Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee; Correction, 12401 [E8-4536]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 46 / Friday, March 7, 2008 / Notices
Office of Fossil Energy
Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee;
Department of Energy.
Notice of Open Meeting
The Department of Energy published
a notice of open meeting announcing a
meeting of the Ultra-Deepwater
Advisory Committee, 73 FR 8863. In FR
Doc. E8–2891, published on Friday,
February 15, 2008, page 8863, under
column, forty-sixth line, remove
‘‘onshore unconventional’’ and add in
its place ‘‘ultra-deepwater’’.
Issued in Washington, DC on March 3,
Rachel Samuel,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–4536 Filed 3–6–08; 8:45 am]
Amendment to the Record of Decision
for the Department of Energy’s Waste
Management Program: Treatment and
Storage of Transuranic Waste
Department of Energy.
Amendment to Record of
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Department of Energy
(DOE), pursuant to DOE National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Regulations (10 CFR 1021.315), is
amending the Record of Decision for the
Waste Management Program: Treatment
and Storage of Transuranic Waste
issued on January 20, 1998 (63 FR
3629), and amended previously
including on December 29, 2000 (65 FR
82985), and June 30, 2004 (69 FR
Under this amendment to its Record
of Decision (ROD), DOE intends to send
both contact-handled (CH) and remotehandled (RH) transuranic (TRU) waste
from certain generator sites as needed to
the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to
be treated and characterized prior to the
shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot
Plant (WIPP) for disposal. These sites
are: the Argonne National Laboratory
(ANL) (Argonne, IL); Bettis Atomic
Power Laboratory (BAPL) (West Mifflin,
PA); General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear
Center (GE) (Sunol, CA); the Hanford
Site, (Hanford) (Richland, WA); Knolls
Atomic Power Laboratory (Nuclear Fuel
Services) (KAPL–NFS) (Erwin, TN);
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:46 Mar 06, 2008
Jkt 214001
(KAPL) (Schenectady, NY); Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL)
(Berkeley, CA); Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory (LLNL) (Livermore,
CA); the Nevada Test Site (NTS);
Separations Process Research Unit
(SPRU) (Schenectady, NY); Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP)
(Paducah, KY); and Sandia National
Laboratories (SNL) (Albuquerque, NM).
DOE expects that most of the waste
from these generator sites will be sent to
INL for treatment and characterization.
However, DOE may, when feasible,
characterize some waste at these
generator sites under the provisions of
the modified WIPP Hazardous Waste
Facility Permit that allow
characterization based solely on process
knowledge and ship that waste directly
to WIPP or, in the case of SNL, send
TRU waste to Los Alamos National
Laboratory to be characterized, in
accordance with the original (1998)
ROD. In addition, TRU waste from
Babcock and Wilcox (BW) (Lynchburg,
VA), and NRD L,L,C, (NRD) (Grand
Island, NY), will also be moved to INL
to be treated and characterized prior to
shipment to WIPP for disposal, only if
that waste meets waste acceptance
criteria for treatment at INL and is
determined to be defense waste as
required by the WIPP Land Withdrawal
Act for waste to be eligible for disposal
at WIPP.
TRU waste would be accepted for
treatment and characterization at INL
only in accordance with the provisions
of the settlement agreement in Public
Service Company of Colorado v. Batt
entered into between DOE and the State
of Idaho in 1995 (the Idaho Settlement
Agreement) and the Site Treatment
Plan. The Idaho Settlement Agreement
allows TRU waste from other DOE sites
to be treated at INL if it is treated within
6 months of receipt and shipped out of
Idaho within 6 months of treatment.
DOE would also continue to remove
TRU waste currently stored at INL in
accordance with the terms of the Idaho
Settlement Agreement.
In accordance with DOE NEPA
regulations (10 CFR 1021.314), DOE
prepared a supplement analysis (SA),
Supplement Analysis for the Treatment
of Transuranic Waste at the Idaho
National Laboratory (DOE/EIS–0200–
SA–03), to determine whether the
proposed treatment and characterization
of waste at INL prior to disposal at WIPP
is a substantial change to the proposed
action analyzed in DOE’s Waste
Management Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/
EIS–0200) (WM–PEIS) or whether there
are significant new circumstances or
information relevant to environmental
PO 00000
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concerns such that a supplement to the
WM–PEIS or a new EIS is needed. Based
on the SA, DOE has determined that a
supplement to the WM–PEIS or a new
EIS is not needed.
Copies of the documents referenced
herein are available from the: Center for
Environmental Management
Information, P.O. Box 23769,
Washington, DC 20026–3769,
Telephone: 1–800–736–3282 (in
Washington, DC: 202–863–5084).
For further information on the
treatment, characterization of TRU
waste and disposal of TRU waste at
WIPP, contact: Casey Gadbury (CBFO),
U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad
Field Office, P.O. Box 3093, Carlsbad,
NM 88221. Telephone: 575–234–7372.
For further information on the DOE
program for the management of TRU
waste or this amendment to the ROD,
contact: Ms. Christine Gelles (EM–12),
Office of Environmental Management,
U.S. Department of Energy, 19001
Germantown Road, Germantown, MD
20874. Telephone: 301–903–1669.
For information on DOE’s NEPA
process, contact: Ms. Carol Borgstrom,
Director, Office of NEPA Policy and
Compliance (GC–20), U.S. Department
of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20585. Telephone:
202–586–4600, or leave a message at
I. Background
TRU waste is waste that contains
alpha particle-emitting radionuclides
with atomic numbers greater than that
of uranium (92) and half-lives greater
than 20 years in concentrations greater
than 100 nanocuries per gram. TRU
waste is classified according to the
radiation dose at a package surface. CH–
TRU waste has a radiation dose rate at
a package surface of 200 millirem per
hour or less; this waste can safely be
handled directly by personnel. RH–TRU
waste has a radiation dose rate at a
package surface greater than 200
millirem per hour and must be handled
remotely (e.g., with machinery designed
to shield workers from radiation). Mixed
TRU waste contains both radioactive
and hazardous components.
Prior NEPA Review
In the WM–PEIS TRU Waste ROD (63
FR 3629, January 20, 1998), DOE
selected the Decentralized Alternative,
stating that ‘‘each of the Department’s
sites that currently has or will generate
TRU waste will prepare and store its
waste on site’’ prior to shipment to
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 46 (Friday, March 7, 2008)]
[Page 12401]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-4536]
[[Page 12401]]
Office of Fossil Energy
Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee; Correction
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of Open Meeting Correction.
The Department of Energy published a notice of open meeting
announcing a meeting of the Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee, 73 FR
8863. In FR Doc. E8-2891, published on Friday, February 15, 2008, page
8863, under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, first column, forty-sixth line,
remove ``onshore unconventional'' and add in its place ``ultra-
Issued in Washington, DC on March 3, 2008.
Rachel Samuel,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. E8-4536 Filed 3-6-08; 8:45 am]