Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards, 53865 [E8-21714]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 181 / Wednesday, September 17, 2008 / Notices
CESLAC/ approximately two weeks
before the meeting. If a printed copy of
the material is needed, please contact
Ms. Nicole Kalas by: (1) E-mail at; (2)
phone at (202) 466–3731, ext. 239; 3)
mail at Stratus Consulting, 1920 L St.,
NW., Suite 420, Washington, DC 20036.
Based on the extent of public
participation in previous meetings of
CESLAC, thirty minutes of this meeting
will be allocated for statements by
members of the public. Individuals who
are interested in making statements
should inform Jack Fitzgerald of their
interest by Thursday, October 2, and
provide a copy of their statements for
the record. Individuals will be
scheduled in the order that their
statements of intent to present are
received. A minimum of three minutes
will be provided for each statement. The
maximum amount of time will depend
on the number of statements to be made.
All statements, regardless of whether
there is sufficient time to present them
orally, will be included in the record
and considered by the committee. To
request accommodation of a disability,
please also contact Jack Fitzgerald,
preferably at least ten days prior to the
meeting, to give EPA as much time as
possible to process your request.
Dated: September 10, 2008.
Jack Fitzgerald,
Designated Federal Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–21734 Filed 9–16–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Meeting of the
Interagency Steering Committee on
Radiation Standards
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) will host a meeting of the
Interagency Steering Committee on
Radiation Standards (ISCORS) on
October 1, 2008, in Washington, DC.
The purpose of ISCORS is to foster early
resolution and coordination of
regulatory issues associated with
radiation standards. Agencies
represented as members of ISCORS
include the following: EPA; Nuclear
Regulatory Commission; Department of
Energy; Department of Defense;
Department of Transportation;
Department of Homeland Security;
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Department of Labor’s Occupational
Safety and Health Administration; and
the Department of Health and Human
Services. ISCORS meeting observer
agencies include the Office of Science
and Technology Policy, Office of
Management and Budget, Defense
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, as well
as representatives from both the States
of Illinois and Pennsylvania. ISCORS
maintains several objectives: Facilitate a
consensus on allowable levels of
radiation risk to the public and workers;
promote consistent and scientifically
sound risk assessment and risk
management approaches in setting and
implementing standards for
occupational and public protection from
ionizing radiation; promote
completeness and coherence of Federal
standards for radiation protection; and
identify interagency radiation protection
issues and coordinate their resolution.
ISCORS meetings include presentations
by the chairs of the subcommittees and
discussions of current radiation
protection issues. Committee meetings
normally involve pre-decisional intragovernmental discussions and, as such,
are normally not open for observation
by members of the public or media. One
of the four ISCORS meetings each year
is open to all interested members of the
public. There will be time on the agenda
for members of the public to provide
comments. Summaries of previous
ISCORS meetings are available at the
ISCORS Web site,
The final agenda for the October 2008
meeting will be posted on the Web site
shortly before the meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
October 1, 2008, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The ISCORS meeting will
be held in Room 1153 of the EPA East
building at 1201 Constitution Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460. Attendees
are required to present a photo ID such
as a government agency photo
identification badge or valid driver’s
license. Visitors and their belongings
will be screened by EPA security
guards. Visitors must sign the visitors
log at the security desk and will be
issued a visitors badge by the security
guards to gain access to the meeting.
Marisa Savoy, Radiation Protection
Division, Office of Radiation and Indoor
Air, Mailcode 6608J, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460;
telephone 202–343–9237; fax 202–343–
2302; e-mail address
parking around the EPA East building is
limited; however, the EPA East building
PO 00000
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is located adjacent to the Federal
Triangle metro stop on the Blue and
Orange Lines. Visit the ISCORS Web
site, for more
detailed information.
Dated: September 10, 2008.
Jonathan Edwards,
Acting Director, Office of Radiation and
Indoor Air.
[FR Doc. E8–21714 Filed 9–16–08; 8:45 am]
NPDES Program Management
Information Rule
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
gives notice of a meeting to discuss the
NPDES Program Management
Information Rule. This meeting will be
a session at which EPA will present
possible options for the proposed rule.
The purpose of this meeting is to give
interested parties an opportunity to
discuss the proposed rule options and to
provide EPA comments on the
presented options.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m. EST.
ADDRESSES: The meeting location is EPA
East Room 1153, 1201 Constitution
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Participants may call into the meeting at
1–866–212–1875, access code: 835325#.
Lauren Spath at 202–565–0016 or Please reply by
September 30, 2008 if you plan on
calling in or attending this meeting.
meeting will be open to all stakeholders
interested in the rule EPA is developing
to gather NPDES program management
information. After considerable dialogue
with NPDES authorized states, the
Association of State and Interstate Water
Pollution Control Administrators, and
the Environmental Council of States,
EPA decided to develop a proposed
rulemaking in order to ensure that the
site specific information essential to
manage the national NPDES program,
thereby ensuring protection of public
health and the environment, is available
on a nationally consistent, timely,
accurate, and complete basis.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 181 (Wednesday, September 17, 2008)]
[Page 53865]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-21714]
Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on
Radiation Standards
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a meeting
of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS)
on October 1, 2008, in Washington, DC. The purpose of ISCORS is to
foster early resolution and coordination of regulatory issues
associated with radiation standards. Agencies represented as members of
ISCORS include the following: EPA; Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
Department of Energy; Department of Defense; Department of
Transportation; Department of Homeland Security; Department of Labor's
Occupational Safety and Health Administration; and the Department of
Health and Human Services. ISCORS meeting observer agencies include the
Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of Management and
Budget, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, as well as
representatives from both the States of Illinois and Pennsylvania.
ISCORS maintains several objectives: Facilitate a consensus on
allowable levels of radiation risk to the public and workers; promote
consistent and scientifically sound risk assessment and risk management
approaches in setting and implementing standards for occupational and
public protection from ionizing radiation; promote completeness and
coherence of Federal standards for radiation protection; and identify
interagency radiation protection issues and coordinate their
resolution. ISCORS meetings include presentations by the chairs of the
subcommittees and discussions of current radiation protection issues.
Committee meetings normally involve pre-decisional intra-governmental
discussions and, as such, are normally not open for observation by
members of the public or media. One of the four ISCORS meetings each
year is open to all interested members of the public. There will be
time on the agenda for members of the public to provide comments.
Summaries of previous ISCORS meetings are available at the ISCORS Web
site, The final agenda for the October 2008
meeting will be posted on the Web site shortly before the meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on October 1, 2008, from 1 p.m. to 4
ADDRESSES: The ISCORS meeting will be held in Room 1153 of the EPA East
building at 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Attendees are required to present a photo ID such as a government
agency photo identification badge or valid driver's license. Visitors
and their belongings will be screened by EPA security guards. Visitors
must sign the visitors log at the security desk and will be issued a
visitors badge by the security guards to gain access to the meeting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marisa Savoy, Radiation Protection
Division, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Mailcode 6608J,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20460; telephone 202-343-9237; fax 202-343-2302; e-mail
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Visitor parking around the EPA East building
is limited; however, the EPA East building is located adjacent to the
Federal Triangle metro stop on the Blue and Orange Lines. Visit the
ISCORS Web site, for more detailed information.
Dated: September 10, 2008.
Jonathan Edwards,
Acting Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air.
[FR Doc. E8-21714 Filed 9-16-08; 8:45 am]