Conservation Security Program, 16246-16259 [E8-6177]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 60 / Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Notices
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
• Each country had an effective
surveillance program in place that
supported the detection and
investigation of outbreaks;
• Diagnostic and laboratory
capabilities within each country were
both adequate and effective;
• Each country undertook appropriate
eradication and control measures and
movement restrictions in response to
the outbreaks to prevent further spread
of the disease; and
• In each country, procedures used
for repopulation of affected premises
included monitoring to demonstrate that
HPAI H5N1 had been eradicated from
the premises.
Based on these factors, which are
consistent with the OIE’s
recommendations for reinstatement for
trade with a country that has
experienced an HPAI H5N1 outbreak,1
our assessment concludes that both
France and Denmark had adequate
detection and control measures in place
at the time of the outbreak, that they
have been able to effectively control and
eradicate HPAI H5N1 in their domestic
poultry populations since that time, and
that both French and Danish animal
health authorities have control measures
in place to rapidly identify, control, and
eradicate the disease should it be
reintroduced into France or Denmark in
either wild birds or domestic poultry.
We are making these assessments
available for public comment. We will
consider all comments that we receive
on or before the date listed under the
heading DATES at the beginning of this
If, after the close of the comment
period, APHIS can identify no
additional risk factors that would
indicate that domestic poultry in either
France or Denmark continue to be
affected with HPAI H5N1, we would
conclude that the importation of live
birds, poultry carcasses, parts or
products of poultry carcasses, and eggs
(other than hatching eggs) of poultry,
game birds, or other birds from either
France or Denmark presents a low risk
of introducing HPAI H5N1 into the
United States.
The assessments may be viewed on
the Web site or in our
reading room (see ADDRESSES above for
a link to and
information on the location and hours of
the reading room). You may request
paper copies of the assessments by
calling or writing to the person listed
1 OIE (2006). Risk Analysis. In Terrestrial Animal
Health Code, 14th edition. Paris, World
Organization for Animal Health: Section 2.7.12. To
view the document on the Internet, go to https://
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CONTACT. Please refer to the titles
of the
assessments when requesting copies.
Done in Washington, DC, this 21st day of
March 2008.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. E8–6241 Filed 3–26–08; 8:45 am]
Commodity Credit Corporation
Natural Resources Conservation
Conservation Security Program
Natural Resources
Conservation Service and Commodity
Credit Corporation, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
The administrative actions
announced in the notice are effective on
March 27, 2008.
Dwayne Howard, Branch Chief—
Stewardship Programs, Financial
Assistance Programs Division, NRCS,
P.O. Box 2890, Washington, DC 20013–
2890, telephone: (202) 720–1845; fax:
(202) 720–4265. Submit e-mail to:,
Attention: Conservation Security
SUMMARY: This document announces the
Fiscal Year 2008 sign-up, CSP–08–01,
for the Conservation Security Program
(CSP). This sign-up will be open from
April 18, 2008 through May 17, 2008, in
selected 8-digit watersheds.
Interim Final Rule published March 25,
2005 (7 CFR 15201), USDA’s Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
established the implementing
regulations for the Conservation
Security Program (CSP). The CSP is a
voluntary program administered by
NRCS, using authorities and funds of
the Commodity Credit Corporation, that
provides financial and technical
assistance to producers who advance
the conservation and improvement of
soil, water, air, energy, plant and animal
life, and other conservation purposes on
Tribal and private working lands.
This document announces the Fiscal
Year 2008 sign-up, CSP–08–01 that will
be open from April 18, 2008 through
May 17, 2008, in selected 8-digit
watersheds, which can be viewed at:
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These watersheds were selected using
the process set forth in the Interim Final
Rule. In addition to other data sources,
this process used National Resources
Inventory data to assess land use,
agricultural input intensity, and historic
conservation stewardship in watersheds
nationwide. NRCS State
Conservationists recommended a list of
potential watersheds after gaining
advice from the State Technical
Committees. These 51 watersheds were
announced by the Secretary of
Agriculture September 25, 2006, and
will be carried forward to sign-up CSP–
08–01 as no sign-up was conducted in
2007. Producers who are participants in
an existing CSP contract may not apply
in this sign-up. Applicants can submit
one application for this sign-up. Those
applicants who are entities or joint
operations must file a single application
for the organization.
Consistent with the authority to
exercise administrative flexibility
provided by 7 CFR 1469.2(b), the Chief
of NRCS intends to deliver a technically
enhanced, streamlined version of CSP
during sign-up CSP–08–01. CSP–08–01
will incorporate:
(1) The nationwide piloting of
improved national eligibility tools,
including the Soil and Water Eligibility
Tool, the Grazing Lands Eligibility Tool,
and the Wildlife Habitat Eligibility Tool;
(2) The availability of both benchmark
and new enhancements at a uniform
compensation rate over the contract
length rather than declining rates for
benchmark enhancements, but will
provide no contract improvement
modification opportunity for CSP–08–
01 participants;
(3) No new practice payments; and
(4) Priority to Tier II and Tier III
applications requesting 5-year contracts.
To be eligible for CSP, a majority of
the agricultural operation must be
within the limits of one of the selected
watersheds. Applications which meet
the minimum requirements, as set forth
in the Interim Final Rule and listed
below will be placed in enrollment
categories for funding consideration.
Categories will be funded in
alphabetical order until funds are
exhausted. If funds are not available to
fund an entire category, then
subcategories will be used to determine
application funding order within a
category. If a category or subcategory
cannot be fully funded, applicants may
be offered the FY 2008 CSP contract
payment on a prorated basis.
Part of the CSP application process is
conducted through applicant selfassessment of their conservation system.
The applicant is responsible for
providing all information that will or
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 60 / Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Notices
may be needed to properly evaluate the
agricultural operation to establish
benchmark conditions as well as
assignment to tier and enrollment
category. It is the responsibility of the
applicant to request any needed
clarification and/or additional
information from NRCS in order to
provide a complete and accurate
application package.
Producers should begin the
application process by filling out a CSP
Self-Assessment Workbook to determine
if they meet the basic qualifications for
CSP. Self-assessment workbooks are
available in hard copy at USDA Service
Centers within the watersheds, or can be
downloaded from the NRCS Web site at:
In addition to the self-assessment
workbook, an applicant must also
submit a benchmark inventory where
the applicant documents their current
conservation system, including the
conservation practices and activities
that are ongoing on their operation. This
benchmark inventory is used by NRCS
to measure an applicant’s existing level
of conservation activities in order to
determine program eligibility, and
serves as the basis for the conservation
stewardship plan. Once the producer
concludes that they meet the CSP
requirements as outlined in the
workbook, they should make an
appointment for an applicant interview
to discuss their application with the
NRCS local staff to determine if they
meet specific CSP eligibility
In order to apply, applicants must
submit the following by the end date of
the sign-up period:
(1) A completed self-assessment
(2) A benchmark condition inventory
and associated information that
a. A map, aerial photograph, or
overlay that delineates the entire
agricultural operation, including land
use and acreage;
b. A map of the applicant’s land
offered for CSP;
c. A description of the applicant’s
production system(s) on the land
d. The existing conservation practices
and resource concerns, problems, and
opportunities on the land offered;
e. The Applicant Offer Certification
Worksheet that provides the producercertification of the benchmark condition
inventory accuracy, the availability of
records to support the current
conservation system, and the applicant’s
selected tier, enrollment category, and
subcategory placement;
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f. A description of the significant
resource concerns and other resource
concerns that the applicant is willing to
address through the adoption of new
conservation practices and measures;
g. A list of enhancements that the
applicant is currently applying, or may
be willing to undertake as part of their
proposed contract.
(3) Evidence to the satisfaction of
NRCS that the applicant has a minimum
of 2 years of written records or
documentation to support the current
conservation system, including
fertilizer, nutrient, and pesticide
application schedules, cropping and
tillage systems, irrigation water
management, waste utilization, and
grazing and pasture management, as
applicable. Applicants will need to
supply written records and
documentation of their conservation
system upon request by NRCS.
(4) A completed NRCS–CPA–1200
available through the Web site, or any
USDA Service Center.
(5) Any other requirement specified in
the sign-up notice or as requested by
NRCS either prior to or during the
applicant interview in order to support
the application.
The evaluation of an applicant’s
offered land will be based on the typical
system information the applicant
provides to NRCS in the self-assessment
workbook, the benchmark condition
inventory, and during the applicant
interview. Technical evaluations will
consider conservation system averages
represented in the typical system
information to determine whether
eligibility and treatment requirements
are met. Additionally, the typical
system information referred to above
and provided during the sign-up period
will be considered for tier, category, and
subcategory placement.
It is the responsibility of the applicant
to ensure that the application includes
all information needed to support the
claimed benchmark condition as well as
the tier, category, and subcategory
placement. The applicant must certify
on the Applicant Offer Certification
Worksheet that all materials submitted
to NRCS in a CSP application are true,
correct, and represent the current
conservation system being offered by
the applicant. All applications may be
subject to quality assurance procedures
at any time during the application
process or, in the event an application
is approved, prior to or following
contract award.
If NRCS determines that an applicant
intentionally misrepresented any fact
affecting a CSP determination, the
application will be cancelled
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immediately or the contract will be
terminated in the case where a contract
has been awarded, in accordance with
the CSP regulation at 7 CFR § 1469.36.
Applicants are encouraged to attend
preliminary workshops, which will be
announced locally. There, the basic
qualifications will be explained, and
assistance provided as to completion of
the self-assessment workbook and
benchmark inventory.
CSP is offered at three tiers of
participation. Some payments are
adjusted based on the tier, and some
payments are tier-neutral. See payment
information below.
Minimum Tier Eligibility and Contract
The following are the minimum tier
eligibility and contract requirements:
CSP Tier I—the benchmark condition
inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant
has addressed the nationally significant
resource concerns of water quality and
soil quality to the minimum level of
treatment for any eligible landuse on
part of the agricultural operation. Only
the acreage meeting such requirements
is eligible for stewardship and existing
practice payments in CSP.
CSP Tier II—the benchmark condition
inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant
has addressed the nationally significant
resource concerns of water quality and
soil quality to the minimum level of
treatment for all eligible land uses on
the entire agricultural operation.
Additionally, the applicant must agree
to address another significant resource
concern applicable to their watershed to
be started no later than two years prior
to contract expiration, and completed by
the end of the contract period. If the
applicable resource concern is already
addressed or does not pertain to the
operation, then this requirement is
CSP Tier III—the benchmark
condition inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant
has addressed all of the existing
resource concerns listed in Section III of
the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide
(FOTG) with a resource management
system that meets the minimum level of
treatment for all eligible land uses on
the entire agricultural operation.
Delineation of the Agricultural
Delineating an agricultural operation
for CSP is an important part in
determining the Tier of the contract,
stewardship payments, and the required
level of conservation treatment needed
for participation. The applicant will
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 60 / Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Notices
delineate the agricultural operation to
include all agricultural lands, and other
lands such as farmstead, feedlots, and
headquarters and incidental forestlands,
under the control of the applicant and
constituting a cohesive management
unit that is operated with equipment,
labor, accounting system, and
management that are substantially
separate from any other. In delineating
the agricultural operation, Farm Service
Agency (FSA) farm boundaries may be
used. If FSA farm boundaries are used
in the application, the entire farm area
must be included within the
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to participate in CSP,
the applicants must meet the
requirements for eligible applicants, the
land offered for contract must meet the
definition of eligible land, and the
conservation system on the land offered
must meet the conservation standards as
described below.
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Eligible Applicants
To be eligible to participate, an
applicant must:
(1) Be in compliance with the highly
erodible land and wetland conservation
(2) Meet the Adjusted Gross Income
(3) Show control of the land for the
life of the proposed contract period. If
the applicant is a tenant, the applicant
must provide NRCS with written
evidence or assurance of control from
the landowner, but a lease is not
required. In the case of land allotted by
the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or
Tribal land, there is considered to be
sufficient assurance of control;
(4) Share in risk of producing any
crop or livestock and be entitled to
share in the crop or livestock available
for marketing from the agriculture
operation. Landlords and owners are
ineligible to submit an application for
exclusively cash rented agriculture
(5) Complete a benchmark condition
inventory and associated information as
described above for the entire
agricultural operation or the portion
being offered; and
(6) Supply information, as required by
NRCS, to determine eligibility and
support the tier, category, and
subcategory placement for the program;
including but not limited to,
information related to eligibility criteria
in this sign-up announcement; and
information to verify the applicant’s
status as a beginning or limited resource
farmer or rancher if applicable.
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Eligible Land
To be eligible for enrollment in CSP,
land must be:
(1) Private agricultural land;
(2) Private non-industrial forested
land that is an incidental part of the
agriculture operation;
(3) Agricultural land that is Tribal,
allotted, or Indian trust land;
(4) Other incidental parcels, as
determined by NRCS, which may
include, but are not limited to, land
within the bounds of working
agricultural land or small adjacent areas
(including non-cropped center pivot
corners, linear practices, field borders,
turn rows, intermingled small wet areas,
or riparian areas); or
(5) Other land on which NRCS
determines that conservation treatment
will contribute to an improvement in an
identified natural resource concern,
including areas outside the boundary of
the agricultural land or enrolled parcel
such as farmsteads, ranch sites,
barnyards, feedlots, equipment storage
areas, material handling facilities, and
other such developed areas. Other land
must be treated in Tier III contracts.
Land Not Eligible for Enrollment in CSP
The following lands are ineligible for
enrollment in CSP:
(1) Land enrolled in the Conservation
Reserve Program, the Wetlands Reserve
Program, or the Grassland Reserve
(2) Public land, including land owned
by a Federal, State, or local unit of
(3) Private non-industrial forest land
that exceeds 10 acres in size
individually, or 10 percent in aggregate
of the total offered acres; and
(4) Any land that fails to meet the
definition of eligible land.
Ineligible land referred to above needs
to be delineated as part of the
agricultural operation. This land may
not receive CSP payments, but the
conservation work on this land may be
used to determine if an applicant meets
minimum level of treatment
requirements, the applicant’s category
placement, and may be described in the
Conservation Stewardship Plan.
Land Not Eligible for Any Payment
Component in CSP
Land that is used for crop production
after May 13, 2002, that had not been
planted, considered to be planted, or
devoted to crop production, as
determined by NRCS, for at least 4 of
the 6 years preceding May 13, 2002, is
not eligible for any payment component
in CSP.
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Conservation Standards for Tier I and
Tier II—Minimum Level of Treatment
The following conservation standards
apply for Tier I and Tier II:
(1) The minimum level of treatment
on cropland for soil and water quality
is considered achieved when the Soil
and Water Eligibility Tool minimum
thresholds are met for soil quality
functions and water quality resource
(2) The minimum level of treatment
on pastureland and rangeland for soil
and water quality is considered
achieved when the CSP Grazing Lands
Eligibility Tool minimum thresholds are
met for soil quality and water quality
resource concerns.
Conservation Standards for Tier III—
Minimum Level of Treatment
The minimum level of treatment for
Tier III on any eligible landuse is met by
achieving the required conservation
standards specified for Tier I and Tier
II requirements, plus meeting the
quality criteria for the local NRCS FOTG
for all existing resource concerns and
the following specific criteria:
(A) The minimum requirement for
water quantity—irrigation water
management on cropland or pastureland
is considered achieved when the current
level of treatment and management for
the system results in a water use index
value of at least 50;
(B) The minimum requirement for
wildlife is considered achieved when
the current level of treatment and
management for the system results in an
index value of at least 0.5 of the habitat
potential. States will use the Wildlife
Habitat Eligibility Tool to determine
index values, with the exception of
Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
They will use either a general or species
specific habitat assessment guide, as
determined by the State Conservationist.
CSP Contract Payments and Limits
CSP contract payments include one or
more of the following components
subject to the described limits:
(1) An annual per acre stewardship
component for the benchmark
conservation treatment. This component
is calculated separately for each land
use by multiplying the number of acres
times the tier factor (0.05 for Tier I, 0.10
for Tier II, and 0.15 for Tier III) times
the stewardship payment rate
established for the watershed times the
tier reduction factor (0.25 for Tier I and
0.50 for Tier II, and 0.75 for Tier III).
(2) An annual existing practice
component for maintaining existing
conservation practices. Existing practice
payments will be calculated as a flat rate
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 60 / Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Notices
of 25 percent of the stewardship
(3) An annual enhancement
component for exceptional conservation
effort and activities that provide
increased resource benefits beyond the
quality criteria for a given resource
concern or go beyond the minimum
requirements of a conservation
standard. During initial contract
development, participants may contract
to complete both enhancement activities
that are part of the benchmark inventory
and new enhancement activities. All
enhancement activities will be paid at a
uniform compensation rate over the
contract length. The total of all
enhancement payments in any one year
will not exceed $13,750 for Tier I,
$21,875 for Tier II, and $28,125 for Tier
III annually.
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Enhancement Components Available in
This Sign-up
Enhancement activities within the
resource categories of water quality, soil
quality, water management, grazing
lands, wildlife, plants, air, and energy
management will be available for signup CSP–08–01:
An advance enhancement payment may
be made available in the FY 2008 signup. The advance enhancement payment
may be available to contracts with the
initial enhancement payment as
determined in the benchmark inventory
and interview. The advance
enhancement payment would shift a
portion of the contract’s enhancement
payment amount into the first-year
payment and deduct it from the
following years’ payments.
Tier I contracts are for a five-year
duration. Tier II and Tier III contracts
are for a 5- to 10-year duration at the
option of the participant. However, Tier
II and Tier III applicants who select 5year contracts will be given priority in
category placement.
Future contract improvement
modifications such as advancing tiers,
adding land, and adding enhancements
will not be offered to CSP–08–01
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Total annual maximum contract
payment limits are $20,000 for Tier I,
$35,000 for Tier II, and $45,000 for Tier
III, including any advance enhancement
For more details on payment
components, call or visit the local
USDA Service Center, or view on the
Web site at:
CSP Enrollment Categories and
An eligible application will be placed
in an enrollment category as follows:
(1) A single land use application will
be placed in an enrollment category by
applying the applicant’s group level
assignment, Tier, and applicant-selected
contract length to the 2008 CSP
Enrollment Category Matrix. An
applicant’s group level is assigned using
the 2008 Conservation System Criteria
By Land Use Table and the associated
Stewardship Practice and Activity Lists
provided in this notice. An application
will be assigned to the highest group
level that all conservation management
units being offered meet. Only unique
practices or activities that have been
installed and maintained for at least two
years prior to the sign-up period, and
applied in every location suitable or
needed to address resource concerns
will be counted to assign an applicant’s
group level.
(2) A multiple land use application
will be placed in the category of the
land use with the largest number of
offered acres. Category placement for a
land use will follow the direction for
single land use application category
placement (see above).
The CSP will fund the enrollment
categories in alphabetical order. If an
enrollment category cannot be
completely funded, then subcategories
will be funded in the following order:
(1) Applicant is a limited resource
producer, according to criteria specified
in the USDA Limited Resource Farmers/
Ranchers guidelines, or a Tribal member
producing on Tribal or historically tribal
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(2) Applicant is a participant in an ongoing monitoring program that is
sponsored by an organization or unit of
government that analyzes the data and
has authority to take action to achieve
(3) Agricultural operation in a water
conservation area or aquifer zone
designated by a unit of government;
(4) Agricultural operation in a drought
area designated by a unit of government
in any two of the past three years before
the sign-up dates;
(5) Agricultural operation in a water
quality area with a priority on pesticides
designated by a unit of government;
(6) Agricultural operation in a water
quality area with a priority on nutrients
designated by a unit of government;
(7) Agricultural operation in a water
quality area with a priority on sediment
designated by a unit of government;
(8) Agricultural operation in a nonattainment area for air quality or other
local or regionally designated air quality
zones designated by a unit of
(9) Agricultural operation in an area
selected for the conservation of
imperiled plants and animals, including
threatened and endangered species, as
designated by a unit of government; or
(10) All other applications.
Designated by a unit of government’’
means officially assigned a priority by a
Federal, State, or local unit of
government prior to this notice. Neither
an agency, nor a committee or board
who provides advice or makes decisions
on programs delivered by the agency are
considered units of government. If a
category or subcategory cannot be fully
funded, applicants may be offered the
FY 2008 CSP contract payment on a
prorated basis.
Signed in Washington, DC, on March 19,
Arlen Lancaster,
Vice President, Commodity Credit
Corporation, Chief, Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
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[FR Doc. E8–6177 Filed 3–26–08; 8:45 am]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 60 / Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Notices
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 60 (Thursday, March 27, 2008)]
[Pages 16246-16259]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-6177]
Commodity Credit Corporation
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Conservation Security Program
AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service and Commodity Credit
Corporation, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
DATES: The administrative actions announced in the notice are effective
on March 27, 2008.
Stewardship Programs, Financial Assistance Programs Division, NRCS,
P.O. Box 2890, Washington, DC 20013-2890, telephone: (202) 720-1845;
fax: (202) 720-4265. Submit e-mail to:,
Attention: Conservation Security Program.
SUMMARY: This document announces the Fiscal Year 2008 sign-up, CSP-08-
01, for the Conservation Security Program (CSP). This sign-up will be
open from April 18, 2008 through May 17, 2008, in selected 8-digit
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Interim Final Rule published March
25, 2005 (7 CFR 15201), USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) established the implementing regulations for the Conservation
Security Program (CSP). The CSP is a voluntary program administered by
NRCS, using authorities and funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation,
that provides financial and technical assistance to producers who
advance the conservation and improvement of soil, water, air, energy,
plant and animal life, and other conservation purposes on Tribal and
private working lands.
This document announces the Fiscal Year 2008 sign-up, CSP-08-01
that will be open from April 18, 2008 through May 17, 2008, in selected
8-digit watersheds, which can be viewed at:
These watersheds were selected using the process set forth in the
Interim Final Rule. In addition to other data sources, this process
used National Resources Inventory data to assess land use, agricultural
input intensity, and historic conservation stewardship in watersheds
nationwide. NRCS State Conservationists recommended a list of potential
watersheds after gaining advice from the State Technical Committees.
These 51 watersheds were announced by the Secretary of Agriculture
September 25, 2006, and will be carried forward to sign-up CSP-08-01 as
no sign-up was conducted in 2007. Producers who are participants in an
existing CSP contract may not apply in this sign-up. Applicants can
submit one application for this sign-up. Those applicants who are
entities or joint operations must file a single application for the
Consistent with the authority to exercise administrative
flexibility provided by 7 CFR 1469.2(b), the Chief of NRCS intends to
deliver a technically enhanced, streamlined version of CSP during sign-
up CSP-08-01. CSP-08-01 will incorporate:
(1) The nationwide piloting of improved national eligibility tools,
including the Soil and Water Eligibility Tool, the Grazing Lands
Eligibility Tool, and the Wildlife Habitat Eligibility Tool;
(2) The availability of both benchmark and new enhancements at a
uniform compensation rate over the contract length rather than
declining rates for benchmark enhancements, but will provide no
contract improvement modification opportunity for CSP-08-01
(3) No new practice payments; and
(4) Priority to Tier II and Tier III applications requesting 5-year
To be eligible for CSP, a majority of the agricultural operation
must be within the limits of one of the selected watersheds.
Applications which meet the minimum requirements, as set forth in the
Interim Final Rule and listed below will be placed in enrollment
categories for funding consideration. Categories will be funded in
alphabetical order until funds are exhausted. If funds are not
available to fund an entire category, then subcategories will be used
to determine application funding order within a category. If a category
or subcategory cannot be fully funded, applicants may be offered the FY
2008 CSP contract payment on a prorated basis.
Part of the CSP application process is conducted through applicant
self-assessment of their conservation system. The applicant is
responsible for providing all information that will or
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may be needed to properly evaluate the agricultural operation to
establish benchmark conditions as well as assignment to tier and
enrollment category. It is the responsibility of the applicant to
request any needed clarification and/or additional information from
NRCS in order to provide a complete and accurate application package.
Producers should begin the application process by filling out a CSP
Self-Assessment Workbook to determine if they meet the basic
qualifications for CSP. Self-assessment workbooks are available in hard
copy at USDA Service Centers within the watersheds, or can be
downloaded from the NRCS Web site at:
In addition to the self-assessment workbook, an applicant must also
submit a benchmark inventory where the applicant documents their
current conservation system, including the conservation practices and
activities that are ongoing on their operation. This benchmark
inventory is used by NRCS to measure an applicant's existing level of
conservation activities in order to determine program eligibility, and
serves as the basis for the conservation stewardship plan. Once the
producer concludes that they meet the CSP requirements as outlined in
the workbook, they should make an appointment for an applicant
interview to discuss their application with the NRCS local staff to
determine if they meet specific CSP eligibility requirements.
In order to apply, applicants must submit the following by the end
date of the sign-up period:
(1) A completed self-assessment workbook.
(2) A benchmark condition inventory and associated information that
a. A map, aerial photograph, or overlay that delineates the entire
agricultural operation, including land use and acreage;
b. A map of the applicant's land offered for CSP;
c. A description of the applicant's production system(s) on the
land offered;
d. The existing conservation practices and resource concerns,
problems, and opportunities on the land offered;
e. The Applicant Offer Certification Worksheet that provides the
producer-certification of the benchmark condition inventory accuracy,
the availability of records to support the current conservation system,
and the applicant's selected tier, enrollment category, and subcategory
f. A description of the significant resource concerns and other
resource concerns that the applicant is willing to address through the
adoption of new conservation practices and measures; and
g. A list of enhancements that the applicant is currently applying,
or may be willing to undertake as part of their proposed contract.
(3) Evidence to the satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant has a
minimum of 2 years of written records or documentation to support the
current conservation system, including fertilizer, nutrient, and
pesticide application schedules, cropping and tillage systems,
irrigation water management, waste utilization, and grazing and pasture
management, as applicable. Applicants will need to supply written
records and documentation of their conservation system upon request by
(4) A completed NRCS-CPA-1200 available through the Web site, or
any USDA Service Center.
(5) Any other requirement specified in the sign-up notice or as
requested by NRCS either prior to or during the applicant interview in
order to support the application.
The evaluation of an applicant's offered land will be based on the
typical system information the applicant provides to NRCS in the self-
assessment workbook, the benchmark condition inventory, and during the
applicant interview. Technical evaluations will consider conservation
system averages represented in the typical system information to
determine whether eligibility and treatment requirements are met.
Additionally, the typical system information referred to above and
provided during the sign-up period will be considered for tier,
category, and subcategory placement.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the
application includes all information needed to support the claimed
benchmark condition as well as the tier, category, and subcategory
placement. The applicant must certify on the Applicant Offer
Certification Worksheet that all materials submitted to NRCS in a CSP
application are true, correct, and represent the current conservation
system being offered by the applicant. All applications may be subject
to quality assurance procedures at any time during the application
process or, in the event an application is approved, prior to or
following contract award.
If NRCS determines that an applicant intentionally misrepresented
any fact affecting a CSP determination, the application will be
cancelled immediately or the contract will be terminated in the case
where a contract has been awarded, in accordance with the CSP
regulation at 7 CFR Sec. 1469.36.
Applicants are encouraged to attend preliminary workshops, which
will be announced locally. There, the basic qualifications will be
explained, and assistance provided as to completion of the self-
assessment workbook and benchmark inventory.
CSP is offered at three tiers of participation. Some payments are
adjusted based on the tier, and some payments are tier-neutral. See
payment information below.
Minimum Tier Eligibility and Contract Requirements
The following are the minimum tier eligibility and contract
CSP Tier I--the benchmark condition inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant has addressed the nationally
significant resource concerns of water quality and soil quality to the
minimum level of treatment for any eligible landuse on part of the
agricultural operation. Only the acreage meeting such requirements is
eligible for stewardship and existing practice payments in CSP.
CSP Tier II--the benchmark condition inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant has addressed the nationally
significant resource concerns of water quality and soil quality to the
minimum level of treatment for all eligible land uses on the entire
agricultural operation. Additionally, the applicant must agree to
address another significant resource concern applicable to their
watershed to be started no later than two years prior to contract
expiration, and completed by the end of the contract period. If the
applicable resource concern is already addressed or does not pertain to
the operation, then this requirement is satisfied.
CSP Tier III--the benchmark condition inventory demonstrates to the
satisfaction of NRCS that the applicant has addressed all of the
existing resource concerns listed in Section III of the NRCS Field
Office Technical Guide (FOTG) with a resource management system that
meets the minimum level of treatment for all eligible land uses on the
entire agricultural operation.
Delineation of the Agricultural Operation
Delineating an agricultural operation for CSP is an important part
in determining the Tier of the contract, stewardship payments, and the
required level of conservation treatment needed for participation. The
applicant will
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delineate the agricultural operation to include all agricultural lands,
and other lands such as farmstead, feedlots, and headquarters and
incidental forestlands, under the control of the applicant and
constituting a cohesive management unit that is operated with
equipment, labor, accounting system, and management that are
substantially separate from any other. In delineating the agricultural
operation, Farm Service Agency (FSA) farm boundaries may be used. If
FSA farm boundaries are used in the application, the entire farm area
must be included within the delineation.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to participate in CSP, the applicants must meet the
requirements for eligible applicants, the land offered for contract
must meet the definition of eligible land, and the conservation system
on the land offered must meet the conservation standards as described
Eligible Applicants
To be eligible to participate, an applicant must:
(1) Be in compliance with the highly erodible land and wetland
conservation provisions;
(2) Meet the Adjusted Gross Income requirements;
(3) Show control of the land for the life of the proposed contract
period. If the applicant is a tenant, the applicant must provide NRCS
with written evidence or assurance of control from the landowner, but a
lease is not required. In the case of land allotted by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) or Tribal land, there is considered to be
sufficient assurance of control;
(4) Share in risk of producing any crop or livestock and be
entitled to share in the crop or livestock available for marketing from
the agriculture operation. Landlords and owners are ineligible to
submit an application for exclusively cash rented agriculture
(5) Complete a benchmark condition inventory and associated
information as described above for the entire agricultural operation or
the portion being offered; and
(6) Supply information, as required by NRCS, to determine
eligibility and support the tier, category, and subcategory placement
for the program; including but not limited to, information related to
eligibility criteria in this sign-up announcement; and information to
verify the applicant's status as a beginning or limited resource farmer
or rancher if applicable.
Eligible Land
To be eligible for enrollment in CSP, land must be:
(1) Private agricultural land;
(2) Private non-industrial forested land that is an incidental part
of the agriculture operation;
(3) Agricultural land that is Tribal, allotted, or Indian trust
(4) Other incidental parcels, as determined by NRCS, which may
include, but are not limited to, land within the bounds of working
agricultural land or small adjacent areas (including non-cropped center
pivot corners, linear practices, field borders, turn rows, intermingled
small wet areas, or riparian areas); or
(5) Other land on which NRCS determines that conservation treatment
will contribute to an improvement in an identified natural resource
concern, including areas outside the boundary of the agricultural land
or enrolled parcel such as farmsteads, ranch sites, barnyards,
feedlots, equipment storage areas, material handling facilities, and
other such developed areas. Other land must be treated in Tier III
Land Not Eligible for Enrollment in CSP
The following lands are ineligible for enrollment in CSP:
(1) Land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program, the Wetlands
Reserve Program, or the Grassland Reserve Program;
(2) Public land, including land owned by a Federal, State, or local
unit of government;
(3) Private non-industrial forest land that exceeds 10 acres in
size individually, or 10 percent in aggregate of the total offered
acres; and
(4) Any land that fails to meet the definition of eligible land.
Ineligible land referred to above needs to be delineated as part of
the agricultural operation. This land may not receive CSP payments, but
the conservation work on this land may be used to determine if an
applicant meets minimum level of treatment requirements, the
applicant's category placement, and may be described in the
Conservation Stewardship Plan.
Land Not Eligible for Any Payment Component in CSP
Land that is used for crop production after May 13, 2002, that had
not been planted, considered to be planted, or devoted to crop
production, as determined by NRCS, for at least 4 of the 6 years
preceding May 13, 2002, is not eligible for any payment component in
Conservation Standards for Tier I and Tier II--Minimum Level of
The following conservation standards apply for Tier I and Tier II:
(1) The minimum level of treatment on cropland for soil and water
quality is considered achieved when the Soil and Water Eligibility Tool
minimum thresholds are met for soil quality functions and water quality
resource concerns.
(2) The minimum level of treatment on pastureland and rangeland for
soil and water quality is considered achieved when the CSP Grazing
Lands Eligibility Tool minimum thresholds are met for soil quality and
water quality resource concerns.
Conservation Standards for Tier III--Minimum Level of Treatment
The minimum level of treatment for Tier III on any eligible landuse
is met by achieving the required conservation standards specified for
Tier I and Tier II requirements, plus meeting the quality criteria for
the local NRCS FOTG for all existing resource concerns and the
following specific criteria:
(A) The minimum requirement for water quantity--irrigation water
management on cropland or pastureland is considered achieved when the
current level of treatment and management for the system results in a
water use index value of at least 50;
(B) The minimum requirement for wildlife is considered achieved
when the current level of treatment and management for the system
results in an index value of at least 0.5 of the habitat potential.
States will use the Wildlife Habitat Eligibility Tool to determine
index values, with the exception of Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto
Rico. They will use either a general or species specific habitat
assessment guide, as determined by the State Conservationist.
CSP Contract Payments and Limits
CSP contract payments include one or more of the following
components subject to the described limits:
(1) An annual per acre stewardship component for the benchmark
conservation treatment. This component is calculated separately for
each land use by multiplying the number of acres times the tier factor
(0.05 for Tier I, 0.10 for Tier II, and 0.15 for Tier III) times the
stewardship payment rate established for the watershed times the tier
reduction factor (0.25 for Tier I and 0.50 for Tier II, and 0.75 for
Tier III).
(2) An annual existing practice component for maintaining existing
conservation practices. Existing practice payments will be calculated
as a flat rate
[[Page 16249]]
of 25 percent of the stewardship payment.
(3) An annual enhancement component for exceptional conservation
effort and activities that provide increased resource benefits beyond
the quality criteria for a given resource concern or go beyond the
minimum requirements of a conservation standard. During initial
contract development, participants may contract to complete both
enhancement activities that are part of the benchmark inventory and new
enhancement activities. All enhancement activities will be paid at a
uniform compensation rate over the contract length. The total of all
enhancement payments in any one year will not exceed $13,750 for Tier
I, $21,875 for Tier II, and $28,125 for Tier III annually.
Enhancement Components Available in This Sign-up
Enhancement activities within the resource categories of water
quality, soil quality, water management, grazing lands, wildlife,
plants, air, and energy management will be available for sign-up CSP-
An advance enhancement payment may be made available in the FY 2008
sign-up. The advance enhancement payment may be available to contracts
with the initial enhancement payment as determined in the benchmark
inventory and interview. The advance enhancement payment would shift a
portion of the contract's enhancement payment amount into the first-
year payment and deduct it from the following years' payments.
Tier I contracts are for a five-year duration. Tier II and Tier III
contracts are for a 5- to 10-year duration at the option of the
participant. However, Tier II and Tier III applicants who select 5-year
contracts will be given priority in category placement.
Future contract improvement modifications such as advancing tiers,
adding land, and adding enhancements will not be offered to CSP-08-01
Total annual maximum contract payment limits are $20,000 for Tier
I, $35,000 for Tier II, and $45,000 for Tier III, including any advance
enhancement payment.
For more details on payment components, call or visit the local
USDA Service Center, or view on the Web site at: https://
CSP Enrollment Categories and Subcategories
An eligible application will be placed in an enrollment category as
(1) A single land use application will be placed in an enrollment
category by applying the applicant's group level assignment, Tier, and
applicant-selected contract length to the 2008 CSP Enrollment Category
Matrix. An applicant's group level is assigned using the 2008
Conservation System Criteria By Land Use Table and the associated
Stewardship Practice and Activity Lists provided in this notice. An
application will be assigned to the highest group level that all
conservation management units being offered meet. Only unique practices
or activities that have been installed and maintained for at least two
years prior to the sign-up period, and applied in every location
suitable or needed to address resource concerns will be counted to
assign an applicant's group level.
(2) A multiple land use application will be placed in the category
of the land use with the largest number of offered acres. Category
placement for a land use will follow the direction for single land use
application category placement (see above).
The CSP will fund the enrollment categories in alphabetical order.
If an enrollment category cannot be completely funded, then
subcategories will be funded in the following order:
(1) Applicant is a limited resource producer, according to criteria
specified in the USDA Limited Resource Farmers/Ranchers guidelines, or
a Tribal member producing on Tribal or historically tribal lands;
(2) Applicant is a participant in an on-going monitoring program
that is sponsored by an organization or unit of government that
analyzes the data and has authority to take action to achieve
(3) Agricultural operation in a water conservation area or aquifer
zone designated by a unit of government;
(4) Agricultural operation in a drought area designated by a unit
of government in any two of the past three years before the sign-up
(5) Agricultural operation in a water quality area with a priority
on pesticides designated by a unit of government;
(6) Agricultural operation in a water quality area with a priority
on nutrients designated by a unit of government;
(7) Agricultural operation in a water quality area with a priority
on sediment designated by a unit of government;
(8) Agricultural operation in a non-attainment area for air quality
or other local or regionally designated air quality zones designated by
a unit of government;
(9) Agricultural operation in an area selected for the conservation
of imperiled plants and animals, including threatened and endangered
species, as designated by a unit of government; or
(10) All other applications.
Designated by a unit of government'' means officially assigned a
priority by a Federal, State, or local unit of government prior to this
notice. Neither an agency, nor a committee or board who provides advice
or makes decisions on programs delivered by the agency are considered
units of government. If a category or subcategory cannot be fully
funded, applicants may be offered the FY 2008 CSP contract payment on a
prorated basis.
Signed in Washington, DC, on March 19, 2008.
Arlen Lancaster,
Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation, Chief, Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
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[FR Doc. E8-6177 Filed 3-26-08; 8:45 am]