Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing Phyllostegia hispida (No Common Name) as Endangered Throughout Its Range, 9078-9085 [E8-2841]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
establishes procedures for 49 U.S.C.
5309 (‘‘Section 5309’’) capital
investment project sponsors to apply for
and receive incentive awards if their
project meets eligibility criteria for both
cost and ridership estimates.
(b) Upon submission of its ‘‘before
and after’’ data documenting that the
project meets the cost and ridership
criteria, the project sponsor may request
that FTA award the project sponsor a
performance incentive.
§ 612.3
§ 612.9
As used in this part, the following
definitions apply:
Before and After Study refers to the
project sponsor’s comparison and
analysis of planning assumptions,
forecast results, and existing transit
system characteristics ‘‘before’’
implementation of a New Starts project
with the project costs and benefits
realized ‘‘after’’ two years of revenue
Contractor Performance Assessment
Report refers to an annual report to
Congress, in which FTA reports the
accuracy of contractor projections for
cost and ridership from entry into
Preliminary Engineering (PE) through
two years after the system is open for
Full Funding Grant Agreement
(FFGA) refers to an instrument that
defines the scope of a project, the
Federal financial contribution, and
other terms and conditions for funding
New Starts projects as required by 49
U.S.C. 5309(d)(1) and (g)(2).
Project Construction Grant Agreement
(PCGA) refers to an instrument that
defines the scope of a project, the
Federal financial contribution, and
other terms and conditions for funding
Small Starts projects as required by 49
U.S.C. 5309(e)(7).
Section 5309 capital investment
project refers to a new fixed guideway
system or an extension to an existing
fixed guideway system, but does not
include rail modernization or noncorridor bus capital projects funded
under 49 U.S.C. 5309.
§ 612.5
Eligible candidates.
All Section 5309 capital investment
project sponsors who will or have
receive(d) a Full Funding Grant
Agreement (FFGA) or a Project
Construction Grant Agreement (PCGA)
after August 10, 2005, are eligible to
receive incentive awards.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
§ 612.7
Payment mechanism.
(a) Full Funding Grant Agreements
(FFGA) and Project Construction Grant
Agreements (PCGA) for Section 5309
capital investment projects will include
an incentive clause that will allow for
an amendment to either increase the
Federal funding contribution, allow for
the addition of scope, or provide a
financial award, when the criteria of
§ 612.9 have been met.
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Incentive award standards.
(a) For a project sponsor to be eligible
to receive a performance incentive
award, the project must meet criteria for
both cost and ridership estimates.
(1) Actual opening year ridership
shall be not less than 90 percent of that
forecast; and
(2) Actual capital costs, adjusted for
inflation, shall be not more than 110
percent of those estimated; at the time
the project entered Preliminary
Engineering (PE).
(b) FTA will base its incentive award
eligibility determination on the cost and
ridership information provided by the
project sponsor to FTA for the purposes
of the ‘‘Before and After Study’’ and the
‘‘Contractor Performance Assessment
§ 612.11
Incentive amount.
FTA will determine the amount of the
performance incentive award based on
the size and complexity of the project
and may award up to an additional five
percent of the federal grant amount
identified in the FFGA or PCGA.
§ 612.13
Funding source.
Incentive funds will be available from
New Starts funds available under 49
U.S.C. 5309(d) or 5309(e).
§ 612.15
Eligible uses of award.
The performance incentive award
may be:
(a) used to fund any item eligible
under 49 U.S.C. 5309(b)(1) or (b)(4); or
(b) shared with contractors that
prepared reliable cost and ridership
estimates for the project.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 12th day of
February 2008.
James S. Simpson,
[FR Doc. E8–3025 Filed 2–15–08; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[FWS–R1–ES–2008–0016; 1111 FY07 MO–
RIN 1018–AV00
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Listing Phyllostegia
hispida (No Common Name) as
Endangered Throughout Its Range
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
public comments.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), propose to
list Phyllostegia hispida (no common
name), a plant species from the island
of Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands, as
endangered under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
If we finalize this rule as proposed, it
would extend the Act’s protections to
this species. We have determined that
critical habitat for Phyllostegia hispida
is prudent but not determinable at this
DATES: We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
April 21, 2008. We must receive
requests for public hearings, in writing,
at the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section by April 4, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public
Comments Processing, Attn: RIN 1018–
AV00; Division of Policy and Directives
Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service; 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite
222, Arlington, VA 22203.
We will not accept e-mail or faxes. We
will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see the
Public Comments Solicited section
below for more information).
Patrick Leonard, Field Supervisor, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific
Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, 300
Ala Moana Boulevard, Box 50088,
Honolulu, HI 96850; telephone 808–
792–9400; facsimile 808–792–9581. If
you use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Public Comments
We intend that any final action
resulting from this proposed rule will be
based on the best scientific and
commercial data available and be as
accurate and as effective as possible.
Therefore, we request comments or
information from the public, other
concerned governmental agencies, the
scientific community, industry, or any
other interested party concerning this
proposed rule. We particularly seek
comments concerning:
(1) Biological, commercial trade, or
other relevant data concerning any
threats (or lack thereof) to this species
and regulations that may be addressing
those threats;
(2) Additional information concerning
the range, distribution, and population
size of this species, including the
locations of any additional populations
of this species;
(3) Any information on the biological
or ecological requirements of the
(4) Current or planned activities in the
areas occupied by the species and
possible impacts of these activities on
this species;
(5) Which areas would be appropriate
as critical habitat for the species and
why they should be proposed for
designation as critical habitat; and
(6) The reasons why areas should or
should not be designated as critical
habitat as provided by section 4 of the
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531, et seq.), including
whether the benefits of designation
would outweigh threats to the species
that designation could cause, such that
the designation of critical habitat is
You may submit your comments and
materials concerning this proposed rule
by one of the methods listed in the
ADDRESSES section. We will not accept
comments sent by e-mail or fax or to an
address not listed in the ADDRESSES
section. We will not accept anonymous
comments; your comment must include
your first and last name, city, State,
country, and postal (zip) code. Finally,
we will not consider hand-delivered
comments that we do not receive, or
mailed comments that are not
postmarked, by the date specified in the
DATES section.
We will post your entire comment—
including your personal identifying
information—on https://
www.regulations.gov. If you provide
personal identifying information in
addition to the required items specified
in the previous paragraph, such as your
street address, phone number, or e-mail
address, you may request at the top of
your document that we withhold this
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information from public review.
However, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so.
Comments and materials we receive,
as well as supporting documentation we
used in preparing this proposed rule,
will be available for public inspection
on https://www.regulations.gov, or by
appointment, during normal business
hours, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Pacific Islands Fish and
Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER
Phyllostegia hispida is known only
from the island of Molokai, Hawaii.
Molokai is approximately 38 miles (mi)
(61 kilometers (km)) long and up to 10
mi (16 km) wide, and encompasses an
area of about 260 square (sq) mi (674 sq
km) (Foote, et al. 1972, p. 11;
Department of Geography 1998, p. 13).
Three shield volcanoes make up most of
the land mass, dividing the island into
roughly three geographic segments—
West Molokai Mountain, East Molokai
Mountain, and a volcano that formed
Kalaupapa Peninsula (Department of
Geography 1998, pp. 11, 13).
The taller and larger East Molokai
Mountain which makes up eastern
Molokai rises 4,970 ft (1,514 m) above
sea level on the island’s summit at
Kamakou and comprises roughly 50
percent of the island’s land area
(Department of Geography 1998, p. 11;
Foote, et al. 1972, p. 11). Phyllostegia
hispida is known only from the wet
forests of eastern Molokai, at elevations
from 2,300 to 4,200 feet (ft) (700 to 1,280
meters (m)) (Wagner, et al. 1999, p. 819).
The wet forests where Phyllostegia
hispida has been recorded are found
only on the windward side of East
Molokai, which differs topographically
from the leeward side. Precipitous cliffs
line the northern windward coast, with
deep inaccessible valleys dissecting the
coastline. The annual rainfall on the
windward side ranges from 75 to over
150 inches (in) (200 to over 375
centimeters (cm)), distributed
throughout the year. The soils are
poorly drained and high in organic
matter. The gulches and valleys are
usually very steep, but sometimes gently
sloping (Foote, et al. 1972, p. 14).
The native habitats and vegetation of
the Hawaiian Islands have undergone
extreme alterations because of past and
present land use, as well as the
intentional or inadvertent introduction
of nonnative plant and animal species.
Introduced mammals, particularly pigs
(Sus scrofa), have greatly impacted
native Hawaiian plant communities.
Pigs have been described as the most
pervasive and disruptive nonnative
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influence on the unique native forests of
the Hawaiian Islands, and are widely
recognized as one of the greatest threats
to forest ecosystems in Hawaii today
(Aplet, et al. 1991, p. 56; Anderson and
Stone 1993, p. 195; Loope 1999, p. 56).
Introduced (nonnative) plant species,
which now comprise approximately half
of the plant taxa in the islands, have
come to dominate many Hawaiian
ecosystems, and frequently outcompete
native plants for space, light, water, and
nutrients, as well as alter ecosystem
function, rendering habitats unsuitable
for native species (Cuddihy and Stone
1990, pp. 73–91; Vitousek 1986, pp. 29–
The plant Phyllostegia hispida,
known only from the island of Molokai,
has only a few recorded occurrences,
and for a short period of time recently,
was thought to be possibly extinct in the
wild. Alteration of the plant’s native
habitat by feral pigs and nonnative
plants are thought to be the primary
threats to P. hispida, in conjunction
with the threat of predation by feral
pigs, competition with nonnative plants,
and the negative demographic and
genetic consequences of extremely small
population size.
Species Information
Phyllostegia hispida was first
described by William Hillebrand in
1870 from a specimen collected from an
area that he described as the ‘‘heights of
Mapulehu’’ on the island of Molokai
(Wagner, et al. 2005), and is recognized
as a distinct taxon in Wagner, et al.
(1999, pp. 817–819). Wagner, et al.
describes the plant as a non-aromatic
member of the mint family (Lamiaceae).
P. hispida is described as a loosely
spreading, many-branched vine that
often forms large tangled masses. Leaves
are thin and flaccid with hispid hairs
and glands. The leaf margins are
irregularly and shallowly lobed. Six to
eight white flowers make up each
verticillaster (a false whorl, composed of
a pair of nearly sessile cymes in the
axils of opposite leaves or bracts), and
nutlets are approximately 0.1 in (2.5
millimeters (mm)) long (Wagner, et al.
1999, pp. 817–819). No life history
information is currently available on
this species.
The few documented specimens of
Phyllostegia hispida are typically found
in wet Metrosideros polymorpha (ohia)dominated forest at an elevation
between 3,650 and 4,200 ft (1,112 and
1,280 m). Associated native species
included Cheirodendron trigynum
(olapa), Ilex anomala (aiae), Cibotium
glaucum (hapuu), Broussaisia argutus
(kanawao), Rubus hawaiensis (akala),
Sadleria cyatheoides (amau), Pipturus
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
albidus (mamaki), Nertera granadensis
(makole), Athyrium microphyllum,
Elaphoglossum fauriei, and bryophytes
(HBMP Database 2005).
From 1910 to 1979, there were a total
of 8 recorded occurrences of
Phyllostegia hispida in the wet forests of
eastern Molokai (Hawaii Biodiversity
and Mapping Program (HBMP) Database
2005). None of these historic
occurrences have been relocated during
surveys conducted in the wet forests of
east Molokai over the past several years
(The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii
(TNCH) 1997b, pp. 1–19; Steve Perlman
and Ken Wood, National Tropical
Botanical Garden (NTBG), pers. comms.
2006). In 1996, two adult plants were
found in eastern Molokai within
TNCH’s Kamakou Preserve, one next to
the Pepeopae Boardwalk and the other
east of Hanalilolilo growing along the
fence within the State of Hawaii’s Puu
Alii Natural Area Reserve (NAR).
Within only a few months of discovery,
the individual growing along the Puu
Alii fence died (HBMP Database 2005;
TNCH 1997a, p. 2). In 1997, a single
Phyllostegia individual was discovered
on the rim of Pelekunu Valley in the
Puu Alii NAR (HBMP Database 2005;
TNCH 1997b, p. 6). There is some
uncertainty, however, as to whether this
individual was, in fact, P. hispida, as it
was identified as P. manni by Hawaii
Division of Forestry and Wildlife
(DOFAW) staff based upon the size and
lobing of its leaves (Robert Hobdy,
Robert Hobdy Environmental
Consultant, pers. comm. 2006; Joel Lau,
HBMP, pers. comm. 2006; Torrie
Nohara, DOFAW, pers. comm. 2006).
This individual plant was protected
from feral ungulates inside a fenced
exclosure. Seeds were collected, and
seedlings were produced by DOFAW
and outplanted into the exclosure with
the wild plant (T. Nohara, pers. comm.
In November 1996, TNCH erected an
exclosure around the Pepeopae
Boardwalk individual and began
frequent, recurrent weeding and
monitoring within the fenced area
(TNCH 1997a, p. 2). They also built an
exclosure approximately 656 ft (200 m)
away for future outplantings of
propagated individuals. Plants grown
from leaf buds collected from the
Pepeopae Boardwalk plant were
outplanted into the exclosure in
December 1997 (TNCH 1998a, p. 7).
They survived through 1998 (TNCH
1998b, Appendix 1, dot 28), but have
since been confirmed dead (Sam Aruch,
TNCH, pers. comm. 2006; Ed Misaki,
TNCH, pers. comm. 2006).
The Pepeopae Boardwalk individual
died in 1998 or 1999 (HBMP Database
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2005), and the wild plant and
outplantings in Puu Alii NAR, which
may possibly have been Phyllostegia
manni and not P. hispida (see above; the
question of taxonomic identity was
never resolved), died several years ago
(S. Perlman, pers. comm. 2005; K.
Wood, pers. comm. 2005; Guy Hughes,
Kalaupapa National Historic Park
(KNHP), pers. comm. 2006). The
University of Hawaii’s Lyon Arboretum
has material from the individual that
was growing along the Puu Alii fence
and from the Pepeopae Boardwalk
individual in micropropagation (Service
Captive Propagation Database (SCPD)
Surveys have been conducted in the
wet forests of east Molokai over the
years, but failed to locate additional
Phyllostegia hispida plants. The species
was thought to have been extirpated
from the wild until 2005, when two
seedlings were found in a Hanalilolilo
stream bank in Kamakou Preserve,
indicating the possible presence of a
mature plant, or plants, somewhere in
the vicinity (TNCH 1997b, pp. 1–19; S.
Perlman, pers. comm. 2005; S. Perlman
and K. Wood, pers. comms. 2006). One
of the seedlings was collected by a
botanist with HBMP and provided to
Lyon Arboretum in Honolulu, which in
turn provided it to KNHP on Molokai
for attempted propagation. That plant
has since died (G. Hughes and Bill
Garnett, KNHP, pers. comms. 2006). The
other seedling was collected by a
botanist with NTBG. Cuttings were
propagated from this seedling and
provided to KNHP for growing out (S.
Perlman, pers. comm. 2006).
Phyllostegia hispida was again
thought to be extirpated from the wild
until a single juvenile plant was
discovered in May 2006 within the Puu
Alii NAR along the Puu Alii fenceline
at 4,100 ft (1,250 m) elevation (S.
Perlman, pers. comm. 2006). Although
protected within a 10-ft (3-m) diameter
fenced exclosure (Bryan Stevens, Maui
DOFAW, pers. comm. 2006), that
individual has died for unknown
reasons (H. Oppenheimer, Maui Plant
Extinction Prevention Program (PEP),
pers. comm. 2007). However, 10 new
wild plants were discovered within the
Puu Alii NAR in April 2007; although
most are seedlings, one of these
individuals is mature and has fruited
and produced seeds (H. Oppenheimer,
pers. comm. 2007). Seeds were collected
from the mature plant and sent to the
Lyon Arboretum, and cuttings were
taken from some of the other plants for
propagation. Four of the newly
discovered seedlings were found next to
the Puu Alii fence, and are enclosed
with temporary fencing material.
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In addition to the newly identified
wild plants, 12 of the cuttings that were
grown out at KNHP were outplanted
into an enclosure in TNCH’s Kamakou
Preserve in April 2007, and 11 of these
were still doing well as of June 2007.
Another 12 were outplanted into a
second enclosure in Kamakou Preserve
in June 2007 (H. Oppenheimer, pers.
comm. 2007), bringing the total number
of Phyllostegia hispida plants in the
wild to 10 naturally occurring and 23
recently outplanted individuals.
Previous Federal Action
We first identified Phyllostegia
hispida as a candidate for listing in the
September 19, 1997, Notice of Review of
Plant and Animal Taxa that are
Candidates or Proposed for Listing as
Endangered or Threatened Species
(Notice of Review) (62 FR 49397).
Candidates are those taxa for which we
have on file sufficient information on
biological vulnerability and threats to
support preparation of a listing
proposal, but for which development of
a listing regulation is precluded by other
higher priority listing activities.
On May 4, 2004, the Center for
Biological Diversity petitioned the
Service to list 225 species of plants and
animals as endangered under the
provisions of the Act, including
Phyllostegia hispida. In our Notice of
Review, dated September 12, 2006, we
retained a listing priority number of 2
for this species, in accordance with our
priority guidance published on
September 21, 1983 (48 FR 43098). A
listing priority of 2 reflects threats that
are both imminent and high in
magnitude, as well as the taxonomic
classification of P. hispida as a full
species. We determined that publication
of a proposed rule to list the species was
precluded by our work on higher
priority listing actions during the period
from May 2, 2005, through August 23,
2006 (71 FR 53756). However, we have
since completed those actions. As such,
we had available resources to initiate
the proposal to list this species.
Summary of Factors Affecting the
Section 4 of the Act and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth the procedures for adding
species to the Federal list of endangered
and threatened species. A species may
be determined to be an endangered or
threatened species due to one or more
of the five factors described in section
4(a)(1) of the Act. The five listing factors
are: (A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; and (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range
As with virtually every other native
plant community in the islands, the wet
forests of Molokai where Phyllostegia
hispida occurs have been impacted by
introduced (nonnative) pigs and
introduced (nonnative) plants (DOFAW
1991, pp. 3, 14–23; TNCH 1994, pp. 6,
9–12; HBMP Database 2005). The poor
reproduction and survivorship of P.
hispida clearly indicate that the current
conditions are less than optimal for this
species, although we do not yet fully
understand the specific mechanisms
that are undermining its viability.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Feral Pigs
European pigs, introduced to Hawaii
by Captain James Cook in 1778,
hybridized with domesticated
Polynesian pigs, became feral, and
invaded forested areas, especially wet
and mesic forests and dry areas at high
elevations. They are currently present
on Kauai, Niihau, Oahu, Molokai, Maui,
and Hawaii. These introduced pigs are
extremely destructive and have both
direct and indirect impacts on native
plant communities. While rooting in the
earth in search of invertebrates and
plant material, pigs directly impact
native plants by disturbing and
destroying vegetative cover, trampling
plants and seedlings, and may reduce or
eliminate plant regeneration by
damaging or eating seeds and seedlings
(further discussion of predation is under
Factor C, below). Pigs are a major vector
for the establishment and spread of
competing invasive nonnative plant
species, by dispersing these plant seeds
on their hooves and coats as well as
through their digestive tracts, and by
fertilizing the disturbed soil through
their feces. Pigs feed preferentially on
the fruits of many nonnative plants,
such as Passiflora mollisima (banana
poka) and Psidium cattleianum
(strawberry guava), thereby facilitating
the spread of these invasive species, and
also contribute to erosion by clearing
vegetation and creating large areas of
disturbed soil, especially on slopes
(Aplet, et al. 1991, p. 56; Smith 1985,
pp. 190, 192, 196, 200, 204, 230–231;
Stone 1985, pp. 254–255, 262–264;
Medeiros, et al. 1986, pp. 27–28; Scott,
et al. 1986, pp. 360–361; Tomich 1986,
pp. 120–126; Cuddihy and Stone 1990,
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pp. 64–65; Loope, et al. 1991, pp. 1–21;
Wagner, et al. 1999, p. 52).
Feral pigs are present in the wet forest
habitat formerly and currently inhabited
by Phyllostegia hispida within Puu Alii
NAR and Kamakou Preserve, and their
impacts continue to degrade the
condition of the forest there (DOFAW
1991, pp. 3, 14–23; TNCH 1994, pp. 6,
9–12; HBMP Database 2005). They are
considered a major threat to native
species and to the overall health of the
watershed in which P. hispida occurs
(DOFAW 1991, pp. 3, 14–23; TNCH
1994, pp. 6, 9–12). Significant
management actions are directed at feral
ungulate control in the area where P.
hispida has been found within Puu Alii
NAR and Kamakou Preserve on
Molokai, such as large-scale watershed
fencing, construction of ungulate
exclosures around rare plants, public
hunting, and staff hunting (TNCH
1997a, pp. 2–3; TNCH 1998a, pp. 1–2,
7; DOFAW 2000, pp. 3, 12; HBMP
Database 2005). When the individual P.
hispida was discovered in 1996 next to
the boardwalk at Pepeopae, TNCH noted
pig signs (e.g., droppings, evidence of
rooting, wallows) in the vicinity (HPMP
Database 2005) and immediately erected
a fenced exclosure around the plant to
protect it (TNCH 1997a, pp. 2–3).
Similarly, a fenced exclosure was
erected around the individual that was
discovered within the Puu Alii NAR in
1997 to protect it from feral pigs (T.
Nohara, pers. comm. 2006). The juvenile
plant discovered within the Puu Alii
NAR in 2005 was immediately fenced to
protect it from feral pigs (B. Stevens,
pers. comm. 2006), as were four of the
most recently discovered plants along
the fenceline at Puu Alii NAR (H.
Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007). Due
to the well-documented negative
impacts of feral pigs on native Hawaiian
plant communities, the known habitat
degradation caused by pigs in the
habitat occupied by P. hispida, and the
continuing presence of pigs in the
limited area where P. hispida is found,
we consider habitat modification and
degradation by feral pigs to be a
significant and immediate threat to this
Nonnative Plants
Introduced nonnative plant species
are a pervasive threat to the native flora
throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Of the
current total of nearly 2,000 native and
naturalized plant taxa, approximately
half are introduced nonnative species
from other parts of the world, and
nearly 100 of these are considered
invasive pest species (Smith 1985, p.
180). On the Hawaiian Islands and other
tropical islands, studies have shown
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that many of these introduced plant taxa
outcompete and displace native plants,
and often alter the habitat to the point
that it is no longer suitable for the native
plant species; these studies include
nonnative pest plants found in habitat
similar to that of Phyllostegia hispida
(Smathers and Gardner 1978, pp. 274–
275; Smith 1985, pp. 196, 206, 230;
Loope and Medeiros 1992, pp. 7–8;
Medeiros, et al. 1992, pp. 30–32;
Ellshoff, et al. 1995, pp. 1–5; Meyer and
Florence 1996, pp. 777–780; Medeiros,
et al. 1997, pp. 30–32; Loope, et al.
2004, pp. 1472–1473). In particular,
nonnative pest plants may make habitat
less suitable for native plants by
modifying availability of light, altering
soil-water regimes, modifying nutrient
cycling, or altering fire characteristics of
native plant communities (Smith 1985,
pp. 206, 217, 225, 227–233; Cuddihy
and Stone 1990, p. 74). Although there
is no empirical evidence specific to P.
hispida due to the lack of research on
the species, scientists familiar with P.
hispida believe it does not handle either
shade or competition well (H.
Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007), and
nonnative plants are likely to contribute
to both of these conditions. Examples of
some of the nonnative plants
documented in the area occupied by P.
hispida include Axonopus fissifolius
(narrow-leaved carpetgrass), Clidemia
hirta (Koster’s curse), Erechtites
valerianifolia (fireweed), Juncus effuses
(Japanese mat rush), Rubus rosifolius
(thimbleberry), and Sacciolepis indica
(Glenwood grass). Because of
demonstrated habitat modification and
resource competition by nonnative plant
species in habitat similar to the wet
forest habitat of P. hispida, and the
ongoing presence of high numbers of
invasive nonnative plant species in the
area currently occupied by P. hispida,
we consider habitat modification and
degradation by nonnative plants to be a
significant and immediate threat to this
B. Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific, or Educational
Overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes is not known to be a threat to
Phyllostegia hispida, and as such is not
addressed in this proposal.
C. Disease or Predation
Because the native vegetation of
Hawaii evolved without any browsing
or grazing mammals present, many
plant species do not have natural
defenses against such impacts (Carlquist
1980, pp. 173–175; Lamoureux 1994,
pp. 54–55). Native plants such as
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Phyllostegia hispida do not have
physical or chemical adaptations, such
as thorns or noxious compounds, to
protect them, thereby rendering them
particularly vulnerable to predation by
introduced pigs or other ungulates
(Department of Geography 1998, pp.
137–138; Carlquist 1980, p. 175).
Browsing by ungulates has been
observed on many other native plants,
including common and rare or
endangered species (Cuddihy and Stone
1990, pp. 64–65). In a study of feral pig
populations in the Kipahulu Valley on
the island of Maui, pigs were observed
feeding on at least 40 plant species in
the rainforest ecosystem, 75 percent of
which were native plants occurring in
the herbaceous understory and
subcanopy layer (Diong 1982, p. 160).
Therefore, even though we have no
evidence of direct browsing for P.
hispida, given the presence of pigs in
the area where P. hispida occurs, we
consider it likely that pigs may impact
the species directly through predation.
Therefore, we believe feral pigs pose a
potentially significant and immediate
threat to the species.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
D. The Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms
Currently, there are no Federal, State,
or local laws, treaties, or regulations that
specifically conserve or protect
Phyllostegia hispida from the threats
described in this rule.
E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence
The most significant threat to
Phyllostegia hispida is its extremely low
numbers. A total of 33 plants, only one
of which is reproductively mature, are
currently known to exist in the wild.
Twenty-three of these are only recently
outplanted. Although propagules of P.
hispida have been collected on an
opportunistic basis and some controlled
propagation of the species has taken
place, there is no dedicated funding for
propagation of the species and no
formal plan exists for outplanting and
reintroduction. Outplantings have been
attempted on an ad hoc basis, but
unfortunately none of these
outplantings has yet proven successful
for more than the short-term.
Species that are known from few wild
individuals and are endemic to a single,
small island are inherently more
vulnerable to extinction than
widespread species because of the
higher risks posed to a few populations
and individuals by genetic bottlenecks,
random demographic fluctuations, and
localized catastrophes, such as
hurricanes and disease outbreaks
(Mangel and Tier 1994, pp. 607–614;
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Pimm, et al. 1988, pp. 757–785). In the
case of Phyllostegia hispida, the entire
population of the species is small and
restricted to a highly localized
geographic area, rendering it highly
vulnerable to the risk of extinction in
the wild due to the lack of redundancy
in populations. Although some species
are naturally rare, the poor survivorship
of P. hispida suggest that the requisite
biological or ecological needs of the
species are not being met under current
conditions. Deterministic factors, such
as habitat alteration or loss of a key
pollinator, may have reduced this
population to such a small size that it
is now vulnerable to a stochastic
extinction event (Gilpin and Soule 1986,
pp. 24–25). Small population size has
therefore become a primary and
immediate threat to this species.
Proposed Determination
We have carefully assessed the best
scientific and commercial information
available regarding the past, present,
and future threats to Phyllostegia
hispida. The species’ extremely low
numbers and highly restricted
geographic range make it particularly
susceptible to extinction at any time
from random events such as hurricanes.
There is only one plant known to exist
in the wild that is reproductively
mature. Although several individuals
have recently been outplanted, no
outplanting effort for this species has
yet been successful. Therefore, the
future of these propagated individuals is
highly uncertain. Although the species
is found on protected lands, it
nonetheless faces immediate and
continuing threats from habitat
destruction and degradation due to feral
pig activity, competition with nonnative
plant species, and predation by
nonnative mammals, as well as the
threat of extinction at any time from a
random stochastic event such as a
The Endangered Species Act (Sec.
3(5)(C)(6)) defines an endangered
species as ‘‘any species which is in
danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ Based
on the immediate and ongoing
significant threats to Phyllostegia
hispida throughout its entire limited
range, as described above, and the fact
that there is only one adult reproductive
individual of the species known, we
consider the species P. hispida to be in
danger of extinction throughout all of its
range. Therefore, on the basis of the best
available scientific and commercial
information, we are proposing to list P.
hispida as an endangered species.
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Available Conservation Measures
Conservation measures provided to
species listed as endangered or
threatened under the Act include
recognition, recovery actions,
requirements for Federal protection, and
prohibitions against certain practices.
Recognition through listing results in
public awareness and conservation by
Federal, State, and local agencies,
private organizations, and individuals.
The Act encourages cooperation with
the States and requires that recovery
actions be carried out for all listed
species. The protection required of
Federal agencies and the prohibitions
against certain activities involving listed
plants are discussed, in part, below.
Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended,
requires Federal agencies to evaluate
their actions with respect to any species
that is proposed or listed as endangered
or threatened and with respect to its
critical habitat, if any is designated.
Regulations implementing this
interagency cooperation provision of the
Act are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies
to confer with the Service on any action
that is likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a species proposed for
listing or result in destruction or
adverse modification of proposed
critical habitat. If a species is listed
subsequently, section 7(a)(2) requires
Federal agencies to ensure that activities
they authorize, fund, or carry out are not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of the species or destroy or
adversely modify its critical habitat. If a
Federal action may adversely affect a
listed species or its critical habitat, the
responsible Federal agency must enter
into formal consultation with the
For Phyllostegia hispida, Federal
agency actions that may require
consultation as described in the
preceding paragraph include the
provision of Federal funds to State and
private entities through Federal
programs, such as the Service’s
Landowner Incentive Program, State
Wildlife Grant Program, and Federal
Aid in Wildlife Restoration program, as
well as the various grants administered
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Other types of actions that may require
consultation include Army Corps of
Engineers activities, such as the
construction or maintenance of
boardwalks and bridges subject to
section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33
U.S.C. 1344, et seq.).
The Act and its implementing
regulations set forth a series of general
prohibitions and exceptions that apply
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
to endangered plants. All prohibitions
of section 9(a)(2) of the Act,
implemented by 50 CFR 17.61, apply.
These prohibitions, in part, make it
illegal for any person subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States to
import or export, transport in interstate
or foreign commerce in the course of a
commercial activity, sell or offer for sale
in interstate or foreign commerce, or
remove and reduce the species to
possession from areas under Federal
jurisdiction. In addition, for plants
listed as endangered, the Act prohibits
the malicious damage or destruction on
areas under Federal jurisdiction and the
removal, cutting, digging up, or
damaging or destroying of such plants
in knowing violation of any State law or
regulation, including State criminal
trespass law. Certain exceptions to the
prohibitions apply to agents of the
Service and State conservation agencies.
Although Hawaii has a strong
Endangered Species law (HRS, Sect.
195–D), Phyllostegia hispida is not
currently protected under that law.
Federal listing of Phyllostegia hispida
will automatically invoke State listing
under Hawaii’s Endangered Species law
and supplement the protection available
under other State laws. The Federal
Endangered Species Act will, therefore,
offer additional protection to this
The Act and 50 CFR 17.62 also
provide for the issuance of permits to
carry out otherwise prohibited activities
involving endangered plants under
certain circumstances. Such permits are
available for scientific purposes and to
enhance the propagation or survival of
the species. We anticipate that the only
permits that would be sought or issued
for Phyllostegia hispida would be in
association with recovery efforts, as this
species is not common in cultivation or
the wild. Requests for copies of the
regulations regarding listed species and
inquiries about prohibitions and permits
may be addressed to U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Ecological Services,
Eastside Federal Complex, 911 NE. 11th
Avenue, Portland, OR 97232–4181
(telephone 503–231–6158; facsimile
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3
of the Act as (i) the specific areas within
the geographical area occupied by a
species, at the time it is listed in
accordance with the Act, on which are
found those physical or biological
features (I) essential to the conservation
of the species and (II) that may require
special management considerations or
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protection; and (ii) specific areas
outside the geographic area occupied by
a species at the time it is listed, upon
a determination that such areas are
essential for the conservation of the
species. Conservation, as defined under
section 3 of the Act, means to use and
the use of all methods and procedures
that are necessary to bring an
endangered or threatened species to the
point at which the measures provided
pursuant to the Act are no longer
Critical habitat receives protection
under section 7 of the Act through the
prohibition against destruction or
adverse modification of critical habitat
with regard to actions carried out,
funded, or authorized by a Federal
agency. Section 7(a)(2) requires
consultation on Federal actions that
may affect critical habitat. The
designation of critical habitat does not
affect land ownership or establish a
refuge, wilderness, reserve, preserve, or
other conservation area. Such
designation does not allow government
or public access to private lands.
Section 7(a)(2) is a purely protective
measure and does not require
implementation of restoration, recovery,
or enhancement measures, although
conservation measures are required
under section 7(a)(1) of the Act.
Prudency Determination
Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as
amended, and implementing regulations
(50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the
maximum extent prudent and
determinable, we designate critical
habitat at the time the species is
determined to be endangered or
threatened. Our regulations (50 CFR
424.12(a)(1)) state that the designation
of critical habitat is not prudent when
one or both of the following situations
exist: (1) The species is threatened by
taking or other human activity, and
identification of critical habitat can be
expected to increase the degree of threat
to the species, or (2) such designation of
critical habitat would not be beneficial
to the species.
There is no documentation that
Phyllostegia hispida is threatened by
taking or other human activity. In the
absence of finding that the designation
of critical habitat would increase threats
to a species, if there are any benefits to
a critical habitat designation, then a
prudent finding is warranted. The
potential benefits include: (1) Triggering
consultation under section 7 of the Act,
in new areas for actions in which there
may be a Federal nexus where it would
not otherwise occur because, for
example, it is or has become
unoccupied or the occupancy is in
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question; (2) focusing conservation
activities on the most essential features
and areas; (3) providing educational
benefits to State or county governments
or private entities; and (4) preventing
people from causing inadvertent harm
to the species.
The primary regulatory effect of
critical habitat is the section 7(a)(2)
requirement that Federal agencies
refrain from taking any action that
destroys or adversely affects critical
habitat. At present, the only known
extant individuals of Phyllostegia
hispida occur on State and private land,
and all previously known occurrences
have been on State and privately owned
lands. Further, there are no Federal
lands or lands under Federal
jurisdiction in the forests of east
Molokai, the historic range of this
species. Therefore, it is unlikely that
this species currently occurs, or would
occur in the future, on Federal lands.
Nevertheless, lands that may be
designated as critical habitat in the
future for this species may be subject to
Federal actions that trigger the section 7
consultation requirement, such as the
granting of Federal monies for
conservation projects and/or the need
for Federal permits for projects, such as
the construction and maintenance of
boardwalks and bridges subject to
section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33
U.S.C. 1344, et seq.). There may also be
some educational or informational
benefits to the designation of critical
habitat. Educational benefits include the
notification of land owners, land
managers, and the general public of the
importance of protecting the habitat of
this species. In the case of Phyllostegia
hispida, these aspects of critical habitat
designation would potentially benefit
the conservation of the species.
Therefore, since we have determined
that the designation of critical habitat
will not likely increase the degree of
threat to the species and may provide
some measure of benefit, we find that
designation of critical habitat is prudent
for Phyllostegia hispida.
Primary Constituent Elements
In accordance with sections 3(5)(A)(i)
and 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act and regulations
at 50 CFR 424.12, in determining which
areas to propose as critical habitat, we
must consider those physical and
biological features (primary constituent
elements in the necessary and
appropriate quantity and spatial
arrangement) essential to the
conservation of the species. We must
also consider those areas essential to the
conservation of the species that are
outside the geographical area occupied
by the species. These primary
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
constituent elements include, but are
not limited to, space for individual and
population growth and for normal
behavior; food, water, or other
nutritional or physiological
requirements; cover or shelter; sites for
breeding, reproduction, rearing of
offspring, germination, or seed
dispersal; and habitats that are protected
from disturbance or are representative of
the historical geographical and
ecological distributions of a species.
We are currently unable to identify
the primary constituent elements for
Phyllostegia hispida, because
information on the physical and
biological features that are considered
essential to the conservation of this
species is not known at this time. As
discussed in the ‘‘Species Information’’
section of this proposed rule, between
the years 1910 and 1996 only 10
occurrences of P. hispida were
documented, and the location
information for these occurrences was
recorded at a relatively coarse scale.
Elevations are known only for the few
individuals discovered within the last
10 years. From 1996 through 2005 a
total of only 6 plants (3 adults, 2
seedlings, and 1 juvenile) were located,
all existing only as single individuals in
disparate locations. All of the
previously known adults have died
without reproducing naturally in the
wild; the first mature plant to be
observed fruiting was just discovered in
April 2007. The two seedlings
discovered in 2005 were collected and
deposited with propagation facilities to
attempt production of additional
seedlings for outplanting in the future.
The reasons for the deaths of the three
adult and one juvenile plants are
unknown, as are the reasons for poor
natural reproduction in the wild. Key
features of the plant’s life history, such
as longevity, dispersal mechanisms, or
vectors for pollination, are unknown.
The plant community where the few
remaining wild individuals of
Phyllostegia hispida are found has been
highly modified by the presence of
nonnative plants and feral pigs, and the
poor viability of the species occurrences
observed in recent years indicates that
current conditions are not sufficient to
meet the basic biological requirements
of this species. Because P. hispida has
never been observed in an unaltered
environment, the optimal conditions
that would provide the biological or
ecological requisites of the species are
not known. Although, as described
above, we can surmise that habitat
degradation from a variety of factors has
contributed to the decline of the species,
we do not know specifically what
essential physical or biological features
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of that habitat are currently lacking for
P. hispida. As we are unable to identify
the physical and biological features
essential to the conservation of P.
hispida, we are unable to identify areas
that contain these features.
Therefore, although we have
determined that the designation of
critical habitat is prudent for
Phyllostegia hispida, since the
biological requirements of the species
are not sufficiently known, we find that
critical habitat for P. hispida is not
determinable at this time.
Peer Review
In accordance with our joint policy
published in the Federal Register on
July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we will seek
the expert opinions of at least three
appropriate and independent specialists
regarding this proposed rule. The
purpose of such review is to ensure that
our proposed rule is based on
scientifically sound data, assumptions,
and analyses. We will send these peer
reviewers copies of this proposed rule
immediately following publication in
the Federal Register. We will invite
these peer reviewers to comment,
during the public comment period, on
the specific assumptions and
conclusions regarding the proposal to
list Phyllostegia hispida as endangered
and our decision regarding critical
habitat for this species.
We will consider all comments and
information received during the
comment period on this proposed rule
during preparation of a final
rulemaking. Accordingly, the final
decision may differ from this proposal.
Public Hearings
The Act provides for one or more
public hearings on this proposal, if
requested. Requests must be received
within 45 days after the date of
publication of this proposal in the
Federal Register. Such requests must be
made in writing and be addressed to the
Field Supervisor at the address in the
ADDRESSES section.
Clarity of the Rule
Executive Order 12866 requires each
agency to write regulations that are easy
to understand. We invite your
comments on how to make this rule
easier to understand including answers
to questions such as the following: (1)
Are the requirements in the rule clearly
stated? (2) Does the rule contain
technical language or jargon that
interferes with its clarity? (3) Does the
format of the rule (grouping and order
of sections, use of headings,
paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce its
clarity? (4) Would the rule be easier to
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understand if it were divided into more
(but shorter) sections? (5) Is the
description of the rule in the
the preamble helpful in understanding
the emergency rule? What else could we
do to make the rule easier to
Send a copy of any comments that
concern how we could make this rule
easier to understand to Office of
Regulatory Affairs, Department of the
Interior, Room 7229, 1849 C Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20240. You also
may e-mail the comments to this
address: Exsec@ios.goi.gov.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501, et seq.)
This rule does not contain any new
collections of information that require
approval by Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. This rule will not
impose recordkeeping or reporting
requirements on State or local
governments, individuals, businesses, or
organizations. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that
environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements, as
defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, need not be prepared in
connection with regulations adopted
pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act. We
published a notice outlining our reasons
for this determination in the Federal
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this rule is available on the Internet
at https://www.regulations.gov or upon
request from the Field Supervisor,
Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office
The primary author of this document
is staff from the Pacific Islands Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, and
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 33 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we propose to amend
part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 16 U.S.C.
1531–1544; 16 U.S.C. 4201–4245; Public Law
99–625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise
Scientific name
Phyllostegia hispida
Common name
U.S.A. (HI) ..............
§ 17.12
Endangered and threatened plants.
(h) * * *
None .......................
2. In § 17.12(h) add the following to
the List of Endangered and Threatened
Plants in alphabetical order under
Flowering Plants:
Lamiaceae—Mint ....
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
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16:24 Feb 15, 2008
Dated: February 5, 2008.
Kenneth Stansell,
Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. E8–2841 Filed 2–15–08; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 33 (Tuesday, February 19, 2008)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 9078-9085]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-2841]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[FWS-R1-ES-2008-0016; 1111 FY07 MO-B2]
RIN 1018-AV00
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing
Phyllostegia hispida (No Common Name) as Endangered Throughout Its
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for public comments.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to
list Phyllostegia hispida (no common name), a plant species from the
island of Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands, as endangered under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). If we finalize this
rule as proposed, it would extend the Act's protections to this
species. We have determined that critical habitat for Phyllostegia
hispida is prudent but not determinable at this time.
DATES: We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before
April 21, 2008. We must receive requests for public hearings, in
writing, at the address shown in the ADDRESSES section by April 4,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public Comments Processing,
Attn: RIN 1018-AV00; Division of Policy and Directives Management; U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service; 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 222, Arlington,
VA 22203.
We will not accept e-mail or faxes. We will post all comments on
https://www.regulations.gov. This generally means that we will post any
personal information you provide us (see the Public Comments Solicited
section below for more information).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick Leonard, Field Supervisor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife
Office, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Box 50088, Honolulu, HI 96850;
telephone 808-792-9400; facsimile 808-792-9581. If you use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
[[Page 9079]]
Public Comments
We intend that any final action resulting from this proposed rule
will be based on the best scientific and commercial data available and
be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we request
comments or information from the public, other concerned governmental
agencies, the scientific community, industry, or any other interested
party concerning this proposed rule. We particularly seek comments
(1) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning
any threats (or lack thereof) to this species and regulations that may
be addressing those threats;
(2) Additional information concerning the range, distribution, and
population size of this species, including the locations of any
additional populations of this species;
(3) Any information on the biological or ecological requirements of
the species;
(4) Current or planned activities in the areas occupied by the
species and possible impacts of these activities on this species;
(5) Which areas would be appropriate as critical habitat for the
species and why they should be proposed for designation as critical
habitat; and
(6) The reasons why areas should or should not be designated as
critical habitat as provided by section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531,
et seq.), including whether the benefits of designation would outweigh
threats to the species that designation could cause, such that the
designation of critical habitat is prudent.
You may submit your comments and materials concerning this proposed
rule by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. We will not
accept comments sent by e-mail or fax or to an address not listed in
the ADDRESSES section. We will not accept anonymous comments; your
comment must include your first and last name, city, State, country,
and postal (zip) code. Finally, we will not consider hand-delivered
comments that we do not receive, or mailed comments that are not
postmarked, by the date specified in the DATES section.
We will post your entire comment--including your personal
identifying information--on https://www.regulations.gov. If you provide
personal identifying information in addition to the required items
specified in the previous paragraph, such as your street address, phone
number, or e-mail address, you may request at the top of your document
that we withhold this information from public review. However, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing this proposed rule, will be
available for public inspection on https://www.regulations.gov, or by
appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR
Phyllostegia hispida is known only from the island of Molokai,
Hawaii. Molokai is approximately 38 miles (mi) (61 kilometers (km))
long and up to 10 mi (16 km) wide, and encompasses an area of about 260
square (sq) mi (674 sq km) (Foote, et al. 1972, p. 11; Department of
Geography 1998, p. 13). Three shield volcanoes make up most of the land
mass, dividing the island into roughly three geographic segments--West
Molokai Mountain, East Molokai Mountain, and a volcano that formed
Kalaupapa Peninsula (Department of Geography 1998, pp. 11, 13).
The taller and larger East Molokai Mountain which makes up eastern
Molokai rises 4,970 ft (1,514 m) above sea level on the island's summit
at Kamakou and comprises roughly 50 percent of the island's land area
(Department of Geography 1998, p. 11; Foote, et al. 1972, p. 11).
Phyllostegia hispida is known only from the wet forests of eastern
Molokai, at elevations from 2,300 to 4,200 feet (ft) (700 to 1,280
meters (m)) (Wagner, et al. 1999, p. 819). The wet forests where
Phyllostegia hispida has been recorded are found only on the windward
side of East Molokai, which differs topographically from the leeward
side. Precipitous cliffs line the northern windward coast, with deep
inaccessible valleys dissecting the coastline. The annual rainfall on
the windward side ranges from 75 to over 150 inches (in) (200 to over
375 centimeters (cm)), distributed throughout the year. The soils are
poorly drained and high in organic matter. The gulches and valleys are
usually very steep, but sometimes gently sloping (Foote, et al. 1972,
p. 14).
The native habitats and vegetation of the Hawaiian Islands have
undergone extreme alterations because of past and present land use, as
well as the intentional or inadvertent introduction of nonnative plant
and animal species. Introduced mammals, particularly pigs (Sus scrofa),
have greatly impacted native Hawaiian plant communities. Pigs have been
described as the most pervasive and disruptive nonnative influence on
the unique native forests of the Hawaiian Islands, and are widely
recognized as one of the greatest threats to forest ecosystems in
Hawaii today (Aplet, et al. 1991, p. 56; Anderson and Stone 1993, p.
195; Loope 1999, p. 56). Introduced (nonnative) plant species, which
now comprise approximately half of the plant taxa in the islands, have
come to dominate many Hawaiian ecosystems, and frequently outcompete
native plants for space, light, water, and nutrients, as well as alter
ecosystem function, rendering habitats unsuitable for native species
(Cuddihy and Stone 1990, pp. 73-91; Vitousek 1986, pp. 29-41).
The plant Phyllostegia hispida, known only from the island of
Molokai, has only a few recorded occurrences, and for a short period of
time recently, was thought to be possibly extinct in the wild.
Alteration of the plant's native habitat by feral pigs and nonnative
plants are thought to be the primary threats to P. hispida, in
conjunction with the threat of predation by feral pigs, competition
with nonnative plants, and the negative demographic and genetic
consequences of extremely small population size.
Species Information
Phyllostegia hispida was first described by William Hillebrand in
1870 from a specimen collected from an area that he described as the
``heights of Mapulehu'' on the island of Molokai (Wagner, et al. 2005),
and is recognized as a distinct taxon in Wagner, et al. (1999, pp. 817-
819). Wagner, et al. describes the plant as a non-aromatic member of
the mint family (Lamiaceae). P. hispida is described as a loosely
spreading, many-branched vine that often forms large tangled masses.
Leaves are thin and flaccid with hispid hairs and glands. The leaf
margins are irregularly and shallowly lobed. Six to eight white flowers
make up each verticillaster (a false whorl, composed of a pair of
nearly sessile cymes in the axils of opposite leaves or bracts), and
nutlets are approximately 0.1 in (2.5 millimeters (mm)) long (Wagner,
et al. 1999, pp. 817-819). No life history information is currently
available on this species.
The few documented specimens of Phyllostegia hispida are typically
found in wet Metrosideros polymorpha (ohia)-dominated forest at an
elevation between 3,650 and 4,200 ft (1,112 and 1,280 m). Associated
native species included Cheirodendron trigynum (olapa), Ilex anomala
(aiae), Cibotium glaucum (hapuu), Broussaisia argutus (kanawao), Rubus
hawaiensis (akala), Sadleria cyatheoides (amau), Pipturus
[[Page 9080]]
albidus (mamaki), Nertera granadensis (makole), Athyrium microphyllum,
Elaphoglossum fauriei, and bryophytes (HBMP Database 2005).
From 1910 to 1979, there were a total of 8 recorded occurrences of
Phyllostegia hispida in the wet forests of eastern Molokai (Hawaii
Biodiversity and Mapping Program (HBMP) Database 2005). None of these
historic occurrences have been relocated during surveys conducted in
the wet forests of east Molokai over the past several years (The Nature
Conservancy of Hawaii (TNCH) 1997b, pp. 1-19; Steve Perlman and Ken
Wood, National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG), pers. comms. 2006). In
1996, two adult plants were found in eastern Molokai within TNCH's
Kamakou Preserve, one next to the Pepeopae Boardwalk and the other east
of Hanalilolilo growing along the fence within the State of Hawaii's
Puu Alii Natural Area Reserve (NAR). Within only a few months of
discovery, the individual growing along the Puu Alii fence died (HBMP
Database 2005; TNCH 1997a, p. 2). In 1997, a single Phyllostegia
individual was discovered on the rim of Pelekunu Valley in the Puu Alii
NAR (HBMP Database 2005; TNCH 1997b, p. 6). There is some uncertainty,
however, as to whether this individual was, in fact, P. hispida, as it
was identified as P. manni by Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife
(DOFAW) staff based upon the size and lobing of its leaves (Robert
Hobdy, Robert Hobdy Environmental Consultant, pers. comm. 2006; Joel
Lau, HBMP, pers. comm. 2006; Torrie Nohara, DOFAW, pers. comm. 2006).
This individual plant was protected from feral ungulates inside a
fenced exclosure. Seeds were collected, and seedlings were produced by
DOFAW and outplanted into the exclosure with the wild plant (T. Nohara,
pers. comm. 2006).
In November 1996, TNCH erected an exclosure around the Pepeopae
Boardwalk individual and began frequent, recurrent weeding and
monitoring within the fenced area (TNCH 1997a, p. 2). They also built
an exclosure approximately 656 ft (200 m) away for future outplantings
of propagated individuals. Plants grown from leaf buds collected from
the Pepeopae Boardwalk plant were outplanted into the exclosure in
December 1997 (TNCH 1998a, p. 7). They survived through 1998 (TNCH
1998b, Appendix 1, dot 28), but have since been confirmed dead (Sam
Aruch, TNCH, pers. comm. 2006; Ed Misaki, TNCH, pers. comm. 2006).
The Pepeopae Boardwalk individual died in 1998 or 1999 (HBMP
Database 2005), and the wild plant and outplantings in Puu Alii NAR,
which may possibly have been Phyllostegia manni and not P. hispida (see
above; the question of taxonomic identity was never resolved), died
several years ago (S. Perlman, pers. comm. 2005; K. Wood, pers. comm.
2005; Guy Hughes, Kalaupapa National Historic Park (KNHP), pers. comm.
2006). The University of Hawaii's Lyon Arboretum has material from the
individual that was growing along the Puu Alii fence and from the
Pepeopae Boardwalk individual in micropropagation (Service Captive
Propagation Database (SCPD) 2005).
Surveys have been conducted in the wet forests of east Molokai over
the years, but failed to locate additional Phyllostegia hispida plants.
The species was thought to have been extirpated from the wild until
2005, when two seedlings were found in a Hanalilolilo stream bank in
Kamakou Preserve, indicating the possible presence of a mature plant,
or plants, somewhere in the vicinity (TNCH 1997b, pp. 1-19; S. Perlman,
pers. comm. 2005; S. Perlman and K. Wood, pers. comms. 2006). One of
the seedlings was collected by a botanist with HBMP and provided to
Lyon Arboretum in Honolulu, which in turn provided it to KNHP on
Molokai for attempted propagation. That plant has since died (G. Hughes
and Bill Garnett, KNHP, pers. comms. 2006). The other seedling was
collected by a botanist with NTBG. Cuttings were propagated from this
seedling and provided to KNHP for growing out (S. Perlman, pers. comm.
Phyllostegia hispida was again thought to be extirpated from the
wild until a single juvenile plant was discovered in May 2006 within
the Puu Alii NAR along the Puu Alii fenceline at 4,100 ft (1,250 m)
elevation (S. Perlman, pers. comm. 2006). Although protected within a
10-ft (3-m) diameter fenced exclosure (Bryan Stevens, Maui DOFAW, pers.
comm. 2006), that individual has died for unknown reasons (H.
Oppenheimer, Maui Plant Extinction Prevention Program (PEP), pers.
comm. 2007). However, 10 new wild plants were discovered within the Puu
Alii NAR in April 2007; although most are seedlings, one of these
individuals is mature and has fruited and produced seeds (H.
Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007). Seeds were collected from the mature
plant and sent to the Lyon Arboretum, and cuttings were taken from some
of the other plants for propagation. Four of the newly discovered
seedlings were found next to the Puu Alii fence, and are enclosed with
temporary fencing material.
In addition to the newly identified wild plants, 12 of the cuttings
that were grown out at KNHP were outplanted into an enclosure in TNCH's
Kamakou Preserve in April 2007, and 11 of these were still doing well
as of June 2007. Another 12 were outplanted into a second enclosure in
Kamakou Preserve in June 2007 (H. Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007),
bringing the total number of Phyllostegia hispida plants in the wild to
10 naturally occurring and 23 recently outplanted individuals.
Previous Federal Action
We first identified Phyllostegia hispida as a candidate for listing
in the September 19, 1997, Notice of Review of Plant and Animal Taxa
that are Candidates or Proposed for Listing as Endangered or Threatened
Species (Notice of Review) (62 FR 49397). Candidates are those taxa for
which we have on file sufficient information on biological
vulnerability and threats to support preparation of a listing proposal,
but for which development of a listing regulation is precluded by other
higher priority listing activities.
On May 4, 2004, the Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the
Service to list 225 species of plants and animals as endangered under
the provisions of the Act, including Phyllostegia hispida. In our
Notice of Review, dated September 12, 2006, we retained a listing
priority number of 2 for this species, in accordance with our priority
guidance published on September 21, 1983 (48 FR 43098). A listing
priority of 2 reflects threats that are both imminent and high in
magnitude, as well as the taxonomic classification of P. hispida as a
full species. We determined that publication of a proposed rule to list
the species was precluded by our work on higher priority listing
actions during the period from May 2, 2005, through August 23, 2006 (71
FR 53756). However, we have since completed those actions. As such, we
had available resources to initiate the proposal to list this species.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal list of
endangered and threatened species. A species may be determined to be an
endangered or threatened species due to one or more of the five factors
described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. The five listing factors are:
(A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment
of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for commercial,
[[Page 9081]]
recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) disease or
predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; and
(E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued existence.
A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Its Habitat or Range
As with virtually every other native plant community in the
islands, the wet forests of Molokai where Phyllostegia hispida occurs
have been impacted by introduced (nonnative) pigs and introduced
(nonnative) plants (DOFAW 1991, pp. 3, 14-23; TNCH 1994, pp. 6, 9-12;
HBMP Database 2005). The poor reproduction and survivorship of P.
hispida clearly indicate that the current conditions are less than
optimal for this species, although we do not yet fully understand the
specific mechanisms that are undermining its viability.
Feral Pigs
European pigs, introduced to Hawaii by Captain James Cook in 1778,
hybridized with domesticated Polynesian pigs, became feral, and invaded
forested areas, especially wet and mesic forests and dry areas at high
elevations. They are currently present on Kauai, Niihau, Oahu, Molokai,
Maui, and Hawaii. These introduced pigs are extremely destructive and
have both direct and indirect impacts on native plant communities.
While rooting in the earth in search of invertebrates and plant
material, pigs directly impact native plants by disturbing and
destroying vegetative cover, trampling plants and seedlings, and may
reduce or eliminate plant regeneration by damaging or eating seeds and
seedlings (further discussion of predation is under Factor C, below).
Pigs are a major vector for the establishment and spread of competing
invasive nonnative plant species, by dispersing these plant seeds on
their hooves and coats as well as through their digestive tracts, and
by fertilizing the disturbed soil through their feces. Pigs feed
preferentially on the fruits of many nonnative plants, such as
Passiflora mollisima (banana poka) and Psidium cattleianum (strawberry
guava), thereby facilitating the spread of these invasive species, and
also contribute to erosion by clearing vegetation and creating large
areas of disturbed soil, especially on slopes (Aplet, et al. 1991, p.
56; Smith 1985, pp. 190, 192, 196, 200, 204, 230-231; Stone 1985, pp.
254-255, 262-264; Medeiros, et al. 1986, pp. 27-28; Scott, et al. 1986,
pp. 360-361; Tomich 1986, pp. 120-126; Cuddihy and Stone 1990, pp. 64-
65; Loope, et al. 1991, pp. 1-21; Wagner, et al. 1999, p. 52).
Feral pigs are present in the wet forest habitat formerly and
currently inhabited by Phyllostegia hispida within Puu Alii NAR and
Kamakou Preserve, and their impacts continue to degrade the condition
of the forest there (DOFAW 1991, pp. 3, 14-23; TNCH 1994, pp. 6, 9-12;
HBMP Database 2005). They are considered a major threat to native
species and to the overall health of the watershed in which P. hispida
occurs (DOFAW 1991, pp. 3, 14-23; TNCH 1994, pp. 6, 9-12). Significant
management actions are directed at feral ungulate control in the area
where P. hispida has been found within Puu Alii NAR and Kamakou
Preserve on Molokai, such as large-scale watershed fencing,
construction of ungulate exclosures around rare plants, public hunting,
and staff hunting (TNCH 1997a, pp. 2-3; TNCH 1998a, pp. 1-2, 7; DOFAW
2000, pp. 3, 12; HBMP Database 2005). When the individual P. hispida
was discovered in 1996 next to the boardwalk at Pepeopae, TNCH noted
pig signs (e.g., droppings, evidence of rooting, wallows) in the
vicinity (HPMP Database 2005) and immediately erected a fenced
exclosure around the plant to protect it (TNCH 1997a, pp. 2-3).
Similarly, a fenced exclosure was erected around the individual that
was discovered within the Puu Alii NAR in 1997 to protect it from feral
pigs (T. Nohara, pers. comm. 2006). The juvenile plant discovered
within the Puu Alii NAR in 2005 was immediately fenced to protect it
from feral pigs (B. Stevens, pers. comm. 2006), as were four of the
most recently discovered plants along the fenceline at Puu Alii NAR (H.
Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007). Due to the well-documented negative
impacts of feral pigs on native Hawaiian plant communities, the known
habitat degradation caused by pigs in the habitat occupied by P.
hispida, and the continuing presence of pigs in the limited area where
P. hispida is found, we consider habitat modification and degradation
by feral pigs to be a significant and immediate threat to this species.
Nonnative Plants
Introduced nonnative plant species are a pervasive threat to the
native flora throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Of the current total of
nearly 2,000 native and naturalized plant taxa, approximately half are
introduced nonnative species from other parts of the world, and nearly
100 of these are considered invasive pest species (Smith 1985, p. 180).
On the Hawaiian Islands and other tropical islands, studies have shown
that many of these introduced plant taxa outcompete and displace native
plants, and often alter the habitat to the point that it is no longer
suitable for the native plant species; these studies include nonnative
pest plants found in habitat similar to that of Phyllostegia hispida
(Smathers and Gardner 1978, pp. 274-275; Smith 1985, pp. 196, 206, 230;
Loope and Medeiros 1992, pp. 7-8; Medeiros, et al. 1992, pp. 30-32;
Ellshoff, et al. 1995, pp. 1-5; Meyer and Florence 1996, pp. 777-780;
Medeiros, et al. 1997, pp. 30-32; Loope, et al. 2004, pp. 1472-1473).
In particular, nonnative pest plants may make habitat less suitable for
native plants by modifying availability of light, altering soil-water
regimes, modifying nutrient cycling, or altering fire characteristics
of native plant communities (Smith 1985, pp. 206, 217, 225, 227-233;
Cuddihy and Stone 1990, p. 74). Although there is no empirical evidence
specific to P. hispida due to the lack of research on the species,
scientists familiar with P. hispida believe it does not handle either
shade or competition well (H. Oppenheimer, pers. comm. 2007), and
nonnative plants are likely to contribute to both of these conditions.
Examples of some of the nonnative plants documented in the area
occupied by P. hispida include Axonopus fissifolius (narrow-leaved
carpetgrass), Clidemia hirta (Koster's curse), Erechtites
valerianifolia (fireweed), Juncus effuses (Japanese mat rush), Rubus
rosifolius (thimbleberry), and Sacciolepis indica (Glenwood grass).
Because of demonstrated habitat modification and resource competition
by nonnative plant species in habitat similar to the wet forest habitat
of P. hispida, and the ongoing presence of high numbers of invasive
nonnative plant species in the area currently occupied by P. hispida,
we consider habitat modification and degradation by nonnative plants to
be a significant and immediate threat to this species.
B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes
Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes is not known to be a threat to Phyllostegia
hispida, and as such is not addressed in this proposal.
C. Disease or Predation
Because the native vegetation of Hawaii evolved without any
browsing or grazing mammals present, many plant species do not have
natural defenses against such impacts (Carlquist 1980, pp. 173-175;
Lamoureux 1994, pp. 54-55). Native plants such as
[[Page 9082]]
Phyllostegia hispida do not have physical or chemical adaptations, such
as thorns or noxious compounds, to protect them, thereby rendering them
particularly vulnerable to predation by introduced pigs or other
ungulates (Department of Geography 1998, pp. 137-138; Carlquist 1980,
p. 175). Browsing by ungulates has been observed on many other native
plants, including common and rare or endangered species (Cuddihy and
Stone 1990, pp. 64-65). In a study of feral pig populations in the
Kipahulu Valley on the island of Maui, pigs were observed feeding on at
least 40 plant species in the rainforest ecosystem, 75 percent of which
were native plants occurring in the herbaceous understory and subcanopy
layer (Diong 1982, p. 160). Therefore, even though we have no evidence
of direct browsing for P. hispida, given the presence of pigs in the
area where P. hispida occurs, we consider it likely that pigs may
impact the species directly through predation. Therefore, we believe
feral pigs pose a potentially significant and immediate threat to the
D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
Currently, there are no Federal, State, or local laws, treaties, or
regulations that specifically conserve or protect Phyllostegia hispida
from the threats described in this rule.
E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
The most significant threat to Phyllostegia hispida is its
extremely low numbers. A total of 33 plants, only one of which is
reproductively mature, are currently known to exist in the wild.
Twenty-three of these are only recently outplanted. Although propagules
of P. hispida have been collected on an opportunistic basis and some
controlled propagation of the species has taken place, there is no
dedicated funding for propagation of the species and no formal plan
exists for outplanting and reintroduction. Outplantings have been
attempted on an ad hoc basis, but unfortunately none of these
outplantings has yet proven successful for more than the short-term.
Species that are known from few wild individuals and are endemic to
a single, small island are inherently more vulnerable to extinction
than widespread species because of the higher risks posed to a few
populations and individuals by genetic bottlenecks, random demographic
fluctuations, and localized catastrophes, such as hurricanes and
disease outbreaks (Mangel and Tier 1994, pp. 607-614; Pimm, et al.
1988, pp. 757-785). In the case of Phyllostegia hispida, the entire
population of the species is small and restricted to a highly localized
geographic area, rendering it highly vulnerable to the risk of
extinction in the wild due to the lack of redundancy in populations.
Although some species are naturally rare, the poor survivorship of P.
hispida suggest that the requisite biological or ecological needs of
the species are not being met under current conditions. Deterministic
factors, such as habitat alteration or loss of a key pollinator, may
have reduced this population to such a small size that it is now
vulnerable to a stochastic extinction event (Gilpin and Soul[eacute]
1986, pp. 24-25). Small population size has therefore become a primary
and immediate threat to this species.
Proposed Determination
We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial
information available regarding the past, present, and future threats
to Phyllostegia hispida. The species' extremely low numbers and highly
restricted geographic range make it particularly susceptible to
extinction at any time from random events such as hurricanes. There is
only one plant known to exist in the wild that is reproductively
mature. Although several individuals have recently been outplanted, no
outplanting effort for this species has yet been successful. Therefore,
the future of these propagated individuals is highly uncertain.
Although the species is found on protected lands, it nonetheless faces
immediate and continuing threats from habitat destruction and
degradation due to feral pig activity, competition with nonnative plant
species, and predation by nonnative mammals, as well as the threat of
extinction at any time from a random stochastic event such as a
The Endangered Species Act (Sec. 3(5)(C)(6)) defines an endangered
species as ``any species which is in danger of extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range.'' Based on the immediate and
ongoing significant threats to Phyllostegia hispida throughout its
entire limited range, as described above, and the fact that there is
only one adult reproductive individual of the species known, we
consider the species P. hispida to be in danger of extinction
throughout all of its range. Therefore, on the basis of the best
available scientific and commercial information, we are proposing to
list P. hispida as an endangered species.
Available Conservation Measures
Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or
threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions,
requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain
practices. Recognition through listing results in public awareness and
conservation by Federal, State, and local agencies, private
organizations, and individuals. The Act encourages cooperation with the
States and requires that recovery actions be carried out for all listed
species. The protection required of Federal agencies and the
prohibitions against certain activities involving listed plants are
discussed, in part, below.
Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, requires Federal agencies to
evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is proposed or
listed as endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical
habitat, if any is designated. Regulations implementing this
interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR
part 402. Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies to confer with the
Service on any action that is likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a species proposed for listing or result in destruction or
adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. If a species is
listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to
ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not
likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the species or destroy
or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may
adversely affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the
responsible Federal agency must enter into formal consultation with the
For Phyllostegia hispida, Federal agency actions that may require
consultation as described in the preceding paragraph include the
provision of Federal funds to State and private entities through
Federal programs, such as the Service's Landowner Incentive Program,
State Wildlife Grant Program, and Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration
program, as well as the various grants administered by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Other types of actions that may require consultation include Army Corps
of Engineers activities, such as the construction or maintenance of
boardwalks and bridges subject to section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(33 U.S.C. 1344, et seq.).
The Act and its implementing regulations set forth a series of
general prohibitions and exceptions that apply
[[Page 9083]]
to endangered plants. All prohibitions of section 9(a)(2) of the Act,
implemented by 50 CFR 17.61, apply. These prohibitions, in part, make
it illegal for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States to import or export, transport in interstate or foreign commerce
in the course of a commercial activity, sell or offer for sale in
interstate or foreign commerce, or remove and reduce the species to
possession from areas under Federal jurisdiction. In addition, for
plants listed as endangered, the Act prohibits the malicious damage or
destruction on areas under Federal jurisdiction and the removal,
cutting, digging up, or damaging or destroying of such plants in
knowing violation of any State law or regulation, including State
criminal trespass law. Certain exceptions to the prohibitions apply to
agents of the Service and State conservation agencies. Although Hawaii
has a strong Endangered Species law (HRS, Sect. 195-D), Phyllostegia
hispida is not currently protected under that law. Federal listing of
Phyllostegia hispida will automatically invoke State listing under
Hawaii's Endangered Species law and supplement the protection available
under other State laws. The Federal Endangered Species Act will,
therefore, offer additional protection to this species.
The Act and 50 CFR 17.62 also provide for the issuance of permits
to carry out otherwise prohibited activities involving endangered
plants under certain circumstances. Such permits are available for
scientific purposes and to enhance the propagation or survival of the
species. We anticipate that the only permits that would be sought or
issued for Phyllostegia hispida would be in association with recovery
efforts, as this species is not common in cultivation or the wild.
Requests for copies of the regulations regarding listed species and
inquiries about prohibitions and permits may be addressed to U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Eastside Federal Complex,
911 NE. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-4181 (telephone 503-231-6158;
facsimile 503-231-6243).
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as (i) the
specific areas within the geographical area occupied by a species, at
the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found
those physical or biological features (I) essential to the conservation
of the species and (II) that may require special management
considerations or protection; and (ii) specific areas outside the
geographic area occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon a
determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of the
species. Conservation, as defined under section 3 of the Act, means to
use and the use of all methods and procedures that are necessary to
bring an endangered or threatened species to the point at which the
measures provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary.
Critical habitat receives protection under section 7 of the Act
through the prohibition against destruction or adverse modification of
critical habitat with regard to actions carried out, funded, or
authorized by a Federal agency. Section 7(a)(2) requires consultation
on Federal actions that may affect critical habitat. The designation of
critical habitat does not affect land ownership or establish a refuge,
wilderness, reserve, preserve, or other conservation area. Such
designation does not allow government or public access to private
lands. Section 7(a)(2) is a purely protective measure and does not
require implementation of restoration, recovery, or enhancement
measures, although conservation measures are required under section
7(a)(1) of the Act.
Prudency Determination
Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, and implementing
regulations (50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the maximum extent
prudent and determinable, we designate critical habitat at the time the
species is determined to be endangered or threatened. Our regulations
(50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that the designation of critical habitat is
not prudent when one or both of the following situations exist: (1) The
species is threatened by taking or other human activity, and
identification of critical habitat can be expected to increase the
degree of threat to the species, or (2) such designation of critical
habitat would not be beneficial to the species.
There is no documentation that Phyllostegia hispida is threatened
by taking or other human activity. In the absence of finding that the
designation of critical habitat would increase threats to a species, if
there are any benefits to a critical habitat designation, then a
prudent finding is warranted. The potential benefits include: (1)
Triggering consultation under section 7 of the Act, in new areas for
actions in which there may be a Federal nexus where it would not
otherwise occur because, for example, it is or has become unoccupied or
the occupancy is in question; (2) focusing conservation activities on
the most essential features and areas; (3) providing educational
benefits to State or county governments or private entities; and (4)
preventing people from causing inadvertent harm to the species.
The primary regulatory effect of critical habitat is the section
7(a)(2) requirement that Federal agencies refrain from taking any
action that destroys or adversely affects critical habitat. At present,
the only known extant individuals of Phyllostegia hispida occur on
State and private land, and all previously known occurrences have been
on State and privately owned lands. Further, there are no Federal lands
or lands under Federal jurisdiction in the forests of east Molokai, the
historic range of this species. Therefore, it is unlikely that this
species currently occurs, or would occur in the future, on Federal
lands. Nevertheless, lands that may be designated as critical habitat
in the future for this species may be subject to Federal actions that
trigger the section 7 consultation requirement, such as the granting of
Federal monies for conservation projects and/or the need for Federal
permits for projects, such as the construction and maintenance of
boardwalks and bridges subject to section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(33 U.S.C. 1344, et seq.). There may also be some educational or
informational benefits to the designation of critical habitat.
Educational benefits include the notification of land owners, land
managers, and the general public of the importance of protecting the
habitat of this species. In the case of Phyllostegia hispida, these
aspects of critical habitat designation would potentially benefit the
conservation of the species. Therefore, since we have determined that
the designation of critical habitat will not likely increase the degree
of threat to the species and may provide some measure of benefit, we
find that designation of critical habitat is prudent for Phyllostegia
Primary Constituent Elements
In accordance with sections 3(5)(A)(i) and 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act
and regulations at 50 CFR 424.12, in determining which areas to propose
as critical habitat, we must consider those physical and biological
features (primary constituent elements in the necessary and appropriate
quantity and spatial arrangement) essential to the conservation of the
species. We must also consider those areas essential to the
conservation of the species that are outside the geographical area
occupied by the species. These primary
[[Page 9084]]
constituent elements include, but are not limited to, space for
individual and population growth and for normal behavior; food, water,
or other nutritional or physiological requirements; cover or shelter;
sites for breeding, reproduction, rearing of offspring, germination, or
seed dispersal; and habitats that are protected from disturbance or are
representative of the historical geographical and ecological
distributions of a species.
We are currently unable to identify the primary constituent
elements for Phyllostegia hispida, because information on the physical
and biological features that are considered essential to the
conservation of this species is not known at this time. As discussed in
the ``Species Information'' section of this proposed rule, between the
years 1910 and 1996 only 10 occurrences of P. hispida were documented,
and the location information for these occurrences was recorded at a
relatively coarse scale. Elevations are known only for the few
individuals discovered within the last 10 years. From 1996 through 2005
a total of only 6 plants (3 adults, 2 seedlings, and 1 juvenile) were
located, all existing only as single individuals in disparate
locations. All of the previously known adults have died without
reproducing naturally in the wild; the first mature plant to be
observed fruiting was just discovered in April 2007. The two seedlings
discovered in 2005 were collected and deposited with propagation
facilities to attempt production of additional seedlings for
outplanting in the future. The reasons for the deaths of the three
adult and one juvenile plants are unknown, as are the reasons for poor
natural reproduction in the wild. Key features of the plant's life
history, such as longevity, dispersal mechanisms, or vectors for
pollination, are unknown.
The plant community where the few remaining wild individuals of
Phyllostegia hispida are found has been highly modified by the presence
of nonnative plants and feral pigs, and the poor viability of the
species occurrences observed in recent years indicates that current
conditions are not sufficient to meet the basic biological requirements
of this species. Because P. hispida has never been observed in an
unaltered environment, the optimal conditions that would provide the
biological or ecological requisites of the species are not known.
Although, as described above, we can surmise that habitat degradation
from a variety of factors has contributed to the decline of the
species, we do not know specifically what essential physical or
biological features of that habitat are currently lacking for P.
hispida. As we are unable to identify the physical and biological
features essential to the conservation of P. hispida, we are unable to
identify areas that contain these features.
Therefore, although we have determined that the designation of
critical habitat is prudent for Phyllostegia hispida, since the
biological requirements of the species are not sufficiently known, we
find that critical habitat for P. hispida is not determinable at this
Peer Review
In accordance with our joint policy published in the Federal
Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we will seek the expert
opinions of at least three appropriate and independent specialists
regarding this proposed rule. The purpose of such review is to ensure
that our proposed rule is based on scientifically sound data,
assumptions, and analyses. We will send these peer reviewers copies of
this proposed rule immediately following publication in the Federal
Register. We will invite these peer reviewers to comment, during the
public comment period, on the specific assumptions and conclusions
regarding the proposal to list Phyllostegia hispida as endangered and
our decision regarding critical habitat for this species.
We will consider all comments and information received during the
comment period on this proposed rule during preparation of a final
rulemaking. Accordingly, the final decision may differ from this
Public Hearings
The Act provides for one or more public hearings on this proposal,
if requested. Requests must be received within 45 days after the date
of publication of this proposal in the Federal Register. Such requests
must be made in writing and be addressed to the Field Supervisor at the
address in the ADDRESSES section.
Clarity of the Rule
Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations
that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to make
this rule easier to understand including answers to questions such as
the following: (1) Are the requirements in the rule clearly stated? (2)
Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that interferes with
its clarity? (3) Does the format of the rule (grouping and order of
sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce its
clarity? (4) Would the rule be easier to understand if it were divided
into more (but shorter) sections? (5) Is the description of the rule in
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of the preamble helpful in
understanding the emergency rule? What else could we do to make the
rule easier to understand?
Send a copy of any comments that concern how we could make this
rule easier to understand to Office of Regulatory Affairs, Department
of the Interior, Room 7229, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240.
You also may e-mail the comments to this address: Exsec@ios.goi.gov.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.)
This rule does not contain any new collections of information that
require approval by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the
Paperwork Reduction Act. This rule will not impose recordkeeping or
reporting requirements on State or local governments, individuals,
businesses, or organizations. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be prepared in connection
with regulations adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act. We
published a notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the
Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited in this rule is available
on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov or upon request from the
Field Supervisor, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR
The primary author of this document is staff from the Pacific
Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, and Transportation.
[[Page 9085]]
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C.
4201-4245; Public Law 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise
2. In Sec. 17.12(h) add the following to the List of Endangered
and Threatened Plants in alphabetical order under Flowering Plants:
Sec. 17.12 Endangered and threatened plants.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
-------------------------------------------------------- Historic range Family Status When listed Critical Special
Scientific name Common name habitat rules
* * * * * * *
Flowering Plants
* * * * * * *
Phyllostegia hispida............. None................ U.S.A. (HI)........ Lamiaceae--Mint.... E TBD NA NA
* * * * * * *
Dated: February 5, 2008.
Kenneth Stansell,
Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. E8-2841 Filed 2-15-08; 8:45 am]