Notice of Availability of Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities, 43795-43798 [E8-17246]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 145 / Monday, July 28, 2008 / Notices
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request
National Science Foundation.
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The National Science
Foundation (NSF) has submitted the
following information collection
requirement to OMB for review and
clearance under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13. The full submission may be found
PRAMain. This is the second notice for
public comment; the first was published
in the Federal Register at 73 FR 24615,
and no comments were received. NSF is
forwarding the proposed renewal
submission to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for clearance
simultaneously with the publication of
this second notice. Comments regarding
(a) whether the collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of burden including
the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology should be
addressed to: Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs of OMB, Attention:
Desk Officer for National Science
Foundation, 725—17th Street, NW.,
Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503,
and to Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports
Clearance Officer, National Science
Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard,
Suite 295, Arlington, Virginia 22230 or
send e-mail to
Comments regarding these information
collections are best assured of having
their full effect if received within 30
days of this notification. Copies of the
submission may be obtained by calling
NSF may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless the
collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB control number
and the agency informs potential
persons who are to respond to the
collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it
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displays a currently valid OMB control
Title of Collection: 2008 Survey of
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in
Science and Engineering.
OMB Approval Number: 3145–0062.
Type of Request: Intent to seek
approval to extend an information
collection for three years.
1. Abstract
The Survey of Graduate Students and
Postdoctorates in Science and
Engineering (GSS) has been conducted
since 1966. The GSS is a census of all
eligible academic institutions and all
departments in science and engineering
and health (SEH) programs in the
United States. The GSS is the only
national survey that collects information
on the characteristics of graduate
enrollment for specific science,
engineering, and health disciplines at
the department level. It collects
information on race/ethnicity,
citizenship, gender, sources of support,
mechanisms of support, and enrollment
status for graduate students; and gender,
citizenship and sources of support for
postdoctorates. It also collects counts by
gender of other nonfaculty research staff
with doctorates.
The National Science Foundation Act
of 1950, as subsequently amended,
includes a statutory charge to ‘‘* * *
provide a central clearinghouse for the
collection, interpretation, and analysis
of data on scientific and engineering
resources, and to provide a source of
information for policy formulation by
other agencies of the Federal
Government.’’ The GSS is designed to
comply with these mandates by
providing information on the
characteristics of academic graduate
enrollment and postdoctoral
components in science, engineering and
health fields. The Foundation uses this
information to prepare congressionally
mandated reports such as Women,
Minorities and Persons with Disabilities
in Science and Engineering and Science
and Engineering Indicators.
Survey results are made available in
a variety of formats. A four-page
InfoBrief and selected summary tables
are published. All tables and reports are
made available in various electronic
formats on the Web (https://www.nsf/
gov/statistics/). The results are also in
the Web-based Computer-Aided Science
Policy Analysis and Research
(WebCASPAR) database system. The
URL for WebCASPAR is https:// A public
release file is also made available on the
World Wide Web.
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RTI International (RTI) will conduct
the study for NSF. Data collection will
begin in October 2008 primarily by Web
survey (with paper worksheets available
upon request). All information will be
used for statistical purposes only.
Participation in the survey is voluntary.
2. Expected Respondents
In 2008, the number of departments is
expected to grow by 5 percent resulting
in a total number of 13,253 departments.
In addition, the 2008 GSS will be
conducting pilot studies with 80
potentially eligible institutions and with
40 institutions where undercoverage
(not all eligible departments are being
listed) may be occurring. Finally, in
2008–2010 the GSS will be including
the Federally Funded Research and
Development Centers (FFRDCs) as part
of the GSS in order to gather
information about the number and
characteristics of postdoctoral
appointments in these centers.
3. Burden on the Public
The amount of time to complete the
GSS varies and depends to a large
degree on the extent to which the
school’s records are centrally stored and
computerized. On average, it takes 2.5
hours to complete the GSS. Based on
estimates provided by the respondents
to the 2007 GSS, the total estimated
burden for the 2008 GSS will be 36,721
hours. This estimate includes the 33,133
annual burden hours for the 2008 GSS;
2,800 annual burden hours for the pilot
study of the newly eligible institutions;
600 burden hours for the undercoverage
pilot study; and 188 burden hours for
FFRDC study. The total estimated
burden for the three years of this
clearance (2008–2010) will be 127,423
hours, including 360 hours for field
testing of data collection instruments
prior to implementation.
Dated: July 23, 2008.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science
[FR Doc. E8–17182 Filed 7–25–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Availability of Draft Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for InSitu Leach Uranium Milling Facilities
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of availability of Draft
Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for Uranium milling facilities.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 145 / Monday, July 28, 2008 / Notices
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC), with the
cooperation of the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality,
Land Quality Division, is issuing for
public comment a Draft Generic
Environmental Impact Statement (Draft
GEIS) that identifies and evaluates on a
programmatic basis, the potential
environmental impacts from the
construction, operation, aquifer
restoration, and decommissioning at insitu leach (ISL) uranium milling
facilities located in particular regions of
the western United States. The Draft
GEIS addresses environmental issues
common to ISL milling facilities to aid
in making more efficient environmental
reviews of individual site-specific ISL
license applications.
The NRC anticipates that nearly 75
percent of new license applications for
uranium milling received by the agency
within the next several years will
propose use of the ISL process. By
addressing common issues associated
with environmental reviews of ISL
facilities, the NRC will use the GEIS to
provide a starting point in the staff’s
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) analyses for site-specific license
applications for new ISL facilities.
Additionally, the NRC staff plans to use
the GEIS, along with applicable
previous site-specific environmental
review documents, in its NEPA analysis
for the restart or expansions of existing
ISL facilities. In its review of individual
ISL license applications, the NRC would
evaluate the site-specific data to
determine whether relevant sections of
the GEIS could be incorporated by
reference into the site-specific
environmental review. Additionally, the
NRC would determine whether aspects
of the site and/or the applicant’s
proposed activities are consistent with
those evaluated in the GEIS or are such
that additional analysis in specific topic
areas would be required. As such, the
subsequent site-specific NEPA reviews
(i.e., either environmental assessments
or environmental impact statements)
will tier from the analyses of common
issues evaluated in the GEIS and
address the unique attributes of
individual sites.
To encourage broad participation in
the preparation of the GEIS, the NRC
staff has scheduled a series of public
meetings in potentially affected regions
of the four states (Wyoming, South
Dakota, Nebraska, and New Mexico)
where uranium milling companies have
indicated to the NRC their desire to
pursue uranium recovery using the ISL
process. The purpose of these meetings
will be for the NRC staff to present an
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overview of the Draft GEIS and to accept
oral and written public comments on
the Draft GEIS from interested members
of the public. The meeting dates, times,
and locations are listed below:
Meeting Date: August 25, 2008, 7 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Holiday Inn Hotel &
Convention Center, 305 N. 27th Street,
Spearfish, SD 57783, Phone (605) 642–
Meeting Date: August 27, 2008, 7 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Chadron State
College, Student Center Ballroom, 1000
Main Street, Chadron, NE., 69337,
Phone (308) 432–6380.
Meeting Date: August 29, 2008, 7 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Weston Senior
Center, 627 Pine Street, Newcastle, WY
82701, Phone (307) 746–4903.
Meeting Date: September 8, 2008, 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Inn &
Suites, 3009 West Highway 66, Gallup,
NM, Phone (505) 722–2221.
Meeting Date: September 9, 2008, 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Inn &
Suites, 1501 East Santa Fe Ave., Grants,
NM, 87020, Phone (505) 287–7901.
Meeting Date: September 11, 2008, 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Hilton
Albuquerque, 1901 University
Boulevard NE., Albuquerque, NM,
Phone (505) 884–2500.
Meeting Date: September 23, 2008, 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western
Ramkota Hotel, 800 N. Poplar, Casper,
WY, Phone (307) 266–6000.
Meeting Date: September 25, 2008, 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Tower
West Lodge, 109 North U.S. Highway 14
&16, Gillette, WY, 82716, Phone (307)
For each meeting, members of the
NRC staff will be available for informal
discussions with members of the public
from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The formal
meeting and associated NRC
presentation will begin at 7 p.m. For
planning purposes, those who wish to
present oral comments at a particular
meeting are encouraged to pre-register
no later than one week (7 days) prior to
the meeting by contacting either Tarsha
Moon of the NRC at 1–800–368–5642,
extension 7843 or Antoinette WalkerSmith of the NRC at 1–800–368–5642,
Extension 6390. Interested persons also
may register to speak at the meetings.
Depending on the number of speakers
for a meeting, each speaker may be
limited in the amount of time allocated
for their comments so that all speakers
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will have an opportunity to offer
The NRC will issue a Final GEIS after
considering both oral and written public
comments on the Draft GEIS.
DATES: The public comment period on
the Draft GEIS begins with publication
of this notice and continues until
October 7, 2008. Written comments
should be submitted as described in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice. The
NRC will consider comments received
or postmarked after that date to the
extent practical.
ADDRESSES: Members of the public are
invited and encouraged to submit
comments on the Draft GEIS to the
Chief, Rulemaking, Directives, and
Editing Branch, Mailstop: T6–D59, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001. The NRC
encourages comments submitted
electronically to be sent to Please
include ‘‘Uranium Recovery GEIS’’ in
the subject line when submitting written
general information on the NRC’s NEPA
process, or the environmental review
process related to the Draft GEIS, please
contact James Park, Project Manager,
Division of Waste Management and
Environmental Protection (DWMEP),
Mail Stop T–8F5, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC, 20555–001, by phone at 1 (800)
368–5642, extension 6935. For general
or technical information associated with
the safety and licensing of uranium
milling facilities, please contact William
Von Till, Branch Chief, Uranium
Recovery Branch, DWMEP, Mail Stop
T–8F5, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001, by phone at 1 (800) 368–5642,
extension 0598.
The NRC maintains an Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS), which provides text
and image files of the NRC’s public
documents. The Draft GEIS and its
appendices may be accessed through the
NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room
on the internet at:
reading-rm/adams.html, under the
accession numbers ML082030184 and
ML082000997 for Volumes 1 and 2,
respectively, of the Draft GEIS. If you
either do not have access to ADAMS or
if there is a problem accessing
documents located in ADAMS, contact
the NRC Public Document Room (PDR)
reference staff at 1 (800) 397–4209, 1
(301) 415–4737 or by email to
Information and documents
associated with the Draft GEIS are also
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 145 / Monday, July 28, 2008 / Notices
available for public review through the
NRC Public Electronic Reading Room on
the Internet at
reading-rm/adams.html and at the
NRC’s Web site for the GEIS, https://
licensing/geis.html. Both information
and documents associated with the
Draft GEIS also are available for
inspection at the Commission’s Public
Document Room, U.S. NRC’s
Headquarters Building, 11555 Rockville
Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland.
For those without access to the Internet,
paper copies of any electronic
documents may be obtained for a fee by
contacting the NRC’s Public Document
Room at 1–800–397–4209. The draft
GEIS and related documents may also
be found at the following public
Albuquerque Main Library, 501 Copper
NW., Albuquerque, New Mexico
87102, 505–768–5141.
Mother Whiteside Memorial Library,
525 West High Street, Grants, New
Mexico 87020, 505–287–4793.
Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W
Hill Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico
87301, 505–863–1291.
Natrona County Public Library, 307 East
Second Street, Casper, Wyoming
82601, 307–332–5194.
Carbon County Public Library, 215 W
Buffalo Street, Rawlins, Wyoming
82301, 307–328–2618.
Campbell County Public Library, 2101
South 4J Road, Gillette, Wyoming
82718, 307–687–0009.
Weston County Library, 23 West Main
Street, Newcastle, Wyoming 82701,
Chadron Public Library, 507 Bordeaux
Street, Chadron, Nebraska 69337,
Rapid City Public Library, 610 Quincy
Street, Rapid City, South Dakota
57701, 605–394–4171.
cooperation with the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality
(Land Quality Division), the NRC staff
and its contractor, the Center for
Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses,
prepared this draft GEIS to facilitate the
NRC staff’s environmental review of
new ISL uranium milling license
applications. The NRC staff will use the
GEIS to ensure a consistent approach in
conducting the reviews and to focus the
staff’s efforts on unique site
characteristics that will be addressed in
the site-specific environmental
evaluations as part of ISL application
reviews. The Draft GEIS was prepared in
compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
the NRC’s regulations for implementing
NEPA (10 CFR Part 51).
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The NRC staff published a Notice of
Intent to prepare the GEIS, in the
Federal Register on July 24, 2007 (72 FR
40344). The public scoping comment
period for the GEIS closed on November
30, 2007. The NRC staff has prepared a
summary report of the comments
received, and this report is available
through the NRC Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at
adams.html, under the accession
number ML081560476.
The NRC is expecting numerous
license applications for in-situ leach
(ISL) uranium milling facilities in the
coming 2–3 years. This Draft GEIS is
intended to address the common issues
associated with environmental reviews
of such milling facilities located in
specific regions of the western United
States. Due to environmental issues
common to ISL milling facilities, the
NRC staff is addressing these common
issues in a programmatic manner to aid
in a more efficient environmental
review for each individual license
application, if and when these
applications are submitted.
ISL milling facilities recover uranium
from low grade ores that may not be
economically recoverable by other
methods. In this process, a leaching
agent, such as oxygen with sodium
bicarbonate, is added to native ground
water for injection through wells into
the subsurface ore body to dissolve the
uranium. The leach solution, containing
the dissolved uranium, is pumped back
to the surface and sent to the processing
plant, where ion exchange is used to
separate the uranium from the solution.
The underground leaching of the
uranium also frees other metals and
minerals from the host rock. Operators
of ISL facilities are required to restore
the ground water affected by the
leaching operations. The milling process
concentrates the recovered uranium into
the product known as ‘‘yellowcake’’
(U3O8). This yellowcake is then shipped
to uranium conversion facilities for
further processing in the overall
uranium fuel cycle.
In the Draft GEIS, the proposed action
is the construction, operation, aquifer
restoration, and decommissioning at an
ISL uranium milling facility in each of
four identified regions in the western
U.S. Implementation of the proposed
action would require the issuance of an
NRC license under the provisions of 10
CFR Part 40. The GEIS also addresses
the no-action alternative. Under this
alternative, the NRC would not approve
new ISL license applications in the four
regions and so new ISL uranium milling
facilities would not constructed nor
operated in those regions. The no-action
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alternative serves as a baseline for
comparison of the potential
environmental impacts.
Conventional mining/milling and the
heap leach process are two other
methods of uranium recovery. However,
inasmuch as the suitability and
practicality of using these alternative
milling methodologies depends upon
site-specific conditions, a generic
discussion of these methodologies is not
appropriate. Accordingly, the Draft GEIS
does not contain a detailed analysis of
alternative milling methodologies to the
ISL process. A detailed analysis of such
alternative milling methodologies that
can be applied at a specific site will be
addressed in the NRC’s site-specific
environmental review for individual ISL
license applications.
The Draft GEIS is structured in the
following manner. The NRC staff began
by identifying four uranium milling
regions in the western U.S. to use as a
framework for discussions in the
document. Two regions are found in
Wyoming, one in New Mexico, and a
final region encompasses portions of
Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
These regions were identified based
on several considerations, including:
• Past and existing uranium milling
sites are located within States where the
NRC has regulatory authority over
uranium recovery;
• Potential new sites are identified
based on the NRC’s understanding of
where the uranium recovery industry
has plans to develop uranium deposits
using ISL technology; and
• Locations of historical uranium
deposits within portions of Wyoming,
Nebraska, South Dakota, and New
Additionally, in defining these
regions, the NRC considered aspects of
the affected environment (e.g., regional
ground water characteristics, regional
demographics) such that potential
future ISL milling sites within each
region would more likely share those
aspects for the purpose of evaluating
potential environmental impacts.
Therefore, the NRC considers that these
regions reasonably bound the
geographic scope of the Draft GEIS for
describing the affected environment and
for assessing potential environmental
impacts within each region.
Next, the Draft GEIS provides a
description of the ISL process and
addresses the construction, operation,
aquifer restoration, and
decommissioning at an ISL facility.
Financial assurance is also discussed,
whereby the ISL licensee or applicant
establishes a bond or other financial
mechanism prior to operations to ensure
that sufficient funds are available to
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 145 / Monday, July 28, 2008 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
complete aquifer restoration,
decommissioning, and reclamation
Then, the Draft GEIS describes the
affected environment in each uranium
milling region, using the environmental
resource areas and topics identified
through public scoping comments on
the GEIS and from NRC guidance to its
staff found in NUREG–1748,
‘‘Environmental Review Guidance for
Licensing Actions Associated With
NMSS Programs,’’ issued by the NRC in
Finally, the Draft GEIS provides an
evaluation of the potential
environmental impacts of constructing,
operating, aquifer restoration, and
decommissioning at an ISL facility in
each of the four uranium milling
regions. In essence, this involves
placing an ISL facility with the
characteristics described previously
within each of the four regional areas
and describing and evaluating the
potential impacts in each region
separately. Impacts are examined for the
following resource areas:
• Land use.
• Transportation.
• Geology and soils.
• Water resources.
• Ecology.
• Air quality.
• Noise.
• Historical and cultural resource.
• Visual and scenic resources.
• Socioeconomic.
• Public and occupational health.
Following the discussion of potential
environmental impacts, the Draft GEIS
addresses cumulative impacts;
environmental justice; practices,
measures, and actions to mitigate
potential impacts; environmental
monitoring activities; and the
consultation process with federal and
tribal entities.
As stated previously, the NRC is
accepting comments on the Draft GEIS.
Following the end of the public
comment period, the NRC staff will
publish a Final GEIS that addresses, as
appropriate, the public comments on
the Draft GEIS. The NRC expects to
publish the Final GEIS by June 2009.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 21st day
of July, 2008.
For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Patrice M. Bubar,
Deputy Director, Environmental Protection
and Performance Assessment Directorate,
Division of Waste Management and
Environmental Protection, Office of Federal
and State Materials and Environmental
Management Programs.
[FR Doc. E8–17246 Filed 7–25–08; 8:45 am]
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Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Upon written request, copies available
from: Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of Investor
Education and Advocacy,
Washington, DC 20549–0213.
Extension: Form S–4; OMB Control No.
3235–0324; SEC File No. 270–287.
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘Commission’) has submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget a
request for extension of the previously
approved collection of information
discussed below.
Form S–4 (17 CFR 239.25) is the
registration form used to register
securities issued in business
combination transactions under the
Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a et
seq.). The information collected is
intended to ensure the adequacy of
information available to investors in
connection with business combination
transactions. Form S–4 is a public
document and all information provided
is mandatory. Form S–4 takes
approximately 4,064 hours per response
to prepare and is filed by 619 registrants
annually. We estimate that 25% of the
4,064 hours per response (1,016 hours)
is prepared by the registrant for an
annual reporting burden of 628,904
hours (1,016 hours per response × 619
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
control number.
Written comments regarding the
above information should be directed to
the following persons: (i) Desk Officer
for the Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10102,
New Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503 or send an
e-mail to; and
(ii) Lewis W. Walker, Acting Director/
CIO, Securities and Exchange
Commission, C/O Shirley Martinson,
6432 General Green Way, Alexandria,
VA 22312; or send an e-mail to: Comments must
be submitted to OMB within 30 days of
this notice.
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Dated: July 22, 2008.
Florence E. Harmon,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–17214 Filed 7–25–08; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–58205; File No. 4–443]
Joint Industry Plan; Order Granting
Permanent Approval to Amendment
No. 1 to the Plan for the Purpose of
Developing and Implementing
Procedures Designed To Facilitate the
Listing and Trading of Standardized
July 22, 2008.
I. Introduction
On May 15, 2008, May 15, 2008, May
13, 2008, May 6, 2008, May 13, 2008,
May 7, 2008, May 13, 2008, and May 8,
2008, the American Stock Exchange LLC
(‘‘Amex’’), the Boston Stock Exchange,
Inc. (‘‘BSE’’), Chicago Board Options
Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’), the
International Securities Exchange, LLC
(‘‘ISE’’), The NASDAQ Stock Market
LLC (‘‘Nasdaq’’), NYSE Arca Inc.
(‘‘NYSE Arca’’), the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange, Inc. (‘‘Phlx’’), and the
Options Clearing Corporation (‘‘OCC’’)
respectively, filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to Section
11A of the Securities Exchange Act 1 of
1934 (‘‘Act’’) and Rule 608 thereunder,2
Amendment No. 1 to the Plan for the
Purpose of Developing and
Implementing Procedures Designed to
Facilitate the Listing and Trading of
Standardized Options (‘‘the Options
Listing Procedures Plan’’ or ‘‘OLPP’’).3
Amendment No. 1 would provide a
uniform time frame for the introduction
of new Long-term Equity AnticiPation
(‘‘LEAP’’ or ‘‘LEAPS’’) series on equity
option classes, options on Exchange
Traded Funds (‘‘ETFs’’), or options on
Trust Issued Receipts (‘‘TIRs’’).
On May 22, 2008, the Commission
issued notice of and approved
Amendment No. 1 on a temporary basis
1 15
U.S.C. 78k–1.
CFR 242.608.
3 On July 6, 2001, the Commission approved the
OLPP, which was originally proposed by the Amex,
CBOE, ISE, OCC, Phlx, and Pacific Exchange, Inc.
(k/n/a NYSE Arca). See Securities Exchange Act
Release No. 44521, 66 FR 36809 (July 13, 2001). On
February 5, 2004, BSE was added as a sponsor to
the OLPP. See Securities Exchange Act Release No.
49199, 69 FR 7030 (February 12, 2004). On March
21, 2008, Nasdaq was added as a sponsor to the
OLPP. See Securities Exchange Act Release No.
57546 (March 21, 2008), 73 FR 16393 (March 27,
2 17
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 145 (Monday, July 28, 2008)]
[Pages 43795-43798]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-17246]
Notice of Availability of Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Notice of availability of Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for Uranium milling facilities.
[[Page 43796]]
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC), with the cooperation of the Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division, is issuing for public
comment a Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft GEIS)
that identifies and evaluates on a programmatic basis, the potential
environmental impacts from the construction, operation, aquifer
restoration, and decommissioning at in-situ leach (ISL) uranium milling
facilities located in particular regions of the western United States.
The Draft GEIS addresses environmental issues common to ISL milling
facilities to aid in making more efficient environmental reviews of
individual site-specific ISL license applications.
The NRC anticipates that nearly 75 percent of new license
applications for uranium milling received by the agency within the next
several years will propose use of the ISL process. By addressing common
issues associated with environmental reviews of ISL facilities, the NRC
will use the GEIS to provide a starting point in the staff's National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analyses for site-specific license
applications for new ISL facilities. Additionally, the NRC staff plans
to use the GEIS, along with applicable previous site-specific
environmental review documents, in its NEPA analysis for the restart or
expansions of existing ISL facilities. In its review of individual ISL
license applications, the NRC would evaluate the site-specific data to
determine whether relevant sections of the GEIS could be incorporated
by reference into the site-specific environmental review. Additionally,
the NRC would determine whether aspects of the site and/or the
applicant's proposed activities are consistent with those evaluated in
the GEIS or are such that additional analysis in specific topic areas
would be required. As such, the subsequent site-specific NEPA reviews
(i.e., either environmental assessments or environmental impact
statements) will tier from the analyses of common issues evaluated in
the GEIS and address the unique attributes of individual sites.
To encourage broad participation in the preparation of the GEIS,
the NRC staff has scheduled a series of public meetings in potentially
affected regions of the four states (Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska,
and New Mexico) where uranium milling companies have indicated to the
NRC their desire to pursue uranium recovery using the ISL process. The
purpose of these meetings will be for the NRC staff to present an
overview of the Draft GEIS and to accept oral and written public
comments on the Draft GEIS from interested members of the public. The
meeting dates, times, and locations are listed below:
Meeting Date: August 25, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 305 N.
27th Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, Phone (605) 642-4683.
Meeting Date: August 27, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Chadron State College, Student Center Ballroom,
1000 Main Street, Chadron, NE., 69337, Phone (308) 432-6380.
Meeting Date: August 29, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Weston Senior Center, 627 Pine Street, Newcastle,
WY 82701, Phone (307) 746-4903.
Meeting Date: September 8, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Inn & Suites, 3009 West Highway 66,
Gallup, NM, Phone (505) 722-2221.
Meeting Date: September 9, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Inn & Suites, 1501 East Santa Fe
Ave., Grants, NM, 87020, Phone (505) 287-7901.
Meeting Date: September 11, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Hilton Albuquerque, 1901 University Boulevard
NE., Albuquerque, NM, Phone (505) 884-2500.
Meeting Date: September 23, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Ramkota Hotel, 800 N. Poplar,
Casper, WY, Phone (307) 266-6000.
Meeting Date: September 25, 2008, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Best Western Tower West Lodge, 109 North U.S.
Highway 14 &16, Gillette, WY, 82716, Phone (307) 686-2210.
For each meeting, members of the NRC staff will be available for
informal discussions with members of the public from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The formal meeting and associated NRC presentation will begin at 7 p.m.
For planning purposes, those who wish to present oral comments at a
particular meeting are encouraged to pre-register no later than one
week (7 days) prior to the meeting by contacting either Tarsha Moon of
the NRC at 1-800-368-5642, extension 7843 or Antoinette Walker-Smith of
the NRC at 1-800-368-5642, Extension 6390. Interested persons also may
register to speak at the meetings. Depending on the number of speakers
for a meeting, each speaker may be limited in the amount of time
allocated for their comments so that all speakers will have an
opportunity to offer comments.
The NRC will issue a Final GEIS after considering both oral and
written public comments on the Draft GEIS.
DATES: The public comment period on the Draft GEIS begins with
publication of this notice and continues until October 7, 2008. Written
comments should be submitted as described in the ADDRESSES section of
this notice. The NRC will consider comments received or postmarked
after that date to the extent practical.
ADDRESSES: Members of the public are invited and encouraged to submit
comments on the Draft GEIS to the Chief, Rulemaking, Directives, and
Editing Branch, Mailstop: T6-D59, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555-0001. The NRC encourages comments submitted
electronically to be sent to Please include
``Uranium Recovery GEIS'' in the subject line when submitting written
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on the NRC's
NEPA process, or the environmental review process related to the Draft
GEIS, please contact James Park, Project Manager, Division of Waste
Management and Environmental Protection (DWMEP), Mail Stop T-8F5, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 20555-001, by phone at 1
(800) 368-5642, extension 6935. For general or technical information
associated with the safety and licensing of uranium milling facilities,
please contact William Von Till, Branch Chief, Uranium Recovery Branch,
DWMEP, Mail Stop T-8F5, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555-0001, by phone at 1 (800) 368-5642, extension 0598.
The NRC maintains an Agencywide Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS), which provides text and image files of the NRC's public
documents. The Draft GEIS and its appendices may be accessed through
the NRC's Public Electronic Reading Room on the internet at: https://, under the accession numbers
ML082030184 and ML082000997 for Volumes 1 and 2, respectively, of the
Draft GEIS. If you either do not have access to ADAMS or if there is a
problem accessing documents located in ADAMS, contact the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1 (800) 397-4209, 1 (301) 415-
4737 or by email to
Information and documents associated with the Draft GEIS are also
[[Page 43797]]
available for public review through the NRC Public Electronic Reading
Room on the Internet at and at
the NRC's Web site for the GEIS,
cycle-fac/licensing/geis.html. Both information and documents
associated with the Draft GEIS also are available for inspection at the
Commission's Public Document Room, U.S. NRC's Headquarters Building,
11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland. For those
without access to the Internet, paper copies of any electronic
documents may be obtained for a fee by contacting the NRC's Public
Document Room at 1-800-397-4209. The draft GEIS and related documents
may also be found at the following public libraries:
Albuquerque Main Library, 501 Copper NW., Albuquerque, New Mexico
87102, 505-768-5141.
Mother Whiteside Memorial Library, 525 West High Street, Grants, New
Mexico 87020, 505-287-4793.
Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W Hill Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico
87301, 505-863-1291.
Natrona County Public Library, 307 East Second Street, Casper, Wyoming
82601, 307-332-5194.
Carbon County Public Library, 215 W Buffalo Street, Rawlins, Wyoming
82301, 307-328-2618.
Campbell County Public Library, 2101 South 4J Road, Gillette, Wyoming
82718, 307-687-0009.
Weston County Library, 23 West Main Street, Newcastle, Wyoming 82701,
Chadron Public Library, 507 Bordeaux Street, Chadron, Nebraska 69337,
Rapid City Public Library, 610 Quincy Street, Rapid City, South Dakota
57701, 605-394-4171.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In cooperation with the Wyoming Department
of Environmental Quality (Land Quality Division), the NRC staff and its
contractor, the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses, prepared
this draft GEIS to facilitate the NRC staff's environmental review of
new ISL uranium milling license applications. The NRC staff will use
the GEIS to ensure a consistent approach in conducting the reviews and
to focus the staff's efforts on unique site characteristics that will
be addressed in the site-specific environmental evaluations as part of
ISL application reviews. The Draft GEIS was prepared in compliance with
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the NRC's regulations
for implementing NEPA (10 CFR Part 51).
The NRC staff published a Notice of Intent to prepare the GEIS, in
the Federal Register on July 24, 2007 (72 FR 40344). The public scoping
comment period for the GEIS closed on November 30, 2007. The NRC staff
has prepared a summary report of the comments received, and this report
is available through the NRC Public Electronic Reading Room on the
Internet at, under the
accession number ML081560476.
The NRC is expecting numerous license applications for in-situ
leach (ISL) uranium milling facilities in the coming 2-3 years. This
Draft GEIS is intended to address the common issues associated with
environmental reviews of such milling facilities located in specific
regions of the western United States. Due to environmental issues
common to ISL milling facilities, the NRC staff is addressing these
common issues in a programmatic manner to aid in a more efficient
environmental review for each individual license application, if and
when these applications are submitted.
ISL milling facilities recover uranium from low grade ores that may
not be economically recoverable by other methods. In this process, a
leaching agent, such as oxygen with sodium bicarbonate, is added to
native ground water for injection through wells into the subsurface ore
body to dissolve the uranium. The leach solution, containing the
dissolved uranium, is pumped back to the surface and sent to the
processing plant, where ion exchange is used to separate the uranium
from the solution. The underground leaching of the uranium also frees
other metals and minerals from the host rock. Operators of ISL
facilities are required to restore the ground water affected by the
leaching operations. The milling process concentrates the recovered
uranium into the product known as ``yellowcake''
(U3O8). This yellowcake is then shipped to
uranium conversion facilities for further processing in the overall
uranium fuel cycle.
In the Draft GEIS, the proposed action is the construction,
operation, aquifer restoration, and decommissioning at an ISL uranium
milling facility in each of four identified regions in the western U.S.
Implementation of the proposed action would require the issuance of an
NRC license under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 40. The GEIS also
addresses the no-action alternative. Under this alternative, the NRC
would not approve new ISL license applications in the four regions and
so new ISL uranium milling facilities would not constructed nor
operated in those regions. The no-action alternative serves as a
baseline for comparison of the potential environmental impacts.
Conventional mining/milling and the heap leach process are two
other methods of uranium recovery. However, inasmuch as the suitability
and practicality of using these alternative milling methodologies
depends upon site-specific conditions, a generic discussion of these
methodologies is not appropriate. Accordingly, the Draft GEIS does not
contain a detailed analysis of alternative milling methodologies to the
ISL process. A detailed analysis of such alternative milling
methodologies that can be applied at a specific site will be addressed
in the NRC's site-specific environmental review for individual ISL
license applications.
The Draft GEIS is structured in the following manner. The NRC staff
began by identifying four uranium milling regions in the western U.S.
to use as a framework for discussions in the document. Two regions are
found in Wyoming, one in New Mexico, and a final region encompasses
portions of Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
These regions were identified based on several considerations,
Past and existing uranium milling sites are located within
States where the NRC has regulatory authority over uranium recovery;
Potential new sites are identified based on the NRC's
understanding of where the uranium recovery industry has plans to
develop uranium deposits using ISL technology; and
Locations of historical uranium deposits within portions
of Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, and New Mexico.
Additionally, in defining these regions, the NRC considered aspects
of the affected environment (e.g., regional ground water
characteristics, regional demographics) such that potential future ISL
milling sites within each region would more likely share those aspects
for the purpose of evaluating potential environmental impacts.
Therefore, the NRC considers that these regions reasonably bound the
geographic scope of the Draft GEIS for describing the affected
environment and for assessing potential environmental impacts within
each region.
Next, the Draft GEIS provides a description of the ISL process and
addresses the construction, operation, aquifer restoration, and
decommissioning at an ISL facility. Financial assurance is also
discussed, whereby the ISL licensee or applicant establishes a bond or
other financial mechanism prior to operations to ensure that sufficient
funds are available to
[[Page 43798]]
complete aquifer restoration, decommissioning, and reclamation
Then, the Draft GEIS describes the affected environment in each
uranium milling region, using the environmental resource areas and
topics identified through public scoping comments on the GEIS and from
NRC guidance to its staff found in NUREG-1748, ``Environmental Review
Guidance for Licensing Actions Associated With NMSS Programs,'' issued
by the NRC in 2003.
Finally, the Draft GEIS provides an evaluation of the potential
environmental impacts of constructing, operating, aquifer restoration,
and decommissioning at an ISL facility in each of the four uranium
milling regions. In essence, this involves placing an ISL facility with
the characteristics described previously within each of the four
regional areas and describing and evaluating the potential impacts in
each region separately. Impacts are examined for the following resource
Land use.
Geology and soils.
Water resources.
Air quality.
Historical and cultural resource.
Visual and scenic resources.
Public and occupational health.
Following the discussion of potential environmental impacts, the
Draft GEIS addresses cumulative impacts; environmental justice;
practices, measures, and actions to mitigate potential impacts;
environmental monitoring activities; and the consultation process with
federal and tribal entities.
As stated previously, the NRC is accepting comments on the Draft
GEIS. Following the end of the public comment period, the NRC staff
will publish a Final GEIS that addresses, as appropriate, the public
comments on the Draft GEIS. The NRC expects to publish the Final GEIS
by June 2009.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 21st day of July, 2008.
For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Patrice M. Bubar,
Deputy Director, Environmental Protection and Performance Assessment
Directorate, Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection,
Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management
[FR Doc. E8-17246 Filed 7-25-08; 8:45 am]