Food Labeling: Health Claims; Calcium and Osteoporosis, and Calcium, Vitamin D, and Osteoporosis, 56477-56487 [E8-22730]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
of Proposed Rulemaking is not required
for this action.
Alaskan Low Altitude Reporting
Points are listed in paragraph 7004 of
FAA Order 7400.9R signed August 15,
2007, and effective September 15, 2007,
which is incorporated by reference in 14
CFR 71.1. Alaskan High Altitude
Reporting Points are listed in paragraph
7005 of FAA Order 7400.9R signed
August 15, 2007, and effective
September 15, 2007, which is
incorporated by reference in 14 CFR
71.1. The Reporting Points listed in this
document will be revised subsequently
in the Order.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
The Rule
This action amends Title 14 Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 by
revising the Low Altitude Reporting
Points; CRACK, GARRS, and MOCHA;
and the High Altitude Reporting Points;
GARRS, and MOCHA to match the
published description with their actual
locations. The high and low altitude
reporting point FLUKE is being revoked.
The FAA has determined that this
regulation only involves an established
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current. Therefore, this regulation: (1) Is
not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of
Transportation (DOT) Regulatory
Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034;
February 26, 1979); and (3) does not
warrant preparation of a regulatory
evaluation as the anticipated impact is
so minimal. Since this is a routine
matter that will only affect air traffic
procedures and air navigation, it is
certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code.
Subtitle I, section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, section
40103. Under that section, the FAA is
charged with prescribing regulations to
assign the use of the airspace necessary
to ensure the safety of aircraft and the
efficient use of airspace. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority as
it amends Low and High Altitude
Compulsory Reporting Points in Alaska.
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Environmental Review
The FAA has determined that this
action qualifies for categorical exclusion
under the National Environmental
Policy Act in accordance with FAA
Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts:
Policies and Procedures. This airspace
action is not expected to cause any
potentially significant environmental
impacts, and no extraordinary
circumstances exist that warrant
preparation of an environmental
MOCHA: [Amended]
Lat. 54°30′24″ N., long. 133°01′15″ W. (INT
Annette Island, AK, 237°, Sandspit, BC,
Canada, 331° radials).
FLUKE: [Revoked]
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
12, 2008.
Edith V. Parish,
Manager, Airspace & Rules Group.
[FR Doc. E8–22648 Filed 9–26–08; 8:45 am]
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
Food and Drug Administration
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
21 CFR Part 101
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.9R,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, signed August 15, 2007, and
effective September 15, 2007, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 7004 Alaskan Low Altitude
Reporting Points.
CRACK: [Amended]
Lat. 57°20′48″ N., long. 159°24′19″ W. (INT
King Salmon, AK, LOM 226°, Port Heiden,
AK, NDB 314° bearings).
GARRS: [Amended]
Lat. 58°19′06″ N., long. 161°20′32″ W. (INT
King Salmon, AK, LOM 262°, Cape
Newenham, AK, NDB 131° bearings).
MOCHA: [Amended]
Lat. 54°30′24″ N., long. 133°01′15″ W. (INT
Nichols, AK, NDB 236°, Sandspit, BC,
Canada, NDB 331° bearings).
FLUKE: [Revoked]
Paragraph 7005 Alaskan High Altitude
Reporting Points.
GARRS: [Amended]
Lat. 58°19′06″ N., long. 161°20′32″ W. (INT
King Salmon, AK, LOM 262°, Cape
Newenham, AK, NDB 131° bearings).
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[Docket No. FDA–2004–P–0205] (formerly
Docket No. 2004P–0464)
Food Labeling: Health Claims; Calcium
and Osteoporosis, and Calcium,
Vitamin D, and Osteoporosis
Food and Drug Administration,
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending its
labeling regulation authorizing a health
claim on the relationship between
calcium and a reduced risk of
osteoporosis to include vitamin D so
that, in addition to the claim for calcium
and osteoporosis, an additional claim
can be made for calcium and vitamin D
and osteoporosis; eliminate the
requirement that the claim list sex, race,
and age as specific risk factors for the
development of osteoporosis; eliminate
the requirement that the claim does not
state or imply that the risk of
osteoporosis is equally applicable to the
general U.S. population, and that the
claim identify the populations at
particular risk for the development of
osteoporosis; eliminate the requirement
that the claim identify the mechanism
by which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis and instead make it
optional; eliminate the requirement that
the claim include a statement that a
total dietary intake greater than 200
percent of the recommended daily
intake (2,000 milligrams (mg) of
calcium) has no further benefit to bone
health when the food contains 400 mg
or more of calcium per reference
amount customarily consumed or per
total daily recommended supplement
intake; and allow reference for the need
of physical activity in either of the
health claims to be optional rather then
required. This final rule is, in part, in
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
response to a health claim petition
submitted by The Beverage Institute for
Health and Wellness, LLC.
DATES: This final rule is effective
January 1, 2010.
Jillonne Kevala, Center for Food Safety
and Applied Nutrition (HFS–830), Food
and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint
Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740–
3835, 301–436–1450.
I. Background
In the Federal Register of January 5,
2007 (72 FR 497), FDA published a
proposed rule (the calcium and vitamin
D proposed rule) to amend § 101.72 (21
CFR 101.72), which authorizes a health
claim regarding the relationship
between calcium and osteoporosis. The
agency proposed the following five
amendments: (1) Inclusion of vitamin D
so that, in addition to the claim for
calcium and osteoporosis, an additional
claim can be made for calcium and
vitamin D and osteoporosis; (2)
elimination of the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) that the claim list
sex, race, and age as specific risk factors
for the development of osteoporosis; (3)
elimination of the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(B) that the claim does
not state or imply that the risk of
osteoporosis is equally applicable to the
general U.S. population, and that the
claim identify the populations at
particular risk for the development of
osteoporosis; (4) elimination of the
requirement in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) that
the claim identify the mechanism by
which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis and instead make it
optional; and (5) elimination of the
requirement in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that
the claim include a statement that
reflects the limit of the benefits derived
from dietary calcium intake, when the
level of calcium in the food exceeds a
set threshold level. FDA issued this
proposed rule in response to a health
claim petition submitted on July 12,
2004, by the Beverage Institute for
Health and Wellness under section
403(r)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C.
343(r)(4)) (Ref. 1). Section 403(r)(3)(B)(i)
of the act states that the Secretary of
Health and Human Services (Secretary)
(and, by delegation, FDA) shall issue a
regulation authorizing a health claim
only if the Secretary determines, based
on the totality of publicly available
scientific evidence (including evidence
from well-designed studies conducted
in a manner which is consistent with
generally recognized scientific
procedures and principles), that there is
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significant scientific agreement, among
experts qualified by scientific training
and experience to evaluate such claims,
that the claim is supported by such
evidence (see also 21 CFR 101.14(c)).
Section 403(r)(4) of the act sets out the
procedures that FDA is to follow upon
receiving a health claim petition. FDA
filed the petition for comprehensive
review in accordance with section
403(r)(4) of the act on October 20, 2004.
II. Summary of Comments and the
Agency’s Response
FDA solicited comments on the
calcium and vitamin D proposed rule.
The comment period closed on March
21, 2007. The agency received 27
responses, each containing one or more
comments, to the calcium and vitamin
D proposed rule. The comments were
from trade associations, health-related
organizations, academia, and
consumers. Most of the comments
supported the proposed amendments. A
few comments expressed personal
opinions on the use of health claims and
labeling in general. These comments did
not raise any issues about the calcium
and vitamin D proposed rule, and
therefore, we consider these to be
outside the scope of this rulemaking and
do not discuss them in this document.
Another comment asserted that the
standard of significant scientific
agreement was not met and provided
some citations and studies as support
for its assertion. However, the studies
that were submitted were not the type
of studies that could resolve a question
about the relationship between vitamin
D and calcium, or calcium only, and
osteoporosis that is the subject of the
claim. The remaining comments and the
agency’s responses are discussed below.
(Comment 1) FDA received two
comments opposing the elimination of
the requirement in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A)
that the claim list sex, race, and age as
specific risk factors for the development
of osteoporosis. One of these comments
did not give a reason for its opposition
to the elimination of this requirement.
The comment also asserted that high
levels of calcium will inhibit the intake
of manganese, and that the primary
cause of osteoporosis in the United
States is manganese deficiency. The
other comment stated that the
‘‘published docket’’ did not provide
adequate support to eliminate references
to age, sex, race, and the need for an
adequate level of exercise. The comment
noted that studies have linked calcium
and vitamin D to bone health only in
specific demographic categories.
(Response) The comment opposing
the elimination of listing sex, race, and
age as specific risk factors in the claim
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language failed to provide any
explanation, data, or evidence to
support its opposition to eliminating the
listing of these risk factors in the claim.
Without such explanation, data, or
evidence, FDA has no basis upon which
to revise its analysis. As such, FDA will
continue to rely on the analysis as set
forth in the calcium and vitamin D
proposed rule (72 FR 497 at 506–507).
As to the comment’s concern about
manganese, the agency is not aware of,
nor did the comment provide, any data
or evidence to substantiate the
statement that high levels of calcium
intake will inhibit the intake of
manganese or that the primary cause of
osteoporosis in the United States is
manganese deficiency.
FDA disagrees with the comment that
information in the docket does not
provide adequate evidence to eliminate
the requirement that the claim reference
age, sex, and race. The information in
the record of this proceeding
demonstrates that benefits of adequate
calcium and vitamin D in reducing the
risk of osteoporosis is not confined to
any particular subpopulation in the
United States. The scientific evidence
from both the 2004 Surgeon General’s
Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis
and the 2000 National Institutes of
Health (NIH) Consensus Statement
concludes that osteoporosis occurs in all
populations and at all ages (72 FR 497
at 506). Moreover, both the 2000 NIH
Consensus Statement and the 2004
Surgeon General’s Report on Bone
Health and Osteoporosis conclude that
achieving and maintaining optimal bone
health is a process that is important in
both men and women throughout the
lifespan and is not a specific need to
any particular subpopulation in the
United States (72 FR 497 at 506–507).
Given that the risk of osteoporosis
applies to the general U.S. population,
the benefits of adequate calcium and
vitamin D in terms of reducing risk of
disease apply to both sexes at all ages
and race categories. Accordingly,
because these benefits do not apply only
to specific demographic groups, the
language of the health claim in question
should not state or suggest otherwise.
For this reason, FDA is eliminating the
requirement that the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim or the
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
health claim list sex, race, and age as
specific risk factors for the development
of osteoporosis.
In any discussion about osteoporosis
and bone health, it is important to
recognize the difference between risk of
bone disease, including osteoporosis,
and the prevalence of the disease in
various subpopulations in the United
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
States. Risk measures the probability
that a disease will occur whereas
prevalence measures the number of
cases of a disease that are documented
in a given population or subpopulation.
Both the 2000 NIH Consensus Statement
and the 2004 Surgeon General’s Report
on Bone Health and Osteoporosis state
that all populations in the United States
are at risk of osteoporosis, although the
prevalence of the disease is not equally
distributed among all subpopulations.
Specifically, osteoporosis is most
prevalent in White postmenopausal
women. However, as noted, the disease
often goes unrecognized in other age
and ethnic groups as well as in men (72
FR 497 at 508).
In sum, while the prevalence of
osteoporosis varies in different
subpopulations in the United States, all
populations are at risk of osteoporosis
and, in fact, the disease does occur in
all populations. Thus, the benefits of
calcium or calcium and vitamin D on
reducing the risk of bone diseases,
including osteoporosis, apply to both
sexes at all ages and in all race
categories (72 FR 497 at 507). For this
reason, FDA is eliminating the
requirement that the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim or the
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
health claim list sex, race, and age as
specific risk factors for the development
of osteoporosis.
Importantly, however, although this
final rule eliminates the requirement
that the claim reference age, sex, and
race for the development of
osteoporosis, § 101.72(d)(4) allows the
claim to include optional information
related to the prevalence of
osteoporosis. In particular, the claim
could include information about the
number of people in the United States,
including the number of people in
certain subpopulations in the United
States, who have osteoporosis or low
bone density. For example, under
§ 101.72(d)(4), a claim could include a
statement that, according to the National
Osteoporosis Foundation, 20 percent of
non-Hispanic Caucasian and Asian
women aged 50 and older are estimated
to have osteoporosis.
(Comment 2) FDA received two
comments opposing the elimination of
the requirement in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C)
that the calcium and osteoporosis health
claim identify the mechanism by which
calcium reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
One comment did not give a reason for
its opposition to the elimination of this
requirement. The other comment noted
that building a strong bone matrix relies
on proper mineral balance and that
science is continually evolving to
elucidate the specific mechanisms
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involved. This comment further stated
that although calcium is required to
develop and sustain proper bone health
and to prevent osteoporosis, the
scientific community recognizes that
calcium alone is not adequate, and a
balance of normal minerals and
hormones are also critical for bone
health. Thus, this comment suggested
that there is not enough scientific
evidence either to eliminate or make
optional the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) because incomplete
information is not accurate information.
(Response) The comment opposing
elimination of the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) failed to provide any
explanation, data, or evidence to
support its position. Without any
explanation, data, or evidence provided
in the comment, we have no basis upon
which to revise our analysis or to alter
our conclusion to eliminate the
requirement that the health claim
identify the mechanism by which
calcium reduces the risk of osteoporosis;
thus we will continue to use the
analysis as set forth in the calcium and
vitamin D proposed rule (72 FR 497 at
FDA agrees with the comment that
stated: Building a strong bone matrix
relies on proper mineral balance and
that science is continually evolving to
elucidate specific mechanism(s)
involved. Calcium is an important
nutrient for achieving and maintaining
good skeletal health. FDA discussed the
findings that many nutrients are
involved in bone health, and tentatively
concluded in the proposed rule that a
well-balanced diet is important for bone
health throughout life (72 FR 497 at
507). Thus, the agency proposed that the
claim make clear the importance of
calcium intake or calcium and vitamin
D intake in a healthful well-balanced
diet over a lifetime. Conveying the
information about calcium intake in the
context of a healthful, well-balanced
diet recognizes that calcium alone is not
sufficient for bone health. Furthermore,
results from a 1995 health claims report
showed that consumers had learned
elsewhere that calcium intake is related
to bone health and that they thought the
food label was not the right means for
conveying this information (72 FR 497
at 509). This consumer awareness of
calcium’s ability to ‘‘build and maintain
good bone health,’’ as well as the
observation that the food label is not
necessarily the most appropriate means
to convey this information, prompted
the agency to request comment in the
calcium and vitamin D proposed rule on
whether to make information of the
mechanism by which calcium reduces
the risk of osteoporosis optional in the
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health claim. Therefore, for the reasons
set forth previously in this document,
FDA is eliminating the requirement that
the claims identify the mechanism by
which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis, and instead is making
such information optional. FDA is also
revising the language from the proposed
rule for use of the optional statement
about slowing the rate of bone loss, by
removing the following phrase: ‘‘When
reference is made to persons with a
family history of the disease, postmenopausal women, and elderly men
and women * * *’’ so the language now
reads: ‘‘The claim may also state that
adequate intake of calcium, or when
appropriate, adequate intake of calcium
and vitamin D, is linked to reduced risk
of osteoporosis through the mechanism
of slowing the rate of bone loss for
persons with a family history of the
disease, post-menopausal women, and
elderly men and women.’’ This change
makes the use of the optional language
related to the mechanism of slowing the
rate of bone loss consistent with the
final rule to remove reference to specific
targeted populations as to risk of
osteoporosis, but allows reference to
family history of the disease, postmenopausal women, and elderly men
and women in the context of the
mechanism of slowing the rate of bone
(Comment 3) Several comments
opposed the elimination of the
conditional requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim include a
statement that a total dietary intake
greater than 200 percent of the
recommended daily intake (2,000 mg of
calcium) has no further known benefit
to bone health. Some of the comments
were concerned that eliminating this
requirement could potentially mislead
consumers because there will be
nothing on the label to remind them that
‘‘more is not always better when it
comes to nutrients, especially in the
form of supplements or fortification.’’
One comment stated that withholding
this information could encourage
consumers to over consume calcium
products while other comments were
concerned that withholding this
information could be potentially
harmful for those individuals who may
be taking high doses of supplemental
calcium, along with high amounts of
vitamin D. One comment highlighted its
concern regarding the elimination of
this conditional requirement by
pointing out that the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) of the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) has found
that the toxic effects of excess calcium
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
increased the risk of kidney stone
formation and that this condition
affected 12 percent of individuals in the
United States, as well as renal
insufficiency and decreased absorption
of other essential minerals (iron, zinc,
magnesium and phosphorus) (72 FR 497
at 502). Another comment questioned
how FDA could be assured that
cumulative vitamin D intake from all
dietary sources would remain ‘at nontoxic levels’ (e.g., less than the Tolerable
Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin D)
when supplementation is encouraged in
a variety of foods, including staples
such as milk, cereal, and bread.
(Response) FDA’s decision to
eliminate the conditional requirement
was made, in part, in response to the
IOM’s 1997 report on ‘‘Dietary
Reference Intakes (DRIs) for Calcium,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and
Fluoride,’’ which was not available at
the time the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim was authorized in 1993 (72
FR 497 at 510). IOM conducted a major
review of bone-related nutrients to
determine the level of nutrient intake
for normal, healthy individuals that
would prevent the development of a
chronic condition (e.g., osteoporosis)
associated with calcium (Ref. 2). IOM
set the UL for calcium at 2,500 mg per
day for all individuals ages 1 and above.
The UL, as defined by IOM, is the
highest level of nutrient intake that is
likely to pose no risks of adverse effects
to all individuals in the general
population. When IOM set the UL for
calcium it divided the lowest- observedadverse-effect level (LOAEL) of calcium
by an uncertainty factor of two to take
into account the relatively high
prevalence of kidney (renal) stones in
the U. S. population, which is 12
percent, and the potential increased risk
of hypercalciuria and depletion of other
minerals among susceptible individuals
(72 FR 497 at 502). An increased risk of
kidney stone formation from toxic
effects of excess calcium, as noted in
one of the comments, was addressed
when IOM established the UL for
Furthermore, inclusion of the
conditional requirement was based, in
part, on a concept that calcium was a
threshold nutrient, which means that
there is a level of calcium intake below
which bone health is jeopardized and
above which no further benefit to bone
health occurs (72 FR 497 at 510).
Neither IOM in its 1997 report, the 2000
NIH Consensus Statement, nor the 2004
Surgeon General’s Report on Bone
Health and Osteoporosis discusses a
threshold level of calcium beyond
which no further bone benefit occurs;
instead these reports discuss scientific
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evidence that is useful for establishing
a desirable level of intake for calcium as
well as intake levels of calcium that
pose no risk of adverse health effects (72
FR 497 at 510).
Moreover, contrary to concerns
expressed by some of the comments, the
lack of calcium in the American diet is
more of a concern than the potential
over consumption of the nutrient. For
example, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines
for Americans identified calcium as a
‘‘nutrient of concern’’ due to low
calcium consumption in the U.S.
population (Ref. 3).
FDA also notes that a ‘‘high’’ level of
calcium and vitamin D is at least 20
percent of the Reference Daily Intake
(RDI) of calcium and vitamin D per
reference amount customarily
consumed (RACC). Since the RDI for
calcium is 1,000 mg per day and the RDI
for vitamin D is 400 IU (10 micrograms
per day (µg per day)), 20 percent of the
RDI for calcium (200 mg per day) is well
below the UL of 2,500 mg per day intake
level of calcium that poses no risk of
adverse health effects and 20 percent of
the RDI for vitamin D (80 IU (2 µg per
day) is well below the 2,000 IU (50 µg
per day) intake level of vitamin D that
poses no risk of adverse health effects.
To evaluate potential maximum
intake levels of calcium and vitamin D
in the United States, FDA examined the
most recent nationally representative
data available from the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey on
median intake values for calcium and
vitamin D and common dietary
supplement products that contain
calcium, or calcium and vitamin D in
the calcium and vitamin D proposed
rule (72 FR 497 at 500 to 502). Results
from this evaluation suggested that
consumers who choose foods that bear
the calcium, or the calcium and vitamin
D, and osteoporosis health claim would
be able to incorporate such foods into
the diet in a manner that would likely
keep their total intake of calcium well
below the UL of 2,500 mg per day and
their total intake of vitamin D below the
UL of 2,000 IU per day (72 FR 497 at
502). Further, FDA determined that
consumers who choose conventional
foods that bear the calcium or the
additional calcium and vitamin D claim
and that consume up to 1,500 mg of
calcium per day from supplements (the
maximum daily intake of calcium
suggested in commonly found
supplements) and that consume up to
400 IU of vitamin D per day from
supplements (the most common daily
intake of vitamin D suggested in
supplements) would also likely keep
their total intake of calcium and vitamin
D below the ULs of calcium and vitamin
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D (id.). None of the comments
questioned these findings. Finally, the
agency is not aware of any basis for why
the elimination of the conditional
requirement would be misleading or
encourage over-consumption of calcium
For these reasons, FDA is eliminating
the conditional requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E), as proposed.
(Comment 4) One comment noted that
retaining in § 101.72(e) and (f) physical
activity as part of the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim as well as the
calcium, vitamin D and osteoporosis
health claim, might have the
unintended consequence of leading
consumers to believe that the benefits to
bone health (or reduced risk of
osteoporosis) of consuming adequate
amounts of calcium or calcium and
vitamin D can only be achieved by
regularly engaging in physical activity.
(Response) FDA agrees with this
comment. The agency’s tentative
decision to retain physical activity as
part of the calcium and osteoporosis
claim as well as the calcium, vitamin D
and osteoporosis health claim was based
primarily on the 2000 NIH Consensus
Statement and the 2004 Surgeon’s
General Report (72 FR 497 at 507),
which indicate that physical activity is
beneficial to bone health and can have
an additive effect on increasing bone
mineral density (BMD) in conjunction
with adequate intake of calcium and
vitamin D. On the other hand, several
studies show that consuming adequate
levels of calcium and vitamin D
supports bone health and reduces the
risk of osteoporosis in the absence of
physical activity (Refs. 4 to 12). Since
consumption of adequate amounts of
calcium and vitamin D reduces the risk
of osteoporosis without physical
activity, FDA will not require physical
activity to remain as part of the claim
language for the calcium and
osteoporosis or the calcium, vitamin D
and osteoporosis health claim. However,
since the importance of physical activity
to bone health is well established, FDA
will allow optional reference to physical
activity in the health claim.
Given the information discussed in
the preamble to the calcium and vitamin
D proposed rule and the absence of
contrary information in the comments,
FDA is adopting the following
amendments to § 101.72: (1) Inclusion of
vitamin D so that, in addition to the
claim for calcium and osteoporosis, a
claim can be made for calcium and
vitamin D and osteoporosis; (2)
elimination of the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) that the claim list
sex, race, and age as specific risk factors
for the development of osteoporosis; (3)
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
in section III.A.2 ‘‘Background’’ of this
document), very few products bear the
calcium and osteoporosis health claim.
Therefore, because of the limited use of
the current calcium and osteoporosis
health claim, the agency certifies that
the final rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
Section 202(a) of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires
that agencies prepare a written
statement, which includes an
assessment of anticipated costs and
benefits, before proposing ‘‘any rule that
includes any Federal mandate that may
result in the expenditure by State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector, of $100,000,000
or more (adjusted annually for inflation)
in any one year.’’ The current threshold
after adjustment for inflation is $130
million, using the most current (2007)
Implicit Price Deflator for the Gross
Domestic Product. FDA does not expect
this final rule to result in any 1-year
expenditure that would meet or exceed
this amount and has determined that
this final rule does not constitute a
significant rule under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act.
III. Analysis of Economic Impacts
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
elimination of the requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(B) that the claim does
not state or imply that the risk of
osteoporosis is equally applicable to the
general U.S. population, and that the
claim identify the populations at
particular risk for the development of
osteoporosis; (4) elimination of the
requirement in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) that
the claim identify the mechanism by
which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis, and instead make it
optional; (5) elimination of the
conditional requirement in
§ 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that the claim
include a statement that a total dietary
intake greater than 200 percent of the
recommended daily intake (2,000
milligrams (mg) of calcium) has no
further benefit to bone health, when the
level of calcium in the food exceeds a
set threshold level; and (6) elimination
of the provision in § 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A)
about physical activity, and instead
make it optional. Therefore, FDA is not
including the term ‘‘physical activity’’
in some of the model health claims as
proposed. Moreover, FDA is revising
§ 101.72(e) and (f) by removing the term
‘‘regular exercise’’ in the model health
1. Need for This Regulation
Current regulations do not permit
food producers to claim health benefits
for products by linking the intake of
vitamin D, when combined with the
intake of calcium, with a reduced risk
of osteoporosis. However, current
regulations do permit food producers to
claim health benefits for products by
linking calcium intake with a reduced
risk of osteoporosis only if they also list
the specific risk factors and at-risk
subpopulations for osteoporosis, the
mechanism by which calcium reduces
the risk of osteoporosis, and the limit of
the benefits of dietary calcium at certain
Health claims can inform consumers
about diet-disease relationships and
encourage producers to produce more
healthful foods. This final rule will
allow producers to make more nutrition
information related to osteoporosis
available to consumers (linking the
intake of calcium and vitamin D to the
risk of osteoporosis), while eliminating
other information currently required to
be given to consumers when claiming
health benefits relating to the
relationship between calcium intake
and the risk of osteoporosis.
A. Final Regulatory Impact Analysis
FDA has examined the impacts of the
final rule under Executive Order 12866
and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601–612), and the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public
Law 104–4). Executive Order 12866
directs agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, when regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety,
and other advantages; distributive
impacts; and equity). The agency
believes that this final rule is not a
significant regulatory action as defined
by the Executive order.
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
requires agencies to analyze regulatory
options that would minimize any
significant economic impact of a rule on
small entities. The final rule amends the
current calcium and osteoporosis health
claim language and will require changes
to the claim language on products
currently bearing the health claim.
Thus, the only mandatory costs of this
final rule will be the costs to update the
current wording of the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim on those
products that currently bear the claim.
Based on FDA’s 2001 Food Label and
Package Survey (FLAPS) (see discussion
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2. Background
Osteoporosis represents a major
public health problem in the United
States. This disease affects more than 10
million individuals and causes
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approximately 1.5 million fractures
annually. Every year, these lead to more
than 2.6 million physician office visits,
over 800,000 emergency room visits,
and more than 500,000 hospitalizations,
and the placement of nearly 180,000
people into nursing homes. The direct
care expenditures for osteoporotic
fractures alone range from 12 to 18
billion dollars each year (measured in
2002 dollars) (Ref. 13). The indirect
health costs of osteoporosis, such as
pain, suffering, and lost mobility, are
also large. Average calcium and vitamin
D intakes are below recommended
levels for many consumers (Refs. 13, 14
and 15). Even though many consumers
are not achieving recommended intakes
of calcium, producers have rarely
placed the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim on products that qualify for
the claim. FDA’s 2001 FLAPS (the most
recently available data) showed only 1
out of the 87 shelf-stable juice products
surveyed, a fortified orange juice,
bearing the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim. None of the 10 milk
products surveyed bore the claim (Ref.
3. Regulatory Options
FDA identified four regulatory
options for this final rule: (1) Take no
new regulatory action; (2) reduce the
required language in the existing
calcium and osteoporosis health claim;
(3) expand the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim to include
vitamin D; or (4) reduce the required
language in the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim and include
vitamin D as an option to the claim, as
described in this final rule.
4. Changes in Market Behavior in
Response to Options
This final rule will require that any
food manufacturers wishing their
products’ labels to make the calcium, or
calcium and vitamin D, and
osteoporosis health claim be redesigned.
Labels must be redesigned in order for
a food to carry the health claim since
information on populations at particular
risk for osteoporosis would no longer be
required or allowed for the claim (see
§ 101.72(c)(2)(A) and (c)(2)(B)).
Manufacturers that wish to continue
making a calcium and osteoporosis
health claim on their products will not
need to reformulate their products
under the final rule. The nature of the
food eligible to make a calcium and
osteoporosis health claim remains food
that meets or exceeds a ‘‘high’’ level of
calcium (as defined in 21 CFR
101.54(b)). Manufacturers wishing to
take advantage of the expanded calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis health
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
claim may voluntarily choose to
reformulate their products. If some
producers choose to reformulate their
products to take advantage of the
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
health claim, they reveal that they
expect the private benefit that the
claims give them to exceed the expense
of making the claims. If this is not the
case, no producer will voluntarily
choose to use the claims. Likewise,
consumers who choose to purchase the
products with the amended health
claims reveal that they value the
products more highly than other
alternatives, including not purchasing
the products.
We considered five potential effects in
estimating the relative public health
benefits of the options: (1) The extent to
which the option encourages producers
to use the health claims on their food
labels; (2) the extent to which the option
encourages producers to reformulate
their products to make the health
claims; (3) the extent to which the
option provides information to
consumers; (4) potential risk-risk
tradeoffs (where the action taken to
reduce the risk posed by one hazard
causes an increase in the risk posed by
another hazard) with each option; and
(5) the availability of information on the
relationship between osteoporosis and
calcium and vitamin D to consumers
who do not consume dairy products.
a. Producer responses. There are four
likely responses to this final rule from
producers: (1) Make no changes (i.e.,
continue not making the calcium or
calcium and vitamin D health claim; (2)
create new product labels to continue
making the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim (for products already
making the existing claim); (3) add the
health claims to their products that
qualify for the health claims (increase
usage of the claim due to the new
wording requirements); and (4)
reformulate their products (by fortifying
with calcium or vitamin D, for example)
to qualify for the health claims.
Several factors affect whether
producers choose to use health claims,
including the flexibility of the health
claims and how appealing the health
claims are to consumers. Revising the
existing calcium and osteoporosis
health claim language to make it shorter
will make it more appealing to put the
health claims on labels. Package space
is limited, so more flexible and shorter
claims are easier to use. Also, Wansink,
et al. (2004) found that shorter health
claims on the front of the package led
to more favorable beliefs about the
product and a more positive image of
the product among consumers (Ref. 17).
Approving a calcium, vitamin D, and
osteoporosis health claim should
encourage the manufacturers of foods
that are eligible for fortification with
vitamin D to do so because they will be
able to publicize the relationship
between calcium, vitamin D, and
osteoporosis on their labels. If producers
fortify more products with vitamin D,
consumers can get more vitamin D in
their diet without making changes in
their dietary choices.
b. Consumer responses. Providing
information about the relationship
between calcium, vitamin D, and
osteoporosis on food packages provides
a number of benefits to consumers,
including: (1) Informing them about the
nutrient-disease relationship; (2)
helping them identify products that are
high in calcium and vitamin D; and (3)
helping them make dietary choices that
reduce their risk of osteoporosis. The
extent to which consumers realize these
benefits will depend on the consumer’s
knowledge of the relationship between
calcium, vitamin D, and bone health;
how many products bear the calcium or
calcium and vitamin D health claims;
how many consumers read the health
claims; and how much they change their
behavior to include such products in
their diets. There is evidence that
consumers who read nutrition
information on packages eat healthier
diets (Refs. 18 and 19). However, there
is a great deal of uncertainty about how
much consumers change their behavior
in response to label information.
c. Risk-risk tradeoffs. A potential
concern is that allowing these
osteoporosis health claims on juice
drinks will result in consumers
switching away from milk to juice
drinks, which are higher in calories, for
dietary sources of calcium and vitamin
D. Table 1 of this document presents the
caloric and nutrient profile of non-fat
and low-fat milk products and an orange
juice drink product as reported in the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference. Orange juice drinks are
higher in calories and contain less of
some important nutrients than either
non-fat or low-fat milk (table 1 of this
(1) Orange Juice
Energy, kilocalorie (kcal)
(2) Non-fat Milk
(Skim), With Added
Vitamin A
(3) Low-fat Milk
(1%), With Added
Vitamin A
Protein, gram (g)
Total Fat, g
Saturated Fat, g
Carbohydrate, g
Total Dietary Fiber, g
Total Sugars, g
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Calcium, mg
Iron, mg
Magnesium, mg
Phosphorus, mg
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Orange Juice
Potassium, mg
(2) Non-fat Milk
(Skim), With Added
Vitamin A
(3) Low-fat Milk
(1%), With Added
Vitamin A
Sodium, mg
Zinc, mg
Copper, mg
Manganese, mg
Selenium, µg
Vitamin C, mg
Thiamin, mg
Riboflavin, mg
Niacin, mg
Pantothenic acid, mg
Vitamin B–6, mg
Folate, µg
Vitamin B–12, µg
Vitamin A, IU
Cholesterol, mg
Vitamin D, IU
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1Lactose intolerance is a condition in which
individuals cannot metabolize lactose, the main
sugar found in milk and other calcium-rich dairy
products. Information in the Surgeon General’s
2004 Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis
indicates that an estimated 30 to 50 million
Americans are affected by lactose intolerance,
although to varying degrees.
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important to an individual’s bone
health. However, the report’s review of
national surveys suggests that the
average calcium intake of individuals is
far below the levels recommended for
optimal bone health. One reason cited
by the report for these low levels of
calcium intake relates to current
lifestyle and food preferences, which
have resulted in reduced intake of dairy
products and other naturally occurring
calcium-rich foods. The report also
posits that for some individuals lactose
intolerance1 may also play a role in not
consuming adequate levels of calcium.
Given this information on the current
preference and tolerance for dairy
products, expanding the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim to include
vitamin D as a result of this final rule
should only lead to an increase in the
overall consumption of these essential,
under consumed nutrients.
The likelihood of consumers
switching from non-fat or low-fat milk
or to higher caloric juice drinks because
of this rule is expected to be small
because non-fat and low-fat milk and
juice drinks that are eligible can already
make the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim. Permitting
the same set of products to make the
final, simpler calcium and osteoporosis
health claim should not change the
relative appeal of the claim to producers
of one type of beverage over another.
The allowance of the new calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis health
claim could expand the set of products
making an osteoporosis health claim;
however, the relative appeal of the new
claim (calcium and vitamin D) to
producers of non-fat and low-fat milk
and juice drinks should be similar to the
appeal of the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim.
There is little evidence to support that
consumers would switch from non-fat
or low-fat milk to juice drinks as a result
of this final rule. As stated in the
Surgeon General’s Report on Bone
Health and Osteoporosis, consuming
adequate levels of calcium and vitamin
D throughout life are critically
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In addition, according to the
American Beverage Association, U.S.
sales of calcium-fortified orange juice
have grown dramatically over recent
years, reaching nearly $1 billion in 2003
(Ref. 20), while overall sales of juice
have not grown. Therefore, FDA expects
that the nutritional profile of diets
would most likely improve as a
consequence of changes in consumption
resulting from this final rule. Switching
from unfortified to fortified juices
would increase needed consumption of
calcium and vitamin D.
5. Benefits and Costs of Regulatory
The simplification of the current
health claim for calcium and
osteoporosis, along with the additional
health claim for calcium, vitamin D, and
osteoporosis should increase and
expand the current usage of the health
claim and therefore improve the U.S.
population’s intake of these two
important nutrients. Therefore, all the
options considered below would
improve public health relative to the
baseline of taking no new regulatory
action. In our analysis of the benefits
and costs of the options, we compare
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
claim on products, and thereby provide
consumers with more information on
the calcium and osteoporosis dietdisease relationship. It could encourage
more reformulation of products to
fortify with calcium than has occurred
with the existing claim. Like Option 1,
this option provides consumers with no
information about the relationship of
vitamin D to osteoporosis.
With this option, manufacturers of
some products making the current
calcium and osteoporosis health claim
may have to re-label their products to
reflect the updated wording provided by
the claim. The potential costs associated
the benefits and costs of each option
with each other option based on their
relative effects on consumer and
producer behavior.
Option 1: Take no new regulatory
This option would result in no change
to the current situation. This is the
baseline for comparison of options and
entails no costs or benefits.
Option 2: Reduce the required language
in the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim.
Compared with Option 1, this option
would increase the appeal of the claim
for producers, increase the use of the
with a required label change will vary
depending on when the new effective
compliance date is established. Table 2
of this document shows the possible
range of costs by product type of having
to re-label to be in compliance with the
revised calcium and osteoporosis health
claim. The product re-labeling costs
were estimated using the FDA Labeling
Cost Model (Ref. 21). The costs of relabeling included are administrative,
graphic, prepress, engraving, and
inventory costs. Re-labeling costs are
shown for both a 12-month and 24month compliance period.
12 Months to Comply, Cost Per Label SKU
24 Months to Comply, Cost Per Label SKU
Low Cost
Low Cost
Fruit Juices
Non-fat and Low-fat
Milk, fluid, dry, powered, condensed, flavored
Med Cost
High Cost
Med Cost
High Cost
Low-fat Cheese, multiple types
Yogurt-like products
Dietary Supplements
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Average cost of label change regardless
of product type
Option 3: Expand the existing calcium
and osteoporosis health claim to include
vitamin D.
Failing to shorten the existing calcium
and osteoporosis health claim will not
make the health claim as appealing to
producers and consumers as Option 2,
leading to less claim use and
reformulation and less information
provided to consumers than Option 2.
This option would provide consumers
with more information on vitamin D
than Option 2, should producers decide
to voluntarily re-label and/or
reformulate their products to make use
of the added vitamin D language.
Option 4: Reduce the required language
in the existing calcium and osteoporosis
health claim and include vitamin D as
an option to the claim, as described in
this final rule.
Like Option 2, this option would
increase the appeal of the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim for producers
and thereby provide consumers with
more information on the calcium and
osteoporosis diet-disease relationship.
Also like Option 2, producers of
products with existing calcium and
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osteoporosis health claim labeling will
have to revise their labeling in order to
comply with the revised claim language.
Like Option 3, this option would
provide consumers with more
information on vitamin D than Option 2
because the new, simplified calcium
and osteoporosis health claim can now
contain information about vitamin D as
well. It could also encourage more
reformulation of products to fortify with
vitamin D than would Option 2 and as
many products to fortify with calcium
as Option 2.
FDA is unable to quantify the benefits
of this final rule due to uncertainty
about the degrees of changes in
consumer and producer behavior.
However according to information
compiled in the Surgeon General’s 2004
Report on Bone Health and
Osteoporosis, there are about 1.5 million
osteoporotic fractures in the United
States each year that carry annual direct
care expenditures of 12 to 18 billion
dollars per year (2002 dollars). These
fractures cause more than half a million
hospitalizations, over 800,000
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emergency room encounters, more than
2.6 million physician office visits, and
the placement of nearly 180,000
individuals into nursing homes
annually (Ref. 13). The direct costs of
other complications from osteoporosis,
and the indirect costs of these fractures
and other osteoporotic ailments (e.g.,
the value of functional disability to the
patient, the value of the pain and
suffering to the patient, the costs
experienced by the care giver) if
calculated, would add substantially to
the annual costs of this disease. Any
increase in calcium and vitamin D
intake by consumers insufficient in
these nutrients as a result of this final
rule could possibly lower the incidence
of osteoporosis and therefore the annual
costs associated with the disease.
Table 3 of this document provides a
summary of the effects of the rule, and
which options create the smallest and
largest behavior changes for consumers
and producers. All options should
produce positive net benefits, with the
largest net benefit arising from Option 4,
the final rule. With Option 4, the largest
number of products and labels would
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
change, leading to the largest reduction
in the risk of osteoporosis.
Largest Effect
Smallest Effect
Option 4
Option 1
Encouraging fortification
Option 4
Option 1
Informing consumers
Option 4
Option 1
Informing consumers who do not buy dairy products about alternative food sources for vitamin D
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Encouraging producer use of the claims
Option 4
Option 1
B. Small Entity Analysis (or Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis)
FDA has examined the economic
implications of this final rule as
required by the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612). If a rule has a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act requires
agencies to analyze regulatory options
that would lessen the economic effect of
the rule on small entities consistent
with statutory objectives. FDA does not
believe that this final rule will have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
because the only mandatory costs of this
rule are the costs to update the current
wording of the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim for manufacturers of
products that currently make the claim
and wish to continue doing so. Also
previously mentioned, FDA’s 2001 Food
Label and Package Survey showed only
1 out of 87 shelf-stable juice products
surveyed bore the current calcium and
osteoporosis health claim while none of
the 10 milk products surveyed bore the
claim. This implies that not many
products eligible to bear the current
claim would need to be re-labeled as a
result of this final rule.
In addition, FDA establishes uniform
compliance dates for final food labeling
regulations in 2-year intervals.
Therefore, companies whose products
currently make the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim and wish to
continue doing so will have between 1
and 2 years to use existing label
inventory and expense the costs of
designing revised labeling. FDA
estimates that on average, the cost to relabel a product according to the revised
health claim language will be $7,900 to
$16,600 per product if the compliance
period is 12 months; and $6,100 to
$13,600 per product if the compliance
period is 24 months. In the calcium and
vitamin D proposed rule, FDA requested
comments on whether the rule would
have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
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FDA received no comments on the issue
of significant impacts on any size
business. Manufacturers that wish to
begin using the revised calcium and
osteoporosis health claim or the new
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
health claim will only do so if the
benefits of labeling their products to
inform consumers of the claim outweigh
the costs of doing so.
IV. Environmental Impact
FDA has determined under 21 CFR
25.32(p) that this action is of a type that
does not individually or cumulatively
have a significant effect on the human
environment. Therefore, neither an
environmental assessment nor an
environmental impact statement is
V. Paperwork Reduction Act
FDA concludes that the labeling
provisions of this final rule are not
subject to review by the Office of
Management and Budget because they
do not constitute a ‘‘collection of
information’’ under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520). Rather, the food labeling health
claims on the association between
calcium and osteoporosis or calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis is a ‘‘public
disclosure of information originally
supplied by the Federal Government to
the recipient for the purpose of
disclosure to the public.’’ (5 CFR
VI. Federalism
FDA has analyzed this final rule in
accordance with the principles set forth
in Executive Order 13132. FDA has
determined that the rule will have a
preemptive effect on State law. Section
4(a) of the Executive Order requires
agencies to ‘‘construe * * * a Federal
statute to preempt State law only where
the statute contains an express
preemption provision or there is some
other clear evidence that the Congress
intended preemption of State law, or
where the exercise of State authority
conflicts with the exercise of Federal
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authority under the Federal statute.’’
Section 403A of the act (21 U.S.C. 343–
1) is an express preemption provision.
Section 403A(a)(5) of the act (21 U.S.C.
343–1(a)(5)) provides that: ‘‘* * * no
State or political subdivision of a State
may directly or indirectly establish
under any authority or continue in
effect as to any food in interstate
commerce—* * * (5) any requirement
respecting any claim of the type
described in section 403(r)(1) made in
the label or labeling of food that is not
identical to the requirement of section
403(r) * * *.’’
This final rule amends the existing
food labeling regulations on health
claims for calcium and osteoporosis.
Although this rule has a preemptive
effect in that it precludes States from
issuing any health claim labeling
requirements for calcium and
osteoporosis or calcium, vitamin D, and
osteoporosis that are not identical to
those required by this final rule, this
preemptive effect is consistent with
what Congress set forth in section 403A
of the act. Section 403A(a)(5) of the act
displaces both State legislative
requirements and State common law
duties. Riegel v. Medtronic, 128 S. Ct.
999 (2008).
FDA believes that the preemptive
effect of the final rule is consistent with
Executive Order 13132. Section 4(e) of
the Executive order provides that ‘‘when
an agency proposes to act through
adjudication or rulemaking to preempt
State law, the agency shall provide all
affected State and local officials notice
and an opportunity for appropriate
participation in the proceedings.’’’ On
February 17, 2006, FDA’s Division of
Federal and State Relations provided
notice by fax and e-mail transmission to
State health commissioners, State
agriculture commissioners, food
program directors, and drug program
directors as well as FDA field personnel,
of FDA’s intended amendments to the
calcium and osteoporosis health claim
(21 CFR 101.72). FDA received no
comments in response to this notice.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
In addition, the agency sought input
from all stakeholders through
publication of the proposed rule in the
Federal Register on January 5, 2007 (72
FR 497). FDA received no comments
from any States on the proposed
In conclusion, the agency believes
that it has complied with all of the
applicable requirements under the
Executive order and has determined that
the preemptive effects of this rule are
consistent with Executive Order 13132.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
VII. References
The following references have been
placed on display in the Division of
Dockets Management (HFA–305), Food
and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers
Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20857,
and may be seen by interested persons
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday. (FDA has verified the
Web site addresses, but FDA is not
responsible for any subsequent changes
to the Web sites after this document
publishes in the Federal Register.)
1. The Beverage Institute for Health and
Wellness, ‘‘Petition for Vitamin D, Calcium
and Osteoporosis,’’ (Docket No. 2004P–0464,
CP1), July 12, 2004.
2. Standing Committee on the Scientific
Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food
and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine,
‘‘Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and
Fluoride,’’ Chapter 4, National Academy
Press, Washington, DC, 1997.
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
‘‘Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005,’’
6th ed., Washington, DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office, chapter 2, January 2005.
4. Baeksgaard, L., K. P. Andersen, and L.
Hyldstrup, ‘‘Calcium and Vitamin D
Supplementation Increases Spinal BMD in
Healthy, Postmenopausal Women,’’
Osteoporosis International, 8:255–260, 1998.
5. Chapuy, M. C., M. E. Arlot, F. Duboeuf,
et al., ‘‘Vitamin D3 and Calcium to Prevent
Hip Fractures in Elderly Women,’’ The New
England Journal of Medicine, 327:1637–1642,
6. Chapuy, M. C., M. E. Arlot, P. D. Delmas,
et al., ‘‘Effect of Calcium and Cholecalciferol
Treatment for Three Years on Hip Fractures
in Elderly Women,’’ British Medical Journal,
308:1081–1082, 1994.
7. Dawson-Hughes, B., G. E. Dallal, E. A.
Krall, S. Harris, L. J. Sokoll, and G. Falconer,
‘‘Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on
Wintertime and Overall Bone Loss in Healthy
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Internal Medicine, 115:505–512, 1991.
8. Dawson-Hughes, B., S. S. Harris, E. A.
Krall, et al., ‘‘Effect of Calcium and Vitamin
D Supplementation on Bone Density in Men
and Women 65 Years of Age or Older,’’ The
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676, 1997.
9. Dawson-Hughs, B., S. S. Harris, E. A.
Krall, et al., ‘‘Effect of Withdrawal of Calcium
and Vitamin D Supplements on Bone Mass
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in Elderly Men and Women,’’ American
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10. Krieg, M. A., A. F. Jacquet, M.
Bremgartner, et al., ‘‘Effect of
Supplementation with Vitamin D3 and
Calcium on Quantitative Ultrasound of Bone
in Elderly Institutionalized Women: A
Longitudinal Study,’’ Osteoporosis
International, 9:483–488, 1999.
11. Sosa, M., P. Lainez, A. Arbelo, et al.,
‘‘The Effect of 25-dihydroxyvitamin D on the
Bone Mineral Metabolism of Elderly Women
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1268, 2000.
12. Jackson, R. D., et al., ‘‘Calcium Plus
Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of
Fractures, The Women’s Health Initiative,’’
The New England Journal of Medicine,
354:669–683, 2006.
13. ‘‘Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A
Report of the Surgeon General,’’ Rockville,
MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the Surgeon General,
Executive Summary, 2004.
14. Calvo, M. S., S. J. Whiting, and C. N.
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15. Moore, C., M. M. Murphy, D. R. Keast,
et al., ‘‘Vitamin D Intake in the United
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Association, 104(6):980–983, 2004.
16. U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
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17. Wansink B., S. T. Sonka, and C. M.
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19. Neuhouser, M. L., A. R. Kristal, and R.
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21. ‘‘Food and Drug Administration
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Economics Research, Research Triangle Park,
NC, January 2003 (
List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 101
Food labeling, Nutrition, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Therefore, under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under
authority delegated to the Commissioner
of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 101 is
amended to read as follows:
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
1. The authority citation for 21 CFR
part 101 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455; 21
U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 371; 42 U.S.C.
243, 264, 271.
2. Section 101.72 is revised to read as
§ 101.72 Health claims: calcium, vitamin D,
and osteoporosis.
(a) Relationship between calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis. An
inadequate intake of calcium or calcium
and vitamin D contributes to low peak
bone mass, which has been identified as
one of many risk factors in the
development of osteoporosis. Peak bone
mass is the total quantity of bone
present at maturity, and experts believe
that it has the greatest bearing on
whether a person will be at risk of
developing osteoporosis and related
bone fractures later in life. Another
factor that influences total bone mass
and susceptibility to osteoporosis is the
rate of bone loss after skeletal maturity.
Vitamin D is required for normal
absorption of calcium and to prevent the
occurrence of high serum parathyroid
hormone (PTH) concentration, which
stimulates mobilization of calcium from
the skeleton and can lower bone mass.
Calcium, along with vitamin D and
several other nutrients, is required for
normal bone mineralization. While
vitamin D is required for optimal bone
mineralization, it is more effective when
calcium intake is adequate. An adequate
intake of calcium and vitamin D is
thought to exert a positive effect during
adolescence and early adulthood in
optimizing the amount of bone that is
laid down. However, the upper limit of
peak bone mass is genetically
determined. The mechanism through
which adequate intakes of calcium and
vitamin D and optimal peak bone mass
reduce the risk of osteoporosis is
thought to be as follows. All persons
lose bone with age. Hence, those with
higher bone mass at maturity take longer
to reach the critically reduced mass at
which bones can fracture easily. The
rate of bone loss after skeletal maturity
also influences the amount of bone
present at old age and can influence an
individual’s risk of developing
osteoporosis. Maintenance of adequate
intakes of calcium and vitamin D later
in life is thought to be important in
reducing the rate of bone loss
particularly in the elderly and in
women during the first decade
following menopause, but a significant
protective effect is also seen among men
and younger women.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 189 / Monday, September 29, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
(b) Significance of calcium or calcium
and vitamin D. Adequate calcium
intake, or adequate calcium and vitamin
D intake, is not the only recognized risk
factor in the development of
osteoporosis, which is a multifactorial
bone disease. Maintenance of adequate
calcium and vitamin D intakes
throughout life is necessary to achieve
optimal peak bone mass and to reduce
the risk of osteoporosis in later life.
However, vitamin D is most effective in
this regard when calcium intake is
adequate. Increasing intake of calcium
has been shown to have beneficial
effects on bone health independent of
dietary vitamin D.
(c) Requirements. (1) All requirements
set forth in § 101.14 shall be met.
(2) Specific requirements—(i) Nature
of the claim. A health claim associating
calcium or, when appropriate, calcium
and vitamin D with a reduced risk of
osteoporosis may be made on the label
or labeling of a food described in
paragraphs (c)(2)(ii) and (d)(1) of this
section, provided that:
(A) The claim makes clear the
importance of adequate calcium intake,
or when appropriate, adequate calcium
and vitamin D intake, throughout life, in
a healthful diet, are essential to reduce
osteoporosis risk. The claim does not
imply that adequate calcium intake, or
when appropriate, adequate calcium
and vitamin D intake, is the only
recognized risk factor for the
development of osteoporosis;
(B) The claim does not attribute any
degree of reduction in risk of
osteoporosis to maintaining an adequate
dietary calcium intake, or when
appropriate, an adequate dietary
calcium and vitamin D intake,
throughout life.
(ii) Nature of the food. (A) The food
shall meet or exceed the requirements
for a ‘‘high’’ level of calcium as defined
in § 101.54(b);
(B) The calcium content of the
product shall be assimilable;
(C) Dietary supplements shall meet
the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
standards for disintegration and
dissolution applicable to their
component calcium salts, except that
dietary supplements for which no USP
standards exist shall exhibit appropriate
assimilability under the conditions of
use stated on the product label;
(D) A food or total daily
recommended supplement intake shall
not contain more phosphorus than
calcium on a weight per weight basis.
(d) Optional information. (1) The
claim may include the term ‘‘vitamin D’’
if the food meets or exceeds the
requirements for a ‘‘high’’ level of
vitamin D as defined in § 101.54(b);
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:29 Sep 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
(2) The claim may include
information from paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this section.
(3) The claim may make reference to
physical activity.
(4) The claim may include
information on the number of people in
the United States, including the number
of people in certain subpopulations in
the United States, who have
osteoporosis or low bone density. The
sources of this information must be
identified, and it must be current
information from the National Center for
Health Statistics, the National Institutes
of Health, or the National Osteoporosis
(5) The claim may state that the role
of adequate calcium intake, or when
appropriate, the role of adequate
calcium and vitamin D intake,
throughout life is linked to reduced risk
of osteoporosis through the mechanism
of optimizing peak bone mass during
adolescence and early adulthood. The
phrase ‘‘build and maintain good bone
health’’ may be used to convey the
concept of optimizing peak bone mass.
The claim may also state that adequate
intake of calcium, or when appropriate,
adequate intake of calcium and vitamin
D, is linked to reduced risk of
osteoporosis through the mechanism of
slowing the rate of bone loss for persons
with a family history of the disease,
post-menopausal women, and elderly
men and women.
(e) Model health claims. The
following model health claims may be
used in food labeling to describe the
relationship between calcium and
Adequate calcium throughout life, as
part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce
the risk of osteoporosis.
Adequate calcium as part of a healthful
diet, along with physical activity, may
reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later
(f) Model additional health claims for
calcium and vitamin D. The following
model health claims may be used in
food labeling to describe the
relationship between calcium, vitamin
D, and osteoporosis:
Adequate calcium and vitamin D
throughout life, as part of a wellbalanced diet, may reduce the risk of
Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part
of a healthful diet, along with physical
activity, may reduce the risk of
osteoporosis in later life.
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Dated: September 11, 2008.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Associate Commissioner for Policy and
[FR Doc. E8–22730 Filed 9–26–08; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 314
[Docket No. FDA–2008–N–0341]
Applications for Food and Drug
Administration Approval to Market a
New Drug; Postmarketing Reports;
Reporting Information About
Authorized Generic Drugs
Food and Drug Administration,
Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending its
regulations to require that the holder of
a new drug application (NDA) submit
certain information regarding
authorized generic drugs in an annual
report. We are taking this action as part
of our implementation of the Food and
Drug Administration Amendments Act
of 2007 (FDAAA). FDAAA requires that
FDA publish a list of all authorized
generic drugs included in an annual
report since 1999, and that the agency
update the list quarterly. We are using
direct final rulemaking for this action
because the agency expects that there
will be no significant adverse comment
on the rule. In the proposed rule section
of this issue of the Federal Register, we
are concurrently proposing and
soliciting comments on this rule. If
significant adverse comments are
received, we will withdraw this final
rule and address the comments in a
subsequent final rule. FDA will not
provide additional opportunity for
This direct final rule is effective
February 11, 2009. Submit written or
electronic comments on or before
December 15, 2008. If we receive no
timely significant adverse comments,
we will publish a notice in the Federal
Register before January 12, 2009,
confirming the effective date of the
direct final rule. If we receive any
timely significant adverse comments,
we will publish a notice of significant
adverse comment in the Federal
Register withdrawing this direct final
rule before February 11, 2009.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 189 (Monday, September 29, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 56477-56487]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-22730]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 101
[Docket No. FDA-2004-P-0205] (formerly Docket No. 2004P-0464)
Food Labeling: Health Claims; Calcium and Osteoporosis, and
Calcium, Vitamin D, and Osteoporosis
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its
labeling regulation authorizing a health claim on the relationship
between calcium and a reduced risk of osteoporosis to include vitamin D
so that, in addition to the claim for calcium and osteoporosis, an
additional claim can be made for calcium and vitamin D and
osteoporosis; eliminate the requirement that the claim list sex, race,
and age as specific risk factors for the development of osteoporosis;
eliminate the requirement that the claim does not state or imply that
the risk of osteoporosis is equally applicable to the general U.S.
population, and that the claim identify the populations at particular
risk for the development of osteoporosis; eliminate the requirement
that the claim identify the mechanism by which calcium reduces the risk
of osteoporosis and instead make it optional; eliminate the requirement
that the claim include a statement that a total dietary intake greater
than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake (2,000 milligrams (mg)
of calcium) has no further benefit to bone health when the food
contains 400 mg or more of calcium per reference amount customarily
consumed or per total daily recommended supplement intake; and allow
reference for the need of physical activity in either of the health
claims to be optional rather then required. This final rule is, in
part, in
[[Page 56478]]
response to a health claim petition submitted by The Beverage Institute
for Health and Wellness, LLC.
DATES: This final rule is effective January 1, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jillonne Kevala, Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-830), Food and Drug Administration,
5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740-3835, 301-436-1450.
I. Background
In the Federal Register of January 5, 2007 (72 FR 497), FDA
published a proposed rule (the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule) to
amend Sec. 101.72 (21 CFR 101.72), which authorizes a health claim
regarding the relationship between calcium and osteoporosis. The agency
proposed the following five amendments: (1) Inclusion of vitamin D so
that, in addition to the claim for calcium and osteoporosis, an
additional claim can be made for calcium and vitamin D and
osteoporosis; (2) elimination of the requirement in Sec.
101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) that the claim list sex, race, and age as specific
risk factors for the development of osteoporosis; (3) elimination of
the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(B) that the claim does not
state or imply that the risk of osteoporosis is equally applicable to
the general U.S. population, and that the claim identify the
populations at particular risk for the development of osteoporosis; (4)
elimination of the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) that the
claim identify the mechanism by which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis and instead make it optional; and (5) elimination of the
requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that the claim include a
statement that reflects the limit of the benefits derived from dietary
calcium intake, when the level of calcium in the food exceeds a set
threshold level. FDA issued this proposed rule in response to a health
claim petition submitted on July 12, 2004, by the Beverage Institute
for Health and Wellness under section 403(r)(4) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(4)) (Ref. 1).
Section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act states that the Secretary of Health
and Human Services (Secretary) (and, by delegation, FDA) shall issue a
regulation authorizing a health claim only if the Secretary determines,
based on the totality of publicly available scientific evidence
(including evidence from well-designed studies conducted in a manner
which is consistent with generally recognized scientific procedures and
principles), that there is significant scientific agreement, among
experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate
such claims, that the claim is supported by such evidence (see also 21
CFR 101.14(c)). Section 403(r)(4) of the act sets out the procedures
that FDA is to follow upon receiving a health claim petition. FDA filed
the petition for comprehensive review in accordance with section
403(r)(4) of the act on October 20, 2004.
II. Summary of Comments and the Agency's Response
FDA solicited comments on the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule.
The comment period closed on March 21, 2007. The agency received 27
responses, each containing one or more comments, to the calcium and
vitamin D proposed rule. The comments were from trade associations,
health-related organizations, academia, and consumers. Most of the
comments supported the proposed amendments. A few comments expressed
personal opinions on the use of health claims and labeling in general.
These comments did not raise any issues about the calcium and vitamin D
proposed rule, and therefore, we consider these to be outside the scope
of this rulemaking and do not discuss them in this document. Another
comment asserted that the standard of significant scientific agreement
was not met and provided some citations and studies as support for its
assertion. However, the studies that were submitted were not the type
of studies that could resolve a question about the relationship between
vitamin D and calcium, or calcium only, and osteoporosis that is the
subject of the claim. The remaining comments and the agency's responses
are discussed below.
(Comment 1) FDA received two comments opposing the elimination of
the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) that the claim list sex,
race, and age as specific risk factors for the development of
osteoporosis. One of these comments did not give a reason for its
opposition to the elimination of this requirement. The comment also
asserted that high levels of calcium will inhibit the intake of
manganese, and that the primary cause of osteoporosis in the United
States is manganese deficiency. The other comment stated that the
``published docket'' did not provide adequate support to eliminate
references to age, sex, race, and the need for an adequate level of
exercise. The comment noted that studies have linked calcium and
vitamin D to bone health only in specific demographic categories.
(Response) The comment opposing the elimination of listing sex,
race, and age as specific risk factors in the claim language failed to
provide any explanation, data, or evidence to support its opposition to
eliminating the listing of these risk factors in the claim. Without
such explanation, data, or evidence, FDA has no basis upon which to
revise its analysis. As such, FDA will continue to rely on the analysis
as set forth in the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule (72 FR 497 at
506-507). As to the comment's concern about manganese, the agency is
not aware of, nor did the comment provide, any data or evidence to
substantiate the statement that high levels of calcium intake will
inhibit the intake of manganese or that the primary cause of
osteoporosis in the United States is manganese deficiency.
FDA disagrees with the comment that information in the docket does
not provide adequate evidence to eliminate the requirement that the
claim reference age, sex, and race. The information in the record of
this proceeding demonstrates that benefits of adequate calcium and
vitamin D in reducing the risk of osteoporosis is not confined to any
particular subpopulation in the United States. The scientific evidence
from both the 2004 Surgeon General's Report on Bone Health and
Osteoporosis and the 2000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus
Statement concludes that osteoporosis occurs in all populations and at
all ages (72 FR 497 at 506). Moreover, both the 2000 NIH Consensus
Statement and the 2004 Surgeon General's Report on Bone Health and
Osteoporosis conclude that achieving and maintaining optimal bone
health is a process that is important in both men and women throughout
the lifespan and is not a specific need to any particular subpopulation
in the United States (72 FR 497 at 506-507). Given that the risk of
osteoporosis applies to the general U.S. population, the benefits of
adequate calcium and vitamin D in terms of reducing risk of disease
apply to both sexes at all ages and race categories. Accordingly,
because these benefits do not apply only to specific demographic
groups, the language of the health claim in question should not state
or suggest otherwise. For this reason, FDA is eliminating the
requirement that the calcium and osteoporosis health claim or the
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis health claim list sex, race, and
age as specific risk factors for the development of osteoporosis.
In any discussion about osteoporosis and bone health, it is
important to recognize the difference between risk of bone disease,
including osteoporosis, and the prevalence of the disease in various
subpopulations in the United
[[Page 56479]]
States. Risk measures the probability that a disease will occur whereas
prevalence measures the number of cases of a disease that are
documented in a given population or subpopulation. Both the 2000 NIH
Consensus Statement and the 2004 Surgeon General's Report on Bone
Health and Osteoporosis state that all populations in the United States
are at risk of osteoporosis, although the prevalence of the disease is
not equally distributed among all subpopulations. Specifically,
osteoporosis is most prevalent in White postmenopausal women. However,
as noted, the disease often goes unrecognized in other age and ethnic
groups as well as in men (72 FR 497 at 508).
In sum, while the prevalence of osteoporosis varies in different
subpopulations in the United States, all populations are at risk of
osteoporosis and, in fact, the disease does occur in all populations.
Thus, the benefits of calcium or calcium and vitamin D on reducing the
risk of bone diseases, including osteoporosis, apply to both sexes at
all ages and in all race categories (72 FR 497 at 507). For this
reason, FDA is eliminating the requirement that the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim or the calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
health claim list sex, race, and age as specific risk factors for the
development of osteoporosis.
Importantly, however, although this final rule eliminates the
requirement that the claim reference age, sex, and race for the
development of osteoporosis, Sec. 101.72(d)(4) allows the claim to
include optional information related to the prevalence of osteoporosis.
In particular, the claim could include information about the number of
people in the United States, including the number of people in certain
subpopulations in the United States, who have osteoporosis or low bone
density. For example, under Sec. 101.72(d)(4), a claim could include a
statement that, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 20
percent of non-Hispanic Caucasian and Asian women aged 50 and older are
estimated to have osteoporosis.
(Comment 2) FDA received two comments opposing the elimination of
the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) that the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim identify the mechanism by which calcium
reduces the risk of osteoporosis. One comment did not give a reason for
its opposition to the elimination of this requirement. The other
comment noted that building a strong bone matrix relies on proper
mineral balance and that science is continually evolving to elucidate
the specific mechanisms involved. This comment further stated that
although calcium is required to develop and sustain proper bone health
and to prevent osteoporosis, the scientific community recognizes that
calcium alone is not adequate, and a balance of normal minerals and
hormones are also critical for bone health. Thus, this comment
suggested that there is not enough scientific evidence either to
eliminate or make optional the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C)
because incomplete information is not accurate information.
(Response) The comment opposing elimination of the requirement in
Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) failed to provide any explanation, data, or
evidence to support its position. Without any explanation, data, or
evidence provided in the comment, we have no basis upon which to revise
our analysis or to alter our conclusion to eliminate the requirement
that the health claim identify the mechanism by which calcium reduces
the risk of osteoporosis; thus we will continue to use the analysis as
set forth in the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule (72 FR 497 at 508-
FDA agrees with the comment that stated: Building a strong bone
matrix relies on proper mineral balance and that science is continually
evolving to elucidate specific mechanism(s) involved. Calcium is an
important nutrient for achieving and maintaining good skeletal health.
FDA discussed the findings that many nutrients are involved in bone
health, and tentatively concluded in the proposed rule that a well-
balanced diet is important for bone health throughout life (72 FR 497
at 507). Thus, the agency proposed that the claim make clear the
importance of calcium intake or calcium and vitamin D intake in a
healthful well-balanced diet over a lifetime. Conveying the information
about calcium intake in the context of a healthful, well-balanced diet
recognizes that calcium alone is not sufficient for bone health.
Furthermore, results from a 1995 health claims report showed that
consumers had learned elsewhere that calcium intake is related to bone
health and that they thought the food label was not the right means for
conveying this information (72 FR 497 at 509). This consumer awareness
of calcium's ability to ``build and maintain good bone health,'' as
well as the observation that the food label is not necessarily the most
appropriate means to convey this information, prompted the agency to
request comment in the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule on whether
to make information of the mechanism by which calcium reduces the risk
of osteoporosis optional in the health claim. Therefore, for the
reasons set forth previously in this document, FDA is eliminating the
requirement that the claims identify the mechanism by which calcium
reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and instead is making such
information optional. FDA is also revising the language from the
proposed rule for use of the optional statement about slowing the rate
of bone loss, by removing the following phrase: ``When reference is
made to persons with a family history of the disease, post-menopausal
women, and elderly men and women * * *'' so the language now reads:
``The claim may also state that adequate intake of calcium, or when
appropriate, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, is linked to
reduced risk of osteoporosis through the mechanism of slowing the rate
of bone loss for persons with a family history of the disease, post-
menopausal women, and elderly men and women.'' This change makes the
use of the optional language related to the mechanism of slowing the
rate of bone loss consistent with the final rule to remove reference to
specific targeted populations as to risk of osteoporosis, but allows
reference to family history of the disease, post-menopausal women, and
elderly men and women in the context of the mechanism of slowing the
rate of bone loss.
(Comment 3) Several comments opposed the elimination of the
conditional requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that the calcium
and osteoporosis health claim include a statement that a total dietary
intake greater than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake (2,000
mg of calcium) has no further known benefit to bone health. Some of the
comments were concerned that eliminating this requirement could
potentially mislead consumers because there will be nothing on the
label to remind them that ``more is not always better when it comes to
nutrients, especially in the form of supplements or fortification.''
One comment stated that withholding this information could encourage
consumers to over consume calcium products while other comments were
concerned that withholding this information could be potentially
harmful for those individuals who may be taking high doses of
supplemental calcium, along with high amounts of vitamin D. One comment
highlighted its concern regarding the elimination of this conditional
requirement by pointing out that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has found that the toxic effects of
excess calcium
[[Page 56480]]
increased the risk of kidney stone formation and that this condition
affected 12 percent of individuals in the United States, as well as
renal insufficiency and decreased absorption of other essential
minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus) (72 FR 497 at 502).
Another comment questioned how FDA could be assured that cumulative
vitamin D intake from all dietary sources would remain `at non-toxic
levels' (e.g., less than the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for
vitamin D) when supplementation is encouraged in a variety of foods,
including staples such as milk, cereal, and bread.
(Response) FDA's decision to eliminate the conditional requirement
was made, in part, in response to the IOM's 1997 report on ``Dietary
Reference Intakes (DRIs) for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D
and Fluoride,'' which was not available at the time the calcium and
osteoporosis health claim was authorized in 1993 (72 FR 497 at 510).
IOM conducted a major review of bone-related nutrients to determine the
level of nutrient intake for normal, healthy individuals that would
prevent the development of a chronic condition (e.g., osteoporosis)
associated with calcium (Ref. 2). IOM set the UL for calcium at 2,500
mg per day for all individuals ages 1 and above. The UL, as defined by
IOM, is the highest level of nutrient intake that is likely to pose no
risks of adverse effects to all individuals in the general population.
When IOM set the UL for calcium it divided the lowest- observed-
adverse-effect level (LOAEL) of calcium by an uncertainty factor of two
to take into account the relatively high prevalence of kidney (renal)
stones in the U. S. population, which is 12 percent, and the potential
increased risk of hypercalciuria and depletion of other minerals among
susceptible individuals (72 FR 497 at 502). An increased risk of kidney
stone formation from toxic effects of excess calcium, as noted in one
of the comments, was addressed when IOM established the UL for calcium.
Furthermore, inclusion of the conditional requirement was based, in
part, on a concept that calcium was a threshold nutrient, which means
that there is a level of calcium intake below which bone health is
jeopardized and above which no further benefit to bone health occurs
(72 FR 497 at 510). Neither IOM in its 1997 report, the 2000 NIH
Consensus Statement, nor the 2004 Surgeon General's Report on Bone
Health and Osteoporosis discusses a threshold level of calcium beyond
which no further bone benefit occurs; instead these reports discuss
scientific evidence that is useful for establishing a desirable level
of intake for calcium as well as intake levels of calcium that pose no
risk of adverse health effects (72 FR 497 at 510).
Moreover, contrary to concerns expressed by some of the comments,
the lack of calcium in the American diet is more of a concern than the
potential over consumption of the nutrient. For example, the 2005
Dietary Guidelines for Americans identified calcium as a ``nutrient of
concern'' due to low calcium consumption in the U.S. population (Ref.
FDA also notes that a ``high'' level of calcium and vitamin D is at
least 20 percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of calcium and
vitamin D per reference amount customarily consumed (RACC). Since the
RDI for calcium is 1,000 mg per day and the RDI for vitamin D is 400 IU
(10 micrograms per day ([mu]g per day)), 20 percent of the RDI for
calcium (200 mg per day) is well below the UL of 2,500 mg per day
intake level of calcium that poses no risk of adverse health effects
and 20 percent of the RDI for vitamin D (80 IU (2 [mu]g per day) is
well below the 2,000 IU (50 [mu]g per day) intake level of vitamin D
that poses no risk of adverse health effects.
To evaluate potential maximum intake levels of calcium and vitamin
D in the United States, FDA examined the most recent nationally
representative data available from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey on median intake values for calcium and vitamin D
and common dietary supplement products that contain calcium, or calcium
and vitamin D in the calcium and vitamin D proposed rule (72 FR 497 at
500 to 502). Results from this evaluation suggested that consumers who
choose foods that bear the calcium, or the calcium and vitamin D, and
osteoporosis health claim would be able to incorporate such foods into
the diet in a manner that would likely keep their total intake of
calcium well below the UL of 2,500 mg per day and their total intake of
vitamin D below the UL of 2,000 IU per day (72 FR 497 at 502). Further,
FDA determined that consumers who choose conventional foods that bear
the calcium or the additional calcium and vitamin D claim and that
consume up to 1,500 mg of calcium per day from supplements (the maximum
daily intake of calcium suggested in commonly found supplements) and
that consume up to 400 IU of vitamin D per day from supplements (the
most common daily intake of vitamin D suggested in supplements) would
also likely keep their total intake of calcium and vitamin D below the
ULs of calcium and vitamin D (id.). None of the comments questioned
these findings. Finally, the agency is not aware of any basis for why
the elimination of the conditional requirement would be misleading or
encourage over-consumption of calcium products.
For these reasons, FDA is eliminating the conditional requirement
in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E), as proposed.
(Comment 4) One comment noted that retaining in Sec. 101.72(e) and
(f) physical activity as part of the calcium and osteoporosis health
claim as well as the calcium, vitamin D and osteoporosis health claim,
might have the unintended consequence of leading consumers to believe
that the benefits to bone health (or reduced risk of osteoporosis) of
consuming adequate amounts of calcium or calcium and vitamin D can only
be achieved by regularly engaging in physical activity.
(Response) FDA agrees with this comment. The agency's tentative
decision to retain physical activity as part of the calcium and
osteoporosis claim as well as the calcium, vitamin D and osteoporosis
health claim was based primarily on the 2000 NIH Consensus Statement
and the 2004 Surgeon's General Report (72 FR 497 at 507), which
indicate that physical activity is beneficial to bone health and can
have an additive effect on increasing bone mineral density (BMD) in
conjunction with adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. On the other
hand, several studies show that consuming adequate levels of calcium
and vitamin D supports bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
in the absence of physical activity (Refs. 4 to 12). Since consumption
of adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D reduces the risk of
osteoporosis without physical activity, FDA will not require physical
activity to remain as part of the claim language for the calcium and
osteoporosis or the calcium, vitamin D and osteoporosis health claim.
However, since the importance of physical activity to bone health is
well established, FDA will allow optional reference to physical
activity in the health claim.
Given the information discussed in the preamble to the calcium and
vitamin D proposed rule and the absence of contrary information in the
comments, FDA is adopting the following amendments to Sec. 101.72: (1)
Inclusion of vitamin D so that, in addition to the claim for calcium
and osteoporosis, a claim can be made for calcium and vitamin D and
osteoporosis; (2) elimination of the requirement in Sec.
101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) that the claim list sex, race, and age as specific
risk factors for the development of osteoporosis; (3)
[[Page 56481]]
elimination of the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(B) that the
claim does not state or imply that the risk of osteoporosis is equally
applicable to the general U.S. population, and that the claim identify
the populations at particular risk for the development of osteoporosis;
(4) elimination of the requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(C) that the
claim identify the mechanism by which calcium reduces the risk of
osteoporosis, and instead make it optional; (5) elimination of the
conditional requirement in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(E) that the claim
include a statement that a total dietary intake greater than 200
percent of the recommended daily intake (2,000 milligrams (mg) of
calcium) has no further benefit to bone health, when the level of
calcium in the food exceeds a set threshold level; and (6) elimination
of the provision in Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(i)(A) about physical activity,
and instead make it optional. Therefore, FDA is not including the term
``physical activity'' in some of the model health claims as proposed.
Moreover, FDA is revising Sec. 101.72(e) and (f) by removing the term
``regular exercise'' in the model health claims.
III. Analysis of Economic Impacts
A. Final Regulatory Impact Analysis
FDA has examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive
Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), and
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4). Executive
Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits of
available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, to
select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including
potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other
advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The agency believes that
this final rule is not a significant regulatory action as defined by
the Executive order.
The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze
regulatory options that would minimize any significant economic impact
of a rule on small entities. The final rule amends the current calcium
and osteoporosis health claim language and will require changes to the
claim language on products currently bearing the health claim. Thus,
the only mandatory costs of this final rule will be the costs to update
the current wording of the calcium and osteoporosis health claim on
those products that currently bear the claim. Based on FDA's 2001 Food
Label and Package Survey (FLAPS) (see discussion in section III.A.2
``Background'' of this document), very few products bear the calcium
and osteoporosis health claim. Therefore, because of the limited use of
the current calcium and osteoporosis health claim, the agency certifies
that the final rule will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Section 202(a) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires
that agencies prepare a written statement, which includes an assessment
of anticipated costs and benefits, before proposing ``any rule that
includes any Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by
State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more (adjusted annually for
inflation) in any one year.'' The current threshold after adjustment
for inflation is $130 million, using the most current (2007) Implicit
Price Deflator for the Gross Domestic Product. FDA does not expect this
final rule to result in any 1-year expenditure that would meet or
exceed this amount and has determined that this final rule does not
constitute a significant rule under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
1. Need for This Regulation
Current regulations do not permit food producers to claim health
benefits for products by linking the intake of vitamin D, when combined
with the intake of calcium, with a reduced risk of osteoporosis.
However, current regulations do permit food producers to claim health
benefits for products by linking calcium intake with a reduced risk of
osteoporosis only if they also list the specific risk factors and at-
risk subpopulations for osteoporosis, the mechanism by which calcium
reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and the limit of the benefits of
dietary calcium at certain levels.
Health claims can inform consumers about diet-disease relationships
and encourage producers to produce more healthful foods. This final
rule will allow producers to make more nutrition information related to
osteoporosis available to consumers (linking the intake of calcium and
vitamin D to the risk of osteoporosis), while eliminating other
information currently required to be given to consumers when claiming
health benefits relating to the relationship between calcium intake and
the risk of osteoporosis.
2. Background
Osteoporosis represents a major public health problem in the United
States. This disease affects more than 10 million individuals and
causes approximately 1.5 million fractures annually. Every year, these
lead to more than 2.6 million physician office visits, over 800,000
emergency room visits, and more than 500,000 hospitalizations, and the
placement of nearly 180,000 people into nursing homes. The direct care
expenditures for osteoporotic fractures alone range from 12 to 18
billion dollars each year (measured in 2002 dollars) (Ref. 13). The
indirect health costs of osteoporosis, such as pain, suffering, and
lost mobility, are also large. Average calcium and vitamin D intakes
are below recommended levels for many consumers (Refs. 13, 14 and 15).
Even though many consumers are not achieving recommended intakes of
calcium, producers have rarely placed the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim on products that qualify for the claim. FDA's 2001 FLAPS
(the most recently available data) showed only 1 out of the 87 shelf-
stable juice products surveyed, a fortified orange juice, bearing the
calcium and osteoporosis health claim. None of the 10 milk products
surveyed bore the claim (Ref. 16).
3. Regulatory Options
FDA identified four regulatory options for this final rule: (1)
Take no new regulatory action; (2) reduce the required language in the
existing calcium and osteoporosis health claim; (3) expand the existing
calcium and osteoporosis health claim to include vitamin D; or (4)
reduce the required language in the existing calcium and osteoporosis
health claim and include vitamin D as an option to the claim, as
described in this final rule.
4. Changes in Market Behavior in Response to Options
This final rule will require that any food manufacturers wishing
their products' labels to make the calcium, or calcium and vitamin D,
and osteoporosis health claim be redesigned. Labels must be redesigned
in order for a food to carry the health claim since information on
populations at particular risk for osteoporosis would no longer be
required or allowed for the claim (see Sec. 101.72(c)(2)(A) and
Manufacturers that wish to continue making a calcium and
osteoporosis health claim on their products will not need to
reformulate their products under the final rule. The nature of the food
eligible to make a calcium and osteoporosis health claim remains food
that meets or exceeds a ``high'' level of calcium (as defined in 21 CFR
101.54(b)). Manufacturers wishing to take advantage of the expanded
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis health
[[Page 56482]]
claim may voluntarily choose to reformulate their products. If some
producers choose to reformulate their products to take advantage of the
calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis health claim, they reveal that
they expect the private benefit that the claims give them to exceed the
expense of making the claims. If this is not the case, no producer will
voluntarily choose to use the claims. Likewise, consumers who choose to
purchase the products with the amended health claims reveal that they
value the products more highly than other alternatives, including not
purchasing the products.
We considered five potential effects in estimating the relative
public health benefits of the options: (1) The extent to which the
option encourages producers to use the health claims on their food
labels; (2) the extent to which the option encourages producers to
reformulate their products to make the health claims; (3) the extent to
which the option provides information to consumers; (4) potential risk-
risk tradeoffs (where the action taken to reduce the risk posed by one
hazard causes an increase in the risk posed by another hazard) with
each option; and (5) the availability of information on the
relationship between osteoporosis and calcium and vitamin D to
consumers who do not consume dairy products.
a. Producer responses. There are four likely responses to this
final rule from producers: (1) Make no changes (i.e., continue not
making the calcium or calcium and vitamin D health claim; (2) create
new product labels to continue making the calcium and osteoporosis
health claim (for products already making the existing claim); (3) add
the health claims to their products that qualify for the health claims
(increase usage of the claim due to the new wording requirements); and
(4) reformulate their products (by fortifying with calcium or vitamin
D, for example) to qualify for the health claims.
Several factors affect whether producers choose to use health
claims, including the flexibility of the health claims and how
appealing the health claims are to consumers. Revising the existing
calcium and osteoporosis health claim language to make it shorter will
make it more appealing to put the health claims on labels. Package
space is limited, so more flexible and shorter claims are easier to
use. Also, Wansink, et al. (2004) found that shorter health claims on
the front of the package led to more favorable beliefs about the
product and a more positive image of the product among consumers (Ref.
Approving a calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis health claim
should encourage the manufacturers of foods that are eligible for
fortification with vitamin D to do so because they will be able to
publicize the relationship between calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis
on their labels. If producers fortify more products with vitamin D,
consumers can get more vitamin D in their diet without making changes
in their dietary choices.
b. Consumer responses. Providing information about the relationship
between calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis on food packages provides
a number of benefits to consumers, including: (1) Informing them about
the nutrient-disease relationship; (2) helping them identify products
that are high in calcium and vitamin D; and (3) helping them make
dietary choices that reduce their risk of osteoporosis. The extent to
which consumers realize these benefits will depend on the consumer's
knowledge of the relationship between calcium, vitamin D, and bone
health; how many products bear the calcium or calcium and vitamin D
health claims; how many consumers read the health claims; and how much
they change their behavior to include such products in their diets.
There is evidence that consumers who read nutrition information on
packages eat healthier diets (Refs. 18 and 19). However, there is a
great deal of uncertainty about how much consumers change their
behavior in response to label information.
c. Risk-risk tradeoffs. A potential concern is that allowing these
osteoporosis health claims on juice drinks will result in consumers
switching away from milk to juice drinks, which are higher in calories,
for dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D. Table 1 of this document
presents the caloric and nutrient profile of non-fat and low-fat milk
products and an orange juice drink product as reported in the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference. Orange juice drinks are higher in calories and
contain less of some important nutrients than either non-fat or low-fat
milk (table 1 of this document).
Table 1--Profiles of Selected Nutrients in Non-fat and Low-fat Milk and Orange Juice Drink (per 8-ounce serving)
(2) Non-fat Milk (3) Low-fat Milk
Nutrient (1) Orange Juice (Skim), With Added (1%), With Added
Drink Vitamin A Vitamin A
Energy, kilocalorie (kcal) 134 83 102
Protein, gram (g) 0.5 8.25 8.22
Total Fat, g 0 0.2 2.37
Saturated Fat, g 0 0.286 1.545
Carbohydrate, g 33.36 12.14 12.18
Total Dietary Fiber, g 0.5 0 0
Total Sugars, g 23.29 12.46 12.69
Calcium, mg 5 306 290
Iron, mg 0.27 0.07 0.07
Magnesium, mg 7 27 27
Phosphorus, mg 10 247 232
[[Page 56483]]
Potassium, mg 104 382 366
Sodium, mg 5 103 107
Zinc, mg 0.05 1.03 1.02
Copper, mg 0.045 0.032 0.024
Manganese, mg 0.017 0.007 0.007
Selenium, [mu]g 0 7.6 8.1
Vitamin C, mg 37.3 0 0
Thiamin, mg 0.945 0.11 0.049
Riboflavin, mg 1.07 0.446 0.451
Niacin, mg 12.44 0.23 0.227
Pantothenic acid, mg 0.149 0.874 0.881
Vitamin B-6, mg 1.244 0.091 0.09
Folate, [mu]g 10 12 12
Vitamin B-12, [mu]g 0 1.3 1.07
Vitamin A, IU 109 499 478
Vitamin D, IU 0 101.46 126.77
Cholesterol, mg 0 5 12
The likelihood of consumers switching from non-fat or low-fat milk
or to higher caloric juice drinks because of this rule is expected to
be small because non-fat and low-fat milk and juice drinks that are
eligible can already make the existing calcium and osteoporosis health
claim. Permitting the same set of products to make the final, simpler
calcium and osteoporosis health claim should not change the relative
appeal of the claim to producers of one type of beverage over another.
The allowance of the new calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis health
claim could expand the set of products making an osteoporosis health
claim; however, the relative appeal of the new claim (calcium and
vitamin D) to producers of non-fat and low-fat milk and juice drinks
should be similar to the appeal of the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim.
There is little evidence to support that consumers would switch
from non-fat or low-fat milk to juice drinks as a result of this final
rule. As stated in the Surgeon General's Report on Bone Health and
Osteoporosis, consuming adequate levels of calcium and vitamin D
throughout life are critically important to an individual's bone
health. However, the report's review of national surveys suggests that
the average calcium intake of individuals is far below the levels
recommended for optimal bone health. One reason cited by the report for
these low levels of calcium intake relates to current lifestyle and
food preferences, which have resulted in reduced intake of dairy
products and other naturally occurring calcium-rich foods. The report
also posits that for some individuals lactose intolerance\1\ may also
play a role in not consuming adequate levels of calcium. Given this
information on the current preference and tolerance for dairy products,
expanding the calcium and osteoporosis health claim to include vitamin
D as a result of this final rule should only lead to an increase in the
overall consumption of these essential, under consumed nutrients.
\1\Lactose intolerance is a condition in which individuals
cannot metabolize lactose, the main sugar found in milk and other
calcium-rich dairy products. Information in the Surgeon General's
2004 Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis indicates that an
estimated 30 to 50 million Americans are affected by lactose
intolerance, although to varying degrees.
In addition, according to the American Beverage Association, U.S.
sales of calcium-fortified orange juice have grown dramatically over
recent years, reaching nearly $1 billion in 2003 (Ref. 20), while
overall sales of juice have not grown. Therefore, FDA expects that the
nutritional profile of diets would most likely improve as a consequence
of changes in consumption resulting from this final rule. Switching
from unfortified to fortified juices would increase needed consumption
of calcium and vitamin D.
5. Benefits and Costs of Regulatory Options
The simplification of the current health claim for calcium and
osteoporosis, along with the additional health claim for calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis should increase and expand the current
usage of the health claim and therefore improve the U.S. population's
intake of these two important nutrients. Therefore, all the options
considered below would improve public health relative to the baseline
of taking no new regulatory action. In our analysis of the benefits and
costs of the options, we compare
[[Page 56484]]
the benefits and costs of each option with each other option based on
their relative effects on consumer and producer behavior.
Option 1: Take no new regulatory action.
This option would result in no change to the current situation.
This is the baseline for comparison of options and entails no costs or
Option 2: Reduce the required language in the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim.
Compared with Option 1, this option would increase the appeal of
the claim for producers, increase the use of the claim on products, and
thereby provide consumers with more information on the calcium and
osteoporosis diet-disease relationship. It could encourage more
reformulation of products to fortify with calcium than has occurred
with the existing claim. Like Option 1, this option provides consumers
with no information about the relationship of vitamin D to
With this option, manufacturers of some products making the current
calcium and osteoporosis health claim may have to re-label their
products to reflect the updated wording provided by the claim. The
potential costs associated with a required label change will vary
depending on when the new effective compliance date is established.
Table 2 of this document shows the possible range of costs by product
type of having to re-label to be in compliance with the revised calcium
and osteoporosis health claim. The product re-labeling costs were
estimated using the FDA Labeling Cost Model (Ref. 21). The costs of re-
labeling included are administrative, graphic, prepress, engraving, and
inventory costs. Re-labeling costs are shown for both a 12-month and
24-month compliance period.
Table 2.--Cost of Label Changes for Option 2
12 Months to Comply, Cost Per Label SKU 24 Months to Comply, Cost Per Label SKU
NAICS Codes Product -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low Cost Med Cost High Cost Low Cost Med Cost High Cost
311421 Fruit Juices $7,478 $10,186 $15,282 $5,455 $7,595 $11,897
311514 Non-fat and Low-fat Milk, $11,216 $14,086 $20,437 $7,127 $9,236 $14,327
311511 fluid, dry, powered,
condensed, flavored
311513 Low-fat Cheese, multiple $6,611 $8,759 $13,758 $5,106 $6,999 $11,489
311511 Yogurt-like products $4,554 $6,490 $10,857 $4,140 $5,900 $9,880
325412 Dietary Supplements $9,728 $13,345 $22,834 $8,540 $11,739 $20,266
Average cost of label change regardless of product type $7,917 $10,573 $16,633 $6,074 $8,294 $13,572
Option 3: Expand the existing calcium and osteoporosis health claim to
include vitamin D.
Failing to shorten the existing calcium and osteoporosis health
claim will not make the health claim as appealing to producers and
consumers as Option 2, leading to less claim use and reformulation and
less information provided to consumers than Option 2. This option would
provide consumers with more information on vitamin D than Option 2,
should producers decide to voluntarily re-label and/or reformulate
their products to make use of the added vitamin D language.
Option 4: Reduce the required language in the existing calcium and
osteoporosis health claim and include vitamin D as an option to the
claim, as described in this final rule.
Like Option 2, this option would increase the appeal of the calcium
and osteoporosis health claim for producers and thereby provide
consumers with more information on the calcium and osteoporosis diet-
disease relationship. Also like Option 2, producers of products with
existing calcium and osteoporosis health claim labeling will have to
revise their labeling in order to comply with the revised claim
language. Like Option 3, this option would provide consumers with more
information on vitamin D than Option 2 because the new, simplified
calcium and osteoporosis health claim can now contain information about
vitamin D as well. It could also encourage more reformulation of
products to fortify with vitamin D than would Option 2 and as many
products to fortify with calcium as Option 2.
FDA is unable to quantify the benefits of this final rule due to
uncertainty about the degrees of changes in consumer and producer
behavior. However according to information compiled in the Surgeon
General's 2004 Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis, there are about
1.5 million osteoporotic fractures in the United States each year that
carry annual direct care expenditures of 12 to 18 billion dollars per
year (2002 dollars). These fractures cause more than half a million
hospitalizations, over 800,000 emergency room encounters, more than 2.6
million physician office visits, and the placement of nearly 180,000
individuals into nursing homes annually (Ref. 13). The direct costs of
other complications from osteoporosis, and the indirect costs of these
fractures and other osteoporotic ailments (e.g., the value of
functional disability to the patient, the value of the pain and
suffering to the patient, the costs experienced by the care giver) if
calculated, would add substantially to the annual costs of this
disease. Any increase in calcium and vitamin D intake by consumers
insufficient in these nutrients as a result of this final rule could
possibly lower the incidence of osteoporosis and therefore the annual
costs associated with the disease.
Table 3 of this document provides a summary of the effects of the
rule, and which options create the smallest and largest behavior
changes for consumers and producers. All options should produce
positive net benefits, with the largest net benefit arising from Option
4, the final rule. With Option 4, the largest number of products and
labels would
[[Page 56485]]
change, leading to the largest reduction in the risk of osteoporosis.
Table 3.--Summary of Effects of Options
Effect Largest Effect Smallest Effect
Encouraging producer use of the Option 4 Option 1
Encouraging fortification Option 4 Option 1
Informing consumers Option 4 Option 1
Informing consumers who do not buy Option 4 Option 1
dairy products about alternative
food sources for vitamin D
B. Small Entity Analysis (or Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis)
FDA has examined the economic implications of this final rule as
required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612). If a
rule has a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities, the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze
regulatory options that would lessen the economic effect of the rule on
small entities consistent with statutory objectives. FDA does not
believe that this final rule will have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities because the only mandatory costs
of this rule are the costs to update the current wording of the calcium
and osteoporosis health claim for manufacturers of products that
currently make the claim and wish to continue doing so. Also previously
mentioned, FDA's 2001 Food Label and Package Survey showed only 1 out
of 87 shelf-stable juice products surveyed bore the current calcium and
osteoporosis health claim while none of the 10 milk products surveyed
bore the claim. This implies that not many products eligible to bear
the current claim would need to be re-labeled as a result of this final
In addition, FDA establishes uniform compliance dates for final
food labeling regulations in 2-year intervals. Therefore, companies
whose products currently make the calcium and osteoporosis health claim
and wish to continue doing so will have between 1 and 2 years to use
existing label inventory and expense the costs of designing revised
labeling. FDA estimates that on average, the cost to re-label a product
according to the revised health claim language will be $7,900 to
$16,600 per product if the compliance period is 12 months; and $6,100
to $13,600 per product if the compliance period is 24 months. In the
calcium and vitamin D proposed rule, FDA requested comments on whether
the rule would have a significant impact on a substantial number of
small entities. FDA received no comments on the issue of significant
impacts on any size business. Manufacturers that wish to begin using
the revised calcium and osteoporosis health claim or the new calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis health claim will only do so if the
benefits of labeling their products to inform consumers of the claim
outweigh the costs of doing so.
IV. Environmental Impact
FDA has determined under 21 CFR 25.32(p) that this action is of a
type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant
effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental
assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.
V. Paperwork Reduction Act
FDA concludes that the labeling provisions of this final rule are
not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget because
they do not constitute a ``collection of information'' under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). Rather, the food
labeling health claims on the association between calcium and
osteoporosis or calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis is a ``public
disclosure of information originally supplied by the Federal Government
to the recipient for the purpose of disclosure to the public.'' (5 CFR
VI. Federalism
FDA has analyzed this final rule in accordance with the principles
set forth in Executive Order 13132. FDA has determined that the rule
will have a preemptive effect on State law. Section 4(a) of the
Executive Order requires agencies to ``construe * * * a Federal statute
to preempt State law only where the statute contains an express
preemption provision or there is some other clear evidence that the
Congress intended preemption of State law, or where the exercise of
State authority conflicts with the exercise of Federal authority under
the Federal statute.'' Section 403A of the act (21 U.S.C. 343-1) is an
express preemption provision. Section 403A(a)(5) of the act (21 U.S.C.
343-1(a)(5)) provides that: ``* * * no State or political subdivision
of a State may directly or indirectly establish under any authority or
continue in effect as to any food in interstate commerce--* * * (5) any
requirement respecting any claim of the type described in section
403(r)(1) made in the label or labeling of food that is not identical
to the requirement of section 403(r) * * *.''
This final rule amends the existing food labeling regulations on
health claims for calcium and osteoporosis. Although this rule has a
preemptive effect in that it precludes States from issuing any health
claim labeling requirements for calcium and osteoporosis or calcium,
vitamin D, and osteoporosis that are not identical to those required by
this final rule, this preemptive effect is consistent with what
Congress set forth in section 403A of the act. Section 403A(a)(5) of
the act displaces both State legislative requirements and State common
law duties. Riegel v. Medtronic, 128 S. Ct. 999 (2008).
FDA believes that the preemptive effect of the final rule is
consistent with Executive Order 13132. Section 4(e) of the Executive
order provides that ``when an agency proposes to act through
adjudication or rulemaking to preempt State law, the agency shall
provide all affected State and local officials notice and an
opportunity for appropriate participation in the proceedings.''' On
February 17, 2006, FDA's Division of Federal and State Relations
provided notice by fax and e-mail transmission to State health
commissioners, State agriculture commissioners, food program directors,
and drug program directors as well as FDA field personnel, of FDA's
intended amendments to the calcium and osteoporosis health claim (21
CFR 101.72). FDA received no comments in response to this notice.
[[Page 56486]]
In addition, the agency sought input from all stakeholders through
publication of the proposed rule in the Federal Register on January 5,
2007 (72 FR 497). FDA received no comments from any States on the
proposed rulemaking.
In conclusion, the agency believes that it has complied with all of
the applicable requirements under the Executive order and has
determined that the preemptive effects of this rule are consistent with
Executive Order 13132.
VII. References
The following references have been placed on display in the
Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration,
5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20857, and may be seen by
interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
(FDA has verified the Web site addresses, but FDA is not responsible
for any subsequent changes to the Web sites after this document
publishes in the Federal Register.)
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8. Dawson-Hughes, B., S. S. Harris, E. A. Krall, et al.,
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9. Da