Filing Via the Internet; Notice of Release of efiling v7.0, 11902-11905 [E8-4218]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Notices
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. The Respondent’s answer
and all interventions, or protests must
be filed on or before the comment date.
The Respondent’s answer, motions to
intervene, and protests must be served
on the Complainants.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
‘‘eFiling’’ link at
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 14 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
This filing is accessible on-line at, using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
Web site that enables subscribers to
receive e-mail notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please e-mail, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. Eastern Time
on March 18, 2008.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–4166 Filed 3–4–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket Nos.: EG08–11–000, EG08–12–000,
EG08–13–000, EG08–14–000, EG08–15–000,
EG08–16–000, EG08–17–000, EG08–18–000]
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Pedricktown Cogeneration Company,
LP, McAdoo Energy Wind LLC, Central
Power & Lime, Inc., Barton Chapel
Wind, LLC, James River Cogeneration
Company, Cogentrix Virginia Leasing
Corporation, Primary Energy of North
Carolina LLC, Langdon Wind, LLC;
Notice of Effectiveness of Exempt
Wholesale Generator or Foreign Utility
Company Status
February 26, 2008.
Take notice that during the month of
January 2008, the status of the abovecaptioned entities as Exempt Wholesale
Generators became effective by
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operation of the Commission’s
regulations. 18 CFR 366.7(a).
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–4160 Filed 3–4–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RM07–16–000]
Filing Via the Internet; Notice of
Release of efiling v7.0
February 28, 2008.
Pursuant to the provisions of
Commission Order No. 703, issued
November 15, 2007,1 the Commission
will update its electronic filing system
to v7.0 (the next version of the
Commission’s system for filing
documents via the Internet) over the
weekend of March 1, 2008. This version
includes, but is not limited to the
following enhancements:
1. Expands the documents eligible for
efiling to include most application-type
filings that receive a new docket number
(with the exception of filings containing
tariff sheets) and those forms and
reports that are filed without a docket
2. Permits documents containing
Privileged and/or Critical Energy
Infrastructure Information (CEII)
material to be submitted electronically
in their entirety.2
3. Allows documents in Hydropower
proceedings that are normally submitted
directly to a FERC Regional Office to be
electronically filed.
4. Permits up to 200 files to be
uploaded in each of the Public,
Privileged, and CEII security classes.
5. Increases the maximum file size to
50 Mb.3
6. Expands the file name, including
the dot/extension, to 60 characters, and
allows certain special characters to be
7. Adds an optional document-less
alternative for filing Motions to
Intervene and Motions to Intervene Outof-Time.
1 Filing Via the Internet, Order No. 703, 72 FR
65,659 (November 23, 2007), FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 61,171 ¶ 31,259 (2007) (Order No. 703).
2 Information subject to a Protective Order issued
by an Administrative Law Judge or for which a
Protective Order is requested is not eligible for
3 The 50 Mb limit is intended for single maps and
drawings that cannot easily be split into smaller
files. The practical limit for most files remains 10–
20 Mb in order to make files more accessible.
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8. Provides a Quick Comment option
for comments on Hydropower Licensing
and Natural Gas Pipeline projects.
In accordance with Order No. 703, the
deadline for filing in order to receive the
same day’s filed date remains 5 p.m.
Eastern Time.
Concurrent with the new release, the
Commission Staff will update
information on its Web site that pertains
to electronic filing. The primary change
will be an expanded Filing Guide/
Qualified Documents List that identifies
filings types by regulation and indicates
whether the associated documents may
be submitted electronically or not.4 The
Guide also indicates the appropriate
menu choice for the various filings and
the number and routing of any
‘‘courtesy’’ paper copies for staff, where
such paper copies are required.
In addition to the above
enhancements, users should note the
following guidelines and staff
preferences for using the new system.
Staff/Courtesy Copies of Certain eFiled
For certain documents submitted via
efiling, the filer will be obligated to
provide one or more paper copies for
staff use by the next business day after
efiling. The document types that require
paper copies are identified in the Filing
Guide/Qualified Documents List; the
Guide also indicates the destination/
routing for those copies. In certain
cases, the copies may have to be
provided to the jurisdictional Regional
Staff will post routing and forms of
address for the various locations for staff
copies. In order to ensure that staff
copies of efiled documents are not
treated as new paper submissions, each
copy of the document should have a
cover letter indicating the destination
address with a paper copy of the
Confirmation of Receipt e-mail from the
efiling session attached.
File Formats
The acceptable file formats for
electronic submission are listed in
Attachment A. They are the same as
those permitted for filing on CD/DVD
posted at:
acceptable.asp. Users may upload
zipped files to simplify the browse,
select and attach process for
submissions with a large number of
files. The system will explode the
zipped file to display the individual
files in the file upload list. Embedded
4 The Filing Guide/Qualified Documents List also
includes those forms submitted through the eForms
or Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR) systems.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Notices
Docket or Project Number, the submitter
must add the eregistered e-mail
addresses for all persons that should
appear on the service list. Only those
contacts entered online by the filer will
be added to the service list for a
particular filing. The system will also
automatically update service lists for the
party and contacts in responses to
formal complaints under 18 CFR
Text-Searchable vs. Image Formats
In accordance with Order No. 703,
PDF files must be submitted in a
manner that retains the ability to search
the document (‘‘print to PDF’’) except in
cases where it is impractical for the filer
to do otherwise. The Commission’s
electronic filing system is not only for
the benefit of filers, it is also intended
to make the information submitted more
usable for staff analysis. Image formats
inhibit the latter objective and must be
reserved for documents not readily
available in a text-searchable format.
File Names and Security
Since the new system accepts Public,
Privileged, and CEII material, file
organization and the upload process
will be critical to ensuring that nonpublic information remains secure. Files
should be organized by security class in
advance of filing, either by saving them
in security-specific directories or
folders, or by beginning each file name
with ‘‘PUBLIC,’’ ‘‘PRIVIL,’’ or ‘‘CEII.’’
There is a separate security tab on the
file upload screen for each security
Service Lists
In addition to updating service lists
for Motions to Intervene, the new
system will automatically add the
Applicant Name(s) and all eRegistered
contacts for the Applicant(s) to the
service list for newly created dockets.
For any filing that receives a new
number of users have complained that
the existing efiling system is too
complicated for individuals to submit
comments, particularly if they are firsttime filers. Version 7.0 adds a Quick
Comment process that addresses these
concerns. It provides a simpler
alternative to the traditional electronic
filing system for submitting comments
to the Commission in certain
Quick Comment does not require an
FERC eRegistration account. It is
primarily intended for landowners and
other stakeholders impacted by a single
Hydropower Licensing or Natural Gas
Pipeline Project. Its use is limited to the
following docket/project designations: P
(Hydro), PF (Natural Gas Pre-Filing),
and CP (Natural Gas Pipeline Certificate
Applications). Quick Comment relies on
an e-mail-like process that both
validates the e-mail address of the
commenter and prevents spam attacks.
Quick Comment has a limit of 6,000
characters. Persons submitting more
extensive comments, non-text or file
attachments, or any material that is
Non-Public must use the efiling system.
The system creates a placeholder
document from the information entered
during the Quick Comment process and
adds that document to the applicable
Public record(s) in eLibrary. Attachment
C contains the instructions for
submitting a Quick Comment and
displays a sample FERC Generated
placeholder document in eLibrary.
The Commission does not accept
comments for the record via e-mail. A
.zip files within a .zip file are not
Kimberly D. Bose,
Document-less Intervention
The new release provides an optional
document-less method for filing
Motions to Intervene, including out-oftime motions. The document-less
alternative should only be used to
intervene. Comments, protests, and
other motions should be filed
separately. The traditional file
attachment method is also available.
All contacts to be added to a service
list must have validated eRegistration
accounts, regardless of the method used
to intervene. Instead of uploading a file,
the document-less alternative prompts
the submitter to key or copy/pastes the
basis for intervening (18 CFR
385.214(b)) in a text box.5 The system
creates a placeholder document from
the information submitted for the record
in eLibrary. Attachment B contains the
instructions for submitting a documentless Motion to Intervene and displays a
sample FERC Generated placeholder
document in eLibrary.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Adobe Portable Document Format (Acrobat 4.x or higher) ..................................................................................................
Advantica SynerGEE compatible Microsoft Access application MDB file 1 ..........................................................................
Advantica SynerGEE input data set for pipe flow program 1 ................................................................................................
Advantica SynerGEE xy coordinate text file 1 .......................................................................................................................
ASCII Comma Separated Value ...........................................................................................................................................
ASCII Text Format .................................................................................................................................................................
AutoCAD Drawing database 1 ...............................................................................................................................................
Corel WordPerfect .................................................................................................................................................................
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) main file 1 ........................
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) index file 1 .......................
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) dBase table 1 ...................
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) projection file 1 ................
ESRI ArcGIS auxiliary file 1 ...................................................................................................................................................
ESRI ArcGIS external pyramid layer file used for rapid display of raster files 1 ..................................................................
ESRI ArcMap project file 1 .....................................................................................................................................................
ESRI ArcIMS Project file (ArcXML) 1 .....................................................................................................................................
ESRI ArcView spatial bin file for shapefiles 1 ........................................................................................................................
ESRI ArcView spatial bin index file for shapefiles 1 ..............................................................................................................
ESRI TIFF world files 3 ..........................................................................................................................................................
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid (LizardTech) image raster file 1 ............................................................................................................
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid georeferencing information (world) file 1 ...............................................................................................
Extensible Markup Language ................................................................................................................................................
5 Persons intervening ‘‘out-of-time’’ will also have
to show good cause why the time limitation should
be waived.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Notices
Graphic Image Format ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinFlow library file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinFlow input file 1 ................................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinTran time-varying schedule file 1 .....................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Joint Photographic Experts Group ........................................................................................................................................
Keyhole Markup Language (xml-based structure for geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth) 1 ........
Keyhole Markup Language compressed file 1 .......................................................................................................................
Lotus ......................................................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft Excel 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft Media Player 2 ........................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft Power Point ...........................................................................................................................................................
Microsoft Word 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Motion Picture Experts Group 2 .............................................................................................................................................
MP3 audio file (mp3) 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Managing and Utilizing System Transmission (MUST) Software 1 .......................................................................................
RAW Image File (RGB 24-bit Graphics) ...............................................................................................................................
Rich Text Format ...................................................................................................................................................................
Tagged Image File Format ....................................................................................................................................................
Waveform sound (Microsoft Windows) 2 ...............................................................................................................................
Web page file containing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) markup .............................................................................
Windows bitmap ....................................................................................................................................................................
Zip file compressed archive (must not be self-extracting) ....................................................................................................
.WK1, .WK3, .WK4
1 A detailed description of the content of the file and instructions for the public on how to obtain resources to view it must be included with the
submission in light of National Archives and Records Administration regulations. This file type must only be submitted with Advantica SynerGEE,
AutoCAD, ESRI, WinFlow, or WinTran files.
2 A written transcript and a detailed description of the content of the file must be included with the submission in light of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
3 FERC is not able at this time to accept the following file types used by Microsoft Office 2007: .docx, .docm, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xlam. We
will update these guidelines when we can accept these file types.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Attachment B: Document-less
Intervention (with Sample FERC
Generated PDF document in eLibrary)
Document-less intervention is an
optional method for parties to intervene
in a proceeding. It is for intervention
only. Substantive comments on the
merits of the proceeding, protests, or
other motions should be filed separately
using the efiling system.
Motions to Intervene are timely or
out-of-time, depending on whether they
are submitted before or after 5 p.m.
Eastern Time on the deadline for filing
specified in the Commission’s Notice of
Filing. The filed date and time is
normally determined at the time of file
upload. Since there is no file upload
step for a document-less intervention,
all information should be submitted
prior to 5 p.m. in order to receive the
same day’s filing date.
Filing Type Selection: On the Filing
Type Screen
(1) Select ‘‘General’’ in Column 1
(2) Select ‘‘Intervention’’ in Column 2
(3) In Column 3, select either
a. ‘‘(doc-less)’’ Motion to Intervene, or
b. ‘‘(doc-less)’’ Out-of-Time Motion to
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Select Docket: Query and select the
applicable Docket or Project Number(s).
We currently maintain all service lists
only at the –000 sub-docket level.
Text Box Information: After you query
and select the applicable Docket (or
Project) Number, you should key or
copy/paste the basis for intervening in
the text box. This is the information in
18 CFR 385.214(b). For ‘‘Out-of-time’’
Motions to Intervene the submitter must
also show good cause why the time
limitation should be waived.
Filing Party(ies): On the Filing Party
screen, query and select the party or
parties that should appear on the service
list. In a joint or several motion, select
each party individually. Do not add the
law firm filing on behalf of a client
Specify the Person(s) to Whom
Communication Should Be Addressed:
There is now just one screen for
entering all contacts. The filing party or
parties you selected on the previous
screen appear at the top of the
Communications screen with a radio
button adjacent to each party. Select a
party, enter the e-mail address for a
contact, and add the contact as either a
signer/representative or other contact.
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You can associate the same contact with
multiple parties simply by selecting a
different radio button and adding the
contact to the list. Repeat the process for
each additional contact.
Each party must have at least one
signer/representative on the service list.
This is the signer or other legal
representative for the party. In most
cases it’s the attorney at the company
appearing on the service list or at the
law firm representing that company.
You can enter more than one signer/
representative for a party.
An Other Contact (optional) is
normally a person affiliated with the
party on the service list that should be
served. They are involved in the
proceeding but not necessarily as the
legal representative of the party. All
entries will be added to the service list
regardless of how you designate them.
After you have added all contact
information, follow the remaining
screens. You must click on ‘‘Submit’’ on
the last screen to confirm that you want
to make the filing.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Notices
Format of ‘‘FERC Generated PDF’’ in
eLibrary for Document-Less
Intervention (system-generated from the
information entered online)
20080227–5041 FERC PDF
(Unofficial) 2/27/2008 2:09:29 PM
Submission Description: Motion to
Intervene (document-less) of ABC
Pipeline Company, et. al. under CP05–
Submission Date: 2/27/2008. 2:09:29
Filed Date: 2/27/2008. 2:11:24 PM
CP05–1–000 Construct/Operate w/$;
new supply attachment; proposes to
construct a new measurement and
regulating station; requests
authorization in order to operate by 12/
Filing party
Signer (Representative)
ABC Pipeline Company ......................................
XYZ Pipeline Company ...................................... .................................... ....................................
Basis for Intervening [this is a systemgenerated label]:
[Information inserted online in the
text box begins here] This is the
information keyed or copy/pasted in the
text box to comply with 18 CFR
385.214(b). There is a limit of 6,000
characters for the text box. Substantive
comments on the merits, protests, and
other motions should be filed separately
using the file attachment process and
appropriate filing type.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Attachment C: Quick Comment in P, PF,
and CP Dockets (With Sample FERC
Generated PDF Document in eLibrary)
FERC’s Quick Comment Option is an
easy way for individuals and other
interested persons to submit text
comments in the following proceedings:
• Hydroelectric License/Relicense
Proceedings (P—Project Number),
• Pre-Filing Activity for Planned
Natural Gas Projects (PF Docket), and
• Applications for Authorization to
Construct a Natural Gas Pipeline,
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Other
Facility (CP Dockets).
The Quick Comment system does not
require an FERC eRegistration account.
There is a limit of 6,000 characters and
all information must be Public. The
system is for text comments only and
may not be used to intervene or submit
other information to the Commission.
Persons filing more extensive
comments (more than 6,000 characters),
non-text material, other attachments, or
filing Privileged or Critical Energy
Infrastructure Information (CEII) must
use the Commission’s eFiling system
instead of Quick Comments. The eFiling
system requires that you have an
unrestricted eRegistration account
(unrestricted in this case means an
account that is not limited to
eSubscription only).
It makes no difference which
system—Quick Comments or eFiling—
you use to submit comments. All
comments submitted under either
option are placed in the Record for the
specified docket or project number(s).
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To Use Quick Comment:
1. From the FERC Online Home page,
click on the ‘‘Quick Comment’’ link.
2. The system returns an ‘‘Authorize
Quick Comment:’’ screen. Key in your
Name, e-mail address, and Phone
Number (optional) in the labeled fields.
3. Key in the characters in the picture
in the field below the picture. If you
have difficulty reading the characters,
click on the speaker icon next to the
picture to hear the code (be sure the
volume on your PC is high enough).
After keying in the characters, click on
4. You will see the message: ‘‘Thank
you for your interest in submitting
Quick Comments to FERC. You will
receive an e-mail with detailed
instructions on how you can submit
your Quick Comment.’’ The e-mail is
sent to the e-mail address you entered
on the first screen.
5. Check your e-mail account for a
‘‘Confirmation of Quick Comment’’ email. Click on the link in the e-mail to
display the ‘‘Submit Quick Comment’’
6. You can query and select the
docket or project number(s) applicable
to your comment (click on Search) or
you can use the Quick Entry method.
For Quick Entry, key in the docket or
project number in the box for the docket
number. Use the Search option if you
are unsure about the format. You may
add additional docket or project
numbers provided your comments
pertain to them.
7. Key or Copy/Paste your text
comments in the large text box. There is
a counter below the box to tell you how
much space you have left for comments.
If you entered a name at the beginning
of the process for an association or
organization, you must include the
name of an individual responsible for
the filing and contact information in the
text box.
8. Click on Submit Comment.
9. You will receive a Confirmation of
Receipt e-mail. Your comments will be
added to the record in eLibrary in the
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Other contact (Principal)
docket or project number(s) you selected
at the beginning of the process.
Format of ‘‘FERC Generated PDF’’ in
eLibrary for a Quick Comment (SystemGenerated From the Information
Entered Online)
20080227–5043 FERC PDF (Unofficial)
2/27/2008 3:07:27 PM
Comment of Brooks Carter in Docket(s)/
Project(s) CP05–1–000
Submission Date: 2/27/2008
[Information keyed or copy/pasted in
the text box begins here] These are my
comments on the llll Project in
CP05–1.* * * There is a limit of 6,000
characters and all comments will be
placed in the Public record for the
Name and Address [appears only if you
added this information in the text box
after your comments]
[FR Doc. E8–4218 Filed 3–4–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. ER08–67–001]
Ameren Services Company; Notice of
February 28, 2008.
Take notice that on January 28, 2008,
pursuant to the Commission’s December
14, 2008 Order, Ameren Services
Company filed a refund report.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 44 (Wednesday, March 5, 2008)]
[Pages 11902-11905]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-4218]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. RM07-16-000]
Filing Via the Internet; Notice of Release of efiling v7.0
February 28, 2008.
Pursuant to the provisions of Commission Order No. 703, issued
November 15, 2007,\1\ the Commission will update its electronic filing
system to v7.0 (the next version of the Commission's system for filing
documents via the Internet) over the weekend of March 1, 2008. This
version includes, but is not limited to the following enhancements:
\1\ Filing Via the Internet, Order No. 703, 72 FR 65,659
(November 23, 2007), FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 61,171 ] 31,259 (2007)
(Order No. 703).
1. Expands the documents eligible for efiling to include most
application-type filings that receive a new docket number (with the
exception of filings containing tariff sheets) and those forms and
reports that are filed without a docket number.
2. Permits documents containing Privileged and/or Critical Energy
Infrastructure Information (CEII) material to be submitted
electronically in their entirety.\2\
\2\ Information subject to a Protective Order issued by an
Administrative Law Judge or for which a Protective Order is
requested is not eligible for efiling.
3. Allows documents in Hydropower proceedings that are normally
submitted directly to a FERC Regional Office to be electronically
4. Permits up to 200 files to be uploaded in each of the Public,
Privileged, and CEII security classes.
5. Increases the maximum file size to 50 Mb.\3\
\3\ The 50 Mb limit is intended for single maps and drawings
that cannot easily be split into smaller files. The practical limit
for most files remains 10-20 Mb in order to make files more
6. Expands the file name, including the dot/extension, to 60
characters, and allows certain special characters to be included.
7. Adds an optional document-less alternative for filing Motions to
Intervene and Motions to Intervene Out-of-Time.
8. Provides a Quick Comment option for comments on Hydropower
Licensing and Natural Gas Pipeline projects.
In accordance with Order No. 703, the deadline for filing in order
to receive the same day's filed date remains 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
Concurrent with the new release, the Commission Staff will update
information on its Web site that pertains to electronic filing. The
primary change will be an expanded Filing Guide/Qualified Documents
List that identifies filings types by regulation and indicates whether
the associated documents may be submitted electronically or not.\4\ The
Guide also indicates the appropriate menu choice for the various
filings and the number and routing of any ``courtesy'' paper copies for
staff, where such paper copies are required.
\4\ The Filing Guide/Qualified Documents List also includes
those forms submitted through the eForms or Electric Quarterly
Reports (EQR) systems.
In addition to the above enhancements, users should note the
following guidelines and staff preferences for using the new system.
Staff/Courtesy Copies of Certain eFiled Documents
For certain documents submitted via efiling, the filer will be
obligated to provide one or more paper copies for staff use by the next
business day after efiling. The document types that require paper
copies are identified in the Filing Guide/Qualified Documents List; the
Guide also indicates the destination/routing for those copies. In
certain cases, the copies may have to be provided to the jurisdictional
Regional Office.
Staff will post routing and forms of address for the various
locations for staff copies. In order to ensure that staff copies of
efiled documents are not treated as new paper submissions, each copy of
the document should have a cover letter indicating the destination
address with a paper copy of the Confirmation of Receipt e-mail from
the efiling session attached.
File Formats
The acceptable file formats for electronic submission are listed in
Attachment A. They are the same as those permitted for filing on CD/DVD
posted at:
acceptable.asp. Users may upload zipped files to simplify the browse,
select and attach process for submissions with a large number of files.
The system will explode the zipped file to display the individual files
in the file upload list. Embedded
[[Page 11903]]
.zip files within a .zip file are not permitted.
Text-Searchable vs. Image Formats
In accordance with Order No. 703, PDF files must be submitted in a
manner that retains the ability to search the document (``print to
PDF'') except in cases where it is impractical for the filer to do
otherwise. The Commission's electronic filing system is not only for
the benefit of filers, it is also intended to make the information
submitted more usable for staff analysis. Image formats inhibit the
latter objective and must be reserved for documents not readily
available in a text-searchable format.
File Names and Security
Since the new system accepts Public, Privileged, and CEII material,
file organization and the upload process will be critical to ensuring
that non-public information remains secure. Files should be organized
by security class in advance of filing, either by saving them in
security-specific directories or folders, or by beginning each file
name with ``PUBLIC,'' ``PRIVIL,'' or ``CEII.'' There is a separate
security tab on the file upload screen for each security class.
Service Lists
In addition to updating service lists for Motions to Intervene, the
new system will automatically add the Applicant Name(s) and all
eRegistered contacts for the Applicant(s) to the service list for newly
created dockets. For any filing that receives a new Docket or Project
Number, the submitter must add the eregistered e-mail addresses for all
persons that should appear on the service list. Only those contacts
entered online by the filer will be added to the service list for a
particular filing. The system will also automatically update service
lists for the party and contacts in responses to formal complaints
under 18 CFR 385.206.
Document-less Intervention
The new release provides an optional document-less method for
filing Motions to Intervene, including out-of-time motions. The
document-less alternative should only be used to intervene. Comments,
protests, and other motions should be filed separately. The traditional
file attachment method is also available.
All contacts to be added to a service list must have validated
eRegistration accounts, regardless of the method used to intervene.
Instead of uploading a file, the document-less alternative prompts the
submitter to key or copy/pastes the basis for intervening (18 CFR
385.214(b)) in a text box.\5\ The system creates a placeholder document
from the information submitted for the record in eLibrary. Attachment B
contains the instructions for submitting a document-less Motion to
Intervene and displays a sample FERC Generated placeholder document in
\5\ Persons intervening ``out-of-time'' will also have to show
good cause why the time limitation should be waived.
The Commission does not accept comments for the record via e-mail.
A number of users have complained that the existing efiling system is
too complicated for individuals to submit comments, particularly if
they are first-time filers. Version 7.0 adds a Quick Comment process
that addresses these concerns. It provides a simpler alternative to the
traditional electronic filing system for submitting comments to the
Commission in certain proceedings.
Quick Comment does not require an FERC eRegistration account. It is
primarily intended for landowners and other stakeholders impacted by a
single Hydropower Licensing or Natural Gas Pipeline Project. Its use is
limited to the following docket/project designations: P (Hydro), PF
(Natural Gas Pre-Filing), and CP (Natural Gas Pipeline Certificate
Applications). Quick Comment relies on an e-mail-like process that both
validates the e-mail address of the commenter and prevents spam
Quick Comment has a limit of 6,000 characters. Persons submitting
more extensive comments, non-text or file attachments, or any material
that is Non-Public must use the efiling system.
The system creates a placeholder document from the information
entered during the Quick Comment process and adds that document to the
applicable Public record(s) in eLibrary. Attachment C contains the
instructions for submitting a Quick Comment and displays a sample FERC
Generated placeholder document in eLibrary.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Attachment A.--Acceptable File Formats
Description Suffix
Adobe Portable Document Format (Acrobat .PDF
4.x or higher).
Advantica SynerGEE compatible Microsoft .MDB
Access application MDB file \1\.
Advantica SynerGEE input data set for .PD
pipe flow program \1\.
Advantica SynerGEE xy coordinate text .XY
file \1\.
ASCII Comma Separated Value.............. .CSV
ASCII Text Format........................ .TXT
AutoCAD Drawing database \1\............. .DWG
Corel WordPerfect........................ .WPD
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created .SHP
by the Environmental System Research
Institute) main file \1\.
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created .SHX
by the Environmental System Research
Institute) index file \1\.
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created .DBF
by the Environmental System Research
Institute) dBase table \1\.
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created .PRJ
by the Environmental System Research
Institute) projection file \1\.
ESRI ArcGIS auxiliary file \1\........... .AUX
ESRI ArcGIS external pyramid layer file .RRD
used for rapid display of raster files
ESRI ArcMap project file \1\............. .MXD
ESRI ArcIMS Project file (ArcXML) \1\.... .AXL
ESRI ArcView spatial bin file for .SBN
shapefiles \1\.
ESRI ArcView spatial bin index file for .SBX
shapefiles \1\.
ESRI TIFF world files \3\................ .TFW
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid (LizardTech) image .SID
raster file \1\.
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid georeferencing .SDW
information (world) file \1\.
Extensible Markup Language............... .XML
[[Page 11904]]
Graphic Image Format..................... .GIF
Gregg Engineering WinFlow library file .LIB
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file \1\ .LOG
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file \1\ .NTP
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file \1\ .OVR
Gregg Engineering WinFlow input file \1\. .WFP
Gregg Engineering WinTran time-varying .SCH
schedule file \1\.
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file \1\ .WTO
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file \1\ .WTS
Joint Photographic Experts Group......... .JPG
Keyhole Markup Language (xml-based .KML
structure for geographic data in an
Earth browser such as Google Earth) \1\.
Keyhole Markup Language compressed file .KMZ
Lotus.................................... .WK1, .WK3, .WK4
Microsoft Excel \3\...................... .XLS
Microsoft Media Player \2\............... .WMV, .WMA
Microsoft Power Point.................... .PPT, .PPS
Microsoft Word \3\....................... .DOC
Motion Picture Experts Group \2\......... .MPG
MP3 audio file (mp3) \2\................. .MP3
Managing and Utilizing System .CON, .MON, .SUB, .TRA
Transmission (MUST) Software \1\.
RAW Image File (RGB 24-bit Graphics)..... .RAW
Rich Text Format......................... .RTF
Tagged Image File Format................. .TIF
Waveform sound (Microsoft Windows) \2\... .WAV
Web page file containing Hypertext Markup .HTM
Language (HTML) markup.
Windows bitmap........................... .BMP
Zip file compressed archive (must not be .ZIP
\1\ A detailed description of the content of the file and instructions
for the public on how to obtain resources to view it must be included
with the submission in light of National Archives and Records
Administration regulations. This file type must only be submitted with
Advantica SynerGEE, AutoCAD, ESRI, WinFlow, or WinTran files.
\2\ A written transcript and a detailed description of the content of
the file must be included with the submission in light of the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
\3\ FERC is not able at this time to accept the following file types
used by Microsoft Office 2007: .docx, .docm, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltx,
.xltm, .xlam. We will update these guidelines when we can accept these
file types.
Attachment B: Document-less Intervention (with Sample FERC Generated
PDF document in eLibrary)
Document-less intervention is an optional method for parties to
intervene in a proceeding. It is for intervention only. Substantive
comments on the merits of the proceeding, protests, or other motions
should be filed separately using the efiling system.
Motions to Intervene are timely or out-of-time, depending on
whether they are submitted before or after 5 p.m. Eastern Time on the
deadline for filing specified in the Commission's Notice of Filing. The
filed date and time is normally determined at the time of file upload.
Since there is no file upload step for a document-less intervention,
all information should be submitted prior to 5 p.m. in order to receive
the same day's filing date.
Filing Type Selection: On the Filing Type Screen
(1) Select ``General'' in Column 1
(2) Select ``Intervention'' in Column 2
(3) In Column 3, select either
a. ``(doc-less)'' Motion to Intervene, or
b. ``(doc-less)'' Out-of-Time Motion to Intervene
Select Docket: Query and select the applicable Docket or Project
Number(s). We currently maintain all service lists only at the -000
sub-docket level.
Text Box Information: After you query and select the applicable
Docket (or Project) Number, you should key or copy/paste the basis for
intervening in the text box. This is the information in 18 CFR
385.214(b). For ``Out-of-time'' Motions to Intervene the submitter must
also show good cause why the time limitation should be waived.
Filing Party(ies): On the Filing Party screen, query and select the
party or parties that should appear on the service list. In a joint or
several motion, select each party individually. Do not add the law firm
filing on behalf of a client company.
Specify the Person(s) to Whom Communication Should Be Addressed:
There is now just one screen for entering all contacts. The filing
party or parties you selected on the previous screen appear at the top
of the Communications screen with a radio button adjacent to each
party. Select a party, enter the e-mail address for a contact, and add
the contact as either a signer/representative or other contact. You can
associate the same contact with multiple parties simply by selecting a
different radio button and adding the contact to the list. Repeat the
process for each additional contact.
Each party must have at least one signer/representative on the
service list. This is the signer or other legal representative for the
party. In most cases it's the attorney at the company appearing on the
service list or at the law firm representing that company. You can
enter more than one signer/representative for a party.
An Other Contact (optional) is normally a person affiliated with
the party on the service list that should be served. They are involved
in the proceeding but not necessarily as the legal representative of
the party. All entries will be added to the service list regardless of
how you designate them.
After you have added all contact information, follow the remaining
screens. You must click on ``Submit'' on the last screen to confirm
that you want to make the filing.
[[Page 11905]]
Format of ``FERC Generated PDF'' in eLibrary for Document-Less
Intervention (system-generated from the information entered online)
20080227-5041 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 2/27/2008 2:09:29 PM
Submission Description: Motion to Intervene (document-less) of ABC
Pipeline Company, et. al. under CP05-1-000.
Submission Date: 2/27/2008. 2:09:29 PM
Filed Date: 2/27/2008. 2:11:24 PM
CP05-1-000 Construct/Operate w/$; new supply attachment; proposes
to construct a new measurement and regulating station; requests
authorization in order to operate by 12/15/04.
Filing Party/Contacts
Signer Other contact
Filing party (Representative) (Principal)
ABC Pipeline Company........ brooks.carter@ferc.g melissa.ferebee@ferc
ov. .gov.
XYZ Pipeline Company........ brooks.carter@ferc.g
Basis for Intervening [this is a system-generated label]:
[Information inserted online in the text box begins here] This is
the information keyed or copy/pasted in the text box to comply with 18
CFR 385.214(b). There is a limit of 6,000 characters for the text box.
Substantive comments on the merits, protests, and other motions should
be filed separately using the file attachment process and appropriate
filing type.
Attachment C: Quick Comment in P, PF, and CP Dockets (With Sample FERC
Generated PDF Document in eLibrary)
FERC's Quick Comment Option is an easy way for individuals and
other interested persons to submit text comments in the following
Hydroelectric License/Relicense Proceedings (P--Project
Pre-Filing Activity for Planned Natural Gas Projects (PF
Docket), and
Applications for Authorization to Construct a Natural Gas
Pipeline, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Other Facility (CP Dockets).
The Quick Comment system does not require an FERC eRegistration
account. There is a limit of 6,000 characters and all information must
be Public. The system is for text comments only and may not be used to
intervene or submit other information to the Commission.
Persons filing more extensive comments (more than 6,000
characters), non-text material, other attachments, or filing Privileged
or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) must use the
Commission's eFiling system instead of Quick Comments. The eFiling
system requires that you have an unrestricted eRegistration account
(unrestricted in this case means an account that is not limited to
eSubscription only).
It makes no difference which system--Quick Comments or eFiling--you
use to submit comments. All comments submitted under either option are
placed in the Record for the specified docket or project number(s).
To Use Quick Comment:
1. From the FERC Online Home page, click on the ``Quick Comment''
2. The system returns an ``Authorize Quick Comment:'' screen. Key
in your Name, e-mail address, and Phone Number (optional) in the
labeled fields.
3. Key in the characters in the picture in the field below the
picture. If you have difficulty reading the characters, click on the
speaker icon next to the picture to hear the code (be sure the volume
on your PC is high enough). After keying in the characters, click on
4. You will see the message: ``Thank you for your interest in
submitting Quick Comments to FERC. You will receive an e-mail with
detailed instructions on how you can submit your Quick Comment.'' The
e-mail is sent to the e-mail address you entered on the first screen.
5. Check your e-mail account for a ``Confirmation of Quick
Comment'' e-mail. Click on the link in the e-mail to display the
``Submit Quick Comment'' screen.
6. You can query and select the docket or project number(s)
applicable to your comment (click on Search) or you can use the Quick
Entry method. For Quick Entry, key in the docket or project number in
the box for the docket number. Use the Search option if you are unsure
about the format. You may add additional docket or project numbers
provided your comments pertain to them.
7. Key or Copy/Paste your text comments in the large text box.
There is a counter below the box to tell you how much space you have
left for comments. If you entered a name at the beginning of the
process for an association or organization, you must include the name
of an individual responsible for the filing and contact information in
the text box.
8. Click on Submit Comment.
9. You will receive a Confirmation of Receipt e-mail. Your comments
will be added to the record in eLibrary in the docket or project
number(s) you selected at the beginning of the process.
Format of ``FERC Generated PDF'' in eLibrary for a Quick Comment
(System-Generated From the Information Entered Online)
20080227-5043 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 2/27/2008 3:07:27 PM
Comment of Brooks Carter in Docket(s)/Project(s) CP05-1-000
Submission Date: 2/27/2008
[Information keyed or copy/pasted in the text box begins here] These
are my comments on the -------- Project in CP05-1.* * * There is a
limit of 6,000 characters and all comments will be placed in the Public
record for the proceeding.
Name and Address [appears only if you added this information in the
text box after your comments]
[FR Doc. E8-4218 Filed 3-4-08; 8:45 am]