Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Request for Nominations for Science Advisory Board Panel on Risk and Technology Review Assessments for Phase II Source Categories, 5836-5838 [E8-1772]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2008 / Notices
Science Advisory Board Staff Office;
Notification of a Meeting of the Science
Advisory Board
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The EPA Science Advisory
Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a
public face-to-face meeting of the
chartered SAB to: (1) Discuss EPA’s
research budget for Fiscal Year 2009; (2)
Agency long-term research directions
and priorities; (3) conduct a quality
review of the Draft SAB Advisory on
EPA’s ‘‘Report on the Environment
2007: Science Report’’; and (4) continue
planning for upcoming SAB meetings.
DATES: The meeting dates are Thursday,
February 28, 2008, from 8:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. through Friday, February 29,
2008, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(Eastern Time).
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Westin Arlington Gateway, 801 N.
Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22203;
phone (703) 717–6200.
Members of the public who wish to
obtain further information about this
meeting may contact Mr. Thomas O.
Miller, Designated Federal Officer
(DFO), by mail at EPA SAB Staff Office,
(1400F), U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460;
by telephone at (202) 343–9982; by fax
at (202) 233–0643; or by e-mail at: General
information about the SAB, as well as
any updates concerning the meeting
announced in this notice, may be found
on the SAB Web Site at: https://
was established by 42 U.S.C. 4365 to
provide independent scientific and
technical advice, consultation, and
recommendations to the EPA
Administrator on the technical basis for
Agency positions and regulations. The
SAB is a Federal advisory committee
chartered under the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5
U.S.C., App. The SAB will comply with
the provisions of FACA and all
appropriate SAB Staff Office procedural
Background: The purpose of this
meeting will be to allow the SAB to
discuss with Agency representatives the
research priorities that are a component
of the Fiscal Year 2009 research budget.
The SAB conducts a review of the EPA
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research budget each year and as a
result of discussions and evaluations
that are a part of this review, provides
written advice to the EPA Administrator
and testimony to the U.S. Congress on
how that budget might contribute to the
achievement of EPA’s overall research
The SAB will also conduct a quality
review of one draft SAB Committee
report, SAB Advisory on EPA’s ‘‘Report
on the Environment 2007: Science
Report.’’ The EPA Report on the
Environment (ROE) 2007 addresses key
questions about the current status of and
trends in the condition of the
environment and human health. These
questions are intended to be relevant to
EPA’s current regulatory and
programmatic activities and mission. In
its review, the SAB was asked to
comment on: (1) The adequacy of the
formulation and scope of the questions
addressed in the ROE 2007 Science
Report, (2) the appropriateness of the
indicators used to answer the questions
in the report, (3) the accuracy of the
characterization of gaps and limitations
in the indicators used in the report, (4)
the appropriateness of regionalization of
national indicators in the report, (5) the
utility of regional indicators in the
report, and (6) the overall quality of the
report with respect to technical
accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness of
level of communication. Additional
information on this review can be found
in the announcement of the review in
the Federal Register (see FR 72 29498–
29499 of May 29, 2007) and the EPA
SAB Web Site at: https://
Availability of Meeting Materials:
Materials in support of this meeting will
be placed on the SAB Web Site at: in advance of
this meeting.
Procedures for Providing Public Input:
Interested members of the public may
submit relevant written or oral
information for the SAB to consider on
the topics included in this advisory
activity and/or the group conducting the
Oral Statements: In general,
individuals or groups requesting an oral
presentation at a public meeting will be
limited to five minutes per speaker,
with no more than one hour for all
speakers. Interested parties should
contact Mr. Miller, DFO, at the contact
information provided above, by
February 21, 2008, to be placed on the
public speaker list for the February 28–
29, 2008 meeting. Written Statements:
Written statements should be received
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in the SAB Staff Office by February 14,
2008, so that the information may be
made available to the SAB for their
consideration prior to this meeting.
Written statements should be supplied
to the DFO via e-mail to (acceptable file
format: Adobe Acrobat PDF,
WordPerfect, MS Word, MS PowerPoint,
or Rich Text files in IBM–PC/Windows
98/2000/XP format).
Accessibility: For information on
access or services for individuals with
disabilities, please contact Mr. Thomas
Miller at (202) 343–9982, or via e-mail
at To request
accommodation of a disability, please
contact Mr. Miller, preferably at least 10
days prior to the meeting, to give EPA
as much time as possible to process
your request.
Dated: January 24, 2008.
Anthony Maciorowski,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board
Staff Office.
[FR Doc. E8–1793 Filed 1–30–08; 8:45 am]
Science Advisory Board Staff Office;
Request for Nominations for Science
Advisory Board Panel on Risk and
Technology Review Assessments for
Phase II Source Categories
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The EPA Science Advisory
Board (SAB) Staff Office is announcing
the formation of an SAB Expert panel to
review and provide advice about draft
risk assessments that evaluate the effects
of industrial emissions of hazardous air
pollutants (HAPs) on public health and
the environment in accordance with
EPA’s Risk and Technology Review
(RTR) Assessment. The SAB Staff Office
is soliciting public nominations of
technical experts for this panel.
DATES: Nominations should be
submitted by February 21, 2008 per the
instructions below.
Members of the public who wish to
obtain further information regarding the
submission of nominations may contact
Dr. Resha M. Putzrath, via telephone at:
(202) 343–9978 or e-mail at: The SAB
Mailing address is: U.S. EPA Science
Advisory Board (1400F), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2008 / Notices
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20460. General
information about the SAB as well as
any updates concerning this request for
nominations may be found on the SAB
Web site at:
Technical Contact: For questions and
information concerning the Agency’s
draft technical documents and
background information, contact Dr.
Dave Guinnup, at: (919) 541–5368, or
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Background: The SAB was established
by 42 U.S.C. 4365 to provide
independent scientific and technical
advice to the Administrator on the
technical basis for Agency positions and
regulations. The SAB is a Federal
Advisory Committee chartered under
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App. The
SAB will comply with the provisions of
FACA and all appropriate SAB Staff
Office procedural policies.
Section 112(f)(2)(A) of the 1990 Clean
Air Act Amendments (CAA) requires
EPA to evaluate whether emission
standards that were previously adopted
under the technology-based, Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
program provide an ample margin of
safety to protect public health and
prevent adverse environmental effects
(taking into consideration costs, energy,
safety, and other relevant factors).
Within eight years of the promulgation
of a MACT standard for the source
category, EPA is mandated by the CAA
to assess the risks to determine whether
additional standards are needed.
EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation has
developed a Risk and Technology
Review (RTR) Assessment Plan (referred
to as RTR II) that has a streamlined
approach. The SAB provided advice in
a consultation on the RTR II in
December 2006 [Consultation on EPA’s
Risk and Technology Review (RTR)
Assessment Plan (EPA–SAB–07–009)
available at:
D006C3ABF/$File/sab-07-009.pdf]. The
SAB identified some key scientific
issues and provided recommendations
for the Plan. The SAB Panel being
formed will review EPA’s draft risk
assessments developed under the RTR II
approach, as modified to reflect SAB
recommendations. These draft risk
assessments will evaluate the potential
risks to human health and the
environment that remain after sources
come into compliance with MACT.
Request for Nominations: The SAB
Staff Office is requesting nominations
for nationally and internationally
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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recognized, non-EPA scientists with
expertise and experience related to:
Airborne (and possibly multi-pathway)
fate-and-transport modeling of organic
and inorganic chemicals; modeling of
potential human exposures; modeling of
human health risk; health effects of
individual chemicals and mixtures of
chemicals; risk assessment models and
practices; uncertainty or sensitivity
analyses; and risk communication
theory and practice. The Agency is
particularly interested in nominees with
in-depth knowledge and experience in
evaluating effects, exposure, and risk of
hazardous air pollutants.
Process and Deadline for Submitting
Nominations: Any interested person or
organization may nominate qualified
individuals with expertise and
experience described above for
consideration of service on the SAB
Panel on Risk and Technology Review
Assessments for Phase II Source
Categories. Nominations should be
submitted in electronic format through
the SAB Web site at the following URL:
OpenDocument. Please follow the
instructions for submitting nominations
carefully. To be considered,
nominations should include all of the
information required on the associated
forms. Anyone unable to submit
nominations using the electronic form
or who has any questions concerning
the nomination process may contact Dr.
Resha M. Putzrath, as indicated above in
this notice. Nominations should be
submitted in time to arrive no later than
February 21, 2008.
To be considered, all nominations
should include: A current curriculum
vitae (C.V.) which provides the
nominee’s background, qualifications,
research expertise, and relevant
publications for service on the Panel;
and a brief biographical sketch
(‘‘biosketch’’). The biosketch should be
no longer than one page and should
contain the following information for
the nominee: (a) Current professional
affiliations and positions held; (b)
area(s) of expertise, and research
activities and interests relevant to the
Panel; (c) leadership positions in
national associations or professional
publications or other significant
distinctions; (d) educational
background, especially advanced
degrees, including when and from
which institutions these were granted;
and (e) service on other advisory
committees or professional societies,
especially those associated with issues
under discussion in this review.
Incomplete biosketches will not be
PO 00000
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considered. The EPA SAB Staff Office
will acknowledge receipt of
The names and biosketches of
qualified nominees identified by
respondents to the Federal Register
notice and additional experts identified
by the SAB Staff will be posted on the
SAB Web site accessible through a link
for this panel at: https://
?OpenDocument. Public comments on
this ‘‘Short List’’ of candidates will be
accepted for 21 calendar days. The
public will be requested to provide
relevant information or other
documentation on nominees that the
SAB Staff Office should consider in
evaluating candidates.
For the EPA SAB Staff Office, a
balanced subcommittee or review panel
includes candidates who possess the
necessary domains of knowledge, the
relevant scientific perspectives (which,
among other factors, can be influenced
by work history and affiliation), and the
collective breadth of experience to
adequately address the charge. To
establish individual expert panels for
the advisory activities described above,
the SAB Staff Office will consider
public comments on the ‘‘Short List’’ of
candidates, information provided by the
candidates themselves, and background
information independently gathered by
the SAB Staff Office. Specific criteria to
be used for Panel membership include:
(a) Scientific and/or technical expertise,
knowledge, and experience (primary
factors); (b) availability and willingness
to serve; (c) absence of financial
conflicts of interest; (d) absence of an
appearance of a lack of impartiality; and
(e) skills working in committees,
subcommittees, and advisory panels;
and (f) for the Panel as a whole,
diversity of, and balance among, factors
such as scientific expertise and
The SAB Staff Office’s evaluation of
an absence of financial conflicts of
interest will include a review of the
‘‘Confidential Financial Disclosure
Form for Special Government
Employees Serving on Federal Advisory
Committees at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’’ (EPA Form 3110–
48). This confidential form allows
Government officials to determine
whether there is a statutory conflict
between that person’s public
responsibilities (which includes
membership on an EPA Federal
advisory committee) and private
interests and activities, or the
appearance of a lack of impartiality, as
defined by Federal regulation. The form
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2008 / Notices
may be viewed and downloaded from
the following URL address: https://
The approved policy under which the
EPA SAB Office selects subcommittees
and review panels is described in the
following document: Overview of the
Panel Formation Process at the
Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board (EPA–SAB–EC–
02–010), which is posted on the SAB
Web site at:
Dated: January 24, 2008.
Anthony F. Maciorowski,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board
Staff Office.
[FR Doc. E8–1772 Filed 1–30–08; 8:45 am]
Science Advisory Board Staff Office,
SAB Particulate Matter (PM) Research
Centers Program Review Panel;
Request for Nominations
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA or Agency)
Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff
Office is announcing the formation of an
SAB panel to advise the Agency
concerning the future direction of its
Particulate Matter (PM) Research
Centers Program. The SAB Staff Office
is soliciting public nominations for this
DATES: New nominations should be
submitted by February 21, 2008.
member of the public wishing further
information regarding this Request for
Nominations may contact Mr. Fred
Butterfield, Designated Federal Officer
(DFO), EPA Science Advisory Board
(1400F), U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460; via
telephone/voice mail: (202) 343–9994;
fax: (202) 233–0643; or e-mail at: General
information concerning the EPA Science
Advisory Board can be found on the
EPA Web Site:
Background: The SAB was
established by 42 U.S.C. 4365 to provide
independent scientific and technical
advice to the Administrator on the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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technical basis for Agency positions and
regulations. The SAB is a Federal
advisory Committee chartered under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App. The
SAB will comply with the provisions of
FACA and all appropriate SAB Staff
Office procedural policies.
In EPA’s 1998 appropriations bill,
Congress directed EPA to establish as
many as five university-based
particulate matter (PM) research centers
as part of the expanded Office of
Research and Development (ORD) PM
research program. The first research
centers were funded from 1999 to 2005.
The total budget for each center over
five years was $8 million, for a program
total of $40 million. In the original
Request for Applications (RFA),
prospective Centers were asked to
propose an integrated research program
on the health effects of PM, including
exposure, dosimetry, toxicology and
epidemiology. In 2004, a second
competition was held. This RFA asked
respondents to address the central
theme of ‘‘linking health effects to PM
sources and components,’’ and to focus
on the research priorities of
susceptibility, biological mechanisms,
exposure-response relationships, and
source linkages. From the second
competition, five current centers are
funded for 2005–2010 (the budget
remains $40 million total).
ORD’s PM Research Centers program
was initially shaped by
recommendations from the National
Research Council. The SAB conducted
an interim review of the Centers
program in 2002 (see: https://
ec02008.pdf), which was instrumental
in providing additional guidance for the
second phase of the program (2005–
2010). The Agency now seeks the advice
of an SAB expert panel on the structure
and strategic direction for the program
as ORD contemplates funding a third
round of air pollution research centers
into the future. This Federal Register
notice solicitation is seeking
nominations for the SAB PM Research
Centers Program Review Panel.
Request for Nominations: The SAB
Staff Office is requesting nominations
for nationally- and internationallyrecognized, non-EPA scientists with
extensive research program management
expertise and experience related to
airborne pollution and the application
of research results in reducing air
pollution in protection human health
and the environment. The experts
should also have had direct research
experience related to PM.
PO 00000
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Process and Deadline for Submitting
Nominations: Any interested person or
organization may nominate qualified
individuals to add expertise to the SAB
PM Research Centers Program Review
Panel in the areas of expertise listed
above. Nominations should be
submitted in electronic format through
the SAB Web site: https://
OpenDocument. Please follow the
instructions for submitting nominations
carefully. To be considered,
nominations should include all of the
information required on the associated
forms. Anyone unable to submit
nominations using the electronic form
and who has any questions concerning
the nomination process may contact Mr.
Fred Butterfield, DFO, as indicated
above in this notice. Nominations
should be submitted in time to arrive no
later than February 21, 2008.
To be considered, all nominations
should include: A current curriculum
vitae (C.V.) which provides the
nominee’s background, qualifications,
research expertise and relevant
publications for service on the Panel;
and a brief biographical sketch
(‘‘biosketch’’). The biosketch should be
no longer than one page and should
contain the following information for
the nominee:
(a) Current professional affiliations
and positions held;
(b) Area(s) of expertise, and research
activities and interests relevant to the
(c) Leadership positions in national
associations or professional publications
or other significant distinctions;
(d) Educational background,
especially advanced degrees, including
when and from which institutions these
were granted; and
(e) Service on other advisory
committees or professional societies,
especially those associated with issues
under discussion in this review.
Incomplete biosketches will not be
considered. The EPA SAB Staff Office
will acknowledge receipt of
The EPA SAB Staff Office will post
the biosketches of qualified nominees
for public comment on the SAB Web
site. Information will be made available
via the link to this panel found at:
OpenDocument, and will include, for
each candidate, the nominee’s name and
their biosketch. Public comments on
this ‘‘Short List’’ of candidates will be
accepted for 21 calendar days. The
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 21 (Thursday, January 31, 2008)]
[Pages 5836-5838]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-1772]
Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Request for Nominations for
Science Advisory Board Panel on Risk and Technology Review Assessments
for Phase II Source Categories
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office is
announcing the formation of an SAB Expert panel to review and provide
advice about draft risk assessments that evaluate the effects of
industrial emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) on public
health and the environment in accordance with EPA's Risk and Technology
Review (RTR) Assessment. The SAB Staff Office is soliciting public
nominations of technical experts for this panel.
DATES: Nominations should be submitted by February 21, 2008 per the
instructions below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public who wish to
obtain further information regarding the submission of nominations may
contact Dr. Resha M. Putzrath, via telephone at: (202) 343-9978 or e-
mail at: The SAB Mailing address is: U.S. EPA
Science Advisory Board (1400F), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
[[Page 5837]]
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460. General information
about the SAB as well as any updates concerning this request for
nominations may be found on the SAB Web site at:
Technical Contact: For questions and information concerning the
Agency's draft technical documents and background information, contact
Dr. Dave Guinnup, at: (919) 541-5368, or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background: The SAB was established by 42
U.S.C. 4365 to provide independent scientific and technical advice to
the Administrator on the technical basis for Agency positions and
regulations. The SAB is a Federal Advisory Committee chartered under
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App.
The SAB will comply with the provisions of FACA and all appropriate SAB
Staff Office procedural policies.
Section 112(f)(2)(A) of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAA)
requires EPA to evaluate whether emission standards that were
previously adopted under the technology-based, Maximum Achievable
Control Technology (MACT) program provide an ample margin of safety to
protect public health and prevent adverse environmental effects (taking
into consideration costs, energy, safety, and other relevant factors).
Within eight years of the promulgation of a MACT standard for the
source category, EPA is mandated by the CAA to assess the risks to
determine whether additional standards are needed.
EPA's Office of Air and Radiation has developed a Risk and
Technology Review (RTR) Assessment Plan (referred to as RTR II) that
has a streamlined approach. The SAB provided advice in a consultation
on the RTR II in December 2006 [Consultation on EPA's Risk and
Technology Review (RTR) Assessment Plan (EPA-SAB-07-009) available at:
33152C83D29530F08525730D006C3ABF/$File/sab-07-009.pdf]. The SAB
identified some key scientific issues and provided recommendations for
the Plan. The SAB Panel being formed will review EPA's draft risk
assessments developed under the RTR II approach, as modified to reflect
SAB recommendations. These draft risk assessments will evaluate the
potential risks to human health and the environment that remain after
sources come into compliance with MACT.
Request for Nominations: The SAB Staff Office is requesting
nominations for nationally and internationally recognized, non-EPA
scientists with expertise and experience related to: Airborne (and
possibly multi-pathway) fate-and-transport modeling of organic and
inorganic chemicals; modeling of potential human exposures; modeling of
human health risk; health effects of individual chemicals and mixtures
of chemicals; risk assessment models and practices; uncertainty or
sensitivity analyses; and risk communication theory and practice. The
Agency is particularly interested in nominees with in-depth knowledge
and experience in evaluating effects, exposure, and risk of hazardous
air pollutants.
Process and Deadline for Submitting Nominations: Any interested
person or organization may nominate qualified individuals with
expertise and experience described above for consideration of service
on the SAB Panel on Risk and Technology Review Assessments for Phase II
Source Categories. Nominations should be submitted in electronic format
through the SAB Web site at the following URL:
sab/sabproduct.nsf/Web/participatepanelformation?OpenDocument. Please
follow the instructions for submitting nominations carefully. To be
considered, nominations should include all of the information required
on the associated forms. Anyone unable to submit nominations using the
electronic form or who has any questions concerning the nomination
process may contact Dr. Resha M. Putzrath, as indicated above in this
notice. Nominations should be submitted in time to arrive no later than
February 21, 2008.
To be considered, all nominations should include: A current
curriculum vitae (C.V.) which provides the nominee's background,
qualifications, research expertise, and relevant publications for
service on the Panel; and a brief biographical sketch (``biosketch'').
The biosketch should be no longer than one page and should contain the
following information for the nominee: (a) Current professional
affiliations and positions held; (b) area(s) of expertise, and research
activities and interests relevant to the Panel; (c) leadership
positions in national associations or professional publications or
other significant distinctions; (d) educational background, especially
advanced degrees, including when and from which institutions these were
granted; and (e) service on other advisory committees or professional
societies, especially those associated with issues under discussion in
this review. Incomplete biosketches will not be considered. The EPA SAB
Staff Office will acknowledge receipt of nominations.
The names and biosketches of qualified nominees identified by
respondents to the Federal Register notice and additional experts
identified by the SAB Staff will be posted on the SAB Web site
accessible through a link for this panel at:
Public comments on this ``Short List'' of candidates will be accepted
for 21 calendar days. The public will be requested to provide relevant
information or other documentation on nominees that the SAB Staff
Office should consider in evaluating candidates.
For the EPA SAB Staff Office, a balanced subcommittee or review
panel includes candidates who possess the necessary domains of
knowledge, the relevant scientific perspectives (which, among other
factors, can be influenced by work history and affiliation), and the
collective breadth of experience to adequately address the charge. To
establish individual expert panels for the advisory activities
described above, the SAB Staff Office will consider public comments on
the ``Short List'' of candidates, information provided by the
candidates themselves, and background information independently
gathered by the SAB Staff Office. Specific criteria to be used for
Panel membership include: (a) Scientific and/or technical expertise,
knowledge, and experience (primary factors); (b) availability and
willingness to serve; (c) absence of financial conflicts of interest;
(d) absence of an appearance of a lack of impartiality; and (e) skills
working in committees, subcommittees, and advisory panels; and (f) for
the Panel as a whole, diversity of, and balance among, factors such as
scientific expertise and viewpoints.
The SAB Staff Office's evaluation of an absence of financial
conflicts of interest will include a review of the ``Confidential
Financial Disclosure Form for Special Government Employees Serving on
Federal Advisory Committees at the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency'' (EPA Form 3110-48). This confidential form allows Government
officials to determine whether there is a statutory conflict between
that person's public responsibilities (which includes membership on an
EPA Federal advisory committee) and private interests and activities,
or the appearance of a lack of impartiality, as defined by Federal
regulation. The form
[[Page 5838]]
may be viewed and downloaded from the following URL address: https://
The approved policy under which the EPA SAB Office selects
subcommittees and review panels is described in the following document:
Overview of the Panel Formation Process at the Environmental Protection
Agency Science Advisory Board (EPA-SAB-EC-02-010), which is posted on
the SAB Web site at:
Dated: January 24, 2008.
Anthony F. Maciorowski,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. E8-1772 Filed 1-30-08; 8:45 am]