Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU); Notice of Request for Renewal of Data Collection by the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization's (OSDBU) Regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers (SBTRCs); Agency Information Collection Activities; Request for Comments, Renewal and Approval of Information Collection(s): Regional Center Intake Form (DOT F 4500) and Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (DOT F 4502), 45092-45093 [E8-17671]

Download as PDF 45092 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 149 / Friday, August 1, 2008 / Notices the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301– 415–4737, or by e-mail to These documents may also be viewed electronically on the public computers located at the NRC’s PDR, O 1 F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852. The PDR reproduction contractor will copy documents for a fee. Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 17 day of July, 2008, For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Peter Habighorst, Chief, Fuel Manufacturing Branch, Fuel Facilities Licensing Directorate, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards. [FR Doc. E8–17666 Filed 7–31–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P PRESIDIO TRUST Notice Extending Prescribed Comment Period The Presidio Trust. Notice extending prescribed comment period. AGENCY: ACTION: By Federal Register notice of June 13, 2008 (73 FR 33814), the Environmental Protection Agency calculated the 45-day time period for public review of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The deadline for comments was July 31, 2008. By this notice, the Presidio Trust (Trust) is extending the public comment period to September 19, 2008. Although the time for comments has been extended, the Trust requests that interested parties provide comments as soon as possible. DATES: Written comments should be submitted on or before September 19, 2008. ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted to Main Post, Attn: Compliance Manager, The Presidio Trust, 34 Graham Street, P.O. Box 29052, San Francisco, CA 94129–0052. Electronic comments can be sent to Please be aware that all comments and information submitted will be made available to the public, including, without limitation, any postal address, e-mail address, phone number, or other information contained in each submission. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Trust is requesting public comment on the Presidio Trust Management Plan (PTMP) Main Post Update Draft SEIS. mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:39 Jul 31, 2008 Jkt 214001 The Draft SEIS evaluates alternatives to the planning concept for the 120-acre Main Post district at the Presidio of San Francisco identified in the 2002 PTMP, the Trust’s comprehensive land use plan and policy framework. The Draft SEIS considers planning proposals that were not anticipated in the PTMP, including a contemporary art museum and a lodge, and identifies Alternative 2 as the proposed action, which is further described in the PTMP Main Post Update. Interested parties have requested that the Trust extend the public comment period. By extending the comment period, the Trust anticipates more indepth comments on the Draft SEIS, which will promote a better-informed decision on the proposed action. The PTMP Main Post Update and Draft SEIS can be reviewed at local libraries and the Trust headquarters at the address given above, and on the Trust Web site at in the Major Projects section. Karen Cook, General Counsel, the Presidio Trust, 34 Graham Street, P.O. Box 29052, San Francisco, California 94129–0052, Telephone: 415–561–5300. Dated: July 28, 2008. Karen A. Cook, General Counsel. [FR Doc. E8–17653 Filed 7–31–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–4R–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION [Docket No. DOT–OST–2008–0182] Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU); Notice of Request for Renewal of Data Collection by the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization’s (OSDBU) Regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers (SBTRCs); Agency Information Collection Activities; Request for Comments, Renewal and Approval of Information Collection(s): Regional Center Intake Form (DOT F 4500) and Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (DOT F 4502) Office of the Secretary, DOT. Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: ACTION: The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) invites the public to comment about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) approval to renew information collection forms, associated with OSDBU. The collection involves the use of the Regional Center Intake Form, SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00136 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 (DOT F 4500) which documents the type of assistance provided to each small business that is enrolled in the program. The use of the Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form, (DOT F 4502) will highlight activities, such as counseling, marketing, meetings/ conferences, and services to businesses as completed during the month. The information will be used to ascertain whether the program is providing services to its constituency, the small business community, in a fair and equitable manner. The information collected is necessary to determine whether small businesses are participating in DOT funded and DOT assisted opportunities with the DOT. The Counseling Information Form, (DOT F 4640.1) has been eliminated and the information contained in that form is now consolidated into the Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (formerly titled Monthly Report of Operations Form). To eliminate duplication and to streamline the data collection process, OSDBU revised the Monthly Report of Operations Form into the Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. On June 26, 2008, OSDBU published a 60day notice in the Federal Register (73 FR 36368) Docket #OST–2008–0182, informing the public of OSDBU’s intention to extend an approved information collection. DATES: Written comments should be submitted by: September 2, 2008 and submitted to the attention of the DOT/ OST Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Docket library, Room 10102, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503 or oira_submission (e-mail). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arthur D. Jackson, 202–366–5344 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Room W56 462, Washington, DC 20590. Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) OMB Control No: 2105–0554; Form No.: DOT F 4500, Regional Center Intake Form and Form No.: DOT F 4502, Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form. E:\FR\FM\01AUN1.SGM 01AUN1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 149 / Friday, August 1, 2008 / Notices Affected Public: Representatives of DOT Regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers and the Small Businesses community on a national basis. Type of Review: Clearance and Renewal. Abstract: In accordance with Public Law 95–507, an amendment to the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1953, OSDBU is responsible for the implementation and execution of the Department of Transportation (DOT) activities on behalf of small businesses, in accordance with Section 8, 15 and 31 of the Small Business Act (SBA), as amended. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization also administers the provisions of Title 49, of the United States Code, Section 332, the Minority Resource Center (MRC) which includes the duties of advocacy, outreach and financial services on behalf of small and disadvantaged business businesses and those certified under CFR 49 parts 23 and or 26 as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE).The Small Business Transportation Resource Regional Centers will collect information on small businesses, which includes Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Women-Owned Small Business (WOB), Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), 8(a), Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB), Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB), HubZone, and types of services they seek from the SBTRCs. Services and responsibilities of the SBTRCs include business analysis, general management & technical assistance and training, business counseling, outreach services/ conference participation, short-term loan assistance. The cumulative data collected will be analyzed by the OSDBU to determine the effectiveness of services provided, including counseling, outreach, and financial services. Such data will also be analyzed by the OSDBU to determine agency effectiveness in assisting small businesses to enhance their opportunities to participate in government contracts and subcontracts. The Regional Center Intake Form, (DOT F 4500) is used by the Regional SBTRC staff to enroll small business clients into the program in order to create a viable database of firms that can participate in government contracts and subcontracts, especially those projects that are transportation related. In addition, each enrolled small business will be assigned a client number that can track the firm’s involvement in the services offered by the SBTRCs. Each area on the form must be filled in VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:39 Jul 31, 2008 Jkt 214001 electronically by the SBTRCs and retained in secured files of the client. The completion of the form is used as a tool for making decisions about the needs of the business, such as; referral to technical assistance agencies for help, identifying the type of profession or trade of the business, the type of certification that the business holds, length of time in business, and location of the firm. The SBTRCs must complete an Intake Form and retain copies in secured files in their offices. A limited amount of privacy information is requested on this form. We have informed the public that the Privacy Act is stated on the form. Under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552) any person can request to see or get copies of any personal information that DOT has in his or her file, when that file is retrievable by individual identifiers, such as name or social security numbers. Request for information about another party may be denied unless DOT has the written permission of the individual to release the information to the requestor or unless the information is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. This can assist the SBTRCs in developing a business plan or adjusting their business plan to increase its ability to market its goods and services to buyers and potential users of their services. Respondents: Small Business Transportation Resource Centers. Estimated Number of Respondents: 100. Frequency: The information will be collected monthly. Estimated Total Burden on Respondents: 600 hours. The Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (DOT F 4502) for each SBTRC must submit a monthly status report of business activities conducted during the 30 day time frame. The form is used to capture activities and accomplishments that were made by the Regional SBTRCs during the course of the month. In addition, the form includes a data collection section where numbers and hours are reported and a section that is assigned for a written narrative that provides back up that supports the data. Activities to be reported are (1) Counseling Activity which identifies the counseling hours provided to businesses, number of new appointments, and follow-up on counseled clients. (2) Activity for Businesses Served identifies the type of small business that is helped, such as a DBE, 8(a), WOB, HubZone, SDB, SDVOB, or VOSB. 3) Marketing Activity includes the name of an event attended by the SBTRC and the role played when PO 00000 Frm 00137 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 45093 participating in a conference, workshop or any other venue that relates to small businesses. (4) Meetings that are held with government representatives in the region, or at the state level, are an activity that is reported. (5) Events Hosted by the SBTRCs, such as small business workshops, financial assistance workshops, matchmaking events, are activities that are reported on a monthly basis. Respondents: Small Business Transportation Resource Centers. Estimated Number of Respondents: 100. Frequency: The information will be collected monthly. Estimated Total Burden on Respondents: 1200 hours. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Department, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Departments estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collection; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, by the use of electronic means, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of public record. Issued in Washington, DC on July 25, 2008. Patricia Lawton, DOT Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer. [FR Doc. E8–17671 Filed 7–31–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–9X–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Ninth Meeting: Special Committee 209, ATCRBS/Mode S Transponder MOPS Maintenance Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 209, EUROCAE WG–49 Joint Plenary Session ATCRBS/Mode S Transponder MOPS Maintenance. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a meeting of RTCA Special Committee 209, ATCRBS/ Mode S Transponder MOPS Maintenance. DATES: The meeting will be held August 20–21, 2008, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. E:\FR\FM\01AUN1.SGM 01AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 149 (Friday, August 1, 2008)]
[Pages 45092-45093]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-17671]



[Docket No. DOT-OST-2008-0182]

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU); 
Notice of Request for Renewal of Data Collection by the Office of Small 
and Disadvantaged Business Utilization's (OSDBU) Regional Small 
Business Transportation Resource Centers (SBTRCs); Agency Information 
Collection Activities; Request for Comments, Renewal and Approval of 
Information Collection(s): Regional Center Intake Form (DOT F 4500) and 
Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (DOT F 4502)

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 
(OSDBU) invites the public to comment about our intention to request 
the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval to renew 
information collection forms, associated with OSDBU. The collection 
involves the use of the Regional Center Intake Form, (DOT F 4500) which 
documents the type of assistance provided to each small business that 
is enrolled in the program.
    The use of the Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form, (DOT F 
4502) will highlight activities, such as counseling, marketing, 
meetings/conferences, and services to businesses as completed during 
the month. The information will be used to ascertain whether the 
program is providing services to its constituency, the small business 
community, in a fair and equitable manner. The information collected is 
necessary to determine whether small businesses are participating in 
DOT funded and DOT assisted opportunities with the DOT.
    The Counseling Information Form, (DOT F 4640.1) has been eliminated 
and the information contained in that form is now consolidated into the 
Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (formerly titled Monthly 
Report of Operations Form). To eliminate duplication and to streamline 
the data collection process, OSDBU revised the Monthly Report of 
Operations Form into the Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form.
    We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. On June 26, 2008, OSDBU published 
a 60-day notice in the Federal Register (73 FR 36368) Docket 
OST-2008-0182, informing the public of OSDBU's intention to 
extend an approved information collection.

DATES: Written comments should be submitted by: September 2, 2008 and 
submitted to the attention of the DOT/OST Desk Officer, Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 
Docket library, Room 10102, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503 
or oira--submission (e-mail).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arthur D. Jackson, 202-366-5344 Office 
of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of the 
Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, 
SE., Room W56 462, Washington, DC 20590. Office hours are from 9 a.m. 
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.


    Title: U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Small and 
Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
    OMB Control No: 2105-0554; Form No.: DOT F 4500, Regional Center 
Intake Form and Form No.: DOT F 4502, Regional Resource Center Monthly 
Report Form.

[[Page 45093]]

    Affected Public: Representatives of DOT Regional Small Business 
Transportation Resource Centers and the Small Businesses community on a 
national basis.
    Type of Review: Clearance and Renewal.
    Abstract: In accordance with Public Law 95-507, an amendment to the 
Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1953, OSDBU 
is responsible for the implementation and execution of the Department 
of Transportation (DOT) activities on behalf of small businesses, in 
accordance with Section 8, 15 and 31 of the Small Business Act (SBA), 
as amended. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 
also administers the provisions of Title 49, of the United States Code, 
Section 332, the Minority Resource Center (MRC) which includes the 
duties of advocacy, outreach and financial services on behalf of small 
and disadvantaged business businesses and those certified under CFR 49 
parts 23 and or 26 as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE).The 
Small Business Transportation Resource Regional Centers will collect 
information on small businesses, which includes Disadvantaged Business 
Enterprise (DBE), Women-Owned Small Business (WOB), Small Disadvantaged 
Business (SDB), 8(a), Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB), 
Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB), HubZone, and types of services 
they seek from the SBTRCs. Services and responsibilities of the SBTRCs 
include business analysis, general management & technical assistance 
and training, business counseling, outreach services/conference 
participation, short-term loan assistance. The cumulative data 
collected will be analyzed by the OSDBU to determine the effectiveness 
of services provided, including counseling, outreach, and financial 
services. Such data will also be analyzed by the OSDBU to determine 
agency effectiveness in assisting small businesses to enhance their 
opportunities to participate in government contracts and subcontracts.
    The Regional Center Intake Form, (DOT F 4500) is used by the 
Regional SBTRC staff to enroll small business clients into the program 
in order to create a viable database of firms that can participate in 
government contracts and subcontracts, especially those projects that 
are transportation related. In addition, each enrolled small business 
will be assigned a client number that can track the firm's involvement 
in the services offered by the SBTRCs. Each area on the form must be 
filled in electronically by the SBTRCs and retained in secured files of 
the client. The completion of the form is used as a tool for making 
decisions about the needs of the business, such as; referral to 
technical assistance agencies for help, identifying the type of 
profession or trade of the business, the type of certification that the 
business holds, length of time in business, and location of the firm. 
The SBTRCs must complete an Intake Form and retain copies in secured 
files in their offices. A limited amount of privacy information is 
requested on this form. We have informed the public that the Privacy 
Act is stated on the form. Under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552) any 
person can request to see or get copies of any personal information 
that DOT has in his or her file, when that file is retrievable by 
individual identifiers, such as name or social security numbers. 
Request for information about another party may be denied unless DOT 
has the written permission of the individual to release the information 
to the requestor or unless the information is subject to disclosure 
under the Freedom of Information Act. This can assist the SBTRCs in 
developing a business plan or adjusting their business plan to increase 
its ability to market its goods and services to buyers and potential 
users of their services.
    Respondents: Small Business Transportation Resource Centers.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
    Frequency: The information will be collected monthly.
    Estimated Total Burden on Respondents: 600 hours.
    The Regional Resource Center Monthly Report Form (DOT F 4502) for 
each SBTRC must submit a monthly status report of business activities 
conducted during the 30 day time frame. The form is used to capture 
activities and accomplishments that were made by the Regional SBTRCs 
during the course of the month. In addition, the form includes a data 
collection section where numbers and hours are reported and a section 
that is assigned for a written narrative that provides back up that 
supports the data.
    Activities to be reported are (1) Counseling Activity which 
identifies the counseling hours provided to businesses, number of new 
appointments, and follow-up on counseled clients. (2) Activity for 
Businesses Served identifies the type of small business that is helped, 
such as a DBE, 8(a), WOB, HubZone, SDB, SDVOB, or VOSB. 3) Marketing 
Activity includes the name of an event attended by the SBTRC and the 
role played when participating in a conference, workshop or any other 
venue that relates to small businesses. (4) Meetings that are held with 
government representatives in the region, or at the state level, are an 
activity that is reported. (5) Events Hosted by the SBTRCs, such as 
small business workshops, financial assistance workshops, matchmaking 
events, are activities that are reported on a monthly basis.
    Respondents: Small Business Transportation Resource Centers.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
    Frequency: The information will be collected monthly.
    Estimated Total Burden on Respondents: 1200 hours.
    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
the Department, including whether the information will have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the Departments estimate of the burden of 
the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility and clarity of the information collection; and (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, by 
the use of electronic means, including the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology.
    All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the 
request for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of 
public record.

    Issued in Washington, DC on July 25, 2008.
Patricia Lawton,
DOT Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E8-17671 Filed 7-31-08; 8:45 am]
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