Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission for Extension Under Delegated Authority, Comments Requested, 43228-43229 [E8-16851]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 143 / Thursday, July 24, 2008 / Notices
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically in https:// or in hard copy at
the OEI Docket in the EPA Headquarters
Docket Center.
Dated: July 16, 2008.
Rebecca Clark,
Acting Director, National Center for
Environmental Assessment.
[FR Doc. E8–16979 Filed 7–23–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Being Submitted for
Review to the Office of Management
and Budget, Comments Requested
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
July 16, 2008.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burden and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), the Federal Communications
Commission invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to comment
on the following information
collection(s). Comments are requested
concerning (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Commission, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Commission’s burden estimate; (c) ways
to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information collected; and
(d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act that does not
display a valid OMB control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before August 25,
2008. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting PRA comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the FCC contact listed below as
soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments to
Nicholas A. Fraser, Office of
Management and Budget (e-mail
address:, and to
the Federal Communications
Commission’s PRA mailbox (e-mail
15:14 Jul 23, 2008
additional information contact Leslie
Smith via e-mail at or at
202–418–0217. To view or obtain a copy
of an information collection request
(ICR) submitted to OMB: (1) Go to this
OMB/GSA Web page: https://,
(2) look for the section of the Web page
called ‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ (3)
click on the downward-pointing arrow
in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box below the
‘‘Currently Under Review’’ heading, (4)
select ‘‘Federal Communications
Commission’’ from the list of agencies
presented in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box,
(5) click the ‘‘Submit’’ button to the
right of the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, and (6)
when the list of FCC ICRs currently
under review appears, look for the OMB
control number of the ICR you want to
view (or its title if there is no OMB
control number) and then click on the
ICR Reference Number. A copy of the
FCC submission to OMB will be
VerDate Aug<31>2005
address: Include in the emails the OMB control number of the
collection as shown in the
below or, if there is no OMB control
number, the Title as shown in the
you are unable to submit your
comments by e-mail contact the person
listed below to make alternate
Jkt 214001
OMB Control Number: 3060–0760.
Title: Access Charge Reform, CC
Docket No. 96–262 (First Report and
Order); Second Order on
Reconsideration and Memorandum
Opinion and Order, and Fifth Report
and Order.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Businesses or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 20 respondents; 20
Estimated Time per Response: 3–
1,575 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement; recordkeeping
requirement; and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. See 47 CFR
§ 69.727.
Total Annual Burden: 55,514 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $12,240.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting that
PO 00000
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the respondents submit confidential
information to the FCC. Respondents
may, however, request confidential
treatment for information they believe to
be confidential under 47 CFR 0.459 of
the Commission’s rules.
Needs and Uses: Pursuant to FCC 07–
159, respondents are no longer required
to comply with 47 U.S.C. 272 structural
safeguards. As such, the respondents
must now file certifications with the
Commission prior to providing contract
tariff services to itself or to any affiliate
that is neither a section 272 nor a rule
64.1903 separate affiliate for use in the
provision of any in-region, long distance
services that it provides service
pursuant to that contract tariff to an
unaffiliated customer. The certification
requirement will ensure, as a result of
the relief granted in FCC 07–159,
equivalent protection in the event the
BOCs provide in-region, long distance
services directly and will be less
burdensome and less costly for these
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8–16850 Filed 7–23–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
Federal Communications Commission
for Extension Under Delegated
Authority, Comments Requested
July 15, 2008.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burden and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), the Federal Communications
Commission invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to comment
on the following information
collection(s). Comments are requested
concerning (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Commission, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Commission’s burden estimate; (c) ways
to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information collected; and
(d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 143 / Thursday, July 24, 2008 / Notices
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act that does not
display a valid OMB control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before September 22,
2008. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments by
e-mail to Include in the email the OMB control number of the
collection. If you are unable to submit
your comments by e-mail contact the
person listed below to make alternate
additional information about the
information collection(s) or to obtain a
copy of the collection send an e-mail to and include the
collection’s OMB control number as
shown in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below, or call
Leslie F. Smith at (202) 418–0217.
OMB Control Number: 3060–1081.
Title: 47 CFR Sections 54.202, 54.209,
Federal-State Joint Board on Universal
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 33 respondents; 262
Estimated Time per Response: 0.25—
3 hours.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits, as per 47 CFR
Sections 54.202 & 54.209.
Frequency of Response:
Recordkeeping and annual reporting
Total Annual Burden: 360 hours.
Total Annual Cost: None.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No
Nature of Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting
respondents to submit confidential
information to the Commission. If the
Commission requests respondents to
submit information which respondents
believe is confidential, respondents may
request confidential treatment of such
information pursuant to section 0.459 of
the Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 0.459.
Needs and Uses: On March 17, 2005,
the Commission released the Eligible
Telecommunications Carriers
Designation Framework Report and
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:14 Jul 23, 2008
Jkt 214001
Order, CC Docket No. 96–45, FCC 05–
46. The information collection
requirements ensure that eligible
telecommunications carriers (ETCs)
continue to comply with the conditions
of the ETC designation and that
universal service funds are used for
their intended purposes. Specifically,
each ETC must submit, on an annual
basis, the following information: (1)
Progress reports on the ETC’s five-year
service quality improvement plan; (2)
detailed information on any outage
lasting at least 30 minutes; (3) the
number of unfulfilled requests for
service from potential customers within
its service areas; (4) the number of
complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines;
(5) certification that the ETC is
complying with applicable service
quality standards and consumer
protection rules; (6) certification that the
ETC is able to function in emergency
situations; (7) certification that the ETC
is offering a local usage plan comparable
to that offered by the incumbent LEC in
the relevant service areas; and (8)
certification that the carrier
acknowledges that the Commission may
require it to provide equal access to long
distance carriers in the event that no
other ETC is providing equal access
within the service area.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8–16851 Filed 7–23–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Approved by the Office of
Management and Budget
July 17, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission has received Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for the following public
information collection(s) pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501–3520). An agency may not
conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number,
and no person is required to respond to
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Comments concerning the
accuracy of the burden estimate(s) and
any suggestions for reducing the burden
should be directed to the person listed
CONTACT section below.
PO 00000
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Leslie Haney,,
(202) 418–1002.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0809.
OMB Approval Date: December 31,
Expiration Date: January 31, 2011.
Title: Communications Assistance for
Law Enforcement Act (CALEA).
Form No.: Not applicable.
Estimated Annual Burden: 350
responses; 17.93 hours per response;
6275 hours total per year.
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory for
system security filings and voluntary for
section 107(c) and 109(b) petitions.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
Neither CALEA system security filings
nor section 107(c) and 109(b) petitions.
Needs and Uses: The
Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act (CALEA) requires the
Commission to create rules that regulate
the conduct and recordkeeping of lawful
electronic surveillance. CALEA was
enacted in October 1994 to respond to
rapid advances in telecommunications
technology and eliminate obstacles
faced by law enforcement personnel in
conducting electronic surveillance.
Section 105 of CALEA requires
telecommunications carriers to protect
against the unlawful interception of
communications passing through their
systems. Law enforcement officials use
the information maintained by
telecommunications carriers to
determine the accountability and
accuracy of telecommunications
carriers’ compliance with lawful
electronic surveillance orders. On May
12, 2006, the Commission released a
Second Report and Order and
Memorandum Opinion and Order in ET
Docket No. 04–195, FCC 06–56, which
became effective August 4, 2006, except
for sections 1.20004 and 1.20005 of the
Commission’s rules, which became
effective on February 12, 2007 when
OMB approved their information
collection requirements. The Second
Report and Order established new
guidelines for filing section 107(c)
petitions, section 109(b) petitions, and
monitoring reports (FCC Form 445). The
monitoring reports were required on
only one occasion and no renewal of
that requirement is necessary. CALEA
section 107(c)(1) permits a petitioner to
apply for an extension of time, up to
two years from the date that the petition
is filed, and to come into compliance
with a particular CALEA section 103
capability requirement. CALEA section
109(b) permits a telecommunication
carrier covered by CALEA to file a
petition with the FCC and an
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 143 (Thursday, July 24, 2008)]
[Pages 43228-43229]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-16851]
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
Federal Communications Commission for Extension Under Delegated
Authority, Comments Requested
July 15, 2008.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden
and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to comment on the following
information collection(s). Comments are requested concerning (a)
Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including
whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy
of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology. An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control
[[Page 43229]]
number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply
with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
that does not display a valid OMB control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before September
22, 2008. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but
find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this
notice, you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments by e-mail to Include in
the e-mail the OMB control number of the collection. If you are unable
to submit your comments by e-mail contact the person listed below to
make alternate arrangements.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the
information collection(s) or to obtain a copy of the collection send an
e-mail to and include the collection's OMB control number
as shown in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below, or call Leslie
F. Smith at (202) 418-0217.
OMB Control Number: 3060-1081.
Title: 47 CFR Sections 54.202, 54.209, Federal-State Joint Board on
Universal Service.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents and Responses: 33 respondents; 262 responses.
Estimated Time per Response: 0.25--3 hours.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits, as
per 47 CFR Sections 54.202 & 54.209.
Frequency of Response: Recordkeeping and annual reporting
Total Annual Burden: 360 hours.
Total Annual Cost: None.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No impacts.
Nature of Extent of Confidentiality: The Commission is not
requesting respondents to submit confidential information to the
Commission. If the Commission requests respondents to submit
information which respondents believe is confidential, respondents may
request confidential treatment of such information pursuant to section
0.459 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 0.459.
Needs and Uses: On March 17, 2005, the Commission released the
Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Designation Framework Report and
Order, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 05-46. The information collection
requirements ensure that eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs)
continue to comply with the conditions of the ETC designation and that
universal service funds are used for their intended purposes.
Specifically, each ETC must submit, on an annual basis, the following
information: (1) Progress reports on the ETC's five-year service
quality improvement plan; (2) detailed information on any outage
lasting at least 30 minutes; (3) the number of unfulfilled requests for
service from potential customers within its service areas; (4) the
number of complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines; (5) certification
that the ETC is complying with applicable service quality standards and
consumer protection rules; (6) certification that the ETC is able to
function in emergency situations; (7) certification that the ETC is
offering a local usage plan comparable to that offered by the incumbent
LEC in the relevant service areas; and (8) certification that the
carrier acknowledges that the Commission may require it to provide
equal access to long distance carriers in the event that no other ETC
is providing equal access within the service area.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8-16851 Filed 7-23-08; 8:45 am]