Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to the General Electric Company From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedure (Case No. RF-007), 10425-10427 [E8-3686]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 39 / Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / Notices
Abstract: The information is required
of institutions of higher education
designated as Historically Black
Colleges and Universities and Qualified
Graduate Programs. Title III, Part B of
the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended. This information will be used
for the evaluation process to determine
whether proposed activities are
consistent with the legislation and to
determine dollar share of congressional
This information collection is being
submitted under the Streamlined
Clearance Process for Discretionary
Grant Information Collections (1890–
0001). Therefore, the 30-day public
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public comment notice published for
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[FR Doc. E8–3663 Filed 2–26–08; 8:45 am]
Dated: February 21, 2008.
Angela C. Arrington,
IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of Management.
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Institute of Education Sciences
Department of Education
The IC Clearance Official,
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Services, Office of Management invites
comments on the submission for OMB
review as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
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28, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
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Attention: Education Desk Officer,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:49 Feb 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
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3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
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burden. OMB invites public comment.
Type of Review: New.
Title: Eighth Grade Access to Algebra
I: A Study of Virtual Algebra.
Frequency: On Occasion.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 1,494.
Burden Hours: 493.
Abstract: This study of the effects of
8th grade algebra on student math
achievement and advanced coursetaking patterns is to be carried out by
the Northeast and Islands Regional
PO 00000
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Education Laboratory. This randomized
controlled field trial involves 60 schools
in Maine, 60 teachers, and 1,800
students. Targeted outcomes are
students’ mathematics achievement, as
measured by scores on the 8th grade
Maine Educational Assessment in
mathematics, scores on the MWEA–
MAP test, 9th grade transcript data, 10th
grade course enrollments, and 10th
grade PSAT scores.
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[FR Doc. E8–3747 Filed 2–26–08; 8:45 am]
Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products: Decision and
Order Granting a Waiver to the General
Electric Company From the
Department of Energy Residential
Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer
Test Procedure (Case No. RF–007)
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Decision and Order.
SUMMARY: DOE gives notice of the
Decision and Order (Case No. RF–007)
that grants to the General Electric
Company (GE) a Waiver from the DOE
electric refrigerator and refrigeratorfreezer test procedure, for its product
line containing relative humidity
sensors and adaptive control anti-sweat
heaters. Under today’s Decision and
Order, GE shall be required to test and
rate its refrigerator-freezers with
adaptive control anti-sweat heaters
according to an alternate test procedure
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 39 / Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / Notices
that takes this technology into account
when measuring energy consumption.
DATES: This Decision and Order is
effective February 19, 2008, and will
remain in effect until the effective date
of a DOE final rule prescribing an
amended test procedure appropriate for
the model series of GE refrigeratorfreezers covered by this waiver.
Michael G. Raymond, U.S. Department
of Energy, Building Technologies
Program, Mailstop EE–2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 586–9611, E-mail:; Francine
Pinto, or Eric Stas, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of General Counsel, Mail
Stop GC–72, 1000 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585–
0103, (202) 586–9507; e-mail: or
accordance with 10 CFR 430.27(l), DOE
gives notice of the issuance of its
Decision and Order as set forth below.
In the Decision and Order, DOE grants
to GE a Waiver from the applicable
residential refrigerator and refrigeratorfreezer test procedures, at 10 CFR part
430 subpart B, appendix A1, for its
product line of refrigerator-freezers with
relative humidity sensors and adaptive
control anti-sweat heaters, provided that
GE tests and rates such products to the
alternate test procedure described in
this notice. Today’s decision requires
that GE may not make any
representations concerning the energy
efficiency of these products unless such
product has been tested in accordance
with the DOE test procedure, consistent
with the provisions and restrictions in
the alternate test procedure set forth in
the Decision and Order below, and such
representation fairly discloses the
results of such testing.1 (42 U.S.C.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19,
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Decision and Order
In the Matter of: General Electric
Company. (Case No. RF–007).
Title III of the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (EPCA) sets forth a
1 Consistent with the statute, distributors,
retailers, and private labelers are held to the same
standard when making representations regarding
the energy efficiency of these products. (42 U.S.C.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:49 Feb 26, 2008
Jkt 214001
variety of provisions concerning energy
efficiency. Part A 2 of Title III provides
for the ‘‘Energy Conservation Program
for Consumer Products Other Than
Automobiles.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6291–6309)
Part A includes definitions, test
procedures, labeling provisions, energy
conservation standards, and the
authority to require information and
reports from manufacturers. Further,
Part A authorizes the Secretary of
Energy to prescribe test procedures that
are reasonably designed to produce
results which measure energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated
operating costs, and that are not unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
Today’s notice involves residential
products under Part A. Relevant to the
current Petition for Waiver, the test
procedure for residential electric
refrigerator-freezers is contained in 10
CFR part 430, subpart B, Appendix A1.
DOE’s regulations contain provisions
allowing a person to seek a waiver from
the test procedure requirements for
covered consumer products, when the
petitioner’s basic model contains one or
more design characteristics that prevent
testing according to the prescribed test
procedures, or when the prescribed test
procedures may evaluate the basic
model in a manner so unrepresentative
of its true energy consumption
characteristics as to provide materially
inaccurate comparative data. 10 CFR
430.27(a)(1). Petitioners must include in
their petition any alternate test
procedures known to evaluate the basic
model in a manner representative of its
energy consumption characteristics. 10
CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iii).
The Assistant Secretary for Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (the
Assistant Secretary) may grant a waiver
subject to conditions, including
adherence to alternate test procedures.
10 CFR 430.27(l). In general, a waiver
will remain in effect until final test
procedure amendments that resolve the
problem that is the subject of the waiver
become effective. 10 CFR 430.27(m).
The waiver process also allows any
interested person who has submitted a
Petition for Waiver to file an
Application for Interim Waiver of the
applicable test procedure requirements.
10 CFR 430.27(a)(2). The Assistant
Secretary will grant an Interim Waiver
request if it is determined that the
applicant will experience economic
hardship if the Interim Waiver is
denied, if it appears likely that the
Petition for Waiver will be granted, and/
or the Assistant Secretary determines
2 Part B of Title III of EPCA was repealed by Pub.
L. 109–58 and redesignated Part A.
PO 00000
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that it would be desirable for public
policy reasons to grant immediate relief
pending a determination on the Petition
for Waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(g).
On November 18, 2006, GE filed a
Petition for Waiver from the test
procedures which are applicable to its
product line of refrigerator-freezers with
relative humidity sensors and adaptive
control anti-sweat heaters. The
applicable test procedures are contained
in 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix
A1—Uniform Test Method for
Measuring the Energy Consumption of
Electric Refrigerators and Electric
Refrigerator-Freezers. GE is designing
new refrigerator-freezers that contain
variable anti-sweat heater controls and
relative humidity sensors that detect
and respond to a broad range of
temperature and humidity conditions,
and then activate adaptive heaters as
needed to evaporate excess moisture.
GE’s alternate test procedure simulates
the energy used by the adaptive heaters
in a typical consumer household.
Because the existing test procedure
under 10 CFR part 430 takes neither
ambient humidity nor adaptive
technology into account, it does not
accurately measure the energy
consumption of GE’s new refrigeratorfreezers that feature humidity sensors
and adaptive control anti-sweat heaters.
Consequently, GE has submitted an
alternate test to DOE for approval to
ensure that it is correctly calculating the
energy consumption of this new product
On April 17, 2007, DOE published
GE’s Petition for Waiver. 72 FR 19189.
DOE received one comment on the GE
petition, from the Association of Home
Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM),
which is discussed below.
Assertions and Determinations
GE’s Petition for Waiver
On November 18, 2006, GE submitted
a Petition for Waiver from the test
procedures applicable to residential
electric refrigerator-freezers.3 GE’s
petition asserts that the energy use for
its refrigerator-freezers with relative
humidity sensors, variable anti-sweat
heater controls and adaptive heaters
cannot be accurately tested using the
current test procedure because these
products will yield a different test result
for energy consumption depending on
the ambient relative humidity in the test
chamber. The current DOE test
procedure does not specify a value for
the relative humidity in the test
3 GE’s petition uses the terms ‘‘refrigerator’’ and
‘‘refrigerator-freezer’’ interchangeably. The specific
models that are the subject of this waiver are
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 39 / Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / Notices
chamber. GE included an alternate test
procedure with its petition, in which it
proposed to ‘‘run the energyconsumption test with the anti-sweat
heater switch in the ‘off’ position and
then, because the test chamber is not
humidity-controlled, to add to that
result the kilowatt hours per day
derived by calculating the energy used
when the anti-sweat heater is in the ‘on’
position.’’ (GE Petition, page 4.)
According to GE, the objective of this
approach is to simulate the average
energy used by the adaptive anti-sweat
heaters 4 as activated in typical
consumer households across the United
States. (Id.) To determine the conditions
in a typical consumer household, DOE
understands that GE compiled historical
data for the monthly average outdoor
temperature and humidity for the top 50
metropolitan areas of the U.S. over
approximately the last 30 years. Then,
GE used the average exterior monthly
temperature and humidity values to
determine in-home conditions. In
addition, GE included in the test
procedure a ‘‘system-loss factor’’ to
calculate system losses attributed to
operating anti-sweat heaters, controls,
and related components. This factor
includes the additional energy required
to operate the anti-sweat heater controls
and related components, and the
additional energy required to increase
compressor run time to remove heat
introduced into the refrigerator-freezer
compartments by the anti-sweat heater.
This ‘‘System-loss Factor,’’ based on
GE’s historical experience, is 1.3.
AHAM (a trade organization
representing the manufacturers of
refrigerator-freezers) supported DOE
granting GE’s petition and also
supported GE’s alternate test procedure.
AHAM commented that there might be
a need for a different heat load
multiplier for other types of internal
heaters that might be the subject of
future petitions. (AHAM, No. 1 at page
Consultations With Other Agencies
DOE consulted with the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) staff concerning the
GE Petition for waiver. The FTC staff
did not have any objections to granting
a waiver to GE.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
After careful consideration of all the
material that was submitted by GE, the
comment received, the review by the
4 Anti-sweat heaters remove moisture that
condenses on the cabinet of refrigerator-freezers.
They consume a significant amount of energy in
doing this, and GE’s technology is designed to use
less anti-sweat energy, by activating the heaters
only when needed.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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National Institute of Standards and
Technology, and consultation with the
FTC staff, it is ordered that:
(1) The ‘‘Petition for Waiver’’
submitted by the General Electric
Company (Case No. RF–007) is hereby
granted as set forth in the paragraphs
(2) GE shall not be required to test or
rate the following GE models, which
have GE’s new humidity sensor and
adaptive anti-sweat heater technology,
on the basis of the current test
procedures contained in 10 CFR part
430, subpart B, appendix A1, but shall
be required to test and rate such
products according to the alternate test
procedure as set forth in paragraph (3)
(3) GE shall be required to test the
products listed in paragraph (2) above
according to the test procedures for
electric refrigerator-freezers prescribed
by DOE at 10 CFR part 430, appendix
A1, except that, for the GE products
listed in paragraph (2) only:
(A) The following definition is added at the
end of Section 1:
1.13 ‘‘Variable anti-sweat heater control’’
means an anti-sweat heater where power
supplied to the device is determined by an
operating condition variable(s) and/or
ambient condition variable(s).
(B) Section 2.2 is revised to read as follows:
2.2 Operational conditions. The electric
refrigerator or electric refrigerator-freezer
shall be installed and its operating conditions
maintained in accordance with HRF–1–1979,
section 7.2 through section except
that the vertical ambient temperature
gradient at locations 10 inches (25.4 cm) out
from the centers of the two sides of the unit
being tested is to be maintained during the
test. Unless shields or baffles obstruct the
area, the gradient is to be maintained from 2
inches (5.1 cm) above the floor or supporting
platform to a height one foot (30.5 cm) above
the unit under test. Defrost controls are to be
operative. The anti-sweat heater switch is to
be ‘‘off’’ during one test and ‘‘on’’ during the
second test. In the case of an electric
refrigerator-freezer equipped with variable
anti-sweat heater control, the ‘‘on’’ test will
be the result of the calculation described in
6.2.3. Other exceptions are noted in 2.3, 2.4,
and 5.1 below.
(C) New section 6.2.3 is inserted after
6.2.3 Variable anti-sweat heater control
test. The energy consumption of an electric
refrigerator-freezer with a variable anti-sweat
heater control in the ‘‘on’’ position (Eon),
expressed in kilowatt-hours per day, shall be
calculated equivalent to:
EON = E + (Correction Factor)
where E is determined by,,, or, whichever is
appropriate, with the anti-sweat heater
switch in the ‘‘off’’ position.
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Correction Factor = (Anti-sweat Heater Power
× System-loss Factor) × (24 hrs/1 day) ×
(1 kW/1000 W)
Anti-sweat Heater Power
= A1 * (Heater Watts at 5%RH)
+ A2 * (Heater Watts at 15%RH)
+ A3 * (Heater Watts at 25%RH)
+ A4 * (Heater Watts at 35%RH)
+ A5 * (Heater Watts at 45%RH)
+ A6 * (Heater Watts at 55%RH)
+ A7 * (Heater Watts at 65%RH)
+ A8 * (Heater Watts at 75%RH)
+ A9 * (Heater Watts at 85%RH)
+ A10 * (Heater Watts at 95%RH)
where A1–A10 are from the following table:
A1 = 0.034
A2 = 0.211
A3 = 0.204
A4 = 0.166
A5 = 0.126
A6 = 0.119
A7 = 0.069
A8 = 0.047
A9 = 0.008
A10 = 0.015
Heater Watts at a specific relative humidity
= the nominal watts used by all heaters
at that specific relative humidity, 72 °F
ambient, and DOE reference
temperatures of fresh food (FF) average
temperature of 45 °F and freezer (FZ)
average temperature of 5 °F.
System-loss Factor = 1.3
(4) Representations. GE may make
representations about the energy use of
its adaptive control anti-sweat heater
refrigerator-freezer products, for
compliance, marketing, or other
purposes, only to the extent that such
products have been tested in accordance
with the provisions outlined above, and
such representations fairly disclose the
results of such testing.
(5) This waiver shall remain in effect
from the date this Decision and Order is
issued until DOE prescribes final test
procedures appropriate to the above
model series manufactured by GE.
(6) This waiver is conditioned upon
the presumed validity of statements,
representations, and documentary
materials provided by the petitioner.
This waiver may be revoked or modified
at any time upon a determination that
the factual basis underlying the Petition
for Waiver is incorrect, or DOE
determines that the results from the
alternate test procedure are
unrepresentative of the basic models’
true energy consumption characteristics.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19,
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. E8–3686 Filed 2–26–08; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 39 (Wednesday, February 27, 2008)]
[Pages 10425-10427]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-3686]
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and
Order Granting a Waiver to the General Electric Company From the
Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer
Test Procedure (Case No. RF-007)
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Decision and Order.
SUMMARY: DOE gives notice of the Decision and Order (Case No. RF-007)
that grants to the General Electric Company (GE) a Waiver from the DOE
electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedure, for its
product line containing relative humidity sensors and adaptive control
anti-sweat heaters. Under today's Decision and Order, GE shall be
required to test and rate its refrigerator-freezers with adaptive
control anti-sweat heaters according to an alternate test procedure
[[Page 10426]]
that takes this technology into account when measuring energy
DATES: This Decision and Order is effective February 19, 2008, and will
remain in effect until the effective date of a DOE final rule
prescribing an amended test procedure appropriate for the model series
of GE refrigerator-freezers covered by this waiver.
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program, Mailstop EE-2J,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone:
(202) 586-9611, E-mail:; Francine Pinto, or
Eric Stas, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General Counsel, Mail
Stop GC-72, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0103,
(202) 586-9507; e-mail: or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 10 CFR 430.27(l), DOE
gives notice of the issuance of its Decision and Order as set forth
below. In the Decision and Order, DOE grants to GE a Waiver from the
applicable residential refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test
procedures, at 10 CFR part 430 subpart B, appendix A1, for its product
line of refrigerator-freezers with relative humidity sensors and
adaptive control anti-sweat heaters, provided that GE tests and rates
such products to the alternate test procedure described in this notice.
Today's decision requires that GE may not make any representations
concerning the energy efficiency of these products unless such product
has been tested in accordance with the DOE test procedure, consistent
with the provisions and restrictions in the alternate test procedure
set forth in the Decision and Order below, and such representation
fairly discloses the results of such testing.\1\ (42 U.S.C. 6293(c))
\1\ Consistent with the statute, distributors, retailers, and
private labelers are held to the same standard when making
representations regarding the energy efficiency of these products.
(42 U.S.C. 6293(c))
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19, 2008.
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Decision and Order
In the Matter of: General Electric Company. (Case No. RF-007).
Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) sets
forth a variety of provisions concerning energy efficiency. Part A \2\
of Title III provides for the ``Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles.'' (42 U.S.C. 6291-6309) Part
A includes definitions, test procedures, labeling provisions, energy
conservation standards, and the authority to require information and
reports from manufacturers. Further, Part A authorizes the Secretary of
Energy to prescribe test procedures that are reasonably designed to
produce results which measure energy efficiency, energy use, or
estimated operating costs, and that are not unduly burdensome to
conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6293(b)(3))
\2\ Part B of Title III of EPCA was repealed by Pub. L. 109-58
and redesignated Part A.
Today's notice involves residential products under Part A. Relevant
to the current Petition for Waiver, the test procedure for residential
electric refrigerator-freezers is contained in 10 CFR part 430, subpart
B, Appendix A1.
DOE's regulations contain provisions allowing a person to seek a
waiver from the test procedure requirements for covered consumer
products, when the petitioner's basic model contains one or more design
characteristics that prevent testing according to the prescribed test
procedures, or when the prescribed test procedures may evaluate the
basic model in a manner so unrepresentative of its true energy
consumption characteristics as to provide materially inaccurate
comparative data. 10 CFR 430.27(a)(1). Petitioners must include in
their petition any alternate test procedures known to evaluate the
basic model in a manner representative of its energy consumption
characteristics. 10 CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iii).
The Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(the Assistant Secretary) may grant a waiver subject to conditions,
including adherence to alternate test procedures. 10 CFR 430.27(l). In
general, a waiver will remain in effect until final test procedure
amendments that resolve the problem that is the subject of the waiver
become effective. 10 CFR 430.27(m).
The waiver process also allows any interested person who has
submitted a Petition for Waiver to file an Application for Interim
Waiver of the applicable test procedure requirements. 10 CFR
430.27(a)(2). The Assistant Secretary will grant an Interim Waiver
request if it is determined that the applicant will experience economic
hardship if the Interim Waiver is denied, if it appears likely that the
Petition for Waiver will be granted, and/or the Assistant Secretary
determines that it would be desirable for public policy reasons to
grant immediate relief pending a determination on the Petition for
Waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(g).
On November 18, 2006, GE filed a Petition for Waiver from the test
procedures which are applicable to its product line of refrigerator-
freezers with relative humidity sensors and adaptive control anti-sweat
heaters. The applicable test procedures are contained in 10 CFR part
430, subpart B, appendix A1--Uniform Test Method for Measuring the
Energy Consumption of Electric Refrigerators and Electric Refrigerator-
Freezers. GE is designing new refrigerator-freezers that contain
variable anti-sweat heater controls and relative humidity sensors that
detect and respond to a broad range of temperature and humidity
conditions, and then activate adaptive heaters as needed to evaporate
excess moisture. GE's alternate test procedure simulates the energy
used by the adaptive heaters in a typical consumer household. Because
the existing test procedure under 10 CFR part 430 takes neither ambient
humidity nor adaptive technology into account, it does not accurately
measure the energy consumption of GE's new refrigerator-freezers that
feature humidity sensors and adaptive control anti-sweat heaters.
Consequently, GE has submitted an alternate test to DOE for approval to
ensure that it is correctly calculating the energy consumption of this
new product line.
On April 17, 2007, DOE published GE's Petition for Waiver. 72 FR
19189. DOE received one comment on the GE petition, from the
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), which is discussed
Assertions and Determinations
GE's Petition for Waiver
On November 18, 2006, GE submitted a Petition for Waiver from the
test procedures applicable to residential electric refrigerator-
freezers.\3\ GE's petition asserts that the energy use for its
refrigerator-freezers with relative humidity sensors, variable anti-
sweat heater controls and adaptive heaters cannot be accurately tested
using the current test procedure because these products will yield a
different test result for energy consumption depending on the ambient
relative humidity in the test chamber. The current DOE test procedure
does not specify a value for the relative humidity in the test
[[Page 10427]]
chamber. GE included an alternate test procedure with its petition, in
which it proposed to ``run the energy-consumption test with the anti-
sweat heater switch in the `off' position and then, because the test
chamber is not humidity-controlled, to add to that result the kilowatt
hours per day derived by calculating the energy used when the anti-
sweat heater is in the `on' position.'' (GE Petition, page 4.)
According to GE, the objective of this approach is to simulate the
average energy used by the adaptive anti-sweat heaters \4\ as activated
in typical consumer households across the United States. (Id.) To
determine the conditions in a typical consumer household, DOE
understands that GE compiled historical data for the monthly average
outdoor temperature and humidity for the top 50 metropolitan areas of
the U.S. over approximately the last 30 years. Then, GE used the
average exterior monthly temperature and humidity values to determine
in-home conditions. In addition, GE included in the test procedure a
``system-loss factor'' to calculate system losses attributed to
operating anti-sweat heaters, controls, and related components. This
factor includes the additional energy required to operate the anti-
sweat heater controls and related components, and the additional energy
required to increase compressor run time to remove heat introduced into
the refrigerator-freezer compartments by the anti-sweat heater. This
``System-loss Factor,'' based on GE's historical experience, is 1.3.
\3\ GE's petition uses the terms ``refrigerator'' and
``refrigerator-freezer'' interchangeably. The specific models that
are the subject of this waiver are refrigerator-freezers.
\4\ Anti-sweat heaters remove moisture that condenses on the
cabinet of refrigerator-freezers. They consume a significant amount
of energy in doing this, and GE's technology is designed to use less
anti-sweat energy, by activating the heaters only when needed.
AHAM (a trade organization representing the manufacturers of
refrigerator-freezers) supported DOE granting GE's petition and also
supported GE's alternate test procedure. AHAM commented that there
might be a need for a different heat load multiplier for other types of
internal heaters that might be the subject of future petitions. (AHAM,
No. 1 at page 1)
Consultations With Other Agencies
DOE consulted with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) staff
concerning the GE Petition for waiver. The FTC staff did not have any
objections to granting a waiver to GE.
After careful consideration of all the material that was submitted
by GE, the comment received, the review by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, and consultation with the FTC staff, it is
ordered that:
(1) The ``Petition for Waiver'' submitted by the General Electric
Company (Case No. RF-007) is hereby granted as set forth in the
paragraphs below.
(2) GE shall not be required to test or rate the following GE
models, which have GE's new humidity sensor and adaptive anti-sweat
heater technology, on the basis of the current test procedures
contained in 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix A1, but shall be
required to test and rate such products according to the alternate test
procedure as set forth in paragraph (3) below: PGCS1NJW, PGCS1NFW,
(3) GE shall be required to test the products listed in paragraph
(2) above according to the test procedures for electric refrigerator-
freezers prescribed by DOE at 10 CFR part 430, appendix A1, except
that, for the GE products listed in paragraph (2) only:
(A) The following definition is added at the end of Section 1:
1.13 ``Variable anti-sweat heater control'' means an anti-sweat
heater where power supplied to the device is determined by an
operating condition variable(s) and/or ambient condition
(B) Section 2.2 is revised to read as follows:
2.2 Operational conditions. The electric refrigerator or
electric refrigerator-freezer shall be installed and its operating
conditions maintained in accordance with HRF-1-1979, section 7.2
through section except that the vertical ambient
temperature gradient at locations 10 inches (25.4 cm) out from the
centers of the two sides of the unit being tested is to be
maintained during the test. Unless shields or baffles obstruct the
area, the gradient is to be maintained from 2 inches (5.1 cm) above
the floor or supporting platform to a height one foot (30.5 cm)
above the unit under test. Defrost controls are to be operative. The
anti-sweat heater switch is to be ``off'' during one test and ``on''
during the second test. In the case of an electric refrigerator-
freezer equipped with variable anti-sweat heater control, the ``on''
test will be the result of the calculation described in 6.2.3. Other
exceptions are noted in 2.3, 2.4, and 5.1 below.
(C) New section 6.2.3 is inserted after section
6.2.3 Variable anti-sweat heater control test. The energy
consumption of an electric refrigerator-freezer with a variable
anti-sweat heater control in the ``on'' position (Eon),
expressed in kilowatt-hours per day, shall be calculated equivalent
EON = E + (Correction Factor)
where E is determined by,,, or,
whichever is appropriate, with the anti-sweat heater switch in the
``off'' position.
Correction Factor = (Anti-sweat Heater Power x System-loss Factor) x
(24 hrs/1 day) x (1 kW/1000 W)
Anti-sweat Heater Power
= A1 * (Heater Watts at 5%RH)
+ A2 * (Heater Watts at 15%RH)
+ A3 * (Heater Watts at 25%RH)
+ A4 * (Heater Watts at 35%RH)
+ A5 * (Heater Watts at 45%RH)
+ A6 * (Heater Watts at 55%RH)
+ A7 * (Heater Watts at 65%RH)
+ A8 * (Heater Watts at 75%RH)
+ A9 * (Heater Watts at 85%RH)
+ A10 * (Heater Watts at 95%RH)
where A1-A10 are from the following table:
A1 = 0.034
A2 = 0.211
A3 = 0.204
A4 = 0.166
A5 = 0.126
A6 = 0.119
A7 = 0.069
A8 = 0.047
A9 = 0.008
A10 = 0.015
Heater Watts at a specific relative humidity = the nominal watts
used by all heaters at that specific relative humidity, 72 [deg]F
ambient, and DOE reference temperatures of fresh food (FF) average
temperature of 45 [deg]F and freezer (FZ) average temperature of 5
System-loss Factor = 1.3
(4) Representations. GE may make representations about the energy
use of its adaptive control anti-sweat heater refrigerator-freezer
products, for compliance, marketing, or other purposes, only to the
extent that such products have been tested in accordance with the
provisions outlined above, and such representations fairly disclose the
results of such testing.
(5) This waiver shall remain in effect from the date this Decision
and Order is issued until DOE prescribes final test procedures
appropriate to the above model series manufactured by GE.
(6) This waiver is conditioned upon the presumed validity of
statements, representations, and documentary materials provided by the
petitioner. This waiver may be revoked or modified at any time upon a
determination that the factual basis underlying the Petition for Waiver
is incorrect, or DOE determines that the results from the alternate
test procedure are unrepresentative of the basic models' true energy
consumption characteristics.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19, 2008.
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. E8-3686 Filed 2-26-08; 8:45 am]