U.S. EPA's National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards Presentation During the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC), and Announcement of 2008 National Awards Winners, 62498-62499 [E8-24693]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 21, 2008 / Notices
‘‘regulatory actions’’ (defined to be the
same as ‘‘rules’’ subject to the RFA) on
tribal, state, and local governments and
the private sector. However, general
NPDES permits are not ‘‘rules’’ subject
to the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 553(b),
and is therefore not subject to the RFA.
Signed this 10th day of October, 2008.
Michael F. Gearheard,
Director, Office of Water and Watersheds,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 10.
[FR Doc. E8–25075 Filed 10–20–08; 8:45 am]
Proposed Agreement and Covenant
Not To Sue for 2800 South Sacramento
Superfund Site (a/k/a ‘‘Celotex Site’’),
Chicago, IL
Environmental Protection
Agency (‘‘EPA’’).
ACTION: Notice of proposed agreement;
request for public comment.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that a
proposed Agreement and Covenant Not
to Sue (Prospective Purchaser
Agreement) acquisition of the 2800
Sacramento Superfund Site (the
‘‘Celotex Site’’) by the City of Chicago
and the Chicago Park District (‘‘City
Parties’’) has been negotiated by the
United States Environmental Protection
Agency (‘‘EPA’’) and the City Parties
subject to the final review and approval
of the EPA and the U.S. Department of
Justice. The proposed Prospective
Purchaser Agreement relates to the City
Parties’ plan to take ownership of the
land and build a park at the Celotex
Site. The City Parties are not Potentially
Responsible Parties at the Site. Pursuant
to the Prospective Purchaser Agreement,
the City Parties will develop the
property as a public park utilizing
certain sustainable development
practices, in exchange for a covenant by
EPA not to sue the City Parties regarding
the Existing Contamination at the Site
pursuant to the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation,
and Liability Act of 1980, as amended,
42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq. (‘‘CERCLA’’).
DATES: EPA will receive written
comments by November 20, 2008
relating to the above referenced
Prospective Purchaser Agreement. EPA
will consider all comments received and
will only sign the Prospective Purchaser
Agreement after the public comment
period has ended and after it has
considered all comments received.
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EPA’s response to any
comments and the proposed Prospective
Purchaser Agreement is available for
public inspection at the EPA Superfund
Record Center, Region 5, 77 West
Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois
60604–3590. Comments and request for
copies of the proposed Prospective
Purchaser Agreement should be
addressed to Karen L. Peaceman,
Associate Regional Counsel, EPA Region
5, Mail Code C–14J, 77 West Jackson
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604–
3590; E-mail: Peaceman.karen@epa.gov
and should reference the 2800 South
Sacramento Avenue Superfund Site,
Chicago, Illinois. A copy of the
proposed Prospective Purchaser
Agreement may also be found at
Karen L. Peaceman, Associate Regional
Counsel, EPA Region 5, Mail Code C–
14J, 77 West Jackson Boulevard,
Chicago, Illinois 60604–3590, (312)
Dated: October 10, 2008.
Richard C. Karl,
Director, Superfund Division, Region 5.
[FR Doc. E8–24877 Filed 10–20–08; 8:45 am]
[OW–2003–0064, FRL–8731–1]
U.S. EPA’s National Clean Water Act
Recognition Awards Presentation
During the Water Environment
Federation’s Technical Exposition and
Conference (WEFTEC), and
Announcement of 2008 National
Awards Winners
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency recognized municipalities and
industries for outstanding and
innovative technological achievements
in wastewater treatment and pollution
abatement programs. An inscribed
plaque was presented to first and
second place national winners at the
annual Clean Water Act Recognition
Awards presentation during the Water
Environment Federation’s Technical
Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC).
Recognition is made for outstanding
programs and projects in operations and
maintenance at wastewater treatment
facilities, biosolids management and
public acceptance, municipal
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implementation and enforcement of
local pretreatment programs, costeffective storm water controls, and
combined sewer overflow controls. This
action announces the 2008 national
awards winners.
DATES: Monday, October 20, 2008, 11:30
a.m. to 1 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The national awards
presentation ceremony was held at the
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place,
Chicago, Illinois.
Matthew Richardson, Telephone: (202)
564–2947. Facsimile Number: (202)
501–2396. E-Mail:
richardson.matthew@epa.gov. Also visit
the Office of Wastewater Management’s
Web page at https://www.epa.gov/owm.
Water Act Recognition Awards are
authorized by section 501(a) and (e) of
the Clean Water Act, and 33 U.S.C.
1361(a) and (e). Applications and
nominations for the national awards are
recommended by EPA regions. The
regulation that establishes the
framework for the annual recognition
awards program is at 40 CFR part 105.
EPA announced the availability of
application and nomination information
for this year’s awards (73 FR 16299,
March 27, 2008). The awards program
enhances national awareness of
municipal wastewater treatment and
encourages public support of programs
targeted to protecting the public’s health
and safety and the nation’s water
quality. State water pollution control
agencies and EPA regional offices make
recommendations to headquarters for
the national awards. Programs and
projects being recognized are in
compliance with applicable water
quality requirements and have a
satisfactory record with respect to
environmental quality. Municipalities
and industries are recognized for their
demonstrated creativity and
technological achievements in five
awards categories as follows:
(1) Outstanding Operations and
Maintenance practices at wastewater
treatment facilities;
(2) Exemplary Biosolids Management
projects, technology/innovation or
development activities, research and
public acceptance efforts;
(3) Pretreatment Program Excellence;
(4) Stormwater Management
Excellence; and,
(5) Outstanding Combined Sewer
Overflow Control programs. The
winners of the EPA’s 2008 National
Clean Water Act Recognition Awards
are listed below by category.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 21, 2008 / Notices
Category: Operations and Maintenance Awards
O&M First Place:
F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center, Buford, Georgia, EPA Region 4 ............................................................
El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Board, Northwest Wastewater Treatment Facility, El Paso, Texas, EPA
Region 6.
City of Newnan—Wahoo Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, Newnan, Georgia, EPA Region 4 ......................
Waterville Wastewater Treatment Facility, Waterville, New York, EPA Region 2 .................................................
Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, Carson, California, EPA Region 9 ................................................................
Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant, City of Vidalia, ESG Operations, Georgia, EPA Region 4 ...................
The Manor Water Reclamation Facility, Alpharetta, Georgia, EPA Region 4 .......................................................
Bristol, New Hampshire Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bristol, New Hampshire, EPA Region 1 .........................
O&M Second Place:
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Martinez, California, EPA Region 9 .........................................................
Grandville Wastewater Treatment Plant, Grandville, Michigan, EPA Region 5 ....................................................
Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority, Beaver Estates Water Pollution Control Plant,
Douglasville, Georgia, EPA Region 4.
Large Advanced Plant.
Large Advanced Plant.
Medium Advanced Plant.
Small Advanced Plant.
Large Secondary Plant.
Medium Non-Discharging
Small Non-Discharging
Most Improved Plant.
Large Secondary Plant.
Medium Advanced Plant.
Small Advanced Plant.
Category: Exemplary Biosolids Management Awards
Biosolids First Place:
Lawrence Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility, Lawrence, Kansas, EPA Region 7 .....................................
Tahlequah Public Works Authority Compost Operation, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, EPA Region 6 ..........................
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, EPA Region 5 ...........................
Biosolids Second Place:
Spencer Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Organic Resource Recycling Program, St. Peters, Missouri,
EPA Region 7.
Large Operating Projects.
Small Operating Projects.
Public Acceptance.
Large Operating Projects.
Category: Pretreatment Program Awards
Pretreatment First Place:
Union Sanitary District, Union City, California, EPA Region 9 ..............................................................................
Sam Hobbs Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, Casper, Wyoming, EPA Region 8 ...................................
St. Johns County Utilities Pretreatment Program, St. Augustine, Florida, EPA Region 4 ....................................
Pretreatment Second Place:
Laguna Subregional Reclamation Facility, Santa Rosa, California, EPA Region 9 ..............................................
South Valley Water Reclamation Facility Pretreatment Program, West Jordan, Utah, EPA Region 8 .................
Greater Than 21 Significant
Industrial Users (SIUs).
6–20 SIUs.
0–5 SIUs.
Greater Than 21 SIUs.
6–20 SIUs.
Category: Stormwater Management Awards
Stormwater First Place:
County of Sacramento Commercial/Industrial Stormwater, Compliance Program, Sacramento, California, EPA
Region 9.
Stormwater First Place:
Rogue Valley Sewer Services, Central Point, Oregon, EPA Region 10 ...............................................................
Stormwater Second Place:
Keep It Clean Partnership—City of Boulder, Town of Erie, City of Longmont, City of Louisville, Town of Superior, and Boulder County, Colorado, EPA Region 8.
Industrial Program.
Municipal Program.
Municipal Program.
Category: Combined Sewer Overflow Control Awards
CSO First Place:
Village of Metamora Wastewater Collection Separation, Metamora, Ohio, EPA Region 5 ..................................
Dated: October 10, 2008.
Judy Davis,
Acting Director, Office of Wastewater
[FR Doc. E8–24693 Filed 10–20–08; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
SUMMARY: The FDIC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
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Municipal CSO Program.
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35). Currently, the FDIC
is soliciting comments concerning the
following collection of information
titled: Notification of Changes of
Insured Status (3064–0124).
Comments must be submitted on
or before December 22, 2008.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 204 (Tuesday, October 21, 2008)]
[Pages 62498-62499]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-24693]
[OW-2003-0064, FRL-8731-1]
U.S. EPA's National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards
Presentation During the Water Environment Federation's Technical
Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC), and Announcement of 2008 National
Awards Winners
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency recognized municipalities
and industries for outstanding and innovative technological
achievements in wastewater treatment and pollution abatement programs.
An inscribed plaque was presented to first and second place national
winners at the annual Clean Water Act Recognition Awards presentation
during the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exposition and
Conference (WEFTEC). Recognition is made for outstanding programs and
projects in operations and maintenance at wastewater treatment
facilities, biosolids management and public acceptance, municipal
implementation and enforcement of local pretreatment programs, cost-
effective storm water controls, and combined sewer overflow controls.
This action announces the 2008 national awards winners.
DATES: Monday, October 20, 2008, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The national awards presentation ceremony was held at the
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Richardson, Telephone: (202)
564-2947. Facsimile Number: (202) 501-2396. E-Mail:
richardson.matthew@epa.gov. Also visit the Office of Wastewater
Management's Web page at https://www.epa.gov/owm.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Clean Water Act Recognition Awards are
authorized by section 501(a) and (e) of the Clean Water Act, and 33
U.S.C. 1361(a) and (e). Applications and nominations for the national
awards are recommended by EPA regions. The regulation that establishes
the framework for the annual recognition awards program is at 40 CFR
part 105. EPA announced the availability of application and nomination
information for this year's awards (73 FR 16299, March 27, 2008). The
awards program enhances national awareness of municipal wastewater
treatment and encourages public support of programs targeted to
protecting the public's health and safety and the nation's water
quality. State water pollution control agencies and EPA regional
offices make recommendations to headquarters for the national awards.
Programs and projects being recognized are in compliance with
applicable water quality requirements and have a satisfactory record
with respect to environmental quality. Municipalities and industries
are recognized for their demonstrated creativity and technological
achievements in five awards categories as follows:
(1) Outstanding Operations and Maintenance practices at wastewater
treatment facilities;
(2) Exemplary Biosolids Management projects, technology/innovation
or development activities, research and public acceptance efforts;
(3) Pretreatment Program Excellence;
(4) Stormwater Management Excellence; and,
(5) Outstanding Combined Sewer Overflow Control programs. The
winners of the EPA's 2008 National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards
are listed below by category.
[[Page 62499]]
Category: Operations and Maintenance Awards
O&M First Place:
F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center, Large Advanced Plant.
Buford, Georgia, EPA Region 4.
El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Large Advanced Plant.
Board, Northwest Wastewater Treatment
Facility, El Paso, Texas, EPA Region 6.
City of Newnan--Wahoo Creek Water Pollution Medium Advanced Plant.
Control Plant, Newnan, Georgia, EPA Region
Waterville Wastewater Treatment Facility, Small Advanced Plant.
Waterville, New York, EPA Region 2.
Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, Carson, Large Secondary Plant.
California, EPA Region 9.
Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant, City Medium Non-Discharging
of Vidalia, ESG Operations, Georgia, EPA Plant.
Region 4.
The Manor Water Reclamation Facility, Small Non-Discharging
Alpharetta, Georgia, EPA Region 4. Plant.
Bristol, New Hampshire Wastewater Treatment Most Improved Plant.
Plant, Bristol, New Hampshire, EPA Region 1.
O&M Second Place:
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Large Secondary Plant.
Martinez, California, EPA Region 9.
Grandville Wastewater Treatment Plant, Medium Advanced Plant.
Grandville, Michigan, EPA Region 5.
Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Small Advanced Plant.
Authority, Beaver Estates Water Pollution
Control Plant, Douglasville, Georgia, EPA
Region 4.
Category: Exemplary Biosolids Management Awards
Biosolids First Place:
Lawrence Municipal Wastewater Treatment Large Operating
Facility, Lawrence, Kansas, EPA Region 7. Projects.
Tahlequah Public Works Authority Compost Small Operating
Operation, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, EPA Region Projects.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Public Acceptance.
Greater Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, EPA
Region 5.
Biosolids Second Place:
Spencer Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Large Operating
Organic Resource Recycling Program, St. Projects.
Peters, Missouri, EPA Region 7.
Category: Pretreatment Program Awards
Pretreatment First Place:
Union Sanitary District, Union City, Greater Than 21
California, EPA Region 9. Significant
Industrial Users
Sam Hobbs Regional Wastewater Treatment 6-20 SIUs.
Facility, Casper, Wyoming, EPA Region 8.
St. Johns County Utilities Pretreatment 0-5 SIUs.
Program, St. Augustine, Florida, EPA Region
Pretreatment Second Place:
Laguna Subregional Reclamation Facility, Greater Than 21 SIUs.
Santa Rosa, California, EPA Region 9.
South Valley Water Reclamation Facility 6-20 SIUs.
Pretreatment Program, West Jordan, Utah,
EPA Region 8.
Category: Stormwater Management Awards
Stormwater First Place:
County of Sacramento Commercial/Industrial Industrial Program.
Stormwater, Compliance Program, Sacramento,
California, EPA Region 9.
Stormwater First Place:
Rogue Valley Sewer Services, Central Point, Municipal Program.
Oregon, EPA Region 10.
Stormwater Second Place:
Keep It Clean Partnership--City of Boulder, Municipal Program.
Town of Erie, City of Longmont, City of
Louisville, Town of Superior, and Boulder
County, Colorado, EPA Region 8.
Category: Combined Sewer Overflow Control Awards
CSO First Place:
Village of Metamora Wastewater Collection Municipal CSO Program.
Separation, Metamora, Ohio, EPA Region 5.
Dated: October 10, 2008.
Judy Davis,
Acting Director, Office of Wastewater Management.
[FR Doc. E8-24693 Filed 10-20-08; 8:45 am]