Amendment of the Commission's Rules, Concerning Commission Organization, Practice and Procedure, Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and Regulations, and Stations in the Maritime Services, 9017-9031 [E8-2940]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations 1, above. A triple seat assembly may have a total of 4.5 square feet excluded on any portion of the assembly (e.g., outboard seat place 1 square foot, middle 1 square foot, and inboard 2.5 square feet). 3. Seats do not have to meet the test requirements of Title 14 CFR part 25, Appendix F, parts IV and V, when installed in compartments that are not otherwise required to meet these requirements. Examples include: a. Airplanes with passenger capacities of 19 or less, and b. Airplanes exempted from § 25.853, Amendment 25–61 or later. 4. Only airplanes associated with new seat certification programs approved after the effective date of these special conditions will be affected by the requirements in these special conditions. Previously certificated interiors on the existing airplane fleet and follow-on deliveries of airplanes with previously certificated interiors are not affected. Issued in Renton, Washington, on February 7, 2008. Kevin Hull, Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. 08–701 Filed 2–15–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80 [DA–08–122] DATES: Effective February 19, 2008. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Warren Firschein, Office of the Managing Director, (202) 418–0844. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission’s Order, DA–08–122, adopted January 24, 2008 and released January 25, 2008. The full text of the Report and Order is available for public inspection on the Commission’s Internet site at https:// It is also available for inspection and copying during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room CY–A257), 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554. The full text of this document also may be purchased from the Commission’s duplication contractor, Best Copy and Printing Inc., Portals II, 445 12th St., SW., Room CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554; telephone (202) 488–5300; fax (202) 488–5563; e-mail FCC@BCPIWEB.COM. Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis The rules contained herein have been analyzed with respect to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 and found to contain no new or modified form, information collection and/or recordkeeping, labeling, disclosure, or record retention requirements, and will not increase or decrease burden hours imposed on the public. Finally, because these amendments to our rules are adopted without notice and comment, no regulatory flexibility analysis is required. Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule. Congressional Review Act Because the adopted rules are rules of agency organization, procedure, or practice that do not ‘‘substantially affect the rights or obligations of non-agency parties,’’ the Commission will not send a copy of the Report and Order in a report to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A). SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Office of Managing Director adopts final rules that change the addresses that regulatees, applicants and licensees use to submit, or file, certain applications and payments to the Commission. These non-substantive, non-controversial rule amendments are necessary to reflect a recent change by the Commission in the bank providing the Commission’s lockbox service, ensuring continued processing of future applications and fees. This Order also makes several nonsubstantive changes to the Commission’s fee provisions. Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Amendment of Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80 of the Commission’s Rules, Concerning Commission Organization, Practice and Procedure, Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and Regulations, and Stations in the Maritime Services. This Order amends the Commission’s rules to change the name and address that regulatees, applicants and licensees use to submit, or file, certain applications and payments to the Commission. These non-substantive, non-controversial rule amendments are Amendment of the Commission’s Rules, Concerning Commission Organization, Practice and Procedure, Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and Regulations, and Stations in the Maritime Services rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES AGENCY: VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:01 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 9017 necessary to reflect a recent change by the Commission in the bank providing the Commission’s lockbox service, ensuring continued processing of future applications and fees. The changes affect rules governing Commission Organization (47 CFR Part 0), Practice and Procedure (47 CFR Part 1), Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and Regulations (47 CFR Part 2), Tariffs (47 CFR Part 61), Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Common Carriers (47 CFR Part 64), Radio Broadcast Services (47 CFR Part 73), and Stations in the Maritime Services (47 CFR Part 80). Specifically, this Order corrects bank addresses in several provisions of sections 0.401(b), 0.482, 1.80(h), 1.227(b), 1.907, 1.1102, 1.1103, 1.1104, 1.1105, 1.1106, 1.1107, 1.1152, 1.1153, 1.1154, 1.1155, 1.1156, 1.1166(d), 1.10001, 1.10009, 2.913(b), 61.14(b), 61.17(b), 61.20(b), 61.32(b), 61.153(b), 64.709(d), and 80.59(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CFR 0.401(b), 0.482, 1.80(h), 1.227(b), 1.907, 1.1102, 1.1103, 1.1104, 1.1105, 1.1106, 1.1107, 1.1152, 1.1153, 1.1154, 1.1155, 1.1156, 1.1166(d), 1.10001, 1.10009, 2.913(b), 61.14, 61.17, 61.20, 61.32, 61.153, 64.709, and 80.59(c). This Order also makes several non-substantive changes to the Commission’s fee provisions to correct inadvertent errors to payment codes. In order to provide a fair and sufficient transition period to allow filers to become familiar with the address changes in the rules, we provide that for forty-five days after publication in the Federal Register, fees, applications, and other filings erroneously submitted by parties to the former lockbox bank shall be forwarded automatically to the new bank at the address listed in the rules. In addition, during this transition period, the date that such fees, applications, and other filings are date-stamped as received by the former lockbox bank shall be deemed to be the official filing date of such submissions. The rule amendments set forth in the attached Appendix relate to agency practice and procedure, and make minor, non-controversial procedural changes that do not raise issues upon which public notice and comment is necessary or would serve any useful purpose. Furthermore, since these amendments merely reflect procedural changes in the bank and addresses to which filings must be submitted, and the Commission has provided by rule the 45-day transition period to allow filers to become aware of the procedural change, good cause exists for adoption of these rule amendments without affording notice and comment. E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 9018 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Authority for this action is set forth in the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A) and (B).1 Finally, because the Commission has provided a 45-day transition period before a filer will be penalized for not using the correct address, good cause has been shown for these rule changes to become effective February 19, 2008 on the date of publication in the Federal Register. See 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3); 47 CFR 1.427(b). This will allow parties who are aware of the new address to begin using it without delay, while avoiding any prejudice to those who learn of the change when it is published in the Federal Register. Ordering Clauses List of Subjects 47 CFR Part 0 Organization and functions (Government agencies). 47 CFR Part 1 Administrative practice and procedure, Penalties. 47 CFR Part 2 Telecommunications. 47 CFR Part 61 Communications common carriers, Telephone. 47 CFR Part 64 Communications common carriers, Telecommunications, Telephone. Radio, Television. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications Commission amends 47 CFR parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80 as follows: PART 0—COMMISSION ORGANIZATION 1 See also 47 CFR 1.412(b)(5), (c) (stating that prior notice is not required for amendments to rules relating to Commission organization, procedure, or practice, or ‘‘in any situation in which the Commission for good cause finds that notice and public procedure are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest’’). Jkt 214001 Authority: Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 155, 225, unless otherwise noted. 2. Section 0.401 is amended by revising the first sentence of paragraph (b) introductory text, the first sentence of paragraph (b)(1), and the first and second sentences of paragraph (b)(2) to read as follows: Location of Commission offices. * * * * * (b) Applications or filings requiring the fees set forth at part 1, subpart G of the rules must be delivered to the Commission’s lockbox bank in St. Louis, Missouri with the correct fee and completed Fee Form attached to the application or filing, unless otherwise directed by the Commission. * * * * * * * * (1) Applications and filings submitted by mail shall be addressed to the U.S. Bank in St. Louis, Missouri. * * * * * * * * (2) Applications and other filings may also be hand carried, in person or by courier, to the U.S. Bank, Government Lockbox, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri. All applications and filings delivered in this manner must be in an envelope clearly marked for the ‘‘Federal Communications Commission,’’ and identified with the appropriate Post Office Box address as set out in the fee schedule (§§ 1.1102 through 1.1109 of this Chapter). * * * * * * * * I 3. Section 0.482 is amended by revising the first sentence to read as follows: Applications For Waiver. All requests for waiver of the rules (see § 1.925 of this Chapter) governing the Wireless Radio Services (see § 1.907 of this Chapter) that require a fee (see § 1.1102 of this Chapter) shall be submitted via the Universal Licensing System or to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri at the address set forth in § 1.1102. * * * PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Authority: 15 U.S.C. 79 et seq.; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 155, 157, 225, 303(r), and 309. Subpart A—General Rules of Practice and Procedure 5. Section 1.80 is amended by revising the third sentence of paragraph (h) to read as follows: I 1. The authority citation for part 0 continues to read as follows: I § 0.482 47 CFR Part 80 17:01 Feb 15, 2008 4. The authority citation for Part 1 continues to read as follows: I § 0.401 PART 1—PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE I Final Rules I Accordingly, It is hereby ordered that, pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 4(i) and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i) and 303(r), and section 0.231(b) of the Commission’s regulations, 47 CFR 0.231(b), Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, 73, and 80 of the Commission’s rules are amended as set forth in the attached Appendix. It is further ordered that these amendments are effective February 19, 2008. See section 553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). It is further ordered that the Secretary shall cause a copy of this Order to be published in the Federal Register. VerDate Aug<31>2005 Federal Communications Commission. Anthony Dale, Managing Director. § 1.80 Forfeiture Proceeding. * * * * * (h) * * * The check or money order should be mailed to: Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box 979088, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. * * * * * Subpart B—Hearing Proceedings 6. Section 1.227 is amended by revising the second sentence of paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows: I § 1.227 Consolidations. * * * * * (b) * * * (4) * * * Except for applications filed under part 101, subparts H and O, Private Operational Fixed Microwave Service, and applications for high seas public coast stations (see §.§ 80.122(b)(1) (first sentence), 80.357, 80.361, 80.363(a)(2), 80.371(a), (b), and (d), and § 80.374 of this chapter) mutual exclusivity will occur if the later application or applications are received by the Commission’s offices in Gettysburg, PA (or St. Louis, Missouri for applications requiring the fees set forth at part 1, subpart G of the rules) in a condition acceptable for filing within 30 days after the release date of public notice listing the first prior filed application (with which subsequent applications are in conflict) as having been accepted for filing or within such other period as specified by the Commission. * * * * * * * * Subpart F—Wireless Radio Services Applications and Proceedings 7. Section 1.907 is amended by revising the first sentence of the definition of ‘‘Receipt date’’ to read as follows: I § 1.907 Definitions. * * * * * Receipt date. The date an electronic or paper application is received at the E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations appropriate location at the Commission or U.S. Bank. * * * * * * * * Subpart G—Schedule of Statutory Charges and Procedures for Payment 8. Section 1.1102 is revised to read as follows: I § 1.1102 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings in the wireless telecommunications services. Those services designated with an asterisk in the payment type code column have associated regulatory fees that must be paid at the same time the application fee is paid. Please refer to rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Service 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 § 1.1152 for the appropriate regulatory fee that must be paid for this service. Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Bureau Applications, P.O. Box 979097, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. Payment type code FCC form No. 1. Marine Coast a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. Modification; Public Coast CMRS; Non-Profit .................................... c. Assignment of Authorization ............................................................... d. Transfer of Control ............................................................................. Spectrum Leasing for Public Coast ................................................. e. Duplicate License ............................................................................... f. Special Temporary Authority ............................................................... g. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... h. Renewal (Electronic Filing) ................................................................. i. Renewal Only (Non-Profit; CMRS) ...................................................... j. Renewal (Electronic Filing) Non-profit, CMRS .................................... k. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ l. Modification for Spectrum Leasing for Public Coast Stations ............. 2. Aviation Ground a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. Modification; Non-Profit ...................................................................... c. Assignment of Authorization ............................................................... d. Transfer of Control ............................................................................. e. Duplicate License ............................................................................... f. Special Temporary Authority ............................................................... g. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... h. Renewal (Electronic Filing) ................................................................. i. Renewal Only; Non-Profit .................................................................... j. Renewal;. Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) ................................................................... k. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ 3. Ship a. New; Renewal/Modification; Renewal Only ....................................... b. New; Renewal/Modification; Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) .......... c. Renewal Only; Non-profit ................................................................... d. Renewal Only; Non-profit (Electronic Filing) ...................................... e. Modification; Non-profit ....................................................................... f. Modification; Non-profit (Electronic Filing) .......................................... g. Duplicate License ............................................................................... h. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) .................................................. i. Exemption from Ship Station Requirements ....................................... j. Rule Waiver ......................................................................................... k. Exemption from Ship Station Requirements (Electronic Filing) ......... l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing) ............................................................ 4. Aircraft a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. Modification; Non-Profit ...................................................................... d. Modification Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) .......................................... e. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... f. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. g. Renewal Only; Non-Profit ................................................................... h. Renewal; Renewal/Modification Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) ........... i. Duplicate License ................................................................................ j. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) ................................................... k. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing) ............................................................ 5. Private Operational Fixed Microwave and Private DEMS a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. Modification; Consolidate Call Signs; Non-Profit ................................ d. Modification; Consolidate Call Signs; Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) .. e. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... f. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. g. Renewal Only; Non-Profit ................................................................... h. Renewal Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) ............................................... i. Assignment .......................................................................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 9019 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4700 Fee amount 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601, 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ........ 608** & 159 ....................................... $115.00 115.00 115.00 60.00 .................... 60.00 160.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 170.00 115.00 PBMR* PBMM PBMM PATM .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 115.00 115.00 115.00 60.00 60.00 160.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 PBVR* PBVM PBVM PATM PADM PCVM PBVR* PBVR* PBVM 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 or 603 & 159 .............................. 115.00 170.00 PBVM PDWM 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 & & & & & & & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 PASR* PASR* PASM PASM PASM PASM PADM PADM PDWM PDWM PDWM PDWM 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 & & & & & & & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 PAAR* PAAR* PAAM PAAM PAAR* PAAR* PAAM PAAM PADM PADM PDWM PDWM 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 603 & & & & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 PEOR* PEOR* PEOM PEOM PEOR* PEOR* PEOM PEOM PEOM 601 601 603 603 601 601 601 601 601 & & & & & & & & & Sfmt 4700 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 PADM PCMM PBMR* PBMR* PBMM PBMM PDWM PBMM 9020 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Payment type code FCC form No. Fee amount j. Assignment (Electronic Filing) ............................................................. k. Transfer of Control; ............................................................................. Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ l. Transfer of Control; .............................................................................. Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) .............................................. m. Duplicate License .............................................................................. n. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) .................................................. o. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. p. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) ................................. q. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ r. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing) ............................................................ s. Modification for Spectrum Leasing ..................................................... t. Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) ......................... 6. Land Mobile PMRS; Intelligent Transportation Service a. New or Renewal/Modification (Frequencies below 470 MHz (except 220 MHz)) 902–928 MHz & RS. b. New; Renewal/Modification (Frequencies below 470 MHz (except 220 MHz)) (Electronic Filing). c. New; Renewal/Modification (Frequencies 470 MHz and above and 220 MHz Local). d. New; Renewal/Modification (Frequencies 470 MHz and above and 220 MHz Local) (Electronic Filing). e. New; Renewal/Modification (220 MHz Nationwide) ........................... f. New; Renewal/Modification (220 MHz Nationwide) (Electronic Filing) g. Modification; Non-Profit; For Profit Special Emergency and Public Safety; and CMRS. h. Modification; Non-Profit; For Profit Special Emergency and Public Safety; and CMRS (Electronic Filing). i. Renewal Only ...................................................................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601, 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ........ 601, 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ........ 608** & 159 ....................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 245.00 60.00 .................... 60.00 .................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 245.00 245.00 PADM PADM PAOM PAOM PDWM PDWM PEOM PEOM 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALR* 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALR* 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALS* 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALS* 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 PALT* PALT* PALM 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALM 601 & 159 .......................................... j. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Service 601 & 159 .......................................... k. Renewal Only (Non-Profit; CMRS; For-Profit Special Emergency and Public Safety). l. Renewal (Non-Profit; CMRS; For-Profit Special Emergency and Public Safety) (Electronic Filing). m. Assignment of Authorization (PMRS & CMRS) ................................ n. Assignment of Authorization (PMRS & CMRS) (Electronic Filing) .... o. Transfer of Control (PMRS CMRS); ................................................... Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ p. Transfer of Control (PMRS CMRS); ................................................... Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) .............................................. q. Duplicate License ............................................................................... r. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) ................................................... s. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. t. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) .................................. u. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ v. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing) ........................................................... w. Consolidate Call Signs ....................................................................... x. Consolidate Call Signs (Electronic Filing) .......................................... y. Modification for Spectrum Leasing ..................................................... z. Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) ........................ 7. 218–219 MHz (previously IVDS) a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. Modification; Non-Profit ...................................................................... d. Modification; Non-Profit (Electronic Filing) ......................................... e. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... f. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. g. Assignment of Authorization ............................................................... h. Assignment of Authorization (Electronic Filing) ................................. i. Transfer of Control; .............................................................................. Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ j. Transfer of Control; .............................................................................. Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) .............................................. k. Duplicate License ............................................................................... l. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) ................................................... m. Special Temporary Authority ............................................................. n. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) ................................. o. Modification for Spectrum Leasing ..................................................... p. Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing) ........................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 PALR* PALS* PALT* PALR* PALS* PALT* PALM 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 PALM 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601, 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ........ 601, 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ........ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 PALM PALM PATM PATM PATM PATM PADM PADM PALM PALM PDWM PDWM PALM PALM PALM PALM 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 PAIR* PAIR* PAIM PAIM PAIR* PAIR* PAIM PAIM PATM PATM PATM PATM PADM PADM PAIM PAIM PAIM PAIM VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 PEOM PATM PATM 9021 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Service FCC form No. 8. General Mobile Radio (GMRS) a. New; Renewal/Modification ................................................................ b. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. Modification ......................................................................................... d. Modification (Electronic Filing) ........................................................... e. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... f. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. g. Duplicate License ............................................................................... h. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing) .................................................. i. Special Temporary Authority ............................................................... j. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) .................................. k. Rule Waiver ........................................................................................ l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing) ............................................................ 9. Restricted Radiotelephone a. New (Lifetime Permit) ......................................................................... New (Limited Use) ........................................................................... b. Duplicate/Replacement Permit ........................................................... Duplicate/Replacement Permit (Limited Use) ................................. 10. Commercial Radio Operator a. Renewal Only; Renewal/Modification ................................................. b. Duplicate ............................................................................................. 11. Hearing .................................................................................................... 12. Common Carrier Microwave (Pt. To Pt., Local TV Trans. & Millimeter Wave Service) a. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing Required) ................... b. Major Modification; Consolidate Call Signs (Electronic Filing Required). c. Renewal (Electronic Filing Required) ................................................. d. Assignment of Authorization; Transfer of Control; ............................. Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ Additional Stations (Electronic Filing Required) .............................. e. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing Required) .................................. f. Extension of Construction Authority (Electronic Filing Required) ....... g. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. h. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) ................................. i. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) 13. Common Carrier Microwave (DEMS) a. New; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing Required) ................... b. Major Modification; Consolidate Call Signs (Electronic Filing Required). c. Renewal (Electronic Filing Required) ................................................. d. Assignment of Authorization; Transfer of Control; ............................. Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ Additional Stations (Electronic Filing Required) .............................. e. Duplicate License (Electronic Filing Required) .................................. f. Extension of Construction Authority (Electronic Filing Required) ....... g. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. h. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) ................................. i. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) 14. Broadcast Auxiliary (Aural and TV Microwave) a. New; Modification; Renewal/Modification ........................................... b. New; Modification; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) .............. c. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. d. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) ................................. e. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... f. Renewal (Electronic Filing) .................................................................. 15. Broadcast Auxiliary (Remote and Low Power) a. New; Modification; Renewal/Modification ........................................... b. New; Modification; Renewal/Modification (Electronic Filing) .............. c. Renewal Only ..................................................................................... d. Renewal (Electronic Filing) ................................................................. e. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. f. Special Temporary Authority (Electronic Filing) .................................. 16. Pt 22 Paging & Radiotelephone a. New; Major Mod; Additional Facility; Major Amendment; Major Renewal/Mod; Fill in Transmitter (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). b. Minor Mod; Renewal; Minor Renewal/Mod; (Per Call Sign) 900 MHz Nationwide Renewal Net Organ; New Operator (Per Operator/Per City) Notice of Completion of Construction or Extension of Time to Construct (Per Application) (Electronic Filing Required). c. Auxiliary Test (Per Transmitter); Consolidate Call Signs (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required). VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4700 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 605 & & & & & & & & & & & & Payment type code .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 605 & 159 .......................................... 605 & 159 .......................................... 605 & 159 .......................................... 605& 159 ........................................... 60.00 .................... 60.00 60.00 PADM PADM 605 & 159 .......................................... 605 & 159 .......................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 60.00 60.00 10,680.00 PACS PADM PFHM 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 245.00 245.00 CJPR* CJPM 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 245.00 90.00 90.00 60.00 60.00 90.00 115.00 115.00 245.00 CJPR* CCPM CCPM CAPM PADM CCPM CEPM CEPM CJPM 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 245.00 245.00 CJLR* CJLM 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 245.00 90.00 90.00 60.00 60.00 90.00 115.00 115.00 90.00 CJLR* CCLM CCLM CALM PADM CCLM CELM CELM CJLM 601 601 601 601 601 601 & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 135.00 135.00 160.00 160.00 60.00 60.00 MEA MEA MGA MGA MAA MAA 601 601 601 601 601 601 & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 135.00 135.00 60.00 60.00 160.00 160.00 MEA MEA MAA MAA MGA MGA 601 & 159 .......................................... 365.00 CMD 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 CAD 601 & 159 .......................................... 320.00 CLD Sfmt 4700 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 Fee amount E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 PAZR* PAZR* PAZM PAZM PAZR* PAZR* PADM PADM PAZM PAZM PDWM PDWM PARR 9022 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Service 17. 18. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES 19. 20. FCC form No. d. Special Temporary Authority (Per Location/Per Frequency) ............. e. Special Temporary Authority (Per Location/Per Frequency) (Electronic Filing). f. Assignment of License or Transfer of Control; ................................... Spectrum Leasing (Full or Partial) (Per First Call Sign); ................ Additional Call Signs (Per Call Signs) (Electronic Filing Required) g. Subsidiary Comm. Service (Per Request) (Electronic Filing Required). h. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required). i. Minor Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) Cellular a. New; Major Mod; Additional Facility; Major Renewal/Mod (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required). b. Minor Modification; Minor Renewal/Mod (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required). c. Assignment of License; Transfer of Control (Full or Partial) (Per Call Sign). Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) ............................... d. Notice of Extension of Time to Complete Construction; (Per Request) Renewal (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required). e. Special Temporary Authority (Per Request) ...................................... f. Special Temporary Authority (Per Request) (Electronic Filing) .......... g. Combining Cellular Geographic Areas (Per Area) (Electronic Filing Required). h. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required). i. Minor Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) Rural Radio a. New; Major Renew/Mod; Additional Facility (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). b. Major Mod; Major Amendment (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). c. Minor Modification; (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required) .... d. Assignment of License; Transfer of Control (Full or Partial) (Per Call Sign). Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ Additional Calls (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required) .......... e. Renewal (Per Call Sign); Minor Renewal/Mod (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). f. Notice of Completion of Construction or Extension of Time to Construct (Per Application) (Electronic Filing Required). g. Special Temporary Authority (Per Transmitter) ................................. h. Special Temporary Authority (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing) .... i. Combining Call Signs (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required) .... j. Auxiliary Test Station (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required) k. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required). l. Minor Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) Offshore Radio a. New; Major Mod; Additional Facility; Major Amendment; Major Renew/Mod; Fill in Transmitters (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). b. Consolidate Call Signs (Per Call Sign); Auxiliary Test (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing Required). c. Minor Modification; Minor Renewal/Modification (Per Transmitter); Notice of Completion of Construction or Extension of Time to Construct (Per Application); Renewal (Per Call Sign) (Electronic Filing Required). d. Assignment of License; Transfer of Control (Full or Partial) ............. Spectrum Leasing ............................................................................ Additional Calls (Electronic Filing Required) ................................... e. Special Temporary Authority (Per Transmitter) ................................. f. Special Temporary Authority (Per Transmitter) (Electronic Filing) ..... g. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required). h. Minor Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required). Broadband Radio Service (Previously Multipoint Distribution Service) a. New station (Electronic Filing Required) ............................................ b. Major Modification of Licenses (Electronic Filing Required) .............. c. Certification of Completion of Construction (Electronic Filing Required). VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4700 Fee amount Payment type code 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 320.00 320.00 CLD CLD 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 365.00 365.00 60.00 160.00 CMD CMD CAD CFD 608** & 159 ....................................... 365.00 CMD 608** & 159 ....................................... 60.00 CAD 601 & 159 .......................................... 365.00 CMC 601 & 159 .......................................... 95.00 CDC 603 & 159 .......................................... 365.00 CMC 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... .................... 60.00 CAC 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 320.00 320.00 80.00 CLC CLC CBC 608** & 159 ....................................... 365.00 CMC 608** & 159 ....................................... 95.00 CDC 601 & 159 .......................................... 170.00 CGRR* 601 & 159 .......................................... 170.00 CGRM 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 170.00 CARM CGRM 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 170.00 60.00 60.00 CGRM CARM CARR* 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 CARM 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 170.00 CLRM CLRM CLRM CLRM CGRM 608** & 159 ....................................... 60.00 CARM 601 & 159 .......................................... 170.00 CGF 601 & 159 .......................................... 320.00 CLF 601 & 159 .......................................... 60.00 CAF 603 & 159 .......................................... 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603 or 603–T/608** & 159 ................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... 170.00 170.00 60.00 320.00 320.00 170.00 CGF CGF CAF CLF CLF CGF 608** & 159 ....................................... 60.00 CAF 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 245.00 245.00 720.00 CJM CJM CPM* Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 9023 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Fee amount Payment type code Service FCC form No. d. License Renewal (Electronic Filing Required) ................................... e. Assignment of Authorization; Transfer of Control (first station) (Electronic Filing Required). Spectrum Leasing (first station) ...................................................... Additional Station ............................................................................. f. Extension of Construction Authorization (Electronic Filing Required) g. Special Temporary Authority or Request for Waiver of Prior Construction Authorization (Electronic Filing). h. Special Temporary Authority .............................................................. i. Major Modification for Spectrum Leasing (Electronic Filing Required) 21. Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement (CALEA) Petitions 601 & 159 .......................................... 603 & 159 .......................................... 245.00 90.00 CJM CCM 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 603–T/608** & 159 ............................ 601 & 159 .......................................... 601 & 159 .......................................... 90.00 60.00 210.00 115.00 CCM CAM CHM CEM 601 & 159 .......................................... 608** & 159 ....................................... Correspondence & 159 ..................... 115.00 245.00 5,605.00 CEM CJM CALA **FCC Form 608, which is pending OMB approval, will upon its effective date replace FCC Form 603–T, as noted in § 1.1102, above. 9. Section 1.1103 is revised to read as follows: I § 1.1103 Schedule of charges for equipment approval, experimental radio services (or service). Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal Communications Commission, OET Services, P.O. Box 979095, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. FCC form No. Equipment Approval Service(s) 1. Certification a. Receivers (except TV and FM) (Electronic Filing Only) ............................................. b. Devices Under Parts 11, 15 & 18 (except receivers) (Electronic Filing Only) ........... c. All Other Devices (Electronic Filing Only) .................................................................. d. Modifications and Class II Permissive Changes (Electronic Filing Only) .................. e. Request for Confidentiality under Certification (Electronic Filing Only) ..................... f. Class III Permissive Changes (Electronic Filing Only) ................................................ 2. Advance Approval of Subscription TV Systems ................................................................ a. Request for Confidentiality For Advance Approval of Subscription TV Systems ...... 3. Assignment of Grantee Code a. For all Application Types, except Subscription TV (Electronic Filing Only—Optional Electronic Payment). 731 & 159 .................. 731 & 159 .................. 731 & 159 .................. 731 & 159 .................. 731 & 159 .................. 731 & 159 .................. Corres & 159 ............. Corres & 159 ............. 455.00 1,165.00 585.00 60.00 170.00 585.00 3,565.00 170.00 EEC EGC EFT EAC EBC ECC EIS EBS Electronic Assignment & Form 159 or Optional Electronic Payment. 60.00 EAG 442 & 159 .................. 442 & 159 .................. 405 & 159 .................. 702 & 159 or 703 & 159. Corres & 159 ............. Corres & 159 ............. 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 EAE EAE EAE EAE 60.00 60.00 EAE EAE 4. Experimental Radio Service(s) a. New Station Authorization .......................................................................................... b. Modification of Authorization ...................................................................................... c. Renewal of Station Authorization ............................................................................... d. Assignment of License or Transfer of Control ........................................................... e. Special Temporary Authority ...................................................................................... f. Additional fee required for any of the above applications that request withholding from public inspection. 10. Section 1.1104 is revised to read as follows: I § 1.1104 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for media services. Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Service VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 Communications Commission, Media Bureau Services, P.O. Box 979089, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. FCC form No. 1. Commercial TV Services a. New and Major Change Construction Permits (per application) (Electronic Filing). b. Minor Change (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................. c. Main Studio Request ............................................................................... d. New License (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................... e. License Renewal (per application) (Electronic Filing) ............................ f. License Assignment (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ............................ (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ g. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ............................. (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ h. Call Sign (Electronic Filing) .................................................................... i. Special Temporary Authority .................................................................... PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4700 Fee amount Payment type code Service Fee amount 301 & 159 ...................................... $4,005.00 301 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 302–TV & 159 302–DTV & 159 .... 303–S & 159 ................................. 314 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 315 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 380 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 895.00 895.00 270.00 160.00 895.00 130.00 895.00 130.00 90.00 160.00 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 Payment type code MVT MPT MPT MJT MGT MPT* MDT* MPT* MDT* MBT MGT 9024 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Service 2. 3. 4. d. 5. 6. 7. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES 8. 9. FCC form No. j. Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of License (Electronic Filing). k. Ownership Report (Electronic Filing) ...................................................... Commercial AM Radio Stations a. New or Major Change Construction Permit (Electronic Filing) .............. b. Minor Change (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................. c. Main Studio Request (per request) ......................................................... d. New License (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................... e. AM Directional Antenna (per application) (Electronic Filing) .................. f. AM Remote Control (per application) (Electronic Filing) ......................... g. License Renewal (per application) (Electronic Filing) ............................ h. License Assignment (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ........................... (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ i. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ............................... (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ j. Call Sign (Electronic Filing) ...................................................................... k. Special Temporary Authority ................................................................... l. Ownership Report (Electronic Filing) ....................................................... Commercial FM Radio Stations a. New or Major Change Construction Permit (Electronic Filing) .............. b. Minor Change (Electronic Filing) ............................................................ c. Main Studio Request (per request) ......................................................... d. New License (Electronic Filing) .............................................................. e. FM Directional Antenna (Electronic Filing) ............................................. f. License Renewal (per application) (Electronic Filing) ............................. g. License Assignment (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ........................... (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ h. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ............................. (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ i. Call Sign (Electronic Filing) ...................................................................... j. Special Temporary Authority .................................................................... k. Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of License or Higher Class Channel (Electronic Filing). l. Ownership Report (Electronic Filing) ....................................................... FM Translators a. New or Major Change Construction Permit (Electronic Filing) .............. b. New License (Electronic Filing) .............................................................. c. License Renewal (Electronic Filing) ........................................................ Special Temporary Authority .......................................................................... e. License Assignment (Electronic Filing) ................................................... f. Transfer of Control (Electronic Filing) ...................................................... TV Translators and LPTV Stations a. New or Major Change Construction Permit (per application) (Electronic Filing). b. New License (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. License Renewal (Electronic Filing) ........................................................ d. Special Temporary Authority .................................................................. e. License Assignment (Electronic Filing) ................................................... f. Transfer of Control (Electronic Filing) ...................................................... g. Call Sign (Electronic Filing) .................................................................... FM Booster Stations a. New or Major Change Construction Permit (Electronic Filing) .............. b. New License (Electronic Filing) .............................................................. c. Special Temporary Authority ................................................................... TV Booster Stations a. New or Major Change (Electronic Filing) ............................................... b. New License (Electronic Filing) .............................................................. c. Special Temporary Authority ................................................................... Class A TV Services a. New and Major Change Construction Permits (per application) (Electronic Filing). b. New License (per application) (Electronic Filing) ................................... c. License Renewal (per application) (Electronic Filing) ............................ d. Special Temporary Authority .................................................................. e. License Assignment (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) ........................... (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ f. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form (Electronic Filing) .............................. (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing) ................................................................ g. Main Studio Request .............................................................................. h. Call Sign (Electronic Filing) .................................................................... Cable Television Services a. CARS License ......................................................................................... b. CARS Modifications ................................................................................ VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4700 Fee amount Payment type code 301 & 159 302–TV & 159 ............. 2,475.00 MRT 323 & 159 Corres & 159 ............... 60.00 MAT* 301 & 159 ...................................... 301 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 302–AM & 159 .............................. 302–AM & 159 .............................. 301 & 159 ...................................... 303–S & 159 ................................. 314 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 315 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 380 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 323 & 159 or Corres & 159 .......... 3,565.00 895.00 895.00 585.00 675.00 60.00 160.00 895.00 130.00 895.00 130.00 90.00 160.00 60.00 MUR MPR MPR MMR MOR MAR MGR MPR* MDR* MPR* MDR* MBR MGR MAR 301 & 159 ...................................... 301 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 302–FM & 159 .............................. 302–FM & 159 .............................. 303–S &159 .................................. 314 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 315 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 380 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 301 & 159 or 302–FM & 159 ........ 3,210.00 895.00 895.00 185.00 565.00 160.00 895.00 130.00 895.00 130.00 90.00 160.00 2,475.00 MTR MPR MPR MHR MLR MGR MPR* MDR* MPR* MDR* MBR MGR MRR 323 & 159 or Corres & 159 .......... 60.00 MAR 349 & 159 ...................................... 350 & 159 ...................................... 303–S & 159 ................................. Corres & 159 ................................. 345 & 159 314 & 159 316 & 159 .. 345 & 159 315 & 159 316 & 159 .. 675.00 135.00 60.00 160.00 130.00 130.00 MOF MEF MAF MGF MDF* MDF* 346 & 159 ...................................... 675.00 MOL 347 & 159 ...................................... 303–S & 159 ................................. Corres & 159 ................................. 345 & 159 314 & 159 316 & 159 .. 345 & 159 315 & 159 316 & 159 .. 380 & 159 ...................................... 135.00 60.00 160.00 130.00 130.00 90.00 MEL MAL* MGL MDL* MDL* MBT 349 & 159 ...................................... 350 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 675.00 135.00 160.00 MOF MEF MGF 346 & 159 ...................................... 347 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 675.00 135.00 160.00 MOF MEFI MGF 301–CA & 159 ............................... 4,005.00 MVT 302-CA & 159 ............................... 303S & 159 ................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 314 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... 315 & 159 ...................................... 316 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. 380 & 159 ...................................... 270.00 160.00 160.00 895.00 130.00 895.00 130.00 895.00 90.00 MJT MGT MGT MPT* MDT MPT* MDT* MPT MBT 327 & 159 ...................................... 327 & 159 ...................................... 245.00 245.00 TIC TIC Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 9025 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Service FCC form No. c. CARS License Renewal (Electronic Filing) ............................................ d. CARS License Assignment ..................................................................... e. CARS Transfer of Control ....................................................................... f. Special Temporary Authority ................................................................... g. Cable Special Relief Petition .................................................................. h. Cable Community Registration (Electronic Filing) .................................. i. Aeronautical Frequency Usage Notifications (Electronic Filing) .............. 11. Section 1.1105 is revised to read as follows: I 327 & 159 ...................................... 327 & 159 ...................................... 327 & 159 ...................................... Corres & 159 ................................. Corres & 159 ................................. 322 & 159 ...................................... 321 & 159 ...................................... § 1.1105 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the wireline competition services. Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal Service 12. Section 1.1106 is revised to read as follows: 245.00 245.00 245.00 160.00 1,250.00 60.00 60.00 Payment type code TIC TIC TIC TGC TQC TAC TAC Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau Applications, P.O. Box 979091, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. FCC form No. 1. Domestic 214 Applications a. Domestic Cable Construction ............................................................. b. Other ................................................................................................... 2. Tariff Filings a. Filing Fees (per transmittal or cover letter) ........................................ b. Application for Special Permission Filing (request for waiver of any rule in Part 61 of the Commission’s Rules) (per request). c. Waiver of Part 69 Tariff Rules (per request) ...................................... 3. Accounting a. Review of Depreciation Update Study (single state) ......................... (i) Each Additional State ......................................................................... b. Petition for Waiver (per petition) Waiver of Part 69 Accounting Rules & Part 32 Accounting Rules, Part 36 Separation Rules, Part 43 Reporting Requirements, Part 64 Allocation of Costs Rules, Part 65 Rate of Return & Rate Base Rules. I Fee amount Fee amount Payment type code Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... $965.00 965.00 CUT CUT Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 775.00 775.00 CQK CQK Corres & 159 ..................................... 775.00 CQK Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 32,680.00 1,075.00 7,365.00 BKA CVA BEA § 1.1106 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the enforcement services. Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, P.O. Box 979094, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000 with the exception of Accounting and Audits, which will be invoiced. Carriers should follow invoice instructions when making payment. FCC form No. 1. Formal Complaints ..................................................................................... 2. Accounting and Audits a. Field Audit ........................................................................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... $190.00 Carriers will be invoiced for the amount due. Carriers will be invoiced for the amount due. Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 98,400.00 BMA 53,710.00 BLA 53,710.00 240.00 BLA TPC b. Review of Attest Audit ........................................................................ 3. Development and Review of Agreed upon—Procedures Engagement .... 4. Pole Attachment Complaint ....................................................................... 13. Section 1.1107 is revised to read as follows: I § 1.1107 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the international services. Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal Fee amount Payment type code Service Communications Commission, International Bureau Applications, P.O. Box 979093, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Service FCC form No. 1. International Fixed Public Radio (Public & Control Stations) a. Initial Construction Permit (per station) .............................................. b. Assignment or Transfer (per Application) .......................................... c. Renewal (per license ) ........................................................................ 407 & 159 .......................................... 702 & 159 or 704 & 159 .................... 405 & 159 .......................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 CIZ E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM Fee amount 19FER1 $810.00 810.00 585.00 Payment type code CSN CSN CON 9026 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Service FCC form No. d. Modification (per station) .................................................................... e. Extension of Construction Authorization (per station) ........................ f. Special Temporary Authority or request for Waiver (per request) ...... 2. Section 214 Applications a. Overseas Cable Construction ............................................................ b. Cable Landing License (i) Common Carrier ...................................... (ii) Non-Common Carrier ........................................................................ c. All other International 214 Applications .............................................. d. Special Temporary Authority (all services) ........................................ e. Assignments or transfers (all services) .............................................. 3. Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Stations a. Initial Application (per station) ............................................................ b. Modification of License (per station) .................................................. c. Assignment or Transfer (i) First Station ............................................. (ii) Each Additional Station ..................................................................... d. Renewal of License (per station ) ...................................................... e. Special Temporary Authority (per request) ........................................ f. Amendment of Pending Application (per station) ............................... g. Extension of Construction Permit (modification) (per station) ........... 4. Fixed Satellite transmit/receive Earth Stations (2 meters or less operating in the 4/6 GHz frequency band) a. Lead Application ................................................................................. b. Routine Application (per station) ........................................................ c. Modification of License (per station) .................................................. d. Assignment or Transfer (i) First Station ............................................. (ii) Each Additional Station ..................................................................... e. Renewal of License (per station) ....................................................... f. Special Temporary Authority (per request) ......................................... g. Amendment of Pending Application (per station) .............................. h. Extension of Construction Permit (modification) (per station ) .......... 5. Receive Only Earth Stations a. Initial Applications for Registration or License (per station) .............. b. Modification of License or Registration (per station) ......................... c. Assignment or Transfer (i) First Station ............................................. (ii) Each Additional Station ..................................................................... d. Renewal of License (per station) ....................................................... e. Amendment of Pending Application (per station) .............................. f. Extension of Construction Permit (modification) (per station) ............ g. Waivers (per request) ......................................................................... 6. Fixed Satellite Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Systems a. Initial Application (per station) ............................................................ b. Modification of License (per system) ................................................. c. Assignment or Transfer of System ..................................................... d. Renewal of License (per system) ....................................................... e. Special Temporary Authority (per request) ........................................ f. Amendment of Pending Application (per system) ............................... g. Extension of Construction Permit (modification) (per system) ........... 7. Mobile Satellite Earth Stations a. Initial Applications of Blanket Authorization ....................................... b. Initial Application for Individual Earth Station ..................................... c. Modification of License (per system) .................................................. d. Assignment or Transfer (per system) ................................................. e. Renewal of License (per system) ....................................................... f. Special Temporary Authority (per request) ......................................... g. Amendment of Pending Application (per system) .............................. h. Extension of Construction Permit (modification) (per system) ........... 8. Space Stations (Geostationary) a. Application for Authority to Launch & Operate (per satellite) (i) Initial Application. (ii) Replacement Satellite ........................................................................ b. Assignment or Transfer (per satellite) ................................................ c. Modification (per satellite) ................................................................... 403 & 159 .......................................... 701 & 159 .......................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES d. Special Temporary Authority (per satellite) ........................................ e. Amendment of Pending Application (per satellite) ............................. f. Extension of Launch Authority (per satellite) ...................................... 9. Space Stations (NGSO) a. Application for Authority to Launch & Operate (per system of technically identical satellites) satellites. b. Assignment or Transfer (per system) ................................................. c. Modification (per system) ................................................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4700 Fee amount Payment type code 585.00 295.00 295.00 CON CKN CKN ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... 14,415.00 1,620.00 16,035.00 965.00 965.00 965.00 BIT CXT BJT CUT CUT CUT 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... Attachment to 312—Schedule A ....... 312–R & 159 ..................................... 312 Main & Corres & 159 ................. 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & 159 ................................. 2,410.00 170.00 475.00 160.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 BAX CGX CNX CFX CGX CGX CGX CGX 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... Attachment to 312—Schedule A ....... 312–R & 159 ..................................... 312 Main & 159 ................................. 312 Main & Schedule A or B & 159 .. 312 & 159 .......................................... 5,340.00 60.00 170.00 475.00 60.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 BDS CAS CGS CNS CAS CGS CGS CGS CGS 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... Attachment to 312—Schedule A ....... 312–R & 159 ..................................... 312 Main & Schedule A or B & 159 .. 312 Main & 159 ................................. Corres & 159 ..................................... 365.00 170.00 475.00 160.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 CMO CGO CNO CFO CGO CGO CGO CGO 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... 312–R & 159 ..................................... 312 & 159 .......................................... 312 Main & Schedule A or B & 159 .. 312 & 159 .......................................... 8,895.00 170.00 2,380.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 BGV CGV CZV CGV CGV CGV CGV 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... 312–R & 159 ..................................... 312 & 159 .......................................... 312 Main & Schedule B & 159 .......... 312 & 159 .......................................... 8,895.00 2,135.00 170.00 2,380.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 BGB CYB CGB CZB CGB CGB CGB CGB 312 Main & Schedule S & 159 .......... 110,580.00 BNY 312 312 312 & 312 312 & 312 Main & Schedule S & 159 .......... Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... Main & Schedule S (if needed) 159. & 159 .......................................... Main & Schedule S (if needed) 159. Main & Corres & 159 ................. 110,580.00 7,900.00 7,900.00 BNY BFY BFY 790.00 1,580.00 CRY CWY 790.00 CRY 312 Main & Schedule S & 159 .......... 380,835.00 CLW 312 Main & Schedule A & 159 .......... 312 Main & Schedule S (if needed) & 159. 10,885.00 27,205.00 CZW CGW Corres Corres Corres Corres Corres Corres Sfmt 4700 & & & & & & 159 159 159 159 159 159 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 9027 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Service FCC form No. d. Special Temporary Authority (per request) ........................................ e. Amendment of Pending Application (per request) ............................. f. Extension of Launch Authority (per system) ....................................... 10. Direct Broadcast Satellites a. Authorization to Construct or Major Modification (per satellite) ......... b. Construction Permit and Launch Authority (per satellite) .................. c. License to Operate (per satellite) ....................................................... d. Special Temporary Authority (per satellite) ........................................ 11. International Broadcast Stations a. New Station & Facilities Change Construction Permit (per application). b. New License (per application) ............................................................ c. License Renewal (per application) ..................................................... d. License Assignment or Transfer of Control (per station license) ...... Corres & 159 ..................................... 312 Main & Schedule S & 159 .......... 312 Main & 159 ................................. e. Frequency Assignment & Coordination (per frequency hour) ........... f. Special Temporary Authorization (per application) ............................. 12. Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations (per application) a. Commercial Television Stations ......................................................... b. Commercial AM or FM Radio Stations .............................................. 13. Recognized Operating Agency (per application) 14. Section 1.1108 is revised to read as follows: I CXW CAW CXW Schedule S & 159 .......... Schedule S & 159 .......... Schedule S & 159 .......... 159 ................................. 3,210.00 31,140.00 895.00 160.00 MTD MXD MPD MGD 309 & 159 .......................................... 2,695.00 MSN 310 & 159 .......................................... 311 & 159 .......................................... 314 & 159 or 315 & 159 or 316 & 159 .......................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 610.00 155.00 95.00 MNN MFN MCN 60.00 160.00 MAN MGN 308 & 159 .......................................... 308 & 159 .......................................... Corres & 159 ..................................... 90.00 90.00 965.00 MBT MBR CUG 312 312 312 312 Main Main Main Main & & & & Remit payment (along with a copy of invoice) for these services to the: 15. Section 1.1109 is revised to read as follows: I Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: Federal 16. Section 1.1152 is revised to read as follows: I Federal Communications Commission, International Telecommunication Fees, P.O. Box 979096, St. Louis, MO 63197– 9000 99 & 99A ............................................ 99 & 99A ............................................ § 1.1109 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the Homeland services. 1. Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement (CALEA) Petitions .................................................................................................. Payment type code 2,725.00 5,445.00 2,725.00 § 1.1108 Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the international telecommunication services. 1. Administrative Fee ..................................................................................... 2. Telecommunication Charges ..................................................................... Fee amount IAT ITTS Communications Commission, Homeland Bureau Applications, P.O. Box 979092, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. Corres & 159 ..................................... § 1.1152 Schedule of annual regulatory fees and filing locations for all Bureaus and services (except those fees for the small wireless services which are paid at the time of renewal). $2.00 .................... $5,605.00 CLEA P.O. Box 979084, St. Louis, MO 63197– 9000. Remit FCC Form 159 and payment to Federal Communications Commission, rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Exclusive use services (per license) Fee amount 2 1. Land Mobile (Above 470 MHz and 220 MHz Local, Base Station & SMRS) (47 CFR, Part 90) (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ......................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... 220 MHz Nationwide (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... 2. Microwave (47 CFR Pt. 101) (Private) (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ......................................................................................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 $35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 9028 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Exclusive use services (per license) Fee amount 2 (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... 3. 218–219 MHz Service (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ......................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... 4. Shared Use Services Land Mobile (Frequencies Below 470 MHz—except 220 MHz) (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ......................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... General Mobile Radio Service (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 605 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ......................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................... Rural Radio (Part 22) (a) New, Additional Facility, Major Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ................................................................. (b) Renewal, Minor Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ........................................................................................ Marine Coast (a) New Renewal/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) ..................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renewal/Mod P.O. Box 358994 (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................... Aviation Ground (a) New, Renewal/Mod (FCC 601 & 159) .................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renewal/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 601 & 159) ....................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 601 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Only) (FCC 601 & 159) ................................................................................................................. Marine Ship (a) New, Renewal/Mod (FCC 605 & 159) .................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renewal/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ....................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (FCC 605 & 159). Aviation Aircraft (a) New, Renew/Mod (FCC 605 & 159) ....................................................................................................................................... (b) New, Renew/Mod (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ......................................................................................................... (c) Renewal Only (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................................................. (d) Renewal Only (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................... 5. Amateur Vanity Call Signs (a) Initial or Renew (FCC 605 & 159) .......................................................................................................................................... (b) Initial or Renew (Electronic Filing) (FCC 605 & 159) ............................................................................................................. 6. CMRS Mobile Services (per unit) (FCC 159) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7. CMRS Messaging Services (per unit) (FCC 159) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8. Broadband Radio Service (formerly MMDS and MDS) 9. Local Multipoint Distribution Service ............................................................................................................................................... 40.00 40.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.17 1.17 3.18 4.08 325 325 2 Note that ‘‘small fees’’ are collected in advance for the entire license term. Therefore, the annual fee amount shown in this table that is a small fee (categories 1 through 5) must be multiplied by the 5- or 10-year license term, as appropriate, to arrive at the total amount of regulatory fees owed. It should be further noted that application fees may also apply as detailed in § 1.1102 of this chapter. 3 These are standard fees that are to be paid in accordance with § 1.1157(b) of this chapter. 4 These are standard fees that are to be paid in accordance with § 1.1157(b) of this chapter. 17. Section 1.1153 is revised to read as follows: Radio [AM and FM] (47 CFR, part 73) § 1.1153 Schedule of annual regulatory fees for mass media services. >3,000,000 population .................. 2. AM Class B <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. >3,000,000 population .................. 3. AM Class C <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... I rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Radio [AM and FM] (47 CFR, part 73) 1. AM Class A <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Fee amount $625 1,225 1,825 2,750 3,950 6,075 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Fee amount 7,275 475 925 1,150 1,950 2,975 4,575 5,475 400 600 800 Radio [AM and FM] (47 CFR, part 73) 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. >3,000,000 population .................. 4. AM Class D <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. >3,000,000 population .................. 5. AM Construction Permit ........ E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 Fee amount 1,200 2,000 3,000 3,800 475 725 1,200 1,425 2,375 3,800 4,750 400 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations Radio [AM and FM] (47 CFR, part 73) 6. FM Classes A, B1 and C3 <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. >3,000,000 population .................. 7. FM Classes B, C, C0, C1 and C2 <=25,000 population ..................... 25,001–75,000 population ............ 75,001–150,000 population .......... 150,001–500,000 population ........ 500,001–1,200,000 population ..... 1,200,001–3,000,000 population .. >3,000,000 population .................. 8. FM Construction Permits TV (47 CFR, Part 73) VHF Commercial 1. Markets 1 thru 10 ..................... 2. Markets 11 thru 25 ................... 3. Markets 26 thru 50 ................... 4. Markets 51 thru 100 ................. 5. Remaining Markets ................... 6. Construction Permits ................ UHF Commercial 1. Markets 1 thru 10 ..................... 2. Markets 11 thru 25 ................... 3. Markets 26 thru 50 ................... 4. Markets 51 thru 100 ................. 5. Remaining Markets ................... 6. Construction Permits ................ Satellite UHF/VHF Commercial 1. All Markets ................................ 2. Construction Permits ................ Low Power TV, Class A TV, TV/FM Translator, & TV/FM Booster (47 CFR Part 74) ................................. Broadcast Auxiliary ........................... Fee amount 575 1,150 1,600 2,475 3,900 6,350 8,075 725 1,250 2,300 3,000 4,400 7,025 9,125 575 64,300 46,350 31,075 20,000 5,125 5,125 19,650 19,450 10,800 6,300 1,750 1,750 18. Section 1.1154 is revised to read as follows: I § 1.1154 Schedule of annual regulatory charges for common carrier services. 1. Microwave (Domestic Public Fixed) (Electronic Filing) (FCC Form 601 & 159) ........................... Carriers 1. Interstate Telephone Service Providers (per interstate and international end-user revenues (see FCC Form 499–A) ............. § 1.1155 Schedule of regulatory fees for cable television services. Fee amount * * * * 23. Revise § 1.10009 to read as follows: rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES § 1.10009 filing? What are the steps for electronic (a) Step 1: Register for an FCC Registration Number (FRN). (See Subpart W, §§ 1.8001 through 1.8004.) (1) If you already have an FRN, go to Step 2. (2) In order to process your electronic application, you must have an FRN. You may obtain an FRN either directly from the Commission Registration System (CORES) at, or VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 Fee amount Space Stations (Geostationary Orbit) ........ Space Stations (NonGeostationary Orbit) .. Earth Stations Transmit/Receive & Transmit Only (per authorization or registration) ............ Carriers International Bearer Circuits (per active 64KB circuit or equivalent) ............. 109,200 116,475 185 1.05 21. Section 1.1166 is amended by revising the second sentence of paragraph (d) to read as follows: I § 1.1166 Waivers, reductions and deferrals of regulator fees. * * * * (d) * * * Petitions for reduction 1. Cable Television Relay Service ... $185 accompanied by a fee payment must be 2. Cable TV System (per subscriber) .75 addressed to the Federal Communications Commission, I 20. Section 1.1156 is revised to read Attention: Petitions, Post Office Box as follows: 979084, St. Louis, Missouri, 63197– 9000. * * * § 1.1156 Schedule of regulatory fees for international services. Radio facilities Fee amount 1. International (HF) Broadcast .................. 2. International Public Fixed ......................... $795 1,875 Frm 00035 Fmt 4700 22. Section 1.10001 is amended by revising the table in the definition of ‘‘All Other Applications’’ and placing it in alphabetical order to read as follows: Sfmt 4700 § 1.1001 Definitions. All Other Applications. * * * Your official filing date is the date and time (to the millisecond) you file your application and receive a confirmation of filing and submission ID. Your official filing date is: The date U.S. Bank stamps your payment as received. The date your online credit card payment is approved. (Note: You will receive a remittance ID and an authorization number if your transaction is successful). The date you file in IBFS and receive a confirmation of filing and submission ID. through IBFS as part of your filing process. If you need to know more about who needs an FRN, visit CORES at (3) If you are a(n): (i) Applicant, (ii) Transferee and assignee, (iii) Transferor and assignor, (iv) Licensee/Authorization Holder, or (v) Payer, you are required to have and use an FRN when filing applications and/or paying fees through IBFS. (4) We use your FRN to give you secured access to IBFS and to pre-fill the application you file. PO 00000 * I Determine your application type is fee-exempt or your application qualifies for exemption to charges as provided in Part 1 of the Commission’s Rules. I .00266 19. Section 1.1155 is revised to read as follows: 1. You file your Satellite Space Station Application (other than DBS and DARS) or your Application for Earth Stations to Access a Non-U.S. Satellite Not Currently Authorized to provide the Proposed Service in the Proposed Frequencies in the United States in IBFS. 2. You file all other applications in IBFS and then do one of the following: ..... Send your payment (via check, bank draft, money order, credit card, or wire transfer) and FCC Form 159 to U.S. Bank. Pay by online credit card (through IBFS) ............................................................... * $40.00 I 1,100 550 345 10 Fee amount Radio facilities Radio facilities 9029 (b) Step 2: Register with IBFS. (1) If you are already registered with IBFS, go to Step 3. (2) In order to complete and file your electronic application, you must register in IBFS, located at ibfs. (3) You can register your account in: (i) Your name, (ii) Your company’s name, or (iii) Your client’s name. (4) IBFS will issue you an account number as part of the registration process. You will create your own password. E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES 9030 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations (5) If you forget your password, send an e-mail to the IBFS helpline at or contact the helpline at (202) 418–2222 for assistance. (c) Step 3: Log into IBFS, select the application you want to file, provide the required FRN(s) and password(s) and fill out your application. You must completely fill out forms and provide all requested information as provided in parts 1, 25, 63 and 64 of this chapter. (1) You must provide an address where you can receive mail delivery by the United States Postal Service. You are also encouraged to provide an e-mail address. This information is used to contact you regarding your application and to request additional documentation, if necessary. (2) Reference to material on file. You must answer questions on application forms that call for specific technical data, or that require yes or no answers or other short answers. However, if documents or other lengthy showings are already on file with us and contain the required information, you may incorporate the information by reference, as long as: (i) The referenced information is filed in IBFS or, if manually filed, the information is more than one ‘‘81⁄2 inch by 11 inch’’ page. (ii) The referenced information is current and accurate in all material respects; and (iii) The application states where we can find the referenced information as well as: (A) The application file number, if the reference is to previously-filed applications (B) The title of the proceeding, the docket number, and any legal citation, if the reference is to a docketed proceeding. (d) Step 4: File your application. If you file your application successfully through IBFS, a confirmation screen will appear showing you the date and time of your filing and your submission ID. Print this verification for your records as proof of online filing. (e) Step 5: Pay for your application. (1) Most applications require that you pay a fee to us before we can begin processing your application. You can determine the amount of your fee in three ways: (i) You can refer to § 1.1107, (ii) You can refer to the International and Satellite Services fee guide located at, or (iii) You can run a draft Form 159 through IBFS, in association with a filed application, and the system will automatically enter your required fee on the form. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 (2) A complete FCC Form 159 must accompany all fee payments. You must provide the FRN for both the applicant and the payer. You also must include your IBFS Submission ID number on your FCC Form 159 in the box labeled ‘‘FCC Code 2.’’ In addition, for applications for transfer of control or assignment of license, call signs involved in the transaction must be entered into the ‘‘FCC Code 1’’ box on the FCC Form 159. (This may require the use of multiple rows on the FCC Form 159 for a single application where more than one call sign is involved.) (i) You may use a paper version of FCC Form 159, or (ii) You can generate a pre-filled FCC Form 159 from IBFS using your IBFS Submission ID. For specific instructions on using IBFS to generate your FCC Form 159, go to the IBFS Web site ( and click on the ‘‘Getting Started’’ button. (3) You have 3 payment options: (i) Pay by credit card (through IBFS or by regular mail), (ii) Pay by check, bank draft or money order, or (iii) Pay by wire transfer or other electronic payments. (4) You have 14 calendar days from the date you file your application in IBFS to submit your fee payment to U.S. Bank. Your FCC Form 159 must be stamped ‘‘received’’ by U.S. Bank by the 14th day. If not, we will dismiss your application. (5) If you send your Form 159 and payment to U.S. Bank in paper form, you should mail your completed Form 159 and payment to the address specified in § 1.1107 of the Commission’s rules. If you file electronically, do not send copies of your application with your payment and Form 159. (6) For more information on fee payments, refer to Payment Instructions found on the IBFS Internet site at (7) Step 5 is not applicable if your application is fee exempt. § 2.913 Submittal of equipment authorization application or information to the Commission. * * * * * (b) * * * The address for fees submitted by mail is: Federal Communications Commission, Equipment Approval Services, P.O. Box 979095, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000. If the applicant chooses to make use of an air courier/package delivery service, the following address must appear on the outside of the package/envelope: Federal Communications Commission, c/o Lockbox 979095, SL–MO–C2–GL, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63101. * * * * * PART 61—TARIFFS 28. The authority citation for part 61 continues to read as follows: I Authority: Secs. 1, 4(i), 4(j), 201–205 and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201– 205 and 403, unless otherwise noted. Subpart B—Rules for Electronic Filing 27. Section 61.14 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(1) and (b)(2)(i) to read as follows: I § 61.14 Method of filing publications. PART 2—FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS; GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS * * * * (b)(1) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all tariff publications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit the original of the cover letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri at the address set forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter. (2) * * * (i) Issuing carriers submitting tariffing fees electronically may submit a paper copy of the Form 159, and the original transmittal letter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the U.S. Bank, or; * * * * * I 28. Section 61.17 is amended by revising the first two sentences of paragraph (b) to read as follows: 24. The authority citation for Part 2 continues to read as follows: § 61.17 Method of filing applications for special permission. I Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302(a), 303, and 336, unless otherwise noted. Subpart J—Equipment Authorization Procedures 25. Section 2.913 is amended by revising the second and third sentences of paragraph (b) to read as follows: I PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 * * * * * * (b) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for special permission applications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit the original of the application letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Rules and Regulations appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri, at the address set forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers submitting tariffing fees electronically should submit a copy of the Form 159 and the original application letter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the U.S. Bank. * * * * * * * * Subpart C—General Rules for Nondominant Carriers 29. Section 61.20 is amended by revising the first two sentences of paragraph (b)(1) to read as follows: I § 61.20 Method of filing publications. * * * * * (b)(1) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all tariff publications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit the original of the cover letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri at the address set forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers submitting tariffing fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover letter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the U.S. Bank. * * * * * * * * Subpart D—General Tariff Rules for International Dominant Carriers Subpart H—Applications for Special Permission 31. Section 61.153 is amended by revising the first two sentences of paragraph (b) to read as follows: I § 61.153 * * * * * (b) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all special permission applications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, the issuing carrier must submit the original of the application letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri at the address set forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers submitting tariffing fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover letter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the U.S. Bank. * * * * * * * * Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 254(k); secs. 403(b)(2)(B), (c), Pub. L. 104–104, 110 Stat. 56. Interpret or apply 47 U.S.C. 201, 218, 222, 225, 226, 228, and 254(k) unless otherwise noted. Subpart G—Furnishing of Enhanced Services and Customer-Premises Equipment by Communications Common Carriers; Telephone Operator Services § 64.709 VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:30 Feb 15, 2008 Jkt 214001 Compulsory ship inspections. * * * * * (c) * * * (2) Feeable applications for exemption must be filed with U.S. Bank, P.O. Box 979097, St. Louis, MO 63197–9000 at the address set forth in § 1.1102. * * * * * * * * [FR Doc. E8–2940 Filed 2–15–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 64 [CG Docket 03–123; DA 07–5098; DA 08– 45] AGENCY: § 61.32 Method of filing publications. § 80.59 32. The authority citation for part 64 continues to read as follows: I 33. Section 64.709 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(1) to read as follows: * * * * (b) In addition, except for issuing carriers filing tariffing fees electronically, for all tariff publications requiring fees as set forth in part 1, subpart G of this chapter, issuing carriers must submit the original of the transmittal letter (without attachments), FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri, at the address set forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter. Issuing carriers submitting tariffing fees electronically should submit the Form 159 and the original cover letter to the Secretary of the Commission in lieu of the U.S. Bank. * * * * * * * * 35. Section 80.59 is amended by revising the first sentence of paragraph (c)(2) to read as follows: I PART 64—MISCELLANEOUS RULES RELATING TO COMMON CARRIERS I * Subpart B—Applications and Licenses Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals With Hearing and Speech Disabilities 30. Section 61.32 is amended by revising the first two sentences of paragraph (b) to read as follows: I rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES Method of filing applications. 9031 Informational tariffs. * * * * * (d) * * * (1) The original of the cover letter shall be submitted to the Secretary without attachments, along with FCC Form 159, and the appropriate fee to the U.S. Bank, St. Louis, Missouri. * * * * * PART 80—STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES 34. The authority citation for part 80 continues to read as follows: I Authority: secs. 4, 303, 307(e), 309, and 332, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307(e), 309, and 332, unless otherwise noted. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 1064–1068, 1081–1105, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 151–155, 301–609; 3 UST 3450, 3 UST 4726, 12 UST 2377. PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule; extension of waiver. SUMMARY: In this document, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau) extends for an additional year waivers of certain Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) mandatory minimum standards for Video Relay Service (VRS) and Internet Protocol Relay (IP Relay). The waived TRS mandatory minimum standards are: One-line voice carry over (VCO); VCO-to-teletypewriter (TTY); VCO-to-VCO; one-line hearing carry over (HCO); HCO-to-TTY; HCO-to-HCO; call release; speech-to-speech (STS); pay-per-call (900) calls; types of calls; equal access to interexchange carriers; and speed dialing. The Bureau extends the waivers for one year (four months in the case of speed dialing for VRS) because the record demonstrates that it is technologically infeasible for VRS and IP Relay providers to offer these services at this time. DATES: The Bureau allowed the waivers of three-way calling for VRS and IP Relay to expire on January 1, 2008. The waivers of certain TRS mandatory minimum standards for VRS and IP Relay will expire on January 1, 2009, except the wavier of the speed dialing requirement for VRS, which will expire on April 30, 2008. ADDRESSES: Parties may submit waiver reports identified by [CG Docket No. 03– E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 33 (Tuesday, February 19, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 9017-9031]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-2940]



47 CFR Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80


Amendment of the Commission's Rules, Concerning Commission 
Organization, Practice and Procedure, Frequency Allocations and Radio 
Treaty Matters; General Rules and Regulations, and Stations in the 
Maritime Services

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission's 
(FCC) Office of Managing Director adopts final rules that change the 
addresses that regulatees, applicants and licensees use to submit, or 
file, certain applications and payments to the Commission. These non-
substantive, non-controversial rule amendments are necessary to reflect 
a recent change by the Commission in the bank providing the 
Commission's lockbox service, ensuring continued processing of future 
applications and fees. This Order also makes several non-substantive 
changes to the Commission's fee provisions.

DATES: Effective February 19, 2008.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Warren Firschein, Office of the 
Managing Director, (202) 418-0844.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Order, 
DA-08-122, adopted January 24, 2008 and released January 25, 2008. The 
full text of the Report and Order is available for public inspection on 
the Commission's Internet site at It is also 
available for inspection and copying during regular business hours in 
the FCC Reference Center (Room CY-A257), 445 12th Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20554. The full text of this document also may be 
purchased from the Commission's duplication contractor, Best Copy and 
Printing Inc., Portals II, 445 12th St., SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, 
DC 20554; telephone (202) 488-5300; fax (202) 488-5563; e-mail 

Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis

    The rules contained herein have been analyzed with respect to the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 and found to contain no new or modified 
form, information collection and/or recordkeeping, labeling, 
disclosure, or record retention requirements, and will not increase or 
decrease burden hours imposed on the public. Finally, because these 
amendments to our rules are adopted without notice and comment, no 
regulatory flexibility analysis is required.

Congressional Review Act

    Because the adopted rules are rules of agency organization, 
procedure, or practice that do not ``substantially affect the rights or 
obligations of non-agency parties,'' the Commission will not send a 
copy of the Report and Order in a report to Congress and the Government 
Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 
U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).

Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

    Amendment of Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80 of the Commission's 
Rules, Concerning Commission Organization, Practice and Procedure, 
Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and 
Regulations, and Stations in the Maritime Services.
    This Order amends the Commission's rules to change the name and 
address that regulatees, applicants and licensees use to submit, or 
file, certain applications and payments to the Commission. These non-
substantive, non-controversial rule amendments are necessary to reflect 
a recent change by the Commission in the bank providing the 
Commission's lockbox service, ensuring continued processing of future 
applications and fees. The changes affect rules governing Commission 
Organization (47 CFR Part 0), Practice and Procedure (47 CFR Part 1), 
Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and 
Regulations (47 CFR Part 2), Tariffs (47 CFR Part 61), Miscellaneous 
Rules Relating to Common Carriers (47 CFR Part 64), Radio Broadcast 
Services (47 CFR Part 73), and Stations in the Maritime Services (47 
CFR Part 80). Specifically, this Order corrects bank addresses in 
several provisions of sections 0.401(b), 0.482, 1.80(h), 1.227(b), 
1.907, 1.1102, 1.1103, 1.1104, 1.1105, 1.1106, 1.1107, 1.1152, 1.1153, 
1.1154, 1.1155, 1.1156, 1.1166(d), 1.10001, 1.10009, 2.913(b), 
61.14(b), 61.17(b), 61.20(b), 61.32(b), 61.153(b), 64.709(d), and 
80.59(c) of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR 0.401(b), 0.482, 1.80(h), 
1.227(b), 1.907, 1.1102, 1.1103, 1.1104, 1.1105, 1.1106, 1.1107, 
1.1152, 1.1153, 1.1154, 1.1155, 1.1156, 1.1166(d), 1.10001, 1.10009, 
2.913(b), 61.14, 61.17, 61.20, 61.32, 61.153, 64.709, and 80.59(c). 
This Order also makes several non-substantive changes to the 
Commission's fee provisions to correct inadvertent errors to payment 
    In order to provide a fair and sufficient transition period to 
allow filers to become familiar with the address changes in the rules, 
we provide that for forty-five days after publication in the Federal 
Register, fees, applications, and other filings erroneously submitted 
by parties to the former lockbox bank shall be forwarded automatically 
to the new bank at the address listed in the rules. In addition, during 
this transition period, the date that such fees, applications, and 
other filings are date-stamped as received by the former lockbox bank 
shall be deemed to be the official filing date of such submissions.
    The rule amendments set forth in the attached Appendix relate to 
agency practice and procedure, and make minor, non-controversial 
procedural changes that do not raise issues upon which public notice 
and comment is necessary or would serve any useful purpose. 
Furthermore, since these amendments merely reflect procedural changes 
in the bank and addresses to which filings must be submitted, and the 
Commission has provided by rule the 45-day transition period to allow 
filers to become aware of the procedural change, good cause exists for 
adoption of these rule amendments without affording notice and comment.

[[Page 9018]]

Authority for this action is set forth in the Administrative Procedure 
Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A) and (B).\1\

    \1\ See also 47 CFR 1.412(b)(5), (c) (stating that prior notice 
is not required for amendments to rules relating to Commission 
organization, procedure, or practice, or ``in any situation in which 
the Commission for good cause finds that notice and public procedure 
are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public 

    Finally, because the Commission has provided a 45-day transition 
period before a filer will be penalized for not using the correct 
address, good cause has been shown for these rule changes to become 
effective February 19, 2008 on the date of publication in the Federal 
Register. See 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3); 47 CFR 1.427(b). This will allow 
parties who are aware of the new address to begin using it without 
delay, while avoiding any prejudice to those who learn of the change 
when it is published in the Federal Register.

Ordering Clauses

    Accordingly, It is hereby ordered that, pursuant to the authority 
contained in Sections 4(i) and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i) and 303(r), and section 0.231(b) of 
the Commission's regulations, 47 CFR 0.231(b), Parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, 
73, and 80 of the Commission's rules are amended as set forth in the 
attached Appendix.
    It is further ordered that these amendments are effective February 
19, 2008. See section 553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 
U.S.C. 553(d)(3).
    It is further ordered that the Secretary shall cause a copy of this 
Order to be published in the Federal Register.

List of Subjects

47 CFR Part 0

    Organization and functions (Government agencies).

47 CFR Part 1

    Administrative practice and procedure, Penalties.

47 CFR Part 2


47 CFR Part 61

    Communications common carriers, Telephone.

47 CFR Part 64

    Communications common carriers, Telecommunications, Telephone.

47 CFR Part 80

    Radio, Television.

Federal Communications Commission.
Anthony Dale,
Managing Director.

Final Rules

For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications 
Commission amends 47 CFR parts 0, 1, 2, 61, 64, and 80 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 0 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 155, 
225, unless otherwise noted.

2. Section 0.401 is amended by revising the first sentence of paragraph 
(b) introductory text, the first sentence of paragraph (b)(1), and the 
first and second sentences of paragraph (b)(2) to read as follows:

Sec.  0.401  Location of Commission offices.

* * * * *
    (b) Applications or filings requiring the fees set forth at part 1, 
subpart G of the rules must be delivered to the Commission's lockbox 
bank in St. Louis, Missouri with the correct fee and completed Fee Form 
attached to the application or filing, unless otherwise directed by the 
Commission. * * *
* * * * *
    (1) Applications and filings submitted by mail shall be addressed 
to the U.S. Bank in St. Louis, Missouri. * * *
* * * * *
    (2) Applications and other filings may also be hand carried, in 
person or by courier, to the U.S. Bank, Government Lockbox, 1005 
Convention Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri. All applications and filings 
delivered in this manner must be in an envelope clearly marked for the 
``Federal Communications Commission,'' and identified with the 
appropriate Post Office Box address as set out in the fee schedule 
(Sec. Sec.  1.1102 through 1.1109 of this Chapter). * * *
* * * * *

3. Section 0.482 is amended by revising the first sentence to read as 

Sec.  0.482  Applications For Waiver.

    All requests for waiver of the rules (see Sec.  1.925 of this 
Chapter) governing the Wireless Radio Services (see Sec.  1.907 of this 
Chapter) that require a fee (see Sec.  1.1102 of this Chapter) shall be 
submitted via the Universal Licensing System or to the U.S. Bank, St. 
Louis, Missouri at the address set forth in Sec.  1.1102. * * *


4. The authority citation for Part 1 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 79 et seq.; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 
155, 157, 225, 303(r), and 309.

Subpart A--General Rules of Practice and Procedure

5. Section 1.80 is amended by revising the third sentence of paragraph 
(h) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.80  Forfeiture Proceeding.

* * * * *
    (h) * * * The check or money order should be mailed to: Federal 
Communications Commission, P.O. Box 979088, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.
* * * * *

Subpart B--Hearing Proceedings

6. Section 1.227 is amended by revising the second sentence of 
paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.227  Consolidations.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (4) * * * Except for applications filed under part 101, subparts H 
and O, Private Operational Fixed Microwave Service, and applications 
for high seas public coast stations (see Sec. .Sec.  80.122(b)(1) 
(first sentence), 80.357, 80.361, 80.363(a)(2), 80.371(a), (b), and 
(d), and Sec.  80.374 of this chapter) mutual exclusivity will occur if 
the later application or applications are received by the Commission's 
offices in Gettysburg, PA (or St. Louis, Missouri for applications 
requiring the fees set forth at part 1, subpart G of the rules) in a 
condition acceptable for filing within 30 days after the release date 
of public notice listing the first prior filed application (with which 
subsequent applications are in conflict) as having been accepted for 
filing or within such other period as specified by the Commission. * * 
* * * * *

Subpart F--Wireless Radio Services Applications and Proceedings

7. Section 1.907 is amended by revising the first sentence of the 
definition of ``Receipt date'' to read as follows:

Sec.  1.907  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Receipt date. The date an electronic or paper application is 
received at the

[[Page 9019]]

appropriate location at the Commission or U.S. Bank. * * *
* * * * *

Subpart G--Schedule of Statutory Charges and Procedures for Payment

8. Section 1.1102 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1102  Schedule of charges for applications and other filings in 
the wireless telecommunications services.

    Those services designated with an asterisk in the payment type code 
column have associated regulatory fees that must be paid at the same 
time the application fee is paid. Please refer to Sec.  1.1152 for the 
appropriate regulatory fee that must be paid for this service.
    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Bureau Applications, P.O. 
Box 979097, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
1. Marine Coast
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  601 & 159..................      $115.00  PBMR*
    b. Modification; Public Coast CMRS;   601 & 159..................       115.00  PBMM
    c. Assignment of Authorization......  603 & 159..................       115.00  PBMM
    d. Transfer of Control..............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing for Public       603-T/608** & 159..........  ...........  ............................
    e. Duplicate License................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    f. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       160.00  PCMM
    g. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBMR*
    h. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBMR*
    i. Renewal Only (Non-Profit; CMRS)..  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBMM
    j. Renewal (Electronic Filing) Non-   601 & 159..................       115.00  PBMM
     profit, CMRS.
    k. Rule Waiver......................  601, 603 or 603-T/608** &         170.00  PDWM
    l. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................       115.00  PBMM
     for Public Coast Stations.
2. Aviation Ground
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVR*
    b. Modification; Non-Profit.........  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVM
    c. Assignment of Authorization......  603 & 159..................       115.00  PBVM
    d. Transfer of Control..............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
    e. Duplicate License................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    f. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       160.00  PCVM
    g. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVR*
    h. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVR*
    i. Renewal Only; Non-Profit.........  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVM
    j. Renewal;.........................
    Non-Profit (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................       115.00  PBVM
    k. Rule Waiver......................  601 or 603 & 159...........       170.00  PDWM
3. Ship
    a. New; Renewal/Modification;         605 & 159..................        60.00  PASR*
     Renewal Only.
    b. New; Renewal/Modification;         605 & 159..................        60.00  PASR*
     Renewal Only (Electronic Filing).
    c. Renewal Only; Non-profit.........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PASM
    d. Renewal Only; Non-profit           605 & 159..................        60.00  PASM
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. Modification; Non-profit.........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PASM
    f. Modification; Non-profit           605 & 159..................        60.00  PASM
     (Electronic Filing).
    g. Duplicate License................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    h. Duplicate License (Electronic      605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    i. Exemption from Ship Station        605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
    j. Rule Waiver......................  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
    k. Exemption from Ship Station        605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
     Requirements (Electronic Filing).
    l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing)..  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
4. Aircraft
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAR*
    b. New; Renewal/Modification          605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Modification; Non-Profit.........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAM
    d. Modification Non-Profit            605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAM
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. Renewal Only.....................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAR*
    f. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAR*
    g. Renewal Only; Non-Profit.........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAM
    h. Renewal; Renewal/Modification Non- 605 & 159..................        60.00  PAAM
     Profit (Electronic Filing).
    i. Duplicate License................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    j. Duplicate License (Electronic      605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    k. Rule Waiver......................  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
    l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing)..  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
5. Private Operational Fixed Microwave
 and Private DEMS
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOR*
    b. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Modification; Consolidate Call     601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM
     Signs; Non-Profit.
    d. Modification; Consolidate Call     601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM
     Signs; Non-Profit (Electronic
    e. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOR*
    f. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOR*
    g. Renewal Only; Non-Profit.........  601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM
    h. Renewal Non-Profit (Electronic     601 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM
    i. Assignment.......................  603 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM

[[Page 9020]]

    j. Assignment (Electronic Filing)...  603 & 159..................       245.00  PEOM
    k. Transfer of Control;.............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........  ...........  ............................
    l. Transfer of Control;.............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing (Electronic      603-T/608** & 159..........  ...........  ............................
    m. Duplicate License................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    n. Duplicate License (Electronic      601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    o. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAOM
    p. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................        60.00  PAOM
     (Electronic Filing).
    q. Rule Waiver......................  601, 603 or 603-T/608** &         170.00  PDWM
    r. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing)..  601, 603 or 603-T/608** &         170.00  PDWM
    s. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................       245.00  PEOM
    t. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................       245.00  PEOM
     (Electronic Filing).
6. Land Mobile PMRS; Intelligent
 Transportation Service
    a. New or Renewal/Modification        601 & 159..................        60.00  PALR*
     (Frequencies below 470 MHz (except
     220 MHz)) 902-928 MHz & RS.
    b. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................        60.00  PALR*
     (Frequencies below 470 MHz (except
     220 MHz)) (Electronic Filing).
    c. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................        60.00  PALS*
     (Frequencies 470 MHz and above and
     220 MHz Local).
    d. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................        60.00  PALS*
     (Frequencies 470 MHz and above and
     220 MHz Local) (Electronic Filing).
    e. New; Renewal/Modification (220     601 & 159..................        60.00  PALT*
     MHz Nationwide).
    f. New; Renewal/Modification (220     601 & 159..................        60.00  PALT*
     MHz Nationwide) (Electronic Filing).
    g. Modification; Non-Profit; For      601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     Profit Special Emergency and Public
     Safety; and CMRS.
    h. Modification; Non-Profit; For      601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     Profit Special Emergency and Public
     Safety; and CMRS (Electronic
    i. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PALR*
                                                                             60.00  PALS*
                                                                             60.00  PALT*
    j. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................        60.00  PALR*
                                                                             60.00  PALS*
                                                                             60.00  PALT*
    k. Renewal Only (Non-Profit; CMRS;    601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     For-Profit Special Emergency and
     Public Safety).
    l. Renewal (Non-Profit; CMRS; For-    601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     Profit Special Emergency and Public
     Safety) (Electronic Filing).
    m. Assignment of Authorization (PMRS  603 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     & CMRS).
    n. Assignment of Authorization (PMRS  603 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     & CMRS) (Electronic Filing).
    o. Transfer of Control (PMRS CMRS);.  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........        60.00  PATM
    p. Transfer of Control (PMRS CMRS);.  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing (Electronic      603-T/608** & 159..........        60.00  PATM
    q. Duplicate License................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    r. Duplicate License (Electronic      601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    s. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
    t. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     (Electronic Filing).
    u. Rule Waiver......................  601, 603 or 603-T/608** &         170.00  PDWM
    v. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing)..  601, 603 or 603-T/608** &         170.00  PDWM
    w. Consolidate Call Signs...........  601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
    x. Consolidate Call Signs             601 & 159..................        60.00  PALM
     (Electronic Filing).
    y. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................        60.00  PALM
    z. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................        60.00  PALM
     (Electronic Filing).
7. 218-219 MHz (previously IVDS)
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIR*
    b. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Modification; Non-Profit.........  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
    d. Modification; Non-Profit           601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIR*
    f. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIR*
    g. Assignment of Authorization......  603 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
    h. Assignment of Authorization        603 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
     (Electronic Filing).
    i. Transfer of Control;.............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........        60.00  PATM
    j. Transfer of Control;.............  603 & 159..................        60.00  PATM
        Spectrum Leasing (Electronic      603-T/608** & 159..........        60.00  PATM
    k. Duplicate License................  601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    l. Duplicate License (Electronic      601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    m. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
    n. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................        60.00  PAIM
     (Electronic Filing).
    o. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................        60.00  PAIM
    p. Modification for Spectrum Leasing  608** & 159................        60.00  PAIM
     (Electronic Filing).

[[Page 9021]]

8. General Mobile Radio (GMRS)
    a. New; Renewal/Modification........  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZR*
    b. New; Renewal/Modification          605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Modification.....................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZM
    d. Modification (Electronic Filing).  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZM
    e. Renewal Only.....................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZR*
    f. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZR*
    g. Duplicate License................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    h. Duplicate License (Electronic      605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
    i. Special Temporary Authority......  605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZM
    j. Special Temporary Authority        605 & 159..................        60.00  PAZM
     (Electronic Filing).
    k. Rule Waiver......................  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
    l. Rule Waiver (Electronic Filing)..  605 & 159..................       170.00  PDWM
9. Restricted Radiotelephone
    a. New (Lifetime Permit)............  605 & 159..................        60.00  PARR
        New (Limited Use)...............  605 & 159..................  ...........  ............................
    b. Duplicate/Replacement Permit.....  605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
        Duplicate/Replacement Permit      605& 159...................        60.00  PADM
         (Limited Use).
10. Commercial Radio Operator
    a. Renewal Only; Renewal/             605 & 159..................        60.00  PACS
    b. Duplicate........................  605 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
11. Hearing.............................  Corres & 159...............    10,680.00  PFHM
12. Common Carrier Microwave (Pt. To
 Pt., Local TV Trans. & Millimeter Wave
    a. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................       245.00  CJPR*
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    b. Major Modification; Consolidate    601 & 159..................       245.00  CJPM
     Call Signs (Electronic Filing
    c. Renewal (Electronic Filing         601 & 159..................       245.00  CJPR*
    d. Assignment of Authorization;       603 & 159..................        90.00  CCPM
     Transfer of Control;.
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........        90.00  CCPM
        Additional Stations (Electronic   603 or 603-T/608** & 159...        60.00  CAPM
         Filing Required).
    e. Duplicate License (Electronic      601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
     Filing Required).
    f. Extension of Construction          601 & 159..................        90.00  CCPM
     Authority (Electronic Filing
    g. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       115.00  CEPM
    h. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................       115.00  CEPM
     (Electronic Filing).
    i. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       245.00  CJPM
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
13. Common Carrier Microwave (DEMS)
    a. New; Renewal/Modification          601 & 159..................       245.00  CJLR*
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    b. Major Modification; Consolidate    601 & 159..................       245.00  CJLM
     Call Signs (Electronic Filing
    c. Renewal (Electronic Filing         601 & 159..................       245.00  CJLR*
    d. Assignment of Authorization;       603 & 159..................        90.00  CCLM
     Transfer of Control;.
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........        90.00  CCLM
        Additional Stations (Electronic   603 or 603-T/608** & 159...        60.00  CALM
         Filing Required).
    e. Duplicate License (Electronic      601 & 159..................        60.00  PADM
     Filing Required).
    f. Extension of Construction          601 & 159..................        90.00  CCLM
     Authority (Electronic Filing
    g. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       115.00  CELM
    h. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................       115.00  CELM
     (Electronic Filing).
    i. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................        90.00  CJLM
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
14. Broadcast Auxiliary (Aural and TV
    a. New; Modification; Renewal/        601 & 159..................       135.00  MEA
    b. New; Modification; Renewal/        601 & 159..................       135.00  MEA
     Modification (Electronic Filing).
    c. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       160.00  MGA
    d. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................       160.00  MGA
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................        60.00  MAA
    f. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................        60.00  MAA
15. Broadcast Auxiliary (Remote and Low
    a. New; Modification; Renewal/        601 & 159..................       135.00  MEA
    b. New; Modification; Renewal/        601 & 159..................       135.00  MEA
     Modification (Electronic Filing).
    c. Renewal Only.....................  601 & 159..................        60.00  MAA
    d. Renewal (Electronic Filing)......  601 & 159..................        60.00  MAA
    e. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       160.00  MGA
    f. Special Temporary Authority        601 & 159..................       160.00  MGA
     (Electronic Filing).
16. Pt 22 Paging & Radiotelephone
    a. New; Major Mod; Additional         601 & 159..................       365.00  CMD
     Facility; Major Amendment; Major
     Renewal/Mod; Fill in Transmitter
     (Per Transmitter) (Electronic
     Filing Required).
    b. Minor Mod; Renewal; Minor Renewal/ 601 & 159..................        60.00  CAD
     Mod; (Per Call Sign) 900 MHz
     Nationwide Renewal Net Organ; New
     Operator (Per Operator/Per City)
     Notice of Completion of
     Construction or Extension of Time
     to Construct (Per Application)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    c. Auxiliary Test (Per Transmitter);  601 & 159..................       320.00  CLD
     Consolidate Call Signs (Per Call
     Sign) (Electronic Filing Required).

[[Page 9022]]

    d. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLD
     Location/Per Frequency).
    e. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLD
     Location/Per Frequency) (Electronic
    f. Assignment of License or Transfer  603 & 159..................       365.00  CMD
     of Control;.
        Spectrum Leasing (Full or         603-T/608** & 159..........       365.00  CMD
         Partial) (Per First Call Sign);.
        Additional Call Signs (Per Call   603 or 603-T/608** & 159...        60.00  CAD
         Signs) (Electronic Filing
    g. Subsidiary Comm. Service (Per      601 & 159..................       160.00  CFD
     Request) (Electronic Filing
    h. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       365.00  CMD
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
    i. Minor Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................        60.00  CAD
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
17. Cellular
    a. New; Major Mod; Additional         601 & 159..................       365.00  CMC
     Facility; Major Renewal/Mod (Per
     Call Sign) (Electronic Filing
    b. Minor Modification; Minor Renewal/ 601 & 159..................        95.00  CDC
     Mod (Per Call Sign) (Electronic
     Filing Required).
    c. Assignment of License; Transfer    603 & 159..................       365.00  CMC
     of Control (Full or Partial) (Per
     Call Sign).
        Spectrum Leasing (Electronic      603-T/608** & 159..........  ...........  ............................
         Filing Required).
    d. Notice of Extension of Time to     601 & 159..................        60.00  CAC
     Complete Construction; (Per
     Request) Renewal (Per Call Sign)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    e. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLC
    f. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLC
     Request) (Electronic Filing).
    g. Combining Cellular Geographic      601 & 159..................        80.00  CBC
     Areas (Per Area) (Electronic Filing
    h. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       365.00  CMC
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
    i. Minor Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................        95.00  CDC
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
18. Rural Radio
    a. New; Major Renew/Mod; Additional   601 & 159..................       170.00  CGRR*
     Facility (Per Transmitter)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    b. Major Mod; Major Amendment (Per    601 & 159..................       170.00  CGRM
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing
    c. Minor Modification; (Per           601 & 159..................        60.00  CARM
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing
    d. Assignment of License; Transfer    603 & 159..................       170.00  CGRM
     of Control (Full or Partial) (Per
     Call Sign).
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........       170.00  CGRM
        Additional Calls (Per Call Sign)  603 or 603-T/608** & 159...        60.00  CARM
         (Electronic Filing Required).
    e. Renewal (Per Call Sign); Minor     601 & 159..................        60.00  CARR*
     Renewal/Mod (Per Transmitter)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    f. Notice of Completion of            601 & 159..................        60.00  CARM
     Construction or Extension of Time
     to Construct (Per Application)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    g. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLRM
    h. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLRM
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing).
    i. Combining Call Signs (Per Call     601 & 159..................       320.00  CLRM
     Sign) (Electronic Filing Required).
    j. Auxiliary Test Station (Per        601 & 159..................       320.00  CLRM
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing
    k. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       170.00  CGRM
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
    l. Minor Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................        60.00  CARM
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
19. Offshore Radio
    a. New; Major Mod; Additional         601 & 159..................       170.00  CGF
     Facility; Major Amendment; Major
     Renew/Mod; Fill in Transmitters
     (Per Transmitter) (Electronic
     Filing Required).
    b. Consolidate Call Signs (Per Call   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLF
     Sign); Auxiliary Test (Per
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing
    c. Minor Modification; Minor Renewal/ 601 & 159..................        60.00  CAF
     Modification (Per Transmitter);
     Notice of Completion of
     Construction or Extension of Time
     to Construct (Per Application);
     Renewal (Per Call Sign) (Electronic
     Filing Required).
    d. Assignment of License; Transfer    603 & 159..................       170.00  CGF
     of Control (Full or Partial).
        Spectrum Leasing................  603-T/608** & 159..........       170.00  CGF
        Additional Calls (Electronic      603 or 603-T/608** & 159...        60.00  CAF
         Filing Required).
    e. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLF
    f. Special Temporary Authority (Per   601 & 159..................       320.00  CLF
     Transmitter) (Electronic Filing).
    g. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       170.00  CGF
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
    h. Minor Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................        60.00  CAF
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
20. Broadband Radio Service (Previously
 Multipoint Distribution Service)
    a. New station (Electronic Filing     601 & 159..................       245.00  CJM
    b. Major Modification of Licenses     601 & 159..................       245.00  CJM
     (Electronic Filing Required).
    c. Certification of Completion of     601 & 159..................       720.00  CPM*
     Construction (Electronic Filing

[[Page 9023]]

    d. License Renewal (Electronic        601 & 159..................       245.00  CJM
     Filing Required).
    e. Assignment of Authorization;       603 & 159..................        90.00  CCM
     Transfer of Control (first station)
     (Electronic Filing Required).
        Spectrum Leasing (first station)  603-T/608** & 159..........        90.00  CCM
        Additional Station..............  603-T/608** & 159..........        60.00  CAM
    f. Extension of Construction          601 & 159..................       210.00  CHM
     Authorization (Electronic Filing
    g. Special Temporary Authority or     601 & 159..................       115.00  CEM
     Request for Waiver of Prior
     Construction Authorization
     (Electronic Filing).
    h. Special Temporary Authority......  601 & 159..................       115.00  CEM
    i. Major Modification for Spectrum    608** & 159................       245.00  CJM
     Leasing (Electronic Filing
21. Communications Assistance for Law     Correspondence & 159.......     5,605.00  CALA
 Enforcement (CALEA) Petitions
**FCC Form 608, which is pending OMB approval, will upon its effective date replace FCC Form 603-T, as noted in
  Sec.   1.1102, above.

9. Section 1.1103 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1103  Schedule of charges for equipment approval, experimental 
radio services (or service).

    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, OET Services, P.O. Box 979095, St. 
Louis, MO 63197-9000.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
Equipment Approval Service(s)
1. Certification
    a. Receivers (except TV and FM)       731 & 159..................       455.00  EEC
     (Electronic Filing Only).
    b. Devices Under Parts 11, 15 & 18    731 & 159..................     1,165.00  EGC
     (except receivers) (Electronic
     Filing Only).
    c. All Other Devices (Electronic      731 & 159..................       585.00  EFT
     Filing Only).
    d. Modifications and Class II         731 & 159..................        60.00  EAC
     Permissive Changes (Electronic
     Filing Only).
    e. Request for Confidentiality under  731 & 159..................       170.00  EBC
     Certification (Electronic Filing
    f. Class III Permissive Changes       731 & 159..................       585.00  ECC
     (Electronic Filing Only).
2. Advance Approval of Subscription TV    Corres & 159...............     3,565.00  EIS
    a. Request for Confidentiality For    Corres & 159...............       170.00  EBS
     Advance Approval of Subscription TV
3. Assignment of Grantee Code
    a. For all Application Types, except  Electronic Assignment &            60.00  EAG
     Subscription TV (Electronic Filing    Form 159 or Optional
     Only--Optional Electronic Payment).   Electronic Payment.
4. Experimental Radio Service(s)
    a. New Station Authorization........  442 & 159..................        60.00  EAE
    b. Modification of Authorization....  442 & 159..................        60.00  EAE
    c. Renewal of Station Authorization.  405 & 159..................        60.00  EAE
    d. Assignment of License or Transfer  702 & 159 or 703 & 159.....        60.00  EAE
     of Control.
    e. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............        60.00  EAE
    f. Additional fee required for any    Corres & 159...............        60.00  EAE
     of the above applications that
     request withholding from public

10. Section 1.1104 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1104  Schedule of charges for applications and other filings 
for media services.

    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, Media Bureau Services, P.O. Box 
979089, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
1. Commercial TV Services
    a. New and Major Change Construction  301 & 159..................    $4,005.00  MVT
     Permits (per application)
     (Electronic Filing).
    b. Minor Change (per application)     301 & 159..................       895.00  MPT
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Main Studio Request..............  Corres & 159...............       895.00  MPT
    d. New License (per application)      302-TV & 159 302-DTV & 159.       270.00  MJT
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. License Renewal (per application)  303-S & 159................       160.00  MGT
     (Electronic Filing).
    f. License Assignment (i) Long Form   314 & 159..................       895.00  MPT*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDT*
    g. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form  315 & 159..................       895.00  MPT*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDT*
    h. Call Sign (Electronic Filing)....  380 & 159..................        90.00  MBT
    i. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGT

[[Page 9024]]

    j. Petition for Rulemaking for New    301 & 159 302-TV & 159.....     2,475.00  MRT
     Community of License (Electronic
    k. Ownership Report (Electronic       323 & 159 Corres & 159.....        60.00  MAT*
2. Commercial AM Radio Stations
    a. New or Major Change Construction   301 & 159..................     3,565.00  MUR
     Permit (Electronic Filing).
    b. Minor Change (per application)     301 & 159..................       895.00  MPR
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. Main Studio Request (per request)  Corres & 159...............       895.00  MPR
    d. New License (per application)      302-AM & 159...............       585.00  MMR
     (Electronic Filing).
    e. AM Directional Antenna (per        302-AM & 159...............       675.00  MOR
     application) (Electronic Filing).
    f. AM Remote Control (per             301 & 159..................        60.00  MAR
     application) (Electronic Filing).
    g. License Renewal (per application)  303-S & 159................       160.00  MGR
     (Electronic Filing).
    h. License Assignment (i) Long Form   314 & 159..................       895.00  MPR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDR*
    i. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form  315 & 159..................       895.00  MPR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDR*
    j. Call Sign (Electronic Filing)....  380 & 159..................        90.00  MBR
    k. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGR
    l. Ownership Report (Electronic       323 & 159 or Corres & 159..        60.00  MAR
3. Commercial FM Radio Stations
    a. New or Major Change Construction   301 & 159..................     3,210.00  MTR
     Permit (Electronic Filing).
    b. Minor Change (Electronic Filing).  301 & 159..................       895.00  MPR
    c. Main Studio Request (per request)  Corres & 159...............       895.00  MPR
    d. New License (Electronic Filing)..  302-FM & 159...............       185.00  MHR
    e. FM Directional Antenna             302-FM & 159...............       565.00  MLR
     (Electronic Filing).
    f. License Renewal (per application)  303-S &159.................       160.00  MGR
     (Electronic Filing).
    g. License Assignment (i) Long Form   314 & 159..................       895.00  MPR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDR*
    h. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form  315 & 159..................       895.00  MPR*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDR*
    i. Call Sign (Electronic Filing)....  380 & 159..................        90.00  MBR
    j. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGR
    k. Petition for Rulemaking for New    301 & 159 or 302-FM & 159..     2,475.00  MRR
     Community of License or Higher
     Class Channel (Electronic Filing).
    l. Ownership Report (Electronic       323 & 159 or Corres & 159..        60.00  MAR
4. FM Translators
    a. New or Major Change Construction   349 & 159..................       675.00  MOF
     Permit (Electronic Filing).
    b. New License (Electronic Filing)..  350 & 159..................       135.00  MEF
    c. License Renewal (Electronic        303-S & 159................        60.00  MAF
d. Special Temporary Authority..........  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGF
    e. License Assignment (Electronic     345 & 159 314 & 159 316 &         130.00  MDF*
     Filing).                              159.
    f. Transfer of Control (Electronic    345 & 159 315 & 159 316 &         130.00  MDF*
     Filing).                              159.
5. TV Translators and LPTV Stations
    a. New or Major Change Construction   346 & 159..................       675.00  MOL
     Permit (per application)
     (Electronic Filing).
    b. New License (per application)      347 & 159..................       135.00  MEL
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. License Renewal (Electronic        303-S & 159................        60.00  MAL*
    d. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGL
    e. License Assignment (Electronic     345 & 159 314 & 159 316 &         130.00  MDL*
     Filing).                              159.
    f. Transfer of Control (Electronic    345 & 159 315 & 159 316 &         130.00  MDL*
     Filing).                              159.
    g. Call Sign (Electronic Filing)....  380 & 159..................        90.00  MBT
6. FM Booster Stations
    a. New or Major Change Construction   349 & 159..................       675.00  MOF
     Permit (Electronic Filing).
    b. New License (Electronic Filing)..  350 & 159..................       135.00  MEF
    c. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGF
7. TV Booster Stations
    a. New or Major Change (Electronic    346 & 159..................       675.00  MOF
    b. New License (Electronic Filing)..  347 & 159..................       135.00  MEFI
    c. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGF
8. Class A TV Services
    a. New and Major Change Construction  301-CA & 159...............     4,005.00  MVT
     Permits (per application)
     (Electronic Filing).
    b. New License (per application)      302-CA & 159...............       270.00  MJT
     (Electronic Filing).
    c. License Renewal (per application)  303S & 159.................       160.00  MGT
     (Electronic Filing).
    d. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  MGT
    e. License Assignment (i) Long Form   314 & 159..................       895.00  MPT*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDT
    f. Transfer of Control (i) Long Form  315 & 159..................       895.00  MPT*
     (Electronic Filing).
    (ii) Short Form (Electronic Filing).  316 & 159..................       130.00  MDT*
    g. Main Studio Request..............  Corres & 159...............       895.00  MPT
    h. Call Sign (Electronic Filing)....  380 & 159..................        90.00  MBT
9. Cable Television Services
    a. CARS License.....................  327 & 159..................       245.00  TIC
    b. CARS Modifications...............  327 & 159..................       245.00  TIC

[[Page 9025]]

    c. CARS License Renewal (Electronic   327 & 159..................       245.00  TIC
    d. CARS License Assignment..........  327 & 159..................       245.00  TIC
    e. CARS Transfer of Control.........  327 & 159..................       245.00  TIC
    f. Special Temporary Authority......  Corres & 159...............       160.00  TGC
    g. Cable Special Relief Petition....  Corres & 159...............     1,250.00  TQC
    h. Cable Community Registration       322 & 159..................        60.00  TAC
     (Electronic Filing).
    i. Aeronautical Frequency Usage       321 & 159..................        60.00  TAC
     Notifications (Electronic Filing).

11. Section 1.1105 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1105  Schedule of charges for applications and other filings 
for the wireline competition services.

    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau 
Applications, P.O. Box 979091, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
1. Domestic 214 Applications
    a. Domestic Cable Construction......  Corres & 159...............      $965.00  CUT
    b. Other............................  Corres & 159...............       965.00  CUT
2. Tariff Filings
    a. Filing Fees (per transmittal or    Corres & 159...............       775.00  CQK
     cover letter).
    b. Application for Special            Corres & 159...............       775.00  CQK
     Permission Filing (request for
     waiver of any rule in Part 61 of
     the Commission's Rules) (per
    c. Waiver of Part 69 Tariff Rules     Corres & 159...............       775.00  CQK
     (per request).
3. Accounting
    a. Review of Depreciation Update      Corres & 159...............    32,680.00  BKA
     Study (single state).
    (i) Each Additional State...........  Corres & 159...............     1,075.00  CVA
    b. Petition for Waiver (per           Corres & 159...............     7,365.00  BEA
     petition) Waiver of Part 69
     Accounting Rules & Part 32
     Accounting Rules, Part 36
     Separation Rules, Part 43 Reporting
     Requirements, Part 64 Allocation of
     Costs Rules, Part 65 Rate of Return
     & Rate Base Rules.

12. Section 1.1106 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1106  Schedule of charges for applications and other filings 
for the enforcement services.

    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, P.O. Box 979094, 
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000 with the exception of Accounting and Audits, 
which will be invoiced. Carriers should follow invoice instructions 
when making payment.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
1. Formal Complaints....................  Corres & 159...............      $190.00  CIZ
2. Accounting and Audits
    a. Field Audit......................  Carriers will be invoiced      98,400.00  BMA
                                           for the amount due.
    b. Review of Attest Audit...........  Carriers will be invoiced      53,710.00  BLA
                                           for the amount due.
3. Development and Review of Agreed       Corres & 159...............    53,710.00  BLA
 upon--Procedures Engagement.
4. Pole Attachment Complaint............  Corres & 159...............       240.00  TPC

13. Section 1.1107 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1.1107  Schedule of charges for applications and other filings 
for the international services.

    Remit manual filings and/or payment for these services to the: 
Federal Communications Commission, International Bureau Applications, 
P.O. Box 979093, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.

                 Service                          FCC form No.          Fee amount        Payment type code
1. International Fixed Public Radio
(Public & Control Stations)
    a. Initial Construction Permit (per   407 & 159..................      $810.00  CSN
    b. Assignment or Transfer (per        702 & 159 or 704 & 159.....       810.00  CSN
    c. Renewal (per license )...........  405 & 159..................       585.00  CON

[[Page 9026]]

    d. Modification (per station).......  403 & 159..................       585.00  CON
    e. Extension of Construction          701 & 159..................       295.00  CKN
     Authorization (per station).
    f. Special Temporary Authority or     Corres & 159...............       295.00  CKN
     request for Waiver (per request).
2. Section 214 Applications
    a. Overseas Cable Construction......  Corres & 159...............    14,415.00  BIT
    b. Cable Landing License (i) Common   Corres & 159...............     1,620.00  CXT
    (ii) Non-Common Carrier.............  Corres & 159...............    16,035.00  BJT
    c. All other International 214        Corres & 159...............       965.00  CUT
    d. Special Temporary Authority (all   Corres & 159...............       965.00  CUT
    e. Assignments or transfers (all      Corres & 159...............       965.00  CUT
3. Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive
 Earth Stations
    a. Initial Application (per station)  312 Main & Schedule B & 159     2,410.00  BAX
    b. Modification of License (per       312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGX
    c. Assignment or Transfer (i) First   312 Main & Schedule A & 159       475.00  CNX
    (ii) Each Additional Station........  Attachment to 312--Schedule       160.00  CFX
    d. Renewal of License (per station )  312-R & 159................       170.00  CGX
    e. Special Temporary Authority (per   312 Main & Corres & 159....       170.00  CGX
    f. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGX
     (per station).
    g. Extension of Construction Permit   312 Main & 159.............       170.00  CGX
     (modification) (per station).
4. Fixed Satellite transmit/receive
 Earth Stations (2 meters or less
 operating in the 4/6 GHz frequency
    a. Lead Application.................  312 Main & Schedule B & 159     5,340.00  BDS
    b. Routine Application (per station)  312 Main & Schedule B & 159        60.00  CAS
    c. Modification of License (per       312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGS
    d. Assignment or Transfer (i) First   312 Main & Schedule A & 159       475.00  CNS
    (ii) Each Additional Station........  Attachment to 312--Schedule        60.00  CAS
    e. Renewal of License (per station).  312-R & 159................       170.00  CGS
    f. Special Temporary Authority (per   312 Main & 159.............       170.00  CGS
    g. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule A or B        170.00  CGS
     (per station).                        & 159.
    h. Extension of Construction Permit   312 & 159..................       170.00  CGS
     (modification) (per station ).
5. Receive Only Earth Stations
    a. Initial Applications for           312 Main & Schedule B & 159       365.00  CMO
     Registration or License (per
    b. Modification of License or         312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGO
     Registration (per station).
    c. Assignment or Transfer (i) First   312 Main & Schedule A & 159       475.00  CNO
    (ii) Each Additional Station........  Attachment to 312--Schedule       160.00  CFO
    d. Renewal of License (per station).  312-R & 159................       170.00  CGO
    e. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule A or B        170.00  CGO
     (per station).                        & 159.
    f. Extension of Construction Permit   312 Main & 159.............       170.00  CGO
     (modification) (per station).
    g. Waivers (per request)............  Corres & 159...............       170.00  CGO
6. Fixed Satellite Very Small Aperture
 Terminal (VSAT) Systems
    a. Initial Application (per station)  312 Main & Schedule B & 159     8,895.00  BGV
    b. Modification of License (per       312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGV
    c. Assignment or Transfer of System.  312 Main & Schedule A & 159     2,380.00  CZV
    d. Renewal of License (per system)..  312-R & 159................       170.00  CGV
    e. Special Temporary Authority (per   312 & 159..................       170.00  CGV
    f. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule A or B        170.00  CGV
     (per system).                         & 159.
    g. Extension of Construction Permit   312 & 159..................       170.00  CGV
     (modification) (per system).
7. Mobile Satellite Earth Stations
    a. Initial Applications of Blanket    312 Main & Schedule B & 159     8,895.00  BGB
    b. Initial Application for            312 Main & Schedule B & 159     2,135.00  CYB
     Individual Earth Station.
    c. Modification of License (per       312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGB
    d. Assignment or Transfer (per        312 Main & Schedule A & 159     2,380.00  CZB
    e. Renewal of License (per system)..  312-R & 159................       170.00  CGB
    f. Special Temporary Authority (per   312 & 159..................       170.00  CGB
    g. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule B & 159       170.00  CGB
     (per system).
    h. Extension of Construction Permit   312 & 159..................       170.00  CGB
     (modification) (per system).
8. Space Stations (Geostationary)
    a. Application for Authority to       312 Main & Schedule S & 159   110,580.00  BNY
     Launch & Operate (per satellite)
     (i) Initial Application.
    (ii) Replacement Satellite..........  312 Main & Schedule S & 159   110,580.00  BNY
    b. Assignment or Transfer (per        312 Main & Schedule A & 159     7,900.00  BFY
    c. Modification (per satellite).....  312 Main & Schedule S (if       7,900.00  BFY
                                           needed) & 159.
    d. Special Temporary Authority (per   312 & 159..................       790.00  CRY
    e. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule S (if       1,580.00  CWY
     (per satellite).                      needed) & 159.
    f. Extension of Launch Authority      312 Main & Corres & 159....       790.00  CRY
     (per satellite).
9. Space Stations (NGSO)
    a. Application for Authority to       312 Main & Schedule S & 159   380,835.00  CLW
     Launch & Operate (per system of
     technically identical satellites)
    b. Assignment or Transfer (per        312 Main & Schedule A & 159    10,885.00  CZW
    c. Modification (per system)........  312 Main & Schedule S (if      27,205.00  CGW
                                           needed) & 159.

[[Page 9027]]

    d. Special Temporary Authority (per   Corres & 159...............     2,725.00  CXW
    e. Amendment of Pending Application   312 Main & Schedule S & 159     5,445.00  CAW
     (per request).
    f. Extension of Launch Authority      312 Main & 159.............     2,725.00  CXW
     (per system).
10. Direct Broadcast Satellites
    a. Authorization to Construct or      312 Main & Schedule S & 159     3,210.00  MTD
     Major Modification (per satellite).
    b. Construction Permit and Launch     312 Main & Schedule S & 159    31,140.00  MXD
     Authority (per satellite).
    c. License to Operate (per            312 Main & Schedule S & 159       895.00  MPD
    d. Special Temp
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