Enhancing the Security and Stability of the Internet's Domain Name and Addressing System, 59608-59612 [E8-23974]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 / Notices
Register on Thursday, October 2, 2008
(73 FR 57336).
The Council’s Research Steering
Committee (Committee) will address a
range of issues including a briefing on
the status of NMFS’ Cooperative
Research Program activities and
funding. The Committee also will
review preliminary work of the
NEFMC’s 5-year research priorities. The
Committee will re-examine, and
possibly revise, the evaluation criteria
for cooperative research priorities
subject to review by the Committee as
well as review a small number of
cooperative research project final
reports. The Committee will also
discuss the use of a workshop format to
conduct future Committee management
reviews. Finally, the Committee will
discuss outstanding issues related to the
Council’s research set-aside programs if
time allows. The Committee may
consider other topics at their discretion.
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this group for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
action during this meeting. Action will
be restricted to those issues specifically
listed in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the Council’s intent to take
final action to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
This meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to Paul
J. Howard, Executive Director, at (978)
465–0492, at least 5 days prior to the
meeting date.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: October 6, 2008.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E8–23941 Filed 10–8–08; 8:45 am]
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Docket Number: 0810021307–81308–01
Enhancing the Security and Stability of
the Internet’s Domain Name and
Addressing System
National Telecommunications
and Information Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce
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Notice of Inquiry
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Department) notes the increase in
interest among government, technology
experts and industry representatives
regarding the deployment of Domain
Name and Addressing System Security
Extensions (DNSSEC) at the root zone
level. The Department remains
committed to preserving the security
and stability of the DNS and is
exploring the implementation of
DNSSEC in the DNS hierarchy,
including at the authoritative root zone
level. Accordingly, the Department is
issuing this notice to invite comments
regarding DNSSEC implementation at
the root zone.
DATES: Comments are due on November
24, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted by mail to Fiona Alexander,
Associate Administrator, Office of
International Affairs, National
Telecommunications and Information
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue,
N.W., Room 4701, Washington, DC
20230. Written comments may also be
sent by facsimile to (202) 482–1865 or
electronically via electronic mail to
DNSSEC@ntia.doc.gov. Comments will
be posted on NTIA’s website at https://
further information about this Notice,
please contact Ashley Heineman at
(202) 482–0298 or
Background. The Domain Name and
Addressing System (DNS) is a critical
component of the Internet infrastructure
and is used by almost every Internet
protocol-based application to associate
human readable computer hostnames
with the numerical addresses required
to deliver information on the Internet. It
is a hierarchical and globally distributed
system in which distinct servers
maintain the detailed information for
their local domains and pointers for
how to navigate the hierarchy to retrieve
information from other domains. The
accuracy, integrity, and availability of
the information supplied by the DNS are
essential to the operation of any system,
service or application that uses the
The DNS was not originally designed
with strong security mechanisms to
ensure the integrity and authenticity of
the DNS data. Over the years, a number
of vulnerabilities have been identified
in the DNS protocol that threaten the
accuracy and integrity of the DNS data
and undermine the trustworthiness of
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the system. Technological advances in
computing power and network
transmission speeds have made it
possible to exploit these vulnerabilities
more rapidly and effectively.1
Development of the DNSSEC Protocol.
To mitigate the long-recognized
vulnerabilities in the DNS, the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF), using
the same open standards process
employed to develop the core DNS
protocols, has developed a set of
protocol extensions to protect the
Internet from certain DNS related
attacks: DNSSEC.2 DNSSEC is designed
to support authentication of the source
and integrity of information stored in
the DNS using public key cryptography
and a hierarchy of digital signatures. It
is designed to offer protection against
forged (‘‘spoofed’’) DNS data, such as
that created by DNS cache poisoning, by
providing: (1) validation that DNS data
is authentic; (2) assurance of data
integrity; and (3) authenticated denial of
existence.3 DNSSEC does not provide
any confidentiality for, or encryption of,
the DNS data itself. The DNSSEC
protocol also does not protect against
denial of service (DoS) attacks or other
attacks against the name server itself.4
The DNSSEC protocol is designed to
allow for deployment in discrete zones
within the DNS infrastructure without
requiring deployment elsewhere, as
DNSSEC is an opt-in technology.
Signing of any individual zone or
domain within the hierarchy does not
1 See, National Research Council, The National
Academies, Signposts in Cyberspace: The Domain
Name System and Internet Navigation 154
(2005)(Signposts), https://books.nap.edu/
catalog.php?recordlid=11258#toc (last checked
September 29, 2008); Department of Homeland
Security, National Security Division, and National
Institute of Standards and Technology, National
Vulnerability Database, Vulnerability Summary for
CVE-2008–1447 (Original release date July 08, 2008;
last revised September 17, 2008) available at http:/
/web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vuln Id=CVE2008–1447 (last checked September 23, 2008) (This
site provides a list of most recent advisories
regarding DNS vulnerabilities including DNS
spoofing, cache poisoning, etc., and includes links
to tools and solutions).
2 The DNSSEC protocol has been under
development since the 1990s with the latest
revision approved by the IETF in 2005. RFC 4033
and its companion documents RFCs 4034 and 4035
update, clarify and refine the security extensions
previously defined orginally in RFC 2535 and its
predecessors. Id., Signposts, at 154; see also, S. Rose
and R. Chandramouli, ‘‘Challenges in Securing the
Domain Name System,’’ Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Security and Privacy
Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, 84 (Tom Karygiannis, Rick
Kuhn, and Susan Landau eds., Jan./Feb.
2006)(Challenges), https://www.antd.nist.gov/pubs/
3 R. Arends et al., DNS Security Introduction and
Requirements, Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) Request for Comment (RFC) 4033 (March
2005)(RFC 4033), https://www.ietf.org/rfc/
rfc4033.txt (last checked September 24, 2008).
4 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 / Notices
obligate or force any entity operating a
zone elsewhere in the DNS hierarchy to
deploy. In addition, end users systems
only receive DNSSEC signed
information if they request it.
Proponents of DNSSEC assert that
widespread deployment of the protocol
would mitigate many of the
vulnerabilities currently associated with
the DNS, increasing the security and
integrity of the Internet DNS in a
scalable fashion.5 Ubiquitous
deployment of DNSSEC would also
enable authentication of the hierarchical
relationship between domains to
provide the highest levels of assurance.
Thus, to realize the greatest benefits
from DNSSEC, there needs to be an
uninterrupted chain of trust from the
zones that choose to deploy DNSSEC
back to the root zone.6
Ubiquitous deployment of DNSSEC
throughout the Internet landscape
would require action by a broad range
of entities supporting the operation of
the DNS infrastructure including, for
example, domain name registrars, top
level domain (TLD) registry operators
and the operators or managers for subdomains or enterprise networks,
Internet service providers (ISPs),
software vendors, and others.7
Additionally, software will need to be
developed, servers will need to be
configured to support DNSSEC, and
users’ systems will need to be
configured to look for the authenticating
Current DNSSEC Deployment Status.
To date, deployment of DNSSEC has
been somewhat piecemeal. At present,
only a small number of country code top
level domain (ccTLD) operators (e.g., .se
[Sweden], .pr [Puerto Rico], .bg
[Bulgaria], and .br [Brazil]) have
deployed DNSSEC.8 In addition, the
operators of several generic TLDs
(including .org and .gov) have publicly
announced their intention to do so.9 A
5 Id.,
at 6.
Signposts, supra note 1 at 158.
7 See e.g., Challenges, supra note 2, at 86-87. The
Department recognizes that the ultimate success of
DNSSEC would also require a widespread
education campaign among end-users and DNSSEC
awareness would have to be integrated into
application and operating system software and
8 To check which TLDs that have deployed
DNSSEC, see University of Southern California Los
Angeles, ‘‘SecSpider: the DNSSEC Monitoring
Project’’ (UCLA SecSpider), https://
secspider.cs.ucla.edu (last checked September 19,
2008) (each TLD zone can be looked up separately
using this tool); Carolyn Duffy Marsan, Network
World, ‘‘Feds Tighten Security on .GOV’’
(September 22, 2008), https://www.networkworld
.com/news/2008/092208-government-websecurity.html?page=1 (last checked September 25,
9 Public Interest Registry, ‘‘ .ORG Becomes First
Generic Top Level Domain to Start DNSSEC
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
6 See
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number of second-level domain
operators have also signed their zones,
such as nist.gov.10
Some argue that DNSSEC deployment
has been delayed because without a
signed root, early deployments operate
as ‘‘islands of trust’’ with no established
chain of trust above them in the DNS
hierarchy connecting them to other
signed zones.11 Without a common,
shared ‘‘trust anchor,’’12 these early
deployers and others that wish to
deploy DNSSEC must be able to manage
not only their own trust anchors or
‘‘keys,’’ but also the trust anchors for
other signed domains within the DNS
hierarchy.13 The technical and
procedural challenges presented by this
‘‘key management’’ dilemma need to be
overcome to facilitate DNSSEC
Due to the complexities involved in
managing trust anchors in the absence
of a signed root, alternative mechanisms
such as ‘‘trust anchor repositories’’
(TARs) are also being developed.15
TARs are just one type of alternative
available today. It is not clear what
other alternatives for key management
Implementation’’ (July 21, 2008), https://pir.org/
index.php?db=content/News&tbl=Press&id=9 (last
checked September 24, 2008); Executive Office of
the President, Office of Management and Budget,
Memorandum for Chief Information Officers,
Securing the Federal Government’s Domain Name
System Infrastructure (August 22, 2008), https://
m08-23.pdf (last checked September 24, 2008).
10 See UCLA SecSpider, supra note 8, (second
level zones may also be looked up using this tool).
11 R. Arends, et al., Protocol Modifications for the
DNS Security Extensions, Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) Request for Comment (RFC) 4035
(March 2005)(RFC 4035), https://www.ietf.org/rfc/
rfc4035.txt (last checked September 25, 2008) (This
document defines the concept of a signed zone and
lists requirements for a zone signature).
12 As defined in RFC 4033, a ‘‘Trust Anchor’’ is
‘‘a configured DNSKEY RR or RR hash of a DNSKEY
RR. A validating security-aware resolver uses this
public key or hash as a starting point for building
the authentication chain to a signed DNS response.’’
Further, ‘‘presence of a trust anchor also implies
that the resolver should expect the zone to which
the trust anchor points to be signed.’’ See RFC 4033,
supra note 3.
13 See RFC 4035, supra note 11.
14 See Challenges, supra note 2 at 85-86.
15 TARs allow a trusted third party to collect,
authenticate, and manage the required keys on
behalf of a group of DNSSEC users. For additional
information on TARs, see, Sparta Inc., Shinkuro
Inc., and National Institute of Science and
Technology, ‘‘Statement of Needed Internet
Capability: Trust Anchor Repositories’’ (June 9,
2008), https://www.dnssec-deployment.org/tar/
tarpaper.pdf (last checked September 24, 2008). In
April 2008, the Board of Directors of the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN) authorized the creation and maintenance
of an Interim TAR to act as a registry of DNSSEC
trust anchors for top level domains. See, Minutes
of the Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of
Directors (April 30, 2008), https://www.icann.org/
en/minutes/minutes-30apr08.htm (last checked
September 24, 2008).
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may be currently under development or
could be developed in the future.16
Implementing DNSSEC at the Root.
The hierarchical nature of the DNS
structure (e.g., root zone, top level
domains, sub-domains) and the trust
anchor framework required for securityaware resolvers to validate a signed
response arguably make DNSSEC
deployment at the root level (i.e.,
‘‘signing’’ of the root) an important step
to achieve optimal benefits from the
protocol. Signing the root would
provide a single trust anchor at the top
of the hierarchy upon which the DNS
infrastructure could depend. Proponents
contend this would simplify the
validation process for those who have
already deployed DNSSEC, while
providing an incentive for possible
broader deployment by others across the
DNS domain space by removing one of
the primary deterrents (the lack of a
single trust anchor) to adoption.17
Support among the DNS community
for implementation of DNSSEC at the
root level has progressively grown over
the years, as threats to the DNS have
emerged. Several organizations have
publicly indicated their support for
signing the root zone.18 Various Internet
entities have undertaken a number of
test-bed and pilot project initiatives to
assess the technical feasibility and
issues associated with signing of the
root zone. Some notable examples
Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN) DNSSEC
testing demo (https://ns.iana.org/
VeriSign DNSSEC Root testbed
16 The potential risks and benefits associated with
TARs and other alternatives to signing of the root
are not the primary focus of this NOI and,
accordingly, are addressed only briefly here.
However, depending on the comments received in
response to this NOI, the Department may consider
these issues more fully at a later date.
17 See, Samuel Weiler, Carnegie Mellon
University, Information Networking Institute,
‘‘Deploying DNSSEC Without a Signed Root’’ (April
2004), https://www.watson.org/~weiler/INI 1999–
19.pdf (last checked September 25, 2008) (This
document discusses the importance of a signed root
from a technical perspective and discusses
alternatives if the root is not signed).
18 The National Academies, see Signposts, supra
note 1, at 158; The European Internet Regional
Internet Registry (RIPE), see Letter from Axel
Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE Network
Coordination Centre to Dr. Vinton Cerf and Paul
Twomey, ICANN (June 12, 2007), https://
(last checked September 24, 2008); Nominet (the .uk
registry), see Nominet, ‘‘Signing the Root’’ (October
2007), https://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/
27762lSigninglthelRoot.pdf (last checked
September 24, 2008); Public Interest Registry (PIR),
see Letter from Alexa A.S. Raad, President and
CEO, Public Internet Registry to the Honorable
Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce, U.S.
Department of Commerce (September 5, 2008).
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
EP.NET, LLC Root Server Testbed
Network (https://www.rs.net/)
These test-beds were established to
demonstrate the technical feasibility for
signing the root zone on a day-to-day
routine basis. However, as they have
largely been developed to evaluate
technical aspects of signing the root,
these test-bed efforts have not addressed
or considered certain policy and
procedural issues regarding the
management of a signed root zone.
These policy and procedural issues,
especially regarding key management
for the root zone, must be resolved
before deployment in the root zone to
ensure transparency and
trustworthiness to the Internet
While deployment of DNSSEC at the
root has many benefits, it introduces
new security requirements. In
particular, the cryptographic keys used
to protect the root zone must be
protected from disclosure. If an
unauthorized entity gains access to the
keys, it could publish incorrect
information in the DNS with DNSSEC
extensions falsely indicating the DNS
data’s integrity and authenticity. This
risk can be mitigated through a variety
of procedural and technical
mechanisms, many of which can be
applied in concert. The Department
welcomes comments regarding
procedural and technical mechanisms
available to address such security
DNSSEC Implementation Models. A
DNSSEC signed root zone would
represent one of most significant
changes to the DNS infrastructure since
it was created. Consistent with the U.S.
Principles on the Internet’s Domain
Name and Addressing System, the
Department is now undertaking a
review of the various implementation
models to enhance the security and
stability of the Internet DNS.19 The
Department recognizes the potential
benefits of a DNSSEC signed root and is
actively examining various
implementation models in coordination
with the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) as well as other
U.S. Government stakeholders and
experts. NIST has been at the forefront
of DNSSEC research and deployment
domestically.20 The U.S. Government
also recently announced the
19 See U.S. Principles on the Internet’s Domain
Name and Addressing System, https://
usdnsprinciplesl06302005.htm (last checked
September 24, 2008).
20 National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce, DNSSEC
Project, https://www-x.antd.nist.gov/dnssec/ (last
checked September 24, 2008).
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deployment of DNSSEC throughout the
.gov domain.21 The Department has also
been consulting with other relevant
stakeholders, including ICANN and
VeriSign, Inc., with respect to DNSSEC
As a fundamental consideration, it is
essential that implementation of
DNSSEC at the root further ensures the
stability and reliability of the root zone
management system. All of the DNSSEC
root zone deployment models of which
the Department is aware would
incorporate the elements required for
‘‘signing’’ the root into the process flow
for management of the authoritative root
zone file. At present, the process flow
(see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc
includes the following steps: (1) TLD
operator submits change request to the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA) Functions Operator; (2) the
IANA Functions Operator processes the
request; (3) the IANA Functions
Operator sends a request to the
Administrator for verification/
authorization; (4) the Administrator
sends verification/authorization to the
Root Zone Maintainer to make the
change; (5) the Root Zone Maintainer
edits and generates the new root zone
file; and (6) the Root Zone Maintainer
distributes the new root zone file to the
13 root server operators. Deployment of
DNSSEC in the root zone would
introduce new steps into this process
flow, but would not necessarily require
a change in the existing roles of the
various participants in the process.
As a cryptographic key-based system,
DNSSEC employs two types of publicprivate key pairs created for the zone;
one is referred to as the Zone Signing
Key (ZSK) and the other is referred to
as the Key Signing Key (KSK).23 The
private components of these keys are
kept secret and are used for signing
purposes. The collection of KSK and
21 Executive Office of the President, Office of
Management and Budget, Memorandum for Chief
Information Officers, Securing the Federal
Government’s Domain Name System Infrastructure
(August 22, 2008), https://www.whitehouse.gov/
omb/memoranda/fy2008/m08-23.pdf (last checked
September 24, 2008)(The U.S. Government is
requiring deployment of DNSSEC at the TLD level
in .gov by January 2009 and in all .gov sub-domains
used by Federal agencies by December 2009).
22 The Department’s agreements with ICANN and
VeriSign, Inc. provide the process through which
changes are currently made to the authoritative root
zone file.
23 See, Ramaswamy Chandramouli and Scott
Rose, NIST, ‘‘Secure Domain Name System (DNS)
Deployment Guide,’’ NIST SP 800-81, at 9-3 - 9-5
(May 2006), https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/
nistpubs/800–81/SP800–81.pdf (last checked
September 24, 2008) (This document provides
deployment guidelines for securing DNS at the
enterprise level including use of keys and provides
a general discussion of the structure of the DNS).
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ZSK public keys published for the root
zone is referred to as the root keyset.
Specifically, signing of the root zone
would involve three steps:
(1) The signing of the root zone file
itself and the creation of the Zone
Signing Key (ZSK), which would be
performed by the Root Zone Signer
(2) The signing of the zone signing
keyset and the creation of the Key
Signing Key (KSK), which would be
performed by the Root Key Operator
(RKO); and
(3) Publication of the public key
information for propagation throughout
the rest of the Internet.24
As with other changes to the root
zone, the Administrator would be
responsible for verifying/authorizing
updates to the root keyset.
A number of possible models exist to
implement these steps into the existing
root zone file management system. Six
possible process flow models are
presented in Appendix A for
consideration and comment;
commenters are encouraged to also
review the graphic representations of
these process flows posted on NTIA’s
website at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSEC.html. The Department
recognizes that the six process flow
models discussed in the appendix may
not represent all of the possibilities
available and invites comments below
on alternate models, as appropriate.
The Department seeks comments on
DNSSEC deployment and a signed root
generally, as well as specific details,
comments, and evaluations of the
various process flow models proposed
or other process flow models that may
otherwise be technically feasible to
implement DNSSEC at the root zone
level. Please include an analysis of the
risks, benefits, and impacts of each
process flow on the DNS security and
stability generally. This analysis should
include whether there are security
weaknesses or strengths with each
process flow model, whether there are
methods or suggestions that will
increase security and efficiency, and/or
whether any alternative process flow
models exist that may be preferable to
those described in the appendix.
Questions on DNSSEC Deployment
∑ In terms of addressing cache
poisoning and similar attacks on the
DNS, are there alternatives to DNSSEC
24 See generally, id., at Sections 8 and 9 (These
document sections provide a general discussion of
zone signing guidelines).
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 / Notices
that should be considered prior to or in
conjunction with consideration of
signing the root?
∑ What are the advantages and/or
disadvantages of DNSSEC relative to
other possible security measures that
may be available?
∑ What factors impede widespread
deployment of DNSSEC?
∑ What additional steps are required
to facilitate broader DNSSEC
deployment and use? What end user
education may be required to ensure
that end users possess the ability to
utilize and benefit from DNSSEC?
General Questions Concerning Signing
of the Root Zone
∑ Should DNSSEC be implemented at
the root zone level? Why or why not?
What is a viable time frame for
implementation at the root zone level?
∑ What are the risks and/or benefits of
implementing DNSSEC at the root zone
∑ Is additional testing necessary to
assure that deployment of DNSSEC at
the root will not adversely impact the
security and stability of the DNS? If so,
what type of operational testing should
be required, and under what conditions
and parameters should such testing
occur? What entities (e.g., root server
operators, registrars, registries, TLD
operators, ISPs, end users) should be
involved in such testing?
∑ How would implementation of
DNSSEC at the root zone impact
DNSSEC deployment throughout the
DNS hierarchy?
∑ How would the different entities
(e.g., root operators, registrars, registries,
registrants, ISPs, software vendors, end
users) be affected by deployment of
DNSSEC at the root level? Are these
different entities prepared for DNSSEC
at the root zone level and /or are each
considering deployment in their
respective zones?
∑ What are the estimated costs that
various entities may incur to implement
DNSSEC? In particular, what are the
estimated costs for those entities that
would be involved in deployment of
DNSSEC at the root zone level?
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Operational Questions Concerning
Signing of the Root Zone
∑ The Department recognizes that the
six process flow models discussed in
the appendix may not represent all of
the possibilities available. The
Department invites comment on these
process flow models as well as whether
other process flow model(s) may exist
that would implement deployment of
DNSSEC at the root zone more
efficiently or effectively.
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∑ Of the six process flow models or
others not presented, which provides
the greatest benefits with the fewest
risks for signing the root and why?
Specifically, how should key
management (public and private key
sets) be distributed and why? What
other factors related to key management
(e.g., key roll over, security, key signing)
need to be considered and how best
should they be approached?
∑ We invite comment with respect to
what technical capabilities and facilities
or other attributes are necessary to be a
Root Key Operator.
∑ What specific security
considerations for key handling need to
be taken into account? What are the best
practices, if any, for secure key
∑ Should a multi-signature technique,
as represented in the M of N approach
discussed in the appendix, be utilized
in implementation of DNSSEC at the
root zone level? Why or why not? If so,
would additional testing of the
technique be required in advance of
Dated: October 3, 2008.
Meredith Attwell Baker,
Acting Assistant Secretary for
Communications and Information
Appendix A: Six Possible Process Flow
The first three of the process flows
described below assign the responsibilities of
Root Zone Signer, Root Key Operator, and
key publishing among the existing parties to
the root zone file management process or to
a new, as yet unspecified, third party without
materially changing the other pre- existing
roles and responsibilities. The fourth model
represents a variation of previous models,
while changing the current root zone
management process flow. The fifth model is
also a variation of previous models, while
maintaining the current root zone
management process flow. The sixth model
describes a process flow in which more than
one third party, as yet unspecified, are
introduced as Root Key Operators, which can
be applied to all the previous process flows.
Proposed Process Flow 1 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal1.pdf). In Proposed Process
Flow 1, the current root zone file
management process outlined previously
would remain unchanged except that after
the Root Zone Maintainer edits and generates
the new root zone file, it would then generate
the ZSK and send it to the Root Key
Operator. The Root Key Operator would then
generate the KSK, sign the root keyset, and
transmit the keyset update request to the
Administrator. After the Administrator
verifies/authorizes the key update request, it
would notify the Root Zone Maintainer (in
this model serving as the Root Zone Signer),
which would sign the root zone file and
publish it to the root server operators.
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Concurrently, the Administrator would also
notify the Root Key Operator that the key
update request has been verified/authorized
and the RKO would then publish the public
key information.
In this process flow, the role of Root Zone
Signer is assigned to the Root Zone
Maintainer. The Root Key Operator
responsibilities are assigned to none of the
current participants in the root zone file
management process. Rather, these duties are
assigned to an unspecified third party. This
approach involves little change to the current
root zone file management process and its
existing assignments of roles and
Proposed Process Flow 2 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal2.pdf). Proposed Process
Flow 2 is similar to Proposed Process Flow
1 except that in this model, the Root Key
Operator is responsible for generating both
the Zone Signing Key as well as the Key
Signing Key. After creating the ZSK, the Root
Key Operator transmits it to the Root Zone
Maintainer/Signer, which maintains the ZSK.
Proposed Process Flow 3 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal3.pdf). This model also
corresponds closely to Proposed Process
Flow 1. However, in this model, the Root Key
Operator, both generates the ZSK and signs
the root zone file. Thus, after the Root Zone
Maintainer generates the root zone file, it
would then transmit the file to the Root Key
Operator. In turn, the Root Key Operator,
after generating the ZSK and the KSK,
signing the root keyset, and obtaining
verification/authorization from the
Administrator, would sign the root zone file
and return it to the Root Zone Maintainer for
delivery. In this scenario, the Administrator
would communicate only with the Root Key
Operator with respect to the verification/
authorization of the key update request.
Proposed Process Flow 4 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal4.pdf). This model
describes a process flow in which the
existing roles and responsibilities with
respect to the management of the
authoritative root zone file are significantly
altered.25 Specifically, under this proposed
process flow, existing responsibilities for
editing and generating the root zone file that
now reside with the Root Zone Maintainer
would be transferred to the IANA Functions
Operator. In addition, the IANA Functions
Operator would also be assigned the
responsibilities of Root Zone Signer. The
Root Zone Maintainer would continue to be
responsible for distributing the now-signed
root zone file to the 13 root server operators.
Thus, under this model the process would
operate as follows: After receiving a change
request from a TLD operator, the IANA
Functions Operator would process the
request and send a request to the
25 Under the IANA functions contract with the
Department, ICANN submitted a proposal
substantially similar to Process Flow 4 for the
Department of Commerce’s consideration on
September 2, 2008. That proposal is pending before
the Department. This proposal is available at http:/
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Administrator for verification/authorization
to make the change. Upon receiving
verification/authorization, the IANA
Functions Operator would then edit and
generate a new root zone file. The Root Key
Operator function would be physically
collocated with the IANA Functions
Operator, responsible for generation of the
KSK, signing the root keyset, and publishing
the public key information. The IANA
Functions Operator would also generate the
ZSK and sign the root zone file. After signing
the root zone file, the IANA Functions
Operator would send the signed root zone
file to the Root Zone Distributor (formally
Root Zone Maintainer), which, in turn,
would distribute it to the 13 root server
operators. Under this process flow, the
Administrator would perform the
verification/authorization functions as in the
other models.
Proposed Process Flow 5 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal5.pdf). This model
maintains the existing roles and
responsibilities with respect to the
management of the authoritative root zone
file.26 That is, the existing responsibilities for
editing and generating the root zone file that
now reside with the Root Zone Maintainer
would remain the same with the additional/
new responsibility of Root Zone Signer and
collocating the Root Key Operator function.
The Root Zone Maintainer would continue to
be responsible for distributing the nowsigned root zone file to the 13 root server
Thus, under this model the process would
operate as follows: After receiving a change
request from a TLD operator, the IANA
Functions Operator would process and send
a request to the Administrator for
verification/authorization to make the
change. Upon receiving verification/
authorization, the Root Zone Maintainer
would then edit and generate a new root zone
file. The Root Key Operator responsibility
would be physically collocated with the Root
Zone Maintainer, responsible for generation
of the KSK, signing the root keyset, and
publishing the public key information. The
Root Zone Maintainer would also generate
the ZSK and sign the root zone file. After
signing the root zone file, the Root Zone
Maintainer would distribute it to the 13 root
server operators. Under this process flow, the
Administrator would perform the
verification/authorization functions as in the
other models.
Proposed Process Flow 6 (see diagram at
DNSSECproposal6.pdf). The proposed
process flow models one through three
illustrate the important role played by the
Root Key Operator. As presented, they depict
the RKO responsibilities as being discharged
by a single entity. In process flows four and
five, the RKO responsibilities are collocated
26 Under the Cooperative Agreement with the
Department, VeriSign submitted a proposal
substantially similar to Process Flow 5 for the
Department of Commerce’s consideration on
September 23, 2008. That proposal is pending
before the Department. This proposal is available at
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:01 Oct 08, 2008
Jkt 217001
with either the IANA Functions Operator or
the Root Zone Maintainer. However,
cryptographic mechanisms exist that
theoretically would permit two or more
entities to participate in the RKO procedures,
known as multi-signature technique, no
matter where the RKO responsibilities are
located.27 Such a shared key framework is
commonly referred to as an ‘‘M of N’’
approach, in which ‘‘M’’ is the minimum
number of those entities that must participate
in order to generate and use the key in
question, and ‘‘N’’ represents the number of
entities that share control of the key. In an
M of N approach, only a predetermined
subset of the key shares is required to
generate a signature. For example, a three (3)
of five (5) scheme would include five parties
(N) with distinct key shares, but any three
(M) of the five parties are required to generate
a valid signature.28
The M of N approach could theoretically
be applied to the KSK, the ZSK, or both.
However, increasing the number of
participants under this approach increases
the complexities of the key management
process. Because the ZSK would be used
much more frequently than the KSK, Process
Flow 6 applies the M of N approach only to
management of the KSK. It should be noted
that this cryptographic approach could be
applied to any of the previous process flow
Process Flow 6 depicts the multi-signature
technique as applied to Process Flow 1. The
N entities would participate in the generation
of the KSK key pair, and each would retain
a share of the private key. Generating a
signature with the KSK, such as signing a
new ZSK, would require participation of M
key shares.
Process Flow 6 does not propose specific
values for either M or N; however, these
parameters would need to be resolved prior
to implementation of such a framework. This
would entail deciding, among other things,
(a) how many total RKOs (N) would be
technically feasible; (b) what subset of these
(M) would be reasonable or appropriate to
enable reconstitution of the key; and (c) what
other attributes would be necessary from a
technical and policy standpoint to carry out
this responsibility. The Department invites
27 See Tal Rabin, IBM T. J. Watson Research
Center, ‘‘A Simplified Approach to Threshold and
Proactive RSA’’ (1998)(Rabin), https://
www.research.ibm.com/security/prsa.ps (last
checked September 24, 2008); Adi Shamir, ‘‘How to
Share a Secret,’’ Communications of the ACM,
Volume 22, Issue 11, 612-13 (R. Rivest, eds., Nov.
1979)(discussion of a mathematical model that
facilitates dividing a set of data in a certain number
pieces that allows the data set to be easily
reconstructed); T. Keisler and L. Harn, ‘‘RSA
Blocking and Multisignature Schemes with No Bit
Expansion,’’ Electronic Letters, Volume 26, Issue
18, 1490-91 (Aug. 1990)(describes one example of
a multi-signature technique).
28 See Rabin, supra note 27; for further
information on this technique see generally, Elaine
Barker, William Barker, William Burr, William
Polk, and Miles Smid, NIST, ‘‘Recommendation for
Key Management - Part 1: General (revised)’’ NIST
Special Publication 800–57 Part 1 (May 2006),
http:/ /csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/ 800–57/
SP800–57-Part1.pdf (last checked September 24,
2008) (this refers to this class of techniques as ‘‘split
knowledge procedures’’).
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
comments regarding this technique and its
application at the root zone level.
[FR Doc. E8–23974 Filed 10–8–08; 8:45 am]
United States Patent and Trademark
[Docket No. PTO–C–2008–0040]
Performance Review Board (PRB)
United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
ACTION: Notice
SUMMARY: In conformance with the Civil
Service Reform Act of 1978, 5 U.S.C.
4314(c)(4), the United States Patent and
Trademark Office announces the
appointment of persons to serve as
members of its Performance Review
Director, Human Capital
Management, Office of Human
Resources, United States Patent and
Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450,
Alexandria, VA 22313–1450.
Karen Karlinchak at (571) 272–6200.
membership of the United States Patent
and Trademark Office Performance
Review Board is as follows:
Margaret J. A. Peterlin, Chair, Deputy
Under Secretary of Commerce for
Intellectual Property and Deputy
Director of the United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
Stephen S. Smith, Vice Chair, Chief
Administrative Officer, United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
John J. Doll, Commissioner for
Patents, United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
Lynne G. Beresford, Commissioner for
Trademarks, United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
Wendy R. Garber, Acting Chief
Information Officer, United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
James A. Toupin, General Counsel,
United States Patent and Trademark
Lois E. Boland, Director, Office of
Intellectual Property Policy and
Enforcement, United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
Barry K. Hudson, Chief Financial
Officer, United States Patent and
Trademark Office.
Jefferson D. Taylor, Director, Office of
Governmental Affairs, United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
Deborah S. Cohn, Deputy
Commissioner for Trademark
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 197 (Thursday, October 9, 2008)]
[Pages 59608-59612]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-23974]
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Docket Number: 0810021307-81308-01
Enhancing the Security and Stability of the Internet's Domain
Name and Addressing System
AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce
ACTION: Notice of Inquiry
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Department) notes the increase in
interest among government, technology experts and industry
representatives regarding the deployment of Domain Name and Addressing
System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) at the root zone level. The
Department remains committed to preserving the security and stability
of the DNS and is exploring the implementation of DNSSEC in the DNS
hierarchy, including at the authoritative root zone level. Accordingly,
the Department is issuing this notice to invite comments regarding
DNSSEC implementation at the root zone.
DATES: Comments are due on November 24, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted by mail to Fiona
Alexander, Associate Administrator, Office of International Affairs,
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 4701,
Washington, DC 20230. Written comments may also be sent by facsimile to
(202) 482-1865 or electronically via electronic mail to
DNSSEC@ntia.doc.gov. Comments will be posted on NTIA's website at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about this
Notice, please contact Ashley Heineman at (202) 482-0298 or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background. The Domain Name and Addressing
System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure and
is used by almost every Internet protocol-based application to
associate human readable computer hostnames with the numerical
addresses required to deliver information on the Internet. It is a
hierarchical and globally distributed system in which distinct servers
maintain the detailed information for their local domains and pointers
for how to navigate the hierarchy to retrieve information from other
domains. The accuracy, integrity, and availability of the information
supplied by the DNS are essential to the operation of any system,
service or application that uses the Internet.
The DNS was not originally designed with strong security mechanisms
to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the DNS data. Over the
years, a number of vulnerabilities have been identified in the DNS
protocol that threaten the accuracy and integrity of the DNS data and
undermine the trustworthiness of the system. Technological advances in
computing power and network transmission speeds have made it possible
to exploit these vulnerabilities more rapidly and effectively.\1\
\1\ See, National Research Council, The National Academies,
Signposts in Cyberspace: The Domain Name System and Internet
Navigation 154 (2005)(Signposts), https://books.nap.edu/
catalog.php?record_id=11258toc (last checked September 29,
2008); Department of Homeland Security, National Security Division,
and National Institute of Standards and Technology, National
Vulnerability Database, Vulnerability Summary for CVE-2008-1447
(Original release date July 08, 2008; last revised September 17,
2008) available at http:/ /web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vuln
Id=CVE-2008-1447 (last checked September 23, 2008) (This site
provides a list of most recent advisories regarding DNS
vulnerabilities including DNS spoofing, cache poisoning, etc., and
includes links to tools and solutions).
Development of the DNSSEC Protocol. To mitigate the long-recognized
vulnerabilities in the DNS, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
using the same open standards process employed to develop the core DNS
protocols, has developed a set of protocol extensions to protect the
Internet from certain DNS related attacks: DNSSEC.\2\ DNSSEC is
designed to support authentication of the source and integrity of
information stored in the DNS using public key cryptography and a
hierarchy of digital signatures. It is designed to offer protection
against forged (``spoofed'') DNS data, such as that created by DNS
cache poisoning, by providing: (1) validation that DNS data is
authentic; (2) assurance of data integrity; and (3) authenticated
denial of existence.\3\ DNSSEC does not provide any confidentiality
for, or encryption of, the DNS data itself. The DNSSEC protocol also
does not protect against denial of service (DoS) attacks or other
attacks against the name server itself.\4\
\2\ The DNSSEC protocol has been under development since the
1990s with the latest revision approved by the IETF in 2005. RFC
4033 and its companion documents RFCs 4034 and 4035 update, clarify
and refine the security extensions previously defined orginally in
RFC 2535 and its predecessors. Id., Signposts, at 154; see also, S.
Rose and R. Chandramouli, ``Challenges in Securing the Domain Name
System,'' Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Security and Privacy Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, 84 (Tom Karygiannis,
Rick Kuhn, and Susan Landau eds., Jan./Feb. 2006)(Challenges),
\3\ R. Arends et al., DNS Security Introduction and
Requirements, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for
Comment (RFC) 4033 (March 2005)(RFC 4033), https://www.ietf.org/rfc/
rfc4033.txt (last checked September 24, 2008).
\4\ Id.
The DNSSEC protocol is designed to allow for deployment in discrete
zones within the DNS infrastructure without requiring deployment
elsewhere, as DNSSEC is an opt-in technology. Signing of any individual
zone or domain within the hierarchy does not
[[Page 59609]]
obligate or force any entity operating a zone elsewhere in the DNS
hierarchy to deploy. In addition, end users systems only receive DNSSEC
signed information if they request it.
Proponents of DNSSEC assert that widespread deployment of the
protocol would mitigate many of the vulnerabilities currently
associated with the DNS, increasing the security and integrity of the
Internet DNS in a scalable fashion.\5\ Ubiquitous deployment of DNSSEC
would also enable authentication of the hierarchical relationship
between domains to provide the highest levels of assurance. Thus, to
realize the greatest benefits from DNSSEC, there needs to be an
uninterrupted chain of trust from the zones that choose to deploy
DNSSEC back to the root zone.\6\
\5\ Id., at 6.
\6\ See Signposts, supra note 1 at 158.
Ubiquitous deployment of DNSSEC throughout the Internet landscape
would require action by a broad range of entities supporting the
operation of the DNS infrastructure including, for example, domain name
registrars, top level domain (TLD) registry operators and the operators
or managers for sub-domains or enterprise networks, Internet service
providers (ISPs), software vendors, and others.\7\ Additionally,
software will need to be developed, servers will need to be configured
to support DNSSEC, and users' systems will need to be configured to
look for the authenticating signatures.
\7\ See e.g., Challenges, supra note 2, at 86-87. The Department
recognizes that the ultimate success of DNSSEC would also require a
widespread education campaign among end-users and DNSSEC awareness
would have to be integrated into application and operating system
software and development.
Current DNSSEC Deployment Status. To date, deployment of DNSSEC has
been somewhat piecemeal. At present, only a small number of country
code top level domain (ccTLD) operators (e.g., .se [Sweden], .pr
[Puerto Rico], .bg [Bulgaria], and .br [Brazil]) have deployed
DNSSEC.\8\ In addition, the operators of several generic TLDs
(including .org and .gov) have publicly announced their intention to do
so.\9\ A number of second-level domain operators have also signed their
zones, such as nist.gov.\10\
\8\ To check which TLDs that have deployed DNSSEC, see
University of Southern California Los Angeles, ``SecSpider: the
DNSSEC Monitoring Project'' (UCLA SecSpider), https://
secspider.cs.ucla.edu (last checked September 19, 2008) (each TLD
zone can be looked up separately using this tool); Carolyn Duffy
Marsan, Network World, ``Feds Tighten Security on .GOV'' (September
22, 2008), https://www.networkworld.com/news/2008/092208-government-
web-security.html?page=1 (last checked September 25, 2008).
\9\ Public Interest Registry, `` .ORG Becomes First Generic Top
Level Domain to Start DNSSEC Implementation'' (July 21, 2008),
https://pir.org/index.php?db=content/News&tbl=Press&id=9 (last
checked September 24, 2008); Executive Office of the President,
Office of Management and Budget, Memorandum for Chief Information
Officers, Securing the Federal Government's Domain Name System
Infrastructure (August 22, 2008), https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/
memoranda/fy2008/m08-23.pdf (last checked September 24, 2008).
\10\ See UCLA SecSpider, supra note 8, (second level zones may
also be looked up using this tool).
Some argue that DNSSEC deployment has been delayed because without
a signed root, early deployments operate as ``islands of trust'' with
no established chain of trust above them in the DNS hierarchy
connecting them to other signed zones.\11\ Without a common, shared
``trust anchor,''\12\ these early deployers and others that wish to
deploy DNSSEC must be able to manage not only their own trust anchors
or ``keys,'' but also the trust anchors for other signed domains within
the DNS hierarchy.\13\ The technical and procedural challenges
presented by this ``key management'' dilemma need to be overcome to
facilitate DNSSEC deployment.\14\
\11\ R. Arends, et al., Protocol Modifications for the DNS
Security Extensions, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request
for Comment (RFC) 4035 (March 2005)(RFC 4035), https://www.ietf.org/
rfc/rfc4035.txt (last checked September 25, 2008) (This document
defines the concept of a signed zone and lists requirements for a
zone signature).
\12\ As defined in RFC 4033, a ``Trust Anchor'' is ``a
configured DNSKEY RR or RR hash of a DNSKEY RR. A validating
security-aware resolver uses this public key or hash as a starting
point for building the authentication chain to a signed DNS
response.'' Further, ``presence of a trust anchor also implies that
the resolver should expect the zone to which the trust anchor points
to be signed.'' See RFC 4033, supra note 3.
\13\ See RFC 4035, supra note 11.
\14\ See Challenges, supra note 2 at 85-86.
Due to the complexities involved in managing trust anchors in the
absence of a signed root, alternative mechanisms such as ``trust anchor
repositories'' (TARs) are also being developed.\15\ TARs are just one
type of alternative available today. It is not clear what other
alternatives for key management may be currently under development or
could be developed in the future.\16\
\15\ TARs allow a trusted third party to collect, authenticate,
and manage the required keys on behalf of a group of DNSSEC users.
For additional information on TARs, see, Sparta Inc., Shinkuro Inc.,
and National Institute of Science and Technology, ``Statement of
Needed Internet Capability: Trust Anchor Repositories'' (June 9,
2008), https://www.dnssec-deployment.org/tar/tarpaper.pdf (last
checked September 24, 2008). In April 2008, the Board of Directors
of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
authorized the creation and maintenance of an Interim TAR to act as
a registry of DNSSEC trust anchors for top level domains. See,
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors
(April 30, 2008), https://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-
30apr08.htm (last checked September 24, 2008).
\16\ The potential risks and benefits associated with TARs and
other alternatives to signing of the root are not the primary focus
of this NOI and, accordingly, are addressed only briefly here.
However, depending on the comments received in response to this NOI,
the Department may consider these issues more fully at a later date.
Implementing DNSSEC at the Root. The hierarchical nature of the DNS
structure (e.g., root zone, top level domains, sub-domains) and the
trust anchor framework required for security-aware resolvers to
validate a signed response arguably make DNSSEC deployment at the root
level (i.e., ``signing'' of the root) an important step to achieve
optimal benefits from the protocol. Signing the root would provide a
single trust anchor at the top of the hierarchy upon which the DNS
infrastructure could depend. Proponents contend this would simplify the
validation process for those who have already deployed DNSSEC, while
providing an incentive for possible broader deployment by others across
the DNS domain space by removing one of the primary deterrents (the
lack of a single trust anchor) to adoption.\17\
\17\ See, Samuel Weiler, Carnegie Mellon University, Information
Networking Institute, ``Deploying DNSSEC Without a Signed Root''
(April 2004), https://www.watson.org/~weiler/INI 1999-19.pdf (last
checked September 25, 2008) (This document discusses the importance
of a signed root from a technical perspective and discusses
alternatives if the root is not signed).
Support among the DNS community for implementation of DNSSEC at the
root level has progressively grown over the years, as threats to the
DNS have emerged. Several organizations have publicly indicated their
support for signing the root zone.\18\ Various Internet entities have
undertaken a number of test-bed and pilot project initiatives to assess
the technical feasibility and issues associated with signing of the
root zone. Some notable examples include:
\18\ The National Academies, see Signposts, supra note 1, at
158; The European Internet Regional Internet Registry (RIPE), see
Letter from Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE Network
Coordination Centre to Dr. Vinton Cerf and Paul Twomey, ICANN (June
12, 2007), https://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/dns/icann-root-signing.pdf
(last checked September 24, 2008); Nominet (the .uk registry), see
Nominet, ``Signing the Root'' (October 2007), https://
(last checked September 24, 2008); Public Interest Registry (PIR),
see Letter from Alexa A.S. Raad, President and CEO, Public Internet
Registry to the Honorable Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of
Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce (September 5, 2008).
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) DNSSEC
testing demo (https://ns.iana.org/dnssec/status.html)
VeriSign DNSSEC Root testbed (https://webroot.verisignlabs.com/)
[[Page 59610]]
EP.NET, LLC Root Server Testbed Network (https://www.rs.net/)
These test-beds were established to demonstrate the technical
feasibility for signing the root zone on a day-to-day routine basis.
However, as they have largely been developed to evaluate technical
aspects of signing the root, these test-bed efforts have not addressed
or considered certain policy and procedural issues regarding the
management of a signed root zone. These policy and procedural issues,
especially regarding key management for the root zone, must be resolved
before deployment in the root zone to ensure transparency and
trustworthiness to the Internet community.
While deployment of DNSSEC at the root has many benefits, it
introduces new security requirements. In particular, the cryptographic
keys used to protect the root zone must be protected from disclosure.
If an unauthorized entity gains access to the keys, it could publish
incorrect information in the DNS with DNSSEC extensions falsely
indicating the DNS data's integrity and authenticity. This risk can be
mitigated through a variety of procedural and technical mechanisms,
many of which can be applied in concert. The Department welcomes
comments regarding procedural and technical mechanisms available to
address such security requirements.
DNSSEC Implementation Models. A DNSSEC signed root zone would
represent one of most significant changes to the DNS infrastructure
since it was created. Consistent with the U.S. Principles on the
Internet's Domain Name and Addressing System, the Department is now
undertaking a review of the various implementation models to enhance
the security and stability of the Internet DNS.\19\ The Department
recognizes the potential benefits of a DNSSEC signed root and is
actively examining various implementation models in coordination with
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as well as
other U.S. Government stakeholders and experts. NIST has been at the
forefront of DNSSEC research and deployment domestically.\20\ The U.S.
Government also recently announced the deployment of DNSSEC throughout
the .gov domain.\21\ The Department has also been consulting with other
relevant stakeholders, including ICANN and VeriSign, Inc., with respect
to DNSSEC deployment.\22\
\19\ See U.S. Principles on the Internet's Domain Name and
Addressing System, https://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/
usdnsprinciples_06302005.htm (last checked September 24, 2008).
\20\ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S.
Department of Commerce, DNSSEC Project, https://www-x.antd.nist.gov/
dnssec/ (last checked September 24, 2008).
\21\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and
Budget, Memorandum for Chief Information Officers, Securing the
Federal Government's Domain Name System Infrastructure (August 22,
2008), https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/fy2008/m08-23.pdf
(last checked September 24, 2008)(The U.S. Government is requiring
deployment of DNSSEC at the TLD level in .gov by January 2009 and in
all .gov sub-domains used by Federal agencies by December 2009).
\22\ The Department's agreements with ICANN and VeriSign, Inc.
provide the process through which changes are currently made to the
authoritative root zone file.
As a fundamental consideration, it is essential that implementation
of DNSSEC at the root further ensures the stability and reliability of
the root zone management system. All of the DNSSEC root zone deployment
models of which the Department is aware would incorporate the elements
required for ``signing'' the root into the process flow for management
of the authoritative root zone file. At present, the process flow (see
diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/CurrentProcessFlow.pdf)
includes the following steps: (1) TLD operator submits change request
to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions Operator;
(2) the IANA Functions Operator processes the request; (3) the IANA
Functions Operator sends a request to the Administrator for
verification/authorization; (4) the Administrator sends verification/
authorization to the Root Zone Maintainer to make the change; (5) the
Root Zone Maintainer edits and generates the new root zone file; and
(6) the Root Zone Maintainer distributes the new root zone file to the
13 root server operators. Deployment of DNSSEC in the root zone would
introduce new steps into this process flow, but would not necessarily
require a change in the existing roles of the various participants in
the process.
As a cryptographic key-based system, DNSSEC employs two types of
public-private key pairs created for the zone; one is referred to as
the Zone Signing Key (ZSK) and the other is referred to as the Key
Signing Key (KSK).\23\ The private components of these keys are kept
secret and are used for signing purposes. The collection of KSK and ZSK
public keys published for the root zone is referred to as the root
\23\ See, Ramaswamy Chandramouli and Scott Rose, NIST, ``Secure
Domain Name System (DNS) Deployment Guide,'' NIST SP 800-81, at 9-3
- 9-5 (May 2006), https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-
81/SP800-81.pdf (last checked September 24, 2008) (This document
provides deployment guidelines for securing DNS at the enterprise
level including use of keys and provides a general discussion of the
structure of the DNS).
Specifically, signing of the root zone would involve three steps:
(1) The signing of the root zone file itself and the creation of
the Zone Signing Key (ZSK), which would be performed by the Root Zone
Signer (RZS);
(2) The signing of the zone signing keyset and the creation of the
Key Signing Key (KSK), which would be performed by the Root Key
Operator (RKO); and
(3) Publication of the public key information for propagation
throughout the rest of the Internet.\24\
\24\ See generally, id., at Sections 8 and 9 (These document
sections provide a general discussion of zone signing guidelines).
As with other changes to the root zone, the Administrator would be
responsible for verifying/authorizing updates to the root keyset.
A number of possible models exist to implement these steps into the
existing root zone file management system. Six possible process flow
models are presented in Appendix A for consideration and comment;
commenters are encouraged to also review the graphic representations of
these process flows posted on NTIA's website at https://
www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/DNSSEC.html. The Department recognizes that the
six process flow models discussed in the appendix may not represent all
of the possibilities available and invites comments below on alternate
models, as appropriate.
The Department seeks comments on DNSSEC deployment and a signed
root generally, as well as specific details, comments, and evaluations
of the various process flow models proposed or other process flow
models that may otherwise be technically feasible to implement DNSSEC
at the root zone level. Please include an analysis of the risks,
benefits, and impacts of each process flow on the DNS security and
stability generally. This analysis should include whether there are
security weaknesses or strengths with each process flow model, whether
there are methods or suggestions that will increase security and
efficiency, and/or whether any alternative process flow models exist
that may be preferable to those described in the appendix.
Questions on DNSSEC Deployment Generally
[bul] In terms of addressing cache poisoning and similar attacks on
the DNS, are there alternatives to DNSSEC
[[Page 59611]]
that should be considered prior to or in conjunction with consideration
of signing the root?
[bul] What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of DNSSEC
relative to other possible security measures that may be available?
[bul] What factors impede widespread deployment of DNSSEC?
[bul] What additional steps are required to facilitate broader
DNSSEC deployment and use? What end user education may be required to
ensure that end users possess the ability to utilize and benefit from
General Questions Concerning Signing of the Root Zone
[bul] Should DNSSEC be implemented at the root zone level? Why or
why not? What is a viable time frame for implementation at the root
zone level?
[bul] What are the risks and/or benefits of implementing DNSSEC at
the root zone level?
[bul] Is additional testing necessary to assure that deployment of
DNSSEC at the root will not adversely impact the security and stability
of the DNS? If so, what type of operational testing should be required,
and under what conditions and parameters should such testing occur?
What entities (e.g., root server operators, registrars, registries, TLD
operators, ISPs, end users) should be involved in such testing?
[bul] How would implementation of DNSSEC at the root zone impact
DNSSEC deployment throughout the DNS hierarchy?
[bul] How would the different entities (e.g., root operators,
registrars, registries, registrants, ISPs, software vendors, end users)
be affected by deployment of DNSSEC at the root level? Are these
different entities prepared for DNSSEC at the root zone level and /or
are each considering deployment in their respective zones?
[bul] What are the estimated costs that various entities may incur
to implement DNSSEC? In particular, what are the estimated costs for
those entities that would be involved in deployment of DNSSEC at the
root zone level?
Operational Questions Concerning Signing of the Root Zone
[bul] The Department recognizes that the six process flow models
discussed in the appendix may not represent all of the possibilities
available. The Department invites comment on these process flow models
as well as whether other process flow model(s) may exist that would
implement deployment of DNSSEC at the root zone more efficiently or
[bul] Of the six process flow models or others not presented, which
provides the greatest benefits with the fewest risks for signing the
root and why? Specifically, how should key management (public and
private key sets) be distributed and why? What other factors related to
key management (e.g., key roll over, security, key signing) need to be
considered and how best should they be approached?
[bul] We invite comment with respect to what technical capabilities
and facilities or other attributes are necessary to be a Root Key
[bul] What specific security considerations for key handling need
to be taken into account? What are the best practices, if any, for
secure key handling?
[bul] Should a multi-signature technique, as represented in the M
of N approach discussed in the appendix, be utilized in implementation
of DNSSEC at the root zone level? Why or why not? If so, would
additional testing of the technique be required in advance of
Dated: October 3, 2008.
Meredith Attwell Baker,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
Appendix A: Six Possible Process Flow Models
The first three of the process flows described below assign the
responsibilities of Root Zone Signer, Root Key Operator, and key
publishing among the existing parties to the root zone file
management process or to a new, as yet unspecified, third party
without materially changing the other pre- existing roles and
responsibilities. The fourth model represents a variation of
previous models, while changing the current root zone management
process flow. The fifth model is also a variation of previous
models, while maintaining the current root zone management process
flow. The sixth model describes a process flow in which more than
one third party, as yet unspecified, are introduced as Root Key
Operators, which can be applied to all the previous process flows.
Proposed Process Flow 1 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal1.pdf). In Proposed Process Flow 1, the current
root zone file management process outlined previously would remain
unchanged except that after the Root Zone Maintainer edits and
generates the new root zone file, it would then generate the ZSK and
send it to the Root Key Operator. The Root Key Operator would then
generate the KSK, sign the root keyset, and transmit the keyset
update request to the Administrator. After the Administrator
verifies/authorizes the key update request, it would notify the Root
Zone Maintainer (in this model serving as the Root Zone Signer),
which would sign the root zone file and publish it to the root
server operators. Concurrently, the Administrator would also notify
the Root Key Operator that the key update request has been verified/
authorized and the RKO would then publish the public key
In this process flow, the role of Root Zone Signer is assigned
to the Root Zone Maintainer. The Root Key Operator responsibilities
are assigned to none of the current participants in the root zone
file management process. Rather, these duties are assigned to an
unspecified third party. This approach involves little change to the
current root zone file management process and its existing
assignments of roles and responsibilities.
Proposed Process Flow 2 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal2.pdf). Proposed Process Flow 2 is similar to
Proposed Process Flow 1 except that in this model, the Root Key
Operator is responsible for generating both the Zone Signing Key as
well as the Key Signing Key. After creating the ZSK, the Root Key
Operator transmits it to the Root Zone Maintainer/Signer, which
maintains the ZSK.
Proposed Process Flow 3 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal3.pdf). This model also corresponds closely to
Proposed Process Flow 1. However, in this model, the Root Key
Operator, both generates the ZSK and signs the root zone file. Thus,
after the Root Zone Maintainer generates the root zone file, it
would then transmit the file to the Root Key Operator. In turn, the
Root Key Operator, after generating the ZSK and the KSK, signing the
root keyset, and obtaining verification/authorization from the
Administrator, would sign the root zone file and return it to the
Root Zone Maintainer for delivery. In this scenario, the
Administrator would communicate only with the Root Key Operator with
respect to the verification/authorization of the key update request.
Proposed Process Flow 4 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal4.pdf). This model describes a process flow in
which the existing roles and responsibilities with respect to the
management of the authoritative root zone file are significantly
altered.\25\ Specifically, under this proposed process flow,
existing responsibilities for editing and generating the root zone
file that now reside with the Root Zone Maintainer would be
transferred to the IANA Functions Operator. In addition, the IANA
Functions Operator would also be assigned the responsibilities of
Root Zone Signer. The Root Zone Maintainer would continue to be
responsible for distributing the now-signed root zone file to the 13
root server operators.
\25\ Under the IANA functions contract with the Department,
ICANN submitted a proposal substantially similar to Process Flow 4
for the Department of Commerce's consideration on September 2, 2008.
That proposal is pending before the Department. This proposal is
available at http:/ /www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/ICANNDNSSEC Proposal.pdf.
Thus, under this model the process would operate as follows:
After receiving a change request from a TLD operator, the IANA
Functions Operator would process the request and send a request to
[[Page 59612]]
Administrator for verification/authorization to make the change.
Upon receiving verification/authorization, the IANA Functions
Operator would then edit and generate a new root zone file. The Root
Key Operator function would be physically collocated with the IANA
Functions Operator, responsible for generation of the KSK, signing
the root keyset, and publishing the public key information. The IANA
Functions Operator would also generate the ZSK and sign the root
zone file. After signing the root zone file, the IANA Functions
Operator would send the signed root zone file to the Root Zone
Distributor (formally Root Zone Maintainer), which, in turn, would
distribute it to the 13 root server operators. Under this process
flow, the Administrator would perform the verification/authorization
functions as in the other models.
Proposed Process Flow 5 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal5.pdf). This model maintains the existing roles
and responsibilities with respect to the management of the
authoritative root zone file.\26\ That is, the existing
responsibilities for editing and generating the root zone file that
now reside with the Root Zone Maintainer would remain the same with
the additional/new responsibility of Root Zone Signer and
collocating the Root Key Operator function. The Root Zone Maintainer
would continue to be responsible for distributing the now-signed
root zone file to the 13 root server operators.
\26\ Under the Cooperative Agreement with the Department,
VeriSign submitted a proposal substantially similar to Process Flow
5 for the Department of Commerce's consideration on September 23,
2008. That proposal is pending before the Department. This proposal
is available at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/VeriSignDNSSEC
Thus, under this model the process would operate as follows:
After receiving a change request from a TLD operator, the IANA
Functions Operator would process and send a request to the
Administrator for verification/authorization to make the change.
Upon receiving verification/authorization, the Root Zone Maintainer
would then edit and generate a new root zone file. The Root Key
Operator responsibility would be physically collocated with the Root
Zone Maintainer, responsible for generation of the KSK, signing the
root keyset, and publishing the public key information. The Root
Zone Maintainer would also generate the ZSK and sign the root zone
file. After signing the root zone file, the Root Zone Maintainer
would distribute it to the 13 root server operators. Under this
process flow, the Administrator would perform the verification/
authorization functions as in the other models.
Proposed Process Flow 6 (see diagram at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/
DNS/DNSSECproposal6.pdf). The proposed process flow models one
through three illustrate the important role played by the Root Key
Operator. As presented, they depict the RKO responsibilities as
being discharged by a single entity. In process flows four and five,
the RKO responsibilities are collocated with either the IANA
Functions Operator or the Root Zone Maintainer. However,
cryptographic mechanisms exist that theoretically would permit two
or more entities to participate in the RKO procedures, known as
multi-signature technique, no matter where the RKO responsibilities
are located.\27\ Such a shared key framework is commonly referred to
as an ``M of N'' approach, in which ``M'' is the minimum number of
those entities that must participate in order to generate and use
the key in question, and ``N'' represents the number of entities
that share control of the key. In an M of N approach, only a
predetermined subset of the key shares is required to generate a
signature. For example, a three (3) of five (5) scheme would include
five parties (N) with distinct key shares, but any three (M) of the
five parties are required to generate a valid signature.\28\
\27\ See Tal Rabin, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, ``A
Simplified Approach to Threshold and Proactive RSA'' (1998)(Rabin),
https://www.research.ibm.com/security/prsa.ps (last checked
September 24, 2008); Adi Shamir, ``How to Share a Secret,''
Communications of the ACM, Volume 22, Issue 11, 612-13 (R. Rivest,
eds., Nov. 1979)(discussion of a mathematical model that facilitates
dividing a set of data in a certain number pieces that allows the
data set to be easily reconstructed); T. Keisler and L. Harn, ``RSA
Blocking and Multisignature Schemes with No Bit Expansion,''
Electronic Letters, Volume 26, Issue 18, 1490-91 (Aug.
1990)(describes one example of a multi-signature technique).
\28\ See Rabin, supra note 27; for further information on this
technique see generally, Elaine Barker, William Barker, William
Burr, William Polk, and Miles Smid, NIST, ``Recommendation for Key
Management - Part 1: General (revised)'' NIST Special Publication
800-57 Part 1 (May 2006), http:/ /csrc.nist.gov/publications/
nistpubs/ 800-57/SP800-57-Part1.pdf (last checked September 24,
2008) (this refers to this class of techniques as ``split knowledge
The M of N approach could theoretically be applied to the KSK,
the ZSK, or both. However, increasing the number of participants
under this approach increases the complexities of the key management
process. Because the ZSK would be used much more frequently than the
KSK, Process Flow 6 applies the M of N approach only to management
of the KSK. It should be noted that this cryptographic approach
could be applied to any of the previous process flow models.
Process Flow 6 depicts the multi-signature technique as applied
to Process Flow 1. The N entities would participate in the
generation of the KSK key pair, and each would retain a share of the
private key. Generating a signature with the KSK, such as signing a
new ZSK, would require participation of M key shares.
Process Flow 6 does not propose specific values for either M or
N; however, these parameters would need to be resolved prior to
implementation of such a framework. This would entail deciding,
among other things, (a) how many total RKOs (N) would be technically
feasible; (b) what subset of these (M) would be reasonable or
appropriate to enable reconstitution of the key; and (c) what other
attributes would be necessary from a technical and policy standpoint
to carry out this responsibility. The Department invites comments
regarding this technique and its application at the root zone level.
[FR Doc. E8-23974 Filed 10-8-08; 8:45 am]