Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested, 10769-10773 [E8-3702]
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 40 / Thursday, February 28, 2008 / Notices
(‘‘Agreement’’), is designed to resolve
Camjac, Inc.’s liability at the Site for
past response costs incurred at the Site
through covenants under section 107 of
CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607. The proposed
Agreement requires Camjac, Inc. to pay
a total of $5,000.00 to the EPA
Hazardous Substances Superfund and
transfer the property that it owns which
is part of the Site to the State of
Opportunity for Comment: For thirty
(30) days following the date of
publication of this notice, the Agency
will consider all comments received,
and may modify or withdraw its consent
to the Agreement if comments received
disclose facts or considerations which
indicate that the Agreement is
inappropriate, improper, or inadequate.
The Agency’s response to any comments
received will be available for public
inspection at EPA Region 8’s Central
Records Center, 1595 Wynkoop Street,
3rd Floor, in Denver, Colorado.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before March 31, 2008.
ADDRESSES: The proposed Agreement
and additional background information
relating to the settlement are available
for public inspection at EPA Region 8’s
Central Records Center, 1595 Wynkoop
Street, 3rd Floor, in Denver, Colorado.
Comments and requests for a copy of the
proposed Agreement should be
addressed to Carol Pokorny (8ENF–RC),
Technical Enforcement Program, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1595
Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado
80202–1129, and should reference the
McLaren Tailings Site Settlement
Agreement and the EPA docket number,
Carol Pokorny, Enforcement Specialist
(8ENF–RC), Technical Enforcement
Program, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver,
Colorado 80202–1129, (303) 312–6970.
the proposed administrative settlement
under section 122(h)(1) of CERCLA, 42
U.S.C. 9622(h)(1): In accordance with
section 122(i) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C.
9622(i), notice is hereby given that the
terms of the Agreement have been
agreed to by Camjac, Inc., the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, and
the U.S. Department of Justice. By the
terms of the proposed Agreement,
Camjac, Inc. will pay a total of $5,000.00
to the Hazardous Substance Superfund
and will transfer the property it owns,
which is part of the Site, to the State of
Montana. To be eligible to enter in the
Agreement, Camjac, Inc. was required to
submit a response to EPA’s Request for
Information, including financial
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information, to substantiate its claim of
an inability-to-pay past response costs.
It is so Agreed:
Dated: February 21, 2008.
Andrew M. Gaydosh,
Assistant Regional Administrator, Office of
Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental
Justice, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 8.
[FR Doc. E8–3804 Filed 2–27–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
Federal Communications Commission,
Comments Requested
February 20, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission (Commission or FCC), as
part of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on the
following information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that
does not display a valid control number.
Comments are requested concerning (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) comments should be
submitted on or before April 28, 2008.
If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contacts listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: You may submit all PRA
comments by e-mail or U.S. mail. To
submit your comments by e-mail, send
them to To submit your
comments by U.S. mail, send them to
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Jerry Cowden, Federal Communications
Commission, Room 1–B135, 445 12th
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.
additional information about the
information collection(s) contact Jerry
Cowden via e-mail at or at
OMB Control Number: None.
Title: Information Collection
Regarding Redundancy, Resiliency and
Reliability of 911 and E911 Networks
and/or Systems as set forth in the
Commission’s Rules (47 CFR 12.3).
Form No.: Not applicable.
Type of Review: New collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 74 respondents; 74
Estimated Time per Response: 105.3
hours (120 hours for local exchange
carriers, 72 hours for commercial mobile
radio service providers, and 40 hours for
interconnected Voice over Internet
Protocol service providers).
Frequency of Response: One-time
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory (47
CFR 12.3).
Total Annual Burden: 7,792 hours.
Total Annual Cost: None.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: This
information collection does not affect
individuals or households, and
therefore a privacy impact assessment is
not required.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
These reports will contain sensitive data
and, for reasons of national security and
the prevention of competitive injury to
reporting entities, Section 12.3 of the
Commission’s rules specifically states
that all reports will be afforded
confidential treatment. Data in these
reports will be considered confidential
information that is exempt from routine
public disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) Exemption 4.
See 47 CFR 0.457 and 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4);
see also Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 7, Part 10. These reports will
be shared pursuant to a protective order
with only the following three entities, if
the entities file a request for the
information: The National Emergency
Number Association, The Association of
Public Safety Communications Officials,
and The National Association of State
9–1–1 Administrators. All other access
to these reports must be sought pursuant
to procedures set forth in 47 CFR 0.461.
Notice of any requests for inspection of
these reports will be provided to the
filers of the reports pursuant to 47 CFR
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 40 / Thursday, February 28, 2008 / Notices
Needs and Uses: The Commission, in
order to help fulfill its statutory
obligation to make wire and radio
communications services available to all
people in the United States for the
purpose of the national defense and
promoting safety of life and property,
released an Order (FCC 07–107) that
adopted a rule requiring analysis of 911
and E911 networks and/or systems and
reports to the Commission on the
redundancy, resiliency and reliability of
those networks and/or systems (47 CFR
12.3). It is critical that Americans have
access to a resilient and reliable 911
system irrespective of the technology
used to provide the service. These
analyses and reports on the redundancy,
resiliency, and dependability of 911 and
E911 networks and systems will further
this goal. This requirement will serve
the public interest and further the
Commission’s statutory mandate to
promote the safety of life and property
through the use of wire and radio
communication. See 47 U.S.C. 151. This
rule obligates local exchange carriers
(LECs), commercial mobile radio service
(CMRS) providers that are required to
comply with the wireless 911 rules set
forth in Section 20.18 of the
Commission’s rules, and interconnected
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
service providers to analyze their 911
and E911 networks and/or systems and
file a detailed report to the Commission
on the redundancy, resiliency and
reliability of those networks and/or
systems. LECs that meet the definition
of a Class B company set forth in
Section 32.11(b)(2) of the Commission’s
rules, non-nationwide commercial
mobile radio service providers with no
more than 500,000 subscribers at the
end of 2001, and interconnected VoIP
service providers with annual revenues
below the revenue threshold established
pursuant to Section 32.11 of the
Commission’s rules are exempt from
this rule. The reports are due 120 days
from the date that the Commission or its
staff announces activation of the 911/
E911 network and system reporting
Description of Information Collection:
The Commission delegated authority to
the Public Safety and Homeland
Security Bureau (Bureau) to implement
and activate a process through which
these reports will be submitted. The
Bureau will collect these reports via a
web-based database that will have a
separate table for each entity type
subject to Section 12.3 of the
Commission’s rules (LECs, CMRS
providers required to comply with the
wireless 911 rules set forth in Section
20.18 of the Commission’s rules, and
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interconnected VoIP service providers).
This data collection system will
carefully restrict access to the data.
Users will be able to input and see data
for their company but will not be able
to see or input data for another
company. The system will also allow
users to input other information they
may wish to provide about the
redundancy, resiliency and
dependability of their 911 and E911
networks and systems.
The Commission also delegated
authority to the Bureau to establish the
specific data that will be required. The
following is the information that the
Bureau will require from LECs, CMRS
providers and interconnected VoIP
service providers pursuant to Section
LECs (including incumbent LECs and
competitive LECs). Each LEC will be
asked to provide the FCC Registration
Number(s) of the responding carrier and
the OCN (LERG assigned service
provider number) Number(s) of the
responding carrier. For each state in
which LECs provide service, they will
be asked to provide the following
information on a state-by-state basis.
LECs will be required to provide
information about switches to Selective
Routers, specifically, information about
those switches that they own or operate.
LECs must report the percent of
switches that they own or operate in the
network from which 911 calls originate.
With respect to those switches, LECs
must identify the percent of switches
with logically diverse paths to their
primary Selective Routers. Logical
diversity is achieved when redundant
circuits are assigned between the source
node and the destination node. For
switches for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for a
logically diverse path, LECs must
discuss the circumstances, including
why logically diverse paths are not
provisioned, and any plans to provide
logically diverse paths in the future.
With respect to those switches that a
LEC owns or operates in the network
from which 911 calls originate, LECs
must also report the percent of switches
with physically diverse connections to
their primary Selective Routers.
Physical diversity is achieved when
geographically separated redundant
facilities are assigned between the
source node and the destination node.
For those switches for which LECs have
not provided or made arrangements for
physically diverse connections, they
must discuss the circumstances
including why physically diverse paths
are not provisioned and any plans to
provide physically diverse connections
in the future. Finally, with respect to
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those switches that a LEC owns or
operates in the network from which 911
calls originate, LECs must report the
percent of switches with mostly
physically diverse connections to their
primary Selective Routers. Mostly
physically diverse connectivity means
that facilities are diverse for at least
95% of the length (but not for the entire
length). For example the facilities could
be physically diverse except for a bridge
crossing or passing through the same
Digital Cross Connect System. For those
switches for which LECs have not
provided or made arrangements for
mostly physically diverse connections,
they must discuss the circumstances
including why mostly physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the
LECs must also provide information if
they own or operate Selective Routers.
They must provide the percent of
Selective Routers with at least one
alternate Selective Router for at least
50% of the 911 traffic. If they have not
provided or made arrangements for
alternate selective routers for at least
50% of 911 traffic, they must discuss
the circumstances including why an
alternate selective router for at least
50% of 911 traffic is not provisioned
and any plans to provide an alternate
selective router in the future.
With respect to Selective Routers to
public safety answering points (PSAPs),
LECs must provide the following
information if they own or operate
Selective Routers but only for the PSAPs
supported by those Selective Routers.
LECs must state the number of PSAPs
supported by their Selective Routers
and the percent of PSAPs with an
alternate (back-up) Selective Router in
addition to the primary Selective
Router. For those PSAPs for which a
LEC has not provided or made
arrangements for an alternate (back-up)
Selective Router in addition to the
primary Selective Router, the LEC needs
to discuss the circumstances including
why an alternative (back-up) selective
router is not provisioned and any plans
to provide an alternate (back-up)
selective router in the future. LECs must
also identify the percent of PSAPs with
logically diverse paths to their primary
Selective Router. For those PSAPs for
which a LEC has not provided or made
arrangements for logically diverse paths
to the primary Selective Router, they
must discuss the circumstances
including why logically diverse paths
are not provisioned, and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the
future. LECs must also report the
percent of PSAPs with physically
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 40 / Thursday, February 28, 2008 / Notices
diverse connections to their primary
Selective Router. For those PSAPs for
which they have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse
connections to the primary Selective
Router, LECs must discuss the
circumstances including why physically
diverse paths are not provisioned and
any plans to provide physically diverse
paths in the future.
Further, LECs must report the percent
of PSAPs with logically diverse paths to
their primary Selective Router in which
the interoffice portion of the
connections to the primary Selective
Router is physically diverse. The
interoffice network consists of facilities
and transmission equipment that
interconnects switching offices in a
telecommunications inter-exchange
network. For those PSAPs with logically
diverse paths to the primary Selective
Router for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for
physical diversity in the interoffice
portion of the connections to the
primary Selective Routers, LECs must
discuss the circumstances including
why such physical diversity is not
provisioned and any plans to provide
such logical diversity in the future.
LECs will also need to provide the
percent of PSAPs where the connection
between the PSAP and the primary
Selective Router is physically diverse
from the connection between the PSAP
and the alternate Selective Router. For
those PSAPs for which the connection
between the PSAP and the primary
Selective Router is not physically
diverse from the connection between
the PSAP and the alternate Selective
Router, LECs must discuss the
circumstances including why such
physically diverse connections are not
provisioned and any plans to provide
such physically diverse connections in
the future. Finally, LECs must provide
the percent of PSAPs where the
interoffice portion of the connection
from the PSAP to the primary Selective
Router is physically diverse from the
interoffice portion of the connection
from the PSAP to the alternate Selective
Router. For those PSAPs where the
interoffice portion of the connection
from the PSAP to the Selective Router
is not physically diverse from the
interoffice portion of the connection
from the PSAP to the alternate Selective
Router, LECs must discuss the
circumstances including why such
physical diversity is not provisioned
and any plans to provide physical
diversity in the future.
Additionally, LECs that own or
operate Selective Routers must provide
information about alternate PSAPs, but
only for the PSAPs supported by those
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Selective Routers. These LECs will be
required to provide the percent of
PSAPs for which traffic is automatically
rerouted to another PSAP if the PSAP is
unavailable. For those PSAPs without
automatic re-routing, they need to
discuss the circumstances including
why automatic re-routing to another
PSAP is not provisioned and any plans
to provide such automatic re-routing in
the future.
LECs will also be required to provide
specific information if they own or
operate Automatic Location Information
(ALI) databases. LECs must provide the
number of ALI Database pairs
(redundant). An ALI database pair is a
configuration of two ALI databases that
will operate seamlessly even if one of
the two databases fails. LECs that own
or operate ALI databases will also be
required to state the percent of PSAPs
supported by ALI database pairs in
which the connections from the ALI
databases to the PSAP are physically
diverse. For those PSAPs supported by
ALI database pairs in which the
connections from the ALI databases to
the PSAP are not physically diverse,
LECs must discuss the circumstances
including why physically diverse
connections are not provisioned and
any plans to provide physically diverse
connections in the future. LECs that
own or operate ALI databases must also
provide the percent of PSAPs supported
by ALI database pairs in which the
interoffice portion of the connections
from the ALI databases to the PSAP are
physically diverse. For those PSAPs
supported by ALI database pairs in
which the interoffice portion of the
connections from the ALI databases to
the PSAP are not physically diverse,
they must discuss the circumstances
including why such physical diversity
is not provisioned and any plans to
provide such physical diversity in the
CMRS Providers. Each CMRS
provider will be asked to provide the
FRN Number or Numbers of the
responding provider and the OCN
Number or Numbers of the responding
provider. CMRS providers must provide
information for each area in which the
CMRS provider serves.
Regarding Mobile Switching Centers
(MSCs) to Selective Routers, CMRS
providers must provide information for
the MSCs that they own or operate. This
information includes the: (1) Percent of
MSCs in network that have Phase I E911
capability; (2) percent of MSCs in
network that have Phase II E911
capability; and (3) percent of MSCs with
logically diverse paths to primary
Selective Routers. For those MSCs for
which CMRS providers have not
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provided or made arrangements for
logically diverse paths, they are
required to discuss the circumstances
including why logically diverse paths
are not provisioned and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the
future. CMRS providers must also report
the percent of MSCs with physically
diverse connections to their primary
Selective Routers. For those MSCs for
which they have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse
connections, CMRS providers must
discuss the circumstances including
why physically diverse connections are
not provisioned and any plans to
provide physically diverse connections
in the future. Further, CMRS providers
will be required to provide the percent
of MSCs with mostly physically diverse
connections to their primary Selective
Routers. For those MSCs for which they
have not provided or made
arrangements for mostly physically
diverse connections, CMRS providers
must discuss the circumstances
including why mostly physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the
CMRS providers must also provide
information about MSCs to Mobile
Positioning Centers (MPCs) or Gateway
Mobile Location Centers (GMLCs). They
must report the percent of MSCs
connected to a pair of MPCs/GMLCs.
MSCs can be connected to a pair of
MPCs/GMLCs for redundancy. In
configurations like this, the MSC will
continue to provide positioning
information even if one of the MPCs/
GMLCs suffers an outage. CMRS
providers must also state the percent of
MSCs with logically diverse paths to
their primary MPCs/GMLCs. For MSCs
for which they have not provided or
made arrangements for logically diverse
paths to the primary MPCs/GMLCs,
CMRS providers must discuss the
circumstances, including why logically
diverse paths are not provisioned and
any plans to provide logically diverse
paths in the future. They must also
provide the percent of MSCs with
physically diverse connections to their
primary MPCs/GMLCs. For those MSCs
for which CMRS providers have not
provided or made arrangements for
physically diverse connections, they
must discuss the circumstances
including why physically diverse
connections are not provisioned and
any plans to provide physically diverse
connections in the future. Additionally,
CMRS providers will be required to
report the percent of MSCs with mostly
physically diverse connections to their
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 40 / Thursday, February 28, 2008 / Notices
primary MPCs/GMLCs. For those MSCs
for which they have not provided or
made arrangements for mostly
physically diverse connections, CMRS
providers must discuss the
circumstances including why mostly
physically diverse connections are not
provisioned and any plans to provide
mostly physically diverse connections
in the future.
Further, CMRS providers must report
the percent of MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary
MPC/GMLC is physically diverse from
the connection to the alternate MPC/
GMLC. For those MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary
MPC/GMLC is not physically diverse
from the connection to the alternate
MPC/GMLC, providers must discuss the
circumstances including why physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future. CMRS
providers will be required to provide
the percent of MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary
MPC/GMLC is mostly physically diverse
from the connection to the alternate
MPC/GMLC. For those MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary
MPC/GMLC is not mostly physically
diverse from the connection to the
alternate MPC/GMLC, they must discuss
the circumstances including why mostly
physically diverse connections are not
provisioned and any plans to provide
mostly physically diverse connections
in the future.
CMRS providers that own or operate
MPCs/GMLCs must report additional
information, including the percent of
MPCs/GMLCs for which there is an
alternate MPC/GMLC. This question is
concerned with the percentage of MPCs/
GMLCs that are backed up. An earlier
question asked about the percentage of
MSCs that are served by a pair of MPCs/
GMLCs. Both questions address the
redundancy of MPCs/GMLCs but this
one addresses MPC/GMLC pairing while
the previous one addressed redundant
access from MSCs to MPC/GMLC pairs.
For those MPCs/GMLCs that do not
have alternates, CMRS providers must
discuss the circumstances including
why alternate MPCs/GMLCs are not
provisioned and any plans to provide
alternate MPCs/GMLCs in the future.
CMRS providers must also state whether
they are able to pass location
information from more than one MPC/
GMLC. For those cases in which they
are not able to do so, they must discuss
the circumstances including why the
capability to pass location information
from more than one MPC/GMLC is not
provisioned and any plans to provide
this capability in the future.
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CMRS providers that own or operate
MPCs/GMLCs must also report whether
there are logically diverse paths from
each MPC/GMLC to either the primary
ALI database or the back-up ALI
database. For those cases where they
have not provided or made
arrangements for logically diverse paths,
CMRS providers must discuss the
circumstances including why logically
diverse paths are not provisioned and
any plans to provide logically diverse
paths in the future. Additionally, CMRS
providers that own or operate MPCs/
GMLCs must state whether there are
physically diverse connections from
each MPC/GMLC to either the primary
ALI database or the back-up ALI
database. For those cases where they
have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse
connections, they must discuss the
circumstances including why physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future.
Finally, CMRS providers that own or
operate MPCs/GMLCs will have to
report whether there are mostly
physically diverse connections from
each MPC/GMLC to either the primary
ALI database or the back-up ALI
database. For those cases in which they
have not provided or made
arrangements for mostly physically
diverse connections, CMRS providers
must discuss the circumstances
including why mostly physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the
Interconnected VoIP Service
Providers. Each responding
interconnected VoIP service provider
will be asked to report their FRN
Number or Numbers, if any, and OCN
Number or Numbers, if any.
Interconnected VoIP providers will have
to provide information about
interconnection to Selective Routers and
third-party providers. They must report
the percent of switches wherein 911
service is provided by the
interconnected VoIP provider; where
the VoIP provider has a direct
connection to Selective Routers.
Additionally, interconnected VoIP
service providers will be required to
report the percent of switches wherein
911 service is provided by a third party;
where another company is utilized to
route 911 calls.
Interconnected VoIP service providers
that have direct connections to Selective
Routers must report the percent of
switches with logically diverse paths to
their primary Selective Routers—for
cases when the VoIP provider has direct
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connections to Selective Routers. For
switches for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for
logically diverse paths, they must
discuss the circumstances, including
why logically diverse connections are
not provisioned and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the
future. Interconnected VoIP service
providers that have direct connections
to Selective Routers must also report the
percent of switches with physically
diverse connections to their primary
Selective Routers. For those switches for
which they have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse
connections, they must discuss the
circumstances including why physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future.
Finally, Interconnected VoIP service
providers that have direct connections
to Selective Routers will be required to
provide the percent of switches with
mostly physically diverse connections
to their primary Selective Routers. For
those switches for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for
mostly physically diverse connections,
they must discuss the circumstances
including why mostly physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the
Interconnected VoIP service providers
that use a third party to provide
connections to Selective Routers must
report the percent of switches with
logically diverse paths to their primary
access points—for cases when the VoIP
provider uses a third party. For switches
for which they have not provided or
made arrangements for logically diverse
paths to their primary access points,
they must discuss the circumstances
including why logically diverse paths
are not provisioned and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the
future. Interconnected VoIP service
providers that use a third party to
provide connections to Selective
Routers are also required to report the
percent of switches with physically
diverse connections to their primary
access points. For those switches for
which they have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse
connections to their primary access
points, they must describe the
circumstances including why physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future.
Finally, interconnected VoIP service
providers that use a third party to
provide connections to Selective
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Routers are required to report the
percent of switches with mostly
physically diverse connections to their
primary access points. For those
switches for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for
mostly physically diverse connections
to their primary access points, they
must discuss the circumstances
including why mostly physically
diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the
Responding LECs, CMRS providers
and interconnected VoIP service
providers must also provide information
regarding disaster planning for the
resiliency and reliability of 911
architecture. All respondents must state
whether they have a contingency plan
that addresses the maintenance and
restoration of 911/E911 service during
and following disasters. If the answer is
‘‘yes,’’ the respondent will be asked to
describe its contingency plan including
those elements that address the
maintenance and restoration of 911/
E911 service. If the answer is ‘‘no,’’ the
respondent will be asked to discuss the
circumstances including why it does not
have a contingency plan that addresses
911/E911 maintenance and restoration
and any plans to develop such a
contingency plan in the future.
Respondents that do have a
contingency plan that addresses the
maintenance and restoration of
911/E911 service must state whether
they regularly test their plan. If
respondents answer ‘‘yes’’ to this
question, they must describe the
program for testing their contingency
plan, including the extent to which they
periodically test to ensure that the
critical components (e.g., automatic reroutes, PSAP Make Busy Key) included
in contingency plans work as designed
and the extent they involve PSAPs in
tests of their contingency plan.
Respondents that answer ‘‘no’’ will be
asked to discuss the circumstances
including why they do not test their
contingency plan and any plans to test
their plan in the future.
All respondents must state whether
they have a routing plan so that, in the
case of a lost connection of dedicated
transport facilities between the
originating switch/MSC and the
Selective Router, 911 calls are routed
over alternate transport facilities.
Respondents that answer ‘‘yes’’ must
describe their routing plan. Respondents
that answer no must discuss the
circumstances and any plans to develop
such a plan in the future.
All responding LECs, CMRS providers
and interconnected VoIP service
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:23 Feb 27, 2008
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providers must state whether, in cases
where 911 service is disrupted, they
make test calls to assess the impact as
part of the restoration process. If the
answer is ‘‘no,’’ respondents must
discuss the circumstances including
why they do not make test calls as part
of the restoration process and any plans
to do so in the future. Respondents must
also state whether their company makes
additional test calls when service is
restored and, if not, they must discuss
why they do not make additional test
All respondents must describe any
current plans they have to migrate to
next generation 911 (NG911)
architecture once a standard for NG911
has been developed. Finally,
respondents are asked to provide any
additional relevant information
regarding steps they have taken to
ensure redundancy, resiliency and
reliability of their 911/E911 facilities.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8–3702 Filed 2–27–08; 8:45 am]
Public Information Collection
Requirement Submitted to OMB for
Review and Approval, Comments
February 22, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork burden,
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that
does not display a valid control number.
Comments are requested concerning (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) comments should be
submitted on or before March 31, 2008.
If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contacts listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Nicholas A. Fraser, Office of
Management and Budget, via Internet at or via
fax at (202) 395–5167 and to Cathy
Williams, Federal Communications
Commission, Room 1–C823, 445 12th
Street, SW., Washington, DC, or via
Internet at or To view a copy of this
information collection request (ICR)
submitted to OMB: (1) Go to the Web
PRAMain, (2) look for the section of the
Web page called ‘‘Currently Under
Review,’’ (3) click on the downwardpointing arrow in the ‘‘Select Agency’’
box below the ‘‘Currently Under
Review’’ heading, (4) select ‘‘Federal
Communications Commission’’ from the
list of agencies presented in the ‘‘Select
Agency’’ box, (5) click the ‘‘Submit’’
button to the right of the ‘‘Select
Agency’’ box, (6) when the list of FCC
ICRs currently under review appears,
look for the title of this ICR (or its OMB
control number, if there is one) and then
click on the ICR Reference Number to
view detailed information about this
additional information or copies of the
information collection(s), contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0311.
Title: 47 CFR 76.54, Significantly
Viewed Signals, Method to Be Followed
for Special Showings.
Form Number: Not applicable.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities.
Number of Respondents: 500.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement; Third party
disclosure requirement.
Estimated Time per Response: 1–60
Total Annual Burden: 20,610 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $200,000.
Nature of Response: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Confidentiality: No need for
confidentiality required.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 40 (Thursday, February 28, 2008)]
[Pages 10769-10773]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-3702]
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested
February 20, 2008.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC), as
part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden, invites the
general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on the following information collection, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any
penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid
control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) whether the
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including
the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) comments should be
submitted on or before April 28, 2008. If you anticipate that you will
be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contacts
listed below as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: You may submit all PRA comments by e-mail or U.S. mail. To
submit your comments by e-mail, send them to To submit
your comments by U.S. mail, send them to Jerry Cowden, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1-B135, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the
information collection(s) contact Jerry Cowden via e-mail at or at 202-418-0447.
OMB Control Number: None.
Title: Information Collection Regarding Redundancy, Resiliency and
Reliability of 911 and E911 Networks and/or Systems as set forth in the
Commission's Rules (47 CFR 12.3).
Form No.: Not applicable.
Type of Review: New collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents and Responses: 74 respondents; 74 responses.
Estimated Time per Response: 105.3 hours (120 hours for local
exchange carriers, 72 hours for commercial mobile radio service
providers, and 40 hours for interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol
service providers).
Frequency of Response: One-time reporting.
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory (47 CFR 12.3).
Total Annual Burden: 7,792 hours.
Total Annual Cost: None.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: This information collection does not
affect individuals or households, and therefore a privacy impact
assessment is not required.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: These reports will contain
sensitive data and, for reasons of national security and the prevention
of competitive injury to reporting entities, Section 12.3 of the
Commission's rules specifically states that all reports will be
afforded confidential treatment. Data in these reports will be
considered confidential information that is exempt from routine public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Exemption 4. See
47 CFR 0.457 and 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4); see also Homeland Security
Presidential Directive 7, Part 10. These reports will be shared
pursuant to a protective order with only the following three entities,
if the entities file a request for the information: The National
Emergency Number Association, The Association of Public Safety
Communications Officials, and The National Association of State 9-1-1
Administrators. All other access to these reports must be sought
pursuant to procedures set forth in 47 CFR 0.461. Notice of any
requests for inspection of these reports will be provided to the filers
of the reports pursuant to 47 CFR 0.461(d)(3).
[[Page 10770]]
Needs and Uses: The Commission, in order to help fulfill its
statutory obligation to make wire and radio communications services
available to all people in the United States for the purpose of the
national defense and promoting safety of life and property, released an
Order (FCC 07-107) that adopted a rule requiring analysis of 911 and
E911 networks and/or systems and reports to the Commission on the
redundancy, resiliency and reliability of those networks and/or systems
(47 CFR 12.3). It is critical that Americans have access to a resilient
and reliable 911 system irrespective of the technology used to provide
the service. These analyses and reports on the redundancy, resiliency,
and dependability of 911 and E911 networks and systems will further
this goal. This requirement will serve the public interest and further
the Commission's statutory mandate to promote the safety of life and
property through the use of wire and radio communication. See 47 U.S.C.
151. This rule obligates local exchange carriers (LECs), commercial
mobile radio service (CMRS) providers that are required to comply with
the wireless 911 rules set forth in Section 20.18 of the Commission's
rules, and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service
providers to analyze their 911 and E911 networks and/or systems and
file a detailed report to the Commission on the redundancy, resiliency
and reliability of those networks and/or systems. LECs that meet the
definition of a Class B company set forth in Section 32.11(b)(2) of the
Commission's rules, non-nationwide commercial mobile radio service
providers with no more than 500,000 subscribers at the end of 2001, and
interconnected VoIP service providers with annual revenues below the
revenue threshold established pursuant to Section 32.11 of the
Commission's rules are exempt from this rule. The reports are due 120
days from the date that the Commission or its staff announces
activation of the 911/E911 network and system reporting process.
Description of Information Collection: The Commission delegated
authority to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) to
implement and activate a process through which these reports will be
submitted. The Bureau will collect these reports via a web-based
database that will have a separate table for each entity type subject
to Section 12.3 of the Commission's rules (LECs, CMRS providers
required to comply with the wireless 911 rules set forth in Section
20.18 of the Commission's rules, and interconnected VoIP service
providers). This data collection system will carefully restrict access
to the data. Users will be able to input and see data for their company
but will not be able to see or input data for another company. The
system will also allow users to input other information they may wish
to provide about the redundancy, resiliency and dependability of their
911 and E911 networks and systems.
The Commission also delegated authority to the Bureau to establish
the specific data that will be required. The following is the
information that the Bureau will require from LECs, CMRS providers and
interconnected VoIP service providers pursuant to Section 12.3.
LECs (including incumbent LECs and competitive LECs). Each LEC will
be asked to provide the FCC Registration Number(s) of the responding
carrier and the OCN (LERG assigned service provider number) Number(s)
of the responding carrier. For each state in which LECs provide
service, they will be asked to provide the following information on a
state-by-state basis.
LECs will be required to provide information about switches to
Selective Routers, specifically, information about those switches that
they own or operate. LECs must report the percent of switches that they
own or operate in the network from which 911 calls originate. With
respect to those switches, LECs must identify the percent of switches
with logically diverse paths to their primary Selective Routers.
Logical diversity is achieved when redundant circuits are assigned
between the source node and the destination node. For switches for
which they have not provided or made arrangements for a logically
diverse path, LECs must discuss the circumstances, including why
logically diverse paths are not provisioned, and any plans to provide
logically diverse paths in the future. With respect to those switches
that a LEC owns or operates in the network from which 911 calls
originate, LECs must also report the percent of switches with
physically diverse connections to their primary Selective Routers.
Physical diversity is achieved when geographically separated redundant
facilities are assigned between the source node and the destination
node. For those switches for which LECs have not provided or made
arrangements for physically diverse connections, they must discuss the
circumstances including why physically diverse paths are not
provisioned and any plans to provide physically diverse connections in
the future. Finally, with respect to those switches that a LEC owns or
operates in the network from which 911 calls originate, LECs must
report the percent of switches with mostly physically diverse
connections to their primary Selective Routers. Mostly physically
diverse connectivity means that facilities are diverse for at least 95%
of the length (but not for the entire length). For example the
facilities could be physically diverse except for a bridge crossing or
passing through the same Digital Cross Connect System. For those
switches for which LECs have not provided or made arrangements for
mostly physically diverse connections, they must discuss the
circumstances including why mostly physically diverse connections are
not provisioned and any plans to provide mostly physically diverse
connections in the future.
LECs must also provide information if they own or operate Selective
Routers. They must provide the percent of Selective Routers with at
least one alternate Selective Router for at least 50% of the 911
traffic. If they have not provided or made arrangements for alternate
selective routers for at least 50% of 911 traffic, they must discuss
the circumstances including why an alternate selective router for at
least 50% of 911 traffic is not provisioned and any plans to provide an
alternate selective router in the future.
With respect to Selective Routers to public safety answering points
(PSAPs), LECs must provide the following information if they own or
operate Selective Routers but only for the PSAPs supported by those
Selective Routers. LECs must state the number of PSAPs supported by
their Selective Routers and the percent of PSAPs with an alternate
(back-up) Selective Router in addition to the primary Selective Router.
For those PSAPs for which a LEC has not provided or made arrangements
for an alternate (back-up) Selective Router in addition to the primary
Selective Router, the LEC needs to discuss the circumstances including
why an alternative (back-up) selective router is not provisioned and
any plans to provide an alternate (back-up) selective router in the
future. LECs must also identify the percent of PSAPs with logically
diverse paths to their primary Selective Router. For those PSAPs for
which a LEC has not provided or made arrangements for logically diverse
paths to the primary Selective Router, they must discuss the
circumstances including why logically diverse paths are not
provisioned, and any plans to provide logically diverse paths in the
future. LECs must also report the percent of PSAPs with physically
[[Page 10771]]
diverse connections to their primary Selective Router. For those PSAPs
for which they have not provided or made arrangements for physically
diverse connections to the primary Selective Router, LECs must discuss
the circumstances including why physically diverse paths are not
provisioned and any plans to provide physically diverse paths in the
Further, LECs must report the percent of PSAPs with logically
diverse paths to their primary Selective Router in which the
interoffice portion of the connections to the primary Selective Router
is physically diverse. The interoffice network consists of facilities
and transmission equipment that interconnects switching offices in a
telecommunications inter-exchange network. For those PSAPs with
logically diverse paths to the primary Selective Router for which they
have not provided or made arrangements for physical diversity in the
interoffice portion of the connections to the primary Selective
Routers, LECs must discuss the circumstances including why such
physical diversity is not provisioned and any plans to provide such
logical diversity in the future. LECs will also need to provide the
percent of PSAPs where the connection between the PSAP and the primary
Selective Router is physically diverse from the connection between the
PSAP and the alternate Selective Router. For those PSAPs for which the
connection between the PSAP and the primary Selective Router is not
physically diverse from the connection between the PSAP and the
alternate Selective Router, LECs must discuss the circumstances
including why such physically diverse connections are not provisioned
and any plans to provide such physically diverse connections in the
future. Finally, LECs must provide the percent of PSAPs where the
interoffice portion of the connection from the PSAP to the primary
Selective Router is physically diverse from the interoffice portion of
the connection from the PSAP to the alternate Selective Router. For
those PSAPs where the interoffice portion of the connection from the
PSAP to the Selective Router is not physically diverse from the
interoffice portion of the connection from the PSAP to the alternate
Selective Router, LECs must discuss the circumstances including why
such physical diversity is not provisioned and any plans to provide
physical diversity in the future.
Additionally, LECs that own or operate Selective Routers must
provide information about alternate PSAPs, but only for the PSAPs
supported by those Selective Routers. These LECs will be required to
provide the percent of PSAPs for which traffic is automatically
rerouted to another PSAP if the PSAP is unavailable. For those PSAPs
without automatic re-routing, they need to discuss the circumstances
including why automatic re-routing to another PSAP is not provisioned
and any plans to provide such automatic re-routing in the future.
LECs will also be required to provide specific information if they
own or operate Automatic Location Information (ALI) databases. LECs
must provide the number of ALI Database pairs (redundant). An ALI
database pair is a configuration of two ALI databases that will operate
seamlessly even if one of the two databases fails. LECs that own or
operate ALI databases will also be required to state the percent of
PSAPs supported by ALI database pairs in which the connections from the
ALI databases to the PSAP are physically diverse. For those PSAPs
supported by ALI database pairs in which the connections from the ALI
databases to the PSAP are not physically diverse, LECs must discuss the
circumstances including why physically diverse connections are not
provisioned and any plans to provide physically diverse connections in
the future. LECs that own or operate ALI databases must also provide
the percent of PSAPs supported by ALI database pairs in which the
interoffice portion of the connections from the ALI databases to the
PSAP are physically diverse. For those PSAPs supported by ALI database
pairs in which the interoffice portion of the connections from the ALI
databases to the PSAP are not physically diverse, they must discuss the
circumstances including why such physical diversity is not provisioned
and any plans to provide such physical diversity in the future.
CMRS Providers. Each CMRS provider will be asked to provide the FRN
Number or Numbers of the responding provider and the OCN Number or
Numbers of the responding provider. CMRS providers must provide
information for each area in which the CMRS provider serves.
Regarding Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs) to Selective Routers,
CMRS providers must provide information for the MSCs that they own or
operate. This information includes the: (1) Percent of MSCs in network
that have Phase I E911 capability; (2) percent of MSCs in network that
have Phase II E911 capability; and (3) percent of MSCs with logically
diverse paths to primary Selective Routers. For those MSCs for which
CMRS providers have not provided or made arrangements for logically
diverse paths, they are required to discuss the circumstances including
why logically diverse paths are not provisioned and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the future. CMRS providers must also
report the percent of MSCs with physically diverse connections to their
primary Selective Routers. For those MSCs for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for physically diverse connections, CMRS
providers must discuss the circumstances including why physically
diverse connections are not provisioned and any plans to provide
physically diverse connections in the future. Further, CMRS providers
will be required to provide the percent of MSCs with mostly physically
diverse connections to their primary Selective Routers. For those MSCs
for which they have not provided or made arrangements for mostly
physically diverse connections, CMRS providers must discuss the
circumstances including why mostly physically diverse connections are
not provisioned and any plans to provide mostly physically diverse
connections in the future.
CMRS providers must also provide information about MSCs to Mobile
Positioning Centers (MPCs) or Gateway Mobile Location Centers (GMLCs).
They must report the percent of MSCs connected to a pair of MPCs/GMLCs.
MSCs can be connected to a pair of MPCs/GMLCs for redundancy. In
configurations like this, the MSC will continue to provide positioning
information even if one of the MPCs/GMLCs suffers an outage. CMRS
providers must also state the percent of MSCs with logically diverse
paths to their primary MPCs/GMLCs. For MSCs for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for logically diverse paths to the
primary MPCs/GMLCs, CMRS providers must discuss the circumstances,
including why logically diverse paths are not provisioned and any plans
to provide logically diverse paths in the future. They must also
provide the percent of MSCs with physically diverse connections to
their primary MPCs/GMLCs. For those MSCs for which CMRS providers have
not provided or made arrangements for physically diverse connections,
they must discuss the circumstances including why physically diverse
connections are not provisioned and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future. Additionally, CMRS providers will be
required to report the percent of MSCs with mostly physically diverse
connections to their
[[Page 10772]]
primary MPCs/GMLCs. For those MSCs for which they have not provided or
made arrangements for mostly physically diverse connections, CMRS
providers must discuss the circumstances including why mostly
physically diverse connections are not provisioned and any plans to
provide mostly physically diverse connections in the future.
Further, CMRS providers must report the percent of MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary MPC/GMLC is physically diverse
from the connection to the alternate MPC/GMLC. For those MSCs where the
connection from the MSC to the primary MPC/GMLC is not physically
diverse from the connection to the alternate MPC/GMLC, providers must
discuss the circumstances including why physically diverse connections
are not provisioned and any plans to provide physically diverse
connections in the future. CMRS providers will be required to provide
the percent of MSCs where the connection from the MSC to the primary
MPC/GMLC is mostly physically diverse from the connection to the
alternate MPC/GMLC. For those MSCs where the connection from the MSC to
the primary MPC/GMLC is not mostly physically diverse from the
connection to the alternate MPC/GMLC, they must discuss the
circumstances including why mostly physically diverse connections are
not provisioned and any plans to provide mostly physically diverse
connections in the future.
CMRS providers that own or operate MPCs/GMLCs must report
additional information, including the percent of MPCs/GMLCs for which
there is an alternate MPC/GMLC. This question is concerned with the
percentage of MPCs/GMLCs that are backed up. An earlier question asked
about the percentage of MSCs that are served by a pair of MPCs/GMLCs.
Both questions address the redundancy of MPCs/GMLCs but this one
addresses MPC/GMLC pairing while the previous one addressed redundant
access from MSCs to MPC/GMLC pairs. For those MPCs/GMLCs that do not
have alternates, CMRS providers must discuss the circumstances
including why alternate MPCs/GMLCs are not provisioned and any plans to
provide alternate MPCs/GMLCs in the future. CMRS providers must also
state whether they are able to pass location information from more than
one MPC/GMLC. For those cases in which they are not able to do so, they
must discuss the circumstances including why the capability to pass
location information from more than one MPC/GMLC is not provisioned and
any plans to provide this capability in the future.
CMRS providers that own or operate MPCs/GMLCs must also report
whether there are logically diverse paths from each MPC/GMLC to either
the primary ALI database or the back-up ALI database. For those cases
where they have not provided or made arrangements for logically diverse
paths, CMRS providers must discuss the circumstances including why
logically diverse paths are not provisioned and any plans to provide
logically diverse paths in the future. Additionally, CMRS providers
that own or operate MPCs/GMLCs must state whether there are physically
diverse connections from each MPC/GMLC to either the primary ALI
database or the back-up ALI database. For those cases where they have
not provided or made arrangements for physically diverse connections,
they must discuss the circumstances including why physically diverse
connections are not provisioned and any plans to provide physically
diverse connections in the future. Finally, CMRS providers that own or
operate MPCs/GMLCs will have to report whether there are mostly
physically diverse connections from each MPC/GMLC to either the primary
ALI database or the back-up ALI database. For those cases in which they
have not provided or made arrangements for mostly physically diverse
connections, CMRS providers must discuss the circumstances including
why mostly physically diverse connections are not provisioned and any
plans to provide mostly physically diverse connections in the future.
Interconnected VoIP Service Providers. Each responding
interconnected VoIP service provider will be asked to report their FRN
Number or Numbers, if any, and OCN Number or Numbers, if any.
Interconnected VoIP providers will have to provide information about
interconnection to Selective Routers and third-party providers. They
must report the percent of switches wherein 911 service is provided by
the interconnected VoIP provider; where the VoIP provider has a direct
connection to Selective Routers. Additionally, interconnected VoIP
service providers will be required to report the percent of switches
wherein 911 service is provided by a third party; where another company
is utilized to route 911 calls.
Interconnected VoIP service providers that have direct connections
to Selective Routers must report the percent of switches with logically
diverse paths to their primary Selective Routers--for cases when the
VoIP provider has direct connections to Selective Routers. For switches
for which they have not provided or made arrangements for logically
diverse paths, they must discuss the circumstances, including why
logically diverse connections are not provisioned and any plans to
provide logically diverse paths in the future. Interconnected VoIP
service providers that have direct connections to Selective Routers
must also report the percent of switches with physically diverse
connections to their primary Selective Routers. For those switches for
which they have not provided or made arrangements for physically
diverse connections, they must discuss the circumstances including why
physically diverse connections are not provisioned and any plans to
provide physically diverse connections in the future. Finally,
Interconnected VoIP service providers that have direct connections to
Selective Routers will be required to provide the percent of switches
with mostly physically diverse connections to their primary Selective
Routers. For those switches for which they have not provided or made
arrangements for mostly physically diverse connections, they must
discuss the circumstances including why mostly physically diverse
connections are not provisioned and any plans to provide mostly
physically diverse connections in the future.
Interconnected VoIP service providers that use a third party to
provide connections to Selective Routers must report the percent of
switches with logically diverse paths to their primary access points--
for cases when the VoIP provider uses a third party. For switches for
which they have not provided or made arrangements for logically diverse
paths to their primary access points, they must discuss the
circumstances including why logically diverse paths are not provisioned
and any plans to provide logically diverse paths in the future.
Interconnected VoIP service providers that use a third party to provide
connections to Selective Routers are also required to report the
percent of switches with physically diverse connections to their
primary access points. For those switches for which they have not
provided or made arrangements for physically diverse connections to
their primary access points, they must describe the circumstances
including why physically diverse connections are not provisioned and
any plans to provide physically diverse connections in the future.
Finally, interconnected VoIP service providers that use a third party
to provide connections to Selective
[[Page 10773]]
Routers are required to report the percent of switches with mostly
physically diverse connections to their primary access points. For
those switches for which they have not provided or made arrangements
for mostly physically diverse connections to their primary access
points, they must discuss the circumstances including why mostly
physically diverse connections are not provisioned and any plans to
provide mostly physically diverse connections in the future.
Responding LECs, CMRS providers and interconnected VoIP service
providers must also provide information regarding disaster planning for
the resiliency and reliability of 911 architecture. All respondents
must state whether they have a contingency plan that addresses the
maintenance and restoration of 911/E911 service during and following
disasters. If the answer is ``yes,'' the respondent will be asked to
describe its contingency plan including those elements that address the
maintenance and restoration of 911/E911 service. If the answer is
``no,'' the respondent will be asked to discuss the circumstances
including why it does not have a contingency plan that addresses 911/
E911 maintenance and restoration and any plans to develop such a
contingency plan in the future.
Respondents that do have a contingency plan that addresses the
maintenance and restoration of 911/E911 service must state whether they
regularly test their plan. If respondents answer ``yes'' to this
question, they must describe the program for testing their contingency
plan, including the extent to which they periodically test to ensure
that the critical components (e.g., automatic re-routes, PSAP Make Busy
Key) included in contingency plans work as designed and the extent they
involve PSAPs in tests of their contingency plan. Respondents that
answer ``no'' will be asked to discuss the circumstances including why
they do not test their contingency plan and any plans to test their
plan in the future.
All respondents must state whether they have a routing plan so
that, in the case of a lost connection of dedicated transport
facilities between the originating switch/MSC and the Selective Router,
911 calls are routed over alternate transport facilities. Respondents
that answer ``yes'' must describe their routing plan. Respondents that
answer no must discuss the circumstances and any plans to develop such
a plan in the future.
All responding LECs, CMRS providers and interconnected VoIP service
providers must state whether, in cases where 911 service is disrupted,
they make test calls to assess the impact as part of the restoration
process. If the answer is ``no,'' respondents must discuss the
circumstances including why they do not make test calls as part of the
restoration process and any plans to do so in the future. Respondents
must also state whether their company makes additional test calls when
service is restored and, if not, they must discuss why they do not make
additional test calls.
All respondents must describe any current plans they have to
migrate to next generation 911 (NG911) architecture once a standard for
NG911 has been developed. Finally, respondents are asked to provide any
additional relevant information regarding steps they have taken to
ensure redundancy, resiliency and reliability of their 911/E911
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E8-3702 Filed 2-27-08; 8:45 am]