Small Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Port of Anchorage Marine Terminal Redevelopment Project, Anchorage, Alaska, 14443-14453 [E8-5431]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XG36
Small Takes of Marine Mammals
Incidental to Specified Activities; Port
of Anchorage Marine Terminal
Redevelopment Project, Anchorage,
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental
harassment authorization; receipt of
application for subsequent letters of
authorization; request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA),
notification is hereby given that NMFS
has received an application from the
Port of Anchorage (herein after ‘‘Port’’)
to take small numbers of marine
mammals, by Level B harassment,
incidental to the 5–year Phase II portion
of the Marine Terminal Redevelopment
Project (herein after ‘‘Project’’) at the
Port, Anchorage, Alaska. Species which
could be potentially taken from Port
construction include the beluga whale
(Delphinapterus leucas), harbor seal
(Phoca vitulina), harbor porpoise
(Phocoena phocoena), and killer whale
(Orcinus orca). NMFS is requesting
comments on its proposal to issue a 1–
year incidental harassment
authorization (IHA) for the 2008
construction season (April-October) and
its intent to promulgate regulations in
2009 governing the take of marine
mammals over a 5–year period
incidental to the activities described
Comments and information must
be received no later than April 17, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Comments on the
application should be addressed to
Michael Payne, Chief, Permits,
Conservation and Education Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910–3225. The mailbox address for
providing email comments is PR1.0648– NMFS is not
responsible for e-mail comments sent to
addresses other than the one provided
here. Comments sent via e-mail,
including all attachments, must not
exceed a 10–megabyte file size.
A copy of the application containing
a list of the references used in this
document may be obtained by writing to
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the address specified above, telephoning
the contact listed below (see FOR
visiting the internet at: https://
Documents cited in this notice may be
viewed, by appointment, during regular
business hours, at the aforementioned
Jaclyn Daly or Jolie Harrison, Office of
Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 713–
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct
the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary)
to allow, upon request, the incidental,
but not intentional, taking of marine
mammals by U.S. citizens who engage
in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) if certain findings
are made and regulations are issued or,
if the taking is limited to harassment,
notice of a proposed authorization is
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
may be granted for up to 5 years if
NMFS finds that the taking will have a
negligible impact on the species or
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on the availability of the
species or stock(s) for certain
subsistence uses, and if the permissible
methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such taking are set
forth. NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as: an
impact resulting from the specified
activity that cannot be reasonably
expected to, and is not reasonably likely
to, adversely affect the species or stock
through effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival.
Under 50 CFR 216.104(b) of NMFS’
implementing regulations for the
MMPA, NMFS must publish in the
Federal Register a notice of a proposed
IHA and a notice of receipt for a request
for the implementation of regulations
governing the incidental taking.
Information gathered during the
associated comment period is
considered by NMFS in developing, if
appropriate, regulations governing the
issuance of Letters of Authorizations
(LOAs) for the proposed activity.
Summary of Request
The Project is divided into 2 phases.
Phase I of the project did not involve
any substantive in-water noiseproducing activities, however, and on
May 9, 2006, NMFS concurred with the
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Port that incidental take of marine
mammals was not likely to occur and an
IHA was not necessary if operations
ceased if marine mammals were seen
within 50 m of in-water fill activities. In
contrast to phase I, phase II of the Port
expansion project involves considerable
in-water construction, including pile
driving, which will introduce a sound
into the marine environment and could
harass marine mammals. Following
several delays and design changes, on
September 13, 2007, the Port re-applied
for an IHA for the 2008 construction
season and a 5–year rulemaking and
letters of authorization (LOAs) for the
subsequent 2009–2012 construction
seasons. The Project is scheduled to be
complete in 2012.
The Project is designed to upgrade
and expand the Port by replacing aging
and obsolete structures and provide
additional dock and backland areas.
Located on the east bank of Knik Arm
in upper Cook Inlet (CI), the 129–acre
Port is operating at or above sustainable
practical capacity. The expansion of the
Port is necessary to adequately support
the economic growth of Anchorage and
the state of Alaska through 2025. The
Port currently serves 80 percent of
Alaska’s populated area, and it handles
over 90 percent of consumer goods sold
within the Alaskan Railroad distribution
area (the Alaska Railroad runs from
Seward through Anchorage, Denali, and
Fairbanks to North Pole, with spurs to
Whittier and Palmer (locally known as
‘‘The Railbelt’’).
Construction activities that will alter
the environmental baseline include pile
driving, dredging, and backfilling and
compaction of fill. These activities have
the potential to affect marine mammals
from sounds generated from
construction, alteration of habitat, and
increased vessel noise due to Port
expansion. Of the activities listed above,
pile driving has the potential to result
in harassment to marine mammals due
to source levels and nature of
operations, and the Port has requested
authorization for takes resulting from
this activity. Because pile driving has
the potential to result in behavioral
harassment of marine mammals located
in Knik Arm, an authorization under
section 101(a)(5)(A) or (D) of the MMPA
is warranted.
Action Area
Cook Inlet is a semi-enclosed tidal
estuary, extending roughly 370 km (200
nm.) southwest from Knik and
Turnagain Arms, which almost
surround the city of Anchorage, to
Kamishak and Kachemak Bays. The
inlet has marine connections with
Shelikof Strait and the Gulf of Alaska
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(GOA), and freshwater input from many
large rivers (Muench et al., 1978). The
shoreline of Cook Inlet is irregular,
comprised of a series of channels, coves,
flats, and marshes. The Port is located
within the Municipality of Anchorage
between Ship Creek and Elemendorf Air
Force Base on the eastern shore of Knik
Arm. Knik Arm, is a relatively shallow,
30 mile long waterway that is 2–6 miles
in width. This estuary is extremely silty
and exhibits some of the strongest
currents (up to 8 kts) and tidal
variations (30+ft) in the world. Knik
Arm contains many gyres created by
predominant headlands that are
important to beluga prey distribution.
Construction Process
The Project calls for an open cell
sheet pile (OCSP) design. Pile driving of
steel 36–inch (91.4 cm) and H-piles,
along with open cell sheet piles, will
occur in Phase II of the Project from
April to October, annually, and is
proposed to be completed in 2012. Pile
driving is necessary to construct the
waterfront bulkhead structure that will
facilitate increased dock space and the
fendering system. The bulkhead will be
comprised of conjoining face and tail
sheet-pile cells, forming a row of Ushaped, open cell sheet pile structures.
The cells will serve to retain the fill
material and provide the vertical
bulkhead docking structure for berthing
barges and ships. Approximately 17 face
sheets and one tail wall per 27.5 linear
ft (8.4 m) of dock face will be used. Each
tail wall will extend up to 183 ft (55.8
m) landward from the dock face and
include up to 110 tail sheets.
Approximately 30 linear ft. of open cell
sheet pile wall will be constructed in a
10 hour period. In 2008, it is estimated
that 1,807 open cell face sheets and
8,175 tail sheets will be erected at the
Port. These conjoining sheets will
equate to 2,923 ft. (891 m) (face length)
of open cell sheet piles weighing
approximately 13,412 tons. A piledriving hammer will be used to install
sheet piles to the desired tip elevation
(i.e., how far the sheet pile extrudes
from the substrate). Sheet piles will be
driven with a vibratory hammer to the
maximum extent possible (i.e., until
desired depth is achieved and/or to
refusal, prior to using an impact
hammer). Standard tip elevation for a
dredge depth of -35 ft (10.7 m) and -45
ft (13.7 m) mean low low water are -50
and -60 ft (15–18 m), respectively.
Two methods of pile driving, impact
and vibratory, will occur. Impact pile
driving will only occur when vibratory
driving is not sufficient. It is estimated
that pile driving will be 40 percent
vibratory and 60 percent impact for the
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first year of construction (2008) due to
the dense clay substrate in the North
Extension and Barge Berths areas. The
percentage of impact pile driving will
decrease in subsequent years. Work
hours for pile driving are anticipated to
be 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., up to seven days
a week; however, proposed mitigation
will restrict impact pile driving on two
hours either side of low tide due to high
beluga use during this time (see
Mitigation section).
Backfilling and compaction of fill
material will involve placing clean
sand, gravel, or stone immediately
behind the sheet-pile face up to an
elevation of 30 ft (9.14 m). Upon
completion, 135 acres of wetland would
be filled, eliminating 9,000 linear ft
(2.74 km) of intertidal habitat. To
complete the 2008 Project tasks,
approximately 1,600,000 cubic yards
(cy) of suitable engineered and common
fill material will be placed behind
vertical steel or rock retaining features
at the North Extension area which will
result in the fill of as much as 18.4 acres
of tideland. A vibratory probe and pile
driving hammer will be used at evenly
spaced locations to consolidate the fill.
NMFS does not anticipate that this
activity (i.e., fill compaction) will
acoustically harass marine mammals
due to the absorption of sound by the
fill which will appreciably reduce
sound energy released into the water.
Upon completion of Phase II of the
Project, which will require additional
take authorization such as subsequent
LOAs, approximately 7,900 linear ft.
(2.41 km) of dock parallel to and
approximately 400 ft (122 m) west of the
face of the existing dock structure, along
with backfilling, will have been added
to the Port. The new dock face will
include 7,430 ft (2.26 km) of vertical
sheet-pile wharf and 470 ft (143 m) for
a dry barge berth. The completed marine
terminal will include seven modern
dedicated ship berths; two dedicated
barge berths; rail access; modern shoreside facilities; equipment to
accommodate cruise passengers; cement
bulk, roll on/roll off and load on/load
off cargo; containers; general cargo,
military deployments, general cargo on
barges, petroleum, oil, and lubricants;
and additional land use area to support
expanding military and commercial
operations. More information on the
Project design, phasing plan, and
construction can be found at
Marine Mammals Affected by the
Cook Inlet is utilized by several
species of marine mammals; however,
most of these are confined to the Lower
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Inlet and would not be affected by the
Project. In Knik Arm, the CI beluga
whale is the most abundant marine
mammal. Harbor seals, harbor porpoise,
and killer whales are also found in the
Inlet but they do not display a regular
presence in Knik Arm. There have been
no published sightings of Steller sea
lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Knik Arm,
only a single adult male in the Susitna
Flats area; therefore, Steller sea lions are
not anticipated to be affected by the
Project and will not be considered
further. If, by chance, a marine mammal
not authorized to be taken is seen
around the construction area, shut down
will be required so as to avoid unlawful
NMFS is proposing to allow 34 beluga
whale takes, 20 harbor seals takes, 20
harbor porpoise takes, and 5 killer
whales takes, by Level B harassment
only, incidental to the activities
occurring in the 2008 construction year.
Beluga take numbers for future LOAs, if
issued, will be calculated upon
gathering further information from
monitoring and acoustic data as pile
driving hours will change as well as
percentage of impact and vibratory
driving. Take numbers for other marine
mammals are expected to remain the
same throughout the construction phase
of the Project. Further information on
the status and distribution of Alaskan
marine mammals can be found in the
2006 NMFS’ Alaskan Stock Assessment
Report (
pdfs/sars/ak2006.pdf) and https://
Beluga Whales
Status and Abundance
In the U.S. waters, beluga whales
comprise five distinct stocks: Beaufort
Sea, Eastern Chukchi Sea, Eastern
Bering Sea, Bristol Bay, and Cook Inlet
(Angliss and Outlaw, 2006). The only
stock likely to be affected by the
proposed construction activities at the
Port is the CI stock. This population is
genetically isolated from other
populations by the geographic barrier of
the Alaska peninsula and by their yearround residency in the Inlet (Hobbs et
al., 2006).
The CI beluga population has
declined significantly over the years.
Historical data suggest this population
once numbered around 1,300 (Calkins,
1988). NMFS systematic aerial surveys
documented a decline in abundance of
nearly 50 percent between 1994 and
1998, from an estimate of 653 whales to
347 whales (Hobbs et al., 2000). Aerial
annual abundance surveys conducted
each June/July from 1999 to 2005 have
resulted in abundance estimates of 367,
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435, 386, 313, 357, 366, and 278 whales
for each year, respectively (Rugh et al.,
2005, NMFS unpublished data).
According to NMFS 2006 stock
assessment report, the population
estimate for CI belugas is 278 with a
minimum population estimate of 238;
however, more recent surveys estimate
the current population as of 2006 to be
302 belugas (Rugh et al., 2006). This
stock is listed as depleted under the
MMPA and was proposed for listing
under the ESA on April 20, 2007 (72 FR
Subsistence harvest is believed to
have been the major contributor to the
population decline (NMFS 2006). NMFS
estimated that the average annual take
for subsistence harvest, including
whales that were struck and lost, was 67
whales per year from 1994 through
1998. Annual harvest estimates for 1994
thru 1998 are 21 whales (1994), 70
whales (1995), 98 whales (1996), 70
whales (1997) and 50 whales (1998).
The harvest, which was as high as 20
percent of the stock in 1996, was
sufficiently high to account for the 14
percent annual rate of decline in the
stock during the period from 1994
through 1998 (Hobbs et al. 2000). The
last year in which unregulated
subsistence harvests occurred was 1998.
In 1999 and 2000, Public Laws 106–31
and 106–553 established a moratorium
on CI beluga whale harvests except for
subsistence hunts by Alaska Natives and
conducted under cooperative
management agreements between NMFS
and affected Alaska Native
Organizations. This moratorium was
made permanent in December 2000. In
2003 and 2004, respectively, a Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
(68 FR 55604, September 26, 2003) and
Final Interim Regulations Governing the
Taking of Cook Inlet Beluga Whale by
Alaska Natives for Subsistence Purposes
(69 FR 17973, April 6, 2004) were
completed to address prior beluga whale
harvests. In keeping with sections
101(b) and 103(d) of the MMPA, NMFS
Alaska Region convened a formal
administrative hearing on the proposed
harvest regulations before an
Administrative Law Judge and seven
interested parties in December 2000, in
Anchorage, Alaska. That administrative
hearing process culminated in 2005
with the Administrative Law Judge’s
final decision recommending a longterm plan for managing the subsistence
harvests of CI belugas by Alaska
Natives. NMFS has since then
completed a Draft Supplemental EIS (72
FR 73798, December 28, 2007)
proposing long-term harvest regulations
through recovery. Despite strict harvest
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limits since 1999, the population has
not recovered. Factors inhibiting
recovery include vessel traffic, small
stock size, restricted summer range,
habitat alteration, and natural mortality
(NMFS, 2006).
The CI beluga’s range is believed to be
largely confined to CI with a high
occurrence of animals in the upper Inlet
and Knik Arm during the spring,
summer, and fall seasons. These whales
demonstrate site fidelity to regular
summer concentration areas (Seaman et
al., 1985), typically near river mouths
and associated shallow, warm and low
salinity waters (Moore et al., 2000). In
the winter, beluga whales concentrate in
deeper waters in mid- Inlet down to
Kalgin Island with occasional forays
into the upper Inlet, even to the upper
ends of Knik and Turnagain Arms.
In Knik Arm, beluga whales generally
are observed arriving in May and often
use the area all summer, feeding on the
various salmon runs and moving with
the tides. There may be more intensive
use of Knik Arm in August and through
the fall, coinciding with the coho run.
Whales will gather in Eagle Bay and
elsewhere on the east side of Knik Arm
and sometimes in Goose Bay on the
west side of Knik Arm. During high
tides, belugas are generally concentrated
around prime feeding habitats in the
upper reaches of the Arm, an area
unaffected by the Project. They often
retreat to the lower portion of Knik Arm
during low tides.
Fourteen belugas were satellite-tagged
in upper CI in Knik Arm between late
July and early September 2000–2002.
These tags provided location and
movement data through the fall and
winter and into May. During summer
and autumn, whales were concentrated
in river and bays in Upper CI with
whales traveling back and forth between
Knik Arm (e.g., Eagle River), Chichaloon
Bay, and upper Turnagain Arm,
although some whales also spent time
offshore. When in these areas, whales
made rapid movements between distinct
bays or river mouths (moving either to
the east or to the west of Fire Island,
past Pt. Woronzof and the Port of
Anchorage) and often remained
stationary in one area for many weeks
followed by a rapid movement to
another area (within a day). One whale
tracked in 2001 moved back and forth
between the three bodies of water listed
above seven times in three months. Area
use in August was the most limited of
all months (approximately 50–75
percent of the recorded locations in
August were in Knik Arm, concentrated
near Eagle River. In September they
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continued to use Knik Arm and
increased use of the Susitna delta,
Turnagain Arm and Chickaloon Bay,
and also extended use along the west
coast of the upper Inlet to the Beluga
River. In October, beluga whales ranged
widely down the Inlet in coastal areas,
reaching Chinitna Bay, and Tuxedni Bay
and continued to use Knik Arm,
Turnagain Arm, Chickaloon Bay, and
Trading Bay (MacArthur River).
November use was similar to
September. In December, beluga whales
moved offshore with locations
distributed throughout the upper to
mid-Inlet and in January, February, and
March, they used the central offshore
waters moving as far south as Kalgin
Island and slightly beyond. Belugas also
ranged widely during February and
March with excursions to Knik and
Turnagain Arms, in spite of greater than
90 percent ice coverage. Average daily
travel distance ranged from 11–30 km
per day. No satellite tags were on
animals from April-mid July.
Social Dynamics
Beluga whales are extremely social
animals that typically migrate, hunt,
and interact together. Nowak (1991)
reports the average pod size as 10
animals, although beluga whales may
occasionally form larger groups, often
during migrations. Groups of 10 to
several hundred beluga whales have
often been observed during summers in
CI; however solitary animals and
smaller groups are not uncommon
around the Port (LGL 2005, 2006, 2007).
Native hunters have stated that beluga
whale form family groups and suggest
that there are four types of beluga
whales in CI, distinguished by their size
and habits (Huntington 2000); however,
this has not been confirmed.
Beluga whales are opportunistic
feeders known to prey on a wide variety
of animals. They eat octopus, squid,
crabs, shrimp, clams, mussels, snails,
sandworms, and fish such as capelin,
cod, herring, smelt, flounder, sole,
sculpin, lamprey, lingcod and salmon
(Perez, 1990; Haley, 1986; Klinkhart,
1966). Natives also report that CI beluga
whale feed on freshwater fish: trout,
whitefish, northern pike, and grayling
(Huntington, 2000), and on tomcod
during the spring (Fay et al., 1984).
Salmon and eulachon species are high
quality prey that have high lipid (fat)
content, up to 21 percent (Payne et al.,
1999). Calkins (1989) recovered 13
salmon tags from the stomach of an
adult beluga whale found dead in
Turnagain Arm. These salmon had been
tagged in upper Susitna River. Beluga
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whales in captivity may consume 2.5–
3 percent of their body weight daily, or
approximately 40–60 pounds (18.2- 27.3
kg). Wild beluga whale populations,
faced with an irregular supply of food
or with increased metabolic needs, may
easily exceed these amounts while
feeding on concentrations of eulachon
and salmon. Beluga whale hunters in CI
reported one whale having 19 adult king
salmon in its stomach (Huntington
2000) and an adult male beluga whale
had 12 adult coho salmon in its stomach
at a weight of 27.8 kg (61.5 lbs).
Herring may be another important
forage fish for beluga whales as
identified by a 1993 smolt survey of the
upper Inlet which found juvenile
herring to be the second-most abundant
fish species collected. These herring
were primarily caught along the
northwest shore, including the Susitna
delta (Moulton, 1994).
Beluga whales capture and swallow
their prey whole, using their blunt teeth
only to grab. These whales often feed
cooperatively. At the Port, beluga
whales have been observed positioning
one whale along a rip rap dock, while
a second whale herds salmon along the
structure toward the stationary beluga
whale. The concentrations of CI beluga
whales offshore of several important
salmon streams in the upper Inlet is
assumed to be a feeding strategy which
takes advantage of the bathymetry of the
area. The fish are funneled into the
channels formed by the river mouths
and the shallow waters act as a gauntlet
for salmon as they move past waiting
beluga whales. Dense concentrations of
prey appear essential to beluga whale
feeding behavior. Hazard (1988)
hypothesized that beluga whales were
more successful feeding in rivers where
prey were concentrated than in bays
where prey were dispersed.
Since their rapid population decline,
CI beluga distribution has also
decreased (Rugh et al., 2000); however,
there is obvious and repeated use of
certain habitats. From April through
November whales concentrate at river
mouths and tidal flat areas, moving in
and out with the tides. The timing and
location of eulachon and salmon runs
affect beluga whale feeding behavior
and have a strong influence on their
summer movements. Beluga and prey
distribution is heavily dependent upon
tides in Knik Arm with approximately
70 percent of sightings at the Port from
monitoring data in 2006 being around
low tide. The range of tides at
Anchorage is extreme at about 29 feet
and the observed extreme low water is
6.4 feet below mean low low water.
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Tidal energy is the most dominant force
driving water circulation in Knik Arm.
Because of predominantly shallow
depths, tides within Knik Arm have a
much larger range than in the main
body of Cook Inlet (KABATA, 2006).
Maximum current speeds in Knik Arm,
observed during spring ebb tide, exceed
7 knots (12 feet/second).
Beluga whale concentration areas
correspond with prey availability.
Beluga whales frequently move in and
out of deeper water and between
feeding, calving, and nursery areas
throughout the mid and upper Inlet.
Access to these areas and corridors in
between these areas is important. Knik
Arm, Turnagain Arm, Chickaloon River
and the Susitna River delta areas are
used extensively. It is possible these
sites provide for other biological needs,
such as calving or molting. Such habitat
sites and use have been reported
elsewhere in Alaska, although there is
not adequate information to identify
these calving and molting habitat
attributes in Knik Arm.
NMFS has characterized the relative
value of four habitats as part of the
management and recovery strategy in its
‘‘Draft Conservation Plan for the CI
Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)’’
(NMFS, 2006). These are sites where
beluga whales are most consistently
observed, where feeding behavior has
been documented, and where dense
numbers of whales occur within a
relatively confined area of the Inlet.
Type 1 habitat is termed ‘‘High Value/
High Sensitivity’’ and includes what
NMFS believes to be the most important
and sensitive areas of the Inlet for
beluga whales. Type 2 is termed ‘‘High
Value,’’ and includes summer feeding
areas and winter habitats in waters
where whales typically occur in lesser
densities or in deeper waters. Type 3
habitat occurs in the offshore areas of
the mid and upper Inlet and also
includes wintering habitat. Type 4
habitat describes the remaining portions
of the range of these whales within Cook
Inlet. The habitat within the Project
footprint that will be directly impacted
from construction is considered Type 2
habitat while just north of the Port is
classified as Type 1.
Beluga Hearing Sensitivity
Beluga whales are characterized as
mid-frequency odontocetes but have an
excellent range of hearing. Hearing of
belugas is believed to be in the
frequency range of 40 Hz–150kHz with
keen hearing at 10–100kHz. Above 100
kHz their sensitivity drops off very fast
(Au, 1993) and below 8 kHz the
decrease in sensitivity is more gradual
at approximately 11 dB per octave
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(Awbrey et al., 1988). While their peak
sensitivity range is outside of most
industrial sounds, studies have shown
that belugas can hear and react to such
low frequency noise, dependent upon
intensity (i.e., decibels). Awbrey et al.
(1988) conducted a study on captive,
trained belugas to discern low frequency
threshold levels. Belugas reacted, on
average, to 125 Hz, 25 Hz, and 500Hz at
121dB, 118dB, and 108 dB, respectively.
Therefore, as frequency increases,
sensitivity also increases.
Harbor Seals
Harbor seals are important uppertrophic marine predators that occupy a
broad range in Alaska from
approximately 130° W to 172° E (over
3,500 km east to west) and from 61° N
to 51° N (over 1,000 km north to south).
Currently, harbor seals in Alaska are
divided into three stocks: Bearing Sea,
Gulf of Alaska (GOA), and Southeast
Alaska. While new genetic information
has lead to a reassessment of this
delineation, it has not yet been
finalized. Harbor seals which could be
affected by the Project belong to the Gulf
of Alaska stock. Based on aerial GOA
and Aleutian Islands surveys, in 1996
and 1999 respectively, the current
abundance estimate for this stock is
45,975 (CV = 0.04) with a minimum
population estimate of 44,453 (NMFS,
2006). Sources of anthropogenic caused
mortality for this stock include
interactions with fishing gear (mean
annual mortality is approximately 24
animals), subsistence hunting (mean
annual harvest equals 795), and, to a
lesser degree, illegal intentional killing.
Harbor seals haul out on rocks, reefs,
beaches, and drifting glacial ice, and
feed in marine, estuaries, and
occasionally fresh waters. They are
generally non-migratory, with local
movements associated with such factors
as tides, weather, season, food
availability, and reproduction; however,
some long-distance movements have
been recorded from tagged animals
(mostly juveniles). The major haul-out
sites for harbor seals are located in
Lower CI with the closest identified
harbor seal haul-out site to the Port
approximately 25 miles south along
Chickaloon Bay in the southern portion
of Turnagain Arm. However, harbor
seals have been observed around the
Port. In 2004–2005, 22 harbor seal
sightings were reported over a 13–
month period comprising of 14,000
survey hours. From these surveys, it is
estimated that harbor seals occur in a
density of approximately 1.7 animals
per month in Knik Arm (LGL unpubl.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
Pinniped hearing is measured for 2
mediums, air and water. In water
hearing ranges from 1–180 kHz with
peak sensitivity around 32kHz. In air,
hearing capabilities are greatly reduced
to 1–22kHz with sensitivity at 12kHz.
This range is comparable to human
hearing (0.02 to 20 kHz). Harbor seals
have the potential to be affected by inair and in-water noise associated with
construction activities.
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Harbor Porpoise
Harbor porpoise are found within
Cook Inlet but in low abundance,
especially in Knik Arm. Currently, the
population estimate for the Gulf of
Alaska harbor porpoise stock is 41,854
with a minimum population estimate of
34,740 (NMFS 2006). Estimated density
of harbor porpoise in Cook Inlet is only
7.2 per 1000 square kilometers
(Dahlheim et al. 2000). The highest
monthly count recorded in upper Cook
Inlet between April and October is 18
(LGL 2006).
Harbor porpoise have a wide hearing
range and the highest upper-frequency
limit of all odontocetes studied. They
have a hearing range of 250 Hz–180kHz
with maximum sensitivity between 16–
140 kHz.
Killer Whales
Killer whales in the Gulf of Alaska are
divided into two ecotypes: resident and
transient. Killer whales are relatively
common in lower Cook Inlet (at least
100 sightings from 1975 to 2002), but in
the upper Inlet, north of Kalgin Island,
sightings are infrequent (11 in 25 yrs).
Transient killer whales are known to
feed on the Cook Inlet stock of beluga
whales and all recorded predation
events have occurred in the upper Inlet.
Transient killer whales seen in Cook
Inlet belong to the Gulf of Alaska,
Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea
Transient Stock or the small AT1 Stock.
Based on the 2006 NMFS stock
assessment reports, the minimum
population estimate for the Gulf of
Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea
transient stock of killer whales is 314
animals based on the count of
individuals using photo-identification.
As of 2004, the AT1 population size is
eight animals, a 64–percent decrease
from 22 whales in 1989.
The hearing of killer whales is well
developed. They have hearing ranges of
0.05 to 100 kHz which is lower than
many other odontocetes. Peak
sensitivity is around 15 kHz.
Impacts to Marine Mammals
Sound is a physical phenomenon
consisting of minute vibrations that
travel through a medium, such as air or
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water. Sound levels are compared to a
reference sound pressure to identify the
medium. For air and water, these
reference pressures are ‘‘re 20 µPa’’ and
‘‘re 1 µPa’’, respectively (unless
otherwise noted, sound levels should be
considered as measured in water, i.e., re
1 µPa). Sound is generally characterized
by several variables, including
frequency and sound level. Frequency
describes the sound’s pitch and is
measured in hertz (Hz) or kilohertz
(kHz), while sound level describes the
sound’s loudness and is measured in
decibels (dB). Sound level increases or
decreases exponentially with each dB of
change. For example, 10–dB yields a
sound level 10 times more intense than
1 dB, while a 20 dB level equates to 100
times more intense, and a 30 dB level
is 1,000 times more intense. However, it
should be noted that humans perceive a
10 dB increase in sound level as only a
doubling of sound loudness, and a 10
dB decrease in sound level as a halving
of sound loudness. More information on
sound can be found at
As stated, noise from pile driving is
expected to harass marine mammals
present in the exposure area. Marine
mammals use sound for vital life
functions, and introducing sound into
their environment could be disrupting
to those behaviors. Sound (hearing and
vocalization/echolocation) serves 4
main functions for odontocetes (toothed
whales and dolphins). These functions
include (1) providing information about
their environment; (2) communication;
(3) enabling remote detection of prey;
and (4) enabling detection of predators.
Sounds and non-acoustic stimuli will be
generated and emitted into the aquatic
environment by vehicle traffic, vessel
operations, roadbed construction, and
vibratory and impact pile driving. The
distances to which these sounds are
audible depend on source levels,
ambient noise levels, and sensitivity of
the receptor (Richardson et al. 1995). As
stated, pile driving will affect marine
mammals at a level which could cause
behavioral harassment. Mitigation
measures (see Mitigation section) are
expected to prevent injurious exposure.
In an acoustic study conducted at the
Port in October 2007, hydrophones were
used to measure sound propagation
during both impact and vibratory piledriving. For impact pile-driving, the
most conservative measurement showed
that at 19m the received level was 177
dB re 1 µPa (root mean square (rms)
ranging from 100–15,000 Hz. For
vibratory pile-driving, the most
conservative measurement showed that
at 20m the received level was 162 dB
ranging from 400–2,500 Hz. These
measurements were used to estimate the
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distances at which animals might be
exposed to received levels that could
lead to injury or behavioral harassment.
Impact pile driving requires much more
energy (i.e., louder) than vibratory piledriving due to the nature of the
operations. However, low frequency
sound travels poorly in shallow water,
so transmission of these sounds in Knik
Arm is expected to be confined to
relatively short ranges.
Sounds generated from pile driving,
dredging, and other construction
activities will be detectable underwater
and/or in air some distance away from
the area of activity. Audible distance, or
received levels (RLs) will depend on the
nature of the sound source, ambient
noise conditions, and the sensitivity of
the receptor to the sound (Richardson et
al., 1995). Type and significance of
marine mammal behavioral reactions
are likely to be dependent upon, among
other parameters, the behavioral state
(e.g., feeding, traveling, etc.) of the
animal at the time it receives the
stimulus, as well as the distance from
the sound source and the level of the
sound relative to ambient conditions
(Southall et al., 2007).
Hearing Impairment and Other
Physical Effects
Temporary or permanent hearing
impairment is a possibility when marine
mammals are exposed to very loud
sounds, but no studies have been
conducted that examine impacts to
marine mammal from pile driving noise.
Current NMFS practice regarding
exposure of marine mammals to highlevel sounds is that cetaceans and
pinnipeds exposed to impulsive sounds
of 180 and 190 dB rms or above,
respectively, are considered to have
been taken by Level A (i.e., injurious)
harassment. Behavioral harassment
(Level B) is considered to have occurred
when marine mammals are exposed to
sounds at or above 160dB rms for
impulse sounds (e.g., impact pile
driving) and 120dB rms for continuous
noise (e.g., vibratory pile driving), but
below injurious thresholds. These levels
are considered precautionary.
Several aspects of the planned
monitoring and mitigation measures for
this project are designed to detect
marine mammals occurring near pile
driving, and to avoid exposing them to
sound that could potentially cause
hearing impairment (e.g., mandatory
shut down zones). In addition, marine
mammals will be given a chance to
leave the area during ‘‘soft start’’ and
‘‘ramp-up’’ procedures to avoid
exposure to full energy pile driving. In
those cases, the avoidance responses of
the animals themselves will reduce or
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
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eliminate any possibility of hearing
impairment. Hearing impairment is
measured in two forms: temporary
threshold shift and permanent threshold
Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS)
TTS is the mildest form of hearing
impairment that can occur during
exposure to a loud sound (Kryter, 1985).
Southall et al. (2007) considers a 6 dB
TTS (i.e., baseline thresholds are
elevated by 6 dB) sufficient to be
recognized as an unequivocal deviation
and thus a sufficient definition of TTSonset. Auditory fatigue (i.e., TTS) in
mid-frequency cetaceans has been
measured after exposure to tones,
impulsive sounds, and octave-band
noise. Because it is non-injurious,
NMFS considers TTS as Level B
harassment that is mediated by
physiological effects on the auditory
system; however, NMFS does not
consider onset TTS to be the lowest
level at which Level B Harassment may
While experiencing TTS, the hearing
threshold rises and a sound must be
louder in order to be heard. TTS can last
from minutes or hours to (in cases of
strong TTS) days. For sound exposures
at or somewhat above the TTS-onset
threshold, hearing sensitivity recovers
rapidly after exposure to the noise ends.
Few data on sound levels and durations
necessary to elicit mild TTS have been
obtained for marine mammals. For
toothed whales exposed to single short
pulses, the TTS threshold appears to be,
to a first approximation, a function of
the energy content of the pulse
(Finneran et al., 2002).
Laboratory experiments investigating
TTS onset for belugas have been
conducted for both pulse and non-pulse
sounds. Finneran et al. (2000) exposed
a trained captive beluga whale to a
single pulse from an explosion
simulator. No TTS threshold shifts were
observed at the highest received
exposure levels (179dB re 1 µPa2–s
[SEL]; approximately 199 dB rms). It
should be noted in this study that
amplitudes at frequencies below 1 kHz
were not produced accurately to
represent predictions for the explosions.
Another study was done using seismic
waterguns with a single acoustic pulse
(Finneran et al. 2002). Measured TTS
was 7 and 6 dB in the beluga at 0.4 and
30 kHz, respectively, after exposure to
intense single pulses (186 dB SEL; ∼ 208
dB rms). Schludt et al., 2000
demonstrated temporary shifts in
masked hearing thresholds for belugas
occurring generally between 192 and
201 dB rms (192–201 dB SEL) after
exposure to intense, non-pulse, 1–s
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tones at , 3, 10, and 20 kHz. TTS onset
occurred at mean sound exposure level
of 195 dB rms (195 dB SEL). To date, no
studies relating TTS onset to pile
driving sounds have been conducted for
any cetacean species.
Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS)
When permanent threshold shift
(PTS) occurs, there is physical damage
to the sound receptors in the ear. In
some cases, there can be total or partial
deafness, whereas in other cases, the
animal has an impaired ability to hear
sounds in specific frequency ranges.
PTS consists of non-recoverable
physical damage to the sound receptors
in the ear and is therefore classified as
Level A harassment under the MMPA.
Level A harassment of marine mammals
is not expected due to proposed
mitigation measures and source levels,
nor will it be authorized under this IHA.
There is no empirical data for onset of
PTS in any marine mammal, and
therefore, PTS- onset must be estimated
from TTS-onset measurements and from
the rate of TTS growth with increasing
exposure levels above the level eliciting
TTS-onset. PTS is presumed to be likely
if the threshold is reduced by ≥ 40 dB
(i.e., 40 dB of TTS).
Relationships between TTS and PTS
thresholds have not been studied in
marine mammals, but are assumed to be
similar to those in humans and other
terrestrial mammals. PTS might occur at
a received sound level 20 dB or more
above that of inducing mild TTS if the
animal were exposed to the strong
sound for an extended period, or to a
strong sound with rather rapid rise time.
Due to proposed mitigation measures
and source levels for the Project, NMFS
does not expect that marine mammals
will be exposed to levels that could
elicit PTS.
Non-auditory Physiological Effects
Non-auditory physiological effects or
injuries that theoretically might occur in
marine mammals exposed to strong
underwater sound include stress,
neurological effects, bubble formation,
resonance effects, and other types of
organ or tissue damage. Due to proposed
mitigation measures (e.g., mandatory
shut downs) marine mammals would
not be exposed to sound at or above
180dB; therefore, it is not expected that
severe physiological effects from
exposure to sound would be expected;
however, a hormonal stress response is
possible. Romano et al. (2004)
demonstrated that belugas exposed to
seismic water gun and (or) single pure
tones (up to 201 dB rms) resembling
sonar pings showed increased stress
hormone levels of norepinephrine,
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epinephrine, and dopamine. While RLs
would not be as strong as the ones in
that study, a stress response would not
be unexpected. Studies have also
demonstrated that reactions of animals
to sounds could result in physical
injury. For example, it has recently been
reported that stranded deep diving
marine mammals displayed physical
attributes similar to the bends (e.g., in
vivo gas bubble formation) (Ferndandez
et al., 2005, 2006). Marine mammals
may experience these symptoms if
surfacing rapidly from deep dives in
response to loud sounds. Because Knik
Arm is a shallow water estuary, marine
mammals found there are not
considered deep divers, and due to
proposed mitigation measures, nonauditory physiological impacts, other
than stress, are not expected.
Impacts to Beluga Whales
The marine mammal species or stock
that could be most affected from the
Project is the beluga whale. Observation
and tagging data both indicate that the
northernmost parts of upper Cook Inlet,
including Knik Arm, are the focus of the
stock’s distribution in both summer
(Rugh et al., 2000) and winter (Hobbs et
al., 2005). Because of the very restricted
range of this stock, CI belugas can be
assumed to be sensitive to humaninduced or natural perturbations.
Contaminants from a variety of sources,
sound, onshore or offshore
development, and construction have the
potential to impact this stock or its
There are no consistent observed
threshold levels at which belugas, and
marine mammals in general, respond to
an introduced sound. Beluga responses
to sound stimuli have been noted to be
highly dependent upon behavioral state
and motivation to remain or leave an
area. Few field studies involving
industrial sounds have been conducted
on beluga whales. Reactions of belugas
in those studies varied. For example, in
Awbrey and Stewart (1983) (as
summarized in Southall et al., 2007),
recordings of noise from SEDCO 708
drilling platform (non-pulse) were
projected underwater at a source level of
163 dB rms. Beluga whales less than 1.5
km from the source usually reacted to
onset of the noise by swimming away
(RLs approximately 115.4 dB rms). In
two instances groups of whales that
were at least 3.5 km from the noise
source when playback started continued
to approach (RLs approximately 109.8
dB rms). One group approached within
300 m (RLs approximately 125.8 dB
rms) before all or part turned back. The
other group submerged and passed
within 15m of the projector (RL
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
approximately 145.3 dB). Richardson et
al. (1990), as summarized in Southall et
al., 2007, played back drilling platform
sounds (source level: 163 dB) while
approximately 100 belugas were in the
area of several hundred to meters to
several hundred kilometers. No obvious
reactions were noted; however,
moderate changes in behavior for three
groups swimming within 200m of the
sound projector were observed. In other
studies, belugas exposed to seismic
airguns (multiple pulse) at RLs of 100 to
120 dB rms were determined to have
had no observable reaction; however,
RLs between 120 and 150 dB rms were
determined to have induced temporary
avoidance behavior, based on vesselbased and aerial observations (Miller et
al., 2005).
TTS experiments have also
documented behavioral responses by
trained belugas. These responses
included reluctance to return to
experimental stations when exposed to
watergun pulse sounds at approximately
185.3 dB rms (171dB SEL) (Finneran et
al., 2002) and behavioral changes when
exposed to sounds from the explosion
simulator at approximately 200 dB rms
(177 dB SEL) (Finneran et al., 2000). In
a non-pulse exposure experiment (i.e., 1
s tones), belugas displayed altered
behavior when exposed to 180 196 dB
rms (180–196 dB SEL) (Schlundt et al.,
While no studies have been
conducted for belugas in response to
pile driving, bottlenose dolphin and
humpback dolphin behavior has been
observed in relation to this activity.
These species are also considered mid
frequency odontocetes and have hearing
capabilities similar to that of beluga
whales. McIwen (2006) observed a
temporary displacement of bottlenose
dolphins during pile driving activities,
although it could not be determined if
this was a result of the pile driving
noise itself or displacement of prey.
Mhenni (1993) reported bottlenose
dolphins appeared to be repelled by
noise pulses obtained by striking an iron
pipe held in the water. Furthermore,
Wursig et al. (2000) reported IndoPacific humpback dolphins increased
speeds of travel during pile driving and
were found in lower abundance
immediately after pile driving; however,
no overt changes in behavior were
Masking of whale calls or other
sounds potentially relevant to whale
vital functions may occur. Masking
occurs when the background noise is
elevated to a level which reduces an
animal’s ability to detect relevant
sounds. The impacts of masking are
expected to be limited by the
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intermittent nature of the impact pile
driver noise, the whales’ directional
hearing, and their ability to adjust
vocalization amplitude, frequency, and
the structured content of their signals
(McIwem, 2006). Belugas have been
known to increase their levels of
vocalization as a function of background
noise by increasing call repetition and
shifting to higher frequencies (Lesage et
al., 1999; Scheifele et al., 2005). Another
adaptive method to combat masking was
demonstrated in a beluga whale which
reflected its sonar signal off the water
surface to ensonify to an object on
which it was trained to echolocate (Au
et al., 1987). Due to the low frequencies
of construction noise and the ability of
belugas to adapt vocally to increased
background noise, it is anticipated that
masking, and therefore interruption of
behaviors such as feeding and
communication, will be minimized.
Many marine mammals, including
beluga whales, perform vital functions
(e.g., feeding, resting, traveling,
socializing) on a diel (i.e., 24 hr) cycle.
Repeated or sustained disruption of
these functions is more likely to have a
demonstrable impact than a single
exposure (Southall et al., 2007).
However, it is possible that marine
mammals exposed to repetitious
construction sounds from the proposed
construction activities will become
habituated and tolerant after initial
exposure to these sounds, as
demonstrated by beluga vessel tolerance
(Richardson et al., 1995, Blackwell and
Green, 2002). Habituation is found to be
common in marine mammals faced with
introduced sounds into their
environment. For example, bowhead
whales (Balaena mysticetus) have
continued to use pathways where
drilling ships are working (RLs: 131 dB)
so that they can continue their eastward
migration (Richardson et al., 1991). In
addition, harbor porpoise, dolphins, and
seals have become habituated to
acoustic harassment deterrent devices
such as pingers and ‘‘seal bombs’’ after
repeated exposure (Mate and Harvey,
1987; Cox et al., 2001).
Although the Port is a highly
industrialized area supporting a large
amount of ship trafic, belugas are
present almost year round. It is
anticipated that belugas will become
increasingly habituated to the Project
sounds. CI belugas have demonstrated a
tolerance to ship traffic around the Port,
as documented in numerous surveys
conducted by LGL in this area. Animals
will be exposed to greater than
background noise levels from pile
driving; however background sound
levels in Knik Arm are already higher
than most other marine and estuarine
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systems due to strong currents and
eddies, recreational vessel traffic, and
commercial shipping traffic entering
and leaving the Port. During the
acoustic study for this Project, carried
out by URS, ambient sound levels (in
absence of any vessels) were recorded
between 105 and 120dB. A tug pushing
a barge raised those measurements to
about 135dB when it was 200m from the
recording vessel. Based on the already
elevated background noise around the
Port and beluga’s ability to compensate
for masking, it can be reasonably
expected that belugas will become
habituated to the daily pile driving, as
they have for vessel traffic. It is
expected that frequency and intensity of
behavioral reactions will decrease when
habituation occurs.
Lack of behavioral reaction indicating
habituation does not necessarily mean
that the animals are not being harassed
or injured. For example, in
Newfoundland, seafloor blasting
occurred in an area utilized by foraging
humpback whales (Megaptera
novaeangliae), yet the whales did not
show any behavioral reaction to the
blasting in terms of movement or
residency times. Despite a lack of
behavioral reaction, two humpbacks
entangled in fishing gear were found in
that area to have had experienced
significant blast trauma to the temporal
bones, although the seafloor blasting
could not be determined to be causal
(Ketten et al., 1993). However, pile
driving activities do not release the
same type of, or as much energy as
seafloor blasting and, due to proposed
mitigation measures, marine mammals
will not be exposed to such intense
sounds at the Port. Therefore, injury or
other physical effects will not likely
NMFS believes responses of beluga
whales to pile driving activities would
be behavioral in nature and could likely
include altered headings, fast
swimming, changes in dive, surfacing,
respiration, and feeding patterns, and
changes in vocalizations. However,
NMFS anticipates that belugas would
not alter their behavior in a way that
prevents them from entering and/or
transiting throughout Knik Arm.
Belugas are currently known to
associate with vessels emitting loud low
frequency sounds around the Port.
Belugas, and other marine mammals,
may undergo a hormonal stress response
when exposed to pile driving sounds;
however, NMFS believes this stress
response would be short term and not
lead to any long-term effects
Furthermore, NMFS does not anticipate
that more serious effects (e.g.,
neurological effects, organ/tissue
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
amendments to the MMPA. No take by
serious injury or death is likely, given
the planned monitoring and mitigation
procedures described in the application
and summarized in this document.
damage) would occur. Due to proposed
mitigation measures, marine mammals
would not be exposed to high energy
sounds, thereby minimizing
physiological impairments. There is no
evidence of injuries occurring in marine
mammals exposed to sound from pile
driving and there have been no direct
studies of the potential for pile driving
to elicit any of those effects.
Estimated Take
Monitoring of beluga presence,
behavior, and group composition
specifically for the Project began in 2005
and continued through 2007. Theodolite
tracking and grid cell mapping were
used to determine the number of
belugas present within the Project
footprint and within a 1 x 6 km2 area
around the Port (i.e., nearshore). Belugas
were sighted during all months the
Project will be conducting activities
(April-October) but most frequently
around low tide and the months of
August and September, coinciding with
salmon runs. These data augment those
of the Hobbs et al. (2005) satellite tag
During the 2006 monitoring year, 79
percent of all beluga groups sighted
were within the project footprint,
despite the average 4–km detection
range. The high sighting rate of belugas
within or near the Port is most likely
attributed to eddy formation during the
ebb tide which concentrates prey in this
area. Beluga monitoring also occurred in
2004/05 for the Knik Arm Bridge Toll
Authority bridge project. These data
were considered when calculating take
numbers; however, density of whales
was less than that of nearshore areas as
monitored specifically for the Port.
Therefore, to be conservative, the
applicant, in collaboration with NMFS,
used the more conservative higher
nearshore density to calculate take
Impacts to Other Marine Mammals
Harbor seals, harbor porpoise, and
killer whales could also potentially be
impacted from the Project. Hauled out
harbor seals may flush into the water
from in-air noise, disturbing their
resting and warming behaviors. Killer
whales and harbor porpoise may be
harassed by construction noise if they
are in the area of the Port. Behavioral
reactions by these species may be
similar to belugas whales (e.g., change
in direction, vocalizations, etc.). For
example, while construction will emit
low frequency sounds outside of harbor
porpoise peak sensitivity rage, these
animals have elicited behavioral
responses to simulated wind turbine
noise, also outside peak sensitivity
range (max. Energy between 30–800 Hz;
spectral density source levels of 128dB
at 80 and 160Hz) (Koschinski et al.,
2003). During this study, animals were
sighted at greater ranges during
playbacks of simulated wind turbine
noise and observed animals more
frequently used echolocation signals.
It is likely that marine mammals will
be temporarily displaced or disturbed
by construction activities during the
terminal expansion project. Takes will
be by Level B harassment (behavioral
disturbance) as defined in the 1994
Based on 2005–2007 LGL monitoring
data, it is calculated that, without
tidally influenced mitigation, up to 21
takes of beluga whales by Level B
behavioral harassment may occur (either
21 individuals harassed one time each
or a lower number of individuals
harassed a couple or few times each, but
totaling 21) due to Port expansion for
the 2008 construction year (AprilOctober) (Table 1). These take numbers
are based on the impact and vibratory
pile driving isopleths of 350m (1148ft,)
and 800m (2625ft.), respectively.
Monthly counts of whales per hour of
effort were calculated in the nearshore
area (1 x 6 km2) and then divided by the
area to equal a probable density of
animals in any given 1 km2 per hour
(rounded up). This number was then
multiplied by the hours of each type of
pile driving per month. Total take for
the month was calculated by
multiplying this number by the
estimated area ensonified (around each
pile-driver type) at or above the level
NMFS believes will result in
harassment. Because an average of 70
percent of beluga occurrences in the
project footprint are estimated to occur
within 2 hours of either side of low tide,
takes are actually estimated to be lower
due to the proposed requirement to
prohibit impact pile-drivers within 2
hours on either side of low tide.
However, to allow for the social
dynamics of beluga whales (e.g., large
group sizes), NMFS is proposing to
authorize 34 beluga whale takes per
year. This number is considered small
when compared to the current
population estimate of 302 individuals.
Port of Anchorage Take Table- 2008
Avg. Whales/hr/km2
Area within 160dB
Impact (350m)
Expected Take
Area within 120dB
Vibratory (800m)
Expected Take
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*The total number of authorized take is calculated by rounding up each take per month (e.g., a take of 0.230 animals in April is equal to 1
Based on the sighting rates of other
marine mammals around the Port, other
marine mammals would not be expected
to be harassed from Project activities
mathematically. However, because these
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species have been sighted in the area,
NMFS is proposing to authorize a small
number, relevant to the population size,
of takes for harbor seals (20), harbor
porpoise (20), and killer whales (5).
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Effects to Marine Mammal Habitat
Beluga whales primarily use the area
around the Port for traveling and
foraging (LGL 2005, 2006, 2007; Port
Monitoring Data, unpubl.). The primary
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aquatic habitat resource losses
associated with the Project are the losses
and degradation of intertidal and
nearshore habitat, including essential
fish habitat (EFH). Noise from pile
driving would result in habitat
degradation; however, based on the
identified behavioral harassment
isopleth distances, impact and vibratory
pile driving sounds above marine
mammal behavioral harassment levels
are expected to propagate out to only
350m and 800m, respectively. Due to
the already noisy characteristics of this
habitat (e.g., currents, ships and
recreational vessel presence), it is not
expected that marine mammals,
especially belugas, would be as greatly
affected as if the ambient and
background sound level was lower. It
can be reasonably expected that marine
mammals will continue to travel past
the Port even when pile driving
activities are occurring. However, it is
possible they would do so further out
towards the middle or west side of Knik
Belugas whales’ diet is primarily
comprised of fish, specifically salmon.
Fish habitats, including EFH, in upper
Cook Inlet have not been studied
comprehensively, but the studies
completed to date indicate that the area
immediately around the Port supports a
wide diversity of marine and
anadromous fish species, in particular
providing migrating, rearing, and
foraging habitat. The intertidal and
nearshore subtidal waters of the Project
area are used by juvenile and adult
salmonids for refuge from the strong
currents of Knik Arm, as a migration
corridor for adult salmonids, and as
rearing and migratory habitat for several
streams that drain into Knik Arm, in
upper Cook Inlet. Therefore, the
elimination of this habitat and alteration
of hydrology would adversely impact
fish, especially juveniles and smolt
taking refuge in the area to be filled;
however, based on the following
reasons, these changes are not likely to
appreciably reduce prey availability to
marine mammals, particularly belugas.
The project area is located
approximately 2000 feet (609.4 m) north
of the mouth of Ship Creek, a stocked
creek, and the proposed action would
remove most of the remaining intertidal
and shallow subtidal waters north of the
mouth to Cairn Point. If a decrease in
fish abundance occurs, this could result
in decreased foraging opportunities for
belugas and increased beluga energy
expenditure to find prey. However,
juvenile chinook salmon sampled
between Cairn Point and Point
Woronzof were primarily of Ship Creek
hatchery origin. Juvenile salmonids are
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reared at the hatchery for two years
prior to release at the smolt stage.
Smolts released from the hatchery are
ready for out migration and it is
believed that the smolts reside in the
Ship Creek area for a limited period
before migrating elsewhere in the Knik
Arm and/or Cook Inlet estuaries.
Because this creek is stocked, fish
would be replenished from the
hatchery. Furthermore, the area directly
surrounding the Port is not considered
primary feeding habitat, unlike the
upper reaches of Knik Arm.
Design of the sheet pile wall may
provide some refuge for fish which
could enhance survival. The face of
each sheet-pile cell is curved outward,
creating a scalloped surface. Fender pile
and fender-system structural
components would protrude from the
face of the sheet pile approximately
eight feet, which would provide some
limited fish refuge. In addition, the Port
is evaluating various methods for
constructing joint systems between
OCSP cells that would provide open
water areas along the face of the dock by
leaving a space between the
construction joints in the sheet pile
wall. These breaks in the sheet pile wall
profile would create alcoves with armor
rock slopes of varying sizes and shapes
that would provide refuge opportunities
for salmonids.
To offset direct habitat loss and
degradation, the Port is required to carry
out certain mitigation procedures as
condition in the Army Corps of
Engineers’ Permit No. POA–2003–502–
N. For all construction seasons,
including 2008, these include, but are
not limited to: (1) no in water fill
placement or pile driving activities shall
occur within a one week period
following smolt releases from the Ship
Creek hatchery; (2) fill material shall
consist of clean fill, free of unsuitable
material (e.g., trash, debris, asphalt,
etc.), and free of toxic pollutants; and (3)
the Municipality of Anchorage, in
collaboration with the Corps, would
execute compensatory mitigation
projects that will contribute toward
offsetting the functional losses
attributed to the Project. These projects
would support salmon populations
through restoration, enhancement,
creation and/or preservation (listed in
order of priority) of existing nearby
estuarine and associated lower riparian
NMFS has determined that fish and
fish habitat, including EFH, would be
adversely affected both short and longterm from the current Project design
plan. Short term impacts are habitat
destruction and damage to fish
primarily related to filling intertidal and
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subtidal areas, as well as noise from pile
driving. Long term impacts include
permanent habitat alteration and
destruction and the resulting negative
impacts on fish. The degree of impact to
fish populations is difficult to quantify;
however, the Project will most likely
decrease survival of juvenile fish
emanating from Ship Creek, reducing
the number of adult salmon returning to
Ship Creek. However, as stated, this is
a stocked creek and will be replenished.
Therefore, beluga prey abundance is not
expected to be significantly affected. In
addition, NMFS has determined that
habitat degradation from pile driving
will result in only short term behavioral
affects to marine mammals and not
prevent belugas from transiting through
the area.
Effects to Subsistence Hunting
Subsistence hunting and fishing are
economically and culturally important
for many Alaskan families and
communities. Marine mammals taken
by subsistent hunts include pinnipeds,
cetaceans, and polar bears. In Cook
Inlet, Alaskan natives have traditionally
relied on the CI beluga whale for
subsistence purposes. For several
decades prior to the 1980s, the Native
Village of Tyonek residents were the
primary hunters harvesting Cook Inlet
beluga whales; however, other tribes
have since been active in the hunt. In
Knik Arm, Tyonek natives remain
primary subsistence users in the Knik
Arm and may harvest beluga whales
that pass through the Project footprint;
however, no hunting will take place in
or near the Project area. As stated,
subsistence hunting as been greatly
reduced to 1–2 whales per year. No
belugas are expected to be injured or
killed as a result of the Project, nor is
distribution expected to be altered
dramatically in Knik Arm. The
disturbance and potential displacement
of beluga whales by noise from 2008
construction activities are the principal
concerns related to subsistence use.
However, since all anticipated takes
from implementation of the Project
would be takes by harassment involving
temporary changes in behavior,
construction activities associated with
the Project would not have an
unmitigable adverse impact the
availability of a marine mammal species
or stock for taking for subsistence uses.
Proposed Mitigation
The Port, in working with NMFS,
proposes the following mitigation
measures for the entire Project
construction (2008–2012). These
measures are designed to eliminate
potential for injury and reduce
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
harassment levels to beluga whales.
Sound deterrent/minimization
techniques such as bubble curtains were
considered for mitigation; however, due
to the strong current in Knik Arm (up
to 11.2ft (3.4 m)/sec) these techniques
would be inefficient. The Port continues
to work with contractors to develop
sound attenuation minimization
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
(1) Scheduling of construction activities
during low use period of belugas around
the Port
Tides have been shown to be an
important physical characteristic in
determining beluga movement within
Knik Arm. During the 2004 and 2005
monitoring years, beluga sightings
varied significantly with tide height at
two stations near the Port (West
Crossing and Cairn Point). Whales were
sighted most frequently (approximately
70%) during the period around low tide
at these stations and as the tide flooded,
belugas typically moved into the upper
reaches of the Arm. Opportunistic
sightings also support the highest beluga
use near the point around low tide.
Due to tidally influence habitat use
around the Port, in-water impact pile
driving will not occur during the 2
hours on either side of low tide (i.e.,
from two hours before low tide until
two hours after low tide). Belugas are
expected to be foraging well north of the
Port during the flood and high tide.
However, these northern areas are
exposed during the ebb and low tide;
therefore, animals move south toward
Eagle Bay and the Knik Arm entrance to
avoid being stranded and to feed on fish
flowing out of creeks and rivers.
Restricting impact pile driving during
this time will reduce the number of
beluga whales exposed to sounds where
Level B harassment could result.
(2) Establishment of safety zones and
shut down requirements
In October, 2007, the Port contracted
an outside company to determine
reliable estimates of distances for 190
(pinniped injury threshold), 180
(cetacean injury threshold), 160 (impact
pile driving behavioral harassment
threshold) and 120 dB (vibratory pile
driving behavioral harassment
threshold) isopleths from impact and
vibratory pile driving. From this study,
it has been preliminarily determined
that these isopleths are 10, 20, 350, and
800 m, respectively. All threshold
isopleths will also be verified with
future sound index profiling studies and
adjusted if necessary. Although the 190
and 180dB isopleths are within 20m for
both types of pile driving, NMFS is
proposing a conservative 200m
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mandatory shut down safety zone which
would require the Port to shut down
anytime a marine mammal enters this
isopleth. Furthermore, to reduce chance
of the Port reaching or exceeding
authorized take, if a group of 5 or more
belugas are sighted within the Level B
harassment isopleths, shut down is
required. If maximum authorized take is
reached or exceeded for the year, any
beluga entering into the harassment
isopleths will trigger mandatory shut
(3) Soft start to pile driving activities
A ‘‘soft start’’ technique will be used
at the beginning of each pile installation
to allow any marine mammal that may
be in the immediate area to leave before
impact piling reaches full energy. The
soft start requires contractors to initiate
noise from vibratory hammers for 15
seconds at reduced energy followed by
1–minute waiting period. The procedure
will be repeated two additional times. If
an impact hammer is used, contractors
will be required to provide an initial set
of three strikes from the impact hammer
at 40 percent energy, followed by a one
minute waiting period, then two
subsequent 3 strike sets (NMFS, 2003).
If any marine mammal is sighted within
the safety zone (200m) prior to piledriving, or during the soft start, the
contractor (or other authorized
individual) will delay pile-driving until
the animal has moved outside the safety
zone. Furthermore, if marine mammals
are sighted within a harassment zone
prior to pile driving, operations will be
delayed until the animals move outside
the zones in order to avoid take
exceedence. Piling will resume only
after the marine mammal is determined
to have moved outside the safety or
harassment zone by a qualified observer
or after 15 minutes have elapsed since
the last sighting of the marine mammal
within the safety zone.
(4) For other in-water heavy machinery
operations other than pile driving (e.g.,
dredging), operations will cease if a
marine mammal comes within 50 m, to
eliminate potential for injury from a
working vessel.
Marine Mammal Monitoring
Monitoring for marine mammals will
take place concurrent with all pile
driving activities. Two contractual
observers will be placed at two localities
at the Port and will implement shut
down/delay procedures when
applicable. These observers will be
construction contractors but will have
no other construction related tasks
while conducting monitoring. Each
observer will be properly trained in
PO 00000
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marine mammal species detection,
identification and distance estimation,
will be equipped with binoculars, and
will be located at elevated platforms to
increase sightability range. Reports will
include all beluga sightings (e.g., group
size, location, behavior, time of day, etc)
and note if shut down/delay occurred.
Prior to the start of seasonal pile
driving activities, the Port will require
construction supervisors and crews, the
marine mammal monitoring team, the
acoustical monitoring team, and all
project managers to attend a briefing on
responsibilities of each party, defining
chains of command, discussing
communication procedures, providing
overview of monitoring purposes, and
reviewing operational procedures
regarding belugas.
In addition to Port monitoring, but not
required by NMFS, an independent
beluga monitoring team from Alaska
Pacific University or LGL will be
surveying for marine mammals at
locations outside of the Port, most likely
around Cairn Point. These observers
will be monitor for belugas 8 hours per
day/ 4 days per week. This study is
independent of the Project but will work
in collaboration with the Port to
communicate any presence of belugas or
other marine mammals in the area
during pile driving.
Acoustic Monitoring
As mandated by the Army Corps of
Engineers permit, a beluga monitoring
team will report on the frequency at
which beluga whales are present in the
project footprint, characterize habitat
use and behavior near the Port
correlated with construction activities,
sound levels and distance attenuation
related to Port background noise and
expansion activities, and characterize
and assess the impacts of received noise
on beluga behavior and movements.
This will be accomplished from land
based and/or vessel based, and passive
acoustic monitoring. The Port will
install hydrophones (or employ other
effective methodologies) necessary to
detect and localize passing whales and
to determine the proportion of belugas
missed from visual surveys. The Port
will measure and evaluate construction
and operationally generated noise
introduced in Knik Arm from the
Project. They will also develop a
‘‘Sound Index’’ to accurately represent
noise levels associated with Port
operations and construction activities,
which must specifically include noise
levels generated from pile driving,
dockside activities, vessel traffic in the
channel, dredging, and docking
activities. The evaluation will
characterize current baseline
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 53 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Notices
operational noise levels at the Port and
develop an engineering report that
identifies structural and operational
noise reduction measures, if necessary,
to minimize the baseline operational
noise levels at the expanded port to the
maximum extent practicable. The Port
Sound Index will be combined with the
beluga whale monitoring program to
correlate construction and operationally
generated noise exposures with beluga
whale presence, absence, and any
altered behavior observed during
construction and operations (i.e., a doseresponse analysis). NMFS is considering
requiring reports monthly the first year
of construction (i.e., the IHA period) to
more closely examine behavioral
reactions. An annual review of beluga
observations and noise exposure data
will also be provided to NMFS no later
than 1 Feb. The annual review will also
identify relevant technological advances
in sound attenuation. The Port will
employ practicable noise minimization
measures identified in the annual
reports for subsequent Port construction
Reporting for 2008
For the 2008 IHA term, monthly
reports will be required from the Port
regarding mitigation implementation,
acoustic propagation measurements,
and beluga monitoring. The acoustic
and beluga monitoring plans are
available at
These plans may be refined by NMFS
prior to issuance of the IHA. A final
report will be submitted to NMFS no
later than 90 days after construction
activities cease for the season.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Endangered Species Act
A Section 7 consultation under the
ESA is not required as no endangered or
threatened species are expected to be
within the Project area and therefore
will not be affected by the proposed
action. However, Cook Inlet beluga
whales are a proposed species for listing
under the ESA (72 FR 19854, April 20,
2007). A final decision on this listing is
pending. The ESA provides some
protection for species which are
proposed, but not yet listed, to be
threatened or endangered. Section
7(a)(4) requires an action agency to
‘‘confer’’ with NMFS when its actions
are likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a species proposed for
listing. Conference may result in the
preparation of a conference report and
opinion. The Port and the Corps have
determined that the Project is not likely
to jeopardize the Cook Inlet beluga, and
that conference with NMFS pursuant to
the ESA, was not necessary. NMFS
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concurs with this decision and has not
recommend conference on this action.
National Environmental Policy Act
The Port and the Maritime
Administration prepared an
Environmental Assessment (EA) in
2004, which analyzed the anticipated
social, economic, and environmental
effects of the Project. In 2007, the Corps
prepared a similar document for its
issuance of Permit POA–2003–502–N
which authorizes the Port expansion
project. However, NMFS has
determined that additional NEPA
analysis is necessary to adequately
determine whether significant
environmental impacts could result
from issuance of the proposed IHA;
therefore an EA will be prepared. The
EA will be available on the NMFS
website upon completion.
Preliminary Determinations
NMFS has preliminarily determined
that the total taking by the proposed
activity will have a negligible impact on
the affected species and stocks of
marine mammals and will not have an
unmitigable adverse impact on
availability of those species or stocks of
marine mammals intended for
subsistence uses. Proposed mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting will ensure
that Project related activities will result
in the least practicable adverse impact
on the affected species of marine
mammals and their habitat.
Furthermore, there will be no adverse
impact on the availability of marine
mammals for subsistence uses. The
taking of marine mammals associated
with Port construction is unlikely to
cause injury (Level A harassment) or
mortality due to proposed mitigation
measures that will be in place such as
the use of marine mammal observers,
mandatory shut down zones, and tidally
restricted pile driving. Takes are
expected to be limited to Level B
harassment. Expected reactions include
behavioral changes such as decreased
use of the action area, fleeing the area
if present before construction activities
begin, and altered diving, foraging,
movement and vocalization patterns.
Request for Comments
NMFS requests comments on its
proposal to issue a one-year IHA to
allow the taking of marine mammals,
specifically beluga whales, incidental to
Project related pile driving activities for
the 2008 construction season (AprilOctober). NMFS also requests, in
accordance with 50 CFR part 216
subpart I, interested persons to submit
comments, suggestions, information,
and suggestions concerning the request
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and the possible structure and content
of the regulations to govern the taking
for a 5–year period of Project operations.
NMFS specifically solicits comments
addressing (but not limited to) the
following topics: details regarding the
habitat use of belugas near the Port;
additional or alternative proposed
mitigation measures; information
addressing the potential effect of
repeated exposure to loud noises or
other stressful stimuli on both
population health and mother/calf
interactions; information regarding
cetacean habituation to acoustic stimuli,
and information on potential habitat
impacts as it relates to marine
mammals. Prior to submitting
comments, NMFS recommends
reviewing the Port’s application as that
document contains information
necessary to respond appropriately to
this action. If NMFS proposes
regulations to allow this take, the public
will also be provided with a comment
period within which to submit
comments on the proposed rule.
Dated: March 12, 2008.
James H. Lecky,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E8–5431 Filed 3–17–08; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XG03
Taking and Importing Marine
Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals
Incidental to Rocket Launches at
Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA
National Marine Fisheries
Service, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration,
ACTION: Notice of issuance of a Letter of
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA), as amended, and
implementing regulations, notification
is hereby given that an 11-month letter
of authorization (LOA) has been issued
to the 30th Space Wing, U.S. Air Force,
to take four species of seals and sea
lions incidental to rocket and missile
launches on Vandenberg Air Force Base
(VAFB), California.
DATES: Effective March 17, 2008,
through February 6, 2009.
ADDRESSES: The LOA and supporting
documentation are available for review
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 53 (Tuesday, March 18, 2008)]
[Pages 14443-14453]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-5431]
[[Page 14443]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XG36
Small Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Port of Anchorage Marine Terminal Redevelopment Project, Anchorage,
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; receipt
of application for subsequent letters of authorization; request for
SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), notification is hereby given that NMFS
has received an application from the Port of Anchorage (herein after
``Port'') to take small numbers of marine mammals, by Level B
harassment, incidental to the 5-year Phase II portion of the Marine
Terminal Redevelopment Project (herein after ``Project'') at the Port,
Anchorage, Alaska. Species which could be potentially taken from Port
construction include the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), harbor
seal (Phoca vitulina), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), and killer
whale (Orcinus orca). NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to
issue a 1-year incidental harassment authorization (IHA) for the 2008
construction season (April-October) and its intent to promulgate
regulations in 2009 governing the take of marine mammals over a 5-year
period incidental to the activities described herein.
DATES: Comments and information must be received no later than April
17, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Comments on the application should be addressed to Michael
Payne, Chief, Permits, Conservation and Education Division, Office of
Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3225. The mailbox address for
providing email comments is NMFS is not
responsible for e-mail comments sent to addresses other than the one
provided here. Comments sent via e-mail, including all attachments,
must not exceed a 10-megabyte file size.
A copy of the application containing a list of the references used
in this document may be obtained by writing to the address specified
above, telephoning the contact listed below (see FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT), or visiting the internet at: https://
Documents cited in this notice may be viewed, by appointment,
during regular business hours, at the aforementioned address.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jaclyn Daly or Jolie Harrison, Office
of Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 713-2289.
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.)
direct the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) to allow, upon request,
the incidental, but not intentional, taking of marine mammals by U.S.
citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial
fishing) if certain findings are made and regulations are issued or, if
the taking is limited to harassment, notice of a proposed authorization
is provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings may be granted for up to 5
years if NMFS finds that the taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on
the availability of the species or stock(s) for certain subsistence
uses, and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such taking
are set forth. NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103
as: an impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot be
reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely
affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival.
Under 50 CFR 216.104(b) of NMFS' implementing regulations for the
MMPA, NMFS must publish in the Federal Register a notice of a proposed
IHA and a notice of receipt for a request for the implementation of
regulations governing the incidental taking. Information gathered
during the associated comment period is considered by NMFS in
developing, if appropriate, regulations governing the issuance of
Letters of Authorizations (LOAs) for the proposed activity.
Summary of Request
The Project is divided into 2 phases. Phase I of the project did
not involve any substantive in-water noise-producing activities,
however, and on May 9, 2006, NMFS concurred with the Port that
incidental take of marine mammals was not likely to occur and an IHA
was not necessary if operations ceased if marine mammals were seen
within 50 m of in-water fill activities. In contrast to phase I, phase
II of the Port expansion project involves considerable in-water
construction, including pile driving, which will introduce a sound into
the marine environment and could harass marine mammals. Following
several delays and design changes, on September 13, 2007, the Port re-
applied for an IHA for the 2008 construction season and a 5-year
rulemaking and letters of authorization (LOAs) for the subsequent 2009-
2012 construction seasons. The Project is scheduled to be complete in
The Project is designed to upgrade and expand the Port by replacing
aging and obsolete structures and provide additional dock and backland
areas. Located on the east bank of Knik Arm in upper Cook Inlet (CI),
the 129-acre Port is operating at or above sustainable practical
capacity. The expansion of the Port is necessary to adequately support
the economic growth of Anchorage and the state of Alaska through 2025.
The Port currently serves 80 percent of Alaska's populated area, and it
handles over 90 percent of consumer goods sold within the Alaskan
Railroad distribution area (the Alaska Railroad runs from Seward
through Anchorage, Denali, and Fairbanks to North Pole, with spurs to
Whittier and Palmer (locally known as ``The Railbelt'').
Construction activities that will alter the environmental baseline
include pile driving, dredging, and backfilling and compaction of fill.
These activities have the potential to affect marine mammals from
sounds generated from construction, alteration of habitat, and
increased vessel noise due to Port expansion. Of the activities listed
above, pile driving has the potential to result in harassment to marine
mammals due to source levels and nature of operations, and the Port has
requested authorization for takes resulting from this activity. Because
pile driving has the potential to result in behavioral harassment of
marine mammals located in Knik Arm, an authorization under section
101(a)(5)(A) or (D) of the MMPA is warranted.
Action Area
Cook Inlet is a semi-enclosed tidal estuary, extending roughly 370
km (200 nm.) southwest from Knik and Turnagain Arms, which almost
surround the city of Anchorage, to Kamishak and Kachemak Bays. The
inlet has marine connections with Shelikof Strait and the Gulf of
[[Page 14444]]
(GOA), and freshwater input from many large rivers (Muench et al.,
1978). The shoreline of Cook Inlet is irregular, comprised of a series
of channels, coves, flats, and marshes. The Port is located within the
Municipality of Anchorage between Ship Creek and Elemendorf Air Force
Base on the eastern shore of Knik Arm. Knik Arm, is a relatively
shallow, 30 mile long waterway that is 2-6 miles in width. This estuary
is extremely silty and exhibits some of the strongest currents (up to 8
kts) and tidal variations (30+ft) in the world. Knik Arm contains many
gyres created by predominant headlands that are important to beluga
prey distribution.
Construction Process
The Project calls for an open cell sheet pile (OCSP) design. Pile
driving of steel 36-inch (91.4 cm) and H-piles, along with open cell
sheet piles, will occur in Phase II of the Project from April to
October, annually, and is proposed to be completed in 2012. Pile
driving is necessary to construct the waterfront bulkhead structure
that will facilitate increased dock space and the fendering system. The
bulkhead will be comprised of conjoining face and tail sheet-pile
cells, forming a row of U-shaped, open cell sheet pile structures. The
cells will serve to retain the fill material and provide the vertical
bulkhead docking structure for berthing barges and ships. Approximately
17 face sheets and one tail wall per 27.5 linear ft (8.4 m) of dock
face will be used. Each tail wall will extend up to 183 ft (55.8 m)
landward from the dock face and include up to 110 tail sheets.
Approximately 30 linear ft. of open cell sheet pile wall will be
constructed in a 10 hour period. In 2008, it is estimated that 1,807
open cell face sheets and 8,175 tail sheets will be erected at the
Port. These conjoining sheets will equate to 2,923 ft. (891 m) (face
length) of open cell sheet piles weighing approximately 13,412 tons. A
pile-driving hammer will be used to install sheet piles to the desired
tip elevation (i.e., how far the sheet pile extrudes from the
substrate). Sheet piles will be driven with a vibratory hammer to the
maximum extent possible (i.e., until desired depth is achieved and/or
to refusal, prior to using an impact hammer). Standard tip elevation
for a dredge depth of -35 ft (10.7 m) and -45 ft (13.7 m) mean low low
water are -50 and -60 ft (15-18 m), respectively.
Two methods of pile driving, impact and vibratory, will occur.
Impact pile driving will only occur when vibratory driving is not
sufficient. It is estimated that pile driving will be 40 percent
vibratory and 60 percent impact for the first year of construction
(2008) due to the dense clay substrate in the North Extension and Barge
Berths areas. The percentage of impact pile driving will decrease in
subsequent years. Work hours for pile driving are anticipated to be 6
a.m. to 10 p.m., up to seven days a week; however, proposed mitigation
will restrict impact pile driving on two hours either side of low tide
due to high beluga use during this time (see Mitigation section).
Backfilling and compaction of fill material will involve placing
clean sand, gravel, or stone immediately behind the sheet-pile face up
to an elevation of 30 ft (9.14 m). Upon completion, 135 acres of
wetland would be filled, eliminating 9,000 linear ft (2.74 km) of
intertidal habitat. To complete the 2008 Project tasks, approximately
1,600,000 cubic yards (cy) of suitable engineered and common fill
material will be placed behind vertical steel or rock retaining
features at the North Extension area which will result in the fill of
as much as 18.4 acres of tideland. A vibratory probe and pile driving
hammer will be used at evenly spaced locations to consolidate the fill.
NMFS does not anticipate that this activity (i.e., fill compaction)
will acoustically harass marine mammals due to the absorption of sound
by the fill which will appreciably reduce sound energy released into
the water.
Upon completion of Phase II of the Project, which will require
additional take authorization such as subsequent LOAs, approximately
7,900 linear ft. (2.41 km) of dock parallel to and approximately 400 ft
(122 m) west of the face of the existing dock structure, along with
backfilling, will have been added to the Port. The new dock face will
include 7,430 ft (2.26 km) of vertical sheet-pile wharf and 470 ft (143
m) for a dry barge berth. The completed marine terminal will include
seven modern dedicated ship berths; two dedicated barge berths; rail
access; modern shore-side facilities; equipment to accommodate cruise
passengers; cement bulk, roll on/roll off and load on/load off cargo;
containers; general cargo, military deployments, general cargo on
barges, petroleum, oil, and lubricants; and additional land use area to
support expanding military and commercial operations. More information
on the Project design, phasing plan, and construction can be found at
Marine Mammals Affected by the Project
Cook Inlet is utilized by several species of marine mammals;
however, most of these are confined to the Lower Inlet and would not be
affected by the Project. In Knik Arm, the CI beluga whale is the most
abundant marine mammal. Harbor seals, harbor porpoise, and killer
whales are also found in the Inlet but they do not display a regular
presence in Knik Arm. There have been no published sightings of Steller
sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Knik Arm, only a single adult male in
the Susitna Flats area; therefore, Steller sea lions are not
anticipated to be affected by the Project and will not be considered
further. If, by chance, a marine mammal not authorized to be taken is
seen around the construction area, shut down will be required so as to
avoid unlawful take.
NMFS is proposing to allow 34 beluga whale takes, 20 harbor seals
takes, 20 harbor porpoise takes, and 5 killer whales takes, by Level B
harassment only, incidental to the activities occurring in the 2008
construction year. Beluga take numbers for future LOAs, if issued, will
be calculated upon gathering further information from monitoring and
acoustic data as pile driving hours will change as well as percentage
of impact and vibratory driving. Take numbers for other marine mammals
are expected to remain the same throughout the construction phase of
the Project. Further information on the status and distribution of
Alaskan marine mammals can be found in the 2006 NMFS' Alaskan Stock
Assessment Report (
Beluga Whales
Status and Abundance
In the U.S. waters, beluga whales comprise five distinct stocks:
Beaufort Sea, Eastern Chukchi Sea, Eastern Bering Sea, Bristol Bay, and
Cook Inlet (Angliss and Outlaw, 2006). The only stock likely to be
affected by the proposed construction activities at the Port is the CI
stock. This population is genetically isolated from other populations
by the geographic barrier of the Alaska peninsula and by their year-
round residency in the Inlet (Hobbs et al., 2006).
The CI beluga population has declined significantly over the years.
Historical data suggest this population once numbered around 1,300
(Calkins, 1988). NMFS systematic aerial surveys documented a decline in
abundance of nearly 50 percent between 1994 and 1998, from an estimate
of 653 whales to 347 whales (Hobbs et al., 2000). Aerial annual
abundance surveys conducted each June/July from 1999 to 2005 have
resulted in abundance estimates of 367,
[[Page 14445]]
435, 386, 313, 357, 366, and 278 whales for each year, respectively
(Rugh et al., 2005, NMFS unpublished data). According to NMFS 2006
stock assessment report, the population estimate for CI belugas is 278
with a minimum population estimate of 238; however, more recent surveys
estimate the current population as of 2006 to be 302 belugas (Rugh et
al., 2006). This stock is listed as depleted under the MMPA and was
proposed for listing under the ESA on April 20, 2007 (72 FR 19854).
Subsistence harvest is believed to have been the major contributor
to the population decline (NMFS 2006). NMFS estimated that the average
annual take for subsistence harvest, including whales that were struck
and lost, was 67 whales per year from 1994 through 1998. Annual harvest
estimates for 1994 thru 1998 are 21 whales (1994), 70 whales (1995), 98
whales (1996), 70 whales (1997) and 50 whales (1998). The harvest,
which was as high as 20 percent of the stock in 1996, was sufficiently
high to account for the 14 percent annual rate of decline in the stock
during the period from 1994 through 1998 (Hobbs et al. 2000). The last
year in which unregulated subsistence harvests occurred was 1998. In
1999 and 2000, Public Laws 106-31 and 106-553 established a moratorium
on CI beluga whale harvests except for subsistence hunts by Alaska
Natives and conducted under cooperative management agreements between
NMFS and affected Alaska Native Organizations. This moratorium was made
permanent in December 2000. In 2003 and 2004, respectively, a Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (68 FR 55604, September 26, 2003)
and Final Interim Regulations Governing the Taking of Cook Inlet Beluga
Whale by Alaska Natives for Subsistence Purposes (69 FR 17973, April 6,
2004) were completed to address prior beluga whale harvests. In keeping
with sections 101(b) and 103(d) of the MMPA, NMFS Alaska Region
convened a formal administrative hearing on the proposed harvest
regulations before an Administrative Law Judge and seven interested
parties in December 2000, in Anchorage, Alaska. That administrative
hearing process culminated in 2005 with the Administrative Law Judge's
final decision recommending a long-term plan for managing the
subsistence harvests of CI belugas by Alaska Natives. NMFS has since
then completed a Draft Supplemental EIS (72 FR 73798, December 28,
2007) proposing long-term harvest regulations through recovery. Despite
strict harvest limits since 1999, the population has not recovered.
Factors inhibiting recovery include vessel traffic, small stock size,
restricted summer range, habitat alteration, and natural mortality
(NMFS, 2006).
The CI beluga's range is believed to be largely confined to CI with
a high occurrence of animals in the upper Inlet and Knik Arm during the
spring, summer, and fall seasons. These whales demonstrate site
fidelity to regular summer concentration areas (Seaman et al., 1985),
typically near river mouths and associated shallow, warm and low
salinity waters (Moore et al., 2000). In the winter, beluga whales
concentrate in deeper waters in mid- Inlet down to Kalgin Island with
occasional forays into the upper Inlet, even to the upper ends of Knik
and Turnagain Arms.
In Knik Arm, beluga whales generally are observed arriving in May
and often use the area all summer, feeding on the various salmon runs
and moving with the tides. There may be more intensive use of Knik Arm
in August and through the fall, coinciding with the coho run. Whales
will gather in Eagle Bay and elsewhere on the east side of Knik Arm and
sometimes in Goose Bay on the west side of Knik Arm. During high tides,
belugas are generally concentrated around prime feeding habitats in the
upper reaches of the Arm, an area unaffected by the Project. They often
retreat to the lower portion of Knik Arm during low tides.
Fourteen belugas were satellite-tagged in upper CI in Knik Arm
between late July and early September 2000-2002. These tags provided
location and movement data through the fall and winter and into May.
During summer and autumn, whales were concentrated in river and bays in
Upper CI with whales traveling back and forth between Knik Arm (e.g.,
Eagle River), Chichaloon Bay, and upper Turnagain Arm, although some
whales also spent time offshore. When in these areas, whales made rapid
movements between distinct bays or river mouths (moving either to the
east or to the west of Fire Island, past Pt. Woronzof and the Port of
Anchorage) and often remained stationary in one area for many weeks
followed by a rapid movement to another area (within a day). One whale
tracked in 2001 moved back and forth between the three bodies of water
listed above seven times in three months. Area use in August was the
most limited of all months (approximately 50-75 percent of the recorded
locations in August were in Knik Arm, concentrated near Eagle River. In
September they continued to use Knik Arm and increased use of the
Susitna delta, Turnagain Arm and Chickaloon Bay, and also extended use
along the west coast of the upper Inlet to the Beluga River. In
October, beluga whales ranged widely down the Inlet in coastal areas,
reaching Chinitna Bay, and Tuxedni Bay and continued to use Knik Arm,
Turnagain Arm, Chickaloon Bay, and Trading Bay (MacArthur River).
November use was similar to September. In December, beluga whales moved
offshore with locations distributed throughout the upper to mid-Inlet
and in January, February, and March, they used the central offshore
waters moving as far south as Kalgin Island and slightly beyond.
Belugas also ranged widely during February and March with excursions to
Knik and Turnagain Arms, in spite of greater than 90 percent ice
coverage. Average daily travel distance ranged from 11-30 km per day.
No satellite tags were on animals from April-mid July.
Social Dynamics
Beluga whales are extremely social animals that typically migrate,
hunt, and interact together. Nowak (1991) reports the average pod size
as 10 animals, although beluga whales may occasionally form larger
groups, often during migrations. Groups of 10 to several hundred beluga
whales have often been observed during summers in CI; however solitary
animals and smaller groups are not uncommon around the Port (LGL 2005,
2006, 2007). Native hunters have stated that beluga whale form family
groups and suggest that there are four types of beluga whales in CI,
distinguished by their size and habits (Huntington 2000); however, this
has not been confirmed.
Beluga whales are opportunistic feeders known to prey on a wide
variety of animals. They eat octopus, squid, crabs, shrimp, clams,
mussels, snails, sandworms, and fish such as capelin, cod, herring,
smelt, flounder, sole, sculpin, lamprey, lingcod and salmon (Perez,
1990; Haley, 1986; Klinkhart, 1966). Natives also report that CI beluga
whale feed on freshwater fish: trout, whitefish, northern pike, and
grayling (Huntington, 2000), and on tomcod during the spring (Fay et
al., 1984).
Salmon and eulachon species are high quality prey that have high
lipid (fat) content, up to 21 percent (Payne et al., 1999). Calkins
(1989) recovered 13 salmon tags from the stomach of an adult beluga
whale found dead in Turnagain Arm. These salmon had been tagged in
upper Susitna River. Beluga
[[Page 14446]]
whales in captivity may consume 2.5-3 percent of their body weight
daily, or approximately 40-60 pounds (18.2- 27.3 kg). Wild beluga whale
populations, faced with an irregular supply of food or with increased
metabolic needs, may easily exceed these amounts while feeding on
concentrations of eulachon and salmon. Beluga whale hunters in CI
reported one whale having 19 adult king salmon in its stomach
(Huntington 2000) and an adult male beluga whale had 12 adult coho
salmon in its stomach at a weight of 27.8 kg (61.5 lbs).
Herring may be another important forage fish for beluga whales as
identified by a 1993 smolt survey of the upper Inlet which found
juvenile herring to be the second-most abundant fish species collected.
These herring were primarily caught along the northwest shore,
including the Susitna delta (Moulton, 1994).
Beluga whales capture and swallow their prey whole, using their
blunt teeth only to grab. These whales often feed cooperatively. At the
Port, beluga whales have been observed positioning one whale along a
rip rap dock, while a second whale herds salmon along the structure
toward the stationary beluga whale. The concentrations of CI beluga
whales offshore of several important salmon streams in the upper Inlet
is assumed to be a feeding strategy which takes advantage of the
bathymetry of the area. The fish are funneled into the channels formed
by the river mouths and the shallow waters act as a gauntlet for salmon
as they move past waiting beluga whales. Dense concentrations of prey
appear essential to beluga whale feeding behavior. Hazard (1988)
hypothesized that beluga whales were more successful feeding in rivers
where prey were concentrated than in bays where prey were dispersed.
Since their rapid population decline, CI beluga distribution has
also decreased (Rugh et al., 2000); however, there is obvious and
repeated use of certain habitats. From April through November whales
concentrate at river mouths and tidal flat areas, moving in and out
with the tides. The timing and location of eulachon and salmon runs
affect beluga whale feeding behavior and have a strong influence on
their summer movements. Beluga and prey distribution is heavily
dependent upon tides in Knik Arm with approximately 70 percent of
sightings at the Port from monitoring data in 2006 being around low
tide. The range of tides at Anchorage is extreme at about 29 feet and
the observed extreme low water is 6.4 feet below mean low low water.
Tidal energy is the most dominant force driving water circulation in
Knik Arm. Because of predominantly shallow depths, tides within Knik
Arm have a much larger range than in the main body of Cook Inlet
(KABATA, 2006). Maximum current speeds in Knik Arm, observed during
spring ebb tide, exceed 7 knots (12 feet/second).
Beluga whale concentration areas correspond with prey availability.
Beluga whales frequently move in and out of deeper water and between
feeding, calving, and nursery areas throughout the mid and upper Inlet.
Access to these areas and corridors in between these areas is
important. Knik Arm, Turnagain Arm, Chickaloon River and the Susitna
River delta areas are used extensively. It is possible these sites
provide for other biological needs, such as calving or molting. Such
habitat sites and use have been reported elsewhere in Alaska, although
there is not adequate information to identify these calving and molting
habitat attributes in Knik Arm.
NMFS has characterized the relative value of four habitats as part
of the management and recovery strategy in its ``Draft Conservation
Plan for the CI Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)'' (NMFS, 2006).
These are sites where beluga whales are most consistently observed,
where feeding behavior has been documented, and where dense numbers of
whales occur within a relatively confined area of the Inlet. Type 1
habitat is termed ``High Value/High Sensitivity'' and includes what
NMFS believes to be the most important and sensitive areas of the Inlet
for beluga whales. Type 2 is termed ``High Value,'' and includes summer
feeding areas and winter habitats in waters where whales typically
occur in lesser densities or in deeper waters. Type 3 habitat occurs in
the offshore areas of the mid and upper Inlet and also includes
wintering habitat. Type 4 habitat describes the remaining portions of
the range of these whales within Cook Inlet. The habitat within the
Project footprint that will be directly impacted from construction is
considered Type 2 habitat while just north of the Port is classified as
Type 1.
Beluga Hearing Sensitivity
Beluga whales are characterized as mid-frequency odontocetes but
have an excellent range of hearing. Hearing of belugas is believed to
be in the frequency range of 40 Hz-150kHz with keen hearing at 10-
100kHz. Above 100 kHz their sensitivity drops off very fast (Au, 1993)
and below 8 kHz the decrease in sensitivity is more gradual at
approximately 11 dB per octave (Awbrey et al., 1988). While their peak
sensitivity range is outside of most industrial sounds, studies have
shown that belugas can hear and react to such low frequency noise,
dependent upon intensity (i.e., decibels). Awbrey et al. (1988)
conducted a study on captive, trained belugas to discern low frequency
threshold levels. Belugas reacted, on average, to 125 Hz, 25 Hz, and
500Hz at 121dB, 118dB, and 108 dB, respectively. Therefore, as
frequency increases, sensitivity also increases.
Harbor Seals
Harbor seals are important upper-trophic marine predators that
occupy a broad range in Alaska from approximately 130[deg] W to
172[deg] E (over 3,500 km east to west) and from 61[deg] N to 51[deg] N
(over 1,000 km north to south). Currently, harbor seals in Alaska are
divided into three stocks: Bearing Sea, Gulf of Alaska (GOA), and
Southeast Alaska. While new genetic information has lead to a
reassessment of this delineation, it has not yet been finalized. Harbor
seals which could be affected by the Project belong to the Gulf of
Alaska stock. Based on aerial GOA and Aleutian Islands surveys, in 1996
and 1999 respectively, the current abundance estimate for this stock is
45,975 (CV = 0.04) with a minimum population estimate of 44,453 (NMFS,
2006). Sources of anthropogenic caused mortality for this stock include
interactions with fishing gear (mean annual mortality is approximately
24 animals), subsistence hunting (mean annual harvest equals 795), and,
to a lesser degree, illegal intentional killing.
Harbor seals haul out on rocks, reefs, beaches, and drifting
glacial ice, and feed in marine, estuaries, and occasionally fresh
waters. They are generally non-migratory, with local movements
associated with such factors as tides, weather, season, food
availability, and reproduction; however, some long-distance movements
have been recorded from tagged animals (mostly juveniles). The major
haul-out sites for harbor seals are located in Lower CI with the
closest identified harbor seal haul-out site to the Port approximately
25 miles south along Chickaloon Bay in the southern portion of
Turnagain Arm. However, harbor seals have been observed around the
Port. In 2004-2005, 22 harbor seal sightings were reported over a 13-
month period comprising of 14,000 survey hours. From these surveys, it
is estimated that harbor seals occur in a density of approximately 1.7
animals per month in Knik Arm (LGL unpubl. data).
[[Page 14447]]
Pinniped hearing is measured for 2 mediums, air and water. In water
hearing ranges from 1-180 kHz with peak sensitivity around 32kHz. In
air, hearing capabilities are greatly reduced to 1-22kHz with
sensitivity at 12kHz. This range is comparable to human hearing (0.02
to 20 kHz). Harbor seals have the potential to be affected by in-air
and in-water noise associated with construction activities.
Harbor Porpoise
Harbor porpoise are found within Cook Inlet but in low abundance,
especially in Knik Arm. Currently, the population estimate for the Gulf
of Alaska harbor porpoise stock is 41,854 with a minimum population
estimate of 34,740 (NMFS 2006). Estimated density of harbor porpoise in
Cook Inlet is only 7.2 per 1000 square kilometers (Dahlheim et al.
2000). The highest monthly count recorded in upper Cook Inlet between
April and October is 18 (LGL 2006).
Harbor porpoise have a wide hearing range and the highest upper-
frequency limit of all odontocetes studied. They have a hearing range
of 250 Hz-180kHz with maximum sensitivity between 16-140 kHz.
Killer Whales
Killer whales in the Gulf of Alaska are divided into two ecotypes:
resident and transient. Killer whales are relatively common in lower
Cook Inlet (at least 100 sightings from 1975 to 2002), but in the upper
Inlet, north of Kalgin Island, sightings are infrequent (11 in 25 yrs).
Transient killer whales are known to feed on the Cook Inlet stock of
beluga whales and all recorded predation events have occurred in the
upper Inlet. Transient killer whales seen in Cook Inlet belong to the
Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea Transient Stock or the
small AT1 Stock. Based on the 2006 NMFS stock assessment reports, the
minimum population estimate for the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands,
and Bering Sea transient stock of killer whales is 314 animals based on
the count of individuals using photo-identification. As of 2004, the
AT1 population size is eight animals, a 64-percent decrease from 22
whales in 1989.
The hearing of killer whales is well developed. They have hearing
ranges of 0.05 to 100 kHz which is lower than many other odontocetes.
Peak sensitivity is around 15 kHz.
Impacts to Marine Mammals
Sound is a physical phenomenon consisting of minute vibrations that
travel through a medium, such as air or water. Sound levels are
compared to a reference sound pressure to identify the medium. For air
and water, these reference pressures are ``re 20 microPa'' and ``re 1
microPa'', respectively (unless otherwise noted, sound levels should be
considered as measured in water, i.e., re 1 microPa). Sound is
generally characterized by several variables, including frequency and
sound level. Frequency describes the sound's pitch and is measured in
hertz (Hz) or kilohertz (kHz), while sound level describes the sound's
loudness and is measured in decibels (dB). Sound level increases or
decreases exponentially with each dB of change. For example, 10-dB
yields a sound level 10 times more intense than 1 dB, while a 20 dB
level equates to 100 times more intense, and a 30 dB level is 1,000
times more intense. However, it should be noted that humans perceive a
10 dB increase in sound level as only a doubling of sound loudness, and
a 10 dB decrease in sound level as a halving of sound loudness. More
information on sound can be found at
As stated, noise from pile driving is expected to harass marine
mammals present in the exposure area. Marine mammals use sound for
vital life functions, and introducing sound into their environment
could be disrupting to those behaviors. Sound (hearing and
vocalization/echolocation) serves 4 main functions for odontocetes
(toothed whales and dolphins). These functions include (1) providing
information about their environment; (2) communication; (3) enabling
remote detection of prey; and (4) enabling detection of predators.
Sounds and non-acoustic stimuli will be generated and emitted into the
aquatic environment by vehicle traffic, vessel operations, roadbed
construction, and vibratory and impact pile driving. The distances to
which these sounds are audible depend on source levels, ambient noise
levels, and sensitivity of the receptor (Richardson et al. 1995). As
stated, pile driving will affect marine mammals at a level which could
cause behavioral harassment. Mitigation measures (see Mitigation
section) are expected to prevent injurious exposure.
In an acoustic study conducted at the Port in October 2007,
hydrophones were used to measure sound propagation during both impact
and vibratory pile-driving. For impact pile-driving, the most
conservative measurement showed that at 19m the received level was 177
dB re 1 microPa (root mean square (rms) ranging from 100-15,000 Hz. For
vibratory pile-driving, the most conservative measurement showed that
at 20m the received level was 162 dB ranging from 400-2,500 Hz. These
measurements were used to estimate the distances at which animals might
be exposed to received levels that could lead to injury or behavioral
harassment. Impact pile driving requires much more energy (i.e.,
louder) than vibratory pile-driving due to the nature of the
operations. However, low frequency sound travels poorly in shallow
water, so transmission of these sounds in Knik Arm is expected to be
confined to relatively short ranges.
Sounds generated from pile driving, dredging, and other
construction activities will be detectable underwater and/or in air
some distance away from the area of activity. Audible distance, or
received levels (RLs) will depend on the nature of the sound source,
ambient noise conditions, and the sensitivity of the receptor to the
sound (Richardson et al., 1995). Type and significance of marine mammal
behavioral reactions are likely to be dependent upon, among other
parameters, the behavioral state (e.g., feeding, traveling, etc.) of
the animal at the time it receives the stimulus, as well as the
distance from the sound source and the level of the sound relative to
ambient conditions (Southall et al., 2007).
Hearing Impairment and Other Physical Effects
Temporary or permanent hearing impairment is a possibility when
marine mammals are exposed to very loud sounds, but no studies have
been conducted that examine impacts to marine mammal from pile driving
noise. Current NMFS practice regarding exposure of marine mammals to
high-level sounds is that cetaceans and pinnipeds exposed to impulsive
sounds of 180 and 190 dB rms or above, respectively, are considered to
have been taken by Level A (i.e., injurious) harassment. Behavioral
harassment (Level B) is considered to have occurred when marine mammals
are exposed to sounds at or above 160dB rms for impulse sounds (e.g.,
impact pile driving) and 120dB rms for continuous noise (e.g.,
vibratory pile driving), but below injurious thresholds. These levels
are considered precautionary.
Several aspects of the planned monitoring and mitigation measures
for this project are designed to detect marine mammals occurring near
pile driving, and to avoid exposing them to sound that could
potentially cause hearing impairment (e.g., mandatory shut down zones).
In addition, marine mammals will be given a chance to leave the area
during ``soft start'' and ``ramp-up'' procedures to avoid exposure to
full energy pile driving. In those cases, the avoidance responses of
the animals themselves will reduce or
[[Page 14448]]
eliminate any possibility of hearing impairment. Hearing impairment is
measured in two forms: temporary threshold shift and permanent
threshold shift.
Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS)
TTS is the mildest form of hearing impairment that can occur during
exposure to a loud sound (Kryter, 1985). Southall et al. (2007)
considers a 6 dB TTS (i.e., baseline thresholds are elevated by 6 dB)
sufficient to be recognized as an unequivocal deviation and thus a
sufficient definition of TTS-onset. Auditory fatigue (i.e., TTS) in
mid-frequency cetaceans has been measured after exposure to tones,
impulsive sounds, and octave-band noise. Because it is non-injurious,
NMFS considers TTS as Level B harassment that is mediated by
physiological effects on the auditory system; however, NMFS does not
consider onset TTS to be the lowest level at which Level B Harassment
may occur.
While experiencing TTS, the hearing threshold rises and a sound
must be louder in order to be heard. TTS can last from minutes or hours
to (in cases of strong TTS) days. For sound exposures at or somewhat
above the TTS-onset threshold, hearing sensitivity recovers rapidly
after exposure to the noise ends. Few data on sound levels and
durations necessary to elicit mild TTS have been obtained for marine
mammals. For toothed whales exposed to single short pulses, the TTS
threshold appears to be, to a first approximation, a function of the
energy content of the pulse (Finneran et al., 2002).
Laboratory experiments investigating TTS onset for belugas have
been conducted for both pulse and non-pulse sounds. Finneran et al.
(2000) exposed a trained captive beluga whale to a single pulse from an
explosion simulator. No TTS threshold shifts were observed at the
highest received exposure levels (179dB re 1 microPa2-s [SEL];
approximately 199 dB rms). It should be noted in this study that
amplitudes at frequencies below 1 kHz were not produced accurately to
represent predictions for the explosions. Another study was done using
seismic waterguns with a single acoustic pulse (Finneran et al. 2002).
Measured TTS was 7 and 6 dB in the beluga at 0.4 and 30 kHz,
respectively, after exposure to intense single pulses (186 dB SEL; ~
208 dB rms). Schludt et al., 2000 demonstrated temporary shifts in
masked hearing thresholds for belugas occurring generally between 192
and 201 dB rms (192-201 dB SEL) after exposure to intense, non-pulse,
1-s tones at , 3, 10, and 20 kHz. TTS onset occurred at mean sound
exposure level of 195 dB rms (195 dB SEL). To date, no studies relating
TTS onset to pile driving sounds have been conducted for any cetacean
Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS)
When permanent threshold shift (PTS) occurs, there is physical
damage to the sound receptors in the ear. In some cases, there can be
total or partial deafness, whereas in other cases, the animal has an
impaired ability to hear sounds in specific frequency ranges. PTS
consists of non-recoverable physical damage to the sound receptors in
the ear and is therefore classified as Level A harassment under the
MMPA. Level A harassment of marine mammals is not expected due to
proposed mitigation measures and source levels, nor will it be
authorized under this IHA.
There is no empirical data for onset of PTS in any marine mammal,
and therefore, PTS- onset must be estimated from TTS-onset measurements
and from the rate of TTS growth with increasing exposure levels above
the level eliciting TTS-onset. PTS is presumed to be likely if the
threshold is reduced by [gteqt] 40 dB (i.e., 40 dB of TTS).
Relationships between TTS and PTS thresholds have not been studied
in marine mammals, but are assumed to be similar to those in humans and
other terrestrial mammals. PTS might occur at a received sound level 20
dB or more above that of inducing mild TTS if the animal were exposed
to the strong sound for an extended period, or to a strong sound with
rather rapid rise time. Due to proposed mitigation measures and source
levels for the Project, NMFS does not expect that marine mammals will
be exposed to levels that could elicit PTS.
Non-auditory Physiological Effects
Non-auditory physiological effects or injuries that theoretically
might occur in marine mammals exposed to strong underwater sound
include stress, neurological effects, bubble formation, resonance
effects, and other types of organ or tissue damage. Due to proposed
mitigation measures (e.g., mandatory shut downs) marine mammals would
not be exposed to sound at or above 180dB; therefore, it is not
expected that severe physiological effects from exposure to sound would
be expected; however, a hormonal stress response is possible. Romano et
al. (2004) demonstrated that belugas exposed to seismic water gun and
(or) single pure tones (up to 201 dB rms) resembling sonar pings showed
increased stress hormone levels of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and
dopamine. While RLs would not be as strong as the ones in that study, a
stress response would not be unexpected. Studies have also demonstrated
that reactions of animals to sounds could result in physical injury.
For example, it has recently been reported that stranded deep diving
marine mammals displayed physical attributes similar to the bends
(e.g., in vivo gas bubble formation) (Ferndandez et al., 2005, 2006).
Marine mammals may experience these symptoms if surfacing rapidly from
deep dives in response to loud sounds. Because Knik Arm is a shallow
water estuary, marine mammals found there are not considered deep
divers, and due to proposed mitigation measures, non-auditory
physiological impacts, other than stress, are not expected.
Impacts to Beluga Whales
The marine mammal species or stock that could be most affected from
the Project is the beluga whale. Observation and tagging data both
indicate that the northernmost parts of upper Cook Inlet, including
Knik Arm, are the focus of the stock's distribution in both summer
(Rugh et al., 2000) and winter (Hobbs et al., 2005). Because of the
very restricted range of this stock, CI belugas can be assumed to be
sensitive to human-induced or natural perturbations. Contaminants from
a variety of sources, sound, onshore or offshore development, and
construction have the potential to impact this stock or its habitat.
There are no consistent observed threshold levels at which belugas,
and marine mammals in general, respond to an introduced sound. Beluga
responses to sound stimuli have been noted to be highly dependent upon
behavioral state and motivation to remain or leave an area. Few field
studies involving industrial sounds have been conducted on beluga
whales. Reactions of belugas in those studies varied. For example, in
Awbrey and Stewart (1983) (as summarized in Southall et al., 2007),
recordings of noise from SEDCO 708 drilling platform (non-pulse) were
projected underwater at a source level of 163 dB rms. Beluga whales
less than 1.5 km from the source usually reacted to onset of the noise
by swimming away (RLs approximately 115.4 dB rms). In two instances
groups of whales that were at least 3.5 km from the noise source when
playback started continued to approach (RLs approximately 109.8 dB
rms). One group approached within 300 m (RLs approximately 125.8 dB
rms) before all or part turned back. The other group submerged and
passed within 15m of the projector (RL
[[Page 14449]]
approximately 145.3 dB). Richardson et al. (1990), as summarized in
Southall et al., 2007, played back drilling platform sounds (source
level: 163 dB) while approximately 100 belugas were in the area of
several hundred to meters to several hundred kilometers. No obvious
reactions were noted; however, moderate changes in behavior for three
groups swimming within 200m of the sound projector were observed. In
other studies, belugas exposed to seismic airguns (multiple pulse) at
RLs of 100 to 120 dB rms were determined to have had no observable
reaction; however, RLs between 120 and 150 dB rms were determined to
have induced temporary avoidance behavior, based on vessel-based and
aerial observations (Miller et al., 2005).
TTS experiments have also documented behavioral responses by
trained belugas. These responses included reluctance to return to
experimental stations when exposed to watergun pulse sounds at
approximately 185.3 dB rms (171dB SEL) (Finneran et al., 2002) and
behavioral changes when exposed to sounds from the explosion simulator
at approximately 200 dB rms (177 dB SEL) (Finneran et al., 2000). In a
non-pulse exposure experiment (i.e., 1 s tones), belugas displayed
altered behavior when exposed to 180 196 dB rms (180-196 dB SEL)
(Schlundt et al., 2000).
While no studies have been conducted for belugas in response to
pile driving, bottlenose dolphin and humpback dolphin behavior has been
observed in relation to this activity. These species are also
considered mid frequency odontocetes and have hearing capabilities
similar to that of beluga whales. McIwen (2006) observed a temporary
displacement of bottlenose dolphins during pile driving activities,
although it could not be determined if this was a result of the pile
driving noise itself or displacement of prey. Mhenni (1993) reported
bottlenose dolphins appeared to be repelled by noise pulses obtained by
striking an iron pipe held in the water. Furthermore, Wursig et al.
(2000) reported Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins increased speeds of
travel during pile driving and were found in lower abundance
immediately after pile driving; however, no overt changes in behavior
were observed.
Masking of whale calls or other sounds potentially relevant to
whale vital functions may occur. Masking occurs when the background
noise is elevated to a level which reduces an animal's ability to
detect relevant sounds. The impacts of masking are expected to be
limited by the intermittent nature of the impact pile driver noise, the
whales' directional hearing, and their ability to adjust vocalization
amplitude, frequency, and the structured content of their signals
(McIwem, 2006). Belugas have been known to increase their levels of
vocalization as a function of background noise by increasing call
repetition and shifting to higher frequencies (Lesage et al., 1999;
Scheifele et al., 2005). Another adaptive method to combat masking was
demonstrated in a beluga whale which reflected its sonar signal off the
water surface to ensonify to an object on which it was trained to
echolocate (Au et al., 1987). Due to the low frequencies of
construction noise and the ability of belugas to adapt vocally to
increased background noise, it is anticipated that masking, and
therefore interruption of behaviors such as feeding and communication,
will be minimized.
Many marine mammals, including beluga whales, perform vital
functions (e.g., feeding, resting, traveling, socializing) on a diel
(i.e., 24 hr) cycle. Repeated or sustained disruption of these
functions is more likely to have a demonstrable impact than a single
exposure (Southall et al., 2007). However, it is possible that marine
mammals exposed to repetitious construction sounds from the proposed
construction activities will become habituated and tolerant after
initial exposure to these sounds, as demonstrated by beluga vessel
tolerance (Richardson et al., 1995, Blackwell and Green, 2002).
Habituation is found to be common in marine mammals faced with
introduced sounds into their environment. For example, bowhead whales
(Balaena mysticetus) have continued to use pathways where drilling
ships are working (RLs: 131 dB) so that they can continue their
eastward migration (Richardson et al., 1991). In addition, harbor
porpoise, dolphins, and seals have become habituated to acoustic
harassment deterrent devices such as pingers and ``seal bombs'' after
repeated exposure (Mate and Harvey, 1987; Cox et al., 2001).
Although the Port is a highly industrialized area supporting a
large amount of ship trafic, belugas are present almost year round. It
is anticipated that belugas will become increasingly habituated to the
Project sounds. CI belugas have demonstrated a tolerance to ship
traffic around the Port, as documented in numerous surveys conducted by
LGL in this area. Animals will be exposed to greater than background
noise levels from pile driving; however background sound levels in Knik
Arm are already higher than most other marine and estuarine systems due
to strong currents and eddies, recreational vessel traffic, and
commercial shipping traffic entering and leaving the Port. During the
acoustic study for this Project, carried out by URS, ambient sound
levels (in absence of any vessels) were recorded between 105 and 120dB.
A tug pushing a barge raised those measurements to about 135dB when it
was 200m from the recording vessel. Based on the already elevated
background noise around the Port and beluga's ability to compensate for
masking, it can be reasonably expected that belugas will become
habituated to the daily pile driving, as they have for vessel traffic.
It is expected that frequency and intensity of behavioral reactions
will decrease when habituation occurs.
Lack of behavioral reaction indicating habituation does not
necessarily mean that the animals are not being harassed or injured.
For example, in Newfoundland, seafloor blasting occurred in an area
utilized by foraging humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), yet the
whales did not show any behavioral reaction to the blasting in terms of
movement or residency times. Despite a lack of behavioral reaction, two
humpbacks entangled in fishing gear were found in that area to have had
experienced significant blast trauma to the temporal bones, although
the seafloor blasting could not be determined to be causal (Ketten et
al., 1993). However, pile driving activities do not release the same
type of, or as much energy as seafloor blasting and, due to proposed
mitigation measures, marine mammals will not be exposed to such intense
sounds at the Port. Therefore, injury or other physical effects will
not likely occur.
NMFS believes responses of beluga whales to pile driving activities
would be behavioral in nature and could likely include altered
headings, fast swimming, changes in dive, surfacing, respiration, and
feeding patterns, and changes in vocalizations. However, NMFS
anticipates that belugas would not alter their behavior in a way that
prevents them from entering and/or transiting throughout Knik Arm.
Belugas are currently known to associate with vessels emitting loud low
frequency sounds around the Port. Belugas, and other marine mammals,
may undergo a hormonal stress response when exposed to pile driving
sounds; however, NMFS believes this stress response would be short term
and not lead to any long-term effects Furthermore, NMFS does not
anticipate that more serious effects (e.g., neurological effects,
[[Page 14450]]
damage) would occur. Due to proposed mitigation measures, marine
mammals would not be exposed to high energy sounds, thereby minimizing
physiological impairments. There is no evidence of injuries occurring
in marine mammals exposed to sound from pile driving and there have
been no direct studies of the potential for pile driving to elicit any
of those effects.
Impacts to Other Marine Mammals
Harbor seals, harbor porpoise, and killer whales could also
potentially be impacted from the Project. Hauled out harbor seals may
flush into the water from in-air noise, disturbing their resting and
warming behaviors. Killer whales and harbor porpoise may be harassed by
construction noise if they are in the area of the Port. Behavioral
reactions by these species may be similar to belugas whales (e.g.,
change in direction, vocalizations, etc.). For example, while
construction will emit low frequency sounds outside of harbor porpoise
peak sensitivity rage, these animals have elicited behavioral responses
to simulated wind turbine noise, also outside peak sensitivity range
(max. Energy between 30-800 Hz; spectral density source levels of 128dB
at 80 and 160Hz) (Koschinski et al., 2003). During this study, animals
were sighted at greater ranges during playbacks of simulated wind
turbine noise and observed animals more frequently used echolocation
It is likely that marine mammals will be temporarily displaced or
disturbed by construction activities during the terminal expansion
project. Takes will be by Level B harassment (behavioral disturbance)
as defined in the 1994 amendments to the MMPA. No take by serious
injury or death is likely, given the planned monitoring and mitigation
procedures described in the application and summarized in this
Estimated Take
Monitoring of beluga presence, behavior, and group composition
specifically for the Project began in 2005 and continued through 2007.
Theodolite tracking and grid cell mapping were used to determine the
number of belugas present within the Project footprint and within a 1 x
6 km\2\ area around the Port (i.e., nearshore). Belugas were sighted
during all months the Project will be conducting activities (April-
October) but most frequently around low tide and the months of August
and September, coinciding with salmon runs. These data augment those of
the Hobbs et al. (2005) satellite tag study.
During the 2006 monitoring year, 79 percent of all beluga groups
sighted were within the project footprint, despite the average 4-km
detection range. The high sighting rate of belugas within or near the
Port is most likely attributed to eddy formation during the ebb tide
which concentrates prey in this area. Beluga monitoring also occurred
in 2004/05 for the Knik Arm Bridge Toll Authority bridge project. These
data were considered when calculating take numbers; however, density of
whales was less than that of nearshore areas as monitored specifically
for the Port. Therefore, to be conservative, the applicant, in
collaboration with NMFS, used the more conservative higher nearshore
density to calculate take numbers.
Based on 2005-2007 LGL monitoring data, it is calculated that,
without tidally influenced mitigation, up to 21 takes of beluga whales
by Level B behavioral harassment may occur (either 21 individuals
harassed one time each or a lower number of individuals harassed a
couple or few times each, but totaling 21) due to Port expansion for
the 2008 construction year (April- October) (Table 1). These take
numbers are based on the impact and vibratory pile driving isopleths of
350m (1148ft,) and 800m (2625ft.), respectively. Monthly counts of
whales per hour of effort were calculated in the nearshore area (1 x 6
km2) and then divided by the area to equal a probable density of
animals in any given 1 km2 per hour (rounded up). This number was then
multiplied by the hours of each type of pile driving per month. Total
take for the month was calculated by multiplying this number by the
estimated area ensonified (around each pile-driver type) at or above
the level NMFS believes will result in harassment. Because an average
of 70 percent of beluga occurrences in the project footprint are
estimated to occur within 2 hours of either side of low tide, takes are
actually estimated to be lower due to the proposed requirement to
prohibit impact pile-drivers within 2 hours on either side of low tide.
However, to allow for the social dynamics of beluga whales (e.g., large
group sizes), NMFS is proposing to authorize 34 beluga whale takes per
year. This number is considered small when compared to the current
population estimate of 302 individuals.
Table 1.--Calculated Expected Take, Based on Nearshore Density, of Beluga Whales From Pile Driving Activities at the Port of Anchorage in 2008
Port of Anchorage Take Table- 2008
Impact Vibratory Avg. Whales/hr/ Area within 160dB Expected Take Area within 120dB Expected Take
Month Hours Hours km\2\ nearshore* Impact (350m) (impact) Vibratory (800m) (vibratory)
April 86 58 0.014 0.192 0.230 1.0048 0.809
May 60 39 0.006 0.192 0.064 1.0048 0.218
June 60 39 0.011 0.192 0.125 1.0048 0.423
July 86 58 0.004 0.192 0.066 1.0048 0.231
August 86 58 0.062 0.192 1.031 1.0048 3.633
September 86 58 0.043 0.192 0.718 1.0048 2.529
October 86 58 0.020 0.192 0.335 1.0048 1.179
Total* 550 368 .................. .................. 8 .................. 13
*The total number of authorized take is calculated by rounding up each take per month (e.g., a take of 0.230 animals in April is equal to 1 take).
Based on the sighting rates of other marine mammals around the
Port, other marine mammals would not be expected to be harassed from
Project activities mathematically. However, because these species have
been sighted in the area, NMFS is proposing to authorize a small
number, relevant to the population size, of takes for harbor seals
(20), harbor porpoise (20), and killer whales (5).
Effects to Marine Mammal Habitat
Beluga whales primarily use the area around the Port for traveling
and foraging (LGL 2005, 2006, 2007; Port Monitoring Data, unpubl.). The
[[Page 14451]]
aquatic habitat resource losses associated with the Project are the
losses and degradation of intertidal and nearshore habitat, including
essential fish habitat (EFH). Noise from pile driving would result in
habitat degradation; however, based on the identified behavioral
harassment isopleth distances, impact and vibratory pile driving sounds
above marine mammal behavioral harassment levels are expected to
propagate out to only 350m and 800m, respectively. Due to the already
noisy characteristics of this habitat (e.g., currents, ships and
recreational vessel presence), it is not expected that marine mammals,
especially belugas, would be as greatly affected as if the ambient and
background sound level was lower. It can be reasonably expected that
marine mammals will continue to travel past the Port even when pile
driving activities are occurring. However, it is possible they would do
so further out towards the middle or west side of Knik Arm.
Belugas whales' diet is primarily comprised of fish, specifically
salmon. Fish habitats, including EFH, in upper Cook Inlet have not been
studied comprehensively, but the studies completed to date indicate
that the area immediately around the Port supports a wide diversity of
marine and anadromous fish species, in particular providing migrating,
rearing, and foraging habitat. The intertidal and nearshore subtidal
waters of the Project area are used by juvenile and adult salmonids for
refuge from the strong currents of Knik Arm, as a migration corridor
for adult salmonids, and as rearing and migratory habitat for several
streams that drain into Knik Arm, in upper Cook Inlet. Therefore, the
elimination of this habitat and alteration of hydrology would adversely
impact fish, especially juveniles and smolt taking refuge in the area
to be filled; however, based on the following reasons, these changes
are not likely to appreciably reduce prey availability to marine
mammals, particularly belugas.
The project area is located approximately 2000 feet (609.4 m) north
of the mouth of Ship Creek, a stocked creek, and the proposed action
would remove most of the remaining intertidal and shallow subtidal
waters north of the mouth to Cairn Point. If a decrease in fish
abundance occurs, this could result in decreased foraging opportunities
for belugas and increased beluga energy expenditure to find prey.
However, juvenile chinook salmon sampled between Cairn Point and Point
Woronzof were primarily of Ship Creek hatchery origin. Juvenile
salmonids are reared at the hatchery for two years prior to release at
the smolt stage. Smolts released from the hatchery are ready for out
migration and it is believed that the smolts reside in the Ship Creek
area for a limited period before migrating elsewhere in the Knik Arm
and/or Cook Inlet estuaries. Because this creek is stocked, fish would
be replenished from the hatchery. Furthermore, the area directly
surrounding the Port is not considered primary feeding habitat, unlike
the upper reaches of Knik Arm.
Design of the sheet pile wall may provide some refuge for fish
which could enhance survival. The face of each sheet-pile cell is
curved outward, creating a scalloped surface. Fender pile and fender-
system structural components would protrude from the face of the sheet
pile approximately eight feet, which would provide some limited fish
refuge. In addition, the Port is evaluating various methods for
constructing joint systems between OCSP cells that would provide open
water areas along the face of the dock by leaving a space between the
construction joints in the sheet pile wall. These breaks in the sheet
pile wall profile would create alcoves with armor rock slopes of
varying sizes and shapes that would provide refuge opportunities for
To offset direct habitat loss and degradation, the Port is required
to carry out certain mitigation procedures as condition in the Army
Corps of Engineers' Permit No. POA-2003-502-N. For all construction
seasons, including 2008, these include, but are not limited to: (1) no
in water fill placement or pile driving activities shall occur within a
one week period following smolt releases from the Ship Creek hatchery;
(2) fill material shall consist of clean fill, free of unsuitable
material (e.g., trash, debris, asphalt, etc.), and free of toxic
pollutants; and (3) the Mun