Changes in Domestic Mail Classifications, 5242-5245 [E8-1471]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
electronic media coverage will be
All interested parties wishing to make
an oral presentation at the hearing must
submit, following the above
‘‘Requirements for Submissions’’, the
name, address, telephone number, and
facsimile number and e-mail address, if
available, of the witness(es) representing
their organization to Marideth Sandler,
Executive Director of the GSP Program
by 5 p.m., February 22, 2008. Requests
to present oral testimony at the public
hearing, along with a written hearing
statement, must be received by 5 p.m.,
February 22, 2008. Oral testimony
before the GSP Subcommittee will be
limited to a five-minute presentation. If
those testifying intend to submit a
longer statement for the record, it must
be in English and accompany the
request to present oral testimony to be
submitted by February 22, 2008. Posthearing briefs or statements will be
accepted if they conform with the
‘‘Requirements for Submissions’’ cited
above and are submitted, in English, by
5 p.m., March 14, 2008. Parties not
wishing to appear at the public hearing
may submit pre-hearing briefs or
statements, in English, by 5 p.m.,
February 22, 2008. Post-hearing written
briefs or statements are to be submitted
in English by 5 p.m. on March 14, 2008.
In accordance with sections
503(d)(1)(A) of the 1974 Act and the
authority delegated by the President,
pursuant to section 332(g) of the Tariff
Act of 1930, the U.S. Trade
Representative has requested that the
USITC provide its advice on the
probable economic effect on U.S.
industries producing like or directly
competitive articles and on consumers
of the waiver of the CNL for the
specified GSP beneficiary countries,
with respect to the articles that are
specified in the ‘‘List of CNL Waiver
Petitions Accepted in the 2007 GSP
Annual Review.’’ Comments by
interested persons on the USITC Report
prepared as part of the product review
should be submitted by 5 p.m., 10
calendar days after the date of USITC
publication of its report. The e-mail
address for these submissions is:
Marideth Sandler,
Executive Director, Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) Program, Office of the U.S.
Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. E8–1524 Filed 1–28–08; 8:45 am]
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Changes in Domestic Mail
Postal Service.
Notice of implementation of
changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule to be
implemented as a result of the Decision
of the Governors of the United States
Postal Service on the Opinion and
Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving
Negotiated Service Agreement with
Bank of America Corporation, Docket
No. MC2007–1.
DATES: Effective Date: April 1, 2008.
Matthew J. Connolly, (202) 268–8582.
February 7, 2007, in accordance with 39
U.S.C. 3622(f) as amended by the Postal
Accountability and Enhancement Act,
Public Law 109–435, and former
sections 3622 and 3623 of the Postal
Reorganization Act (39 U.S.C. 101, et
seq.), the United States Postal Service
filed a request with the Postal
Regulatory Commission (‘‘PRC’’) for a
decision recommending a negotiated
service agreement (‘‘NSA’’) with Bank of
America Corporation. The PRC
designated this filing as Docket No.
MC2007–1. On October 3, 2007,
pursuant to chapter 36 of title 39 of the
U.S. Code, the PRC issued to the
Governors of the Postal Service its
Opinion and Recommended Approving
the NSA with Bank of America
Pursuant to former 39 U.S.C. 3625, the
Governors of the United States Postal
Service acted on the PRC’s
recommendation on December 17, 2007.
In the Decision of the Governors of the
United States Postal Service on the
Opinion and Recommended Decision of
the Postal Regulatory Commission
Approving Negotiated Service
Agreement with Bank of America
Corporation, Docket No. MC2007–1, the
Governors of the Postal Service
approved the recommended decision. In
accordance with Resolution 07–7, the
Board of Governors established an
implementation date of April 1, 2008 on
which the approved changes to the
classification schedule for NSAs will
take effect. The attachments to the
Governors’ Decision, setting forth the
classification changes ordered into
effect by the Governors, are set forth
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In accordance with the Decision of the
Governors and Resolution No. 07–7 of
the Board of Governors, the Postal
Service hereby gives notice that the
classification changes set forth below
will become effective at 12:01 a.m. on
April 1, 2008.
Attachment A to the Decision of the
Governors of the United States Postal
Service on the Opinion and
Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving
Negotiated Service Agreement With
Bank of America Corporation, Docket
No. MC2007–1
Approved Changes in Rate Schedules
The following represent the changes
to the rate schedules recommended by
the Postal Regulatory Commission and
approved by the Governors of the Postal
Service in Docket No. MC2007–1. The
changes require the addition of five new
rate schedules—630A, 630B, 630C,
630D, and 630E. The italicized text
signifies that the text is new, and shall
appear in addition to all other rate
schedule text.
(First-class mail improved mail processing
0.1% ......................................
0.2 .........................................
0.3 .........................................
0.4 .........................................
0.5 .........................................
0.6 .........................................
0.7 .........................................
0.8 .........................................
0.9 .........................................
1.0 .........................................
1.1 .........................................
1.2 .........................................
1.3 .........................................
1.4 .........................................
1.5 .........................................
1.6 .........................................
1.7 .........................................
1.8 .........................................
1.9 .........................................
Rate incentive
(per piece)
1. All discounts will be paid in the
form of a refund at the end of each
Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance
with section 630.4 of the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted
from per-piece rates for letter-rated
items in Rate Schedule 221.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
Attachment B to the Decision of the
Service on the Opinion and
[First-class mail reduced return rates]
[Standard mail letters improved mail
processing performance]
schedule A
(per piece)
10.0% ................
20.0 ...................
30.0 ...................
40.0 ...................
50.0 ...................
60.0 ...................
70.0 ...................
80.0 ...................
90.0 ...................
schedule B
(per piece)
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
1. All discounts will be paid in the
form of a refund at the end of each
Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance
with section 630.4 of the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted
from per-piece rates for letter-rated
items in Rate Schedule 221.
Rate incentive
(per piece)
Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving
Negotiated Service Agreement With
Bank of America Corporation, Docket
No. MC2007–1
Approved Changes in the Domestic
Mail Classification Schedule
The following material represents
changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule recommended
by the Postal Regulatory Commission
and approved by the Governors of the
Postal Service in Docket No. MC2007–
1. The italicized text signifies that the
text is new, and shall appear in addition
to all other Domestic Mail Classification
Schedule text.
1. All discounts will be paid in the
630.1 Definitions.
form of a refund at the end of each
The following terms shall have the
BANK OF AMERICA CORPORAmeanings ascribed to them in the
Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance
TION NSA RATE SCHEDULE with section 630.4 of the Domestic Mail Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA or
Agreement) between Bank of America
Classification Schedule (DMCS).
Corporation (Bank of America) and the
[First-class mail reduced forwarding rates]
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted
United States Postal Service (Postal
from per-piece rates for letter-rated
Service): Bank of America mail, Confirm
Rate incentive
items in Rate Schedules 321B or 322.
(per piece)
service, Courtesy Reply Mail, eDropship,
FAST (Facility Access and Shipment
BANK OF AMERICA CORPORA10% .......................................
Tracking System), Four-State Barcode
20 ..........................................
TION NSA RATE SCHEDULE (OneCode), Letter-Rated Mail, OneCode
30 ..........................................
ACS, PostalOne!, Qualifying Permit
40 ..........................................
(Standard mail letters reduced undeliverableNumbers, Schedule A First-Class Mail,
50 ..........................................
as-addressed rates)
Schedule B First-Class Mail, and
60 ..........................................
70 ..........................................
Seamless Acceptance.
Rate incentive
80 ..........................................
630.2 Eligible Mail.
(per piece)
90 ..........................................
630.21 Bank of America. Bank of
America mail eligible for discounts
10% .......................................
under Rate Schedules 630A, 630B,
20 ..........................................
630C, 630D, and 630E is limited to
1. All discounts will be paid in the
30 ..........................................
letter-rated mail that (1) is entered by or
form of a refund at the end of each
40 ..........................................
on behalf of Bank of America or a
Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance
50 ..........................................
subsidiary or affiliate, (2) relates to the
with section 630.4 of the Domestic Mail
60 ..........................................
70 ..........................................
0.00170 business activities of Bank of America
Classification Schedule (DMCS).
80 ..........................................
0.00170 or a subsidiary or affiliate, and (3)
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted
90 ..........................................
0.00170 complies with the machinability
from per-piece rates for letter-rated
requirements specified in the
items in Rate Schedule 221.
Agreement. Such mail includes
cooperative mailings and mail entered
BANK OF AMERICA CORPORApursuant to marketing arrangements
1. All discounts will be paid in the
with other entities.
form of a refund at the end of each
630.22 Other Mailers. Functionally
Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance
[Standard mail letters improved mail
equivalent NSAs, involving worksharing
with section 630.4 of the Domestic Mail
processing performance]
discounts for performance-based
Classification Schedule (DMCS).
improvements resulting from (1) the
Rate incentive
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted
implementation of Four-State Barcode,
(per piece)
from per-piece rates for letter-rated
OneCode ACS, Confirm service,
Seamless Acceptance, FAST, and
0.1% ......................................
$0.00024 items in Rate Schedule 321B or 322.
0.2 .........................................
eDropship, (2) the barcoding of Courtesy
0.3 .........................................
Reply Mail, Business Reply Mail, and
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
Qualified Business Reply Mail, and (3)
the adoption of electronic Address
Correction Service in lieu of physical
returns for letter-rated First-Class Mail
that would otherwise be eligible for
Standard Mail rates, may be entered
into with other customers, as specified
by the Postal Service, and implemented
pursuant to proceedings under chapter
36 of title 39 of the United States Code.
630.3 Operational Commitments of
Bank of America.
630.31 Four-State Barcode. Bank of
America will use the Four-State Barcode
on all Bank of America mail entered
under a Qualifying Permit Number as
letter-rated First-Class Mail or Standard
630.32 OneCode ACS. Bank of
America will place OneCode ACS
markings on all Bank of America mail
entered under a Qualifying Permit
Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail
and Standard Mail, subject to the
conditions and exceptions set forth in
the text of the NSA.
630.33 Waiver of Physical Return of
Certain Letter-Rated Mailpieces. Bank of
America will accept electronic
information about certain kinds of
undeliverable-as-addressed letter-rated
mailpieces instead of their physical
return, as specified in the text of the
630.34 Confirm Service. Bank of
America will implement use of Confirm
service in accordance with section 991.
Bank of America will use Confirm
service for all Bank of America mail
entered under a Qualifying Permit
Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail
and Standard Mail.
630.35 Seamless Acceptance. Bank
of America will use seamless
acceptance for Bank of America mail
entered under a Qualifying Permit
Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail
and Standard Mail. Bank of America
will use a Mail.dat file (or Web-services)
in conjunction with Four-State Barcodes
to enable the Postal Service to use
performance-based verification
procedures for mail entered by Bank of
America, subject to the conditions and
exceptions set forth in the text of the
630.36 FAST and eDropship. Bank
of America will use the automated
scheduling services provided to the
FAST system through the PostalOne!
electronic data exchange services to
enter its letter-rated Standard Mail
mailpieces with destination entry
discounts, subject to the conditions and
exceptions set forth in the text of the
630.37 Barcoding of Courtesy Reply
Mail, Business Reply Mail, and
Qualified Business Reply Mail. Bank of
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America will implement use of the FourState Barcode on all Courtesy Reply
Mail, Business Reply Mail, and
Qualified Business Reply Mail
envelopes enclosed in its mail. All
mailpieces will be machinable,
automation compatible, and properly
marked with a OneCode Four-State
Barcode. This requirement is subject to
certain conditions and exceptions as
provided in the text of the NSA.
630.4 Discounts.
630.41 General Terms and
Conditions. The Postal Service shall pay
rate discounts in the form of refunds to
Bank of America for improved address
quality and mail processing in
accordance with the text of the NSA.
Discounts shall be calculated as
adjustments to the rates of postage
otherwise established by the DMM.
Discounts shall be determined quarterly,
over the life of the Agreement, based on
Bank of America’s actual mail volumes
and address quality for each quarter just
ended, subject to the conditions in the
text of the NSA.
630.42 First-Class Mail Discounts.
630.421 Discounts for Improved Mail
Processing. Eligible mail that is sent via
First-Class Mail is subject to the
otherwise applicable First-Class Mail
postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the
discounts shown in Rate Schedule 630A
for improved mail processing
performance for letter-rated First-Class
Mail mailpieces.
630.422 Discount Formula for
Improved Mail Processing. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to
calculate the rate discounts Bank of
America will receive pursuant to Rate
Schedule 630A:
a. The Postal Service will determine
the total number of letter-rated FirstClass Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail that are read and
accepted during their first pass through
Postal Service mail sorting equipment
during an applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the
number identified in section 630.422(a)
above by the total number of letter-rated
First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail that receive a first pass
through Postal Service mail sorting
equipment during the same quarter.
c. The Postal Service will subtract the
baseline value set forth in the agreement
from the percentage obtained in section
630.422(b) to obtain the incremental
improvement within the meaning of the
table in Rate Schedule 630A.
630.423 Discounts for Reduced
Return Rates. Eligible mail that is sent
via First-Class Mail is subject to the
otherwise applicable First-Class Mail
postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the
discounts shown in Rate Schedule 630B
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for reduced return rates for letter-rated
First-Class Mail mailpieces.
630.424 Discount Formula for
Reduced Return Rates. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to
calculate the rate discounts Bank of
America will receive pursuant to Rate
Schedule 630B:
a. The Postal Service will identify the
number of undeliverable-as-addressed
letter-rated First-Class Mail mailpieces
of Bank of America mail that have been
returned to the sender by the Postal
Service, as determined through
OneCode ACS, for the applicable
b. The Postal Service will divide the
number identified in section 630.424(a)
above by the total number of letter-rated
First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section
630.424(b) will be subtracted from the
applicable baseline undeliverable-asaddressed rate set forth in the
Agreement, and the difference divided
by that baseline undeliverable-asaddressed rate. The result, expressed as
a percentage, will serve as the
incremental improvement percentage
used to determine the applicable rate
incentive in Rate Schedule 630B.
630.425 Discount for Reduced
Forwarding Rates. Eligible mail that is
sent via First-Class Mail is subject to the
otherwise applicable First-Class Mail
postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the
discounts shown in Rate Schedule 630C
for reduced forwarding rates for letterrated First-Class Mail mailpieces.
630.426 Discount Formula for
Reduced Return Rates. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to
calculate the rate discounts Bank of
America will receive pursuant to Rate
Schedule 630C:
a. The Postal Service will identify the
number of undeliverable-as-addressed
letter-rated First-Class Mail mailpieces
of Bank of America mail that have been
forwarded by the Postal Service, as
determined through OneCode ACS, for
the applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the
number identified in section 630.426(a)
above by the total number of letter-rated
First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section
630.426(b) will be subtracted from the
baseline forwarding rate set forth in the
Agreement, and the difference divided
by that baseline forwarding rate. The
result, expressed as a percentage, will
serve as the incremental improvement
percentage used to determine the
applicable rate incentive in Rate
Schedule 630C.
630.43 Standard Mail Discounts.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / Notices
630.431 Discounts for Improved
Mail Processing. Eligible mail that is
sent via Standard Mail is subject to the
otherwise applicable Standard Mail
postage in Rate Schedules 321B or 322,
less the discounts shown in Rate
Schedule 630D for improved mail
processing performance for letter-rated
Standard Mail mailpieces.
630.432 Discount Formula for
Improved Mail Processing. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to
calculate the rate discounts Bank of
America will receive pursuant to Rate
Schedule 630D:
a. The Postal Service will determine
the total number of letter-rated
Standard Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail that are read and
accepted during their first pass through
Postal Service mail sorting equipment
during an applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the
number identified in section 630.432(a)
by the total number of letter-rated
Standard Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail that receive a first pass
through Postal Service mail sorting
equipment during the same quarter.
c. The Postal Service will subtract the
baseline value set forth in the
Agreement from the percentage
obtained in section 630.432(b) to obtain
the incremental improvement
percentage within the meaning of the
table in Rate Schedule 630D.
630.433 Discounts for Reduced
Undeliverable-As-Addressed Rates.
Eligible mail that is sent via Standard
Mail is subject to the otherwise
applicable Standard Mail postage in
Rate Schedules 321B or 322, less the
discounts shown in Rate Schedule 630E
for reduced undeliverable-as-addressed
rates for letter-rated Standard Mail
630.434 Discount Formula for
Reduced Undeliverable-As-Addressed
Rates. The Postal Service will use the
following formula to calculate the rate
discounts Bank of America will receive
pursuant to Rate Schedule 630E:
a. The Postal Service will identify the
number of undeliverable-as-addressed
letter-rated Standard Mail mailpieces of
Bank of America mail that have been
returned by the Postal Service, as
determined through OneCode ACS, for
the applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the
number identified in section 630.434(a)
above by the total number of letter-rated
Standard Mail mailpieces of Bank of
America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section
630.434(b) will be subtracted from the
baseline undeliverable-as-addressed
rate set forth in the Agreement, and the
difference divided by that baseline
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undeliverable-as-addressed rate. The
result, expressed as a percentage, will
serve as the incremental improvement
percentage used to determine the
applicable rate incentive in Rate
Schedule 630E.
630.5 Rounding Convention.
For the purposes of the Agreement,
the following rounding convention will
a. Numbers expressed as percentages
will be rounded to the nearest tenth of
a percent, and
b. Numbers expressed in dollars and
cents will be rounded to the nearest
thousandth of a cent.
630.6 Rates and Fees.
The rates applicable to this
Agreement are set forth in the following
Rate Schedules:
630.7 Expiration.
The provisions of section 630 expire
on April 1, 2011 at 12:01 a.m. (Eastern).
630.8 Precedence.
To the extent any provision of section
630 is inconsistent with any other
provision of the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule, the former shall
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. E8–1471 Filed 1–28–08; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Upon Written Request, Copies Available
From: U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of Investor
Education and Advocacy,
Washington, DC 20549–0213.
Rule 19b–4 and Form 19b–4; OMB Control
No. 3235–0045; SEC File No. 270–38.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) has submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget a
request for approval of extension of the
existing collection of information
provided for in the following rule: Rule
19b–4 (17 CFR 240.19b–4).
Section 19(b) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) (15 U.S.C.
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78s(b)) requires each self-regulatory
organization (‘‘SRO’’) to file with the
Commission copies of any proposed
rule, or any proposed change in,
addition to, or deletion from the rules of
such SRO. Rule 19b–4 implements the
requirements of Section 19(b) by
requiring the SROs to file their proposed
rule changes on Form 19b–4 and by
clarifying which actions taken by SROs
are deemed proposed rule changes and
so must be filed pursuant to Section
The collection of information is
designed to provide the Commission
with the information necessary to
determine, as required by the Act,
whether the proposed rule change is
consistent with the Act and the rules
thereunder. The information is used to
determine if the proposed rule change
should be approved or if proceedings
should be instituted to determine
whether the proposed rule change
should be disapproved.
The respondents to the collection of
information are self-regulatory
organizations (as defined by the Act),
including national securities exchanges,
national securities associations,
registered clearing agencies and the
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board.
Twenty-two respondents file an
average total of 1,279 responses per
year. Each response takes approximately
23.22 hours to complete. Thus, the
estimated annual response burden is
29,698 hours. At an average cost per
response of $6,150.31, the resultant total
related cost of compliance for these
respondents is $7,866,246 per year
(1,279 responses × $6,150.31/response =
Compliance with Rule 19b–4 is
mandatory. Information received in
response to Rule 19b–4 shall not be kept
confidential; the information collected
is public information.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
control number.
Comments should be directed to (i)
Desk Officer for the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget,
Room 10102, New Executive Office
Building, Washington, DC 20503 or by
sending an e-mail to:; and
(ii) R. Corey Booth, Director/Chief
Information Officer, Securities and
Exchange Commission, c/o Shirley
Martinson, 6432 General Green Way,
Alexandria, VA 22312 or send an e-mail
to: Comments
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 19 (Tuesday, January 29, 2008)]
[Pages 5242-5245]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-1471]
Changes in Domestic Mail Classifications
AGENCY: Postal Service.
ACTION: Notice of implementation of changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule to be implemented as a result of the Decision
of the Governors of the United States Postal Service on the Opinion and
Recommended Decision of the Postal Regulatory Commission Approving
Negotiated Service Agreement with Bank of America Corporation, Docket
No. MC2007-1.
DATES: Effective Date: April 1, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew J. Connolly, (202) 268-8582.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On February 7, 2007, in accordance with 39
U.S.C. 3622(f) as amended by the Postal Accountability and Enhancement
Act, Public Law 109-435, and former sections 3622 and 3623 of the
Postal Reorganization Act (39 U.S.C. 101, et seq.), the United States
Postal Service filed a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission
(``PRC'') for a decision recommending a negotiated service agreement
(``NSA'') with Bank of America Corporation. The PRC designated this
filing as Docket No. MC2007-1. On October 3, 2007, pursuant to chapter
36 of title 39 of the U.S. Code, the PRC issued to the Governors of the
Postal Service its Opinion and Recommended Approving the NSA with Bank
of America Corporation.
Pursuant to former 39 U.S.C. 3625, the Governors of the United
States Postal Service acted on the PRC's recommendation on December 17,
2007. In the Decision of the Governors of the United States Postal
Service on the Opinion and Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving Negotiated Service Agreement with Bank
of America Corporation, Docket No. MC2007-1, the Governors of the
Postal Service approved the recommended decision. In accordance with
Resolution 07-7, the Board of Governors established an implementation
date of April 1, 2008 on which the approved changes to the
classification schedule for NSAs will take effect. The attachments to
the Governors' Decision, setting forth the classification changes
ordered into effect by the Governors, are set forth below.
In accordance with the Decision of the Governors and Resolution No.
07-7 of the Board of Governors, the Postal Service hereby gives notice
that the classification changes set forth below will become effective
at 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 2008.
Attachment A to the Decision of the Governors of the United States
Postal Service on the Opinion and Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving Negotiated Service Agreement With Bank
of America Corporation, Docket No. MC2007-1
Approved Changes in Rate Schedules
The following represent the changes to the rate schedules
recommended by the Postal Regulatory Commission and approved by the
Governors of the Postal Service in Docket No. MC2007-1. The changes
require the addition of five new rate schedules--630A, 630B, 630C,
630D, and 630E. The italicized text signifies that the text is new, and
shall appear in addition to all other rate schedule text.
(First-class mail improved mail processing performance)
Rate incentive
Incremental improvement (per piece)
0.1%.................................................... $0.00032
0.2..................................................... 0.00065
0.3..................................................... 0.00097
0.4..................................................... 0.00129
0.5..................................................... 0.00162
0.6..................................................... 0.00194
0.7..................................................... 0.00227
0.8..................................................... 0.00260
0.9..................................................... 0.00292
1.0..................................................... 0.00325
1.1..................................................... 0.00358
1.2..................................................... 0.00391
1.3..................................................... 0.00424
1.4..................................................... 0.00457
1.5..................................................... 0.00483
1.6..................................................... 0.00506
1.7..................................................... 0.00529
1.8..................................................... 0.00552
1.9..................................................... 0.00575
1. All discounts will be paid in the form of a refund at the end of
each Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance with section 630.4 of the
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted from per-piece rates for
letter-rated items in Rate Schedule 221.
[[Page 5243]]
[First-class mail reduced return rates]
Rate Rate
incentive incentive
Incremental improvement schedule A schedule B
(per piece) (per piece)
10.0%......................................... $0.00022 $0.00360
20.0.......................................... 0.00037 0.00390
30.0.......................................... 0.00053 0.00420
40.0.......................................... 0.00068 0.00450
50.0.......................................... 0.00083 0.00480
60.0.......................................... 0.00099 0.00510
70.0.......................................... 0.00114 0.00540
80.0.......................................... 0.00130 0.00570
90.0.......................................... 0.00145 0.00600
1. All discounts will be paid in the form of a refund at the end of
each Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance with section 630.4 of the
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted from per-piece rates for
letter-rated items in Rate Schedule 221.
[First-class mail reduced forwarding rates]
Rate incentive
Incremental improvement (per piece)
10%..................................................... $0.00013
20...................................................... 0.00030
30...................................................... 0.00047
40...................................................... 0.00064
50...................................................... 0.00081
60...................................................... 0.00098
70...................................................... 0.00116
80...................................................... 0.00133
90...................................................... 0.00150
1. All discounts will be paid in the form of a refund at the end of
each Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance with section 630.4 of the
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted from per-piece rates for
letter-rated items in Rate Schedule 221.
[Standard mail letters improved mail processing performance]
Rate incentive
Incremental improvement (per piece)
0.1%.................................................... $0.00024
0.2..................................................... 0.00049
0.3..................................................... 0.00073
0.4..................................................... 0.00097
0.5..................................................... 0.00122
0.6..................................................... 0.00146
0.7..................................................... 0.00171
0.8..................................................... 0.00195
0.9..................................................... 0.00220
1.0..................................................... 0.00244
1.1..................................................... 0.00269
1.2..................................................... 0.00294
1.3..................................................... 0.00319
1.4..................................................... 0.00343
1.5..................................................... 0.00363
1.6..................................................... 0.00379
1.7..................................................... 0.00396
1.8..................................................... 0.00419
1.9..................................................... 0.00466
1. All discounts will be paid in the form of a refund at the end of
each Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance with section 630.4 of the
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted from per-piece rates for
letter-rated items in Rate Schedules 321B or 322.
(Standard mail letters reduced undeliverable-as-addressed rates)
Rate incentive
Incremental improvement (per piece)
10%..................................................... $0.00040
20...................................................... 0.00060
30...................................................... 0.00100
40...................................................... 0.00110
50...................................................... 0.00130
60...................................................... 0.00150
70...................................................... 0.00170
80...................................................... 0.00170
90...................................................... 0.00170
1. All discounts will be paid in the form of a refund at the end of
each Postal Fiscal Quarter in accordance with section 630.4 of the
Domestic Mail Classification Schedule (DMCS).
2. Per-piece rate incentives deducted from per-piece rates for
letter-rated items in Rate Schedule 321B or 322.
Attachment B to the Decision of the Governors of the United States
Postal Service on the Opinion and Recommended Decision of the Postal
Regulatory Commission Approving Negotiated Service Agreement With Bank
of America Corporation, Docket No. MC2007-1
Approved Changes in the Domestic Mail Classification Schedule
The following material represents changes to the Domestic Mail
Classification Schedule recommended by the Postal Regulatory Commission
and approved by the Governors of the Postal Service in Docket No.
MC2007-1. The italicized text signifies that the text is new, and shall
appear in addition to all other Domestic Mail Classification Schedule
* * * * *
630.1 Definitions.
The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the
Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA or Agreement) between Bank of America
Corporation (Bank of America) and the United States Postal Service
(Postal Service): Bank of America mail, Confirm service, Courtesy Reply
Mail, eDropship, FAST (Facility Access and Shipment Tracking System),
Four-State Barcode (OneCode), Letter-Rated Mail, OneCode ACS,
PostalOne![supreg], Qualifying Permit Numbers, Schedule A First-Class
Mail, Schedule B First-Class Mail, and Seamless Acceptance.
630.2 Eligible Mail.
630.21 Bank of America. Bank of America mail eligible for discounts
under Rate Schedules 630A, 630B, 630C, 630D, and 630E is limited to
letter-rated mail that (1) is entered by or on behalf of Bank of
America or a subsidiary or affiliate, (2) relates to the business
activities of Bank of America or a subsidiary or affiliate, and (3)
complies with the machinability requirements specified in the
Agreement. Such mail includes cooperative mailings and mail entered
pursuant to marketing arrangements with other entities.
630.22 Other Mailers. Functionally equivalent NSAs, involving
worksharing discounts for performance-based improvements resulting from
(1) the implementation of Four-State Barcode, OneCode ACS, Confirm
service, Seamless Acceptance, FAST, and eDropship, (2) the barcoding of
Courtesy Reply Mail, Business Reply Mail, and
[[Page 5244]]
Qualified Business Reply Mail, and (3) the adoption of electronic
Address Correction Service in lieu of physical returns for letter-rated
First-Class Mail that would otherwise be eligible for Standard Mail
rates, may be entered into with other customers, as specified by the
Postal Service, and implemented pursuant to proceedings under chapter
36 of title 39 of the United States Code.
630.3 Operational Commitments of Bank of America.
630.31 Four-State Barcode. Bank of America will use the Four-State
Barcode on all Bank of America mail entered under a Qualifying Permit
Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail or Standard Mail.
630.32 OneCode ACS. Bank of America will place OneCode ACS markings
on all Bank of America mail entered under a Qualifying Permit Number as
letter-rated First-Class Mail and Standard Mail, subject to the
conditions and exceptions set forth in the text of the NSA.
630.33 Waiver of Physical Return of Certain Letter-Rated
Mailpieces. Bank of America will accept electronic information about
certain kinds of undeliverable-as-addressed letter-rated mailpieces
instead of their physical return, as specified in the text of the NSA.
630.34 Confirm Service. Bank of America will implement use of
Confirm service in accordance with section 991. Bank of America will
use Confirm service for all Bank of America mail entered under a
Qualifying Permit Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail and Standard
630.35 Seamless Acceptance. Bank of America will use seamless
acceptance for Bank of America mail entered under a Qualifying Permit
Number as letter-rated First-Class Mail and Standard Mail. Bank of
America will use a Mail.dat file (or Web-services) in conjunction with
Four-State Barcodes to enable the Postal Service to use performance-
based verification procedures for mail entered by Bank of America,
subject to the conditions and exceptions set forth in the text of the
630.36 FAST and eDropship. Bank of America will use the automated
scheduling services provided to the FAST system through the PostalOne!
electronic data exchange services to enter its letter-rated Standard
Mail mailpieces with destination entry discounts, subject to the
conditions and exceptions set forth in the text of the NSA.
630.37 Barcoding of Courtesy Reply Mail, Business Reply Mail, and
Qualified Business Reply Mail. Bank of America will implement use of
the Four-State Barcode on all Courtesy Reply Mail, Business Reply Mail,
and Qualified Business Reply Mail envelopes enclosed in its mail. All
mailpieces will be machinable, automation compatible, and properly
marked with a OneCode Four-State Barcode. This requirement is subject
to certain conditions and exceptions as provided in the text of the
630.4 Discounts.
630.41 General Terms and Conditions. The Postal Service shall pay
rate discounts in the form of refunds to Bank of America for improved
address quality and mail processing in accordance with the text of the
NSA. Discounts shall be calculated as adjustments to the rates of
postage otherwise established by the DMM. Discounts shall be determined
quarterly, over the life of the Agreement, based on Bank of America's
actual mail volumes and address quality for each quarter just ended,
subject to the conditions in the text of the NSA.
630.42 First-Class Mail Discounts.
630.421 Discounts for Improved Mail Processing. Eligible mail that
is sent via First-Class Mail is subject to the otherwise applicable
First-Class Mail postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the discounts shown
in Rate Schedule 630A for improved mail processing performance for
letter-rated First-Class Mail mailpieces.
630.422 Discount Formula for Improved Mail Processing. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to calculate the rate discounts
Bank of America will receive pursuant to Rate Schedule 630A:
a. The Postal Service will determine the total number of letter-
rated First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of America mail that are read
and accepted during their first pass through Postal Service mail
sorting equipment during an applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the number identified in section
630.422(a) above by the total number of letter-rated First-Class Mail
mailpieces of Bank of America mail that receive a first pass through
Postal Service mail sorting equipment during the same quarter.
c. The Postal Service will subtract the baseline value set forth in
the agreement from the percentage obtained in section 630.422(b) to
obtain the incremental improvement within the meaning of the table in
Rate Schedule 630A.
630.423 Discounts for Reduced Return Rates. Eligible mail that is
sent via First-Class Mail is subject to the otherwise applicable First-
Class Mail postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the discounts shown in
Rate Schedule 630B for reduced return rates for letter-rated First-
Class Mail mailpieces.
630.424 Discount Formula for Reduced Return Rates. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to calculate the rate discounts
Bank of America will receive pursuant to Rate Schedule 630B:
a. The Postal Service will identify the number of undeliverable-as-
addressed letter-rated First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of America
mail that have been returned to the sender by the Postal Service, as
determined through OneCode ACS, for the applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the number identified in section
630.424(a) above by the total number of letter-rated First-Class Mail
mailpieces of Bank of America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section 630.424(b) will be subtracted
from the applicable baseline undeliverable-as-addressed rate set forth
in the Agreement, and the difference divided by that baseline
undeliverable-as-addressed rate. The result, expressed as a percentage,
will serve as the incremental improvement percentage used to determine
the applicable rate incentive in Rate Schedule 630B.
630.425 Discount for Reduced Forwarding Rates. Eligible mail that
is sent via First-Class Mail is subject to the otherwise applicable
First-Class Mail postage in Rate Schedule 221, less the discounts shown
in Rate Schedule 630C for reduced forwarding rates for letter-rated
First-Class Mail mailpieces.
630.426 Discount Formula for Reduced Return Rates. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to calculate the rate discounts
Bank of America will receive pursuant to Rate Schedule 630C:
a. The Postal Service will identify the number of undeliverable-as-
addressed letter-rated First-Class Mail mailpieces of Bank of America
mail that have been forwarded by the Postal Service, as determined
through OneCode ACS, for the applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the number identified in section
630.426(a) above by the total number of letter-rated First-Class Mail
mailpieces of Bank of America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section 630.426(b) will be subtracted
from the baseline forwarding rate set forth in the Agreement, and the
difference divided by that baseline forwarding rate. The result,
expressed as a percentage, will serve as the incremental improvement
percentage used to determine the applicable rate incentive in Rate
Schedule 630C.
630.43 Standard Mail Discounts.
[[Page 5245]]
630.431 Discounts for Improved Mail Processing. Eligible mail that
is sent via Standard Mail is subject to the otherwise applicable
Standard Mail postage in Rate Schedules 321B or 322, less the discounts
shown in Rate Schedule 630D for improved mail processing performance
for letter-rated Standard Mail mailpieces.
630.432 Discount Formula for Improved Mail Processing. The Postal
Service will use the following formula to calculate the rate discounts
Bank of America will receive pursuant to Rate Schedule 630D:
a. The Postal Service will determine the total number of letter-
rated Standard Mail mailpieces of Bank of America mail that are read
and accepted during their first pass through Postal Service mail
sorting equipment during an applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the number identified in section
630.432(a) by the total number of letter-rated Standard Mail mailpieces
of Bank of America mail that receive a first pass through Postal
Service mail sorting equipment during the same quarter.
c. The Postal Service will subtract the baseline value set forth in
the Agreement from the percentage obtained in section 630.432(b) to
obtain the incremental improvement percentage within the meaning of the
table in Rate Schedule 630D.
630.433 Discounts for Reduced Undeliverable-As-Addressed Rates.
Eligible mail that is sent via Standard Mail is subject to the
otherwise applicable Standard Mail postage in Rate Schedules 321B or
322, less the discounts shown in Rate Schedule 630E for reduced
undeliverable-as-addressed rates for letter-rated Standard Mail
630.434 Discount Formula for Reduced Undeliverable-As-Addressed
Rates. The Postal Service will use the following formula to calculate
the rate discounts Bank of America will receive pursuant to Rate
Schedule 630E:
a. The Postal Service will identify the number of undeliverable-as-
addressed letter-rated Standard Mail mailpieces of Bank of America mail
that have been returned by the Postal Service, as determined through
OneCode ACS, for the applicable quarter.
b. The Postal Service will divide the number identified in section
630.434(a) above by the total number of letter-rated Standard Mail
mailpieces of Bank of America mail for the applicable quarter.
c. The percentage obtained in section 630.434(b) will be subtracted
from the baseline undeliverable-as-addressed rate set forth in the
Agreement, and the difference divided by that baseline undeliverable-
as-addressed rate. The result, expressed as a percentage, will serve as
the incremental improvement percentage used to determine the applicable
rate incentive in Rate Schedule 630E.
630.5 Rounding Convention.
For the purposes of the Agreement, the following rounding
convention will apply:
a. Numbers expressed as percentages will be rounded to the nearest
tenth of a percent, and
b. Numbers expressed in dollars and cents will be rounded to the
nearest thousandth of a cent.
630.6 Rates and Fees.
The rates applicable to this Agreement are set forth in the
following Rate Schedules:
630.7 Expiration.
The provisions of section 630 expire on April 1, 2011 at 12:01 a.m.
630.8 Precedence.
To the extent any provision of section 630 is inconsistent with any
other provision of the Domestic Mail Classification Schedule, the
former shall control.
* * * * *
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. E8-1471 Filed 1-28-08; 8:45 am]