Excepted Service, 11683-11685 [E8-4088]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 43 / Tuesday, March 4, 2008 / Notices
Dated: February 29, 2008.
Connie M. Downs,
OPIC Corporate Secretary.
[FR Doc. 08–949 Filed 2–29–08; 11:44 am]
March 21, 2008, Board of Directors
Friday, March 21, 2008,
10 a.m. (Closed Portion).
PLACE: Offices of the Corporation,
Twelfth Floor Board Room, 1100 New
York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.
STATUS: Closed session will commence
at 10 a.m. (approx.)
the Public 10 a.m.)
1. Finance Project—West Bank.
Information on the meeting may be
obtained from Connie M. Downs at (202)
Dated: February 29, 2008.
Connie M. Downs,
Corporate Secretary, Overseas Private
Investment Corporation.
[FR Doc. 08–950 Filed 2–29–08; 11:44 am]
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Howard Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E8–4107 Filed 3–3–08; 8:45 am]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Review of an Existing
Information Collection: Court Orders
Affecting Retirement Benefits, 5 CFR
838.221, 838.421, and 838.721
Office of Personnel
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.
L. 104–13, May 22, 1995), this notice
announces that the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) intends to submit to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) a request for review of an
existing information collection. The
regulations describe how former
spouses give us written notice of a court
order requiring us to pay benefits to the
former spouse. Specific information is
needed before OPM can make courtordered benefit payments.
Comments are particularly invited on:
Whether this collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of functions of the Office of Personnel
Management, and whether it will have
practical utility; whether our estimate of
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:57 Mar 03, 2008
the public burden of this collection of
information is accurate, and based on
valid assumptions and methodology;
and ways in which we can minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, through
the use of appropriate technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Approximately 19,000 former spouses
apply for benefits based on court orders
annually. We estimate it takes
approximately 30 minutes to collect the
information. The annual burden is 9,500
For copies of this proposal, contact
Mary Beth Smith-Toomey on (202) 606–
8358, FAX (202) 418–3251 or via E-mail
to MaryBeth.Smith-Toomey@opm.gov.
Please include a mailing address with
your request.
DATES: Comments on this proposal
should be received within 60 calendar
days from the date of this publication.
ADDRESSES: Send or deliver comments
to—Ronald W. Melton, Deputy Assistant
Director, Retirement Services Program,
Center for Retirement and Insurance
Services, U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, 1900 E Street, NW., Room
3305, Washington, DC 20415–3500.
For Information Regarding
Administrative Coordination—Contact:
Cyrus S. Benson, Team Leader,
Publications Team, RIS Support
Services/Support Group, (202) 606–
Jkt 214001
Excepted Service
U.S. Office of Personnel
Management (OPM).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This gives notice of OPM
decisions granting authority to make
appointments under Schedules A, B,
and C in the excepted service as
required by 5 CFR 6.6 and 213.103.
Penn, Group Manager, Executive
Resources Services Group, Center for
Human Resources, Division for Human
Capital Leadership and Merit System
Accountability, 202–606–2246.
in the listing below are the individual
authorities established under Schedules
A, B, and C between January 1, 2008,
PO 00000
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and January 31, 2008. Future notices
will be published on the fourth Tuesday
of each month, or as soon as possible
thereafter. A consolidated listing of all
authorities as of June 30 is published
each year.
Schedule A
No Schedule A appointments were
approved for January 2008.
Schedule B
No Schedule B appointments were
approved for January 2008.
Schedule C
The following Schedule C
appointments were approved during
January 2008.
Section 213.3303
the President
Executive Office of
Office of Science and Technology Policy
TSGS80001 Policy Assistant to the
Chief of Staff and General Counsel.
Effective January 03, 2008.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
QQGS80003 Confidential Assistant to
the Director to the Deputy Chief of
Staff. Effective January 09, 2008.
QQGS80004 Policy Analyst to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 25,
Office of the United States Trade
TNGS80001 Speechwriter to the
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
for Public/Media Affairs. Effective
January 18, 2008.
Section 213.3304
Department of State
DSGS60990 Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern
and South Asian Affairs. Effective
January 08, 2008.
DSGS61277 Senior Advisor to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of
Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
Effective January 15, 2008.
DSGS61278 Special Assistant to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of
Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
Effective January 15, 2008.
DSGS61274 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Protocol. Effective January
16, 2008.
DSGS61273 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant Secretary for Near
Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
Effective January 17, 2008.
DSGS61251 Staff Assistant to the
Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective January 23, 2008.
DSGS61051 Staff Assistant to the
Senior Advisor to the Secretary and
White House Liaison. Effective
January 24, 2008.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 43 / Tuesday, March 4, 2008 / Notices
DSGS62176 Foreign Affairs Officer to
the Assistant Secretary for
International Organizational Affairs.
Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3305
Department of the
DYGS00457 Policy Advisor to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 30,
DYGS00486 Special Assistant to the
Director of Operations. Effective
January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3306
Department of
Department of the
DFGS60016 Special Counsel and
Special Assistant to the General
Counsel. Effective January 22, 2008.
Section 213.3310
Department of
DJGS00365 Special Assistant to the
Attorney General to the Chief of Staff.
Effective January 07, 2008.
DJGS00183 Counsel to the Chief of
Staff. Effective January 08, 2008.
DJGS00089 Senior Advisor to the
Associate Attorney General. Effective
January 18, 2008.
DJGS00339 Special Assistant to the
Attorney General. Effective January
30, 2008.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Section 213.3311 Department of
Homeland Security
DMGS00730 Counselor to the Deputy
Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security. Effective January
02, 2008.
DMGS00737 Confidential Assistant to
the Counselor to the Deputy
Secretary. Effective January 08, 2008.
DMGS00738 Deputy Director of
Advance and Travel to the Director of
Scheduling and Advance. Effective
January 09, 2008.
DMGS00731 Special Assistant to the
Under Secretary for Intelligence and
Analysis. Effective January 10, 2008.
DMGS00742 Deputy Secretary Briefing
Book Coordinator to the Executive
Director for Operations and
Administration. Effective January 29,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:57 Mar 03, 2008
Jkt 214001
Department of the
DIGS00115 Special Assistant
(Communications and Legislation) to
the Deputy Commissioner (Director of
External and Intergovernmental
Affairs). Effective January 15, 2008.
Section 213.3313
DDGS17123 Special Assistant to the
Deputy Executive Secretary for
Legislative Affairs. Effective January
02, 2008.
DDGS17128 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs).
Effective January 16, 2008.
Section 213.3309
Air Force
Section 213.3312
Department of
DAGS00925 Senior Advisor to the
Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign
Agricultural Services. Effective
January 02, 2008.
DAGS00930 Senior Advisor to the
Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign
Agricultural Services. Effective
January 25, 2008.
DAGS00923 Associate Administrator,
Special Nutrition Programs to the
Administrator, Food and Nutrition
Service. Effective January 04, 2008.
Section 213.3314
Department of
DCGS00495 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 07,
DCGS00452 Confidential Assistant to
the Chief of Staff. Effective January
08, 2008.
DCGS00575 Confidential Assistant to
the Director Office of White House
Liaison. Effective January 08, 2008.
DCGS00237 Senior Advisor to the
Under Secretary for International
Trade. Effective January 22, 2008.
DCGS00526 Confidential Assistant to
the Under Secretary for International
Trade. Effective January 29, 2008.
DCGS00391 Special Assistant to the
Under Secretary for Economic Affairs.
Effective January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3315
Department of Labor
DLGS60119 Staff Assistant to the
Associate Counselor to the Secretary.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DLGS60130 Legislative Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Effective January 03, 2008.
DLGS60247 Legislative Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Effective January 11, 2008.
DLGS60092 Senior Attorney Adviser
to the Solicitor of Labor. Effective
January 14, 2008.
DLGS60079 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Policy.
Effective January 18, 2008.
DLGS60097 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Administration
and Management. Effective January
18, 2008.
PO 00000
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Section 213.3316 Department of
Health and Human Services
DHGS60070 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation. Effective January 17,
DHGS60071 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation. Effective January 23,
DHGS60072 Confidential Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation. Effective January 23,
Section 213.3317
Department of
DBGS00462 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary, Office of
Communications and Outreach.
Effective January 04, 2008.
DBGS00306 Deputy Assistant
Secretary to the Assistant Secretary
for Legislation and Congressional
Affairs. Effective January 09, 2008.
DBGS00554 Confidential Assistant to
the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
and Programs. Effective January 09,
DBGS00217 Chief of Staff to the
Assistant Secretary for Planning,
Evaluation, and Policy Development.
Effective January 29, 2008.
DBGS00379 Confidential Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education. Effective
January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3318 Environmental
Protection Agency
EPGS07027 Strategic Scheduler to the
Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations).
Effective January 11, 2008.
EPGS08001 Press Assistant to the
Associate Administrator for Public
Affairs. Effective January 25, 2008.
EPGS08002 Deputy Associate
Administrator to the Associate
Administrator for Public Affairs.
Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3325
United States Tax
JCGS60075 Trial Clerk to the Chief
Judge. Effective January 24, 2008.
Section 213.3331
Department of
DEGS00630 Senior Advisor for
Communications to the Director,
Office of Technology Advancement
and Outreach. Effective January 04,
DEGS00627 Special Assistant for
Communications to the Assistant
Secretary (Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability). Effective January
03, 2008.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 43 / Tuesday, March 4, 2008 / Notices
DEGS00628 Assistant Press Secretary
to the Director, Public Affairs.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DEGS00631 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Congressional
and Intergovernmental Affairs.
Effective January 18, 2008.
DEGS00632 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 18,
DEGS00634 Special Assistant to the
White House Liaison. Effective
January 18, 2008.
DEGS00633 Press Secretary to the
Director, Public Affairs. Effective
January 23, 2008.
DEGS00636 Special Assistant to the
Director, Public Affairs. Effective
January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3332
Small Business
SBGS02645 Senior Advisor to the
Administrator. Effective January 18,
SBGS02646 Senior Advisor to the
Associate Administrator for
Entrepreneurial Development.
Effective January 18, 2008.
SBGS00641 Director, Office of
Strategic Alliance to the Associate
Administrator for Communications
and Public Liaison. Effective January
22, 2008.
SBGS00642 Assistant Administrator
for Intergovernmental Affairs to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 22,
SBGS00643 Deputy Associate
Administrator for Field Operations to
the Associate Administrator for Field
Operations. Effective January 22,
SBGS00648 White House Liaison to
the Administrator. Effective January
29, 2008.
Section 213.3346
Selective Service
Commission on Civil
Section 213.3357 National Credit
Union Administration
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
CUOT00025 Staff Assistant to a Board
Member. Effective January 07, 2008.
Section 213.3379 Commodity Futures
Trading Commission
CTOT00094 Attorney Advisor
(General) to the Chairperson. Effective
January 18, 2008.
17:57 Mar 03, 2008
Section 213.3384 Department of
Housing and Urban Development
DUGS60276 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Housing,
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DUGS60357 Staff Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 10,
DUGS60270 Staff Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 25,
DUGS60427 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for
Administration/Chief Human Capital
Officer. Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3394
Department of
DTGS60383 Assistant to the Secretary
for Policy to the Chief of Staff.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DTGS60243 Speechwriter to the
Associate Director for Speechwriting.
Effective January 09, 2008.
DTGS60055 Associate Director for
Governmental Affairs to the Assistant
Secretary for Governmental Affairs.
Effective January 16, 2008
DTGS60341 Associate Director for
Governmental Affairs to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Governmental
Affairs. Effective January 23, 2008.
DTGS60287 Special Assistant for
Scheduling and Advance to the
Director for Scheduling and Advance.
Effective January 29, 2008.
DTGS60375 White House Liaison to
the Chief of Staff. Effective January
29, 2008.
Jkt 214001
Dated: February 27, 2008.
Florence E. Harmon,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–4083 Filed 3–3–08; 8:45 am]
Office of Personnel Management.
Howard C. Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E8–4088 Filed 3–3–08; 8:45 am]
CCGS60029 Special Assistant to the
Commissioner. Effective January 24,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
NHGS60075 Director of
Communications to the Deputy
Chairman. Effective January 09, 2008.
The subject matter of the Open
Meeting scheduled for March 4, 2008
will be:
1. The Commission will consider
whether to propose two new rules under
the Investment Company Act
concerning exchange-traded funds
(‘‘ETFs’’). Proposed Rule 6c–11 would
provide exemptions from restrictions of
the Act, to permit ETFs to operate
without the need to obtain individual
exemptive orders from the Commission.
The Commission also will consider
related disclosure amendments, and
rule revisions concerning fund of funds
restrictions of that Act.
2. The Commission will consider
whether to propose a rule directed at
misrepresentations in connection with a
seller’s ability or intent to deliver
securities by settlement date.
3. The Commission will consider a
recommendation to propose
amendments to Regulation S–P, which
governs the privacy of consumer
financial information. The amendments
would address the Rule’s provisions
related to the safeguarding and disposal
of financial information, and would
specify information that may be
transferred when employees of brokerdealers or investment advisers change
Commissioner Casey, as duty officer,
determined that no earlier notice of the
Open Meeting was possible.
For further information and to
ascertain what, if any, matters have been
added, deleted or postponed, please
The Office of the Secretary at (202)
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O.
10577, 3 CFR 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218.
SSGS03359 Executive Officer/Chief of
Staff to the Director Selective Service
System. Effective January 28, 2008.
Section 213.3356
Section 213.3382 National Endowment
for the Humanities
[Investment Company Act Release No.
28175; 812–13473]
Advisors Series Trust, et al.; Notice of
Sunshine Act Meeting
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
the provisions of the Government in the
Sunshine Act, Public Law 94–409, that
the Securities and Exchange
Commission will hold an Open Meeting
on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 10 a.m.,
in Room L–002, the Auditorium.
PO 00000
Frm 00075
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
February 27, 2008.
Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice of an application for an
order under section 6(c) of the
Investment Company Act of 1940
(‘‘Act’’) for an exemption from section
15(a) of the Act and rule 18f–2 under
the Act, as well as from certain
disclosure requirements.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 43 (Tuesday, March 4, 2008)]
[Pages 11683-11685]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-4088]
Excepted Service
AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This gives notice of OPM decisions granting authority to make
appointments under Schedules A, B, and C in the excepted service as
required by 5 CFR 6.6 and 213.103.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: C. Penn, Group Manager, Executive
Resources Services Group, Center for Human Resources, Division for
Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability, 202-606-2246.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Appearing in the listing below are the
individual authorities established under Schedules A, B, and C between
January 1, 2008, and January 31, 2008. Future notices will be published
on the fourth Tuesday of each month, or as soon as possible thereafter.
A consolidated listing of all authorities as of June 30 is published
each year.
Schedule A
No Schedule A appointments were approved for January 2008.
Schedule B
No Schedule B appointments were approved for January 2008.
Schedule C
The following Schedule C appointments were approved during January
Section 213.3303 Executive Office of the President
Office of Science and Technology Policy
TSGS80001 Policy Assistant to the Chief of Staff and General Counsel.
Effective January 03, 2008.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
QQGS80003 Confidential Assistant to the Director to the Deputy Chief of
Staff. Effective January 09, 2008.
QQGS80004 Policy Analyst to the Chief of Staff. Effective January 25,
Office of the United States Trade Representative
TNGS80001 Speechwriter to the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for
Public/Media Affairs. Effective January 18, 2008.
Section 213.3304 Department of State
DSGS60990 Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern
and South Asian Affairs. Effective January 08, 2008.
DSGS61277 Senior Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of
Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Effective January 15, 2008.
DSGS61278 Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau
of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Effective January 15, 2008.
DSGS61274 Special Assistant to the Chief of Protocol. Effective January
16, 2008.
DSGS61273 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary for Near
Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Effective January 17, 2008.
DSGS61251 Staff Assistant to the Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective January 23, 2008.
DSGS61051 Staff Assistant to the Senior Advisor to the Secretary and
White House Liaison. Effective January 24, 2008.
[[Page 11684]]
DSGS62176 Foreign Affairs Officer to the Assistant Secretary for
International Organizational Affairs. Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3305 Department of the Treasury
DYGS00457 Policy Advisor to the Chief of Staff. Effective January 30,
DYGS00486 Special Assistant to the Director of Operations. Effective
January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3306 Department of Defense
DDGS17123 Special Assistant to the Deputy Executive Secretary for
Legislative Affairs. Effective January 02, 2008.
DDGS17128 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs). Effective January 16, 2008.
Section 213.3309 Department of the Air Force
DFGS60016 Special Counsel and Special Assistant to the General Counsel.
Effective January 22, 2008.
Section 213.3310 Department of Justice
DJGS00365 Special Assistant to the Attorney General to the Chief of
Staff. Effective January 07, 2008.
DJGS00183 Counsel to the Chief of Staff. Effective January 08, 2008.
DJGS00089 Senior Advisor to the Associate Attorney General. Effective
January 18, 2008.
DJGS00339 Special Assistant to the Attorney General. Effective January
30, 2008.
Section 213.3311 Department of Homeland Security
DMGS00730 Counselor to the Deputy Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security. Effective January 02, 2008.
DMGS00737 Confidential Assistant to the Counselor to the Deputy
Secretary. Effective January 08, 2008.
DMGS00738 Deputy Director of Advance and Travel to the Director of
Scheduling and Advance. Effective January 09, 2008.
DMGS00731 Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Intelligence and
Analysis. Effective January 10, 2008.
DMGS00742 Deputy Secretary Briefing Book Coordinator to the Executive
Director for Operations and Administration. Effective January 29, 2008.
Section 213.3312 Department of the Interior
DIGS00115 Special Assistant (Communications and Legislation) to the
Deputy Commissioner (Director of External and Intergovernmental
Affairs). Effective January 15, 2008.
Section 213.3313 Department of Agriculture
DAGS00925 Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign
Agricultural Services. Effective January 02, 2008.
DAGS00930 Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign
Agricultural Services. Effective January 25, 2008.
DAGS00923 Associate Administrator, Special Nutrition Programs to the
Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service. Effective January 04, 2008.
Section 213.3314 Department of Commerce
DCGS00495 Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective January
07, 2008.
DCGS00452 Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective
January 08, 2008.
DCGS00575 Confidential Assistant to the Director Office of White House
Liaison. Effective January 08, 2008.
DCGS00237 Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for International
Trade. Effective January 22, 2008.
DCGS00526 Confidential Assistant to the Under Secretary for
International Trade. Effective January 29, 2008.
DCGS00391 Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Economic
Affairs. Effective January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3315 Department of Labor
DLGS60119 Staff Assistant to the Associate Counselor to the Secretary.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DLGS60130 Legislative Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective January 03,
DLGS60247 Legislative Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective January 11,
DLGS60092 Senior Attorney Adviser to the Solicitor of Labor. Effective
January 14, 2008.
DLGS60079 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy.
Effective January 18, 2008.
DLGS60097 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Administration and Management. Effective January 18, 2008.
Section 213.3316 Department of Health and Human Services
DHGS60070 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation. Effective January 17, 2008.
DHGS60071 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation. Effective January 23, 2008.
DHGS60072 Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Planning and Evaluation. Effective January 23, 2008.
Section 213.3317 Department of Education
DBGS00462 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary, Office of
Communications and Outreach. Effective January 04, 2008.
DBGS00306 Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Assistant Secretary for
Legislation and Congressional Affairs. Effective January 09, 2008.
DBGS00554 Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Policy and Programs. Effective January 09, 2008.
DBGS00217 Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Planning,
Evaluation, and Policy Development. Effective January 29, 2008.
DBGS00379 Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education. Effective January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3318 Environmental Protection Agency
EPGS07027 Strategic Scheduler to the Deputy Chief of Staff
(Operations). Effective January 11, 2008.
EPGS08001 Press Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Public
Affairs. Effective January 25, 2008.
EPGS08002 Deputy Associate Administrator to the Associate Administrator
for Public Affairs. Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3325 United States Tax Court
JCGS60075 Trial Clerk to the Chief Judge. Effective January 24, 2008.
Section 213.3331 Department of Energy
DEGS00630 Senior Advisor for Communications to the Director, Office of
Technology Advancement and Outreach. Effective January 04, 2008.
DEGS00627 Special Assistant for Communications to the Assistant
Secretary (Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability). Effective
January 03, 2008.
[[Page 11685]]
DEGS00628 Assistant Press Secretary to the Director, Public Affairs.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DEGS00631 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective January 18,
DEGS00632 Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective January
18, 2008.
DEGS00634 Special Assistant to the White House Liaison. Effective
January 18, 2008.
DEGS00633 Press Secretary to the Director, Public Affairs. Effective
January 23, 2008.
DEGS00636 Special Assistant to the Director, Public Affairs. Effective
January 30, 2008.
Section 213.3332 Small Business Administration
SBGS02645 Senior Advisor to the Administrator. Effective January 18,
SBGS02646 Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator for
Entrepreneurial Development. Effective January 18, 2008.
SBGS00641 Director, Office of Strategic Alliance to the Associate
Administrator for Communications and Public Liaison. Effective January
22, 2008.
SBGS00642 Assistant Administrator for Intergovernmental Affairs to the
Chief of Staff. Effective January 22, 2008.
SBGS00643 Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Operations to the
Associate Administrator for Field Operations. Effective January 22,
SBGS00648 White House Liaison to the Administrator. Effective January
29, 2008.
Section 213.3346 Selective Service System
SSGS03359 Executive Officer/Chief of Staff to the Director Selective
Service System. Effective January 28, 2008.
Section 213.3356 Commission on Civil Rights
CCGS60029 Special Assistant to the Commissioner. Effective January 24,
Section 213.3357 National Credit Union Administration
CUOT00025 Staff Assistant to a Board Member. Effective January 07,
Section 213.3379 Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CTOT00094 Attorney Advisor (General) to the Chairperson. Effective
January 18, 2008.
Section 213.3382 National Endowment for the Humanities
NHGS60075 Director of Communications to the Deputy Chairman. Effective
January 09, 2008.
Section 213.3384 Department of Housing and Urban Development
DUGS60276 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Housing,
Federal Housing Commissioner. Effective January 03, 2008.
DUGS60357 Staff Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective January 10,
DUGS60270 Staff Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective January 25,
DUGS60427 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Administration/Chief Human Capital Officer. Effective January 25, 2008.
Section 213.3394 Department of Transportation
DTGS60383 Assistant to the Secretary for Policy to the Chief of Staff.
Effective January 03, 2008.
DTGS60243 Speechwriter to the Associate Director for Speechwriting.
Effective January 09, 2008.
DTGS60055 Associate Director for Governmental Affairs to the Assistant
Secretary for Governmental Affairs. Effective January 16, 2008
DTGS60341 Associate Director for Governmental Affairs to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs. Effective January 23,
DTGS60287 Special Assistant for Scheduling and Advance to the Director
for Scheduling and Advance. Effective January 29, 2008.
DTGS60375 White House Liaison to the Chief of Staff. Effective January
29, 2008.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954-1958
Comp., p. 218.
Office of Personnel Management.
Howard C. Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E8-4088 Filed 3-3-08; 8:45 am]