Privacy Act of 1974; Amendment to Existing System of Records, 19090-19093 [E8-7274]

Download as PDF 19090 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / Notices maintained by the Department or another agency or entity) that rely upon the compromised information; and (c) The disclosure is made to such agencies, entities and persons who are reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the Department’s efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm. (11) To the Office of Management and Budget during the coordination and clearance process in connection with legislative affairs as mandated by OMB Circular A–19. (12) To the Department of the Treasury to recover debts owed to the United States. (13) To the news media when the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. DISCLOSURE TO CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12), records can be disclosed to consumer reporting agencies as they are defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORING, RETRIEVING, ACCESSING, RETAINING, AND DISPOSING OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: RETENTION AND DISPOSITION: STORAGE: Within the Departmental office, manual records are stored in file folders in an Aisle Saver System manual storage system. An automated complaints management information system is used to manage and track the processing of complaints. RETRIEVABILITY: Records are retrieved by name and employing bureau of individuals filing complaints, docket control number of complaints, and other appropriate data fields. pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES SAFEGUARDS: Access to records covered by the system will be permitted only to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis in accordance with requirements found in the Departmental Privacy Act regulations (43 CFR 2.51). Records are maintained in accordance with safeguards meeting the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a) and Departmental regulations (43 CFR part 2, subpart D). Standards for the maintenance of records subject to the Privacy Act are described in Departmental regulations (43 CFR 2.48) and involve the content of the records, data collection practices, and the use, safeguarding, and disposal of personal information in the records. Automated records are maintained in VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:09 Apr 07, 2008 Jkt 214001 conformance with safeguards based on recommendations of the National Bureau of Standards contained in ‘‘Computer Security Guidelines for Implementing the Privacy Act of 1974’’ (FIPS Pub.41, May 30, 1975). They are protected through user identification, passwords, database permissions, and software controls. Such security measures establish different degrees of access levels for different types of users. A Privacy Impact Assessment was completed to ensure that Privacy Act requirements and personally identifiable information safeguard requirements are met. Within the Departmental office, manual records are stored in a locked Aisle Saver System (file unit) in a room locked with an offmaster key. Within bureau offices, manual records are maintained with appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to insure their security and confidentiality. In all offices where records are handled, posted warning signs remind employees of access limitations, standards of conduct for employees handling Privacy Act records, and possible criminal penalties for violation of security regulations. Records are retained and disposed of in compliance with the National Archives and Records Administration’s General Records Schedule No. 1, Item No. 26. SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESSES: (1) Director, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS–5221 MIB, Washington, DC 20240: For all discrimination complaints, accessibility reviews and civil rights compliance reviews covered by the authorities listed above under ‘‘Categories of Individuals Covered by the System.’’ (2) Director, Alaska State Office, Bureau of Land Management, 222 West 7th Avenue, #13, Anchorage, Alaska 99513: For complaints arising under section 493 of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (Pub. L. 93–153, 87 Stat. 576). (3) Associate Solicitor, Division of General Law, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS–6530 MIB, Washington, DC 20240: For complaints of discrimination arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e) and related employment-related civil rights laws and regulations, where the complaints are filed against the Departmental Office of Civil Rights. PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Inquiries regarding the existence of records shall be addressed to the appropriate System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the content requirements of 43 CFR 2.60. RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: A request for access to records shall be addressed to the appropriate System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the content requirements of 43 CFR 2.63. CONTESTING RECORDS PROCEDURES: A request for an amendment of records shall be addressed to the appropriate System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the content requirements of 43 CFR 2.71. RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Complainants; recipients of permits, rights-of-way, public land orders, or other Federal authorizations, and their agents, contractors, subcontractors, and employees under section 403 of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (87 Stat. 576); administrators and recipients of Government funds from programs administered by the Department of the Interior; Federal, State, and local government agencies; community, minority, civil rights, and women’s organizations; unions; Members of Congress and their staffs; bureaus and offices of the Department of the Interior; and confidential informants, to the extent they possess relevant data otherwise unavailable. EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. [FR Doc. E8–7273 Filed 4–7–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–RE–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of the Secretary Privacy Act of 1974; Amendment to Existing System of Records Office of the Secretary, Interior. Proposed amendment of existing Privacy Act system of records. AGENCY: ACTION: SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), the Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior is issuing public notice of its intent to modify an existing Privacy Act system of records notice, DOI–85, ‘‘Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, and Leave Records.’’ The revisions will update the categories of E:\FR\FM\08APN1.SGM 08APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / Notices individuals covered by the system, categories of records in the system, routine uses of records maintained in the system, retrievability of records, records’ safeguards, retention and disposition of records, and record source categories. CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Comments must be received by May 19, 2008. DATES: Any persons interested in commenting on these proposed amendments may do so by submitting comments in writing to the Office of the Secretary Privacy Act Officer, Sue Ellen Sloca, U.S. Department of the Interior, MS–116 SIB, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20240, or by email to ADDRESSES: Tom Larson, Acting Chief, Personnel and Payroll Systems Division, National Business Center, U.S. Department of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, Denver, CO 80235–2230 or by email at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior is proposing to amend the system notice for DOI–85, ‘‘Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, and Leave Records’’ to update the categories of individuals covered by the system, categories of records in the system, routine uses of records maintained in the system, retrievability of records, records’ safeguards, retention and disposition of records, and record source categories to reflect changes that have occurred since the notice was last published. These amendments will be effective as proposed at the end of the comment period unless comments are received which would require a contrary determination. The Department will publish a revised notice if changes are made based upon a review of comments received. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Dated: April 1, 2008. Sue Ellen Sloca, Office of the Secretary Privacy Act Officer. SYSTEM NAME: Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, and Leave Records—Interior, DOI–85. pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES SYSTEM LOCATION: (1) Personnel and Payroll Systems Division, National Business Center, U.S. Department of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, MS D–2400, Denver, CO 80235–2230. (2) All Departmental offices and locations which prepare and provide input documents and information for data processing and administrative actions. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:09 Apr 07, 2008 Jkt 214001 (1) Current and former employees of the Department of the Interior (employees). (2) Current and former emergency workers (‘‘casuals’’) of the Department of the Interior (emergency workers). (3) Volunteers within the Department of the Interior (volunteers). (4) Contractors within the Department of the Interior (contractors). CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: Emergency worker name, emergency worker address, emergency worker phone numbers, emergency worker Social Security Number and organizational code; volunteer name, volunteer address, volunteer phone numbers, volunteer emergency contact information, (including name, address and phone number), volunteer Social Security Number and organizational code; contractor name, contractor Social Security Number, contractor organization; employee name, employee address, employee phone numbers, employee emergency contact information (including name, address and phone number), employee Social Security Number and organizational code; employee common identifier (ECI), pay rate, grade, length of service, individual’s pay and leave records; source documents for posting time and leave attendance; allowances, and cost distribution records; deductions for Medicare, Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI, also known as Social Security), bonds, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), union dues, taxes, allotments, quarters, retirement, charities, health benefits, Flexible Spending Account, Long Term Care, Thrift Savings Fund contributions, awards, shift schedules, and pay differentials, tax lien data, commercial garnishments, child support and/or alimony wage assignments; and related payroll and personnel data. Also included is information on debts owed to the government as a result of overpayment, refunds owed, or a debt referred for collection on a transferred employee or emergency worker. The payroll, attendance, retirement, and leave records described in this notice form a part of the information contained in the Department of the Interior’s integrated Federal Personnel and Payroll System (FPPS). Personnel records contained in the FPPS are covered under the government-wide system of records notice published by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM/GOVT–1) and the Department- PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 19091 wide system of records notice, DOI–79, ‘‘Interior Personnel Records.’’ AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 5 U.S.C. 5101, et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 3512. ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: The primary uses of the records are for fiscal operations for payroll, time and attendance, leave, insurance, tax, retirement, debt, budget, and cost accounting programs; to prepare related reports to other Federal agencies including the Department of the Treasury and the Office of Personnel Management; for reporting purposes by the DOI component for which the employee works or the agency for which the DOI emergency worker works; and for human capital management purposes. DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MAY BE MADE: (1) To the Department of the Treasury for preparation of payroll (and other) checks and electronic funds transfers to Federal, State, and local government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. (2) To the Internal Revenue Service and to State, local, tribal, and territorial governments for tax purposes. (3) To the Office of Personnel Management or its contractors in connection with programs administered by that office, including, but not limited to, the Federal Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance Program, the Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), the Flexible Spending Accounts for Federal Employees Program (FSAFEDS), and the electronic Human Resources Information Program (EHRI). (4) To another Federal agency to which an employee or DOI emergency worker has transferred or in which a DOI volunteer transfers in a volunteer capacity. (5) (a) To any of the following entities or individuals, when the circumstances set forth in paragraph (b) are met: (i) The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ); (ii) A court or an adjudicative or other administrative body; (iii) A party in litigation before a court or an adjudicative or other administrative body; or (iv) Any DOI employee acting in his or her individual capacity if DOI or DOJ has agreed to represent that employee or pay for private representation of the employee; (b) When: E:\FR\FM\08APN1.SGM 08APN1 pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES 19092 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / Notices (i) One of the following is a party to the proceeding or has an interest in the proceeding: (A) DOI or any component of DOI; (B) Any other Federal agency appearing before the Office of Hearings and Appeals; (C) Any DOI employee acting in his or her official capacity; (D) Any DOI employee acting in his or her individual capacity if DOI or DOJ has agreed to represent that employee or pay for private representation of the employee; (E) The United States, when DOJ determines that DOI is likely to be affected by the proceeding; and (ii) DOI deems the disclosure to be: (A) Relevant and necessary to the proceeding; and (B) Compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. (6) To any criminal, civil, or regulatory law enforcement authority (whether federal, state, territorial, local, tribal or foreign) when a record, either alone or in conjunction with other information, indicates a violation or potential violation of law—criminal, civil, or regulatory in nature, and the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. (7) To a congressional office in response to a written inquiry that an individual covered by the system, or the heir of such individual if the covered individual is deceased, has made to the office. (8) To Federal, State or local agencies where necessary to enable the employee’s, DOI emergency worker’s, or DOI volunteer’s agency to obtain information relevant to the hiring or retention of that employee, DOI emergency worker, or DOI volunteer, or the issuance of a security clearance, contract, license, grant or other benefit. (9) To appropriate Federal and State agencies to provide required reports including data on unemployment insurance. (10) To the Social Security Administration to credit the employee’s or emergency worker’s account for OASDI and Medicare deductions. (11) To labor unions to report union dues deductions. (12) To employee or emergency worker associations to report dues deductions. (13) To insurance carriers to report employee or DOI emergency worker election information and withholdings for health insurance. (14) To charitable institutions to report contributions. (15) To a Federal agency for the purpose of collecting a debt owed the VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:09 Apr 07, 2008 Jkt 214001 Federal government through administrative or salary offset. (16) To disclose debtor information to the Internal Revenue Service or to another Federal agency or its contractor solely to aggregate information for the Internal Revenue Service to collect debts owed to the Federal government through the offset of tax refunds. (17) To any creditor Federal agency seeking assistance for the purpose of that agency implementing administrative or salary offset procedures in the collection of unpaid financial obligations owed the United States Government from an individual. (18) To any Federal agency where the individual debtor is employed or receiving some form of remuneration for the purpose of enabling that agency to collect debts on the employee’s behalf by administrative or salary offset procedures under the provisions of the Debt Collection Act of 1982. (19) To disclose information to the Internal Revenue Service, and state and local authorities for the purposes of locating a debtor to collect a claim against the debtor. (20) With respect to Bureau of Indian Affairs employee or DOI emergency worker records, to a Federal, State, local agency, or Indian tribal group or any establishment or individual that assumes jurisdiction, either by contract or legal transfer, of any program under the control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (21) With respect to Bureau of Reclamation employee or DOI emergency worker records, to nonFederal auditors under contract with the Department of the Interior or Energy or water user and other organizations with which the Bureau of Reclamation has written agreements permitting access to financial records to perform financial audits. (22) To the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board’s record keeper which administers the Thrift Savings Plan to report deductions, contributions and loan payments. (23) To disclose the names, Social Security Numbers, home addresses, dates of birth, dates of hire, quarterly earnings, employer identifying information and state of hire of employees or emergency workers to the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services for the purposes of locating individuals to establish paternity, establishing and modifying orders of child support, identifying sources of income, and for other child support enforcement actions as required by the Personal Responsibility and PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (Welfare Reform Law, Pub. L. 104–193). (24) To a commercial contractor to provide employment and income data for use in employment verifications, unemployment claims, and W–2 services. (25) To OPM’s Employee Express system to allow employees a self-service capability to initiate personnel and payroll actions and to obtain payroll information. (26) To the Department of Labor for processing claims for employees, DOI emergency workers, or DOI volunteers injured on the job or claiming occupational illness. (27) To support interfaces to other systems operated by the Federal agencies for which the employee or DOI emergency worker works, or a DOI volunteer volunteers, for the purpose of avoiding duplication, increasing data integrity and streamlining government operations. (28) To an official of another federal agency to provide information needed in the performance of official duties related to reconciling or reconstructing data files or to enable that agency to respond to an inquiry by the individual to whom the record pertains. (29) To representatives of the National Archives and Records Administration to conduct records management inspections under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906. (30) To an expert, consultant, or contractor (including employees of the contractor) of DOI that performs services requiring access to these records on DOI’s behalf to carry out the purposes of the system. (31) To the Office of Management and Budget during the coordination and clearance process in connection with legislative affairs as mandated by OMB Circular A–19. (32) To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when: (a) It is suspected or confirmed that the security or confidentiality of information in the system of records has been compromised; and (b) The Department has determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed compromise there is a risk of harm to economic or property interest, identity theft or fraud, or harm to the security or integrity of this system or other systems or programs (whether maintained by the Department or another agency or entity) that rely upon the compromised information; and (c) The disclosure is made to such agencies, entities and persons who are reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the Department’s efforts to respond to the suspected or E:\FR\FM\08APN1.SGM 08APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / Notices confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm. (33) To federal, state, territorial, local, tribal, or foreign agencies that have requested information relevant or necessary to the hiring, firing or retention of an employee or contractor, or the issuance of a security clearance, license, contract, grant or other benefit, when the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. (34) To state and local governments and tribal organizations to provide information needed in response to court order and/or discovery purposes related to litigation, when the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. (35) To the Department of the Treasury to recover debts owed to the United States. (36) To the news media when the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were compiled. DISCLOSURE TO CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES: Disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12). Disclosures may be made from this system to consumer reporting agencies as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)) or the Federal Claims Act of 1966 (31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3)). STORAGE: Records are maintained in manual, microfilm, microfiche, electronic, imaged and computer printout form. Original input documents are stored in standard office filing equipment and/or as imaged documents on magnetic media at all locations which prepare and provide input documents and information for data processing. RETRIEVABILITY: Records may be retrieved by employee, DOI emergency worker, or DOI volunteer identification such as name, Social Security Number, common identifier, birthday, organizational code, etc. Access to records covered by the system will be permitted only to authorized personnel in accordance with requirements found in the Departmental Privacy Act regulations (43 CFR 2.51). Paper or micro format records are maintained in locked metal file cabinets or in secured rooms. Electronic records are maintained with 16:09 Apr 07, 2008 Jkt 214001 The following system manager is responsible for the payroll records contained in the Department’s Federal Personnel and Payroll System (FPPS): Chief, Personnel and Payroll Systems Division, National Business Center, U.S. Department of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, Denver, CO 80235– 2230. Personnel records contained in the system fall under the jurisdiction of the Office of Personnel Management as prescribed in 5 CFR part 253 and 5 CFR part 297. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Inquiries regarding the existence of records should be addressed to the System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the requirements of 43 CFR 2.60. A request for access may be addressed to the System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the requirements of 43 CFR 2.63. CONTESTING RECORDS PROCEDURES: A petition for amendment should be addressed to the System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 the requester, and meet the content requirements of 43 CFR 2.71. RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: The source data for the system comes from individuals on whom the records are maintained, official personnel records of individuals on whom the records are maintained, supervisors, timekeepers, previous employers, the Internal Revenue Service and state tax agencies, the Department of the Treasury, other federal agencies, courts, state child support agencies, employing agency accounting offices, and thirdparty benefit providers. EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. [FR Doc. E8–7274 Filed 4–7–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–RK–P The records contained in this system of records have varying retention periods as described in the General Records Schedule, Sections 1, 2, and 20, (at, issued by the Archivist of the United States, and are disposed of in accordance with the National Archives and Records Administration Regulations, 36 CFR part 1228 et seq. They are also covered by item 7551 of the Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary’s pending records schedule. RECORDS ACCESS PROCEDURES: SAFEGUARDS: pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS: POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORING, RETRIEVING, ACCESSING, RETAINING, AND DISPOSING OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: VerDate Aug<31>2005 safeguards meeting the security requirements of 43 CFR 2.51 for automated records, which conform to Office of Management and Budget and Departmental guidelines reflecting the implementation of the Federal Information Security Management Act. The electronic data are protected through user identification, passwords, database permissions, encryption and software controls. Such security measures establish different degrees of access for different types of users. An audit trail is maintained and reviewed periodically to identify unauthorized access. A Privacy Impact Assessment was completed and is updated at least annually to ensure that Privacy Act requirements and personally identifiable information safeguard requirements are met. 19093 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Royalty Policy Committee (RPC)— Notice of Renewal AGENCY: Minerals Management Service, Interior. Notice of renewal of the Royalty Policy Committee. ACTION: SUMMARY: Following consultation with the General Services Administration, notice is hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) is renewing the Royalty Policy Committee. The Royalty Policy Committee provides advice related to the Department’s management of Federal and Indian mineral leases and revenues, and reports to the Secretary through the Director of the Minerals Management Service. The Royalty Policy Committee also reviews and provides comments on recent management and other mineralrelated policies; and provides a forum to convey views representative of mineral leases, operators, revenue payors, revenue recipients, government agencies, and the interested public. Ms. Gina Dan, Minerals Revenue Management, Minerals Management Service, Denver, Colorado 80225–0165, telephone number (303) 231–3392. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Certification I hereby certify that the renewal of the Royalty Policy Committee is in the public interest in connection with the performance of duties imposed on the Department of the Interior by 43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. E:\FR\FM\08APN1.SGM 08APN1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 68 (Tuesday, April 8, 2008)]
[Pages 19090-19093]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-7274]



Office of the Secretary

Privacy Act of 1974; Amendment to Existing System of Records

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Interior.

ACTION: Proposed amendment of existing Privacy Act system of records.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), 
the Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior is 
issuing public notice of its intent to modify an existing Privacy Act 
system of records notice, DOI-85, ``Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, 
and Leave Records.'' The revisions will update the categories of

[[Page 19091]]

individuals covered by the system, categories of records in the system, 
routine uses of records maintained in the system, retrievability of 
records, records' safeguards, retention and disposition of records, and 
record source categories.

DATES: Comments must be received by May 19, 2008.

ADDRESSES: Any persons interested in commenting on these proposed 
amendments may do so by submitting comments in writing to the Office of 
the Secretary Privacy Act Officer, Sue Ellen Sloca, U.S. Department of 
the Interior, MS-116 SIB, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 
20240, or by e-mail to

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom Larson, Acting Chief, Personnel 
and Payroll Systems Division, National Business Center, U.S. Department 
of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-2230 or 
by email at

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office of the Secretary of the 
Department of the Interior is proposing to amend the system notice for 
DOI-85, ``Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, and Leave Records'' to 
update the categories of individuals covered by the system, categories 
of records in the system, routine uses of records maintained in the 
system, retrievability of records, records' safeguards, retention and 
disposition of records, and record source categories to reflect changes 
that have occurred since the notice was last published. These 
amendments will be effective as proposed at the end of the comment 
period unless comments are received which would require a contrary 
determination. The Department will publish a revised notice if changes 
are made based upon a review of comments received.

    Dated: April 1, 2008.
Sue Ellen Sloca,
Office of the Secretary Privacy Act Officer.

    Payroll, Attendance, Retirement, and Leave Records--Interior, DOI-

    (1) Personnel and Payroll Systems Division, National Business 
Center, U.S. Department of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, MS 
D-2400, Denver, CO 80235-2230.
    (2) All Departmental offices and locations which prepare and 
provide input documents and information for data processing and 
administrative actions.

    (1) Current and former employees of the Department of the Interior 
    (2) Current and former emergency workers (``casuals'') of the 
Department of the Interior (emergency workers).
    (3) Volunteers within the Department of the Interior (volunteers).
    (4) Contractors within the Department of the Interior 

    Emergency worker name, emergency worker address, emergency worker 
phone numbers, emergency worker Social Security Number and 
organizational code; volunteer name, volunteer address, volunteer phone 
numbers, volunteer emergency contact information, (including name, 
address and phone number), volunteer Social Security Number and 
organizational code; contractor name, contractor Social Security 
Number, contractor organization; employee name, employee address, 
employee phone numbers, employee emergency contact information 
(including name, address and phone number), employee Social Security 
Number and organizational code; employee common identifier (ECI), pay 
rate, grade, length of service, individual's pay and leave records; 
source documents for posting time and leave attendance; allowances, and 
cost distribution records; deductions for Medicare, Old Age, Survivors, 
and Disability Insurance (OASDI, also known as Social Security), bonds, 
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), union dues, taxes, 
allotments, quarters, retirement, charities, health benefits, Flexible 
Spending Account, Long Term Care, Thrift Savings Fund contributions, 
awards, shift schedules, and pay differentials, tax lien data, 
commercial garnishments, child support and/or alimony wage assignments; 
and related payroll and personnel data. Also included is information on 
debts owed to the government as a result of overpayment, refunds owed, 
or a debt referred for collection on a transferred employee or 
emergency worker. The payroll, attendance, retirement, and leave 
records described in this notice form a part of the information 
contained in the Department of the Interior's integrated Federal 
Personnel and Payroll System (FPPS). Personnel records contained in the 
FPPS are covered under the government-wide system of records notice 
published by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM/GOVT-1) and the 
Department-wide system of records notice, DOI-79, ``Interior Personnel 

    5 U.S.C. 5101, et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 3512.

    The primary uses of the records are for fiscal operations for 
payroll, time and attendance, leave, insurance, tax, retirement, debt, 
budget, and cost accounting programs; to prepare related reports to 
other Federal agencies including the Department of the Treasury and the 
Office of Personnel Management; for reporting purposes by the DOI 
component for which the employee works or the agency for which the DOI 
emergency worker works; and for human capital management purposes.

Disclosure outside the Department of the Interior may be made:
    (1) To the Department of the Treasury for preparation of payroll 
(and other) checks and electronic funds transfers to Federal, State, 
and local government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and 
    (2) To the Internal Revenue Service and to State, local, tribal, 
and territorial governments for tax purposes.
    (3) To the Office of Personnel Management or its contractors in 
connection with programs administered by that office, including, but 
not limited to, the Federal Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance Program, the 
Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), the Flexible 
Spending Accounts for Federal Employees Program (FSAFEDS), and the 
electronic Human Resources Information Program (EHRI).
    (4) To another Federal agency to which an employee or DOI emergency 
worker has transferred or in which a DOI volunteer transfers in a 
volunteer capacity.
    (5) (a) To any of the following entities or individuals, when the 
circumstances set forth in paragraph (b) are met:
    (i) The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ);
    (ii) A court or an adjudicative or other administrative body;
    (iii) A party in litigation before a court or an adjudicative or 
other administrative body; or
    (iv) Any DOI employee acting in his or her individual capacity if 
DOI or DOJ has agreed to represent that employee or pay for private 
representation of the employee;
    (b) When:

[[Page 19092]]

    (i) One of the following is a party to the proceeding or has an 
interest in the proceeding:
    (A) DOI or any component of DOI;
    (B) Any other Federal agency appearing before the Office of 
Hearings and Appeals;
    (C) Any DOI employee acting in his or her official capacity;
    (D) Any DOI employee acting in his or her individual capacity if 
DOI or DOJ has agreed to represent that employee or pay for private 
representation of the employee;
    (E) The United States, when DOJ determines that DOI is likely to be 
affected by the proceeding; and
    (ii) DOI deems the disclosure to be:
    (A) Relevant and necessary to the proceeding; and
    (B) Compatible with the purpose for which the records were 
    (6) To any criminal, civil, or regulatory law enforcement authority 
(whether federal, state, territorial, local, tribal or foreign) when a 
record, either alone or in conjunction with other information, 
indicates a violation or potential violation of law--criminal, civil, 
or regulatory in nature, and the disclosure is compatible with the 
purpose for which the records were compiled.
    (7) To a congressional office in response to a written inquiry that 
an individual covered by the system, or the heir of such individual if 
the covered individual is deceased, has made to the office.
    (8) To Federal, State or local agencies where necessary to enable 
the employee's, DOI emergency worker's, or DOI volunteer's agency to 
obtain information relevant to the hiring or retention of that 
employee, DOI emergency worker, or DOI volunteer, or the issuance of a 
security clearance, contract, license, grant or other benefit.
    (9) To appropriate Federal and State agencies to provide required 
reports including data on unemployment insurance.
    (10) To the Social Security Administration to credit the employee's 
or emergency worker's account for OASDI and Medicare deductions.
    (11) To labor unions to report union dues deductions.
    (12) To employee or emergency worker associations to report dues 
    (13) To insurance carriers to report employee or DOI emergency 
worker election information and withholdings for health insurance.
    (14) To charitable institutions to report contributions.
    (15) To a Federal agency for the purpose of collecting a debt owed 
the Federal government through administrative or salary offset.
    (16) To disclose debtor information to the Internal Revenue Service 
or to another Federal agency or its contractor solely to aggregate 
information for the Internal Revenue Service to collect debts owed to 
the Federal government through the offset of tax refunds.
    (17) To any creditor Federal agency seeking assistance for the 
purpose of that agency implementing administrative or salary offset 
procedures in the collection of unpaid financial obligations owed the 
United States Government from an individual.
    (18) To any Federal agency where the individual debtor is employed 
or receiving some form of remuneration for the purpose of enabling that 
agency to collect debts on the employee's behalf by administrative or 
salary offset procedures under the provisions of the Debt Collection 
Act of 1982.
    (19) To disclose information to the Internal Revenue Service, and 
state and local authorities for the purposes of locating a debtor to 
collect a claim against the debtor.
    (20) With respect to Bureau of Indian Affairs employee or DOI 
emergency worker records, to a Federal, State, local agency, or Indian 
tribal group or any establishment or individual that assumes 
jurisdiction, either by contract or legal transfer, of any program 
under the control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
    (21) With respect to Bureau of Reclamation employee or DOI 
emergency worker records, to non-Federal auditors under contract with 
the Department of the Interior or Energy or water user and other 
organizations with which the Bureau of Reclamation has written 
agreements permitting access to financial records to perform financial 
    (22) To the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's record 
keeper which administers the Thrift Savings Plan to report deductions, 
contributions and loan payments.
    (23) To disclose the names, Social Security Numbers, home 
addresses, dates of birth, dates of hire, quarterly earnings, employer 
identifying information and state of hire of employees or emergency 
workers to the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Administration for 
Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services for the 
purposes of locating individuals to establish paternity, establishing 
and modifying orders of child support, identifying sources of income, 
and for other child support enforcement actions as required by the 
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act 
(Welfare Reform Law, Pub. L. 104-193).
    (24) To a commercial contractor to provide employment and income 
data for use in employment verifications, unemployment claims, and W-2 
    (25) To OPM's Employee Express system to allow employees a self-
service capability to initiate personnel and payroll actions and to 
obtain payroll information.
    (26) To the Department of Labor for processing claims for 
employees, DOI emergency workers, or DOI volunteers injured on the job 
or claiming occupational illness.
    (27) To support interfaces to other systems operated by the Federal 
agencies for which the employee or DOI emergency worker works, or a DOI 
volunteer volunteers, for the purpose of avoiding duplication, 
increasing data integrity and streamlining government operations.
    (28) To an official of another federal agency to provide 
information needed in the performance of official duties related to 
reconciling or reconstructing data files or to enable that agency to 
respond to an inquiry by the individual to whom the record pertains.
    (29) To representatives of the National Archives and Records 
Administration to conduct records management inspections under the 
authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
    (30) To an expert, consultant, or contractor (including employees 
of the contractor) of DOI that performs services requiring access to 
these records on DOI's behalf to carry out the purposes of the system.
    (31) To the Office of Management and Budget during the coordination 
and clearance process in connection with legislative affairs as 
mandated by OMB Circular A-19.
    (32) To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when:
    (a) It is suspected or confirmed that the security or 
confidentiality of information in the system of records has been 
compromised; and
    (b) The Department has determined that as a result of the suspected 
or confirmed compromise there is a risk of harm to economic or property 
interest, identity theft or fraud, or harm to the security or integrity 
of this system or other systems or programs (whether maintained by the 
Department or another agency or entity) that rely upon the compromised 
information; and
    (c) The disclosure is made to such agencies, entities and persons 
who are reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the 
Department's efforts to respond to the suspected or

[[Page 19093]]

confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
    (33) To federal, state, territorial, local, tribal, or foreign 
agencies that have requested information relevant or necessary to the 
hiring, firing or retention of an employee or contractor, or the 
issuance of a security clearance, license, contract, grant or other 
benefit, when the disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which 
the records were compiled.
    (34) To state and local governments and tribal organizations to 
provide information needed in response to court order and/or discovery 
purposes related to litigation, when the disclosure is compatible with 
the purpose for which the records were compiled.
    (35) To the Department of the Treasury to recover debts owed to the 
United States.
    (36) To the news media when the disclosure is compatible with the 
purpose for which the records were compiled.

    Disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12). Disclosures may be 
made from this system to consumer reporting agencies as defined in the 
Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)) or the Federal Claims 
Act of 1966 (31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3)).

    Records are maintained in manual, microfilm, microfiche, 
electronic, imaged and computer printout form. Original input documents 
are stored in standard office filing equipment and/or as imaged 
documents on magnetic media at all locations which prepare and provide 
input documents and information for data processing.

    Records may be retrieved by employee, DOI emergency worker, or DOI 
volunteer identification such as name, Social Security Number, common 
identifier, birthday, organizational code, etc.

    Access to records covered by the system will be permitted only to 
authorized personnel in accordance with requirements found in the 
Departmental Privacy Act regulations (43 CFR 2.51). Paper or micro 
format records are maintained in locked metal file cabinets or in 
secured rooms. Electronic records are maintained with safeguards 
meeting the security requirements of 43 CFR 2.51 for automated records, 
which conform to Office of Management and Budget and Departmental 
guidelines reflecting the implementation of the Federal Information 
Security Management Act. The electronic data are protected through user 
identification, passwords, database permissions, encryption and 
software controls. Such security measures establish different degrees 
of access for different types of users. An audit trail is maintained 
and reviewed periodically to identify unauthorized access. A Privacy 
Impact Assessment was completed and is updated at least annually to 
ensure that Privacy Act requirements and personally identifiable 
information safeguard requirements are met.

    The records contained in this system of records have varying 
retention periods as described in the General Records Schedule, 
Sections 1, 2, and 20, (at, issued by the 
Archivist of the United States, and are disposed of in accordance with 
the National Archives and Records Administration Regulations, 36 CFR 
part 1228 et seq. They are also covered by item 7551 of the Department 
of the Interior, Office of the Secretary's pending records schedule.

    The following system manager is responsible for the payroll records 
contained in the Department's Federal Personnel and Payroll System 
(FPPS): Chief, Personnel and Payroll Systems Division, National 
Business Center, U.S. Department of the Interior, 7201 West Mansfield 
Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-2230. Personnel records contained in the 
system fall under the jurisdiction of the Office of Personnel 
Management as prescribed in 5 CFR part 253 and 5 CFR part 297.

    Inquiries regarding the existence of records should be addressed to 
the System Manager. The request must be in writing, signed by the 
requester, and meet the requirements of 43 CFR 2.60.

    A request for access may be addressed to the System Manager. The 
request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the 
requirements of 43 CFR 2.63.

    A petition for amendment should be addressed to the System Manager. 
The request must be in writing, signed by the requester, and meet the 
content requirements of 43 CFR 2.71.

    The source data for the system comes from individuals on whom the 
records are maintained, official personnel records of individuals on 
whom the records are maintained, supervisors, timekeepers, previous 
employers, the Internal Revenue Service and state tax agencies, the 
Department of the Treasury, other federal agencies, courts, state child 
support agencies, employing agency accounting offices, and third-party 
benefit providers.


 [FR Doc. E8-7274 Filed 4-7-08; 8:45 am]
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