Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Status Review for Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout, 27900-27926 [E8-10182]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
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50 CFR Part 17
[FWS–R2–ES–2008–0056; 1111 FY07 MO–
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Status Review for Rio
Grande Cutthroat Trout
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of candidate status
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
results of the status review for the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus
clarki virginalis) under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended.
After a thorough review of all available
scientific and commercial information,
we find that listing the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout is warranted but
precluded by higher priority actions.
Upon publication of this status review,
we will add the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout to our list of candidate species
with a listing priority number of 9,
because the threats affecting it have a
moderate magnitude and are imminent.
We will develop a proposed rule to list
the subspecies as our priorities allow.
We ask the public to continue to submit
to us any new information that becomes
available concerning the status of or
threats to the subspecies. This
information will help us to monitor and
encourage the ongoing conservation of
this subspecies.
DATES: The finding announced in this
document was made on May 14, 2008.
ADDRESSES: This finding is available on
the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov. Supporting
documentation we used in preparing
this finding is available for public
inspection, by appointment, during
normal business hours at the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, New Mexico
Ecological Services Field Office, 2105
Osuna Road, NE., Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87113; telephone (505) 346–
2525; facsimile (505) 248–6788. Please
submit any new information, materials,
comments, or questions concerning this
finding to the above address or via
electronic mail (e-mail) at
Wally ‘‘J’’ Murphy, Field Supervisor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2105
Osuna Road, NE., Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87113. (505) 346–2525 ext 106.
If you use a telecommunications device
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Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that, for
any petition containing substantial
scientific and commercial information
that listing may be warranted, we make
a finding within 12 months of the date
of receipt of the petition on whether the
petitioned action is: (a) Not warranted,
(b) warranted, or (c) warranted, but that
immediate proposal of a regulation
implementing the petitioned action is
precluded by other pending proposals to
determine whether species are
threatened or endangered, and
expeditious progress is being made to
add or remove qualified species from
the Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants. Section 4(b)(3)(C) of
the Act requires that we treat a petition
for which the requested action is found
to be warranted but precluded as though
resubmitted on the date of such finding,
that is, requiring a subsequent finding to
be made within 12 months. We must
publish these 12-month findings in the
Federal Register.
Previous Federal Actions
On February 25, 1998, we received a
petition from Kieran Suckling, of the
Southwest Center for Biological
Diversity requesting that the Service add
the Rio Grande cutthroat trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) to the
list of threatened and endangered
species. The petition addressed the
range-wide distribution of the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout that includes
populations in Colorado and New
Mexico. We subsequently published a
notice of a 90-day finding in the Federal
Register (63 FR 49062) on September
14, 1998. In the 90-day finding we
concluded that the petition did not
present substantial information
indicating that listing of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout may be warranted.
On June 9, 1999, a complaint was
filed by the Southwest Center for
Biological Diversity alleging that the
September 14, 1998, 90-day petition
finding violated the Administrative
Procedure Act. While the litigation was
pending, we received information
(particularly related to the presence of
whirling disease in hatchery fish in the
wild) that led us to believe that further
review of the status of the subspecies
was warranted. On November 8, 2001, a
settlement agreement executed by both
parties (the Service and the Southwest
Center for Biological Diversity) was filed
with the court. The settlement
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stipulated that the Service would
initiate a status review for the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout, make a
determination on or before June 4, 2002,
and shortly thereafter, publish our
determination in the Federal Register.
On June 11, 2002, we published our
determination that listing of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout was not warranted (67
FR 39936).
Subsequently, on February 25, 2003,
the Center for Biological Diversity, along
with several other organizations, sued
the Service for failing to list Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. On June 7, 2005, the
New Mexico Federal District Court
(Court) ruled that our finding was not
arbitrary and capricious, but also
required that we explain in more detail
our analysis of ‘‘significant portion of
the range’’. The Court ordered the
Service to provide a supplemental
briefing discussing in more detail our
analysis of significant portion of the
range. We submitted this briefing on
July 20, 2005. On December 19, 2005,
the Court ruled in favor of the Service
and upheld our interpretation of
significant portion of the range and
determined that our evaluation of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout’s status under the
listing criteria was not arbitrary and
capricious. Plaintiffs appealed this
The appeal was pending with the
Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, when
other courts issued opinions for other
species that required the Service to
reexamine our position on significant
portion of the range. On March 16, 2007,
a formal opinion was issued by the
Solicitor of the Department of the
Interior, ‘‘The Meaning of In Danger of
Extinction Throughout All or a
Significant Portion of Its Range’’ (U.S.
DOI 2007). Because of this new formal
opinion and because of our knowledge
of changes in status of some populations
that we had defined as ‘‘secure’’ in our
2002 review, in consultation with the
court and the plaintiffs, the Service
agreed to initiate a new status review.
We subsequently published a notice
seeking new information concerning the
status of Rio Grande cutthroat trout on
May 22, 2007 (72 FR 28664).
In response to our 2007 requests for
information regarding Rio Grande
cutthroat trout (72 FR 28664, 72 FR
46030 (August 16, 2007)), we received
comments and information from
Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW),
New Mexico Department of Game and
Fish (NMDGF), U.S. Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), U.S. Forest Service
(USFS), private citizens and
organizations, and the Rio Grande
Cutthroat Trout Conservation Team. The
Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Conservation Team is composed of
biologists from CDOW, NMDGF, BLM,
USFS, National Park Service, the
Jicarilla Apache Nation and the Service.
The Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
Conservation Team recently completed
a range-wide status report (Alves et al.
2007) concerning the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. The status report and
the comprehensive database (referred to
as ‘‘2007 database’’ in this finding) that
is the basis for the report, along with
other supplemental submissions from
the agencies listed above, provide the
best scientific and commercial
information available on Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. The report summarizes
information provided by 15 fisheries
professionals from Colorado and New
Mexico having specific knowledge of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Alves et al.
2007, p. 58). In making this finding, we
considered all scientific and commercial
information that we received or
acquired since our previous status
review. We relied primarily on
published and peer-reviewed
documentation for our conclusions.
Biology and Distribution
The Rio Grande cutthroat trout, one of
14 subspecies of cutthroat trout, is
native to the Rio Grande, Pecos, and the
Canadian river basins in New Mexico
and Colorado (Behnke 2002, p. 219). Rio
Grande cutthroat trout has the
distinction of being the first North
American trout recorded by Europeans
(Behnke 2002, p. 139). In 1541,
Francisco de Coronado’s expedition
discovered Rio Grande cutthroat trout in
the upper Pecos River (Behnke 2002, p.
139). The first specimens that were
collected for scientific purposes came
from Ute Creek in Costilla County,
Colorado, in 1853. Rio Grande cutthroat
trout was originally described in 1856
(Behnke 2002, p. 210). Cutthroat trout
subspecies are distinguished by the red
to orange slashes in the throat folds
beneath the lower jaw.
The historical distribution of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout is not known
with certainty. In general, it is assumed
that Rio Grande cutthroat trout occupied
all streams capable of supporting trout
in the Rio Grande, Pecos, and Canadian
basins (Alves et al. 2007, p. 9). The
Pecos River is a tributary of the Rio
Grande, so a historic connection
between the two basins likely existed.
Although no early museum specimens
document its occurrence in the
headwaters of the Canadian River, it is
almost certainly native there as well
(Behnke 2002, p. 208). The Canadian
River, tributary to the Mississippi River,
has no connection with the Rio Grande.
It is possible that through headwater
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capture (a tributary from one watershed
joins with a tributary from another)
there may have been natural migration
of fish between the Pecos and Canadian
headwater streams. There is evidence
that Rio Grande cutthroat trout may
have occurred in Texas (Garrett and
Matlock 1991, p. 405; Behnke 1967, pp.
5, 6) and Mexico (Behnke 1967, p. 4).
Currently, the southernmost distribution
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout occurs in
Animas Creek, Sierra County, New
Mexico, and Indian Creek on the
Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation in
Otero County, New Mexico. Distribution
in the southern portion of the range is
currently limited and no conservation
populations (see discussion of
conservation populations below) exist
south of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In the range-wide status report,
historically occupied habitat was based
on habitat believed to be inhabited by
Rio Grande cutthroat trout when early
European explorers entered the
Southern Rocky Mountain Region of
Colorado and New Mexico (circa 1800)
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 9). In general,
streams currently capable of supporting
trout (elevations of 1,829 meters (m)
(6,000 feet (ft)) and above; 1,671 m
(5,500 ft) and above on north-facing
slopes) were assumed to have been
historically occupied if they were not
above a barrier to fish movement (e.g.,
an impassable waterfall). Streams which
cannot currently support trout were
assumed not to have been historically
occupied unless they were known to
have been degraded by such things as
water withdrawals, channel alterations,
human-caused barriers, or chemical
contamination. Based on these criteria,
10,622 kilometers (km) (6,660 miles
(mi)) of stream habitat were identified as
having the potential of being historically
occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 9). The estimated
amount of historical range in each State
is about 5,196 km (3,229 mi) in
Colorado (48 percent), and 5,521 km
(3,431 mi) (52 percent) in New Mexico
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 9).
To facilitate management and
conservation efforts, the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout range is divided into
Geographic Management Units (GMUs)
based on watersheds (Alves et al. 2007,
p. 2). The GMUs are, from north to
south, Rio Grande headwaters, Lower
Rio Grande, Canadian, Pecos, and
Caballo. Historical occupancy by GMU
is 5,277 km (3,279 mi) (49 percent) in
Rio Grande Headwaters, 3,396 km
(2,110 mi) (32 percent) in Lower Rio
Grande, 1,027 km (638 mi) (10 percent)
in the Canadian, 1,003 km (623 mi) (9
percent) in Pecos, and 16 km (10 mi)
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(0.2 percent) in Caballo (Alves et al.
2007, p. 9).
In our prior status review (67 FR
39936; June 11, 2002), we focused our
analysis primarily on ‘‘core’’
populations, which we defined using
conservative criteria for genetic
integrity, population stability, and
security from invasion by nonnative
salmonids (trout and salmon). The
genetic criterion for these core
populations was that the populations
have less than one percent
representation of genetic markers from
another subspecies of cutthroat trout or
from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss), as determined by genetic
testing. Rio Grande cutthroat trout are
able to interbreed, or hybridize, with
other subspecies of cutthroat trout and
rainbow trout. This hybridization may
result in genes of one species or
subspecies being incorporated into the
other species or subspecies. The
incorporation of genes from one species
into another is referred to by the
technical term ‘‘introgression’’ (Mayr
1970) and a species that has received
such genes is referred to as
‘‘introgressed.’’ To simplify discussion
in this review, we will also use these
terms when describing when genetic
markers of another subspecies are found
in Rio Grande cutthroat trout, although
we recognize that these terms, as strictly
defined, refer to species.
Our previous status review concluded
that the core populations, as then
defined by conservative criteria, were
sufficiently abundant, distributed, and
secure to conclude that listing of the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout was not
warranted. As described later in this
review, the status of several of the
original core populations has
subsequently declined and we believe
those populations alone are not
sufficient to conserve the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout.
For the current review, the genetic
criterion for core populations is that
they be less than one percent
introgressed, which is the same genetic
criterion for core populations followed
in the previous review. Although
population stability and security from
invasion are not used to define core
populations, as they were in the
previous review, those factors are still
addressed as attributes affecting the
status of core and other populations.
Core populations in the current review
correspond to the core populations
described in the multi-state position
paper for cutthroat management (Utah
Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR)
2000, pp. 3, 4). In addition to these core
populations, we focused our review on
‘‘conservation populations’’ as defined
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
by the position paper (UDWR 2000):
populations less than 10 percent
introgressed, as measured by genetic
markers, and that retain the ecological,
behavioral, and phenotypic
characteristics of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. In addition, we have included as
conservation populations those
populations which have not been
genetically tested, but that retain the
ecological, behavioral, and phenotypic
characteristics of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout and are not suspected to be
introgressed or co-occurring with
hybridizing species.
The above criteria for core and
conservation populations have been
applied in Service status reviews of
other subspecies of cutthroat trout
published since 2002 (71 FR 8818; 72
FR 32589). The status review (68 FR
46989; August 7, 2003) for the westslope
cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki
lewisi) included populations with up to
20 percent introgression, based on
several studies of genetic markers and
morphological traits of introgressed
populations that indicate that
populations with up to 20 percent of
their nuclear genes derived from
rainbow trout were morphologically
indistinguishable from nonintrogressed
westslope cutthroat trout populations.
Comparable studies, where genetic and
morphological characters in the same
population are studied, have not been
performed on Rio Grande cutthroat
trout; therefore, we have no justification
for departing from the general criterion
of less than 10 percent introgression
proposed in the position paper on
cutthroat trout genetics (UDWR 2000).
In the remainder of this review, we
collectively refer to both core and
conservation populations, as defined
above, as conservation populations.
Inclusion of conservation populations
with up to 10 percent introgression in
the present review does not mean we
are any less concerned about the effects
of introgression on Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Our evaluation of introgression as
a threat to the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout will be described along with other
applicable threats later in this review.
Alves et al. (2007, p. 26) report that
120 conservation populations of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout currently occupy
about 1110 km (690 mi) of habitat, or
10.4 percent of the historical range of
the subspecies. The 120 conservation
populations include 12 populations that
have not been tested for introgression
and are suspected to be hybridized and
one population that to date has tested as
nonintrogressed but in which rainbow
trout, a hybridizing species, co-occurs
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 34; 2007 data base).
An additional two streams (Placer Creek
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and Comanche Creek) included in the
120 are undergoing restoration and are
currently unoccupied by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Although we fully
expect these two streams will become
conservation populations within the
next five years, they are not occupied by
viable populations currently. Although
we included in our analysis untested
populations that are suspected to be
nonintrogressed as conservation
populations, we do not feel it is
appropriate to include untested
populations that are suspected to be
introgressed or that co-occur with
hybridizing species. Alves et al. (2007)
provided all summary statistics (e.g.,
percent populations with nonnative
trout, percent historical habitat
occupied, number of populations in
each state) for 120 conservation
populations. Although the inclusion of
these populations in Alves et al. (2007)
inflates the number of conservation
populations and miles of stream
occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout,
their inclusion does not make a material
difference in the outcome of our finding.
Therefore, we have decided to present
all summary statistics as presented in
Alves et al. (2007) rather than
recalculate the summary statistics to
reflect the 105 populations we would
classify as conservation populations.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations currently
occupy about 473 km (294 mi) in
Colorado (9.1 percent of Colorado
historical habitat) and 637 km (396 mi)
in New Mexico (11.6 percent of
historical habitat) (Alves et al. 2007, p.
26). The Lower Rio Grande GMU
contains the largest amount of occupied
habitat (489 km (304.1 mi)), followed by
the Rio Grande Headwaters GMU (452
km (281.4 mi)), Canadian GMU (109 km
(67.5 mi)), and Pecos GMU (60 km (37.3
mi)) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 26). The
Caballo GMU contains a hybridized
population of cutthroat trout that was
not included as a conservation
population. Rio Grande cutthroat trout
occupy habitat in 14 of 19 watersheds
that supported historical habitat. They
are believed to be extirpated from the
following watersheds: Arroyo Del
Macho, Caballo, Upper Canadian, Rio
Hondo, and Rio Penasco (Alves et al.
2007, p. 11). If Rio Grande cutthroat
trout once occurred in Texas and
Mexico, there is no evidence that they
occur there now.
Life History
As is true of other subspecies of
cutthroat trout, Rio Grande cutthroat
trout is found in clear cold streams.
Unlike some subspecies of cutthroat
trout, such as the Bonneville
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(Oncorhynchus clarki utah) and
Yellowstone (Oncorhynchus clarki
bouvieri), Rio Grande cutthroat trout did
not originally inhabit large lake systems.
However, they have been introduced
into coldwater lakes and reservoirs.
They spawn as high water flows from
snowmelt recede. In New Mexico, this
typically occurs from the middle of May
to the middle of June (NMDGF 2002, p.
17). Spawning is believed to be tied to
day length, water temperature, and
runoff (Sublette et al. 1990, p. 54;
Behnke 2002, p. 141).
It is unknown if Rio Grande cutthroat
trout spawn every year or if some
portion of the population spawns every
other year as has been recorded for
westslope cutthroat trout (McIntyre and
Rieman 1995, p. 1). Likewise, while it
is assumed that females mature at age 3,
they may not spawn until age 4 or 5 as
seen in westslope cutthroat trout
(McIntyre and Rieman 1995, p. 3). Sex
ratio also is unknown with certainty,
but based on field data, a ratio skewed
towards more females might be
expected (Pritchard and Cowley 2006, p.
27). Although Yellowstone (Gresswell
1995, p. 36), Bonneville (Shrank and
Rahel 2004, p. 1532), and westslope
(Bjornn and Mallet 1964, p. 73;
McIntyre and Rieman 1995, p. 3)
cutthroat trout subspecies are known to
have a migratory life history phase, it is
not known if Rio Grande cutthroat trout
once had a migratory form when there
was connectivity among watersheds.
Most cutthroat trout are opportunistic
feeders, eating both aquatic
invertebrates and terrestrial insects that
fall into the water (Sublette et al. 1990,
p. 54). Rio Grande cutthroat trout
evolved with Rio Grande chub (Gila
pandora), longnose dace (Rhinichthys
cataractae) (all basins); Rio Grande
sucker (Catastomus plebius) (Rio
Grande Basin); white sucker (C.
commersoni) and creek chub (Semotilus
atromaculatus) (Pecos and Canadian
Basins); and the southern redbelly dace
(Phoxinus erythrogaster) (Canadian
River Basin) (Rinne 1995, p. 24). Many
of these fish have either been extirpated
from streams with Rio Grande cutthroat
trout or are greatly reduced in number
(Sublette et al. 1990, p. 162; Calamusso
and Rinne 1999, pp. 233–236). It is not
known if they once were an important
component of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout diet. Other subspecies of cutthroat
trout become more piscivorous (fish
eating) as they mature (Moyle 1976, p.
139; Sublette et al. 1990, p. 54) and
cutthroat trout living in lakes will prey
heavily on other species of fish (Echo
1954, p. 244). It is possible that native
cyprinids (i.e., chubs, minnows, and
dace) and suckers may have once been
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important prey items for Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Growth of cutthroat
trout varies with water temperature and
availability of food. Most populations of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout are found in
high elevation streams. Under these
conditions growth may be relatively
slow and time to maturity may take
longer than is seen in subspecies that
inhabit lower elevation (warmer)
Typical of trout, Rio Grande cutthroat
trout require several types of habitat for
survival: spawning habitat, nursery or
rearing habitat, adult habitat, and
refugial habitat. Spawning habitat
consists of clean gravel (little or no fine
sediment present) that ranges between 6
to 40 millimeters (mm) (0.24–1.6 inches
(in)) (NMDGF 2002, p. 17). Nursery
habitat is usually at the stream margins
where water velocity is low and water
temperature is slightly warmer. Harig
and Fausch (2002, pp. 542, 543) found
that water temperature may play a
critical role in the life history of the
young-of-year cutthroat. Streams with
mean daily temperature in July of less
than 7.8 °C (46 °F) may not have
successful recruitment (survival of
individuals to sexual maturity and
joining the reproductive population) or
reproduction in most years. Adult
habitat consists of pools with cover and
riffles for food production and foraging.
Refugial habitat in the form of large
deep pools is also necessary for
survival. The primary form of refugial
habitat is deep pools that do not freeze
in the winter and do not dry in the
summer or during periods of drought.
Lack of large pools may be a limiting
factor in headwater streams (Harig and
Fausch 2002, p. 543). Refugial habitat
may also be a downstream reach of
stream or a connected adjacent stream
that has maintained suitable habitat in
spite of adverse conditions.
A technical review of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout was recently completed
(Pritchard and Cowley 2006) which
covers the biology of the subspecies in
greater detail and the reader is referred
to that document for additional
background information on the
Summary of Factors Affecting the
Section 4 of the Act and regulations
(50 CFR 424) promulgated to implement
the listing provisions of the Act set forth
the procedures for adding species to the
Federal list of endangered or threatened
species. A species may be determined to
be threatened or endangered due to one
or more of the five factors described in
section 4(a)(1) of the Act. The following
analysis examines the listing factors and
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their application to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout.
A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range
Population Isolation and Fragmentation
The historic range of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout has been greatly reduced
over the last 150 years. Populations
have been lost because of water
diversions, stream drying, dams, habitat
degradation, changes in hydrology,
hybridization with rainbow trout, or
competition with brown (Salmo trutta)
and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
(Pritchard and Cowley 2006, pp. 16, 34–
37; 67 FR 39939). Quantifying the exact
magnitude of loss in either number of
fish or habitat is difficult because there
are no baseline data. Alves et al. (2007,
p. 26) estimate that conservation
populations occupy about 10 percent of
historically inhabited stream miles.
Also, the current distribution of
occupied miles on the landscape differs
from the historical distribution. The
range has contracted northward, Rio
Grande cutthroat trout are now
restricted primarily to headwater
streams, and the large connected
networks that once linked hundreds of
stream miles together no longer exist.
The change in distribution is discussed
briefly followed by a discussion of
fragmentation which has modified and
curtailed habitat.
Historically, 43 percent of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations occupied
streams 2,438 m (8,000 ft) or less in
elevation (Alves et al. 2007, p. 18).
Currently, only about 1.6 percent of the
populations are in streams less than
2,438 m (8,000 ft) (Alves et al. 2007, p.
18). Conservation populations, as
defined above, are now concentrated in
elevations from 2,743–3048 m (9,000–
10,000 ft) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 18).
High-elevation streams (above 2,743 m
(9,000 ft)) are subject to extreme and
fluctuating environmental conditions
including forest fires, freezing, and
dewatering (Novinger and Rahel 2003,
p. 779). In addition, headwater
mountain streams often lack critical
resources such as deep pools (Harig and
Fausch 2002, p. 546) and provide
insufficient refuge from catastrophic
disturbance (Pritchard and Cowley
2006, p. 17). Because high-elevation
headwater streams are narrow and small
compared to the larger downstream
reaches that Rio Grande cutthroat trout
once occupied, the absolute loss of
habitat in both quantity and quality is
greater than stream miles might
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Historically, many watersheds
supporting Rio Grande cutthroat trout
contained streams that were connected.
For example, in Colorado, the
Trinchera, Conejos, Culebra, Costilla,
and Alamosa rivers would all have been
connected through the upper Rio
Grande, forming a vast network of
streams (Alves et al. 2007, p. 10). As a
consequence of habitat loss, each of
these watersheds is now isolated from
the other and Rio Grande cutthroat trout
are restricted to fragments of streams
(Alves et al. 2007, pp. 12, 29). Of the
120 conservation populations, 112
(representing 80 percent of occupied
miles) are in isolated stream fragments
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 29). No
populations are considered to have
strong connectivity (i.e., ≥ 5 connected
streams with open migration corridors)
(Alves et al. 2007, pp. 29, 77). One
population has a moderate degree of
connectivity (4 to 5 connected streams);
however, this watershed (Comanche
Creek) is currently under restoration
and has very few fish present. Seven
populations have very little connectivity
(2–3 connected streams, infrequent
straying of adults may occur) (Alves et
al. 2007, pp. 29, 77). Because Rio
Grande cutthroat trout habitat is
severely fragmented and because the
effects of fragmentation are considered
one of the primary threats to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations, the
consequences of fragmentation are
discussed in detail below.
Habitat fragmentation reduces the
total area of habitat available, reduces
habitat complexity, and prevents gene
flow (Saunders et al. 1991, p. 25;
Rieman and McIntyre 1995, p. 293;
Burkey 1995, pp. 527, 528; Dunham et
al. 1997, pp. 1126, 1127; Frankham et
al. 2002, p. 310; Noss et al. 2006, p.
219). Fragmentation accelerates
extinction, especially when movement
of fish among fragments is not possible,
as is the case with Rio Grande cutthroat
trout (Burkey 1995, p. 540; Frankham et
al. 2002, p. 314). Isolated populations
are vulnerable to extinction through
demographic stochasticity (random
changes in the population structure,
e.g., uneven male/female ratios);
environmental stochasticity (random
changes in the fishes’ surroundings) and
catastrophes (e.g., fires, stream drying,
freezing); loss of genetic heterozygosity
(genetic diversity) and rare alleles
(inherited forms of a genetic trait); and
human disturbance (Shaffer 1987, p. 71;
Rieman et al. 1993, pp. 9–15; Burkey
1995, pp. 527, 528; Dunham et al. 1997,
p. 1130; Frankham et al. 2002, pp. 310–
324). Completely isolated fragments are
the most severe form of fragmentation
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
because the isolation prevents fish from
mating with other fish carrying different
genes, thereby preventing new genes
from entering the isolated population
(Frankham et al. 2002, p. 314). Of 120
Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations, 112 (93 percent, 80 percent
of occupied miles) exist as isolated
segments or have very little connectivity
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 29).
Apart from the isolation (lack of gene
flow) that fragmentation causes, the
short length of the fragments and small
population size that they support are
also of concern for Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Seventy-one percent of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations occupy stream segments of
8.1 km (5 mi) or less (median 6.2 km
(4.2 mi)) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 26).
Several researchers have found that
population viability of cutthroat trout is
correlated with stream length
(Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p. 515;
Young et al. 2005, p. 2405; Cowley
2007, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845). Stream
length is important because trout need
a variety of habitats to complete their
life cycle (i.e., spawning habitat, rearing
habitat, adult habitat, refugial habitat)
(Rieman and McIntyre 1995, p. 293;
Horan et al. 2000, p. 1251; Harig and
Fausch 2002, p. 546; Young et al. 2005,
p. 2406). The shorter the stream, the
more likely it is that one or more of the
Rio Grande cutthroat trout’s required
habitats is either missing, or inadequate
for completion of the species life cycle
(Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p.
513). This is particularly true in highelevation streams which are narrower
and shallower than larger, lower
elevation, streams. The longer a stream
is, the more complexity it encompasses
and the higher the probability that no
particular habitat type limits the
Hilderbrand and Kershner (2000, p.
515) estimated 8.3 km (5.1 mi) were
required to maintain a population of
2,500 cutthroat trout when fish
abundance was high (0.3 fish/m (0.09
fish/ft)). Adding a 10 percent loss rate,
to account for emigration and mortality,
increased the length up to 9.3 km (5.8
mi) in order to maintain 2,500 fish. For
abundances of 0.2 fish/m (0.06 fish/ft)
and 0.1 fish/m (0.03 fish/ft), the
corresponding length increased to 12.5
km (7.8 mi) and 25 km (15.5 mi),
respectively (assuming no losses)
(Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p. 15).
Young et al. (2005, p. 2405) found that
to maintain a population of 2,500
cutthroat trout, 8.8 km (5.5 mi) of stream
were needed. Cowley (2007 DOI:
10.1002/aqc.845) determined that in
stream widths of approximately 2 m (6.6
ft) (average width of most Rio Grande
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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cutthroat trout streams), a stream length
of 11 km (6.8 mi) would be needed to
support a population of 2,750 fish.
Because the majority (71 percent) of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations occur in short stream
fragments of 8.1 km (5 mi) or less, these
studies indicate that stream
fragmentation (resulting in short stream
lengths) pose a threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout conservation
Longer streams support larger
populations (Harig and Fausch 2002, p.
546; Young et al. 2005, p. 2405).
Population size is a major determinant
of species persistence (Reed et al. 2003,
p. 23). Population persistence decreases
as population size decreases (Rieman
and McIntyre 1993, p. 15). Long-term
persistence of a population depends on
having a sufficient number of
individuals to avoid inbreeding
depression, which decreases population
viability, and to maintain genetic
variation (Franklin 1980, pp. 135–148;
Frankham et al. 2002, pp. 190–192;
Reed 2005, pp. 563, 564). Genetic
variability within a population is
necessary for adaptability (Reed 2005, p.
564; Cowley 2007 DOI: 10.1002/
aqc.845). Genetic variation will be lost
through time in isolated populations
and the loss occurs more quickly in
small populations than in large
populations (Rieman and Allendorf
2001, p. 761). When a population is
greatly reduced in size (bottlenecked),
genetic diversity is decreased
(Frankham et al. 2002, p. 183)
In our previous status review (67 FR
39938), we concluded that a population
size of 2,500 fish would ensure longterm persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout, i.e., would reduce the risks
associated with small population size
alone. Since that time other peerreviewed literature has been published
that allows us to further evaluate this
number. Reed et al. (2003, p. 30), in a
review of 102 vertebrate species,
estimate that sufficient habitat should
be present to allow for approximately
7,000 breeding age adults in order to
ensure long-term species persistence.
Cowley (2007 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845)
found that a population size of 2,500
Rio Grande cutthroat trout failed to meet
the desired long-term effective
population size (number of adults
actually contributing offspring to the
population) of at least 500. A minimum
population size of 2,750 was sufficient
if there was infrequent loss of year
classes (all the individuals of a
population of fishes born or hatched in
the same year). He found that a larger
population size was required as survival
rate of young fish (one year or less)
PO 00000
Frm 00006
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
decreased. He concluded that managing
for Rio Grande cutthroat trout
population sizes in the range of 8,000 to
16,000 would be more likely to ensure
population viability when there are low
to intermediate survival rates of young
fish. While any population number we
might use to assess the status of the
subspecies is unlikely to satisfy all
interested parties, we believe 2,500
continues to be a reasonable standard by
which to evaluate the populations.
While the range of acceptable standards
may range from 2,500 to 16,000, there is
relative certainty that populations below
2,500 are likely at risk and may not be
contributing to long-term persistence of
the subspecies.
In 2007, fifteen of the 120
conservation populations had 2,500–
7,000 Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The
120 conservation populations occur in
161 individual streams. Several
conservation populations occupy
multiple individual stream segments
that are connected, thus the numbers of
occupied streams segments is larger
than the total number of conservation
populations. Of those 161 individual
streams, a minimum of 53 contain
populations of under 500 reproducing
adult fish. Because population estimates
are unavailable for 38 streams, and most
of the 38 are short segments (2007
database), the total number of
populations with fewer than 500
reproducing adult fish is much likely
greater than 53. Of the 99 conservation
populations with quantitative estimates,
19 have an abundance of 0–0.03 fish/m
(0–50 fish/mi) and 31 have an
abundance of 0.03–0.09 fish/m (50–150
fish/mi). These low abundances indicate
that on average, Rio Grande cutthroat
trout need longer, rather than shorter,
stream segments to ensure their longterm persistence because longer streams
support larger numbers of fish
(Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p.
In 2002, we identified 13 Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations as secure (67
FR 39940). All 13 had populations over
2,500, contained no nonnative trout,
and were protected from invasion by
nonnative fish by a barrier. By 2007, 5
of these populations had fewer than
1,000 fish and 3 others had fewer than
2,000. One of the populations
(approximately 13,000 fish in 2002) is
thought to have been extirpated by low
water effects (the stream either dried or
froze). Brown trout were discovered
above the barrier on one of the streams.
The status of only 5 populations
remained unchanged between 2002 and
A ‘‘general health assessment’’ was
used by Alves et al. (2007, pp. 41–43)
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
to look at the health of individual
populations. Sixty-eight populations
(798 km (496 mi)) were judged to have
a moderately high degree of health, 50
(264 km (164 mi)) moderately low, and
1 (3.2 km (2 mi)) ranked as having low
health (Alves et al. 2007, p. 42). Four
factors were considered in the
assessment: isolation, temporal
variability (a measure of variability in
the physical environment which
correlates with stream length),
population size, and population
production (a composite score based on
habitat condition, presence of
nonnatives, and disease) (Alves et al.
2007, pp. 82, 83, 89). These factors were
weighted in the following order:
isolation (0.5), stream length (0.7),
population size (1.2), and population
production (1.6). The first 3 factors have
a range of 1 to 4, while the last,
population production, has a range of 2
to 8 (Alves et al. 2007, p. 89), effectively
doubling its importance beyond the
greater weighting (1.6) assigned to it.
Rationale for the weighting scheme is
not provided. Many scoring systems
could be devised to determine
population health and it is unclear why
isolation and stream length, two factors
that have been discussed extensively in
conservation biology and cutthroat trout
conservation literature (e.g., Saunders et
al. 1991, pp. 18–26; Dunham et al. 1997,
p. 1130; Hilderbrand and Kershner
2000, p. 513; Frankham et al. 2002,
Chapter 13; Young et al. 2005, p. 2405;
Noss et al. 2006, Chapter 7) were
assigned the lowest weights. This rating
system is heavily biased towards
production and does not provide a
balanced assessment of population
health. However, even with this
unbalanced health assessment, only one
stream ranked as having high health,
Comanche Creek. A major restoration of
Comanche Creek began in 2007, and
while we fully expect it to be restocked
with nonintrogressed Rio Grande
cutthroat trout in the future, it has no
Rio Grande cutthroat trout currently.
It has been argued that small, isolated
populations have persisted for decades
(Patten and Sloane 2007, p. 3). However,
Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations
have only been monitored and
intensively managed during the last 50
years or less, and habitat conditions and
stressors are very different from historic
conditions. Consequently, long-term
persistence cannot be appropriately
assessed. In addition, as Hilderbrand
and Kershner state (2000, p. 517),
although some isolated populations may
have persisted for centuries, these
populations are probably exceptions. To
assume all isolated populations will
behave similarly may lead to
insufficient protection (Hilderbrand and
Kershner 2000, p. 517).
Based on the arguments presented
above, we determined that stream
length, population size, and absence of
nonnative trout are the most important
criteria by which to evaluate long-term
population persistence. We have
evaluated the status of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout conservation populations
primarily on stream length (9.6 km (6
mi) or greater), population size (more
than 2,500 fish), and presence or
absence of nonnative fish (Tables 1 and
2). All streams with a length of over 9.6
km (6 mi) were initially evaluated.
Stream miles in Tables 1 and 2 include
all miles in the conservation population
when more than one stream is
connected. Habitat condition and
presence of a barrier are also presented
in Tables 1 and 2 because these factors
are also considered important in
evaluating the status of the populations.
Eight streams (4 in Colorado, 3 in New
Mexico, one shared) currently have over
2,500 fish, are 9.6 km (6 mi) or longer,
and have no nonnative fish present
(Table 1). In addition, the main stem of
these streams is greater than 1.5 m (5 ft)
(although tributaries to the main stem
may be less than this width) and all
have abundances of 151 fish per mile or
greater. Five of the streams, Cross,
Medano, San Francisco, Canones, and El
Rito creeks, were identified as secure in
2002. Although these eight streams meet
the criteria, some have characteristics
that are less than optimal (Table 1). For
instance, habitat quality in Cross and
Canones creeks is judged as ‘‘Fair.’’ In
Canones Creek, the percentage of pools
(9 percent) is low and it was found to
be at risk by Santa Fe National Forest
temperature standards (Ferrell 2006)
(discussed in more detail in the
‘‘Climate Change’’ section below).
Length in km
Habitat condition
Water diversion.
Partial/Water diversion.
23.5 (14.6)
16.7 (10.4)
33.6 (20.9)
12.9 (8.0)
21.1 (13.1)
11.4 (7.1)
Excellent .....................
Good ...........................
Excellent .....................
Fair .............................
Excellent .....................
Good ...........................
USFS, Private ............
Private ........................
NPS, USFS ................
BLM, USFS, Private ...
Private ........................
USFS ..........................
El Rito Creek ...............
Canones Creek ............
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
San Francisco Creek ...
Torcido Creek ..............
Medano Creek .............
Cross Creek .................
Costilla Creek ..............
Alamitos Creek ............
10.3 (6.4)
9.7 (6.0)
Good ...........................
Fair .............................
USFS ..........................
USFS ..........................
Table 2 shows all the other Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations in stream lengths greater
than 9.6 km (6 mi). Six of the
populations have more than 2,500 Rio
Grande cutthroat trout, but all of these
have nonnative brook trout present as
well. In addition, 4 of these have habitat
quality judged as fair and one is in a
stream with a width less than 1.5 m (5
ft) wide, which puts it at risk for drying
(as discussed below). Abundance (fish
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per mile) is provided in Table 2 because
some of these have less than 150 fish
per mile, and, as mentioned above, for
populations with 0–50 or 50–150 fish
per mile, a longer stream length would
be needed to ensure long-term
persistence. It should also be noted that
Sangre de Cristo Creek has tested
positive for whirling disease. For all of
these reasons, although the Rio Grande
cutthroat conservation populations
presented in Table 2 occur in stream
PO 00000
Frm 00007
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
lengths greater than 9.6 km (6 mi), all
appear at risk for one or more reasons.
Two additional streams (Osier and
Cascade) have strong populations 3,239
and 2,372, respectively, with no
nonnative trout present. However,
stream length for Osier Creek is only 5.9
km (3.7 mi) and for Cascade it is 4.7 km
(2.9 mi). While these populations do
currently contribute to the status of the
subspecies range-wide, they are
considered too short to ensure long-term
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
persistence as their shorter length makes
them more vulnerable to extirpation
from ash flow or other localized
(fish per
Jacks Creek .................
Cabresto Creek ...........
Sangre de Cristo Creek
South Carnero Creek ..
> 400 ........
> 400 ........
151 to 400
151 to 400
18.5 (11.5)
13.7 (8.5)
36.2 (22.5)
22.9 (14.2)
West Indian Creek .......
Trinchera Creek ...........
Polvadera Creek ..........
Jacks Creek .................
Jim Creek ....................
Ute Creek ....................
Rio de Truchas ............
Little Vermejo Creek ....
Vallejos Creek .............
Cave Creek .................
3,345 ........
2,941 ........
2,045 ........
1,504 ........
1,283 ........
1,260 ........
692 ...........
680 ...........
678 ...........
411 ...........
151 to 400
151 to 400
151 to 400
151 to 400
151 to 400
50 to 150 ..
50 to 150 ..
50 to 150 ..
50 to 150 ..
50 to 150 ..
17.1 (10.6)
14.5 (9.0)
12.1 (7.5)
11.3 (7.0)
10.0 (6.2)
13.8 (8.6)
10.5 (6.5)
11.9 (7.4)
11.7 (7.3)
10.1 (6.3)
East Pass Creek .........
Middle Carnero Creek
Ricardo Creek .............
Torsido Creek ..............
Wagon Creek ..............
McCrystal Creek ..........
South Ponil Creek .......
Rio de Oso ..................
Capulin Creek ..............
North Fork Carnero
Cat Creek ....................
369 ...........
344 ...........
271 ...........
250 ...........
246 ...........
236 ...........
202 ...........
194 ...........
186 ...........
97 .............
50 to 150 ..
< 50 ..........
50 to 150 ..
50 to 150 ..
151 to 500
< 50 ..........
< 50 ..........
< 50 ..........
< 50 ..........
< 50 ..........
Unknown ..
Unknown ..
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Stream name
Habitat fragmentation is a threat that
can be partially alleviated by
management activities. Three major
watershed-scale projects have been
initiated on both private and USFS
lands and are in various phases of
implementation. A joint project between
Vermejo Park Ranch and the states of
Colorado and New Mexico to restore the
Costilla Creek watershed began in 2002
(Patten et al. 2007, pp 95–102). The
restoration removed brook trout, brown
trout, and introgressed cutthroat trout
and reintroduced Rio Grande cutthroat
trout into Costilla Creek, 2 tributaries,
and 3 small lakes, totaling 22 km (13.6
miles) of stream and 9.5 ha (23.5 ac) of
lake (project is discussed further in the
‘‘Fisheries Management’’ section below).
As part of the larger Costilla Project, 34
km (21.1 mi) of Comanche Creek and
selected tributaries were chemically
treated with piscicides (chemicals that
kill fish) in 2007. Most likely a second
treatment will be required and will be
completed in 2008 before Rio Grande
cutthroat trout are stocked back into the
watershed. A draft Candidate
Conservation Agreement with
Assurances with private landowners has
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 214001
Length in km
11.1 (6.9)
11.3 (7.0)
14.5 (9.0)
10.3 (6.4)
20.9 (13.0)
15.1 (9.4)
15.3 (9.5)
12.4 (7.7)
11.9 (7.4)
13.0 (8.1)
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
None .........
None .........
BRK ..........
None .........
None .........
BRK ..........
BRN ..........
None .........
WS ............
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
BRK ..........
None .........
None .........
None .........
None .........
WS ............
15.1 (9.4)
None .........
Frm 00008
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
< 5 ............
5 to 10 ......
5 to 10 ......
10 to 15 ....
Excellent ..
Excellent ..
Poor .........
Good ........
Poor .........
Good ........
Fair ...........
Excellent ..
Good ........
Fair ...........
5 to 10 ......
10 to 15 ....
< 5 ............
5 to 10 ......
5 to 10 ......
5 to 10 ......
5 to 10 ......
5 to 10 ......
10 to 15 ....
5 to 10 ......
Manmade dam.
Fair ...........
Fair ...........
Good ........
Poor .........
Good ........
Good ........
Good ........
Fair ...........
Excellent ..
Fair ...........
5 ............
5 ............
to 10 ......
5 ............
to 10 ......
to 10 ......
to 10 ......
5 ............
to 10 ......
5 ............
Manmade dam.
Manmade dam.
Fair ...........
< 5 ............
been drafted so that the Costilla Creek
project can be extended downstream.
Successful implementation of this
project would lead to the restoration of
approximately 241 km (150 mi) and 25
lakes (Patten and Sloane 2007, p. 7). The
Placer watershed in Colorado also
underwent chemical treatment in 2007.
This watershed has the potential for
approximately 80.5 km (50 mi) of
connected stream. If successful, the
Costilla and Placer watersheds would
represent substantial gains in the goal of
creating connected stream systems for
Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
While watershed restoration can
reconnect streams and is the best
method for addressing fragmentation,
major restoration projects face many
challenges including: negative public
sentiment towards using piscicides in
streams which slows or stops projects
(Patten et al. 2007, p. 102), incomplete
treatment which leaves nonnatives
present, sabatoge of the treatment area
(unauthorized introduction of nonnative
trout) (Japhet et al. 2007, p. 17),
subsequent barrier failure which allows
nonnatives to reinvade a system (Japhet
et al. 2007, p. 15), and inadvertent
PO 00000
Width in
mistakes. While many stream segments
have been restored and the Costilla and
Placer watershed projects are in
progress, no major watershed
restorations have been completed.
The Service has evaluated the data
presented by Alves et al. (2007) and
supplemental information requested
related to the database. Based on our
knowledge of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations that we previously
classified as secure in 2002, and all of
the information available to us we
(1) The majority of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations (93 percent)
are in isolated fragments less than 8 km
(5 mi) long (71 percent);
(2) Populations are concentrated in
high elevation (2,438 to 3,048 m (8,000
to 10,000 ft)) headwater streams that
provide marginal habitat, especially in
regards to the number and depth of
pools critical for trout survival in times
of environmental extremes;
(3) The drought in the early 2000s had
resulted in adverse effects on several
populations (discussed in more detail in
the ‘‘Climate Change’’ section below);
(4) Eight of 13 populations we had
identified as secure in 2002 would no
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
longer meet the criteria we used at that
time (67 FR 39937); and
(5) Only eight populations currently
meet our revised criteria for long-term
Although additional populations may
have greater than 2,500 fish or are in
streams longer than 9.6 km (6 mi), there
are additional significant threats to
those populations that put their longterm persistence in question. For these
reasons, we find that Rio Grande
cutthroat trout is threatened by
fragmentation, isolation, and loss of
habitat throughout its range. While
watershed restoration may alleviate this
threat in the future, insufficient progress
has been made to alleviate the threat of
fragmentation range-wide at this time.
Habitat Condition
Many Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations currently
occupy lands administered by Federal
agencies. Of the total 1,110 km (690 mi)
of occupied habitat, 698 km (434 mi) (63
percent) are under Federal jurisdiction,
with the majority (59 percent) occurring
within National Forests (Alves et al.
2007). Rio Grande cutthroat trout
occupy 6.1 km (3.8 mi) of land
administered by the BLM, 30.5 km (19
mi) managed by the National Park
Service, and 397 km (247 mi) that are
owned privately.
Land uses associated with each
conservation population were identified
in Alves et al. (2007, p. 49, Table 33),
but the impact of the activities was not
evaluated in relation to individual
populations or the conservation of the
subspecies. Non-angling recreation (e.g.,
camping, hiking, ATV use, etc.) occurs
in 90 percent of the conservation
populations, and angling occurs in 84
percent of the conservation populations.
Livestock grazing occurs within the
zone of influence (area around the
stream in which activities influence
stream habitat) of 87 percent of the
conservation populations, roads in 58
percent, timber harvest in 19 percent,
dewatering in 17 percent, and mining in
3 percent. Only 3 populations (3
percent) were judged as having no land
use activities within a zone that would
influence the stream habitat. Many
populations have more than one land
use occurring in the area.
An evaluation of habitat quality was
conducted for currently occupied
habitat (Alves et al. 2007, p. 20). The
evaluation considered both natural
habitat features and human
disturbances, including land use
practices. A stream ranked excellent if
it had ample pool habitat, low sediment
levels, optimal temperatures, and
quality riparian habitat. Good habitat
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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quality had some attributes that are less
than ideal, and fair habitat has a greater
number of attributes that are less than
ideal. Poor habitat quality is found
where most habitat attributes reflect
inferior conditions. Approximately 224
km (139 mi) (20.2 percent of occupied
habitat) received an excellent habitat
rating. Good habitat conditions were
found in 426 km (265 mi) of habitat
(38.4 percent of occupied habitat), and
fair habitat conditions were found in
335 km (208 mi) of habitat (30.1 percent
of occupied habitat). Poor conditions
were found in 35 km (22 mi) (3.2
percent of occupied habitat), and habitat
conditions in 90 km (56 mi) (8.1
percent) were unknown (Alves 2007, p.
2). The majority of occupied habitat
(58.6 percent) is considered in good or
excellent condition (Alves et al. 2007, p.
The Service also reviewed 19 detailed
stream survey reports which were
conducted by the Santa Fe and Carson
national forests in the period 2001–
2006. Although these surveys represent
only about one quarter of the
conservation populations in New
Mexico (19 of 84 populations), both
large (i.e., Pecos River, Rio de las Vacas,
Comanche Creek) and small (i.e., Yerba,
Manzanita creeks) streams are
represented. Therefore, these surveys
provide additional insight into the
habitat condition on USFS lands. Of the
19 streams surveyed, the most
consistent problem is lack of pool
habitat. Of the 19 streams, 18 had less
than the 30 percent pool habitat (range
1–21 percent) needed to be considered
properly functioning trout streams. For
eight of these streams, a target value of
30 percent pool habitat was not
considered appropriate because they
were 1st or 2nd order streams (i.e.,
headwater streams) which often have
few pools naturally because they occur
on high gradient slopes. But for four of
these eight streams, the pool habitat
ranged from 1–3 percent and the reports
noted that even for headwater streams
this was an insufficient number of
In most streams (16 of 19) the average
residual pool volume, which represents
initial pool depth if the stream were to
dry, met the USFS standard of 0.3 m (1
ft) or greater. However, the deepest
average residual pool volume was only
0.67 m (2.2 ft) and the mean depth of
pools for all 19 streams was 0.39 m (1.3
ft), indicating that the majority of pools
are relatively shallow.
Pools are recognized as important
overwintering habitat and also are
holding areas for trout when streams
dry. Not only are the number of pools
consistently fewer than desirable, but
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they are also relatively shallow, and
thus provide limited refugial habitat in
times of stream freezing or drying. Lack
of deep pools could affect year-class
survival. As noted by Cowley (2007
DOI: 10.1002/acq.845) loss of a year
class of fish would suggest that longer
stream length is needed to provide
adequate habitat for long-term
population persistence. However, as
mentioned above, the sample size (19
streams) is relatively small and it is not
known if the results accurately
represent Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams range-wide.
Livestock grazing occurs in the
vicinity of 87 percent of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations (Alves 2007,
p. 49). We recognize that improper
grazing does cause adverse impacts (e.g.,
loss of cover, increased sedimentation,
loss of riparian vegetation) to some
individual populations of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout, especially during
drought conditions when the cattle tend
to concentrate in riparian areas. While
a few of the USFS stream surveys noted
that impacts by cattle (or elk) were
causing localized problems, grazing was
not cited as causing damage throughout
the length of any stream. Specific
information on grazing impacts to Rio
Grande cutthroat trout habitat on a
range-wide basis is not available. We
have no information that leads us to
conclude that improper grazing is a
significant threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout range-wide.
Timber harvest and associated road
building has also led to the deterioration
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout habitat.
However, timber harvest in the National
Forests has declined appreciably in the
last 20 years. As an example, on the two
forests in New Mexico that have
conservation populations, the Santa Fe
National Forest and Carson National
Forest, there has been a total of 3.2 ha
(8 ac) clear cut since 1995 (Fink 2008
pp. 2, 3). The average amount of timber
cut per year from 1984 to 1994 in these
forests was 27.6 and 19 million board
feet (MBF), respectively. From 1995 to
2005, the average amount cut per year
was 3.5 and 0.09 MBF, respectively
(Fink 2008, pp. 2, 3). While the effects
of past logging practices may still be
evident on the landscape in some
locations, we conclude that timber
harvest is not currently a threat to Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations.
Roads and off-road vehicles can have
negative impacts on stream habitat
primarily through increased
sedimentation which degrades
spawning habitat. Non-angling
recreation (which includes hiking and
camping as well as off-road vehicle use)
is present near 90 percent of the
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conservation populations. On November
9, 2005, the USFS published revised
rules regarding travel management on
their lands (70 FR 68264). One of the
primary purposes of the rule is to
protect natural resources. The final rule
requires the designation of roads, trails,
and areas that are open to motor vehicle
use by class of vehicle and, if
appropriate, time of year. Use of motor
vehicles off designated routes will be
prohibited (70 FR 68264). The Service
has begun consultation on the Travel
Management Plans proposed by
National Forests in USFS Region 3
(Arizona and New Mexico) and
protecting aquatic resources is an
important component of these plans.
While roads have been identified as an
area of concern for some streams (e.g.,
Tio Grande, Rio Grande del Rancho,
Martinez 2001, 2002), we conclude that
roads are not a threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations range-wide.
Management agencies are actively
working towards improving habitat
conditions for Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. In addition to the travel
management rule on USFS lands,
several projects have been completed
recently to address habitat degradation
caused by roads. For example, grant
money was obtained and used to
inventory and identify 97 road
improvement projects to reduce
sediment input into Comanche Creek
(Martinez 2006, p. 5). Six culverts were
installed or realigned and ten sediment
traps and energy dissipaters were
installed below culvert spillways.
Culverts that drained directly into
Comanche Creek were removed.
Abandoned logging roads were
stabilized and unneeded roads were recontoured to natural slope and revegetated (USFS 2006, pp.18–19). In
2006, on the Santa Fe National Forest,
over 1,829 m (6,000 ft) of buck and pole
fence was constructed to improve traffic
control and enforce an off-road vehicle
closure around Rio Cebolla.
Approximately 17.7 km (11 mi) of
stream and riparian habitat was
protected by this project (USFS 2006,
p. 12). On the Rio Grande National
Forest, road-stream crossing inventories
and assessments were conducted for all
streams with conservation populations
to determine if the culverts were
barriers to fish (USFS 2006, p. 4). Most
of the 120 conservation populations (90
percent) have one or more restoration,
conservation, or management activities
either completed or currently being
implemented (Alves et al. 2007, p. 60).
Range-wide habitat quality is still
difficult to accurately assess. Although
an insufficient amount of pool habitat
exists on the majority of streams
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sampled by the USFS in New Mexico,
we cannot draw the same conclusion
range-wide at this time because of lack
of data. Alves et al. (2007 database) did
not identify a lack of pools as a
systematic problem. While land
management practices have clearly
improved and have less direct impact
on Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams,
some streams are still recovering from
past land management practices.
Therefore we conclude that there is
insufficient information to indicate that
habitat quality currently is a significant
threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout
Nonnative Species
The introduction of nonnative trout is
widely recognized as one of the leading
causes of range reduction in cutthroat
trout subspecies (Griffith 1988, pp. 134,
137; Lassuy 1995, p. 394; Henderson et
al. 2000, pp. 584, 585; Dunham et al.
2002, p. 374; Peterson et al. 2004,
p. 769). Dunham et al. (2004) provide an
overview of the impact of nonnatives on
headwater systems in North America.
Since the late 1800s, fishery managers
introduced nonnative salmonids (trout
and salmon species) into lake and
stream habitats of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Nonnative rainbow, brook, brown
trout and Yellowstone cutthroat trout
have been introduced extensively
throughout the range of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout, and they compete (brook
and brown trout) and hybridize
(rainbow and other cutthroat
subspecies) with Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Forty-six of 120 conservation
populations (38 percent) have nonnative
trout present (2007 database). When Rio
Grande cutthroat trout occur in the same
stream as nonnative trout, Rio Grande
cutthroat trout typically occupy the
colder, headwater reaches and the
nonnative trout occupy areas
downstream (Griffith 1988, p. 135;
Dunham et al. 1999, p. 885).
Competition from nonnative trout,
especially brook trout, is recognized as
a threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout
(Behnke 2002, p. 147; Peterson et al.
2004, pp. 768, 769). When brook trout
invade streams occupied by cutthroat
trout, the native cutthroat trout decline
or are displaced (Griffith 1988, p. 136;
Harig et al. 2000, pp. 994, 998, 999;
Dunham et al. 2002, p. 378; Peterson et
al. 2004, p. 769; Young and GuentherGloss 2004, p. 193; Fausch et al. 2006,
p. 6). Brook trout are the most common
nonnative trout sympatric (co-occurring)
with Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations in Colorado (2007
database). Brook trout reduce
recruitment of cutthroat trout and
reduce inter-annual survival of
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juveniles, leading to a reduction in
population size (Peterson et al. 2004, p.
769). Experiments where brook trout
were removed from cutthroat trout
populations showed an increase in the
survival of juvenile cutthroat trout
(Peterson et al. 2004, p. 767). Paroz
(2005, p. 22) found that mean density
and relative weight of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout were lower in
populations sympatric with brook trout.
Several Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations have been
identified as at risk and declining
because of brook trout (Alves et al. 2002,
pp. 1–4).
In New Mexico, brown trout is the
most common nonnative trout present
in Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations (summarized
from 2007 database). Not only are brown
trout piscivores (feed on other fish), but
they have also been shown to compete
with Rio Grande cutthroat trout for
resources such as food and space.
Research has shown that Rio Grande
cutthroat trout confined with brown
trout grew significantly less, while the
brown trout grew significantly more,
than control fish (Shemai et al. 2007,
pp. 315, 320, 321). A similar result was
seen in experiments conducted with
Bonneville cutthroat trout and brown
trout (McHugh and Budy 2005, p. 2788).
These results indicate that brown trout
represent a threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout from competition as well
as predation (Paroz 2005, p. 34).
The primary threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout from rainbow trout and
other cutthroat trout subspecies is
through hybridization and introgression
(Rhymer and Simberloff 1996, pp. 83,
97). The genetic distinctiveness of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout can be lost
through hybridization (Allendorf et al.
2004, p. 1205). Of the 120 conservation
populations, 95 (79 percent) range-wide
have been tested and are less than 1
percent introgressed (Alves et al. 2007,
p. 31). These nonintrogressed
populations occupy 870 km (541 mi), or
78 percent, of the 1110 km (690 mi)
occupied by conservation populations
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 31). Another 161
km (100 mi) are occupied by
populations that are 90–99 percent
genetically pure, and 104 km (65 mi) are
occupied by populations that have not
been tested but are connected to
nonintrogressed populations and have
no record of stocking (Alves et al. 2007,
p. 34).
To minimize the contact of nonnative
trout with Rio Grande cutthroat trout,
barriers have been constructed where
natural barriers didn’t already exist in
order to prevent nonnatives from
invading. Alves et al. (2007, pp. 35, 36)
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
rated the genetic risk to the 120
conservation populations. A
combination of barrier condition or
presence and distance to hybridizing
species, determined if a population was
at moderate or low risk (Alves et al.
2007, p. 80). Populations protected by a
complete barrier fell into the no risk
category. They determined that 80 had
no risk of genetic mixing with nonnative
trout, 32 were at moderate risk, and 4
were at low risk. As mentioned earlier,
four populations that Alves et al. (2007,
pp. 35, 36) consider conservation
populations are sympatric with a
hybridizing species, and, therefore, we
consider them at high risk.
Since 2002, NMDGF and CDOW
visited approximately 40 and 50 Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations, respectively, to assess
barrier presence and condition. Seven
new barriers have been installed since
2002, and maintenance was done on at
least eight (Japhet et al. 2007, pp. 24, 25;
Patten et al. 2007, pp. 6, 11, 12, 16, 17,
53). Both agencies have also
mechanically and chemically removed
nonnative trout from Rio Grande
cutthroat trout streams. NMDGF
removed nonnatives from 11 streams,
and CDOW removed them from two
(Patten and Sloane 2007, p. 5; Japhet et
al. 2007, p. 26).
Since 2002, CDOW and NMDGF have
also proactively pursued genetic testing
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations using the best technologies
available. In many instances, the results
confirmed previous assessments of
genetic purity, while in other cases
populations were either upgraded or
downgraded (Japhet et al. 2007, pp. 46–
47; Patten et al. 2007, pp. 43–45).
Diagnostic markers for Yellowstone
cutthroat trout were also identified,
which has led to more refined testing
and more confidence in the
categorization of the populations. The
most recent results were used in the
2007 database. Results of the testing can
be found in peer-reviewed literature
(e.g., Pritchard et al. 2007a, Pritchard et
al. 2007b) and in reports to the States
(e.g., Pritchard and Cowley 2005).
Approximately 38 percent of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations co-occur with nonnative
trout (2007 database). Competition,
predation, and hybridization with
nonnative trout are considered an
important source of stress that can
depress Rio Grande cutthroat trout
population numbers or, under the right
circumstances, displace them (Fausch et
al. 2006, pp. 9, 10). Although resource
agencies remove nonnative trout
through electrofishing when they cooccur with cutthroat trout subspecies,
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seldom if ever is complete removal
possible (Patten et al. 2007, p. 104).
Peterson et al. (2004, p. 769) show that
over 90 percent of the brook trout
population must be removed each year
for 3 consecutive years to allow a large
cohort of Colorado River cutthroat trout
to survive from age 0 to age 2. This level
of effort has not been documented for
stream segments occupied by Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations (e.g.,
Japhet et al. 2007, p. 26).
The Service concludes that nonnative
fish are a threat to Rio Grande cutthroat
trout range-wide based on the following
(1) Approximately 38 percent of the
conservation populations have
nonnative trout present;
(2) Nonnative fish are a documented
threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout
(3) Mechanical removal cannot
remove all of the nonnative fish;
(4) The level of effort required to
reduce brook trout populations to levels
sufficient for survival of young Rio
Grande cutthroat trout is not currently
being conducted; and,
(5) The number of streams that need
regular treatment exceeds the capability
of resource managers at their current
staffing levels.
The relatively short-term drought of
the early 2000s negatively impacted or
extirpated 14 Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations in Colorado and New
Mexico (Japhet et al. 2007, pp. 42–44;
Patten et al. 2007, pp. 14–40). A
fifteenth population is thought to have
been extirpated in 2006 by complete
freezing caused by low flow in the
winter (Ferrell 2006, p. 11). The number
of streams impacted may have been
greater, because managers only survey a
fraction of the 120 conservation
populations in any given year.
We assume that small streams (1.5 m
(5 ft) wide or less) are more susceptible
to drying, increased water temperatures,
and freezing than larger ones and that
stream width is an indicator of risk.
Decreased stream flow reduces the
amount of habitat available for aquatic
species, and water quality (e.g.,
temperature, dissolved oxygen) may
become unacceptable in declining flow.
Approximately 27 conservation
populations are in streams that are 1.5
m (5 ft) or less in width throughout their
entire length (2007 database). An
additional 29 stream segments that are
tributaries to the conservation
populations are also less than 1.5 m (5
feet) in width (2007 database). Although
not all small streams have equal risk,
small headwater streams, especially
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those with an inadequate number of
deep pools, are most likely to lose
suitable habitat. Even if streams do not
dry (or freeze) completely, stream length
can be truncated during drought and
many fish can perish, greatly reducing
the population number (bottleneck) and
reducing genetic diversity (Frankham et
al. 2002, p. 183).
Because of the documented
extirpation and population reductions
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout caused by
drought, the possibility of more
widespread drought accompanying
climate change, and the lack of a rangewide plan to address drought, we
conclude that drought is a threat to Rio
Grande cutthroat trout throughout its
range (discussed in ‘‘Climate Change’’
section below).
Wildfires are a natural disturbance in
forested watersheds. However, since the
mid-1980s, wildfire frequency in
western forests has nearly quadrupled
compared to the average frequency
during the period 1970–1986. The total
area burned is more than six and a half
times the previous level (Westerling et
al. 2006, p. 941). In addition, the
average length of the fire season during
1987–2003 was 78 days longer
compared to that during 1970–1986 and
the average time between fire discovery
and control was 29.6 days longer
(Westerling et al. 2006, p. 941).
Westerling et al. (2006, p. 942) found
that wildfire sensitivity was related to
snowmelt timing with 56 percent of
fires and 72 percent of burned area
occurring in early snowmelt years. Early
spring snowmelt is strongly associated
with spring temperature (Stewart et al.
2004, p. 218; Westerling et al. 2006, p.
942). Westerling et al. (2006, p. 942)
conclude that there are robust statistical
associations between wildfire and
climate in western forests and that
increased fire activity over recent
decades reflects responses to climate
change (discussed further in the
‘‘Climate Change’’ section below).
In the Southwest, the fire season is
followed by the monsoon season (July to
August). Consequently, denuded
watersheds are susceptible to heavy
precipitation leading to severe floods
and ash flows. Although fish may
survive the fire, ash and debris flows
that occur after a fire can eliminate
populations of fish from a stream (Rinne
1996, p. 654; Brown et al. 2001, p. 142;
USFS 2006, p. 32; Patten et al. 2007, p.
33), and the fire suppression activities
(e.g., fire retardant, water removal, road
construction) may also impact stream
ecosystems (Buhl and Hamilton 2000,
pp. 410–416; Backer et al. 2004, pp. 942,
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943). Wildfires within the range of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout have impacted or
eliminated fish populations (Japhet et
al. 2007, p. 20; Ferrell 2006, p. 32;
Patten et al. 2007, pp. 33, 36), and the
effects of large fires are recognized as a
threat to greenback cutthroat
(Oncorhynchus clarki stomias)
populations in Colorado (Young and
Guenther-Gloss 2004, p. 194). Imperiled
fish populations can be rescued if ash
flows are imminent, but a rescue and
evacuation plan should be in place (e.g.,
Brooks 2004, pp. 1–15).
Dunham et al. (2007, p. 342) found
significantly elevated stream
temperatures for at least a decade after
a stand-replacing wildfire because of the
lack of stream shading. In addition, the
authors suggest that longer term (over 20
years) increases in stream temperatures
are likely in systems where debris flows
or severe floods completely eliminate
streamside vegetation and reorganize
the channel. Rainbow trout were found
to be resilient and recolonized the
burned streams within 1 year of
extirpation in spite of elevated water
temperatures (Dunham et al. 2007, p.
343). Dunham et al. (2003a, pp. 188,
189) suggest that fire poses a greater
threat to fish populations when habitat
is fragmented. Moyle and Light (1996, p.
157) argue that habitat degradation
favors nonnative fishes and that species
with narrow habitat requirements are
expected to be more sensitive to habitat
alteration caused by fire than generalist
species such as rainbow trout (Dunham
et al. 2003a, p. 189).
Fire risk can be reduced through fuels
reduction and prescribed burns. The
National Forests in New Mexico have
active programs to improve forest
health. As an example, 28,314 ha
(69,965 ac) have undergone fuelreduction treatment, thereby improving
watershed conditions associated with
100 km (62 miles) of stream, and an
additional 58,912 ha (145,575 ac) are
planned for treatment to improve
conditions associated with an additional
128 km (79.5 mi) of stream (Ferrel 2002,
p. 12). Such techniques have been found
to reduce fire severity even under
extreme weather conditions in lowelevation ponderosa pine forests
(Schoennagel et al. 2004, p. 669).
However, for mid-elevation, mixedseverity fire regimes, fuel-reduction
treatments had virtually no effect on the
2002 Hayman Fire (Colorado), and
extreme climate can override the
influence of stand structure and fuels on
fire behavior (Schoennagel et al. 2004,
pp. 672, 673). Climate variation, not fuel
levels, is seen as the dominant influence
on fire frequency and severity in
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subalpine forests (Schoennagel et al.
2004, p. 666).
Wildfires that eliminate nonnative
fish provide the opportunity to reclaim
streams for Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
The 1996 Dome Fire in the Jemez
Mountains (Santa Fe National Forest)
extirpated the fish residing in Capulin
Canyon. In 2006, after 10 years of
habitat recovery, 100 Rio Grande
cutthroat trout from Canones Creek were
stocked into Rio Capulin adding 11.2
km (7.0 mi) of occupied habitat in New
Mexico (Patten et al. 2007, p. 94). In
addition, ash flows after the 2004
Peppin Fire in the Capitan Wilderness
(Lincoln National Forest) apparently
eliminated all fish from Pine Lodge
Creek and Copeland Creek (Patten et al.
2007, pp. 255–258), and there are plans
to restore Rio Grande cutthroat trout
into these streams. Restoration of Pine
Lodge Creek would add approximately
4 km (2.5 mi) of habitat in the Pecos
Headwaters GMU (Patten et al. 2007, p.
Although we recognize that Rio
Grande cutthroat trout evolved in a
landscape that included fire, wildfire
intensities and size are likely changing
because of increased fuel loads and
possibly climate change (see ‘‘Climate
Change’’ section below). Wildfire today
is much more of a threat than it was
historically to Rio Grande cutthroat
trout because of existing habitat loss,
fragmentation, and climate change.
These multiple stressors may
overwhelm the subspecies’ resilience to
disturbance such as fire (Rieman et al.
2005, pp. 2, 3). Although fire may also
provide opportunity for repatriation of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout by
eliminating nonnative fish, total
elimination of nonnative fish from fireaffected streams is not guaranteed, and
it may take many years for the habitat
to become suitable. For these reasons,
we conclude that wildfire is a
significant threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout throughout its range.
Summary of Factor A
In summary, Rio Grande cutthroat
trout populations have been and
continue to be impacted by habitat
fragmentation and isolation, nonnative
species interactions, drought, and fire.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations occupy a fraction of their
historical habitat, they are confined
primarily to small high-elevation
streams with marginal habitat, they are
highly fragmented, and the stream
segments they occupy are short in
length. All of these factors work to
reduce gene flow between populations
and reduce the ability of populations to
recover from catastrophic events thus
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threatening their long-term persistence.
Detailed habitat surveys, although not
available range-wide, are uniformly
consistent in documenting a lack of
pools in streams occupied by Rio
Grande cutthroat trout. Deep pools are
considered a critically important
element of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
habitat. As discussed above, in order to
ensure some level of population
stability and contribute to the long-term
persistence of the subspecies,
populations should consist of more than
2,500 fish, occupy 9.6 km (6 mi) of
stream or more, and have no nonnative
trout present. Currently, only eight Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations meet
these criteria. Nonnative trout co-occur
with 38 percent of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout conservation populations. Because
of the documented negative impacts of
nonnative trout on cutthroat trout
discussed above, nonnatives are an
ongoing threat to the security of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout. Additionally,
although drought and fire have
impacted a limited number of
populations since the last status review,
negative impacts from these two factors
may increase in response to climate
change (as discussed in the ‘‘Climate
Change’’ section below). Based on the
best scientific and commercial
information available to us, we
conclude that the present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range is a
threat to the continued existence of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout.
B. Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific, or Educational
No commercial harvest occurs for Rio
Grande cutthroat trout. Recreational
angling occurs on approximately 84
percent of the populations (Alves et al.
2007, p. 49). Fishing regulations in New
Mexico and Colorado appropriately
manage recreational angling. For
example, many of the streams with Rio
Grande cutthroat trout are ‘‘catch and
release.’’ Those that are not have a 2
(New Mexico) or 4 (Colorado) fish limit.
Many of the streams with pure
populations of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout are remote and angling pressure is
light. For these reasons, angling is not
considered a threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout.
Scientific collection of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout for scientific or
educational purposes is controlled by a
strict permitting process that prevents
excessive sampling. In addition,
advancements in molecular technology
have resulted in the need for only a
small clipping from a fin to provide
sufficient material to perform molecular
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
analysis of genetic purity. To test for
whirling disease (see ‘‘Disease’’ section
below for further discussion), usually 60
fish are collected and sacrificed.
However, to minimize the collection of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout during
whirling disease testing, nonnative trout
are collected preferentially over Rio
Grande cutthroat trout, or sample sites
are selected below a barrier that protects
a population of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout from nonnative trout. In some
situations fewer than 60 Rio Grande
cutthroat trout will be collected and
sacrificed for testing. For these reasons,
overutilization for scientific purposes is
not considered a threat to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout.
Summary of Factor B
Because no commercial harvest
occurs for Rio Grande cutthroat trout,
fishing regulations in New Mexico and
Colorado minimize the impact of
recreational angling, and scientific
collection of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
for scientific or educational purposes is
controlled by a strict permitting process
that prevents excessive sampling, we
conclude that the best scientific and
commercial information available to us
indicates that Rio Grande cutthroat trout
is not threatened by overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes.
C. Disease or Predation
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Whirling disease is of great concern to
fishery managers in western States.
Whirling disease is caused by the
nonnative myxosporean parasite,
Myxobolus cerebralis. This parasite was
introduced to the United States from
Europe in the 1950s and requires two
separate hosts, a salmonid fish and an
aquatic worm (Tubifex tubifex) to
complete its life cycle. Spores of the
parasite are released from infected fish
when they die. The spores are ingested
by T. tubifix where they undergo
transformation in the gut to produce
actinosporean triactionomyxons
(TAMs). Trout are infected either by
eating the worms (and TAMs) or
through contact with water in which
TAMs are present.
The myxosporean parasite became
widely distributed in Colorado in the
early 1990s through the stocking of
millions of catchable size trout from
infected hatcheries (Nehring 2007, p. 1).
Up to 2001, it was estimated that
whirling disease infection had
negatively impacted recruitment of wild
rainbow and brook trout fry (small
recently emerged fish) in 560–600 km
(350–400 mi) of stream in Colorado
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(Nehring 2007, p. 2). In 2006, the
number of sites that tested positive for
whirling disease was considerably
higher than in any of the previous field
seasons (Nehring 2007, p. 11). Whirling
disease is also present in several streams
in New Mexico (67 FR 39943, Patten
and Sloane 2007, p. 11). Laboratory
(DuBey et al. 2007, pp. 1411, 1412) and
field (Thompson 1999, pp. 323–325)
experiments have shown that Rio
Grande cutthroat trout is very
susceptible to whirling disease.
Among the four lineages (I, III, V, and
VI) of T. tubifix known to occur in
Colorado, New Mexico, and other states,
lineage III is the only one susceptible to
infection by M. cerebralis (DuBey and
Caldwell 2004, p. 183; Nehring 2007, p.
11). Because T. tubifix is typically found
in degraded habitat with higher levels of
sediment and warmer temperatures, it
had been hypothesized that Rio Grande
cutthroat trout were provided some
level of protection because they occur in
high-elevation cold-water streams (67
FR 39943). Extensive sampling of
tubificid worms in Colorado does not
support this hypothesis. Nehring (2007)
collected tubificid worm samples from
over 100 sites in Colorado, including
streams occupied by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. He stratified his results
by 305 m (1,000 ft) elevation groups
from 1829 m (6,000 ft) to 3657 m
(12,000 ft) (e.g. 1829–2134 m (6,000–
7000 ft), 2134–2438 m (7001–8,000 ft),
etc.). Lineage III worms had the greatest
abundance, outnumbering all of the
other lineages combined, at all
elevations. The number of sites with
lineage III worms was approximately the
same at all elevations from the 1829–
2134 m (6,000–7,000 ft) band up to the
3048–3353 m (10,000–11,000 ft) band
(Nehring 2007, p. 10) indicating that the
high-elevation cold-water streams do
not provide protection from lineage III
One hundred and five conservation
populations (88 percent) are judged to
have very limited risk from whirling
disease or other potential diseases
because the pathogens are not known to
exist in the watershed or a barrier blocks
upstream fish movement (Alves et al.
2007, p. 38). Six populations are at
minimal risk because they are greater
than 10 km (6.2 mi) from the pathogen
or they are protected by a barrier, but
the barrier may be at risk of failure
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 38). Eight
populations were identified as being at
moderate risk because whirling disease
had been identified within 10 km of
occupied habitat (Alves et al. 2007, p.
38). In 2006, it was discovered that
whirling disease had infected brook
trout and Rio Grande cutthroat trout in
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Placer Creek, Colorado, a conservation
population, and in 2007 it was
chemically treated to remove infected
fish and nonnative brook trout.
In 2002, the Pecos, Cebolla, San Juan,
Cimarron, Red, and Canones rivers in
New Mexico were listed as being
infected with whirling disease (67 FR
39943). By 2007, more than 80 streams
and lakes had been tested for the disease
(Patten and Sloane 2007, pp. 10–13).
North Bonito Creek, Brazos River, and
Los Pinos River were added to the list
of streams testing positive for whirling
disease. Canones and Jacks creeks,
which had tested positive in 2000,
tested negative in 2005, and 2003,
respectively (Patten and Sloane 2007,
pp. 10–13). Of the streams listed, Rio
Cebolla, Pecos River and Cimarron River
are occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat
trout upstream above barriers.
NMDGF policies and regulations
prohibit the stocking of any whirling
disease positive fish in the State of New
Mexico (Patten and Sloane 2007, p. 10).
All private facilities must maintain a
pathogen-free certification. The Seven
Springs Hatchery, which is used for Rio
Grande cutthroat trout broodstock, has
tested negative on all occasions since it
was refurbished (Patten and Sloane
2007, p. 10). In Colorado stocking of
whirling disease positive fish in
protected habitats, which include native
cutthroat trout waters, is prohibited
(Japhet et al. 2007, p. 12). Colorado and
New Mexico have web sites, brochures,
and information in their fishing
regulations regarding whirling disease
and what anglers can do to prevent its
spread. In addition, both States have
regulations regarding the stocking of
fish by private landowners that are
designed to eliminate the importation of
whirling disease positive fish. It states
clearly in the fishing regulations that it
is illegal to stock fish in public waters
without prior permission from a State
Whirling disease remains a concern
for Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations. One Rio Grande cutthroat
trout conservation population was
infected in Colorado, and restoration
efforts were immediately implemented
to address the issue. Although
widespread increases in M. cerebralis
have not been seen, additional infected
sites have been documented. Because of
the limited level of infection currently,
whirling disease is not seen as a
significant threat to populations rangewide. However, climate change and
warmer stream temperature may
facilitate the spread of whirling disease
in the future (discussed in the ‘‘Disease’’
section in Factor E below).
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Brown trout are piscivores and are the
most likely predator on Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Additionally, brown
trout have been found to have a
significant negative impact on the
condition of coexisting Rio Grande
cutthroat trout through harassment (e.g.,
chasing) (Shemai 2004, pp. 315–323;
McHugh and Budy 2005, p. 2788). It is
probable that larger brown trout prey on
young Rio Grande cutthroat trout and,
unchecked, brown trout can depress
population levels. Warmer water
temperatures in the future may give
brown trout a greater competitive
advantage over Rio Grande cutthroat
trout (discussed in the ‘‘Climate
Change’’ section below). However, we
have insufficient information at this
time to conclude that predation by
brown trout is currently a significant
threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
Summary of Factor C
One population of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout has been infected with
whirling disease since our 2002 status
review and eight conservation
populations are considered to be at
moderate risk of infection. Although
whirling disease is currently limited in
distribution and effect, it has the
potential to become a more widespread
problem due to warmer waters that
could result from climate change
(discussed in the ‘‘Climate Change’’
section below). We have insufficient
information to conclude that predation
is a significant threat at this time.
Therefore, we conclude that the best
scientific and commercial information
available to us indicates that, although
the status of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
has not yet been affected by disease, Rio
Grande cutthroat trout is likely to be
threatened by disease in the foreseeable
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
D. The Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms
The NMDGF and the CDOW have
authority and responsibility for the
management of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Rio Grande cutthroat trout is
designated as a species of special
concern by the State of Colorado and of
special management concern by the
State of New Mexcio. The agencies’
capabilities include the regulation of
fishing, law enforcement, research, and
conservation and educational activities
relating to Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
Policies regarding the stocking of
nonnative fish (no nonnatives are
stocked in Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations), minimization of exposure
to whirling disease and other diseases,
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and broodstock management are in
place in both States. In 2004, the
‘‘Conservation Plan for Rio Grande
Cutthroat trout in Colorado’’ was
approved by the Director of CDOW. The
goal of the plan is to assure the longterm persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout throughout its historic range by
preserving genetic integrity, reducing
population fragmentation, and
providing suitable habitat to support
self-sustaining populations (Japhet et al.
2007, p. ii). New Mexico (2002) has an
approved management plan currently
being implemented that will ‘‘facilitate
long range cooperative, interagency
conservation of Rio Grande cutthroat
Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations have been lost because of
stream drying (Japhet et al. 2007 pp. 42–
44), and other trout populations in the
Southwest have been extirpated as the
result of ash flows following fire (Brown
et al. 2001 p. 142). Imperiled fish
populations can be rescued from
streams (Brooks 2004, pp. 1–15; Japhet
et al. 2007, p. 20). In the face of
widespread drought or fire (discussed in
the ‘‘Climate Change’’ section below) it
is expected that many streams would be
affected at one time, as seen in the 2002
drought (Japhet et al. 2007, pp. 42–44;
Patten et al. 2007, pp. 14–40). An
emergency rescue and evacuation plan
is not in place for Rio Grande cutthroat
trout, nor do we anticipate that this
strategy would be effective in
eliminating the threat of stream drying
or post-fire ash flows in the face of
widespread drought.
In 2003, a range-wide conservation
agreement was signed by CDOW,
NMDGF, USFS, the Service, BLM, NPS,
and Jicarilla Apache Nation. The
purpose of the agreement is to facilitate
cooperation and coordination among
State, Federal, and tribal agencies in the
conservation of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. The Conservation Team has met
several times and the ‘‘Range-wide
Status of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis): 2007’’
is a product of the team’s cooperative
Regulatory Mechanisms Involving Land
Numerous State and Federal laws and
regulations help to minimize adverse
effects of land management activities on
Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Federal laws
that protect Rio Grande cutthroat trout
and their habitats include the Clean
Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.),
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), National
Forest Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1600
et seq.), Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16
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U.S.C. 1271 et seq.), Wilderness Act (16
U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), and the National
Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.). Approximately 59 percent
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout habitat
occurs on lands managed by Federal
agencies. The majority of those lands are
managed by the USFS. Rio Grande
cutthroat trout occur over a large
geographic area within the Rio Grande,
Santa Fe, and Carson National Forests in
Colorado and New Mexico. Rio Grande
cutthroat trout is designated as a
sensitive species on all USFS lands.
The Regional Forester’s Sensitive
Species List policy is applied to projects
implemented under the 1982 National
Forest Management Act Planning Rule.
However, in 2005, USFS implemented a
new planning rule (70 FR 1023, January
5, 2005), which directs land
management plans to be more strategic
and less prescriptive. Under the new
rule, land management plans identify
ecosystem-level desired conditions and
provide management objectives and
guidelines to move toward the desired
conditions. The land management plans
also will provide species-specific
direction for special status species when
the broader ecosystem-level desired
conditions do not provide for their
needs. However, the United States
District Court in Citizens for Better
Forestry et al. v. U.S. Department of
Agriculture (N.D. Calif.) enjoined the
Forest Service from implementation and
utilization of the National Forest land
management planning rule published on
January 5, 2005 (70 FR 1023). Currently,
the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of General Counsel is reviewing
this matter and will provide legal advice
to USFS on how to proceed with forest
planning. Therefore, efforts specific to
forest planning are postponed until
further direction is available (USFS
Threats to depletion of stream flow
can be reduced by the U.S. Forest
Service utilizing its authorities, if any,
to further secure additional instream
flows in Colorado. Rio Grande cutthroat
trout conservation populations are
protected by State instream flow water
rights or USFS Reserve water rights
along 620 km (385 mi) in 63 stream
segments (approximately 70 percent of
occupied habitat) within the Rio Grande
basin in Colorado. Most of the
remaining Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations that are not
associated with instream flow water
rights are found on private property
within the boundaries of the old
Spanish Land Grants where natural
resource stewardship is practiced.
Regulatory controls of water quality in
Colorado are implemented by the
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Colorado Water Quality Control
Division and Commission. Water quality
standards are in place to protect the
maintenance of aquatic life in coldwater
environments, and special resource
restrictions are also available to provide
further site-specific protection to water
quality (Japhet et al. 2007, p. 18).
Summary of Factor D
actively managing Rio Grande cutthroat
trout and its habitat. They also have
authority for and are undertaking
fisheries management, research,
educational and law enforcement
activities designed to improve the
conservation status of the species. There
is a range-wide conservation agreement
that also involves the Service and other
parties. Existing regulations, authorities,
and policies address current threats to
the species that are subject to regulatory
control. However, climate change will
have potential impact throughout the
range of this species. At this time it is
difficult to state how these effects will
be addressed through existing regulatory
E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Climate Change
In this section, we discuss the aspects
of climate change that will most likely
affect the habitat of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. We begin by presenting
the evidence that indicates that climate
change is occurring globally. We then
discuss literature related to climate
change that has been published for the
Southwest and southern Rocky
Mountains that documents changes
either that have already occurred or that
researchers predict will occur. Finally,
we present data that have been collected
for streams occupied by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout that indicate that the
effects of climate change could
exacerbate the threats discussed above.
The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific
body set up by the World
Meteorological Organization and the
United Nations Environment Program in
1988. It was established because
policymakers needed an objective
source of information about the causes
of climate change, its potential
environmental and socio-economic
consequences, and the adaptation and
mitigation options to respond to it. The
Service considers the IPCC an impartial
and legitimate source of information on
climate change. In 2007, the IPCC
published its Fourth Assessment Report,
which is considered the most
comprehensive compendium of
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information on actual and projected
global climate change currently
Although the extent of warming likely
to occur is not known with certainty at
this time, the IPCC (2007a, p. 5) has
concluded that warming of the climate
is unequivocal and continued
greenhouse gas emissions at or above
current rates would cause further
warming (IPCC 2007a, p. 13). The IPCC
also projects that there will very likely
be an increase in the frequency of hot
extremes, heat waves, and heavy
precipitation (IPCC 2007a, p. 15).
Warming in the Southwest is expected
to be greatest in the summer (IPCC
2007b, p. 887). Annual mean
precipitation is likely to decrease in the
Southwest and the length of snow
season and snow depth are very likely
to decrease (IPCC 2007b, p. 887). Most
models project a widespread decrease in
snow depth in the Rocky Mountains and
earlier snowmelt (IPCC 2007b, p. 891).
In consultation with leading scientists
from the Southwest, the New Mexico
Office of the State Engineer prepared a
report for the Governor (State of New
Mexico 2006) which made the following
observations about the impact of climate
change in New Mexico:
(1) Warming trends in the American
Southwest exceed global averages by
about percent (p. 5);
(2) Models suggest that even moderate
increases in precipitation would not
offset the negative impacts to the water
supply caused by increased temperature
(p. 5);
(3) Temperature increases in the
Southwest are predicted to continue to
be greater than the global average (p. 5);
(4) There will be a delay in the arrival
of snow and acceleration of spring snow
melt, leading to a rapid and earlier
seasonal runoff (p. 6); and
(5) The intensity, frequency, and
duration of drought may increase (p. 7).
By the late 21st century, one simulation
predicts no sustained snowpack south
of Santa Fe or in the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains (State of New Mexico 2006,
p. 13). Snow pack would remain in far
northern New Mexico and southern
Colorado but would be greatly reduced
in mass, with a decrease in water mass
between one-third and one-half (State of
New Mexico 2006, p. 14).
Consistent with the outlook presented
for New Mexico, Hoerling (2007, p. 35)
states that, relative to 1990–2005,
simulations indicate that a 25 percent
decline in stream flow will occur from
2006–2030 and a 45 percent decline will
occur from 2035–2060 in the Southwest.
Seager et al. (2007, p. 1181) show that
there is a broad consensus among
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climate models that the Southwest will
get drier in the 21st century and that the
transition to a more arid climate is
already under way. Only one of 19
models has a trend toward a wetter
climate in the Southwest (Seager et al.
2007, p. 1181). Stewart et al. (2004,
p. 1152) show that timing of spring
streamflow in the western United States
during the last five decades has shifted
so that the major peak now arrives 1 to
4 weeks earlier, resulting in less flow in
the spring and summer. They conclude
that almost everywhere in North
America, a 10 to 50 percent decrease in
spring-summer streamflow fractions
will accentuate the seasonal summer
dry period with important consequences
for warm-season water supplies,
ecosystems, and wildfire risks (Stewart
et al. 2004, p. 1154). An increase in
average mean air temperature of just
over 1 °C (2.5 °F) in Arizona and just
under 1 °C (1.8 °F) in New Mexico since
1976 has already been documented
(Lenart 2007, p. 4). Udall (2007, p. 7)
found that multiple independent data
sets confirm widespread warming in the
West. Long-term studies (25 plus years)
of Mexican jays (Aphelocoma
ultramarina) in Arizona and of yellowbellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)
in the Rocky Mountains indicate
changes in the timing of important life
history events (e.g., breeding, emergence
from hibernation) for both species
related to warmer temperatures
(Parmesan and Galbraith 2004, pp. 18,
As we will discuss below, climate
change is predicted to have four major
effects on the cold water habitat
occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout:
(1) Increased water temperature; (2)
decreased stream flow; (3) a change in
the hydrograph (a graphical
representation of the distribution of
water discharge or runoff over a period
of time); and (4) an increased
occurrence of extreme events (fire,
drought, and floods).
Increased Water Temperature
Water temperature influences the
survival of salmonids in all stages of
their life cycle. Alterations in the
temperature regime from natural
background conditions negatively affect
population viability, when considered
at the scale of the watershed or
individual stream (McCullough 1999,
p. 160). Salmonids are classified as
coldwater fish with thermal preferences
centered around 15 °C (59 °F) (Shuter
and Meisner 1992, p. 8). High
temperatures suppress appetite and
growth, can influence behavioral
interactions with other fish (Shrank et
al. 2003, p. 100), or can be lethal
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
(McCullough 1999,
p. 156). Salmonids inhabiting warm
stream segments have higher
probabilities of dying from stress
(McCullough 1999, p. 156).
Eaton and Scheller (1996, p. 1111)
state that the maximum temperature
tolerance for cutthroat trout is 23.3 °C
(74 °F), but Dunham et al. (2003b, p.
1042) state that Lahontan cutthroat trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) show
signs of stress (decreased growth and
appetite and increased mortality) when
water temperature exceeds 22 °C
(71.6 °F) for even a short time (less than
1 day). For Bonneville cutthroat trout,
the 7-day upper incipient lethal
temperature (temperature lethal to 50
percent of the fish) was 24.2 °C (75.6 °F)
under constant thermal conditions
(Johnstone and Rahel 2003, p. 96).
However, when the temperature was
cycled daily between 16–26 °C (60.8–
78.8 °F) for 7 days, similar to what the
trout would experience in high
mountain streams, all trout survived
(Johnstone and Rahel 2003, p. 97).
Dickerson and Vineyard (1999, pp. 519,
520) found a similar result (cycling
between 20 and 26 °C (68 and 78.8 °F))
for Lahontan cutthroat trout. Although
trout may survive cyclic exposures to
high temperatures, growth is slowed or
stopped due to the high metabolic costs
and reduced food intake (Dickerson and
Vineyard 1999, p. 519; Johnstone and
Rahel 2003, p. 98).
Although temperature preferences of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout have not
been researched specifically, their
optimum growth temperature (appetite
is high and maintenance requirements
low) is most likely in the range of 13–
15 °C (55.4–59 °F), similar to other
cutthroat trout (Meeuwig et al. 2004, p.
213; Bear et al. 2007, p. 1118) and their
upper incipient lethal limit is most
likely near 23–24 °C (73.4–75.2 °F), as
has been found for other subspecies of
cutthroat trout (Wagner et al. 2001,
p. 434; Johnstone and Rahel 2003, p.
97). Upper incipient lethal limit
(temperature at which 50 percent of the
fish can survive for 7 days) for rainbow
trout ranges from 24–26 °C (75.2–
78.8 °F), for brown trout 23–26 °C (73.4–
78.8 °F), and for brook trout 24–25 °C
(75.2–77 °F) (McCullough 1999, pp. 47,
48), which means these nonnative trout
are better able to tolerate higher water
temperatures than cutthroat trout.
The IPCC states that of all ecosystems,
freshwater ecosystems will have the
highest proportion of species threatened
with extinction due to climate change
(Kundzewicz et al. 2007, p. 192).
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Species with narrow temperature
tolerances will likely experience the
greatest effects from climate change, and
it is anticipated that populations located
at the margins of species’ hydrologic
and geographic distributions will be
affected first (Meisner 1990a, p. 282).
Climate change has already had or is
predicted to have negative
consequences on coldwater fisheries
globally (Nakano et al. 1996, p. 711;
Hari et al. 2006, p. 24), across North
America (Meisner 1990a, pp. 287, 290;
Regier and Meisner 1990, p. 11;
Carpenter et al. 1992, p. 124; Eaton and
Scheller 1996, p. 1111; O’Neal 2002,
p. 3; Poff et al. 2002, p. iv; Chu et al.
2005, p. 303; Preston 2006, pp. 106, 107,
110, 111, 115; Reiman et al. 2007, pp.
1553, 1558), and in the Southwest and
Rocky Mountains specifically (Keleher
and Rahel 1996, p. 1; Rahel et al. 1996,
pp. 1116, 1122; O’Neal 2002, pp. 43, 44;
Preston 2006, pp. 101, 102, 113) through
increases in ground and surface water
The magnitude of habitat loss due to
increased water temperature depends on
the climate change model used, the
model used to predict the air
temperature/water temperature
relationship, and the timeframe. Keleher
and Rahel (1996, p. 4) found that the
distribution of salmonids in Wyoming
streams was limited to areas where
mean July air temperature did not
exceed 22 °C (71.6 °F). They projected
that for temperature increases of 1, 2, 3,
4, or 5 °C, there would be a
corresponding loss of area suitable for
salmonids of 16.2, 29.1, 38.5, 53.3, and
68.0 percent, respectively (Keleher and
Rahel 1996, p. 4). Rahel et al. (1996)
used three approaches to examine
potential salmonid habitat loss due to
warming in the North Platte river
drainage of the Rocky Mountains. They
found that there was a loss of 9 to 76
percent of coldwater habitat based on
air temperature increases of 1 to 5 °C
(Rahel et al. 1996, p. 1120). Other
studies have predicted losses of 18–92
percent of suitable natal bull trout
(Salvelinus confluentus) habitat
(Rieman et al. 2007, p. 1558), and
Preston (2006, p. 92), in a re-analysis of
other studies, found a 20, 35, and 50
percent loss of coldwater habitat from
the Rocky Mountains in 2025, 2050, and
2100, respectively.
In these studies, habitat loss occurs in
the lower elevation stream reaches (or
lower latitude streams) due to increased
temperatures. As a result, salmonid
populations will be restricted to
increasingly higher elevations or to
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more northern latitudes (Meisner et al.
1988, p. 6; Regier and Meisner 1990, p.
11; Keleher and Rahel 1996, p. 2;
Nakano et al. 1996, pp. 716, 717; Rahel
et al. 1996, p. 1122; Poff et al. 2002, p.
7; Rieman et al. 2007, p. 1558).
Consequently, coldwater species
occupying the southern distributions of
their range are seen as more susceptible
to extirpation as a consequence of global
climate change (Poff et al. 2002, p. 8;
Rieman et al. 2007, pp. 1552, 1553). Rio
Grande cutthroat trout are the
southernmost subspecies of cutthroat
trout (Behnke 2002, p. 143).
Rio Grande cutthroat trout primarily
occupy high-elevation headwater
tributaries. Dispersal to new habitats is
unlikely because they currently occupy
the uppermost available habitat.
Warming of lower elevation stream
segments may limit restoration
opportunities in the future and provide
a competitive advantage to brown,
rainbow, and brook trout in locations
where these nonnatives occur with Rio
Grande cutthroat trout (De Staso and
Rahel 1994, pp. 293, 294; Dunham et al.
2002, p. 380; Paroz 2005, p. vi; Bear et
al. 2007, p. 1118; Shemai et al. 2007, p.
The Santa Fe and Carson National
Forests have monitored stream
temperature data using thermographs
(instruments that record temperature at
designated intervals, e.g., once every 4
hours) (Eddy 2005, Martinez 2007).
From 2001–2003, 47 thermograph
stations were used to monitor 21
streams on the Santa Fe National Forest,
representing 385 km (239 mi) of stream
(Eddy 2005, p. 5). Seven of the 21
streams are currently occupied by Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations; all 21 are believed to be
historical habitat. Temperature data
collected were compared with New
Mexico Environment Department
(NMED) standards for high quality
coldwater fisheries and with Santa Fe
National Forest standards, which are
slightly more stringent than NMED but
are more in line with standards for
coldwater fisheries in the western States
(Table 3) (Eddy 2005, p. 4). ‘‘Properly
functioning’’ indicates that the water
temperature of the stream is within the
optimal range for feeding, physiology,
and behavior for coldwater fish. ‘‘At
risk’’ indicates that the water
temperature is slightly warmer than
optimal, and ‘‘not properly functioning’’
indicates that the water temperature is
too warm to support a healthy coldwater
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
[Water quality temperature standards for high quality coldwater fisheries]
Properly functioning
At risk
Santa Fe National Forest 7-Day Average Maximum ..............................
≤64 °F (≤17.8 °C) .......
NMED 3-Day Average Maximum ............................................................
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Water temperature standards
<68 °F (<20 °C) ..........
64 to 70 °F .................
(17.8–21.1 °C) ...........
68 to <73.4 °F ............
(20 to <23 °C) ............
Using the Santa Fe National Forest
standards, stream segments represented
by 12 thermograph stations were
properly functioning (67.3 km (41.8
mi)), stream segments represented by 20
stations were at risk (162.1 km (100.7
mi)), and stream segments represented
by 15 stations were not properly
functioning (154.7 km (96.1 mi)) (Eddy
2005, p. 5). Using NMED standards,
stream segments represented by 23
stations (172.7 km (107.3 mi)) were
properly functioning, stream segments
represented by 12 stations (82.2 km
(51.1 mi)) were at risk, and stream
segments represented by 12 stations
(129.1 km (80.2 mi)) were not properly
functioning (Eddy 2005, p. 5). Only nine
streams were properly functioning for
their entire length, using both standards.
Of these, only one is occupied by a Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation
population (Cave Creek) (Eddy 2005, p.
5). The Pecos River and Rio de las Vacas
are properly functioning in occupied
Rio Grande cutthroat trout habitat but
have at risk (Pecos River) or not
properly functioning sections (Rio de las
Vacas) below occupied habitat (Eddy
2005, pp. 34, 35, 92). Canones,
Polvadera, and Rio Cebolla were the
other streams monitored that have
conservation populations of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. These streams were
identified as at risk or not properly
functioning (Rio Cebolla) in occupied
habitat (Eddy 2005, pp. 9, 19, 26).
Monitoring on the Carson National
Forest indicated that Comanche Creek
had several periods in which
temperature standards were exceeded
(Martinez 2007, pp. 3–22). Eight sites on
Comanche Creek were monitored in
1998, 1999, and 2004. Temperatures
were highest in 1998 and 1999, years of
lower runoff. Temperatures in 1998
were very high, with 5 of the 8 sites
recording temperatures from 26.6–
29.5 °C (80–85 °F) (Martinez 2007, pp.
3–22). At the remaining three sites,
temperatures reached 26.4 °C (79.5 °F).
Thermographs went in on June 23 each
year, and in 1998, maximum
temperatures ranged from 22.9–24 °C
(73.2–76 °F) at all eight sites on the first
day the recorders were deployed,
indicating that there were probably
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several days of warm temperatures that
occurred before monitoring began
(Martinez 2007, pp. 3–22). In total, of 14
streams occupied by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout and monitored by
thermographs on the Santa Fe and
Carson National Forests, 8 streams were
either at risk or not properly functioning
because of high water temperature
(NMED 2007, pp. 15–331; Eddy 2005,
pp. 8–116; Martinez 2007, pp. 3–22). An
additional conservation population in
Colorado was also identified at risk from
high water temperatures by Pritchard
and Cowley (2006, p. 39). Because only
a fraction of the streams occupied by
Rio Grande cutthroat trout have been
monitored, there are likely more that are
at risk.
The thermograph data collected on
the Santa Fe and Carson National
Forests indicate that stream
temperatures in several streams are
already at risk or are considered ‘‘not
properly functioning’’ for trout. Because
air temperature and consequently water
temperature are expected to increase
with climate change, we would
anticipate that more streams that are
currently not properly functioning will
become unsuitable for Rio Grande
cutthroat trout, those currently at risk
will enter the not properly functioning
category, and more streams will fall into
the at risk category for temperature. As
a consequence, suitable habitat will
decrease and fragmentation will
In contrast to the potential negative
impacts of water temperature increase
on Rio Grande cutthroat trout, there
could also be a potential benefit. Cold
summer water temperatures (mean July
temperature of less than 7.8 °C (46 °F))
have been found as a limiting factor to
recruitment of cutthroat trout in highelevation streams (Harig and Fausch
2002, p. 545; Coleman and Fausch 2007,
pp. 1238–1240). Coleman and Fausch
(2007, p. 1240) found that cold summer
water temperatures in Colorado streams
likely limited recruitment of cutthroat
trout because of reduced survival of age0 fish (fish less than 1 year old). Harig
and Fausch (2002, p. 538) recorded
summer water temperatures in 5 streams
in New Mexico and 11 streams in
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Not properly
>70 °F (>21.1 °C).
≥73.4 °F (23 °C).
Colorado from 1996 to 1999 (Harig and
Fausch 2002, p. 540). None of the
streams in New Mexico had July water
temperatures below 7.8 °C (46 °F)
(lowest July average was in the Pecos
River, 9.2 °C (48.6 °F)). Three of four
streams in Colorado that no longer had
translocated fish present had summer
averages below 7.8 °C (46 °F) (Harig and
Fausch 2002, pp. 538, 539). The
remaining 8 streams in Colorado had
summer averages ≥8.3 °C (46.9 °F),
indicating that cold summer water
temperatures were most likely not
limiting for these Rio Grande cutthroat
trout populations (Harig and Fausch
2002, pp. 538, 539). Two of the four
streams (Little Medano and Unknown
Creek), which no longer had
transplanted fish at the time of Harig
and Fausch’s research (1996–1998),
dried in 2002 (Alves et al. 2007, pp. 43,
44), raising the possibility that
insufficient refugial habitat may have
been limiting, not low summer water
Cold summer water temperatures
have been identified as limiting in one
stream: Deep Canyon, Colorado
(Pritchard and Cowley 2006, p. 42).
However, Alves et al. (2007 database)
indicate that Deep Canyon has
temperatures from 8 to 16 °C (46.4 to
60.8 °F) during spawning and
incubation periods. Of the 14 Rio
Grande cutthroat trout streams
monitored with thermographs on the
Santa Fe and Carson National Forests,
two (Pecos and Mora rivers) were found
to have July temperatures less than
7.8 °C (46 °F) (data summarized from
Eddy 2005, Martinez 2007). The result
for the Pecos River contrasts with the
data Harig and Fausch (2002, p. 540)
collected (9.2 °C (48.6 °F)) and likely
reflects a difference in thermograph
placement or year (e.g., temperature
variability, amount of runoff).
In summary, we find that data
collected thus far indicate that warm
water temperatures have already
reached the likely limits of suitability in
some Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams
and several others are at risk. Water
temperatures are expected to increase in
the future, affecting more streams and
making lower elevation reaches either
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marginal or unsuitable. This is
particularly true for populations that are
located in New Mexico and are at the
southernmost extent of the range but
could also be true for smaller streams in
Colorado. Although cold water
temperatures are limiting to some highelevation salmonid populations, cold
water limitation has not been
convincingly demonstrated for any Rio
Grande cutthroat trout population.
Therefore, we view the negative impact
of stream warming to outweigh any
benefit that may occur from increased
water temperature.
The studies cited above that forecast
coldwater habitat loss, calculate the loss
of habitat based on increases in
temperature alone, assuming
temperatures will rise above the thermal
tolerance limits of coldwater species,
thereby limiting the amount of suitable
habitat available. The ancillary effects of
increased temperature, such as
increased habitat fragmentation (Rahel
et al. 1996, pp. 1121, 1122; Rieman et
al. 2007, pp. 1553, 1560, 1562), changes
in invertebrate prey base (both species
composition and availability) (Ries and
Perry 1995, p. 204; O’Neal 2002, p. 4;
IPCC 2002, p. 17; Harper and Peckarsky
2006, p. 618; Bradshaw and Holazpel
2008, p. 157), effects on spawning (Jager
et al. 1999, p. 236), increased
competitive interactions with nonnative
trout (Meisner 1990b, p. 1068; De Staso
and Rahel 1994, pp. 289, 294; O’Neal
2002, p. 33; Chu et al. 2005, p. 307;
Sloat et al. 2005, p. 235), additional
invasive species (IPCC 2002, p. 32),
increased susceptibility to disease (Hari
et al. 2006, p. 24), and effects on water
quality (e.g., dissolved oxygen,
nutrients, pH) (Meisner et al. 1988, p. 7),
are not considered in calculating the
potential habitat loss.
Of these factors, increased
fragmentation, increased effects from
nonnative fish, and increased disease
risk are considered of particular
importance to Rio Grande cutthroat
trout and are discussed in more detail.
Fragmentation. Climate change is
predicted to increase fragmentation of
coldwater fish habitat (Nakano et al.
1996, p. 719; Rahel et al. 1996, p. 1122;
Rieman et al. 2007, p. 1553). Currently,
112 of 120 (93 percent) conservation
populations of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout exist as fragments, with no wellconnected populations (Alves et al.
2007, p. 29). Only one population has a
moderate degree of connectivity
(Comanche Creek) (2007 database). As
noted above, Comanche Creek currently
has very high water temperatures
(Martinez 2007, pp. 3–22), and several
of the small tributaries of upper
Comanche Creek dried in 2006 (Patten
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et al. 2007, p. 76). Consequently, the
one moderately well-connected
population may already be at risk.
Seven Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations are considered
weakly networked (occupied habitat
consists of 2–3 connected streams,
possible infrequent straying of adults
may occur) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 77). Of
these seven, six have connecting stream
segments less than 5 feet in width (2007
database), and are therefore considered
at risk from drying. Consequently,
fragmentation of these weakly
networked systems appears reasonably
likely in the foreseeable future.
Nonnative Fish Interactions. Water
temperature is a determining factor in
the distribution of salmonids (Rahel and
Hubert 1991, p. 326; Schrank et al.
2003, p. 100; Sloat et al. 2005, p. 225).
Additionally, temperature regime is a
key determinant of the outcome of
competitive interactions in a fish
community (MuCullough 1999, p. 156).
Fish living within their optimum
temperature range have improved
performance relative to other species
not within their optimum range
(MuCullough 1999, p. 156). There is
evidence that the reason cutthroat trout
occupy headwater streams and rainbow,
brook, and brown trout occupy
downstream reaches is because of the
influence of temperature on competitive
abilities (Dunham et al. 2002, p. 380).
DeStaso and Rahel (1994, pp. 293, 294)
looked at competition between Colorado
River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus
clarki pleuriticus) and brook trout. They
found that at warmer water
temperatures (20 °C (68 °F)) brook trout
was dominant, as evidenced by a higher
level of interspecific aggression, more
time spent at the optimal feeding
position, and greater food consumption
(DeStaso and Rahel 1994, pp. 293, 294).
Brook trout also tolerated higher
temperatures (DeStaso and Rahel 1994,
p. 294).
As mentioned earlier, when brook
trout co-occur with cutthroat trout,
species interactions act to suppress
cutthroat trout populations (Dunham et
al. 2002, p. 378; Young and GuentherGloss 2004, p. 193; Peterson et al. 2004,
pp. 765–769). Because brook trout
tolerate higher temperatures, warmer
stream temperatures would provide a
competitive advantage to brook trout
over Rio Grande cutthroat trout,
exacerbating the problems that already
exist for Rio Grande cutthroat trout
In New Mexico, brown trout is the
most common nonnative trout present
in Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations (summarized
from 2007 database). Jager et al. (1999,
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p. 232) modeled the effects of an
increase of 2 °C air temperature on
brown trout distribution in the Sierra
Nevada, California. They found that
brown trout numbers would increase in
upstream cooler reaches, and decrease
downstream through starvation of
juvenile and adult fish (Jager et al. 1999,
p. 235). This is consistent with
observations in Switzerland. In
Switzerland in 1987, after a long period
of essentially stable river water
temperatures, water temperatures took
an abrupt and significant increase to a
higher mean level, which was attributed
to a corresponding increase in air
temperature (Hari et al. 2006, pp. 10,
21). Suitable habitat for brown trout, a
trout species native to the area, moved
upstream, and downstream portions
became unsuitable (Hari et al. 2006, pp.
10, 21).
McHugh and Budy (2005, p. 2791)
hypothesized that cold incubation
temperatures might explain why brown
trout did not form self-sustaining
populations at high elevations in Logan
River, Utah, where upstream water
temperatures were not too cold for adult
brown trout. Because brown trout have
a higher optimal growth temperature
(between 13–18 °C) than cutthroat trout
(12–13 °C), and because cold incubation
temperatures may currently be limiting
brown trout range expansion upstream,
it is anticipated that warmer water
temperatures will make additional
upstream habitat suitable for brown
trout, reducing the area where Rio
Grande cutthroat trout are now
When cutthroat trout co-occur with
rainbow trout, cutthroat trout typically
occupy the upper colder reaches and
rainbow trout occupy the lower, warmer
stream reaches (Sloat et al. 2005, p. 235;
Robinson 2007, p. 80). As identified by
Alves et al. (2007, p. 35), rainbow trout
occupy the same stream reaches as four
conservation populations of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Rainbow trout have a
higher thermal tolerance than do
cutthroat trout (Bear et al. 2007, pp.
1115, 1116). Because rainbow trout are
able to tolerate higher temperatures than
Rio Grande cutthroat trout, we expect
that warming stream temperatures will
give rainbow trout a competitive
advantage over Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Monitoring and maintenance of
barriers will continue to be essential, to
prevent hybridization and competition.
White sucker is native to the middle
elevations of the Pecos and Canadian
river drainages in New Mexico, but it
has been introduced widely throughout
the State and is sympatric with at least
two populations of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout (Sublette et al. 1990, p. 199; 2007
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database). White sucker has a preferred
water temperature of 22.4–27.1 °C (72.3–
80.8 °F) (Sublette et al. 1990, p. 198).
Sublette et al. (1990, p.199) note that
white sucker is highly fecund (able to
reproduce) and often dominates a body
of water. Comanche Creek (elevation
approximately 2900 m (9500 ft)) has an
abundant white sucker population, most
likely due to the warm water
temperatures discussed above. In 2007,
over 20,000 white sucker were removed
from Comanche Creek during a Rio
Grande cutthroat trout restoration
project (Patten 2007). Before the
restoration, fish biomass was dominated
by white sucker, and an inverse
relationship was found between Rio
Grande cutthroat trout density and
white sucker density (Patten et al. 2007,
pp. 17, 18). Because both white sucker
and Rio Grande cutthroat trout feed on
aquatic insects, there is the potential for
high numbers of white sucker to
negatively impact food availability for
Rio Grande cutthroat trout. We would
anticipate the warmer stream
temperatures would lead to more stream
habitat becoming suitable for white
sucker with potential negative impacts
on Rio Grande cutthroat trout
Disease. As mentioned earlier (see the
‘‘Disease and Predation’’ section in
Factor C above) it had been thought that
Rio Grande cutthroat trout were
provided some level of protection
against whirling disease because
tubificid worms are most abundant in
warm, degraded habitats and Rio
Grande cutthroat trout occur in highelevation, coldwater streams (67 FR
39943). However, Nehring (2007, p. 10)
found equal abundance of lineage III
tubificid worms in elevations from
1,829 m (6,000 ft) to 3,657 m (12,000 ft).
Thus, it is clear that elevation does not
provide protection from exposure to the
El-Matubouli et al. (1999) found that
temperatures from 10–15 °C (50–59 °F)
were optimum for development and
maturation of the parasite inside the
tubificid worm. Blazer et al. (2003, p.
24) found that the greatest production of
TAMs occurred at temperatures from
13–17 °C (55.4–62.6 °F). Although the
effect of temperature on survival of the
tubificid worms was not statistically
detectable, DuBey et al. (2005, p. 341)
found that survival was consistently
higher at 17 °C (62.6 °F) than at 5 °C
(41 °F). Schisler et al. (2000, p. 862)
found that multiple stressors on
rainbow trout, especially the
combination of M. cerebralis infection
and temperature, increased mortality
drastically. At 12.5 °C (54.5 °F) mean
mortality of rainbow trout exposed to M.
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cerebralis was 41.7 percent. Mean
mortality of rainbow trout exposed to M.
cerebralis and held at a temperature of
17 °C (62.6 °F) was 60 percent (Schisler
2000, p. 861). Water temperature often
exceeds 17 °C (62.6 °F) in July and
August in Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams that have been monitored (Eddy
2005, Martinez 2007).
Thompson et al. (1999, p. 318) found
that as water temperature increased
from May to July, rainbow and cutthroat
trout infected with M. cerebralis
suffered high rates of mortality even
though they had survived well in the
winter. In a field study of the effects of
water temperature, discharge, substrate
size, nutrient concentration, primary
productivity, and relative abundance of
T. tubifix, de la Hoz Franco and Budy
(2004, p. 1183) found that prevalence of
M. cerebralis in trout increased with
water temperature. Across sites where
cutthroat trout were present, the lowest
prevalence of infection occurred in the
headwaters where average daily water
temperature was 9.2 °C (48.6 °F),
whereas the highest levels of infection
occurred at a low elevation site where
the temperature was the highest (>12 °C
(53.6 °F)) (de la Hoz Franco and Budy
2004, p. 1186).
While water temperature in some
streams may warm to the point (>20 °C
(68 °F)) of inhibiting the production of
TAMs (Blazer et al. 2003, p. 24), it is
anticipated that the overall increases in
water temperature will be favorable for
T. tubifix and TAM production. From
these studies we conclude that elevation
does not provide protection to Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations and
that increasing water temperature would
increase the production of TAMs and
the survival of tubificid worms (up to
about 20 °C (68 °F)), and increased water
temperature would increase mortality of
infected Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
In summary, stream warming will
most likely decrease the amount of
suitable habitat available for Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Warmer stream
temperatures may in the foreseeable
future make currently occupied reaches
of stream more stressful or unsuitable.
Suitable habitat is likely to be reduced,
primarily at the downstream end of
stream reaches and in small tributaries,
leading to increased fragmentation,
shorter occupied segments, and
increased risk of extirpation. Warmer
water temperatures will allow nonnative
fishes to expand their range and give
them a competitive advantage over Rio
Grande cutthroat trout. Stress from
warm water temperatures increases
susceptibility to and mortality from
disease. Although whirling disease
positive sites are currently still limited
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within the range of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout, managers will need to continue to
monitor the disease closely. Increased
water temperatures would increase the
threat posed by whirling disease.
Decreased Stream Flow
Current models suggest a decrease in
precipitation in the Southwest (Seager
et al. 2007, p. 1181; Kundzewicz et al.
2007, p. 183), which would lead to
reduced stream flows and a reduced
amount of habitat for Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. Stream flow is also
predicted to decrease in the Southwest
even if precipitation were to increase
moderately (Nash and Gleick 1993, p.
ix; State of New Mexico 2005, p. 6;
Hoerling 2007, p. 35). Winter and spring
warming causes an increased fraction of
precipitation to fall as rain, resulting in
a reduced snow pack, an earlier
snowmelt, and decreased summer
runoff (Christensen et al. 2004, p. 4;
Stewart et al. 2005, p. 1137; Regonda et
al. 2005, p. 373). Earlier snowmelt and
warmer air temperatures lead to a longer
dry season, which affects stream flow.
Warmer air temperatures lead to
increased evaporation, increased evapotranspiration, and decreased soil
moisture. These three factors would
lead to decreased stream flow even if
precipitation increased moderately.
The effect of decreased stream flow is
that streams become smaller, thereby
reducing the amount of habitat available
for aquatic species (Lake 2000, p. 577).
A smaller stream is affected more by air
temperature than a larger one,
exacerbating the effects of warm (and
cold) air temperature (Smith and Lavis
1975, p. 229). Small headwater streams,
such as those occupied by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout, and intermittent streams
may dry completely. Seventy-one
percent of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams are less than 8 km (5 mi) in
length (Alves et al. 2007, p. 26). Because
stream length is one indicator of
population viability (Harig et al. 2000,
p. 997; Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000,
p. 515; Young et al. 2005, p. 2405;
Cowley 2007 10.1002/aqc.845), further
shortening of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams due to drying is expected to
have a negative impact on populations.
In fact, fourteen Rio Grande cutthroat
trout streams with conservation
populations became intermittent, and
had populations negatively impacted or
lost because of the 2002 drought (Japhet
et al. 2007, pp. 42–44; Patten et al. 2007,
pp. 14, 31, 32, 34, 39, 76). The number
of streams impacted was most likely
higher, because managers only survey a
fraction of the 120 conservation
populations in any given year.
Approximately 27 conservation
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populations are in streams that are 1.5
m (5 ft) or less in width throughout their
entire length (2007 database). An
additional 29 stream segments that are
tributaries to the conservation
populations are also less than 1.5 m (5
ft) in width (2007 database), which
indicates that fragmentation of existing
connected populations could increase.
We recognize that not all streams less
than 1.5 m (5 ft) wide have an equal
probability of drying. Some are likely
spring fed or are narrow and deep, thus
decreasing the likelihood of drying.
However, because of the high number of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams less
than 8 km (5 mi) in length (71 percent
of conservation populations) and less
than 1.5 m (5 ft) wide, the risk of drying
is considered high.
Insight into the effects that climate
change may have on headwater streams
is provided by research done at the
Experimental Lakes Area in
northwestern Ontario (Schindler et al.
1996). The experimental area was set up
in 1968, and precipitation, evaporation,
air temperature, wind velocity, and
other meteorological and hydrological
parameters were monitored
continuously throughout the 1970 to
1990 study period (Schindler et al.
1996, p. 1005). During this period, the
area experienced gradual air
temperature warming (1.6 °C (2.9 °F))
and decreased precipitation (as
measured by a decline of over 50
percent in annual runoff) (Schindler et
al. 1996, p. 1004). Whether these
changes can be attributed to climate
change or local variation is unknown,
but they are consistent with changes
that are predicted under global climate
change scenarios. In the early 1970s,
two streams in the area were perennial
and one stream was dry for less than 10
days per year. By the late 1980s all three
streams were dry for 120–160 days
during the summer (Schindler et al.
1996, p. 1006). Because northern
latitude ecosystems mimic higher
elevation systems in southern latitudes,
the effects seen on these streams likely
represent what may happen at highelevation streams in New Mexico and
Colorado, within the range of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout.
In summary, stream drying has
already had a negative impact on several
Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations;
71 percent of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations are in stream
fragments 8 km (5 mi) or less in length,
and many of the populations are in
streams less than 1.5 m (5 ft) wide.
Further, the increased risk of stream
drying as a result of climate change,
leading to shorter stream segments and
increased fragmentation, is seen as high.
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A rangewide emergency rescue and
evacuation plan does not exist for Rio
Grande cutthroat trout and would likely
not be effective. If widespread drought
were to occur, affecting many streams at
the same time, it is unclear if sufficient
facilities or donor streams exist to
accept the rescued fish, or if the effort
would take place according to a
carefully conceived, well-organized
Change in Hydrograph
Changes in air temperature and
precipitation will likely lead to changes
in the magnitude, frequency, timing,
and duration of runoff (Poff et al. 2002,
p. 4). Stewart et al. (2004, p. 1152) show
that spring streamflow during the last
five decades has shifted so that the
major peak now arrives 1 to 4 weeks
earlier, resulting in declining fractions
of flow in the spring and summer. The
life history of salmonids is closely tied
to the flow regime, runoff in particular
(Fausch et al. 2001, p. 1440). A change
in timing or magnitude of floods can
scour the streambed, destroy eggs, or
displace recently emerged fry
downstream (Erman et al. 1988, p. 2199;
Montgomery et al. 1999, p. 378; Fausch
et al. 2001, p. 1440). The environmental
cues for spawning of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout are not known with
certainty, but they are most likely tied
to increasing water temperature,
increasing day length, and possibly
flow, as it has been noted that they
spawn when runoff from snowmelt has
peaked and is beginning to decrease
(Behnke 2002, p. 141; Pritchard and
Cowley 2006, p. 25). Consequently, a
change in the timing of runoff from
spring to winter could disrupt spawning
cues because peak flow would occur
when the days are still short in length
and water temperatures cold.
Increased winter temperatures cause
more precipitation to fall as rain instead
of snow (Regonda et al. 2005, p. 373).
Snow covering small streams provides
valuable insulation that protects aquatic
life (Needham and Jones 1959, p. 470;
Gard 1963, p. 197). Gard (1963, p. 196)
measured temperatures above, within,
and below the snow at Sagehen Creek,
California, a small Sierra Nevada
mountain stream. He found that
although there was a 35.4 °C (63.8 °F)
diurnal air temperature variation,
within the snow the temperature
variation was only 1.3 °C (2.3 °F) and the
water temperature in the stream below
varied by only 0.3 °C (0.55 °F). Stream
freezing, which is more likely absent
insulating snow cover, has been
suggested as the cause of the extirpation
of one Rio Grande cutthroat trout
population (Ferrell 2006, p. 11). Anchor
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ice (ice frozen on the stream bed) and
frazil ice (ice crystal suspended in the
water) can also have negative impacts
on trout (Needham and Jones 1959, p.
465). High-elevation streams are rarely
visited in winter; consequently, it is
difficult to document the extent to
which freezing may impact populations.
However, the combination of reduced
stream flow and reduced snow pack
could lead to an increased probability of
stream freezing in small headwater Rio
Grande cutthroat trout streams.
Earlier snowmelt, which leads to less
flow in the spring and summer, could
either benefit Rio Grande cutthroat trout
or be detrimental. The benefit could
come because the young-of-year would
have a longer growing season before
winter. However, as discussed above, a
longer season of lower flows would lead
to increased stream temperatures and
increased probability of intermittency
and drying.
In summary, it is difficult to project
how changes in the hydrograph as a
result of climate change will affect Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations. If
growing season is increased, water
temperatures remain suitable, and the
stream does not dry, a beneficial effect
could occur. If spawning cues are
disrupted or egg and fry success is
reduced because of winter floods or
unseasonal extreme floods, a negative
impact would occur. In addition, stream
freezing may reduce suitable overwinter habitat or reduce population size
in susceptible streams.
Extreme Events
An increase in extreme events such as
drought, fires, and floods is predicted to
occur because of climate change (IPCC
2007a, p. 15). It is anticipated that an
increase in extreme events will most
likely affect populations living at the
edge of their physiological tolerances.
The predicted increases in extreme
temperature and precipitation events
may lead to dramatic changes in the
distribution of species or to their
extirpation or extinction (Parmesan and
Matthews 2006, p. 344).
Drought. The relatively short-term
drought of the early 2000s had a
negative impact on or extirpated 14 Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations in
Colorado and New Mexico (Japhet et al.
2007, pp. 42–44; Patten et al. 2007, pp.
14–40). A fifteenth population is
thought to have been extirpated in 2006
by complete freezing caused by low
flow in the winter (Ferrell 2006, p. 11).
As discussed above, in the ‘‘Decreased
Stream Flow’’ section, it is anticipated
that a prolonged, intense drought would
affect many Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations, in particular those less
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than 1.5 m (5 ft) wide and less than 8
km (5 mi) long because of their small
Most Rio Grande cutthroat trout
populations are currently protected
from downstream populations of
nonnative trout by barriers. Downstream
reaches are larger streams that
historically could have provided refugia
for populations threatened by stream
drying. If Rio Grande cutthroat trout
disperse downstream now, they are lost
from their conservation population once
they pass over the barrier because they
will not be able to pass back over the
barrier moving the upstream direction.
In the future, downstream water
temperatures may be too warm to be
suitable for Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
In addition to stream drying, there is a
clear association between severe
droughts and large fires in the
Southwest (Swetnam and Baisan 1994,
pp. 11, 24, 28), as discussed below.
Fire. Since the mid-1980s, wildfire
frequency in western forests has nearly
quadrupled compared to the average of
the period 1970–1986. The total area
burned is more than six and a half times
the previous level (Westerling et al.
2006, p. 941). In addition, the average
length of the fire season during 1987–
2003 was 78 days longer compared to
1970–1986 and the average time
between fire discovery and control
increased from 7.5 days to 37.1 days for
the same timeframes (Westerling et al.
2006, p. 941). McKenzie et al. (2004, p.
893) suggest, based on models, that the
length of the fire season will likely
increase further and that fires in the
western United States will be more
frequent and more severe. In particular,
they found that fire in New Mexico
appears to be acutely sensitive to
summer climate and temperature
changes and may respond dramatically
to climate warming.
Changes in relative humidity,
especially drying over the western
United States, are also projected to
increase the number of days of high fire
danger (Brown et al. 2004, p. 365). Highelevation, subalpine forests in the Rocky
Mountains typically experience
infrequent (i.e., one to many centuries),
high severity crown fires (Schoennagel
et al. 2004, p. 664). These fires usually
occur in association with extremely dry
regional climate patterns (Swetnam and
Baisan 1994, p. 28; Schoennagel et al.
2004, p. 664). Short drying periods do
not create the conditions appropriate for
fire in these typically cool, humid
forests. Schoennagel et al. (2004, p. 665,
666) conclude that recent increases in
the area burned in subalpine forests are
not attributable to fire suppression but
that variation in climate exerts the
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largest influence on the size, timing, and
severity of the fires. In contrast, lowelevation, ponderosa pine forests in the
Rocky Mountains were historically
characterized by frequent, low-severity
fires (Schoennagel et al. 2004, p. 669).
Fire suppression has significantly
increased ladder fuels (fuels that allow
fire to climb from the forest floor to the
tops of trees) and tree densities leading
to unprecedented high-severity fires in
these ecosystems (Schoennagel et al.
2004, p. 669). Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams occur in both forest types.
As discussed in the ‘‘Fire’’ section in
Factor A above, because of the observed
and predicted increase in fire season
length; the predicted increase in
frequency and severity of fires; the
observation that fuel treatment is only
effective in low-elevation, ponderosa
pine forests; the expectation of an
increase in the frequency of hot
extremes, heat waves, and heavy
precipitation (IPCC 2007a, p. 15); and
the fact that most Rio Grande cutthroat
trout streams occur within a forested
landscape, we conclude that wildfire
associated with climate change will
exacerbate habitat loss to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations across their
Floods. The life history of salmonids
is tied to the timing of floods (Fausch et
al. 2001, p. 1440). A change in timing
or magnitude of floods can scour the
streambed, destroy eggs, or displace
recently emerged fry downstream
(Erman et al. 1988, p. 2199;
Montgomery et al. 1999, p. 378; Fausch
et al. 2001, p. 1440). Floods that occur
after intense wildfires that have
denuded the watershed are also a threat.
As described above, in the ‘‘Fire’’
section under Factor A, several streams
in the Southwest have had populations
of trout extirpated as a result of ash
flows which occurred after fire (Rinne
1996, p. 654; Brown et al. 2001, p. 142;
Patten et al. 2007, p. 33). Consequently,
an increase in rain or snow events,
intense precipitation that is
unseasonable, or precipitation that
occurs after fire could extirpate affected
Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations.
In summary, extreme events,
especially widespread fire and drought,
will likely affect Rio Grande cutthroat
trout populations in the foreseeable
future through population extirpation,
extreme population reduction, or habitat
reduction. Several Rio Grande cutthroat
trout populations have already been
impacted by drought. Fire has thus far
primarily affected nonnative trout
streams within the range of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout, but there is no safeguard
for Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams.
The impact of a change in the timing of
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runoff may be significant but is more
difficult to predict.
Climate Change Summary
The extent to which climate change
will affect Rio Grande cutthroat trout is
not known with certainty at this time.
Preliminary projections point to a
possible rangewide negative impact
through increased water temperatures,
decreased stream flow, a change in
hydrograph, and an increased
occurrence of extreme events, which
will all tend to exacerbate the threats to
the Rio Grande cutthroat trout and its
habitat discussed under Factors A and
C above. Although the extent that the
global climate will change in the future
is not known, even a minimal increase
in temperature will lead to increased
habitat unsuitability and will exacerbate
most other known threats to the
Fisheries Management
Future management of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout will depend in part on
the use of hatchery-reared fish.
Although hatcheries can produce many
fish in a short period of time, the use of
hatchery fish is not without risks
(Busack and Currens 1995, pp. 73–78).
Two recent papers have explored the
risks of captive propagation used to
supplement species that are declining in
the wild (Araki et al. 2007, Frankham
2007). Araki et al. (2007, p. 102) found
that there was approximately a 40
percent decline in reproductive
capabilities per captive-reared
generation when steelhead trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) were moved to
natural environments. Frankham (2007,
p. 2) notes that characteristics selected
for under captive breeding conditions
are overwhelmingly disadvantageous in
the natural environment. Minimizing
the number of generations in captivity
or making the captive environment
similar to the wild environment are
effective means for minimizing genetic
adaptation to captivity (Frankham 2007,
pp. 4, 5).
The history of brood stock
management in New Mexico has been
marked by many challenges (Cowley
and Pritchard 2003, pp. 12, 13). The
most recent challenges came from
whirling disease infection at Seven
Springs Hatchery and the discovery that
the brood stock was introgressed with
Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Patten et
al. 2007, p. 42). The hatchery was
refurbished to eliminate M. cerebralis
and the brood stock program was
restarted in 2005 (Patten et al. 2007, p.
42). A recently revised brood stock
management plan was completed for
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New Mexico (Cowley and Pritchard
Although the intent of fisheries
management is positive, fisheries
management may result in
unanticipated outcomes. For example,
Costilla Creek restoration efforts were
unfortunately marred by the
introduction of rainbow trout into the
recently reclaimed stream (Patten et al.
2007, p. 101, Appendices VIII-X). The
rainbow trout came from Seven Springs
Hatchery, even though this hatchery is
designated as a Rio Grande cutthroat
trout facility (NMDGF 2002, p. 28;
Pattten et al. 2007, p. 379). It is unclear
why Seven Springs Hatchery was
holding rainbow trout. Through a
coordinated effort, managers believe
they captured most, if not all, of the
rainbow trout that were stocked into
Costilla Creek along with Rio Grande
cutthroat trout (Patten et al. 2007, pp.
18, 102). While electrofishing to recover
the rainbow trout, two brook trout were
also caught, indicating that the lower
barrier was compromised, not all the
fish were killed during treatment, or
that an angler had released the fish
above the barrier. In addition, because
the stocked Rio Grande cutthroat trout
came from Seven Springs Hatchery
before the introgression with
Yellowstone cutthroat trout was
discovered, the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout that were stocked were slightly
introgressed (Patten et al. 2007, p. 102).
For these reasons, relying on hatcheryreared Rio Grande cutthroat trout does
not provide certainty that repatriation
will be successful.
Fisheries managers have worked very
hard in the last several years to monitor
populations, check and maintain
barriers, test the genetic purity of
populations, test streams for whirling
disease, fund research, and reintroduce
populations into appropriate streams
(Patten et al. 2007, pp. 4–19; Japhet et
al. 2007, pp. 22–27). New populations
have been established in Costilla, South
Ponil, Leandro, and Capulin creeks in
New Mexico and in Big Springs, East
Costilla, and West Costilla creeks in
Colorado. Populations were restarted in
Cat Creek and Little Medano Creek,
Colorado, after being lost to the drought
(Japhet et al. 2007, pp. 42–44). In
addition, major restoration projections
have gone through environmental
review and are in progress on Placer
Creek, Comanche Creek, and Costilla
Creek. Completion of these projects will
contribute to the long-term persistence
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The
USFS, BLM, and NPS have been active
partners in project implementation and
have completed many miles of detailed
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stream surveys, which adds greatly to
our knowledge of habitat condition.
New Mexico Tribes and Pueblos have
recently taken initiatives to restore Rio
Grande cutthroat trout on their
homelands. The Mescalero Apache
Tribe began inventorying their streams
to determine presence, and has
reopened the Mescalero Tribal Fish
Hatchery. The Tribe hopes to establish
a Rio Grande cutthroat trout brood stock
and raise Rio Grande cutthroat trout to
support native fish restoration projects
on Tribal lands. Santa Clara Pueblo
received a Tribal Wildlife grant for
nearly $200,000 for Rio Grande
cutthroat trout restoration. The Pueblo
is in the initial phases of project
planning for restoring the Santa Clara
Creek watershed. Nambe Pueblo has
also expressed an interest in Rio Grande
cutthroat trout restoration and is
working in collaboration with USFS, the
Service, Southwest Tribal Fisheries
Commission (SWTFC), and NMDGF to
formulate a restoration plan to restore
Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the Nambe
River watershed. The Jicarilla Apache
Nation has also been involved in Rio
Grande cutthroat trout restoration and
plans to expand their restoration efforts
to additional creeks on the reservation
in the near future. The SWTFC, an
organization composed of southwestern
Native American tribes, has developed a
Memorandum of Understanding with
NMDGF to acquire Rio Grande cutthroat
trout eggs for juvenile and adult
production in support of tribal
restoration Rio Grande cutthroat trout
projects. Currently, the Memorandum is
still awaiting approval by both
participants. If successful, these actions
would provide further conservation for
Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
The Santa Fe National Forest, led by
their fisheries biologist, has been very
proactive about public education. They
estimate that up until 2006 their
‘‘Respect the Rio’’ program directly
reached over 9,300 people (Ferrell 2006,
p. 16). They developed the Rio Grande
Cutthroat Trout Life Cycle Game, which
has traveled to classrooms, Earth Day
events, and Kids’ Fishing Day
celebrations (Ferrell 2006, p. 15). The
game has also been translated into
Spanish to reach students who speak
English as a second language. It is
estimated that over 1,000 children and
adults have played the game.
In New Mexico, a Rio Grande
cutthroat trout Working Group meets
monthly to discuss Rio Grande cutthroat
trout conservation, projects, and
volunteer opportunities, and to
coordinate and communicate efforts
among the participants. Regular
members are NMDGF, the Service, Trout
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Unlimited, New Mexico Trout, and the
USFS. The members are committed to
Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation.
One obstacle to fisheries managers in
New Mexico has been the difficult
process of approval for chemical
treatment of streams. In August 2004,
the New Mexico Game Commission
voted to prohibit the use of piscicides in
New Mexico (Patten et al. 2007, p. 102).
This decision effectively terminated a
project on Animas Creek, Gila National
Forest, and has made stream restoration
project approval difficult. Another
obstacle to successful stream renovation
is the stocking of nonnative trout by
anglers into streams that have been
treated to remove them (Japhet et al.
2007, p. 17). Although education and
regulation may help, there is no known
way to stop this illegal activity.
Summary of Factor E
Fisheries management is integral to
the conservation of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Although there are some risks
associated with fisheries management,
we conclude that the benefits outweigh
the risks. We also conclude that the best
scientific and commercial information
available to us indicates that the threats
facing Rio Grande cutthroat trout will be
exacerbated by climate change.
Continued management actions to
connect fragmented populations are
essential. However, at this time, it is not
clear that management actions can
outpace some of the projected effects of
climate change.
We have carefully assessed the best
scientific and commercial information
available regarding the past, present,
and future threats faced by Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. We have reviewed
information supplied to us by State and
Federal agencies, peer-reviewed
literature, comments from private
citizens, and other unpublished
documents. The information
summarized in this status review
includes substantial information that
was not available at the time of our 2002
finding (67 FR 39936). On the basis of
this review, we find that listing of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout as threatened or
endangered is warranted, due to a
combination of population
fragmentation, isolation, small
population size, nonnative trout,
drought, and fire. We anticipate these
threats will be compounded by the
projected effects of climate change.
However, listing of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout is precluded at this time
by pending proposals for other species
with higher listing priorities and
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In the context of the Act, the term
‘‘threatened species’’ means any species
(or subspecies or, for vertebrates,
distinct population segments) that is
likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future throughout
all or a significant portion of its range.
The term ‘‘endangered species’’ means
any species that is in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range. The Act does not
indicate threshold levels of historic
population size at which, as the
population of a species declines, listing
as either ‘‘threatened’’ or ‘‘endangered’’
becomes warranted. Instead, the
principal considerations in the
determination of whether or not a
species warrants listing as a threatened
or an endangered species under the Act
are the threats that now confront the
species and the probability that the
species will persist into ‘‘the foreseeable
future.’’ The Act does not define the
term ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ However, we
consider the ‘‘foreseeable future’’ to be
20 to 30 years, which equates to
approximately 4 to 10 Rio Grande
cutthroat trout generations, depending
on the productivity of the environment.
We find that this is both reasonable and
appropriate for the present status review
because it is long enough to take into
account multi-generational dynamics of
life-history and ecological adaptation,
yet short enough to incorporate social
and political change that affects species
Evidence shows that populations of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout have been
greatly reduced over the last 200 years.
The range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
has contracted northward and
populations are primarily restricted to
high-elevation headwater streams. We
attribute the decline in the distribution
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout to habitat
degradation and the introduction of
nonnative sport fish into Rio Grande
cutthroat trout habitat that began in the
late 1800s. The wide distribution of
rainbow trout and nonnative cutthroat
trout have compromised Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations through
competition, hybridization, and
predation. These introduced fish have
expanded and colonized new habitat
and formed naturally reproducing
populations that occupy the former, and
in some cases current, range of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout.
We find that populations we
considered secure in 2002 suffered
severe to moderate population declines.
We considered 13 populations secure in
2002, and now we find that only 8
populations (5 identified in 2002, 3 new
populations) would meet our definition
of long-term persistence (over 2,500
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fish, 9.6 km (6 mi) of occupied habitat,
no nonnatives present). Although 97
additional conservation populations
exist, they all are affected by one or
more threats (e.g., small population size,
short stream length, poor habitat
quality, nonnative trout) that we
consider significant enough to threaten
their long-term survival. The
overarching threat that magnifies the
problems for each individual population
is fragmentation. Over 90 percent of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations exist
in stream fragments. Consequently,
recolonization of streams cannot occur
after a natural disaster occurs and
populations are much more susceptible
to extirpation.
Because of the increases in air
temperature that have already been
documented in the Southwest, and
other changes that have been
documented in hydrology, fire patterns,
and the life history of animals in the
region, there is evidence that the effects
of climate change are already occurring
in the range of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Every aspect of climate change we
examined will likely have a negative
effect on Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations are
currently surviving with multiple
stressors. Adding the effects of climate
change on these populations may
exacerbate the existing threats and
stressors on the species.
There is documented commitment of
agency personnel, tribes, and private
landowners to continue conservation
efforts for Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
This is evidenced by the lists of
accomplishments the States and
agencies have provided to us. Both State
and Federal agencies have been actively
involved in Rio Grande cutthroat trout
management. Several habitat restoration
projects are in progress and several
others are planned. It is too early to
determine the level of success of current
large watershed projects as they have
not been fully completed and evaluated.
Listing Priority Number
In accordance with guidance we
published on September 21, 1983, we
assign a Listing Priority Number (LPN)
to each candidate species (48 FR 43098).
Such a priority ranking guidance system
is required under section 4(h)(3) of the
Act (16 U.S.C. 1533(h)(3)). Using this
guidance, we assign each candidate an
LPN of 1 to 12, depending on the
magnitude of threats (high vs. moderate
to low); immediacy of threats (imminent
or non-imminent); and taxonomic status
of the species, in order of priority
(monotypic genus (i.e., a species that is
the sole member of a genus), species,
subspecies, distinct population segment,
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or significant portion of the range). The
lower the listing priority number, the
higher the listing priority (that is, a
species with an LPN of 1 would have
the highest listing priority).
Many of the threats to this subspecies
could result in complete loss of a given
population at any time (e.g., fire,
disease, nonnative introgression).
However, because there are many
known conservation populations and
because many populations are being
actively managed, the threats to this
subspecies as a whole are considered
An increase in average mean air
temperature of just over 1 °C (2.5 °F) in
Arizona and just under 1 °C (1.8 °F) in
New Mexico since 1976 (Parmesan and
Galbraith 2004, pp. 18, 19; State of New
Mexico 2006, p. 5; Lenart 2007, p. 4)
suggest that climate change is already
occurring in the Southwest. Coldwater
species like Rio Grande cutthroat trout
are expected to be among the most
sensitive species to climate change.
Water temperatures in some Rio Grande
cutthroat trout streams are already
elevated beyond recommended
temperatures for coldwater trout. At
least 14 Rio Grande cutthroat trout
streams either dried up or had
populations negatively affected by the
2002 drought. Rio Grande cutthroat
trout populations already face multiple
stresses such as nonnative trout,
fragmented habitat, and limited habitat.
The additional effects of climate change
are expected to cause population
extirpations and population bottlenecks.
Consequently, threats to this species are
considered imminent. Therefore, based
on the moderate magnitude and
immediacy of threats, we have given
this subspecies an LPN of 9.
Preclusion and Expeditious Progress
Preclusion is a function of the listing
priority of a species in relation to the
resources that are available and
competing demands for those resources.
Thus, in any given fiscal year (FY),
multiple factors dictate whether it will
be possible to undertake work on a
proposed listing regulation or whether
promulgation of such a proposal is
warranted but precluded by higher
priority listing actions.
The resources available for listing
actions are determined through the
annual Congressional appropriations
process. The appropriation for the
Listing Program is available to support
work involving the following listing
actions: proposed and final listing rules;
90-day and 12-month findings on
petitions to add species to the Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants (Lists) or to change the status
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of a species from threatened to
endangered; annual determinations on
prior ‘‘warranted but precluded’’
petition findings as required under
section 4(b)(3)(C)(i) of the Act; proposed
and final rules designating critical
habitat; and litigation-related,
administrative, and program
management functions (including
preparing and allocating budgets,
responding to Congressional and public
inquiries, and conducting public
outreach regarding listing and critical
habitat). The work involved in
preparing various listing documents can
be extensive and may include, but is not
limited to: gathering and assessing the
best scientific and commercial data
available and conducting analyses used
as the basis for our decisions; writing
and publishing documents; and
obtaining, reviewing, and evaluating
public comments and peer review
comments on proposed rules and
incorporating relevant information into
final rules. The number of listing
actions that we can undertake in a given
year also is influenced by the
complexity of those listing actions; that
is, more complex actions generally are
more costly. For example, during the
past several years, the cost (excluding
publication costs) for preparing a 12month finding, without a proposed rule,
has ranged from approximately $11,000
for one species with a restricted range
and involving a relatively
uncomplicated analysis to $305,000 for
another species that is wide-ranging and
involving a complex analysis.
We cannot spend more than is
appropriated for the Listing Program
without violating the Anti-Deficiency
Act (see 31 U.S.C. 1341(a)(1)(A)). In
addition, in FY 1998 and for each fiscal
year since then, Congress has placed a
statutory cap on funds which may be
expended for the Listing Program, equal
to the amount expressly appropriated
for that purpose in that fiscal year. This
cap was designed to prevent funds
appropriated for other functions under
the Act (for example, recovery funds for
removing species from the Lists), or for
other Service programs, from being used
for Listing Program actions (see House
Report 105–163, 105th Congress, 1st
Session, July 1, 1997).
Recognizing that designation of
critical habitat for species already listed
would consume most of the overall
Listing Program appropriation, Congress
also put a critical habitat subcap in
place in FY 2002 and has retained it
each subsequent year to ensure that
some funds are available for other work
in the Listing Program: ‘‘The critical
habitat designation subcap will ensure
that some funding is available to
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address other listing activities’’ (House
Report No. 107–103, 107th Congress, 1st
Session, June 19, 2001). In FY 2002 and
each year until FY 2006, the Service has
had to use virtually the entire critical
habitat subcap to address courtmandated designations of critical
habitat, and consequently none of the
critical habitat subcap funds have been
available for other listing activities. In
FY 2007, we were able to use some of
the critical habitat subcap funds to fund
proposed listing determinations for
high-priority candidate species; we
expect to also be able to do this in FY
Thus, through the listing cap, the
critical habitat subcap, and the amount
of funds needed to address courtmandated critical habitat designations,
Congress and the courts have in effect
determined the amount of money
available for other listing activities.
Therefore, the funds in the listing cap,
other than those needed to address
court-mandated critical habitat for
already listed species, set the limits on
our determinations of preclusion and
expeditious progress.
Congress also recognized that the
availability of resources was the key
element in deciding whether, when
making a 12-month petition finding, we
would prepare and issue a listing
proposal or make a ‘‘warranted but
precluded’’ finding for a given species.
The Conference Report accompanying
Public Law 97–304, which established
the current statutory deadlines and the
warranted-but-precluded finding, states
(in a discussion on 90-day petition
findings that by its own terms also
covers 12-month findings) that the
deadlines were ‘‘not intended to allow
the Secretary to delay commencing the
rulemaking process for any reason other
than that the existence of pending or
imminent proposals to list species
subject to a greater degree of threat
would make allocation of resources to
such a petition [that is, for a lowerranking species] unwise.’’
In FY 2008, expeditious progress is
that amount of work that can be
achieved with $8,206,940, which is the
amount of money that Congress
appropriated for the Listing Program at
this time (that is, the portion of the
Listing Program funding not related to
critical habitat designations for species
that are already listed). Our process is
to make our determinations of
preclusion on a nationwide basis to
ensure that the species most in need of
listing will be addressed first and also
because we allocate our listing budget
on a nationwide basis. The $8,206,940
for listing activities (that is, the portion
of the Listing Program funding not
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related to critical habitat designations
for species that already are listed) will
be used to fund work in the following
categories: Compliance with court
orders and court-approved settlement
agreements requiring that petition
findings or listing determinations be
completed by a specific date; section 4
(of the Act) listing actions with absolute
statutory deadlines; essential litigationrelated, administrative, and program
management functions; and highpriority listing actions. The allocations
for each specific listing action are
identified in the Service’s FY 2008 Draft
Allocation Table (part of our
administrative record). We are working
on completing our allocation at this
time. More funds are available in FY
2008 than in previous years to work on
listing actions that are not the subject of
court orders or court-approved
settlement agreements.
We currently have more than 120
species with an LPN of 2. Therefore, we
further rank the candidate species with
an LPN of 2 by using the following
extinction-risk type criteria:
International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) Red list status/rank,
Heritage rank (provided by
NatureServe), Heritage threat rank
(provided by NatureServe), and species
currently with fewer than 50
individuals, or 4 or fewer populations.
Those species with the highest IUCN
rank (critically endangered), the highest
Heritage rank (G1), the highest Heritage
threat rank (substantial, imminent
threats), and currently with fewer than
50 individuals, or fewer than 4
populations, comprise a list of
approximately 40 candidate species
(‘‘Top 40’’). These 40 candidate species
have the highest priority to receive
funding to work on a proposed listing
determination. To be more efficient in
our listing process, as we work on
proposed rules for these species in the
next several years, we are preparing
multi-species proposals when
appropriate, and these may include
species with lower priority if they
overlap geographically or have the same
threats as a species with an LPN of 2.
In addition, available staff resources are
also a factor in determining highpriority species provided with funding.
Finally, proposed rules for
reclassification of threatened species to
endangered are lower priority, since the
listing of the species already affords the
protection of the Act and implementing
regulations. We assigned the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout an LPN of 9, based on
our finding that the subspecies faces
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
threats of moderate magnitude that are
As explained above, a determination
that listing is warranted but precluded
must also demonstrate that expeditious
progress is being made to add or remove
qualified species to and from the Lists
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants. (We note that we do not
discuss specific actions taken on
progress towards removing species from
the Lists because that work is conducted
using appropriations for our Recovery
program, a separately budgeted
component of the Endangered Species
Program. As explained above in our
description of the statutory cap on
Listing Program funds, the Recovery
Program funds and actions supported by
them cannot be considered in
determining expeditious progress made
in the Listing Program.) As with our
‘‘precluded’’ finding, expeditious
progress in adding qualified species to
the Lists is a function of the resources
available and the competing demands
for those funds. Our expeditious
progress in FY 2007 in the Listing
Program, up to the date of making this
finding for the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout, included preparing and
publishing the following
Publication date
10/11/2006 .................
Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule to List the Cow Head Tui
Chub (Gila biocolor vaccaceps) as Endangered.
Revised 12-Month Finding for the Beaver Cave Beetle
(Pseudanophthalmus major).
12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the Island Marble Butterfly (Euchloe ausonides insulanus) as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding for a Petition to List the Kennebec River Population of Anadromous Atlantic Salmon as Part of the Endangered Gulf Of Maine Distinct Population Segment.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Columbian SharpTailed Grouse as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Tricolored Blackbird
as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Cerulean Warbler
(Dendroica cerulea) as Threatened with Critical Habitat.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Upper Tidal Potomac
River Population of the Northern Water Snake (Nerodia
sipedon) as an Endangered Distinct Population Segment.
90-Day Finding on a Petition to Remove the Uinta Basin
Hookless Cactus From the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the
Pariette Cactus as Threatened or Endangered.
10/11/2006 .................
11/14/2006 .................
11/14/2006 .................
11/21/2006 .................
12/5/2006 ...................
12/6/2006 ...................
12/6/2006 ...................
12/14/2006 .................
12/19/2006 .................
12/19/2006 .................
1/9/2007 .....................
1/10/2007 ...................
1/12/2007 ...................
2/2/2007 .....................
2/13/2007 ...................
2/13/2007 ...................
2/14/2007 ...................
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
2/21/2007 ...................
3/8/2007 .....................
3/29/2007 ...................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
Withdrawal of Proposed Rule to List Penstemon grahamii
(Graham’s beardtongue) as Threatened With Critical Habitat.
90-Day Finding on Petitions to List the Mono Basin Area Population of the Greater Sage-Grouse as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Petition Finding and Proposed Rule To List the
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) as Threatened Throughout Its
Range; Proposed Rule.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Clarification
of Significant Portion of the Range for the Contiguous
United States Distinct Population Segment of the Canada
Withdrawal of Proposed Rule To List Lepidium papilliferum
(Slickspot Peppergrass).
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the American Eel as
Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Jollyville Plateau
Salamander as Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the San Felipe
Gambusia as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on A Petition to List Astragalus debequaeus
(DeBeque milkvetch) as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To Reclassify the Utah Prairie
Dog From Threatened to Endangered and Initiation of a 5Year Review.
90-Day Finding on
Basin Population
90-Day Finding on
Salamander and
16:43 May 13, 2008
Jkt 214001
a Petition To List the Monongahela River
of the Longnose Sucker as Endangered.
a Petition To List the Siskiyou Mountains
Scott Bar Salamander as Threatened or
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
FR pages
Final withdrawal, Threats
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
71 FR 59700–59711.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Substantial.
71 FR 66298–66301.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Not substantial.
71 FR 67318–67325.
71 FR 59711–59714.
71 FR 66292–66298.
71 FR 70483–70492.
71 FR 70717–70733.
71 FR 70715–70717.
Notice of 5-year Review, Initiation.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Substantial.
Notice of withdrawal, More
abundant than believed, or
diminished threats.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
71 FR 75215–75220.
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Warranted.
Proposed Listing, Threatened
Clarification of findings ............
72 FR 1063–1099.
Notice of withdrawal, More
abundant than believed, or
diminished threats.
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Substantial.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice 90-day petition finding,
Not substantial.
Notice of 5-year Review, Initiation.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Not substantial.
Notice 90-day petition finding,
72 FR 1621–1644.
71 FR 76023–76035.
71 FR 76057–76079.
72 FR 1186–1189.
72 FR 4967–4997.
72 FR 6699–6703.
72 FR 6703–6707.
72 FR 6998–7005.
72 FR 7843–7852.
72 FR 10477–10480.
72 FR 14750–14759.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Publication date
4/24/2007 ...................
Revised 12-Month Finding for Upper Missouri River Distinct
Population Segment of Fluvial Arctic Grayling.
12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the Sand Mountain
Blue Butterfly (Euphilotes pallescens ssp. arenamontana)
as Threatened or Endangered with Critical Habitat.
Status of the Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout ................................
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Mt. Charleston Blue
Butterfly as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Wolverine as
Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Yellow-Billed Loon
as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding for a Petition To List the Colorado River
Cutthroat Trout as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Sierra Nevada
Distinct Population Segment of the Mountain YellowLegged Frog (Rana muscosa).
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Casey’s June Beetle (Dinacoma caseyi) as Endangered With Critical Habitat.
5/2/2007 .....................
5/22/2007 ...................
5/30/2007 ...................
6/5/2007 .....................
6/6/2007 .....................
6/13/2007 ...................
6/25/2007 ...................
7/5/2007 .....................
8/15/2007 ...................
08/16/2007 .................
8/28/2007 ...................
9/11/2007 ...................
9/18/2007 ...................
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Yellowstone National
Park Bison Herd as Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List Astragalus anserinus
(Goose Creek milk-vetch) as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Gunnison’s Prairie
Dog as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List Kenk’s Amphipod, Virginia Well Amphipod, and the Copepod Acanthocyclops
columbiensis as Endangered.
12-month Finding on a Petition To List Sclerocactus
brevispinus (Pariette cactus) as an Endangered or Threatened Species; Taxonomic Change From Sclerocactus
glaucus to Sclerocactus brevispinus, S. glaucus, and S.
In FY 2007, we provided funds to
work on proposed listing
determinations for the following highpriority species: 3 southeastern aquatic
species (Georgia pigtoe, interrupted
rocksnail, and rough hornsnail), 2 Oahu
plants (Doryopteris takeuchii, Melicope
hiiakae), 31 Kauai species (Kauai
creeper, Drosophila attigua, Astelia
waialealae, Canavalia napaliensis,
Chamaesyce eleanoriae, Chamaesyce
remyi var. kauaiensis, Chamaesyce
remyi var. remyi, Charpentiera
densiflora, Cyanea eleeleensis, Cyanea
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
Notice of 12-month petition
finding, Not warranted.
72 FR 20305–20314.
Notice of Review .....................
Notice of 90-day petition finding, Substantial.
Notice of Review .....................
72 FR 28664–28665.
72 FR 29933–29941.
Notice 90-day Petition Finding,
Notice 12-month petition finding, Not warranted.
Notice amended 12-month petition finding, Warranted but
Notice 12-month petition finding, Warranted but precluded.
Notice 90-day Petition Finding,
Not substantial.
Notice 90-day Petition Finding,
Notice of Review .....................
72 FR 31256–31264.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Jkt 214001
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Fmt 4701
72 FR 36635–36646.
72 FR 45717–45722.
72 FR 46023–46030.
72 FR 49245–49246.
nesiotes, Megalagrion leptodemas,
Megalagrion oceanicum, Megalagrion
pacificum), and one Hawaiian plant
(Phyllostegia hispida (no common
name)). In FY 2008, we are continuing
to work on these listing proposals (we
are now including an additional 17
species in the Kauai species proposed
listing determination package). In
addition, we are continuing to work on
several other determinations listed
below, which we funded in FY 2007
and are scheduled to complete in FY
90-day petition finding (remand).
Final listing determination.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
Sfmt 4702
72 FR 34657–34661.
72 FR 53211–53222.
PO 00000
72 FR 32589–32605.
Notice 12-month petition finding for uplisting, Warranted
but precluded.
16:43 May 13, 2008
72 FR 31048–31049.
72 FR 51766–51770.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
72 FR 24253–24263.
Notice 90-day Petition Finding,
Not substantial.
kuhihewa, Cyrtandra oenobarba,
Dubautia imbricata ssp. imbricata,
Dubautia plantaginea ssp. magnifolia,
Dubautia waialealae, Geranium
kauaiense, Keysseria erici, Keysseria
helenae, Labordia helleri, Labordia
pumila, Lysimachia daphnoides,
Melicope degeneri, Melicope paniculata,
Melicope puberula, Myrsine mezii,
Pittosporum napaliense, Platydesma
rostrata, Pritchardia hardyi, Psychotria
grandiflora, Psychotria hobdyi,
Schiedea attenuata, Stenogyne kealiae),
4 Hawaiian damselflies (Megalagrion
Actions Subject to Court Order/Settlement Agreement:
Western sage grouse ........................................................................
Actions with Statutory Deadlines:
Polar bear ..........................................................................................
Ozark chinquapin ..............................................................................
Tucson shovel-nosed snake .............................................................
Gopher tortoise—Florida population .................................................
Sacramento valley tiger beetle ..........................................................
Eagle lake trout .................................................................................
Smooth billed ani ...............................................................................
Mojave ground squirrel ......................................................................
Gopher Tortoise—eastern population ...............................................
Bay Springs salamander ...................................................................
Tehachapi slender salamander .........................................................
FR pages
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Evening primrose ..............................................................................
Northern leopard frog ........................................................................
Cactus ferruginous pygmy owl ..........................................................
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
Our expeditious progress so far in FY
2008 in the Listing Program, includes
preparing and publishing the following:
Publication date
FR pages
10/09/2007 .................
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Black-Footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Giant Palouse Earthworm as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Mountain Whitefish
(Prosopium williamsoni) in the Big Lost River, ID, as
Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Summer-Run
Kokanee Population in Issaquah Creek, WA, as Threatened or Endangered.
Response to Court on Significant Portion of the Range, and
Evaluation of Distinct Population Segments, for the Queen
Charlotte Goshawk.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Jollyville Plateau
Salamander (Eurycea tonkawae) as Endangered With Critical Habitat.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Pygmy Rabbit
(Brachylagus idahoensis) as Threatened or Endangered.
90-Day Finding on Petition To List the Amargosa River Population of the Mojave Fringe-Toed Lizard (Uma scoparia) as
Threatened or Endangered With Critical Habitat.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Siskiyou Mountains Salamander (Plethodon stormi) and Scott Bar Salamander (Plethodon asupak) as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Gunnison’s Prairie
Dog as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki utah) as Threatened or
Listing Phyllostegia hispida (No Common Name) as Endangered Throughout Its Range.
Initiation of Status Review for the Greater Sage-Grouse
(Centrocercus urophasianus) as Threatened or Endangered.
12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the North American
Wolverine as Endangered or Threatened.
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the U.S. Population of
Coaster Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) as Endangered.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Substantial.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Not Substantial.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Not Substantial.
72 FR 57278–57283.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Not substantial.
72 FR 59979–59983.
Response to Court ..................
72 FR 63123–63140.
Notice of 12-month Petition
Finding, Warranted but Precluded.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Substantial.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Substantial.
72 FR 71039–71054.
Notice of 12-month Petition
Finding, Not Warranted.
73 FR 4379–4418.
Notice of 12-month Petition
Finding, Warranted.
Notice of Review .....................
73 FR 6660–6684.
Proposed Listing, Endangered
73 FR 9078–9085.
Notice of Review .....................
73 FR 10218–10219.
Notice of 12-month Petition
Finding, Not Warranted.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding, Substantial.
73 FR 12929–12941.
10/09/2007 .................
10/23/2007 .................
10/23/2007 .................
11/08/2007 .................
12/13/2007 .................
1/08/2008 ...................
1/10/2008 ...................
1/24/2008 ...................
2/05/2008 ...................
2/07/2008 ...................
2/19/2008 ...................
2/26/2008 ...................
3/11/2008 ...................
3/20/2008 ...................
Our expeditious progress also
includes work on listing actions, which
we are funding in FY 2008. These
actions are listed below. We are
conducting work on those actions in the
top section of the table under a deadline
set by a court. Actions in the middle
section of the table are being conducted
to meet statutory timelines, that is,
timelines required under the Act.
Actions in the bottom section of the
table are high priority listing actions,
which include at least one or more
species with an LPN of 2, available staff
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:43 May 13, 2008
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4701
12-month petition finding (remand).
12-month petition finding (remand).
Final listing determination.
Sfmt 4702
72 FR 59983–59989.
73 FR 1312–1313.
73 FR 1855–1861.
73 FR 7236–7237.
73 FR 14950–14955.
resources, and, when appropriate,
species with a lower priority if they
overlap geographically or have the same
threats as the species with the high
Actions Subject to Court Order/Settlement Agreement:
Bonneville cutthroat trout ..................................................................
Mexican garter snake ........................................................................
Actions with Statutory Deadlines:
Polar bear ..........................................................................................
72 FR 57273–57276.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Phyllostegia hispida ...........................................................................
Yellow-billed loon ..............................................................................
Black-footed albatross .......................................................................
Mount Charleston blue butterfly ........................................................
Goose Creek milk-vetch ....................................................................
Mojave fringe-toed lizard ...................................................................
White-tailed prairie dog .....................................................................
Pygmy rabbit (rangewide) .................................................................
Delta smelt (uplisting) ........................................................................
Mono Basin sage grouse (vol. remand) ............................................
Ashy storm petrel ..............................................................................
Longfin smelt—San Fran. Bay population ........................................
Black-tailed prairie dog ......................................................................
Lynx (include New Mexico in listing) .................................................
Wyoming pocket gopher ...................................................................
Llanero coqui .....................................................................................
Least chub .........................................................................................
American pika ....................................................................................
Dusky tree vole .................................................................................
Sacramento Mts. checkerspot butterfly .............................................
Kokanee—Lake Sammamish population ..........................................
206 species .......................................................................................
475 Southwestern species ................................................................
High Priority Listing Actions:
48 Kauai species 1 .............................................................................
21 Kauai species ...............................................................................
11 packages of high-priority candidate species ................................
Flatwoods salamander (taxonomic revision) .....................................
1 Funds
used for this listing action were also provided in FY 2007.
We have endeavored to make our
listing actions as efficient and timely as
possible, given the requirements of the
relevant law and regulations, and
constraints relating to workload and
personnel. We are continually
considering ways to streamline
processes or achieve economies of scale,
such as by batching related actions
together. Given our limited budget for
implementing section 4 of the Act, these
actions described above collectively
constitute expeditious progress.
We will list the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout as threatened or endangered when
funding is available for discretionary
listing actions. We intend any listing
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with PROPOSALS2
Final listing.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:43 May 13, 2008
Jkt 214001
action for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout
to be as accurate as possible. Therefore,
we will continue to accept additional
information and comments on the status
of and threats to this subspecies from all
concerned governmental agencies, the
scientific community, industry, or any
other interested party concerning this
finding. If an emergency situation
develops with this subspecies that
warrants an emergency listing, we will
act immediately to provide additional
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this document is available from the
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
New Mexico Ecological Services Field
Office (see ADDRESSES section).
The primary author of this notice is
the staff of the Albuquerque Ecological
Services Field Office, 2105 Osuna Road
NE., Albuquerque, NM 87113.
Authority: The authority for this action is
the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: April 30, 2008.
Kenneth Stansell,
Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. E8–10182 Filed 5–13–08; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 94 (Wednesday, May 14, 2008)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 27900-27926]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-10182]
[[Page 27899]]
Part II
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Status Review for Rio
Grande Cutthroat Trout; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 14, 2008 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 27900]]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[FWS-R2-ES-2008-0056; 1111 FY07 MO-B2]
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Status Review for
Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of candidate status review.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
results of the status review for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) under the Endangered Species Act of
1973 (Act), as amended. After a thorough review of all available
scientific and commercial information, we find that listing the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout is warranted but precluded by higher priority
actions. Upon publication of this status review, we will add the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout to our list of candidate species with a listing
priority number of 9, because the threats affecting it have a moderate
magnitude and are imminent. We will develop a proposed rule to list the
subspecies as our priorities allow. We ask the public to continue to
submit to us any new information that becomes available concerning the
status of or threats to the subspecies. This information will help us
to monitor and encourage the ongoing conservation of this subspecies.
DATES: The finding announced in this document was made on May 14, 2008.
ADDRESSES: This finding is available on the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov. Supporting documentation we used in preparing this
finding is available for public inspection, by appointment, during
normal business hours at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Mexico
Ecological Services Field Office, 2105 Osuna Road, NE., Albuquerque,
New Mexico 87113; telephone (505) 346-2525; facsimile (505) 248-6788.
Please submit any new information, materials, comments, or questions
concerning this finding to the above address or via electronic mail (e-
mail) at r2fwe_al@fws.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wally ``J'' Murphy, Field Supervisor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2105 Osuna Road, NE., Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87113. (505) 346-2525 ext 106. If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires
that, for any petition containing substantial scientific and commercial
information that listing may be warranted, we make a finding within 12
months of the date of receipt of the petition on whether the petitioned
action is: (a) Not warranted, (b) warranted, or (c) warranted, but that
immediate proposal of a regulation implementing the petitioned action
is precluded by other pending proposals to determine whether species
are threatened or endangered, and expeditious progress is being made to
add or remove qualified species from the Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Section 4(b)(3)(C) of the Act requires
that we treat a petition for which the requested action is found to be
warranted but precluded as though resubmitted on the date of such
finding, that is, requiring a subsequent finding to be made within 12
months. We must publish these 12-month findings in the Federal
Previous Federal Actions
On February 25, 1998, we received a petition from Kieran Suckling,
of the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity requesting that the
Service add the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki
virginalis) to the list of threatened and endangered species. The
petition addressed the range-wide distribution of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout that includes populations in Colorado and New Mexico.
We subsequently published a notice of a 90-day finding in the Federal
Register (63 FR 49062) on September 14, 1998. In the 90-day finding we
concluded that the petition did not present substantial information
indicating that listing of the Rio Grande cutthroat trout may be
On June 9, 1999, a complaint was filed by the Southwest Center for
Biological Diversity alleging that the September 14, 1998, 90-day
petition finding violated the Administrative Procedure Act. While the
litigation was pending, we received information (particularly related
to the presence of whirling disease in hatchery fish in the wild) that
led us to believe that further review of the status of the subspecies
was warranted. On November 8, 2001, a settlement agreement executed by
both parties (the Service and the Southwest Center for Biological
Diversity) was filed with the court. The settlement stipulated that the
Service would initiate a status review for the Rio Grande cutthroat
trout, make a determination on or before June 4, 2002, and shortly
thereafter, publish our determination in the Federal Register. On June
11, 2002, we published our determination that listing of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout was not warranted (67 FR 39936).
Subsequently, on February 25, 2003, the Center for Biological
Diversity, along with several other organizations, sued the Service for
failing to list Rio Grande cutthroat trout. On June 7, 2005, the New
Mexico Federal District Court (Court) ruled that our finding was not
arbitrary and capricious, but also required that we explain in more
detail our analysis of ``significant portion of the range''. The Court
ordered the Service to provide a supplemental briefing discussing in
more detail our analysis of significant portion of the range. We
submitted this briefing on July 20, 2005. On December 19, 2005, the
Court ruled in favor of the Service and upheld our interpretation of
significant portion of the range and determined that our evaluation of
Rio Grande cutthroat trout's status under the listing criteria was not
arbitrary and capricious. Plaintiffs appealed this decision.
The appeal was pending with the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals,
when other courts issued opinions for other species that required the
Service to reexamine our position on significant portion of the range.
On March 16, 2007, a formal opinion was issued by the Solicitor of the
Department of the Interior, ``The Meaning of In Danger of Extinction
Throughout All or a Significant Portion of Its Range'' (U.S. DOI 2007).
Because of this new formal opinion and because of our knowledge of
changes in status of some populations that we had defined as ``secure''
in our 2002 review, in consultation with the court and the plaintiffs,
the Service agreed to initiate a new status review. We subsequently
published a notice seeking new information concerning the status of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout on May 22, 2007 (72 FR 28664).
In response to our 2007 requests for information regarding Rio
Grande cutthroat trout (72 FR 28664, 72 FR 46030 (August 16, 2007)), we
received comments and information from Colorado Division of Wildlife
(CDOW), New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), U.S. Bureau of
Land Management (BLM), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), private citizens and
organizations, and the Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Conservation Team.
The Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout
[[Page 27901]]
Conservation Team is composed of biologists from CDOW, NMDGF, BLM,
USFS, National Park Service, the Jicarilla Apache Nation and the
Service. The Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Conservation Team recently
completed a range-wide status report (Alves et al. 2007) concerning the
Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The status report and the comprehensive
database (referred to as ``2007 database'' in this finding) that is the
basis for the report, along with other supplemental submissions from
the agencies listed above, provide the best scientific and commercial
information available on Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The report
summarizes information provided by 15 fisheries professionals from
Colorado and New Mexico having specific knowledge of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout (Alves et al. 2007, p. 58). In making this finding, we
considered all scientific and commercial information that we received
or acquired since our previous status review. We relied primarily on
published and peer-reviewed documentation for our conclusions.
Biology and Distribution
The Rio Grande cutthroat trout, one of 14 subspecies of cutthroat
trout, is native to the Rio Grande, Pecos, and the Canadian river
basins in New Mexico and Colorado (Behnke 2002, p. 219). Rio Grande
cutthroat trout has the distinction of being the first North American
trout recorded by Europeans (Behnke 2002, p. 139). In 1541, Francisco
de Coronado's expedition discovered Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the
upper Pecos River (Behnke 2002, p. 139). The first specimens that were
collected for scientific purposes came from Ute Creek in Costilla
County, Colorado, in 1853. Rio Grande cutthroat trout was originally
described in 1856 (Behnke 2002, p. 210). Cutthroat trout subspecies are
distinguished by the red to orange slashes in the throat folds beneath
the lower jaw.
The historical distribution of Rio Grande cutthroat trout is not
known with certainty. In general, it is assumed that Rio Grande
cutthroat trout occupied all streams capable of supporting trout in the
Rio Grande, Pecos, and Canadian basins (Alves et al. 2007, p. 9). The
Pecos River is a tributary of the Rio Grande, so a historic connection
between the two basins likely existed. Although no early museum
specimens document its occurrence in the headwaters of the Canadian
River, it is almost certainly native there as well (Behnke 2002, p.
208). The Canadian River, tributary to the Mississippi River, has no
connection with the Rio Grande. It is possible that through headwater
capture (a tributary from one watershed joins with a tributary from
another) there may have been natural migration of fish between the
Pecos and Canadian headwater streams. There is evidence that Rio Grande
cutthroat trout may have occurred in Texas (Garrett and Matlock 1991,
p. 405; Behnke 1967, pp. 5, 6) and Mexico (Behnke 1967, p. 4).
Currently, the southernmost distribution of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
occurs in Animas Creek, Sierra County, New Mexico, and Indian Creek on
the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation in Otero County, New Mexico.
Distribution in the southern portion of the range is currently limited
and no conservation populations (see discussion of conservation
populations below) exist south of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In the range-wide status report, historically occupied habitat was
based on habitat believed to be inhabited by Rio Grande cutthroat trout
when early European explorers entered the Southern Rocky Mountain
Region of Colorado and New Mexico (circa 1800) (Alves et al. 2007, p.
9). In general, streams currently capable of supporting trout
(elevations of 1,829 meters (m) (6,000 feet (ft)) and above; 1,671 m
(5,500 ft) and above on north-facing slopes) were assumed to have been
historically occupied if they were not above a barrier to fish movement
(e.g., an impassable waterfall). Streams which cannot currently support
trout were assumed not to have been historically occupied unless they
were known to have been degraded by such things as water withdrawals,
channel alterations, human-caused barriers, or chemical contamination.
Based on these criteria, 10,622 kilometers (km) (6,660 miles (mi)) of
stream habitat were identified as having the potential of being
historically occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Alves et al. 2007,
p. 9). The estimated amount of historical range in each State is about
5,196 km (3,229 mi) in Colorado (48 percent), and 5,521 km (3,431 mi)
(52 percent) in New Mexico (Alves et al. 2007, p. 9).
To facilitate management and conservation efforts, the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout range is divided into Geographic Management Units
(GMUs) based on watersheds (Alves et al. 2007, p. 2). The GMUs are,
from north to south, Rio Grande headwaters, Lower Rio Grande, Canadian,
Pecos, and Caballo. Historical occupancy by GMU is 5,277 km (3,279 mi)
(49 percent) in Rio Grande Headwaters, 3,396 km (2,110 mi) (32 percent)
in Lower Rio Grande, 1,027 km (638 mi) (10 percent) in the Canadian,
1,003 km (623 mi) (9 percent) in Pecos, and 16 km (10 mi) (0.2 percent)
in Caballo (Alves et al. 2007, p. 9).
In our prior status review (67 FR 39936; June 11, 2002), we focused
our analysis primarily on ``core'' populations, which we defined using
conservative criteria for genetic integrity, population stability, and
security from invasion by nonnative salmonids (trout and salmon). The
genetic criterion for these core populations was that the populations
have less than one percent representation of genetic markers from
another subspecies of cutthroat trout or from rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss), as determined by genetic testing. Rio Grande
cutthroat trout are able to interbreed, or hybridize, with other
subspecies of cutthroat trout and rainbow trout. This hybridization may
result in genes of one species or subspecies being incorporated into
the other species or subspecies. The incorporation of genes from one
species into another is referred to by the technical term
``introgression'' (Mayr 1970) and a species that has received such
genes is referred to as ``introgressed.'' To simplify discussion in
this review, we will also use these terms when describing when genetic
markers of another subspecies are found in Rio Grande cutthroat trout,
although we recognize that these terms, as strictly defined, refer to
Our previous status review concluded that the core populations, as
then defined by conservative criteria, were sufficiently abundant,
distributed, and secure to conclude that listing of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout was not warranted. As described later in this review,
the status of several of the original core populations has subsequently
declined and we believe those populations alone are not sufficient to
conserve the Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
For the current review, the genetic criterion for core populations
is that they be less than one percent introgressed, which is the same
genetic criterion for core populations followed in the previous review.
Although population stability and security from invasion are not used
to define core populations, as they were in the previous review, those
factors are still addressed as attributes affecting the status of core
and other populations. Core populations in the current review
correspond to the core populations described in the multi-state
position paper for cutthroat management (Utah Division of Wildlife
Resources (UDWR) 2000, pp. 3, 4). In addition to these core
populations, we focused our review on ``conservation populations'' as
[[Page 27902]]
by the position paper (UDWR 2000): populations less than 10 percent
introgressed, as measured by genetic markers, and that retain the
ecological, behavioral, and phenotypic characteristics of Rio Grande
cutthroat trout. In addition, we have included as conservation
populations those populations which have not been genetically tested,
but that retain the ecological, behavioral, and phenotypic
characteristics of Rio Grande cutthroat trout and are not suspected to
be introgressed or co-occurring with hybridizing species.
The above criteria for core and conservation populations have been
applied in Service status reviews of other subspecies of cutthroat
trout published since 2002 (71 FR 8818; 72 FR 32589). The status review
(68 FR 46989; August 7, 2003) for the westslope cutthroat trout
(Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) included populations with up to 20 percent
introgression, based on several studies of genetic markers and
morphological traits of introgressed populations that indicate that
populations with up to 20 percent of their nuclear genes derived from
rainbow trout were morphologically indistinguishable from
nonintrogressed westslope cutthroat trout populations. Comparable
studies, where genetic and morphological characters in the same
population are studied, have not been performed on Rio Grande cutthroat
trout; therefore, we have no justification for departing from the
general criterion of less than 10 percent introgression proposed in the
position paper on cutthroat trout genetics (UDWR 2000).
In the remainder of this review, we collectively refer to both core
and conservation populations, as defined above, as conservation
Inclusion of conservation populations with up to 10 percent
introgression in the present review does not mean we are any less
concerned about the effects of introgression on Rio Grande cutthroat
trout. Our evaluation of introgression as a threat to the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout will be described along with other applicable threats
later in this review.
Alves et al. (2007, p. 26) report that 120 conservation populations
of Rio Grande cutthroat trout currently occupy about 1110 km (690 mi)
of habitat, or 10.4 percent of the historical range of the subspecies.
The 120 conservation populations include 12 populations that have not
been tested for introgression and are suspected to be hybridized and
one population that to date has tested as nonintrogressed but in which
rainbow trout, a hybridizing species, co-occurs (Alves et al. 2007, p.
34; 2007 data base). An additional two streams (Placer Creek and
Comanche Creek) included in the 120 are undergoing restoration and are
currently unoccupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Although we fully
expect these two streams will become conservation populations within
the next five years, they are not occupied by viable populations
currently. Although we included in our analysis untested populations
that are suspected to be nonintrogressed as conservation populations,
we do not feel it is appropriate to include untested populations that
are suspected to be introgressed or that co-occur with hybridizing
species. Alves et al. (2007) provided all summary statistics (e.g.,
percent populations with nonnative trout, percent historical habitat
occupied, number of populations in each state) for 120 conservation
populations. Although the inclusion of these populations in Alves et
al. (2007) inflates the number of conservation populations and miles of
stream occupied by Rio Grande cutthroat trout, their inclusion does not
make a material difference in the outcome of our finding. Therefore, we
have decided to present all summary statistics as presented in Alves et
al. (2007) rather than recalculate the summary statistics to reflect
the 105 populations we would classify as conservation populations.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation populations currently
occupy about 473 km (294 mi) in Colorado (9.1 percent of Colorado
historical habitat) and 637 km (396 mi) in New Mexico (11.6 percent of
historical habitat) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 26). The Lower Rio Grande
GMU contains the largest amount of occupied habitat (489 km (304.1
mi)), followed by the Rio Grande Headwaters GMU (452 km (281.4 mi)),
Canadian GMU (109 km (67.5 mi)), and Pecos GMU (60 km (37.3 mi)) (Alves
et al. 2007, p. 26). The Caballo GMU contains a hybridized population
of cutthroat trout that was not included as a conservation population.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout occupy habitat in 14 of 19 watersheds that
supported historical habitat. They are believed to be extirpated from
the following watersheds: Arroyo Del Macho, Caballo, Upper Canadian,
Rio Hondo, and Rio Penasco (Alves et al. 2007, p. 11). If Rio Grande
cutthroat trout once occurred in Texas and Mexico, there is no evidence
that they occur there now.
Life History
As is true of other subspecies of cutthroat trout, Rio Grande
cutthroat trout is found in clear cold streams. Unlike some subspecies
of cutthroat trout, such as the Bonneville (Oncorhynchus clarki utah)
and Yellowstone (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri), Rio Grande cutthroat
trout did not originally inhabit large lake systems. However, they have
been introduced into coldwater lakes and reservoirs. They spawn as high
water flows from snowmelt recede. In New Mexico, this typically occurs
from the middle of May to the middle of June (NMDGF 2002, p. 17).
Spawning is believed to be tied to day length, water temperature, and
runoff (Sublette et al. 1990, p. 54; Behnke 2002, p. 141).
It is unknown if Rio Grande cutthroat trout spawn every year or if
some portion of the population spawns every other year as has been
recorded for westslope cutthroat trout (McIntyre and Rieman 1995, p.
1). Likewise, while it is assumed that females mature at age 3, they
may not spawn until age 4 or 5 as seen in westslope cutthroat trout
(McIntyre and Rieman 1995, p. 3). Sex ratio also is unknown with
certainty, but based on field data, a ratio skewed towards more females
might be expected (Pritchard and Cowley 2006, p. 27). Although
Yellowstone (Gresswell 1995, p. 36), Bonneville (Shrank and Rahel 2004,
p. 1532), and westslope (Bjornn and Mallet 1964, p. 73; McIntyre and
Rieman 1995, p. 3) cutthroat trout subspecies are known to have a
migratory life history phase, it is not known if Rio Grande cutthroat
trout once had a migratory form when there was connectivity among
Most cutthroat trout are opportunistic feeders, eating both aquatic
invertebrates and terrestrial insects that fall into the water
(Sublette et al. 1990, p. 54). Rio Grande cutthroat trout evolved with
Rio Grande chub (Gila pandora), longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae)
(all basins); Rio Grande sucker (Catastomus plebius) (Rio Grande
Basin); white sucker (C. commersoni) and creek chub (Semotilus
atromaculatus) (Pecos and Canadian Basins); and the southern redbelly
dace (Phoxinus erythrogaster) (Canadian River Basin) (Rinne 1995, p.
24). Many of these fish have either been extirpated from streams with
Rio Grande cutthroat trout or are greatly reduced in number (Sublette
et al. 1990, p. 162; Calamusso and Rinne 1999, pp. 233-236). It is not
known if they once were an important component of Rio Grande cutthroat
trout diet. Other subspecies of cutthroat trout become more piscivorous
(fish eating) as they mature (Moyle 1976, p. 139; Sublette et al. 1990,
p. 54) and cutthroat trout living in lakes will prey heavily on other
species of fish (Echo 1954, p. 244). It is possible that native
cyprinids (i.e., chubs, minnows, and dace) and suckers may have once
[[Page 27903]]
important prey items for Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Growth of
cutthroat trout varies with water temperature and availability of food.
Most populations of Rio Grande cutthroat trout are found in high
elevation streams. Under these conditions growth may be relatively slow
and time to maturity may take longer than is seen in subspecies that
inhabit lower elevation (warmer) streams.
Typical of trout, Rio Grande cutthroat trout require several types
of habitat for survival: spawning habitat, nursery or rearing habitat,
adult habitat, and refugial habitat. Spawning habitat consists of clean
gravel (little or no fine sediment present) that ranges between 6 to 40
millimeters (mm) (0.24-1.6 inches (in)) (NMDGF 2002, p. 17). Nursery
habitat is usually at the stream margins where water velocity is low
and water temperature is slightly warmer. Harig and Fausch (2002, pp.
542, 543) found that water temperature may play a critical role in the
life history of the young-of-year cutthroat. Streams with mean daily
temperature in July of less than 7.8 [deg]C (46 [deg]F) may not have
successful recruitment (survival of individuals to sexual maturity and
joining the reproductive population) or reproduction in most years.
Adult habitat consists of pools with cover and riffles for food
production and foraging. Refugial habitat in the form of large deep
pools is also necessary for survival. The primary form of refugial
habitat is deep pools that do not freeze in the winter and do not dry
in the summer or during periods of drought. Lack of large pools may be
a limiting factor in headwater streams (Harig and Fausch 2002, p. 543).
Refugial habitat may also be a downstream reach of stream or a
connected adjacent stream that has maintained suitable habitat in spite
of adverse conditions.
A technical review of Rio Grande cutthroat trout was recently
completed (Pritchard and Cowley 2006) which covers the biology of the
subspecies in greater detail and the reader is referred to that
document for additional background information on the subspecies.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Subspecies
Section 4 of the Act and regulations (50 CFR 424) promulgated to
implement the listing provisions of the Act set forth the procedures
for adding species to the Federal list of endangered or threatened
species. A species may be determined to be threatened or endangered due
to one or more of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the
Act. The following analysis examines the listing factors and their
application to Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Its Habitat or Range
Population Isolation and Fragmentation
The historic range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout has been greatly
reduced over the last 150 years. Populations have been lost because of
water diversions, stream drying, dams, habitat degradation, changes in
hydrology, hybridization with rainbow trout, or competition with brown
(Salmo trutta) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) (Pritchard and
Cowley 2006, pp. 16, 34-37; 67 FR 39939). Quantifying the exact
magnitude of loss in either number of fish or habitat is difficult
because there are no baseline data. Alves et al. (2007, p. 26) estimate
that conservation populations occupy about 10 percent of historically
inhabited stream miles. Also, the current distribution of occupied
miles on the landscape differs from the historical distribution. The
range has contracted northward, Rio Grande cutthroat trout are now
restricted primarily to headwater streams, and the large connected
networks that once linked hundreds of stream miles together no longer
exist. The change in distribution is discussed briefly followed by a
discussion of fragmentation which has modified and curtailed habitat.
Historically, 43 percent of Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations
occupied streams 2,438 m (8,000 ft) or less in elevation (Alves et al.
2007, p. 18). Currently, only about 1.6 percent of the populations are
in streams less than 2,438 m (8,000 ft) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 18).
Conservation populations, as defined above, are now concentrated in
elevations from 2,743-3048 m (9,000-10,000 ft) (Alves et al. 2007, p.
18). High-elevation streams (above 2,743 m (9,000 ft)) are subject to
extreme and fluctuating environmental conditions including forest
fires, freezing, and dewatering (Novinger and Rahel 2003, p. 779). In
addition, headwater mountain streams often lack critical resources such
as deep pools (Harig and Fausch 2002, p. 546) and provide insufficient
refuge from catastrophic disturbance (Pritchard and Cowley 2006, p.
17). Because high-elevation headwater streams are narrow and small
compared to the larger downstream reaches that Rio Grande cutthroat
trout once occupied, the absolute loss of habitat in both quantity and
quality is greater than stream miles might indicate.
Historically, many watersheds supporting Rio Grande cutthroat trout
contained streams that were connected. For example, in Colorado, the
Trinchera, Conejos, Culebra, Costilla, and Alamosa rivers would all
have been connected through the upper Rio Grande, forming a vast
network of streams (Alves et al. 2007, p. 10). As a consequence of
habitat loss, each of these watersheds is now isolated from the other
and Rio Grande cutthroat trout are restricted to fragments of streams
(Alves et al. 2007, pp. 12, 29). Of the 120 conservation populations,
112 (representing 80 percent of occupied miles) are in isolated stream
fragments (Alves et al. 2007, p. 29). No populations are considered to
have strong connectivity (i.e., >= 5 connected streams with open
migration corridors) (Alves et al. 2007, pp. 29, 77). One population
has a moderate degree of connectivity (4 to 5 connected streams);
however, this watershed (Comanche Creek) is currently under restoration
and has very few fish present. Seven populations have very little
connectivity (2-3 connected streams, infrequent straying of adults may
occur) (Alves et al. 2007, pp. 29, 77). Because Rio Grande cutthroat
trout habitat is severely fragmented and because the effects of
fragmentation are considered one of the primary threats to Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations, the consequences of fragmentation are
discussed in detail below.
Habitat fragmentation reduces the total area of habitat available,
reduces habitat complexity, and prevents gene flow (Saunders et al.
1991, p. 25; Rieman and McIntyre 1995, p. 293; Burkey 1995, pp. 527,
528; Dunham et al. 1997, pp. 1126, 1127; Frankham et al. 2002, p. 310;
Noss et al. 2006, p. 219). Fragmentation accelerates extinction,
especially when movement of fish among fragments is not possible, as is
the case with Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Burkey 1995, p. 540; Frankham
et al. 2002, p. 314). Isolated populations are vulnerable to extinction
through demographic stochasticity (random changes in the population
structure, e.g., uneven male/female ratios); environmental
stochasticity (random changes in the fishes' surroundings) and
catastrophes (e.g., fires, stream drying, freezing); loss of genetic
heterozygosity (genetic diversity) and rare alleles (inherited forms of
a genetic trait); and human disturbance (Shaffer 1987, p. 71; Rieman et
al. 1993, pp. 9-15; Burkey 1995, pp. 527, 528; Dunham et al. 1997, p.
1130; Frankham et al. 2002, pp. 310-324). Completely isolated fragments
are the most severe form of fragmentation
[[Page 27904]]
because the isolation prevents fish from mating with other fish
carrying different genes, thereby preventing new genes from entering
the isolated population (Frankham et al. 2002, p. 314). Of 120 Rio
Grande cutthroat trout conservation populations, 112 (93 percent, 80
percent of occupied miles) exist as isolated segments or have very
little connectivity (Alves et al. 2007, p. 29).
Apart from the isolation (lack of gene flow) that fragmentation
causes, the short length of the fragments and small population size
that they support are also of concern for Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
Seventy-one percent of Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations occupy stream segments of 8.1 km (5 mi) or less (median 6.2
km (4.2 mi)) (Alves et al. 2007, p. 26). Several researchers have found
that population viability of cutthroat trout is correlated with stream
length (Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p. 515; Young et al. 2005, p.
2405; Cowley 2007, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845). Stream length is important
because trout need a variety of habitats to complete their life cycle
(i.e., spawning habitat, rearing habitat, adult habitat, refugial
habitat) (Rieman and McIntyre 1995, p. 293; Horan et al. 2000, p. 1251;
Harig and Fausch 2002, p. 546; Young et al. 2005, p. 2406). The shorter
the stream, the more likely it is that one or more of the Rio Grande
cutthroat trout's required habitats is either missing, or inadequate
for completion of the species life cycle (Hilderbrand and Kershner
2000, p. 513). This is particularly true in high-elevation streams
which are narrower and shallower than larger, lower elevation, streams.
The longer a stream is, the more complexity it encompasses and the
higher the probability that no particular habitat type limits the
Hilderbrand and Kershner (2000, p. 515) estimated 8.3 km (5.1 mi)
were required to maintain a population of 2,500 cutthroat trout when
fish abundance was high (0.3 fish/m (0.09 fish/ft)). Adding a 10
percent loss rate, to account for emigration and mortality, increased
the length up to 9.3 km (5.8 mi) in order to maintain 2,500 fish. For
abundances of 0.2 fish/m (0.06 fish/ft) and 0.1 fish/m (0.03 fish/ft),
the corresponding length increased to 12.5 km (7.8 mi) and 25 km (15.5
mi), respectively (assuming no losses) (Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000,
p. 15). Young et al. (2005, p. 2405) found that to maintain a
population of 2,500 cutthroat trout, 8.8 km (5.5 mi) of stream were
needed. Cowley (2007 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845) determined that in stream
widths of approximately 2 m (6.6 ft) (average width of most Rio Grande
cutthroat trout streams), a stream length of 11 km (6.8 mi) would be
needed to support a population of 2,750 fish. Because the majority (71
percent) of Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation populations occur
in short stream fragments of 8.1 km (5 mi) or less, these studies
indicate that stream fragmentation (resulting in short stream lengths)
pose a threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation populations.
Longer streams support larger populations (Harig and Fausch 2002,
p. 546; Young et al. 2005, p. 2405). Population size is a major
determinant of species persistence (Reed et al. 2003, p. 23).
Population persistence decreases as population size decreases (Rieman
and McIntyre 1993, p. 15). Long-term persistence of a population
depends on having a sufficient number of individuals to avoid
inbreeding depression, which decreases population viability, and to
maintain genetic variation (Franklin 1980, pp. 135-148; Frankham et al.
2002, pp. 190-192; Reed 2005, pp. 563, 564). Genetic variability within
a population is necessary for adaptability (Reed 2005, p. 564; Cowley
2007 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845). Genetic variation will be lost through time
in isolated populations and the loss occurs more quickly in small
populations than in large populations (Rieman and Allendorf 2001, p.
761). When a population is greatly reduced in size (bottlenecked),
genetic diversity is decreased (Frankham et al. 2002, p. 183)
In our previous status review (67 FR 39938), we concluded that a
population size of 2,500 fish would ensure long-term persistence of Rio
Grande cutthroat trout, i.e., would reduce the risks associated with
small population size alone. Since that time other peer-reviewed
literature has been published that allows us to further evaluate this
number. Reed et al. (2003, p. 30), in a review of 102 vertebrate
species, estimate that sufficient habitat should be present to allow
for approximately 7,000 breeding age adults in order to ensure long-
term species persistence. Cowley (2007 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.845) found that
a population size of 2,500 Rio Grande cutthroat trout failed to meet
the desired long-term effective population size (number of adults
actually contributing offspring to the population) of at least 500. A
minimum population size of 2,750 was sufficient if there was infrequent
loss of year classes (all the individuals of a population of fishes
born or hatched in the same year). He found that a larger population
size was required as survival rate of young fish (one year or less)
decreased. He concluded that managing for Rio Grande cutthroat trout
population sizes in the range of 8,000 to 16,000 would be more likely
to ensure population viability when there are low to intermediate
survival rates of young fish. While any population number we might use
to assess the status of the subspecies is unlikely to satisfy all
interested parties, we believe 2,500 continues to be a reasonable
standard by which to evaluate the populations. While the range of
acceptable standards may range from 2,500 to 16,000, there is relative
certainty that populations below 2,500 are likely at risk and may not
be contributing to long-term persistence of the subspecies.
In 2007, fifteen of the 120 conservation populations had 2,500-
7,000 Rio Grande cutthroat trout. The 120 conservation populations
occur in 161 individual streams. Several conservation populations
occupy multiple individual stream segments that are connected, thus the
numbers of occupied streams segments is larger than the total number of
conservation populations. Of those 161 individual streams, a minimum of
53 contain populations of under 500 reproducing adult fish. Because
population estimates are unavailable for 38 streams, and most of the 38
are short segments (2007 database), the total number of populations
with fewer than 500 reproducing adult fish is much likely greater than
53. Of the 99 conservation populations with quantitative estimates, 19
have an abundance of 0-0.03 fish/m (0-50 fish/mi) and 31 have an
abundance of 0.03-0.09 fish/m (50-150 fish/mi). These low abundances
indicate that on average, Rio Grande cutthroat trout need longer,
rather than shorter, stream segments to ensure their long-term
persistence because longer streams support larger numbers of fish
(Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p. 515).
In 2002, we identified 13 Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations as
secure (67 FR 39940). All 13 had populations over 2,500, contained no
nonnative trout, and were protected from invasion by nonnative fish by
a barrier. By 2007, 5 of these populations had fewer than 1,000 fish
and 3 others had fewer than 2,000. One of the populations
(approximately 13,000 fish in 2002) is thought to have been extirpated
by low water effects (the stream either dried or froze). Brown trout
were discovered above the barrier on one of the streams. The status of
only 5 populations remained unchanged between 2002 and 2007.
A ``general health assessment'' was used by Alves et al. (2007, pp.
[[Page 27905]]
to look at the health of individual populations. Sixty-eight
populations (798 km (496 mi)) were judged to have a moderately high
degree of health, 50 (264 km (164 mi)) moderately low, and 1 (3.2 km (2
mi)) ranked as having low health (Alves et al. 2007, p. 42). Four
factors were considered in the assessment: isolation, temporal
variability (a measure of variability in the physical environment which
correlates with stream length), population size, and population
production (a composite score based on habitat condition, presence of
nonnatives, and disease) (Alves et al. 2007, pp. 82, 83, 89). These
factors were weighted in the following order: isolation (0.5), stream
length (0.7), population size (1.2), and population production (1.6).
The first 3 factors have a range of 1 to 4, while the last, population
production, has a range of 2 to 8 (Alves et al. 2007, p. 89),
effectively doubling its importance beyond the greater weighting (1.6)
assigned to it. Rationale for the weighting scheme is not provided.
Many scoring systems could be devised to determine population health
and it is unclear why isolation and stream length, two factors that
have been discussed extensively in conservation biology and cutthroat
trout conservation literature (e.g., Saunders et al. 1991, pp. 18-26;
Dunham et al. 1997, p. 1130; Hilderbrand and Kershner 2000, p. 513;
Frankham et al. 2002, Chapter 13; Young et al. 2005, p. 2405; Noss et
al. 2006, Chapter 7) were assigned the lowest weights. This rating
system is heavily biased towards production and does not provide a
balanced assessment of population health. However, even with this
unbalanced health assessment, only one stream ranked as having high
health, Comanche Creek. A major restoration of Comanche Creek began in
2007, and while we fully expect it to be restocked with nonintrogressed
Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the future, it has no Rio Grande
cutthroat trout currently.
It has been argued that small, isolated populations have persisted
for decades (Patten and Sloane 2007, p. 3). However, Rio Grande
cutthroat trout populations have only been monitored and intensively
managed during the last 50 years or less, and habitat conditions and
stressors are very different from historic conditions. Consequently,
long-term persistence cannot be appropriately assessed. In addition, as
Hilderbrand and Kershner state (2000, p. 517), although some isolated
populations may have persisted for centuries, these populations are
probably exceptions. To assume all isolated populations will behave
similarly may lead to insufficient protection (Hilderbrand and Kershner
2000, p. 517).
Based on the arguments presented above, we determined that stream
length, population size, and absence of nonnative trout are the most
important criteria by which to evaluate long-term population
persistence. We have evaluated the status of Rio Grande cutthroat trout
conservation populations primarily on stream length (9.6 km (6 mi) or
greater), population size (more than 2,500 fish), and presence or
absence of nonnative fish (Tables 1 and 2). All streams with a length
of over 9.6 km (6 mi) were initially evaluated. Stream miles in Tables
1 and 2 include all miles in the conservation population when more than
one stream is connected. Habitat condition and presence of a barrier
are also presented in Tables 1 and 2 because these factors are also
considered important in evaluating the status of the populations. Eight
streams (4 in Colorado, 3 in New Mexico, one shared) currently have
over 2,500 fish, are 9.6 km (6 mi) or longer, and have no nonnative
fish present (Table 1). In addition, the main stem of these streams is
greater than 1.5 m (5 ft) (although tributaries to the main stem may be
less than this width) and all have abundances of 151 fish per mile or
greater. Five of the streams, Cross, Medano, San Francisco, Canones,
and El Rito creeks, were identified as secure in 2002. Although these
eight streams meet the criteria, some have characteristics that are
less than optimal (Table 1). For instance, habitat quality in Cross and
Canones creeks is judged as ``Fair.'' In Canones Creek, the percentage
of pools (9 percent) is low and it was found to be at risk by Santa Fe
National Forest temperature standards (Ferrell 2006) (discussed in more
detail in the ``Climate Change'' section below).
Table 1.--Rio Grande Conservation Populations With Unaltered (< 1%) Genetic Status Occurring in Stream Lengths Greater Than 9.6 km (6 mi), With Greater
Than 2,500 Fish, and no Nonnative Trout Present
Population Length in km
size (mi) Habitat condition Ownership State Barrier
San Francisco Creek............... 3,820 23.5 (14.6) Excellent............ USFS, Private........ CO Water diversion.
Torcido Creek..................... 6,042 16.7 (10.4) Good................. Private.............. CO Drying.
Medano Creek...................... 5,795 33.6 (20.9) Excellent............ NPS, USFS............ CO None.
Cross Creek....................... 3,675 12.9 (8.0) Fair................. BLM, USFS, Private... CO None.
Costilla Creek.................... 5,200 21.1 (13.1) Excellent............ Private.............. NM, CO Temporary/Manmade.
Alamitos Creek.................... 3,080 11.4 (7.1) Good................. USFS................. NM Partial/Water
El Rito Creek..................... 4,401 10.3 (6.4) Good................. USFS................. NM Temporary/Manmade.
Canones Creek..................... 3,683 9.7 (6.0) Fair................. USFS................. NM Waterfall.
Table 2 shows all the other Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation
populations in stream lengths greater than 9.6 km (6 mi). Six of the
populations have more than 2,500 Rio Grande cutthroat trout, but all of
these have nonnative brook trout present as well. In addition, 4 of
these have habitat quality judged as fair and one is in a stream with a
width less than 1.5 m (5 ft) wide, which puts it at risk for drying (as
discussed below). Abundance (fish per mile) is provided in Table 2
because some of these have less than 150 fish per mile, and, as
mentioned above, for populations with 0-50 or 50-150 fish per mile, a
longer stream length would be needed to ensure long-term persistence.
It should also be noted that Sangre de Cristo Creek has tested positive
for whirling disease. For all of these reasons, although the Rio Grande
cutthroat conservation populations presented in Table 2 occur in stream
lengths greater than 9.6 km (6 mi), all appear at risk for one or more
reasons. Two additional streams (Osier and Cascade) have strong
populations 3,239 and 2,372, respectively, with no nonnative trout
present. However, stream length for Osier Creek is only 5.9 km (3.7 mi)
and for Cascade it is 4.7 km (2.9 mi). While these populations do
currently contribute to the status of the subspecies range-wide, they
are considered too short to ensure long-term
[[Page 27906]]
persistence as their shorter length makes them more vulnerable to
extirpation from ash flow or other localized disturbance.
Table 2.--Rio Grande Conservation Populations in Stream Lengths Greater Than 9.6 km (6 mi), Sorted by Population Size. Nonnative Species May Be Present or Absent. BRK = Brook Trout, BRN =
Brown Trout, WS = White Sucker
Abundance (fish per Length in km
Stream name Population size mile) (mi) Nonnatives present Habitat condition Width in feet State Barrier
Jacks Creek...................... 4,849............... > 400............... 18.5 (11.5) BRK................. Fair............... < 5................ CO Drying.
Cabresto Creek................... 4,570............... > 400............... 13.7 (8.5) BRK................. Fair............... 5 to 10............ NM Diversion.
Sangre de Cristo Creek........... 3,793............... 151 to 400.......... 36.2 (22.5) BRK................. Fair............... 5 to 10............ CO Partial/Diversion.
South Carnero Creek.............. 3,748............... 151 to 400.......... 22.9 (14.2) BRK, BRN, WS........ Fair............... 10 to 15........... CO None.
West Indian Creek................ 3,345............... 151 to 400.......... 17.1 (10.6) BRK................. Excellent.......... 5 to 10............ CO Manmade dam.
Trinchera Creek.................. 2,941............... 151 to 400.......... 14.5 (9.0) BRK................. Excellent.......... 10 to 15........... CO None.
Polvadera Creek.................. 2,045............... 151 to 400.......... 12.1 (7.5) None................ Poor............... < 5................ NM Waterfall.
Jacks Creek...................... 1,504............... 151 to 400.......... 11.3 (7.0) None................ Good............... 5 to 10............ NM Temporary/Manmade.
Jim Creek........................ 1,283............... 151 to 400.......... 10.0 (6.2) BRK................. Poor............... 5 to 10............ CO None.
Ute Creek........................ 1,260............... 50 to 150........... 13.8 (8.6) None................ Good............... 5 to 10............ NM None.
Rio de Truchas................... 692................. 50 to 150........... 10.5 (6.5) None................ Fair............... 5 to 10............ NM Diversion.
Little Vermejo Creek............. 680................. 50 to 150........... 11.9 (7.4) BRK................. Excellent.......... 5 to 10............ NM Temporary/Manmade.
Vallejos Creek................... 678................. 50 to 150........... 11.7 (7.3) BRN................. Good............... 10 to 15........... CO None.
Cave Creek....................... 411................. 50 to 150........... 10.1 (6.3) BRK, BRN, WS........ Fair............... 5 to 10............ CO None.
East Pass Creek.................. 369................. 50 to 150........... 11.1 (6.9) None................ Fair............... < 5................ CO Drying.
Middle Carnero Creek............. 344................. < 50................ 11.3 (7.0) WS.................. Fair............... < 5................ CO Manmade dam.
Ricardo Creek.................... 271................. 50 to 150........... 14.5 (9.0) BRK................. Good............... 5 to 10............ CO Temporary/Manmade.
Torsido Creek.................... 250................. 50 to 150........... 10.3 (6.4) BRK................. Poor............... < 5................ CO None.
Wagon Creek...................... 246................. 151 to 500.......... 20.9 (13.0) BRK................. Good............... 5 to 10............ CO Partial/Diversion.
McCrystal Creek.................. 236................. < 50................ 15.1 (9.4) None................ Good............... 5 to 10............ NM Temporary.
South Ponil Creek................ 202................. < 50................ 15.3 (9.5) None................ Good............... 5 to 10............ NM Temporary/Manmade.
Rio de Oso....................... 194................. < 50................ 12.4 (7.7) None................ Fair............... < 5................ NM None.
Capulin Creek.................... 186................. < 50................ 11.9 (7.4) None................ Excellent.......... 5 to 10............ NM Drying.
North Fork Carnero Creek......... 97.................. < 50................ 13.0 (8.1) WS.................. Fair............... < 5................ CO Manmade dam.
Cat Creek........................ Unknown............. Unknown............. 15.1 (9.4) None................ Fair............... < 5................ CO Drying.
Habitat fragmentation is a threat that can be partially alleviated
by management activities. Three major watershed-scale projects have
been initiated on both private and USFS lands and are in various phases
of implementation. A joint project between Vermejo Park Ranch and the
states of Colorado and New Mexico to restore the Costilla Creek
watershed began in 2002 (Patten et al. 2007, pp 95-102). The
restoration removed brook trout, brown trout, and introgressed
cutthroat trout and reintroduced Rio Grande cutthroat trout into
Costilla Creek, 2 tributaries, and 3 small lakes, totaling 22 km (13.6
miles) of stream and 9.5 ha (23.5 ac) of lake (project is discussed
further in the ``Fisheries Management'' section below). As part of the
larger Costilla Project, 34 km (21.1 mi) of Comanche Creek and selected
tributaries were chemically treated with piscicides (chemicals that
kill fish) in 2007. Most likely a second treatment will be required and
will be completed in 2008 before Rio Grande cutthroat trout are stocked
back into the watershed. A draft Candidate Conservation Agreement with
Assurances with private landowners has been drafted so that the
Costilla Creek project can be extended downstream. Successful
implementation of this project would lead to the restoration of
approximately 241 km (150 mi) and 25 lakes (Patten and Sloane 2007, p.
7). The Placer watershed in Colorado also underwent chemical treatment
in 2007. This watershed has the potential for approximately 80.5 km (50
mi) of connected stream. If successful, the Costilla and Placer
watersheds would represent substantial gains in the goal of creating
connected stream systems for Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
While watershed restoration can reconnect streams and is the best
method for addressing fragmentation, major restoration projects face
many challenges including: negative public sentiment towards using
piscicides in streams which slows or stops projects (Patten et al.
2007, p. 102), incomplete treatment which leaves nonnatives present,
sabatoge of the treatment area (unauthorized introduction of nonnative
trout) (Japhet et al. 2007, p. 17), subsequent barrier failure which
allows nonnatives to reinvade a system (Japhet et al. 2007, p. 15), and
inadvertent mistakes. While many stream segments have been restored and
the Costilla and Placer watershed projects are in progress, no major
watershed restorations have been completed.
The Service has evaluated the data presented by Alves et al. (2007)
and supplemental information requested related to the database. Based
on our knowledge of Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations that we
previously classified as secure in 2002, and all of the information
available to us we conclude:
(1) The majority of Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations (93
percent) are in isolated fragments less than 8 km (5 mi) long (71
(2) Populations are concentrated in high elevation (2,438 to 3,048
m (8,000 to 10,000 ft)) headwater streams that provide marginal
habitat, especially in regards to the number and depth of pools
critical for trout survival in times of environmental extremes;
(3) The drought in the early 2000s had resulted in adverse effects
on several populations (discussed in more detail in the ``Climate
Change'' section below);
(4) Eight of 13 populations we had identified as secure in 2002
would no
[[Page 27907]]
longer meet the criteria we used at that time (67 FR 39937); and
(5) Only eight populations currently meet our revised criteria for
long-term persistence.
Although additional populations may have greater than 2,500 fish or are
in streams longer than 9.6 km (6 mi), there are additional significant
threats to those populations that put their long-term persistence in
question. For these reasons, we find that Rio Grande cutthroat trout is
threatened by fragmentation, isolation, and loss of habitat throughout
its range. While watershed restoration may alleviate this threat in the
future, insufficient progress has been made to alleviate the threat of
fragmentation range-wide at this time.
Habitat Condition
Many Rio Grande cutthroat trout conservation populations currently
occupy lands administered by Federal agencies. Of the total 1,110 km
(690 mi) of occupied habitat, 698 km (434 mi) (63 percent) are under
Federal jurisdiction, with the majority (59 percent) occurring within
National Forests (Alves et al. 2007). Rio Grande cutthroat trout occupy
6.1 km (3.8 mi) of land administered by the BLM, 30.5 km (19 mi)
managed by the National Park Service, and 397 km (247 mi) that are
owned privately.
Land uses associated with each conservation population were
identified in Alves et al. (2007, p. 49, Table 33), but the impact of
the activities was not evaluated in relation to individual populations
or the conservation of the subspecies. Non-angling recreation (e.g.,
camping, hiking, ATV use, etc.) occurs in 90 percent of the
conservation populations, and angling occurs in 84 percent of the
conservation populations. Livestock grazing occurs within the zone of
influence (area around the stream in which activities influence stream
habitat) of 87 percent of the conservation populations, roads in 58
percent, timber harvest in 19 percent, dewatering in 17 percent, and
mining in 3 percent. Only 3 populations (3 percent) were judged as
having no land use activities within a zone that would influence the
stream habitat. Many populations have more than one land use occurring
in the area.
An evaluation of habitat quality was conducted for currently
occupied habitat (Alves et al. 2007, p. 20). The evaluation considered
both natural habitat features and human disturbances, including land
use practices. A stream ranked excellent if it had ample pool habitat,
low sediment levels, optimal temperatures, and quality riparian
habitat. Good habitat quality had some attributes that are less than
ideal, and fair habitat has a greater number of attributes that are
less than ideal. Poor habitat quality is found where most habitat
attributes reflect inferior conditions. Approximately 224 km (139 mi)
(20.2 percent of occupied habitat) received an excellent habitat
rating. Good habitat conditions were found in 426 km (265 mi) of
habitat (38.4 percent of occupied habitat), and fair habitat conditions
were found in 335 km (208 mi) of habitat (30.1 percent of occupied
habitat). Poor conditions were found in 35 km (22 mi) (3.2 percent of
occupied habitat), and habitat conditions in 90 km (56 mi) (8.1
percent) were unknown (Alves 2007, p. 2). The majority of occupied
habitat (58.6 percent) is considered in good or excellent condition
(Alves et al. 2007, p. 20).
The Service also reviewed 19 detailed stream survey reports which
were conducted by the Santa Fe and Carson national forests in the
period 2001-2006. Although these surveys represent only about one
quarter of the conservation populations in New Mexico (19 of 84
populations), both large (i.e., Pecos River, Rio de las Vacas, Comanche
Creek) and small (i.e., Yerba, Manzanita creeks) streams are
represented. Therefore, these surveys provide additional insight into
the habitat condition on USFS lands. Of the 19 streams surveyed, the
most consistent problem is lack of pool habitat. Of the 19 streams, 18
had less than the 30 percent pool habitat (range 1-21 percent) needed
to be considered properly functioning trout streams. For eight of these
streams, a target value of 30 percent pool habitat was not considered
appropriate because they were 1st or 2nd order streams (i.e., headwater
streams) which often have few pools naturally because they occur on
high gradient slopes. But for four of these eight streams, the pool
habitat ranged from 1-3 percent and the reports noted that even for
headwater streams this was an insufficient number of pools.
In most streams (16 of 19) the average residual pool volume, which
represents initial pool depth if the stream were to dry, met the USFS
standard of 0.3 m (1 ft) or greater. However, the deepest average
residual pool volume was only 0.67 m (2.2 ft) and the mean depth of
pools for all 19 streams was 0.39 m (1.3 ft), indicating that the
majority of pools are relatively shallow.
Pools are recognized as important overwintering habitat and also
are holding areas for trout when streams dry. Not only are the number
of pools consistently fewer than desirable, but they are also
relatively shallow, and thus provide limited refugial habitat in times
of stream freezing or drying. Lack of deep pools could affect year-
class survival. As noted by Cowley (2007 DOI: 10.1002/acq.845) loss of
a year class of fish would suggest that longer stream length is needed
to provide adequate habitat for long-term population persistence.
However, as mentioned above, the sample size (19 streams) is relatively
small and it is not known if the results accurately represent Rio
Grande cutthroat trout streams range-wide.
Livestock grazing occurs in the vicinity of 87 percent of the Rio
Grande cutthroat trout populations (Alves 2007, p. 49). We recognize
that improper grazing does cause adverse impacts (e.g., loss of cover,
increased sedimentation, loss of riparian vegetation) to some
individual populations of Rio Grande cutthroat trout, especially during
drought conditions when the cattle tend to concentrate in riparian
areas. While a few of the USFS stream surveys noted that impacts by
cattle (or elk) were causing localized problems, grazing was not cited
as causing damage throughout the length of any stream. Specific
information on grazing impacts to Rio Grande cutthroat trout habitat on
a range-wide basis is not available. We have no information that leads
us to conclude that improper grazing is a significant threat to Rio
Grande cutthroat trout range-wide.
Timber harvest and associated road building has also led to the
deterioration of Rio Grande cutthroat trout habitat. However, timber
harvest in the National Forests has declined appreciably in the last 20
years. As an example, on the two forests in New Mexico that have
conservation populations, the Santa Fe National Forest and Carson
National Forest, there has been a total of 3.2 ha (8 ac) clear cut
since 1995 (Fink 2008 pp. 2, 3). The average amount of timber cut per
year from 1984 to 1994 in these forests was 27.6 and 19 million board
feet (MBF), respectively. From 1995 to 2005, the average amount cut per
year was 3.5 and 0.09 MBF, respectively (Fink 2008, pp. 2, 3). While
the effects of past logging practices may still be evident on the
landscape in some locations, we conclude that timber harvest is not
currently a threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations.
Roads and off-road vehicles can have negative impacts on stream
habitat primarily through increased sedimentation which degrades
spawning habitat. Non-angling recreation (which includes hiking and
camping as well as off-road vehicle use) is present near 90 percent of
[[Page 27908]]
conservation populations. On November 9, 2005, the USFS published
revised rules regarding travel management on their lands (70 FR 68264).
One of the primary purposes of the rule is to protect natural
resources. The final rule requires the designation of roads, trails,
and areas that are open to motor vehicle use by class of vehicle and,
if appropriate, time of year. Use of motor vehicles off designated
routes will be prohibited (70 FR 68264). The Service has begun
consultation on the Travel Management Plans proposed by National
Forests in USFS Region 3 (Arizona and New Mexico) and protecting
aquatic resources is an important component of these plans. While roads
have been identified as an area of concern for some streams (e.g., Tio
Grande, Rio Grande del Rancho, Martinez 2001, 2002), we conclude that
roads are not a threat to Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations range-
Management agencies are actively working towards improving habitat
conditions for Rio Grande cutthroat trout. In addition to the travel
management rule on USFS lands, several projects have been completed
recently to address habitat degradation caused by roads. For example,
grant money was obtained and used to inventory and identify 97 road
improvement projects to reduce sediment input into Comanche Creek
(Martinez 2006, p. 5). Six culverts were installed or realigned and ten
sediment traps a