United States Department of Energy-Rail Construction and Operation-Caliente Rail Line in Lincoln, Nye, and Esmeralda Counties, NV, 20748-20749 [E8-8161]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 74 / Wednesday, April 16, 2008 / Notices
Environmental, historic preservation,
public use, or trail use/rail banking
conditions will be imposed, where
appropriate, in a subsequent decision.
Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR
1152.29(e)(2), IC shall file a notice of
consummation with the Board to signify
that it has exercised the authority
granted and fully abandoned the line. If
consummation has not been effected by
IC’s filing of a notice of consummation
by April 16, 2009, and there are no legal
or regulatory barriers to consummation,
the authority to abandon will
automatically expire.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at https://
Decided: April 9, 2008.
By the Board, David M. Konschnik,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Anne K. Quinlan,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–7965 Filed 4–15–08; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
[STB Finance Docket No. 35106]
United States Department of Energy—
Rail Construction and Operation—
Caliente Rail Line in Lincoln, Nye, and
Esmeralda Counties, NV
Surface Transportation Board,
Notice of Construction and
Operation Application and Adoption of
Procedural Schedule.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Board is publishing
notice of an application filed by the
United States Department of Energy
(DOE) seeking authority to construct
and operate an approximately 300-mile
rail line, to be known as the Caliente
Line, connecting an existing Union
Pacific Railroad Company line near
Caliente, NV, to a proposed geologic
repository at Yucca Mountain, Nye
County, NV. The purpose of this
proposed rail line is to allow DOE to
transport spent nuclear fuel and highlevel radioactive waste for disposal at
the proposed geologic repository, as
well as to provide common carrier rail
service to communities situated along
the proposed line.
The Board, on its own motion, is
adopting a procedural schedule that
calls for notices of intent to participate
and establishes filing dates for
submissions on whether this application
meets the criteria of 49 U.S.C. 10901.
DATES: This notice is effective on April
16, 2008. Pleadings must be filed in
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accordance with the schedule set forth
in the Appendix to this notice. All
filings, except notices of intent to
participate, must be concurrently served
on all parties of record and must be
accompanied by a certificate of service.
ADDRESSES: Any filing submitted in this
proceeding must be submitted either via
the Board’s e-filing format or in the
traditional paper format. Any person
using e-filing should attach a document
and otherwise comply with the
instructions found on the Board’s Web
site at www.stb.dot.gov at the ‘‘E–
FILING’’ link. Any person submitting a
filing in the traditional paper format
should send an original and 10 paper
copies of the filing (and also an
electronic version) to: Surface
Transportation Board, 395 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20423–0001. In
addition, one copy of each filing in this
proceeding must be sent (and may be
sent by e-mail only if service by e-mail
is acceptable to the recipient) to each of
the following: (1) Director, Office of
Civilian Radioactive Waste
Management, United States Department
of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave.,
SW., Washington, DC 20585; (2)
Director, Office of Logistics
Management, United States Department
of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave.,
SW., Washington, DC 20585; (3)
Assistant General Counsel for Civilian
Nuclear Programs, ATTN: Bradley L.
Levine, GC–52, United States
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Ave., SW., Washington,
DC 20585; and (4) any other person
designated as a party of record on the
service list notice described below.
Joseph H. Dettmar, (202) 245–0395.
[Assistance for the hearing impaired is
available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at:
Board’s review of construction
applications is governed by 49 U.S.C.
10901 and by the requirements of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4370d (NEPA),
and related environmental laws. Section
10901 requires the Board to grant a
construction application unless the
Board finds that the proposal is
inconsistent with the public
convenience and necessity. Under our
regulations, comments on DOE’s
application are due 35 days after its
March 17, 2008 filing date, and DOE’s
reply is due 5 days after the comments
are due. See 49 CFR 1150.10(g) and (h).
However, because the application is
extensive, replies might be lengthy, and
the proceeding might be controversial,
PO 00000
Frm 00141
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
we find that the standard timetable is
not appropriate in this proceeding.
Accordingly, to guide the submission of
filings on the merits of the application,
we will adopt a procedural schedule
similar to the one used in a recent
proceeding involving a voluminous and
controversial construction application,
Tongue River Railroad Company, Inc.—
Construction and Operation—Western
Alignment, STB Finance Docket No.
30186 (Sub-No. 3). The schedule for the
DOE proceeding, which is set forth in
the Appendix, will accord all parties
due process because it provides ample
time and opportunity for the submission
of comments and replies. The schedule
will also better enable the Board to
determine whether the proposed
construction meets the criteria of
section 10901.
DOE has caused notices to be
published stating that comments on the
application are due on or before April
21, 2008, as ordinarily required by our
rules. While interested parties may
continue to file comments by April 21,
2008, the parties may also file
comments pursuant to the longer time
frames in the procedural schedule we
establish here. To alert the parties of the
new schedule, we will require DOE to
cause this notice to be published in the
same places as the prior notices and to
certify to the Board that it has done so.
Any person who wishes to participate
as a party of record in this proceeding
by filing comments and by receiving
other parties’ pleadings must file with
the Acting Secretary of the Board an
original and 10 copies of a notice of
intent to participate in accordance with
the attached procedural schedule. In
order to facilitate service of pleadings
on parties of record, the Board will issue
a list of those persons who have given
notice of their intent to participate.
However, an interested person does not
need to be on the service list to obtain
a copy of the primary application or any
other filing made in this proceeding.
The primary application and other
filings in this proceeding will also be
available on the Board’s Web site at
https://www.stb.dot.gov under ‘‘E–
LIBRARY/Filings.’’ Additionally,
electronic copies of the application are
available from DOE online at https://
On April 2, 2008, the State of Nevada
filed a motion asking the Board to reject
the application, or in the alternative, to
make replies to the application due after
the applicant has supplemented the
record. DOE’s reply to this motion is
due by April 22, 2008. We will address
the State’s motion and any reply in a
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 74 / Wednesday, April 16, 2008 / Notices
later decision.1 Our issuing this notice
now does not constitute a determination
as to whether DOE’s application is
complete or otherwise prejudge the
State’s motion. We will modify the
schedule, if necessary, as a result of our
subsequent ruling on the State’s motion.
The environmental review related to
the proposed construction and
operation of a rail line to Yucca
Mountain began in 2004 and is well
underway. In 2004, the Board accepted
DOE’s invitation to participate as a
‘‘cooperating agency’’ under the
President’s Council on Environmental
Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1501.6 to
give DOE the benefit of the Board’s
expertise in freight rail transportation in
the preparation of Environmental
Impact Statements (EISs) addressing a
potential Nevada rail transportation
corridor and alternative rail alignments.
DOE was also aware when it asked the
Board to become a cooperating agency
that the Board would have jurisdiction
over the proposed new rail line in the
event DOE were to decide to have the
proposed line operated as a common
carrier rail line. (The cooperating agency
process is intended to make
environmental review under NEPA
more efficient by giving all agencies
with licensing authority over a project
the environmental information they
need to comply with NEPA and related
environmental laws in undertaking their
The Board’s Section of Environmental
Analysis (SEA) and the other
cooperating agencies on the Nevada rail
corridor and rail alignment EISs (the
Bureau of Land Management and United
States Air Force) have participated in
every step of the EIS process. The Draft
EISs were issued for public review and
comment in October 2007 in Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for a
Rail Alignment for the Construction and
Operation of a Railroad in Nevada to a
Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain,
Nye County, Nevada (DOE/EIS–03691)
and in Draft Environmental Impact
Statement for a Geologic Repository for
the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and
High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca
Mountain, Nye County, Nevada—
Nevada Rail Transportation Corridor
(DOE/EIS–0250F–S2D). DOE has made
electronic copies of the Draft EISs
addressing the Nevada rail corridor and
alternative rail alignments available at
SEA participated in the public
hearings that were held on the Draft
1 On
April 8, 2008, Nevada Central Railroad filed
a notice stating that it intends to participate in this
proceeding and that it also plans to file a motion
to reject the application.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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EISs in November and December 2007.
Following the close of the comment
period in January 2008, preparation of
Final EISs addressing the Nevada rail
corridor and alternative rail alignments
began. DOE estimates that it will issue
the Final EISs in June 2008. The EISs
(including the public comments) will
serve as the basis for SEA’s
recommendations to the Board
regarding whether, from an
environmental perspective, DOE’s
construction and operation application
should be granted, denied, or granted
with environmental conditions.
The Board has not participated in the
ongoing EIS process for the proposed
geologic repository that the proposed
new line would serve.
The Board will take into
consideration both the transportation
merits and the environmental impacts of
constructing and operating the proposed
line when ruling on DOE’s application.
This decision will not significantly
affect either the quality of the human
environment or the conservation of
energy resources.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at https://
Decided: April 10, 2008.
By the Board, Chairman Nottingham, Vice
Chairman Mulvey, and Commissioner
Anne K. Quinlan,
Acting Secretary.
Procedural Schedule on the Merits
April 16, 2008—Publication of notice
adopting procedural schedule.
April 28, 2008—Due date for
certification by DOE that it has
published newspaper notices
announcing this procedural schedule.
May 7, 2008—Due date for notices of
intent to participate as a party of record.
July 15, 2008—Due date for comments
in support of or opposition to the
August 29, 2008—Due date for DOE’s
[FR Doc. E8–8161 Filed 4–15–08; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Notice of Call for Redemption of 12
Percent Treasury Bonds of 2008–13
Department of the Treasury.
SUMMARY: As of April 15, 2008, the
Secretary of the Treasury gives public
PO 00000
Frm 00142
Fmt 4703
notice that all outstanding 12 percent
Treasury Bonds of 2008–13 (CUSIP No.
912810 DF 2) dated August 15, 1983,
due August 15, 2013, are called for
redemption at par on August 15, 2008,
on which date interest on such bonds
will cease.
DATES: Treasury calls such bonds for
redemption on August 15, 2008.
Definitives Section, Customer Service
Branch 3, Office of Retail Securities,
Bureau of the Public Debt, (304) 480–
1. Bonds Held in Registered Form.
Owners of such bonds held in registered
form should mail bonds for redemption
directly to: Bureau of the Public Debt,
Definitives Section, Customer Service
Branch 3, P.O. Box 426, Parkersburg,
WV 26106–0426. Owners of such bonds
will find further information regarding
how owners must present and surrender
such bonds for redemption under this
call, in Department of the Treasury
Circular No. 300 dated March 4, 1973,
as amended (31 CFR Part 306); by
contacting the Definitives Section,
Customer Service Branch 3, Office of
Retail Securities, Bureau of the Public
Debt, telephone number (304) 480–7711;
and by going to the Bureau of the Public
Debt’s Web site, https://
2. Bonds Held in Book-Entry Form.
Treasury automatically will make
redemption payments for such bonds
held in book-entry form, whether on the
books of the Federal Reserve Banks or
in Treasury Direct accounts, on August
15, 2008.
Gary Grippo,
Acting Fiscal Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–7945 Filed 4–15–08; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
IRS/VA FFRDC Co-Sponsorship
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
Treasury. National Office Procurement.
ACTION: Notice.
Sfmt 4703
SUMMARY: The Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) and The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) executed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) on February 7,
2008 to designate VA as a Co-Sponsor
of the Federally Funded Research and
Development Center (FFRDC), titled The
Center for Enterprise Modernization
(CEM). CEM is operated by The MITRE
Corporation (MITRE). IRS remains the
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 74 (Wednesday, April 16, 2008)]
[Pages 20748-20749]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-8161]
Surface Transportation Board
[STB Finance Docket No. 35106]
United States Department of Energy--Rail Construction and
Operation--Caliente Rail Line in Lincoln, Nye, and Esmeralda Counties,
AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of Construction and Operation Application and Adoption
of Procedural Schedule.
SUMMARY: The Board is publishing notice of an application filed by the
United States Department of Energy (DOE) seeking authority to construct
and operate an approximately 300-mile rail line, to be known as the
Caliente Line, connecting an existing Union Pacific Railroad Company
line near Caliente, NV, to a proposed geologic repository at Yucca
Mountain, Nye County, NV. The purpose of this proposed rail line is to
allow DOE to transport spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive
waste for disposal at the proposed geologic repository, as well as to
provide common carrier rail service to communities situated along the
proposed line.
The Board, on its own motion, is adopting a procedural schedule
that calls for notices of intent to participate and establishes filing
dates for submissions on whether this application meets the criteria of
49 U.S.C. 10901.
DATES: This notice is effective on April 16, 2008. Pleadings must be
filed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Appendix to this
notice. All filings, except notices of intent to participate, must be
concurrently served on all parties of record and must be accompanied by
a certificate of service.
ADDRESSES: Any filing submitted in this proceeding must be submitted
either via the Board's e-filing format or in the traditional paper
format. Any person using e-filing should attach a document and
otherwise comply with the instructions found on the Board's Web site at
www.stb.dot.gov at the ``E-FILING'' link. Any person submitting a
filing in the traditional paper format should send an original and 10
paper copies of the filing (and also an electronic version) to: Surface
Transportation Board, 395 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423-0001. In
addition, one copy of each filing in this proceeding must be sent (and
may be sent by e-mail only if service by e-mail is acceptable to the
recipient) to each of the following: (1) Director, Office of Civilian
Radioactive Waste Management, United States Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585; (2) Director, Office of
Logistics Management, United States Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585; (3) Assistant General
Counsel for Civilian Nuclear Programs, ATTN: Bradley L. Levine, GC-52,
United States Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW.,
Washington, DC 20585; and (4) any other person designated as a party of
record on the service list notice described below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph H. Dettmar, (202) 245-0395.
[Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at: 1-800-877-8339].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Board's review of construction
applications is governed by 49 U.S.C. 10901 and by the requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4370d
(NEPA), and related environmental laws. Section 10901 requires the
Board to grant a construction application unless the Board finds that
the proposal is inconsistent with the public convenience and necessity.
Under our regulations, comments on DOE's application are due 35 days
after its March 17, 2008 filing date, and DOE's reply is due 5 days
after the comments are due. See 49 CFR 1150.10(g) and (h). However,
because the application is extensive, replies might be lengthy, and the
proceeding might be controversial, we find that the standard timetable
is not appropriate in this proceeding. Accordingly, to guide the
submission of filings on the merits of the application, we will adopt a
procedural schedule similar to the one used in a recent proceeding
involving a voluminous and controversial construction application,
Tongue River Railroad Company, Inc.--Construction and Operation--
Western Alignment, STB Finance Docket No. 30186 (Sub-No. 3). The
schedule for the DOE proceeding, which is set forth in the Appendix,
will accord all parties due process because it provides ample time and
opportunity for the submission of comments and replies. The schedule
will also better enable the Board to determine whether the proposed
construction meets the criteria of section 10901.
DOE has caused notices to be published stating that comments on the
application are due on or before April 21, 2008, as ordinarily required
by our rules. While interested parties may continue to file comments by
April 21, 2008, the parties may also file comments pursuant to the
longer time frames in the procedural schedule we establish here. To
alert the parties of the new schedule, we will require DOE to cause
this notice to be published in the same places as the prior notices and
to certify to the Board that it has done so.
Any person who wishes to participate as a party of record in this
proceeding by filing comments and by receiving other parties' pleadings
must file with the Acting Secretary of the Board an original and 10
copies of a notice of intent to participate in accordance with the
attached procedural schedule. In order to facilitate service of
pleadings on parties of record, the Board will issue a list of those
persons who have given notice of their intent to participate. However,
an interested person does not need to be on the service list to obtain
a copy of the primary application or any other filing made in this
proceeding. The primary application and other filings in this
proceeding will also be available on the Board's Web site at https://
www.stb.dot.gov under ``E-LIBRARY/Filings.'' Additionally, electronic
copies of the application are available from DOE online at https://
On April 2, 2008, the State of Nevada filed a motion asking the
Board to reject the application, or in the alternative, to make replies
to the application due after the applicant has supplemented the record.
DOE's reply to this motion is due by April 22, 2008. We will address
the State's motion and any reply in a
[[Page 20749]]
later decision.\1\ Our issuing this notice now does not constitute a
determination as to whether DOE's application is complete or otherwise
prejudge the State's motion. We will modify the schedule, if necessary,
as a result of our subsequent ruling on the State's motion.
\1\ On April 8, 2008, Nevada Central Railroad filed a notice
stating that it intends to participate in this proceeding and that
it also plans to file a motion to reject the application.
The environmental review related to the proposed construction and
operation of a rail line to Yucca Mountain began in 2004 and is well
underway. In 2004, the Board accepted DOE's invitation to participate
as a ``cooperating agency'' under the President's Council on
Environmental Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1501.6 to give DOE the
benefit of the Board's expertise in freight rail transportation in the
preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) addressing a
potential Nevada rail transportation corridor and alternative rail
alignments. DOE was also aware when it asked the Board to become a
cooperating agency that the Board would have jurisdiction over the
proposed new rail line in the event DOE were to decide to have the
proposed line operated as a common carrier rail line. (The cooperating
agency process is intended to make environmental review under NEPA more
efficient by giving all agencies with licensing authority over a
project the environmental information they need to comply with NEPA and
related environmental laws in undertaking their decisionmaking.)
The Board's Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA) and the other
cooperating agencies on the Nevada rail corridor and rail alignment
EISs (the Bureau of Land Management and United States Air Force) have
participated in every step of the EIS process. The Draft EISs were
issued for public review and comment in October 2007 in Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for a Rail Alignment for the
Construction and Operation of a Railroad in Nevada to a Geologic
Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada (DOE/EIS-03691) and in
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the
Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at
Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada--Nevada Rail Transportation Corridor
(DOE/EIS-0250F-S2D). DOE has made electronic copies of the Draft EISs
addressing the Nevada rail corridor and alternative rail alignments
available at https://www.ocrwm.doe.gov.
SEA participated in the public hearings that were held on the Draft
EISs in November and December 2007. Following the close of the comment
period in January 2008, preparation of Final EISs addressing the Nevada
rail corridor and alternative rail alignments began. DOE estimates that
it will issue the Final EISs in June 2008. The EISs (including the
public comments) will serve as the basis for SEA's recommendations to
the Board regarding whether, from an environmental perspective, DOE's
construction and operation application should be granted, denied, or
granted with environmental conditions.
The Board has not participated in the ongoing EIS process for the
proposed geologic repository that the proposed new line would serve.
The Board will take into consideration both the transportation
merits and the environmental impacts of constructing and operating the
proposed line when ruling on DOE's application.
This decision will not significantly affect either the quality of
the human environment or the conservation of energy resources.
Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at http:/
Decided: April 10, 2008.
By the Board, Chairman Nottingham, Vice Chairman Mulvey, and
Commissioner Buttrey.
Anne K. Quinlan,
Acting Secretary.
Procedural Schedule on the Merits
April 16, 2008--Publication of notice adopting procedural schedule.
April 28, 2008--Due date for certification by DOE that it has
published newspaper notices announcing this procedural schedule.
May 7, 2008--Due date for notices of intent to participate as a
party of record.
July 15, 2008--Due date for comments in support of or opposition to
the application.
August 29, 2008--Due date for DOE's reply.
[FR Doc. E8-8161 Filed 4-15-08; 8:45 am]