Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested, 41353-41355 [E8-16539]

Download as PDF dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES3 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 139 / Friday, July 18, 2008 / Notices emergency services authorities by Internet-based TRS providers. On June 24, 2008, the Commission released Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; E911 Requirements for IPEnabled Service Providers, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Report and Order), CG Docket No. 03–123 and WC Docket No. 05–196, FCC 08–151, addressing the issues raised in these notices. The Report and Order provides VRS and IP Relay users with a reliable and consistent means by which others (including emergency personnel) can identify or reach them by, among other things, integrating VRS and IP Relay users into the ten-digit, NANP numbering system. First, to complete a telephone call to an Internet-based TRS user, a provider must have some method of logically associating the telephone number dialed by the caller to the Internet-based TRS user’s device. That method, known as the TRS Numbering Directory, is a central database that maps each user’s telephone number to routing information needed to find that user’s device on the Internet. The Report and Order requires VRS and IP Relay providers to collect and maintain the routing information from their registered users and to provision that information to the TRS Numbering Directory so that this mapping can occur. Second, because there is no reliable means for VRS and IP Relay providers, unlike wireline carriers, to automatically know the physical location of their users, the Report and Order requires VRS and IP Relay providers to collect and maintain the Registered Location of their registered users. And to ensure that authorities can retrieve a user’s Registered Location (along with the provider’s name and CA’s identification number for callback purposes), the Report and Order requires VRS and IP Relay providers to provision that information into, or make that information available through, ALI databases across the country. Third, to ensure that VRS and IP Relay users are aware of their providers’ numbering and E911 service obligations and to inform those users of their providers’ E911 capabilities, the Report and Order requires each VRS and IP Relay provider to post an advisory on its Web site, and in any promotional materials directed to consumers, addressing numbering and E911 services for VRS or IP Relay. Providers also must obtain and keep a record of affirmative acknowledgement from each VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:36 Jul 17, 2008 Jkt 214001 of their registered users of having received and understood the user notification. The new or modified information collection requirements are contained in 47 CFR 64.605 (a) and (b), and 47 CFR 64.611 (a), (b), (c) and (f), and subject to the PRA must be approved by the Office of Management and Budget before becoming effective. Federal Communications Commission. William F. Caton, Deputy Secretary. [FR Doc. E8–16264 Filed 7–17–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested July 10, 2008. SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law No. 104– 13. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. Pursuant to the PRA, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that does not display a valid control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Written Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) comments should be submitted on or before September 16, 2008. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible. DATES: PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 41353 Interested parties may submit all PRA comments by e-mail or U.S. mail. To submit your comments by e-mail, send them to To submit your comments by U.S. mail, mark them to the attention of Cathy Williams, Federal Communications Commission, Room 1–C823, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the information collection, send an e-mail to or contact Cathy Williams at 202–418–2918. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OMB Control Number: 3060–0466. Title: Sections 73.1201, 74.783 and 74.1283, Station Identification. Form Number: Not applicable. Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities; Not-for-profit institutions; State, Local and Tribal Government. Number of Respondents and Responses: 20,000 respondents; 20,100 responses. Estimated Time per Response: 10 minutes to 1.33 hours. Frequency of Response: Recordkeeping requirement; Third-party disclosure requirement; On occasion reporting requirement. Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain benefits—Statutory authority for this collection of information is contained in Sections 154(i), 303 and 308 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Total Annual Burden: 44,603 hours. Total Annual Costs: None. Confidentiality: No need for confidentiality required. Privacy Impact Assessment(s): No impact(s). Needs and Uses: Congress has mandated that after February 17, 2009, full-power television broadcast stations must transmit only in digital signals, and may no longer transmit analog signals. On December 22, 2007, the Commission adopted a Report and Order, In the matter of the Third Periodic Review of the Commission’s Rules and Policies Affecting the Conversion to Digital Television, MB Docket No. 07–91, FCC 07–228 (‘‘Third DTV Periodic Report and Order’’) to establish the rules, policies and procedures necessary to complete the nation’s transition to DTV. As a result of the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, the station identification rules will require a DTV station that chooses to identify a licensee that it is transmitting on one of its multicast streams to follow a specific ADDRESSES: E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1 dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES3 41354 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 139 / Friday, July 18, 2008 / Notices format for making such a station identification announcement. Specifically, 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) is revised to require that a DTV station that is devoting one of its multicast streams to transmit the programming of another television licensee must identify itself and may also identify the licensee that it is transmitting. If a DTV station in this situation chooses to identify the station that is the source of the programming it is transmitting, it must use the following format: Station WYYY–DT, community of license (call sign and community of license of the station whose multicast stream is transmitting the programming), bringing you WXXX, community of license (call sign and community of license of the licensee providing the programming). The transmitting station may insert between its call letters and its community of license the following information: the frequency of the transmitting station, the channel number of the transmitting station, the name of the licensee of the transmitting station and the licensee providing the programming, and/or the name of the network of either station. Where a multicast station is carrying the programming of another station and is identifying that station as the source of the programming, using the format described above, the identification may not include the frequency or channel number of the program source. This new requirement in 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) may cause DTV station respondents that choose to multicast to make additional station identifications (responses) for multicast streams. 47 CFR 73.1201(a) requires television broadcast licensees to make broadcast station identification announcements at the beginning and ending of each time of operation, and hourly, as close to the hour as feasible, at a natural break in program offerings. Television and Class A television broadcast stations may make these announcements visually or aurally. 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) requires that the official station identification consist of the station’s call letters immediately followed by the community or communities specified in its license as the station’s location; provided that the name of the licensee, the station’s frequency, the station’s channel number, as stated on the station’s license, and/or the station’s network affiliation may be inserted between the call letters and station location. DTV stations, or DAB Stations, choosing to include the station’s channel number in the station identification must use the station’s major channel number and may distinguish multicast program VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:36 Jul 17, 2008 Jkt 214001 streams. For example, a DTV station with major channel number 26 may use 26.1 to identify an HDTV program service and 26.2 to identify an SDTV program service. A radio station operating in DAB hybrid mode or extended hybrid mode shall identify its digital signal, including any free multicast audio programming streams, in a manner that appropriately alerts its audience to the fact that it is listening to a digital audio broadcast. No other insertion between the station’s call letters and the community or communities specified in its license is permissible. 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(2) provides that a station may include in its official station identification the name of any additional community or communities, but the community to which the station is licensed must be named first. 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(3) requires that twice daily, the station identification for television stations must include a notice of the existence, location and accessibility of the station’s public file. The notice must state that the station’s public file is available for inspection and that consumers can view it at the station’s main studio and on its Web site. At least one of the announcements must occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and midnight. 47 CFR 74.783(b) requires licensees of television translators whose station identification is made by the television station whose signals are being rebroadcast by the translator, must secure agreement with this television licensee to keep in its file, and available to FCC personnel, the translator’s call letters and location, giving the name, address and telephone number of the licensee or service representative to be contacted in the event of malfunction of the translator. 47 CFR 74.783(e) permits any lowpower television (LPTV) station to request a four-letter call sign after receiving its construction permit. All initial LPTV construction permits will continue to be issued with a fivecharacter LPTV call sign. LPTV respondents are required to use the online electronic system. To enable these respondents to use this online system, the Commission eliminated the requirement that holders of LPTV construction permits submit with their call sign requests a certification that the station has been constructed, that physical construction is underway at the transmitter site, or that a firm equipment order has been placed. 47 CFR 74.1283(c)(1) requires FM translator stations whose station identification is made by the primary station to furnish current information on PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 the translator’s call letters and location. This information is kept in the primary station’s files. This information is used to contact the translator licensee in the event of malfunction of the translator. OMB Control Number: 3060–0906. Title: Annual DTV Report, FCC Form 317; 47 CFR § 73.624(g). Form Number: FCC Form 317. Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities; Not-for-profit institutions. Number of Respondent and Responses: 1,815 respondents, 3,630 responses. Frequency of Response: Recordkeeping requirement; Annual reporting requirement. Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain benefits—Statutory authority for this collection of information is contained in Sections 154(i), 303, 336 and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Estimated Time per Response: 2–4 hours. Total Annual Burden: 10,890 hours. Total Annual Costs: $181,500. Confidentiality: No need for confidentiality required. Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s). Needs and Uses: Congress has mandated that after February 17, 2009, full-power television broadcast stations must transmit only in digital signals, and may no longer transmit analog signals. On December 22, 2007, the Commission adopted a Report and Order In the matter of the Third Periodic Review of the Commission’s Rules and Policies Affecting the Conversion to Digital Television, MB Docket No. 07–91, FCC 07–228 (‘‘Third DTV Periodic Report and Order’’) to establish the rules, policies and procedures necessary to complete the nation’s transition to DTV. As a result of the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, DTV stations that are permittees must now comply with the requirements for feeable ancillary or supplementary services in Section 73.624(g) (using FCC Form 317). This new requirement in 47 CFR 73.624(g) adds a new group of respondents to this collection (namely, ‘‘DTV permittees’’). The Commission has also revised FCC Form 317 and its instructions to indicate that DTV permittees are required to file the form and report their ancillary and supplementary services. Each commercial and noncommercial educational (NCE) digital television (DTV) broadcast station licensee and permittee is required to file FCC Form 317 annually. The licensees/permittees E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 139 / Friday, July 18, 2008 / Notices report whether they provided ancillary or supplementary services at any time during the reporting cycle. The report indicates which services were provided, fee related services, gross revenues received from all feeable ancillary and supplementary services, and the amount of bitstream used to provide ancillary or supplementary service. Concurrent with the submission of FCC Form 317, each commercial and noncommercial educational DTV licensee and permittee is required to remit to the Commission a payment, FCC Form 159 (3060–0589), in the amount of 5% of the gross revenues derived from the provision of its ancillary or supplementary services. Each licensee and permittee is required to retain the records supporting the calculation of the fees due for three years from the date of remittance of fees. Noncommercial DTV licensees/ permittees must also retain for eight years documentation sufficient to show that their entire bitstream was used ‘‘primarily’’ for noncommercial education broadcast services on a weekly basis. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary. [FR Doc. E8–16539 Filed 7–17–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION En Banc Hearing on Broadband and the Digital Future Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice. dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES3 AGENCY: SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission will hold a public en banc hearing on Broadband and the Digital Future on Monday, July 21, 2008 at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. DATES: Monday, July 21 at 4 p.m. ADDRESSES: Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Kenny: 202–418–2668 or Clyde Ensslin: 202–418–0506. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission will hear from expert panelists regarding broadband and the digital future. The hearing is open to the public, and seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign language interpreters and open captioning will be provided for this event. Other reasonable VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:59 Jul 17, 2008 Jkt 214001 accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Include a description of the accommodation needed, and include a way we can contact you if we need more information. Please make your request as early as possible. Last minute requests will be accepted, but may be impossible to fill. Send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), 202–418–0432 (TTY). For additional information about the hearing, please visit the FCC’s Web site at https:// Federal Communications Commission. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary. [FR Doc. E8–16611 Filed 7–17–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P 41355 (4) Internal Administrative Practices and Personnel Matters. CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Karen V. Gregory, Assistant Secretary, (202) 523–5725. Karen V. Gregory, Assistant Secretary. [FR Doc. 08–1450 Filed 7–16–08; 2:19 pm] BILLING CODE 6730–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Decision To Evaluate a Petition To Designate a Class of Employees for the Linde Ceramics Plant, Tonawanda, NY, To Be Included in the Special Exposure Cohort National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Sunshine Act Meeting Notice July 23, 2008—10 a.m. 800 North Capitol Street, NW., First Floor Hearing Room, Washington, DC. STATUS: A portion of the meeting will be in Open Session and the remainder of the meeting will be in closed session. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: TIME AND DATE: PLACE: Open Session (1) Extension of time to issue initial decision in Docket No. 07–07— Embarque Puerto Plata, Corp., and Embarque Puerto Inc., dba Embarque Shipping, et al.—Possible Violations of Sections 8(a) and 19 of the Shipping Act of 1984 and the Commission’s Regulations at 46 CFR Parts 515 and 520. (2) Agency Report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations Regarding Sole Source Contracts. (3) Letter to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations Regarding the New Orleans Hire. (4) 2008 Human Capital Survey— Authorization to Issue Advance Notice to Staff. (5) Administrative Control of Funds C.O. 77—Delegated Authority to Make Payments and Re-delegating Authority to Director OFM. Closed Session (1) Export Cargo Issues. (2) Docket No. 02–04—Anchor Shipping Co. v. Alianca Navegacao E Logistica Ltda. (3) FMC Agreement No. 011741–012: Amendment to the U.S. Pacific CoastOceania Agreement. PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives notice as required by 42 CFR 83.12(e) of a decision to evaluate a petition to designate a class of employees for the Linde Ceramics Plant, Tonawanda, New York, to be included in the Special Exposure Cohort under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. The initial proposed definition for the class being evaluated, subject to revision as warranted by the evaluation, is as follows: Facility: Linde Ceramics Plant. Location: Tonawanda, New York. Job Titles and/or Job Duties: All employees. Period of Employment: During the applicable covered residual radiation period from January 1, 1954 through July 31, 2006. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry Elliott, Director, Office of Compensation Analysis and Support, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 4676 Columbia Parkway, MS C–46, Cincinnati, OH 45226, Telephone 513– 533–6800 (this is not a toll-free number). Information requests can also be submitted by e-mail to OCAS@CDC.GOV. Dated: July 2, 2008. John Howard, Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. [FR Doc. E8–16464 Filed 7–17–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4163–19–P E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 139 (Friday, July 18, 2008)]
[Pages 41353-41355]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-16539]



Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the 
Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested

July 10, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its 
continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general 
public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment 
on the following information collection, as required by the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law No. 104-13. An agency may not 
conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid control number. Pursuant to the PRA, no person shall be 
subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of 
information that does not display a valid control number. Comments are 
requested concerning (a) Whether the proposed collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the 
Commission, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways 
to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
information on the respondents, including the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) comments should be 
submitted on or before September 16, 2008. If you anticipate that you 
will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the 
period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact 
listed below as soon as possible.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties may submit all PRA comments by e-mail or 
U.S. mail. To submit your comments by e-mail, send them to 
To submit your comments by U.S. mail, mark them to the attention of 
Cathy Williams, Federal Communications Commission, Room 1-C823, 445 
12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the 
information collection, send an e-mail to or contact Cathy 
Williams at 202-418-2918.

    OMB Control Number: 3060-0466.
    Title: Sections 73.1201, 74.783 and 74.1283, Station 
    Form Number: Not applicable.
    Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
    Respondents: Business or other for-profit entities; Not-for-profit 
institutions; State, Local and Tribal Government.
    Number of Respondents and Responses: 20,000 respondents; 20,100 
    Estimated Time per Response: 10 minutes to 1.33 hours.
    Frequency of Response: Recordkeeping requirement; Third-party 
disclosure requirement; On occasion reporting requirement.
    Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain benefits--Statutory 
authority for this collection of information is contained in Sections 
154(i), 303 and 308 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
    Total Annual Burden: 44,603 hours.
    Total Annual Costs: None.
    Confidentiality: No need for confidentiality required.
    Privacy Impact Assessment(s): No impact(s).
    Needs and Uses: Congress has mandated that after February 17, 2009, 
full-power television broadcast stations must transmit only in digital 
signals, and may no longer transmit analog signals. On December 22, 
2007, the Commission adopted a Report and Order, In the matter of the 
Third Periodic Review of the Commission's Rules and Policies Affecting 
the Conversion to Digital Television, MB Docket No. 07-91, FCC 07-228 
(``Third DTV Periodic Report and Order'') to establish the rules, 
policies and procedures necessary to complete the nation's transition 
to DTV.
    As a result of the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, the station 
identification rules will require a DTV station that chooses to 
identify a licensee that it is transmitting on one of its multicast 
streams to follow a specific

[[Page 41354]]

format for making such a station identification announcement. 
Specifically, 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) is revised to require that a DTV 
station that is devoting one of its multicast streams to transmit the 
programming of another television licensee must identify itself and may 
also identify the licensee that it is transmitting. If a DTV station in 
this situation chooses to identify the station that is the source of 
the programming it is transmitting, it must use the following format: 
Station WYYY-DT, community of license (call sign and community of 
license of the station whose multicast stream is transmitting the 
programming), bringing you WXXX, community of license (call sign and 
community of license of the licensee providing the programming). The 
transmitting station may insert between its call letters and its 
community of license the following information: the frequency of the 
transmitting station, the channel number of the transmitting station, 
the name of the licensee of the transmitting station and the licensee 
providing the programming, and/or the name of the network of either 
station. Where a multicast station is carrying the programming of 
another station and is identifying that station as the source of the 
programming, using the format described above, the identification may 
not include the frequency or channel number of the program source. This 
new requirement in 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) may cause DTV station 
respondents that choose to multicast to make additional station 
identifications (responses) for multicast streams.
    47 CFR 73.1201(a) requires television broadcast licensees to make 
broadcast station identification announcements at the beginning and 
ending of each time of operation, and hourly, as close to the hour as 
feasible, at a natural break in program offerings. Television and Class 
A television broadcast stations may make these announcements visually 
or aurally.
    47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) requires that the official station 
identification consist of the station's call letters immediately 
followed by the community or communities specified in its license as 
the station's location; provided that the name of the licensee, the 
station's frequency, the station's channel number, as stated on the 
station's license, and/or the station's network affiliation may be 
inserted between the call letters and station location. DTV stations, 
or DAB Stations, choosing to include the station's channel number in 
the station identification must use the station's major channel number 
and may distinguish multicast program streams. For example, a DTV 
station with major channel number 26 may use 26.1 to identify an HDTV 
program service and 26.2 to identify an SDTV program service. A radio 
station operating in DAB hybrid mode or extended hybrid mode shall 
identify its digital signal, including any free multicast audio 
programming streams, in a manner that appropriately alerts its audience 
to the fact that it is listening to a digital audio broadcast. No other 
insertion between the station's call letters and the community or 
communities specified in its license is permissible.
    47 CFR 73.1201(b)(2) provides that a station may include in its 
official station identification the name of any additional community or 
communities, but the community to which the station is licensed must be 
named first.
    47 CFR 73.1201(b)(3) requires that twice daily, the station 
identification for television stations must include a notice of the 
existence, location and accessibility of the station's public file. The 
notice must state that the station's public file is available for 
inspection and that consumers can view it at the station's main studio 
and on its Web site. At least one of the announcements must occur 
between the hours of 6 p.m. and midnight.
    47 CFR 74.783(b) requires licensees of television translators whose 
station identification is made by the television station whose signals 
are being rebroadcast by the translator, must secure agreement with 
this television licensee to keep in its file, and available to FCC 
personnel, the translator's call letters and location, giving the name, 
address and telephone number of the licensee or service representative 
to be contacted in the event of malfunction of the translator.
    47 CFR 74.783(e) permits any low-power television (LPTV) station to 
request a four-letter call sign after receiving its construction 
permit. All initial LPTV construction permits will continue to be 
issued with a five-character LPTV call sign. LPTV respondents are 
required to use the online electronic system. To enable these 
respondents to use this online system, the Commission eliminated the 
requirement that holders of LPTV construction permits submit with their 
call sign requests a certification that the station has been 
constructed, that physical construction is underway at the transmitter 
site, or that a firm equipment order has been placed.
    47 CFR 74.1283(c)(1) requires FM translator stations whose station 
identification is made by the primary station to furnish current 
information on the translator's call letters and location. This 
information is kept in the primary station's files. This information is 
used to contact the translator licensee in the event of malfunction of 
the translator.
    OMB Control Number: 3060-0906.
    Title: Annual DTV Report, FCC Form 317; 47 CFR Sec.  73.624(g).
    Form Number: FCC Form 317.
    Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
    Respondents: Business or other for-profit entities; Not-for-profit 
    Number of Respondent and Responses: 1,815 respondents, 3,630 
    Frequency of Response: Recordkeeping requirement; Annual reporting 
    Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain benefits--Statutory 
authority for this collection of information is contained in Sections 
154(i), 303, 336 and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
    Estimated Time per Response: 2-4 hours.
    Total Annual Burden: 10,890 hours.
    Total Annual Costs: $181,500.
    Confidentiality: No need for confidentiality required.
    Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
    Needs and Uses: Congress has mandated that after February 17, 2009, 
full-power television broadcast stations must transmit only in digital 
signals, and may no longer transmit analog signals. On December 22, 
2007, the Commission adopted a Report and Order In the matter of the 
Third Periodic Review of the Commission's Rules and Policies Affecting 
the Conversion to Digital Television, MB Docket No. 07-91, FCC 07-228 
(``Third DTV Periodic Report and Order'') to establish the rules, 
policies and procedures necessary to complete the nation's transition 
to DTV. As a result of the Third DTV Periodic Report and Order, DTV 
stations that are permittees must now comply with the requirements for 
feeable ancillary or supplementary services in Section 73.624(g) (using 
FCC Form 317). This new requirement in 47 CFR 73.624(g) adds a new 
group of respondents to this collection (namely, ``DTV permittees''). 
The Commission has also revised FCC Form 317 and its instructions to 
indicate that DTV permittees are required to file the form and report 
their ancillary and supplementary services.
    Each commercial and noncommercial educational (NCE) digital 
television (DTV) broadcast station licensee and permittee is required 
to file FCC Form 317 annually. The licensees/permittees

[[Page 41355]]

report whether they provided ancillary or supplementary services at any 
time during the reporting cycle. The report indicates which services 
were provided, fee related services, gross revenues received from all 
feeable ancillary and supplementary services, and the amount of 
bitstream used to provide ancillary or supplementary service.
    Concurrent with the submission of FCC Form 317, each commercial and 
noncommercial educational DTV licensee and permittee is required to 
remit to the Commission a payment, FCC Form 159 (3060-0589), in the 
amount of 5% of the gross revenues derived from the provision of its 
ancillary or supplementary services.
    Each licensee and permittee is required to retain the records 
supporting the calculation of the fees due for three years from the 
date of remittance of fees. Noncommercial DTV licensees/permittees must 
also retain for eight years documentation sufficient to show that their 
entire bitstream was used ``primarily'' for noncommercial education 
broadcast services on a weekly basis.

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8-16539 Filed 7-17-08; 8:45 am]
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