Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC; Notice of Application for Transfer of License, and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests, 19494-19495 [E8-7604]
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mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 70 / Thursday, April 10, 2008 / Notices
turbine and generator for a total
installed capacity of 150 kilowatts; and
(4) an existing 5,176-foot-long, 12 kV
transmission line. The project is
estimated to generate an average of
421,184 kilowatt-hours annually. The
dam and existing project facilities are
owned by the applicant. The licensee
proposes no changes to facilities or
o. A copy of the application is
available for review at the Commission
in the Public Reference Room or may be
viewed on the Commission’s Web site at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502–8659. A copy is also available
for inspection and reproduction at the
address in item h above.
You may also register online at https://
esubscription.asp to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
p. With this notice, we are initiating
consultation with the California State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), as
required by § 106, National Historic
Preservation Act, and the regulations of
the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation, 36, CFR 800.4.
q. Procedural schedule: The
application will be processed according
to the following Hydro Licensing
Schedule. Revisions to the schedule will
be made as appropriate.
Issue Deficiency Letter—March 31,
Request Additional Information—
March 31, 2008.
Issue Acceptance letter—June 30,
Issue Scoping Document 1 for
comments—July 30, 2008.
Notice of application is ready for
environmental analysis—September 30,
Notice of the availability of the EA—
March 30, 2009.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–7605 Filed 4–9–08; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:48 Apr 09, 2008
Jkt 214001
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 4684–064]
Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC;
Notice of Application for Transfer of
License, and Soliciting Comments,
Motions To Intervene, and Protests
April 3, 2008.
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Transfer of
b. Project No.: 4684–064.
c. Date Filed: March 7, 2008.
d. Applicants: Stillwater Hydro
Partners LP (transferor); Stillwater
Hydro Associates, LLC (transferee).
e. Name and Location of Project: The
Stillwater Project is located on the
Hudson River in Saratoga and
Rensselaer Counties, New York.
f. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r.
g. Applicant Contacts: For the
transferor: Charles A. Bouley, Stillwater
Hydro Partners LP, 265 Genesse Street,
Auburn, NY 13021. For the transferee:
Dwight A. Bowler, Stillwater Hydro
Associates LLC, C/O Champlain
Spinners Hydro Company, Inc., 813
Jefferson Hill Road, Nassau, New York
h. FERC Contact: Robert Bell at (202)
i. Deadline for filing comments,
protests, and motions to intervene: May
2, 2008.
All documents (original and eight
copies) should be filed with: Kimberly
D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Comments, protests, and interventions
may be filed electronically via the
Internet in lieu of paper. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site under the
‘‘e-Filing’’ link. The Commission
strongly encourages electronic filings.
Please include the Project Number on
any comments or motions filed.
The Commission’s Rules of Practice
and Procedure require all intervenors
filing a document with the Commission
to serve a copy of that document on
each person in the official service list
for the project. Further, if an intervenor
files comments or documents with the
Commission relating to the merits of an
issue that may affect the responsibilities
of a particular resource agency, they
must also serve a copy of the documents
on that resource agency.
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j. Description of Application: The
Applicants seek Commission approval
to transfer the license for the Stillwater
Project from Stillwater Hydro Partners
LP to Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC.
k. This filing is available for review at
the Commission in the Public Reference
Room or may be viewed on the
Commission’s Web site at https:// using the ‘‘FERRIS’’ link.
Enter the docket number (P–9985) in the
docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, call toll-free
1–866–208–3676 or e-mail For TTY,
call (202) 502–8659. A copy is also
available for inspection and
reproduction at the addresses in item g.
l. Individuals desiring to be included
on the Commission’s mailing list should
so indicate by writing to the Secretary
of the Commission.
m. Comments, Protests, or Motions to
Intervene—Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214.
In determining the appropriate action to
take, the Commission will consider all
protests or other comments filed, but
only those who file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
Commission’s Rules may become a
party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must
be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular
n. Filing and Service of Responsive
Documents—Any filings must bear in
all capital letters the title
applicable, and the Project Number of
the particular application to which the
filing refers. Any of the above-named
documents must be filed by providing
the original and eight copies to: The
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. A copy of any
motion to intervene must also be served
upon each representative of the
Applicants specified in the particular
o. Agency Comments—Federal, state,
and local agencies are invited to file
comments on the described application.
A copy of the application may be
obtained by agencies directly from the
Applicants. If an agency does not file
comments within the time specified for
filing comments, it will be presumed to
have no comments. One copy of an
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 70 / Thursday, April 10, 2008 / Notices
agency’s comments must also be sent to
the Applicants’ representatives.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–7604 Filed 4–9–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP08–97–000]
Northern Natural Gas Company; Notice
of Request Under Blanket
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
April 3, 2008.
Take notice that on March 25, 2008,
Northern Natural Gas Company
(Northern), 1111 South 103rd Street,
Omaha, Nebraska 68124, filed in Docket
No. CP08–97–000, a prior notice request
pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208,
157.210, and 157.211 of the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission’s
regulations under the Natural Gas Act
for authorization to install and operate
the West Leg II Project, located within
the states of Nebraska and Iowa, all as
more fully set forth in the application,
which is on file with the Commission
and open to public inspection. The
filing may also be viewed on the Web
at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
at or call
toll-free, (886) 208–3676 or TYY, (202)
Specifically, Northern proposes to
install and operate: (i) Approximately
0.89 mile of a 30-inch diameter
mainline extension to its existing SSCPaulina C-Line mainline, located in
Woodbury County, Iowa; (ii)
approximately 10.94 miles of 8-inch
diameter branch line loop beginning at
a take-off valve on the existing 8-inch
diameter Columbus A-Line, located in
Colfax County, Nebraska, and ending in
the existing Columbus #4 Town Border
Station (TBS) yard, located in Platte
County, Nebraska; (iii) modify and
upgrade an existing TBS, the Columbus
#4 TBS, located in Platte County,
Nebraska, by replacing the inlet piping
and regulator setting and associated
fittings, valves, and piping; and (iv)
appurtenant section 2.55(a) facilities.
Northern estimates the cost of
construction to be $9,128,966. Northern
states that the modifications proposed
are necessary to provide an incremental
11 MMcf/d of natural gas effective
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:48 Apr 09, 2008
Jkt 214001
October 1, 2008, to meet the firm winter
obligations as contracted with Archer
Daniels Midland Company.
Any questions regarding the
application should be directed to
Michael T. Loeffler, Senior Director,
Certificates and External Affairs,
Northern Natural Gas Company, 1111
South 103rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska
68124, call (402) 398–7103 or Donna
Martens, Senior Regulatory Analyst, at
(402) 398–7138.
Any person or the Commission’s Staff
may, within 60 days after the issuance
of the instant notice by the Commission,
file pursuant to Rule 214 of the
Commission’s Procedural Rules (18 CFR
385.214) a motion to intervene or notice
of intervention and, pursuant to section
157.205 of the Commission’s
Regulations under the Natural Gas Act
(NGA) (18 CFR 157.205) a protest to the
request. If no protest is filed within the
time allowed therefore, the proposed
activity shall be deemed to be
authorized effective the day after the
time allowed for protest. If a protest is
filed and not withdrawn within 30 days
after the time allowed for filing a
protest, the instant request shall be
treated as an application for
authorization pursuant to Section 7 of
the NGA.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings of comments, protests,
and interventions via the Internet in lieu
of paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a) (1) (iii)
and the instructions on the
Commission’s Web site (https:// under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–7607 Filed 4–9–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Notice Announcing Combined Notice
of Initial Market-Based Rate
Authorization Filings
April 3, 2008.
Effective April 3, 2008, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC
or Commission) will issue a separate
combined notice of filing separately
capturing initial market-based rate
authorization filings.
As of this date, the Secretary of the
Commission is making the following
changes to the filing procedures for
initial market-based rate authorization
1. Filers requesting initial marketbased rate authorization and certain
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
waivers and blanket approvals,
particularly including blanket approval
under 18 CFR Part 34 of all future
issuances of securities and assumptions
of liability by the applicants, must
clearly state such request in the title or
heading of the filing. For example:
Re: Name of Applicant(s), Docket No.
ER08–ll, (Title/Description) and
request for blanket approval under 18
C.F.R. Part 34 of all future issuances of
securities and assumptions of liability.
The notices issued under this method
for ER dockets will be added to eLibrary
and published in the Federal Register
under the name ‘‘Combined Notice of
Initial Market-Based Rate Filings.’’
These notices will list initial marketbased rate authorization filings added to
eLibrary since publication of the last
notice. Each filing will be listed with its
identifying details as follows:
Name of Applicant(s)—This item will
show the applicant name as it appears
on the filing.
Docket Number—This item will
contain a hyperlink to the eLibrary
docket sheet for the docket number.
Description—This item will contain a
brief description of the filing and a
hyperlink that will open an image
version of the filed document in
Filing Date—This item will show the
date on which the document was filed
with the Commission.
Accession Number—This item will
contain a hyperlink that will open the
document ‘‘Info’’ area of eLibrary for the
filed document.
Comment Date—This item will
indicate the comment deadline for the
By this initiative, the Commission
seeks to expedite the process for
noticing initial market-based rate
authorizations that also request blanket
approvals for future issuances of
securities and assumptions of liabilities,
thereby also simplifying the manner in
which the Commission’s staff prepares
notices. Consolidating notices in this
manner also reduces the cost of
publishing the notices in the Federal
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–7601 Filed 4–9–08; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 70 (Thursday, April 10, 2008)]
[Pages 19494-19495]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-7604]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 4684-064]
Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC; Notice of Application for
Transfer of License, and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and
April 3, 2008.
Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been
filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Transfer of License.
b. Project No.: 4684-064.
c. Date Filed: March 7, 2008.
d. Applicants: Stillwater Hydro Partners LP (transferor);
Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC (transferee).
e. Name and Location of Project: The Stillwater Project is located
on the Hudson River in Saratoga and Rensselaer Counties, New York.
f. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a-825r.
g. Applicant Contacts: For the transferor: Charles A. Bouley,
Stillwater Hydro Partners LP, 265 Genesse Street, Auburn, NY 13021. For
the transferee: Dwight A. Bowler, Stillwater Hydro Associates LLC, C/O
Champlain Spinners Hydro Company, Inc., 813 Jefferson Hill Road,
Nassau, New York 12123.
h. FERC Contact: Robert Bell at (202) 502-6062.
i. Deadline for filing comments, protests, and motions to
intervene: May 2, 2008.
All documents (original and eight copies) should be filed with:
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. Comments, protests, and
interventions may be filed electronically via the Internet in lieu of
paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the
Commission's Web site under the ``e-Filing'' link. The Commission
strongly encourages electronic filings. Please include the Project
Number on any comments or motions filed.
The Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure require all
intervenors filing a document with the Commission to serve a copy of
that document on each person in the official service list for the
project. Further, if an intervenor files comments or documents with the
Commission relating to the merits of an issue that may affect the
responsibilities of a particular resource agency, they must also serve
a copy of the documents on that resource agency.
j. Description of Application: The Applicants seek Commission
approval to transfer the license for the Stillwater Project from
Stillwater Hydro Partners LP to Stillwater Hydro Associates, LLC.
k. This filing is available for review at the Commission in the
Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at using the ``FERRIS'' link. Enter the docket number
(P-9985) in the docket number field to access the document. For
assistance, call toll-free 1-866-208-3676 or e-mail For TTY, call (202) 502-8659. A copy is
also available for inspection and reproduction at the addresses in item
g. above.
l. Individuals desiring to be included on the Commission's mailing
list should so indicate by writing to the Secretary of the Commission.
m. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene--Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211,
.214. In determining the appropriate action to take, the Commission
will consider all protests or other comments filed, but only those who
file a motion to intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules
may become a party to the proceeding. Any comments, protests, or
motions to intervene must be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular application.
n. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--Any filings must
bear in all capital letters the title ``COMMENTS'', ``PROTEST'', OR
``MOTION TO INTERVENE'', as applicable, and the Project Number of the
particular application to which the filing refers. Any of the above-
named documents must be filed by providing the original and eight
copies to: The Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. A copy of any motion to
intervene must also be served upon each representative of the
Applicants specified in the particular application.
o. Agency Comments--Federal, state, and local agencies are invited
to file comments on the described application. A copy of the
application may be obtained by agencies directly from the Applicants.
If an agency does not file comments within the time specified for
filing comments, it will be presumed to have no comments. One copy of
[[Page 19495]]
agency's comments must also be sent to the Applicants' representatives.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8-7604 Filed 4-9-08; 8:45 am]