Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.; Millstone Power Station, Unit 3; Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to the Proposed License Amendment To Increase the Maximum Reactor Power Level, 46054-46057 [E8-18179]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 153 / Thursday, August 7, 2008 / Notices
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Rebecca Tadesse,
Acting Deputy Director, Decommissioning
and Uranium Recovery, Licensing Directorate,
Division of Waste Management, and
Environmental Protection, Office of Federal
and State Materials, and Environmental
Protection Programs.
[FR Doc. E8–18186 Filed 8–6–08; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–423]
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.;
Millstone Power Station, Unit 3; Final
Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact
Related to the Proposed License
Amendment To Increase the Maximum
Reactor Power Level
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
SUMMARY: The NRC has prepared a final
Environmental Assessment (EA) as its
evaluation of a request by the Dominion
Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., (DNC or the
licensee), for a license amendment to
increase the maximum thermal power at
the Millstone Power Station, Unit 3
(Millstone 3), from 3,411 megawatts
thermal (MWt) to 3,650 MWt. The NRC
staff did not identify any significant
impact from the information provided
in the licensee’s stretch power uprate
(SPU) application for Millstone 3 or
from the NRC staff’s independent
review. Therefore, the NRC staff is
documenting its environmental review
in a final EA. The final EA and Finding
of No Significant Impact are being
published in the Federal Register.
The NRC published a draft EA and
finding of no significant impact on the
proposed action for public comment in
the Federal Register on June 4, 2008 (73
FR 31894). There were no comments
received by the comment period
expiration date of July 7, 2008.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Environmental Assessment
The NRC is considering issuance of an
amendment to Renewed Facility
Operating License No. NPF–49, issued
to DNC for operation of Millstone 3,
located in New London County,
Connecticut. Therefore, as required by
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) Section 51.21, the
NRC is issuing this final environmental
assessment and finding of no significant
Plant Site and Environs
Millstone 3 is located in the Town of
Waterford, Connecticut, about 40 miles
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east of New Haven and 40 miles
southeast of Hartford, Connecticut.
Millstone 3 is located on Millstone
Point between the Niantic and Thames
Rivers. The site sits on the edge of the
Long Island Sound and Niantic Bay and
is approximately 20 miles west of Rhode
The site is approximately 525 acres
including the developed portion of the
site, which is approximately 220 acres
in size. In addition to Millstone 3, the
site includes the shutdown Millstone
Power Station, Unit 1 reactor and the
operating Millstone Power Station, Unit
2 reactor.
The site includes approximately 50
acres of natural area and approximately
30 acres of recreational playing fields
licensed to the Town of Waterford.
Approximately 300 acres of the site are
outside the land developed for the
power station. The transmission lines
that connect the Millstone Power
Station to the New England grid along
with the switchyard equipment are
owned and maintained by the
Connecticut Light and Power Company.
The exclusion area coincides with the
site property boundary. The nearest
residences are approximately 2,400 feet
from the reactors. The region, within 6
miles of the site, includes parts of the
towns of Waterford, New London,
Groton, East Lyme, and Old Lyme.
Identification of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would revise the
Millstone 3 renewed facility operating
license and technical specifications to
increase the licensed rated power by
approximately 7 percent from 3,411
MWt to 3,650 MWt. The proposed
action is in accordance with the
licensee’s application dated July 13,
2007, as supplemented by letters dated
July 13, September 12, November 19,
December 13 and 17, 2007, January 10,
11, 14, 18, and 31, February 25, March
5, 10, 25, and 27, April 4, 24, and 29,
May 15, 20, and 21, and July 10, and 16,
2008. The proposed SPU would be
implemented during the scheduled fall
2008 refueling outage.
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action permits an
increase in the licensed core thermal
power from 3,411 MWt to 3,650 MWt
for Millstone 3, providing the flexibility
to obtain a higher electrical output from
the Millstone Power Station. The
proposed action is intended to provide
an additional supply of electric
generation in the State of Connecticut
without the need to site and construct
new facilities or to impose new sources
of air or water discharges to the
environment. The proposed action is
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intended to supply approximately 85
megawatts of additional electric
capacity in a region of the New England
Independent System Operator (ISO–NE)
system where peak loads generally
exceed local generation capacity.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
The licensee has submitted an
environmental evaluation supporting
the proposed SPU and provided a
summary of its conclusions concerning
the radiological and non-radiological
environmental impacts of the proposed
Non-Radiological Impacts
Land Use Impacts
The proposed SPU would not affect
land use at the site. No new
construction is planned outside of the
existing facilities, and no expansion of
buildings, roads, parking lots,
equipment storage areas, or
transmission facilities would be
required to support the proposed SPU.
The proposed SPU would not require
the storage of additional industrial
chemicals or storage tanks on the site.
Transmission Facilities
The proposed SPU would not require
any new transmission lines,
transmission line conductor
modifications, or new equipment to
support SPU operation and would not
require changes in the maintenance and
operation of existing transmission lines,
switchyards, or substations.
The licensee did not provide an
estimate of the increase in the operating
voltage due to the proposed SPU. Based
on experience from SPUs at other
plants, the NRC staff concludes that the
increase in the operating voltage would
be negligible. Because the voltage would
not change significantly, there would be
no significant change in the potential for
electric shock.
The proposed SPU would increase the
current. The National Electric Safety
Code (NESC) provides design criteria
that limit hazards from steady-state
currents. The NESC limits the shortcircuit current to the ground to less than
5 milliamperes. The transmission lines
meet the applicable shock prevention
provision of the NESC. Therefore, even
with the slight increase in current
attributable to the SPU, adequate
protection is provided against hazards
from electrical shock.
There would be an increase in current
passing through the transmission lines
associated with the increased power
level of the proposed SPU. The
increased electrical current passing
through the transmission lines would
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 153 / Thursday, August 7, 2008 / Notices
cause an increase in electromagnetic
field (EMF) strength. However, there is
no scientific consensus regarding the
health effects of EMFs produced by
operating transmission lines. Therefore,
the licensee did not quantify the chronic
effects of EMF on human and biota. The
potential for chronic effects for these
fields continues to be studied and is not
known at this time. The National
Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (NIEHS) directs related
research through the U.S Department of
Energy. A 2003 NIEHS study published
in Environmental Health Perspectives,
Volume 111, Number 3, dated March
2003, titled ‘‘Power-Line Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields Do Not Induce
Changes in Phosphorylation,
Localization, or Expression of the 27Kilodalton Heat Shock Protein in
Human Keratinocytes,’’ by Biao Shi,
Behnom Farboud, Richard Nuccitelli,
and R. Rivkah Isseroff of the University
of California, contains the following
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
The linkage of the exposure to the powerline frequency (50–60 Hz) electromagnetic
fields (EMF) with human cancers remains
controversial after more than 10 years of
study. The in vitro studies on the adverse
effects of EMF on human cells have not
yielded a clear conclusion. In this study, we
investigated whether power-line frequency
EMF could act as an environmental insult to
invoke stress responses in human
keratinocytes using the 27–kDa heat shock
protein (HSP27) as a stress marker. After
exposure to 1 gauss (100 µT) EMF from 20
min to 24 hr, the isoform pattern of HSP27
in keratinocytes remained unchanged,
suggesting that EMF did not induce the
phosphorylation of this stress protein. EMF
exposure also failed to induce the
translocation of HSP27 from the cytoplasm to
the nucleus. Moreover, EMF exposure did
not increase the abundance of HSP27 in
keratinocytes. In addition, we found no
evidence that EMF exposure enhanced the
level of the 70–kDa heat shock protein
(HSP70) in breast or leukemia cells as
reported previously. Therefore, in this study
we did not detect any of a number of stress
responses in human keratinocytes exposed to
power-line frequency EMF.
To date, there is not sufficient data to
cause the NRC staff to change its
position with respect to the chronic
effects of EMFs. If, in the future, the
NRC staff finds that, contrary to current
indications, a consensus has been
reached by appropriate Federal health
agencies that there are adverse health
effects from electromagnetic fields, the
NRC staff will recommend the
Commission change its current position
regarding EMF.
Water Use Impacts
Millstone 3 uses a once-through
cooling water system, discharging its
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cooling water into an existing quarry,
and then to Long Island Sound. The
proposed SPU would increase the
temperature of water discharged from
Millstone 3. Temperatures at the
discharge point would range from
50.5 °F in January through February to
90.6 °F in August through September.
The maximum expected discharge
temperature at 100 percent power under
SPU conditions is 94.5 °F. Under all
SPU conditions, Millstone Power
Station will continue to operate in
conformance with the existing National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit conditions. The site
NPDES permit limits the maximum
temperature of the circulating water
discharge to the quarry to 98 °F, the
maximum change in temperature from
Niantic Bay to the quarry to 24 °F, and
the maximum temperature of water
entering Long Island Sound at the
quarry cut is 105 °F. The discharge is
not allowed to increase the temperature
of Long Island Sound beyond the plant’s
8,000-ft radius mixing zone by more
than an average of 4 °F and not to
exceed a maximum of 83 °F. The
maximum temperature rise across the
condenser under SPU conditions is
19.5 °F, which remains below the
NPDES permit limit of 24 °F. With the
ocean temperature at its design
maximum temperature of 75 °F, the
circulating water discharge temperature
increases to a maximum of 94.5 °F
during normal 100-percent power
operation, which remains below the
NPDES discharge limit of 98 °F. Because
the increase under SPU conditions
remains well below the facility’s NPDES
permit limits, the NRC staff determined
that this increase is not significant and
is bounded by previous NRC analysis of
thermal discharge as documented in the
‘‘Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Power Plants: Regarding
Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3,’’
dated July 2005. No effects on the
aquatic or terrestrial habitat in the
vicinity of the plant, or to endangered
or threatened species, or to the habitats
of endangered or threatened species are
expected as a result of the increase in
thermal discharge.
Socioeconomic Impacts
The socioeconomic impacts
associated with implementing the
proposed SPU at Millstone 3 include a
minor positive contribution in relation
to the contribution of the overall outage
scope to local and regional economies.
The proposed SPU has a small positive
impact on the continuation of
employment of the local population
with the associated expenditures for
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goods and services. The amount of
future property tax payments are
dependent on the future market value of
the units, future valuations of other
properties in these jurisdictions, and
other factors according to the licensee’s
proposed SPU amendment, dated July
13, 2007.
No measurable changes in the
character, source, or intensity of noise
generated at Millstone Power Station are
expected as a result of the SPU, either
inside or outside the plant.
Historic and Archaeological Resources
at and Near Millstone Power Station
There are 181 properties in New
London County listed in the National
Register of Historic Places, with 62
falling within a radius of 6 miles of the
Millstone Power Station site, according
to the licensee’s proposed SPU
application, dated July 13, 2007. The
licensee also performed an
archaeological records search for the
Millstone Power Station site according
to the licensee’s proposed SPU
application, dated July 13, 2007. The
proposed SPU is not expected to impact
historic or archaeological resources.
The proposed SPU would not result
in a significant change in nonradiological impacts in the areas of land
use, transmission facility operation,
water use, socioeconomic factors, or
historical or archaeological resources.
Radiological Impacts
Liquid Radioactive Waste and Offsite
The licensee evaluated the impacts of
the proposed SPU on radioactive liquid
waste production, processing, discharge
into the environment, resultant dose to
members of the public, and impact to
the quarry and Long Island Sound into
which water is discharged. There will
be a small increase (approximately 9.1
percent for long-lived activity) in the
equilibrium radioactivity in the reactor
coolant, which in turn will result in a
maximum increase of 9.1 percent in the
radioactivity content of the liquid
releases, since input activities are based
on long-term reactor coolant activity.
Tritium levels are also expected to
increase by 9.1 percent in the
discharged liquid. This will result in
increased aqueous tritium
concentrations in the quarry. The
releases, excluding tritium, would
remain bounded by Table D–4a
(Calculated Release of Radioactive
Materials in Liquid Effluents from
Millstone Unit 3) of the ‘‘Final
Environmental Statement [FES] related
to the operation of Millstone Nuclear
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 153 / Thursday, August 7, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Power Station, Unit 3,’’ dated December
1984, which estimates liquid effluent
releases, excluding tritium, of about
0.56 curies per year. The licensee’s
evaluation estimates the annual average
release of tritium to be 1,100 curies
based on values from 2001 through
2005, which is reasonable and
consistent with the value reported in the
‘‘Generic Environmental Impact
Statement [GEIS] for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants’’ (1996).
The evaluation shows that even with
the small increase in the radioactivity
being discharged into the environment,
the projected dose to the maximally
exposed member of the public, while
slightly increased, (2.61E–03 millirem
(mrem) for the Whole Body and 1.26E–
02 mrem for the Critical Organ) will
remain well below the ‘‘as low as is
reasonably achievable’’ (ALARA) guides
on design objectives in Section IIA of
criteria in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50
(3 mrem to the total body and 10 mrem
to any organ).
Gaseous Radioactive Wastes and Offsite
The licensee evaluated the impacts of
the proposed SPU on gaseous
radioactive wastes. Gaseous radioactive
wastes are activation gases and fission
product radioactive noble gases which
come from radioactive system leakage,
continuous degasification, volume
control tank (VCT) venting, gases used
for tank cover gas, and gases generated
in the radiochemistry laboratory. The
evaluation shows that the proposed SPU
would not significantly increase the
inventory of gases normally processed
in the gaseous waste management
system. This is based on no change to
the plant system functions and no
change to the gas volume inputs
occurring under SPU conditions.
The activity of radioactive gaseous
nuclides present in the waste gas system
will increase as a result of the SPU. This
is due to the increased levels of gases in
the reactor coolant system and the
actions performed in the VCT. However,
the operation of the waste gas system
will not change and will continue to
allow for decay of the short-lived
radionuclides. Tritium will remain the
largest component of the gaseous
effluents, the largest contributor being
from evaporation from the spent fuel
pools. The proposed SPU will result in
a small increase (approximately 9.5
percent for noble gases and 9.1 percent
for particulates, iodine, and tritium) in
the equilibrium radioactivity in the
reactor coolant, which in turn increases
the activity in the gaseous waste
disposal systems and the activity
released to the atmosphere.
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The evaluation shows that even with
the small increase in the gaseous
radioactivity being discharged into the
environment, the projected dose to the
maximally exposed member of the
public, while slightly increased (2.03E–
02 mrem to the total body or 2.11E–02
mrem to the skin), will remain well
below the ALARA guides in Appendix
I to 10 CFR Part 50 (annual dose: 10
millirads for gamma radiation in air, 20
millirads for beta radiation in air, 5
mrem to the total body, and 15 mrem to
the skin).
Solid Radioactive Waste and Offsite
Solid radioactive waste (radwaste)
includes solids used in the reactor
coolant system operation, solids
recovered from the reactor coolant
systems, and solids in contact with the
reactor process system liquids or gases.
While the SPU will slightly increase the
activity level of radioactive isotopes in
the reactor coolant system and the
volume of radioactive liquid generated
from leakage and planned drainage,
there will only be a minimal effect on
the generation of radioactively
contaminated sludge and resin solids
processed as radwaste. The currently
installed radwaste system and its total
volume capacity for handling solid
radwaste will not be affected. The
activity of radwaste would increase
proportionately to the increase in long
half-life coolant activity, which would
be bounded by a 9.1 percent increase
under SPU conditions. This increase
remains well below the solids activity
level of 9,100 curies identified in Table
5–21 (Summary Table S–3 Uranium
Fuel Cycle Environmental Data) of the
FES for Millstone 3. This table takes
into account the environmental factors
of the fuel cycle as related to the
operation of the Millstone 3 facility. The
increase in solids volume generated is
expected to be minor under SPU
conditions (139.7 curies).
For the long-term operation of the
plant under SPU conditions, the dose to
an offsite member of the public from the
onsite storage of solid radwaste is
estimated to increase by approximately
10.22 percent. This is based on several
assumptions, which are: (1) The current
waste decays and its contribution
decreases; (2) stored radwaste is
routinely moved offsite for disposal; (3)
waste generated post-SPU enters into
storage; and (4) the plant capacity factor
approaches the target of 1.0. The
radiation dose from direct shine is
cumulative based on the waste
generated and stored onsite from all
units over the plant’s lifetime. The
Millstone Power Station Offsite Dose
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Calculation Manual contains the
requirements to ensure compliance with
the radiation dose limits of 40 CFR 190
and 10 CFR 20.1301. Therefore, while a
small increase in offsite radiation dose
is expected (0.17 mrem to the whole
body in a year; the pre-SPU whole body
in a year was approximately 0.12
mrem), it will remain within regulatory
limits of 40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR
Occupational Radiation Doses
The radiation exposure to plant
workers from the SPU is expected to be
kept to a minimum based on the design
features at the Millstone Power Station
site and the Radiation Protection
Program. The design features include:
(1) Shielding, which is provided to
reduce levels of radiation; (2)
ventilation, which is arranged to control
the flow of potentially contaminated air;
(3) an installed radiation monitoring
system, which is used to measure levels
of radiation in potentially occupied
areas and measure airborne radioactivity
throughout the plant; and (4) respiratory
protective equipment, which is used as
prescribed by the Radiation Protection
Program. The Radiation Protection
Program contains procedures for all
radiological work performed at the
Millstone Power Station to ensure doses
are maintained ALARA and in
compliance with regulatory limits in 10
CFR Part 20.
Fuel Cycle and Transportation Impacts
The environmental impacts of the fuel
cycle and transportation of fuel and
waste are described in 10 CFR 51.51,
Table S–3 (Uranium Fuel Cycle Data),
and 10 CFR 51.52, Table S–4
(Environmental Impact of
Transportation of Fuel and Waste To
and From One Light-Water-Cooled
Nuclear Power Reactor), respectively.
An NRC generic EA (53 FR 6040, dated
February 29, 1988) evaluated the
applicability of Tables S–3 and S–4 to
a higher burn-up fuel cycle and
concluded that there would be no
significant change in environmental
impact from the parameters evaluated in
Tables S–3 and S–4 for fuel cycles with
uranium enrichments up to 5 weight
percent uranium-235 and burn-ups less
than 60,000 MW days per metric ton of
uranium-235 (MWd/MTU).
The proposed SPU would increase the
power level to 3,650 MWt, which is
below the reference power level of 3,800
MWt for Table S–4. The fuel enrichment
and burn-up after the SPU will continue
to be no greater than 5 weight percent
uranium-235, and the fuel burn-up will
be maintained less than 60,000 MWd/
MTU. The NRC staff concludes that the
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 153 / Thursday, August 7, 2008 / Notices
Millstone 3 SPU is bounded by the
analysis of the environmental effects of
the transportation of fuel and waste as
described in the ‘‘Extended Burnup Fuel
Use in Commercial [Light Water
Reactors] LWRs; Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact,’’ dated February 29,
1988 (53 FR 6040).
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Based on the NRC staff review of
licensee’s submission, it is concluded
that the proposed SPU would not result
in a significant increase in occupational
or public radiation exposure, and would
not result in significant additional fuel
cycle environmental impacts.
Accordingly, the NRC staff concludes
that there would be no significant
radiological environmental impacts
associated with the proposed action.
Environmental Impacts of the
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed
action, the NRC staff considered denial
of the proposed SPU (i.e., the ‘‘noaction’’ alternative). Denial of the
application would result in no change
in the current environmental impacts.
However, if the proposed SPU were not
approved, other agencies and electric
power organizations may be required to
pursue alternative means of providing
electric generation capacity to offset the
increased power demand forecasted for
the ISO–NE regional transmission
A reasonable alternative to the
proposed SPU would be to purchase
power from other generators in the ISO–
NE network. In 2008, generating
capacity in ISO–NE consisted primarily
of Combined-cycle generators:
combined-cycle generated 37.8 percent
of ISO–NE capacity; fossil—29.9
percent; nuclear—13.6 percent;
hydroelectric—10.4 percent;
combustion turbine—7.4 percent;
diesel—0.7 percent; and
miscellaneous—0.2 percent. This
indicates that the majority of purchased
power in the ISO–NE territory would
likely be generated by a combined-cycle
facility. Construction (if new generation
is needed) and operation of a combinedcycle plant would create impacts in air
quality, land use, and waste
management significantly greater than
those identified for the proposed SPU at
Millstone 3. Millstone 3 does not emit
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon
dioxide, or other atmospheric pollutants
that are commonly associated with
combined-cycle plants. Conservation
programs such as demand-side
management could feasibly replace the
proposed SPU’s additional power
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output. However, forecasted future
energy demand in the ISO–NE territory
may exceed conservation savings and
still require additional generating
capacity. Furthermore, the proposed
SPU does not involve environmental
impacts that are significantly different
from those originally identified in the
1984 Millstone Power Station FES for
Alternative Use of Resources
The action does not involve the use of
any different resources than those
previously considered in the ‘‘Final
Environmental Statement Related to the
Operation of Millstone Nuclear Power
Station, Unit 3,’’ dated December 1984,
or the ‘‘Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Power Plants: Regarding
Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3,’’
dated July 2005.
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on July 11, 2008, via electronic mail,
(Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML081980598), the NRC
staff consulted with the Connecticut
State Official, Mr. Denny Galloway of
the Department of Environmental
Protection, regarding the environmental
impact of the proposed action. The state
official did not submit comments.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that the
proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s letter
dated July 13, 2007, as supplemented by
letters dated July 13, September 12,
November 19, December 13 and 17,
2007, January 10, 11, 14, 18, and 31,
February 25, March 5, 10, 25, and 27,
April 4, 24, and 29, May 15, 20, and 21,
and July 10 and 16, 2008. Publicly
available records are accessible
electronically via the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site,
reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who
do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1–800–397–4209 or 301–
415–4737, or by e-mail to
Additionally, documents may be
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examined and/or copied for a fee, at the
NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR),
located at One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 30th day
of July, 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John G. Lamb,
Senior Project Manager, Plant Licensing
Branch I–2, Division of Operating Reactors,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E8–18179 Filed 8–6–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Effective Dates
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice of effective dates for
CAFTA–DR amendment and rule of
origin for woven apparel.
SUMMARY: In Proclamation 8213 of
December 20, 2007, as modified by
Proclamation 8272 of June 30, 2008, the
President modified the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (the
‘‘HTS’’) to implement (1) an amendment
to the Dominican Republic-Central
America-United States Free Trade
Agreement (‘‘CAFTA–DR’’) and (2) a
rule of origin under the CAFTA–DR
with respect to certain woven apparel.
The proclamations provide for each set
of modifications to enter into effect on
a date that the United States Trade
Representative (the ‘‘USTR’’) announces
in the Federal Register and to apply to
goods that are entered, or withdrawn
from warehouse for consumption, on or
after that date. This Notice announces
that the effective date for both sets of
modifications is August 15, 2008.
further information, please contact
Rachel Alarid, Special Trade Assistant,
Office of Textiles and Apparel, Office of
the United States Trade Representative,
600 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC
20508, fax number, (202) 395–5639.
1. Amendment to CAFTA–DR
The CAFTA–DR parties signed an
amendment of the CAFTA–DR on July
27, August 6, and August 14, 2007 (the
‘‘Amendment’’). The terms of the
Amendment are contained in letters of
understanding between the United
States and the CAFTA–DR signatories
described in sections 1634(a)(2) and
1634(b)(2) of the Pension Protection Act
of 2006 (Pub. L. 109–280). In
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 153 (Thursday, August 7, 2008)]
[Pages 46054-46057]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-18179]
[Docket No. 50-423]
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.; Millstone Power Station, Unit
3; Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
Related to the Proposed License Amendment To Increase the Maximum
Reactor Power Level
AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
SUMMARY: The NRC has prepared a final Environmental Assessment (EA) as
its evaluation of a request by the Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.,
(DNC or the licensee), for a license amendment to increase the maximum
thermal power at the Millstone Power Station, Unit 3 (Millstone 3),
from 3,411 megawatts thermal (MWt) to 3,650 MWt. The NRC staff did not
identify any significant impact from the information provided in the
licensee's stretch power uprate (SPU) application for Millstone 3 or
from the NRC staff's independent review. Therefore, the NRC staff is
documenting its environmental review in a final EA. The final EA and
Finding of No Significant Impact are being published in the Federal
The NRC published a draft EA and finding of no significant impact
on the proposed action for public comment in the Federal Register on
June 4, 2008 (73 FR 31894). There were no comments received by the
comment period expiration date of July 7, 2008.
Environmental Assessment
The NRC is considering issuance of an amendment to Renewed Facility
Operating License No. NPF-49, issued to DNC for operation of Millstone
3, located in New London County, Connecticut. Therefore, as required by
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 51.21, the
NRC is issuing this final environmental assessment and finding of no
significant impact.
Plant Site and Environs
Millstone 3 is located in the Town of Waterford, Connecticut, about
40 miles east of New Haven and 40 miles southeast of Hartford,
Connecticut. Millstone 3 is located on Millstone Point between the
Niantic and Thames Rivers. The site sits on the edge of the Long Island
Sound and Niantic Bay and is approximately 20 miles west of Rhode
The site is approximately 525 acres including the developed portion
of the site, which is approximately 220 acres in size. In addition to
Millstone 3, the site includes the shutdown Millstone Power Station,
Unit 1 reactor and the operating Millstone Power Station, Unit 2
The site includes approximately 50 acres of natural area and
approximately 30 acres of recreational playing fields licensed to the
Town of Waterford. Approximately 300 acres of the site are outside the
land developed for the power station. The transmission lines that
connect the Millstone Power Station to the New England grid along with
the switchyard equipment are owned and maintained by the Connecticut
Light and Power Company.
The exclusion area coincides with the site property boundary. The
nearest residences are approximately 2,400 feet from the reactors. The
region, within 6 miles of the site, includes parts of the towns of
Waterford, New London, Groton, East Lyme, and Old Lyme.
Identification of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would revise the Millstone 3 renewed facility
operating license and technical specifications to increase the licensed
rated power by approximately 7 percent from 3,411 MWt to 3,650 MWt. The
proposed action is in accordance with the licensee's application dated
July 13, 2007, as supplemented by letters dated July 13, September 12,
November 19, December 13 and 17, 2007, January 10, 11, 14, 18, and 31,
February 25, March 5, 10, 25, and 27, April 4, 24, and 29, May 15, 20,
and 21, and July 10, and 16, 2008. The proposed SPU would be
implemented during the scheduled fall 2008 refueling outage.
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action permits an increase in the licensed core
thermal power from 3,411 MWt to 3,650 MWt for Millstone 3, providing
the flexibility to obtain a higher electrical output from the Millstone
Power Station. The proposed action is intended to provide an additional
supply of electric generation in the State of Connecticut without the
need to site and construct new facilities or to impose new sources of
air or water discharges to the environment. The proposed action is
intended to supply approximately 85 megawatts of additional electric
capacity in a region of the New England Independent System Operator
(ISO-NE) system where peak loads generally exceed local generation
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
The licensee has submitted an environmental evaluation supporting
the proposed SPU and provided a summary of its conclusions concerning
the radiological and non-radiological environmental impacts of the
proposed action.
Non-Radiological Impacts
Land Use Impacts
The proposed SPU would not affect land use at the site. No new
construction is planned outside of the existing facilities, and no
expansion of buildings, roads, parking lots, equipment storage areas,
or transmission facilities would be required to support the proposed
SPU. The proposed SPU would not require the storage of additional
industrial chemicals or storage tanks on the site.
Transmission Facilities
The proposed SPU would not require any new transmission lines,
transmission line conductor modifications, or new equipment to support
SPU operation and would not require changes in the maintenance and
operation of existing transmission lines, switchyards, or substations.
The licensee did not provide an estimate of the increase in the
operating voltage due to the proposed SPU. Based on experience from
SPUs at other plants, the NRC staff concludes that the increase in the
operating voltage would be negligible. Because the voltage would not
change significantly, there would be no significant change in the
potential for electric shock.
The proposed SPU would increase the current. The National Electric
Safety Code (NESC) provides design criteria that limit hazards from
steady-state currents. The NESC limits the short-circuit current to the
ground to less than 5 milliamperes. The transmission lines meet the
applicable shock prevention provision of the NESC. Therefore, even with
the slight increase in current attributable to the SPU, adequate
protection is provided against hazards from electrical shock.
There would be an increase in current passing through the
transmission lines associated with the increased power level of the
proposed SPU. The increased electrical current passing through the
transmission lines would
[[Page 46055]]
cause an increase in electromagnetic field (EMF) strength. However,
there is no scientific consensus regarding the health effects of EMFs
produced by operating transmission lines. Therefore, the licensee did
not quantify the chronic effects of EMF on human and biota. The
potential for chronic effects for these fields continues to be studied
and is not known at this time. The National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS) directs related research through the U.S
Department of Energy. A 2003 NIEHS study published in Environmental
Health Perspectives, Volume 111, Number 3, dated March 2003, titled
``Power-Line Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Do Not Induce Changes in
Phosphorylation, Localization, or Expression of the 27-Kilodalton Heat
Shock Protein in Human Keratinocytes,'' by Biao Shi, Behnom Farboud,
Richard Nuccitelli, and R. Rivkah Isseroff of the University of
California, contains the following conclusion:
The linkage of the exposure to the power-line frequency (50-60
Hz) electromagnetic fields (EMF) with human cancers remains
controversial after more than 10 years of study. The in vitro
studies on the adverse effects of EMF on human cells have not
yielded a clear conclusion. In this study, we investigated whether
power-line frequency EMF could act as an environmental insult to
invoke stress responses in human keratinocytes using the 27-kDa heat
shock protein (HSP27) as a stress marker. After exposure to 1 gauss
(100 [mu]T) EMF from 20 min to 24 hr, the isoform pattern of HSP27
in keratinocytes remained unchanged, suggesting that EMF did not
induce the phosphorylation of this stress protein. EMF exposure also
failed to induce the translocation of HSP27 from the cytoplasm to
the nucleus. Moreover, EMF exposure did not increase the abundance
of HSP27 in keratinocytes. In addition, we found no evidence that
EMF exposure enhanced the level of the 70-kDa heat shock protein
(HSP70) in breast or leukemia cells as reported previously.
Therefore, in this study we did not detect any of a number of stress
responses in human keratinocytes exposed to power-line frequency
To date, there is not sufficient data to cause the NRC staff to
change its position with respect to the chronic effects of EMFs. If, in
the future, the NRC staff finds that, contrary to current indications,
a consensus has been reached by appropriate Federal health agencies
that there are adverse health effects from electromagnetic fields, the
NRC staff will recommend the Commission change its current position
regarding EMF.
Water Use Impacts
Millstone 3 uses a once-through cooling water system, discharging
its cooling water into an existing quarry, and then to Long Island
Sound. The proposed SPU would increase the temperature of water
discharged from Millstone 3. Temperatures at the discharge point would
range from 50.5 [deg]F in January through February to 90.6 [deg]F in
August through September. The maximum expected discharge temperature at
100 percent power under SPU conditions is 94.5 [deg]F. Under all SPU
conditions, Millstone Power Station will continue to operate in
conformance with the existing National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit conditions. The site NPDES permit limits the
maximum temperature of the circulating water discharge to the quarry to
98 [deg]F, the maximum change in temperature from Niantic Bay to the
quarry to 24 [deg]F, and the maximum temperature of water entering Long
Island Sound at the quarry cut is 105 [deg]F. The discharge is not
allowed to increase the temperature of Long Island Sound beyond the
plant's 8,000-ft radius mixing zone by more than an average of 4 [deg]F
and not to exceed a maximum of 83 [deg]F. The maximum temperature rise
across the condenser under SPU conditions is 19.5 [deg]F, which remains
below the NPDES permit limit of 24 [deg]F. With the ocean temperature
at its design maximum temperature of 75 [deg]F, the circulating water
discharge temperature increases to a maximum of 94.5 [deg]F during
normal 100-percent power operation, which remains below the NPDES
discharge limit of 98 [deg]F. Because the increase under SPU conditions
remains well below the facility's NPDES permit limits, the NRC staff
determined that this increase is not significant and is bounded by
previous NRC analysis of thermal discharge as documented in the
``Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear
Power Plants: Regarding Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3,'' dated
July 2005. No effects on the aquatic or terrestrial habitat in the
vicinity of the plant, or to endangered or threatened species, or to
the habitats of endangered or threatened species are expected as a
result of the increase in thermal discharge.
Socioeconomic Impacts
The socioeconomic impacts associated with implementing the proposed
SPU at Millstone 3 include a minor positive contribution in relation to
the contribution of the overall outage scope to local and regional
economies. The proposed SPU has a small positive impact on the
continuation of employment of the local population with the associated
expenditures for goods and services. The amount of future property tax
payments are dependent on the future market value of the units, future
valuations of other properties in these jurisdictions, and other
factors according to the licensee's proposed SPU amendment, dated July
13, 2007.
No measurable changes in the character, source, or intensity of
noise generated at Millstone Power Station are expected as a result of
the SPU, either inside or outside the plant.
Historic and Archaeological Resources at and Near Millstone Power
There are 181 properties in New London County listed in the
National Register of Historic Places, with 62 falling within a radius
of 6 miles of the Millstone Power Station site, according to the
licensee's proposed SPU application, dated July 13, 2007. The licensee
also performed an archaeological records search for the Millstone Power
Station site according to the licensee's proposed SPU application,
dated July 13, 2007. The proposed SPU is not expected to impact
historic or archaeological resources.
The proposed SPU would not result in a significant change in non-
radiological impacts in the areas of land use, transmission facility
operation, water use, socioeconomic factors, or historical or
archaeological resources.
Radiological Impacts
Liquid Radioactive Waste and Offsite Doses
The licensee evaluated the impacts of the proposed SPU on
radioactive liquid waste production, processing, discharge into the
environment, resultant dose to members of the public, and impact to the
quarry and Long Island Sound into which water is discharged. There will
be a small increase (approximately 9.1 percent for long-lived activity)
in the equilibrium radioactivity in the reactor coolant, which in turn
will result in a maximum increase of 9.1 percent in the radioactivity
content of the liquid releases, since input activities are based on
long-term reactor coolant activity. Tritium levels are also expected to
increase by 9.1 percent in the discharged liquid. This will result in
increased aqueous tritium concentrations in the quarry. The releases,
excluding tritium, would remain bounded by Table D-4a (Calculated
Release of Radioactive Materials in Liquid Effluents from Millstone
Unit 3) of the ``Final Environmental Statement [FES] related to the
operation of Millstone Nuclear
[[Page 46056]]
Power Station, Unit 3,'' dated December 1984, which estimates liquid
effluent releases, excluding tritium, of about 0.56 curies per year.
The licensee's evaluation estimates the annual average release of
tritium to be 1,100 curies based on values from 2001 through 2005,
which is reasonable and consistent with the value reported in the
``Generic Environmental Impact Statement [GEIS] for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants'' (1996).
The evaluation shows that even with the small increase in the
radioactivity being discharged into the environment, the projected dose
to the maximally exposed member of the public, while slightly
increased, (2.61E-03 millirem (mrem) for the Whole Body and 1.26E-02
mrem for the Critical Organ) will remain well below the ``as low as is
reasonably achievable'' (ALARA) guides on design objectives in Section
IIA of criteria in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 (3 mrem to the total
body and 10 mrem to any organ).
Gaseous Radioactive Wastes and Offsite Doses
The licensee evaluated the impacts of the proposed SPU on gaseous
radioactive wastes. Gaseous radioactive wastes are activation gases and
fission product radioactive noble gases which come from radioactive
system leakage, continuous degasification, volume control tank (VCT)
venting, gases used for tank cover gas, and gases generated in the
radiochemistry laboratory. The evaluation shows that the proposed SPU
would not significantly increase the inventory of gases normally
processed in the gaseous waste management system. This is based on no
change to the plant system functions and no change to the gas volume
inputs occurring under SPU conditions.
The activity of radioactive gaseous nuclides present in the waste
gas system will increase as a result of the SPU. This is due to the
increased levels of gases in the reactor coolant system and the actions
performed in the VCT. However, the operation of the waste gas system
will not change and will continue to allow for decay of the short-lived
radionuclides. Tritium will remain the largest component of the gaseous
effluents, the largest contributor being from evaporation from the
spent fuel pools. The proposed SPU will result in a small increase
(approximately 9.5 percent for noble gases and 9.1 percent for
particulates, iodine, and tritium) in the equilibrium radioactivity in
the reactor coolant, which in turn increases the activity in the
gaseous waste disposal systems and the activity released to the
The evaluation shows that even with the small increase in the
gaseous radioactivity being discharged into the environment, the
projected dose to the maximally exposed member of the public, while
slightly increased (2.03E-02 mrem to the total body or 2.11E-02 mrem to
the skin), will remain well below the ALARA guides in Appendix I to 10
CFR Part 50 (annual dose: 10 millirads for gamma radiation in air, 20
millirads for beta radiation in air, 5 mrem to the total body, and 15
mrem to the skin).
Solid Radioactive Waste and Offsite Doses
Solid radioactive waste (radwaste) includes solids used in the
reactor coolant system operation, solids recovered from the reactor
coolant systems, and solids in contact with the reactor process system
liquids or gases. While the SPU will slightly increase the activity
level of radioactive isotopes in the reactor coolant system and the
volume of radioactive liquid generated from leakage and planned
drainage, there will only be a minimal effect on the generation of
radioactively contaminated sludge and resin solids processed as
radwaste. The currently installed radwaste system and its total volume
capacity for handling solid radwaste will not be affected. The activity
of radwaste would increase proportionately to the increase in long
half-life coolant activity, which would be bounded by a 9.1 percent
increase under SPU conditions. This increase remains well below the
solids activity level of 9,100 curies identified in Table 5-21 (Summary
Table S-3 Uranium Fuel Cycle Environmental Data) of the FES for
Millstone 3. This table takes into account the environmental factors of
the fuel cycle as related to the operation of the Millstone 3 facility.
The increase in solids volume generated is expected to be minor under
SPU conditions (139.7 curies).
For the long-term operation of the plant under SPU conditions, the
dose to an offsite member of the public from the onsite storage of
solid radwaste is estimated to increase by approximately 10.22 percent.
This is based on several assumptions, which are: (1) The current waste
decays and its contribution decreases; (2) stored radwaste is routinely
moved offsite for disposal; (3) waste generated post-SPU enters into
storage; and (4) the plant capacity factor approaches the target of
1.0. The radiation dose from direct shine is cumulative based on the
waste generated and stored onsite from all units over the plant's
lifetime. The Millstone Power Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
contains the requirements to ensure compliance with the radiation dose
limits of 40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR 20.1301. Therefore, while a small
increase in offsite radiation dose is expected (0.17 mrem to the whole
body in a year; the pre-SPU whole body in a year was approximately 0.12
mrem), it will remain within regulatory limits of 40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR
Occupational Radiation Doses
The radiation exposure to plant workers from the SPU is expected to
be kept to a minimum based on the design features at the Millstone
Power Station site and the Radiation Protection Program. The design
features include: (1) Shielding, which is provided to reduce levels of
radiation; (2) ventilation, which is arranged to control the flow of
potentially contaminated air; (3) an installed radiation monitoring
system, which is used to measure levels of radiation in potentially
occupied areas and measure airborne radioactivity throughout the plant;
and (4) respiratory protective equipment, which is used as prescribed
by the Radiation Protection Program. The Radiation Protection Program
contains procedures for all radiological work performed at the
Millstone Power Station to ensure doses are maintained ALARA and in
compliance with regulatory limits in 10 CFR Part 20.
Fuel Cycle and Transportation Impacts
The environmental impacts of the fuel cycle and transportation of
fuel and waste are described in 10 CFR 51.51, Table S-3 (Uranium Fuel
Cycle Data), and 10 CFR 51.52, Table S-4 (Environmental Impact of
Transportation of Fuel and Waste To and From One Light-Water-Cooled
Nuclear Power Reactor), respectively. An NRC generic EA (53 FR 6040,
dated February 29, 1988) evaluated the applicability of Tables S-3 and
S-4 to a higher burn-up fuel cycle and concluded that there would be no
significant change in environmental impact from the parameters
evaluated in Tables S-3 and S-4 for fuel cycles with uranium
enrichments up to 5 weight percent uranium-235 and burn-ups less than
60,000 MW days per metric ton of uranium-235 (MWd/MTU).
The proposed SPU would increase the power level to 3,650 MWt, which
is below the reference power level of 3,800 MWt for Table S-4. The fuel
enrichment and burn-up after the SPU will continue to be no greater
than 5 weight percent uranium-235, and the fuel burn-up will be
maintained less than 60,000 MWd/MTU. The NRC staff concludes that the
[[Page 46057]]
Millstone 3 SPU is bounded by the analysis of the environmental effects
of the transportation of fuel and waste as described in the ``Extended
Burnup Fuel Use in Commercial [Light Water Reactors] LWRs;
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact,'' dated
February 29, 1988 (53 FR 6040).
Based on the NRC staff review of licensee's submission, it is
concluded that the proposed SPU would not result in a significant
increase in occupational or public radiation exposure, and would not
result in significant additional fuel cycle environmental impacts.
Accordingly, the NRC staff concludes that there would be no significant
radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.
Environmental Impacts of the Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed action, the NRC staff considered
denial of the proposed SPU (i.e., the ``no-action'' alternative).
Denial of the application would result in no change in the current
environmental impacts. However, if the proposed SPU were not approved,
other agencies and electric power organizations may be required to
pursue alternative means of providing electric generation capacity to
offset the increased power demand forecasted for the ISO-NE regional
transmission territory.
A reasonable alternative to the proposed SPU would be to purchase
power from other generators in the ISO-NE network. In 2008, generating
capacity in ISO-NE consisted primarily of Combined-cycle generators:
combined-cycle generated 37.8 percent of ISO-NE capacity; fossil--29.9
percent; nuclear--13.6 percent; hydroelectric--10.4 percent; combustion
turbine--7.4 percent; diesel--0.7 percent; and miscellaneous--0.2
percent. This indicates that the majority of purchased power in the
ISO-NE territory would likely be generated by a combined-cycle
facility. Construction (if new generation is needed) and operation of a
combined-cycle plant would create impacts in air quality, land use, and
waste management significantly greater than those identified for the
proposed SPU at Millstone 3. Millstone 3 does not emit sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, or other atmospheric pollutants that
are commonly associated with combined-cycle plants. Conservation
programs such as demand-side management could feasibly replace the
proposed SPU's additional power output. However, forecasted future
energy demand in the ISO-NE territory may exceed conservation savings
and still require additional generating capacity. Furthermore, the
proposed SPU does not involve environmental impacts that are
significantly different from those originally identified in the 1984
Millstone Power Station FES for operation.
Alternative Use of Resources
The action does not involve the use of any different resources than
those previously considered in the ``Final Environmental Statement
Related to the Operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3,''
dated December 1984, or the ``Generic Environmental Impact Statement
for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants: Regarding Millstone Power
Station, Units 2 and 3,'' dated July 2005.
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy, on July 11, 2008, via
electronic mail, (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Accession No. ML081980598), the NRC staff consulted with the
Connecticut State Official, Mr. Denny Galloway of the Department of
Environmental Protection, regarding the environmental impact of the
proposed action. The state official did not submit comments.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental assessment, the NRC concludes
that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment. Accordingly, the NRC has determined
not to prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed
For further details with respect to the proposed action, see the
licensee's letter dated July 13, 2007, as supplemented by letters dated
July 13, September 12, November 19, December 13 and 17, 2007, January
10, 11, 14, 18, and 31, February 25, March 5, 10, 25, and 27, April 4,
24, and 29, May 15, 20, and 21, and July 10 and 16, 2008. Publicly
available records are accessible electronically via the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the NRC Web site,
reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209 or
301-415-4737, or by e-mail to Additionally, documents may
be examined and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC's Public Document Room
(PDR), located at One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 30th day of July, 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John G. Lamb,
Senior Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch I-2, Division of
Operating Reactors, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E8-18179 Filed 8-6-08; 8:45 am]