Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies; Availability of Proposed Principles and Request for Comments, 52960-52964 [E8-21294]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 178 / Friday, September 12, 2008 / Notices
number of
Designation and Compliance ...............................................
Annual ..................................................................................
Burden means the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons
to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; develop, acquire,
install, and utilize technology and
systems for the purposes of collecting,
validating, and verifying information,
processing and maintaining information
and disclosing and providing
information; adjust the existing ways to
comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements; train
personnel to be able to respond to a
collection of information; and transmit
or otherwise disclose the information.
Dated: September 8, 2008.
David A. Stawick,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. E8–21287 Filed 9–11–08; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army
Availability of Non-Exclusive,
Exclusive License or Partially
Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Patent
Concerning ‘‘Continuous Disreefing
Apparatus for Parachute’’
Department of the Army, DoD.
SUMMARY: In accordance with 37 CFR
Part 404.6, announcement is made of
the availability for licensing of US
Patent No. US 7,416,158 entitled
‘‘Continuous Disreefing Apparatus for
Parachute’’ issued August 26, 2008. This
patent has been assigned to the United
States Government as represented by the
Secretary of the Army.
Jeffrey DiTullio at U.S. Army Soldier
Systems Center, Kansas Street, Natick,
MA 01760, Phone: (508) 233–4184 or email:
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annually by
licenses granted shall comply with 35
U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR Part 404.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–21288 Filed 9–11–08; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army; Corps of
Economic and Environmental
Principles and Guidelines for Water
and Related Land Resources
Implementation Studies; Availability of
Proposed Principles and Request for
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Announcement of availability of
proposed Principles and request for
SUMMARY: Section 2031 of the Water
Resources Development Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 110–114) directs the Secretary
of the Army to revise the Economic and
Environmental Principles and
Guidelines for Water and Related Land
Resources Implementation Studies
(P&G), which the Water Resources
Council issued on March 10, 1983. The
Army Corps of Engineers (‘‘Corps’’)
proposes to craft the revision in phases.
The first phase would address the basic
principles of water resources planning
(‘‘Principles’’) and the next phase or
phases would provide more detailed
implementing guidance.
This notice includes a copy of the
proposed Principles (see
would replace the first two pages of the
P&G. The proposed Principles may also
be found at:
DATES: Written comments are invited
and will be accepted through October
15, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
submitted in writing to HQUSACE,
Attn: P&G Revision, CECW–ZA, 441 G
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314–
1000, by e-mail to:
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Total annual
average number of hours
per response
910 or FAX:
Larry J. Prather, Assistant Director of
Civil Works, at 202–761–0106.
2031 of the Water Resources
Development Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110–
114) directs the Secretary of the Army
to revise the Economic and
Environmental Principles and
Guidelines for Water and Related Land
Resources Implementation Studies,
dated March 10, 1983, and to apply the
revisions to all water resources projects
carried out by the Secretary, other than
projects for which the Secretary has
already commenced a feasibility study.
The Corps requested interested
individuals and organizations to submit
suggestions for revision of the P&G in a
notice published in the Federal Register
(73 FR 26086) on Thursday, May 8,
2008. As announced in that notice, the
Corps also held a public meeting to hear
oral suggestions for proposed revisions
on June 5, 2008. Several major issues
were discussed in the oral or written
comments, including watershed
planning, collaborative planning, the
reliance on benefit cost ratios, giving
more standing to environmental values,
and non-structural flood damage
reduction projects.
The Corps is now asking interested
individuals and organizations to submit
comments on the proposed Principles.
Comments on any aspect of the proposal
are welcome.
The issues on which the public may
want to comment include: actions
covered by the Principles (section 1),
the language used to describe the
national planning objective (section 2),
the role of public safety in project
formulation (sections 2, 7, and 9), the
role of watershed analysis (section 4),
the response to uncertainty (sections 5,
6, and 9), ensuring consideration of all
reasonable alternatives (sections 6 and
7), the definition of and preference for
non-structural plans (sections 7 and 9),
and the plan selection criteria (section
9). Comments are also specifically
invited on the appropriate discount rate
to use in formulating proposed water
resources projects.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 178 / Friday, September 12, 2008 / Notices
Section 9 of the proposed Principles
includes use of a higher economic
standard for projects, project features,
and increments of work whose primary
purpose is to achieve economic benefits.
A benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.5, rather
than the current 1.0 BCR threshold in
the 1983 P&G, is proposed. This would
result in projects that are more likely to
provide a positive net economic return,
and would provide better value from the
available Federal and local resources.
The proposed new standard would
exclude projects, project features, and
increments of work that provide a low
return to the Nation.
While section 2031 of the Water
Resources Development Act applies to
water resources projects of the Corps,
the proposed Principles are drafted
more broadly to allow for the possibility
that they can be applied to the other
Federal water resource agencies
currently covered by the P&G.
Comments are invited on suggested
changes in language that might be
desirable to enable other water
resources agencies to use these
Principles as well.
Written comments (by mail, fax, or email) should be submitted to (see
ADDRESSES). Comments will be posted
on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Web site (
Interested individuals and organizations
may access copies of the following
documents at this Internet site: the
Economic and Environmental Principles
and Guidelines for Water and Related
Land Resources Implementation
Studies, dated March 10, 1983; the
Water Resources Development Act of
2007 (Pub. L. 110–114); and the
proposed Principles. Copies of these
three documents may also be requested
by mail or e-mail (see ADDRESSES). Other
relevant documents, including the
written suggestions received earlier, are
also available at this Internet site.
Proposed Principles. 1. Purpose and
Scope. These principles and the
associated guidelines are intended to
ensure proper, consistent and
transparent planning in the formulation,
evaluation, and selection of proposed
Federal water and related land resources
These principles establish the process
for such planning studies and how each
phase of the process functions. In
addition, these principles provide the
analytical framework to be followed for
proposed further investments in,
extensive modifications to, and
expanded changes in operation of
existing Federal water resources projects
and systems.
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2. National Planning Objective. The
national objective of water and related
land resources planning is to foster
environmentally sound, efficient use of
the Nation’s resources consistent with
public safety. This can be accomplished
through watershed analyses that
recognize the interdependency of water
uses. This is strengthened by
capitalizing on a collaborative planning
and implementation process which
incorporates fully informed
participation from Federal agencies,
non-Federal interests, non-governmental
organizations, State and local and Tribal
governments, and a full range of water
users and stakeholders.
Water and related land resources
planning that is consistent with the
national planning objective seeks to
incorporate some or all of these
elements: facilitate sustainable national
economic development, encourage wise
use of water and related land
resources—including floodplains and
flood-prone coastal areas, support the
protection and restoration of significant
aquatic ecosystems, promote the
integration and improvement of how the
Nation’s water resources are managed;
and reduce vulnerabilities and losses
due to natural disasters.
3. Overview. The basic planning
process consists of the following major
(1) Specification of the water and
water related land resources problems
and opportunities in the planning
setting and their relationship to the
national planning objective;
(2) Inventory and analysis of the
current condition of the water and
related land resources relevant to the
identified problems and opportunities;
(3) Identification of study objectives
with respect to the problems and
opportunities, after taking into account
current and potential future uses of the
water resources;
(4) Formulation of a full range of
alternative plans reflecting those study
(5) Evaluation of the potential effects
of the alternative plans;
(6) Comparison of the alternative
plans; and
(7) Selection of a proposed plan,
which best meets both the study
objectives and the national planning
The planning process is dynamic with
various steps that should be iterated as
new data are obtained, or as the
understanding of the problems,
opportunities, and study objectives or
their significance changes or is better
defined. These iterations, which may
occur at any step, may sharpen the
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planning focus or change its direction or
4. Watersheds. Water and related land
resources have many, and at times
competing, alternative uses. Water
resources planning can identify and
address the synergies and trade-offs
associated with these multiple uses
within the watershed.
Water and related land resources
planning should commence from the
watershed level to determine how the
problems and opportunities being
examined in a study fits into the current
and expected watershed needs. The
planning effort is primarily informed by
such watershed analysis wherein
proposed projects are considered in the
full light of upstream and downstream
conditions and needs that ensures
project recommendations are part of a
complementary systems solution. This
highlights the importance that planning
proceed, in a coordinated systems
context, with the interactions of other
programs, projects, and plans that are
relevant within the related watershed
being understood.
Water resources planning is
collaborative and may consider
alternatives and strategies for
implementation by other Federal
agencies, state and local agencies,
Native American tribes, non-Federal
interests, non-governmental
organizations, affected groups and
individuals, and/or the public at large.
The focus should be on developing
plans that are consistent with the
national planning objective and are
efficient, complete, and effective.
5. Science Based Analysis. Harnessing
accurate and high quality data, using
expert knowledge, and taking an
interdisciplinary approach to
incorporating the information into the
planning process is critical to effective
and well executed planning.
Knowledge. Water and related land
resources planning can only be
successful when using knowledge and
expertise effectively, as well as, the best
information available in each step of the
process. Objectivity and the elimination
of sources of potential bias are critical
in the planning process.
Accuracy and Quality of Data.
Decision-making can be of the highest
quality when it is founded on the best
available data and models with high
degrees of accuracy in hydrology,
engineering, geology, ecology, other
physical and life sciences, economics
and other relevant social sciences.
Interdisciplinary Planning. Due to the
complicated nature of water and related
land resources planning, an
interdisciplinary team approach to
planning will ensure the proper
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integration of engineering, physical and
life sciences, social sciences, economics,
and environmental design. Success in
planning is best achieved by matching
appropriate planning disciplines to the
planning issues to be addressed.
Peer Review. Peer review by experts
from within the agency is an important
element of successful planning. It can
add to the knowledge available to
planners and is best integrated into the
planning process on an ongoing basis.
Where appropriate, outside independent
experts should be brought into the
planning process to confirm the
agency’s analytical methods and
analysis, the conclusions of the report
based on these methods and analysis, or
the way in which the agency conducted
the planning process.
Risk and Uncertainty. Water and
related land resources planning, even
with the best engineering, science,
economics and other knowledge
possible, will still have elements of risk
(probability of occurrence) and
uncertainty (imprecision of
measurements and analysis). It is
important to explicitly identify,
characterize, and document the risks
and uncertainty throughout the
planning process. A clear description of
the risks and uncertainties adds
important value to the planning process
by allowing decisions to be made with
full knowledge of the degree of
reliability and the limits of the data and
information used.
6. Conditions. Gathering information
on the conditions in an area that is
relevant to the planning issues under
study is essential before defining a
series of alternatives. Though conditions
may change or become better defined
during the planning process, it is
essential to understand the conditions
that are important to the planning issue
and developing the assumptions based
on those conditions in a logical, clear
and transparent manner.
Inclusion of Other Parties. Other
interested Federal agencies, state and
local agencies, affected groups and
individuals, Native American tribes
with an interest, and the public at large
are to be provided a full opportunity to
inform decisions throughout the
planning process, including providing
data and evidence necessary for plan
formulation and evaluation.
Inventory of Current Conditions. An
inventory of current water and related
land resources conditions in the area of
the watershed that either is contributory
to or affected by the planning effort is
an integral part of being able to describe
the existing conditions. An inventory,
sufficiently broad in scale to encompass
all significant causes and effects is
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integral to the planning process.
Significant physical, economic,
ecological, safety, cultural, social,
aesthetic, and other relevant conditions
that are part of this inventory provide a
snapshot of the present, and are a
consequence of the past. Therefore, the
inventory is likely to include the
relevant geologic, geomorphologic,
hydrologic, climatic, economic, cultural,
social, land use, and other historic data
necessary to build the picture of the
An inventory, which is expanded as
needed to assist the planning process,
can be used throughout the process to
advance the national planning
objective—for example, to revise the
statement of problems and opportunities
or further define them; to identify or
revise the study objectives; to sharpen
the planning focus or change its
direction or emphasis; and to inform the
formulation and refinement of
alternative plans and the evaluation of
those plans.
Projection of with and without Plan
Conditions. The world is dynamic and
planning for the uncertain future
requires a reasonable forecast of future
events and outcomes. The inventory and
analysis of current conditions provides
the baseline data for use in forecasting
future conditions.
A specific set of assumed future
conditions, based on the best estimate of
the conditions that are likely to prevail
in the presence and in the absence of a
proposed action, is one approach to look
at future conditions. The with and
without plan condition is an objectively
based, extrapolation of current
conditions into the future which serves
as one basis for estimating and
evaluating the cost, effectiveness, and
beneficial and adverse effects of the
alternative plans.
The development of the with and
without plan condition is guided
primarily by what is known and is the
key part of the planning process that
drives justification of recommended
projects. Assumed changes from the
present to the future are based on a
series of observed past events that
provide a reasonable basis to quantify
the probability of occurrence of a
similar trend into the future.
The future conditions also reflect any
such changes that are likely to occur
under current government policy. As
these are the basis for future analyses,
it is important that the rationale for
development of these conditions be
clearly documented.
7. Plan Formulation. Plan formulation
is undertaken to determine the Federal
interest in solving identified water
resources problems. This is
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accomplished by creating a full range of
alternative plans meeting the national
planning objective while reflecting the
study objectives for water and related
land resources projects. While
development of alternatives is generally
unconstrained, the development of
alternatives must take into account the
ability to implement that plan in
consideration of Federal and nonFederal resources considering their
availability for water resources purposes
nationwide is finite—both at any point
in time and over the long-term.
7.1 General Considerations.
Structural Plans. Structural plans are
those that intentionally modify existing
hydrologic and geomorphic processes,
including most aquatic ecosystem
restoration plans.
Non-Structural Plans. Non-structural
plans are those that avoid or minimize
changes to the existing hydrologic and
geomorphic processes by changed
management or use of existing
infrastructure or by emphasizing
alternatives that manage human activity
and development. Nonstructural
alternatives also often avoid or
minimize adverse impacts in the aquatic
Public Safety. Addressing concerns
over public safety is achieved by
assuring infrastructure is reliable, and
that risks posed to human life and
security are avoided, reduced, or
mitigated consistent with current
engineering standards and are a
component of both structural and
nonstructural plans. Additionally, plans
that clearly describe any residual risk,
the measures to address or manage that
risk, its resiliency, and the associated
components of cooperation needed to
assure public safety stand to add value
and understanding to the planning
Environmental. Addressing concerns
over adverse environmental impact and
how to avoid, minimize, and mitigate
these impacts on the environment are a
component of both structural and
nonstructural plans.
Key Assumptions. Important to the
planning process is understanding and
explicitly stating the key assumptions,
the supporting rationale for these
assumptions, and the predicted and
achieved outcomes based on similar
approaches used in the past that have
relied heavily on these assumptions.
Lifecycle Considerations. An ongoing
evaluation of the lifecycle and ability of
current systems to meet contemporary
needs is especially valuable during the
planning process. The planning process
provides an opportunity to evaluate and
examine whether extensively modifying
operations, adding features, or
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discontinuing features would contribute
to the national planning objective.
Wide Range of Plans. A range of
alternative plans, significantly
differentiated from each other in terms
of their composition of measures, the
extent to which they comport with the
national planning objective, and their
scale and features, are necessary to have
the greatest chance of identifying the
best plan for addressing the planning
Integration with Other Plans.
Alternative plans that are consistent
with other established Federal, State,
local and Tribal plans can add value to
the alternatives. This includes any
synergy with other entities watershed
plans, aquatic ecosystem plans, and
integrated water resource management
plans or any elements contained within
them. The inclusion of clear and
explicit descriptions and consideration
of these other entities’ plans as well as
describing the similarities and
differences, synergies and
discrepancies, potential implementation
coordination, and other relevant
explanations of their plans adds clarity
to the planning process.
Consistency with Existing Statutes,
Regulations & Policies. Addressing
concerns over the implementability of
plans is best addressed by including
plans that are consistent with existing
statutes, regulations and policies along
with describing explicitly how they
influence the planning process.
Statutory, regulatory, and/or policy
changes necessary to facilitate a plan
should be described in detail.
7.2 Alternative Plans. Plans are
formulated from combinations of
structural and nonstructural measures
that address the planning problems and
Required Alternatives. In order to
facilitate the development of the widest
range of practical alternative plans, the
following required alternatives
constitute the minimum series of plans
necessary. The concept of a practical
alternative plan means that any of the
required alternatives below can and
often will include elements that meet
the other objectives.
National Economic Development
(NED) Plan: A plan that primarily
maximizes the net contributions to the
NED objective as part of the national
planning objective.
Environmental Quality (EQ) Plan: A
plan that primarily maximizes the net
quantity or quality of the environmental
quality objective as part of the national
planning objective.
Primarily Nonstructural Plan: A plan
which primarily employs nonstructural
elements, and as a secondary
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consideration adds structural features to
address the planning issues.
8. Evaluation of Plans. All plans
should be well characterized, explained,
and justified. The thorough evaluation
of the range of plans developed requires
an open assessment of the plans ability
to meet the evaluative criteria that
begins with, but is not limited to, the
national planning objective.
Additionally, evaluating the effects of
each alternative plan includes, but is
not limited to, its impacts on current
and potential future uses of the water
resources and related land uses
throughout the watershed, impacts and
potential effects of climate change, the
relationship of each alternative plan to
other relevant water and related land
resources projects, and the relationship
of each alternative plan to other existing
8.1 General Considerations.
Interdisciplinary Team Evaluation.
An interdisciplinary team approach to
the plan evaluation process can ensure
the integration of engineering,
economics, natural and social sciences,
and the environment in a balanced
manner based on the planning issues to
be addressed. The disciplines of the
planners are to be appropriately
matched to the planning issues, and
appropriate consultation and inclusion
of those with specialized expertise is
integral to develop a balanced plan that
addresses the issues of concern.
Multi-Criterion Evaluation,
Consistency & Transparency. Evaluating
each plan against each criterion in a
comparative manner (e.g., matrix)
facilitates the planning process. Effects
accounted for in one account should
only be used once in order to maintain
the consistency of the evaluation
methodology. Not all criteria can be
quantified in a similar manner, therefore
clearly describing the quantified value,
the range of the scale, including any
weighting factor, justification for the
weighting factor, and the value used,
along with how the weighting factor
affected the overall plan, will produce
multi-criterion evaluation for each
alternative plan.
8.2 Required Accounts. In order to
facilitate the evaluation of the range of
alternative plans, the following required
accounts constitute the minimum
evaluative framework necessary.
The following five accounts are used
to catalogue the significant effects of an
alternative on the human environment.
Public Safety (PS): The safety of
populations at risk.
National Economic Development
(NED): The effects on the national
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Environmental Quality (EQ): The
effects on the ecological, cultural,
aesthetic and other attributes of natural
and cultural resources.
Regional Economic Development
(RED): The effects on the regional
economy, including income effects,
income transfers, and employment
effects not addressed in the NED
Other Social Effects (OSE): The effects
on the urban or communities quality of
life and health.
9. Plan Selection. The planning
process leads to the identification of
alternative plans that could be
recommended or selected. These plans
are referred to as the final array of plans
including the required plans. The
culmination of the planning process is
the selection of the recommended plan
from among the final array of plans,
including a potential decision to take no
action. The selection of the
recommended plan, as with the
development of alternatives, must be
cognizant of the national planning
objective, national mission authorities
and of the availability of Federal and
non-Federal resources available for
water and water related resources.
9.1 Selection Criteria.
National Planning Objective Criterion.
The Chief of Engineers may propose a
water and related land resources plan
that involves Federal action only if that
plan would advance the national
planning objective. The goal is to
formulate and propose a series of
projects over time across the Nation,
which together will amount in effect to
an implementable national water
resources plan.
Net Beneficial Effects Criterion. A
recommended plan (when considered
on the basis of the with-plan versus
without-plan comparison) must have
combined NED and beneficial EQ effects
that outweigh the combined NED and
adverse EQ effects. Where both benefits
and costs of the plans can be quantified
and expressed in monetary terms, then
these values will be produced to
provide information on the net
beneficial effects of the plan. Where
benefits cannot be monetized with
reasonable accuracy, or when statutes or
other authorities require non-monetary
values, water and related land resource
plans should present the results of an
incremental cost-effectiveness analysis
and otherwise continue to provide the
information called for in the multicriterion evaluation process.
Uncertainty Criterion. Where
significant uncertainty regarding a
future trend exists, both the option of no
action and an alternative plan based on
proceeding in steps, using an
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incremental adaptive management
approach should be compared to one
another, and the better of these two
options should be pursued.
9.2 Project Types.
Commercial Navigation &
Hydropower. For commercial navigation
and hydropower features, the plan with
high net economic return (benefit cost
ratio of at least 1.5) to the Nation for
each increment of such work, consistent
with protecting the environment, will be
considered minimally acceptable. Plans
that address the most critical needs and
have an increasingly higher benefit cost
ratio should be more heavily weighted
in the selection process.
Flood and Storm Damage Reduction.
Flood and storm damage reduction
features could include structural and
non-structural components. As both
monetary and non-monetary values are
likely to be part of the decision process
when non-structural components are
included, a comparative approach as
identified in the Multi-Criterion
Evaluation, Consistency & Transparency
section will provide the clarity in these
situations for decision making. Where
benefits are measured in monetary
values only, the plan with high net
economic return (benefit cost ratio of at
least 1.5) to the Nation for each
increment of such work, consistent with
protecting the environment, will be
considered minimally acceptable. Plans
that address the most critical needs and
have an increasingly higher benefit cost
ratio should be more heavily weighted
in the selection process. Generally,
when structural and non-structural
components provide viable options
when considering all evaluation criteria,
including benefits, costs and adverse
effects, preference should be given to
non-structural components so long as
the monetary benefits are at least at
unity. If the non-monetary benefits
represent a majority of the total benefits
and are of National significance, then
consideration can be given to selecting
a plan with monetary benefits less than
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration. For
aquatic ecosystem restoration features,
the plan that is cost-effective,
sustainable, and is the alternative plan
that best reflects an appropriate level to
invest for that ecosystem from a national
perspective, after considering the
national or regional significance and
cost of protecting or restoring that
ecosystem compared to others will be
considered as minimally acceptable for
selection. Plans that address the most
critical ecological needs using the
minimum action needed to substantially
improve the natural functions or
services with increasingly higher cost
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effectiveness should be more heavily
weighted in the selection process.
Multiple Objectives. For multiple
objective projects with features and
increments of work whose benefits and
costs are jointly distributed among more
than one objective, each such feature or
increment of work should yield a net
overall return to the Nation after
considering its cost, effectiveness, and
other beneficial and adverse effects.
Where the benefits are measured in
monetary values only; those with high
net economic return (benefit cost ratio
of at least 1.5) to the Nation for each
increment of such work, consistent with
protecting the environment, will be
considered minimally acceptable. Plans
that address the most critical needs and
have an increasingly higher benefit cost
ratio should be more heavily weighted
in the selection process. Where plans
have both monetary and non-monetary
values, a comparative approach as
identified in the Multi-Criterion
Evaluation, Consistency & Transparency
section is to be used to inform a
decision. The monetary benefits of a
multi-criteria plan must at least be
unity. If the non-monetary benefits
represent a majority of the total benefits
and are of national significance, then
consideration can be given to selecting
a plan with monetary benefits less than
9.3 Agency Exception. The Secretary
will ordinarily consider exceptions to
the selection criteria under the
following circumstances: where there
are overriding reasons for doing so,
including safety and other Federal,
State, local, Tribal, and international
concerns. The reasons for an exception
are to be given in a request from the
Chief of Engineers and must be
appropriately documented. The full
planning process carried forth through
the study must be documented,
completed and submitted along with the
documented exception in order to
uphold the ideal of a transparent
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–21294 Filed 9–11–08; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Reclamation
Department of the Army; Corps of
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for the Intake Diversion Dam
Modification, Lower Yellowstone
Project, Montana
Bureau of Reclamation,
Interior, and Corps of Engineers, Army.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement (EIS)
for the Intake Diversion Dam
Modification, Lower Yellowstone
Project, Montana.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and
the Council on Environmental Quality’s
(CEQ) regulations for implementing the
procedural provisions of NEPA, the
Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation)
and the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
(Corps) propose to jointly prepare an
EIS that analyzes and discloses effects
associated with modifications to Intake
Diversion Dam. The proposed Federal
action is to modify Intake Diversion
Dam and canal headworks, features of
Reclamation’s Lower Yellowstone
Project, to improve passage and reduce
entrainment for endangered pallid
sturgeon and other native fish in the
lower Yellowstone River.
Reclamation and the Corps will serve
as joint lead Federal agencies in the
preparation of the Intake Diversion Dam
Modification EIS. Reclamation will act
as administrative lead for NEPA
compliance activities during
preparation of the EIS. Reclamation and
the Corps will each consider and
approve a Record of Decision regarding
actions and decisions for which the
respective agencies are responsible.
DATES: Public scoping meetings will be
held in October 2008. See the
dates and locations of these meetings.
Written or e-mailed comments on the
scope of issues and alternatives to be
considered in the Draft EIS will be
accepted through November 14, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
requests to be added to the mailing list
may be submitted to Bureau of
Reclamation, Montana Area Office,
Attention: Paula Holwegner, P.O. Box
30137, Billings, MT 59107.
Paula Holwegner, Bureau of
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 178 (Friday, September 12, 2008)]
[Pages 52960-52964]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-21294]
Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers
Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water
and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies; Availability of
Proposed Principles and Request for Comments
AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Announcement of availability of proposed Principles and request
for comments.
SUMMARY: Section 2031 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 110-114) directs the Secretary of the Army to revise the
Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and
Related Land Resources Implementation Studies (P&G), which the Water
Resources Council issued on March 10, 1983. The Army Corps of Engineers
(``Corps'') proposes to craft the revision in phases. The first phase
would address the basic principles of water resources planning
(``Principles'') and the next phase or phases would provide more
detailed implementing guidance.
This notice includes a copy of the proposed Principles (see
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION), which would replace the first two pages of
the P&G. The proposed Principles may also be found at: https://
DATES: Written comments are invited and will be accepted through
October 15, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted in writing to HQUSACE, Attn:
P&G Revision, CECW-ZA, 441 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000, by
e-mail to: or FAX: 202-761-5649.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry J. Prather, Assistant Director
of Civil Works, at 202-761-0106.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 2031 of the Water Resources
Development Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-114) directs the Secretary of the
Army to revise the Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines
for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies, dated
March 10, 1983, and to apply the revisions to all water resources
projects carried out by the Secretary, other than projects for which
the Secretary has already commenced a feasibility study.
The Corps requested interested individuals and organizations to
submit suggestions for revision of the P&G in a notice published in the
Federal Register (73 FR 26086) on Thursday, May 8, 2008. As announced
in that notice, the Corps also held a public meeting to hear oral
suggestions for proposed revisions on June 5, 2008. Several major
issues were discussed in the oral or written comments, including
watershed planning, collaborative planning, the reliance on benefit
cost ratios, giving more standing to environmental values, and non-
structural flood damage reduction projects.
The Corps is now asking interested individuals and organizations to
submit comments on the proposed Principles. Comments on any aspect of
the proposal are welcome.
The issues on which the public may want to comment include: actions
covered by the Principles (section 1), the language used to describe
the national planning objective (section 2), the role of public safety
in project formulation (sections 2, 7, and 9), the role of watershed
analysis (section 4), the response to uncertainty (sections 5, 6, and
9), ensuring consideration of all reasonable alternatives (sections 6
and 7), the definition of and preference for non-structural plans
(sections 7 and 9), and the plan selection criteria (section 9).
Comments are also specifically invited on the appropriate discount rate
to use in formulating proposed water resources projects.
[[Page 52961]]
Section 9 of the proposed Principles includes use of a higher
economic standard for projects, project features, and increments of
work whose primary purpose is to achieve economic benefits. A benefit-
cost ratio (BCR) of 1.5, rather than the current 1.0 BCR threshold in
the 1983 P&G, is proposed. This would result in projects that are more
likely to provide a positive net economic return, and would provide
better value from the available Federal and local resources. The
proposed new standard would exclude projects, project features, and
increments of work that provide a low return to the Nation.
While section 2031 of the Water Resources Development Act applies
to water resources projects of the Corps, the proposed Principles are
drafted more broadly to allow for the possibility that they can be
applied to the other Federal water resource agencies currently covered
by the P&G. Comments are invited on suggested changes in language that
might be desirable to enable other water resources agencies to use
these Principles as well.
Written comments (by mail, fax, or e-mail) should be submitted to
(see ADDRESSES). Comments will be posted on the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers Web site (
pandg_rev.htm). Interested individuals and organizations may access
copies of the following documents at this Internet site: the Economic
and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land
Resources Implementation Studies, dated March 10, 1983; the Water
Resources Development Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-114); and the proposed
Principles. Copies of these three documents may also be requested by
mail or e-mail (see ADDRESSES). Other relevant documents, including the
written suggestions received earlier, are also available at this
Internet site.
Proposed Principles. 1. Purpose and Scope. These principles and the
associated guidelines are intended to ensure proper, consistent and
transparent planning in the formulation, evaluation, and selection of
proposed Federal water and related land resources projects.
These principles establish the process for such planning studies
and how each phase of the process functions. In addition, these
principles provide the analytical framework to be followed for proposed
further investments in, extensive modifications to, and expanded
changes in operation of existing Federal water resources projects and
2. National Planning Objective. The national objective of water and
related land resources planning is to foster environmentally sound,
efficient use of the Nation's resources consistent with public safety.
This can be accomplished through watershed analyses that recognize the
interdependency of water uses. This is strengthened by capitalizing on
a collaborative planning and implementation process which incorporates
fully informed participation from Federal agencies, non-Federal
interests, non-governmental organizations, State and local and Tribal
governments, and a full range of water users and stakeholders.
Water and related land resources planning that is consistent with
the national planning objective seeks to incorporate some or all of
these elements: facilitate sustainable national economic development,
encourage wise use of water and related land resources--including
floodplains and flood-prone coastal areas, support the protection and
restoration of significant aquatic ecosystems, promote the integration
and improvement of how the Nation's water resources are managed; and
reduce vulnerabilities and losses due to natural disasters.
3. Overview. The basic planning process consists of the following
major steps:
(1) Specification of the water and water related land resources
problems and opportunities in the planning setting and their
relationship to the national planning objective;
(2) Inventory and analysis of the current condition of the water
and related land resources relevant to the identified problems and
(3) Identification of study objectives with respect to the problems
and opportunities, after taking into account current and potential
future uses of the water resources;
(4) Formulation of a full range of alternative plans reflecting
those study objectives;
(5) Evaluation of the potential effects of the alternative plans;
(6) Comparison of the alternative plans; and
(7) Selection of a proposed plan, which best meets both the study
objectives and the national planning objective.
The planning process is dynamic with various steps that should be
iterated as new data are obtained, or as the understanding of the
problems, opportunities, and study objectives or their significance
changes or is better defined. These iterations, which may occur at any
step, may sharpen the planning focus or change its direction or
4. Watersheds. Water and related land resources have many, and at
times competing, alternative uses. Water resources planning can
identify and address the synergies and trade-offs associated with these
multiple uses within the watershed.
Water and related land resources planning should commence from the
watershed level to determine how the problems and opportunities being
examined in a study fits into the current and expected watershed needs.
The planning effort is primarily informed by such watershed analysis
wherein proposed projects are considered in the full light of upstream
and downstream conditions and needs that ensures project
recommendations are part of a complementary systems solution. This
highlights the importance that planning proceed, in a coordinated
systems context, with the interactions of other programs, projects, and
plans that are relevant within the related watershed being understood.
Water resources planning is collaborative and may consider
alternatives and strategies for implementation by other Federal
agencies, state and local agencies, Native American tribes, non-Federal
interests, non-governmental organizations, affected groups and
individuals, and/or the public at large. The focus should be on
developing plans that are consistent with the national planning
objective and are efficient, complete, and effective.
5. Science Based Analysis. Harnessing accurate and high quality
data, using expert knowledge, and taking an interdisciplinary approach
to incorporating the information into the planning process is critical
to effective and well executed planning.
Knowledge. Water and related land resources planning can only be
successful when using knowledge and expertise effectively, as well as,
the best information available in each step of the process. Objectivity
and the elimination of sources of potential bias are critical in the
planning process.
Accuracy and Quality of Data. Decision-making can be of the highest
quality when it is founded on the best available data and models with
high degrees of accuracy in hydrology, engineering, geology, ecology,
other physical and life sciences, economics and other relevant social
Interdisciplinary Planning. Due to the complicated nature of water
and related land resources planning, an interdisciplinary team approach
to planning will ensure the proper
[[Page 52962]]
integration of engineering, physical and life sciences, social
sciences, economics, and environmental design. Success in planning is
best achieved by matching appropriate planning disciplines to the
planning issues to be addressed.
Peer Review. Peer review by experts from within the agency is an
important element of successful planning. It can add to the knowledge
available to planners and is best integrated into the planning process
on an ongoing basis. Where appropriate, outside independent experts
should be brought into the planning process to confirm the agency's
analytical methods and analysis, the conclusions of the report based on
these methods and analysis, or the way in which the agency conducted
the planning process.
Risk and Uncertainty. Water and related land resources planning,
even with the best engineering, science, economics and other knowledge
possible, will still have elements of risk (probability of occurrence)
and uncertainty (imprecision of measurements and analysis). It is
important to explicitly identify, characterize, and document the risks
and uncertainty throughout the planning process. A clear description of
the risks and uncertainties adds important value to the planning
process by allowing decisions to be made with full knowledge of the
degree of reliability and the limits of the data and information used.
6. Conditions. Gathering information on the conditions in an area
that is relevant to the planning issues under study is essential before
defining a series of alternatives. Though conditions may change or
become better defined during the planning process, it is essential to
understand the conditions that are important to the planning issue and
developing the assumptions based on those conditions in a logical,
clear and transparent manner.
Inclusion of Other Parties. Other interested Federal agencies,
state and local agencies, affected groups and individuals, Native
American tribes with an interest, and the public at large are to be
provided a full opportunity to inform decisions throughout the planning
process, including providing data and evidence necessary for plan
formulation and evaluation.
Inventory of Current Conditions. An inventory of current water and
related land resources conditions in the area of the watershed that
either is contributory to or affected by the planning effort is an
integral part of being able to describe the existing conditions. An
inventory, sufficiently broad in scale to encompass all significant
causes and effects is integral to the planning process. Significant
physical, economic, ecological, safety, cultural, social, aesthetic,
and other relevant conditions that are part of this inventory provide a
snapshot of the present, and are a consequence of the past. Therefore,
the inventory is likely to include the relevant geologic,
geomorphologic, hydrologic, climatic, economic, cultural, social, land
use, and other historic data necessary to build the picture of the
An inventory, which is expanded as needed to assist the planning
process, can be used throughout the process to advance the national
planning objective--for example, to revise the statement of problems
and opportunities or further define them; to identify or revise the
study objectives; to sharpen the planning focus or change its direction
or emphasis; and to inform the formulation and refinement of
alternative plans and the evaluation of those plans.
Projection of with and without Plan Conditions. The world is
dynamic and planning for the uncertain future requires a reasonable
forecast of future events and outcomes. The inventory and analysis of
current conditions provides the baseline data for use in forecasting
future conditions.
A specific set of assumed future conditions, based on the best
estimate of the conditions that are likely to prevail in the presence
and in the absence of a proposed action, is one approach to look at
future conditions. The with and without plan condition is an
objectively based, extrapolation of current conditions into the future
which serves as one basis for estimating and evaluating the cost,
effectiveness, and beneficial and adverse effects of the alternative
The development of the with and without plan condition is guided
primarily by what is known and is the key part of the planning process
that drives justification of recommended projects. Assumed changes from
the present to the future are based on a series of observed past events
that provide a reasonable basis to quantify the probability of
occurrence of a similar trend into the future.
The future conditions also reflect any such changes that are likely
to occur under current government policy. As these are the basis for
future analyses, it is important that the rationale for development of
these conditions be clearly documented.
7. Plan Formulation. Plan formulation is undertaken to determine
the Federal interest in solving identified water resources problems.
This is accomplished by creating a full range of alternative plans
meeting the national planning objective while reflecting the study
objectives for water and related land resources projects. While
development of alternatives is generally unconstrained, the development
of alternatives must take into account the ability to implement that
plan in consideration of Federal and non-Federal resources considering
their availability for water resources purposes nationwide is finite--
both at any point in time and over the long-term.
7.1 General Considerations.
Structural Plans. Structural plans are those that intentionally
modify existing hydrologic and geomorphic processes, including most
aquatic ecosystem restoration plans.
Non-Structural Plans. Non-structural plans are those that avoid or
minimize changes to the existing hydrologic and geomorphic processes by
changed management or use of existing infrastructure or by emphasizing
alternatives that manage human activity and development. Nonstructural
alternatives also often avoid or minimize adverse impacts in the
aquatic environment.
Public Safety. Addressing concerns over public safety is achieved
by assuring infrastructure is reliable, and that risks posed to human
life and security are avoided, reduced, or mitigated consistent with
current engineering standards and are a component of both structural
and nonstructural plans. Additionally, plans that clearly describe any
residual risk, the measures to address or manage that risk, its
resiliency, and the associated components of cooperation needed to
assure public safety stand to add value and understanding to the
planning process.
Environmental. Addressing concerns over adverse environmental
impact and how to avoid, minimize, and mitigate these impacts on the
environment are a component of both structural and nonstructural plans.
Key Assumptions. Important to the planning process is understanding
and explicitly stating the key assumptions, the supporting rationale
for these assumptions, and the predicted and achieved outcomes based on
similar approaches used in the past that have relied heavily on these
Lifecycle Considerations. An ongoing evaluation of the lifecycle
and ability of current systems to meet contemporary needs is especially
valuable during the planning process. The planning process provides an
opportunity to evaluate and examine whether extensively modifying
operations, adding features, or
[[Page 52963]]
discontinuing features would contribute to the national planning
Wide Range of Plans. A range of alternative plans, significantly
differentiated from each other in terms of their composition of
measures, the extent to which they comport with the national planning
objective, and their scale and features, are necessary to have the
greatest chance of identifying the best plan for addressing the
planning issues.
Integration with Other Plans. Alternative plans that are consistent
with other established Federal, State, local and Tribal plans can add
value to the alternatives. This includes any synergy with other
entities watershed plans, aquatic ecosystem plans, and integrated water
resource management plans or any elements contained within them. The
inclusion of clear and explicit descriptions and consideration of these
other entities' plans as well as describing the similarities and
differences, synergies and discrepancies, potential implementation
coordination, and other relevant explanations of their plans adds
clarity to the planning process.
Consistency with Existing Statutes, Regulations & Policies.
Addressing concerns over the implementability of plans is best
addressed by including plans that are consistent with existing
statutes, regulations and policies along with describing explicitly how
they influence the planning process. Statutory, regulatory, and/or
policy changes necessary to facilitate a plan should be described in
7.2 Alternative Plans. Plans are formulated from combinations of
structural and nonstructural measures that address the planning
problems and opportunities.
Required Alternatives. In order to facilitate the development of
the widest range of practical alternative plans, the following required
alternatives constitute the minimum series of plans necessary. The
concept of a practical alternative plan means that any of the required
alternatives below can and often will include elements that meet the
other objectives.
National Economic Development (NED) Plan: A plan that primarily
maximizes the net contributions to the NED objective as part of the
national planning objective.
Environmental Quality (EQ) Plan: A plan that primarily maximizes
the net quantity or quality of the environmental quality objective as
part of the national planning objective.
Primarily Nonstructural Plan: A plan which primarily employs
nonstructural elements, and as a secondary consideration adds
structural features to address the planning issues.
8. Evaluation of Plans. All plans should be well characterized,
explained, and justified. The thorough evaluation of the range of plans
developed requires an open assessment of the plans ability to meet the
evaluative criteria that begins with, but is not limited to, the
national planning objective. Additionally, evaluating the effects of
each alternative plan includes, but is not limited to, its impacts on
current and potential future uses of the water resources and related
land uses throughout the watershed, impacts and potential effects of
climate change, the relationship of each alternative plan to other
relevant water and related land resources projects, and the
relationship of each alternative plan to other existing plans.
8.1 General Considerations.
Interdisciplinary Team Evaluation. An interdisciplinary team
approach to the plan evaluation process can ensure the integration of
engineering, economics, natural and social sciences, and the
environment in a balanced manner based on the planning issues to be
addressed. The disciplines of the planners are to be appropriately
matched to the planning issues, and appropriate consultation and
inclusion of those with specialized expertise is integral to develop a
balanced plan that addresses the issues of concern.
Multi-Criterion Evaluation, Consistency & Transparency. Evaluating
each plan against each criterion in a comparative manner (e.g., matrix)
facilitates the planning process. Effects accounted for in one account
should only be used once in order to maintain the consistency of the
evaluation methodology. Not all criteria can be quantified in a similar
manner, therefore clearly describing the quantified value, the range of
the scale, including any weighting factor, justification for the
weighting factor, and the value used, along with how the weighting
factor affected the overall plan, will produce multi-criterion
evaluation for each alternative plan.
8.2 Required Accounts. In order to facilitate the evaluation of the
range of alternative plans, the following required accounts constitute
the minimum evaluative framework necessary.
The following five accounts are used to catalogue the significant
effects of an alternative on the human environment.
Public Safety (PS): The safety of populations at risk.
National Economic Development (NED): The effects on the national
Environmental Quality (EQ): The effects on the ecological,
cultural, aesthetic and other attributes of natural and cultural
Regional Economic Development (RED): The effects on the regional
economy, including income effects, income transfers, and employment
effects not addressed in the NED account.
Other Social Effects (OSE): The effects on the urban or communities
quality of life and health.
9. Plan Selection. The planning process leads to the identification
of alternative plans that could be recommended or selected. These plans
are referred to as the final array of plans including the required
plans. The culmination of the planning process is the selection of the
recommended plan from among the final array of plans, including a
potential decision to take no action. The selection of the recommended
plan, as with the development of alternatives, must be cognizant of the
national planning objective, national mission authorities and of the
availability of Federal and non-Federal resources available for water
and water related resources.
9.1 Selection Criteria.
National Planning Objective Criterion. The Chief of Engineers may
propose a water and related land resources plan that involves Federal
action only if that plan would advance the national planning objective.
The goal is to formulate and propose a series of projects over time
across the Nation, which together will amount in effect to an
implementable national water resources plan.
Net Beneficial Effects Criterion. A recommended plan (when
considered on the basis of the with-plan versus without-plan
comparison) must have combined NED and beneficial EQ effects that
outweigh the combined NED and adverse EQ effects. Where both benefits
and costs of the plans can be quantified and expressed in monetary
terms, then these values will be produced to provide information on the
net beneficial effects of the plan. Where benefits cannot be monetized
with reasonable accuracy, or when statutes or other authorities require
non-monetary values, water and related land resource plans should
present the results of an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis and
otherwise continue to provide the information called for in the multi-
criterion evaluation process.
Uncertainty Criterion. Where significant uncertainty regarding a
future trend exists, both the option of no action and an alternative
plan based on proceeding in steps, using an
[[Page 52964]]
incremental adaptive management approach should be compared to one
another, and the better of these two options should be pursued.
9.2 Project Types.
Commercial Navigation & Hydropower. For commercial navigation and
hydropower features, the plan with high net economic return (benefit
cost ratio of at least 1.5) to the Nation for each increment of such
work, consistent with protecting the environment, will be considered
minimally acceptable. Plans that address the most critical needs and
have an increasingly higher benefit cost ratio should be more heavily
weighted in the selection process.
Flood and Storm Damage Reduction. Flood and storm damage reduction
features could include structural and non-structural components. As
both monetary and non-monetary values are likely to be part of the
decision process when non-structural components are included, a
comparative approach as identified in the Multi-Criterion Evaluation,
Consistency & Transparency section will provide the clarity in these
situations for decision making. Where benefits are measured in monetary
values only, the plan with high net economic return (benefit cost ratio
of at least 1.5) to the Nation for each increment of such work,
consistent with protecting the environment, will be considered
minimally acceptable. Plans that address the most critical needs and
have an increasingly higher benefit cost ratio should be more heavily
weighted in the selection process. Generally, when structural and non-
structural components provide viable options when considering all
evaluation criteria, including benefits, costs and adverse effects,
preference should be given to non-structural components so long as the
monetary benefits are at least at unity. If the non-monetary benefits
represent a majority of the total benefits and are of National
significance, then consideration can be given to selecting a plan with
monetary benefits less than unity.
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration. For aquatic ecosystem restoration
features, the plan that is cost-effective, sustainable, and is the
alternative plan that best reflects an appropriate level to invest for
that ecosystem from a national perspective, after considering the
national or regional significance and cost of protecting or restoring
that ecosystem compared to others will be considered as minimally
acceptable for selection. Plans that address the most critical
ecological needs using the minimum action needed to substantially
improve the natural functions or services with increasingly higher cost
effectiveness should be more heavily weighted in the selection process.
Multiple Objectives. For multiple objective projects with features
and increments of work whose benefits and costs are jointly distributed
among more than one objective, each such feature or increment of work
should yield a net overall return to the Nation after considering its
cost, effectiveness, and other beneficial and adverse effects. Where
the benefits are measured in monetary values only; those with high net
economic return (benefit cost ratio of at least 1.5) to the Nation for
each increment of such work, consistent with protecting the
environment, will be considered minimally acceptable. Plans that
address the most critical needs and have an increasingly higher benefit
cost ratio should be more heavily weighted in the selection process.
Where plans have both monetary and non-monetary values, a comparative
approach as identified in the Multi-Criterion Evaluation, Consistency &
Transparency section is to be used to inform a decision. The monetary
benefits of a multi-criteria plan must at least be unity. If the non-
monetary benefits represent a majority of the total benefits and are of
national significance, then consideration can be given to selecting a
plan with monetary benefits less than unity.
9.3 Agency Exception. The Secretary will ordinarily consider
exceptions to the selection criteria under the following circumstances:
where there are overriding reasons for doing so, including safety and
other Federal, State, local, Tribal, and international concerns. The
reasons for an exception are to be given in a request from the Chief of
Engineers and must be appropriately documented. The full planning
process carried forth through the study must be documented, completed
and submitted along with the documented exception in order to uphold
the ideal of a transparent process.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. E8-21294 Filed 9-11-08; 8:45 am]