Carriage of Digital Television Broadcast Signals, 64260-64263 [E8-25798]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
335.225; 335.241 (except (b)(4) and (d));
335.241(d), (January 1, 1997); 335.251;
335.261 (except (e)); 335.271; 335.272;
Chapter 335, Subchapter O—Land Disposal
Restrictions—335.431; Chapter 335,
Subchapter R—Waste Classification—
335.504 introductory paragraph—(2);
335.504(3) and (4), (December 31, 1999).
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[FR Doc. E8–25589 Filed 10–28–08; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 76
[CS Docket No. 98–120; FCC 08–224]
Carriage of Digital Television
Broadcast Signals
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES9
SUMMARY: In this document, the
Commission clarifies a number of
existing rules relating to cable carriage
of digital signals. As explained, the
carriage elections that must be made by
October 1, 2008, will determine a
station’s carriage rights throughout the
entire 2009–2011 carriage election
cycle. We also clarify the channel
placement options applicable to digital
must-carry stations, based upon the First
Report and Order and the statute. Also,
for those low-power stations that have
the right to demand carriage by cable
operators, we clarify that their statutory
carriage rights extend to broadcasting in
DATES: Effective October 29, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by FCC 08–224, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Federal Communications
Commission’s Web Site: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• People with Disabilities: Contact the
FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format
documents, sign language interpreters,
CART, etc.) by e-mail:
or phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 202–
For detailed instructions for
submitting comments and additional
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information on the rulemaking process,
section of this document.
additional information on this
proceeding, please contact Lyle Elder,, of the Policy
Division, Media Bureau, (202) 418–
2120, or Eloise Gore,, of the Media
Bureau, (202) 418–7200.
summary of the Federal
Communications Commission’s
Declaratory Ruling in FCC 08–224,
adopted September 24, 2008, and
released September 26, 2008. The full
text of this document is available for
public inspection and copying during
regular business hours in the FCC
Reference Center, Federal
Communications Commission, 445 12th
Street, SW., CY–A257, Washington, DC
20554. These documents will also be
available via ECFS (
cgb/ecfs/). (Documents will be available
electronically in ASCII, Word 97, and/
or Adobe Acrobat.) The complete text
may be purchased from the
Commission’s copy contractor, 445 12th
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Washington, DC 20554. To request this
document in accessible formats
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to or call the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
Summary of the Final Rule
I. Introduction
1. Pursuant to section 614(b)(4)(B) of
the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (the ‘‘Act’’), the Commission
initiated this proceeding in 1998 to
address the responsibilities of cable
television operators with respect to
carriage of digital broadcasters in light
of the significant changes to the
broadcasting and cable television
industries resulting from the Nation’s
transition to digital television. Now that
Congress has established February 17,
2009, as the date certain for the end of
analog broadcasts by full-power
television licensees, and low-power and
class A television licensees are
beginning their transition to digital
broadcast, we must further clarify the
digital carriage responsibilities of cable
2. Specifically, we clarify that the
carriage elections that must be made by
October 1, 2008, will determine a
station’s carriage rights throughout the
entire 2009–2011 carriage election
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cycle. We also clarify the channel
placement options applicable to digital
must-carry stations, based upon the First
Report and Order, 66 FR 16533, March
26, 2001, and the statute. Low-power
broadcasters, while not required to
make their transition to digital by
February 17, 2009, nevertheless are
doing so in increasing numbers, and
will continue to do so of their own
volition. For those low-power stations
that have the right to demand carriage
by cable operators, we clarify that their
statutory carriage rights extend to
broadcasting in digital.
II. Background
3. Under the Act, cable systems are
presumptively required to carry all local
television stations in all television
markets they serve. Commercial
television stations may, however,
choose to be carried pursuant to
voluntary retransmission consent
agreements rather than by mandatory
carriage. Generally, every three years
commercial television stations must
elect to either grant retransmission
consent or pursue their mandatory
carriage rights. Noncommercial
television stations may only elect
mandatory carriage, but are nonetheless
free to negotiate carriage with cable
4. In this docket, the Commission has
determined the broadcast signal carriage
responsibilities of cable television
operators during and after the transition
is completed. The statutory provision
triggering this rulemaking is found in
section 614(b)(4)(B) of the Act, which
5. At such time as the Commission
prescribes modifications of the
standards for television broadcast
signals, the Commission shall initiate a
proceeding to establish any changes in
the signal carriage requirements of cable
television systems necessary to ensure
cable carriage of such broadcast signals
of local commercial television stations
which have been changed to conform
with such modified standards.
6. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(‘‘1998 NPRM’’) in this proceeding
sought to amend the cable television
broadcast signal carriage rules,
embodied in must-carry and
retransmission consent, to accommodate
the carriage of digital broadcast
television signals.
7. The Commission’s First Report and
Order and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking in this proceeding adopted
rules for carriage of digital broadcast
signals pursuant to retransmission
consent and mandatory carriage when a
local television station is broadcasting
only a digital signal. The Commission
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
decided that a commercial television
station broadcasting both an analog
signal and a digital signal may choose
must-carry or retransmission consent for
its analog signal and retransmission
consent for its digital signal. The
Commission acknowledged that the Act
does not specifically require mandatory
carriage for noncommercial digital
television signals, but concluded that
Congress did not intend to exclude such
signals from mandatory carriage. As an
interim measure during the transition, a
digital-only television station may
demand that one of its video
programming streams be carried on the
cable system for delivery to subscribers
in an analog format.
8. In the First Report and Order, the
Commission also concluded that the
statutory term ‘‘primary video’’ required
cable operators to carry only a single
digital programming stream of a local
digital television station as well as
content related to that stream. The
Commission further found that section
614(b)(4)(B) of the Act neither requires
cable operators to carry nor prohibits
them from carrying both the
broadcaster’s analog and digital signals
(i.e., ‘‘dual carriage’’) during the
transition period.
9. In February 2005, the Commission
issued the Second Report and Order
and First Order on Reconsideration.
Among other things, the Second Report
and Order declined to require cable
operators to carry any more than one
programming stream of a digital
television station that multicasts. The
Commission’s actions in the Second
Report and Order were limited to
questions of carriage of multiple signals
or streams, however. In September 2007,
we adopted the Third Report and Order
and Third Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (‘‘Viewability Order’’) in
order to address two important
remaining issues.
10. The Viewability Order ensures
that all cable TV viewers, including the
98 million analog-only cable TV
viewers, retain the same access to their
local stations after the transition as they
have today. The rules will require cable
operators to comply with the statutory
viewability requirement by choosing to
either: (1) Carry digital signals in analog
format, or (2) for all-digital systems,
carry the signals only in digital format,
provided that all subscribers have the
necessary equipment to view the
broadcast content. This decision
rendered moot the outstanding
questions about post-transition carriage
of broadcast signals on a ‘‘basic tier’’
under 47 U.S.C. 543(b)(7) (raised in the
First Report and Order). The
requirement that signals carried
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pursuant to mandatory carriage be made
actually viewable to all subscribers,
regardless of their equipment or level of
service, means that a cable operator may
provide those signals solely in digital so
long as all subscribers are capable of
receiving and viewing digital signals. If
some subscribers can only view analog
signals, however, broadcast stations
carried pursuant to mandatory carriage
must also be made viewable to them.
The viewability requirements will be in
force from the date of the transition
through February 2012, subject to
review by the Commission during the
last year of this period. The Commission
also reaffirmed the existing material
degradation standard for cable carriage
of digital broadcast signals, prohibiting
preferential treatment of cable
programmers or retransmission consent
stations and reiterating the requirement
that cable systems carry high definition
(‘‘HD’’) broadcast signals in HD format.
11. Now, the conclusion of the
transition approaches. Therefore, in this
Order we explain the carriage election
process for stations that will make their
final transition from analog signals to
digital signals for the February 17, 2009,
transition deadline.
12. In addition, although low-power
broadcasters are not required to
participate in the full-power digital
transition, many have chosen to begin
their transition. We therefore also take
this opportunity to clarify the effect on
carriage rights of a voluntary transition
to digital by a low-power broadcaster
that is qualified for mandatory carriage
of its analog signal.
III. Discussion
13. As we approach the deadline for
the full-power digital transition, we
clarify that the full-power carriage
elections that must be made by October
1, 2008, will determine a station’s
carriage rights throughout the entire
2009–2011 carriage election cycle. Lowpower broadcasters, while not required
to make their transition to digital by
February 17, 2009, nevertheless are
doing so in increasing numbers, and
will continue to do so of their own
volition. For those low-power stations
that have the right to demand carriage
by cable operators, we clarify that their
statutory carriage rights apply to digital
A. Full-Power Carriage Elections
1. Effect of October 1, 2008 Elections
14. The Cable Television Consumer
Protection and Competition Act of 1992
established the requirement that
‘‘television stations, within one year
after the date of enactment of [the Act]
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and every three years thereafter, make
an election between the right to grant
retransmission consent’’ to cable
operators or the right to mandatory
carriage by those cable operators. In
compliance with this statutory mandate,
the Commission established a regular
schedule for carriage elections. The
election in 1996 covered 1997–1999, the
election in 1999 covered 2000–2002,
etc. In accordance with this schedule,
the Act requires broadcasters to elect, by
October 1, 2008, whether they wish to
engage in retransmission consent
negotiations with cable operators or
demand carriage on their systems for the
three year period beginning January 1,
2009. Full-power broadcasters may
choose to be carried on all of those cable
systems in the same DMA to which they
can deliver a good quality signal (mustcarry), or they may choose to require
those cable systems to seek the
broadcaster’s consent before carrying
the signal (retransmission consent). The
broadcaster must notify affected cable
systems if electing retransmission
consent, or the station’s status will
default to must-carry. 47 CFR 76.64. As
noted above, full-power broadcasters
will cease all analog broadcasts by
midnight on February 17, 2009.
15. We take this opportunity to clarify
that the October 1, 2008, election
determines carriage of a station’s signal
for the entire 2009–2011 carriage cycle.
The carriage election rule for stations
that voluntarily return their analog
spectrum allocation and begin operating
as digital-only prior to the 2009–2011
carriage cycle in which the DTV
transition concludes provides that
‘‘stations that return their analog
spectrum allocation and broadcast in
digital only shall make their initial
election any time between 60 days prior
to commencing broadcast and 30 days
after * * * commencing broadcasting in
digital only; such initial election shall
take effect 90 days after it is made.’’ 47
CFR 76.64(f)(4). If a station elects mustcarry on October 1, 2008, for the 2009–
2011 carriage cycle, the cable operator(s)
will provide carriage of the station’s
analog signal beginning (or continuing)
on January 1, 2009, and concluding no
earlier than the actual termination of
analog service by that broadcaster. Once
the station terminates analog service
and begins broadcasting in digital, the
carrier shall commence carriage of the
station’s digital signal without any gap
in carriage. To facilitate carriage and the
final transition process, beginning
January 1, 2009, cable operators must
immediately commence carriage of the
digital signal of stations that cease
analog broadcasting prior to the
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
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February 17, 2009, statutory deadline;
provided, however, that broadcasters
must notify the cable operator(s) 30 days
before the date on which they anticipate
termination of their analog signal if it
will be earlier than February 17, 2009.
2. Channel Placement
16. We clarify that the channel
placement options in sections 614(b)(6)
and 615(g)(5) of the Act, as
implemented in § 76.57 of the
Commission’s Rules, remain in effect
after the digital transition. Section
614(b)(6) of the Act generally provides
that commercial television stations
carried pursuant to the mandatory
carriage provision are entitled to be
carried on a cable system on the same
channel number on which the station
broadcasts over-the-air. Under section
615(g)(5) noncommercial television
stations generally have the same right.
The Act also permits commercial and
noncommercial television stations to
negotiate a mutually agreeable channel
position with the cable operator.
Historically, channel positioning has
been part of the carriage election
process, with must-carry stations
choosing from among the statutory
options as part of the must-carry
election. 47 U.S.C. 534(b)(6), 535(g)(5).
There are four channel positioning
options in the Act for commercial
television stations. The statutory
options are ‘‘the channel on which it
was carried on July 19, 1985,’’ ‘‘the
channel on which it was carried on
January 1, 1992,’’ ‘‘the channel number
on which the local commercial
television station is broadcast over the
air’’, or any alternative channel by
mutual agreement. Noncommercial
stations may not elect the channel
number on which they were carried on
January 1, 1992, but otherwise have
identical options.
17. As noted above, one of those
statutory options is carriage on the
broadcast channel number. In digital
broadcasting, a broadcast station’s
channel number is no longer identified
by reference to its over-the-air radio
frequency. Instead, in compliance with
the ATSC standard, the station’s ‘‘major
channel number’’ is identified in its
program and system information
protocol (‘‘PSIP’’). The Program and
System Information Protocol (‘‘PSIP’’)
contains metadata about both the
program currently being aired and
broadcast signal as a whole. One of the
most important elements in the PSIP is
the Major Channel Number (‘‘MCN’’),
the channel ‘‘location’’ identified with a
given station regardless of its over-theair broadcast frequency. ATSC receivers
(whether a TV set in a home or a
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receiver at a cable headend) can use this
data to determine the information that
will be displayed to viewers. Therefore,
if the analog signal of a station was
broadcast on channel 12, its digital
signal will appear on channel 12 when
tuned by an over-the-air viewer, even if
the signal is being broadcast on a
frequency corresponding to, for
instance, channel 37. See Program and
System Information Protocol for
Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable, ATSC
Document A/65 (Dec. 23, 1997). This
usually corresponds to the radio
frequency at which the station
previously broadcast its analog signal.
Therefore, in the First Report and Order,
the Commission required that channel
mapping information be passed through
as part of the PSIP, linking the digital
channel number with the appropriate
primary video and program-related
content. Thus, the cable operator can
identify the correct channel location by
reference to the PSIP.
18. We clarify that any station carried
pursuant to mandatory carriage may
demand carriage on its major channel
number as broadcast in the station’s
PSIP. We also clarify that although the
First Report and Order did not
specifically address the significance of
the statutory provisions and rules with
respect to the ‘‘historic’’ carriage
options, these statutory options remain
available to digital must-carry
broadcasters, who will make digital
channel placement elections pursuant to
§§ 76.57(a) or (b) just as they previously
have for analog channel placement
elections. § 76.57(c), adopted in the First
Report and Order, should be read as
clarifying the manner in which cable
operators are to determine the channel
number on which a local commercial or
qualified NCE station is ‘‘broadcast over
the air’’ when implementing such a
station’s election under §§ 76.57(a) or
(b). The statute also permits carriage on
‘‘such other channel number as is
mutually agreed upon by the station and
the cable operator.’’ This negotiated
option, as reflected in our Rules, also
remains an option. We also note that
§ 76.57(f) continues to apply to
determine where a station must be
carried if it makes no affirmative
B. Low-Power Carriage Rights
19. NCN Cable Advertising, licensee
of WKFK–LP, Pascagoula, Mississippi
(‘‘WKFK’’), filed a petition for a
declaratory ruling that the FCC’s cable
must-carry rules apply to the digital
signals of Class A, LPTV and TV
translator stations after those stations
flash-cut to digital operation and cease
operating their analog signals.
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Currently, our Rules provide for cable
carriage of low-power stations
(including Class A) in specific and
limited circumstances. WKFK argues
that a clarifying order is necessary to
eliminate uncertainty about digital
carriage rights for low-power stations.
WKFK is not seeking new or additional
carriage for low-power stations but
rather a confirmation that low-power
stations will have the same carriage
rights for their digital signals as they
currently have for their analog signals.
In addition, WKFK wants low-power
stations to have the same
downconversion option for their digitalonly signals as digital-only full-power
stations have for their digital signals.
1. Applicability of 76.55(d) to LowPower Digital Broadcasters
20. Under Section 614(c) of the Act
and § 76.56(b)(3) of our Rules, a cable
operator is, in some circumstances,
required to carry the signal of one or
two ‘‘qualified low-power stations.’’
Like full-power commercial broadcast
stations, low-power stations can earn
must-carry status with regard to a
specific cable system by conforming to
a series of requirements (laid out in
section 614(h)(2) of the Act). 47 U.S.C.
534(h)(2). The Commission’s Rules
implementing this section state that a
low-power station becomes qualified for
mandatory carriage if the station
conforms to the Commission’s LPTV
rules, broadcasts for at least the
minimum number of hours required of
commercial broadcast stations by the
Commission, and adheres to certain
Commission requirements regarding
non-entertainment programming and
employment. However, an LPTV station
will not be qualified unless the
Commission determines that the
provision of programming by such
station would address local news and
informational needs not being
adequately served by full-power
television stations, because such fullpower stations are distant from the
LPTV station’s community of license. In
addition, the LPTV station must comply
with the Commission’s interference
regulations for LPTV stations; it must be
within 35 miles of the cable system’s
principal headend and deliver to the
headend a good quality over-the-air
signal; its community of license and the
franchise area of the cable system must
both have been located outside of the
largest 160 Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (‘‘MSAs’’) on June 30, 1990, and
the population of the LPTV station’s
community of license on that date must
not have exceeded 35,000; and there
cannot be any full-power television
station licensed to any community
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
within the county or other political
subdivision (of a State) served by the
cable system. 47 CFR 76.55(d). As noted
above, the Commission has previously
made clear that Section 614(a) of the
Act, which applies to both commercial
full-power and low-power stations,
‘‘does not distinguish between analog
and digital signals and supports the
argument that digital signals are entitled
to mandatory carriage.’’ As the
Commission stated in 2001, when a
broadcast station that is otherwise
entitled to carriage terminates its analog
signals and operates as a digital-only
station, it does not lose its carriage
rights. We clarify here that this
determination applies equally to fulland low-power stations. The First
Report and Order determined that, for a
‘‘limited time,’’ digital-only full-power
stations could either demand carriage in
digital or pay to downconvert their
signal to analog for carriage in analog.
This interim viewability rule has been
in effect since 2001, giving full-power
must-carry stations the option to
demand analog downconversion in
order to make their signals as widely
viewable as possible.
21. Although the First Report and
Order did not specifically address the
carriage of digital low-power stations,
the Commission did tentatively
conclude that, as to commercial fullpower stations, low-power stations, and
noncommercial educational stations it
had ‘‘no need to deviate from the
existing eligibility requirements for
these three categories of stations.’’ The
provisions establishing mandatory
carriage of low-power stations, at
section 614(h)(2) of the Act, make no
distinction between digital and analog
low-power stations. Indeed, by their
terms these provisions apply to ‘‘any
television broadcast station’’ conforming
to the Part 74 Rules and the elements of
section 614(h)(2). The Commission
found in 2001 that simply the absence
of a distinction between analog and
digital supported mandatory digital
carriage, and the stronger wording of
section 614(h)(2) is significantly more
persuasive. But, because of the growing
number of low-power stations
broadcasting in digital, and the potential
for uncertainty, we see a need to
provide additional guidance in this
matter. We therefore clarify that
qualified low-power digital-only
stations should be accorded the carriage
rights they could have demanded for
their analog signal. The
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Communications Act at section
614(b)(7) requires that all stations
carried pursuant to mandatory carriage,
including low-power stations, be made
viewable to all subscribers. Nonetheless,
in the period remaining before the fullpower DTV transition, we will permit
cable operators to carry low-power
digital-only stations in the same manner
as full-power digital-only stations—in
either analog or digital, at the
broadcaster’s discretion. Thus, if a
qualified low-power station becomes
digital-only, it may elect carriage of its
signal in digital, or may choose to pay
to downconvert the signal for carriage in
analog. As of February 18, 2009, all
signals carried pursuant to mandatory
carriage must again be made viewable to
all subscribers.
22. Although the language of the Act
and our Rules does not distinguish
between analog and digital-only
stations, we do find that the Note to
§ 76.55(d) is no longer fully accurate, as
it addresses only the signal strength of
analog signals. Just as for commercial
full-power stations, the Note currently
states that a good quality signal level for
analog is ¥45 dBm for UHF signals and
¥49 dBm for VHF signals. The Cable
Act, which established the ¥45/¥49
dBm standard for commercial fullpower stations, is silent on the
definition of ‘‘good quality signal’’ for
the purposes of carriage of low-power
stations. Acknowledging this, in a
Memorandum Opinion and Order
issued to finalize several questions
regarding implementation of the Cable
Act, the Commission, on its own
motion, adopted the full-power
commercial signal quality standards for
low-power stations (and noncommercial
stations). In the 1998 NPRM, the
Commission asked whether ‘‘new good
quality signal parameters’’ were
necessary for digital signals, and,
consistent with the rules established in
1994, made no distinction among
commercial, noncommercial, and lowpower stations. In the First Report and
Order, the Commission established ¥61
dBm as the signal level necessary to
provide a ‘‘good quality digital
television signal at a cable system’s
principal headend,’’ again making no
distinction among commercial,
noncommercial, and low-power
23. In line with the Commission’s
consistent practice of aligning the ‘‘good
quality signal’’ standards for
commercial, noncommercial, and low-
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power stations, we find good cause to
adopt, on a temporary basis, a digital
signal strength requirement for carriage
of low-power stations also using ¥61
dBm at the cable system headend.
WKFK’s Petition makes clear that a
delay in resolution of this question
could inhibit investment on the part of
low-power station owners who seek to
transition their stations to digital. As
discussed above, there is ample history
supporting an alignment of the fullpower and low-power standards, and
thus no basis on which an industry
participant might have reasonably
assumed that there would be a
distinction between them in digital.
Furthermore, the Commission sought
comment on what would constitute a
‘‘good quality signal’’ for all digital
signals in the 1998 NPRM, and there is
no evidence in the record that would
support making any distinction among
digital signals from different sources.
Thus, pending the adoption of a final
amendment to the Note to § 76.55(d), we
will permit low-power mandatorycarriage analog stations that begin
broadcasting in digital-only to demand
carriage of their digital signal so long as
they provide a signal strength of at least
¥61 dBm to the cable system’s
2. Petition for Declaratory Ruling of
24. In light of this clarification, we
grant WKFK’s request for a declaratory
ruling. If WKFK begins broadcasting in
digital-only, it will have rights of
carriage on the systems on which it may
now demand carriage, so long as it
provides a signal strength of ¥61 dBm
at each system’s headend.
IV. Ordering Clauses
25. It is ordered that, pursuant to the
authority contained in sections 1, 4,
303, 614, and 615 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 534,
and 535, this Declaratory Order is
26. It is further ordered that the
Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed by
NCN Cable Advertising, licensee of
WKFK–LP, Pascagoula, Mississippi, is
granted to the extent described herein.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8–25798 Filed 10–28–08; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 210 (Wednesday, October 29, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 64260-64263]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-25798]
47 CFR Part 76
[CS Docket No. 98-120; FCC 08-224]
Carriage of Digital Television Broadcast Signals
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission clarifies a number of
existing rules relating to cable carriage of digital signals. As
explained, the carriage elections that must be made by October 1, 2008,
will determine a station's carriage rights throughout the entire 2009-
2011 carriage election cycle. We also clarify the channel placement
options applicable to digital must-carry stations, based upon the First
Report and Order and the statute. Also, for those low-power stations
that have the right to demand carriage by cable operators, we clarify
that their statutory carriage rights extend to broadcasting in digital.
DATES: Effective October 29, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by FCC 08-224, by any of
the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Federal Communications Commission's Web Site: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
People with Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request
reasonable accommodations (accessible format documents, sign language
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For detailed instructions for submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process, see the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this document.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information on this
proceeding, please contact Lyle Elder,, of the
Policy Division, Media Bureau, (202) 418-2120, or Eloise Gore,, of the Media Bureau, (202) 418-7200.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Federal
Communications Commission's Declaratory Ruling in FCC 08-224, adopted
September 24, 2008, and released September 26, 2008. The full text of
this document is available for public inspection and copying during
regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal
Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., CY-A257, Washington,
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Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice),
(202) 418-0432 (TTY).
Summary of the Final Rule
I. Introduction
1. Pursuant to section 614(b)(4)(B) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended (the ``Act''), the Commission initiated this
proceeding in 1998 to address the responsibilities of cable television
operators with respect to carriage of digital broadcasters in light of
the significant changes to the broadcasting and cable television
industries resulting from the Nation's transition to digital
television. Now that Congress has established February 17, 2009, as the
date certain for the end of analog broadcasts by full-power television
licensees, and low-power and class A television licensees are beginning
their transition to digital broadcast, we must further clarify the
digital carriage responsibilities of cable operators.
2. Specifically, we clarify that the carriage elections that must
be made by October 1, 2008, will determine a station's carriage rights
throughout the entire 2009-2011 carriage election cycle. We also
clarify the channel placement options applicable to digital must-carry
stations, based upon the First Report and Order, 66 FR 16533, March 26,
2001, and the statute. Low-power broadcasters, while not required to
make their transition to digital by February 17, 2009, nevertheless are
doing so in increasing numbers, and will continue to do so of their own
volition. For those low-power stations that have the right to demand
carriage by cable operators, we clarify that their statutory carriage
rights extend to broadcasting in digital.
II. Background
3. Under the Act, cable systems are presumptively required to carry
all local television stations in all television markets they serve.
Commercial television stations may, however, choose to be carried
pursuant to voluntary retransmission consent agreements rather than by
mandatory carriage. Generally, every three years commercial television
stations must elect to either grant retransmission consent or pursue
their mandatory carriage rights. Noncommercial television stations may
only elect mandatory carriage, but are nonetheless free to negotiate
carriage with cable operators.
4. In this docket, the Commission has determined the broadcast
signal carriage responsibilities of cable television operators during
and after the transition is completed. The statutory provision
triggering this rulemaking is found in section 614(b)(4)(B) of the Act,
which states:
5. At such time as the Commission prescribes modifications of the
standards for television broadcast signals, the Commission shall
initiate a proceeding to establish any changes in the signal carriage
requirements of cable television systems necessary to ensure cable
carriage of such broadcast signals of local commercial television
stations which have been changed to conform with such modified
6. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``1998 NPRM'') in this
proceeding sought to amend the cable television broadcast signal
carriage rules, embodied in must-carry and retransmission consent, to
accommodate the carriage of digital broadcast television signals.
7. The Commission's First Report and Order and Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking in this proceeding adopted rules for carriage of
digital broadcast signals pursuant to retransmission consent and
mandatory carriage when a local television station is broadcasting only
a digital signal. The Commission
[[Page 64261]]
decided that a commercial television station broadcasting both an
analog signal and a digital signal may choose must-carry or
retransmission consent for its analog signal and retransmission consent
for its digital signal. The Commission acknowledged that the Act does
not specifically require mandatory carriage for noncommercial digital
television signals, but concluded that Congress did not intend to
exclude such signals from mandatory carriage. As an interim measure
during the transition, a digital-only television station may demand
that one of its video programming streams be carried on the cable
system for delivery to subscribers in an analog format.
8. In the First Report and Order, the Commission also concluded
that the statutory term ``primary video'' required cable operators to
carry only a single digital programming stream of a local digital
television station as well as content related to that stream. The
Commission further found that section 614(b)(4)(B) of the Act neither
requires cable operators to carry nor prohibits them from carrying both
the broadcaster's analog and digital signals (i.e., ``dual carriage'')
during the transition period.
9. In February 2005, the Commission issued the Second Report and
Order and First Order on Reconsideration. Among other things, the
Second Report and Order declined to require cable operators to carry
any more than one programming stream of a digital television station
that multicasts. The Commission's actions in the Second Report and
Order were limited to questions of carriage of multiple signals or
streams, however. In September 2007, we adopted the Third Report and
Order and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``Viewability
Order'') in order to address two important remaining issues.
10. The Viewability Order ensures that all cable TV viewers,
including the 98 million analog-only cable TV viewers, retain the same
access to their local stations after the transition as they have today.
The rules will require cable operators to comply with the statutory
viewability requirement by choosing to either: (1) Carry digital
signals in analog format, or (2) for all-digital systems, carry the
signals only in digital format, provided that all subscribers have the
necessary equipment to view the broadcast content. This decision
rendered moot the outstanding questions about post-transition carriage
of broadcast signals on a ``basic tier'' under 47 U.S.C. 543(b)(7)
(raised in the First Report and Order). The requirement that signals
carried pursuant to mandatory carriage be made actually viewable to all
subscribers, regardless of their equipment or level of service, means
that a cable operator may provide those signals solely in digital so
long as all subscribers are capable of receiving and viewing digital
signals. If some subscribers can only view analog signals, however,
broadcast stations carried pursuant to mandatory carriage must also be
made viewable to them. The viewability requirements will be in force
from the date of the transition through February 2012, subject to
review by the Commission during the last year of this period. The
Commission also reaffirmed the existing material degradation standard
for cable carriage of digital broadcast signals, prohibiting
preferential treatment of cable programmers or retransmission consent
stations and reiterating the requirement that cable systems carry high
definition (``HD'') broadcast signals in HD format.
11. Now, the conclusion of the transition approaches. Therefore, in
this Order we explain the carriage election process for stations that
will make their final transition from analog signals to digital signals
for the February 17, 2009, transition deadline.
12. In addition, although low-power broadcasters are not required
to participate in the full-power digital transition, many have chosen
to begin their transition. We therefore also take this opportunity to
clarify the effect on carriage rights of a voluntary transition to
digital by a low-power broadcaster that is qualified for mandatory
carriage of its analog signal.
III. Discussion
13. As we approach the deadline for the full-power digital
transition, we clarify that the full-power carriage elections that must
be made by October 1, 2008, will determine a station's carriage rights
throughout the entire 2009-2011 carriage election cycle. Low-power
broadcasters, while not required to make their transition to digital by
February 17, 2009, nevertheless are doing so in increasing numbers, and
will continue to do so of their own volition. For those low-power
stations that have the right to demand carriage by cable operators, we
clarify that their statutory carriage rights apply to digital
A. Full-Power Carriage Elections
1. Effect of October 1, 2008 Elections
14. The Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of
1992 established the requirement that ``television stations, within one
year after the date of enactment of [the Act] and every three years
thereafter, make an election between the right to grant retransmission
consent'' to cable operators or the right to mandatory carriage by
those cable operators. In compliance with this statutory mandate, the
Commission established a regular schedule for carriage elections. The
election in 1996 covered 1997-1999, the election in 1999 covered 2000-
2002, etc. In accordance with this schedule, the Act requires
broadcasters to elect, by October 1, 2008, whether they wish to engage
in retransmission consent negotiations with cable operators or demand
carriage on their systems for the three year period beginning January
1, 2009. Full-power broadcasters may choose to be carried on all of
those cable systems in the same DMA to which they can deliver a good
quality signal (must-carry), or they may choose to require those cable
systems to seek the broadcaster's consent before carrying the signal
(retransmission consent). The broadcaster must notify affected cable
systems if electing retransmission consent, or the station's status
will default to must-carry. 47 CFR 76.64. As noted above, full-power
broadcasters will cease all analog broadcasts by midnight on February
17, 2009.
15. We take this opportunity to clarify that the October 1, 2008,
election determines carriage of a station's signal for the entire 2009-
2011 carriage cycle. The carriage election rule for stations that
voluntarily return their analog spectrum allocation and begin operating
as digital-only prior to the 2009-2011 carriage cycle in which the DTV
transition concludes provides that ``stations that return their analog
spectrum allocation and broadcast in digital only shall make their
initial election any time between 60 days prior to commencing broadcast
and 30 days after * * * commencing broadcasting in digital only; such
initial election shall take effect 90 days after it is made.'' 47 CFR
76.64(f)(4). If a station elects must-carry on October 1, 2008, for the
2009-2011 carriage cycle, the cable operator(s) will provide carriage
of the station's analog signal beginning (or continuing) on January 1,
2009, and concluding no earlier than the actual termination of analog
service by that broadcaster. Once the station terminates analog service
and begins broadcasting in digital, the carrier shall commence carriage
of the station's digital signal without any gap in carriage. To
facilitate carriage and the final transition process, beginning January
1, 2009, cable operators must immediately commence carriage of the
digital signal of stations that cease analog broadcasting prior to the
[[Page 64262]]
February 17, 2009, statutory deadline; provided, however, that
broadcasters must notify the cable operator(s) 30 days before the date
on which they anticipate termination of their analog signal if it will
be earlier than February 17, 2009.
2. Channel Placement
16. We clarify that the channel placement options in sections
614(b)(6) and 615(g)(5) of the Act, as implemented in Sec. 76.57 of
the Commission's Rules, remain in effect after the digital transition.
Section 614(b)(6) of the Act generally provides that commercial
television stations carried pursuant to the mandatory carriage
provision are entitled to be carried on a cable system on the same
channel number on which the station broadcasts over-the-air. Under
section 615(g)(5) noncommercial television stations generally have the
same right. The Act also permits commercial and noncommercial
television stations to negotiate a mutually agreeable channel position
with the cable operator. Historically, channel positioning has been
part of the carriage election process, with must-carry stations
choosing from among the statutory options as part of the must-carry
election. 47 U.S.C. 534(b)(6), 535(g)(5). There are four channel
positioning options in the Act for commercial television stations. The
statutory options are ``the channel on which it was carried on July 19,
1985,'' ``the channel on which it was carried on January 1, 1992,''
``the channel number on which the local commercial television station
is broadcast over the air'', or any alternative channel by mutual
agreement. Noncommercial stations may not elect the channel number on
which they were carried on January 1, 1992, but otherwise have
identical options.
17. As noted above, one of those statutory options is carriage on
the broadcast channel number. In digital broadcasting, a broadcast
station's channel number is no longer identified by reference to its
over-the-air radio frequency. Instead, in compliance with the ATSC
standard, the station's ``major channel number'' is identified in its
program and system information protocol (``PSIP''). The Program and
System Information Protocol (``PSIP'') contains metadata about both the
program currently being aired and broadcast signal as a whole. One of
the most important elements in the PSIP is the Major Channel Number
(``MCN''), the channel ``location'' identified with a given station
regardless of its over-the-air broadcast frequency. ATSC receivers
(whether a TV set in a home or a receiver at a cable headend) can use
this data to determine the information that will be displayed to
viewers. Therefore, if the analog signal of a station was broadcast on
channel 12, its digital signal will appear on channel 12 when tuned by
an over-the-air viewer, even if the signal is being broadcast on a
frequency corresponding to, for instance, channel 37. See Program and
System Information Protocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable, ATSC
Document A/65 (Dec. 23, 1997). This usually corresponds to the radio
frequency at which the station previously broadcast its analog signal.
Therefore, in the First Report and Order, the Commission required that
channel mapping information be passed through as part of the PSIP,
linking the digital channel number with the appropriate primary video
and program-related content. Thus, the cable operator can identify the
correct channel location by reference to the PSIP.
18. We clarify that any station carried pursuant to mandatory
carriage may demand carriage on its major channel number as broadcast
in the station's PSIP. We also clarify that although the First Report
and Order did not specifically address the significance of the
statutory provisions and rules with respect to the ``historic''
carriage options, these statutory options remain available to digital
must-carry broadcasters, who will make digital channel placement
elections pursuant to Sec. Sec. 76.57(a) or (b) just as they
previously have for analog channel placement elections. Sec. 76.57(c),
adopted in the First Report and Order, should be read as clarifying the
manner in which cable operators are to determine the channel number on
which a local commercial or qualified NCE station is ``broadcast over
the air'' when implementing such a station's election under Sec. Sec.
76.57(a) or (b). The statute also permits carriage on ``such other
channel number as is mutually agreed upon by the station and the cable
operator.'' This negotiated option, as reflected in our Rules, also
remains an option. We also note that Sec. 76.57(f) continues to apply
to determine where a station must be carried if it makes no affirmative
B. Low-Power Carriage Rights
19. NCN Cable Advertising, licensee of WKFK-LP, Pascagoula,
Mississippi (``WKFK''), filed a petition for a declaratory ruling that
the FCC's cable must-carry rules apply to the digital signals of Class
A, LPTV and TV translator stations after those stations flash-cut to
digital operation and cease operating their analog signals. Currently,
our Rules provide for cable carriage of low-power stations (including
Class A) in specific and limited circumstances. WKFK argues that a
clarifying order is necessary to eliminate uncertainty about digital
carriage rights for low-power stations. WKFK is not seeking new or
additional carriage for low-power stations but rather a confirmation
that low-power stations will have the same carriage rights for their
digital signals as they currently have for their analog signals. In
addition, WKFK wants low-power stations to have the same downconversion
option for their digital-only signals as digital-only full-power
stations have for their digital signals.
1. Applicability of 76.55(d) to Low-Power Digital Broadcasters
20. Under Section 614(c) of the Act and Sec. 76.56(b)(3) of our
Rules, a cable operator is, in some circumstances, required to carry
the signal of one or two ``qualified low-power stations.'' Like full-
power commercial broadcast stations, low-power stations can earn must-
carry status with regard to a specific cable system by conforming to a
series of requirements (laid out in section 614(h)(2) of the Act). 47
U.S.C. 534(h)(2). The Commission's Rules implementing this section
state that a low-power station becomes qualified for mandatory carriage
if the station conforms to the Commission's LPTV rules, broadcasts for
at least the minimum number of hours required of commercial broadcast
stations by the Commission, and adheres to certain Commission
requirements regarding non-entertainment programming and employment.
However, an LPTV station will not be qualified unless the Commission
determines that the provision of programming by such station would
address local news and informational needs not being adequately served
by full-power television stations, because such full-power stations are
distant from the LPTV station's community of license. In addition, the
LPTV station must comply with the Commission's interference regulations
for LPTV stations; it must be within 35 miles of the cable system's
principal headend and deliver to the headend a good quality over-the-
air signal; its community of license and the franchise area of the
cable system must both have been located outside of the largest 160
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (``MSAs'') on June 30, 1990, and the
population of the LPTV station's community of license on that date must
not have exceeded 35,000; and there cannot be any full-power television
station licensed to any community
[[Page 64263]]
within the county or other political subdivision (of a State) served by
the cable system. 47 CFR 76.55(d). As noted above, the Commission has
previously made clear that Section 614(a) of the Act, which applies to
both commercial full-power and low-power stations, ``does not
distinguish between analog and digital signals and supports the
argument that digital signals are entitled to mandatory carriage.'' As
the Commission stated in 2001, when a broadcast station that is
otherwise entitled to carriage terminates its analog signals and
operates as a digital-only station, it does not lose its carriage
rights. We clarify here that this determination applies equally to
full- and low-power stations. The First Report and Order determined
that, for a ``limited time,'' digital-only full-power stations could
either demand carriage in digital or pay to downconvert their signal to
analog for carriage in analog. This interim viewability rule has been
in effect since 2001, giving full-power must-carry stations the option
to demand analog downconversion in order to make their signals as
widely viewable as possible.
21. Although the First Report and Order did not specifically
address the carriage of digital low-power stations, the Commission did
tentatively conclude that, as to commercial full-power stations, low-
power stations, and noncommercial educational stations it had ``no need
to deviate from the existing eligibility requirements for these three
categories of stations.'' The provisions establishing mandatory
carriage of low-power stations, at section 614(h)(2) of the Act, make
no distinction between digital and analog low-power stations. Indeed,
by their terms these provisions apply to ``any television broadcast
station'' conforming to the Part 74 Rules and the elements of section
614(h)(2). The Commission found in 2001 that simply the absence of a
distinction between analog and digital supported mandatory digital
carriage, and the stronger wording of section 614(h)(2) is
significantly more persuasive. But, because of the growing number of
low-power stations broadcasting in digital, and the potential for
uncertainty, we see a need to provide additional guidance in this
matter. We therefore clarify that qualified low-power digital-only
stations should be accorded the carriage rights they could have
demanded for their analog signal. The Communications Act at section
614(b)(7) requires that all stations carried pursuant to mandatory
carriage, including low-power stations, be made viewable to all
subscribers. Nonetheless, in the period remaining before the full-power
DTV transition, we will permit cable operators to carry low-power
digital-only stations in the same manner as full-power digital-only
stations--in either analog or digital, at the broadcaster's discretion.
Thus, if a qualified low-power station becomes digital-only, it may
elect carriage of its signal in digital, or may choose to pay to
downconvert the signal for carriage in analog. As of February 18, 2009,
all signals carried pursuant to mandatory carriage must again be made
viewable to all subscribers.
22. Although the language of the Act and our Rules does not
distinguish between analog and digital-only stations, we do find that
the Note to Sec. 76.55(d) is no longer fully accurate, as it addresses
only the signal strength of analog signals. Just as for commercial
full-power stations, the Note currently states that a good quality
signal level for analog is -45 dBm for UHF signals and -49 dBm for VHF
signals. The Cable Act, which established the -45/-49 dBm standard for
commercial full-power stations, is silent on the definition of ``good
quality signal'' for the purposes of carriage of low-power stations.
Acknowledging this, in a Memorandum Opinion and Order issued to
finalize several questions regarding implementation of the Cable Act,
the Commission, on its own motion, adopted the full-power commercial
signal quality standards for low-power stations (and noncommercial
stations). In the 1998 NPRM, the Commission asked whether ``new good
quality signal parameters'' were necessary for digital signals, and,
consistent with the rules established in 1994, made no distinction
among commercial, noncommercial, and low-power stations. In the First
Report and Order, the Commission established -61 dBm as the signal
level necessary to provide a ``good quality digital television signal
at a cable system's principal headend,'' again making no distinction
among commercial, noncommercial, and low-power stations.
23. In line with the Commission's consistent practice of aligning
the ``good quality signal'' standards for commercial, noncommercial,
and low-power stations, we find good cause to adopt, on a temporary
basis, a digital signal strength requirement for carriage of low-power
stations also using -61 dBm at the cable system headend. WKFK's
Petition makes clear that a delay in resolution of this question could
inhibit investment on the part of low-power station owners who seek to
transition their stations to digital. As discussed above, there is
ample history supporting an alignment of the full-power and low-power
standards, and thus no basis on which an industry participant might
have reasonably assumed that there would be a distinction between them
in digital. Furthermore, the Commission sought comment on what would
constitute a ``good quality signal'' for all digital signals in the
1998 NPRM, and there is no evidence in the record that would support
making any distinction among digital signals from different sources.
Thus, pending the adoption of a final amendment to the Note to Sec.
76.55(d), we will permit low-power mandatory-carriage analog stations
that begin broadcasting in digital-only to demand carriage of their
digital signal so long as they provide a signal strength of at least -
61 dBm to the cable system's headend.
2. Petition for Declaratory Ruling of WKFK
24. In light of this clarification, we grant WKFK's request for a
declaratory ruling. If WKFK begins broadcasting in digital-only, it
will have rights of carriage on the systems on which it may now demand
carriage, so long as it provides a signal strength of -61 dBm at each
system's headend.
IV. Ordering Clauses
25. It is ordered that, pursuant to the authority contained in
sections 1, 4, 303, 614, and 615 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 534, and 535, this Declaratory Order
is adopted.
26. It is further ordered that the Petition for Declaratory Ruling
filed by NCN Cable Advertising, licensee of WKFK-LP, Pascagoula,
Mississippi, is granted to the extent described herein.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8-25798 Filed 10-28-08; 8:45 am]