Technical Corrections Relating to the Rules of Origin for Goods Imported Under the NAFTA and for Textile and Apparel Products, 64518-64539 [E8-25734]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Final rule; technical corrections.
Federal Energy Regulatory
SUMMARY: This document sets forth
technical corrections to part 102 of the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) regulations to reflect recent
changes in the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States. The
affected provisions in part 102, which
are based in part on specified changes
in tariff classification, comprise a
codified system used for determining
the country of origin of goods imported
under the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) and for the country
of origin of textile and apparel products
(other than those of Israel).
DATES: This final rule is effective on
October 30, 2008.
Heather K. Pinnock, Tariff Classification
and Marking Branch, Regulations and
Rulings, Office of International Trade,
(202) 572–8828.
18 CFR Part 385
[Docket No. RM08–8–000]
Ex Parte Contacts and Separation of
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Correcting amendment.
SUMMARY: This document contains a
correction to the final regulations
(Docket No. RM08–8–000) that were
published in the Federal Register on
October 22, 2008 (73 FR 62881). The
final rule document revised the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission’s
regulations to clarify its rules governing
ex parte contacts and separation of
functions as they apply to proceedings
arising out of investigations initiated
under Part 1b of the Commission’s
Effective Date: November 21,
Wilbur Miller, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426,
Document E8–25103, appearing on page
62886 in the Federal Register of October
22, 2008, at the beginning of the
paragraph 1, add the following: ‘‘Before
Commissioners: Joseph T. Kelliher,
Chairman; Suedeen G. Kelly, Marc
Spitzer, Philip D. Moeller, and Jon
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–25934 Filed 10–29–08; 8:45 am]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Part 102
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
[CBP Dec. 08–42]
Technical Corrections Relating to the
Rules of Origin for Goods Imported
Under the NAFTA and for Textile and
Apparel Products
Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
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On June 6, 1996, CBP published in the
Federal Register (61 FR 28932) as T.D.
96–48, a document which adopted as a
final rule, amendments to the CBP
regulations establishing specific rules
for determining when the country of
origin of a good is one of the parties to
the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) as required by
Annex 311 of the NAFTA (as opposed
to the rules for preference purposes in
Chapter 4 and Annex 401). In order to
simplify and standardize country of
origin determinations for purposes of
the NAFTA, the rules of origin in T.D.
96–48 set forth a codified method that
uses specified changes in tariff
classification (tariff shifts) and other
rules to express the substantial
transformation concept. Under this
codified method, the substantial
transformation that an imported good
must undergo in order to be deemed a
good of the country where the change
occurred is expressed through these
On July 1, 1996, shortly after the
publication of T.D. 96–48, CBP also gave
effect to section 334 of the Uruguay
Round Agreements Act by
implementing rules of origin applicable
to all textile and apparel imports except
for purposes of determining whether
goods originate in Israel (see T.D. 95–69,
published in the Federal Register on
September 5, 1995 (60 FR 46188)).
The specific changes in tariff
classification requirements for
determining the country of origin of
imported goods (other than textiles and
apparel products covered by § 102.21)
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under the provisions of the NAFTA are
set forth in § 102.20 of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR 102.20) except for
textiles and apparel products covered by
§ 102.21. Section 102.20 prescribes the
tariff shift rules that are used to
determinewhether a good is considered
a good of a NAFTA country (United
States, Canada or Mexico). The rules of
origin relating to trade in textile and
apparel products, other than those that
are products of Israel, are found in
§ 102.21.
In addition, we note that CBP
published in the Federal Register (73
FR 43385) on July 25, 2008, a notice of
proposed rulemaking in which it
proposed to amend the CBP regulations
to establish uniform rules governing
CBP determinations of the country of
origin of imported merchandise.
Specifically, CBP proposed that the
rules in 19 CFR part 102 be applicable
for all purposes for which ‘‘product of’’
or ‘‘country of origin’’ criterion is
prescribed under customs and related
laws, the navigation laws of the United
States, and the CBP regulations, except
for the purpose of determining whether
a good other than a textile or apparel
good is entitled to preferential treatment
under the United States’ free trade
agreements with Israel and Jordan, or
unless otherwise specified, or as
otherwise provided for by statute. The
technical corrections to the tariff shift
rules set forth in this document will
enable interested parties to properly
evaluate the impact, if any, of the
proposed rulemaking on the country of
origin of their goods.
Need for Correction
Pursuant to section 1205 of the
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness
Act of 1988 (codified at 19 U.S.C. 3005),
the International Trade Commission
(ITC) is required to keep the HTSUS
under continuous review and prepare
investigations proposing modifications
to the HTSUS to the President. In April
2006, the ITC issued Investigation No.
1205–6, Proposed Modifications to the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
UnitedStates, Publication No. 3851. The
modifications proposed in the report
were effective onFebruary 3, 2007,
pursuant to Presidential Proclamation
8097 which was published in the
Federal Register on January 4, 2007 (72
FR 453).
As a result of the 2007 modifications
to the HTSUS, certain tariff provisions
have been added or removed, and
certain goods have been transferred, for
tariff classification purposes, to different
or newly-created tariff provisions. The
changes to the HTSUS involve product
coverage and/or numbering of certain
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
headings and subheadings and are not
intended to have any other substantive
effect. Accordingly, this document
makes technical corrections to §§ 102.20
and 102.21 in order for the regulations
to conform the tariff shift rules to the
current version of the HTSUS. In
addition, this document amends
§§ 102.20(a) and 102.21(a), (b), (c), and
(d) by removing the word ‘‘shall’’ each
place it appears and adding, in its place,
the word ‘‘will’’ or ‘‘must’’ as
The examples set forth below
illustrate the need for the technical
corrections to §§ 102.20 and 102.21
described above.
Example 1: Pursuant to the existing terms
of § 102.20(n), the tariff shift rule for heading
7416, HTSUS, permits, in relevant part, a
tariff shift to this heading ‘‘from any other
heading.’’ Prior to the 2007 amendments to
the HTSUS, copper springs were classified in
subheading 7416.00, HTSUS, and therefore
were subject to the above tariff shift rule.
This rule is satisfied when copper springs of
heading 7416, HTSUS, are processed from
other articles of copper from any other
heading. Under the 2007 amendments to the
HTSUS, however, heading 7416 was deleted
and copper springs were moved from
subheading 7416.00 to subheading 7419.99,
HTSUS. As a result, copper springs(classified
in subheading 7419.99, HTSUS) which are
processed from other articles of copper of
subheading 7419.99 would not presently
satisfy the tariff shift rule set forth above. In
order to maintain the original result of the
tariff shift rule for copper springs that had
been classified within heading 7416, HTSUS,
the tariff shift rule in § 102.20(n) must be
amended to provide for a change to copper
springs of subheading 7419.99, HTSUS, from
any other subheading, including from any
other good of subheading 7419.99, HTSUS.
Example 2: Under the 2007 amendments to
the HTSUS, a new subheading was created at
2910.40, HTSUS, for a product referred to as
‘‘dieldrin (ISO, INN).’’ Prior to the 2007
amendments, this product was classified in
the basket ‘‘other’’ provision under
subheading 2910.90, HTSUS. As new
subheading 2910.40, HTSUS, is not included
in the rules set forth in § 102.20(f), it is not
possible to determine the origin of goods
classifiable under this provision using the
current regulations. Accordingly, § 102.20(f)
must be amended in order to add subheading
2910.40, HTSUS, and the applicable tariff
shift rule must also be amended in order to
provide for the new subheading. It should be
noted that these technical corrections to
§ 102.20(f) will produce the same result as
when dieldrin (ISO, INN) was classified
under subheading 2910.90, HTSUS, in the
2006 HTSUS.
Example 3: Under current § 102.21(e),
there is a rule for subheadings 6209.10.0000
through 6209.20.5035, HTSUS. Under the
2007 amendments to the HTSUS, subheading
6209.10, HTSUS, which covers babies’
garments and clothing accessories of wool or
fineanimal hair, was deleted, with the goods
moving to subheading 6209.90. As a result,
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the tariff shift rule for heading 6209.10.0000–
6209.20.5035, HTSUS, has been renumbered
to reflect that subheading 6209.10, HTSUS,
was deleted, and reflect the new range of
tariff subheadings. As the rule for
subheadings 6209.20.5045 through
6209.90.9000, HTSUS, is the same as the rule
for subheading 6209.10, HTSUS, no change
in the rule is necessary.
Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed
Effective Date
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) and
(d)(3), CBP has determined that it would
be impracticable and contrary to the
public interest to delay publication of
this rule in final form pending an
opportunity for public comment and
that there is good cause for this final
rule to become effective immediately
upon publication. The technical
corrections contained in this document
merely conform the tariff shift rules in
the regulations to the current HTSUS
and will facilitate trade by ensuring that
country of origin determinations made
using the regulations are consistent with
the HTSUS.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Because this document is not subject
to the notice and public procedure
requirements of 5 U.S.C. 553, it is not
subject to the provisions of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601
et seq.).
Executive Order 12866
These amendments do not meet the
criteria for a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ as specified in Executive Order
Signing Authority
While the subject matter of this
document pertains to the authority of
the Secretary of the Treasury to approve
regulations relating to certain revenue
functions (see 19 CFR Part 0), CBP
retains authority pursuant to Treasury
Directive 28–01 to sign a document
making nonsubstantive technical
corrections to a previously issued
regulation. For this reason, the CBP
Commissioner is the proper official to
sign this document.
List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 102
Customs duties and inspections,
Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Rules of origin, Trade
Amendments to the CBP Regulations
For the reasons set forth above, part
102 of title 19 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (19 CFR part 102) is
amended as set forth below:
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1. The authority citation for part 102
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General
Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States), 1624, 3314, 3592.
2. In § 102.20:
a. The introductory text is amended
by removing the word ‘‘shall’’ and
adding, in its place, the word ‘‘will’’;
■ b. The table is further amended by
removing the entries for: ‘‘0210.90’’,
‘‘2811.23–2811.29’’, ‘‘2826.11–2833.19’’,
‘‘2833.22–2833.26’’, ‘‘2836.10’’,
‘‘2836.70’’, ‘‘2838’’, ‘‘2839.20–2839.90’’,
‘‘2841.10–2841.30’’, ‘‘2850–2851’’,
‘‘2903.11–2903.30’’, ‘‘2906.14’’,
‘‘2912.11–2912.13’’, ‘‘2915.11–2915.35’’,
‘‘2918.90’’, ‘‘2920.10–2926.90’’,
‘‘2936.10–2936.29’’, ‘‘3001.10–3001.90’’,
‘‘3006.80’’, ‘‘3102.70’’, ‘‘3103.10–
3103.20’’, ‘‘3104.10–3104.30’’,
‘‘3301.11–3301.90’’, ‘‘3404.10–3404.20’’,
‘‘3808.10’’, ‘‘3808.20’’, ‘‘3808.30’’,
‘‘3808.40’’, ‘‘3808.90’’, ‘‘3824.20’’,
‘‘4601.20–4601.99’’, ‘‘4815’’, ‘‘4823.12’’,
‘‘4823.19’’, ‘‘4823.60–4823.70’’,
‘‘6811.10’’, ‘‘6811.20’’, ‘‘6811.30’’,
‘‘6811.90’’, ‘‘6812.50’’, ‘‘6812.60–
6812.70’’, ‘‘6812.90’’, ‘‘7012–7018’’,
‘‘7321.11–7321.83’’, ‘‘7801–7803’’,
‘‘7805–7806’’, ‘‘7901–7906’’, ‘‘8002–
8004’’, ‘‘8005’’, ‘‘8006–8007’’, ‘‘8101.10–
8101.95’’, ‘‘8442.10–8442.30’’,
‘‘8443.11–8443.60’’, ‘‘8443.90’’,
‘‘8456.10–8456.99’’, ‘‘8469.11–8469.12’’,
‘‘8469.20–8469.30’’, ‘‘8485’’, ‘‘8505.11–
8505.30’’, ‘‘8509.10–8509.80’’,
‘‘8517.11–8517.80’’, ‘‘8517.90’’,
‘‘8519.10–8519.40’’, ‘‘8520.10–8520.20’’,
‘‘8520.32–8520.33’’, ‘‘8520.39–8520.90’’,
‘‘8524’’, ‘‘8525.10–8525.20’’, ‘‘8525.30–
8525.40’’, ‘‘8527.19–8527.90’’,
‘‘8528.12–8528.30’’, ‘‘8543.11–8543.19’’,
‘‘8543.40–8543.89’’, ‘‘8708.31’’,
‘‘8708.39’’, ‘‘8708.60’’, ‘‘9009.11–
9009.30’’, ‘‘9009.91–9009.99’’,
‘‘9010.41–9010.50’’, ‘‘9030.10–9030.40’’,
‘‘9030.82–9030.83’’, ‘‘9031.10–9031.30’’,
‘‘9403.10–9403.80’’, ‘‘9501’’, ‘‘9502.10’’,
‘‘9502.99’’, ‘‘9503.10–9503.30’’,
‘‘9503.41–9503.49’’, ‘‘9503.50–9503.60’’,
‘‘9503.70–9503.90’’, ‘‘9614.20’’, and
■ c. The table is further amended by
adding, in numerical order, entries
for:‘‘0210.91–0210.99’’, ‘‘2811.29’’,
‘‘2826.12–2826.19’’, ‘‘2833.22–2833.25’’,
‘‘2839.90’’, ‘‘2841.30’’, ‘‘2850’’, ‘‘2852’’,
‘‘2853’’, ‘‘2903.11–2903.39’’, ‘‘2912.11–
2912.12’’, ‘‘2915.11–2915.33’’,
‘‘2915.36’’, ‘‘2918.91–2918.99’’,
‘‘2920.11–2926.90’’, ‘‘2936.21–2936.29’’,
‘‘3001.20–3001.90’’, ‘‘3006.91’’,
‘‘3006.92’’, ‘‘3103.10’’, ‘‘3104.20–
3104.30’’, ‘‘3301.12–3301.90’’,
‘‘3404.20’’, ‘‘3808.50’’, ‘‘3808.91’’,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
‘‘3808.92’’, ‘‘3808.93’’, ‘‘3808.94’’,
‘‘3808.99’’, ‘‘4601.21–4601.99’’,
‘‘4823.61–4823.70’’, ‘‘6811.40’’,
‘‘6811.81’’, ‘‘6811.82’’, ‘‘6811.83’’,
‘‘6811.89’’, ‘‘6812.80’’, ‘‘6812.91’’,
‘‘6812.92–6812.93’’, ‘‘6812.99’’, ‘‘7013–
7018’’, ‘‘7321.11–7321.89’’, ‘‘7801–
7802’’, ‘‘7806’’, ‘‘7901–7905’’, ‘‘8002–
8003’’, ‘‘8007’’, ‘‘8101.10–8101.94’’,
‘‘8442.30’’, ‘‘8443.11–8443.39’’,
‘‘8443.91’’, ‘‘8456.10–8456.90’’,
‘‘8469.00’’, ‘‘8486.10–8486.40’’,
‘‘8486.90’’, ‘‘8487’’, ‘‘8505.11–8505.20’’,
‘‘8505.90’’, ‘‘8508.11–8508.60’’,
‘‘8508.70’’, ‘‘8509.40–8509.80’’,
‘‘8517.11–8517.69’’, ‘‘8517.70’’,
‘‘8519.20–8519.30’’, ‘‘8519.50’’,
‘‘8519.81’’, ‘‘8519.89’’, ‘‘8525.50–
8525.60’’, ‘‘8525.80’’, ‘‘8527.19–
8527.99’’, ‘‘8528.41’’, ‘‘8528.49’’,
‘‘8528.51’’, ‘‘8528.59’’, ‘‘8528.61’’,
‘‘8528.69–8528.73’’, ‘‘8543.10’’,
‘‘8543.70’’, ‘‘8708.30’’, ‘‘8708.50’’,
‘‘8708.95’’, ‘‘9010.50’’, ‘‘9030.10’’,
‘‘9030.20’’, ‘‘9030.31’’, ‘‘9030.32’’,
‘‘9030.33’’, ‘‘9030.39’’, ‘‘9030.40’’,
‘‘9030.82–9030.84’’, ‘‘9031.10–9031.20’’,
‘‘9403.10–9403.89’’, ‘‘9503’’, and
■ d. The table is further amended by
revising the entries in the ‘‘Tariff
shiftand/or other requirements’’ column
adjacent to the ‘‘HTSUS’’ column listing
for: ‘‘2707.10–2707.99’’, ‘‘2811.29’’,
‘‘2824.10–2824.90’’, ‘‘2826.12–2826.19’’,
‘‘2833.22–2833.25’’, ‘‘2833.29’’,
‘‘2835.29–2835.39’’, ‘‘2836.99’’,
‘‘2839.90’’, ‘‘2841.30’’, ‘‘2841.50’’,
‘‘2841.90’’, ‘‘2842.90’’, ‘‘2850’’, ‘‘2852’’,
‘‘2853’’, ‘‘2903.11’’, ‘‘2903.39’’,
‘‘2903.51–2904.90’’, ‘‘2905.11–2905.19’’,
‘‘2906.19’’, ‘‘2907.12–2907.22’’,
‘‘2909.11–2909.49’’, ‘‘2910.10–2910.90’’,
‘‘2912.11–2912.12’’, ‘‘2912.19–2912.49’’,
‘‘2915.11–2915.33’’, ‘‘2915.36’’,
‘‘2915.39’’, ‘‘2917.11–2917.39’’,
‘‘2918.11–2918.22’’, ‘‘2918.91–2918.99’’,
‘‘2920.11–2926.90’’, ‘‘2929.10–2930.90’’,
‘‘2936.21–2936.29’’, ‘‘2936.90’’,
‘‘3001.20–3001.90’’, ‘‘3002.10–3002.90’’,
‘‘3003.10’’, ‘‘3003.20’’, ‘‘3003.31’’,
‘‘3003.39’’, ‘‘3003.40’’, ‘‘3003.90’’,
‘‘3004.10’’, ‘‘3004.20’’, ‘‘3004.31’’,
‘‘3004.32’’, ‘‘3004.39’’, ‘‘3004.40’’,
‘‘3004.50’’, ‘‘3004.90’’, ‘‘3005.10’’,
‘‘3006.10’’, ‘‘3006.20–3006.60’’,
‘‘3006.70’’, ‘‘3006.91’’, ‘‘3006.92’’,
‘‘3102.90’’, ‘‘3103.10’’, ‘‘3103.90’’,
‘‘3104.20–3104.30’’, ‘‘3104.90’’,
‘‘3206.20–3209.90’’, ‘‘3301.12–3301.90’’,
‘‘3404.20’’, ‘‘3404.90’’, ‘‘3808.50’’,
‘‘3808.91’’, ‘‘3808.92’’, ‘‘3808.93’’,
‘‘3808.94’’, ‘‘3808.99’’, ‘‘3824.71–
3824.90’’, ‘‘3920.10–3921.90’’, ‘‘4203–
4206’’, ‘‘4412’’, ‘‘4413–4421’’, ‘‘4601.21–
4601.99’’, ‘‘4823.61–4823.70’’,
‘‘4823.90’’, ‘‘6811.40’’, ‘‘6811.81’’,
‘‘6811.82’’, ‘‘6811.83’’, ‘‘6811.89’’,
‘‘6812.80’’, ‘‘6812.91’’, ‘‘6812.92–
6812.93’’, ‘‘6812.99’’, ‘‘7013–7018’’,
‘‘7020’’, ‘‘7321.11–7321.89’’, ‘‘7411–
7418’’, ‘‘7419.10–7419.99’’, ‘‘7801–
7802’’, ‘‘7806’’, ‘‘7901–7905’’, ‘‘7907’’,
‘‘8002–8003’’, ‘‘8007’’, ‘‘8101.10–
8101.94’’, ‘‘8101.96’’, ‘‘8101.99’’,
‘‘8103.20–8113.00’’, ‘‘8418.10–8418.91’’,
‘‘8425.11–8430.69’’, ‘‘8442.30’’,
‘‘8443.11–8443.39’’, ‘‘8443.91’’,
‘‘8443.99’’, ‘‘8456.10–8456.90’’,
‘‘8469.00’’, ‘‘8470.10–8471.50’’,
‘‘8471.60–8472.90’’, ‘‘8479.10–8479.89’’,
‘‘8486.10–8486.40’’, ‘‘8486.90’’, ‘‘8487’’,
‘‘8505.11–8505.20’’, ‘‘8505.90’’,
‘‘8508.11–8508.60’’, ‘‘8508.70’’,
‘‘8509.40–8509.80’’, ‘‘8517.11–8517.69’’,
‘‘8517.70’’, ‘‘8519.20–8519.30’’,
‘‘8519.50’’, ‘‘8519.81’’, ‘‘8519.89’’,
‘‘8523’’, ‘‘8525.50–8525.60’’, ‘‘8525.80’’,
‘‘8527.19–8527.99’’, ‘‘8528.41’’,
‘‘8528.49’’, ‘‘8528.51’’, ‘‘8528.59’’,
‘‘8528.61’’, ‘‘8528.69–8528.73’’,
‘‘8536.10–8536.90’’, ‘‘8541–8542’’,
‘‘8543.10’’, ‘‘8543.70’’, ‘‘8543.90’’,
‘‘8544.11–8544.70’’, ‘‘8708.29’’,
‘‘8708.30’’, ‘‘8708.40’’, ‘‘8708.50’’,
‘‘8708.80’’, ‘‘8708.91’’, ‘‘8708.92’’,
‘‘8708.94’’, ‘‘8708.95’’, ‘‘8708.99’’,
‘‘9006.10–9006.69’’, ‘‘9010.50’’,
‘‘9010.90’’, ‘‘9027.10–9027.90’’,
‘‘9030.10’’, ‘‘9030.20’’, ‘‘9030.31’’,
‘‘9030.32’’, ‘‘9030.33’’, ‘‘9030.39’’,
‘‘9030.40’’, ‘‘9030.82–9030.84’’,
‘‘9030.89’’, ‘‘9030.90’’, ‘‘9031.10–
9031.20’’, ‘‘9031.41–9031.49’’, ‘‘9201–
9208’’, ‘‘9401.10–9401.80’’, ‘‘9402’’,
‘‘9403.10–9403.89’’, ‘‘9503’’, and
The additions and revisions read as
§ 102.20 Specific rules by tariff
Tariff shift and/or other requirements
0210.91–0210.99 .....
A change to subheading 0210.91 through 0210.99 from any other chapter; or
A change to edible meals and flours of subheading 0210.91 through 0210.99 from any product other than edible meals
and flours of Chapter 2.
2707.10–2707.99 .....
A change to subheading 2707.10 through 2707.99 from any other heading; or
A change to phenols of subheading 2707.99 from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 2707.99,
provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2707.99 from phenols of subheading 2707.99 or from any other subheading,
provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction; or
A change to subheading 2707.10 through 2707.99 from any other subheading, including any subheading within that
group, provided that the good resulting from such change is the product of a chemical reaction.
2811.29 ....................
A change to sulphur dioxide of subheading 2811.29 from any other good of subheading 2811.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2811.29 from sulphur dioxide of subheading 2811.29 or from any other subheading.
2824.10–2824.90 .....
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
A change to red lead or to orange lead of subheading 2824.90 from any other good of subheading 2824.90 or from any
other subheading, except from heading 2607; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2824.90 from red lead or from orange lead of subheading 2824.90 or from
any other subheading, except from heading 2607; or
A change to subheading 2824.10 through 2924.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group, except from heading 2607.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Tariff shift and/or other requirements
2826.12–2833.19 .....
A change to fluorides of ammonium or of sodium of subheading 2826.19 from any other good of subheading 2826.19 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2826.19 from fluorides of ammonium or of sodium of subheading 2826.19 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium of subheading 2826.90 from any other good of subheading 2826.90
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2826.90 from fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium of subheading 2826.90
or from any other subheading; or
A change to chlorides of iron of subheading 2827.39 from any other good of subheading 2827.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to chlorides of cobalt of subheading 2827.39 from any other good of subheading 2827.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to chlorides of zinc of subheading 2827.39 from any other good of subheading 2827.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2827.39 from chlorides of iron, of cobalt, or of zinc of subheading 2827.39 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to zinc sulphide of subheading 2830.90 from any other good of subheading 2830.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to cadmium sulphide of subheading 2830.90 from any other good of subheading 2830.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2830.90 from zinc sulphide or cadmium sulphide of subheading 2830.90 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to subheading 2826.12 through 2833.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
2833.22–2833.25 .....
A change to subheading 2833.22 through 2833.25 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
2833.29 ....................
A change to chromium sulphate of subheading 2833.29 from any other good of subheading 2833.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to zinc sulphate of subheading 2833.29 from any other good of subheading 2833.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2833.29 from chromium sulphate or zinc sulphate of subheading 2833.29 or
from any other subheading, except from heading 2520.
2835.29–2835.39 .....
A change to phosphates of trisodium of subheading 2835.29 from any other good of subheading 2835.29 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2835.29 from phosphates of trisodium of subheading 2835.29 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to subheading 2835.29 through 2835.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
2836.99 ....................
A change to bismuth carbonate of subheading 2836.99 from commercial ammonium carbonate or other ammonium carbonates or from lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading, except from subheading
2617.90; or
A change to commercial ammonium carbonate or to other ammonium carbonates of subheading 2836.99 from any other
good of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 from any other good of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading, except from heading 2607; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2836.99 from commercial ammonium carbonate or other ammonium carbonates or from lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading, provided that the good classified in
subheading 2836.99 is the product of a ‘‘chemical reaction’’ as defined in Note 1.
2839.90 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
A change to silicates of potassium of subheading 2839.90 from any other good of subheading 2839.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2839.90 from silicates of potassium of subheading 2839.90 or from any other
2841.30 ....................
2841.50 ....................
A change to subheading 2841.30 from any other subheading.
A change to chromates of zinc or of lead from any other good of subheading 2841.50 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2841.50 from chromates of zinc or of lead of subheading 2841.50 or from any
other subheading, except from heading 2610.
2841.90 ....................
A change to aluminates from any other good of subheading 2841.90 or from any other subheading; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to any other good of subheading 2841.90 from aluminates of subheading 2841.90 or from any other subheading, provided that the good classified in subheading 2841.90 is the product of a ‘‘chemical reaction’’ as defined in
Note 1.
2842.90 ....................
A change to fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates of subheading 2842.90 from any other good of subheading 2842.90
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2842.90 from fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates of subheading 2842.90
or from any other subheading, provided that the good classified in subheading 2842.90 is the product of a ‘‘chemical
reaction’’ as defined in Note 1.
2850 .........................
2852 .........................
A change to heading 2850 from any other heading.
A change to other metal oxides, hydroxides or peroxides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from
any other heading, provided that the good is the product of a ‘‘chemical reaction’’, as defined in Note 1, except from
subheading 2825.90; or
A change to other fluorides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 2826.19; or
A change to other chlorides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 2827.39; or
A change to other bromides or to bromide oxides from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from subheading 2827.59; or
A change to iodides or to iodide oxides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading,
except from subheading 2827.60; or
A change to other chlorates of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 2829.19; or
A change to other perchlorates, bromotes, perbromates, iodates or periodates of heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from subheading 2829.90; or
A change to other sulphides or polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined, of heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from subheading 2830.90; or
A change to other sulfates of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from
heading 2520 or from subheading 2833.29; or
A change to other nitrates of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from
subheading 2834.29; or
A change to other phosphates from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except from subheading
2835.29; or
A change to other cyanides or to cyanide oxides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from subheading 2837.19; or
A change to complex cyanides of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 2837.20; or
A change to fulminates, cyanates or thiocyanates of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading; or
A change to other chromates, dichromates or peroxochromates of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or
any other heading, except from heading 2610, or from subheading 2841.50; or
A change to other salts of inorganic acids or to peroxoacids, other than azides, of heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading, provided that the good classified in heading 2852 is the product of a ‘‘chemical reaction’’ as defined in Note 1, except from subheading 2842.90; or
A change to other silver compounds of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading,
except from subheading 2843.29; or
A change to derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and esters from any other good of heading 2852 or
from any other heading, except from heading 2908; or
A change to palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts or their esters from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from subheading 2915.70; or
A change to oleic, linolenic or linolenic acids, their salts or their esters from any other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading, except from subheading 2916.15; or
A change to benzoic acid, its salts or its esters from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 3301.90 or subheading 2916.31; or
A change to lactic acid, its salts or its esters from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other heading, except
2918.11; or
A change to other organo-inorganic compounds of heading 2852 from any other good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from heading 2931.
A change to heading 2853 from any other heading.
2853 .........................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
2903.11–2903.39 .....
A change to subheading 2903.31 through 2903.39 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2903.11 through 2903.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2903.51–2904.90 .....
A change to aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) or heptachlor (ISO) of subheading 2903.52 from any other subheading, except
from subheading 2903.59; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2903.59 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2903.52; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2903.51 through 2904.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
2905.11–2905.19 .....
A change to pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof of subheading 2905.19 from any other good of subheading
2905.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2905.19 from pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof of subheading
2905.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2905.11 through 2905.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2906.19 ....................
A change to terpineols of subheading 2906.19 from any other good of subheading 2906.19 or from any other subheading, except from heading 3805; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2906.19 from terpineols of subheading 2906.19 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90 or 3805.90.
2907.12–2907.22 .....
A change to xylenols or their salts of subheading 2907.19 from any other good of subheading 2907.19 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading 2707.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2907.19 from xylenols and their salts of subheading 2907.19 or from any
other subheading, except from subheading 2707.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2907.12 through 2907.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 2707.99.
2909.11–2909.49 .....
A change to monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol of subheading 2909.44 through 2909.49 from
any other good of subheading 2909.44 through 2909.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2909.44 through 2909.49 from monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of
diethylene glycol of subheading 2909.44 through 2909.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2909.11 through 2909.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within than group.
2910.10–2910.90 .....
A change to dieldrin (ISO, INN) of subheading 2910.40 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2910.90; or
A change to subheading 2910.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2910.40; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2910.10 through 2910.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2912.11–2912.12 .....
A change to subheading 2912.11 through 2912.12 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomer) of subheading 2912.19 from any other good of subheading 2912.19
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2912.19 from butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomer) of subheading 2912.19
or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2912.19 through 2912.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
2912.19–2912.49 .....
2915.11–2915.33 .....
2915.36 ....................
2915.39 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
2917.11–2917.39 .....
2918.11–2918.22 .....
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A change to sodium acetate of subheading 2915.29 from any other good of subheading 2915.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to cobalt acetates of subheading 2915.29 from any other good of subheading 2915.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2915.29 from sodium acetate or cobalt acetates of subheading 2915.29 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2915.11 through 2915.33 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
A change to subheading 2915.36 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2915.90.
A change to isobutyl acetate of subheading 2915.39 from any other good of subheading 2915.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate of subheading 2915.39 from any other good of subheading 2915.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2915.39 from isobutyl acetate or 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate of subheading
2915.39 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90.
A change to dibutyl orthophthalates of subheading 2917.34 from any other good of subheading 2917.34 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2917.34 from dibutyl orthophthalates of subheading 2917.34 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2917.11 through 2917.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
A change to subheading 2918.18 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2918.19; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2918.19 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2918.18; or
A change to subheading 2918.11 through 2918.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
2918.91–2918.99 .....
A change to subheading 2918.91 through 2918.99 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
2920.11–2926.90 .....
A change to subheading 2920.11 through 2920.19 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to diethylamine and its salts of subheading 2921.19 from any other good of subheading 2921.19 or any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2921.19 from diethylamine and its salts of subheading 2921.19 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and their salts of subheading 2922.29 from any other good of subheading 2922.29 or any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2922.29 from anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and their salts of subheading 2922.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to subheading 2924.12 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2924.19; or
A change to subheading 2924.19 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2924.12; or
A change to subheading 2925.21 through 2925.29 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2920.11 through 2926.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2929.10–2930.90 .....
A change to subheading 2930.50 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2930.90; or
A change to dithiocarbonates (xanthates) of subheading 2930.90 from any other good of subheading 2930.90 or from
any other subheading;
A change to any other good of subheading 2930.90 from dithiocarbonates (xanthates) of subheading 2930.90 or from
any other subheading, except from subheading 2930.50; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2929.10 through 2930.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2936.21–2936.29 .....
A change to subheading 2936.21 through 2936.29 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to unmixed provitamins of subheading 2936.90 from any other good of subheading 2936.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 2936.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2936.21
through 2936.29.
2936.90 ....................
3001.20–3001.90 .....
3002.10–3002.90 .....
3003.10 ....................
3003.20 ....................
3003.31 ....................
3003.39 ....................
3003.40 ....................
3003.90 ....................
3004.10 ....................
3004.20 ....................
3004.31 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
3004.32 ....................
3004.39 ....................
3004.40 ....................
3004.50 ....................
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A change to glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered, of subheading 3001.90 from any other good of
subheading 3001.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 0206.10 through 0208.90 or 0305.20,
heading 0504 or 0510, or subheading 0511.99 if the change from these provisions is not to a gland or other organ
powder classified in subheading 3001.90, and except a change from subheading 3006.92; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3001.90 from glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered, of
subheading 3001.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3006.92; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3001.20 through 3001.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except a change from subheading 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3002.10 through 3002.90 from any other subheading including another subheading within that
group, except a change from subheading 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3003.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2941.10, 2941.20, 3003.20, or
A change to subheading 3003.20 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2941.30 through 2941.90, or
A change to subheading 3003.31 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2937.12 or 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3003.39 from any other subheading, except from hormones or their derivatives classified in
Chapter 29, or except from subheading 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3003.40 from any other subheading, except from heading 1211, subheading 1302.11, 1302.19,
1302.20, 1302.39, or 3006.92, or alkaloids or derivatives thereof classified in Chapter 29.
A change to subheading 3003.90 from any other subheading, provided that the domestic content of the therapeutic or
prophylactic component is no less than 40 percent by weight of the total therapeutic or prophylactic content, or except
from subheading 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3004.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2941.10, 2941.20, 3003.10,
3003.20, or 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3004.20 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2941.30 through 2941.90,
3003.20, or 3006.92.
A change to subheading 3004.31 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2937.12, 3003.31, 3003.39, or
A change to subheading 3004.32 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.39 or 3006.92, or from adrenal corticosteroid hormones classified in Chapter 29.
A change to subheading 3004.39 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.39 or 3006.92, or from hormones or derivatives thereof classified in Chapter 29.
A change to subheading 3004.40 from any other subheading, except from heading 1211, subheading 1302.11, 1302.19,
1302.20, 1302.39, 3003.40, or 3006.92, or alkaloids or derivatives thereof classified in Chapter 29.
A change to subheading 3004.50 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90 or 3006.92, or vitamins
classified in Chapter 29 or products classified in heading 2936.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Tariff shift and/or other requirements
3004.90 ....................
A change to subheading 3004.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90 or 3006.92, and provided
that the domestic content of the therapeutic or prophylactic component is no less than 40 percent by weight of the total
therapeutic or prophylactic content.
A change to subheading 3005.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3006.92 or 3825.30.
A change to subheading 3006.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 1212.20, 3006.92, 3825.30, or
from articles of catgut of heading 4206.
A change to subheading 3006.20 through 3006.60 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group, except from subheading 3006.92 or 3825.30.
A change to subheading 3006.70 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3006.92 or 3825.30, and provided
no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound.
A change to subheading 3006.91 from any other subheading, except from heading 3926.
A change to subheading 3006.92 from any other chapter.
3005.10 ....................
3006.10 ....................
3006.20–3006.60 .....
3006.70 ....................
3006.91 ....................
3006.92 ....................
3102.90 ....................
3103.10 ....................
3103.90 ....................
3104.20–3104.30 .....
3104.90 ....................
A change to calcium cyanamide of subheading 3102.90 from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 3102.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3102.90 from calcium cyanamide of subheading 3102.90 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading 3102.10 through 3102.80.
A change to subheading 3103.10 from any other subheading.
A change to basic slag of subheading 3103.90 from any other good of subheading 3103.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3103.90 from basic slag of subheading 3103.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3103.10.
A change to subheading 3104.20 through 3104.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to carnallite, sylvite or other crude natural potassium salts of subheading 3104.90 from any other good of subheading 3104.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3104.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3104.20
through 3104.30.
A change to pigments and preparations based on cadmium compounds of subheading 3206.49 from any other good of
subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to pigments and preparations based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and ferricyanides) from any other
good of subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3206.49 from pigments and preparations based on cadmium compounds or
hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and ferricyanides) of subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3206.20 through 3209.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3301.12–3301.90 .....
A change to oil of bergamot of subheading 3301.19 from any other good of subheading 3301.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of lime of subheading 3301.19 from any other good of subheading 3301.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.19 from oil of bergamot or of lime of subheading 3301.19 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to oil of geranium of subheading 3301.29 from any other good of subheading 3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of jasmin of subheading 3301.29 from any other good of subheading 3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of lavender or of lavandin of subheading 3301.29 from any other good of subheading 3301.29 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to oil of vetiver of subheading 3301.29 from any other good of subheading 3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.29 from oil of geranium, jasmine, lavender or lavandin, or of vetiver of
subheading 3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3301.12 through 3301.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3404.20 ....................
3404.90 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
3206.20–3209.90 .....
A change to subheading 3404.20 from any other subheading.
A change to artificial waxes and prepared waxes of chemically modified lignite of subheading 3404.90 from any other
good of subheading 3404.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3404.90 from artificial waxes and prepared waxes of chemically modified lignite of subheading 3404.90 or from any other subheading, except from heading 1521 or subheading 2712.20 or
3808.50 ....................
A change to insecticides from any other subheading, except from vegetable saps or extracts of pyrethrum or of the roots
of plants containing rotenone of subheading 1302.19 or from subheading 3808.91 or from any insecticide classified in
Chapter 28 or 29; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
3808.91 ....................
A change to fungicides from any other subheading, except from fungicides classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.92; or
A change to herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators from any other subheading, except from herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.93;
A change to a mixture of herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less
than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients; or
A change to disinfectants from any other subheading, except from subheading 3808.94; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3808.50 from any other good of subheading 3808.50 or from any other subheading, except from rodenticides and other pesticides classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.99; or
A change to a mixture of subheading 3808.50 from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or
more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients, except from subheading 3808.99.
A change to subheading 3808.91 from any other subheading, except from vegetable saps or extracts of pyrethrum or of
the roots of plants containing rotenone of subheading 1302.19 or from any insecticide classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or
subheading 3808.50.
A change to subheading 3808.92 from any other subheading, except from fungicides classified in Chapter 28 or 29, or
subheading 3808.50.
A change to subheading 3808.93 from any other subheading, except from herbicides, anti-sprouting products or plantgrowth regulators classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or subheading 3808.50; or
A change to a mixture of subheading 3808.93 from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or
more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients.
A change to subheading 3808.94 from any other subheading, except from disinfectants of subheading 3808.50.
A change to subheading 3808.99 from any other subheading, except from rodenticides or other pesticides classified in
Chapter 28 or 29; or
A change to a mixture of subheading 3808.99 from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or
more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients.
3808.92 ....................
3808.93 ....................
3808.94 ....................
3808.99 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
3824.71–3824.90 .....
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A change to subheading 3824.71 from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71
or from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound; or
A change to other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of
mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included of subheading 3824.71 from any other good of subheading 3824.71 or from any other subheading, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical
or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of
subheading 3824.73 through 3824.79, or 3824.90; or
A change to subheading 3824.72 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the
good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other mixtures containing
perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading 3824.73
through 3824.79; or
A change to other mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons of subheading 3824.73 from any other subheading, provided
that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or
compound, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those
consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, or 3824.74
through 3824.79, or 3824.90; or
A change to other mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading 3824.73 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight
of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other mixtures
containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading
3824.72, or 3824.74 through 3824.79; or
A change to other mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons of subheading 3824.74 from any other subheading, provided
that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or
compound, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those
consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, 3824.73, or
3824.75 through 3824.79, and except from subheading 3824.90; or
A change to other mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading 3824.74 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight
of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other mixtures
containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading
3824.72 through 3824.73 and subheading 3824.75 through 3824.79; or
A change to subheading 3824.75 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the
good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products
or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, 3824.73 through 3824.74, subheading 3824.76 through 3824.79,
or 3824.90; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to subheading 3824.76 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the
good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products
or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, 3824.73 through 3824.75, 3824.77 through 3824.79, or 3824.90;
A change to subheading 3824.77 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the
good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products
or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, 3824.73 through 3824.76, 3824.78 through 3824.79, or 3824.90;
A change to subheading 3824.78 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the
good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other mixtures containing
perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading 3824.72
through 3824.77 or 3824.79;
A change to mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons of subheading 3824.79 from any other subheading, provided that no
more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included of subheading 3824.71, 3824.73 through
3824.78, and except from subheading 3824.90; or
A change to other mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading 3824.79 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight
of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other mixtures
containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens of subheading
3824.72 through 3824.78;
A change to naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts or their esters of subheading 3824.90 from any other good of
subheading 3824.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3824.90 from naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts or their esters of
subheading 3824.90 or from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere
specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, or 3824.73 through 3824.79; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3824.71 through 3824.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is
attributable to one substance or compound.
3920.10–3921.90 .....
A change to other plates, sheets, film, foil or strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or
similarly combined with other materials of cellulose or its chemical derivatives, of vulcanized fiber, of subheading
3920.79 from any other good of subheading 3920.79 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3920.79 from plates, sheets, film, foil or strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not
reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials of cellulose or its chemical derivatives, of
vulcanized fiber, of subheading 3920.79 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 3920.10 through 3921.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
4203–4206 ...............
A change to articles of leather or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for
other technical uses of heading 4205 from any other good of heading 4205 or from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 4205 from articles of leather or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses of heading 4205 or from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 4203 through 4206 from any other heading, including another heading within that
4412 .........................
A change to heading 4412 from any other heading, except from plywood of subheading 4418.71 through 4418.79; or
A change to surface-covered plywood of heading 4412 from any other plywood that is not surface covered or is surfacecovered only with a clear or transparent material which does not obscure the grain, texture, or markings of the face
A change to plywood of subheading 4418.71 through 4418.79 from any other good of heading 4418 or from any other
heading, except from heading 4412; or
A change to any other good of subheading 4418.71 through 4418.79 from plywood of subheading 4418.71 through
4418.79 or from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 4413 through 4421 from any other heading, including another heading within that
4413–4421 ...............
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
4601.21–4601.99 .....
A change to subheading 4601.21 through 4601.29 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to subheading 4601.92 through 4601.94 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to subheading 4601.99 from any other subheading.
4823.61–4823.70 .....
A change to subheading 4823.61 through 4823.69 from any subheading outside that group; or
A change to any other good of subheading 4823.61 through 4823.70 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
4823.90 ....................
A change to floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size, from any other good of subheading 4823.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to self-adhesive paper, in strips or rolls, from any other good of subheading 4823.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to other gummed or adhesive paper, in strips or rolls, from any other good of subheading 4823.90 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to cards not punched and for punchcard machines from any other chapter; or
A change to any other good of subheading 4823.90 from floor covering on base paper or of paperboard, self-adhesive
paper, other gummed or adhesive paper, or from cards not punched and for punchcard machines of subheading
4823.90, or from any other subheading.
6812.91 ....................
6812.92–6812.93 .....
6812.99 ....................
change to subheading 6811.40 from any other heading.
change to subheading 6811.81 from any other heading.
change to subheading 6811.82 from any other heading.
change to subheading 6811.83 from any other heading.
change to subheading 6811.89 from any other heading.
change to clothing, clothing accessories, footwear or headgear of subheading 6812.80 or from any other good of subheading 6812.80 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 6812.91; or
change to paper, millboard or felt of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 6812.80, except from compressed asbestos fiber jointing of subheading 6812.80 or from subheading 6812.92
through 6812.93; or
change to compressed asbestos fiber jointing, in sheets or rolls, of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading or
from any other good of subheading 6812.80, except from paper, millboard or felt of subheading 6812.80 or from subheading 6812.92 through 6812.93; or
change to other fabricated asbestos fibers, mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate, or to articles
of such mixtures or of asbestos, whether or not reinforced, other than goods of heading 6811 or 6813 from any other
heading; or
change to yarn or thread of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading including from any other good of subheading 6812.80; or
change to cords or string, whether or not plaited, of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading or from any other
good of subheading 6812.80, except from yarn or thread of subheading 6812.80; or
change to woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.80 from any other subheading including from any other good of
subheading 6812.80.
change to subheading 6812.91 from any other subheading, except from other clothing, clothing accessories or headgear of subheading 6812.80.
change to subheading 6812.92 through 6812.93 from any subheading outside that group, except from subheading
change to subheading 6812.99 from any other heading; or
change to yarn or thread of subheading 6812.99 from any other subheading including from any other good of subheading 6812.99; or
change to cords or string, whether or not plaited of subheading 6812.99 from any other subheading or from any other
good of subheading 6812.99, except from yarn or thread of subheading 6812.99; or
change to woven or knitted fabric of subheading 6812.99 from any other subheading including from any other good of
subheading 6812.99.
A change to heading 7013 through 7018 from any other heading, including another heading within that group; or
A change from uncut and unpolished glassware blanks classified in heading 7013 to cut and polished glassware classified in heading 7013, provided that there has been a substantial amount of both cutting and polishing operations in a
single country.
7020 .........................
A change to glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels of heading 7020 from any other good of heading
7020 or from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 7020 from any other heading, except from heading 7010 through 7018.
7321.11–7321.89 .....
A change to subheading 7321.11 through 7321.89 from any other heading; or
A change to subheading 7321.11 through 7321.89 from subheading 7321.90, except when that change is pursuant to
General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
7411–7418 ...............
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
7013–7018 ...............
A change to cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes, non-electric and parts thereof, of copper, of subheading 7418.19 from any other good of subheading 7418.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 7418.19 from cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes, non-electric and parts thereof, of copper, of subheading 7418.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of heading 7411 through 7418 from any other heading, including another heading within that
A change to cloth, grill or netting of copper wire or to expanded metal of copper of subheading 7419.99 from any other
good of subheading 7419.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 7419.99 from cloth, grill or netting of copper wire or expanded metal of copper of subheading 7419.99; or
7419.10–7419.99 .....
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to copper springs of subheading 7419.99 from any other good of subheading 7419.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 7419.99 from copper springs of subheading 7419.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 7419.10 through 7419.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
7801–7802 ...............
A change to heading 7801 through 7802 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
7806 .........................
A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 7806 from materials also classified in heading 7806: tubes
except from pipes; pipes except from tubes; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes or pipes; cables/stranded wire/plaited bands; or
A change to lead bars, rods, profiles, or wire of heading 7806 from any other good of heading 7806 or from any other
heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 7806 from lead bars, rods, profiles, or wire of heading 7806 or from any other
A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 7901 through 7905, including from materials also classified
in heading 7901 through 7905: Matte; unwrought; powder, except from flakes; flakes except from powder; bars except
from rods or profiles; rods except from bars or profiles; profiles except from rods or bars; wire except from rod; plates
except from sheets or strip; sheets except from plate or strip; strip except from sheets or plate; foil except from sheet
or strip; or
A change to any other good of heading 7901 through 7905 from any other heading, including another heading within that
A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 7907 from materials also classified in heading 7907: tubes
except from pipes; pipes except from tubes; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes or pipes; or
A change to tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings of heading 7907 from any other good of heading 7907; or
A change to any other good of heading 7907 from tubes, pipes or tube or pipe fittings of heading 7907 or from any other
7901–7905 ...............
7907 .........................
8002–8003 ...............
8007 .........................
8101.10–8101.94 .....
8101.96 ....................
8101.99 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
8103.20–8113.00 .....
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A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 8002 through 8003, from materials also classified in heading
8002 through 8003: Bars except from rods or profiles; rods except from bars or profiles; profiles except from rods or
bars; wire except from rod; or
A change to heading 8002 through 8003 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 8007 from other materials also classified in heading 8007:
Tubes except from pipes; pipes except from tubes; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes or pipes; cables/stranded
wire/ plaited bands; plates except from sheets or strip; sheets except from plate or strip; strip except from sheet or
plate; or
A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 8007 from other materials also classified in heading 8007:
foil from powder or flakes; powder from foil; flakes from foil; or
A change to foil, powder or flakes from any other good of heading 8007 or from any other heading; or
A change to plates, sheet or strip from any other good of heading 8007 or from any other heading; or
A change to any other good of heading 8007 from plates, sheet, strip, foil, powder or flakes of heading 8007 or from any
other heading.
A change to subheading 8101.10 through 8101.94 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group; or
A change to any of the following goods classified in subheading 8101.10 through 8101.94 from materials also classified
in subheading 8101.10 through 8101.94: Matte; unwrought.
A change to subheading 8101.96 from any other subheading, except from bars and rods, other than those obtained by
simple sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip or foil of subheading 8101.99.
A change to any of the following goods classified in subheading 8101.99, including from materials also classified in subheading 8101.99: Tubes except from pipes; pipes except from tube; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes or pipes;
cables/stranded wire/ plaited bands; bars, other than those obtained simply by sintering, except from rods, other than
those obtained simply by sintering, or profiles; rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, except from bars,
other than those obtained simply by sintering, or profiles; profiles except from rods or bars, other than those obtained
simply by sintering; plates except from sheets or strip; sheets except from plate or strip; strip except from sheets or
plate; foil except from sheet or strip; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8101.99 from bars or rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheet, strip or foil or from any other subheading.
A change to germanium of subheading 8112.92 through 8112.99 from any other good of subheading 8112.92 through
8112.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to vanadium of subheading 8112.92 through 8112.99 from any other good of subheading 8112.92 through
8112.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8112.92 through 8112.99 from germanium or vanadium of subheading
8112.92 through 8112.99 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any of the following goods classified in subheading 8103.20 through 8113.00, including from materials also
classified in subheading 8103.20 through 8113.00: Matte; unwrought; powder except from flakes; flakes except from
powder; bars except from rods or profiles; rods except from bars or profiles; profiles except from rods or bars; wire except from rod; plates except from sheets or strip; sheets except from plate or strip; strip except from sheets or plate;
foil except from sheet or strip; tubes except from pipes; pipes except from tubes; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes
or pipes; cables/stranded wire/plaited bands; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to any other good of subheading 8103.20 through 8113.00 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8418.10–8418.91 .....
A change to absorption-type electrical refrigerators of subheading 8418.29 from any other good of subheading 8418.29
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8418.29 from absorption-type electrical refrigerators of subheading 8418.29
or from any other subheading; or
A change to heat pumps of subheading 8418.61 from any other subheading, except from compression type units whose
condensers are heat exchangers of subheading 8418.69; or
A change to compression type units of subheading 8418.69 from any other subheading, except from heat pumps of subheading 8418.61 or from any other good of subheading 8418.69; or
A change to other refrigerating or freezing equipment of subheading 8418.69 from any other subheading, except from
heat pumps of subheading 8418.61; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8418.69 from compression type units of subheading 8418.69 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8418.10 through 8418.91 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8425.11–8430.69 .....
A change to pit-head winding gears or to winches specially designed for use underground of subheading 8425.31
through 8425.39 from any other good of subheading 8425.31 through 8425.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8425.31 through 8425.39 from pit-head winding gears or to winches specially
designed for use underground of subheading 8425.31 through 8425.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to mine wagon pushers, locomotive or wagon traversers, wagon tippers and similar railway wagon handling
equipment of subheading 8428.90 from any other good of subheading 8428.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8428.90 from mine wagon pushers, locomotive or wagon traversers, wagon
tippers and similar railway wagon handling equipment of subheading 8428.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8425.11 through 8430.69 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8442.30 ....................
A change to subheading 8442.30 from any other subheading.
8443.11–8443.39 .....
A change to printing machinery of subheading 8443.11 through 8443.19 from any other subheading outside that group,
except from machines for uses ancillary to printing of subheading 8443.91; or
A change to printer units of ADP machines of subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32 from any other good of subheading
8443.31 through 8443.32 or from any other subheading, except from parts and accessories suitable for use solely or
principally with the machines of subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32 of subheading 8443.99 when that change is the
result of simple assembly, or from subheading 8504.90 or heading 8473, when that change is the result of simple assembly, and except from other units of ADP machines of subheading 8517.62 through 8517.69 or heading 8528, or
from subheading 8471.60 through 8472.90; or
A change to facsimile machines of subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32 from any other good of subheading 8443.31
through 8443.32 or from any other subheading, except from teleprinters of subheading 8443.32, or from subheading
8443.99 or 8517.70 when the change is the result of a simple assembly, or from subheading 8517.11 through 8517.69;
A change to teleprinters of subheading 8443.32 from any other good of subheading 8443.32 or from any other subheading, except from facsimile machines of subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32, and except from subheading
8443.99 or 8517.70 when the change is the result of a simple assembly , or from subheading 8517.11 through
8517.69; or
A change to printing machines of subheading 8443.39 from any other subheading, except from subheading 8443.11
through 8443.39, or from machines for uses ancillary to printing of subheading 8443.91; or
A change to electrostatic photocopying apparatus of subheading 8443.39 from any other good of subheading 8443.39 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to other photocopying apparatus of subheading 8443.39 from any other good of subheading 8443.39 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to thermo-copying apparatus of subheading 8443.39 from any other good of subheading 8443.39 or from any
other subheading.
A change to machines for uses ancillary to printing from any other good of subheading 8443.91 or from any other subheading, except subheading 8443.11 through 8443.19; or
A change to any other good from any other heading, except from heading 8501 when resulting from a simple assembly.
A change to accessory or auxiliary machines which are intended for attachment to an electrostatic photocopier and which
do not operate independently of such photocopier from any other good of subheading 8443.99, provided that change is
not the result of a simple assembly, or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32,
8471.60 through 8472.90, 8504.90 or from heading 8473 or from other units of ADP machines of subheading 8517.62
through 8517.69 or heading 8528 when that change is the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to parts or accessories of printers of subheading 8443.31 or 8443.32 from any other heading except from
heading 8414, 8501, 8504, 8534, 8541, or 8542 when resulting from a simple assembly, or from heading 8473 or subheading 8517.70; or
A change to parts of facsimile machines from any other good of subheading 8443.99 or from any other subheading, except from parts for teleprinters, including teletypewriters, of subheading 8443.99 or from heading 8517; or
A change to parts for teleprinters, including teletypewriters, from any other good of subheading 8443.99 or any other subheading, except from parts of facsimile machines of subheading 8443.99 or from heading 8517; or
8443.91 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
8443.99 ....................
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to parts or accessories of photocopying apparatus incorporating an optical system or of the contact type or to
thermocopying apparatus from any other good of subheading 8443.99 or from any other subheading.
8456.10–8456.90 .....
A change to subheading 8456.10 through 8456.90 from any other heading, except from machine-tools for dry-etching
patterns on semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20.
8469.00 ....................
A change to word-processing machines of heading 8469 from any other good of heading 8469 or from any other subheading, except from automatic typewriters of heading 8469; or
A change to automatic typewriters of heading 8469 from any other good of heading 8469 or from any other subheading,
except from word-processing machines of heading 8469; or
A change to other electric typewriters of heading 8469 from any other good of heading 8469 or from any other subheading, except from other non-electric typewriters of heading 8469; or
A change to other non-electric typewriters of heading 8469 from any other good of heading 8469 or from any other subheading, except from other electric typewriters of heading 8469.
A change to accounting machines of subheading 8470.90 from any other good of subheading 8470.90, provided that the
change is not the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8470.90 from accounting machines of subheading 8470.90, provided that the
change is not the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to analog or hybrid automatic data processing machines of subheading 8471.30 through 8471.50 from any
other good of subheading 8471.30 through 8471.50, provided that the change is not the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8471.30 through 8471.50 from analog or hybrid automatic data processing
machines of subheading 8471.30 through 8471.50, provided that the change is not the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to subheading 8470.10 through 8471.50 from any subheading within that group or from heading 8473, provided that the change is not the result of a simple assembly; or
A change to subheading 8470.10 through 8471.50 from any other subheading outside that group, except from heading
A change to addressing machines or address plate embossing machines of subheading 8472.90 from any other good of
subheading 8472.90, provided that the change is not the result of simple assembly; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8472.90 from addressing machines and address plate embossing machines
of subheading 8472.90, provided that the change is not the result of simple assembly; or
A change to subheading 8471.60 through 8472.90 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 8504.40 or from heading 8473; or
A change to subheading 8471.60 through 8472.90 from any other subheading within that group or from subheading
8504.90 or from heading 8473, provided that the change is not the result of simple assembly.
8470.10–8471.50 .....
8471.60–8472.90 .....
A change to subheading 8479.10 through 8479.89 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group, except from subheading 8486.10 through 8486.40.
8486.10–8486.40 .....
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
8479.10–8479.89 .....
A change to other machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by electro-chemical, electron beam,
ionic-beam or plasma arc process of subheading 8486.10 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 or from any
other subheading, except from other machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc process of subheading 8486.40, or from subheading 8456.90; or
A change to sawing machines of subheading 8486.10 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading 8464.10; or
A change to steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines of subheading 8486.20 from any other
good of subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from steam or sand blasting machines and similar
jet projecting machines of subheading 8424.30 or 8486.40; or
A change to ion implanters designed for doping semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20 from any other good of
subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from ion implanters designed for doping semiconductor materials of subheading 8543.10; or
A change to other machine tools for dry-etching patterns on semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20 from any
other good of subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from heading 8456; or
A change to direct write-on-wafer apparatus of subheading 8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.20 or from
any other subheading, except from step or repeat aligners or other apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit
patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20 or from subheading 9010.50; or
A change to step aligners of subheading 8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from direct write-on-wafer apparatus, repeat aligners, or other apparatus for the projection or drawing
of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20 or from subheading 9010.50; or
A change to repeat aligners of subheading 8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from direct write-on-wafer apparatus, step aligners, or other apparatus for the projection or drawing of
circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20 or from subheading 9010.50; or
A change to other apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of
subheading 8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from direct
write-on-wafer apparatus, step or repeat aligners of subheading 8486.20 or from subheading 9010.50; or
A change to centrifuges of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 through
8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8421.19; or
A change to machine tools operated by laser or other light or photon beam process of subheading 8486.10 through
8486.20 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8456.10; or
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8486.90 ....................
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A change to grinding or polishing machines of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20 from any other good of subheading
8486.10 through 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8464.20; or
A change to other electrical machines or apparatus, having individual functions, of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20
from any other good of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from other electrical machines or apparatus of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20, 8486.90, 8543.70, 8542.31 through 8542.39,
and except from proximity cards or tags of subheading 8523.52; or
A change to other furnaces or ovens of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20 from any other good of subheading
8486.10 through 8486.20 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8514.30; or
A change to other machine-tools for working stone, ceramics or like mineral materials or for cold working glass of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.30 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.30 or from any other subheading, except from other machine-tools for working stone, ceramics or like mineral materials or for cold working
glass of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.30, or from subheading 8464.90; or
A change to other mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders of subheading 8486.10
through 8486.30 from any other good of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.30 or from any other subheading, except
from subheading 8424.89; or
A change to steam or sand blasting machines or similar jet projecting machines of subheading 8486.40 from any other
good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from steam or sand blasting machines and similar
jet projecting machines of subheading 8424.30 or 8486.20; or
A change to pneumatic elevators or conveyors of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or
from other subheading, except from subheading 8428.20; or
A change to other belt type continuous-action elevators or conveyors for goods or materials of subheading 8486.40 from
any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8428.33; or
A change to other continuous-action elevators or conveyors for goods or materials of subheading 8486.40 from any other
good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8428.39; or
A change to other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8428.90; or
A change to other machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by electro-chemical, electron beam,
ionic-beam or plasma arc process of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any
other subheading, except from other machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc process of subheading 8486.10, or from subheading 8456.90; or
A change to numerically controlled bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines of subheading 8486.40 from any
other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8462.21; or
A change to other bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of
subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8462.29; or
A change to other machines for working hard materials of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading
8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8465.99; or
A change to injection-molding machines of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any
other subheading except from subheading 8477.10; or
A change to vacuum molding machines or other thermoforming machines of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of
subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8477.40; or
A change to other machinery for molding or otherwise forming of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8477.59; or
A change to parts of welding machines or of electric machines and apparatus for hot spraying of metals or cermets of
subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8515.90; or
A change to pattern generating apparatus designed to produce masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates of
subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 9017.20; or
A change to die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders or wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading
8515.11 through 8515.80; or
A change to deflash machines for cleaning and removing contaminants from the metal leads of semiconductor packages
prior to the electroplating process (deflash by chemical bath) of subheading 8486.40 from any other good of subheading 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8465.99; or
A change to other machines or mechanical appliances of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.40 from any other good of
subheading 8486.10 through 8486.40 or from any other subheading, except from other machines or mechanical appliances of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.40, 8479.89, 8508.11 through 8508.19 or 8508.60.
A change to parts or accessories of drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments or to instruments for
measuring length, for use in the hand, of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90 or from any
other subheading, except from heading 9017; or
A change to parts or accessories of apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials or of other apparatus or equipment for photographic laboratories or negatoscopes of subheading
8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90 or from any other subheading, except from heading 9010; or
A change to parts of electrical machines or apparatus, having individual functions, of subheading 8486.90 from any other
good of subheading 8486.90 or from any other subheading, except from heading 8543; or
A change to parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of
subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90 or from any other subheading, except from other
parts of machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials of subheading 8486.90, or from subheading 8477.90, and except from heading 8501 when resulting from a simple assembly;
A change to tool holders or to self-opening dieheads of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90
or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, work holders, dividing heads or other
special attachments of subheading 8486.90, and except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to work holders of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90, except from tool holders,
dividing heads or other special attachments of subheading 8486.90, or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to dividing heads or to other special attachments for machine tools of subheading 8486.90 from any other
good of subheading 8486.90, except from tool holders or work holders of subheading 8486.90, or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple
assembly; or
A change to parts or accessories for machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like minerals or for cold working glass of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90, except from parts
or accessories of:
• Machine-tools for working any material by the removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,
electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes, or
• Machine-tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, or for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing
products, or
• Machine-tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cuttingoff, or for working by removing metal or cermets, or
• Machine-tools for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening sheathing, punching or notching (including presses), or
• Machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing material, or
• Machine-tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (including machines
for nailing, stapling, gluing or otherwise assembling), or
• Machine-tools for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping (including presses), or
• Machining centers, unit construction machines (single station) or multi-station transfer machines for working metal, or
• Lathes (including turning centers), for removing metal, or
• Presses for metal or working metal carbides,
of subheading 8486.90, or a change from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and
except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to parts or accessories of machine tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, gluing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials of subheading 8486.90 from
any other good of subheading 8486.90, except from parts or accessories of:
• Machine-tools for working any material by the removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,
electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes, or
• Machine-tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, or
• Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets
by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products, or
• Machine-tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cuttingoff, or for working by removing metal or cermets, or
• Machine-tools for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping (including presses), or
• Machine-tools for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening sheathing, punching or notching (including presses), or
• Machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing material, or
• Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like minerals or for cold working glass, or
• Machining centers, unit construction machines (single station) or multi-station transfer machines for working metal, or
• Lathes (including turning centers), for removing metal, or of presses for working metal or metal carbides,
of subheading 8486.90, or a change from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and
except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to parts or accessories of machine-tools for working any material by the removal of material, by laser or other
light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes, or for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, or for deburring, sharpening, grinding,
honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing
products, or for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cutting-off, or
for working by removing metal or cermets, or to parts and accessories of machining centers, unit construction machines (single station) or multi-station transfer machines for working metal, or of lathes (including turning centers), for
removing metal, of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90 except from parts or accessories
• Machine-tools for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping, or
• Machine-tools for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening sheathing, punching or notching (including presses), or
• Machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing material, or
• Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like minerals or for cold working glass, or
for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (including machines for nailing, stapling, gluing or otherwise assembling), or
• Presses for working metal or metal carbides,
of subheading 8486.90, or a change from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and
except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to parts or accessories of machine tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or diestamping, or for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening sheathing, punching or notching (including
presses), or for working metal or cermets, without removing material or to parts or accessories of presses for working
metal carbide of subheading 8486.90 from any other good of subheading 8486.90, except from parts or accessories of:
• Machine-tools for working any material by the removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,
electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes, or
• Machine-tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, or
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8487 .........................
• Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets
by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products, or
• Machine-tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cuttingoff, or
• Machine-tools for working by removing metal or cermets, or
• Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like minerals or for cold working glass, or
• Machine-tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (including machines
for nailing, stapling, gluing or otherwise assembling), or
• Machining centers, unit construction machines (single station) or multi-station transfer machines for working metal, or
• Lathes (including turning centers), for removing metal,
of subheading 8486.90, or a change from any other subheading, except from subheading 8466.10 through 8466.94, and
except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to parts suitable for use solely or principally with lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery from any
other good of subheading 8486.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8431.39 and except from
heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly.
A change to heading 8487 from any other heading.
8505.11–8505.20 .....
8505.90 ....................
8508.11–8508.60 .....
8508.70 ....................
8509.40–8509.80 .....
8517.11–8517.69 .....
8517.70 ....................
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8519.20–8519.30 .....
8519.50 ....................
8519.81 ....................
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A change to subheading 8505.11 through 8505.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to electro-magnetic lifting heads of subheading 8505.90 from any other subheading or from any other good of
subheading 8505.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8505.90 from any other heading.
A change to subheading 8508.11 through 8508.60 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to subheading 8508.70 from any other heading, except from heading 8501 when resulting from simple assembly.
A change to floor polishers or to kitchen waste disposers of subheading 8509.80 from any other good of subheading
8509.80 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8509.80 from floor polishers or from kitchen waste disposers of subheading
8509.80 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8509.40 through 8509.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
A change to subheading 8517.12 from any other subheading, except from other transceivers, other transmission apparatus or other transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy of subheading 8517.61 through 8517.69, or 8525.50 through 8525.60; or
A change to other transmission apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy or to other transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy of subheading 8517.61 through 8517.69 from any
other good of subheading 8517.61 through 8517.69 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8517.12,
other transmission apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy or from other transmission apparatus incorporating
reception apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy of subheading 8517.61 through 8517.69, or 8525.50 through
8525.60; or
A change to other units of automatic data processing machines of subheading 8517.62 through 8517.69 from any other
good of subheading 8517.62 through 8517.69 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8504.90 or from
heading 8473 or subheading 8517.70 when the change is the result of simple assembly; or
A change to reception apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy of subheading 8517.69 from any other good of
subheading 8517.69 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8527.99, or
A change to any other good of subheading 8517.11 through 8517.69 from any other subheading outside that group, except from facsimile machines or teleprinters of subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32, and except from subheading
8443.99 or 8517.70 when that change is the result of simple assembly.
A change to parts or accessories of the machines of heading 8471 not incorporating a cathode ray tube from any other
good of heading subheading 8517.70 or from any other subheading, except from heading 8414, 8501, 8504, 8534,
8541, or 8542 when resulting from a simple assembly, and except from heading 8473 or subheading 8443.99; or
A change to antennas or antenna reflectors of a kind suitable for use with apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy or to other parts suitable for use solely or principally with apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy
from any other good of subheading 8517.70 or from any other subheading, except from heading 8529; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8517.70 from parts or accessories of the machines of heading 8471 not incorporating a cathode ray tube, or from antennas or antenna reflectors of a kind suitable for use with apparatus for
radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, or from other parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus for
radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy of subheading 8517.70, or from any other heading.
A change to coin-or disc-operated record-players of subheading 8519.20 from any other subheading or from any other
good of subheading 8519.20; or
A change to turntables (record-decks) of subheading 8519.30 from any other subheading or from other turntables of subheading 8519.30; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8519.20 through 8519.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
A change to subheading 8519.50 from any other subheading.
A change to transcribing machines from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 8519.81; or
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8519.89 ....................
8523 .........................
8525.50–8525.60 .....
8525.80 ....................
8527.19–8527.99 .....
8528.41 ....................
8528.49 ....................
8528.51 ....................
8528.59 ....................
8528.61 ....................
8528.69–8528.73 .....
A change to pocket-size cassette-players from any other subheading or from any other goods of subheading 8519.81,
except from other cassette-type sound reproducing apparatus; or
A change to other cassette-type sound reproducing apparatus from any other subheading or from any other goods of
subheading 8519.81, except from pocket-size cassette players; or
A change to digital audio type magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 8519.81, except from other cassette-type magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus of subheading 8519.81; or
A change to other cassette-type magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 8519.81, except from digital audio type magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus of subheading 8519.81; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8519.81 from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading
A change to other sound reproducing apparatus from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading
8519.89, except from other sound reproducing apparatus of subheading 8519.89; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8519.89 from any other good of subheading 8519.89 or from any other subheading.
A change to cards incorporating an electronic integrated circuit (‘‘smart’’ cards) of subheading 8523.52 from any other
subheading; or
A change to proximity tags of subheading 8523.52 from any other subheading or from any other good of heading 8523,
except from subheading 8543.70; or
A change to prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording or other phenomena, other than products of chapter 37, from records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena,
excluding products of chapter 37, or from any other heading; or
A change to records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomenon, excluding products of chapter 37, from prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recoding or other phenomena, other
than products of chapter 37.
A change to subheading 8525.50 through 8525.60 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 8517.12, and 8517.61 through 8517.69.
A change to subheading 8525.80 from any other subheading or from any other good of subheading 8525.80, except a
change to video camera recorders from television cameras.
A change to other radio broadcast receivers of subheading 8527.99 from any other good of subheading 8527.99 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8527.99 from radio broadcast receivers of subheading 8527.99 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8527.19 through 8527.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
A change to display units from any other subheading, except from subheading 8471.60 or 8504.40, or from heading 8473
when the change is the result of a simple assembly.
A change to color video monitors from any other good of subheading 8528.49 or from any other subheading, except from
subheading 8540.11 through 8540.12; or
A change to black and white or other monochrome video monitors from any other good of subheading 8528.49 or from
any other subheading, except from subheading 8540.11 through 8540.12.
A change to display units from any other subheading, except from subheading 8471.60 or 8504.40, or from heading 8473
when the change is the result of a simple assembly.
A change to color video monitors from any other good of subheading 8528.59 or from any other subheading, except from
subheading 8540.11 through 8540.12; or
A change to black and white or other monochrome video monitors from any other good of subheading 8528.59 or from
any other subheading, except from subheading 8540.11 through 8540.12.
A change to display units from any other subheading, except from subheading 8471.60 or 8504.40, or from heading 8473
when the change is the result of a simple assembly.
A change to subheading 8528.69 through 8528.73 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group, except from subheading 8540.11 through 8540.12.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
8536.10–8536.90 .....
A change to other articles of plastics of subheading 8536.70 from any other good of subheading 8536.70 or from any
other subheading, except from heading 3926; or
A change to ceramic ferrules, not exceeding 3 mm in diameter or 25 mm in length, having a fiber channel opening and/or
ceramic mating sleeves of subheading 8536.70 from any other subheading, except from heading 6901 through 6914;
A change to any other good of subheading 8536.10 through 8536.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8541–8542 ...............
A change to multichips of subheading 8542.31 through 8542.39 from any other good of subheading 8542.31 through
8542.39 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8523.52 or 8543.70; or
A change to a mounted chip, die or wafer classified in heading 8541 or 8542 from an unmounted chip, die, or wafer classified in heading 8541 or 8542; or
A change to a programmed ‘‘read only memory’’ (ROM) chip from an unprogrammed ‘‘programmable read only memory’’
(PROM) chip; or
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
8543.10 ....................
A change to any other good of heading 8541 through 8542 from any other subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
A change to subheading 8543.10 from any other subheading, except from ion implanters designed for doping semiconductor material of subheading 8486.20.
8543.70 ....................
8543.90 ....................
8544.11–8544.70 .....
8708.29 ....................
8708.30 ....................
8708.40 ....................
8708.50 ....................
8708.80 ....................
8708.91 ....................
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8708.92 ....................
8708.94 ....................
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A change to subheading 8543.70 from any other subheading, except from proximity cards or tags of subheading 8523.52
and except from other machines or apparatus of subheading 8486.10 through 8486.20.
A change to subheading 8543.90 from any other heading, except from parts of subheading 8486.90.
A change to subheading 8544.42 from any other good of subheading 8544.42, except when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to subheading 8544.49 from any other good of subheading 8544.49, except when resulting from simple assembly; or
A change to subheading 8544.11 through 8544.70 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
group, except when resulting from simple assembly.
A change to subheading 8708.29 from any other subheading, except from subheading 8708.95.
A change to mounted brake linings and pads from any other heading, except from brake linings and pads of subheading
6813.20 or 6813.81; or
A change to other brakes or servo-brakes or parts thereof from any other heading.
A change to parts for power trains of subheading 8708.40 from any other good of subheading 8708.40 or from any other
subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.50, 8708.80 through 8078.92, or
8708.94 through 8708.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.40 from parts for power trains of subheading 8708.40, except when the
change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a), or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.50, 8708.80 through 8078.92, or 8708.94 through 8708.99, when the change
is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
A change to non-driving axles or parts thereof from any other good of subheading 8708.50 or from any other subheading; or
A change to half-shafts or drive shafts or to other parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, half-shafts or drive shafts
or other parts of tractors (except road tractors), cast-iron parts, half-shafts or drive shafts, or to other parts for power
trains from any other good of subheading 8708.50 or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of
the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.80 through 8708.92, or 8708.94 through 8708.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.50 from half-shafts or drive shafts or other parts of tractors suitable for
agricultural use, half-shafts or drive shafts or other parts of tractors (except road tractors), cast-iron parts, half-shafts or
drive shafts or from other parts for power trains of subheading 8708.50, except when the change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a), or from non-driving axles and parts thereof of subheading 8708.50, or from any other
subheading, except from parts or accessories of subheading 8708.40, 8708.80 through 8708.92, or 8708.94 through
8708.99, when the change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
A change to parts for suspension systems for tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts for suspension systems for other
tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast iron, or to other parts for suspension systems from any other good of subheading 8708.80 or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40,
8708.50, 8708.91, 8708.92, or 8708.94 through 8708.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.80 from parts for suspension systems for tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts for suspension systems for other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast iron, or from other parts
for suspension systems, except when the change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a), or from any other
subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.91, 8708.92, or
8708.94 through 8708.99, when the change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
A change to parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast-iron
or to parts or accessories from any other good of subheading 8708.91 or from any other subheading, except from
other parts or accessories of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.92, or 8708.94 through 8708.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.91 from parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast-iron or from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.91, when
that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a), or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.92, or 8708.94 through 8708.99, when the
change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
A change to parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast-iron
or to other parts or accessories from any other good of subheading 8708.92 or from any other subheading, except
from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.91, or 8708.94 through
8708.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.92 from parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast-iron or from other parts or accessories of subheading 8708.92 or from any
other subheading.
A change to parts for steering systems of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts for steering systems of other tractors
(except road tractors), parts of cast-iron or to other parts for steering systems from any other good of subheading
8708.94 or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40,
8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.91, 8708.92, or 8708.95 through 8708.99; or
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Tariff shift and/or other requirements
A change to any other good of subheading 8708.94 from parts for steering systems of tractors suitable for agricultural
use, parts for steering systems of other tractors (except road tractors), parts of cast-iron or from other parts for steering
systems of subheading 8708.94, except when the change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a), or from
any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80,
8708.91, 8708.92, or 8708.95 through 8708.99, when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
8708.95 ....................
8708.99 ....................
A change to inflators or modules for airbags from any other good of subheading 8708.95 or from any other subheading,
except from subheading 8708.29; or
A change to airbags or to other parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, airbags or to other parts of other tractors
(except road tractors), other airbags, or to other parts or accessories from inflators or modules for airbags of subheading 8708.95 or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40,
8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.91, 8708.92, 8708.94, or 8708.99.
A change to subheading 8708.99 from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.91, 8708.92, 8708.94, or 8708.95.
9006.10–9006.69 .....
A change to cameras of a kind used for recording documents on microfilm, microfiche or other microforms of subheading
9006.52 through 9006.59 from any other good of subheading 9006.52 through 9006.59 or from any other subheading;
A change to any other good of subheading 9006.52 through 9006.59 from cameras of a kind used for recording documents on microfilm, microfiche or other microforms of subheading 9006.52 through 9006.59 or from any other subheading; or
A change to flashbulbs, flashcubes or the like of subheading 9006.69 from any other good of subheading 9006.69 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 9006.10 through 9006.69 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
9010.50 ....................
A change to subheading 9010.50 from any other subheading, except from apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20.
9010.90 ....................
A change to subheading 9010.90 from any other heading, except from parts of apparatus for the projection or drawing of
circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.90.
9027.10–9027.90 .....
A change to exposure meters of subheading 9027.50 from any other good of subheading 9027.50 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 9027.50 from exposure meters of subheading 9027.50; or
A change to any other good of subheading 9027.10 through 9027.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
9030.10 ....................
9030.20 ....................
A change to subheading 9030.10 from any other subheading.
A change to cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 or from any other subheading; or
A change to non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 from cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 9030.32,
9030.82, 9030.84, 9030.89, or 9030.90.
A change to subheading 9030.31 from any other subheading.
A change to subheading 9030.32 from any other subheading, except from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or
oscillographs of subheading 9030.20, or from subheading 9030.82 or 9030.84.
A change to subheading 9030.33 from any other subheading, except from subheading 9030.39.
A change to subheading 9030.39 from any other subheading, except from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or
oscillographs of subheading 9030.20, or from subheading 9030.32, 9030.82, or 9030.84.
A change to subheading 9030.40 from any other subheading.
A change to subheading 9030.82 through 9030.84 from any other subheading outside that group, except from other instruments or apparatus with a recording device of subheading 9030.20, 9030.32 or 9030.39.
A change to subheading 9030.89 from any other subheading, except from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or
oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 or from subheading 9030.90.
A change to subheading 9030.90 from any other subheading, except from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or
oscillographs of subheading 9030.20 or from subheading 9030.89.
A change to subheading 9031.10 through 9031.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that
A change to profile projectors of subheading 9031.49 from any other good of subheading 9030.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading 9031.49 from a profile projector of subheading 9031.49 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading 9031.41; or
A change to any other good of subheading 9030.41 through 9030.49 from any other subheading outside that group.
9030.31 ....................
9030.32 ....................
9030.33 ....................
9030.39 ....................
9030.40 ....................
9030.82–9030.84 .....
9030.89 ....................
9030.90 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
9031.10–9031.20 .....
9031.41–9031.49 .....
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Tariff shift and/or other requirements
9201–9208 ...............
A change to keyboard pipe organs, harmoniums or other similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds of subheading 9205.90 from any other good of subheading 9205.90 or from any other subheading, except from heading 9209
when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a); or
A change to accordions and similar instruments, or mouth organs of subheading 9205.90 from any other good of subheading 9205.90 or from any other subheading, except from heading 9209 when that change is pursuant to General
Rule of Interpretation 2(a); or
A change to any other good of subheading 9205.90 from keyboard pipe organs, harmoniums and other similar keyboard
instruments with free metal reeds, accordions and similar instruments, or mouth organs of subheading 9205.90 or from
any other subheading, except from heading 9209 when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a);
A change to any other good of heading 9201 through 9208 from any other heading, including another heading within that
group, except from heading 9209 when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
9401.10–9401.80 .....
A change to subheading 9401.51 through 9401.59 from any subheading outside that group, except from subheading
9401.10 through 9401.80, subheading 9403.10 through 9403.89, and except from subheading 9401.90 or 9403.90
when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a); or
A change to subheading 9401.10 through 9401.80 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 9403.10 through 9403.89, and except from subheading 9401.90 or 9403.90, when that change is pursuant to
General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
9402 .........................
A change to heading 9402 from any other heading, except from heading 9401.10 through 9401.80 or subheading
9403.10 through 9403.89, and except from subheading 9401.90 or 9403.90 when that change is pursuant to General
Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
A change to subheading 9403.10 through 9403.89 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 9401.10 through 9403.89, and except from subheading 9401.90 or 9403.90, when that change is pursuant to
General Rule of Interpretation 2(a).
9403.10–9403.89 .....
A change to wheeled toys designed to ridden by children or to dolls’ carriages or dolls’ strollers, parts or accessories
thereof from any other chapter, except from heading 8714 when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a); or
A change to dolls, whether or not dressed, from any other subheading or from any other good of heading 9503, except
from skins for stuffed dolls of heading 9503; or
A change to parts or accessories of dolls representing only human beings from any other heading or from any other
good of heading 9503, except from toys representing animals or non-human creatures of heading 9503; or
A change to electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories or parts thereof from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or
A change to reduced-size (‘‘scale’’) model assembly kits, (excluding electric trains) or to parts or accessories thereof,
from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or
A change to other construction sets and constructional toys or to parts or accessories thereof from any other good of
heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or
A change to toys representing animals or non-human creatures or to parts or accessories thereof from wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children, dolls’ carriages, or dolls representing only human beings of heading 9503 or from any
other heading; or
A change to toys representing animals or non-human creatures from parts or accessories of toys representing animals or
non-human creatures of heading 9503; or
A change to parts or accessories of toys representing animals or non-human creatures from wheeled toys designed to be
ridden by children, dolls’ carriages, or dolls’ strollers of heading 9503 or from any other heading, except from heading
6111 or 6209; or
A change to toy musical instruments and apparatus from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading;
A change to puzzles from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or
A change to other toys, put up in sets or outfits, or to other toys and models, incorporating a motor, or to other toys from
any other chapter.
9507.90 ....................
A change to subheading 9507.90 from any other subheading, except from heading 5004 through 5006, 5404, 5406, or
5603, or from subheading 5402.11 through 5402.49.
9614.00 ....................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
9503 .........................
A change to pipes or pipe bowls from any other subheading, except to roughly shaped blocks of wood or root from heading 4407; or
A change to articles other than pipes or pipe bowls from any other heading.
3. In § 102.21:
■ a. Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) are
amended by removing the word‘‘shall’’
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each place it appears and adding, in its
place, the word ‘‘will’’;
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b. Paragraph (b)(5) is amended by
removing the references to ‘‘6503’’ and
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 211 / Thursday, October 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
c. The table in paragraph (e) is
amended by removing the entries for:
‘‘6209. 10.0000–6209.20.5035’’, ‘‘6503’’,
and ‘‘9502.91’’;
■ d. The table in paragraph (e) is further
amended by adding, in numericalorder,
entries for: ‘‘6209.20.1000–
6209.20.5035’’, and ‘‘9503.00.0080’’;
■ e. The table is further amended by
revising the entries in the ‘‘Tariff
shiftand/or other requirements’’ column
adjacent to the ‘‘HTSUS’’ column listing
for: ‘‘6209.20.1000–6209.20.5035’’,
‘‘6505.90’’, and ‘‘9503.00.0080’’.
The additions read as follows:
§ 102.21
Textile and apparel products.
Tariff shift and/or other requirements
6209.20.1000 ....
6209.20.5035 ....
(1) If the good consists of two or more component parts, a change to an assembled good of subheading 6209.20.1000
through 6209.20.5035 from unassembled components, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession.
(2) If the good does not consist of two or more component parts, a change to subheading 6209.20.1000 from any other heading, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5309 through 5311, 5407 through 5408, 5512
through 5516, 5602 through 5603, 5801 through 5806, 5809 through 5811, 5903, 5906 through 5907, and 6217, and subheading 6307.90, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process.
6505.90 .............
(1) For felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading 6501, whether or not lined
or trimmed, if the good consists of two or more components, a change to subheading 6505.90 from any other good of subheading 6505.90 or from any other subheading, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled
in a single country, territory, or insular possession.
(2) For felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading 6501, whether or not lined
or trimmed, if the good does not consist of two or more components, a change to subheading 6505.90 from any other subheading, except from heading 5602, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process.
(3) For any other good, if the good consists of two or more components, a change to subheading 6505.90 from any other
heading, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular
(4) For any other good, if the good does not consist of two or more components, a change to subheading 6505.90 from any
other heading, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516,
5602 through 5603, 5609, 5801 through 5804, 5806, 5808 through 5811, 5903, 5906 through 5907, and 6001 through
6006, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process.
9503.00.0080 ....
For garments and accessories thereof, footwear or headgear of dolls representing only human beings, a change to an assembled good from unassembled components, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled
in a single country, territory, or insular possession.
Dated: October 23, 2008.
Jayson P. Ahern,
Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection.
[FR Doc. E8–25734 Filed 10–29–08; 8:45 am]
22 CFR Part 94
[Public Notice 6417]
Procedures for Children Abducted to
the United States; Final Rule
Department of State.
Final rule.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with RULES
SUMMARY: The Department of State is
adopting as a final rule the regulations
regarding incoming parental abduction
cases pursuant to the Hague Convention
on the Civil Aspects of International
Child Abduction. Incoming cases will
be processed by the United States
Central Authority (USCA), the Office of
Children’s Issues in the Bureau of
Consular Affairs within the U.S.
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Department of State or an entity
designated by the USCA.
DATES: This rule is effective October 30,
Corrin M. Ferber, CA/OCS/PRI, U.S.
Department of State, Room 4039, 2201
C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20520;
telephone: (202) 736–9172 (this is not a
toll free number). Hearing- or speechimpaired persons may use the
Telecommunications Devices for the
Deaf (TDD) by contacting the Federal
Information Relay Service at 1–800–
regulations were originally published as
an interim final rule on August 15,
2008, Volume 73, Number 159, page
47829–47831. No comments were
received and we are adopting these
regulations as final without change.
Since 1988, the Department of State
has served as the United States Central
Authority (USCA) under the Hague
Convention on the Civil Aspects of
International Child Abduction (Hague
Convention). The Office of Children’s
Issues (CI) in the Department’s Bureau
of Consular Affairs serves as the primary
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point of contact for abduction cases and
is responsible for processing all Hague
Convention applications seeking the
return of children wrongfully removed
or retained in the United States from
any other Hague Convention contracting
state. In addition, CI is responsible for
facilitating access rights under the
Hague Convention. In FY 2007, CI
processed approximately 575 cases
involving 821 children who were
allegedly abducted from or retained
outside the United States in other Hague
contracting countries. Another 355 cases
involving 518 children who were
allegedly abducted to or retained in the
United States from other Hague
contracting countries were also
processed in FY2007 (Hague incoming
The processing of incoming Hague
Convention applications requires case
officers to communicate with foreign
Central Authorities about incoming
cases, to determine the whereabouts of
children wrongfully taken to the United
States, to attempt to promote the
voluntary return of abducted children,
and to facilitate the initiation of judicial
proceedings with a view toward
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 211 (Thursday, October 30, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 64518-64539]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-25734]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Part 102
[CBP Dec. 08-42]
Technical Corrections Relating to the Rules of Origin for Goods
Imported Under the NAFTA and for Textile and Apparel Products
AGENCIES: Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule; technical corrections.
SUMMARY: This document sets forth technical corrections to part 102 of
the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect
recent changes in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.
The affected provisions in part 102, which are based in part on
specified changes in tariff classification, comprise a codified system
used for determining the country of origin of goods imported under the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and for the country of
origin of textile and apparel products (other than those of Israel).
DATES: This final rule is effective on October 30, 2008.
Classification and Marking Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of
International Trade, (202) 572-8828.
On June 6, 1996, CBP published in the Federal Register (61 FR
28932) as T.D. 96-48, a document which adopted as a final rule,
amendments to the CBP regulations establishing specific rules for
determining when the country of origin of a good is one of the parties
to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as required by Annex
311 of the NAFTA (as opposed to the rules for preference purposes in
Chapter 4 and Annex 401). In order to simplify and standardize country
of origin determinations for purposes of the NAFTA, the rules of origin
in T.D. 96-48 set forth a codified method that uses specified changes
in tariff classification (tariff shifts) and other rules to express the
substantial transformation concept. Under this codified method, the
substantial transformation that an imported good must undergo in order
to be deemed a good of the country where the change occurred is
expressed through these rules.
On July 1, 1996, shortly after the publication of T.D. 96-48, CBP
also gave effect to section 334 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act by
implementing rules of origin applicable to all textile and apparel
imports except for purposes of determining whether goods originate in
Israel (see T.D. 95-69, published in the Federal Register on September
5, 1995 (60 FR 46188)).
The specific changes in tariff classification requirements for
determining the country of origin of imported goods (other than
textiles and apparel products covered by Sec. 102.21) under the
provisions of the NAFTA are set forth in Sec. 102.20 of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR 102.20) except for textiles and apparel products
covered by Sec. 102.21. Section 102.20 prescribes the tariff shift
rules that are used to determinewhether a good is considered a good of
a NAFTA country (United States, Canada or Mexico). The rules of origin
relating to trade in textile and apparel products, other than those
that are products of Israel, are found in Sec. 102.21.
In addition, we note that CBP published in the Federal Register (73
FR 43385) on July 25, 2008, a notice of proposed rulemaking in which it
proposed to amend the CBP regulations to establish uniform rules
governing CBP determinations of the country of origin of imported
merchandise. Specifically, CBP proposed that the rules in 19 CFR part
102 be applicable for all purposes for which ``product of'' or
``country of origin'' criterion is prescribed under customs and related
laws, the navigation laws of the United States, and the CBP
regulations, except for the purpose of determining whether a good other
than a textile or apparel good is entitled to preferential treatment
under the United States' free trade agreements with Israel and Jordan,
or unless otherwise specified, or as otherwise provided for by statute.
The technical corrections to the tariff shift rules set forth in this
document will enable interested parties to properly evaluate the
impact, if any, of the proposed rulemaking on the country of origin of
their goods.
Need for Correction
Pursuant to section 1205 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness
Act of 1988 (codified at 19 U.S.C. 3005), the International Trade
Commission (ITC) is required to keep the HTSUS under continuous review
and prepare investigations proposing modifications to the HTSUS to the
President. In April 2006, the ITC issued Investigation No. 1205-6,
Proposed Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
UnitedStates, Publication No. 3851. The modifications proposed in the
report were effective onFebruary 3, 2007, pursuant to Presidential
Proclamation 8097 which was published in the Federal Register on
January 4, 2007 (72 FR 453).
As a result of the 2007 modifications to the HTSUS, certain tariff
provisions have been added or removed, and certain goods have been
transferred, for tariff classification purposes, to different or newly-
created tariff provisions. The changes to the HTSUS involve product
coverage and/or numbering of certain
[[Page 64519]]
headings and subheadings and are not intended to have any other
substantive effect. Accordingly, this document makes technical
corrections to Sec. Sec. 102.20 and 102.21 in order for the
regulations to conform the tariff shift rules to the current version of
the HTSUS. In addition, this document amends Sec. Sec. 102.20(a) and
102.21(a), (b), (c), and (d) by removing the word ``shall'' each place
it appears and adding, in its place, the word ``will'' or ``must'' as
The examples set forth below illustrate the need for the technical
corrections to Sec. Sec. 102.20 and 102.21 described above.
Example 1: Pursuant to the existing terms of Sec. 102.20(n),
the tariff shift rule for heading 7416, HTSUS, permits, in relevant
part, a tariff shift to this heading ``from any other heading.''
Prior to the 2007 amendments to the HTSUS, copper springs were
classified in subheading 7416.00, HTSUS, and therefore were subject
to the above tariff shift rule. This rule is satisfied when copper
springs of heading 7416, HTSUS, are processed from other articles of
copper from any other heading. Under the 2007 amendments to the
HTSUS, however, heading 7416 was deleted and copper springs were
moved from subheading 7416.00 to subheading 7419.99, HTSUS. As a
result, copper springs(classified in subheading 7419.99, HTSUS)
which are processed from other articles of copper of subheading
7419.99 would not presently satisfy the tariff shift rule set forth
above. In order to maintain the original result of the tariff shift
rule for copper springs that had been classified within heading
7416, HTSUS, the tariff shift rule in Sec. 102.20(n) must be
amended to provide for a change to copper springs of subheading
7419.99, HTSUS, from any other subheading, including from any other
good of subheading 7419.99, HTSUS.
Example 2: Under the 2007 amendments to the HTSUS, a new
subheading was created at 2910.40, HTSUS, for a product referred to
as ``dieldrin (ISO, INN).'' Prior to the 2007 amendments, this
product was classified in the basket ``other'' provision under
subheading 2910.90, HTSUS. As new subheading 2910.40, HTSUS, is not
included in the rules set forth in Sec. 102.20(f), it is not
possible to determine the origin of goods classifiable under this
provision using the current regulations. Accordingly, Sec.
102.20(f) must be amended in order to add subheading 2910.40, HTSUS,
and the applicable tariff shift rule must also be amended in order
to provide for the new subheading. It should be noted that these
technical corrections to Sec. 102.20(f) will produce the same
result as when dieldrin (ISO, INN) was classified under subheading
2910.90, HTSUS, in the 2006 HTSUS.
Example 3: Under current Sec. 102.21(e), there is a rule for
subheadings 6209.10.0000 through 6209.20.5035, HTSUS. Under the 2007
amendments to the HTSUS, subheading 6209.10, HTSUS, which covers
babies' garments and clothing accessories of wool or fineanimal
hair, was deleted, with the goods moving to subheading 6209.90. As a
result, the tariff shift rule for heading 6209.10.0000-6209.20.5035,
HTSUS, has been renumbered to reflect that subheading 6209.10,
HTSUS, was deleted, and reflect the new range of tariff subheadings.
As the rule for subheadings 6209.20.5045 through 6209.90.9000,
HTSUS, is the same as the rule for subheading 6209.10, HTSUS, no
change in the rule is necessary.
Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) and (d)(3), CBP has determined that
it would be impracticable and contrary to the public interest to delay
publication of this rule in final form pending an opportunity for
public comment and that there is good cause for this final rule to
become effective immediately upon publication. The technical
corrections contained in this document merely conform the tariff shift
rules in the regulations to the current HTSUS and will facilitate trade
by ensuring that country of origin determinations made using the
regulations are consistent with the HTSUS.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Because this document is not subject to the notice and public
procedure requirements of 5 U.S.C. 553, it is not subject to the
provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
Executive Order 12866
These amendments do not meet the criteria for a ``significant
regulatory action'' as specified in Executive Order 12866.
Signing Authority
While the subject matter of this document pertains to the authority
of the Secretary of the Treasury to approve regulations relating to
certain revenue functions (see 19 CFR Part 0), CBP retains authority
pursuant to Treasury Directive 28-01 to sign a document making
nonsubstantive technical corrections to a previously issued regulation.
For this reason, the CBP Commissioner is the proper official to sign
this document.
List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 102
Customs duties and inspections, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Rules of origin, Trade agreements.
Amendments to the CBP Regulations
For the reasons set forth above, part 102 of title 19 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (19 CFR part 102) is amended as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 102 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1624, 3314, 3592.
2. In Sec. 102.20:
a. The introductory text is amended by removing the word ``shall'' and
adding, in its place, the word ``will'';
b. The table is further amended by removing the entries for:
``0210.90'', ``2811.23-2811.29'', ``2826.11-2833.19'', ``2833.22-
2833.26'', ``2836.10'', ``2836.70'', ``2838'', ``2839.20-2839.90'',
``2841.10-2841.30'', ``2850-2851'', ``2903.11-2903.30'', ``2906.14'',
``2912.11-2912.13'', ``2915.11-2915.35'', ``2918.90'', ``2920.10-
2926.90'', ``2936.10-2936.29'', ``3001.10-3001.90'', ``3006.80'',
``3102.70'', ``3103.10-3103.20'', ``3104.10-3104.30'', ``3301.11-
3301.90'', ``3404.10-3404.20'', ``3808.10'', ``3808.20'', ``3808.30'',
``3808.40'', ``3808.90'', ``3824.20'', ``4601.20-4601.99'', ``4815'',
``4823.12'', ``4823.19'', ``4823.60-4823.70'', ``6811.10'',
``6811.20'', ``6811.30'', ``6811.90'', ``6812.50'', ``6812.60-
6812.70'', ``6812.90'', ``7012-7018'', ``7321.11-7321.83'', ``7801-
7803'', ``7805-7806'', ``7901-7906'', ``8002-8004'', ``8005'', ``8006-
8007'', ``8101.10-8101.95'', ``8442.10-8442.30'', ``8443.11-8443.60'',
``8443.90'', ``8456.10-8456.99'', ``8469.11-8469.12'', ``8469.20-
8469.30'', ``8485'', ``8505.11-8505.30'', ``8509.10-8509.80'',
``8517.11-8517.80'', ``8517.90'', ``8519.10-8519.40'', ``8520.10-
8520.20'', ``8520.32-8520.33'', ``8520.39-8520.90'', ``8524'',
``8525.10-8525.20'', ``8525.30-8525.40'', ``8527.19-8527.90'',
``8528.12-8528.30'', ``8543.11-8543.19'', ``8543.40-8543.89'',
``8708.31'', ``8708.39'', ``8708.60'', ``9009.11-9009.30'', ``9009.91-
9009.99'', ``9010.41-9010.50'', ``9030.10-9030.40'', ``9030.82-
9030.83'', ``9031.10-9031.30'', ``9403.10-9403.80'', ``9501'',
``9502.10'', ``9502.99'', ``9503.10-9503.30'', ``9503.41-9503.49'',
``9503.50-9503.60'', ``9503.70-9503.90'', ``9614.20'', and ``9614.90'';
c. The table is further amended by adding, in numerical order, entries
for:``0210.91-0210.99'', ``2811.29'', ``2826.12-2826.19'', ``2833.22-
2833.25'', ``2839.90'', ``2841.30'', ``2850'', ``2852'', ``2853'',
``2903.11-2903.39'', ``2912.11-2912.12'', ``2915.11-2915.33'',
``2915.36'', ``2918.91-2918.99'', ``2920.11-2926.90'', ``2936.21-
2936.29'', ``3001.20-3001.90'', ``3006.91'', ``3006.92'', ``3103.10'',
``3104.20-3104.30'', ``3301.12-3301.90'', ``3404.20'', ``3808.50'',
[[Page 64520]]
``3808.92'', ``3808.93'', ``3808.94'', ``3808.99'', ``4601.21-
4601.99'', ``4823.61-4823.70'', ``6811.40'', ``6811.81'', ``6811.82'',
``6811.83'', ``6811.89'', ``6812.80'', ``6812.91'', ``6812.92-
6812.93'', ``6812.99'', ``7013-7018'', ``7321.11-7321.89'', ``7801-
7802'', ``7806'', ``7901-7905'', ``8002-8003'', ``8007'', ``8101.10-
8101.94'', ``8442.30'', ``8443.11-8443.39'', ``8443.91'', ``8456.10-
8456.90'', ``8469.00'', ``8486.10-8486.40'', ``8486.90'', ``8487'',
``8505.11-8505.20'', ``8505.90'', ``8508.11-8508.60'', ``8508.70'',
``8509.40-8509.80'', ``8517.11-8517.69'', ``8517.70'', ``8519.20-
8519.30'', ``8519.50'', ``8519.81'', ``8519.89'', ``8525.50-8525.60'',
``8525.80'', ``8527.19-8527.99'', ``8528.41'', ``8528.49'',
``8528.51'', ``8528.59'', ``8528.61'', ``8528.69-8528.73'',
``8543.10'', ``8543.70'', ``8708.30'', ``8708.50'', ``8708.95'',
``9010.50'', ``9030.10'', ``9030.20'', ``9030.31'', ``9030.32'',
``9030.33'', ``9030.39'', ``9030.40'', ``9030.82-9030.84'', ``9031.10-
9031.20'', ``9403.10-9403.89'', ``9503'', and ``9614.00'';
d. The table is further amended by revising the entries in the ``Tariff
shiftand/or other requirements'' column adjacent to the ``HTSUS''
column listing for: ``2707.10-2707.99'', ``2811.29'', ``2824.10-
2824.90'', ``2826.12-2826.19'', ``2833.22-2833.25'', ``2833.29'',
``2835.29-2835.39'', ``2836.99'', ``2839.90'', ``2841.30'',
``2841.50'', ``2841.90'', ``2842.90'', ``2850'', ``2852'', ``2853'',
``2903.11'', ``2903.39'', ``2903.51-2904.90'', ``2905.11-2905.19'',
``2906.19'', ``2907.12-2907.22'', ``2909.11-2909.49'', ``2910.10-
2910.90'', ``2912.11-2912.12'', ``2912.19-2912.49'', ``2915.11-
2915.33'', ``2915.36'', ``2915.39'', ``2917.11-2917.39'', ``2918.11-
2918.22'', ``2918.91-2918.99'', ``2920.11-2926.90'', ``2929.10-
2930.90'', ``2936.21-2936.29'', ``2936.90'', ``3001.20-3001.90'',
``3002.10-3002.90'', ``3003.10'', ``3003.20'', ``3003.31'',
``3003.39'', ``3003.40'', ``3003.90'', ``3004.10'', ``3004.20'',
``3004.31'', ``3004.32'', ``3004.39'', ``3004.40'', ``3004.50'',
``3004.90'', ``3005.10'', ``3006.10'', ``3006.20-3006.60'',
``3006.70'', ``3006.91'', ``3006.92'', ``3102.90'', ``3103.10'',
``3103.90'', ``3104.20-3104.30'', ``3104.90'', ``3206.20-3209.90'',
``3301.12-3301.90'', ``3404.20'', ``3404.90'', ``3808.50'',
``3808.91'', ``3808.92'', ``3808.93'', ``3808.94'', ``3808.99'',
``3824.71-3824.90'', ``3920.10-3921.90'', ``4203-4206'', ``4412'',
``4413-4421'', ``4601.21-4601.99'', ``4823.61-4823.70'', ``4823.90'',
``6811.40'', ``6811.81'', ``6811.82'', ``6811.83'', ``6811.89'',
``6812.80'', ``6812.91'', ``6812.92-6812.93'', ``6812.99'', ``7013-
7018'', ``7020'', ``7321.11-7321.89'', ``7411-7418'', ``7419.10-
7419.99'', ``7801-7802'', ``7806'', ``7901-7905'', ``7907'', ``8002-
8003'', ``8007'', ``8101.10-8101.94'', ``8101.96'', ``8101.99'',
``8103.20-8113.00'', ``8418.10-8418.91'', ``8425.11-8430.69'',
``8442.30'', ``8443.11-8443.39'', ``8443.91'', ``8443.99'', ``8456.10-
8456.90'', ``8469.00'', ``8470.10-8471.50'', ``8471.60-8472.90'',
``8479.10-8479.89'', ``8486.10-8486.40'', ``8486.90'', ``8487'',
``8505.11-8505.20'', ``8505.90'', ``8508.11-8508.60'', ``8508.70'',
``8509.40-8509.80'', ``8517.11-8517.69'', ``8517.70'', ``8519.20-
8519.30'', ``8519.50'', ``8519.81'', ``8519.89'', ``8523'', ``8525.50-
8525.60'', ``8525.80'', ``8527.19-8527.99'', ``8528.41'', ``8528.49'',
``8528.51'', ``8528.59'', ``8528.61'', ``8528.69-8528.73'', ``8536.10-
8536.90'', ``8541-8542'', ``8543.10'', ``8543.70'', ``8543.90'',
``8544.11-8544.70'', ``8708.29'', ``8708.30'', ``8708.40'',
``8708.50'', ``8708.80'', ``8708.91'', ``8708.92'', ``8708.94'',
``8708.95'', ``8708.99'', ``9006.10-9006.69'', ``9010.50'',
``9010.90'', ``9027.10-9027.90'', ``9030.10'', ``9030.20'',
``9030.31'', ``9030.32'', ``9030.33'', ``9030.39'', ``9030.40'',
``9030.82-9030.84'', ``9030.89'', ``9030.90'', ``9031.10-9031.20'',
``9031.41-9031.49'', ``9201-9208'', ``9401.10-9401.80'', ``9402'',
``9403.10-9403.89'', ``9503'', and ``9614.00''.
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 102.20 Specific rules by tariff classification.
* * * * *
HTSUS Tariff shift and/or other requirements
* * * * * * *
0210.91-0210.99............. A change to subheading 0210.91 through
0210.99 from any other chapter; or
A change to edible meals and flours of
subheading 0210.91 through 0210.99 from
any product other than edible meals and
flours of Chapter 2.
* * * * * * *
2707.10-2707.99............. A change to subheading 2707.10 through
2707.99 from any other heading; or
A change to phenols of subheading 2707.99
from any other subheading or from any
other good of subheading 2707.99,
provided that the good resulting from
such change is the product of a chemical
reaction; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2707.99 from phenols of subheading
2707.99 or from any other subheading,
provided that the good resulting from
such change is the product of a chemical
reaction; or
A change to subheading 2707.10 through
2707.99 from any other subheading,
including any subheading within that
group, provided that the good resulting
from such change is the product of a
chemical reaction.
* * * * * * *
2811.29..................... A change to sulphur dioxide of subheading
2811.29 from any other good of subheading
2811.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2811.29 from sulphur dioxide of
subheading 2811.29 or from any other
* * * * * * *
2824.10-2824.90............. A change to red lead or to orange lead of
subheading 2824.90 from any other good of
subheading 2824.90 or from any other
subheading, except from heading 2607; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2824.90 from red lead or from orange lead
of subheading 2824.90 or from any other
subheading, except from heading 2607; or
A change to subheading 2824.10 through
2924.90 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
group, except from heading 2607.
[[Page 64521]]
* * * * * * *
2826.12-2833.19............. A change to fluorides of ammonium or of
sodium of subheading 2826.19 from any
other good of subheading 2826.19 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2826.19 from fluorides of ammonium or of
sodium of subheading 2826.19 or from any
other subheading; or
A change to fluorosilicates of sodium or
of potassium of subheading 2826.90 from
any other good of subheading 2826.90 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2826.90 from fluorosilicates of sodium or
of potassium of subheading 2826.90 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to chlorides of iron of
subheading 2827.39 from any other good of
subheading 2827.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to chlorides of cobalt of
subheading 2827.39 from any other good of
subheading 2827.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to chlorides of zinc of
subheading 2827.39 from any other good of
subheading 2827.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2827.39 from chlorides of iron, of
cobalt, or of zinc of subheading 2827.39
or from any other subheading; or
A change to zinc sulphide of subheading
2830.90 from any other good of subheading
2830.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to cadmium sulphide of subheading
2830.90 from any other good of subheading
2830.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2830.90 from zinc sulphide or cadmium
sulphide of subheading 2830.90 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to subheading 2826.12 through
2833.19 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
* * * * * * *
2833.22-2833.25............. A change to subheading 2833.22 through
2833.25 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
* * * * * * *
2833.29..................... A change to chromium sulphate of
subheading 2833.29 from any other good of
subheading 2833.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to zinc sulphate of subheading
2833.29 from any other good of subheading
2833.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2833.29 from chromium sulphate or zinc
sulphate of subheading 2833.29 or from
any other subheading, except from heading
* * * * * * *
2835.29-2835.39............. A change to phosphates of trisodium of
subheading 2835.29 from any other good of
subheading 2835.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2835.29 from phosphates of trisodium of
subheading 2835.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to subheading 2835.29 through
2835.39 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
* * * * * * *
2836.99..................... A change to bismuth carbonate of
subheading 2836.99 from commercial
ammonium carbonate or other ammonium
carbonates or from lead carbonates of
subheading 2836.99 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
2617.90; or
A change to commercial ammonium carbonate
or to other ammonium carbonates of
subheading 2836.99 from any other good of
subheading 2836.99 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to lead carbonates of subheading
2836.99 from any other good of subheading
2836.99 or from any other subheading,
except from heading 2607; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2836.99 from commercial ammonium
carbonate or other ammonium carbonates or
from lead carbonates of subheading
2836.99 or from any other subheading,
provided that the good classified in
subheading 2836.99 is the product of a
``chemical reaction'' as defined in Note
* * * * * * *
2839.90..................... A change to silicates of potassium of
subheading 2839.90 from any other good of
subheading 2839.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2839.90 from silicates of potassium of
subheading 2839.90 or from any other
* * * * * * *
2841.30..................... A change to subheading 2841.30 from any
other subheading.
2841.50..................... A change to chromates of zinc or of lead
from any other good of subheading 2841.50
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2841.50 from chromates of zinc or of lead
of subheading 2841.50 or from any other
subheading, except from heading 2610.
* * * * * * *
2841.90..................... A change to aluminates from any other good
of subheading 2841.90 or from any other
subheading; or
[[Page 64522]]
A change to any other good of subheading
2841.90 from aluminates of subheading
2841.90 or from any other subheading,
provided that the good classified in
subheading 2841.90 is the product of a
``chemical reaction'' as defined in Note
* * * * * * *
2842.90..................... A change to fulminates, cyanates and
thiocyanates of subheading 2842.90 from
any other good of subheading 2842.90 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2842.90 from fulminates, cyanates and
thiocyanates of subheading 2842.90 or
from any other subheading, provided that
the good classified in subheading 2842.90
is the product of a ``chemical reaction''
as defined in Note 1.
* * * * * * *
2850........................ A change to heading 2850 from any other
2852........................ A change to other metal oxides, hydroxides
or peroxides of heading 2852 from any
other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading, provided that the good is
the product of a ``chemical reaction'',
as defined in Note 1, except from
subheading 2825.90; or
A change to other fluorides of heading
2852 from any other good of heading 2852
or from any other heading, except from
subheading 2826.19; or
A change to other chlorides of heading
2852 from any other good of heading 2852
or from any other heading, except from
subheading 2827.39; or
A change to other bromides or to bromide
oxides from any other good of heading
2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 2827.59; or
A change to iodides or to iodide oxides of
heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading,
except from subheading 2827.60; or
A change to other chlorates of heading
2852 from any other good of heading 2852
or from any other heading, except from
subheading 2829.19; or
A change to other perchlorates, bromotes,
perbromates, iodates or periodates of
heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading,
except from subheading 2829.90; or
A change to other sulphides or
polysulphides, whether or not chemically
defined, of heading 2852 from any other
good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from subheading 2830.90;
A change to other sulfates of heading 2852
from any other good of heading 2852 or
from any other heading, except from
heading 2520 or from subheading 2833.29;
A change to other nitrates of heading 2852
from any other good of heading 2852 or
from any other heading, except from
subheading 2834.29; or
A change to other phosphates from any
other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading, except from subheading
2835.29; or
A change to other cyanides or to cyanide
oxides of heading 2852 from any other
good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from subheading 2837.19;
A change to complex cyanides of heading
2852 from any other good of heading 2852
or from any other heading, except from
subheading 2837.20; or
A change to fulminates, cyanates or
thiocyanates of heading 2852 from any
other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading; or
A change to other chromates, dichromates
or peroxochromates of heading 2852 from
any other good of heading 2852 or any
other heading, except from heading 2610,
or from subheading 2841.50; or
A change to other salts of inorganic acids
or to peroxoacids, other than azides, of
heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading,
provided that the good classified in
heading 2852 is the product of a
``chemical reaction'' as defined in Note
1, except from subheading 2842.90; or
A change to other silver compounds of
heading 2852 from any other good of
heading 2852 or from any other heading,
except from subheading 2843.29; or
A change to derivatives containing only
sulpho groups, their salts and esters
from any other good of heading 2852 or
from any other heading, except from
heading 2908; or
A change to palmitic acid, stearic acid,
their salts or their esters from any
other good of heading 2852 or from any
other heading, except from subheading
2915.70; or
A change to oleic, linolenic or linolenic
acids, their salts or their esters from
any other good of heading 2852 or from
any other heading, except from subheading
2916.15; or
A change to benzoic acid, its salts or its
esters from any other good of heading
2852 or from any other heading, except
from subheading 3301.90 or subheading
2916.31; or
A change to lactic acid, its salts or its
esters from any other good of heading
2852 or from any other heading, except
2918.11; or
A change to other organo-inorganic
compounds of heading 2852 from any other
good of heading 2852 or from any other
heading, except from heading 2931.
2853........................ A change to heading 2853 from any other
* * * * * * *
2903.11-2903.39............. A change to subheading 2903.31 through
2903.39 from any subheading outside that
group; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2903.11 through 2903.39 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
2903.51-2904.90............. A change to aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO)
or heptachlor (ISO) of subheading 2903.52
from any other subheading, except from
subheading 2903.59; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2903.59 from any other subheading, except
from subheading 2903.52; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2903.51 through 2904.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
[[Page 64523]]
2905.11-2905.19............. A change to pentanol (amyl alcohol) and
isomers thereof of subheading 2905.19
from any other good of subheading 2905.19
or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2905.19 from pentanol (amyl alcohol) and
isomers thereof of subheading 2905.19 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2905.11 through 2905.19 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
2906.19..................... A change to terpineols of subheading
2906.19 from any other good of subheading
2906.19 or from any other subheading,
except from heading 3805; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2906.19 from terpineols of subheading
2906.19 or from any other subheading,
except from subheading 3301.90 or
* * * * * * *
2907.12-2907.22............. A change to xylenols or their salts of
subheading 2907.19 from any other good of
subheading 2907.19 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
2707.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2907.19 from xylenols and their salts of
subheading 2907.19 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
2707.99; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2907.12 through 2907.22 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group, except from subheading
* * * * * * *
2909.11-2909.49............. A change to monomethyl ethers of ethylene
glycol or of diethylene glycol of
subheading 2909.44 through 2909.49 from
any other good of subheading 2909.44
through 2909.49 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2909.44 through 2909.49 from monomethyl
ethers of ethylene glycol or of
diethylene glycol of subheading 2909.44
through 2909.49 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2909.11 through 2909.49 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within than group.
* * * * * * *
2910.10-2910.90............. A change to dieldrin (ISO, INN) of
subheading 2910.40 from any other
subheading, except from subheading
2910.90; or
A change to subheading 2910.90 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2910.40; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2910.10 through 2910.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
2912.11-2912.12............. A change to subheading 2912.11 through
2912.12 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
2912.19-2912.49............. A change to butanal (butyraldehyde, normal
isomer) of subheading 2912.19 from any
other good of subheading 2912.19 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2912.19 from butanal (butyraldehyde,
normal isomer) of subheading 2912.19 or
from any other subheading, except from
subheading 3301.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2912.19 through 2912.49 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group, except from subheading
* * * * * * *
2915.11-2915.33............. A change to sodium acetate of subheading
2915.29 from any other good of subheading
2915.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to cobalt acetates of subheading
2915.29 from any other good of subheading
2915.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2915.29 from sodium acetate or cobalt
acetates of subheading 2915.29 or from
any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2915.11 through 2915.33 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
2915.36..................... A change to subheading 2915.36 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2915.39..................... A change to isobutyl acetate of subheading
2915.39 from any other good of subheading
2915.39 or from any other subheading; or
A change to 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate of
subheading 2915.39 from any other good of
subheading 2915.39 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2915.39 from isobutyl acetate or 2-
Ethoxyethyl acetate of subheading 2915.39
or from any other subheading, except from
subheading 3301.90.
* * * * * * *
2917.11-2917.39............. A change to dibutyl orthophthalates of
subheading 2917.34 from any other good of
subheading 2917.34 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2917.34 from dibutyl orthophthalates of
subheading 2917.34 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2917.11 through 2917.39 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
2918.11-2918.22............. A change to subheading 2918.18 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2918.19; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2918.19 from any other subheading, except
from subheading 2918.18; or
A change to subheading 2918.11 through
2918.22 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
[[Page 64524]]
* * * * * * *
2918.91-2918.99............. A change to subheading 2918.91 through
2918.99 from any other subheading outside
that group, except from subheading
* * * * * * *
2920.11-2926.90............. A change to subheading 2920.11 through
2920.19 from any subheading outside that
group; or
A change to diethylamine and its salts of
subheading 2921.19 from any other good of
subheading 2921.19 or any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2921.19 from diethylamine and its salts
of subheading 2921.19 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to anisidines, dianisidines,
phenetidines, and their salts of
subheading 2922.29 from any other good of
subheading 2922.29 or any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2922.29 from anisidines, dianisidines,
phenetidines, and their salts of
subheading 2922.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to subheading 2924.12 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2924.19; or
A change to subheading 2924.19 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2924.12; or
A change to subheading 2925.21 through
2925.29 from any subheading outside that
group; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2920.11 through 2926.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
2929.10-2930.90............. A change to subheading 2930.50 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2930.90; or
A change to dithiocarbonates (xanthates)
of subheading 2930.90 from any other good
of subheading 2930.90 or from any other
A change to any other good of subheading
2930.90 from dithiocarbonates (xanthates)
of subheading 2930.90 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
2930.50; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2929.10 through 2930.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
2936.21-2936.29............. A change to subheading 2936.21 through
2936.29 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
2936.90..................... A change to unmixed provitamins of
subheading 2936.90 from any other good of
subheading 2936.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
2936.90 from any other subheading, except
from subheading 2936.21 through 2936.29.
* * * * * * *
3001.20-3001.90............. A change to glands and other organs,
dried, whether or not powdered, of
subheading 3001.90 from any other good of
subheading 3001.90 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
0206.10 through 0208.90 or 0305.20,
heading 0504 or 0510, or subheading
0511.99 if the change from these
provisions is not to a gland or other
organ powder classified in subheading
3001.90, and except a change from
subheading 3006.92; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3001.90 from glands and other organs,
dried, whether or not powdered, of
subheading 3001.90 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
3006.92; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3001.20 through 3001.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group, except a change from
subheading 3006.92.
3002.10-3002.90............. A change to subheading 3002.10 through
3002.90 from any other subheading
including another subheading within that
group, except a change from subheading
3003.10..................... A change to subheading 3003.10 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2941.10, 2941.20, 3003.20, or 3006.92.
3003.20..................... A change to subheading 3003.20 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2941.30 through 2941.90, or 3006.92.
3003.31..................... A change to subheading 3003.31 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2937.12 or 3006.92.
3003.39..................... A change to subheading 3003.39 from any
other subheading, except from hormones or
their derivatives classified in Chapter
29, or except from subheading 3006.92.
3003.40..................... A change to subheading 3003.40 from any
other subheading, except from heading
1211, subheading 1302.11, 1302.19,
1302.20, 1302.39, or 3006.92, or
alkaloids or derivatives thereof
classified in Chapter 29.
3003.90..................... A change to subheading 3003.90 from any
other subheading, provided that the
domestic content of the therapeutic or
prophylactic component is no less than 40
percent by weight of the total
therapeutic or prophylactic content, or
except from subheading 3006.92.
3004.10..................... A change to subheading 3004.10 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2941.10, 2941.20, 3003.10, 3003.20, or
3004.20..................... A change to subheading 3004.20 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2941.30 through 2941.90, 3003.20, or
3004.31..................... A change to subheading 3004.31 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
2937.12, 3003.31, 3003.39, or 3006.92.
3004.32..................... A change to subheading 3004.32 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3003.39 or 3006.92, or from adrenal
corticosteroid hormones classified in
Chapter 29.
3004.39..................... A change to subheading 3004.39 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3003.39 or 3006.92, or from hormones or
derivatives thereof classified in Chapter
3004.40..................... A change to subheading 3004.40 from any
other subheading, except from heading
1211, subheading 1302.11, 1302.19,
1302.20, 1302.39, 3003.40, or 3006.92, or
alkaloids or derivatives thereof
classified in Chapter 29.
3004.50..................... A change to subheading 3004.50 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3003.90 or 3006.92, or vitamins
classified in Chapter 29 or products
classified in heading 2936.
[[Page 64525]]
3004.90..................... A change to subheading 3004.90 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3003.90 or 3006.92, and provided that the
domestic content of the therapeutic or
prophylactic component is no less than 40
percent by weight of the total
therapeutic or prophylactic content.
3005.10..................... A change to subheading 3005.10 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3006.92 or 3825.30.
3006.10..................... A change to subheading 3006.10 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
1212.20, 3006.92, 3825.30, or from
articles of catgut of heading 4206.
3006.20-3006.60............. A change to subheading 3006.20 through
3006.60 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
group, except from subheading 3006.92 or
3006.70..................... A change to subheading 3006.70 from any
other subheading, except from subheading
3006.92 or 3825.30, and provided no more
than 60 percent by weight of the good
classified in this subheading is
attributable to one substance or
3006.91..................... A change to subheading 3006.91 from any
other subheading, except from heading
3006.92..................... A change to subheading 3006.92 from any
other chapter.
* * * * * * *
3102.90..................... A change to calcium cyanamide of
subheading 3102.90 from any other
subheading or from any other good of
subheading 3102.90; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3102.90 from calcium cyanamide of
subheading 3102.90 or from any other
subheading, except from subheading
3102.10 through 3102.80.
3103.10..................... A change to subheading 3103.10 from any
other subheading.
3103.90..................... A change to basic slag of subheading
3103.90 from any other good of subheading
3103.90 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3103.90 from basic slag of subheading
3103.90 or from any other subheading,
except from subheading 3103.10.
3104.20-3104.30............. A change to subheading 3104.20 through
3104.30 from any other subheading,
including another subheading within that
3104.90..................... A change to carnallite, sylvite or other
crude natural potassium salts of
subheading 3104.90 from any other good of
subheading 3104.90 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3104.90 from any other subheading, except
from subheading 3104.20 through 3104.30.
* * * * * * *
3206.20-3209.90............. A change to pigments and preparations
based on cadmium compounds of subheading
3206.49 from any other good of subheading
3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
A change to pigments and preparations
based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides
and ferricyanides) from any other good of
subheading 3206.49 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3206.49 from pigments and preparations
based on cadmium compounds or
hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and
ferricyanides) of subheading 3206.49 or
from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3206.20 through 3209.90 from any other
subheading, including another subheading
within that group.
* * * * * * *
3301.12-3301.90............. A change to oil of bergamot of subheading
3301.19 from any other good of subheading
3301.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of lime of subheading
3301.19 from any other good of subheading
3301.19 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheading
3301.19 from oil of bergamot or of lime
of subheading 3301.19 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to oil of geranium of subheading
3301.29 from any other good of subheading
3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of jasmin of subheading
3301.29 from any other good of subheading
3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to oil of lavender or of lavandin
of subheading 3301.29 from any other good
of subheading 3301.29 or from any other
subheading; or
A change to oil of vetiver of subheading
3301.29 from any other good of subheading
3301.29 or from any other subheading; or
A change to any other good of subheadin