greater risk to wildlife than
the three proposed blast events which include a Watch Plan specifically
designed and implemented to minimize risk provided the suggested
mitigation and monitoring is implemented by JTA.
Impacts to navigation in the AICWW are expected to be low, whether
blasting occurs or not. However, it is obvious that a project entailing
400 hours of tug/barge activity will be less impacting than 900 hours
of tug/barge operations.
The only two practical means of removing the existing footers is by
chipping or explosives, with chipping the no-action alternative, in
this case. Chipping while protracted, is in fact possible. However,
risks to wildlife, slight risks to boat navigation and brief channel
closures are all positively correlated to the demolition duration.
Therefore, explosive demolition, while not risk-free, is superior to
The location and nature of the blasting combine to indicate that
impacts to the AICWW will be limited. The footprint of the bridge in
the blasting area comprises a channel that experiences high scour, and
shallower bottoms that are covered with rip rap, gravel, and rocks. It
is highly manipulated and artificial setting. The blasting will consist
of three brief shock waves and result in more rubble falling on top of
the existing rubble.
Five complications to further impact minimization exist. First the
area is tidally influenced with the normal tidal range over 4 ft (1.2
m). The constant ebb and flow limits turbidity control measures.
Second, the AICWW is comparatively narrow at the bridge crossing,
leading to strong currents. Third, the currents are bi-directional,
eliminating any minimization measures that might be implementable at a
uni-directional flow location. Fourth, interstitial gaps in the rip rap
and general rubble all but prevent turbidity containment, particularly
when combined with the three aforementioned complications. Finally,
maintenance of navigation in the channel severely limits possible
remediation and containment of blast rubble coming from the eight
footers next to the channel.
The JTA anticipates no loss or modification to the habitat used by
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in the AICWW. The primary source of marine
mammal habitat impact resulting from the explosive demolition is noise,
which is intermittent (maximum 3 times per year) and of limited
duration. The effects of debris (which will be recovered following test
activities), were analyzed in JTA's application and concluded that
marine mammal habitat would not be affected.
NMFS anticipates that the action will result in no impacts to
marine mammal habitat beyond rendering the areas immediately around the
bridge support structures less desirable shortly after the blasting
event. Three blasting events over a two to three week period are
anticipated during the validity of the IHA.
Blasting impacts to the AICWW estuarine water column and bottoms
will consist of three rapidly moving pressure waves. Excepting a very
small area (approximately 40 ft or 12.2 m) immediately around the
blasts, the substrate will not be affected. The estuarine water column
will be affected for a distance less than 1,824 ft (556.4 m) from the
blasts (according to the commonly used blasting safety formula). The
impacts will be localized and instantaneous. Impacts to marine mammal,
invertebrate, and fish species are not expected to be detrimental.
In the absence of acoustic measurements (due to the high cost and
complex instrumentation needed), in order to protect endangered,
threatened, and protected species, the following equation has been
adopted by the JTA for the blasting project to determine the zone for
potential harassment, injury or mortality from an open water explosion
and to assist the JTA in establishing mitigation and monitoring to
reduce impacts to the lowest level practicable. This equation is
believed to be conservative because they are based on humans, who are
more sensitive than dolphins, and on unconfined charges, while the
proposed blasts in the AICWW will be confined (stemmed) charges. The
equation, based on the Navy Diver Formula, is:
Safety Zone radius = 520 (lbs/delay)\1/3\ + 500
The Safety Zone is the approximate distance in feet beyond which
injury (Level A Harassment) is unlikely from an open water explosion
and mortality is not expected. This zone will be used for implementing
mitigation measures for both Florida manatees and Atlantic bottlenose
In the AICWW or any area where explosives are required to remove
bridge support structures, marine mammal protection measures will be
employed by the JTA. For each explosive charge, the JTA will ensure
that a detonation will not occur if a marine mammal is sighted by a
dedicated biologically-trained observer within the safety zone, a
circular area around the detonation site with the following radius: R =
520(W)\1/3\ + 500 (520 times the cube root of the weight of the
explosive charge in pounds) where: R = radius of the safety zone in ft;
W = weight of the explosive charge in lbs per delay (9 ms minimum
Although the area inside the Safety Zone is considered to be an
area for potential injury, the JTA and NMFS believe that because all
explosive charges will be stemmed (placed in drilled hole and tamped
with rock), the areas for potential mortality and injury will be
significantly smaller than this area and, therefore, it is unlikely
that even non-serious injury would occur if as is believed to be the
case, monitoring and mitigating this zone will be effective. Since
bottlenose dolphins are commonly found on the surface of the water,
implementation of a mitigation and monitoring program is expected by
NMFS to be effective.
The JTA will implement mitigation measures and a monitoring program
that will establish the Safety Zone radius to ensure that bottlenose
dolphins will not be injured during blasting and that impacts will be
at the lowest level practicable. Additional mitigation measures
include: (1) confining the
[[Page 73921]]
explosives in a borehole with drill patterns restricted to a minimum of
8 ft (2.4 m) separation from any other loaded borehole; (2) restricting
the hours of detonation from 2 hours after sunrise to 1 hour before
sunset to ensure adequate observation of marine mammals in the Safety
Zone; (3) staggering the detonation for each explosive hole in order to
spread the explosive's total overpressure over time; (4) capping or
stemming the boreholes containing explosives with angular rock or
crushed stone (sized at 1/20 to 1/8 of the borehole diameter) to a
minimum of 12 inches in depth in order to reduce the outward potential
of the blast, thereby reducing the chance of injuring a marine mammal;
(5) matching, to the extent possible, the energy needed in the ``work
effort'' of the borehole to the rock mass to minimize excess energy
vented into the water column; (6) establishing a Safety Zone (1,824 ft)
for confined blasting based on the maximum weight of explosives
detonated (16.5 lbs per 25 ms delay) and calculated using the Navy
Diver Formula; (7) conducting a marine protected species watch (as
described in the Marine Wildlife Safety Plan and Manatee, Marine
Mammal, Sea Turtle Survey Watch Plan) with no less than five NMFS-
qualified observers from a small water craft, aircraft, and/or an
elevated platform on the explosives barge, beginning at least 60
minutes before and continuing for at least 30 minutes after each
detonation to ensure that there are no marine mammals in the area at
the time of detonation; (8) allowing animals to leave the Safety Zone
under their own volition; and (9) conducting blasts during time periods
of the year when there are low marine mammal abundance densities.
Avoiding periods when marine mammals are in the blasting zone is
another mitigation measure to protect marine mammals from underwater
explosions. Given the poor water clarity and available habitat in the
immediate area of the project, the USFWS recommended demolition
utilizing explosives during the ``manatee construction window''
(December-February) when the occurrence or density of marine mammals in
the Jacksonville area is at its lowest.
The JTA will be implementing a Marine Wildlife Safety Plan and a
Manatee, Marine Mammal, and Sea Turtle Watch Plan (Watch Plan) that
will minimize the possibility of incidental take to pressure waves from
the blast to the fullest extent practicable. JTA is working on the
Watch Plan with USFWS, SJRWMD, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWC), and ACOE. The Watch Plan has been prepared to ensure
the protection of those species large enough to be located visually
within the zone of blasting activities influence.
A nearly identical Watch Plan was used during the demolition of the
Fuller Warren Bridge, which spans approximately 3,600 ft (1,097.6 m)
over open water in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. The Beach Boulevard
Bridge spans approximately 300 ft (91.5 m) over open water. Applying
the same specifications for a project that is more than an order of
magnitude smaller in scale represents an effort to provide more than
adequate protection for large wildlife including bottlenose dolphins.
The observer monitoring program will take place in a large circular
area around the blasting site (also referred to as the Watch Zone). Any
marine mammal(s) in the Safety, or Watch Zone will not be forced to
move out of those zones by human intervention. Detonation shall not
occur until the animal(s) move(s) out of the Safety Zone on its own
Monitoring and mitigation will consist primarily of surveying and
taking action to avoid detonating charges when protected species are
within the Safety Zone radius. The marine wildlife safety observer team
will consist of five members. The team will have a chief observer, who
will be the aerial observer in a helicopter, and four other stationary
ground and/or waterborne observers. Observers will be equipped with
two-way radios, binoculars, a sighting log, map, signal flags, and
polarized sunglasses.
Proposed monitoring requirements in relation to JTA's blasting
activities will include observations made by the applicant and their
associates. Information recorded will include species counts, numbers
of observed disturbances, and descriptions of the disturbance behaviors
before, during and after blasting activities. Observations of unusual
behaviors, numbers, or distributions of marine mammals and sea turtles
in the activity area to NMFS and USFWS so that any potential follow-up
observations can be conducted by the appropriate personnel. In
addition, observations of tag-bearing marine mammal, sea turtles, and
fish carcasses as well as any rare or unusual species of marine mammals
and fish will be reported to NMFS and USFWS.
If at any time injury or death of any marine mammal occurs that may
be a result of the proposed blasting activities, the JTA will suspend
activities and contact NMFS immediately to determine how best to
proceed to ensure that another injury or death does not occur and to
ensure that the applicant remains in compliance with the MMPA.
Several mitigation measures to reduce the potential for harassment
from explosive demolition activities would be (or are proposed to be
implemented) implemented as part of the blasting construction
activities. The potential risk of injury or mortality would be avoided
with the following proposed mitigation and monitoring measures.
Monitoring of the test area will continue throughout the activity until
the last detonation is complete. The activity would be postponed if:
(1) Any marine mammal is visually detected with the Safety Zone
(1,824 ft). The delay would continue until the animal(s) that caused
the postponement is confirmed to be outside the Safety Zone (visually
observed swimming out of the range and not likely to return).
(2) Any marine mammal is detected in the Safety Zone and
subsequently is not seen again. The activity would not continue until
the last verified location is outside the Safety Zone and the animal is
moving away from the activity area, or the animal has not been seen for
at least 30 minutes within the Safety Zone.
(3) Large schools of fish are observed in the water within the
Safety Zone. The delay would continue until large schools are confirmed
to be outside the Safety Zone.
In the event of a postponement, pre-activity monitoring would
continue as long as weather and daylight hours allow. If a charge
failed to explode, mitigation measures would continue while operations
personnel attempted to recognize and solve the problem, i.e., detonate
the charge.
A formal Plan Coordination Meeting will be held no later than three
days before the first detonation event to review the items listed
above, to discuss the responsibilities of all parties, and to review
and approve the schedule of events. Attendees will include the
contractor's representative, the entire Marine Wildlife Safety Observer
team, the blasting consultant, the USFWS, FWC, the USCG, and other
interested environmental parties such as NMFS and Florida Marine
Patrol. The agenda will be coordinated by Superior Construction with
the blasting contractor, USFWS, and FDEP. It will include the latest
information about the possible presence of marine mammals during the
operation, the logistics of the detonation schedule, the communications
plan, and the responsibilities of all parties involved.
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A summary report will be submitted to all interested parties.
Post-activity monitoring is designed to determine the effectiveness
of pre-activity monitoring and mitigation by reporting any sightings of
dead or injured marine mammals. Post-detonation monitoring,
concentrating on the area down current of the test site, would commence
immediately following each detonation and continue for at least one
hour after the last detonation. The monitoring team would document and
report to the appropriate marine mammals killed or injured during the
activity and, if practicable, recover and examine any dead animals. The
species, number, location, and behavior of any animals observed by the
teams would be documented and reported to the project leader.
West Indian manatees, which are federally listed as Endangered
under the ESA and managed by the USFWS, are not expected in the St.
John's River and AICWW (Pablo Creek) during the time periods when the
activities would be conducted. However, if manatees are sighted during
the activities, the JTA would follow similar mitigation and monitoring
procedures in place for bottlenose dolphins to avoid impacts,
suspending activities in any areas manatees are occupying.
After completion of all detonation events, the Chief Observer will
submit a summary report to regulatory agencies. This report