Governors' Designees Receiving Advance Notification of Transportation of Nuclear Waste, 37508-37511 [E8-14860]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 1, 2008 / Notices
changed the licenses and the technical
Date of initial notice in Federal
Register: July 17, 2007 (72 FR 39084).
The supplements dated November 14,
2007, January 10 and April 11, 2008,
provided additional information that
clarified the application, did not expand
the scope of the application as originally
noticed, and did not change the staff’s
original proposed no significant hazards
consideration determination.
The Commission’s related evaluation
of the amendments is contained in a
Safety Evaluation dated June 17, 2008.
No significant hazards consideration
comments received: No.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day
of June, 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Timothy J. McGinty,
Acting Director, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. E8–14342 Filed 6–30–08; 8:45 am]
Governors’ Designees Receiving
Advance Notification of Transportation
of Nuclear Waste
On January 6, 1982 (47 FR 596 and 47
FR 600), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) published in the
Federal Register final amendments to
10 CFR Parts 71 and 73 (effective July
6, 1982), that require advance
notification to Governors or their
designees by NRC licensees prior to
transportation of certain shipments of
nuclear waste and spent fuel. The
advance notification covered in Part 73
is for spent nuclear reactor fuel
shipments and the notification for Part
71 is for large quantity shipments of
radioactive waste (and of spent nuclear
reactor fuel not covered under the final
amendment to 10 CFR Part 73).
The following list updates the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of
those individuals in each State who are
responsible for receiving information on
nuclear waste shipments. The list will
be published annually in the Federal
Register on or about June 30, to reflect
any changes in information. Current
State contact information can also be
accessed throughout the year at https://
Questions regarding this matter
should be directed to Stephen N.
Salomon, Office of Federal and State
Materials and Environmental
Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555, by e-mail at or by
telephone at 301–415–2368.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 25th day
of June 2008.
For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Dennis K. Rathbun,
Director, Division of Intergovernmental
Liaison and Rulemaking, Office of Federal
and State Materials and Environmental
Management Programs.
Part 71
Alabama ..........................
Colonel J. Christopher Murphy, Director, Alabama Department of Public
Safety, 301 Ripley Street, Montgomery, AL 36104, (334) 242–4394, 24
hours: (334) 242–4128.
Douglas H. Dasher, PE, Alaska Monitoring and Assessment Section Manager, 610 University Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 451–2172, 24
hours: (907) 457–1421.
Aubrey V. Godwin, Director, Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, 4814
South 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85040, (602) 255–4845, ext. 222, 24
hours: (602) 223–2212.
Bernard Bevill, Radiation Control Section, Arkansas Department of Health
and Human Services, P.O. Box 1437, Mail Slot H–30, Little Rock, AR
72203–1437, (501) 661–2107, 24 hours: (501) 661–2136.
Captain Steve Dowling, California Highway Patrol, Enforcement Services
Division, 444 North 3rd St., Suite 310, P.O. Box 942898, Sacramento,
CA 94298–0001, (916) 445–1865, 24 hours: 1–(916) 861–1299.
Captain Allan Turner, Hazardous Materials Transport Safety and Response,
Colorado State Patrol, Troop 8, 15065 S. Golden Rd., Denver, CO
80401–3990, (303) 273–1910, 24 hours: (303) 239–4501.
Edward L. Wilds, Jr., Ph.D., Director, Radiation Division, Department of Environmental Protection, 79 Elm Street, 5th floor, Hartford, CT 06106–
5127, (860) 424–3029, 24 hours: (860) 424–3333.
David B. Mitchell, J.D., Secretary, Department of Safety & Homeland Security, P.O. Box 818, 303 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19903–0818,
(302) 744–2680, 24 hours: Cell (302) 222–6590.
John Williamson, Environmental Administrator, Bureau of Radiation Control,
Environmental Radiation Program, Department of Health, P.O. Box
680069, Orlando, FL 32868–0069, (407) 297–2095, 24 hours: (407) 297–
Captain Bruce Bugg, Special Projects Coordinator, Georgia Department of
Public Safety, Motor Carrier Compliance Division, P.O. Box 1456–Atlanta,
GA 30371, 959 E. Confederate Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30316, (404)
624–7226, 24 hours: (404) 635–7200.
Laurence K. Lau, Deputy Director, for Environmental Health, Hawaii State
Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378, 1250 Punchbowl Street, Suite 325,
Honolulu, HI 96813, (808) 586–4424, 24 hours: (808) 368–6004.
Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D., Director of Health, Hawaii State Department of
Health, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, HI 96813, (808) 586–4424, 24 hours:
(808) 368–6004.
Lieutenant William L. Reese, Deputy Commander, Commercial Vehicle
Safety, Idaho State Police, P.O. Box 700, Meridian, ID 83680–0700,
(208) 884–7220, 24 hours: (208) 846–7500.
Alaska .............................
Arizona ............................
Arkansas .........................
California .........................
Colorado .........................
Connecticut .....................
Delaware .........................
Florida .............................
Georgia ...........................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Hawaii .............................
Idaho ...............................
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 1, 2008 / Notices
Part 71
Illinois ..............................
Joseph G. Klinger, Assistant Director, Illinois Emergency Management
Agency, Division of Nuclear Safety, 1035 Outer Park Drive, 5th Floor,
Springfield, IL 62704, (217) 785–9868, 24 hours: (217) 782–7860.
Superintendent Paul Whitesell, Ph.D., Indiana State Police, IGCN, 100 N
Senate Avenue, 3rd Floor, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232–8248.
David L. Miller, Administrator, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Division, 7105 Northwest 70th Avenue, Camp Dodge, Building W–4, Johnston, IA 50131, (515) 725–3231, 24 hours: (515) 725–3231.
Jennifer Clark, Technological Hazards Section Chief, Department of the Adjutant General, Division of Emergency Management, 2800 SW Topeka
Boulevard, Topeka, KS 66611–1287, (785) 274–1394, 24 hours: (785)
Dewey Crawford, Manager, Radiation Health and Toxic Agents Branch,
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, 275 East Main Street, Mail Stop
HS–1C–A, Frankfort, KY 40621–0001, (502) 564–3700, ext 3695, 24
hours: (502) 667–1637.
Captain Dwayne White, Louisiana State Police, 7919 Independence Boulevard, P.O. Box 66614 (#A2621), Baton Rouge, LA 70896–6614, (225)
925–6113, ext. 270, 24 hours: (877) 925–6595.
Colonel Pat Fleming, Chief of the State Police, Maine Department of Public
Safety, 42 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333–0042, (207) 624–
Michael Bennett, Director, Electronic Systems Division, Maryland State Police, 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208, (410) 653–4229, 24
hours: (410) 653–4200.
Robert J. Walker, Director, Radiation Control Program, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Shraffts Building, Mezzanine Level, 529 Main
Street Suite 1M2A, Charlestown, MA 02129, (617) 242–3035, 24 hours:
(617) 242–3453.
Captain Dan Atkinson, Commander, Special Operations Division, Michigan
State Police, 4000 Collins Rd, Lansing, MI 48910, (517) 336–6136, 24
hours: (517) 241–8000.
Kevin C. Leuer, Director, Preparedness Branch, Minnesota Division of
Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 444 Cedar Street, Suite
223, St. Paul, MN 55101-6223, (651) 201–7406, 24 hours: (651) 649–
5451 or 1–800–422–0798.
Harrell B. Neal, Program Manager, Mississippi Emergency Management
Agency, Office of Preparedness-Plans Bureau, P.O. Box 5644, #1 MEMA
Drive 39208, Pearl, MS 39296–6957, (601) 933–6369, 24 hours: (800)
Ronald Reynolds, Director, Emergency Management Agency, P.O. Box
116, 2302 Militia Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65102, (573) 526–9101, 24
hours: (573) 751–2748.
Dan McGowan, Administrator, Homeland Security Advisor, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Division, 56 MT Majo Street, P.O. Box
4789, Fort Harrison, MT 59636–4789, (406) 841–3911, 24 hours: (406)
Lieutenant Carla Schreiber, Nebraska State Patrol, P.O. Box 94907, Lincoln, NE 68509–4907, (402) 479–4031, 24 hours: (402) 471–4545.
Karen K. Beckley, Supervisor, Radiological Health Section, Bureau of
Health Protection Services, Nevada State Health Division, 4150 Technology Way, Suite 300, Carson City, NV 89706, (775) 687–7540, 24
hours: 1–877–438–7231.
Sergeant Nathan Boothby, State Police, Troop G, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305, (603) 223–8778, 24 hours: (603) 271–3636.
Paul Baldauf, Assistant Director, Radiation Protection Programs, Division of
Environmental Safety, Health & Analytical Programs, Department of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 415, Trenton, NJ 08625–0415, (609)
984–5636, 24 hours: (609) 658–3072.
Don Shainin, Technical Hazards Unit Leader, New Mexico Department of
Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM), P.O. Box
27111, Santa Fe, NM 87502, (505) 476–9628, 24 hours: (505) 476–9635.
John R. Gibb, Director, New York State Emergency Management Office,
1220 Washington Avenue, Building 22—Suite 101, Albany, NY 12226–
2251, (518) 292–2300, 24 hours: (518) 292–2200.
First Sergeant Joseph A. Cotton, Hazardous Materials Coordinator, North
Carolina Highway Patrol, Special Operations, 1142 Southeast Maynard
Road, Cary, NC 27511, (919) 319–1523, 24 hours: (919) 733–3861.
Terry L. O’Clair, Director, Division of Air Quality, North Dakota Department
of Health, 918 East Divide Avenue—2nd Floor, Bismarck, ND 58501–
1947, (701) 328–5178, 24 hours: (701) 328–9921.
Indiana ............................
Iowa ................................
Kansas ............................
Kentucky .........................
Louisiana ........................
Maine ..............................
Maryland .........................
Massachusetts ................
Michigan .........................
Minnesota .......................
Mississippi ......................
Missouri ..........................
Montana ..........................
Nebraska ........................
Nevada ...........................
New Hampshire ..............
New Jersey .....................
New Mexico ....................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
New York ........................
North Carolina ................
North Dakota ..................
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 1, 2008 / Notices
Part 71
Ohio ................................
Carol A. O’Claire, Chief, Radiological Branch, Ohio Emergency Management Agency, 2855 West Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235–
2206, (614) 799–3915, 24 hours: (614) 889–7150.
Major Gregory Allen, Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box
11415, Oklahoma City, OK 73136–0145, (405) 425–7701, 24 hours:
(405) 425–2323.
Ken Niles, Assistant Director, Nuclear Safety & Energy Siting Division, Oregon Department of Energy, 625 Marion Street, NE, Salem, OR 97301–
3737, (503) 378–4906, 24 hours: (503) 370–3500.
Scott Forster, State Emergency Operations Coordinator, Director of Operations and Training, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,
2605 Interstate Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110–3321, (717) 651–2001, 24
hours: (717) 651–2001.
Terrence Mercer, Associate Administrator, Motor Carriers Section, Division
of Public Utilities and Carriers, 89 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick, RI
02888, (401) 941–4500, Ext. 150, 24 hours: (401) 444–1183 (State Police).
Susan Jenkins, Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Department of
Health & Environmental Control, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201,
(803) 896–4181, 24 hours: (803) 667–0019.
Kristi Turman, Director of Operations, Office of Emergency Management
Agency, 118 W. Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501–2000, (605) 773–
Elgan Usrey, Assistant Director, Preparedness, Tennessee Emergency
Management Agency, 3041 Sidco Drive, Nashville, TN 37204–1502,
(615) 741–2879, 24 hours: (615) 741–0001.
Richard A. Ratliff, P.E. L.M.P., Radiation Safety Licensing Branch Manager,
Division for Regulatory Services, Texas Department of State Health Services, Mail Code 2835, PO Box 149347, Austin, TX 78714–9347, (512)
834–6679, 24 hours: (512) 458–7460.
Oklahoma .......................
Oregon ............................
Pennsylvania ..................
Rhode Island ..................
South Carolina ................
South Dakota ..................
Tennessee ......................
Texas ..............................
Utah ................................
Vermont ..........................
Virginia ............................
Washington .....................
West Virginia ..................
Wisconsin .......................
Wyoming .........................
District of Columbia ........
Puerto Rico .....................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Guam ..............................
Virgin Islands ..................
American Samoa ............
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Part 73
Dane Finerfrock, Director, Division of Radiation Control, Department of Environmental Quality, 168 North 1950 West, P.O. Box 144850, Salt Lake
City, UT 84114–4850, (801) 536–4257, After hours: (801) 536–4123.
Thomas R. Tremblay, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety, Division
of State Police, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671–2101,
(802) 844–8718, 24 hours: (802) 244–8727.
Brett A. Burdick, Director, Technological Hazards Division, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, 10501 Trade Court, Richmond, VA
23236, (804) 897–6500, ext. 6569, 24 hours: (804) 674–2400.
Paul Perz, Washington State Patrol, Fire Protection Bureau, P.O. Box
42600, Olympia, WA 98504–2600, (360) 596–3919, 24 hours: 1–800–
Colonel D. L. Lemmon, Superintendent, West Virginia State Police, 725 Jefferson Road, South Charleston, WV 25309, (304) 746–2111, 24 hours:
(301) 746–2158.
Johnnie L. Smith, Administrator, Wisconsin Emergency Management, P.O.
Box 7865, Madison, WI 53707–7865, 608–242–3210, 24 hour: (608)
Captain Vernon Poage, Support Services Officer, Commercial Carriers, Wyoming Highway Patrol, 5300 Bishop Boulevard, Cheyenne, WY 82009–
3340, (307) 777–4312, 24 hours: (307) 777–4321.
Gregory B. Talley, Program Manager, Radiation Protection Division, Health,
Regulation & Licensing Administration, Department of Health, 717 14th
Street, NE, Room 639, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 741–7686, 24
hours: (202) 727–1000.
Dr. Rosa Perez-Perdomo, Secretary of Health, P.O. Box 70184, San Juan,
PR 00936–8184, (787) 765–2929, ext. 3377, 24 hours: (787) 765–2929,
ext. 3377.
Lorilee T. Crisostomo, Administrator, Guam Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 22439, Barrigada, Guam 96921, (671) 475–1658, Fax:
(671) 477–9402, 24 hours: (671) 635–9500.
Robert S. Mathes, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources, 8100 Linberg Bay, Ste #61, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802,
(340) 774–3320, 24 hours: (340) 774–5138.
Pati Faiai, Government Ecologist, American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency, Office of the Governor, Pago Pago, American Samoa
96799, (684) 633–2304, 24 hours: (684) 622–7106.
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Colonel Thomas A. Davis, Director,
Texas Department of Public Safety,
Attn: Technological Hazards Group,
P.O. Box 4087, Austin, TX 78773–
0223, (512) 424–7771, Fax: (512)
424–5708, 24 hours: (512) 424–
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 1, 2008 / Notices
Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands.
Part 71
Dr. Ignacio T. dela Cruz, D.V.M. Secretary, Department of Lands & Natural
Resources Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Caller Box
10007, Saipan, MP 96950, (670) 322–9830; 322–5017.
[FR Doc. E8–14860 Filed 6–30–08; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 52–024]
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Entergy Operations, Inc. et al.; Notice
of Hearing and Opportunity To Petition
for Leave To Intervene and Order
Imposing Procedures for Access to
Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards
Information and Safeguards
Information for Contention Preparation
on a Combined License for the Grand
Gulf Unit 3
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of
1954, as amended, and the regulations
in Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) Part 2, ‘‘Rules of
Practice for Domestic Licensing
Proceedings and Issuance of Orders,’’ 10
CFR Part 50, ‘‘Domestic Licensing of
Production and Utilization Facilities,’’
and 10 CFR Part 52, ‘‘Licenses,
Certifications, and Approvals for
Nuclear Power Plants,’’ notice is hereby
given that a hearing will be held, at a
time and place to be set in the future by
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC, the Commission) or
designated by the Atomic Safety and
Licensing Board (Board). The hearing
will consider the application dated
February 27, 2008, filed by Entergy
Operations, Inc., on behalf of itself and
Entergy Mississippi, Inc., Entergy
Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Gulf States
Louisiana, LLC, and System Energy
Resources, Inc. (SERI), pursuant to
Subpart C of 10 CFR Part 52, for a
combined license (COL). The
application, which was supplemented
by letters dated April 9, 2008, and April
11, 2008, requests approval of a COL for
Grand Gulf Unit 3, located in Claiborne
County, Mississippi. The application
was accepted for docketing on April 17,
2008. The docket number established
for this is 52–024. The Grand Gulf Unit
3 COL application references the Early
Site Permit (ESP–002) granted to SERI
for the Grand Gulf ESP site, which was
issued on April 5, 2007, and the
application for certification of the
economic simplified boiling water
reactor (ESBWR) design, which was
initially submitted on August 24, 2005.
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The hearing will be conducted by a
Board that will be designated by the
Chairman of the Atomic Safety and
Licensing Board Panel or will be
conducted by the Commission. Notice
as to the membership of the Board will
be published in the Federal Register at
a later date. The NRC staff will complete
a detailed technical review of the
application and will document its
findings in a safety evaluation report.
The Commission will refer a copy of the
application to the Advisory Committee
on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) in
accordance with 10 CFR 52.87, ‘‘Referral
to the ACRS,’’ and the ACRS will report
on those portions of the application that
concern safety.
Any person whose interest may be
affected by this proceeding and desires
to participate as a party to this
proceeding must file a written petition
for leave to intervene in accordance
with 10 CFR 2.309. Those permitted to
intervene become parties to the
proceeding, subject to any limitations in
the order granting leave to intervene,
and have the opportunity to participate
fully in the conduct of the hearing.
A petition for leave to intervene must
be filed no later than 60 days from the
date of publication of this notice in the
Federal Register. Non-timely filings will
not be entertained absent a
determination by the Commission or
presiding officer designated to rule on
the petition, pursuant to the
requirements of 10 CFR 2.309(c)(1)(i)–
Those permitted to intervene become
parties to the proceeding, subject to any
limitations in the order granting leave to
intervene, and have the opportunity to
participate fully in the conduct of the
hearing. A petition for leave to intervene
must be filed in accordance with the
NRC E-Filing rule, which was
promulgated by the NRC on August 28,
2007 (72 FR 49139).
The E-Filing process requires
participants to submit and serve
documents over the Internet or in some
cases to mail copies on electronic
storage media. Participants may not
submit paper copies of their filings
unless they seek a waiver in accordance
with the procedures described below.
To comply with the procedural
requirements of E-Filing, at least 10
days prior to the filing deadline, the
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petitioner must contact the Office of the
Secretary by e-mail at, or by calling
(301) 415–1677, to request (1) a digital
ID certificate, which allows the
participant (or its counsel or
representative) to digitally sign
documents and access the E-Submittal
server for any proceeding in which it is
participating; and/or (2) creation of an
electronic docket for the proceeding
(even in instances in which the
petitioner (or its counsel or
representative) already holds an NRCissued digital ID certificate). Each
participant will need to download the
Workplace Forms ViewerTM to access
the Electronic Information Exchange
(EIE), a component of the E-Filing
system. The Workplace Forms ViewerTM
is free and is available at https://
install-viewer.html. Information about
applying for a digital ID certificate is
available on NRC’s public Web site at
Once a participant has obtained a
digital ID certificate, had a docket
created, and downloaded the EIE
viewer, it can then submit a petition for
leave to intervene. Submissions should
be in Portable Document Format (PDF)
in accordance with NRC guidance
available on the NRC public Web site at A filing is considered
complete at the time the filer submits its
documents through EIE. To be timely,
an electronic filing must be submitted to
the EIE system no later than 11:59 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time on the due date.
Upon receipt of a transmission, the EFiling system time-stamps the document
and sends the submitter an e-mail notice
confirming receipt of the document. The
EIE system also distributes an e-mail
notice that provides access to the
document to the NRC Office of the
General Counsel and any others who
have advised the Office of the Secretary
that they wish to participate in the
proceeding, so that the filer need not
serve the documents on those
participants separately. Therefore,
applicants and other participants (or
their counsel or representative) must
apply for and receive a digital ID
certificate before a petition to intervene
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 127 (Tuesday, July 1, 2008)]
[Pages 37508-37511]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-14860]
Governors' Designees Receiving Advance Notification of
Transportation of Nuclear Waste
On January 6, 1982 (47 FR 596 and 47 FR 600), the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) published in the Federal Register final
amendments to 10 CFR Parts 71 and 73 (effective July 6, 1982), that
require advance notification to Governors or their designees by NRC
licensees prior to transportation of certain shipments of nuclear waste
and spent fuel. The advance notification covered in Part 73 is for
spent nuclear reactor fuel shipments and the notification for Part 71
is for large quantity shipments of radioactive waste (and of spent
nuclear reactor fuel not covered under the final amendment to 10 CFR
Part 73).
The following list updates the names, addresses, and telephone
numbers of those individuals in each State who are responsible for
receiving information on nuclear waste shipments. The list will be
published annually in the Federal Register on or about June 30, to
reflect any changes in information. Current State contact information
can also be accessed throughout the year at
Questions regarding this matter should be directed to Stephen N.
Salomon, Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental
Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
20555, by e-mail at or by telephone at 301-415-
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 25th day of June 2008.
For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Dennis K. Rathbun,
Director, Division of Intergovernmental Liaison and Rulemaking, Office
of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs.
Individuals Receiving Advance Notification of Nuclear Waste Shipments
State Part 71 Part 73
Alabama.................................. Colonel J. Christopher Murphy, Director, Alabama Same.
Department of Public Safety, 301 Ripley Street,
Montgomery, AL 36104, (334) 242-4394, 24 hours:
(334) 242-4128.
Alaska................................... Douglas H. Dasher, PE, Alaska Monitoring and Same.
Assessment Section Manager, 610 University Avenue,
Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 451-2172, 24 hours:
(907) 457-1421.
Arizona.................................. Aubrey V. Godwin, Director, Arizona Radiation Same.
Regulatory Agency, 4814 South 40th Street,
Phoenix, AZ 85040, (602) 255-4845, ext. 222, 24
hours: (602) 223-2212.
Arkansas................................. Bernard Bevill, Radiation Control Section, Arkansas Same.
Department of Health and Human Services, P.O. Box
1437, Mail Slot H-30, Little Rock, AR 72203-1437,
(501) 661-2107, 24 hours: (501) 661-2136.
California............................... Captain Steve Dowling, California Highway Patrol, Same.
Enforcement Services Division, 444 North 3rd St.,
Suite 310, P.O. Box 942898, Sacramento, CA 94298-
0001, (916) 445-1865, 24 hours: 1-(916) 861-1299.
Colorado................................. Captain Allan Turner, Hazardous Materials Transport Same.
Safety and Response, Colorado State Patrol, Troop
8, 15065 S. Golden Rd., Denver, CO 80401-3990,
(303) 273-1910, 24 hours: (303) 239-4501.
Connecticut.............................. Edward L. Wilds, Jr., Ph.D., Director, Radiation Same.
Division, Department of Environmental Protection,
79 Elm Street, 5th floor, Hartford, CT 06106-5127,
(860) 424-3029, 24 hours: (860) 424-3333.
Delaware................................. David B. Mitchell, J.D., Secretary, Department of Same.
Safety & Homeland Security, P.O. Box 818, 303
Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19903-0818, (302)
744-2680, 24 hours: Cell (302) 222-6590.
Florida.................................. John Williamson, Environmental Administrator, Same.
Bureau of Radiation Control, Environmental
Radiation Program, Department of Health, P.O. Box
680069, Orlando, FL 32868-0069, (407) 297-2095, 24
hours: (407) 297-2095.
Georgia.................................. Captain Bruce Bugg, Special Projects Coordinator, Same.
Georgia Department of Public Safety, Motor Carrier
Compliance Division, P.O. Box 1456-Atlanta, GA
30371, 959 E. Confederate Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA
30316, (404) 624-7226, 24 hours: (404) 635-7200.
Hawaii................................... Laurence K. Lau, Deputy Director, for Environmental Same.
Health, Hawaii State Department of Health, P.O.
Box 3378, 1250 Punchbowl Street, Suite 325,
Honolulu, HI 96813, (808) 586-4424, 24 hours:
(808) 368-6004.
Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D., Director of Health, Hawaii
State Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378,
Honolulu, HI 96813, (808) 586-4424, 24 hours:
(808) 368-6004.
Idaho.................................... Lieutenant William L. Reese, Deputy Commander, Same.
Commercial Vehicle Safety, Idaho State Police,
P.O. Box 700, Meridian, ID 83680-0700, (208) 884-
7220, 24 hours: (208) 846-7500.
[[Page 37509]]
Illinois................................. Joseph G. Klinger, Assistant Director, Illinois Same.
Emergency Management Agency, Division of Nuclear
Safety, 1035 Outer Park Drive, 5th Floor,
Springfield, IL 62704, (217) 785-9868, 24 hours:
(217) 782-7860.
Indiana.................................. Superintendent Paul Whitesell, Ph.D., Indiana State Same.
Police, IGCN, 100 N Senate Avenue, 3rd Floor,
Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-8248.
Iowa..................................... David L. Miller, Administrator, Iowa Homeland Same.
Security and Emergency Management Division, 7105
Northwest 70th Avenue, Camp Dodge, Building W-4,
Johnston, IA 50131, (515) 725-3231, 24 hours:
(515) 725-3231.
Kansas................................... Jennifer Clark, Technological Hazards Section Same.
Chief, Department of the Adjutant General,
Division of Emergency Management, 2800 SW Topeka
Boulevard, Topeka, KS 66611-1287, (785) 274-1394,
24 hours: (785) 296-3176.
Kentucky................................. Dewey Crawford, Manager, Radiation Health and Toxic Same.
Agents Branch, Cabinet for Health and Family
Services, 275 East Main Street, Mail Stop HS-1C-A,
Frankfort, KY 40621-0001, (502) 564-3700, ext
3695, 24 hours: (502) 667-1637.
Louisiana................................ Captain Dwayne White, Louisiana State Police, 7919 Same.
Independence Boulevard, P.O. Box 66614 (A2621), Baton Rouge, LA 70896-6614, (225) 925-
6113, ext. 270, 24 hours: (877) 925-6595.
Maine.................................... Colonel Pat Fleming, Chief of the State Police, Same.
Maine Department of Public Safety, 42 State House
Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0042, (207) 624-7200.
Maryland................................. Michael Bennett, Director, Electronic Systems Same.
Division, Maryland State Police, 1201 Reisterstown
Road, Pikesville, MD 21208, (410) 653-4229, 24
hours: (410) 653-4200.
Massachusetts............................ Robert J. Walker, Director, Radiation Control Same.
Program, Massachusetts Department of Public
Health, Shraffts Building, Mezzanine Level, 529
Main Street Suite 1M2A, Charlestown, MA 02129,
(617) 242-3035, 24 hours: (617) 242-3453.
Michigan................................. Captain Dan Atkinson, Commander, Special Operations Same.
Division, Michigan State Police, 4000 Collins Rd,
Lansing, MI 48910, (517) 336-6136, 24 hours: (517)
Minnesota................................ Kevin C. Leuer, Director, Preparedness Branch, Same.
Minnesota Division of Homeland Security &
Emergency Management, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 223,
St. Paul, MN 55101-6223, (651) 201-7406, 24 hours:
(651) 649-5451 or 1-800-422-0798.
Mississippi.............................. Harrell B. Neal, Program Manager, Mississippi Same.
Emergency Management Agency, Office of
Preparedness-Plans Bureau, P.O. Box 5644, 1 MEMA Drive 39208, Pearl, MS 39296-6957, (601)
933-6369, 24 hours: (800) 352-9100.
Missouri................................. Ronald Reynolds, Director, Emergency Management Same.
Agency, P.O. Box 116, 2302 Militia Drive,
Jefferson City, MO 65102, (573) 526-9101, 24
hours: (573) 751-2748.
Montana.................................. Dan McGowan, Administrator, Homeland Security Same.
Advisor, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services
Division, 56 MT Majo Street, P.O. Box 4789, Fort
Harrison, MT 59636-4789, (406) 841-3911, 24 hours:
(406) 841-3911.
Nebraska................................. Lieutenant Carla Schreiber, Nebraska State Patrol, Same.
P.O. Box 94907, Lincoln, NE 68509-4907, (402) 479-
4031, 24 hours: (402) 471-4545.
Nevada................................... Karen K. Beckley, Supervisor, Radiological Health Same.
Section, Bureau of Health Protection Services,
Nevada State Health Division, 4150 Technology Way,
Suite 300, Carson City, NV 89706, (775) 687-7540,
24 hours: 1-877-438-7231.
New Hampshire............................ Sergeant Nathan Boothby, State Police, Troop G, 33 Same.
Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305, (603) 223-8778, 24
hours: (603) 271-3636.
New Jersey............................... Paul Baldauf, Assistant Director, Radiation Same.
Protection Programs, Division of Environmental
Safety, Health & Analytical Programs, Department
of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 415,
Trenton, NJ 08625-0415, (609) 984-5636, 24 hours:
(609) 658-3072.
New Mexico............................... Don Shainin, Technical Hazards Unit Leader, New Same.
Mexico Department of Homeland Security and
Emergency Management (DHSEM), P.O. Box 27111,
Santa Fe, NM 87502, (505) 476-9628, 24 hours:
(505) 476-9635.
New York................................. John R. Gibb, Director, New York State Emergency Same.
Management Office, 1220 Washington Avenue,
Building 22--Suite 101, Albany, NY 12226-2251,
(518) 292-2300, 24 hours: (518) 292-2200.
North Carolina........................... First Sergeant Joseph A. Cotton, Hazardous Same.
Materials Coordinator, North Carolina Highway
Patrol, Special Operations, 1142 Southeast Maynard
Road, Cary, NC 27511, (919) 319-1523, 24 hours:
(919) 733-3861.
North Dakota............................. Terry L. O'Clair, Director, Division of Air Same.
Quality, North Dakota Department of Health, 918
East Divide Avenue--2nd Floor, Bismarck, ND 58501-
1947, (701) 328-5178, 24 hours: (701) 328-9921.
[[Page 37510]]
Ohio..................................... Carol A. O'Claire, Chief, Radiological Branch, Ohio Same.
Emergency Management Agency, 2855 West Dublin
Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235-2206, (614) 799-
3915, 24 hours: (614) 889-7150.
Oklahoma................................. Major Gregory Allen, Oklahoma Department of Public Same.
Safety, P.O. Box 11415, Oklahoma City, OK 73136-
0145, (405) 425-7701, 24 hours: (405) 425-2323.
Oregon................................... Ken Niles, Assistant Director, Nuclear Safety & Same.
Energy Siting Division, Oregon Department of
Energy, 625 Marion Street, NE, Salem, OR 97301-
3737, (503) 378-4906, 24 hours: (503) 370-3500.
Pennsylvania............................. Scott Forster, State Emergency Operations Same.
Coordinator, Director of Operations and Training,
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, 2605
Interstate Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110-3321, (717)
651-2001, 24 hours: (717) 651-2001.
Rhode Island............................. Terrence Mercer, Associate Administrator, Motor Same.
Carriers Section, Division of Public Utilities and
Carriers, 89 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick, RI
02888, (401) 941-4500, Ext. 150, 24 hours: (401)
444-1183 (State Police).
South Carolina........................... Susan Jenkins, Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Same.
Department of Health & Environmental Control, 2600
Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201, (803) 896-4181,
24 hours: (803) 667-0019.
South Dakota............................. Kristi Turman, Director of Operations, Office of Same.
Emergency Management Agency, 118 W. Capitol
Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501-2000, (605) 773-3231.
Tennessee................................ Elgan Usrey, Assistant Director, Preparedness, Same.
Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, 3041 Sidco
Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-1502, (615) 741-2879,
24 hours: (615) 741-0001.
Texas.................................... Richard A. Ratliff, P.E. L.M.P., Radiation Safety Colonel Thomas A. Davis, Director, Texas Department of
Licensing Branch Manager, Division for Regulatory Public Safety, Attn: Technological Hazards Group, P.O.
Services, Texas Department of State Health Box 4087, Austin, TX 78773-0223, (512) 424-7771, Fax:
Services, Mail Code 2835, PO Box 149347, Austin, (512) 424-5708, 24 hours: (512) 424-2208.
TX 78714-9347, (512) 834-6679, 24 hours: (512) 458-
Utah..................................... Dane Finerfrock, Director, Division of Radiation Same.
Control, Department of Environmental Quality, 168
North 1950 West, P.O. Box 144850, Salt Lake City,
UT 84114-4850, (801) 536-4257, After hours: (801)
Vermont.................................. Thomas R. Tremblay, Commissioner, Department of Same.
Public Safety, Division of State Police, 103 South
Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-2101, (802) 844-
8718, 24 hours: (802) 244-8727.
Virginia................................. Brett A. Burdick, Director, Technological Hazards Same.
Division, Virginia Department of Emergency
Management, 10501 Trade Court, Richmond, VA 23236,
(804) 897-6500, ext. 6569, 24 hours: (804) 674-
Washington............................... Paul Perz, Washington State Patrol, Fire Protection Same.
Bureau, P.O. Box 42600, Olympia, WA 98504-2600,
(360) 596-3919, 24 hours: 1-800-409-4755.
West Virginia............................ Colonel D. L. Lemmon, Superintendent, West Virginia Same.
State Police, 725 Jefferson Road, South
Charleston, WV 25309, (304) 746-2111, 24 hours:
(301) 746-2158.
Wisconsin................................ Johnnie L. Smith, Administrator, Wisconsin Same.
Emergency Management, P.O. Box 7865, Madison, WI
53707-7865, 608-242-3210, 24 hour: (608) 242-3232.
Wyoming.................................. Captain Vernon Poage, Support Services Officer, Same.
Commercial Carriers, Wyoming Highway Patrol, 5300
Bishop Boulevard, Cheyenne, WY 82009-3340, (307)
777-4312, 24 hours: (307) 777-4321.
District of Columbia..................... Gregory B. Talley, Program Manager, Radiation Same.
Protection Division, Health, Regulation &
Licensing Administration, Department of Health,
717 14th Street, NE, Room 639, Washington, DC
20005, (202) 741-7686, 24 hours: (202) 727-1000.
Puerto Rico.............................. Dr. Rosa Perez-Perdomo, Secretary of Health, P.O. Same.
Box 70184, San Juan, PR 00936-8184, (787) 765-
2929, ext. 3377, 24 hours: (787) 765-2929, ext.
Guam..................................... Lorilee T. Crisostomo, Administrator, Guam Same.
Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 22439,
Barrigada, Guam 96921, (671) 475-1658, Fax: (671)
477-9402, 24 hours: (671) 635-9500.
Virgin Islands........................... Robert S. Mathes, Commissioner, Department of Same.
Planning and Natural Resources, 8100 Linberg Bay,
Ste 61, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802,
(340) 774-3320, 24 hours: (340) 774-5138.
American Samoa........................... Pati Faiai, Government Ecologist, American Samoa Same.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of the
Governor, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799, (684)
633-2304, 24 hours: (684) 622-7106.
[[Page 37511]]
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Dr. Ignacio T. dela Cruz, D.V.M. Secretary, Same.
Islands. Department of Lands & Natural Resources
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Caller
Box 10007, Saipan, MP 96950, (670) 322-9830; 322-
[FR Doc. E8-14860 Filed 6-30-08; 8:45 am]