Modification of the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program; Notice of Public Meeting, 36512-36514 [E8-14528]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
Publicly available docket materials are
available either in the electronic docket
at, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the Office of
Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory
Public Docket in Rm. S–4400, One
Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S.
Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. The hours of
operation of this Docket Facility are
from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The Docket Facility telephone
number is (703) 305–5805.
2. Electronic access. You may access
this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet
under the ‘‘Federal Register’’ listings at
II. Background
On a triannual interval, an Exposure
Modeling Public Meeting will be held
for presentation and discussion of
current issues in modeling pesticide
fate, transport, and exposure in support
of risk assessment in a regulatory
context. Meeting dates and abstract
requests are announced through the
‘‘empmlist’’ forum on the LYRIS list
server at
III. How Can I Request to Participate in
this Meeting?
You may submit a request to
participate in this meeting to the person
CONTACT. Do not submit any information
in your request that is considered CBI.
Requests to participate in the meeting,
identified by docket ID number EPA–
HQ–OPP–2008–0102, must be received
on or before July 14, 2008.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
IV. Tentative Topics for the Meeting
1. General Theme: Terrestrial
2. Specific Topics:
a. Discussion of PlantEX Model
b. Overview of T-REX and T-HERPES
c. TIM Model (Avian Probabilistic
d. Chloropicrin Manufacturing Task
Force Presentation on Chain 2-D Model
e. Riparian Ecosystem Management
Model (REMM) and Runoff Study to
Validate Model
f. Fumigant Emission Physical Factors
and Measures for Mitigating Exposure
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Modeling,
Monitoring, Pesticides, Pest.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
Dated: June 17, 2008.
Arthur Jean Williams,
Acting Director, Environmental Fate and
Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. E8–14514 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2006–0341; FRL–8370–4]
Modification of the Voluntary
Children’s Chemical Evaluation
Program; Notice of Public Meeting
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: EPA will hold a public
meeting to give the stakeholders in the
Voluntary Childrens Chemical
Evaluation Program (VCCEP) and
interested members of the public an
opportunity to comment on the
modifications the Agency intends to
make to VCCEP. The modifications are
based on the responses the Agency
received to its request for comment on
the implementation of the VCCEP pilot.
The modifications will primarily
address the timeliness and efficiency
issues of the program in order to
increase its productivity and ability to
provide information to the public on the
potential risks to children of exposure to
certain chemicals. The meeting will also
provide the public with an opportunity
to comment on the use of the modified
VCCEP approach to address certain data
and assessment needs identified in
EPA’s review of high production
volume (HPV) and mid production
volume (MPV) chemicals under its
Chemical Assessment and Management
Program (ChAMP).
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Tuesday, July 22, 2008, from 9 a.m. to
11 a.m.
Requests to participate in the meeting
must be received on or before July 17,
To request accommodation of a
disability, please contact the person
CONTACT, preferably at least 10 days
prior to the meeting, to give EPA as
much time as possible to process your
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Environmental Protection Agency,
1201 Constitution Ave., NW., Rm. 1153,
Washington, DC 20460.
Requests to participate in the meeting,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2006–0341,
may be submitted to the technical
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person listed under FOR FURTHER
general information contact: Colby
Lintner, Office of Pollution Prevention
and Toxics, Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone
number: (202) 554–1404; e-mail address:
For technical information contact:
Catherine Roman, Chemical Control
Division (7405M), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460–
0001; telephone number: (202) 564–
8157; e-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public
in general. This action may, however, be
of particular interest to those chemical
manufacturers (including importers)
who produce or import chemical
substances that are subject to the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA), in
particular those chemical manufacturers
(including importers) that are
sponsoring chemicals in VCCEP,
individuals or groups concerned with
chemical testing and childrens health,
and animal welfare groups. Because
other entities may also be interested, the
Agency has not attempted to describe all
the specific entities that may be affected
by this action. If you have any questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the
technical person listed under FOR
B. How Can I Get Copies of this
Document and Other Related
1. Docket. EPA has established a
docket for this action under docket ID
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2006–0341.
All documents in the docket are listed
in the docket’s index available at https:// Although listed in
the index, some information is not
publicly available, e.g., Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available electronically at, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the OPPT
Docket. The OPPT Docket is located in
the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) at Rm.
3334, EPA West Bldg., 1301
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
Federal holidays. The telephone number
of the EPA/DC Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
number for the OPPT Docket is (202)
566–0280. Docket visitors are required
to show photographic identification,
pass through a metal detector, and sign
the EPA visitor log. All visitor bags are
processed through an X-ray machine
and subject to search. Visitors will be
provided an EPA/DC badge that must be
visible at all times in the building and
returned upon departure.
2. Electronic access. You may access
this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet
under the ‘‘Federal Register’’ listings at
II. Background
VCCEP was designed to collect health
effects, exposure, and risk information
on chemicals to which children are
likely to be exposed, and to make that
information available to the public so
the public may better understand the
potential health risks to children
associated with certain chemical
exposures, and to allow EPA and others
to evaluate the risks of these chemicals
so that mitigation measures may be
taken as appropriate. EPA announced
VCCEP in December 2000 (Ref. 1) and
requested chemical manufacturers and
importers to participate in a pilot of the
program by voluntarily sponsoring their
chemical if it were among those selected
by EPA. The pilot began in 2001 when
companies volunteered to sponsor their
chemicals in response to EPAs request.
In 2006, at what was approximately
the midpoint in the implementation of
the pilot phase of VCCEP, EPA sought
to evaluate how well the pilot was
meeting the objectives of VCCEP. To
that end, EPA requested that the public
submit comments on their experience
with the pilot phase of VCCEP and its
opinions on the progress of the pilot
phase to date (Ref. 2). Additionally, EPA
developed a list of questions in order to
focus comments on certain features of
the VCCEP pilot on which the Agency
particularly wanted input. The
comments EPA received were
summarized and made available to the
public on the VCCEP website (https:// Some of the
main comments concerned the
timeliness and efficiency of the
program, the chemicals selected for the
pilot program, the use of a tiered
approach to testing, and the use of a
Peer Consultation process to review
chemical assessments. Based on those
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
comments and also internal Agency
discussions, EPA has developed a list of
modifications that it believes will
improve the future performance of
VCCEP. Although the VCCEP program
will continue to operate primarily as
described in the Federal Register notice
launching the program (Ref. 1), certain
modifications to address the main
concerns of the Agency, stakeholders
and the public are being contemplated
by EPA. EPA wants to share and discuss
the contemplated modifications with
the VCCEP stakeholders and the public
and listen to any additional comments.
Therefore, EPA will hold a public
meeting on July 22, 2008, at EPA
headquarters in Washington, DC. The
modifications which will be the basis
for the discussions at the public meeting
are as follows:
1. Chemical selection. To address the
concern that the chemicals covered in
the VCCEP Pilot were a set of
particularly well-studied chemicals for
which, in most cases, little additional
assessment was needed, future VCCEP
chemicals will primarily be selected
from chemicals that, when assessed as
part of ChAMP, are identified as being
of special concern and as presenting
hazard/exposure data needs that are
relevant to characterizing risks to
children. (A more detailed description
of ChAMP is provided in this unit as
well as at (
Chemicals that also meet the original
VCCEP chemical selection criteria
which were evidence of presence in
human tissues and in relevant
environmental media (e.g., indoor air,
drinking water, and food) will be a
particular focus of future VCCEP
2. Changes to the assessment
• To ensure timely completion of
chemical assessments, specific due
dates for sponsor assessment
submissions and peer consultations will
be established in sponsor commitments,
including timelines for responding to
follow-up actions/requests.
• To bring concerns for potential
chemical risks to prompt resolution,
EPA will indicate in its Tier 1 Data
Needs Decision when it believes it is
reasonable to combine Tiers 2 and 3 as
used in the VCCEP Pilot into a single
tier. EPA recognizes that a three tier
approach may be acceptable when the
sponsor can demonstrate that it is sound
scientifically and that a delay in the
public availability of Tier 3 data would
not have potential public health
3.Peer consultation modifications.
Under the modified approach
envisioned by EPA, the following points
PO 00000
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would be agreed to in advance by EPA
and the sponsoring company or the
VCCEP approach will not be used for
purposes of obtaining needed
• The peer consultation process will
remain the mechanism to review
sponsor-generated assessments and the
sponsor will be responsible for
contracting with an independent third
party to manage the peer consultation
and will bear the associated financial
• Distinguishing between ‘‘data
needs’’ and ‘‘data gaps,’’ which was a
useful outcome of the VCCEP Pilot, will
be used in VCCEP peer consultations.
• So that sponsors can better address
concerns identified in the peer
consultation before EPA develops a Data
Needs Decision, the sponsor will
promptly develop revised assessments
that respond to issues identified in the
Peer Consultation Meeting Report and
make them publicly available. The
sponsor will amend its assessments
within 90 days after the Peer
Consultation Meeting Report is made
available to them. EPA will use the
amended assessments and the Peer
Consultation Meeting Report to make its
Data Needs Decision within 90 days of
receipt of the revised assessments. The
sponsor will then have 4 months after
the receipt of the Data Needs Decision,
as is current practice in the VCCEP
Pilot, to decide whether to commit to
the next tier of assessment, if necessary.
The meeting on July 22, 2008, will
also provide the public with an
opportunity to comment on the use of
the modified VCCEP approach to
address certain data and assessment
needs identified in EPA’s review of HPV
and MPV chemicals under ChAMP,
including environmental toxicity,
environmental fate, and aspects that
may go beyond mammalian toxicity.
ChAMP was established by EPA as a
mechanism to partially address the
Security and Prosperity Partnership
(SPP) commitments announced by the
United States, Canada, and Mexico in
Montebello, Canada in August 2007.
These commitments included a number
of national and regional commitments to
trilateral cooperation in the assessment
and management of chemicals in North
America. The United States has
committed, by 2012, to assess and
initiate needed actions on chemicals
produced above 25,000 pounds per year
(lb./yr.) in the country. High production
volume (HPV) chemicals are
manufactured and imported in
quantities greater than 1,000,000 lb./yr.
and moderate production volume (MPV)
chemicals are manufactured and
imported in quantities greater than
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 125 / Friday, June 27, 2008 / Notices
25,000 lb./yr. but less than 1,000,000
lb./yr. EPA’s ongoing efforts under
ChAMP to screen and prioritize the
risks of chemicals will be a major
component of EPA’s efforts to meet its
SPP commitments.
EPA believes that an adaptation of the
modified VCCEP approach could
provide a flexible framework to further
evaluate certain chemicals identified by
EPA in its ChAMP screening-level
assessments as presenting special
concerns and associated follow-up
action involving hazard/exposure data
development or assessment.
EPA believes that in most instances,
the detailed evaluation of SPP follow-up
cases under the modified VCCEP
approach should generally begin at Tier
1. Sponsor-developed assessments
should build on EPA’s SPP screeninglevel assessments, consider EPA
recommended follow-up actions
(including conducting higher tier tests
specifically identified as priorities by
EPA on the basis of its initial
assessment), and include a more highly
developed quantification of exposures.
III. How Can I Request to Participate in
this Meeting?
You may submit a request to
participate in this meeting to the
technical person listed under FOR
submit any information in your request
that is considered CBI. Requests to
participate in the meeting, identified by
docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2006–0341, must be received on or
before July 17, 2008.
Farm Credit Administration Board;
Amendment to Sunshine Act Meeting
Farm Credit Administration.
Pursuant to the Government
in the Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C.
552b(e)(3)), the Farm Credit
Administration gave notice on June 24,
2008 (73 FR 35687) of the regular
meeting of the Farm Credit
Administration Board (Board)
scheduled for July 10, 2008. This notice
is to amend the agenda by adding an
item to the open session of that meeting.
Roland E. Smith, Secretary to the Farm
Credit Administration Board, (703) 883–
4009, TTY (703) 883–4056.
ADDRESSES: Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive,
McLean, Virginia 22102–5090.
meeting of the Board was open to the
public (limited space available). In order
to increase the accessibility to Board
meetings, persons requiring assistance
should make arrangements in advance.
The agenda for July 10, 2008, is
amended by adding the following item
to the open session as follows:
Open Session
A. Reports
• Effects of the Midwest Flooding
Dated: June 20, 2008.
Roland E. Smith,
Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
[FR Doc. 08–1396 Filed 6–25–08; 12:47pm]
IV. References
1. EPA. Voluntary Children’s
Chemical Evaluation Program; Notice.
Federal Register (65 FR 81699,
December 26, 2000) (FRL–6758–5).
Available on-line at: https://
2. EPA. Implementation of the Pilot
Voluntary Children’s
ChemicalEvaluation Program; Request
for Comment; Notice. Federal Register
(71 FR 67121, November 20, 2006)
(FRL–8057–1). Available on-line at:
List of Subjects
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Environmental protection, Chemicals,
Child Health.
Dated: June 20, 2008.
James B. Gulliford
Assistant Administrator, Office of Prevention,
Pesticides and Toxic Substances
[FR Doc. E8–14528 Filed 6–26–08; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:47 Jun 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
Federal Communications Commission,
Comments Requested
June 23, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork burdens,
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to (PRA) of 1995 (PRA),
Public Law No. 104–13. An agency may
not conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid control number. Subject
to the PRA, no person shall be subject
to any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information that does not
display a valid control number.
Comments are requested concerning (a)
whether the proposed collection of
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before August 26,
2008. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
submit all PRA comments by e-mail or
U.S. post mail. To submit your
comments by e-mail, send them to and/or To submit your
comments by U.S. mail, mark them to
the attention of Cathy Williams, Federal
Communications Commission, Room
1–C823, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
additional information about the
information collection(s), contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918 or send an
e-mail to and/or
OMB Control Number: 3060–0061.
Title: Annual Report of Cable
Television Systems.
Form Number: FCC Form 325.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business and other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 1,200 respondents; 1,200
Estimated Time per Response: 2.166
Frequency of Response: Annual
reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The statutory
authority for this information collection
is contained in Sections 4(i), 601 and
602 of the Commissions Act of 1934, as
Total Annual Burden: 2,599 hours.
Total Annual Costs: None.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
made revisions/refinements to FCC
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 125 (Friday, June 27, 2008)]
[Pages 36512-36514]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-14528]
[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2006-0341; FRL-8370-4]
Modification of the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation
Program; Notice of Public Meeting
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: EPA will hold a public meeting to give the stakeholders in the
Voluntary Childrens Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP) and interested
members of the public an opportunity to comment on the modifications
the Agency intends to make to VCCEP. The modifications are based on the
responses the Agency received to its request for comment on the
implementation of the VCCEP pilot. The modifications will primarily
address the timeliness and efficiency issues of the program in order to
increase its productivity and ability to provide information to the
public on the potential risks to children of exposure to certain
chemicals. The meeting will also provide the public with an opportunity
to comment on the use of the modified VCCEP approach to address certain
data and assessment needs identified in EPA's review of high production
volume (HPV) and mid production volume (MPV) chemicals under its
Chemical Assessment and Management Program (ChAMP).
DATES: The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, from 9 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
Requests to participate in the meeting must be received on or
before July 17, 2008.
To request accommodation of a disability, please contact the person
listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATON CONTACT, preferably at least 10
days prior to the meeting, to give EPA as much time as possible to
process your request.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Environmental Protection
Agency, 1201 Constitution Ave., NW., Rm. 1153, Washington, DC 20460.
Requests to participate in the meeting, identified by docket
identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2006-0341, may be submitted to
the technical person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information contact: Colby
Lintner, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-
0001; telephone number: (202) 554-1404; e-mail address: TSCA-
For technical information contact: Catherine Roman, Chemical
Control Division (7405M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-8157; e-mail
I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public in general. This action may,
however, be of particular interest to those chemical manufacturers
(including importers) who produce or import chemical substances that
are subject to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), in particular
those chemical manufacturers (including importers) that are sponsoring
chemicals in VCCEP, individuals or groups concerned with chemical
testing and childrens health, and animal welfare groups. Because other
entities may also be interested, the Agency has not attempted to
describe all the specific entities that may be affected by this action.
If you have any questions regarding the applicability of this action to
a particular entity, consult the technical person listed under FOR
B. How Can I Get Copies of this Document and Other Related Information?
1. Docket. EPA has established a docket for this action under
docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2006-0341. All documents in the docket are
listed in the docket's index available at
Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly
available, e.g., Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only
in hard copy. Publicly available docket materials are available
electronically at, or, if only available in
hard copy, at the OPPT Docket. The OPPT Docket is located in the EPA
Docket Center (EPA/DC) at Rm. 3334, EPA West Bldg., 1301
[[Page 36513]]
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding Federal holidays. The telephone number of the EPA/DC Public
Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the OPPT
Docket is (202) 566-0280. Docket visitors are required to show
photographic identification, pass through a metal detector, and sign
the EPA visitor log. All visitor bags are processed through an X-ray
machine and subject to search. Visitors will be provided an EPA/DC
badge that must be visible at all times in the building and returned
upon departure.
2. Electronic access. You may access this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet under the ``Federal Register''
listings at
II. Background
VCCEP was designed to collect health effects, exposure, and risk
information on chemicals to which children are likely to be exposed,
and to make that information available to the public so the public may
better understand the potential health risks to children associated
with certain chemical exposures, and to allow EPA and others to
evaluate the risks of these chemicals so that mitigation measures may
be taken as appropriate. EPA announced VCCEP in December 2000 (Ref. 1)
and requested chemical manufacturers and importers to participate in a
pilot of the program by voluntarily sponsoring their chemical if it
were among those selected by EPA. The pilot began in 2001 when
companies volunteered to sponsor their chemicals in response to EPAs
In 2006, at what was approximately the midpoint in the
implementation of the pilot phase of VCCEP, EPA sought to evaluate how
well the pilot was meeting the objectives of VCCEP. To that end, EPA
requested that the public submit comments on their experience with the
pilot phase of VCCEP and its opinions on the progress of the pilot
phase to date (Ref. 2). Additionally, EPA developed a list of questions
in order to focus comments on certain features of the VCCEP pilot on
which the Agency particularly wanted input. The comments EPA received
were summarized and made available to the public on the VCCEP website
( Some of the main comments concerned
the timeliness and efficiency of the program, the chemicals selected
for the pilot program, the use of a tiered approach to testing, and the
use of a Peer Consultation process to review chemical assessments.
Based on those comments and also internal Agency discussions, EPA has
developed a list of modifications that it believes will improve the
future performance of VCCEP. Although the VCCEP program will continue
to operate primarily as described in the Federal Register notice
launching the program (Ref. 1), certain modifications to address the
main concerns of the Agency, stakeholders and the public are being
contemplated by EPA. EPA wants to share and discuss the contemplated
modifications with the VCCEP stakeholders and the public and listen to
any additional comments. Therefore, EPA will hold a public meeting on
July 22, 2008, at EPA headquarters in Washington, DC. The modifications
which will be the basis for the discussions at the public meeting are
as follows:
1. Chemical selection. To address the concern that the chemicals
covered in the VCCEP Pilot were a set of particularly well-studied
chemicals for which, in most cases, little additional assessment was
needed, future VCCEP chemicals will primarily be selected from
chemicals that, when assessed as part of ChAMP, are identified as being
of special concern and as presenting hazard/exposure data needs that
are relevant to characterizing risks to children. (A more detailed
description of ChAMP is provided in this unit as well as at (https:// Chemicals that also meet the original VCCEP
chemical selection criteria which were evidence of presence in human
tissues and in relevant environmental media (e.g., indoor air, drinking
water, and food) will be a particular focus of future VCCEP activity.
2. Changes to the assessment approach.
To ensure timely completion of chemical assessments,
specific due dates for sponsor assessment submissions and peer
consultations will be established in sponsor commitments, including
timelines for responding to follow-up actions/requests.
To bring concerns for potential chemical risks to prompt
resolution, EPA will indicate in its Tier 1 Data Needs Decision when it
believes it is reasonable to combine Tiers 2 and 3 as used in the VCCEP
Pilot into a single tier. EPA recognizes that a three tier approach may
be acceptable when the sponsor can demonstrate that it is sound
scientifically and that a delay in the public availability of Tier 3
data would not have potential public health impacts.
3.Peer consultation modifications. Under the modified approach
envisioned by EPA, the following points would be agreed to in advance
by EPA and the sponsoring company or the VCCEP approach will not be
used for purposes of obtaining needed information.
The peer consultation process will remain the mechanism to
review sponsor-generated assessments and the sponsor will be
responsible for contracting with an independent third party to manage
the peer consultation and will bear the associated financial burdens.
Distinguishing between ``data needs'' and ``data gaps,''
which was a useful outcome of the VCCEP Pilot, will be used in VCCEP
peer consultations.
So that sponsors can better address concerns identified in
the peer consultation before EPA develops a Data Needs Decision, the
sponsor will promptly develop revised assessments that respond to
issues identified in the Peer Consultation Meeting Report and make them
publicly available. The sponsor will amend its assessments within 90
days after the Peer Consultation Meeting Report is made available to
them. EPA will use the amended assessments and the Peer Consultation
Meeting Report to make its Data Needs Decision within 90 days of
receipt of the revised assessments. The sponsor will then have 4 months
after the receipt of the Data Needs Decision, as is current practice in
the VCCEP Pilot, to decide whether to commit to the next tier of
assessment, if necessary.
The meeting on July 22, 2008, will also provide the public with an
opportunity to comment on the use of the modified VCCEP approach to
address certain data and assessment needs identified in EPA's review of
HPV and MPV chemicals under ChAMP, including environmental toxicity,
environmental fate, and aspects that may go beyond mammalian toxicity.
ChAMP was established by EPA as a mechanism to partially address the
Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) commitments announced by the
United States, Canada, and Mexico in Montebello, Canada in August 2007.
These commitments included a number of national and regional
commitments to trilateral cooperation in the assessment and management
of chemicals in North America. The United States has committed, by
2012, to assess and initiate needed actions on chemicals produced above
25,000 pounds per year (lb./yr.) in the country. High production volume
(HPV) chemicals are manufactured and imported in quantities greater
than 1,000,000 lb./yr. and moderate production volume (MPV) chemicals
are manufactured and imported in quantities greater than
[[Page 36514]]
25,000 lb./yr. but less than 1,000,000 lb./yr. EPA's ongoing efforts
under ChAMP to screen and prioritize the risks of chemicals will be a
major component of EPA's efforts to meet its SPP commitments.
EPA believes that an adaptation of the modified VCCEP approach
could provide a flexible framework to further evaluate certain
chemicals identified by EPA in its ChAMP screening-level assessments as
presenting special concerns and associated follow-up action involving
hazard/exposure data development or assessment.
EPA believes that in most instances, the detailed evaluation of SPP
follow-up cases under the modified VCCEP approach should generally
begin at Tier 1. Sponsor-developed assessments should build on EPA's
SPP screening-level assessments, consider EPA recommended follow-up
actions (including conducting higher tier tests specifically identified
as priorities by EPA on the basis of its initial assessment), and
include a more highly developed quantification of exposures.
III. How Can I Request to Participate in this Meeting?
You may submit a request to participate in this meeting to the
technical person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Do not
submit any information in your request that is considered CBI. Requests
to participate in the meeting, identified by docket ID number EPA-HQ-
OPPT-2006-0341, must be received on or before July 17, 2008.
IV. References
1. EPA. Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program; Notice.
Federal Register (65 FR 81699, December 26, 2000) (FRL-6758-5).
Available on-line at:
2. EPA. Implementation of the Pilot Voluntary Children's
ChemicalEvaluation Program; Request for Comment; Notice. Federal
Register (71 FR 67121, November 20, 2006) (FRL-8057-1). Available on-
line at:
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Chemicals, Child Health.
Dated: June 20, 2008.
James B. Gulliford
Assistant Administrator, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic
[FR Doc. E8-14528 Filed 6-26-08; 8:45 am]