Final Environmental Impact Statement-Rutherford-Williamson-Davidson Power Supply Improvement Project, 35718-35721 [E8-14146]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 24, 2008 / Notices
definitions are used by other exchanges
and should help to ensure that Nasdaq’s
holder requirements will continue to
provide an adequate level of liquidity to
develop and maintain fair and orderly
markets. Accordingly, the Commission
finds that the proposed changes are
consistent with the requirements of the
IV. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,24 that the
proposed rule change (SR–NASDAQ–
2008–037) is hereby approved.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Florence E. Harmon,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–14178 Filed 6–23–08; 8:45 am]
Final Environmental Impact
Statement—Rutherford-WilliamsonDavidson Power Supply Improvement
Tennessee Valley Authority
ACTION: Issuance of Record of Decision.
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: This notice is provided in
accordance with the Council on
Environmental Quality’s regulations (40
CFR parts 1500 to 1508) and TVA’s
procedures implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act. TVA has
decided to implement the preferred
alternative identified in its Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS),
Rutherford-Williamson-Davidson Power
Supply Improvement Project.
In implementing Alternative 2, TVA
has decided to construct and operate the
new 500-kV Rutherford Substation, the
27-mile 500-kV transmission line
between TVAs 500-kV Maury
Substation and the new Rutherford
Substation, the new 9-mile 161-kV
transmission line between the new
Rutherford Substation and Middle
Tennessee Electric Membership
Corporations (MTEMC) Almaville
Substation, and the new 15-mile 161-kV
transmission line between the new
Rutherford Substation and MTEMCs
Christiana Substation.
Anita E. Masters, Senior NEPA
Specialist, Environmental Stewardship
and Policy, Tennessee Valley Authority,
1101 Market Street, LP 5U, Chattanooga,
24 15
25 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Tennessee 37402; telephone (423) 751–
8697 or e-mail
and operates a system of transmission
lines that move electricity throughout
the TVA service area, which comprises
most of Tennessee and portions of six
adjacent states, and to adjacent utilities.
The electrical load growth in
Rutherford, Williamson, and Maury
Counties, Tennessee, will exceed the
capacity of the three 500-kV substations
and several of the 161-kV transmission
lines serving the area by 2010. Unless
action is taken to address this problem,
TVAs ability to continue to provide
reliable electric service will be degraded
and disrupted more frequently and for
longer periods. Therefore, TVA needs to
increase transmission capacity in this
TVA published a Notice of Intent to
prepare this EIS in the Federal Register
on July 1, 2005. A public scoping
meeting was held in July 2005 and
attended by about 25 people. Written
scoping comments were received from
two federal agencies, five state agencies,
and several individuals. The Notice of
Availability of the Draft EIS was
published in the Federal Register on
October 5, 2007. TVA held a public
meeting on the Draft EIS in October
2007 and accepted comments through
mid-November. During the development
of the EIS, TVA also accepted comments
received during an open house held in
April 2006 to review potential
substation sites and transmission line
routes. Comments on the Draft EIS were
received from about 22 members of the
public and agencies. Appendix B of the
Final EIS contains comments TVA
received on the Draft EIS and responses
to those comments. The Notice of
Availability for the Final EIS was
published in the Federal Register on
April 18, 2008.
Alternatives Considered
TVA uses a detailed, comprehensive
siting process when it plans its
transmission line projects. This is an
iterative process that takes into account
important environmental and cultural
resource features that become
constraints on locating proposed lines.
Concerns of potentially affected
landowners are also actively addressed
during this process to reduce or avoid
landowner impacts. Broad study
corridors are initially defined and
potential line routes are subsequently
located within the study corridors.
Because transmission line right-of-ways
(ROWs) are much narrower than the
study corridors, important features that
are associated with specific corridors
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can often be avoided when final line
routes are selected. Potential
environmental impacts are considered
and addressed throughout this siting
process with the objective of
formulating alternative line routes,
including a preferred route, that meet
the purpose and need for the proposed
action while avoiding or reducing
potential impacts. The identified
preferred route is then subjected to
additional study and analyses. TVA
uses a similar process in identifying
substation sites.
TVA initially identified four solutions
(possible alternatives) to meet the
project need. These consisted of: (1)
Construct and operate a new 500-kV
substation in southwest Rutherford
County, and construct and operate 25–
30 miles of 500-kV transmission line on
vacant, TVA-owned ROW, and about 24
miles of new 161-kV transmission lines
in Rutherford, Maury, and Williamson
Counties; (2) construct and operate a
new 500-kV substation in northeast
Williamson County near Brentwood and
upgrade about 126 miles of existing 161kV transmission lines in Davidson,
Rutherford, Williamson, Sumner,
Coffee, Franklin, and Bedford Counties;
(3) expand TVAs Pinhook 500-kV
Substation in southeast Davidson
County and upgrade about 134 miles of
existing 161-kV transmission lines in
Davidson, Rutherford, Williamson,
Sumner, Wilson, Franklin, and Bedford
Counties; and (4) rely on load
management and conservation by
achieving a reduction in current peak
loads by at least 800 megawatts.
Further evaluation of these four
potential solutions concluded that only
the first would be able to meet the
project need. The other two
construction solutions had higher
overall costs, engineering problems, and
problems meeting the 2010 in-service
date because of the limited times when
the existing transmission lines could be
taken out of service for upgrading.
Although TVA has recently committed
to achieving a system-wide reduction in
peak demand growth of 1,400 MW by
2012, the amount of load reduction
achievable in the project area by 2010 is
not sufficient for the load management/
conservation solution to meet the
purpose and need.
TVA subsequently addressed two
alternatives in further detail in the EIS.
Under Alternative 1, the No Action
Alternative, TVA would not address the
forecast high-voltage transmission
capacity problem by implementing any
of the potential solutions identified
above. This would make existing
electrical supplies unstable and increase
likelihood of both planned and
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 24, 2008 / Notices
unplanned power outages (brownouts/
blackouts) in the Middle Tennessee area
as the demand continued to grow.
Under Alternative 2, TVA would
construct and operate a new 500-kV
substation in southwest Rutherford
County and associated 500-kV and 161kV transmission lines. The preferred
locations for these facilities were
determined through a rigorous siting
process, which included evaluations of
natural and cultural features, land use,
engineering attributes, and cost. The
substation would be located on Coleman
Hill Road, about 4 miles east of U.S.
Alternate Highway 31/41. A 27-mile
500-kV transmission line would be built
on vacant, TVA-owned ROW between
TVAs existing Maury 500-kV Substation
and the proposed new substation. A 9mile 161-kV transmission line would
connect the new substation to MTEMCs
existing Almaville 161-kV Substation; 6
miles of this line would be on vacant
TVA-owned ROW, and the remainder
would be on new ROW. A 15-mile 161kV transmission line on new ROW
would connect the new substation to
MTEMCs existing Christiana 161-kV
The proposed substation would
occupy a 53-acre site and about 40 acres
of it would be cleared and graded. Major
substation components include 500–
161-kV transformers, circuit breakers,
connecting bus work, supporting steel
superstructure, ground wire towers,
microwave communication tower, spill
retention basins and retention pond or
tank, switch house, and equipment
storage building, enclosed by a security
fence. The proposed 500-kV
transmission line would use selfsupporting galvanized, laced steel
structures about 85 to 125 feet tall. The
average distance between structures
would be about 1000 feet. The electrical
conductors would consist of three sets
of three cables suspended beneath the
structure cross-arms by insulators. The
proposed 161-kV transmission lines
would use either single or double steelpole structures 80 to 110 feet tall and
three single-cable conductors suspended
beneath cross-arms by insulators.
Most of the ROW for the 500-kV
transmission line would be 175 feet
wide; about two miles of the ROW near
the proposed substation would be 425
feet wide to accommodate parallel lower
voltage lines. For ROW it does not
already own, TVA would purchase
easements from landowners. Because of
the need to maintain adequate clearance
between tall vegetation and the
transmission line conductors, as well as
to provide access for construction
equipment, most trees and shrubs
would initially be removed from the
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entire width of the ROW. Trees outside
of the ROW which are tall enough to
pass within 10 feet of a conductor if
they fell towards the line would also be
removed. Following line construction,
the ROW would be revegetated with
low-growing plants. The ROW can be
used by the landowner for many
purposes that do not interfere with the
maintenance and operation of the line.
TVA would periodically inspect and
conduct maintenance activities on the
completed line. The major maintenance
activity is vegetation management,
conducted to maintain adequate
clearance around the conductors. This
would consist of both felling tall trees
adjacent to the ROW and control of
vegetation within the ROW.
Management of vegetation within the
ROW would use an integrated
vegetation management approach based
primarily on mechanical mowing and
herbicide application.
Comments on the Final EIS
TVA received comments on the Final
EIS from two State and two Federal
Government agencies. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
requested a comparison of the number
of stream crossings potentially affected
by the various alternative solutions.
Although TVA did not conduct detailed
field surveys of the Pinhook and
Brentwood alternative solutions and
thus cannot compare the number of
potentially affected stream crossings
with the same accuracy available for the
Rutherford solution, the Pinhook and
Brentwood solutions would potentially
affect more stream crossings because
they both involve over twice the length
of transmission lines. The potential
impacts to individual stream crossings
under the Pinhook and Brentwood
solutions, however, would likely be less
because the transmission lines and most
of the potential access roads already
exist and there would be little to no
clearing of new ROWs.
EPA commented on the discussion of
potential impacts to wetlands in the
Final EIS and noted that conversion of
forested wetlands is impactful given the
loss of forest habitat and fragmentation
of contiguous habitat. TVA agrees with
this and notes that the 2.3 acres of
forested wetlands that would be
converted to scrub-shrub wetlands
under the selected alternative occur is
several disjunct tracts associated with
previously fragmented forests.
EPA requested additional information
on the anticipated relocation and
proximity of homes, schools, and
churches to the proposed transmission
lines, as well as the potential
environmental justice impacts. Two
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mobile homes and one occupied house
occur entirely within the TVA-owned
ROW to be used for the 500-kV line, and
a vacant brick house is partially within
this ROW. All of these buildings would
be relocated. Two fairly new brick
houses slightly extend onto this ROW;
TVA has determined that they would
not have to be removed and will likely
issue their owners a permit for the
occupancy of the ROW and add an
associated covenant to their deeds. One
vacant house in a state of disrepair is on
one of the 161-kV FOWs and would be
removed. No occupied buildings are on
or in the immediate vicinity of the
substation site. Six churches occur near
the route of the 500-kV line; their
closest and average distances from the
ROW are 500 and 2,500 feet,
respectively. The closest school to any
of the facilities is an elementary school
3,000 feet from a 161-kV line. The
closest churches are 400 and 1,200 feet
from a 161-kV line. Relative to the three
project area counties, the proportions of
the overall population of the 12 adjacent
surrounding counties classified as
minority or below the poverty level vary
greatly and are, on average, higher.
EPA requested spot monitoring of
electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the
vicinity of nearby residences. TVA does
not intend to conduct EMF monitoring;
TVA will, however, measure EMF field
strength if requested to do so by
adjacent property owners. Based on the
design of the 500-kV transmission line
and EMF measurements at other similar
lines, TVA expects the EMF field
strength under the maximum design
electrical load at the edge of the 500-kV
ROW to be significantly less than the
Florida standards of 150 milligauss for
lines 230-kV or less and 200 milligauss
for lines 500-kV lines or more cited in
the Final EIS.
The Department of the Interior (DOI),
Office of Environmental Policy and
Compliance resubmitted the comments
it had sent on the Draft EIS and which
TVA had inadvertently failed to address
in the Final EIS. DOI requested
supporting references for many
statements of fact and field survey
descriptions. DOI also requested more
specific information on the
implementation of best management
practices(BMPs). Some of this detailed
implementation information is listed in
Appendices H and J of the Final EIS,
which describe the streamside
management zone to be established
along each watercourse. Additional
BMP implementation details are listed
in the stormwater pollution prevention
plans for the various project
components. TVAs BMP manual, cited
as Muncy (1999) in the Final EIS, is
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 24, 2008 / Notices
available on the TVA Web site,
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
TVA has decided to implement the
preferred alternative identified in the
Final EIS, Alternative 2. Of the two
alternatives evaluated in the Final EIS,
Alternative 1—No Action and
Alternative 2, only Alternative 2 would
meet the purpose and need. TVA used
an iterative process to define Alternative
2; this process first considered other
potential solutions and then considered
various potential alternative substation
locations and transmission line routes
for the preferred alternative. The
substation location and transmission
line routes were identified as part of
Alternative 2 after being evaluated for
engineering and construction,
ecological, cultural, line length, and
land use criteria. The substation site and
transmission line routes were then
further modified to minimize effects on
individual landowners as well as effects
on natural and cultural resources. This
effort continued TVAs consideration of
potential environmental impacts that
occurred during the consideration of
other possible solutions (alternatives) to
the purpose and need here.
The Tennessee State Historic
Preservation Officer has concurred with
TVAs determination that Alternative 2,
with the implementation of mitigation
measures described in a Memorandum
of Agreement and other measures listed
in the Final EIS, would not adversely
affect any archaeological or historic sites
eligible for or listed in the National
Register of Historic Places. The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service has concurred
with TVAs determination that
Alternative 2, with the implementation
of mitigation measures listed in the
Final EIS, would not adversely affect
species listed under the Endangered
Species Act or adversely modify
designated critical habitat.
Environmentally Preferred Alternative
Alternative 1 No Action is the
environmentally preferred alternative
because the impacts associated with
constructing and operating the
substation and associated transmission
lines would not occur. This alternative,
however, would result in the risk of the
loss of electrical service to a large area
of Middle Tennessee with a total load of
over 4000 megawatts and is considered
unreasonable. The loss of this electrical
service would result in social and
economic impacts.
Alternative 2 has been designed to
minimize environmental impacts as
much as is feasible. While some or all
of the other three potential solutions
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analyzed early in the development of
this project could have resulted in less
environmental impacts than Alternative
2, none of these solutions would have
met the purpose and need and thus they
were not considered reasonable
Environmental Commitments
For the reasons discussed in the Final
EIS and summarized here, TVA is
committing to the following measures to
avoid, reduce, or mitigate the potential
environmental impacts associated with
these actions:
• No herbicides with groundwater
protection warnings will be used in the
sections of the Maury Transmission
Line between Double Branch and
Double Branch Road, Greens Mill Road
and Cornstock Road, and Cross Keys
Flat to Boon Creek. No fertilizers will be
used in the groundwater source
protection zone from Windrow Road to
the end of the Maury Transmission Line
study area, and neither herbicides nor
fertilizers will be used in the section of
the Maury Transmission Line from
Windrow Road to Arno-Allisona Road.
• No herbicides with groundwater
protection warnings and no fertilizers
will be used in the sections of the
Almaville Transmission Line from
where the ROW intersects the existing
Murfreesboro-East Franklin
Transmission Line north to where the
Almaville Transmission Line turns to
the west.
• No herbicides with groundwater
protection warnings and no fertilizers
will be used in the section of the
Christiana Transmission Line within
500 feet of the entrance to Nanna Cave.
• Should groundwater conduits be
discovered within the TVA transmission
line ROW at a later date that affect the
stream at Snail Shell Cave or Nanna
Cave, TVA will modify its construction
and maintenance procedures to
eliminate herbicide use in the conduit
• Globally rare glade habitat areas
will be marked on the transmission line
and access road engineering design
specification drawings that will be used
during the design, construction, and
maintenance activities along the
transmission line.
• During the construction and
maintenance of the transmission lines,
TVA will avoid the areas associated
with the globally rare glade habitats.
Unless there is no practical alternative,
structure placement and access roads
will be designed strategically to avoid
these areas. The glade areas will be
fenced during construction to ensure
further avoidance.
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• Vegetation management in globally
rare glade habitats will be accomplished
through mechanical clearing and no
herbicides will be used in these areas.
• No herbicide spraying or
mechanical clearing will occur within a
500-foot radius of the entrance to Nanna
Cave during the construction and
maintenance of the transmission lines to
avoid impacts caused by pollution from
chemicals and sedimentation from
disturbed soil. This area will be hand
cleared only (chainsaws may be used,
but not heavy equipment). All vehicles
and heavy equipment will be restricted
from the area unless confined to existing
access roads. If the placement of a pole
in this buffer or in the area of this route
crossing a subterranean section of the
Snail Shell Cave System was
unavoidable, no blasting will be used
during its installation.
• To minimize potential impacts to
aquatic habitats and aquatic life,
including federally or state-listed
species, BMPs as outlined in Muncy
(1999) will be applied to all
construction and maintenance activities.
Additionally, all intermittent and
perennial streams were assigned a
Category A protection level (Final EIS
Appendix J) and will be provided
additional protective measures as
defined in Final EIS Appendix H and
Muncy (1999).
• Areas with state-listed plant species
will be included in the transmission
line and access road engineering design
specification drawings used during the
design, construction, and maintenance
of the transmission line. During
construction and maintenance, TVA
will avoid the areas occupied by the
state-listed plants. Unless there is no
practical alternative, structures will be
placed to avoid impacting these areas.
Additionally, unless there is no
practical alternative, access roads and
the associated vehicle traffic will be
excluded from these areas. These areas
will be fenced during construction.
Vegetation management in these areas
will be accomplished through
mechanical clearing, and no herbicides
will be applied in them.
• The location of the toothache tree
population along the Maury
Transmission Line ROW will be
included on the engineering design
specification drawings for use during
the design, construction, and
maintenance of the transmission line.
TVA will clear the ROW between
November and March when the plant is
dormant; shear-clearing (bulldozing)
methods will not be used. Vegetation
management in the area will be
accomplished by mechanical clearing
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 24, 2008 / Notices
(e.g., mowing). Herbicides will not be
used in this area.
• The location of the Alabama snowwreath population will be included on
the engineering design specification
drawings for use during the design,
construction, and maintenance of the
transmission line. All construction
occurring within 200 feet of the
Alabama snow-wreath population will
be strictly confined to areas within the
Christiana Transmission Line ROW. In
addition, fencing will be erected along
the edge of the ROW during
construction to ensure impacts to
Alabama snow-wreath are avoided.
Vegetation management within 200 feet
of the snow-wreath population will be
accomplished by mechanical clearing,
and herbicides will not be used in this
• The location of Pynes ground-plum
will be marked on the engineering
design specification drawings for use
during the design, construction, and
maintenance of the transmission line.
Vehicles, construction equipment, and
unnecessary personnel will strictly be
prohibited from disturbing the
population. This will be accomplished
by explicitly instructing construction
crews to remain on the Christiana
Transmission Line ROW in the
immediate vicinity of the population
and to avoid any activity in this area
(felling trees, grading, inadvertently
accessing the site with vehicles, etc.)
that will alter the habitat. In addition,
fencing will be erected along the edge of
the ROW during construction to ensure
impacts to Pynes ground-plum are
avoided. Vegetation management within
500 feet of the ground-plum population
will be accomplished by mechanical
clearing; herbicides will not be used in
this area.
• Prior to the transmission line
construction clearing, TVA will contract
with the state of Tennessee to treat all
tree-of-heaven within the proposed
Almaville Transmission Line ROW to
reduce the risk of spreading within the
designated critical habitat. This will be
accomplished by using a basal bark
application of Garlon 4 herbicide before
trees are cleared from the proposed
ROW. The tank mixture will consist of
a 20 percent Garlon 4/80 percent carrier
solution of specially formulated
vegetable oil. Using a backpack sprayer,
herbicide will be applied to the trunk of
each tree-of-heaven stem from ground
level to 18 inches high. All areas of the
trunk in this band will be thoroughly
wetted with herbicide.
• Timber harvesting for ROW clearing
in six areas of moderately suitable
habitat for the Indiana bat will take
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place between October 15 and March
• To minimize potential impacts to
the gray bat, a 500-foot-radius buffer at
the entrance to Nanna Cave and
standard BMPs at all stream crossings
(Muncy 1999) will be implemented
during the construction and
maintenance of the transmission lines.
• Access roads that contain habitat
for federally and state-listed species will
be resurveyed during the growing
season prior to use for any ROW
construction or clearing. Should an
occurrence(s) be found within the area
encompassing any of the access roads as
proposed, the occurrence(s) will be
avoided by either rerouting the access
road or not using that particular access
road. Any new roads that will be
considered as alternatives will also be
surveyed before their use.
• In order to avoid adverse effects to
archaeological site 40WM35, TVA will
not place transmission line structures
within the site or cause other ground
disturbance of the site. If impacts to the
site cannot be avoided in this manner,
TVA will conduct further Phase II
archaeological testing to identify
locations for structure placement that
will not adversely affect the site.
• Archaeological sites 40RD280 and
40RD281 will be avoided by the
rerouting of a section of the Christiana
Transmission Line.
• TVA will implement the treatment
measures necessary to mitigate adverse
effects on two historic sites, the William
Allison house and the Smithson-McCall
farm. As described in a Memorandum of
Agreement developed between TVA, the
Tennessee State Historical Preservation
Officer, and other interested parties
(Appendix B–1), these measures include
minimizing the number and height of
the structures within the line-of-site and
the use, where possible, of vegetative
screening measures at the landowners
Dated: June 5, 2008.
Jacinda B. Woodword,
Interim Vice President, Electric System
[FR Doc. E8–14146 Filed 6–23–08; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Surface Transportation Board
[STB Docket No. AB–33 (Sub-No. 264X)]
Union Pacific Railroad Company—
Abandonment Exemption—in Saline
County, MO
Union Pacific Railroad Company (UP)
has filed a notice of exemption under 49
CFR 1152 Subpart F—Exempt
Abandonments to abandon the Marshall
Industrial Lead, a 6.2-mile line of
railroad, extending from milepost 0.0 to
milepost 2.2, in Saline County, MO.1
The line traverses United States Postal
Service Zip Code 65340.
UP has certified that: (1) No local
traffic has moved over the line for at
least 2 years; (2) there is no overhead
traffic on the line; (3) no formal
complaint filed by a user of rail service
on the line (or by a state or local
government entity acting on behalf of
such user) regarding cessation of service
over the line either is pending with the
Board or with any U.S. District Court or
has been decided in favor of
complainant within the 2-year period;
and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR
1105.7 (environmental report), 49 CFR
1105.8 (historic report), 49 CFR 1105.11
(transmittal letter), 49 CFR 1105.12
(newspaper publication), and 49 CFR
1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental
agencies) have been met.
As a condition to this exemption, any
employee adversely affected by the
abandonment shall be protected under
Oregon Short Line R. Co.—
Abandonment—Goshen, 360 I.C.C. 91
(1979). To address whether this
condition adequately protects affected
employees, a petition for partial
revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)
must be filed.
Provided no formal expression of
intent to file an offer of financial
assistance (OFA) has been received, this
exemption will be effective on July 24,
2008, unless stayed pending
reconsideration. Petitions to stay that do
not involve environmental issues,2
1 This description is derived from the 1918
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company valuation map
showing the line as being from survey station 0+00
at the connection with the River Subdivision,
hereinafter equaling milepost 0.0, to survey station
116+59 at the connection with Kansas City
Southern (KCS), hereinafter equaling milepost 2.2,
in and around Marshall.
2 The Board will grant a stay if an informed
decision on environmental issues (whether raised
by a party or by the Board’s Section of
Environmental Analysis (SEA) in its independent
investigation) cannot be made before the
exemption’s effective date. See Exemption of Outof-Service Rail Lines, 5 I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any
request for a stay should be filed as soon as possible
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[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 122 (Tuesday, June 24, 2008)]
[Pages 35718-35721]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-14146]
Final Environmental Impact Statement--Rutherford-Williamson-
Davidson Power Supply Improvement Project
AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
ACTION: Issuance of Record of Decision.
SUMMARY: This notice is provided in accordance with the Council on
Environmental Quality's regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508) and
TVA's procedures implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.
TVA has decided to implement the preferred alternative identified in
its Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Rutherford-Williamson-
Davidson Power Supply Improvement Project.
In implementing Alternative 2, TVA has decided to construct and
operate the new 500-kV Rutherford Substation, the 27-mile 500-kV
transmission line between TVAs 500-kV Maury Substation and the new
Rutherford Substation, the new 9-mile 161-kV transmission line between
the new Rutherford Substation and Middle Tennessee Electric Membership
Corporations (MTEMC) Almaville Substation, and the new 15-mile 161-kV
transmission line between the new Rutherford Substation and MTEMCs
Christiana Substation.
Specialist, Environmental Stewardship and Policy, Tennessee Valley
Authority, 1101 Market Street, LP 5U, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402;
telephone (423) 751-8697 or e-mail
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: TVA owns and operates a system of
transmission lines that move electricity throughout the TVA service
area, which comprises most of Tennessee and portions of six adjacent
states, and to adjacent utilities. The electrical load growth in
Rutherford, Williamson, and Maury Counties, Tennessee, will exceed the
capacity of the three 500-kV substations and several of the 161-kV
transmission lines serving the area by 2010. Unless action is taken to
address this problem, TVAs ability to continue to provide reliable
electric service will be degraded and disrupted more frequently and for
longer periods. Therefore, TVA needs to increase transmission capacity
in this area.
TVA published a Notice of Intent to prepare this EIS in the Federal
Register on July 1, 2005. A public scoping meeting was held in July
2005 and attended by about 25 people. Written scoping comments were
received from two federal agencies, five state agencies, and several
individuals. The Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was published
in the Federal Register on October 5, 2007. TVA held a public meeting
on the Draft EIS in October 2007 and accepted comments through mid-
November. During the development of the EIS, TVA also accepted comments
received during an open house held in April 2006 to review potential
substation sites and transmission line routes. Comments on the Draft
EIS were received from about 22 members of the public and agencies.
Appendix B of the Final EIS contains comments TVA received on the Draft
EIS and responses to those comments. The Notice of Availability for the
Final EIS was published in the Federal Register on April 18, 2008.
Alternatives Considered
TVA uses a detailed, comprehensive siting process when it plans its
transmission line projects. This is an iterative process that takes
into account important environmental and cultural resource features
that become constraints on locating proposed lines. Concerns of
potentially affected landowners are also actively addressed during this
process to reduce or avoid landowner impacts. Broad study corridors are
initially defined and potential line routes are subsequently located
within the study corridors. Because transmission line right-of-ways
(ROWs) are much narrower than the study corridors, important features
that are associated with specific corridors can often be avoided when
final line routes are selected. Potential environmental impacts are
considered and addressed throughout this siting process with the
objective of formulating alternative line routes, including a preferred
route, that meet the purpose and need for the proposed action while
avoiding or reducing potential impacts. The identified preferred route
is then subjected to additional study and analyses. TVA uses a similar
process in identifying substation sites.
TVA initially identified four solutions (possible alternatives) to
meet the project need. These consisted of: (1) Construct and operate a
new 500-kV substation in southwest Rutherford County, and construct and
operate 25-30 miles of 500-kV transmission line on vacant, TVA-owned
ROW, and about 24 miles of new 161-kV transmission lines in Rutherford,
Maury, and Williamson Counties; (2) construct and operate a new 500-kV
substation in northeast Williamson County near Brentwood and upgrade
about 126 miles of existing 161-kV transmission lines in Davidson,
Rutherford, Williamson, Sumner, Coffee, Franklin, and Bedford Counties;
(3) expand TVAs Pinhook 500-kV Substation in southeast Davidson County
and upgrade about 134 miles of existing 161-kV transmission lines in
Davidson, Rutherford, Williamson, Sumner, Wilson, Franklin, and Bedford
Counties; and (4) rely on load management and conservation by achieving
a reduction in current peak loads by at least 800 megawatts.
Further evaluation of these four potential solutions concluded that
only the first would be able to meet the project need. The other two
construction solutions had higher overall costs, engineering problems,
and problems meeting the 2010 in-service date because of the limited
times when the existing transmission lines could be taken out of
service for upgrading. Although TVA has recently committed to achieving
a system-wide reduction in peak demand growth of 1,400 MW by 2012, the
amount of load reduction achievable in the project area by 2010 is not
sufficient for the load management/conservation solution to meet the
purpose and need.
TVA subsequently addressed two alternatives in further detail in
the EIS.
Under Alternative 1, the No Action Alternative, TVA would not
address the forecast high-voltage transmission capacity problem by
implementing any of the potential solutions identified above. This
would make existing electrical supplies unstable and increase
likelihood of both planned and
[[Page 35719]]
unplanned power outages (brownouts/blackouts) in the Middle Tennessee
area as the demand continued to grow.
Under Alternative 2, TVA would construct and operate a new 500-kV
substation in southwest Rutherford County and associated 500-kV and
161-kV transmission lines. The preferred locations for these facilities
were determined through a rigorous siting process, which included
evaluations of natural and cultural features, land use, engineering
attributes, and cost. The substation would be located on Coleman Hill
Road, about 4 miles east of U.S. Alternate Highway 31/41. A 27-mile
500-kV transmission line would be built on vacant, TVA-owned ROW
between TVAs existing Maury 500-kV Substation and the proposed new
substation. A 9-mile 161-kV transmission line would connect the new
substation to MTEMCs existing Almaville 161-kV Substation; 6 miles of
this line would be on vacant TVA-owned ROW, and the remainder would be
on new ROW. A 15-mile 161-kV transmission line on new ROW would connect
the new substation to MTEMCs existing Christiana 161-kV Substation.
The proposed substation would occupy a 53-acre site and about 40
acres of it would be cleared and graded. Major substation components
include 500-161-kV transformers, circuit breakers, connecting bus work,
supporting steel superstructure, ground wire towers, microwave
communication tower, spill retention basins and retention pond or tank,
switch house, and equipment storage building, enclosed by a security
fence. The proposed 500-kV transmission line would use self-supporting
galvanized, laced steel structures about 85 to 125 feet tall. The
average distance between structures would be about 1000 feet. The
electrical conductors would consist of three sets of three cables
suspended beneath the structure cross-arms by insulators. The proposed
161-kV transmission lines would use either single or double steel-pole
structures 80 to 110 feet tall and three single-cable conductors
suspended beneath cross-arms by insulators.
Most of the ROW for the 500-kV transmission line would be 175 feet
wide; about two miles of the ROW near the proposed substation would be
425 feet wide to accommodate parallel lower voltage lines. For ROW it
does not already own, TVA would purchase easements from landowners.
Because of the need to maintain adequate clearance between tall
vegetation and the transmission line conductors, as well as to provide
access for construction equipment, most trees and shrubs would
initially be removed from the entire width of the ROW. Trees outside of
the ROW which are tall enough to pass within 10 feet of a conductor if
they fell towards the line would also be removed. Following line
construction, the ROW would be revegetated with low-growing plants. The
ROW can be used by the landowner for many purposes that do not
interfere with the maintenance and operation of the line. TVA would
periodically inspect and conduct maintenance activities on the
completed line. The major maintenance activity is vegetation
management, conducted to maintain adequate clearance around the
conductors. This would consist of both felling tall trees adjacent to
the ROW and control of vegetation within the ROW. Management of
vegetation within the ROW would use an integrated vegetation management
approach based primarily on mechanical mowing and herbicide
Comments on the Final EIS
TVA received comments on the Final EIS from two State and two
Federal Government agencies. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
requested a comparison of the number of stream crossings potentially
affected by the various alternative solutions. Although TVA did not
conduct detailed field surveys of the Pinhook and Brentwood alternative
solutions and thus cannot compare the number of potentially affected
stream crossings with the same accuracy available for the Rutherford
solution, the Pinhook and Brentwood solutions would potentially affect
more stream crossings because they both involve over twice the length
of transmission lines. The potential impacts to individual stream
crossings under the Pinhook and Brentwood solutions, however, would
likely be less because the transmission lines and most of the potential
access roads already exist and there would be little to no clearing of
new ROWs.
EPA commented on the discussion of potential impacts to wetlands in
the Final EIS and noted that conversion of forested wetlands is
impactful given the loss of forest habitat and fragmentation of
contiguous habitat. TVA agrees with this and notes that the 2.3 acres
of forested wetlands that would be converted to scrub-shrub wetlands
under the selected alternative occur is several disjunct tracts
associated with previously fragmented forests.
EPA requested additional information on the anticipated relocation
and proximity of homes, schools, and churches to the proposed
transmission lines, as well as the potential environmental justice
impacts. Two mobile homes and one occupied house occur entirely within
the TVA-owned ROW to be used for the 500-kV line, and a vacant brick
house is partially within this ROW. All of these buildings would be
relocated. Two fairly new brick houses slightly extend onto this ROW;
TVA has determined that they would not have to be removed and will
likely issue their owners a permit for the occupancy of the ROW and add
an associated covenant to their deeds. One vacant house in a state of
disrepair is on one of the 161-kV FOWs and would be removed. No
occupied buildings are on or in the immediate vicinity of the
substation site. Six churches occur near the route of the 500-kV line;
their closest and average distances from the ROW are 500 and 2,500
feet, respectively. The closest school to any of the facilities is an
elementary school 3,000 feet from a 161-kV line. The closest churches
are 400 and 1,200 feet from a 161-kV line. Relative to the three
project area counties, the proportions of the overall population of the
12 adjacent surrounding counties classified as minority or below the
poverty level vary greatly and are, on average, higher.
EPA requested spot monitoring of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in
the vicinity of nearby residences. TVA does not intend to conduct EMF
monitoring; TVA will, however, measure EMF field strength if requested
to do so by adjacent property owners. Based on the design of the 500-kV
transmission line and EMF measurements at other similar lines, TVA
expects the EMF field strength under the maximum design electrical load
at the edge of the 500-kV ROW to be significantly less than the Florida
standards of 150 milligauss for lines 230-kV or less and 200 milligauss
for lines 500-kV lines or more cited in the Final EIS.
The Department of the Interior (DOI), Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance resubmitted the comments it had sent on the Draft
EIS and which TVA had inadvertently failed to address in the Final EIS.
DOI requested supporting references for many statements of fact and
field survey descriptions. DOI also requested more specific information
on the implementation of best management practices(BMPs). Some of this
detailed implementation information is listed in Appendices H and J of
the Final EIS, which describe the streamside management zone to be
established along each watercourse. Additional BMP implementation
details are listed in the stormwater pollution prevention plans for the
various project components. TVAs BMP manual, cited as Muncy (1999) in
the Final EIS, is
[[Page 35720]]
available on the TVA Web site,
TVA has decided to implement the preferred alternative identified
in the Final EIS, Alternative 2. Of the two alternatives evaluated in
the Final EIS, Alternative 1--No Action and Alternative 2, only
Alternative 2 would meet the purpose and need. TVA used an iterative
process to define Alternative 2; this process first considered other
potential solutions and then considered various potential alternative
substation locations and transmission line routes for the preferred
alternative. The substation location and transmission line routes were
identified as part of Alternative 2 after being evaluated for
engineering and construction, ecological, cultural, line length, and
land use criteria. The substation site and transmission line routes
were then further modified to minimize effects on individual landowners
as well as effects on natural and cultural resources. This effort
continued TVAs consideration of potential environmental impacts that
occurred during the consideration of other possible solutions
(alternatives) to the purpose and need here.
The Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer has concurred
with TVAs determination that Alternative 2, with the implementation of
mitigation measures described in a Memorandum of Agreement and other
measures listed in the Final EIS, would not adversely affect any
archaeological or historic sites eligible for or listed in the National
Register of Historic Places. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has
concurred with TVAs determination that Alternative 2, with the
implementation of mitigation measures listed in the Final EIS, would
not adversely affect species listed under the Endangered Species Act or
adversely modify designated critical habitat.
Environmentally Preferred Alternative
Alternative 1 No Action is the environmentally preferred
alternative because the impacts associated with constructing and
operating the substation and associated transmission lines would not
occur. This alternative, however, would result in the risk of the loss
of electrical service to a large area of Middle Tennessee with a total
load of over 4000 megawatts and is considered unreasonable. The loss of
this electrical service would result in social and economic impacts.
Alternative 2 has been designed to minimize environmental impacts
as much as is feasible. While some or all of the other three potential
solutions analyzed early in the development of this project could have
resulted in less environmental impacts than Alternative 2, none of
these solutions would have met the purpose and need and thus they were
not considered reasonable alternatives.
Environmental Commitments
For the reasons discussed in the Final EIS and summarized here, TVA
is committing to the following measures to avoid, reduce, or mitigate
the potential environmental impacts associated with these actions:
No herbicides with groundwater protection warnings will be
used in the sections of the Maury Transmission Line between Double
Branch and Double Branch Road, Greens Mill Road and Cornstock Road, and
Cross Keys Flat to Boon Creek. No fertilizers will be used in the
groundwater source protection zone from Windrow Road to the end of the
Maury Transmission Line study area, and neither herbicides nor
fertilizers will be used in the section of the Maury Transmission Line
from Windrow Road to Arno-Allisona Road.
No herbicides with groundwater protection warnings and no
fertilizers will be used in the sections of the Almaville Transmission
Line from where the ROW intersects the existing Murfreesboro-East
Franklin Transmission Line north to where the Almaville Transmission
Line turns to the west.
No herbicides with groundwater protection warnings and no
fertilizers will be used in the section of the Christiana Transmission
Line within 500 feet of the entrance to Nanna Cave.
Should groundwater conduits be discovered within the TVA
transmission line ROW at a later date that affect the stream at Snail
Shell Cave or Nanna Cave, TVA will modify its construction and
maintenance procedures to eliminate herbicide use in the conduit areas.
Globally rare glade habitat areas will be marked on the
transmission line and access road engineering design specification
drawings that will be used during the design, construction, and
maintenance activities along the transmission line.
During the construction and maintenance of the
transmission lines, TVA will avoid the areas associated with the
globally rare glade habitats. Unless there is no practical alternative,
structure placement and access roads will be designed strategically to
avoid these areas. The glade areas will be fenced during construction
to ensure further avoidance.
Vegetation management in globally rare glade habitats will
be accomplished through mechanical clearing and no herbicides will be
used in these areas.
No herbicide spraying or mechanical clearing will occur
within a 500-foot radius of the entrance to Nanna Cave during the
construction and maintenance of the transmission lines to avoid impacts
caused by pollution from chemicals and sedimentation from disturbed
soil. This area will be hand cleared only (chainsaws may be used, but
not heavy equipment). All vehicles and heavy equipment will be
restricted from the area unless confined to existing access roads. If
the placement of a pole in this buffer or in the area of this route
crossing a subterranean section of the Snail Shell Cave System was
unavoidable, no blasting will be used during its installation.
To minimize potential impacts to aquatic habitats and
aquatic life, including federally or state-listed species, BMPs as
outlined in Muncy (1999) will be applied to all construction and
maintenance activities. Additionally, all intermittent and perennial
streams were assigned a Category A protection level (Final EIS Appendix
J) and will be provided additional protective measures as defined in
Final EIS Appendix H and Muncy (1999).
Areas with state-listed plant species will be included in
the transmission line and access road engineering design specification
drawings used during the design, construction, and maintenance of the
transmission line. During construction and maintenance, TVA will avoid
the areas occupied by the state-listed plants. Unless there is no
practical alternative, structures will be placed to avoid impacting
these areas. Additionally, unless there is no practical alternative,
access roads and the associated vehicle traffic will be excluded from
these areas. These areas will be fenced during construction. Vegetation
management in these areas will be accomplished through mechanical
clearing, and no herbicides will be applied in them.
The location of the toothache tree population along the
Maury Transmission Line ROW will be included on the engineering design
specification drawings for use during the design, construction, and
maintenance of the transmission line. TVA will clear the ROW between
November and March when the plant is dormant; shear-clearing
(bulldozing) methods will not be used. Vegetation management in the
area will be accomplished by mechanical clearing
[[Page 35721]]
(e.g., mowing). Herbicides will not be used in this area.
The location of the Alabama snow-wreath population will be
included on the engineering design specification drawings for use
during the design, construction, and maintenance of the transmission
line. All construction occurring within 200 feet of the Alabama snow-
wreath population will be strictly confined to areas within the
Christiana Transmission Line ROW. In addition, fencing will be erected
along the edge of the ROW during construction to ensure impacts to
Alabama snow-wreath are avoided. Vegetation management within 200 feet
of the snow-wreath population will be accomplished by mechanical
clearing, and herbicides will not be used in this area.
The location of Pynes ground-plum will be marked on the
engineering design specification drawings for use during the design,
construction, and maintenance of the transmission line. Vehicles,
construction equipment, and unnecessary personnel will strictly be
prohibited from disturbing the population. This will be accomplished by
explicitly instructing construction crews to remain on the Christiana
Transmission Line ROW in the immediate vicinity of the population and
to avoid any activity in this area (felling trees, grading,
inadvertently accessing the site with vehicles, etc.) that will alter
the habitat. In addition, fencing will be erected along the edge of the
ROW during construction to ensure impacts to Pynes ground-plum are
avoided. Vegetation management within 500 feet of the ground-plum
population will be accomplished by mechanical clearing; herbicides will
not be used in this area.
Prior to the transmission line construction clearing, TVA
will contract with the state of Tennessee to treat all tree-of-heaven
within the proposed Almaville Transmission Line ROW to reduce the risk
of spreading within the designated critical habitat. This will be
accomplished by using a basal bark application of Garlon 4 herbicide
before trees are cleared from the proposed ROW. The tank mixture will
consist of a 20 percent Garlon 4/80 percent carrier solution of
specially formulated vegetable oil. Using a backpack sprayer, herbicide
will be applied to the trunk of each tree-of-heaven stem from ground
level to 18 inches high. All areas of the trunk in this band will be
thoroughly wetted with herbicide.
Timber harvesting for ROW clearing in six areas of
moderately suitable habitat for the Indiana bat will take place between
October 15 and March 31.
To minimize potential impacts to the gray bat, a 500-foot-
radius buffer at the entrance to Nanna Cave and standard BMPs at all
stream crossings (Muncy 1999) will be implemented during the
construction and maintenance of the transmission lines.
Access roads that contain habitat for federally and state-
listed species will be resurveyed during the growing season prior to
use for any ROW construction or clearing. Should an occurrence(s) be
found within the area encompassing any of the access roads as proposed,
the occurrence(s) will be avoided by either rerouting the access road
or not using that particular access road. Any new roads that will be
considered as alternatives will also be surveyed before their use.
In order to avoid adverse effects to archaeological site
40WM35, TVA will not place transmission line structures within the site
or cause other ground disturbance of the site. If impacts to the site
cannot be avoided in this manner, TVA will conduct further Phase II
archaeological testing to identify locations for structure placement
that will not adversely affect the site.
Archaeological sites 40RD280 and 40RD281 will be avoided
by the rerouting of a section of the Christiana Transmission Line.
TVA will implement the treatment measures necessary to
mitigate adverse effects on two historic sites, the William Allison
house and the Smithson-McCall farm. As described in a Memorandum of
Agreement developed between TVA, the Tennessee State Historical
Preservation Officer, and other interested parties (Appendix B-1),
these measures include minimizing the number and height of the
structures within the line-of-site and the use, where possible, of
vegetative screening measures at the landowners request.
Dated: June 5, 2008.
Jacinda B. Woodword,
Interim Vice President, Electric System Projects.
[FR Doc. E8-14146 Filed 6-23-08; 8:45 am]