Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Alaska OCS Region, Cook Inlet Planning Area, Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale 211 for OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2007-2012, 39032-39035 [E8-15444]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 8, 2008 / Notices
found suitable for classification for
conveyance under the provisions of the
R&PP Act, as amended, (43 U.S.C. 869
et seq.):
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming
T. 22 N., R. 87 W.,
Sec. 34, N1⁄2SE1⁄4E1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4,SE1⁄4SE1⁄4.
The land described contains 140 acres,
more or less.
The above described public land was
previously classified for lease only
under the R&PP Act on August 22, 1966,
and has been leased to the City of
Rawlins for landfill purposes since
December 15, 1966.
In accordance with the R&PP Act, the
City of Rawlins filed an application for
the above-described 140 acres of public
land to be conveyed to Rawlins for
continued use as the Rawlins landfill.
Additional detailed information
pertaining to this application, plan of
development, and site plan is in case
file WYW 0323440, located in the BLM
Rawlins Field Office at the above
The land is not needed for any
Federal purpose. The conveyance is
consistent with the Rawlins Resource
Management Plan and would be in the
public interest. The patent, when
issued, will be subject to the provisions
of the R&PP Act and applicable
regulations of the Secretary of the
Interior, and will contain the following
reservations to the United States:
1. A right-of-way thereon for ditches
or canals constructed by the authority of
the United States, Act of August 30,
1890 (43 U.S.C. 945); and
2. All minerals, together with the right
to prospect for, mine, and remove such
deposits from the same under applicable
law and such regulations as the
Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.
The patent will be subject to all valid
existing rights documented on the
official public land records at the time
of patent issuance.
On August 22, 1966, the land
described above was segregated from all
other forms of appropriation under the
public land laws, including the general
mining laws, except for conveyance
under the R&PP Act, leasing under the
mineral leasing laws, and disposals
under the mineral material disposal
laws. The conveyance classification
continues the existing segregative effect.
Classification Comments: Interested
parties may submit comments involving
the suitability of the land for a landfill.
Comments on the classification are
restricted to whether the land is
physically suited for the proposal,
whether the use will maximize the
future use or uses of the land, whether
the use is consistent with local planning
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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and zoning, or if the use is consistent
with State and Federal programs.
Application Comments: Interested
parties may submit comments regarding
the specific use proposed in the
application and plan of development,
whether the BLM followed proper
administrative procedures in reaching
the decision to convey under the R&PP
Act, or any other factor not directly
related to the suitability of the land for
R&PP use.
Confidentiality of Comments: Before
including your address, phone number,
e-mail address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so. Only written comments
submitted by postal service or overnight
mail to the Field Manager—BLM
Rawlins Field Office will be considered
properly filed. Electronic mail, facsimile
or telephone comments will not be
considered properly filed.
Any adverse comments will be
reviewed by the State Director. In the
absence of any adverse comments, the
classification of the land described in
this notice will become effective
September 8, 2008. The lands will not
be available for conveyance until after
the classification becomes effective.
Authority: 43 CFR part 2740.
Dated: June 18, 2008.
Patrick Madigan,
Field Manager, Rawlins, WY.
[FR Doc. E8–15366 Filed 7–7–08; 8:45 am]
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Alaska
OCS Region, Cook Inlet Planning Area,
Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale 211
for OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program
for 2007–2012
Minerals Management Service
(MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Request for Interest.
SUMMARY: The OCS Oil and Gas Leasing
Program for 2007–2012 identifies two
potential ‘‘special-interest’’ sales for the
Cook Inlet Planning Area in Alaska. The
Cook Inlet area is a proven oil and gas
province, but past industry interest in
the federal offshore area has been
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The amount of oil and gas produced
in Cook Inlet continues to decline and
with changing economic conditions
there is renewed interest in finding
additional hydrocarbon resources for
the South Central Alaska.
This Request for Information (RFI)
seeks to determine the level of industry
interest, whether it is focused on a few
blocks or prospects or if there is
industry interest in a larger portion of
the planning area.
We are also seeking comments from
tribal, local, State, and Federal agencies,
and the general public to evaluate
whether MMS should proceed with
further evaluations pursuant to the
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
(OCSLA), the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered
Species Act (ESA), the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA) and all other
applicable laws and regulations. We
will consider the level of industry
interest and other issues and concerns
reflected in comments in our
determination on how to proceed. The
decision to proceed with further
evaluation of this special interest sale or
to issue another RFI in 2009 will be
made after consideration of the
comments received and the indication
of industry interest in response to this
RFI. This RFI does not indicate a
preliminary decision to lease in the
Program Area.
DATES: Responses to the RFI on
proposed Cook Inlet Sale 211 must be
received no later than October 6, 2008.
Submittals should be labeled
‘‘Comments on Proposed SpecialInterest Sale 211.’’
Please contact Dr. Cleve Cowles,
Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing
and Environment, Minerals
Management Service, Alaska OCS
Region, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite
500, Anchorage, Alaska 99503–5820,
phone (907) 334–5233, regarding
questions on the RFI for this special
interest sale.
Request for Information
1. Authority: This RFI is published
pursuant to the OCSLA as amended (43
U.S.C. 1331–1356, (1994)), and the
regulations issued thereunder (30 CFR
256); and in accordance with the 5-Year
OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for
2. Purpose of RFI: This RFI seeks to
determine the level of industry interest;
whether it is focused on a few blocks or
prospects; or if there is industry interest
in a larger portion of the planning area.
We are also seeking comments from
tribal, local, State, and Federal agencies
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 8, 2008 / Notices
and the general public to evaluate
whether MMS should proceed with
further evaluations pursuant to the
OCSLA, NEPA, ESA, Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA) and all other
applicable laws and regulations.
This information-gathering step is
important for ensuring that all pertinent
information is provided in response to
this RFI so it can be assessed in
determining whether to proceed with
further evaluation of the ‘‘specialinterest’’ leasing process pursuant to the
OCSLA and regulations at 30 CFR part
256 or whether MMS should reissue
another RFI in 2009. A ‘‘specialinterest’’ leasing option allows MMS to
consider for further evaluation a very
focused (or larger) area of the Cook Inlet
Program Area. If companies are
interested, they should identify the
specific blocks of interest to MMS in
writing to the Regional Supervisor,
Office of Leasing and Environment,
ATTN: Cook Inlet RFI, Alaska OCS
Region, Minerals Management Service,
3801 Centerpoint Drive, Ste. 500,
Anchorage, Alaska 99503–5823. If
companies believe a larger area should
be considered, they should explicitly
explain their interest, including a
summary of the geologic and economic
information about the larger area. This
letter of interest may include maps, and
should include a company contact
name, address, and phone number(s) if
MMS needs additional information or
As part of this information gathering
request, we are also seeking comments
and supporting information from tribal,
local, State, and Federal agencies and
the general public to determine whether
MMS should consider any further
evaluation of a focused area or larger
portion of the Cook Inlet Program Area
pursuant to the OCSLA and other
applicable laws and regulations. After
the 90-day RFI comment period closes,
MMS will decide whether to continue
the process after considering the
comments received. If industry interest
reflected in comments to the RFI does
not support further evaluation at this
time a RFI will be issued again in 2009
and yearly thereafter through the 5-year
schedule until a sale is held or the 5year schedule expires. If sufficient
industry interest is received during the
RFI process, including nominations of
specific blocks in response to the RFI
and after reviewing and considering the
other information provided, MMS may
recommend to the Assistant Secretary,
Land and Minerals Management
(ASLM) whether the sale process should
be continued as well as the size of the
area to be considered for further
evaluation (Area Identification).
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Following Area Identification, the
Alaska OCS Region will prepare the
appropriate NEPA analysis of potential
environmental effects of oil and gas
exploration, development, and
production in the proposed sale area
and its vicinity.
3. Background and Description of the
Area: Four Federal sales have been held
in the Cook Inlet Planning Area. In
October 1977, Sale CI resulted in 88
leases being issued. In September 1981,
Sale 60 resulted in 13 leases being
issued. A reoffering sale, Sale RS–2, was
held in August 1982, but no bids were
received and no leases resulted from
this sale. Sale 149, held in June 1997
resulted in 2 leases issued. In June 2002,
the Department of the Interior issued the
OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for
2002–2007. Two Cook Inlet Sales, 191
and 199, were included. The EIS for
Sales 191 and 199 was issued in
December 2002, and all other pre-sale
steps completed by early 2004. The sale
was scheduled for May 2004. However,
no bids were submitted for Sale 191.
The MMS issued other solicitations to
determine industry interest in Cook
Inlet, but company interest remained
low. Lease Sale 199 was canceled.
Over the years, there have been 13
exploratory wells drilled on Federal
leases in Cook Inlet and all have been
permanently plugged and abandoned.
Two leases from Sale 149 (part of the
Cosmopolitan Unit) are under
suspension of operations. Exploration
activities for the unit are occurring from
onshore. The Alaska OCS Region
document ‘‘Undiscovered Oil and Gas
Resources, Alaska Federal Offshore,
December 2006 Update’’ estimates the
mean undiscovered technically
recoverable resources for the planning
area at 1.01 billion barrels of oil and
condensate and 1.2 trillion cubic feet of
gas. https://www.mms.gov/alaska/re/
The Cook Inlet Program Area is
located offshore the State of Alaska just
south of Kalgin Island and the Barren
Islands and continues south through
Shelikof Strait to just above the
southern tip of Kodiak Island (see
attached map). The Cook Inlet Program
Area consists of approximately 1,093
whole and partial blocks covering about
2.1 million hectares (about 5.3 million
acres). It extends offshore from 3 to
approximately 60 nautical miles in
water depths from about 30 feet to
approximately 650 feet. A page-size map
of the Program Area accompanies this
RFI. A large scale RFI map showing the
boundaries of the Program Area on a
block-by-block basis is available on the
MMS Web site at https://www.mms.gov/
PO 00000
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index.htm. Official Protraction Diagrams
numbers located in the Cook Inlet
Planning Area are identified on both the
page-sized and large-scale Call maps
available for no charge at the Web site:
4. Instructions on RFI: Specific
nominations demonstrating industry
interest are being sought regarding the
oil and gas industry area(s) of interest
for potential exploration and
development and production.
Comments on the RFI are requested
concerning any environmental, social,
or economic information or issues
commenters believe will assist the MMS
in making its decision.
Responses to this RFI must be
received by October 6, 2008. Submittals
should indicate ‘‘Responses to RFI for
Proposed Cook Inlet Special-Interest
Lease Sale 211.’’ The RFI Map
nominations and specific indications of
interest, and/or comments must be
submitted to the Regional Supervisor,
Leasing and Environment as noted
The RFI may be submitted by any one
of the following methods:
• Mail or hand-deliver comments to
the Regional Supervisor, Office of
Leasing and Environment; ATTN: Cook
Inlet RFI; Alaska OCS Region, Minerals
Management Service; 3801 Centerpoint
Drive, Suite 500; Anchorage, Alaska
• Submit comments by Internet
through MMS Public Connect at
• Fax comments to the Regional
Supervisor, Office of Leasing and
Environment; Alaska OCS Region,
Minerals Management Service at (907)
Please submit Internet comments as
an ASCII file, avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption.
Please also include your name and
return address in your Internet message.
If you do not receive a confirmation
from the system that we have received
your Internet message, please contact us
directly at 1–800–764–2627.
Company comments about specific
levels of interest and/or specific areas of
interest will be considered proprietary
and confidential information, although
the identities of those submitting
nominations become a matter of public
record. To avoid inadvertent release of
proprietary information, please mark all
documents ‘‘Confidential—Contains
Proprietary Information’’ on every page
containing such information.
Respondents are requested to comment
on the area of the Federal boundaries of
the Cook Inlet Planning Area.
Respondents should rank areas in
which they have nominations according
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 8, 2008 / Notices
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
to priority of interest; for example,
priority 1 (high) or 2 (medium) on a
large-sale RFI map available at https://
index.htm. Respondents are encouraged
to be specific in indicating blocks by
priority and be prepared to discuss their
range of interest and activity regarding
the nominated area(s). Please provide
the telephone number and name of a
person to contact in the organization’s
response. The Alaska OCS Regional
Office may contact this person to set up
a mutually agreeable meeting to more
fully review the company’s level of
Comments and information are sought
from all interested parties about
particular geological (including natural
hazard areas), environmental, biological,
archaeological, and socioeconomic
conditions or potential conflicts, or
other information that might bear upon
the potential leasing, exploration, and
development of the program area and
vicinity. Comments and information are
also sought on possible conflicts
between future OCS oil and gas
activities that may result from the
proposed sale and the standards of the
Alaska Coastal Management Program
(CMP) and the enforceable policies of an
approved local district coastal
management plan. These comments
should identify specific CMP policies of
concern, the nature of the conflict
foreseen, and steps that MMS could take
to avoid or mitigate the potential
conflict. Comments may be in terms of
broad areas or restricted to particular
blocks or areas of concern. Those
submitting comments and information
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are requested to list block numbers or
outline the subject area on the RFI Map.
Our practice is to make comments,
including names and addresses of
respondents, available for public review
during regular business hours.
Individual respondents may request that
we withhold their address from the
rulemaking record, which we will honor
to the extent allowable by law. There
also may be circumstances in which we
would withhold a respondent’s identity,
to the extent allowable by law. If you
wish us to withhold your name or
address, you must state this
prominently at the beginning of your
comment. However, we will not
consider anonymous comments. We
will make all submissions from
organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, available
for public inspection in their entirety.
Any specific information submitted by
industry about their interest will remain
proprietary when marked as such.
5. Use of RFI Information: Information
submitted in response to this RFI will be
used for several purposes. Responses
will be used to:
—Determine whether to proceed with
the leasing process for a specialinterest oil and gas lease sale in the
Cook Inlet Program Area;
—Identify specific areas of interest for
oil and/or gas exploration and
—Identify potential environmental
effects and potential use conflicts;
—Develop the appropriate level of
environmental analysis needed if the
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level of industry interest is such that
MMS recommends proceeding with
the special-interest sale;
—Develop lease terms and conditions/
mitigating measures; and
—Identify potential conflicts between
oil and gas activities and the Alaska
6. Existing Information: An extensive
environmental, social, and economic
Studies Program has been underway in
the Alaska OCS Region since 1976,
including studies in this area. The
emphasis has been on environmental
characterization of biologically sensitive
habitats, endangered whales and marine
mammals, physical oceanography,
ocean-circulation modeling, subsistence
uses, and ecological and socio-cultural
effects of oil and gas activities.
Environmental Impact Statements were
prepared for each of the OCS sales held
in the Cook Inlet Planning Area.
Information on the MMS
Environmental Studies Program,
completed studies, and a program status
report for continuing studies in this area
are available on the MMS Web site
https://www.mms.gov/alaska/, or may be
obtained from the Chief, Environmental
Studies Section, Alaska OCS Region, by
telephone request at (907) 334–5230, or
by written request to: Chief,
Environmental Studies Section; ATTN:
Cook Inlet RFI; Alaska OCS Region,
Minerals Management Service; 3801
Centerpoint Drive, Suite 500;
Anchorage, Alaska 99503–5823. A
request may also be made via the Alaska
OCS Region Web site to
Dated: June 13, 2008.
Randall B. Luthi,
Director, Minerals Management Service.
[FR Doc. E8–15444 Filed 7–7–08; 8:45 am]
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ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 8, 2008 / Notices
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 131 (Tuesday, July 8, 2008)]
[Pages 39032-39035]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-15444]
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Alaska OCS Region, Cook Inlet
Planning Area, Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale 211 for OCS Oil and Gas
Leasing Program for 2007-2012
AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Request for Interest.
SUMMARY: The OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2007-2012 identifies
two potential ``special-interest'' sales for the Cook Inlet Planning
Area in Alaska. The Cook Inlet area is a proven oil and gas province,
but past industry interest in the federal offshore area has been
The amount of oil and gas produced in Cook Inlet continues to
decline and with changing economic conditions there is renewed interest
in finding additional hydrocarbon resources for the South Central
This Request for Information (RFI) seeks to determine the level of
industry interest, whether it is focused on a few blocks or prospects
or if there is industry interest in a larger portion of the planning
We are also seeking comments from tribal, local, State, and Federal
agencies, and the general public to evaluate whether MMS should proceed
with further evaluations pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands
Act (OCSLA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
and all other applicable laws and regulations. We will consider the
level of industry interest and other issues and concerns reflected in
comments in our determination on how to proceed. The decision to
proceed with further evaluation of this special interest sale or to
issue another RFI in 2009 will be made after consideration of the
comments received and the indication of industry interest in response
to this RFI. This RFI does not indicate a preliminary decision to lease
in the Program Area.
DATES: Responses to the RFI on proposed Cook Inlet Sale 211 must be
received no later than October 6, 2008. Submittals should be labeled
``Comments on Proposed Special-Interest Sale 211.''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please contact Dr. Cleve Cowles,
Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Environment, Minerals
Management Service, Alaska OCS Region, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite
500, Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5820, phone (907) 334-5233, regarding
questions on the RFI for this special interest sale.
Request for Information
1. Authority: This RFI is published pursuant to the OCSLA as
amended (43 U.S.C. 1331-1356, (1994)), and the regulations issued
thereunder (30 CFR 256); and in accordance with the 5-Year OCS Oil and
Gas Leasing Program for 2007-2012.
2. Purpose of RFI: This RFI seeks to determine the level of
industry interest; whether it is focused on a few blocks or prospects;
or if there is industry interest in a larger portion of the planning
area. We are also seeking comments from tribal, local, State, and
Federal agencies
[[Page 39033]]
and the general public to evaluate whether MMS should proceed with
further evaluations pursuant to the OCSLA, NEPA, ESA, Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA) and all other applicable laws and regulations.
This information-gathering step is important for ensuring that all
pertinent information is provided in response to this RFI so it can be
assessed in determining whether to proceed with further evaluation of
the ``special-interest'' leasing process pursuant to the OCSLA and
regulations at 30 CFR part 256 or whether MMS should reissue another
RFI in 2009. A ``special-interest'' leasing option allows MMS to
consider for further evaluation a very focused (or larger) area of the
Cook Inlet Program Area. If companies are interested, they should
identify the specific blocks of interest to MMS in writing to the
Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Environment, ATTN: Cook
Inlet RFI, Alaska OCS Region, Minerals Management Service, 3801
Centerpoint Drive, Ste. 500, Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5823. If companies
believe a larger area should be considered, they should explicitly
explain their interest, including a summary of the geologic and
economic information about the larger area. This letter of interest may
include maps, and should include a company contact name, address, and
phone number(s) if MMS needs additional information or clarification.
As part of this information gathering request, we are also seeking
comments and supporting information from tribal, local, State, and
Federal agencies and the general public to determine whether MMS should
consider any further evaluation of a focused area or larger portion of
the Cook Inlet Program Area pursuant to the OCSLA and other applicable
laws and regulations. After the 90-day RFI comment period closes, MMS
will decide whether to continue the process after considering the
comments received. If industry interest reflected in comments to the
RFI does not support further evaluation at this time a RFI will be
issued again in 2009 and yearly thereafter through the 5-year schedule
until a sale is held or the 5-year schedule expires. If sufficient
industry interest is received during the RFI process, including
nominations of specific blocks in response to the RFI and after
reviewing and considering the other information provided, MMS may
recommend to the Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management
(ASLM) whether the sale process should be continued as well as the size
of the area to be considered for further evaluation (Area
Identification). Following Area Identification, the Alaska OCS Region
will prepare the appropriate NEPA analysis of potential environmental
effects of oil and gas exploration, development, and production in the
proposed sale area and its vicinity.
3. Background and Description of the Area: Four Federal sales have
been held in the Cook Inlet Planning Area. In October 1977, Sale CI
resulted in 88 leases being issued. In September 1981, Sale 60 resulted
in 13 leases being issued. A reoffering sale, Sale RS-2, was held in
August 1982, but no bids were received and no leases resulted from this
sale. Sale 149, held in June 1997 resulted in 2 leases issued. In June
2002, the Department of the Interior issued the OCS Oil and Gas Leasing
Program for 2002-2007. Two Cook Inlet Sales, 191 and 199, were
included. The EIS for Sales 191 and 199 was issued in December 2002,
and all other pre-sale steps completed by early 2004. The sale was
scheduled for May 2004. However, no bids were submitted for Sale 191.
The MMS issued other solicitations to determine industry interest in
Cook Inlet, but company interest remained low. Lease Sale 199 was
Over the years, there have been 13 exploratory wells drilled on
Federal leases in Cook Inlet and all have been permanently plugged and
abandoned. Two leases from Sale 149 (part of the Cosmopolitan Unit) are
under suspension of operations. Exploration activities for the unit are
occurring from onshore. The Alaska OCS Region document ``Undiscovered
Oil and Gas Resources, Alaska Federal Offshore, December 2006 Update''
estimates the mean undiscovered technically recoverable resources for
the planning area at 1.01 billion barrels of oil and condensate and 1.2
trillion cubic feet of gas. https://www.mms.gov/alaska/re/reports/
The Cook Inlet Program Area is located offshore the State of Alaska
just south of Kalgin Island and the Barren Islands and continues south
through Shelikof Strait to just above the southern tip of Kodiak Island
(see attached map). The Cook Inlet Program Area consists of
approximately 1,093 whole and partial blocks covering about 2.1 million
hectares (about 5.3 million acres). It extends offshore from 3 to
approximately 60 nautical miles in water depths from about 30 feet to
approximately 650 feet. A page-size map of the Program Area accompanies
this RFI. A large scale RFI map showing the boundaries of the Program
Area on a block-by-block basis is available on the MMS Web site at
https://www.mms.gov/alaska/cproject/cookinlet211/index.htm. Official
Protraction Diagrams numbers located in the Cook Inlet Planning Area
are identified on both the page-sized and large-scale Call maps
available for no charge at the Web site: https://www.mms.gov/ld/
4. Instructions on RFI: Specific nominations demonstrating industry
interest are being sought regarding the oil and gas industry area(s) of
interest for potential exploration and development and production.
Comments on the RFI are requested concerning any environmental, social,
or economic information or issues commenters believe will assist the
MMS in making its decision.
Responses to this RFI must be received by October 6, 2008.
Submittals should indicate ``Responses to RFI for Proposed Cook Inlet
Special-Interest Lease Sale 211.'' The RFI Map nominations and specific
indications of interest, and/or comments must be submitted to the
Regional Supervisor, Leasing and Environment as noted below.
The RFI may be submitted by any one of the following methods:
Mail or hand-deliver comments to the Regional Supervisor,
Office of Leasing and Environment; ATTN: Cook Inlet RFI; Alaska OCS
Region, Minerals Management Service; 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 500;
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5823.
Submit comments by Internet through MMS Public Connect at
Fax comments to the Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing
and Environment; Alaska OCS Region, Minerals Management Service at
(907) 334-5242.
Please submit Internet comments as an ASCII file, avoiding the use
of special characters and any form of encryption. Please also include
your name and return address in your Internet message. If you do not
receive a confirmation from the system that we have received your
Internet message, please contact us directly at 1-800-764-2627.
Company comments about specific levels of interest and/or specific
areas of interest will be considered proprietary and confidential
information, although the identities of those submitting nominations
become a matter of public record. To avoid inadvertent release of
proprietary information, please mark all documents ``Confidential--
Contains Proprietary Information'' on every page containing such
information. Respondents are requested to comment on the area of the
Federal boundaries of the Cook Inlet Planning Area.
Respondents should rank areas in which they have nominations
[[Page 39034]]
to priority of interest; for example, priority 1 (high) or 2 (medium)
on a large-sale RFI map available at https://www.mms.gov/cproject/
cookinlet211/index.htm. Respondents are encouraged to be specific in
indicating blocks by priority and be prepared to discuss their range of
interest and activity regarding the nominated area(s). Please provide
the telephone number and name of a person to contact in the
organization's response. The Alaska OCS Regional Office may contact
this person to set up a mutually agreeable meeting to more fully review
the company's level of interest.
Comments and information are sought from all interested parties
about particular geological (including natural hazard areas),
environmental, biological, archaeological, and socioeconomic conditions
or potential conflicts, or other information that might bear upon the
potential leasing, exploration, and development of the program area and
vicinity. Comments and information are also sought on possible
conflicts between future OCS oil and gas activities that may result
from the proposed sale and the standards of the Alaska Coastal
Management Program (CMP) and the enforceable policies of an approved
local district coastal management plan. These comments should identify
specific CMP policies of concern, the nature of the conflict foreseen,
and steps that MMS could take to avoid or mitigate the potential
conflict. Comments may be in terms of broad areas or restricted to
particular blocks or areas of concern. Those submitting comments and
information are requested to list block numbers or outline the subject
area on the RFI Map. Our practice is to make comments, including names
and addresses of respondents, available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual respondents may request that we
withhold their address from the rulemaking record, which we will honor
to the extent allowable by law. There also may be circumstances in
which we would withhold a respondent's identity, to the extent
allowable by law. If you wish us to withhold your name or address, you
must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. However,
we will not consider anonymous comments. We will make all submissions
from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying
themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or
businesses, available for public inspection in their entirety. Any
specific information submitted by industry about their interest will
remain proprietary when marked as such.
5. Use of RFI Information: Information submitted in response to
this RFI will be used for several purposes. Responses will be used to:
--Determine whether to proceed with the leasing process for a special-
interest oil and gas lease sale in the Cook Inlet Program Area;
--Identify specific areas of interest for oil and/or gas exploration
and development;
--Identify potential environmental effects and potential use conflicts;
--Develop the appropriate level of environmental analysis needed if the
level of industry interest is such that MMS recommends proceeding with
the special-interest sale;
--Develop lease terms and conditions/mitigating measures; and
--Identify potential conflicts between oil and gas activities and the
Alaska CMP.
6. Existing Information: An extensive environmental, social, and
economic Studies Program has been underway in the Alaska OCS Region
since 1976, including studies in this area. The emphasis has been on
environmental characterization of biologically sensitive habitats,
endangered whales and marine mammals, physical oceanography, ocean-
circulation modeling, subsistence uses, and ecological and socio-
cultural effects of oil and gas activities. Environmental Impact
Statements were prepared for each of the OCS sales held in the Cook
Inlet Planning Area.
Information on the MMS Environmental Studies Program, completed
studies, and a program status report for continuing studies in this
area are available on the MMS Web site https://www.mms.gov/alaska/, or
may be obtained from the Chief, Environmental Studies Section, Alaska
OCS Region, by telephone request at (907) 334-5230, or by written
request to: Chief, Environmental Studies Section; ATTN: Cook Inlet RFI;
Alaska OCS Region, Minerals Management Service; 3801 Centerpoint Drive,
Suite 500; Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5823. A request may also be made via
the Alaska OCS Region Web site to akwebmaster@mms.gov.
[[Page 39035]]
Dated: June 13, 2008.
Randall B. Luthi,
Director, Minerals Management Service.
[FR Doc. E8-15444 Filed 7-7-08; 8:45 am]