Announcement of Value-Added Producer Grant Application Deadlines, 5157-5167 [E8-1532]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
considered to pose an even greater
threat to trees and forested areas.
Unlike the flightless European gypsy
moth female adult, the Asian gypsy
moth female adult is capable of strong
directed flight between mating and egg
deposition, significantly increasing its
ability to spread over a much greater
area and become widely established
within a short time.
To determine the presence and extent
of a European gypsy moth or an Asian
gypsy moth infestation, we set traps in
high-risk areas to collect specimens.
Once an infestation is identified, control
and eradication work (usually involving
State cooperation) is initiated to
eliminate the moths.
APHIS personnel, with assistance
from State agriculture personnel, check
traps for the presence of gypsy moths.
If a suspicious moth is found in the trap,
it is sent to APHIS laboratories at the
Otis Methods Development Center in
Massachusetts so that it can be correctly
identified through DNA analysis. (Since
the European gypsy moth and the Asian
gypsy moth are strains of the same
species, they cannot be visually
distinguished from each other. DNA
analysis is the only way to accurately
identify these insects.)
The PPQ or State employee
submitting the moth for analysis
completes a gypsy moth identification
worksheet (PPQ Form 305), which
accompanies the insect to the
laboratory. The worksheet enables both
Federal and State regulatory officials to
identify and track specific specimens
through the DNA identification tests
that we conduct.
The information provided by the
gypsy moth identification worksheets is
vital to our ability to monitor, detect,
and eradicate gypsy moth infestations.
We are asking the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) to
approve our use of this information
collection activity for an additional 3
The purpose of this notice is to solicit
comments from the public (as well as
affected agencies) concerning our
information collection. These comments
will help us:
(1) Evaluate whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the
information collection, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
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(4) Minimize the burden of the
information collection on those who are
to respond, through use, as appropriate,
of automated, electronic, mechanical,
and other collection technologies, e.g.,
permitting electronic submission of
Estimate of burden: The public
reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average
0.1708 hours per response.
Respondents: State cooperators.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 120.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 2.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 240.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents: 41 hours. (Due to
averaging, the total annual burden hours
may not equal the product of the annual
number of responses multiplied by the
reporting burden per response.)
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
for FY 2008 grant funding. Late
applications are not eligible for FY 2008
grant funding.
Electronic copies must be received by
March 31, 2008, to be eligible for FY
2008 grant funding. Late applications
are not eligible for FY 2008 grant
An application guide and
other materials may be obtained at
vadg.htm or by contacting the
applicant’s USDA Rural Development
State Office. The State Office can be
reached by calling (202) 720–4323 and
pressing ‘‘1.’’
Paper applications must be submitted
to the Rural Development State Office
for the State in which the Project will
primarily take place. Addresses are as
USDA Rural Development, Sterling Centre,
Suite 601, 4121 Carmichael Road,
Montgomery, AL 36106–3683, (334) 279–
Done in Washington, DC, this 23rd day of
January 2008.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. E8–1529 Filed 1–28–08; 8:45 am]
USDA Rural Development, 230 North First
Avenue, Suite 206, Phoenix, AZ 85003–
1706, (602) 280–8717.
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
USDA Rural Development, 700 West Capitol
Avenue, Room 3416, Little Rock, AR
72201–3225, (501) 301–3280.
Announcement of Value-Added
Producer Grant Application Deadlines
Rural Business-Cooperative
Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of solicitation of
The Rural BusinessCooperative Service (RBS) announces
the availability of approximately $18.4
million in competitive grant funds for
fiscal year (FY) 2008 to help
independent agricultural producers
enter into value-added activities.
Awards may be made for planning
activities or for working capital
expenses, but not for both. The
maximum grant amount for a planning
grant is $100,000 and the maximum
grant amount for a working capital grant
is $300,000.
DATES: Applications for grants must be
submitted on paper or electronically
according to the following deadlines:
Paper copies must be postmarked and
mailed, shipped, or sent overnight no
later than March 31, 2008, to be eligible
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USDA Rural Development, 800 West
Evergreen, Suite 201, Palmer, AK 99645–
6539, (907) 761–7722.
USDA Rural Development, 430 G Street,
AGCY 4169, Davis, CA 95616, (530) 792–
USDA Rural Development, 655 Parfet Street,
Room E–100, Lakewood, CO 80215, (720)
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street,
Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002–2999, (413)
USDA Rural Development, 1221 College Park
Drive, Suite 200, Dover, DE 19904, (302)
USDA Rural Development, 4440 NW. 25th
Place, Gainesville, FL 32606, (352) 338–
USDA Rural Development, 111 East Spring
St., Monroe, GA 30655, (770) 267–1413,
Ext. 113.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building,
Room 311, 154 Waianuenue Avenue, Hilo,
HI 96720, (808) 933–8313.
USDA Rural Development, 100 Centennial
Mall North, Room 152, Federal Building,
Lincoln, NE 68508, (402) 437–5554.
South Dakota
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building,
Room 210, 200 4th Street, SW., Huron, SD
57350, (605) 352–1142.
USDA Rural Development, 9173 West Barnes
Drive, Suite A1, Boise, ID 83709, (208)
USDA Rural Development, 1390 S. Curry St.,
Carson City, NV 89703, (775) 887–1222,
Ext. 19.
USDA Rural Development, 3322 West End
Avenue, Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37203–
1084, (615) 783–1341.
USDA Rural Development, 2118 West Park
Court, Suite A, Champaign, IL 61821, (217)
New Hampshire
USDA Rural Development, City Center, 3rd
Floor, 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT
05602, (802) 828–6069.
USDA Rural Development, 101 South Main
Street, Suite 102, Temple, TX 76501, (254)
USDA Rural Development, 5975 Lakeside
Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46278, (317) 290–
New Jersey
USDA Rural Development, 8000 Midlantic
Drive, Suite 500N, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054,
(856) 787–7753.
USDA Rural Development, 873 Federal
Building, 210 Walnut Street, Des Moines,
IA 50309, (515) 284–4714.
New Mexico
USDA Rural Development, 6200 Jefferson
Street, NE., Room 255, Albuquerque, NM
87109, (505) 761–4952.
USDA Rural Development, Wallace F.
Bennett Federal Building, 125 South State
Street, Room 4311, Salt Lake City, UT
84138, (801) 524–4328.
USDA Rural Development, 1303 SW. First
American Place, Suite 100, Topeka, KS
66604–4040, (785) 271–2744.
New York
USDA Rural Development, 441 S. Salina St.,
Suite 357, Syracuse, NY 13202, (315) 477–
USDA Rural Development, 771 Corporate
Drive, Suite 200, Lexington, KY 40503,
(859) 224–7435.
North Carolina
USDA Rural Development, 4405 Bland Road,
Suite 260, Raleigh, NC 27609, (919) 873–
USDA Rural Development, 3727 Government
St., Alexandria, LA 71302, (318) 473–7960.
North Dakota
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building,
Room 208, 220 East Rosser Avenue, P.O.
Box 1737, Bismarck, ND 58502–1737, (701)
USDA Rural Development, 967 Illinois
Avenue, Suite 4, P.O. Box 405, Bangor, ME
04402–0405, (207) 990–9168.
USDA Rural Development, 1221 College Park
Drive, Suite 200, Dover, DE 19904, (302)
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street,
Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002–2999, (413)
USDA Rural Development, 3001 Coolidge
Road, Suite 200, East Lansing, MI 48823,
(517) 324–5157.
USDA Rural Development, 375 Jackson St.,
Suite 410, St. Paul, MN 55101, (651) 602–
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building,
Suite 831, 100 West Capitol Street, Jackson,
MS 39269, (601) 965–5457.
USDA Rural Development, 601 Business
Loop 70 West, Parkade Center, Suite 235,
Columbia, MO 65203, (573) 876–9320.
USDA Rural Development, 900 Technology
Blvd., Suite B, P.O. Box 850, Bozeman, MT
59771, (406) 585–2540.
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USDA Rural Development, City Center, 3rd
Floor, 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT
05602, (802) 828–6069.
Virgin Islands
USDA Rural Development, 4440 NW. 25th
Place, P.O. Box 147010, Gainesville, FL
32606, (352) 338–3482.
USDA Rural Development, 1606 Santa Rosa
Road, Suite 238, Richmond, VA 23229,
(804) 287–1594.
USDA Rural Development, 1835 Black Lake
Blvd. SW., Suite B, Olympia, WA 98512,
(360) 704–7729.
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building,
Room 507, 200 North High Street,
Columbus, OH 43215–2418, (614) 255–
West Virginia
USDA Rural Development, 75 High Street,
Room 320, Morgantown, WV 26505–7500,
(304) 252–8644, Ext. 146.
USDA Rural Development, 100 USDA, Suite
108, Stillwater, OK 74074–2654, (405) 742–
USDA Rural Development, 4949 Kirschling
Court, Stevens Point, WI 54481, (715) 345–
USDA Rural Development, 1201 NE. Lloyd
Blvd., Suite 801, Portland, OR 97232–1274,
(503) 414–3366.
USDA Rural Development, Dick Cheney
Federal Building, 100 East B Street, Room
1005, P.O. Box 11005, Casper, WY 82602–
5006, (307) 233–6700.
USDA Rural Development, One Credit Union
Place, Suite 330, Harrisburg, PA 17110–
2996, (717) 237–2182 .
Puerto Rico
USDA Rural Development, IBM Building,
654 Munoz Rivera Avenue, Suite 601, Hato
Rey, PR 00918–6106, (787) 766–5091, Ext.
Rhode Island
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street,
Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002–2999, (413)
South Carolina
USDA Rural Development, Strom Thurmond
Federal Building, 1835 Assembly Street,
Room 1007, Columbia, SC 29201, (803)
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Electronic applications must be
submitted through the Web
site at:, following
the instructions found on this Web site.
Applicants should visit the program
Web site at
rbs/coops/vadg.htm, which contains
application guidance, including
Frequently Asked Questions and an
Application Guide. Or applicants may
contact their USDA Rural Development
State Office. The State Office can be
reached by calling (202) 720–4323 and
pressing ‘‘1,’’ or by selecting the Contact
Information link at the above Web site.
Applicants are encouraged to contact
their State Offices well in advance of the
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
deadline to discuss their projects and
ask any questions about the application
process. Also, applicants may submit
drafts of their applications to their State
Offices for a preliminary review anytime
prior to February 15, 2008. The
preliminary review will only assess the
eligibility of the application and its
completeness. The results of the
preliminary review are not binding on
the Agency.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Agency: USDA Rural
Funding Opportunity Title: ValueAdded Producer Grants.
Announcement Type: Initial
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number: 10.352.
Dates: Application Deadline:
Applications for grants must be
submitted on paper or electronically
according to the following deadlines:
Paper copies must be postmarked and
mailed, shipped, or sent overnight no
later than March 31, 2008 to be eligible
for FY 2008 grant funding. Late
applications are not eligible for FY 2008
grant funding.
Electronic copies must be received by
March 31, 2008 to be eligible for FY
2008 grant funding. Late applications
are not eligible for FY 2008 grant
I. Funding Opportunity Description
This solicitation is issued pursuant to
section 231 of the Agriculture Risk
Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106–224)
as amended by section 6401 of the Farm
Security and Rural Investment Act of
2002 (Pub. L. 107–171 (see 7 U.S.C.
1621 note)) authorizing the
establishment of the Value-Added
Agricultural Product Market
Development grants, also known as
Value-Added Producer Grants. The
Secretary of Agriculture has delegated
the program’s administration to USDA
Rural Development Cooperative
The primary objective of this grant
program is to help Independent
Producers of Agricultural Commodities,
Agriculture Producer Groups, Farmer
and Rancher Cooperatives, and
Majority-Controlled Producer-Based
Business Ventures develop strategies to
create marketing opportunities and to
help develop Business Plans for viable
marketing opportunities regarding
production of bio-based products from
agricultural commodities. Cooperative
Programs will competitively award
funds for Planning Grants and Working
Capital Grants. In order to provide
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program benefits to as many eligible
applicants as possible, applicants must
apply only for a Planning Grant or for
a Working Capital Grant, but not both.
Applicants other than Independent
Producers must limit their Projects to
Emerging Markets. Grants will only be
awarded if Projects are determined to be
economically viable and sustainable. No
more than 10 percent of program funds
can go to applicants that are MajorityControlled Producer-Based Business
It should also be noted that businesses
of all sizes may apply and that there is
no restriction on the minimum grant
size that will be awarded. In FY 2007,
35 percent of awards were $50,000 or
The definitions at 7 CFR 4284.3 and
4284.904 are incorporated by reference.
In addition, the Agency uses the
following terms in this NOSA:
Agricultural Commodity, Bio-energy
Project, Biomass, Business Plan,
Conflict of Interest, Farm or Ranch,
Feasibility Study, Project, Renewable
Energy, and Venture. It is the Agency’s
position that those terms are defined as
Agricultural Commodity—An
unprocessed product of farms, ranches,
nurseries, and forests. Agricultural
Commodities include: Livestock,
poultry, and fish; fruits and vegetables;
grains, such as wheat, barley, oats, rye,
triticale, rice, corn, and sorghum;
legumes, such as field beans and peas;
animal feed and forage crops; seed
crops; fiber crops, such as cotton; oil
crops, such as safflower, sunflower,
corn, and cottonseed; trees grown for
lumber and wood products; nursery
stock grown commercially; Christmas
trees; ornamentals and cut flowers; and
turf grown commercially for sod.
Agricultural Commodities do not
include horses or animals raised as pets,
such as cats, dogs, and ferrets.
Bio-energy Project—A Renewable
Energy system that produces fuel,
thermal energy, or electric power from
a Biomass source.
Biomass—Any organic material that is
available on a renewable or recurring
basis, including agricultural crops; trees
grown for energy production; wood
waste and wood residues; plants,
including aquatic plants and grasses;
fibers; animal waste and other waste
materials; and fats, oils, and greases,
including recycled fats, oils, and
greases. It does not include paper that
is commonly recycled or un-segregated
solid waste.
Business Plan—A plan for Venture
implementation that includes key
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management personnel, business
location, the financial package, product
flow, and possible customers. It also
includes at least three years of pro forma
financial statements. The plan is usually
developed by the business with
assistance from third parties.
Conflict of Interest—A situation in
which a person or entity has competing
professional or personal interests that
make it difficult for the person or
business to act impartially. An example
of a Conflict of Interest is a grant
recipient or an employee of a recipient
that conducts or significantly
participates in conducting a Feasibility
Study for the recipient.
Farm or Ranch—Any place from
which $1,000 or more of agricultural
products (crops and livestock) were
raised and sold or normally would have
been raised and sold during the
previous year.
Feasibility Study—An independent,
third party analysis that shows how the
Venture would operate under a set of
assumptions—the technology used (the
facilities, equipment, production
process, etc.), the qualifications of the
management team, and the financial
aspects (capital needs, volume, cost of
goods, wages, etc.). The analysis should
answer the following questions about
the Venture.
(1) Where is it now?
(2) Where does the group want to go?
(3) Why does the group want to go
forward with the Venture?
(4) How will the group accomplish
the Venture?
(5) What resources are needed?
(6) Who will provide assistance?
(7) When will the Venture be
(8) How much will the Venture cost?
(9) What are the risks?
Project—Includes all proposed
activities to be funded by the VAPG and
Matching Funds.
Renewable Energy—Energy derived
from a wind, solar, biomass, or
geothermal source; or hydrogen derived
from biomass or water using wind,
solar, biomass, or geothermal energy
Venture—Includes the Project and
any other activities related to the
production, processing, and marketing
of the Value-Added product that is the
subject of the VAPG grant request.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Grant.
Fiscal Year Funds: FY 2008.
Approximate Total Funding: $18.4
Approximate Number of Awards: 130.
Approximate Average Award:
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
Floor of Award Range: None.
Ceiling of Award Range: $100,000 for
Planning Grants and $300,000 for
Working Capital Grants.
Anticipated Award Date: September
1, 2008.
Budget Period Length: 12 months.
Project Period Length: 12 months.
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Applicants must be an Independent
Producer, Agriculture Producer Group,
Farmer or Rancher Cooperative, or
Majority-Controlled Producer-Based
Business Venture as defined in 7 CFR
part 4284, subpart A. If the applicant is
an unincorporated group (steering
committee), it must form a legal entity
before grant funds can be obligated.
Please note that a steering committee
may only apply as an Independent
Producer. Therefore, the steering
committee must be composed of 100
percent Independent Producers and the
business to be formed must meet the
definition of Independent Producer.
Entities that contract out the production
of an Agricultural Commodity are not
considered Independent Producers. In
addition, note that Farmer or Rancher
Cooperatives that are 100 percent
owned by farmers and ranchers are not
considered under the Independent
Producer category; these applicants
must apply as Farmer or Rancher
Cooperatives. It is the Agency’s position
that if a cooperative is 100 percent
owned and controlled by agricultural
harvesters (e.g., fishermen, loggers), it is
eligible only as an Independent
Producer and not as a Farmer- or
Rancher-Cooperative. If a cooperative is
not 100 percent owned and controlled
by farmers and ranchers or 100 percent
owned and controlled by agricultural
harvesters, it may still be eligible to
apply as a Majority-Controlled
Producer-Based Business Venture,
provided it meets the definition in 7
CFR part 4284, subpart A.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching Funds are required.
Applicants must verify in their
applications that Matching Funds are
available for the time period of the
grant. Matching Funds must be at least
equal to the amount of grant funds
requested. Unless provided by other
authorizing legislation, other Federal
grant funds cannot be used as Matching
Funds. Matching Funds must be spent
at a rate equal to or greater than the rate
at which grant funds are expended.
Matching Funds must be provided by
either the applicant or by a third party
in the form of cash or in-kind
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contributions. Matching Funds must be
spent on eligible expenses and must be
from eligible sources.
C. Other Eligibility Requirements
Product Eligibility: The project
proposed must involve a Value-Added
product as defined in 7 CFR part 4284,
subpart A. The definition of ValueAdded includes four categories that
increase the value that is realized by the
producer from an Agricultural
Commodity or product as the result of:
1. A change in its physical state;
2. Differentiated production or
marketing, as demonstrated in a
Business Plan;
3. Product segregation; or
4. The economic benefit realized from
the production of Farm- or Ranch-based
Renewable Energy.
Purpose Eligibility: The application
must specify whether grant funds are
requested for planning activities or for
working capital. Applicants may not
request funds for both types of activities
in one application. Applications
requesting more than the maximum
grant amount will be considered
ineligible. Please note that working
capital expenses are not considered
eligible for Planning Grants and
planning expenses are not considered
eligible for Working Capital Grants.
It is the Agency’s position that
applicants other than Independent
Producers applying for a Working
Capital Grant must demonstrate that the
venture has not been in operation more
than two years at the time of application
in order to show that they are entering
an Emerging Market.
Grant Period Eligibility: Applications
that have a timeframe of more than 365
days will be considered ineligible.
Applications that request funds for a
time period beginning prior to October
1, 2008 and/or ending after November
30, 2009, will be considered ineligible.
Multiple Grant Eligibility: An
applicant can only submit one
application per funding cycle.
Applicants who have already received
a Planning Grant for the proposed
Project cannot receive another Planning
Grant for the same Project. Applicants
who have already received a Working
Capital Grant for a Project cannot
receive any additional grants for that
Current Grant Eligibility: If an
applicant currently has a VAPG, that
grant period must be scheduled to
expire by November 30, 2008.
Judgment Eligibility: In accordance
with 7 CFR part 4284.6.
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IV. Application and Submission
A. Address To Request Application
The application package for applying
on paper for this funding opportunity
can be obtained at https://
vadg.htm. Alternatively, applicants may
contact their USDA Rural Development
State Office. The State Office can be
reached by calling (202) 720–4323 and
pressing ‘‘1.’’ For electronic
applications, applicants must visit and follow the
B. Content and Form of Submission
Applications must be submitted on
paper or electronically. An Application
Guide may be viewed at https://
vadg.htm. It is strongly recommended
that applicants use the template
provided on the Web site. The template
can be filled out electronically and
printed out for submission with the
required forms for a paper submission
or it can be filled out electronically and
submitted as an attachment through
If an application is submitted on
paper, one signed original of the
complete application must be
If the application is submitted
electronically, the applicant must follow
the instructions given at https:// Applicants are strongly
advised to visit the site well in advance
of the application deadline if they plan
to apply electronically to insure that
they have obtained the proper
authentication and have sufficient
computer resources to complete the
Applicants must complete and submit
the following elements. Please note that
the requirements in the following
locations within 7 CFR part 4284 have
been combined with other requirements
to simplify the application and reduce
duplication: Sec. 4284.910(b)(5)(i), Sec.
4284.910(b)(5)(ii), and Sec.
4284.910(b)(5)(iv). The Agency will
conduct an initial screening of all
application for eligibility and to
determine whether the application is
complete and sufficiently responsive to
the requirements set forth in this Notice
to allow for an informed review.
Information submitted as part of the
application will be protected from
disclosure to the extent permitted by
1. Form SF–424, ‘‘Application for
Federal Assistance.’’ The form must be
completed, signed and submitted as part
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
of the application package. Please note
that applicants are required to have an
Employer Identification Number (or a
Social Security Number if the applicant
is an individual or steering committee)
and a DUNS number (unless the
applicant is an individual). The DUNS
number is a nine-digit identification
number, which uniquely identifies
business entities. To obtain a DUNS
number, access,
or call (866) 705–5711. Additional
information on the VAPG program can
be obtained at https://
vadg.htm or by contacting the
applicant’s Rural Development State
Office. The State Office can be reached
by calling (202) 720–4323 and pressing
2. Form SF–424A, ‘‘Budget
Programs.’’ This form must be
completed and submitted as part of the
application package.
3. Form SF–424B, ‘‘Assurances—NonConstruction Programs.’’ This form must
be completed, signed, and submitted as
part of the application package.
4. Title Page (limited to one page).
The title page must include the title of
the project and may include other
relevant identifying information.
5. Table of Contents. For ease of
locating information, each application
must contain a detailed Table of
Contents (TOC) immediately following
the title page.
6. Executive Summary (limited to one
page). The Executive Summary should
briefly describe the Project, including
goals, tasks to be completed and other
relevant information that provides a
general overview of the Project. In this
element, the applicant must clearly state
whether the application is for a
Planning Grant or a Working Capital
Grant and the grant amount requested.
7. Eligibility Discussion (limited to
four pages). The applicant must
describe in detail how the eligibility
requirements are met.
i. Applicant Eligibility. The applicant
must first describe how it meets the
definition of an Independent Producer,
Agriculture Producer Group, Farmer or
Rancher Cooperative, or a MajorityControlled Producer-Based Business
Venture as defined in 7 CFR 4284.3. The
applicant must apply in only one of the
following categories. It is the Agency’s
position that an applicant must provide
information that it meets all of the
requirements in the selected category in
order to be eligible in that category.
a. Independent Producer. The
application must provide the following
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1. A discussion of how 100 percent of
the owners of the applicant organization
meet the definition of an Independent
2. A discussion that demonstrates
these owners currently own and
produce more than 50 percent of the
raw commodity that will be used for the
Value-Added product; and
3. A discussion that demonstrates the
product will be owned by the
Independent Producers from its raw
commodity state through the production
of the Value-Added product during the
b. Agriculture Producer Group. The
application must provide the following
1. The mission of the applicant,
including how the organization works
on behalf of Independent Producers;
2. A statement demonstrating that the
majority of the applicant’s membership
and board of directors meet the
definition of Independent Producer;
3. An identification (either by name or
by class) of the Independent Producers
on whose behalf the work will be done;
4. A discussion demonstrating that
these Independent Producers currently
own and produce more than 50 percent
of the raw commodity that will be used
for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that
the Value-Added product will be owned
by the Independent Producers from its
raw commodity state through the
production of the Value-Added product
during the Project.
Note that applicants tentatively
selected for a grant award must verify
that the work will be done on behalf of
the Independent Producers identified in
the application.
c. Farmer or Rancher Cooperative.
The application must provide the
following information:
1. The applicant must reference the
business’ good standing as a cooperative
in its state of incorporation;
2. The applicant must also explain
how the cooperative is 100 percent
owned and controlled by farmers and
3. If the applicant is applying on
behalf of only a portion of its
membership, that portion must be
identified, and the applicant must
explain how all members in this portion
of its membership meet the definition of
an Independent Producer;
4. A discussion demonstrating that
these Independent Producers currently
own and produce more than 50 percent
of the raw commodity that will be used
for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that
the Value-Added product will be owned
by the Independent Producers from its
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raw commodity state through the
production of the Value-Added product
during the Project.
d. Majority-Controlled ProducerBased Business Venture. The
application must provide the following
1. A statement demonstrating that the
majority of the number of owners of the
applicant organization meets the
definition of an Independent Producer;
2. A statement demonstrating that the
majority of the financial interest in the
applicant organization is owned by
Independent Producers;
3. A statement demonstrating that the
majority of voting members on the
governing board meets the definition of
Independent Producer;
4. A discussion demonstrating that
these Independent Producers currently
own and produce more than 50 percent
of the raw commodity that will be used
for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that
the Value-Added product will be owned
by the Independent Producers from its
raw commodity state through the
production of the Value-Added product
during the Project.
ii. Product Eligibility. The applicant
must next describe how the ValueAdded product to be produced meets at
least one of the categories in the
definition of Value-Added as defined in
7 CFR part 4284, subpart A. Regardless
of category, the applicant must describe
the raw commodity that will be used,
the process used to add value, and the
Value-Added product that will be
a. Change in physical state. The
application must explain how the
change in physical state or form of the
product enhances its value. A change in
physical state is only achieved if the
product cannot be returned to its
original state. Examples of this type of
product include: Fish fillets, diced
tomatoes, ethanol, bio-diesel, and wool
rugs. Common production or harvesting
methods are not considered ValueAdded. The following examples are not
eligible under this category: Dehydrated
corn, raw fiber, and cut flowers.
b. Differentiated production or
marketing (as demonstrated in a
Business Plan). The application must
explain how the production or
marketing of the commodity enhances
its value. The enhancement of value
must be quantified by using a
comparison with products produced or
marketed in the standard manner, using
information from the Feasibility Study
and Business Plan developed for the
Venture. Examples of this type of
product include: Organic carrots,
identity-preserved apples, and branded
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milk. The following example is not
eligible under this category: Marketing a
non-standard variety of produce. Also, a
Business Plan that has been developed
for the applicant for the Venture must
be referenced by indicating who
developed the Business Plan and when
it was completed.
c. Physical segregation. The
application must explain how the
physical segregation of a commodity
enhances its value. The enhancement of
value should be quantified to the extent
possible by using a comparison with
products marketed without segregation.
Applicants must demonstrate that a
physical barrier (i.e. distance or a
structure) separates the commodity from
other varieties of the same commodity
during production, that the commodity
will continue to be separated during
processing, and that the Value-Added
product produced will be separated
from similar products during marketing.
An example of this type of product is
non-genetically-modified corn that is
produced on the same Farm as
genetically-modified corn where an
increase in incremental value is realized
for either one or both of the types of
corn that is attributed to physical
segregation. The following examples are
not eligible under this category:
Livestock sorted by grade, produce
sorted by size or grade.
d. Farm- or ranch-based renewable
energy. The application must explain
how the Renewable Energy will be
generated on a Farm or a Ranch owned
or leased by the owners of the Venture.
Please note that the owners/leasers of
the Farm or Ranch must currently
produce an Agricultural Commodity on
the Farm or Ranch and the Farm or
Ranch must meet the definition of a
Farm or a Ranch as defined in the
‘‘Definitions’’ section of this notice.
Examples of this type of product are
wind energy, solar energy, and
anaerobic digesters. The following
examples are not eligible under this
category: Any type of fuel, such as
ethanol, bio-diesel, and switchgrass
pellets, that is not generated on a Farm
or Ranch owned or leased by the owners
of the Venture.
iii. Purpose Eligibility. The applicant
must describe how the Project purpose
is eligible for funding. The project
purpose is comprised of two
components. First, the applicant must
describe how the proposed Project
consists of eligible planning activities or
eligible working capital activities.
Second, the applicant must demonstrate
that the activities are directly related to
the processing and/or marketing of a
Value-Added product.
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Applicants applying for a Working
Capital Grants, must reference a thirdparty, independent Feasibility Study
and a Business Plan completed
specifically for the proposed Venture.
The reference must include the name of
the party who conducted the Feasibility
Study and developed the Business Plan
as well as the dates the Feasibility Study
and Business Plan were completed.
Applicants applying for Working
Capital Grants, and which are an
Agriculture Producer Group, a Farmer
or Rancher Cooperative, or a MajorityControlled Producer-Based Business
Venture, must also demonstrate that the
proposed Venture has been in operation
for less than two years at the time of
application, in order to show that the
applicant is entering an Emerging
8. Proposal Narrative (limited to 35
i. Goals of the Project. The application
must include a clear statement of the
ultimate goals of the Project. There must
be an explanation of how a market will
be expanded and the degree to which
incremental revenue will accrue to the
benefit of the Agricultural Producer(s).
ii. Performance Evaluation Criteria.
Applicants applying for Planning Grants
must suggest at least one criterion by
which their performance under a grant
could be evaluated. Applicants applying
for Working Capital Grants must
identify the projected increase in
customer base, revenue accruing to
Independent Producers, and number of
jobs attributed to the Project. Working
capital projects with significant energy
components must also identify the
projected increase in capacity (e.g.
gallons of ethanol produced annually,
megawatt hours produced annually)
attributed to the Project. Please note that
these criteria are different from the
Proposal Evaluation Criteria and are a
separate requirement.
iii. Proposal Evaluation Criteria. Each
of the proposal evaluation criteria
referenced in this funding
announcement must be addressed,
specifically and individually, in
narrative form. Applications that do not
address the appropriate criteria
(Planning Grant applications must
address Planning Grant evaluation
criteria and Working Capital Grant
applications must address Working
Capital Grant evaluation criteria) will be
considered ineligible.
9. Certification of Matching Funds.
Applicants must certify that Matching
Funds will be available at the same time
grant funds are anticipated to be spent
and that Matching Funds will be spent
in advance of grant funding, such that
for every dollar of grant funds advanced,
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not less than an equal amount of
Matching Funds will have been
expended prior to submitting the
request for reimbursement. Please note
that this certification is a separate
requirement from the verification of
Matching Funds requirement.
Applicants must include a statement for
this section that reads as follows:
certifies that matching funds will be
available at the same time grant funds
are anticipated to be spent and that
matching funds will be spent in advance
of grant funding, such that for every
dollar of grant funds advanced, not less
than an equal amount of matching funds
will have been expended prior to
submitting the request for
reimbursement.’’ A separate signature is
not required.
10. Verification of Matching Funds.
Applicants must provide documentation
of all proposed Matching Funds, both
cash and in-kind. The documentation
below must be included in the
i. Matching Funds provided by the
applicant in cash. A copy of a bank
statement with an ending date within
one month of the application
submission and showing an ending
balance equal to or greater than the
amount of cash Matching Funds
proposed is required.
ii. Matching Funds provided through
a loan or line of credit. The applicant
must include a signed letter from the
lending institution verifying the amount
available, the purposes for which funds
may be used, and the time period of
availability of the funds. Specific dates
(month/day/year) corresponding to the
proposed grant period or to dates within
the grant period when matching funds
will be made available, must be
iii. Matching Funds provided by the
applicant through an in-kind
contribution. The application must
include a signed letter from the
applicant verifying the goods or services
to be donated, the value of the goods or
services, and when the goods and
services will be donated. Specific dates
(month/day/year) corresponding to the
proposed grant period or to dates within
the grant period when matching
contributions will be made available,
must be included. Please note that if the
applicant organization is purchasing
goods or services for the grant (e.g.
salaries, inventory), the contribution is
considered a cash contribution and
must be verified as described in
paragraph i. above. Also, if an owner or
employee of the applicant organization
is donating goods or services, the
contribution is considered a third-party
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in-kind contribution and must be
verified as described in paragraph v.
iv. Matching Funds provided by a
third party in cash. The application
must include a signed letter from that
third party verifying how much cash
will be donated and when it will be
donated. Specific dates (month/day/
year) corresponding to the proposed
grant period or to dates within the grant
period when matching funds will be
made available, must be included.
v. Matching Funds provided by a third
party in-kind donation. The application
must include a signed letter from the
third party verifying the goods or
services to be donated, the value of the
goods or services, and when the goods
and services will be donated. Specific
dates (month/day/year) corresponding
to the proposed grant period or to dates
within the grant period when matching
contributions will be made available,
must be included.
Verification for cash or in-kind
contributions donated outside the
proposed time period of the grant will
not be accepted. Verification for in-kind
contributions that are over-valued will
not be accepted. The valuation process
for the in-kind funds does not need to
be included in the application,
especially if it is lengthy, but the
applicant must be able to demonstrate
how the valuation was achieved at the
time of notification of tentative selection
for the grant award. If the applicant
cannot satisfactorily demonstrate how
the valuation was determined, the grant
award may be withdrawn or the amount
of the grant may be reduced.
If Matching Funds are in cash, they
must be spent on goods and services
that are eligible expenditures for this
grant program. If Matching Funds are inkind contributions, the donated goods
or services must be considered eligible
expenditures for this grant program.
Matching Funds must be spent or
donated during the grant period and the
funds must be expended at a rate equal
to or greater than the rate grant funds
are expended. Some examples of
acceptable uses for matching funds are:
Skilled labor performing work required
for the proposed Project, office supplies,
and purchasing inventory. Some
examples of unacceptable uses of
matching funds are: Real property, fixed
equipment, buildings, and vehicles.
Expected program income may not be
used to fulfill the Matching Funds
requirement at the time of application.
If program income is earned during the
time period of the grant, it is subject to
the requirements of 7 CFR part 3015,
subpart F and 7 CFR 3019.24 and any
provisions in the Grant Agreement.
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C. Submission Dates and Times
Application Deadline Date: March 31,
Explanation of Deadlines: Paper
applications must be postmarked by the
deadline date (see Section IV.F. for the
address). Final electronic applications
must be received by by the
deadline date. If an application does not
meet the deadline above, it will not be
considered for funding. Applicants will
be notified that their applications did
not meet the submission deadline.
D. Intergovernmental Review of
Executive Order (EO) 12372,
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, applies to this program. This
EO requires that Federal agencies
provide opportunities for consultation
on proposed assistance with State and
local governments. Many states have
established a Single Point of Contact
(SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. A
list of states that maintain an SPOC may
be obtained at https://
spoc.html. If an applicant’s state has an
SPOC, the applicant may submit the
application directly for review. Any
comments obtained through the SPOC
must be provided to Rural Development
for consideration as part of the
application. If the applicant’s state has
not established an SPOC, or the
applicant does not want to submit the
application, Rural Development will
submit the application to the SPOC or
other appropriate agency or agencies.
Applicants are also encouraged to
contact their Rural Development State
Office for assistance and questions on
this process. The Rural Development
State Office can be reached by calling
(202) 720–4323 and selecting option ‘‘1’’
or by viewing the following Web site:
E. Funding Restrictions
Funding restrictions apply to both
grant funds and matching funds. Funds
may only be used for planning activities
or working capital for Projects focusing
on processing and marketing a valueadded product.
1. Examples of acceptable planning
activities include:
i. Obtaining legal advice and
assistance related to the proposed
ii. Conducting a Feasibility Study of
a proposed Value-Added Venture to
help determine the potential marketing
success of the Venture;
iii. Developing a Business Plan that
provides comprehensive details on the
management, planning, and other
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operational aspects of a proposed
Venture; and
iv. Developing a marketing plan for
the proposed Value-Added product,
including the identification of a market
window, the identification of potential
buyers, a description of the distribution
system, and possible promotional
2. Examples of acceptable working
capital uses include:
i. Designing or purchasing an
accounting system for the proposed
ii. Paying for salaries, utilities, and
rental of office space;
iii. Purchasing inventory, office
equipment (e.g., computers, printers,
copiers, scanners), and office supplies
(e.g., paper, pens, file folders); and
iv. Conducting a marketing campaign
for the proposed Value-Added product.
3. No funds made available under this
solicitation shall be used to:
i. Plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or
construct a building or facility,
including a processing facility;
ii. Purchase, rent, or install fixed
equipment, including processing
iii. Purchase vehicles, including
iv. Pay for the preparation of the grant
v. Pay expenses not directly related to
the funded Venture;
vi. Fund political or lobbying
vii. Fund any activities prohibited by
7 CFR parts 3015 and 3019;
viii. Fund architectural or engineering
design work for a specific physical
ix. Fund any expenses related to the
production of any commodity or
product to which value will be added,
including seed, rootstock, labor for
harvesting the crop, and delivery of the
commodity to a processing facility. The
Agency considers these expenses to be
ineligible because the intent of the
program is to assist producers with
marketing value-added products rather
than producing Agricultural
x. Fund research and development;
xi. Purchase land;
xii. Duplicate current services or
replace or substitute support previously
xiii. Pay costs of the Project incurred
prior to the date of grant approval;
xiv. Pay for assistance to any private
business enterprise which does not have
at least 51 percent ownership by those
who are either citizens of the United
States or reside in the United States
after being legally admitted for
permanent residence; or
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
xv. Pay any judgment or debt owed to
the United States; or
xvi. Conduct activities on behalf of
anyone other than a specific
Independent Producer or group of
Independent Producers. The Agency
considers conducting industry-level
Feasibility Studies and Business Plans
that are also known as feasibility study
templates or guides or business plan
templates or guides to be ineligible
because the assistance is not provided to
a specific group of Independent
xvii. Pay for any goods or services
provided by a person or entity who has
a Conflict of Interest. Also, note that inkind Matching Funds may not be
provided by a person or entity that has
a Conflict of Interest.
F. Other Submission Requirements
Paper applications must be submitted
to the Rural Development State Office
for the State in which the Project will
primarily take place. Addresses can be
found online at: https:// or
in the ADDRESSES section at the
beginning of this Notice.
Applications can also be submitted
electronically at
Applications submitted by electronic
mail or facsimile will not be accepted.
Each application submission must
contain all required documents in one
envelope, if by mail or courier delivery
V. Application Review Information
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
A. Criteria
All eligible and complete applications
will be evaluated based on the following
criteria. Applications for Planning
Grants have different criteria to address
than applications for Working Capital
1. Criteria for Planning Grant
i. Nature of the proposed venture (0–
8 points). Projects will be evaluated for
technological feasibility, operational
efficiency, profitability, sustainability
and the likely improvement to the local
rural economy. Evaluators may rely on
their own knowledge and examples of
similar ventures described in the
proposal to form conclusions regarding
this criterion. Points will be awarded
based on the greatest expansion of
markets and increased returns to
ii. Qualifications of those doing work
(0–8 points). Proposals will be reviewed
for whether the personnel who are
responsible for doing proposed tasks,
including those hired to do the studies,
have the necessary qualifications. If a
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consultant or others are to be hired,
more points may be awarded if the
proposal includes evidence of their
availability and commitment as well. If
staff or consultants have not been
selected at the time of application, the
application should include specific
descriptions of the qualifications
required for the positions to be filled.
Qualifications of the personnel and
consultants should be discussed directly
within the response to this criterion. If
resumes are included, those pages will
count toward the page limit for the
iii. Commitments and support (0–8
points). Producer commitments will be
evaluated on the basis of the number of
Independent Producers currently
involved as well as how many may
potentially be involved, and the nature,
level and quality of their contributions.
End-user commitments will be
evaluated on the basis of potential
markets and the potential amount of
output to be purchased. Proposals will
be reviewed for evidence that the
project enjoys third party support and
endorsement, with emphasis placed on
financial and in-kind support as well as
technical assistance. Support should be
discussed directly within the response
to this criterion. If support letters are
included, those pages will count toward
the page limit for the narrative. Points
will be awarded based on the greatest
level of documented and referenced
iv. Project leadership (0–8 points).
The leadership abilities of individuals
who are proposing the Venture will be
evaluated as to whether they are
sufficient to support a conclusion of
likely project success. Credit may be
given for leadership evidenced in
community or volunteer efforts.
Leadership abilities should be discussed
directly within the response to this
criterion. If resumes are attached at the
end of the application, those pages will
count toward the page limit for the
v. Work plan/budget (0–8 points).
Applicants must submit a work plan
and budget. The work plan will be
reviewed to determine whether it
provides specific and detailed
descriptions of tasks that will
accomplish the project’s goals. The
budget must present a detailed
breakdown of all estimated costs
associated with the planning activities
and allocate these costs among the listed
tasks. Points may not be awarded unless
sufficient detail is provided to
determine if funds are being used for
qualified purposes. Matching funds as
well as grant funds must be accounted
for in the budget to receive points.
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vi. Amount requested (0 or 2 points).
Two points will be awarded for grant
requests of $50,000 or less. To
determine the number of points to
award, the Agency will use the amount
indicated in the work plan and budget.
vii. Project cost per owner-producer
(0–3 points). The applicant must state
the number of Independent Producers
that are owners of the Venture. Points
will be calculated by dividing the
amount of Federal funds requested by
the total number of Independent
Producers that are owners of the
Venture. The allocation of points for
this criterion shall be as follows:
• 0 points will be awarded to
applications without enough
information to determine the number of
• 1 point will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $70,001–$100,000.
• 2 points will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $35,001–$70,000.
• 3 points will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $1–$35,000.
An owner cannot be considered an
Independent Producer unless he/she is
a producer of the Agricultural
Commodity to which value will be
added as part of this Project. For
Agriculture Producer Groups, the
number used must be the number of
Independent Producers represented who
produce the commodity to which value
will be added. In cases where family
members (including husband and wife)
are owners and producers in a Venture,
each family member shall count as one
Applicants must be prepared to prove
that the numbers and individuals
identified meet the requirements
specified upon notification of a grant
award. Failure to do so shall result in
withdrawal of the grant award.
viii. Business management
capabilities (0–10 points). Applicants
must discuss their financial
management system, procurement
procedures, personnel policies, property
management system, and travel
procedures. Up to two points can be
awarded for each component of this
criterion, based on the appropriateness
of the system, procedures or policies to
the size and structure of the business
applying. Larger, more complex
businesses will be expected to have
more complex systems, procedures, and
policies than smaller, less complex
ix. Sustainability and economic
impact (0–15 points). Projects will be
evaluated based on the expected
sustainability of the Venture and the
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expected economic impact on the local
x. Business size (5 points if the
application meets the criterion or 0
points if the application does not meet
the criterion). Applicants must state the
amount of gross sales earned for their
most recent complete fiscal year or startup operations must state that they have
not completed a fiscal year. Points will
be awarded as follows:
• 0 points will be awarded to
applicants that have $10 million or
more in gross sales OR to applicants that
do not provide enough information to
determine gross sales.
• 5 points will be awarded to
applicants that have less than $10
million in gross sales.
If an applicant is tentatively selected
for funding, the applicant will need to
verify the gross sales amount at the time
of award. Failure to verify the amount
stated in the application will be grounds
for withdrawing the award.
xi. Administrator points (up to 5
points, but not to exceed 10 percent of
the total points awarded for the other 10
criteria). The Administrator of USDA
Rural Development Business and
Cooperative Programs may award
additional points to recognize
innovative technologies, insure
geographic distribution of grants, or
encourage Value-Added Projects in
under-served areas. Applicants may
submit an explanation of how the
technology proposed is innovative and/
or specific information verifying that the
project is in an under-served area.
2. Criteria for Working Capital
i. Business viability (0–8 points).
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis
of the technical and economic feasibility
and sustainability of the Venture and
the efficiency of operations.
ii. Customer base/increased returns
(0–8 points). Describe in detail how the
customer base for the product being
produced will expand because of the
Value-Added Venture. Provide
documented estimates of this
expansion. Describe in detail how a
greater portion of the revenue derived
from the venture will be returned to the
producers that are owners of the
Venture. Applicants should also
reference the pro forma financial
statements developed for the Venture.
Applications that demonstrate strong
growth in a market or customer base and
greater Value-Added revenue accruing
to producer-owners will receive more
points than those that demonstrate less
growth in markets and realized ValueAdded returns.
iii. Commitments and support (0–8
points). Producer commitments will be
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evaluated on the basis of the number of
Independent Producers currently
involved as well as how many may
potentially be involved, and the nature,
level and quality of their contributions.
End-user commitments will be
evaluated on the basis of identified
markets, letters of intent or contracts
from potential buyers and the amount of
output to be purchased. Applications
will be reviewed for evidence that the
Project enjoys third-party support and
endorsement, with emphasis placed on
financial and in-kind support as well as
technical assistance. Support should be
discussed directly within the response
to this criterion. If support letters are
included, those pages will count toward
the page limit for the narrative. Points
will be awarded based on the greatest
level of documented and referenced
iv. Management team/work force
(0–8 points). The education and
capabilities of project managers and
those who will operate the Venture
must reflect the skills and experience
necessary to affect Project success. The
availability and quality of the labor
force needed to operate the Venture will
also be evaluated. Applicants must
provide the information necessary to
make these determinations.
Applications that reflect successful
track records managing similar projects
will receive higher points for this
criterion than those that do not reflect
successful track records.
v. Work plan/budget (0–8 points). The
work plan will be reviewed to
determine whether it provides specific
and detailed descriptions of tasks that
will accomplish the project’s goals and
the budget will be reviewed for a
detailed breakdown of estimated costs
associated with the proposed activities
and allocation of these costs among the
listed tasks. Points may not be awarded
unless sufficient detail is provided to
determine if funds are being used for
qualified purposes. Matching Funds as
well as grant funds must be accounted
for in the budget to receive points.
vi. Amount requested (0 or 2 points).
Two points will be awarded for grant
requests of $150,000 or less. To
determine the number of points to
award, the Agency will use the amount
indicated in the work plan and budget.
vii. Project cost per owner-producer
(0–3 points). The applicant must state
the number of Independent Producers
that are owners of the Venture. Points
will be calculated by dividing the
amount of Federal funds requested by
the total number of Independent
Producers that are owners of the
Venture. The allocation of points for
this criterion shall be as follows:
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• 0 points will be awarded to
applications without enough
information to determine the number of
• 1 point will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $200,001–$300,000.
• 2 points will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $100,001–$200,000.
• 3 points will be awarded to
applications with a project cost per
owner-producer of $1–$100,000.
An owner cannot be considered an
Independent Producer unless he/she is
a producer of the Agricultural
Commodity to which value will be
added as part of this Project. For
Agriculture Producer Groups, the
number used must be the number of
Independent Producers represented who
produce the commodity to which value
will be added. In cases where family
members (including husband and wife)
are owners and producers in a Venture,
each family member shall count as one
Applicants must be prepared to prove
that the numbers and individuals
identified meet the requirements
specified upon notification of a grant
award. Failure to do so shall result in
withdrawal of the grant award.
viii. Business management
capabilities (0–10 points). Applicants
should discuss their financial
management system, procurement
procedures, personnel policies, property
management system, and travel
procedures. Up to two points can be
awarded for each component of this
criterion, based on the appropriateness
of the system, procedures or policies to
the size and structure of business
applying. Larger, more complex
businesses will be expected to have
more complex systems, procedures, and
policies than smaller, less complex
ix. Sustainability and economic
impact (0–15 points). Projects will be
evaluated based on the expected
sustainability of the Venture and the
expected economic impact on the local
x. Business size (5 points if the
application meets the criterion or 0
points if the application does meet the
criterion). Applicants must state the
amount of gross sales earned for their
most recent complete fiscal year or startup operations must state that they have
not completed a fiscal year. Points will
be awarded as follows:
• 0 points will be awarded to
applicants that have $10 million or
more in gross sales or to applicants that
do not provide enough information to
determine gross sales.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
• 5 points will be awarded to
applicants that have less than $10
million in gross sales.
If an applicant is tentatively selected
for funding, the applicant will need to
verify the gross sales amount at the time
of award. Failure to verify the amount
stated in the application will be grounds
for withdrawing the award.
xi. Administrator points (up to 5
points, but not to exceed 10 percent of
the total points awarded for the other 10
criteria). The Administrator of USDA
Rural Development Business and
Cooperative Programs may award
additional points to recognize
innovative technologies, insure
geographic distribution of grants, or
encourage Value-Added projects in
under-served areas. Applicants may
submit an explanation of how the
technology proposed is innovative and/
or specific information verifying that the
project is in an under-served area.
B. Review and Selection Process
The Agency will conduct an initial
screening of all applications for
eligibility and to determine whether the
application is complete and sufficiently
responsive to the requirements set forth
in this Notice to allow for an informed
review. As part of this review, the Rural
Development State Office may require
Working Capital applicants to submit
their Feasibility Studies and Business
Plans after the application deadline, but
prior to the selection of grantees to
facilitate the eligibility review process.
All eligible and complete proposals
will be evaluated by three reviewers
based on criteria i through v described
in Section V(A) (1) or (2). One of these
reviewers will be a Rural Development
employee not from the servicing State
Office and the other two reviewers will
be non-Federal persons. All reviewers
must either: (1) Possess at least five
years of working experience in an
agriculture-related field, or (2) have
obtained at least a bachelors degree in
one or more of the following fields:
Agri-business, business, economics,
finance, or marketing and have a
minimum of three years of experience in
an agriculture-related field (e.g. farming,
marketing, consulting, university
professor, research, officer for trade
association, government employee for
an agricultural program). Once the
scores for criteria i through v have been
completed by the three reviewers, they
will be averaged to obtain the
independent reviewer score.
The application will also receive one
score from the Rural Development
servicing State Office based on criteria
vi through x. This score will be added
to the independent reviewer score.
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22:52 Jan 28, 2008
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Finally, the Administrator of USDA
Rural Development Business and
Cooperative Programs will award any
Administrator points based on Proposal
Evaluation Criterion xi. These points
will be added to the cumulative score
for criteria i through x. A final ranking
will be obtained based solely on the
scores received for criteria i through xi.
After the award selections are made,
all applicants will be notified of the
status of their applications by mail.
Grantees must meet all statutory and
regulatory program requirements in
order to receive their award. In the
event that a grantee cannot meet the
requirements, the award will be
withdrawn. Applicants for Working
Capital Grants must submit complete,
independent third-party Feasibility
Studies and Business Plans before the
grant award can be finalized. All
Projects will be evaluated by the
servicing State Office prior to finalizing
the award to ensure that funded Projects
are likely to be feasible in the proposed
project area. Regardless of scoring, a
Project determined to be unlikely to be
feasible by the servicing State Office
with concurrence by the National Office
will not be funded.
C. Anticipated Announcement and
Award Dates
Award Date: The announcement of
award selections is expected to occur on
or about September 1, 2008.
VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
Successful applicants will receive a
notification of tentative selection for
funding from Rural Development.
Applicants must comply with all
applicable statutes, regulations, and this
notice before the grant award will
receive final approval.
Unsuccessful applicants will receive
notification, including dispute
resolution alternatives, by mail.
B. Administrative and National Policy
7 CFR parts 3015, 3019, and 4284 are
applicable and may be accessed at
The following additional
requirements apply to grantees selected
for this program:
Grant Agreement.
Letter of Conditions.
Form RD 1940–1, ‘‘Request for
Obligation of Funds.’’
Form RD 1942–46, ‘‘Letter of Intent to
Meet Conditions.’’
Form AD–1047, ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and
PO 00000
Frm 00013
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Other Responsibility Matters-Primary
Covered Transactions.’’
Form AD–1048, ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension,
Ineligibility and Voluntary ExclusionLower Tier Covered Transactions.’’
Form AD–1049, ‘‘Certification
Regarding a Drug-Free Workplace
Requirements (Grants).’’
Form RD 400–4, ‘‘Assurance
Additional information on these
requirements can be found at https://
Reporting Requirements: Grantees
must provide Rural Development with a
paper or electronic copy that includes
all required signatures of the following
reports. The reports must be submitted
to the Agency contact listed on the
Grant Agreement and Letter of
Conditions. Failure to submit
satisfactory reports on time may result
in suspension or termination of the
1. Form SF–269 or SF–269A. A
‘‘Financial Status Report,’’ listing
expenditures according to agreed upon
budget categories, on a semi-annual
basis. Reporting periods end each March
31 and September 30, regardless of
when the grant period begins. Reports
are due 30 days after the reporting
period ends.
2. Semi-annual performance reports
that compare accomplishments to the
objectives stated in the Grant
Agreement. Identify all tasks completed
to date and provide documentation
supporting the reported results. If the
original schedule provided in the work
plan is not being met, the report should
discuss the problems or delays that may
affect completion of the project.
Objectives for the next reporting period
should be listed. Compliance with any
special condition on the use of award
funds should be discussed. Reports are
due as provided in paragraph 1. of this
section. Supporting documentation
must also be submitted for completed
tasks. The supporting documentation for
completed tasks include, but are not
limited to, Feasibility Studies,
marketing plans, Business Plans, articles
of incorporation and bylaws and an
accounting of how working capital
funds were spent.
3. Final Project performance reports
that compare accomplishments to the
objectives stated in the proposal.
Identify all tasks completed and provide
documentation supporting the reported
results. If the original schedule provided
in the work plan was not met, the report
must discuss the problems or delays
that affected completion of the project.
Compliance with any special condition
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
on the use of award funds should be
discussed. Supporting documentation
for completed tasks must also be
submitted. The supporting
documentation for completed tasks
include, but are not limited to,
Feasibility Studies, marketing plans,
Business Plans, articles of incorporation
and bylaws and an accounting of how
working capital funds were spent.
Planning Grant Projects must also report
the estimated increase in revenue,
increase in customer base, number of
jobs created, and any other relevant
economic indicators generated by
continuing the project into its
operational phase. Working Capital
Grants must report the increase in
revenue, increase in customer base,
number of jobs created, any other
relevant economic indicators generated
by the project during the grant period in
addition to the total funds used for the
Venture during the grant period. These
total funds must include other federal,
state, local, and other funds used for the
venture. Projects with significant energy
components must also report expected
or actual capacity (e.g. gallons of
ethanol produced annually, megawatt
hours produced annually) and any
emissions reductions incurred during
the project. The final performance
report is due within 90 days of the
completion of the project.
VII. Agency Contacts
For general questions about this
announcement and for program
technical assistance, applicants should
contact their USDA Rural Development
State Office at https://
vadg.htm. The State Office can also be
reached by calling (202) 720–4323 and
pressing ‘‘1.’’ If an applicant is unable
to contact their State Office, a nearby
State Office may be contacted or the
RBS National Office can be reached at
Mail STOP 3250, Room 4016–South,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–3250,
Telephone: (202) 720–7558, e-mail:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) prohibits discrimination in all
its programs and activities on the basis
of race, color, national origin, age,
disability, and where applicable, sex,
marital status, familial status, parental
status, religion, sexual orientation,
genetic information, political beliefs,
reprisal, or because all or part of an
individual’s income is derived from any
public assistance program. (Not all
prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means for communication of
program information (Braille, large
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720–
2600 (voice and TDD). To file a
complaint of discrimination, write to
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–9410, or call
(866) 632–9992 (voice) or (202) 401–
0216 (TDD). USDA is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
Dated: January 18, 2008.
Ben Anderson,
Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative
[FR Doc. E8–1532 Filed 1–28–08; 8:45 am]
Rural Housing Service
Request for Proposals (RFP): Farm
Labor Housing Technical Assistance
Rural Housing Service, USDA.
SUMMARY: This RFP announces an
availability of funds and the timeframe
to submit proposals for Farm Labor
Housing Technical Assistance (FLH–
TA) grants.
USDA Rural Development
administers the programs of the Rural
Housing Service. Section 516(i) of the
Housing Act of 1949 as amended,
authorizes the Rural Development to
provide financial assistance (grants) to
eligible private and public nonprofit
agencies, which includes faith-based
organizations, and to encourage the
development of domestic and migrant
farm labor housing projects. This RFP
solicits proposals from qualified private
and public nonprofit agencies on how
they will provide technical assistance to
groups who qualify for FLH loans and
Work performed under these grants is
expected to result in an increased
submission of applications for farm
labor housing loans and grants under
the section 514 and 516 programs.
DATES: The deadline for receipt of all
applications in response to this RFP is
5 p.m., Eastern Time, March 14, 2008.
The application closing deadline is firm
as to date and hour. USDA Rural
Development will not consider any
application that is received after the
closing deadline. Applicants intending
to mail applications must provide
sufficient time to permit delivery on or
before the closing deadline. Acceptance
by the Postal Service or private mailer
does not constitute delivery. Facsimile
PO 00000
Frm 00014
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(FAX), COD, and postage due
applications, will not be accepted.
ADDRESSES: Applications should be
submitted to the USDA Rural
Development; Attention: William K.
Coles, Multi-Family Housing Processing
Division, 1400 Independence Avenue
SW., STOP 0781, Washington, DC
20250–0781. USDA Rural Development
will date and time stamp incoming
applications to evidence timely receipt
and, upon request, will provide the
applicant with a written
acknowledgement of receipt.
M. Harris-Green, Deputy Director,
Multi-Family Housing Processing
Division—Direct Loans, USDA Rural
Development, 1400 Independence Ave.
SW., STOP 0781, Washington, DC
20250–0781, Telephone: (202) 720–
1604. (This is not a toll free number.)
technical assistance grants authorized
under section 516 are for the purpose of
encouraging the development of
domestic and migrant farm labor
housing projects under sections 514 and
516 of the Act. USDA Rural
Development regulations for section 514
and 516 farm labor housing program are
published at 7 CFR part 3560. Proposals
must demonstrate the ability to provide
the intended technical assistance.
USDA Rural Development intends to
award one grant for each of three
geographic regions listed below. When
establishing the three regions and
amounts of funding available for each,
consideration was given to such factors
as farmworker migration patterns and
the similarity of agricultural products
and labor needs within certain areas of
the United States. A single applicant
may submit grant proposals for more
than one region; however, separate
proposals must be submitted for each
Eastern Region: AL, CT, DE, FL, GA,
OH, PA, PR, RI, SC, TN, VI, VT, VA, and
Central Region: AR, IL, IA, KS, LA,
and WI.
Western Region: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI,
ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, and
the Pacific Territories.
USDA Rural Development has the
authority under section 516(i) of the
Housing Act of 1949, as amended to
utilize up to ten (10) percent of its
section 516 appropriation for FLH–TA
grants. The amount USDA Rural
Development has made available for
FLH–TA grants is $1,386,000 for Fiscal
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 19 (Tuesday, January 29, 2008)]
[Pages 5157-5167]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-1532]
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
Announcement of Value-Added Producer Grant Application Deadlines
AGENCY: Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of solicitation of applications.
SUMMARY: The Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS) announces the
availability of approximately $18.4 million in competitive grant funds
for fiscal year (FY) 2008 to help independent agricultural producers
enter into value-added activities.
Awards may be made for planning activities or for working capital
expenses, but not for both. The maximum grant amount for a planning
grant is $100,000 and the maximum grant amount for a working capital
grant is $300,000.
DATES: Applications for grants must be submitted on paper or
electronically according to the following deadlines:
Paper copies must be postmarked and mailed, shipped, or sent
overnight no later than March 31, 2008, to be eligible for FY 2008
grant funding. Late applications are not eligible for FY 2008 grant
Electronic copies must be received by March 31, 2008, to be
eligible for FY 2008 grant funding. Late applications are not eligible
for FY 2008 grant funding.
ADDRESSES: An application guide and other materials may be obtained at or by contacting the
applicant's USDA Rural Development State Office. The State Office can
be reached by calling (202) 720-4323 and pressing ``1.''
Paper applications must be submitted to the Rural Development State
Office for the State in which the Project will primarily take place.
Addresses are as follows:
USDA Rural Development, Sterling Centre, Suite 601, 4121 Carmichael
Road, Montgomery, AL 36106-3683, (334) 279-3623.
USDA Rural Development, 800 West Evergreen, Suite 201, Palmer, AK
99645-6539, (907) 761-7722.
USDA Rural Development, 230 North First Avenue, Suite 206, Phoenix,
AZ 85003-1706, (602) 280-8717.
USDA Rural Development, 700 West Capitol Avenue, Room 3416, Little
Rock, AR 72201-3225, (501) 301-3280.
USDA Rural Development, 430 G Street, AGCY 4169, Davis, CA 95616,
(530) 792-5829.
USDA Rural Development, 655 Parfet Street, Room E-100, Lakewood, CO
80215, (720) 544-2903.
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street, Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002-
2999, (413) 253-4319.
USDA Rural Development, 1221 College Park Drive, Suite 200, Dover,
DE 19904, (302) 857-3580.
USDA Rural Development, 4440 NW. 25th Place, Gainesville, FL 32606,
(352) 338-3482.
USDA Rural Development, 111 East Spring St., Monroe, GA 30655, (770)
267-1413, Ext. 113.
[[Page 5158]]
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building, Room 311, 154 Waianuenue
Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720, (808) 933-8313.
USDA Rural Development, 9173 West Barnes Drive, Suite A1, Boise, ID
83709, (208) 378-5623.
USDA Rural Development, 2118 West Park Court, Suite A, Champaign, IL
61821, (217) 403-6202.
USDA Rural Development, 5975 Lakeside Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46278,
(317) 290-3100.
USDA Rural Development, 873 Federal Building, 210 Walnut Street, Des
Moines, IA 50309, (515) 284-4714.
USDA Rural Development, 1303 SW. First American Place, Suite 100,
Topeka, KS 66604-4040, (785) 271-2744.
USDA Rural Development, 771 Corporate Drive, Suite 200, Lexington,
KY 40503, (859) 224-7435.
USDA Rural Development, 3727 Government St., Alexandria, LA 71302,
(318) 473-7960.
USDA Rural Development, 967 Illinois Avenue, Suite 4, P.O. Box 405,
Bangor, ME 04402-0405, (207) 990-9168.
USDA Rural Development, 1221 College Park Drive, Suite 200, Dover,
DE 19904, (302) 857-3580.
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street, Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002-
2999, (413) 253-4319.
USDA Rural Development, 3001 Coolidge Road, Suite 200, East Lansing,
MI 48823, (517) 324-5157.
USDA Rural Development, 375 Jackson St., Suite 410, St. Paul, MN
55101, (651) 602-7814.
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building, Suite 831, 100 West
Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39269, (601) 965-5457.
USDA Rural Development, 601 Business Loop 70 West, Parkade Center,
Suite 235, Columbia, MO 65203, (573) 876-9320.
USDA Rural Development, 900 Technology Blvd., Suite B, P.O. Box 850,
Bozeman, MT 59771, (406) 585-2540.
USDA Rural Development, 100 Centennial Mall North, Room 152, Federal
Building, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402) 437-5554.
USDA Rural Development, 1390 S. Curry St., Carson City, NV 89703,
(775) 887-1222, Ext. 19.
New Hampshire
USDA Rural Development, City Center, 3rd Floor, 89 Main Street,
Montpelier, VT 05602, (802) 828-6069.
New Jersey
USDA Rural Development, 8000 Midlantic Drive, Suite 500N, Mt.
Laurel, NJ 08054, (856) 787-7753.
New Mexico
USDA Rural Development, 6200 Jefferson Street, NE., Room 255,
Albuquerque, NM 87109, (505) 761-4952.
New York
USDA Rural Development, 441 S. Salina St., Suite 357, Syracuse, NY
13202, (315) 477-6400.
North Carolina
USDA Rural Development, 4405 Bland Road, Suite 260, Raleigh, NC
27609, (919) 873-2040.
North Dakota
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building, Room 208, 220 East Rosser
Avenue, P.O. Box 1737, Bismarck, ND 58502-1737, (701) 530-2065.
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building, Room 507, 200 North High
Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2418, (614) 255-2425.
USDA Rural Development, 100 USDA, Suite 108, Stillwater, OK 74074-
2654, (405) 742-1036.
USDA Rural Development, 1201 NE. Lloyd Blvd., Suite 801, Portland,
OR 97232-1274, (503) 414-3366.
USDA Rural Development, One Credit Union Place, Suite 330,
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2996, (717) 237-2182 .
Puerto Rico
USDA Rural Development, IBM Building, 654 Munoz Rivera Avenue, Suite
601, Hato Rey, PR 00918-6106, (787) 766-5091, Ext. 251.
Rhode Island
USDA Rural Development, 451 West Street, Suite 2, Amherst, MA 01002-
2999, (413) 253-4319.
South Carolina
USDA Rural Development, Strom Thurmond Federal Building, 1835
Assembly Street, Room 1007, Columbia, SC 29201, (803) 765-5881.
South Dakota
USDA Rural Development, Federal Building, Room 210, 200 4th Street,
SW., Huron, SD 57350, (605) 352-1142.
USDA Rural Development, 3322 West End Avenue, Suite 300, Nashville,
TN 37203-1084, (615) 783-1341.
USDA Rural Development, 101 South Main Street, Suite 102, Temple, TX
76501, (254) 742-9780.
USDA Rural Development, Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, 125
South State Street, Room 4311, Salt Lake City, UT 84138, (801) 524-
USDA Rural Development, City Center, 3rd Floor, 89 Main Street,
Montpelier, VT 05602, (802) 828-6069.
Virgin Islands
USDA Rural Development, 4440 NW. 25th Place, P.O. Box 147010,
Gainesville, FL 32606, (352) 338-3482.
USDA Rural Development, 1606 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 238, Richmond,
VA 23229, (804) 287-1594.
USDA Rural Development, 1835 Black Lake Blvd. SW., Suite B, Olympia,
WA 98512, (360) 704-7729.
West Virginia
USDA Rural Development, 75 High Street, Room 320, Morgantown, WV
26505-7500, (304) 252-8644, Ext. 146.
USDA Rural Development, 4949 Kirschling Court, Stevens Point, WI
54481, (715) 345-7610.
USDA Rural Development, Dick Cheney Federal Building, 100 East B
Street, Room 1005, P.O. Box 11005, Casper, WY 82602-5006, (307) 233-
Electronic applications must be submitted through the
Web site at:, following the instructions found on
this Web site.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Applicants should visit the program
Web site at, which
contains application guidance, including Frequently Asked Questions and
an Application Guide. Or applicants may contact their USDA Rural
Development State Office. The State Office can be reached by calling
(202) 720-4323 and pressing ``1,'' or by selecting the Contact
Information link at the above Web site.
Applicants are encouraged to contact their State Offices well in
advance of the
[[Page 5159]]
deadline to discuss their projects and ask any questions about the
application process. Also, applicants may submit drafts of their
applications to their State Offices for a preliminary review anytime
prior to February 15, 2008. The preliminary review will only assess the
eligibility of the application and its completeness. The results of the
preliminary review are not binding on the Agency.
Federal Agency: USDA Rural Development.
Funding Opportunity Title: Value-Added Producer Grants.
Announcement Type: Initial announcement.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 10.352.
Dates: Application Deadline: Applications for grants must be
submitted on paper or electronically according to the following
Paper copies must be postmarked and mailed, shipped, or sent
overnight no later than March 31, 2008 to be eligible for FY 2008 grant
funding. Late applications are not eligible for FY 2008 grant funding.
Electronic copies must be received by March 31, 2008 to be eligible
for FY 2008 grant funding. Late applications are not eligible for FY
2008 grant funding.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
This solicitation is issued pursuant to section 231 of the
Agriculture Risk Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-224) as amended by
section 6401 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
(Pub. L. 107-171 (see 7 U.S.C. 1621 note)) authorizing the
establishment of the Value-Added Agricultural Product Market
Development grants, also known as Value-Added Producer Grants. The
Secretary of Agriculture has delegated the program's administration to
USDA Rural Development Cooperative Programs.
The primary objective of this grant program is to help Independent
Producers of Agricultural Commodities, Agriculture Producer Groups,
Farmer and Rancher Cooperatives, and Majority-Controlled Producer-Based
Business Ventures develop strategies to create marketing opportunities
and to help develop Business Plans for viable marketing opportunities
regarding production of bio-based products from agricultural
commodities. Cooperative Programs will competitively award funds for
Planning Grants and Working Capital Grants. In order to provide program
benefits to as many eligible applicants as possible, applicants must
apply only for a Planning Grant or for a Working Capital Grant, but not
both. Applicants other than Independent Producers must limit their
Projects to Emerging Markets. Grants will only be awarded if Projects
are determined to be economically viable and sustainable. No more than
10 percent of program funds can go to applicants that are Majority-
Controlled Producer-Based Business Ventures.
It should also be noted that businesses of all sizes may apply and
that there is no restriction on the minimum grant size that will be
awarded. In FY 2007, 35 percent of awards were $50,000 or less.
The definitions at 7 CFR 4284.3 and 4284.904 are incorporated by
reference. In addition, the Agency uses the following terms in this
NOSA: Agricultural Commodity, Bio-energy Project, Biomass, Business
Plan, Conflict of Interest, Farm or Ranch, Feasibility Study, Project,
Renewable Energy, and Venture. It is the Agency's position that those
terms are defined as follows.
Agricultural Commodity--An unprocessed product of farms, ranches,
nurseries, and forests. Agricultural Commodities include: Livestock,
poultry, and fish; fruits and vegetables; grains, such as wheat,
barley, oats, rye, triticale, rice, corn, and sorghum; legumes, such as
field beans and peas; animal feed and forage crops; seed crops; fiber
crops, such as cotton; oil crops, such as safflower, sunflower, corn,
and cottonseed; trees grown for lumber and wood products; nursery stock
grown commercially; Christmas trees; ornamentals and cut flowers; and
turf grown commercially for sod. Agricultural Commodities do not
include horses or animals raised as pets, such as cats, dogs, and
Bio-energy Project--A Renewable Energy system that produces fuel,
thermal energy, or electric power from a Biomass source.
Biomass--Any organic material that is available on a renewable or
recurring basis, including agricultural crops; trees grown for energy
production; wood waste and wood residues; plants, including aquatic
plants and grasses; fibers; animal waste and other waste materials; and
fats, oils, and greases, including recycled fats, oils, and greases. It
does not include paper that is commonly recycled or un-segregated solid
Business Plan--A plan for Venture implementation that includes key
management personnel, business location, the financial package, product
flow, and possible customers. It also includes at least three years of
pro forma financial statements. The plan is usually developed by the
business with assistance from third parties.
Conflict of Interest--A situation in which a person or entity has
competing professional or personal interests that make it difficult for
the person or business to act impartially. An example of a Conflict of
Interest is a grant recipient or an employee of a recipient that
conducts or significantly participates in conducting a Feasibility
Study for the recipient.
Farm or Ranch--Any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural
products (crops and livestock) were raised and sold or normally would
have been raised and sold during the previous year.
Feasibility Study--An independent, third party analysis that shows
how the Venture would operate under a set of assumptions--the
technology used (the facilities, equipment, production process, etc.),
the qualifications of the management team, and the financial aspects
(capital needs, volume, cost of goods, wages, etc.). The analysis
should answer the following questions about the Venture.
(1) Where is it now?
(2) Where does the group want to go?
(3) Why does the group want to go forward with the Venture?
(4) How will the group accomplish the Venture?
(5) What resources are needed?
(6) Who will provide assistance?
(7) When will the Venture be completed?
(8) How much will the Venture cost?
(9) What are the risks?
Project--Includes all proposed activities to be funded by the VAPG
and Matching Funds.
Renewable Energy--Energy derived from a wind, solar, biomass, or
geothermal source; or hydrogen derived from biomass or water using
wind, solar, biomass, or geothermal energy sources.
Venture--Includes the Project and any other activities related to
the production, processing, and marketing of the Value-Added product
that is the subject of the VAPG grant request.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Grant.
Fiscal Year Funds: FY 2008.
Approximate Total Funding: $18.4 million.
Approximate Number of Awards: 130.
Approximate Average Award: $140,000.
[[Page 5160]]
Floor of Award Range: None.
Ceiling of Award Range: $100,000 for Planning Grants and $300,000
for Working Capital Grants.
Anticipated Award Date: September 1, 2008.
Budget Period Length: 12 months.
Project Period Length: 12 months.
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Applicants must be an Independent Producer, Agriculture Producer
Group, Farmer or Rancher Cooperative, or Majority-Controlled Producer-
Based Business Venture as defined in 7 CFR part 4284, subpart A. If the
applicant is an unincorporated group (steering committee), it must form
a legal entity before grant funds can be obligated. Please note that a
steering committee may only apply as an Independent Producer.
Therefore, the steering committee must be composed of 100 percent
Independent Producers and the business to be formed must meet the
definition of Independent Producer. Entities that contract out the
production of an Agricultural Commodity are not considered Independent
Producers. In addition, note that Farmer or Rancher Cooperatives that
are 100 percent owned by farmers and ranchers are not considered under
the Independent Producer category; these applicants must apply as
Farmer or Rancher Cooperatives. It is the Agency's position that if a
cooperative is 100 percent owned and controlled by agricultural
harvesters (e.g., fishermen, loggers), it is eligible only as an
Independent Producer and not as a Farmer- or Rancher-Cooperative. If a
cooperative is not 100 percent owned and controlled by farmers and
ranchers or 100 percent owned and controlled by agricultural
harvesters, it may still be eligible to apply as a Majority-Controlled
Producer-Based Business Venture, provided it meets the definition in 7
CFR part 4284, subpart A.
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching Funds are required. Applicants must verify in their
applications that Matching Funds are available for the time period of
the grant. Matching Funds must be at least equal to the amount of grant
funds requested. Unless provided by other authorizing legislation,
other Federal grant funds cannot be used as Matching Funds. Matching
Funds must be spent at a rate equal to or greater than the rate at
which grant funds are expended. Matching Funds must be provided by
either the applicant or by a third party in the form of cash or in-kind
contributions. Matching Funds must be spent on eligible expenses and
must be from eligible sources.
C. Other Eligibility Requirements
Product Eligibility: The project proposed must involve a Value-
Added product as defined in 7 CFR part 4284, subpart A. The definition
of Value-Added includes four categories that increase the value that is
realized by the producer from an Agricultural Commodity or product as
the result of:
1. A change in its physical state;
2. Differentiated production or marketing, as demonstrated in a
Business Plan;
3. Product segregation; or
4. The economic benefit realized from the production of Farm- or
Ranch-based Renewable Energy.
Purpose Eligibility: The application must specify whether grant
funds are requested for planning activities or for working capital.
Applicants may not request funds for both types of activities in one
application. Applications requesting more than the maximum grant amount
will be considered ineligible. Please note that working capital
expenses are not considered eligible for Planning Grants and planning
expenses are not considered eligible for Working Capital Grants.
It is the Agency's position that applicants other than Independent
Producers applying for a Working Capital Grant must demonstrate that
the venture has not been in operation more than two years at the time
of application in order to show that they are entering an Emerging
Grant Period Eligibility: Applications that have a timeframe of
more than 365 days will be considered ineligible. Applications that
request funds for a time period beginning prior to October 1, 2008 and/
or ending after November 30, 2009, will be considered ineligible.
Multiple Grant Eligibility: An applicant can only submit one
application per funding cycle.
Applicants who have already received a Planning Grant for the
proposed Project cannot receive another Planning Grant for the same
Project. Applicants who have already received a Working Capital Grant
for a Project cannot receive any additional grants for that Project.
Current Grant Eligibility: If an applicant currently has a VAPG,
that grant period must be scheduled to expire by November 30, 2008.
Judgment Eligibility: In accordance with 7 CFR part 4284.6.
IV. Application and Submission Information
A. Address To Request Application Package
The application package for applying on paper for this funding
opportunity can be obtained at
vadg.htm. Alternatively, applicants may contact their USDA Rural
Development State Office. The State Office can be reached by calling
(202) 720-4323 and pressing ``1.'' For electronic applications,
applicants must visit and follow the
B. Content and Form of Submission
Applications must be submitted on paper or electronically. An
Application Guide may be viewed at
coops/vadg.htm. It is strongly recommended that applicants use the
template provided on the Web site. The template can be filled out
electronically and printed out for submission with the required forms
for a paper submission or it can be filled out electronically and
submitted as an attachment through
If an application is submitted on paper, one signed original of the
complete application must be submitted.
If the application is submitted electronically, the applicant must
follow the instructions given at Applicants are
strongly advised to visit the site well in advance of the application
deadline if they plan to apply electronically to insure that they have
obtained the proper authentication and have sufficient computer
resources to complete the application.
Applicants must complete and submit the following elements. Please
note that the requirements in the following locations within 7 CFR part
4284 have been combined with other requirements to simplify the
application and reduce duplication: Sec. 4284.910(b)(5)(i), Sec.
4284.910(b)(5)(ii), and Sec. 4284.910(b)(5)(iv). The Agency will
conduct an initial screening of all application for eligibility and to
determine whether the application is complete and sufficiently
responsive to the requirements set forth in this Notice to allow for an
informed review. Information submitted as part of the application will
be protected from disclosure to the extent permitted by law.
1. Form SF-424, ``Application for Federal Assistance.'' The form
must be completed, signed and submitted as part
[[Page 5161]]
of the application package. Please note that applicants are required to
have an Employer Identification Number (or a Social Security Number if
the applicant is an individual or steering committee) and a DUNS number
(unless the applicant is an individual). The DUNS number is a nine-
digit identification number, which uniquely identifies business
entities. To obtain a DUNS number, access, or
call (866) 705-5711. Additional information on the VAPG program can be
obtained at or by
contacting the applicant's Rural Development State Office. The State
Office can be reached by calling (202) 720-4323 and pressing ``1.''
2. Form SF-424A, ``Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs.''
This form must be completed and submitted as part of the application
3. Form SF-424B, ``Assurances--Non-Construction Programs.'' This
form must be completed, signed, and submitted as part of the
application package.
4. Title Page (limited to one page). The title page must include
the title of the project and may include other relevant identifying
5. Table of Contents. For ease of locating information, each
application must contain a detailed Table of Contents (TOC) immediately
following the title page.
6. Executive Summary (limited to one page). The Executive Summary
should briefly describe the Project, including goals, tasks to be
completed and other relevant information that provides a general
overview of the Project. In this element, the applicant must clearly
state whether the application is for a Planning Grant or a Working
Capital Grant and the grant amount requested.
7. Eligibility Discussion (limited to four pages). The applicant
must describe in detail how the eligibility requirements are met.
i. Applicant Eligibility. The applicant must first describe how it
meets the definition of an Independent Producer, Agriculture Producer
Group, Farmer or Rancher Cooperative, or a Majority-Controlled
Producer-Based Business Venture as defined in 7 CFR 4284.3. The
applicant must apply in only one of the following categories. It is the
Agency's position that an applicant must provide information that it
meets all of the requirements in the selected category in order to be
eligible in that category.
a. Independent Producer. The application must provide the following
1. A discussion of how 100 percent of the owners of the applicant
organization meet the definition of an Independent Producer;
2. A discussion that demonstrates these owners currently own and
produce more than 50 percent of the raw commodity that will be used for
the Value-Added product; and
3. A discussion that demonstrates the product will be owned by the
Independent Producers from its raw commodity state through the
production of the Value-Added product during the Project.
b. Agriculture Producer Group. The application must provide the
following information:
1. The mission of the applicant, including how the organization
works on behalf of Independent Producers;
2. A statement demonstrating that the majority of the applicant's
membership and board of directors meet the definition of Independent
3. An identification (either by name or by class) of the
Independent Producers on whose behalf the work will be done;
4. A discussion demonstrating that these Independent Producers
currently own and produce more than 50 percent of the raw commodity
that will be used for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that the Value-Added product will be
owned by the Independent Producers from its raw commodity state through
the production of the Value-Added product during the Project.
Note that applicants tentatively selected for a grant award must
verify that the work will be done on behalf of the Independent
Producers identified in the application.
c. Farmer or Rancher Cooperative. The application must provide the
following information:
1. The applicant must reference the business' good standing as a
cooperative in its state of incorporation;
2. The applicant must also explain how the cooperative is 100
percent owned and controlled by farmers and ranchers;
3. If the applicant is applying on behalf of only a portion of its
membership, that portion must be identified, and the applicant must
explain how all members in this portion of its membership meet the
definition of an Independent Producer;
4. A discussion demonstrating that these Independent Producers
currently own and produce more than 50 percent of the raw commodity
that will be used for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that the Value-Added product will be
owned by the Independent Producers from its raw commodity state through
the production of the Value-Added product during the Project.
d. Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Venture. The
application must provide the following information:
1. A statement demonstrating that the majority of the number of
owners of the applicant organization meets the definition of an
Independent Producer;
2. A statement demonstrating that the majority of the financial
interest in the applicant organization is owned by Independent
3. A statement demonstrating that the majority of voting members on
the governing board meets the definition of Independent Producer;
4. A discussion demonstrating that these Independent Producers
currently own and produce more than 50 percent of the raw commodity
that will be used for the Value-Added product; and
5. A discussion demonstrating that the Value-Added product will be
owned by the Independent Producers from its raw commodity state through
the production of the Value-Added product during the Project.
ii. Product Eligibility. The applicant must next describe how the
Value-Added product to be produced meets at least one of the categories
in the definition of Value-Added as defined in 7 CFR part 4284, subpart
A. Regardless of category, the applicant must describe the raw
commodity that will be used, the process used to add value, and the
Value-Added product that will be marketed.
a. Change in physical state. The application must explain how the
change in physical state or form of the product enhances its value. A
change in physical state is only achieved if the product cannot be
returned to its original state. Examples of this type of product
include: Fish fillets, diced tomatoes, ethanol, bio-diesel, and wool
rugs. Common production or harvesting methods are not considered Value-
Added. The following examples are not eligible under this category:
Dehydrated corn, raw fiber, and cut flowers.
b. Differentiated production or marketing (as demonstrated in a
Business Plan). The application must explain how the production or
marketing of the commodity enhances its value. The enhancement of value
must be quantified by using a comparison with products produced or
marketed in the standard manner, using information from the Feasibility
Study and Business Plan developed for the Venture. Examples of this
type of product include: Organic carrots, identity-preserved apples,
and branded
[[Page 5162]]
milk. The following example is not eligible under this category:
Marketing a non-standard variety of produce. Also, a Business Plan that
has been developed for the applicant for the Venture must be referenced
by indicating who developed the Business Plan and when it was
c. Physical segregation. The application must explain how the
physical segregation of a commodity enhances its value. The enhancement
of value should be quantified to the extent possible by using a
comparison with products marketed without segregation. Applicants must
demonstrate that a physical barrier (i.e. distance or a structure)
separates the commodity from other varieties of the same commodity
during production, that the commodity will continue to be separated
during processing, and that the Value-Added product produced will be
separated from similar products during marketing. An example of this
type of product is non-genetically-modified corn that is produced on
the same Farm as genetically-modified corn where an increase in
incremental value is realized for either one or both of the types of
corn that is attributed to physical segregation. The following examples
are not eligible under this category: Livestock sorted by grade,
produce sorted by size or grade.
d. Farm- or ranch-based renewable energy. The application must
explain how the Renewable Energy will be generated on a Farm or a Ranch
owned or leased by the owners of the Venture. Please note that the
owners/leasers of the Farm or Ranch must currently produce an
Agricultural Commodity on the Farm or Ranch and the Farm or Ranch must
meet the definition of a Farm or a Ranch as defined in the
``Definitions'' section of this notice. Examples of this type of
product are wind energy, solar energy, and anaerobic digesters. The
following examples are not eligible under this category: Any type of
fuel, such as ethanol, bio-diesel, and switchgrass pellets, that is not
generated on a Farm or Ranch owned or leased by the owners of the
iii. Purpose Eligibility. The applicant must describe how the
Project purpose is eligible for funding. The project purpose is
comprised of two components. First, the applicant must describe how the
proposed Project consists of eligible planning activities or eligible
working capital activities. Second, the applicant must demonstrate that
the activities are directly related to the processing and/or marketing
of a Value-Added product.
Applicants applying for a Working Capital Grants, must reference a
third-party, independent Feasibility Study and a Business Plan
completed specifically for the proposed Venture. The reference must
include the name of the party who conducted the Feasibility Study and
developed the Business Plan as well as the dates the Feasibility Study
and Business Plan were completed.
Applicants applying for Working Capital Grants, and which are an
Agriculture Producer Group, a Farmer or Rancher Cooperative, or a
Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Venture, must also
demonstrate that the proposed Venture has been in operation for less
than two years at the time of application, in order to show that the
applicant is entering an Emerging Market.
8. Proposal Narrative (limited to 35 pages).
i. Goals of the Project. The application must include a clear
statement of the ultimate goals of the Project. There must be an
explanation of how a market will be expanded and the degree to which
incremental revenue will accrue to the benefit of the Agricultural
ii. Performance Evaluation Criteria. Applicants applying for
Planning Grants must suggest at least one criterion by which their
performance under a grant could be evaluated. Applicants applying for
Working Capital Grants must identify the projected increase in customer
base, revenue accruing to Independent Producers, and number of jobs
attributed to the Project. Working capital projects with significant
energy components must also identify the projected increase in capacity
(e.g. gallons of ethanol produced annually, megawatt hours produced
annually) attributed to the Project. Please note that these criteria
are different from the Proposal Evaluation Criteria and are a separate
iii. Proposal Evaluation Criteria. Each of the proposal evaluation
criteria referenced in this funding announcement must be addressed,
specifically and individually, in narrative form. Applications that do
not address the appropriate criteria (Planning Grant applications must
address Planning Grant evaluation criteria and Working Capital Grant
applications must address Working Capital Grant evaluation criteria)
will be considered ineligible.
9. Certification of Matching Funds. Applicants must certify that
Matching Funds will be available at the same time grant funds are
anticipated to be spent and that Matching Funds will be spent in
advance of grant funding, such that for every dollar of grant funds
advanced, not less than an equal amount of Matching Funds will have
been expended prior to submitting the request for reimbursement. Please
note that this certification is a separate requirement from the
verification of Matching Funds requirement. Applicants must include a
statement for this section that reads as follows: ``[INSERT NAME OF
APPLICANT] certifies that matching funds will be available at the same
time grant funds are anticipated to be spent and that matching funds
will be spent in advance of grant funding, such that for every dollar
of grant funds advanced, not less than an equal amount of matching
funds will have been expended prior to submitting the request for
reimbursement.'' A separate signature is not required.
10. Verification of Matching Funds. Applicants must provide
documentation of all proposed Matching Funds, both cash and in-kind.
The documentation below must be included in the Appendix.
i. Matching Funds provided by the applicant in cash. A copy of a
bank statement with an ending date within one month of the application
submission and showing an ending balance equal to or greater than the
amount of cash Matching Funds proposed is required.
ii. Matching Funds provided through a loan or line of credit. The
applicant must include a signed letter from the lending institution
verifying the amount available, the purposes for which funds may be
used, and the time period of availability of the funds. Specific dates
(month/day/year) corresponding to the proposed grant period or to dates
within the grant period when matching funds will be made available,
must be included.
iii. Matching Funds provided by the applicant through an in-kind
contribution. The application must include a signed letter from the
applicant verifying the goods or services to be donated, the value of
the goods or services, and when the goods and services will be donated.
Specific dates (month/day/year) corresponding to the proposed grant
period or to dates within the grant period when matching contributions
will be made available, must be included. Please note that if the
applicant organization is purchasing goods or services for the grant
(e.g. salaries, inventory), the contribution is considered a cash
contribution and must be verified as described in paragraph i. above.
Also, if an owner or employee of the applicant organization is donating
goods or services, the contribution is considered a third-party
[[Page 5163]]
in-kind contribution and must be verified as described in paragraph v.
iv. Matching Funds provided by a third party in cash. The
application must include a signed letter from that third party
verifying how much cash will be donated and when it will be donated.
Specific dates (month/day/year) corresponding to the proposed grant
period or to dates within the grant period when matching funds will be
made available, must be included.
v. Matching Funds provided by a third party in-kind donation. The
application must include a signed letter from the third party verifying
the goods or services to be donated, the value of the goods or
services, and when the goods and services will be donated. Specific
dates (month/day/year) corresponding to the proposed grant period or to
dates within the grant period when matching contributions will be made
available, must be included.
Verification for cash or in-kind contributions donated outside the
proposed time period of the grant will not be accepted. Verification
for in-kind contributions that are over-valued will not be accepted.
The valuation process for the in-kind funds does not need to be
included in the application, especially if it is lengthy, but the
applicant must be able to demonstrate how the valuation was achieved at
the time of notification of tentative selection for the grant award. If
the applicant cannot satisfactorily demonstrate how the valuation was
determined, the grant award may be withdrawn or the amount of the grant
may be reduced.
If Matching Funds are in cash, they must be spent on goods and
services that are eligible expenditures for this grant program. If
Matching Funds are in-kind contributions, the donated goods or services
must be considered eligible expenditures for this grant program.
Matching Funds must be spent or donated during the grant period and the
funds must be expended at a rate equal to or greater than the rate
grant funds are expended. Some examples of acceptable uses for matching
funds are: Skilled labor performing work required for the proposed
Project, office supplies, and purchasing inventory. Some examples of
unacceptable uses of matching funds are: Real property, fixed
equipment, buildings, and vehicles.
Expected program income may not be used to fulfill the Matching
Funds requirement at the time of application. If program income is
earned during the time period of the grant, it is subject to the
requirements of 7 CFR part 3015, subpart F and 7 CFR 3019.24 and any
provisions in the Grant Agreement.
C. Submission Dates and Times
Application Deadline Date: March 31, 2008.
Explanation of Deadlines: Paper applications must be postmarked by
the deadline date (see Section IV.F. for the address). Final electronic
applications must be received by by the deadline date. If an
application does not meet the deadline above, it will not be considered
for funding. Applicants will be notified that their applications did
not meet the submission deadline.
D. Intergovernmental Review of Applications
Executive Order (EO) 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, applies to this program. This EO requires that Federal
agencies provide opportunities for consultation on proposed assistance
with State and local governments. Many states have established a Single
Point of Contact (SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. A list of
states that maintain an SPOC may be obtained at https:// If an applicant's state has an
SPOC, the applicant may submit the application directly for review. Any
comments obtained through the SPOC must be provided to Rural
Development for consideration as part of the application. If the
applicant's state has not established an SPOC, or the applicant does
not want to submit the application, Rural Development will submit the
application to the SPOC or other appropriate agency or agencies.
Applicants are also encouraged to contact their Rural Development
State Office for assistance and questions on this process. The Rural
Development State Office can be reached by calling (202) 720-4323 and
selecting option ``1'' or by viewing the following Web site: https://
E. Funding Restrictions
Funding restrictions apply to both grant funds and matching funds.
Funds may only be used for planning activities or working capital for
Projects focusing on processing and marketing a value-added product.
1. Examples of acceptable planning activities include:
i. Obtaining legal advice and assistance related to the proposed
ii. Conducting a Feasibility Study of a proposed Value-Added
Venture to help determine the potential marketing success of the
iii. Developing a Business Plan that provides comprehensive details
on the management, planning, and other operational aspects of a
proposed Venture; and
iv. Developing a marketing plan for the proposed Value-Added
product, including the identification of a market window, the
identification of potential buyers, a description of the distribution
system, and possible promotional campaigns.
2. Examples of acceptable working capital uses include:
i. Designing or purchasing an accounting system for the proposed
ii. Paying for salaries, utilities, and rental of office space;
iii. Purchasing inventory, office equipment (e.g., computers,
printers, copiers, scanners), and office supplies (e.g., paper, pens,
file folders); and
iv. Conducting a marketing campaign for the proposed Value-Added
3. No funds made available under this solicitation shall be used
i. Plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or construct a building or
facility, including a processing facility;
ii. Purchase, rent, or install fixed equipment, including
processing equipment;
iii. Purchase vehicles, including boats;
iv. Pay for the preparation of the grant application;
v. Pay expenses not directly related to the funded Venture;
vi. Fund political or lobbying activities;
vii. Fund any activities prohibited by 7 CFR parts 3015 and 3019;
viii. Fund architectural or engineering design work for a specific
physical facility;
ix. Fund any expenses related to the production of any commodity or
product to which value will be added, including seed, rootstock, labor
for harvesting the crop, and delivery of the commodity to a processing
facility. The Agency considers these expenses to be ineligible because
the intent of the program is to assist producers with marketing value-
added products rather than producing Agricultural Commodities;
x. Fund research and development;
xi. Purchase land;
xii. Duplicate current services or replace or substitute support
previously provided;
xiii. Pay costs of the Project incurred prior to the date of grant
xiv. Pay for assistance to any private business enterprise which
does not have at least 51 percent ownership by those who are either
citizens of the United States or reside in the United States after
being legally admitted for permanent residence; or
[[Page 5164]]
xv. Pay any judgment or debt owed to the United States; or
xvi. Conduct activities on behalf of anyone other than a specific
Independent Producer or group of Independent Producers. The Agency
considers conducting industry-level Feasibility Studies and Business
Plans that are also known as feasibility study templates or guides or
business plan templates or guides to be ineligible because the
assistance is not provided to a specific group of Independent
xvii. Pay for any goods or services provided by a person or entity
who has a Conflict of Interest. Also, note that in-kind Matching Funds
may not be provided by a person or entity that has a Conflict of
F. Other Submission Requirements
Paper applications must be submitted to the Rural Development State
Office for the State in which the Project will primarily take place.
Addresses can be found online at:
map.html or in the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this Notice.
Applications can also be submitted electronically at https:// Applications submitted by electronic mail or facsimile
will not be accepted. Each application submission must contain all
required documents in one envelope, if by mail or courier delivery
V. Application Review Information
A. Criteria
All eligible and complete applications will be evaluated based on
the following criteria. Applications for Planning Grants have different
criteria to address than applications for Working Capital Grants.
1. Criteria for Planning Grant applications:
i. Nature of the proposed venture (0-8 points). Projects will be
evaluated for technological feasibility, operational efficiency,
profitability, sustainability and the likely improvement to the local
rural economy. Evaluators may rely on their own knowledge and examples
of similar ventures described in the proposal to form conclusions
regarding this criterion. Points will be awarded based on the greatest
expansion of markets and increased returns to producers.
ii. Qualifications of those doing work (0-8 points). Proposals will
be reviewed for whether the personnel who are responsible for doing
proposed tasks, including those hired to do the studies, have the
necessary qualifications. If a consultant or others are to be hired,
more points may be awarded if the proposal includes evidence of their
availability and commitment as well. If staff or consultants have not
been selected at the time of application, the application should
include specific descriptions of the qualifications required for the
positions to be filled. Qualifications of the personnel and consultants
should be discussed directly within the response to this criterion. If
resumes are included, those pages will count toward the page limit for
the narrative.
iii. Commitments and support (0-8 points). Producer commitments
will be evaluated on the basis of the number of Independent Producers
currently involved as well as how many may potentially be involved, and
the nature, level and quality of their contributions. End-user
commitments will be evaluated on the basis of potential markets and the
potential amount of output to be purchased. Proposals will be reviewed
for evidence that the project enjoys third party support and
endorsement, with emphasis placed on financial and in-kind support as
well as technical assistance. Support should be discussed directly
within the response to this criterion. If support letters are included,
those pages will count toward the page limit for the narrative. Points
will be awarded based on the greatest level of documented and
referenced commitment.
iv. Project leadership (0-8 points). The leadership abilities of
individuals who are proposing the Venture will be evaluated as to
whether they are sufficient to support a conclusion of likely project
success. Credit may be given for leadership evidenced in community or
volunteer efforts. Leadership abilities should be discussed directly
within the response to this criterion. If resumes are attached at the
end of the application, those pages will count toward the page limit
for the narrative.
v. Work plan/budget (0-8 points). Applicants must submit a work
plan and budget. The work plan will be reviewed to determine whether it
provides specific and detailed descriptions of tasks that will
accomplish the project's goals. The budget must present a detailed
breakdown of all estimated costs associated with the planning
activities and allocate these costs among the listed tasks. Points may
not be awarded unless sufficient detail is provided to determine if
funds are being used for qualified purposes. Matching funds as well as
grant funds must be accounted for in the budget to receive points.
vi. Amount requested (0 or 2 points). Two points will be awarded
for grant requests of $50,000 or less. To determine the number of
points to award, the Agency will use the amount indicated in the work
plan and budget.
vii. Project cost per owner-producer (0-3 points). The applicant
must state the number of Independent Producers that are owners of the
Venture. Points will be calculated by dividing the amount of Federal
funds requested by the total number of Independent Producers that are
owners of the Venture. The allocation of points for this criterion
shall be as follows:
0 points will be awarded to applications without enough
information to determine the number of owner-producers.
1 point will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $70,001-$100,000.
2 points will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $35,001-$70,000.
3 points will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $1-$35,000.
An owner cannot be considered an Independent Producer unless he/she
is a producer of the Agricultural Commodity to which value will be
added as part of this Project. For Agriculture Producer Groups, the
number used must be the number of Independent Producers represented who
produce the commodity to which value will be added. In cases where
family members (including husband and wife) are owners and producers in
a Venture, each family member shall count as one owner-producer.
Applicants must be prepared to prove that the numbers and
individuals identified meet the requirements specified upon
notification of a grant award. Failure to do so shall result in
withdrawal of the grant award.
viii. Business management capabilities (0-10 points). Applicants
must discuss their financial management system, procurement procedures,
personnel policies, property management system, and travel procedures.
Up to two points can be awarded for each component of this criterion,
based on the appropriateness of the system, procedures or policies to
the size and structure of the business applying. Larger, more complex
businesses will be expected to have more complex systems, procedures,
and policies than smaller, less complex businesses.
ix. Sustainability and economic impact (0-15 points). Projects will
be evaluated based on the expected sustainability of the Venture and
[[Page 5165]]
expected economic impact on the local economy.
x. Business size (5 points if the application meets the criterion
or 0 points if the application does not meet the criterion). Applicants
must state the amount of gross sales earned for their most recent
complete fiscal year or start-up operations must state that they have
not completed a fiscal year. Points will be awarded as follows:
0 points will be awarded to applicants that have $10
million or more in gross sales OR to applicants that do not provide
enough information to determine gross sales.
5 points will be awarded to applicants that have less than
$10 million in gross sales.
If an applicant is tentatively selected for funding, the applicant
will need to verify the gross sales amount at the time of award.
Failure to verify the amount stated in the application will be grounds
for withdrawing the award.
xi. Administrator points (up to 5 points, but not to exceed 10
percent of the total points awarded for the other 10 criteria). The
Administrator of USDA Rural Development Business and Cooperative
Programs may award additional points to recognize innovative
technologies, insure geographic distribution of grants, or encourage
Value-Added Projects in under-served areas. Applicants may submit an
explanation of how the technology proposed is innovative and/or
specific information verifying that the project is in an under-served
2. Criteria for Working Capital applications:
i. Business viability (0-8 points). Proposals will be evaluated on
the basis of the technical and economic feasibility and sustainability
of the Venture and the efficiency of operations.
ii. Customer base/increased returns (0-8 points). Describe in
detail how the customer base for the product being produced will expand
because of the Value-Added Venture. Provide documented estimates of
this expansion. Describe in detail how a greater portion of the revenue
derived from the venture will be returned to the producers that are
owners of the Venture. Applicants should also reference the pro forma
financial statements developed for the Venture. Applications that
demonstrate strong growth in a market or customer base and greater
Value-Added revenue accruing to producer-owners will receive more
points than those that demonstrate less growth in markets and realized
Value-Added returns.
iii. Commitments and support (0-8 points). Producer commitments
will be evaluated on the basis of the number of Independent Producers
currently involved as well as how many may potentially be involved, and
the nature, level and quality of their contributions. End-user
commitments will be evaluated on the basis of identified markets,
letters of intent or contracts from potential buyers and the amount of
output to be purchased. Applications will be reviewed for evidence that
the Project enjoys third-party support and endorsement, with emphasis
placed on financial and in-kind support as well as technical
assistance. Support should be discussed directly within the response to
this criterion. If support letters are included, those pages will count
toward the page limit for the narrative. Points will be awarded based
on the greatest level of documented and referenced commitment.
iv. Management team/work force (0-8 points). The education and
capabilities of project managers and those who will operate the Venture
must reflect the skills and experience necessary to affect Project
success. The availability and quality of the labor force needed to
operate the Venture will also be evaluated. Applicants must provide the
information necessary to make these determinations. Applications that
reflect successful track records managing similar projects will receive
higher points for this criterion than those that do not reflect
successful track records.
v. Work plan/budget (0-8 points). The work plan will be reviewed to
determine whether it provides specific and detailed descriptions of
tasks that will accomplish the project's goals and the budget will be
reviewed for a detailed breakdown of estimated costs associated with
the proposed activities and allocation of these costs among the listed
tasks. Points may not be awarded unless sufficient detail is provided
to determine if funds are being used for qualified purposes. Matching
Funds as well as grant funds must be accounted for in the budget to
receive points.
vi. Amount requested (0 or 2 points). Two points will be awarded
for grant requests of $150,000 or less. To determine the number of
points to award, the Agency will use the amount indicated in the work
plan and budget.
vii. Project cost per owner-producer (0-3 points). The applicant
must state the number of Independent Producers that are owners of the
Venture. Points will be calculated by dividing the amount of Federal
funds requested by the total number of Independent Producers that are
owners of the Venture. The allocation of points for this criterion
shall be as follows:
0 points will be awarded to applications without enough
information to determine the number of owner-producers.
1 point will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $200,001-$300,000.
2 points will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $100,001-$200,000.
3 points will be awarded to applications with a project
cost per owner-producer of $1-$100,000.
An owner cannot be considered an Independent Producer unless he/she
is a producer of the Agricultural Commodity to which value will be
added as part of this Project. For Agriculture Producer Groups, the
number used must be the number of Independent Producers represented who
produce the commodity to which value will be added. In cases where
family members (including husband and wife) are owners and producers in
a Venture, each family member shall count as one owner-producer.
Applicants must be prepared to prove that the numbers and
individuals identified meet the requirements specified upon
notification of a grant award. Failure to do so shall result in
withdrawal of the grant award.
viii. Business management capabilities (0-10 points). Applicants
should discuss their financial management system, procurement
procedures, personnel policies, property management system, and travel
procedures. Up to two points can be awarded for each component of this
criterion, based on the appropriateness of the system, procedures or
policies to the size and structure of business applying. Larger, more
complex businesses will be expected to have more complex systems,
procedures, and policies than smaller, less complex businesses.
ix. Sustainability and economic impact (0-15 points). Projects will
be evaluated based on the expected sustainability of the Venture and
the expected economic impact on the local economy.
x. Business size (5 points if the application meets the criterion
or 0 points if the application does meet the criterion). Applicants
must state the amount of gross sales earned for their most recent
complete fiscal year or start-up operations must state that they have
not completed a fiscal year. Points will be awarded as follows:
0 points will be awarded to applicants that have $10
million or more in gross sales or to applicants that do not provide
enough information to determine gross sales.
[[Page 5166]]
5 points will be awarded to applicants that have less than
$10 million in gross sales.
If an applicant is tentatively selected for funding, the applicant
will need to verify the gross sales amount at the time of award.
Failure to verify the amount stated in the application will be grounds
for withdrawing the award.
xi. Administrator points (up to 5 points, but not to exceed 10
percent of the total points awarded for the other 10 criteria). The
Administrator of USDA Rural Development Business and Cooperative
Programs may award additional points to recognize innovative
technologies, insure geographic distribution of grants, or encourage
Value-Added projects in under-served areas. Applicants may submit an
explanation of how the technology proposed is innovative and/or
specific information verifying that the project is in an under-served
B. Review and Selection Process
The Agency will conduct an initial screening of all applications
for eligibility and to determine whether the application is complete
and sufficiently responsive to the requirements set forth in this
Notice to allow for an informed review. As part of this review, the
Rural Development State Office may require Working Capital applicants
to submit their Feasibility Studies and Business Plans after the
application deadline, but prior to the selection of grantees to
facilitate the eligibility review process.
All eligible and complete proposals will be evaluated by three
reviewers based on criteria i through v described in Section V(A) (1)
or (2). One of these reviewers will be a Rural Development employee not
from the servicing State Office and the other two reviewers will be
non-Federal persons. All reviewers must either: (1) Possess at least
five years of working experience in an agriculture-related field, or
(2) have obtained at least a bachelors degree in one or more of the
following fields: Agri-business, business, economics, finance, or
marketing and have a minimum of three years of experience in an
agriculture-related field (e.g. farming, marketing, consulting,
university professor, research, officer for trade association,
government employee for an agricultural program). Once the scores for
criteria i through v have been completed by the three reviewers, they
will be averaged to obtain the independent reviewer score.
The application will also receive one score from the Rural
Development servicing State Office based on criteria vi through x. This
score will be added to the independent reviewer score.
Finally, the Administrator of USDA Rural Development Business and
Cooperative Programs will award any Administrator points based on
Proposal Evaluation Criterion xi. These points will be added to the
cumulative score for criteria i through x. A final ranking will be
obtained based solely on the scores received for criteria i through xi.
After the award selections are made, all applicants will be
notified of the status of their applications by mail. Grantees must
meet all statutory and regulatory program requirements in order to
receive their award. In the event that a grantee cannot meet the
requirements, the award will be withdrawn. Applicants for Working
Capital Grants must submit complete, independent third-party
Feasibility Studies and Business Plans before the grant award can be
finalized. All Projects will be evaluated by the servicing State Office
prior to finalizing the award to ensure that funded Projects are likely
to be feasible in the proposed project area. Regardless of scoring, a
Project determined to be unlikely to be feasible by the servicing State
Office with concurrence by the National Office will not be funded.
C. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates
Award Date: The announcement of award selections is expected to
occur on or about September 1, 2008.
VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
Successful applicants will receive a notification of tentative
selection for funding from Rural Development. Applicants must comply
with all applicable statutes, regulations, and this notice before the
grant award will receive final approval.
Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification, including
dispute resolution alternatives, by mail.
B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
7 CFR parts 3015, 3019, and 4284 are applicable and may be accessed
The following additional requirements apply to grantees selected
for this program:
Grant Agreement.
Letter of Conditions.
Form RD 1940-1, ``Request for Obligation of Funds.''
Form RD 1942-46, ``Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.''
Form AD-1047, ``Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and
Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered Transactions.''
Form AD-1048, ``Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension,
Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered
Form AD-1049, ``Certification Regarding a Drug-Free Workplace