Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2; Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, 36577-36579 [E8-14594]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
for TDD Relay/1–800–877–8339 for toll
Employment and Training
Sandra G. Farrow,
Acting Chief Docket Clerk.
[FR Doc. E8–14591 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
Unifi, Inc., Staunton, VA; Notice of
Termination of Investigation
Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade
Act of 1974, as amended, an
investigation was initiated on May 19,
2008 in response to a petition filed by
a company official on behalf of workers
at Unifi, Inc., Staunton, Virginia.
The company has requested that the
petition be withdrawn. The company
intends to submit a new petition closer
to the date of separation or threat of
Consequently, further investigation in
this case would serve no purpose, and
the investigation has been terminated.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of
June 2008.
Elliott S. Kushner,
Certifying Officer, Division of Trade
Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. E8–14606 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meeting
10 a.m., Thursday, July
24, 2008.
The Richard V. Backley Hearing
Room, 9th Floor, 601 New Jersey
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
The Commission will consider and
act upon the following in open session:
Secretary of Labor v. National Cement
Company of California, Docket No.
WEST 2004–182–RM. (Issues include
whether the Secretary properly
interpreted section 3(h)(1) of the Mine
Act in concluding that MSHA had
jurisdiction over an access road leading
to a cement plant.)
Any person attending this meeting
who requires special accessibility
features and/or auxiliary aids, such as
sign language interpreters, must inform
the Commission in advance of those
needs. Subject to 29 CFR 2706.150(a)(3)
and 2706.160(d).
Ellen (202) 434–9950/(202) 708–9300
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
National Endowment for the Arts;
Proposed Collection; Comment
SUMMARY: The National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA), as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to
provide the general public and federal
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing collections of information in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA95) [44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(A)]. This program helps
to ensure that requested data can be
provided in the desired format,
reporting burden (time and financial
resources) is minimized, collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
the impact of collection requirements on
respondents can be properly assessed.
Currently, the NEA is soliciting
comments concerning the proposed
information collection to evaluate the
‘‘Operation Homecoming: Literary
Programming for Veterans and Their
Families’’ initiative. A copy of the
current information collection request
can be obtained by contacting the office
listed below in the address section of
this notice.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
address section below on or before
August 27, 2008. The NEA is
particularly interested in comments
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
PO 00000
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are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
ADDRESSES: Michael McLaughlin,
National Endowment for the Arts, 1100
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Room 710,
Washington, DC 20506–0001, telephone
(202) 682–5457 (this is not a toll-free
number), fax (202) 682–5613.
Kathleen Edwards,
Director, Administrative Services, National
Endowment for the Arts.
[FR Doc. E8–14547 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
[Docket No 50–391]
Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant, Unit 2; Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is considering
extending the latest construction
completion date specified in
Construction Permit No. CPPR–92
issued to Tennessee Valley Authority
(permittee, TVA) for the Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant (WBN), Unit 2. The
facility is located at the permittee’s site
on the west branch of the Tennessee
River approximately 50 miles northeast
of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Environmental Assessment
Identification of Proposed Action
The proposed action would extend
the latest construction completion date
of Construction Permit No. CPPR–92
from December 31, 2010 to March 31,
2013. The proposed action is in
response to the permittee’s request
dated May 8, 2008. This request
superseded an earlier letter dated March
6, 2008.
The proposed extension will not
allow any work to be performed that is
not already allowed by the existing
construction permit. The extension will
merely grant the permittee more time to
complete construction in accordance
with the previously approved
construction permit.
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action is needed to give
the permittee adequate time to complete
construction of WBN Unit 2. In a July
14, 2000 letter, TVA confirmed that
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
WBN Unit 2 met the NRC’s definition of
a deferred plant, as described in Generic
Letter 87–15, ‘‘Policy Statement on
Deferred Plants.’’ Subsequently, on
August 3, 2007, TVA informed the
Commission of its intent to complete
construction and licensing of WBN Unit
2 by April 1, 2012; this letter was
submitted in accordance with the Policy
Statement on Deferred Plants. TVA
provided information requested by the
Policy Statement, and also informed the
Commission that it would resume
construction activities no sooner than
December 3, 2007. These activities are
within the scope of the existing
construction permit, which expires
December 31, 2010.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
The environmental impacts associated
with the construction of the facility
have been previously discussed and
evaluated in TVA’s Final Environmental
Statement for construction (FES–CP) of
WBN, Units 1 and 2, issued on
November 9, 1972. NRC staff evaluated
the environmental impacts of
construction and operation of this plant,
issuing comments on TVA’s FES–CP as
part of its review. In December 1978,
NRC staff issued NUREG–0498, ‘‘Final
Environmental Statement Related to
Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant
Units 1 and 2,’’ for the operating-license
stage (FES–OL), addressing
environmental impacts of construction
activities not addressed previously in
TVA’s FES–CP. The activities included:
(1) Construction of the transmission
route for the Watts Bar—Volunteer 500
kV line, (2) construction of the settling
pond for siltation control for
construction runoff at a different
location from that originally proposed
in the FES–CP, and (3) the relocation of
the blowdown diffuser from the
originally proposed site indicated in the
FES–CP. The staff addressed the
terrestrial and aquatic environmental
impacts in the FES–OL, as well as
historic and archeological impacts, and
concluded that the assessment
presented in the FES–CP remains valid.
NUREG–0498, Supplement 1 was
issued in April 1995. Environmental
issues evaluated included changes to
regional demography, natural resource
use, meteorology, ecology, impacts to
humans and the environment, severe
accident mitigation design alternatives,
and socioeconomic impacts, including
environmental justice issues. The staff
concluded that there were no significant
changes to the environmental impacts
discussed in the 1978 FES–OL due to
changes in plant design or operation, or
changes in the environment.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
Furthermore, the staff concluded that no
additional impacts not previously
discussed in the NRC’s 1978 FES–OL
related to construction of Unit 2 were
On February 15, 2008, TVA submitted
‘‘Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN)—Unit
2—Final Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement [FSEIS] For the
Completion and Operation of Unit 2,’’ to
the NRC. This FSEIS was completed in
June 2007, and was submitted in
support of TVA’s operating license
application for WBN Unit 2. It also
includes TVA’s evaluation of the
environmental impacts of construction.
The licensee has no plans to construct
additional transmission lines or disturb
any land not discussed in previous
environmental reviews. Impacts on the
Federal threatened and endangered
species list issued by the Fish and
Wildlife Service were evaluated in
previous NRC environmental reviews.
No additional impacts are expected.
Completed construction of WBN Unit
2 includes major structures such as the
containment, turbine building, control
building, and equipment such as the
reactor pressure vessel, reactor coolant
system piping, and steam generators.
Installation of equipment shared with
WBN Unit 1, such as diesel generators,
was completed prior to issuance of the
Unit 1 operating license in 1996. The
majority of construction activities will
take place within structures already
completed. Therefore, most of the
construction impacts discussed in the
FES have already occurred. As
discussed in TVA’s FSEIS, additional
onsite construction environmental
impacts will be small, mitigated by use
of good construction practices.
Socioeconomic impacts are similar to
those previously evaluated by the NRC.
As construction proceeds, workers
moving to the area will increase demand
for services such as schools and
recreational facilities. In its June 2007
FSEIS, in anticipation of a decision to
resume construction, TVA stated that it
‘‘...would designate certain counties as
impacted by the construction process.
This [designation] would make them
eligible for a supplemental allocation
from TVA’s annual tax equivalent
payment under Tennessee law. These
funds could be used by counties to
address impacts on county services.’’
These payments mitigate the effects of
new workers living in the area.
The requested extension of the
construction permit only extends the
period of construction as described in
the FES, and does not involve any
different impacts as described and
analyzed in the original and updated
environmental impact statements. The
PO 00000
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cumulative impacts of the extended
construction period are small, and
mitigated, as discussed above.
Based on the foregoing, the NRC staff
has concluded that the proposed action
would have no significant
environmental impact. Since this action
would only extend the period of
construction activities described in the
FES, it does not involve any different
impacts or a significant change to those
impacts described and analyzed in the
original environmental impact
statement. Consequently, an
environmental impact statement
addressing the proposed action is not
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
A possible alternative to the proposed
action would be to deny the request, or
the no-action alternative. This
alternative would result in expiration of
the construction permit for Watts Bar,
Unit 2. This option would require
submittal of another application for
construction in order to allow the
permittee to complete construction of
the facility with no significant
environmental benefit. The
environmental impacts of the proposed
action and alternative action are similar.
Denial of the request could also result
in TVA seeking other sources of
electrical power. Siting and constructing
new power generating facilities would
result in their own environmental
impacts, and does not provide an
obvious environmental benefit versus
the proposed construction permit
extension, especially given the large
degree of construction already
completed for WBN Unit 2.
Alternative Use of Resources
This action does not involve the use
of resources not previously considered
in the FES for Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2.
Agencies and Persons Contacted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on May 28, 2008, the staff consulted
with officials from the State of
Tennessee, including Alan Leiserson,
Legal Services Director of the Tennessee
Department of Environment and
Conservation, regarding the
environmental impact of the proposed
action. The State officials had no
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that this
action will not have a significant effect
on the quality of the human
environment. Accordingly, the NRC has
determined not to prepare an
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
environmental impact statement for this
For further details with respect to this
action, see the licensee’s request for
extension dated May 8, 2008.
Documents may be examined, and/or
copied for a fee, at the NRC’s Public
Document Room, located at One White
Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first
floor), Rockville, Maryland. Publicly
available records will be accessible
electronically from the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading room on the internet at the NRC
Web site, https://www.nrc.gov/readingrm/adams.html. Persons who do not
have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1–800–397–4209 or send
an e-mail to pdr@nrc.gov.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 20th day
of June 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
L. Raghavan,
Chief, Watts Bar Special Projects Branch,
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E8–14594 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (ACRS); Subcommittee
Meeting on Power Uprates (Millstone
Unit 3); Corrected Notice of Meeting
(Corrected To Note Millstone Unit 3
Instead of Hope Creek)
The ACRS Subcommittee on Power
Uprates will hold a meeting on July 8,
2008, at 11545 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, Maryland, Room T–2B3.
The meeting will be open to public
attendance, with the exception of
portions that may be closed to discuss
proprietary information pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552b(c)(4) for presentations
covering information that is proprietary
to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
(DNC) or its contractor Westinghouse
Electric Company, LLC.
The agenda for the subject meeting
shall be as follows:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008—9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Subcommittee will review the
staff’s safety evaluation associated with
the Millstone Power Station Unit 3
stretch power uprate. The
Subcommittee will hear presentations
by and hold discussions with
representatives of the NRC staff, DNC,
Westinghouse, and other interested
persons regarding this matter. The
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Dated: June 23, 2008.
Antonio Dias,
Chief, Reactor Safety Branch B.
[FR Doc. E8–14595 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
Subcommittee will gather information,
analyze relevant issues and facts, and
formulate proposed positions and
actions, as appropriate, for deliberation
by the full Committee.
Members of the public desiring to
provide oral statements and/or written
comments should notify the Designated
Federal Officer, Mr. David Bessette at
301–415–8065, five days prior to the
meeting, if possible, so that appropriate
arrangements can be made. Electronic
recordings will be permitted only
during those portions of the meeting
that are open to the public. Detailed
procedures for the conduct of and
participation in ACRS meetings were
published in the Federal Register on
September 26, 2007, (72 FR 54695).
Further information regarding this
meeting can be obtained by contacting
the Designated Federal Official between
8:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (ET). Persons
planning to attend this meeting are
urged to contact the above named
individual at least two working days
prior to the meeting to be advised of any
potential changes to the agenda.
Jkt 214001
Sunshine Act Meeting
ANNOUNCEMENT: [73 FR 35427, June 23,
Closed Meeting.
100 F Street, NE., Washington,
MEETING: Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 10
Cancellation of
The Closed Meeting scheduled for
Thursday, June 26, 2008 has been
For further information please contact
the Office of the Secretary at (202) 551–
June 24, 2008.
Florence E. Harmon,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–14611 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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[Release No. 34–58004; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, Inc.; Order Approving
Proposed Rule Change to the Code of
Arbitration Procedure for Customer
Disputes and the Code of Arbitration
Procedure for Industry Disputes To
Amend the Chairperson Eligibility
June 23, 2008.
I. Introduction
On March 12, 2008, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
(‘‘FINRA’’) (f/k/a National Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc. (‘‘NASD’’))
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 a
proposed rule change relating to
amendments to NASD Rule 12400(c) of
the Code of Arbitration Procedure for
Customer Disputes (‘‘Customer Code’’)
and NASD Rule 13400(c) of the Code of
Arbitration Procedure for Industry
Disputes (‘‘Industry Code’’). The
proposed rule change was published for
comment in the Federal Register on
March 25, 2008.3 The Commission
received five comment letters in
response to the proposed rule change.4
This order approves the proposed rule
II. Description of the Proposed Rule
The proposed rule change amends the
chairperson eligibility requirements
under Rule 12400(c) of the Customer
Code and Rule 13400(c) of the Industry
On January 24, 2007, the SEC
approved the Customer and Industry
Codes (collectively referred to as
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–
57529 (March 19, 2008); 73 FR 15817 (Mar. 25,
4 See letter from Scot D. Bernstein, dated April 4,
2008 (‘‘Bernstein letter’’); letter from William A.
Jacobson, Esq., Associate Clinical Professor,
Director, Securities Law Clinic, Cornell Law School,
dated April 15, 2008 (‘‘Cornell letter’’); letter from
Lawrence S. Schultz, President, Public Investors
Arbitration Association, dated April 16, 2008
(‘‘PIABA letter’’); letter from Karen Lockwood,
dated May 12, 2008 (‘‘Lockwood letter’’); and letter
from Barry D. Estell, Esquire, dated May 22, 2008
(‘‘Estell letter’’).
2 17
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 125 (Friday, June 27, 2008)]
[Pages 36577-36579]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-14594]
[Docket No 50-391]
Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2;
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering
extending the latest construction completion date specified in
Construction Permit No. CPPR-92 issued to Tennessee Valley Authority
(permittee, TVA) for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN), Unit 2. The
facility is located at the permittee's site on the west branch of the
Tennessee River approximately 50 miles northeast of Chattanooga,
Environmental Assessment
Identification of Proposed Action
The proposed action would extend the latest construction completion
date of Construction Permit No. CPPR-92 from December 31, 2010 to March
31, 2013. The proposed action is in response to the permittee's request
dated May 8, 2008. This request superseded an earlier letter dated
March 6, 2008.
The proposed extension will not allow any work to be performed that
is not already allowed by the existing construction permit. The
extension will merely grant the permittee more time to complete
construction in accordance with the previously approved construction
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action is needed to give the permittee adequate time
to complete construction of WBN Unit 2. In a July 14, 2000 letter, TVA
confirmed that
[[Page 36578]]
WBN Unit 2 met the NRC's definition of a deferred plant, as described
in Generic Letter 87-15, ``Policy Statement on Deferred Plants.''
Subsequently, on August 3, 2007, TVA informed the Commission of its
intent to complete construction and licensing of WBN Unit 2 by April 1,
2012; this letter was submitted in accordance with the Policy Statement
on Deferred Plants. TVA provided information requested by the Policy
Statement, and also informed the Commission that it would resume
construction activities no sooner than December 3, 2007. These
activities are within the scope of the existing construction permit,
which expires December 31, 2010.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
The environmental impacts associated with the construction of the
facility have been previously discussed and evaluated in TVA's Final
Environmental Statement for construction (FES-CP) of WBN, Units 1 and
2, issued on November 9, 1972. NRC staff evaluated the environmental
impacts of construction and operation of this plant, issuing comments
on TVA's FES-CP as part of its review. In December 1978, NRC staff
issued NUREG-0498, ``Final Environmental Statement Related to Operation
of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2,'' for the operating-license
stage (FES-OL), addressing environmental impacts of construction
activities not addressed previously in TVA's FES-CP. The activities
included: (1) Construction of the transmission route for the Watts
Bar--Volunteer 500 kV line, (2) construction of the settling pond for
siltation control for construction runoff at a different location from
that originally proposed in the FES-CP, and (3) the relocation of the
blowdown diffuser from the originally proposed site indicated in the
FES-CP. The staff addressed the terrestrial and aquatic environmental
impacts in the FES-OL, as well as historic and archeological impacts,
and concluded that the assessment presented in the FES-CP remains
NUREG-0498, Supplement 1 was issued in April 1995. Environmental
issues evaluated included changes to regional demography, natural
resource use, meteorology, ecology, impacts to humans and the
environment, severe accident mitigation design alternatives, and
socioeconomic impacts, including environmental justice issues. The
staff concluded that there were no significant changes to the
environmental impacts discussed in the 1978 FES-OL due to changes in
plant design or operation, or changes in the environment. Furthermore,
the staff concluded that no additional impacts not previously discussed
in the NRC's 1978 FES-OL related to construction of Unit 2 were
On February 15, 2008, TVA submitted ``Watts Bar Nuclear Plant
(WBN)--Unit 2--Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
[FSEIS] For the Completion and Operation of Unit 2,'' to the NRC. This
FSEIS was completed in June 2007, and was submitted in support of TVA's
operating license application for WBN Unit 2. It also includes TVA's
evaluation of the environmental impacts of construction.
The licensee has no plans to construct additional transmission
lines or disturb any land not discussed in previous environmental
reviews. Impacts on the Federal threatened and endangered species list
issued by the Fish and Wildlife Service were evaluated in previous NRC
environmental reviews. No additional impacts are expected.
Completed construction of WBN Unit 2 includes major structures such
as the containment, turbine building, control building, and equipment
such as the reactor pressure vessel, reactor coolant system piping, and
steam generators. Installation of equipment shared with WBN Unit 1,
such as diesel generators, was completed prior to issuance of the Unit
1 operating license in 1996. The majority of construction activities
will take place within structures already completed. Therefore, most of
the construction impacts discussed in the FES have already occurred. As
discussed in TVA's FSEIS, additional onsite construction environmental
impacts will be small, mitigated by use of good construction practices.
Socioeconomic impacts are similar to those previously evaluated by
the NRC. As construction proceeds, workers moving to the area will
increase demand for services such as schools and recreational
facilities. In its June 2007 FSEIS, in anticipation of a decision to
resume construction, TVA stated that it ``...would designate certain
counties as impacted by the construction process. This [designation]
would make them eligible for a supplemental allocation from TVA's
annual tax equivalent payment under Tennessee law. These funds could be
used by counties to address impacts on county services.'' These
payments mitigate the effects of new workers living in the area.
The requested extension of the construction permit only extends the
period of construction as described in the FES, and does not involve
any different impacts as described and analyzed in the original and
updated environmental impact statements. The cumulative impacts of the
extended construction period are small, and mitigated, as discussed
Based on the foregoing, the NRC staff has concluded that the
proposed action would have no significant environmental impact. Since
this action would only extend the period of construction activities
described in the FES, it does not involve any different impacts or a
significant change to those impacts described and analyzed in the
original environmental impact statement. Consequently, an environmental
impact statement addressing the proposed action is not required.
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
A possible alternative to the proposed action would be to deny the
request, or the no-action alternative. This alternative would result in
expiration of the construction permit for Watts Bar, Unit 2. This
option would require submittal of another application for construction
in order to allow the permittee to complete construction of the
facility with no significant environmental benefit. The environmental
impacts of the proposed action and alternative action are similar.
Denial of the request could also result in TVA seeking other
sources of electrical power. Siting and constructing new power
generating facilities would result in their own environmental impacts,
and does not provide an obvious environmental benefit versus the
proposed construction permit extension, especially given the large
degree of construction already completed for WBN Unit 2.
Alternative Use of Resources
This action does not involve the use of resources not previously
considered in the FES for Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2.
Agencies and Persons Contacted
In accordance with its stated policy, on May 28, 2008, the staff
consulted with officials from the State of Tennessee, including Alan
Leiserson, Legal Services Director of the Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation, regarding the environmental impact of the
proposed action. The State officials had no comments.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental assessment, the NRC concludes
that this action will not have a significant effect on the quality of
the human environment. Accordingly, the NRC has determined not to
prepare an
[[Page 36579]]
environmental impact statement for this action.
For further details with respect to this action, see the licensee's
request for extension dated May 8, 2008. Documents may be examined,
and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC's Public Document Room, located at
One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville,
Maryland. Publicly available records will be accessible electronically
from the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
Public Electronic Reading room on the internet at the NRC Web site,
https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who do not have
access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the documents
located in ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1-800-397-4209 or send an e-mail to pdr@nrc.gov.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 20th day of June 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
L. Raghavan,
Chief, Watts Bar Special Projects Branch, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E8-14594 Filed 6-26-08; 8:45 am]