Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 13909-13910 [E8-5069]
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 51 / Friday, March 14, 2008 / Notices
factory or warehouse. The survey design
protocol must address short-,
medium-, and long-term smokeless
tobacco product variability (e.g.,
variability over time and from container
to container of the tobacco product) in
a manner equivalent to that described
for cigarette sampling in Annex C of ISO
Protocol 8243. Information
accompanying results for each sample
should include, but not be limited to:
1. For each product—manufacturer
and variety (including brand families
and brand variations) and brand name
(e.g., Skoal Bandits, Skoal Long Cut
Cherry, Skoal Long Cut Wintergreen,
etc.) information.
2. Product ‘‘category,’’ e.g., loose leaf,
plug, twist, dry snuff, moist (wet) snuff,
3. Lot number.
4. Lot size.
5. Number of randomly sampled,
sealed, packaged (so as to be
representative of the product that is sold
to the public) smokeless tobacco
products selected (sampling fraction) for
nicotine, moisture, and pH
6. Documentation of method used for
random sample selection.
7. ‘‘Age’’ of product when received by
testing facility and storage conditions
prior to analysis.
12. Extraction of nicotine and pH
determination must be performed with
reagents and samples at a room
temperature of 22–25 °C. Room
temperature should not vary more than
1 °C during extraction of nicotine or pH
13. Use non-glass 10 mL repipette for
transferring NaOH solution.
14. Use 50 mL repipette for
transferring MTBE.
15. For dry snuff, use 0.500 ± 0.010
gram sample.
16. The testing facility is referred to
ISO Procedure 8243 for a discussion of
sample size and the effect of variability
on the precision of the mean of the
sample (ISO 8243, 1991).
17. When analyzing new smokeless
tobacco products, extract product
without IS to determine if any
components co-elute with the IS or
impurities in the IS. This interference
could artificially lower calculated
values for nicotine.
18. The calculated nicotine values for
all samples must fall within the low and
high nicotine values used for the
calibration curve. If not, prepare a fresh
nicotine standard solution and an
appropriate series of standard nicotine
dilutions. Determine the detector
response for each standard using
chromatographic conditions described
in I.E.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:17 Mar 13, 2008
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19. The testing frequency for each
smokeless tobacco brand name (e.g.,
Skoal Bandits Wintergreen, Skoal Long
Cut Cherry, Skoal Long Cut
Wintergreen, etc.) is based on the
manufacturing duration (refer to table
below). Each smokeless tobacco brand
name will be sampled and tested for
nicotine, total moisture, and pH no
fewer than twice and no more than four
times during a calendar year.
Manufacturing duration in
Up to and including 4 ...........
Up to and including 28 .........
Up to and including 52 .........
Example 1: Within a single calendar year
a smokeless tobacco brand name is
manufactured from January 1 to March 31
and from September 1 to December 15. The
testing frequency for the first manufacturing
interval is 3 and for the second
manufacturing interval is 3. The Protocol
allows that each smokeless tobacco brand
name be tested for nicotine, total moisture,
and pH no more than four times during a
calendar year. Therefore, 4 random sampling
dates, as described in the footnote to the
above table, are determined for the smokeless
tobacco brand name. The values for nicotine,
moisture, and pH determinations, and
unionized (free) nicotine calculations and the
mean of the 4 data points for that smokeless
tobacco brand name are reported.
Example 2: Within a single calendar year
a smokeless tobacco brand name is
manufactured from April 5 to May 3 and
from September 1 to December 15. The
testing frequency for the first manufacturing
interval is 2 and for the second
manufacturing interval is 3. The values for
nicotine, moisture, and pH determinations,
and unionized (free) nicotine calculations
and the mean of the 4 data points for that
smokeless tobacco brand name are reported.
Example 3: Within a single calendar year
a smokeless tobacco brand name is
manufactured from January 1 to January 15
and from September 1 to September 22. The
testing frequency for the first manufacturing
interval is 2 and for the second
manufacturing interval is 2. Four random
sampling dates are selected to fall within the
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6 weeks of manufacturing for the smokeless
tobacco brand name. The values for nicotine,
moisture, and pH determinations, and
unionized (free) nicotine calculations and the
mean of the 4 data points for that smokeless
tobacco brand name are reported.
20. The method is a modification of
AOAC Method 966.02 (1990) in that the
ground tobacco passes through a 4 mm
screen rather than a 1 mm screen.
21. When drying samples, do not dry
different products (e.g., moist (wet)
snuff, dry snuff, loose leaf) in the oven
at the same time since this will produce
errors in the moisture determinations.
22. The method is a modification of
a method published by Henningfield et
al. (1995).
* Use a statistical program to determine random sampling dates based on the total manufacturing duration during a calendar year.
Sampling dates should fall on actual manufacturing days for the product when test material
that is representative of the product that is
sold to the public (consisting of sealed, packaged samples) is available. If a statistically determined sampling date falls on a day that
does not meet this criterion, sample the product on the next date that does meet the criteria.
For smokeless tobacco brand names with
episodic production during a calendar year,
the total number of sampling dates is determined by the sum of the individual test frequencies, not to exceed four. For the purpose
of the Protocol, episodic production is defined
as manufacturing intervals separated by periods of 30 or more days when the smokeless
tobacco brand name is not manufactured.
PO 00000
AOAC (Association of Official Analytical
Chemists). Official Methods of Analysis.
966.02: Moisture in Tobacco. (1990) Fifth
Edition. K. Helrich (ed). Association of
Official Analytical Chemists, Inc. Suite
400, 2200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington,
Virginia 22201 USA.
CORESTA (Centre de Cooperation pour les
Recherches Scientifiques relatives au
Tabac). Recommended Method No. 39:
Determination of the purity of nicotine and
nicotine salts by gravimetric analysis—
Tungstosilic acid method November, 1994.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
R.C. Weast, D.R. Lide, M.J. Astle, and WH.
Beyer (eds). 70th ed. Boca Raton, Florida:
CRC Press (1989–1990) D–162.
Henningfield, J.E., Radzius A., Cone E.J.
(1995). Estimation of available nicotine
content of six smokeless tobacco products.
Tobacco Control 4:57–61.
ISO (International Organization for
Standardization). IOS 8243: Cigarettes—
Sampling. (1991). Second Edition.
Prepared by Technical Committee ISO/
TC 126, Tobacco and tobacco products.
International Organization for
Standardization, Case Postale 56, CH–
1211 Genve 20, Switzerland.
Westgard J.O., Barry P., Hunt M., and Groth
T. (1981). A multi-rule Shewhart chart
for quality control in clinical chemistry.
Clinical Chemistry 27:493.
[FR Doc. E8–5136 Filed 3–13–08; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–R–268 and
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, HHS.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 51 / Friday, March 14, 2008 / Notices
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Department of Health
and Human Services, is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the Agency’s function;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
minimize the information collection
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: Revision of currently approved
collection; Title of Information
Collection: Survey Tool for https:// and https://; Use: The purpose of
this submission is to request a revision
of 0938–0756 (CMS–R–268) to continue
to collect information from Internet
users as they exit from the Websites and As part
of the revised collection we are
combining the content from the
collection 0938–0900 that was
discontinued on 5/31/2007. The
packages are being combined to
eliminate a duplication of effort. We are
requesting a three-year clearance, so that
the feedback received through the
survey can be used continually to
update and improve the sites. To ensure
that we gather information about user
reactions to the Websites, we have
developed a survey tool that users can
complete when they exit either site or
by accessing a link on the bottom bar on
the page. The responses on this survey
tool will help CMS to make appropriate
changes to the Web sites in the future.
The survey tool contains questions
about the information that visitors are
seeking from the sites, the degree to
which either site was useful to them, the
improvements that they would like to
see in the sites, and their general
comments. Form Number: CMS–R–268
(OMB# 0938–0756); Frequency: On
occasion; Affected Public: Individuals
and households, Private sector—
Business or other for-profit; Number of
Respondents: 7,000; Total Annual
Responses: 7,000; Total Annual Hours:
2. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of currently
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Independent
Rural Health Center/Freestanding
Federally Qualified Health Center Cost
Report and Supporting Regulations 42
CFR 413.20 and 42 CFR 413.24; Use:
Providers of service in the Medicare
program are required to submit annual
information to achieve reimbursement
for healthcare services rendered to
Medicare beneficiaries.
The Form CMS–222 cost report is
needed to determine the amount of
reasonable cost due to the providers for
furnishing medical services to Medicare
beneficiaries; Form Number: CMS–222
(OMB# 0938–0107); Frequency: Yearly;
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit and Not-for-profit institutions;
Number of Respondents: 3,159; Total
Annual Responses: 3,159; Total Annual
Hours: 157,950.
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS Web site
address at
PaperworkReductionActof1995, or email your request, including your
address, phone number, OMB number,
and CMS document identifier, to, or call the
Reports Clearance Office on (410) 786–
To be assured consideration,
comments and recommendations for the
proposed information collections must
be received by the OMB desk officer at
the address below, no later than 5 p.m.
on April 14, 2008: OMB Human
Resources and Housing Branch,
Attention: Carolyn Raffaelli, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10235,
Washington, DC 20503, Fax Number:
(202) 395–6974.
Dated: March 7, 2008.
Michelle Shortt,
Director, Regulations Development Group,
Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory
[FR Doc. E8–5069 Filed 3–13–08; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–R–211, CMS–
10258, CMS–209, CMS–10259, and CMS–R–
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, HHS.
PO 00000
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In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the agency’s functions;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
minimize the information collection
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Model
Application Template for State Child
Health Plan Under Title XXI of the
Social Security Act, State Children’s
Health Insurance Program, Instructions
for Model Application Template; Use:
States are required to submit Title XXI
plans and amendments for approval by
the Secretary pursuant to section 2102
of the Social Security Act in order to
receive funds for initiating and
expanding health insurance coverage for
uninsured children. The model
application template is used to assist
States in submitting a State Child Health
Plan and amendments to that plan.
Form Number: CMS–R–211 (OMB#
0938–0707); Frequency: Yearly and
occasionally; Affected Public: State,
Local or Tribal Governments; Number of
Respondents: 56; Total Annual
Responses: 40; Total Annual Hours:
2. Type of Information Collection
Request: New collection; Title of
Information Collection: Survey of State
Medicaid Agencies: Innovative
Approaches to Collecting Citizenship
Documentation; Use: The purpose of the
survey is to collect information from
State Medicaid agencies on innovative
approaches used to collect citizenship
documentation from Medicaid
applicants and recipients. Prior to the
Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA),
Medicaid applicants could self-attest to
citizenship. As of July 1, 2006,
applicants and recipients are required to
provide original documentation of
citizenship. For some states, this new
requirement is challenging because
there has been a general movement
towards virtual applications by phone,
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 51 (Friday, March 14, 2008)]
[Pages 13909-13910]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-5069]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
[Document Identifier: CMS-R-268 and CMS-222]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, HHS.
[[Page 13910]]
In compliance with the requirement of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services, is publishing
the following summary of proposed collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including any of the following subjects: (1) The necessity and utility
of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of
the Agency's function; (2) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to minimize the information
collection burden.
1. Type of Information Collection Request: Revision of currently
approved collection; Title of Information Collection: Survey Tool for and; Use: The purpose of
this submission is to request a revision of 0938-0756 (CMS-R-268) to
continue to collect information from Internet users as they exit from
the Websites and As part of the revised
collection we are combining the content from the collection 0938-0900
that was discontinued on 5/31/2007. The packages are being combined to
eliminate a duplication of effort. We are requesting a three-year
clearance, so that the feedback received through the survey can be used
continually to update and improve the sites. To ensure that we gather
information about user reactions to the Websites, we have developed a
survey tool that users can complete when they exit either site or by
accessing a link on the bottom bar on the page. The responses on this
survey tool will help CMS to make appropriate changes to the Web sites
in the future. The survey tool contains questions about the information
that visitors are seeking from the sites, the degree to which either
site was useful to them, the improvements that they would like to see
in the sites, and their general comments. Form Number: CMS-R-268
(OMB 0938-0756); Frequency: On occasion; Affected Public:
Individuals and households, Private sector--Business or other for-
profit; Number of Respondents: 7,000; Total Annual Responses: 7,000;
Total Annual Hours: 1,167.
2. Type of Information Collection Request: Extension of currently
approved collection; Title of Information Collection: Independent Rural
Health Center/Freestanding Federally Qualified Health Center Cost
Report and Supporting Regulations 42 CFR 413.20 and 42 CFR 413.24; Use:
Providers of service in the Medicare program are required to submit
annual information to achieve reimbursement for healthcare services
rendered to Medicare beneficiaries.
The Form CMS-222 cost report is needed to determine the amount of
reasonable cost due to the providers for furnishing medical services to
Medicare beneficiaries; Form Number: CMS-222 (OMB 0938-0107);
Frequency: Yearly; Affected Public: Business or other for-profit and
Not-for-profit institutions; Number of Respondents: 3,159; Total Annual
Responses: 3,159; Total Annual Hours: 157,950.
To obtain copies of the supporting statement and any related forms
for the proposed paperwork collections referenced above, access CMS Web
site address at, or
e-mail your request, including your address, phone number, OMB number,
and CMS document identifier, to, or call the
Reports Clearance Office on (410) 786-1326.
To be assured consideration, comments and recommendations for the
proposed information collections must be received by the OMB desk
officer at the address below, no later than 5 p.m. on April 14, 2008:
OMB Human Resources and Housing Branch, Attention: Carolyn Raffaelli,
New Executive Office Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503, Fax
Number: (202) 395-6974.
Dated: March 7, 2008.
Michelle Shortt,
Director, Regulations Development Group, Office of Strategic Operations
and Regulatory Affairs.
[FR Doc. E8-5069 Filed 3-13-08; 8:45 am]