Proposal for Available Alternative Site-Designation and Management Framework, 26077-26078 [E8-10274]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 90 / Thursday, May 8, 2008 / Notices
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to David Rostker, OMB Desk
Officer, FAX number (202) 395–7285, or
Dated: May 5, 2008.
Gwellnar Banks,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–10226 Filed 5–7–08; 8:45 am]
Foreign–Trade Zones Board
Proposal for Available Alternative Site–
Designation and Management
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Foreign–Trade Zones
(FTZ) Board is inviting public comment
on a staff proposal to make available an
alternative framework for participating
grantees to designate and manage their
general–purpose FTZ sites. A key result
of this proposal, which stems from a
series of regional and state–level
discussions with FTZ grantees that
began in April 2007, would be greater
flexibility and predictability for a
participating grantee to use
administrative ‘‘minor boundary
modifications’’ (MBMs) to modify FTZ
sites. The greater flexibility would be
made possible by participating grantees’
increased focus on the FTZ sites needed
for current or near–term zone activity,
with a resulting improvement in the
efficiency of FTZ oversight by
government agencies. The availability of
this alternative framework would affect
only participating FTZ grantees and
would occur within the existing
statutory and regulatory context
(including the role of the local CBP port
director relative to any application for
Board action or MBM request).
Under the FTZ Act of 1934 (19 U.S.C.
81a–81u), the FTZ Board may authorize
FTZ sites sponsored by local ‘‘grantee’’
organizations at locations within or
adjacent to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) ports of entry. Under
the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board’s
regulations (15 CFR Part 400), FTZ
designation for a particular parcel or site
may result either from an application for
action by the FTZ Board or from a
request for an administrative MBM
action by the FTZ Board staff. The
regulatory time frame for such FTZ
Board actions is ten months versus a
thirty-day time frame for administrative
MBM actions, and there are significantly
greater documentation requirements
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associated with applications for Board
action than for requests for
administrative action.
The FTZ Act gives the FTZ Board
broad authority and discretion. In this
context, the Board’s 1991 regulations
delineate criteria for evaluation of
applications for Board action and
requests for administrative action to
authorize FTZ designation for new
parcels or sites. The applicable
regulatory criteria are general in nature
and the Board’s existing approach
(practice) for MBMs and FTZ
designation for new parcels or sites pre–
dates both the enormous growth in
international trade of recent decades
and the significant evolution in trade–
related security and oversight
responsibilities within government
since 2001.
Within the FTZ program itself,
increased demand for rapid action
regarding new FTZ parcels or sites is
tied to an accelerated pace of decision–
making among the types of businesses
that constitute the ultimate users of the
program. The program’s ability to react
to business needs in a timely manner is
inextricably linked to the program’s
success in helping to retain or enhance
U.S.-based activity. In this context, an
alternative approach to MBMs and site
management for grantees in need of
greater flexibility and responsiveness
can be important in fulfilling the FTZ
program’s purpose ‘‘to expedite and
encourage foreign commerce.’’
Proposal: The fundamental trade–off
addressed in this proposal is greater
flexibility and increased predictability
for approval of FTZ sites through simple
and rapid MBM actions in exchange for
a grantee maximizing the linkage
between designation of FTZ space and
actual use of that space for FTZ activity
(after ‘‘activation’’ by CBP). Maximizing
this linkage can further other important
program–related goals, including more
efficient use of both FTZ Board and CBP
Although the proposed alternative
framework could be available to new or
existing grantees, the major benefit
would likely be for existing grantees
who seek to enhance their ability to
respond to evolving FTZ–related needs
in their communities. Under this
proposal, existing or potential grantees
would have the option of applying to
establish or reorganize their FTZ by
incorporating in an application for FTZ
Board action elements from the
following framework:
1. The ‘‘service area’’ within which
the grantee intends to be able to
propose FTZ sites (e.g., specific
counties, with documented support
from new counties if the service
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area reflected a broader focus than
the FTZ’s current area served). The
term ‘‘service area’’ applies a name
to a concept which already exists in
certain approved FTZ applications
in which a grantee organization has
named the localities it intends to
serve. It should be noted that any
service area would need to be
consistent with the ‘‘adjacency’’
requirement of the FTZ Board’s
regulations (60 miles/90 minutes
driving time from CBP Port of Entry
2. An initial limit of up to 2,000 acres
of designated FTZ space within the
service area. Given the proposal’s
focus on linking FTZ designation
more closely to FTZ activity, the
2,000–acre limit reflects the FTZ
Board’s existing practice of limiting
any FTZ grantee to activation of
2,000 acres (regardless of the overall
size of the grantee’s zone) unless
further approval is obtained from
the FTZ Board. Acreage within the
2,000–acre limit which had not
been applied to specific designated
sites would effectively be ‘‘reserve’’
acreage available for future FTZ
designation for parcels or sites
within the grantee’s approved
service area.
3. Enhancement of the usefulness of
the 2,000 available acres by
emphasizing ‘‘floating’’ acreage
within an individual site’s
boundaries (as has been the FTZ
Board’s practice with certain
applications to date). For example,
100 acres of ‘‘floating’’ FTZ
designation within the boundaries
of a 700–acre port complex would
mean that it would be possible to
activate with CBP up to 100 acres
of total space anywhere within that
700–acre complex.
4. Mandatory designation of a primary
‘‘anchor’’ FTZ site able to attract
multiple FTZ users. No ‘‘sunset’’
time limit (see below) would apply
to the anchor site. The anchor site
would generally be no more than
500 acres (which could be
‘‘floating’’ acres within larger site
boundaries see above). A grantee’s
anchor site would be designated
through the full application process
for FTZ Board action.
5. Possible designation of a limited
number of ‘‘magnet’’ sites selected
by the grantee often through local
public processes for ability and
readiness to attract multiple FTZ
users. An individual magnet site
would generally be limited to 200
‘‘floating’’ acres. A magnet site
could only be designated through
an application for FTZ Board
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 90 / Thursday, May 8, 2008 / Notices
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
6. Possible designation of ‘‘user–
driven’’ sites to serve companies
not located in an anchor or magnet
site but which are ready to pursue
conducting activity under FTZ
procedures. In the general interest
of maximizing the linkage between
FTZ site designation and FTZ
activity at the site, a user–driven
site would be limited in the context
of a larger industrial park or
business district where other
companies interested in FTZ
procedures might be able to locate
in the future to the area(s) required
for the company(ies) ready to
pursue conducting activity under
FTZ procedures.
7. Unlike anchor and magnet sites,
user–driven sites could be
designated through the current
minor boundary modification
(MBM) mechanism a rapid
administrative action by the Board’s
staff in addition to through FTZ
Board action. A simplification of
the MBM process would result from
elimination of the need to ‘‘swap’’
like amounts of acreage from
existing sites as long as the total
acreage for existing and proposed
sites remained within the standard
2,000–acre limit.
8. In addition to the one anchor site,
general initial limits of five magnet
sites and ten user–driven sites
which could exist simultaneously
for a single FTZ. Increases of the
limits applicable to a specific
grantee could be justified over a
longer term based on FTZ activity at
a significant percentage of the
grantee’s designated sites. A
grantee’s request for a permanent
increase in its number of authorized
sites would be a matter for
consideration by the FTZ Board.
Also, the special circumstances of
regional (multi–county) FTZs could
be taken into account by an
alternative general initial limit for
such zones of two magnet sites per
county. (Other limits in the
proposal would be unaffected by
such an alternative initial limit on
numbers of magnet sites for regional
9. Consistent with current practice for
many expansion applications,
magnet sites and user–driven sites
would be subject to ‘‘sunset’’ time
limits which would self–remove
FTZ designation from a site if there
had been no FTZ activity before the
site’s sunset date (generally five
years from the date of the site’s
approval). Magnet sites and user–
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driven sites would also be subject to
ongoing ‘‘recycling’’ whereby FTZ
activity at a site during the site’s
initial sunset period would serve to
push back the sunset date by
another five years (when the sunset
test based on FTZ activity would
again apply).
It is important to note that the
elements of the proposal support each
other in furthering the goals of
flexibility and focus for FTZ site
designation (with important resulting
resource- and efficiency–related benefits
for the government). As such, a
framework incorporating these types of
elements would incorporate the package
of elements as an available alternative to
the Board’s current practice. FTZ
grantees opting to manage their zones
under the Board’s current framework
would be unaffected by this proposal.
As is currently the case, MBM actions
would be approved by the Board’s staff
while modifications to a zone’s ‘‘plan’’
(e.g., increase in authorized FTZ
acreage, modification to service area)
would be matters for the FTZ Board’s
In addition, in order to help the FTZ
Board evaluate the effectiveness and
appropriateness of the alternative
framework after actual experience with
FTZ grantees, the FTZ staff would
report to the Board on a periodic basis
regarding the actual usage of the
alternative framework. The staff’s
reporting regarding implementation of
the framework at individual
participating FTZs would result from
staff–initiated reviews and would not
require any request or application from
the grantee.
Public comment on this proposal is
invited from interested parties. We ask
that parties fax a copy of their
comments, addressed to the Board’s
Executive Secretary, to (202) 482–0002.
We also ask that parties submit the
original of their comments to the
Board’s Executive Secretary at the
following address: U.S. Department of
Commerce, Room 2111, 1401
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC
20230. The closing period for the receipt
of public comments is July 7, 2008. Any
questions about this request for
comments may be directed to the FTZ
Board staff at (202) 482–2862.
Dated: May 2, 2008.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–10274 Filed 5–7–08; 8:45 am]
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International Trade Administration
Polyethylene Terepthalate Film, Sheet,
and Strip from the Republic of Korea:
Amended Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Changed
Circumstances Review and
Reinstatement of the Antidumping
Duty Order
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: May 8, 2008.
Michael J. Heaney or Robert James, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 7, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–4475 and (202)
482–0649, respectively.
SUMMARY: On April 3, 2008, the
Department of Commerce (the
Department) published in the Federal
Register the final results of the
antidumping duty changed
circumstances review and reinstatement
of the antidumping order on
polyethylene terephthalate film, sheet,
and strip from Korea. The review
covered a single firm, Kolon Industries,
Inc. (Kolon) and the period July 1, 2005
to June 30, 2006. See Polyethylene
Terephthalate Film, Sheet, and Strip
from the Republic of Korea; Final
Results of Antidumping Duty Changed
Circumstances Review and
Reinstatement of the Antidumping Duty
Order, 73 FR 18259 (April 3, 2008)
(Final Results). We are amending the
Final Results to correct a ministerial
error in the calculation of the cash
deposit rate for Kolon pursuant to 19
CFR 351.224(e).
7, 2008, the Department received from
Kolon a timely allegation of a
ministerial error pursuant to 19 CFR
351.224(c)(1). Kolon alleges an error in
formatting product–specific control
numbers. Kolon asserts the Department
assigned a revised field of only 6
characters in length for the variable
CONNUM2H in the home market
comparison program while assigning a
field length of 10 characters for the
variable CONNUM2H in the margin
program. Kolon argues that the effect of
this error is to truncate some of the
CONNUM2H values used for matching
purposes in the final results. Petitioners
did not comment on the alleged
ministerial error.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 90 (Thursday, May 8, 2008)]
[Pages 26077-26078]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-10274]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Proposal for Available Alternative Site-Designation and
Management Framework
Summary: The Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board is inviting public comment
on a staff proposal to make available an alternative framework for
participating grantees to designate and manage their general-purpose
FTZ sites. A key result of this proposal, which stems from a series of
regional and state-level discussions with FTZ grantees that began in
April 2007, would be greater flexibility and predictability for a
participating grantee to use administrative ``minor boundary
modifications'' (MBMs) to modify FTZ sites. The greater flexibility
would be made possible by participating grantees' increased focus on
the FTZ sites needed for current or near-term zone activity, with a
resulting improvement in the efficiency of FTZ oversight by government
agencies. The availability of this alternative framework would affect
only participating FTZ grantees and would occur within the existing
statutory and regulatory context (including the role of the local CBP
port director relative to any application for Board action or MBM
Under the FTZ Act of 1934 (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), the FTZ Board may
authorize FTZ sites sponsored by local ``grantee'' organizations at
locations within or adjacent to U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) ports of entry. Under the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board's regulations
(15 CFR Part 400), FTZ designation for a particular parcel or site may
result either from an application for action by the FTZ Board or from a
request for an administrative MBM action by the FTZ Board staff. The
regulatory time frame for such FTZ Board actions is ten months versus a
thirty-day time frame for administrative MBM actions, and there are
significantly greater documentation requirements associated with
applications for Board action than for requests for administrative
The FTZ Act gives the FTZ Board broad authority and discretion. In
this context, the Board's 1991 regulations delineate criteria for
evaluation of applications for Board action and requests for
administrative action to authorize FTZ designation for new parcels or
sites. The applicable regulatory criteria are general in nature and the
Board's existing approach (practice) for MBMs and FTZ designation for
new parcels or sites pre-dates both the enormous growth in
international trade of recent decades and the significant evolution in
trade-related security and oversight responsibilities within government
since 2001.
Within the FTZ program itself, increased demand for rapid action
regarding new FTZ parcels or sites is tied to an accelerated pace of
decision-making among the types of businesses that constitute the
ultimate users of the program. The program's ability to react to
business needs in a timely manner is inextricably linked to the
program's success in helping to retain or enhance U.S.-based activity.
In this context, an alternative approach to MBMs and site management
for grantees in need of greater flexibility and responsiveness can be
important in fulfilling the FTZ program's purpose ``to expedite and
encourage foreign commerce.''
Proposal: The fundamental trade-off addressed in this proposal is
greater flexibility and increased predictability for approval of FTZ
sites through simple and rapid MBM actions in exchange for a grantee
maximizing the linkage between designation of FTZ space and actual use
of that space for FTZ activity (after ``activation'' by CBP).
Maximizing this linkage can further other important program-related
goals, including more efficient use of both FTZ Board and CBP
Although the proposed alternative framework could be available to
new or existing grantees, the major benefit would likely be for
existing grantees who seek to enhance their ability to respond to
evolving FTZ-related needs in their communities. Under this proposal,
existing or potential grantees would have the option of applying to
establish or reorganize their FTZ by incorporating in an application
for FTZ Board action elements from the following framework:
1. The ``service area'' within which the grantee intends to be able
to propose FTZ sites (e.g., specific counties, with documented support
from new counties if the service area reflected a broader focus than
the FTZ's current area served). The term ``service area'' applies a
name to a concept which already exists in certain approved FTZ
applications in which a grantee organization has named the localities
it intends to serve. It should be noted that any service area would
need to be consistent with the ``adjacency'' requirement of the FTZ
Board's regulations (60 miles/90 minutes driving time from CBP Port of
Entry boundaries).
2. An initial limit of up to 2,000 acres of designated FTZ space
within the service area. Given the proposal's focus on linking FTZ
designation more closely to FTZ activity, the 2,000-acre limit reflects
the FTZ Board's existing practice of limiting any FTZ grantee to
activation of 2,000 acres (regardless of the overall size of the
grantee's zone) unless further approval is obtained from the FTZ Board.
Acreage within the 2,000-acre limit which had not been applied to
specific designated sites would effectively be ``reserve'' acreage
available for future FTZ designation for parcels or sites within the
grantee's approved service area.
3. Enhancement of the usefulness of the 2,000 available acres by
emphasizing ``floating'' acreage within an individual site's boundaries
(as has been the FTZ Board's practice with certain applications to
date). For example, 100 acres of ``floating'' FTZ designation within
the boundaries of a 700-acre port complex would mean that it would be
possible to activate with CBP up to 100 acres of total space anywhere
within that 700-acre complex.
4. Mandatory designation of a primary ``anchor'' FTZ site able to
attract multiple FTZ users. No ``sunset'' time limit (see below) would
apply to the anchor site. The anchor site would generally be no more
than 500 acres (which could be ``floating'' acres within larger site
boundaries see above). A grantee's anchor site would be designated
through the full application process for FTZ Board action.
5. Possible designation of a limited number of ``magnet'' sites
selected by the grantee often through local public processes for
ability and readiness to attract multiple FTZ users. An individual
magnet site would generally be limited to 200 ``floating'' acres. A
magnet site could only be designated through an application for FTZ
[[Page 26078]]
6. Possible designation of ``user-driven'' sites to serve companies
not located in an anchor or magnet site but which are ready to pursue
conducting activity under FTZ procedures. In the general interest of
maximizing the linkage between FTZ site designation and FTZ activity at
the site, a user-driven site would be limited in the context of a
larger industrial park or business district where other companies
interested in FTZ procedures might be able to locate in the future to
the area(s) required for the company(ies) ready to pursue conducting
activity under FTZ procedures.
7. Unlike anchor and magnet sites, user-driven sites could be
designated through the current minor boundary modification (MBM)
mechanism a rapid administrative action by the Board's staff in
addition to through FTZ Board action. A simplification of the MBM
process would result from elimination of the need to ``swap'' like
amounts of acreage from existing sites as long as the total acreage for
existing and proposed sites remained within the standard 2,000-acre
8. In addition to the one anchor site, general initial limits of
five magnet sites and ten user-driven sites which could exist
simultaneously for a single FTZ. Increases of the limits applicable to
a specific grantee could be justified over a longer term based on FTZ
activity at a significant percentage of the grantee's designated sites.
A grantee's request for a permanent increase in its number of
authorized sites would be a matter for consideration by the FTZ Board.
Also, the special circumstances of regional (multi-county) FTZs could
be taken into account by an alternative general initial limit for such
zones of two magnet sites per county. (Other limits in the proposal
would be unaffected by such an alternative initial limit on numbers of
magnet sites for regional FTZs.)
9. Consistent with current practice for many expansion
applications, magnet sites and user-driven sites would be subject to
``sunset'' time limits which would self-remove FTZ designation from a
site if there had been no FTZ activity before the site's sunset date
(generally five years from the date of the site's approval). Magnet
sites and user-driven sites would also be subject to ongoing
``recycling'' whereby FTZ activity at a site during the site's initial
sunset period would serve to push back the sunset date by another five
years (when the sunset test based on FTZ activity would again apply).
It is important to note that the elements of the proposal support
each other in furthering the goals of flexibility and focus for FTZ
site designation (with important resulting resource- and efficiency-
related benefits for the government). As such, a framework
incorporating these types of elements would incorporate the package of
elements as an available alternative to the Board's current practice.
FTZ grantees opting to manage their zones under the Board's current
framework would be unaffected by this proposal. As is currently the
case, MBM actions would be approved by the Board's staff while
modifications to a zone's ``plan'' (e.g., increase in authorized FTZ
acreage, modification to service area) would be matters for the FTZ
Board's consideration.
In addition, in order to help the FTZ Board evaluate the
effectiveness and appropriateness of the alternative framework after
actual experience with FTZ grantees, the FTZ staff would report to the
Board on a periodic basis regarding the actual usage of the alternative
framework. The staff's reporting regarding implementation of the
framework at individual participating FTZs would result from staff-
initiated reviews and would not require any request or application from
the grantee.
Public comment on this proposal is invited from interested parties.
We ask that parties fax a copy of their comments, addressed to the
Board's Executive Secretary, to (202) 482-0002. We also ask that
parties submit the original of their comments to the Board's Executive
Secretary at the following address: U.S. Department of Commerce, Room
2111, 1401 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20230. The closing
period for the receipt of public comments is July 7, 2008. Any
questions about this request for comments may be directed to the FTZ
Board staff at (202) 482-2862.
Dated: May 2, 2008.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8-10274 Filed 5-7-08; 8:45 am]