Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 Series Airplanes, 4051-4053 [E8-1130]

Download as PDF 4051 Rules and Regulations Federal Register Vol. 73, No. 16 Thursday, January 24, 2008 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510. The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each week. 39–15317 (73 FR 400, January 3, 2008), which applies to all DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG–500MB gliders. AD 2007–26–15 requires you to modify the affected parts and exchange pages in the flight, maintenance, and repair manuals. Current language in § 39.13 [Amended] of AD 2007–26–15 references ‘‘2007– 26–25’’ instead of ‘‘2007–26–15.’’ Need for the Correction Federal Aviation Administration This correction is needed to specify the correct AD number of AD 2007–26– 15. 14 CFR Part 39 Correction of Publication [Docket No. FAA–2007–28843 Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–065–AD; Amendment 39–15317; AD 2007–26–15] I DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG–500MB Gliders Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule; correction. AGENCY: jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES § 39.13 This document makes a correction to Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2007–26–15, which was published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2008 (73 FR 400), and applies to all DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG–500MB gliders. AD 2007–26–15 requires that you modify the affected parts and exchange pages in the flight, maintenance, and repair manuals. The FAA incorrectly referenced the AD number as ‘‘2007–26–25’’ instead of ‘‘2007–26–15.’’ Current language in § 39.13 [Amended] of AD 2007–26–15 references ‘‘AD 2007–26–25’’ instead of ‘‘2007–26–15.’’ This document corrects that paragraph by replacing the reference of ‘‘2007–26–25’’ with ‘‘2007– 26–15.’’ DATES: The effective date of this AD (2007–26–15) remains February 7, 2008. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Greg Davison, Glider Program Manager, FAA, Small Airplane Directorate, 901 Locust, Room 301, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; telephone: (816) 329–4130; fax: (816) 329–4090. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY: Accordingly, the publication of January 3, 2008 (73 FR 400), of Amendment 39–15317; AD 2007–26–15, which was the subject of FR Doc. E7– 25212, is corrected as follows: I On page 400, in the second column, in the third line under the heading 14 CFR Part 39, replace ‘‘2007–26–25’’ with ‘‘2007–26–15.’’ [Corrected] On page 401 in the second column, in the third line under the heading § 39.13 [Amended], replace ‘‘2007–26–25’’ with ‘‘2007–26–15.’’ I Action is taken herein to correct this reference in AD 2007–26–15 and to add this AD correction to section 39.13 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 39.13). I The effective date remains February 7, 2008. I Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 11, 2008. John Colomy, Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E8–830 Filed 1–23–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P Discussion On December 20, 2007, the FAA issued AD 2007–26–15, Amendment VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:26 Jan 23, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2007–29317; Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–079–AD; Amendment 39–15348; AD 2008–02–18] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 Series Airplanes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Cessna Aircraft Company 172 series airplanes with the BRS–172 Parachute System installed via Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. SA01679CH and Cessna Aircraft Company 182 series airplanes that are equipped with the BRS–182 Parachute System installed via STC No. SA01999CH. This AD requires you to replace the pick-up collar support and nylon screws for the BRS– 172 and BRS–182 Parachute System. This AD results from notification by Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. (BRS) that the pick-up collar assembly may prematurely move off the launch tube and adversely affect rocket trajectory during deployment. We are issuing this AD to prevent premature separation of the collar, which could result in the parachute failing to successfully deploy. DATES: This AD becomes effective on February 28, 2008. On February 28, 2008, the Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in this AD. ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc., 300 Airport Road, South Saint Paul, MN 55075– 3551; telephone: (651) 457–7491; fax: (651) 457–8651. To view the AD docket, go to U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M–30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or on the Internet at https:// The docket number is FAA–2007–29317; Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–079–AD. E:\FR\FM\24JAR1.SGM 24JAR1 4052 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 16 / Thursday, January 24, 2008 / Rules and Regulations FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Michalik, Senior Aerospace Engineer, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Room 107, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018; telephone: (847) 294–7135; fax: (847) 294–7834. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Discussion On November 2, 2007, we issued a proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to include an AD that would apply to certain Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 series airplanes that are equipped with the BRS–172 and BRS– 182 Parachute System. This proposal was published in the Federal Register as a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on November 2, 2007 (72 FR 62143). The NPRM proposed to require the replacement of the pick-up collar support and screws for the BRS–172 and BRS–182 Parachute System. Comments We provided the public the opportunity to participate in developing this AD. We received no comments on the proposal or on the determination of the cost to the public. Conclusion We have carefully reviewed the available data and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD as proposed except for minor editorial corrections. We have determined that these minor corrections: • Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the NPRM for correcting the unsafe condition; and • Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was already proposed in the NPRM. Costs of Compliance We estimate that this AD affects 54 airplanes in the U.S. registry. We estimate the following costs to do the modification: Total cost per airplane Labor cost Parts cost 1 work-hour × $80 per hour = $80 ............................... $80 $4,320 Not Applicable .............................................................. Note: BRS will provide warranty credit to the extent noted in Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service Bulletins SB 07–01 and SB 07–02, both dated June 8, 2007. Authority for This Rulemaking Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency’s authority. We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this AD. Regulatory Findings jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Total cost on U.S. operators We have determined that this AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD: 1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:26 Jan 23, 2008 Jkt 214001 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and 3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD (and other information as included in the Regulatory Evaluation) and placed it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary by sending a request to us at the address listed under ADDRESSES. Include ‘‘Docket No. FAA–2007–29317; Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–079– AD’’ in your request. Effective Date (a) This AD becomes effective on February 28, 2008. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by reference, Safety. 172 172A 172B 172C 172D 172E 172F (USAF T–41A) 172G 172H (USAF T–41A) 172I 172K 172L 172M 172N 172P 172Q 172R 172S R172J R172K Adoption of the Amendment Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: I PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. § 39.13 [Amended] 2. FAA amends § 39.13 by adding the following new AD: I 2008–02–18 Cessna Aircraft Company: Amendment 39–15348; Docket No. FAA–2007–29317; Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–079–AD. PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Affected ADs (b) None. Applicability (c) This AD applies to the following airplane models, all serial numbers, certificated in any category, that are equipped with: (1) BRS–172 Parachute System installed via Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. SA01679CH, or (2) BRS–182 Parachute System installed via STC No. SA01999CH. Cessna 172 models Cessna 182 models 182G 182H 182J 182K 182L 182M 182N 182P 182Q 182R 182S 182T T182 T182T Unsafe Condition (d) This AD results from notification by Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. (BRS) that the pick-up collar assembly may prematurely move off the launch tube and adversely affect rocket trajectory during deployment. We are issuing this AD to prevent premature separation of the collar. This condition could E:\FR\FM\24JAR1.SGM 24JAR1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 16 / Thursday, January 24, 2008 / Rules and Regulations result in the parachute failing to successfully deploy. 4053 Compliance (e) To address this problem, you must do the following, unless already done: Actions Compliance Procedures Remove and replace the pick-up collar support and two retaining screws. Within the next 25 hours time-in-service after February 28, 2008 (the effective date of this AD). (i) For Cessna 172 series airplanes follow BRS SB 07–01, dated June 8, 2007. (ii) For Cessna 182 series airplanes, follow BRS SB 07–02, dated June 8, 2007. Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590. (f) The Manager, Chicago Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. Send information to ATTN: Gregory Michalik, Senior Aerospace Engineer, FAA, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois, 60018; telephone: (847) 294–7135; fax: (847) 294–7834; e-mail: Before using any approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify your appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local FSDO. Federal Aviation Administration FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Berhane Alazar, Aerospace Engineer, Airframe Branch, ANM–120S, FAA, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356; telephone (425) 917–6577; fax (425) 917–6590. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Material Incorporated by Reference jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES (g) You must use Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service Bulletin No. 07–01, dated June 8, 2007, for Cessna 172 series airplanes; or Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service Bulletin No. 07–02, dated June 8, 2007, for Cessna 182 series airplanes; to do the actions required by this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise. (1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of this service information under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. (2) For service information identified in this AD, contact Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc., 300 Airport Road, South Saint Paul, MN 55075–3551; telephone: (651) 457–7491; fax: (651) 457–8651. (3) You may review copies at the FAA, Central Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, 901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: code_of_federal_regulations/ ibr_locations.html. Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 16, 2008. James E. Jackson, Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E8–1130 Filed 1–23–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:26 Jan 23, 2008 Jkt 214001 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2007–28884; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–116–AD; Amendment 39–15343; AD 2008–02–13] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 727 Airplanes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Boeing Model 727 airplanes. This AD requires repetitive external high frequency eddy current (HFEC) inspections of the crown skin for cracks at certain stringer attachment holes, and repair if necessary. This AD results from a report of cracks at multiple locations on certain areas of the crown skin. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracks of the crown skin, which could result in rapid decompression of the airplane. DATES: This AD is effective February 28, 2008. The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of a certain publication listed in this AD as of February 28, 2008. ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact Boeing Commercial Airplanes, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124–2207. Examining the AD Docket You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at https://; or in person at the Docket Management Facility between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation, any comments received, and other information. The address for the Docket Office (telephone 800–647–5527) is the Document Management Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M–30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Discussion We issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR part 39 to include an airworthiness directive (AD) that would apply to all Boeing Model 727 airplanes. That NPRM was published in the Federal Register on August 8, 2007 (72 FR 44433). That NPRM proposed to require repetitive external high frequency eddy current (HFEC) inspections of the crown skin for cracks at certain stringer attachment holes, and repair if necessary. Comments We gave the public the opportunity to participate in developing this AD. We considered the comment received from the commenter. Request to Delegate Approval of Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOC) for Repairs Boeing requests that paragraph (h) of the NPRM be revised to allow AMOCs for any required repair to be approved by an Authorized Representative for the Boeing Commercial Airplanes Delegation Option Authorization Organization who has been authorized by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office. We agree with Boeing’s request and have revised paragraph (h) of the AD accordingly. Conclusion We reviewed the relevant data, considered the comment received, and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD with the change described previously. We also determined that this change will not increase the economic burden E:\FR\FM\24JAR1.SGM 24JAR1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 16 (Thursday, January 24, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 4051-4053]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-1130]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2007-29317; Directorate Identifier 2007-CE-079-AD; 
Amendment 39-15348; AD 2008-02-18]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 
Series Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain 
Cessna Aircraft Company 172 series airplanes with the BRS-172 Parachute 
System installed via Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. SA01679CH 
and Cessna Aircraft Company 182 series airplanes that are equipped with 
the BRS-182 Parachute System installed via STC No. SA01999CH. This AD 
requires you to replace the pick-up collar support and nylon screws for 
the BRS-172 and BRS-182 Parachute System. This AD results from 
notification by Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. (BRS) that the pick-up 
collar assembly may prematurely move off the launch tube and adversely 
affect rocket trajectory during deployment. We are issuing this AD to 
prevent premature separation of the collar, which could result in the 
parachute failing to successfully deploy.

DATES: This AD becomes effective on February 28, 2008.
    On February 28, 2008, the Director of the Federal Register approved 
the incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in this 

ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc., 300 Airport Road, South Saint Paul, 
MN 55075-3551; telephone: (651) 457-7491; fax: (651) 457-8651.
    To view the AD docket, go to U.S. Department of Transportation, 
Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or on the Internet at The docket number is FAA-2007-29317; 
Directorate Identifier 2007-CE-079-AD.

[[Page 4052]]

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Michalik, Senior Aerospace 
Engineer, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Room 107, Des Plaines, Illinois 
60018; telephone: (847) 294-7135; fax: (847) 294-7834.



    On November 2, 2007, we issued a proposal to amend part 39 of the 
Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to include an AD that 
would apply to certain Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 series 
airplanes that are equipped with the BRS-172 and BRS-182 Parachute 
System. This proposal was published in the Federal Register as a notice 
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on November 2, 2007 (72 FR 62143). The 
NPRM proposed to require the replacement of the pick-up collar support 
and screws for the BRS-172 and BRS-182 Parachute System.


    We provided the public the opportunity to participate in developing 
this AD. We received no comments on the proposal or on the 
determination of the cost to the public.


    We have carefully reviewed the available data and determined that 
air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD as proposed 
except for minor editorial corrections. We have determined that these 
minor corrections:
     Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the 
NPRM for correcting the unsafe condition; and
     Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was 
already proposed in the NPRM.

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this AD affects 54 airplanes in the U.S. registry.
    We estimate the following costs to do the modification:

                                                                                  Total cost per   Total cost on
                  Labor cost                               Parts cost                airplane     U.S. operators
1 work-hour x $80 per hour = $80..............  Not Applicable..................             $80          $4,320

    Note: BRS will provide warranty credit to the extent noted in 
Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service Bulletins SB 07-01 and SB 
07-02, both dated June 8, 2007.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this AD.

Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this AD will not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a 
substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between 
the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
    3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD (and 
other information as included in the Regulatory Evaluation) and placed 
it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary by sending a 
request to us at the address listed under ADDRESSES. Include ``Docket 
No. FAA-2007-29317; Directorate Identifier 2007-CE-079-AD'' in your 

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, 
the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal 
Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by adding the following new AD:

2008-02-18 Cessna Aircraft Company: Amendment 39-15348; Docket No. 
FAA-2007-29317; Directorate Identifier 2007-CE-079-AD.

Effective Date

    (a) This AD becomes effective on February 28, 2008.

Affected ADs

    (b) None.


    (c) This AD applies to the following airplane models, all serial 
numbers, certificated in any category, that are equipped with:
    (1) BRS-172 Parachute System installed via Supplemental Type 
Certificate (STC) No. SA01679CH, or
    (2) BRS-182 Parachute System installed via STC No. SA01999CH.

         Cessna 172 models                    Cessna 182 models
172                                  182G
172A                                 182H
172B                                 182J
172C                                 182K
172D                                 182L
172E                                 182M
172F (USAF T-41A)                    182N
172G                                 182P
172H (USAF T-41A)                    182Q
172I                                 182R
172K                                 182S
172L                                 182T
172M                                 T182
172N                                 T182T

Unsafe Condition

    (d) This AD results from notification by Ballistic Recovery 
Systems, Inc. (BRS) that the pick-up collar assembly may prematurely 
move off the launch tube and adversely affect rocket trajectory 
during deployment. We are issuing this AD to prevent premature 
separation of the collar. This condition could

[[Page 4053]]

result in the parachute failing to successfully deploy.


    (e) To address this problem, you must do the following, unless 
already done:

           Actions                 Compliance            Procedures
Remove and replace the pick-  Within the next 25    (i) For Cessna 172
 up collar support and two     hours time-in-        series airplanes
 retaining screws.             service after         follow BRS SB 07-
                               February 28, 2008     01, dated June 8,
                               (the effective date   2007.
                               of this AD).         (ii) For Cessna 182
                                                     series airplanes,
                                                     follow BRS SB 07-
                                                     02, dated June 8,

Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (f) The Manager, Chicago Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, has 
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the 
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. Send information to ATTN: Gregory 
Michalik, Senior Aerospace Engineer, FAA, 2300 East Devon Avenue, 
Des Plaines, Illinois, 60018; telephone: (847) 294-7135; fax: (847) 
294-7834; e-mail: Before using any 
approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify your 
appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA Flight Standards 
District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local FSDO.

Material Incorporated by Reference

    (g) You must use Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service 
Bulletin No. 07-01, dated June 8, 2007, for Cessna 172 series 
airplanes; or Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc. Service Bulletin No. 
07-02, dated June 8, 2007, for Cessna 182 series airplanes; to do 
the actions required by this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
    (1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the 
incorporation by reference of this service information under 5 
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
    (2) For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc., 300 Airport Road, South Saint 
Paul, MN 55075-3551; telephone: (651) 457-7491; fax: (651) 457-8651.
    (3) You may review copies at the FAA, Central Region, Office of 
the Regional Counsel, 901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; or at 
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For 
information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-
741-6030, or go to:

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 16, 2008.
James E. Jackson,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
 [FR Doc. E8-1130 Filed 1-23-08; 8:45 am]
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