Bureau of Consular Affairs; Registration for the Diversity Immigrant (DV-2010) Visa Program, 56879-56887 [E8-22994]
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ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
Budget (OMB) approval for the
information collection described below.
The purpose of this notice is to allow 60
days for public comment in the Federal
Register preceding submission to OMB.
We are conducting this process in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
• Title of Information Collection:
Department of State Acquisition
Regulation (DOSAR).
• OMB Control Number: 1405–0050.
• Type of Request: Revision of
Currently Approved Collection.
• Originating Office: Bureau of
Administration, Office of the
Procurement Executive (A/OPE).
• Form Number: N/A.
• Respondents: Any business, other
for-profit, individual, not-for-profit, or
household organizations wishing to
receive Department of State contracts.
• Estimated Number of Respondents:
• Estimated Number of Responses:
• Average Hours per Response:
• Total Estimated Burden: 275,970.
• Frequency: On occasion.
• Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
DATES: The Department will accept
comments from the public up to 60 days
from September 30, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• E-mail: LatvanasBA@state.gov. You
must include the information collection
title and OMB control number in the
subject line of your message.
• Mail (paper, disk, or CD–ROM
submissions): Barbara Latvanas,
Procurement Analyst, Department of
State, Office of the Procurement
Executive, 2201 C Street, NW., Suite
900, State Annex Number 27,
Washington, DC 20522.
• Fax: 703–875–6155.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Barbara
Latvanas, Procurement Analyst,
Department of State, Office of the
Procurement Executive, 1000 Wilson
Boulevard, Suite 900, Arlington, VA
22209. You must include the
information collection title and OMB
control number in any correspondence.
Direct requests for additional
information regarding the collection
listed in this notice, including requests
for copies of the proposed information
collection and supporting documents, to
Barbara Latvanas, Procurement Analyst,
Office of the Procurement Executive,
Department of State, Washington, DC
20522, who may be reached on 703–
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We are
soliciting public comments to permit
the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper performance of our
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of technology.
Abstract of proposed collection: This
information collection covers pre-award
and post-award requirements of the
DOSAR. During the pre-award phase,
information is collected to determine
which bids or proposals offer the best
value to the U.S. Government. Postaward actions include monitoring the
contractor’s performance; issuing
modifications to the contract; dealing
with unsatisfactory performance;
issuing payments to the contractor; and
closing out the contract upon its
Methodology: Information is collected
from prospective offerors to evaluate
their proposals. The responses provided
by the public are part of the offeror’s
proposals in response to Department
solicitations. This information may be
submitted electronically (through fax or
e-mail), or may require a paper
submission, depending upon
complexity. After contract award,
contractors are required to submit
information, on an as-needed basis, and
relate to the occurrence of specific
Dated: September 23, 2008.
Corey M. Rindner,
Procurement Executive, Bureau of
Administration, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E8–22993 Filed 9–29–08; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 6379]
Bureau of Consular Affairs;
Registration for the Diversity
Immigrant (DV–2010) Visa Program
Department of State.
SUMMARY: This public notice provides
information on how to apply for the
DV–2010 Program. This notice is issued
pursuant to 22 CFR 42.33(b)(3) which
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implements sections 201(a)(3), 201(e),
203(c) and 204(a)(1)(I) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act, as
amended (8 U.S.C. 1151, 1153, and
Instructions for the 2010 Diversity
Immigrant Visa Program (DV–2010)
The congressionally mandated
Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is
administered on an annual basis by the
Department of State and conducted
under the terms of Section 203(c) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Section 131 of the Immigration Act of
1990 (Pub. L. 101–649) that amended
INA 203 provides for a class of
immigrants known as ‘‘diversity
immigrants.’’ Section 203(c) of the INA
provides a maximum of 55,000 Diversity
Visas (DV) each fiscal year to be made
available to persons from countries with
low rates of immigration to the United
The annual DV program makes
permanent residence visas available to
persons meeting the simple, but strict,
eligibility requirements. A computergenerated random lottery drawing
chooses selectees for Diversity Visas.
The visas are distributed among six
geographic regions with a greater
number of visas going to regions with
lower rates of immigration, and with no
visas going to nationals of countries
sending more than 50,000 immigrants to
the U.S. over the period of the past five
years. Within each region, no one
country may receive more than seven
percent of the available Diversity Visas
in any one year.
For DV–2010, natives of the following
countries are not eligible to apply
because the countries sent a total of
more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S.
in the previous five years: Brazil,
Canada, China (mainland-born),
Colombia, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti,
India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan,
Philippines, Peru, Poland, South Korea,
United Kingdom (except Northern
Ireland) and its dependent territories,
and Vietnam.
Persons born in Hong Kong SAR,
Macau SAR and Taiwan are eligible.
For DV–2010, Russia has returned to
the list of eligible countries. Kosovo has
also been added to the list of eligible
countries. No countries have been
removed from the list of eligible
countries for DV–2010.
The Department of State implemented
the electronic registration system
beginning with DV–2005 in order to
make the Diversity Visa process more
efficient and secure. The Department
utilizes special technology and other
means to identify those who commit
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
fraud for the purposes of illegal
immigration or who submit multiple
entries. For DV–2010, for the first time,
those who submit entries may check the
status of entries online and determine
whether their entries are selected or not
selected. Successful entrants will
continue to receive notification letters
by mail.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Diversity Visa Registration Period
Entries for the DV–2010 Diversity
Visa Lottery must be submitted
electronically between noon, Eastern
Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT–4),
Thursday, October 2, 2008 and noon,
Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT–5)
Monday, December 1, 2008. Applicants
may access the Electronic Diversity Visa
Entry Form (E-DV) at https://
www.dvlottery.state.gov during the
registration period. Paper entries will
not be accepted. Applicants are strongly
encouraged not to wait until the last
week of the registration period to enter.
Heavy demand may result in Web site
delays. No entries will be accepted after
noon, EST, on December 1, 2008.
Requirements for Entry
To enter the DV lottery, you must be
a native of one of the listed countries.
See ‘‘List of Countries by Region Whose
Natives Qualify.’’ In most cases this
means the country in which you were
born. However, there are two other ways
you may be able to qualify. First, if you
were born in a country whose natives
are ineligible but your spouse was born
in a country whose natives are eligible,
you can claim your spouse’s country of
birth provided both you and your
spouse are on the selected entry, are
issued visas and enter the U.S.
simultaneously. Second, if you were
born in a country whose natives are
ineligible, but neither of your parents
was born there or resided there at the
time of your birth, you may claim
nativity in one of your parents’ country
of birth if it is a country whose natives
qualify for the DV–2010 program.
To enter the lottery, you must meet
either the education or work experience
requirement of the DV program. You
must have either a high school
education or its equivalent, defined as
successful completion of a 12-year
course of elementary and secondary
education; OR, two years of work
experience within the past five years in
an occupation requiring at least two
years of training or experience to
perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s
O*Net OnLine database will be used to
determine qualifying work experience.
For more information about qualifying
work experience, see Frequently Asked
Question #13.
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If you cannot meet either of these
requirements, you should NOT submit
an entry to the DV program.
Procedures for Submitting an Entry to
The Department of State will only
accept completed Electronic Diversity
Visa Entry Forms submitted
electronically at https://
www.dvlottery.state.gov during the
registration period between noon,
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT–4),
Thursday, October 2, 2008 and noon,
Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT–5)
Monday, December 1, 2008.
All entries by an individual will be
disqualified if more than ONE entry for
that individual is received, regardless of
who submitted the entry. You may
prepare and submit your own entry, or
have someone submit the entry for you.
A successfully registered entry will
result in the display of a confirmation
screen containing your name and a
unique confirmation number. You may
print this confirmation screen for your
records using the print function of your
web browser. Starting July 1, 2009, you
will be able to check the status of your
entry by returning to the Web site and
entering your unique confirmation
number and personal information.
Paper entries will not be accepted.
It is very important that all required
photographs be submitted. Your entry
will be disqualified if all required
photographs are not submitted. Recent
photographs of the following people
must be submitted electronically with
the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry
Form: You; your spouse; each
unmarried child under 21 years of age
at the time of your electronic entry,
including all natural children as well as
all legally adopted children and
stepchildren, even if a child no longer
resides with you or you do not intend
for a child to immigrate under the DV
program. You do not need to submit a
photo for a child who is already a U.S.
citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident.
Group or family photographs will not
be accepted; there must be a separate
photograph for each family member.
Failure to submit the required
photographs for your spouse and each
child listed will result in an incomplete
entry to the E-DV system. The entry will
not be accepted and must be
resubmitted. Failure to enter the correct
photograph of each individual in the
case into the E-DV system will result in
disqualification of the principal
applicant and refusal of all visas in the
case at the time of the visa interview.
A digital photograph (image) of you,
your spouse, and each child must be
submitted on-line with the E-DV Entry
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Form. The image file can be produced
either by taking a new digital
photograph or by scanning a
photographic print with a digital
Entries are subject to disqualification
and visa refusal for cases in which the
photographs are not recent or have been
manipulated or fail to meet the
specifications explained below.
Instructions for Submitting a Digital
Photograph (Image)
The image file must adhere to the
following compositional specifications
and technical specifications and can be
produced in one of the following ways:
Taking a new digital image or using a
digital scanner to scan a submitted
photograph. Entrants may test their
photos for suitability through the photo
validator link on the e-DV Web site
before submitting their entries. The
photo validator provides additional
technical advice on photo composition
along with examples of acceptable and
unacceptable photos.
Compositional Specifications
The submitted digital image must
conform to the following compositional
specifications or the entry will be
disqualified: The person being
photographed must directly face the
camera; the head of the person should
not be tilted up, down, or to the side;
the head of the person should cover
about 50% of the area of the photo; the
photograph should be taken with the
person in front of a neutral, lightcolored background; dark or patterned
backgrounds are not acceptable; the
photo must be in focus; photos in which
the person being photographed is
wearing sunglasses or other items that
detract from the face will not be
accepted; photos of applicants wearing
head coverings or hats are only
acceptable due to religious beliefs, and
even then, may not obscure any portion
of the face of the applicant; photographs
of applicants with tribal or other
headgear not specifically religious in
nature will not be accepted;
photographs of military, airline, or other
personnel wearing hats will not be
Color photographs in 24-bit color
depth are required. Photographs may be
downloaded from a camera into a file in
the computer or they may be scanned
into a file in the computer. If you are
using a scanner, the settings must be for
True Color or 24-bit color mode. Color
photographs must be scanned at this
setting for the requirements of the DV
program. See the additional scanning
requirements below.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
Technical Specifications
The submitted digital photograph
must conform to the following
specifications or the system will
automatically reject the E-DV Entry
Form and notify the sender.
When taking a new digital image: the
image file format must be in the Joint
Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
format; it must have a maximum image
file size of two hundred forty kilobytes
(240 KB); the image resolution must be
600 pixels high by 600 pixels wide; the
image color depth must be 24-bit color
[Note: Color photographs are required.
Black and white, monochrome images
(2-bit color depth), 8-bit color or 8-bit
grayscale will not be accepted.]
Before a photographic print is
scanned it must meet the following
specifications: A color image is
required. The photographic print must
also meet the compositional
specifications. If the photographic print
meets the print color and compositional
specifications, scan the print using the
following scanner specifications:
Scanner resolution must be at least 150
dots per inch (dpi); the image file format
in Joint Photographic Experts Group
(JPEG) format; the maximum image file
size must be two hundred forty
kilobytes (240 KB); the image resolution
at 600 by 600 pixels; the image color
depth 24-bit color. [Note that black and
white or grayscale images with 24-bit
color depth and monochrome images (2bit color depth), 8-bit color or 8-bit
grayscale will not be accepted.]
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Information Required for the Electronic
There is only one way to enter the
DV–2010 lottery. You must submit the
DS 5501, the Electronic Diversity Visa
Entry Form (E–DV Entry Form), which
is accessible only at https://
www.dvlottery.state.gov. Failure to
complete the form in its entirety will
disqualify the entry. Those who submit
the E–DV entry will be asked to include
the following information on the E–DV
Entry Form.
1. FULL NAME—Last/Family Name,
First Name, Middle Name.
2. DATE OF BIRTH—Day, Month,
3. GENDER—Male or Female.
BORN—The name of the country should
be that which is currently in use for the
place where you were born.
PROGRAM—Your country of eligibility
will normally be the same as your
country of birth. Your country of
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eligibility is not related to where you
live. If you were born in a country that
is not eligible for the DV program,
please review the instructions to see if
there is another option for country of
chargeability available for you. For
additional information on chargeability,
please review ‘‘Frequently Asked
Question #1’’ of these instructions.
technical information on photograph
specifications. Make sure you include
photographs of your spouse and all your
children, if applicable. See: Frequently
Asked Question #3.
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City/
Town, District/Country/Province/State,
Postal Code/Zip Code, Country.
10. PHONE NUMBER (optional).
11. E-MAIL ADDRESS (optional).
indicate which one of the following
represents your own highest level of
educational achievement: (1) Primary
school only, (2) High school, no degree,
(3) High school degree, (4) Vocational
school, (5) Some university courses, (6)
University degree, (7) Some graduate
level courses, (8) Master degree, (9)
Some doctorate level courses, and (10)
Doctorate degree.
13. MARITAL STATUS—Unmarried,
Married, Divorced, Widowed, Legally
must include the name, date and place
of birth of your spouse and all natural
children, as well as all legally-adopted
children and stepchildren, who are
unmarried and under the age of 21 on
the date of your entry (do not include
children who are already U.S. citizens
or Legal Permanent Residents), even if
you are no longer legally married to the
child’s parent, and even if the spouse or
child does not currently reside with you
and/or will not immigrate with you.
Note that married children and children
21 years or older are not eligible for the
diversity visa, however, U.S. law
protects children from ‘‘aging out’’ in
certain circumstances. If your electronic
DV entry is made before your unmarried
child turns 21, even if they turn 21
before visa issuance, they will be treated
as though they are under 21 for visa
processing purposes. Failure to list all
children who are eligible will result in
disqualification of the principal
applicant and refusal of all visas in the
case at the time of the visa interview.
See: Frequently Asked Question #11.
Date of Birth, Gender, City/Town of
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Birth, Country of Birth, Photograph.
Failure to list your spouse will result in
disqualification of the principal
applicant and refusal of all visas in the
case at the time of the visa interview.
Name, Date of Birth, Gender, City/Town
of Birth, Country of Birth, and
Photograph: Include all children
declared in question #14 above.
Selection of Applicants
The computer will select at random
individuals from among all qualified
entries. They will be notified by mail
between May and July 2009 and will be
provided further instructions, including
information on fees connected with
immigration to the U.S. Those selected
in the random drawing are not notified
by e-mail. Those individuals not
selected will not receive any
notification. U.S. embassies and
consulates will not be able to provide a
list of successful entrants. Spouses and
unmarried children under age 21 of
successful entrants may also apply for
visas to accompany or follow to join the
principal applicant. DV–2010 visas will
be issued between October 1, 2009 and
September 30, 2010.
Processing of entries and issuance of
diversity visas to successful individuals
and their eligible family members must
occur by midnight on September 30,
2010. Under no circumstances can
diversity visas be issued or adjustments
approved after this date, nor can family
members obtain diversity visas to follow
to join the principal applicant in their
case in the U.S. after this date.
In order to receive a Diversity Visa to
immigrate to the United States, those
chosen in the random drawing must
meet all eligibility requirements under
U.S. law. These requirements may
significantly increase the level of
scrutiny required and time necessary for
processing of applicants for natives of
some countries listed in this notice,
including, but not limited to, countries
identified as state sponsors of terrorism.
Important Notice
No fee is charged for the electronic
lottery entry in the annual DV program.
The U.S. Government employs no
outside consultants or private services
to operate the DV program. Any
intermediaries or others who offer
assistance to prepare DV entries do so
without the authority or consent of the
U.S. Government. Use of any outside
intermediary or assistance to prepare a
DV entry is entirely at the entrant’s
A qualified entry submitted
electronically directly by an applicant
has an equal chance of being selected by
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
the computer at the Kentucky Consular
Center, as does an entry submitted
electronically through a paid
intermediary who completes the entry
for the applicant. Every entry received
during the lottery registration period
will have an equal random chance of
being selected within its region.
However, receipt of more than one entry
per person will disqualify the person
from registration, regardless of the
source of the entry.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Frequently Asked Questions About E–
DV Registration
1. What Do the Terms ‘‘Eligibility’’,
‘‘Native’’ and ‘‘Chargeability’’ Mean?
Are There Any Situations in Which
Persons Who Were Not Born in a
Qualifying Country May Apply?
Your country of eligibility will
normally be the same as your country of
birth. Your country of eligibility is not
related to where you live. ‘‘Native’’
ordinarily means someone born in a
particular country, regardless of the
individual’s current country of
residence or nationality. For
immigration purposes ‘‘native’’ can also
mean someone who is entitled to be
‘‘charged’’ to a country other than the
one in which he/she was born under the
provisions of Section 202(b) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act. For
example, if you were born in a country
that is not eligible for this year’s DV
program, you may claim chargeability to
the country where your derivative
spouse was born, but you will not be
issued a DV–1 unless your spouse is
also eligible for and issued a DV–2, and
both of you must enter the United States
together with the diversity visas. In a
similar manner, a minor dependent
child can be ‘‘charged’’ to a parent’s
country of birth.
Finally, if you were born in a country
not eligible to participate in this year’s
DV program, you can be ‘‘charged’’ to
the country of birth of either of your
parents as long as neither parent was a
resident of the ineligible country at the
time of the your birth. In general, people
are not considered residents of a
country in which they were not born or
legally naturalized if they are only
visiting the country, studying in the
country temporarily, or stationed
temporarily in the country for business
or professional reasons on behalf of a
company or government from a country
other than the country in which the
applicant was born. If you claim
alternate chargeability, you must
indicate such information on the E–DV
electronic online entry form, question
#6. Please be aware that listing an
incorrect country of eligibility or
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chargeability (i.e. one to which you
cannot establish a valid claim) may
disqualify your entry.
2. Are There Any Changes in New
Requirements in the Application
Procedures for This Diversity Visa
No paper entries will be accepted. For
DV–2010, you may check the status of
your entry using your confirmation page
information. Because this confirmation
information will be provided only once,
at the time of your entry, it is extremely
important that you print or write down
your confirmation information for later
use. If you lose this information, you
will still receive a letter from the
Kentucky Consular Center by mail
notifying you of your selection, if you
are successful. You will receive no
additional notification if your entry is
unsuccessful, but may check this
through the Internet using your
confirmation information.
Photo size requirements have
increased for DV–2010 to 600 by 600
pixels. Old photos used in previous
years should not be reused for DV–2010.
Only color photos may be submitted for
DV–2010. Black and white photos are
not acceptable.
3. Are Signatures and Photographs
Required for Each Family Member, or
Only for the Principal Entrant?
Signatures are not required on the
Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form.
Recent and individual photographs of
you, your spouse and all children under
21 years of age are required. Family or
group photographs are not accepted.
Refer to information on the photograph
requirements located in this notice.
4. Why Do Natives of Certain Countries
Not Qualify for the Diversity Program?
Diversity visas are intended to
provide an immigration opportunity for
persons from countries other than the
countries that send large numbers of
immigrants to the U.S. The law states
that no diversity visas shall be provided
for natives of ‘‘high admission’’
countries. The law defines this to mean
countries from which a total of 50,000
persons in the Family-Sponsored and
Employment-Based visa categories
immigrated to the United States during
the period of the previous five years.
Each year, the USCIS adds the family
and employment immigrant admission
figures for the previous five years in
order to identify the countries whose
natives will be ineligible for the annual
diversity lottery. Because there is a
separate determination made before
each annual E–DV entry period, the list
of countries whose natives are not
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eligible may change from one year to the
5. What is the Numerical Limit for DV–
By law, the U.S. diversity immigration
program makes available a maximum of
55,000 permanent residence visas each
year to eligible persons. However, the
Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central
American Relief Act (NACARA) passed
by Congress in November 1997
stipulates that beginning as early as DV–
1999, and for as long as necessary, up
to 5,000 of the 55,000 annuallyallocated diversity visas will be made
available for use under the NACARA
program. The actual reduction of the
limit by up to 5,000 diversity visas
began with DV–2000 and is likely to
remain in effect through the DV–2010
6. What Are the Regional Diversity Visa
(DV) Limits for DV–2010?
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) determines the DV
regional limits for each year according
to a formula specified in Section 203(c)
of the Immigration and Nationality Act
(INA). Once the USCIS has completed
the calculations, the regional visa limits
will be announced.
7. When Will Entries for the DV–2010
Program Be Accepted?
The DV–2010 entry period will run
through the registration period. Each
year millions of people apply for the
program during the registration period.
The massive volume of entries creates
an enormous amount of work in
selecting and processing successful
individuals. Holding the entry period
during October, November, and
December will ensure that selectees are
notified in a timely manner, and gives
both the visa applicants and our
embassies and consulates time to
prepare and complete cases for visa
issuance. You are strongly encouraged
to enter early in the registration period.
Excessive demand at end of the
registration period may slow the system
down. No entries whatsoever will be
accepted after noon EST Monday,
December 1, 2008.
8. May Persons Who Are in the U.S.
Apply for the Program?
Yes, an applicant may be in the U.S.
or in another country, and the entry may
be submitted from the United States or
from abroad.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
9. Is Each Applicant Limited to Only
One Entry During the Annual E–DV
Registration Period?
Yes, the law allows only one entry by
or for each person during each
registration period. Individuals for
whom more than one entry is submitted
will be disqualified. The Department of
State will employ sophisticated
technology and other means to identify
individuals who submit multiple entries
during the registration period. People
submitting more than one entry will be
disqualified and an electronic record
will be permanently maintained by the
Department of State. Individuals may
apply for the program each year during
the regular registration period.
10. May a Husband and a Wife Each
Submit a Separate Entry?
Yes, a husband and a wife may each
submit one entry if each meets the
eligibility requirements. If either were
selected, the other would be entitled to
derivative status.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
11. What Family Members Must I
Include on My E–DV Entry?
On your entry you must list your
spouse (husband or wife), and all
unmarried children under 21 years of
age, with the exception of children who
are already U.S. citizens or Legal
Permanent Residents. You must list
your spouse even if you are currently
separated from him/her, unless you are
legally separated (i.e., there is a written
agreement recognized by a court or a
court order). If you are legally separated
or divorced, you do not need to list your
former spouse. You must list all your
children who are unmarried and under
21 years of age at the time of your initial
electronic DV entry, whether they are
your natural children, your spouse’s
children, or children you have formally
adopted in accordance with the laws of
your country, unless such child is
already a U.S. citizen or Legal
Permanent Resident. List all children
under 21 years of age at the time of your
electronic entry even if they no longer
reside with you or you do not intend for
them to immigrate under the DV
The fact that you have listed family
members on your entry does not mean
that they later must travel with you.
They may choose to remain behind.
However, if you include an eligible
dependent on your visa application
forms that you failed to include on your
original entry, your case will be
disqualified. This only applies to those
who were family members at the time
the original application was submitted,
not those acquired at a later date. Your
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spouse may still submit a separate entry,
even though he or she is listed on your
entry, as long as both entries include
details on all dependents in your family.
See question #10 above.
12. Must I Submit My Own Entry, or
May Someone Act on My Behalf?
You may prepare and submit your
own entry, or have someone submit the
entry for you. Regardless of whether an
entry is submitted by the individual
directly, or assistance is provided by an
attorney, friend, relative, etc., only one
entry may be submitted in the name of
each person and the entrant remains
responsible for insuring that
information in the entry is correct and
complete. If the entry is selected, the
notification letter will be sent only to
the mailing address provided on the
entry. All entrants, including those not
selected, will be able to check the status
of their entry through the official DV
Web site. Entrants should keep their
own confirmation page information so
they may independently check the
status of their entry.
13. What Are the Requirements for
Education or Work Experience?
The law and regulations require that
every entrant must have at least a high
school education or its equivalent or,
within the past five years, have two
years of work experience in an
occupation requiring at least two years
training or experience. A ‘‘high school
education or equivalent’’ is defined as
successful completion of a twelve-year
course of elementary and secondary
education in the United States or
successful completion in another
country of a formal course of elementary
and secondary education comparable to
a high school education in the United
States. Only formal courses of study
meet this requirement, correspondence
programs or equivalency certificates
(such as the G.E.D.) are not acceptable.
Documentary proof of education or
work experience must be presented to
the consular officer at the time of the
visa interview. To determine eligibility
based on work experience, definitions
from the Department of Labor’s O*Net
OnLine database will be used.
What Occupations Qualify for the
Diversity Visa Program? The
Department of Labor (DOL) O*Net
Online Database groups job experience
into five ‘‘job zones.’’ While many
occupations are listed on the DOL Web
site, only certain specified occupations
qualify for the Diversity Visa Program.
To qualify for a Diversity Visa on the
basis of your work experience, you
must, within the past five years, have
two years of experience in an
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occupation that is designated as Job
Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific
Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of
7.0 or higher.
How Do I Find the Qualifying
Occupations on the Department of
Labor Web Site? Qualifying DV
Occupations are shown on the
Department of Labor O*Net Online
Database. Follow these steps to find out
if your occupation qualifies: Select
‘‘Find Occupations’’ and then select a
specific ‘‘Job Family.’’ For example,
select Architecture and Engineering and
click ‘‘GO.’’ Then click on the link for
the specific Occupation. Following the
same example, click Aerospace
Engineers. After selecting a specific
Occupation link, select the tab ‘‘Job
Zone’’ to find out the designated Job
Zone number and Specific Vocational
Preparation (SVP) rating range.
14. How Will Successful Entrants Be
At the Kentucky Consular Center, all
entries received from each region will
be individually numbered. After the end
of the registration period, a computer
will randomly select entries from among
all the entries received for each
geographic region. Within each region,
the first entry randomly selected will be
the first case registered, the second
entry selected the second registration,
etc. All entries received during the
registration period will have an equal
chance of being selected within each
region. When an entry has been
selected, the entrant will be sent a
notification letter by the Kentucky
Consular Center, which will provide
visa application instructions. The
Kentucky Consular Center will continue
to process the case until those selected
to be visa applicants are instructed to
appear for visa interviews at a U.S.
consular office or until those qualifying
to change status in the United States
apply at a domestic USCIS office.
Important Note: Notifications to those
selected in the random lottery are not sent by
e-mail. Should you receive an e-mail
notification about your E–DV selection, be
aware that the message is not legitimate.
15. May Selectees Adjust Their Status
Yes, provided they are otherwise
eligible to adjust status under the terms
of Section 245 of the INA, selected
individuals who are physically present
in the United States may apply to the
USCIS for adjustment of status to
permanent resident. Applicants must
ensure that USCIS can complete action
on their cases, including processing of
any overseas derivatives, before
September 30, 2010, since on that date
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
registrations for the DV–2010 program
expire. No visa numbers for the DV–
2010 program will be available after
midnight on September 30, 2010 under
any circumstances.
16. Will Entrants Who Are Not Selected
Be Informed?
Starting with DV–2010, all entrants,
including those not selected, will be
able to check the status of their entry
through the E–DV Web site and find out
if their entry was or was not selected.
Entrants should keep their own
confirmation page information from the
time of their entry (October 2, 2008 to
December 1, 2008) until they may check
the status of their entry online. Status
information for DV–2010 will be
available online from July 1, 2009 until
June 30, 2010. All notification letters are
sent within five to seven months from
the end of the application period to the
address indicated on the entry.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
17. How Many Individuals Will Be
There are 50,000 DV visas available
for DV–2010, but more than that number
of individuals will be selected. Because
it is likely that some of the first 50,000
persons who are selected will not
qualify for visas or pursue their cases to
visa issuance, more than 50,000 entries
will be selected by the Kentucky
Consular Center to ensure that all of the
available DV visas are issued. However,
this also means that there will not be a
sufficient number of visas for all those
who are initially selected. All applicants
who are selected will be informed
promptly of their place on the list.
Interviews for the DV–2010 program
will begin in October 2009. The
Kentucky Consular Center will send
appointment letters to selected
applicants four to six weeks before the
scheduled interviews with U.S. consular
officers at overseas posts. Each month
visas will be issued, visa number
availability permitting, to those
applicants who are ready for issuance
during that month. Once all of the
50,000 DV visas have been issued, the
program for the year will end. In
principle, visa numbers could be
finished before September 2010.
Selected applicants who wish to receive
visas must be prepared to act promptly
on their cases. Random selection by the
Kentucky Consular Center computer as
a selectee does not automatically
guarantee that you will receive a visa.
You must qualify for the visa as well.
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18. Is There a Minimum Age for
Applicants To Apply for the E–DV
There is no minimum age to apply for
the program, but the requirement of a
high school education or work
experience for each principal applicant
at the time of application will
effectively disqualify most persons who
are under age 18.
19. Are There Any Fees for the
E–DV Program?
There is no fee for submitting an
electronic lottery entry. DV applicants
must pay all required visa fees at the
time of visa application directly to the
consular cashier at the embassy or
consulate. Details of required diversity
visa and immigration visa application
fees will be included with the
instructions sent by the Kentucky
Consular Center to applicants who are
Do DV Applicants Receive Waivers of
Any Grounds of Visa Ineligibility or
Receive Special Processing for a Waiver
Applicants are subject to all grounds
of ineligibility for immigrant visas
specified in the Immigration and
Nationality Act. There are no special
provisions for the waiver of any ground
of visa ineligibility aside from those
ordinarily provided in the Act, nor is
there special processing for waiver
requests. Some general waiver
provisions for people with close
relatives who are American Citizens of
Lawful Permanent Resident aliens may
be available to DV applicants as well,
but the time constraints in the DV
program will make it difficult for
applicants to benefit from such
21. May Persons Who Are Already
Registered for an Immigrant Visa in
Another Category Apply for the DV
Yes, such persons may apply for the
DV program.
22. How Long Do Applicants Who Are
Selected Remain Entitled To Apply for
Visas in the DV Category?
Persons selected in the DV–2010
lottery are entitled to apply for visa
issuance only during fiscal year 2010,
from October 1, 2009 through
September 30, 2010. Applicants must
obtain the DV visa or adjust status by
the end of the fiscal year. There is no
carry-over of DV benefits into the next
year for persons who are selected but
who do not obtain visas during FY–
2010. Also, spouses and children who
derive status from a DV–2010
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registration can only obtain visas in the
DV category between October 2009 and
September 2010. Applicants who apply
overseas will receive an appointment
letter from the Kentucky Consular
Center four to six weeks before the
scheduled appointment.
23. If an E–DV Selectee Dies, What
Happens to the DV Case?
The death of an individual selected in
the lottery results in automatic
revocation of the DV case. Any eligible
spouse and/or children are no longer
entitled to the DV visa, for that entry.
24. When Will E–DV Online Be
Online entry will be available during
the registration period beginning at
noon EDT (GMT–4) on October 2, 2008
and ending at noon EST (GMT–5) on
December 1, 2008.
25. Will I Be Able To Download and
Save the E–DV Entry Form to a
Microsoft Word Program (or Other
Suitable Program) and Then Fill It Out?
No, you will not be able to save the
form into another program for
completion and submission later. The
E–DV Entry Form is a Web form only.
This makes it more ‘‘universal’’ than a
proprietary word processor format.
Additionally, it does require that the
information be filled in and submitted
while on-line.
26. If I Don’t Have Access to a Scanner,
Can I Send Photographs to My Relative
in the U.S. To Scan the Photographs,
Save the Photographs to a Diskette, and
Then Mail the Diskette Back to Me To
Yes, this can be done as long as the
photograph meets the photograph
requirements in the instructions, and
the photograph is electronically
submitted with, and at the same time
the E–DV online entry is submitted. The
applicants must already have the
scanned photograph file when they
submit the entry on-line. The
photograph cannot be submitted
separate from the online application.
Only one on-line entry can be submitted
for each person. Multiple submissions
will disqualify the entry for that person
for DV–2010. The entire entry
(photograph and application together)
can be submitted electronically from the
United States or from overseas.
27. Can I Save the Form On-Line So
That I Can Fill Out Part and Then Come
Back Later and Complete the
No, this cannot be done. The E–DV
Entry Form is designed to be completed
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
and submitted at one time. However,
because the form is in two parts, and
because of possible network
interruptions and delays, the E–DV
system is designed to permit up to sixty
(60) minutes between the downloading
of the form and when the entry is
received at the E–DV Web site after
being submitted online. If more than
sixty minutes elapses and the entry has
not been electronically received, the
information already received is
discarded. This is done so that there is
no possibility that a full entry could
accidentally be interpreted as a
duplicate of a previous partial entry. For
example, suppose an applicant with a
wife and child sends a filled in E–DV
Entry Form Part One and then receives
Form Part Two, but there is a delay
before sending Part Two because of
trouble finding the file that holds the
child’s photograph. If the filled in Form
Part Two is sent by the applicant and
received by the E–DV Web site within
sixty (60) minutes, there is no problem.
However, if the Form Part Two is
received after sixty (60) minutes have
elapsed, then the applicant will be
informed that he or she must start the
entire entry over from the beginning.
The DV–2010 instructions explain
clearly and completely what
information is required to fill in the
form. This way you can be fully
prepared, making sure you have all of
the information needed, before you start
to complete the form on-line.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
28. If the Submitted Digital Images Do
Not Conform to the Specifications, the
Procedures State That the System Will
Automatically Reject the E–DV Entry
Form and Notify the Sender. Does This
Mean I Will Be Able to Re-Submit My
Yes, the entry can be resubmitted.
Since the entry was automatically
rejected, it was not actually considered
as submitted to the E–DV Web site. It
does not count as a submitted E–DV
entry, and no confirmation notice of
receipt is sent. If there are problems
with the digital photograph sent,
because it does not conform to the
requirements, it is automatically
rejected by the E–DV Web site.
However, the amount of time it takes the
rejection message to reach the sender is
unpredictable due to the nature of the
Internet. If the problem can be fixed by
the applicant, and the Form Part One or
Two is re-sent within sixty (60) minutes,
there is no problem. Otherwise the
submission process will have to be
started over. An applicant can try to
submit an application as many times as
is necessary until a complete
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application is received and the
confirmation notice sent.
29. Will the Electronic Confirmation
Notice That the Completed E–DV Entry
Form Has Been Received Through the
Online System Be Sent Immediately
After Submission?
The response from the E–DV Web site
which contains confirmation of the
receipt of an acceptable E–DV Entry
Form is sent by the E–DV Web site
immediately. However, how long it
takes the response to reach the sender
is unpredictable due to the nature of the
Internet. If many minutes have elapsed
since pressing the ‘Submit’ button, there
is no harm in pressing the ‘Submit’
button a second time. The E–DV system
will not be confused by a situation
where the ‘Submit’ button is hit a
second time, because no confirmation
response has been received. An
applicant can try to submit an
application as many times as is
necessary until a complete application
is received and the confirmation notice
sent. However, once you receive a
confirmation notice, do not resubmit
your information.
30. How Will I Know if the Notification
of Selection That I Have Received Is
Authentic? How Can I Confirm That I
Have in Fact Been Chosen in the
Random DV Lottery?
Keep your confirmation page. You
will need it to check the status of your
entry yourself at the official DV Web site
after the electronic lottery is conducted
(usually March). If you lose your
confirmation information you will not
be able to check your DV entry status
yourself and we will not resend the
confirmation page to you. If selected,
you will also receive a letter from the
Kentucky Consular Center by mail
sometime between May and July 2009 at
the addresses listed on the E–DV entry.
Only the randomly selected individuals
will be notified by mail. Persons not
selected may check their entry using
their confirmation information through
the official DV Web site, but will not
receive additional official notification
by e-mail or by mail. We will not resend
confirmation page information to you. If
you lose your confirmation page
information you will only find out if
you were selected if you receive an
official letter by mail. U.S. embassies
and consulates will not be able to
provide a list of those selected to
continue the visa process.
The Kentucky Consular Center (KCC)
will send the letters notifying those
selected. These letters will contain
instructions for the visa application
process. The instructions say the
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selected applicants will pay all diversity
and immigrant visa fees in person only
at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate at the
time of the visa application. The
Consular Cashier or Consular Officer
immediately gives the visa applicant a
U.S. Government receipt for payment.
You should never send money for DV
fees through the mail, through Western
Union, or any other delivery service.
The E–DV lottery entries are made on
the Internet, on the official U.S.
Government E–DV Web site at https://
www.dvlottery.state.gov. KCC sends
only letters to the selected applicants.
KCC, consular offices, or the U.S.
Government has never sent e-mails to
notify selected individuals, and there
are no plans to use e-mail for this
purpose for the DV–2010 program.
The Department of State, Visa
Services advises the public that only
Internet sites including the ‘‘.gov’’
indicator are official government Web
sites. Many other non-governmental
Web sites (e.g., using the suffixes
‘‘.com’’ or ‘‘.org’’ or ‘‘.net’’) provide
legitimate and useful immigration and
visa related information and services.
Regardless of the content of nongovernmental Web sites, the Department
of State does not endorse, recommend
or sponsor any information or material
shown at these other Web sites.
Some Web sites may try to mislead
customers and members of the public
into thinking they are official Web sites
and may contact you by e-mail to lure
you to their offers. These Web sites may
attempt to require you to pay for
services such as forms and information
about immigration procedures, which
are otherwise free on the Department of
State Visa Services Web site, or overseas
through the Embassy Consular Section
Web sites. Additionally, these other
Web sites may require you to pay for
services you will not receive, often
including diversity immigration
application and visa fees in an effort to
outright steal your money. Once you
send money in one of these scams, you
will never see it again. Also, you should
be wary of sending any personal
information that might be used for
identity fraud/theft to these Web sites.
31. How Do I Report Internet Fraud or
Unsolicited E-Mail?
If you wish to file a complaint about
Internet fraud, please see the
econsumer.gov Web site, hosted by the
Federal Trade Commission, which is a
joint effort of consumer protection
agencies from 17 nations at https://
www.econsumer.gov/english/ or go to
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Internet Crime Complaint Center or IC3.
To file a complaint about unsolicited e-
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
mail, contact the Department of Justice
Contact Us page.
32. If I Am Successful in Obtaining a
Visa Through the Dv Program
Will the U.S. Government Assist With
My Airfare to the U.S., Provide
Assistance to Locate Housing and
Employment, Provide Healthcare or
Provide Any Subsidies Until I Am Fully
No, applicants who obtain a DV visa
are not provided any type of assistance
such as airfare, housing assistance, or
subsidies. If you are selected to apply
for a DV visa, before you can be issued
a visa, you will be required to provide
evidence that you will not become a
public charge in the U.S. This evidence
may be in the form of a combination of
your personal assets, an Affidavit of
Support, Form I–134 from a relative or
friend residing in the U.S. and/or an
offer of employment from an employer
in the U.S.
List of Countries by Region Whose
Natives Are Eligible for DV–2010
The lists below show the countries
whose natives are eligible for DV–2010
within each geographic region for this
diversity program. The countries whose
natives are not eligible for the DV–2010
program were identified by the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) according to the formula in
Section 203(c) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act. Dependent areas
overseas are included within the region
of the governing country. The countries
whose natives are not eligible for this
diversity program (because they are the
principal source countries of FamilySponsored and Employment-Based
immigration, or ‘‘high admission’’
countries) are noted after the respective
regional lists.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Equatorial Guinea
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Gambia, The
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Persons born in the Gaza Strip are
chargeable to Egypt.
List of Countries by Region Whose
Natives Are Eligible for DV–2010
East Timor
Hong Kong Special Administrative
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka
PO 00000
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United Arab Emirates
Natives of the following Asian
countries are not eligible for this year’s
diversity program:
China [mainland-born], India,
Pakistan, South Korea, Philippines, and
Vietnam. Hong Kong S.A.R. and Taiwan
do qualify and are listed above. Macau
S.A.R. also qualifies and is listed below.
Persons born in the areas administered
prior to June 1967 by Israel, Jordan and
Syria are chargeable, respectively, to
Israel, Jordan and Syria.
List of Countries by Region Whose
Natives Are Eligible for DV–2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Denmark (including components and
dependent areas overseas)
France (including components and
dependent areas overseas)
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav
Macau Special Administrative Region
Netherlands (including components and
dependent areas overseas)
Northern Ireland
Portugal (including components and
dependent areas overseas)
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 190 / Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / Notices
San Marino
Vatican City
Natives of the following European
countries are not eligible for this year’s
diversity program: Great Britain and
Poland. Great Britain (United Kingdom)
includes the following dependent areas:
Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin
Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland
Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn,
St. Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands.
Note that for purposes of the diversity
program only, Northern Ireland is
treated separately; Northern Ireland
does qualify and is listed among the
qualifying areas.
The Bahamas
In North America, natives of Canada
and Mexico are not eligible for this
year’s diversity program.
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
South America, Central America, and
the Caribbean
Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
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October 23
Opening Plenary Session
• Greetings, Introductions,
Administrative Remarks
• Review and Approval of Agenda for
Tenth Plenary
• Review of October 2008 PMC
• Review of Revised Terms of
• Review and Approval of Ninth
Meeting Summary (RTCA Paper No.
DO–262 Normative Appendix
• Status Update of Final Draft
• Revision of TSO C–159 (FAA)
DO–270 Normative Appendix
Tenth Meeting, Special Committee 215
Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route)
Services Next Generation Satellite
Services and Equipment
• Report from Drafting Group
• Subnetwork Operational Approval
Closing Plenary
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special
Committee 215, Aeronautical Mobile
Satellite (Route) Services, Next
Generation Satellite Services and
• Any Other Business
• Review of Next Plenary Meeting
• Adjourn—October 23, 2008—12
Attendance is open to the interested
public but limited to space availability.
With the approval of the chairmen,
members of the public may present oral
statements at the meeting. Persons
wishing to present statements or obtain
information should contact the person
CONTACT section. Members of the public
may present a written statement to the
committee at any time.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
24, 2008.
Francisco Estrada C.,
RTCA Advisory Committee.
[FR Doc. E8–22983 Filed 9–29–08; 8:45 am]
RTCA Secretariat, 1828 L Street, NW.,
Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036;
telephone (202) 833–9339; fax (202)
833–9434; Web site https://www.rtca.org
for directions. For additional details
contact: Kelly O’Keefe, Tel: + 1 202
772–1873, e-mail:
Note: Dress is Business Casual.
to section 10(a)(2) of the Federal
Jkt 214001
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463, 5 U.S.C., Appendix 2), notice is
hereby given for a Special Committee
215 meeting. The agenda will include:
SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice
to advise the public of a second meeting
of RTCA Special Committee 215,
Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route)
Services, Next Generation Satellite
Services and Equipment.
DATES: The meeting will be held
October 23, 2008 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
ADDRESSES: Trump International Beach
Resort, 18001 Collins Ave., Sunny Isles
Beach, FL 33160, Tel: 305.692.5600,
Fax: 305.692.5601, https://
North America
Australia (including components and
dependent areas overseas)
Marshall Islands
Micronesia, Federated States of
New Zealand (including components
and dependent areas overseas)
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Dated: September 22, 2008.
Janice Jacobs,
Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. E8–22994 Filed 9–29–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
List of Countries by Region Whose
Natives Are Eligible for DV–2010
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Countries in this region whose natives
are not eligible for this year’s diversity
program: Brazil, Colombia, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, and
PO 00000
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Sunshine Act Meetings; Unified Carrier
Registration Plan Board of Directors
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
Time and Date: November 6, 2008, 12
noon to 3 p.m., Eastern Time.
Place: This meeting will take place
telephonically. Any interested person
may call Mr. Avelino Gutierrez at (505)
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 190 (Tuesday, September 30, 2008)]
[Pages 56879-56887]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-22994]
[Public Notice 6379]
Bureau of Consular Affairs; Registration for the Diversity
Immigrant (DV-2010) Visa Program
AGENCY: Department of State.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This public notice provides information on how to apply for
the DV-2010 Program. This notice is issued pursuant to 22 CFR
42.33(b)(3) which implements sections 201(a)(3), 201(e), 203(c) and
204(a)(1)(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8
U.S.C. 1151, 1153, and 1154(a)(1)(I)).
Instructions for the 2010 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV-2010)
The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is
administered on an annual basis by the Department of State and
conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub.
L. 101-649) that amended INA 203 provides for a class of immigrants
known as ``diversity immigrants.'' Section 203(c) of the INA provides a
maximum of 55,000 Diversity Visas (DV) each fiscal year to be made
available to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to
the United States.
The annual DV program makes permanent residence visas available to
persons meeting the simple, but strict, eligibility requirements. A
computer-generated random lottery drawing chooses selectees for
Diversity Visas. The visas are distributed among six geographic regions
with a greater number of visas going to regions with lower rates of
immigration, and with no visas going to nationals of countries sending
more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. over the period of the past
five years. Within each region, no one country may receive more than
seven percent of the available Diversity Visas in any one year.
For DV-2010, natives of the following countries are not eligible to
apply because the countries sent a total of more than 50,000 immigrants
to the U.S. in the previous five years: Brazil, Canada, China
(mainland-born), Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Peru,
Poland, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its
dependent territories, and Vietnam.
Persons born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan are eligible.
For DV-2010, Russia has returned to the list of eligible countries.
Kosovo has also been added to the list of eligible countries. No
countries have been removed from the list of eligible countries for DV-
The Department of State implemented the electronic registration
system beginning with DV-2005 in order to make the Diversity Visa
process more efficient and secure. The Department utilizes special
technology and other means to identify those who commit
[[Page 56880]]
fraud for the purposes of illegal immigration or who submit multiple
entries. For DV-2010, for the first time, those who submit entries may
check the status of entries online and determine whether their entries
are selected or not selected. Successful entrants will continue to
receive notification letters by mail.
Diversity Visa Registration Period
Entries for the DV-2010 Diversity Visa Lottery must be submitted
electronically between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4),
Thursday, October 2, 2008 and noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5)
Monday, December 1, 2008. Applicants may access the Electronic
Diversity Visa Entry Form (E-DV) at https://www.dvlottery.state.gov
during the registration period. Paper entries will not be accepted.
Applicants are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last week of
the registration period to enter. Heavy demand may result in Web site
delays. No entries will be accepted after noon, EST, on December 1,
Requirements for Entry
To enter the DV lottery, you must be a native of one of the listed
countries. See ``List of Countries by Region Whose Natives Qualify.''
In most cases this means the country in which you were born. However,
there are two other ways you may be able to qualify. First, if you were
born in a country whose natives are ineligible but your spouse was born
in a country whose natives are eligible, you can claim your spouse's
country of birth provided both you and your spouse are on the selected
entry, are issued visas and enter the U.S. simultaneously. Second, if
you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but neither of
your parents was born there or resided there at the time of your birth,
you may claim nativity in one of your parents' country of birth if it
is a country whose natives qualify for the DV-2010 program.
To enter the lottery, you must meet either the education or work
experience requirement of the DV program. You must have either a high
school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of
a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR, two years
of work experience within the past five years in an occupation
requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform. The
U.S. Department of Labor's O*Net OnLine database will be used to
determine qualifying work experience. For more information about
qualifying work experience, see Frequently Asked Question 13.
If you cannot meet either of these requirements, you should NOT
submit an entry to the DV program.
Procedures for Submitting an Entry to DV-2010
The Department of State will only accept completed Electronic
Diversity Visa Entry Forms submitted electronically at https://
www.dvlottery.state.gov during the registration period between noon,
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Thursday, October 2, 2008 and
noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5) Monday, December 1, 2008.
All entries by an individual will be disqualified if more than ONE
entry for that individual is received, regardless of who submitted the
entry. You may prepare and submit your own entry, or have someone
submit the entry for you.
A successfully registered entry will result in the display of a
confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation
number. You may print this confirmation screen for your records using
the print function of your web browser. Starting July 1, 2009, you will
be able to check the status of your entry by returning to the Web site
and entering your unique confirmation number and personal information.
Paper entries will not be accepted.
It is very important that all required photographs be submitted.
Your entry will be disqualified if all required photographs are not
submitted. Recent photographs of the following people must be submitted
electronically with the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form: You; your
spouse; each unmarried child under 21 years of age at the time of your
electronic entry, including all natural children as well as all legally
adopted children and stepchildren, even if a child no longer resides
with you or you do not intend for a child to immigrate under the DV
program. You do not need to submit a photo for a child who is already a
U.S. citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident.
Group or family photographs will not be accepted; there must be a
separate photograph for each family member. Failure to submit the
required photographs for your spouse and each child listed will result
in an incomplete entry to the E-DV system. The entry will not be
accepted and must be resubmitted. Failure to enter the correct
photograph of each individual in the case into the E-DV system will
result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of
all visas in the case at the time of the visa interview.
A digital photograph (image) of you, your spouse, and each child
must be submitted on-line with the E-DV Entry Form. The image file can
be produced either by taking a new digital photograph or by scanning a
photographic print with a digital scanner.
Entries are subject to disqualification and visa refusal for cases
in which the photographs are not recent or have been manipulated or
fail to meet the specifications explained below.
Instructions for Submitting a Digital Photograph (Image)
The image file must adhere to the following compositional
specifications and technical specifications and can be produced in one
of the following ways: Taking a new digital image or using a digital
scanner to scan a submitted photograph. Entrants may test their photos
for suitability through the photo validator link on the e-DV Web site
before submitting their entries. The photo validator provides
additional technical advice on photo composition along with examples of
acceptable and unacceptable photos.
Compositional Specifications
The submitted digital image must conform to the following
compositional specifications or the entry will be disqualified: The
person being photographed must directly face the camera; the head of
the person should not be tilted up, down, or to the side; the head of
the person should cover about 50% of the area of the photo; the
photograph should be taken with the person in front of a neutral,
light-colored background; dark or patterned backgrounds are not
acceptable; the photo must be in focus; photos in which the person
being photographed is wearing sunglasses or other items that detract
from the face will not be accepted; photos of applicants wearing head
coverings or hats are only acceptable due to religious beliefs, and
even then, may not obscure any portion of the face of the applicant;
photographs of applicants with tribal or other headgear not
specifically religious in nature will not be accepted; photographs of
military, airline, or other personnel wearing hats will not be
Color photographs in 24-bit color depth are required. Photographs
may be downloaded from a camera into a file in the computer or they may
be scanned into a file in the computer. If you are using a scanner, the
settings must be for True Color or 24-bit color mode. Color photographs
must be scanned at this setting for the requirements of the DV program.
See the additional scanning requirements below.
[[Page 56881]]
Technical Specifications
The submitted digital photograph must conform to the following
specifications or the system will automatically reject the E-DV Entry
Form and notify the sender.
When taking a new digital image: the image file format must be in
the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format; it must have a
maximum image file size of two hundred forty kilobytes (240 KB); the
image resolution must be 600 pixels high by 600 pixels wide; the image
color depth must be 24-bit color [Note: Color photographs are required.
Black and white, monochrome images (2-bit color depth), 8-bit color or
8-bit grayscale will not be accepted.]
Before a photographic print is scanned it must meet the following
specifications: A color image is required. The photographic print must
also meet the compositional specifications. If the photographic print
meets the print color and compositional specifications, scan the print
using the following scanner specifications: Scanner resolution must be
at least 150 dots per inch (dpi); the image file format in Joint
Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format; the maximum image file size
must be two hundred forty kilobytes (240 KB); the image resolution at
600 by 600 pixels; the image color depth 24-bit color. [Note that black
and white or grayscale images with 24-bit color depth and monochrome
images (2-bit color depth), 8-bit color or 8-bit grayscale will not be
Information Required for the Electronic Entry
There is only one way to enter the DV-2010 lottery. You must submit
the DS 5501, the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form (E-DV Entry
Form), which is accessible only at https://www.dvlottery.state.gov.
Failure to complete the form in its entirety will disqualify the entry.
Those who submit the E-DV entry will be asked to include the following
information on the E-DV Entry Form.
1. FULL NAME--Last/Family Name, First Name, Middle Name.
2. DATE OF BIRTH--Day, Month, Year.
3. GENDER--Male or Female.
5. COUNTRY WHERE YOU WERE BORN--The name of the country should be
that which is currently in use for the place where you were born.
country of eligibility will normally be the same as your country of
birth. Your country of eligibility is not related to where you live. If
you were born in a country that is not eligible for the DV program,
please review the instructions to see if there is another option for
country of chargeability available for you. For additional information
on chargeability, please review ``Frequently Asked Question
1'' of these instructions.
7. ENTRY PHOTOGRAPH(S)--See the technical information on photograph
specifications. Make sure you include photographs of your spouse and
all your children, if applicable. See: Frequently Asked Question
8. MAILING ADDRESS--In Care of, Address Line 1, Address Line 2,
City/Town, District/Country/Province/State, Postal Code/Zip Code,
10. PHONE NUMBER (optional).
11. E-MAIL ADDRESS (optional).
TODAY? You must indicate which one of the following represents your own
highest level of educational achievement: (1) Primary school only, (2)
High school, no degree, (3) High school degree, (4) Vocational school,
(5) Some university courses, (6) University degree, (7) Some graduate
level courses, (8) Master degree, (9) Some doctorate level courses, and
(10) Doctorate degree.
13. MARITAL STATUS--Unmarried, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Legally
14. NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Entries must include the name, date and
place of birth of your spouse and all natural children, as well as all
legally-adopted children and stepchildren, who are unmarried and under
the age of 21 on the date of your entry (do not include children who
are already U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents), even if you
are no longer legally married to the child's parent, and even if the
spouse or child does not currently reside with you and/or will not
immigrate with you. Note that married children and children 21 years or
older are not eligible for the diversity visa, however, U.S. law
protects children from ``aging out'' in certain circumstances. If your
electronic DV entry is made before your unmarried child turns 21, even
if they turn 21 before visa issuance, they will be treated as though
they are under 21 for visa processing purposes. Failure to list all
children who are eligible will result in disqualification of the
principal applicant and refusal of all visas in the case at the time of
the visa interview. See: Frequently Asked Question 11.
15. SPOUSE INFORMATION--Name, Date of Birth, Gender, City/Town of
Birth, Country of Birth, Photograph. Failure to list your spouse will
result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of
all visas in the case at the time of the visa interview.
16. CHILDREN INFORMATION--Name, Date of Birth, Gender, City/Town of
Birth, Country of Birth, and Photograph: Include all children declared
in question 14 above.
Selection of Applicants
The computer will select at random individuals from among all
qualified entries. They will be notified by mail between May and July
2009 and will be provided further instructions, including information
on fees connected with immigration to the U.S. Those selected in the
random drawing are not notified by e-mail. Those individuals not
selected will not receive any notification. U.S. embassies and
consulates will not be able to provide a list of successful entrants.
Spouses and unmarried children under age 21 of successful entrants may
also apply for visas to accompany or follow to join the principal
applicant. DV-2010 visas will be issued between October 1, 2009 and
September 30, 2010.
Processing of entries and issuance of diversity visas to successful
individuals and their eligible family members must occur by midnight on
September 30, 2010. Under no circumstances can diversity visas be
issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members
obtain diversity visas to follow to join the principal applicant in
their case in the U.S. after this date.
In order to receive a Diversity Visa to immigrate to the United
States, those chosen in the random drawing must meet all eligibility
requirements under U.S. law. These requirements may significantly
increase the level of scrutiny required and time necessary for
processing of applicants for natives of some countries listed in this
notice, including, but not limited to, countries identified as state
sponsors of terrorism.
Important Notice
No fee is charged for the electronic lottery entry in the annual DV
program. The U.S. Government employs no outside consultants or private
services to operate the DV program. Any intermediaries or others who
offer assistance to prepare DV entries do so without the authority or
consent of the U.S. Government. Use of any outside intermediary or
assistance to prepare a DV entry is entirely at the entrant's
A qualified entry submitted electronically directly by an applicant
has an equal chance of being selected by
[[Page 56882]]
the computer at the Kentucky Consular Center, as does an entry
submitted electronically through a paid intermediary who completes the
entry for the applicant. Every entry received during the lottery
registration period will have an equal random chance of being selected
within its region. However, receipt of more than one entry per person
will disqualify the person from registration, regardless of the source
of the entry.
Frequently Asked Questions About E-DV Registration
1. What Do the Terms ``Eligibility'', ``Native'' and ``Chargeability''
Mean? Are There Any Situations in Which Persons Who Were Not Born in a
Qualifying Country May Apply?
Your country of eligibility will normally be the same as your
country of birth. Your country of eligibility is not related to where
you live. ``Native'' ordinarily means someone born in a particular
country, regardless of the individual's current country of residence or
nationality. For immigration purposes ``native'' can also mean someone
who is entitled to be ``charged'' to a country other than the one in
which he/she was born under the provisions of Section 202(b) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act. For example, if you were born in a
country that is not eligible for this year's DV program, you may claim
chargeability to the country where your derivative spouse was born, but
you will not be issued a DV-1 unless your spouse is also eligible for
and issued a DV-2, and both of you must enter the United States
together with the diversity visas. In a similar manner, a minor
dependent child can be ``charged'' to a parent's country of birth.
Finally, if you were born in a country not eligible to participate
in this year's DV program, you can be ``charged'' to the country of
birth of either of your parents as long as neither parent was a
resident of the ineligible country at the time of the your birth. In
general, people are not considered residents of a country in which they
were not born or legally naturalized if they are only visiting the
country, studying in the country temporarily, or stationed temporarily
in the country for business or professional reasons on behalf of a
company or government from a country other than the country in which
the applicant was born. If you claim alternate chargeability, you must
indicate such information on the E-DV electronic online entry form,
question 6. Please be aware that listing an incorrect country
of eligibility or chargeability (i.e. one to which you cannot establish
a valid claim) may disqualify your entry.
2. Are There Any Changes in New Requirements in the Application
Procedures for This Diversity Visa Registration?
No paper entries will be accepted. For DV-2010, you may check the
status of your entry using your confirmation page information. Because
this confirmation information will be provided only once, at the time
of your entry, it is extremely important that you print or write down
your confirmation information for later use. If you lose this
information, you will still receive a letter from the Kentucky Consular
Center by mail notifying you of your selection, if you are successful.
You will receive no additional notification if your entry is
unsuccessful, but may check this through the Internet using your
confirmation information.
Photo size requirements have increased for DV-2010 to 600 by 600
pixels. Old photos used in previous years should not be reused for DV-
2010. Only color photos may be submitted for DV-2010. Black and white
photos are not acceptable.
3. Are Signatures and Photographs Required for Each Family Member, or
Only for the Principal Entrant?
Signatures are not required on the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry
Form. Recent and individual photographs of you, your spouse and all
children under 21 years of age are required. Family or group
photographs are not accepted. Refer to information on the photograph
requirements located in this notice.
4. Why Do Natives of Certain Countries Not Qualify for the Diversity
Diversity visas are intended to provide an immigration opportunity
for persons from countries other than the countries that send large
numbers of immigrants to the U.S. The law states that no diversity
visas shall be provided for natives of ``high admission'' countries.
The law defines this to mean countries from which a total of 50,000
persons in the Family-Sponsored and Employment-Based visa categories
immigrated to the United States during the period of the previous five
years. Each year, the USCIS adds the family and employment immigrant
admission figures for the previous five years in order to identify the
countries whose natives will be ineligible for the annual diversity
lottery. Because there is a separate determination made before each
annual E-DV entry period, the list of countries whose natives are not
eligible may change from one year to the next.
5. What is the Numerical Limit for DV-2010?
By law, the U.S. diversity immigration program makes available a
maximum of 55,000 permanent residence visas each year to eligible
persons. However, the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief
Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997 stipulates that
beginning as early as DV-1999, and for as long as necessary, up to
5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made
available for use under the NACARA program. The actual reduction of the
limit by up to 5,000 diversity visas began with DV-2000 and is likely
to remain in effect through the DV-2010 program.
6. What Are the Regional Diversity Visa (DV) Limits for DV-2010?
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) determines
the DV regional limits for each year according to a formula specified
in Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Once
the USCIS has completed the calculations, the regional visa limits will
be announced.
7. When Will Entries for the DV-2010 Program Be Accepted?
The DV-2010 entry period will run through the registration period.
Each year millions of people apply for the program during the
registration period. The massive volume of entries creates an enormous
amount of work in selecting and processing successful individuals.
Holding the entry period during October, November, and December will
ensure that selectees are notified in a timely manner, and gives both
the visa applicants and our embassies and consulates time to prepare
and complete cases for visa issuance. You are strongly encouraged to
enter early in the registration period. Excessive demand at end of the
registration period may slow the system down. No entries whatsoever
will be accepted after noon EST Monday, December 1, 2008.
8. May Persons Who Are in the U.S. Apply for the Program?
Yes, an applicant may be in the U.S. or in another country, and the
entry may be submitted from the United States or from abroad.
[[Page 56883]]
9. Is Each Applicant Limited to Only One Entry During the Annual E-DV
Registration Period?
Yes, the law allows only one entry by or for each person during
each registration period. Individuals for whom more than one entry is
submitted will be disqualified. The Department of State will employ
sophisticated technology and other means to identify individuals who
submit multiple entries during the registration period. People
submitting more than one entry will be disqualified and an electronic
record will be permanently maintained by the Department of State.
Individuals may apply for the program each year during the regular
registration period.
10. May a Husband and a Wife Each Submit a Separate Entry?
Yes, a husband and a wife may each submit one entry if each meets
the eligibility requirements. If either were selected, the other would
be entitled to derivative status.
11. What Family Members Must I Include on My E-DV Entry?
On your entry you must list your spouse (husband or wife), and all
unmarried children under 21 years of age, with the exception of
children who are already U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents.
You must list your spouse even if you are currently separated from him/
her, unless you are legally separated (i.e., there is a written
agreement recognized by a court or a court order). If you are legally
separated or divorced, you do not need to list your former spouse. You
must list all your children who are unmarried and under 21 years of age
at the time of your initial electronic DV entry, whether they are your
natural children, your spouse's children, or children you have formally
adopted in accordance with the laws of your country, unless such child
is already a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident. List all
children under 21 years of age at the time of your electronic entry
even if they no longer reside with you or you do not intend for them to
immigrate under the DV program.
The fact that you have listed family members on your entry does not
mean that they later must travel with you. They may choose to remain
behind. However, if you include an eligible dependent on your visa
application forms that you failed to include on your original entry,
your case will be disqualified. This only applies to those who were
family members at the time the original application was submitted, not
those acquired at a later date. Your spouse may still submit a separate
entry, even though he or she is listed on your entry, as long as both
entries include details on all dependents in your family. See question
10 above.
12. Must I Submit My Own Entry, or May Someone Act on My Behalf?
You may prepare and submit your own entry, or have someone submit
the entry for you. Regardless of whether an entry is submitted by the
individual directly, or assistance is provided by an attorney, friend,
relative, etc., only one entry may be submitted in the name of each
person and the entrant remains responsible for insuring that
information in the entry is correct and complete. If the entry is
selected, the notification letter will be sent only to the mailing
address provided on the entry. All entrants, including those not
selected, will be able to check the status of their entry through the
official DV Web site. Entrants should keep their own confirmation page
information so they may independently check the status of their entry.
13. What Are the Requirements for Education or Work Experience?
The law and regulations require that every entrant must have at
least a high school education or its equivalent or, within the past
five years, have two years of work experience in an occupation
requiring at least two years training or experience. A ``high school
education or equivalent'' is defined as successful completion of a
twelve-year course of elementary and secondary education in the United
States or successful completion in another country of a formal course
of elementary and secondary education comparable to a high school
education in the United States. Only formal courses of study meet this
requirement, correspondence programs or equivalency certificates (such
as the G.E.D.) are not acceptable. Documentary proof of education or
work experience must be presented to the consular officer at the time
of the visa interview. To determine eligibility based on work
experience, definitions from the Department of Labor's O*Net OnLine
database will be used.
What Occupations Qualify for the Diversity Visa Program? The
Department of Labor (DOL) O*Net Online Database groups job experience
into five ``job zones.'' While many occupations are listed on the DOL
Web site, only certain specified occupations qualify for the Diversity
Visa Program. To qualify for a Diversity Visa on the basis of your work
experience, you must, within the past five years, have two years of
experience in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5,
classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of 7.0 or
How Do I Find the Qualifying Occupations on the Department of Labor
Web Site? Qualifying DV Occupations are shown on the Department of
Labor O*Net Online Database. Follow these steps to find out if your
occupation qualifies: Select ``Find Occupations'' and then select a
specific ``Job Family.'' For example, select Architecture and
Engineering and click ``GO.'' Then click on the link for the specific
Occupation. Following the same example, click Aerospace Engineers.
After selecting a specific Occupation link, select the tab ``Job Zone''
to find out the designated Job Zone number and Specific Vocational
Preparation (SVP) rating range.
14. How Will Successful Entrants Be Selected?
At the Kentucky Consular Center, all entries received from each
region will be individually numbered. After the end of the registration
period, a computer will randomly select entries from among all the
entries received for each geographic region. Within each region, the
first entry randomly selected will be the first case registered, the
second entry selected the second registration, etc. All entries
received during the registration period will have an equal chance of
being selected within each region. When an entry has been selected, the
entrant will be sent a notification letter by the Kentucky Consular
Center, which will provide visa application instructions. The Kentucky
Consular Center will continue to process the case until those selected
to be visa applicants are instructed to appear for visa interviews at a
U.S. consular office or until those qualifying to change status in the
United States apply at a domestic USCIS office.
Important Note: Notifications to those selected in the random
lottery are not sent by e-mail. Should you receive an e-mail
notification about your E-DV selection, be aware that the message is
not legitimate.
15. May Selectees Adjust Their Status With USCIS?
Yes, provided they are otherwise eligible to adjust status under
the terms of Section 245 of the INA, selected individuals who are
physically present in the United States may apply to the USCIS for
adjustment of status to permanent resident. Applicants must ensure that
USCIS can complete action on their cases, including processing of any
overseas derivatives, before September 30, 2010, since on that date
[[Page 56884]]
registrations for the DV-2010 program expire. No visa numbers for the
DV-2010 program will be available after midnight on September 30, 2010
under any circumstances.
16. Will Entrants Who Are Not Selected Be Informed?
Starting with DV-2010, all entrants, including those not selected,
will be able to check the status of their entry through the E-DV Web
site and find out if their entry was or was not selected. Entrants
should keep their own confirmation page information from the time of
their entry (October 2, 2008 to December 1, 2008) until they may check
the status of their entry online. Status information for DV-2010 will
be available online from July 1, 2009 until June 30, 2010. All
notification letters are sent within five to seven months from the end
of the application period to the address indicated on the entry.
17. How Many Individuals Will Be Selected?
There are 50,000 DV visas available for DV-2010, but more than that
number of individuals will be selected. Because it is likely that some
of the first 50,000 persons who are selected will not qualify for visas
or pursue their cases to visa issuance, more than 50,000 entries will
be selected by the Kentucky Consular Center to ensure that all of the
available DV visas are issued. However, this also means that there will
not be a sufficient number of visas for all those who are initially
selected. All applicants who are selected will be informed promptly of
their place on the list. Interviews for the DV-2010 program will begin
in October 2009. The Kentucky Consular Center will send appointment
letters to selected applicants four to six weeks before the scheduled
interviews with U.S. consular officers at overseas posts. Each month
visas will be issued, visa number availability permitting, to those
applicants who are ready for issuance during that month. Once all of
the 50,000 DV visas have been issued, the program for the year will
end. In principle, visa numbers could be finished before September
2010. Selected applicants who wish to receive visas must be prepared to
act promptly on their cases. Random selection by the Kentucky Consular
Center computer as a selectee does not automatically guarantee that you
will receive a visa. You must qualify for the visa as well.
18. Is There a Minimum Age for Applicants To Apply for the E-DV
There is no minimum age to apply for the program, but the
requirement of a high school education or work experience for each
principal applicant at the time of application will effectively
disqualify most persons who are under age 18.
19. Are There Any Fees for the E-DV Program?
There is no fee for submitting an electronic lottery entry. DV
applicants must pay all required visa fees at the time of visa
application directly to the consular cashier at the embassy or
consulate. Details of required diversity visa and immigration visa
application fees will be included with the instructions sent by the
Kentucky Consular Center to applicants who are selected.
Do DV Applicants Receive Waivers of Any Grounds of Visa Ineligibility
or Receive Special Processing for a Waiver Application?
Applicants are subject to all grounds of ineligibility for
immigrant visas specified in the Immigration and Nationality Act. There
are no special provisions for the waiver of any ground of visa
ineligibility aside from those ordinarily provided in the Act, nor is
there special processing for waiver requests. Some general waiver
provisions for people with close relatives who are American Citizens of
Lawful Permanent Resident aliens may be available to DV applicants as
well, but the time constraints in the DV program will make it difficult
for applicants to benefit from such provisions.
21. May Persons Who Are Already Registered for an Immigrant Visa in
Another Category Apply for the DV Program?
Yes, such persons may apply for the DV program.
22. How Long Do Applicants Who Are Selected Remain Entitled To Apply
for Visas in the DV Category?
Persons selected in the DV-2010 lottery are entitled to apply for
visa issuance only during fiscal year 2010, from October 1, 2009
through September 30, 2010. Applicants must obtain the DV visa or
adjust status by the end of the fiscal year. There is no carry-over of
DV benefits into the next year for persons who are selected but who do
not obtain visas during FY-2010. Also, spouses and children who derive
status from a DV-2010 registration can only obtain visas in the DV
category between October 2009 and September 2010. Applicants who apply
overseas will receive an appointment letter from the Kentucky Consular
Center four to six weeks before the scheduled appointment.
23. If an E-DV Selectee Dies, What Happens to the DV Case?
The death of an individual selected in the lottery results in
automatic revocation of the DV case. Any eligible spouse and/or
children are no longer entitled to the DV visa, for that entry.
24. When Will E-DV Online Be Available?
Online entry will be available during the registration period
beginning at noon EDT (GMT-4) on October 2, 2008 and ending at noon EST
(GMT-5) on December 1, 2008.
25. Will I Be Able To Download and Save the E-DV Entry Form to a
Microsoft Word Program (or Other Suitable Program) and Then Fill It
No, you will not be able to save the form into another program for
completion and submission later. The E-DV Entry Form is a Web form
only. This makes it more ``universal'' than a proprietary word
processor format. Additionally, it does require that the information be
filled in and submitted while on-line.
26. If I Don't Have Access to a Scanner, Can I Send Photographs to My
Relative in the U.S. To Scan the Photographs, Save the Photographs to a
Diskette, and Then Mail the Diskette Back to Me To Apply?
Yes, this can be done as long as the photograph meets the
photograph requirements in the instructions, and the photograph is
electronically submitted with, and at the same time the E-DV online
entry is submitted. The applicants must already have the scanned
photograph file when they submit the entry on-line. The photograph
cannot be submitted separate from the online application. Only one on-
line entry can be submitted for each person. Multiple submissions will
disqualify the entry for that person for DV-2010. The entire entry
(photograph and application together) can be submitted electronically
from the United States or from overseas.
27. Can I Save the Form On-Line So That I Can Fill Out Part and Then
Come Back Later and Complete the Remainder?
No, this cannot be done. The E-DV Entry Form is designed to be
[[Page 56885]]
and submitted at one time. However, because the form is in two parts,
and because of possible network interruptions and delays, the E-DV
system is designed to permit up to sixty (60) minutes between the
downloading of the form and when the entry is received at the E-DV Web
site after being submitted online. If more than sixty minutes elapses
and the entry has not been electronically received, the information
already received is discarded. This is done so that there is no
possibility that a full entry could accidentally be interpreted as a
duplicate of a previous partial entry. For example, suppose an
applicant with a wife and child sends a filled in E-DV Entry Form Part
One and then receives Form Part Two, but there is a delay before
sending Part Two because of trouble finding the file that holds the
child's photograph. If the filled in Form Part Two is sent by the
applicant and received by the E-DV Web site within sixty (60) minutes,
there is no problem. However, if the Form Part Two is received after
sixty (60) minutes have elapsed, then the applicant will be informed
that he or she must start the entire entry over from the beginning. The
DV-2010 instructions explain clearly and completely what information is
required to fill in the form. This way you can be fully prepared,
making sure you have all of the information needed, before you start to
complete the form on-line.
28. If the Submitted Digital Images Do Not Conform to the
Specifications, the Procedures State That the System Will Automatically
Reject the E-DV Entry Form and Notify the Sender. Does This Mean I Will
Be Able to Re-Submit My Entry?
Yes, the entry can be resubmitted. Since the entry was
automatically rejected, it was not actually considered as submitted to
the E-DV Web site. It does not count as a submitted E-DV entry, and no
confirmation notice of receipt is sent. If there are problems with the
digital photograph sent, because it does not conform to the
requirements, it is automatically rejected by the E-DV Web site.
However, the amount of time it takes the rejection message to reach the
sender is unpredictable due to the nature of the Internet. If the
problem can be fixed by the applicant, and the Form Part One or Two is
re-sent within sixty (60) minutes, there is no problem. Otherwise the
submission process will have to be started over. An applicant can try
to submit an application as many times as is necessary until a complete
application is received and the confirmation notice sent.
29. Will the Electronic Confirmation Notice That the Completed E-DV
Entry Form Has Been Received Through the Online System Be Sent
Immediately After Submission?
The response from the E-DV Web site which contains confirmation of
the receipt of an acceptable E-DV Entry Form is sent by the E-DV Web
site immediately. However, how long it takes the response to reach the
sender is unpredictable due to the nature of the Internet. If many
minutes have elapsed since pressing the `Submit' button, there is no
harm in pressing the `Submit' button a second time. The E-DV system
will not be confused by a situation where the `Submit' button is hit a
second time, because no confirmation response has been received. An
applicant can try to submit an application as many times as is
necessary until a complete application is received and the confirmation
notice sent. However, once you receive a confirmation notice, do not
resubmit your information.
30. How Will I Know if the Notification of Selection That I Have
Received Is Authentic? How Can I Confirm That I Have in Fact Been
Chosen in the Random DV Lottery?
Keep your confirmation page. You will need it to check the status
of your entry yourself at the official DV Web site after the electronic
lottery is conducted (usually March). If you lose your confirmation
information you will not be able to check your DV entry status yourself
and we will not resend the confirmation page to you. If selected, you
will also receive a letter from the Kentucky Consular Center by mail
sometime between May and July 2009 at the addresses listed on the E-DV
entry. Only the randomly selected individuals will be notified by mail.
Persons not selected may check their entry using their confirmation
information through the official DV Web site, but will not receive
additional official notification by e-mail or by mail. We will not
resend confirmation page information to you. If you lose your
confirmation page information you will only find out if you were
selected if you receive an official letter by mail. U.S. embassies and
consulates will not be able to provide a list of those selected to
continue the visa process.
The Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) will send the letters notifying
those selected. These letters will contain instructions for the visa
application process. The instructions say the selected applicants will
pay all diversity and immigrant visa fees in person only at the U.S.
Embassy or Consulate at the time of the visa application. The Consular
Cashier or Consular Officer immediately gives the visa applicant a U.S.
Government receipt for payment. You should never send money for DV fees
through the mail, through Western Union, or any other delivery service.
The E-DV lottery entries are made on the Internet, on the official
U.S. Government E-DV Web site at https://www.dvlottery.state.gov. KCC
sends only letters to the selected applicants. KCC, consular offices,
or the U.S. Government has never sent e-mails to notify selected
individuals, and there are no plans to use e-mail for this purpose for
the DV-2010 program.
The Department of State, Visa Services advises the public that only
Internet sites including the ``.gov'' indicator are official government
Web sites. Many other non-governmental Web sites (e.g., using the
suffixes ``.com'' or ``.org'' or ``.net'') provide legitimate and
useful immigration and visa related information and services.
Regardless of the content of non-governmental Web sites, the Department
of State does not endorse, recommend or sponsor any information or
material shown at these other Web sites.
Some Web sites may try to mislead customers and members of the
public into thinking they are official Web sites and may contact you by
e-mail to lure you to their offers. These Web sites may attempt to
require you to pay for services such as forms and information about
immigration procedures, which are otherwise free on the Department of
State Visa Services Web site, or overseas through the Embassy Consular
Section Web sites. Additionally, these other Web sites may require you
to pay for services you will not receive, often including diversity
immigration application and visa fees in an effort to outright steal
your money. Once you send money in one of these scams, you will never
see it again. Also, you should be wary of sending any personal
information that might be used for identity fraud/theft to these Web
31. How Do I Report Internet Fraud or Unsolicited E-Mail?
If you wish to file a complaint about Internet fraud, please see
the econsumer.gov Web site, hosted by the Federal Trade Commission,
which is a joint effort of consumer protection agencies from 17 nations
at https://www.econsumer.gov/english/ or go to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center or IC3. To file a
complaint about unsolicited e-
[[Page 56886]]
mail, contact the Department of Justice Contact Us page.
32. If I Am Successful in Obtaining a Visa Through the Dv Program
Will the U.S. Government Assist With My Airfare to the U.S.,
Provide Assistance to Locate Housing and Employment, Provide Healthcare
or Provide Any Subsidies Until I Am Fully Settled?
No, applicants who obtain a DV visa are not provided any type of
assistance such as airfare, housing assistance, or subsidies. If you
are selected to apply for a DV visa, before you can be issued a visa,
you will be required to provide evidence that you will not become a
public charge in the U.S. This evidence may be in the form of a
combination of your personal assets, an Affidavit of Support, Form I-
134 from a relative or friend residing in the U.S. and/or an offer of
employment from an employer in the U.S.
List of Countries by Region Whose Natives Are Eligible for DV-2010
The lists below show the countries whose natives are eligible for
DV-2010 within each geographic region for this diversity program. The
countries whose natives are not eligible for the DV-2010 program were
identified by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
according to the formula in Section 203(c) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act. Dependent areas overseas are included within the
region of the governing country. The countries whose natives are not
eligible for this diversity program (because they are the principal
source countries of Family-Sponsored and Employment-Based immigration,
or ``high admission'' countries) are noted after the respective
regional lists.
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Equatorial Guinea
Gambia, The
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Persons born in the Gaza Strip are chargeable to Egypt.
List of Countries by Region Whose Natives Are Eligible for DV-2010
East Timor
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates
Natives of the following Asian countries are not eligible for this
year's diversity program:
China [mainland-born], India, Pakistan, South Korea, Philippines,
and Vietnam. Hong Kong S.A.R. and Taiwan do qualify and are listed
above. Macau S.A.R. also qualifies and is listed below. Persons born in
the areas administered prior to June 1967 by Israel, Jordan and Syria
are chargeable, respectively, to Israel, Jordan and Syria.
List of Countries by Region Whose Natives Are Eligible for DV-2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Denmark (including components and dependent areas overseas)
France (including components and dependent areas overseas)
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic
Macau Special Administrative Region
Netherlands (including components and dependent areas overseas)
Northern Ireland
Portugal (including components and dependent areas overseas)
[[Page 56887]]
San Marino
Vatican City
Natives of the following European countries are not eligible for
this year's diversity program: Great Britain and Poland. Great Britain
(United Kingdom) includes the following dependent areas: Anguilla,
Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands,
Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn, St. Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands.
Note that for purposes of the diversity program only, Northern Ireland
is treated separately; Northern Ireland does qualify and is listed
among the qualifying areas.
List of Countries by Region Whose Natives Are Eligible for DV-2010
North America
The Bahamas
In North America, natives of Canada and Mexico are not eligible for
this year's diversity program.
Australia (including components and dependent areas overseas)
Marshall Islands
Micronesia, Federated States of
New Zealand (including components and dependent areas overseas)
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
South America, Central America, and the Caribbean
Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Countries in this region whose natives are not eligible for this
year's diversity program: Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru.
Dated: September 22, 2008.
Janice Jacobs,
Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E8-22994 Filed 9-29-08; 8:45 am]