Finding of No Significant Impact, 4040-4043 [E8-1068]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 15 / Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / Notices
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room, 100 F Street, NE., Washington,
DC 20549, on official business days
between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Copies of the filing also will be available
for inspection and copying at the
principal office of Phlx. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–Phlx–
2008–02 and should be submitted on or
before February 13, 2008.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Florence E. Harmon,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E8–1059 Filed 1–22–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Approval of the Finding of No
Significant Impact and Record of
Decision for the Final Environmental
Assessment (EA) for the Construction
of a New Land-Based Airport in
Akutan, AK
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of approval of the
Finding of No Significant Impact/
Record of Decision.
ebenthall on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation
Administration is announcing the
approval of the Finding of No
Significant Impact/Record of Decision
(FONSI/ROD) for the Final
Environmental Assessment (EA) for the
construction of a new land-based airport
in Akutan, AK. The FONSI/ROD
provides final agency determinations
and approvals for the proposed
11 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Sullivan, Environmental Specialist,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Alaskan Region, Airports Division, 222
W. 7th Avenue #14, Anchorage, AK
99513–7504. Ms. Sullivan may be
contacted during business hours at (907)
271–5454 (phone) and (907) 271–2851
FONSI/ROD is for the approval of
actions for the construction of an
airport, including a runway, a runway
safety area, connecting taxiway, an
apron, and a snow removal equipment
and maintenance facility; an airport
access road; two hovercraft landing
pads; a hovercraft storage and
maintenance facility; and acquisition of
a hovercraft. The FONSI/ROD provides
the final agency determinations and
approvals for Federal actions by the
FAA related to the selection of
alternatives to meet the purpose and
need for the action. The FONSI/ROD
also includes required mitigation
measures and conditions of approval.
The FONSI/ROD indicates that the
selected actions are consistent with
existing environmental policies and
objectives set forth in the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as amended, as well as other
Federal and State statutes, and that the
actions will not significantly affect the
quality of the environment.
The FAA’s decision is based upon
information contained in the Final EA,
issued in December 2007, and on all
other applicable documents available to
the agency and considered by it, which
constitutes the administrative record.
The FAA’s determinations are
discussed in the FONSI/ROD, which
was approved on December 26, 2007.
FONSI/ROD Availability
The FONSI/ROD may be viewed at
the following Web site: https://
Issued in Anchorage, Alaska on January 11,
Byron K. Huffman,
Manager, Airports Division, Alaskan Region.
[FR Doc. 08–232 Filed 1–22–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Finding of No Significant Impact
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
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Environmental Finding
Document: Finding of No Significant
Impact; Notice.
SUMMARY: The FAA participated as a
cooperating agency with the U.S. Army
Space and Missile Defense Command/
U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command in
preparation of the SpaceX Falcon
Program Environmental Assessment
(EA). The Falcon Launch Vehicle
Program is a venture by Space
Exploration Technologies, Inc. (SpaceX)
to provide space launch operations. The
EA analyzed the environmental
consequences of conducting an average
of six Falcon 1 launches per year and up
to four Falcon 9 launches per year
(starting after 2008) for the next ten
years from Omelek Island, U.S. Army
Kwajalein Atoll Ronald Reagan Ballistic
Missile Test Site (USAKA/RTS). The EA
also analyzed the reentry of the Dragon
reentry capsule, which would be carried
as a payload on the Falcon 9 launch
vehicle. Additionally, the SpaceX
Falcon Program EA analyzed
infrastructure improvements proposed
on Omelek Island and Kwajalein to
support the proposed launch activities.
SpaceX would require a launch or
reentry license from the FAA for
launches or reentries of commercial
From its independent review and
consideration, the FAA has determined
that the FAA’s proposed action is
substantially the same as the actions
already analyzed in the SpaceX EA and
that FAA’s comments and suggestions
have been satisfied (see 1506.3(c) and
FAA Order 1050.1E, 518h). The FAA
formally adopts the EA and hereby
incorporates the analysis to support
future decisions on license applications.
After reviewing and analyzing
currently available data and information
on existing conditions, project impacts,
and measures to mitigate those impacts,
the FAA has determined that the
proposed action is not a Federal action
that would significantly affect the
quality of the human environment
within the meaning of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Therefore, the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
is not required and the FAA is issuing
a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI). The FAA made this
determination in accordance with all
applicable environmental laws.
For a Copy of the Environmental
Assessment or the FONSI Contact:
Questions or comments should be
directed to Ms. Stacey Zee; FAA
Environmental Specialist; Federal
Aviation Administration; 800
Independence Ave., SW.; AST–100,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 15 / Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / Notices
Suite 331; Washington, DC 20591; (202)
ebenthall on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
Launches of launch vehicles and the
reentry of reentry vehicles must be
licensed by the FAA pursuant to 49
U.S.C. 70101–70121, the Commercial
Space Launch Act. Issuing a launch or
reentry license is a Federal action
requiring environmental analysis by the
FAA in accordance with NEPA, 42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq. Upon receipt of a
complete license application, the FAA
must evaluate the information and
determine whether to issue a launch or
reentry license to SpaceX, as
appropriate. The FAA would use the
analyses in the SpaceX Falcon Program
EA as the basis for the environmental
determination of the impacts to support
licensing launches of the Falcon 1
launch vehicle or the Falcon 9 launch
vehicle from Omelek Island and/or the
reentry of Dragon reentry vehicle. The
issuance of a FONSI does not guarantee
that a license will be issued by the FAA
for the launch of the Falcon launch
vehicles or the reentry of the Dragon
capsule. It also must meet all safety, risk
and indemnification requirements.
Proposed Action
SpaceX is proposing to launch the
Falcon 1 and the Falcon 9 launch
vehicles and the Dragon reentry capsule
from Omelek Island, USAKA/RTS. The
Falcon 1 is a small, unmanned, twostage launch vehicle designed to put
small payloads into orbit. The vehicle
uses liquid oxygen (LOX) and kerosene
as propellants. The first stage is
recoverable by use of a parachute. The
second stage is not reusable and is not
intended to be recovered.
The Falcon 9 is a two-stage, medium
class, liquid launch vehicle designed to
put space systems and satellites into
orbit. Falcon 9 uses LOX and kerosene
as propellants. The first stage is
recoverable by use of a parachute. The
second stage would be reused when
launch inclination, payload
requirements, and weight allow for its
The Dragon capsule would be carried
as a payload on the Falcon 9 vehicle.
The Dragon capsule is being developed
to deliver cargo to the International
Space Station under contract with the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Following its mission
to deliver cargo to the ISS, the Dragon
would reenter the atmosphere and
would be recovered similar to the
Falcon 9 first stage. The capsule may or
may not be refurbished or reused.
Locations in the Gulf of Mexico, the
coast of California, and the Kwajalein
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Atoll are being considered as recovery
SpaceX has proposed several
infrastructure improvements to Omelek
Island to support the proposed launch
activities, including construction of a
Falcon 9 launch pad and a hangar
facility, upgrades to existing propellant
storage and loading facilities, and
several other facility improvements.
SpaceX has also proposed the
construction of a LOX plant facility and
a Payload Processing Facility on
Under the No Action Alternative, the
proposed Falcon launch activities
would not be conducted at Omelek, and
SpaceX would not proceed with further
construction or modification efforts at
USAKA. No additional launches would
take place beyond the five that have
been authorized.
Environmental Impacts
The following presents a brief
summary of the environmental impacts
considered in the SpaceX Falcon
Program EA. The SpaceX Falcon
Program EA is incorporated by reference
in this FONSI and the FAA’s FONSI is
based upon the impacts discussed in
that EA.
Air Quality: Emissions from site
preparation activities are not expected
to exceed USAKA Environmental
Standards (UES). Levels of generator
emissions are not expected to impact
the regional air quality or exceed the
USAKA ambient air standards.
However, generators may not be in
compliance with the incremental
degradation standards allowable by the
UES. Operational measures, such as
limiting fuel consumption or increasing
stack height, would be enacted to ensure
generator compliance with the UES
incremental degradation standards and
USAKA ambient air standards. The
operation of the proposed LOX plant on
Kwajalein would use the existing power
supply on Kwajalein that is already
subject to the Army’s current Document
of Environmental Protection (DEP) (U.S.
Army Kwajalein Atoll/Kwajalein
Missile Range 1999. Document of
Environmental Protection (DEP),
Activity: Air Emissions from Major
Stationary Sources at USAKA/KMR
[Modified November 2000], November).
Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launches
would have only a localized, minimal
impact on air quality. Long-term effects
are not expected because the launches
would be infrequent and the resulting
emissions would be rapidly dispersed
and diluted by trade winds. Regional air
quality would not be impacted and
USAKA ambient air quality standards
would not be exceeded by launches of
PO 00000
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the Falcon launch vehicles or reentry of
the Dragon vehicle. No significant
impacts to air quality are expected.
Airspace: USAKA/RTS is located
under international airspace and
therefore, has no formal airspace
restrictions governing it. Bucholz Army
Airfield is approximately 35 kilometers
(22 miles) south of the Omelek launch
site. Although site preparation activities
may involve flights in and out of
Bucholz Army Airfield, they would not
restrict access to, nor affect the use of
the Airfield. Falcon 1 and Falcon 9
launches could potentially impact flight
patterns for military aircraft in the area.
However, SpaceX would coordinate
Falcon launches with the FAA and
USAKA/RTS Commander, which would
include scheduling launches to avoid
airspace conflicts. No significant
impacts to airspace are expected.
Biological Resources: Site preparation
activities would result in the removal of
trees and vegetation from existing nonforested areas and some forested areas
(primarily Pisonia trees) from the north
point, south point, and along the west
coast of the island totaling
approximately 10 percent of the total
acreage of Omelek. Additionally, some
trees would need to be removed around
the Falcon 1 launch site, and from the
area of the Falcon 9 hangar. No
threatened or endangered vegetation has
been identified in the area.
Construction noise and the increased
presence of personnel could temporarily
affect wildlife in the area. Construction
ground disturbance and equipment
noise-related impacts could include a
loss of habitat, displacement of wildlife,
and short-term disruption of daily/
seasonal behavior. Vegetation removal
would likely result in the permanent
removal of some of the habitat available
for nesting seabirds or foraging
shorebirds on Omelek.
Sedimentation from the installation of
pilings and a concrete barge-dock 3
meters (10 feet) into the harbor could
temporarily degrade water quality in the
vicinity due to short-term turbidity.
Effects to reef fish and benthic species
would be temporary. Work would be
delayed if threatened or endangered
species are observed in the area.
Potential habitat for sea turtles on
Omelek includes sandy beaches along
the southern and northern tips of the
island and the area of the lagoon
shoreline from the northern tip of the
island south to the north jetty.
Personnel would be instructed to avoid
all contact with sea turtles or turtle
nests that might occur within the area.
Within two hours prior to the launch,
SpaceX personnel would survey the
shoreline 100 meters (328 feet) on both
ebenthall on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 15 / Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / Notices
sides of the launch site to determine
whether sea turtles are present or
hauling out in the area. If turtles are
observed in the area, SpaceX would
consult with USAKA Environmental
before continuing with launch activities.
A fence may be required to prevent a sea
turtle take during launches.
Disturbances to vegetation and
wildlife during Falcon launches would
be minimal and brief. Based on existing
analyses of prior and current launches
within the region, launch disturbances
on migratory birds, threatened or
endangered species and other wildlife
would be minimal. There is a very small
possibility that debris or booster drops
could impact migratory whales or sea
turtles; however, the majority of the
potential impact area is open ocean,
where the probability of impacting a
species would be very low. No
significant impacts to biological
resources are expected.
Cultural Resources: All grounddisturbing activities would be planned
so that archeologically sensitive areas
such as those areas at the northern
portion of the islet would be avoided to
the extent possible. If the proposed
facilities cannot be located to avoid
these areas, archeological monitoring
with systemic sampling as necessary
would accompany construction of any
facilities. To minimize disturbances to
cultural resources, appropriate measures
would be taken, such as installing
signage to designate sensitive areas and
educating facility personnel about
protecting sensitive island resources.
Personnel involved in launch and
other operational activities would
follow UES requirements in handling or
avoiding any cultural resources
uncovered during operational or
monitoring activities. In addition, no
structures eligible for listing on the
Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI)
National Register have been identified
on Omelek. No significant impacts to
cultural resources are anticipated.
Geology and Soils: Due to the minimal
duration of site preparation activities,
and adherence to Best Management
Practices and the USAKA Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan, adverse
geological or soil impacts are not
Falcon launch vehicle emissions
would consist mainly of carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
and water and would not result in any
impacts to geology or soils. There would
be a slight risk of soil contamination
from accidental spills of propellants or
premature flight termination; however,
this risk would be minimized because
emergency response personnel would
comply with the UES, the Emergency
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Response Plan prepared by SpaceX, and
the Kwajalein Environmental
Emergency Plan. No significant impacts
to geology and soils are expected.
Hazardous Materials and Waste: All
hazardous materials used and waste
generated during site preparation
activities would be handled,
transported, stored, treated, and
disposed of off-site in accordance with
a Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan
and Hazardous Waste Management
Plan, which would be prepared by
SpaceX. These plans would follow
regulations established in the UES and
the Kwajalein Environmental
Emergency Plan.
Materials proposed for use as a result
of the proposed action are similar to
hazardous materials already in use for
other operations at USAKA/RTS.
Hazardous materials associated with the
proposed action would represent only a
small increase in the total amount of
materials handled and could easily be
accommodated by existing hazardous
materials management systems.
Hazardous waste management at
USAKA/RTS would continue to be
performed in accordance with the UES,
which requires hazardous waste to be
shipped to the continental United States
for treatment and/or disposal. A trained
immediate spill response team would be
established onsite, and spills would be
contained and cleaned up according to
the procedures identified in the
Kwajalein Environmental Emergency
Plan and a SpaceX-specific emergency
plan. Therefore, there would not be a
significant impact from hazardous
materials and hazardous waste
Health and Safety: Proposed
construction activities would comply
with all applicable UES and USAKA/
RTS Range Safety Requirements.
Additionally, Falcon 1 and Falcon 9
launches would comply with all UES
and USAKA/RTS Range Safety
All operations involving explosives
would require implementation of a
written procedure, approved by the
USAKA/RTS safety office. These
operations would be conducted under
the supervision of an approved
ordnance officer using explosivecertified personnel.
The Range Safety Officer would
review and agree on all missile flight
safety specifications prior to all Falcon
1 or Falcon 9 launches. Protection
circles, based on the payload, missile
and launch azimuth, would be
established for each launch. Access to
Omelek would be limited to all but
mission essential personnel, and
personnel would be evacuated from the
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islet prior to launch. Therefore,
significant impacts to health and safety
would not be expected.
Infrastructure: The proposed new
helipad would be located on the
southeast side of the island in order to
reduce the potential of impacting the
approach and departure path when
additional facilities are added.
Unimproved paths used to access the
island would be paved. Road design
would include an evaluation of
rainwater drainage on Omelek, and
rainwater control channels or conduit
would be installed during paving
construction. SpaceX would manage
rainwater run-off from paved areas on
Omelek by allowing run-off to drain
naturally along the access road to the
north and along the paved roads to the
east toward vegetated areas, and by
constructing surface or underground
culverts to divert water from the central
and southern portions of the island to
the harbor.
Power, communications, water, and
sewage would be routed through new
underground conduits to and from the
facilities. Additional trenching would
be required in several areas to extend
power and communication availability
to the new facilities. Construction
would include a generator facility with
ample power to support proposed
launch activities. A Kerosene
Propellant, Diesel Fluid, and Water
Storage Area on Omelek would be
developed to store kerosene and diesel
fuel in aboveground tanks or
standardized containers, within a
concrete containment area. A proposed
reverse osmosis system would generate
approximately 11,356 liters (3,000)
gallons of water per day to support the
deluge system; water would be stored in
the proposed new Kerosene Propellant,
Diesel Fluid, and Water Storage Area.
The demand on electrical,
wastewater, solid waste, and water
systems to support the storage facility is
expected to be within the current
capacity of utility systems on Kwajalein
and Meck. No significant impacts to
existing infrastructure are expected.
Land Use: Construction and operation
of proposed facilities and upgrades to
existing facilities would not change any
existing land uses on Omelek or
Kwajalein. Falcon 1 and Falcon 9
launches would be entirely consistent
with the mission of the island and
would not conflict with any known land
use plans, policies, or controls at
The establishment and activation of a
launch hazard area would require the
temporary clearance of the Pacific
Ocean area adjacent to the launch site.
Temporary clearance of this launch
ebenthall on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 15 / Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / Notices
hazard area should have no impacts on
recreational or commercial use of these
waters since the area off the island is
not used frequently by commercial
fisherman or for recreational use by
residents of USAKA/RTS. No significant
impacts to land use are expected.
Noise: Noise produced during site
preparation activities would be minor
and short-term, resulting in little to no
effect on construction workers or launch
personnel. To minimize noise level
impacts, all personnel or contractors
involved in construction activities
would wear hearing protection in areas
where noise levels would exceed limits
set by the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration.
No sensitive noise receptors are in the
vicinity of Omelek. The island has been
developed solely as a launch support
facility with no permanent inhabitants,
and there are no inhabited islands
within 21 kilometers (13 miles) of the
site; therefore, no significant noise
impacts from launch activities are
Socioeconomics: Approximately 30
people would be involved in both
Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch activities.
Up to 8 of the 30 SpaceX personnel
would live temporarily on Omelek in
the SpaceX office facility, as necessary.
The remaining transient personnel
would reside on Kwajalein and would
commute daily between the two islands.
No additional facilities would be
required to house personnel.
Launch procedures on Omelek could
continue to employ a small number of
Marshallese from Ebeye and possibly
from Majuro in support of ground and
facility maintenance. The personal
income of the three to seven
Marshallese employed to support the
launches from Omelek may increase.
There would be no impact on the
permanent population size, employment
characteristics, and the type of housing
available on Ebeye and Majuro. No
significant impacts to socioeconomics
are expected.
Water Resources: Construction of the
new Falcon 9 launch pad and the
Payload Processing Facility would be
confined within the immediate
construction area in compliance with
the UES and would thus not impact
water resources. Proposed construction
activities would be performed in
accordance with the USAKA
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to
minimize potential erosion and
stormwater runoff. Impacts to the waters
surrounding Omelek due to stormwater
runoff would be in compliance with the
UES nonpoint source requirements and
the USAKA Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan. Best Management
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Practices would be used to limit
turbidity during installation of new
pilings and the proposed concrete barge
There is the potential for carbonic
acid (a mild acid similar to that in a
carbonated beverage) to be produced
during launch from the reaction of
carbon dioxide in the exhaust plume
and water. This carbonic acid would be
expected to rapidly evaporate and
would have a similar pH to that of
rainwater; therefore, no impacts to water
resources would be expected to occur
from launch emissions.
There is the potential for an
accidental propellant spill or premature
flight termination to result in released
propellant contaminating water
resources. This risk, however, would be
minimized through compliance with the
Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan
and Hazardous Waste Management Plan
prepared by SpaceX and the Kwajalein
Environmental Management Plan. No
significant impacts to water resources
are expected.
Cumulative Impacts: The proposed
action would not occur at the same time
as other programs such as Ground-Based
Midcourse Defense or Minuteman III
planned for the region. The increased
size and use of the power station may
not comply with the allowable UES
incremental degradation standards.
Operational options, including a windbased generator or limiting fuel
consumption, are available that would
achieve compliance with ambient air
quality and incremental degradation
standards. With the implementation of
such options, it is not likely that the
proposed action at Omelek would result
in significant cumulative impacts to the
regional air quality.
Launches are short-term, discrete
events, thus allowing time between
launches for emission products to be
dispersed and minimizing the potential
for impacts to airspace users, biological
resources, and public health and safety.
Using the required scheduling process
for international airspace would
minimize the potential for cumulative
impacts to the airspace above the open
ocean. The loss of approximately 12
percent of the vegetation on Omelek
would contribute cumulatively to the
reduction of wildlife habitat in the area.
No significant cumulative impacts to
terrestrial or marine biological resources
have been identified as a result of prior
launch-related activities in the region.
Avoidance would minimize the
potential for cumulative cultural
resources impacts. Preparation of the
launch site and adherence to established
hazardous waste and spill prevention
procedures and regulations would
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minimize the potential for cumulative
impacts to geology or soils.
Adherence to the hazardous materials
and waste management systems of
USAKA/RTS and SpaceX would
preclude the potential accumulation of
hazardous materials or waste.
Adherence to the high safety standards
at USAKA/RTS would serve to keep any
cumulative safety impacts attributable
to all USAKA/RTS operations within
acceptable standards to both workers
and the public. The additional demand
on transportation, electrical,
wastewater, solid waste, and water
systems to support the small number of
project-related personnel would be
accomplished by the proposed
infrastructure upgrades or be within the
current capacity of USAKA/RTS. The
sound level generated by each Falcon
launch would be a short, discrete event
and no cumulative noise impacts are
anticipated. Adherence to established
hazardous waste and spill prevention
procedures and regulations would
minimize the potential for cumulative
impacts to water resources.
Determination: An analysis of the
proposed action has concluded that
there are no significant short-term or
long-term effects to the environment or
surrounding populations. After careful
and thorough consideration of the facts
herein, the undersigned finds that the
proposed Federal action is consistent
with existing national environmental
policies and objectives set forth in
section 101(a) of the NEPA and other
applicable environmental requirements
and will not significantly affect the
quality of the human environment or
otherwise include any condition
requiring consultation pursuant to
section 102(2)(c) of NEPA. Therefore, an
Environmental Impact Statement for the
proposed action is not required.
Date Issued: January 10, 2008, Washington,
Patricia Grace Smith,
Associate Administrator for Commercial
Space Transportation.
[FR Doc. E8–1068 Filed 1–22–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Intent To Rule on Change in
Use of Aeronautical Property at
Louisville International Airport,
Louisville, KY
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 15 (Wednesday, January 23, 2008)]
[Pages 4040-4043]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-1068]
Federal Aviation Administration
Finding of No Significant Impact
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Environmental Finding Document: Finding of No Significant
Impact; Notice.
SUMMARY: The FAA participated as a cooperating agency with the U.S.
Army Space and Missile Defense Command/U.S. Army Forces Strategic
Command in preparation of the SpaceX Falcon Program Environmental
Assessment (EA). The Falcon Launch Vehicle Program is a venture by
Space Exploration Technologies, Inc. (SpaceX) to provide space launch
operations. The EA analyzed the environmental consequences of
conducting an average of six Falcon 1 launches per year and up to four
Falcon 9 launches per year (starting after 2008) for the next ten years
from Omelek Island, U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll Ronald Reagan Ballistic
Missile Test Site (USAKA/RTS). The EA also analyzed the reentry of the
Dragon reentry capsule, which would be carried as a payload on the
Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Additionally, the SpaceX Falcon Program EA
analyzed infrastructure improvements proposed on Omelek Island and
Kwajalein to support the proposed launch activities. SpaceX would
require a launch or reentry license from the FAA for launches or
reentries of commercial payloads.
From its independent review and consideration, the FAA has
determined that the FAA's proposed action is substantially the same as
the actions already analyzed in the SpaceX EA and that FAA's comments
and suggestions have been satisfied (see 1506.3(c) and FAA Order
1050.1E, 518h). The FAA formally adopts the EA and hereby incorporates
the analysis to support future decisions on license applications.
After reviewing and analyzing currently available data and
information on existing conditions, project impacts, and measures to
mitigate those impacts, the FAA has determined that the proposed action
is not a Federal action that would significantly affect the quality of
the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA). Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) is not required and the FAA is issuing a Finding
of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FAA made this determination in
accordance with all applicable environmental laws.
For a Copy of the Environmental Assessment or the FONSI Contact:
Questions or comments should be directed to Ms. Stacey Zee; FAA
Environmental Specialist; Federal Aviation Administration; 800
Independence Ave., SW.; AST-100,
[[Page 4041]]
Suite 331; Washington, DC 20591; (202) 267-9305.
Launches of launch vehicles and the reentry of reentry vehicles
must be licensed by the FAA pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 70101-70121, the
Commercial Space Launch Act. Issuing a launch or reentry license is a
Federal action requiring environmental analysis by the FAA in
accordance with NEPA, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. Upon receipt of a complete
license application, the FAA must evaluate the information and
determine whether to issue a launch or reentry license to SpaceX, as
appropriate. The FAA would use the analyses in the SpaceX Falcon
Program EA as the basis for the environmental determination of the
impacts to support licensing launches of the Falcon 1 launch vehicle or
the Falcon 9 launch vehicle from Omelek Island and/or the reentry of
Dragon reentry vehicle. The issuance of a FONSI does not guarantee that
a license will be issued by the FAA for the launch of the Falcon launch
vehicles or the reentry of the Dragon capsule. It also must meet all
safety, risk and indemnification requirements.
Proposed Action
SpaceX is proposing to launch the Falcon 1 and the Falcon 9 launch
vehicles and the Dragon reentry capsule from Omelek Island, USAKA/RTS.
The Falcon 1 is a small, unmanned, two-stage launch vehicle designed to
put small payloads into orbit. The vehicle uses liquid oxygen (LOX) and
kerosene as propellants. The first stage is recoverable by use of a
parachute. The second stage is not reusable and is not intended to be
The Falcon 9 is a two-stage, medium class, liquid launch vehicle
designed to put space systems and satellites into orbit. Falcon 9 uses
LOX and kerosene as propellants. The first stage is recoverable by use
of a parachute. The second stage would be reused when launch
inclination, payload requirements, and weight allow for its recovery.
The Dragon capsule would be carried as a payload on the Falcon 9
vehicle. The Dragon capsule is being developed to deliver cargo to the
International Space Station under contract with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Following its mission to deliver
cargo to the ISS, the Dragon would reenter the atmosphere and would be
recovered similar to the Falcon 9 first stage. The capsule may or may
not be refurbished or reused. Locations in the Gulf of Mexico, the
coast of California, and the Kwajalein Atoll are being considered as
recovery zones.
SpaceX has proposed several infrastructure improvements to Omelek
Island to support the proposed launch activities, including
construction of a Falcon 9 launch pad and a hangar facility, upgrades
to existing propellant storage and loading facilities, and several
other facility improvements. SpaceX has also proposed the construction
of a LOX plant facility and a Payload Processing Facility on Kwajalein.
Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed Falcon launch
activities would not be conducted at Omelek, and SpaceX would not
proceed with further construction or modification efforts at USAKA. No
additional launches would take place beyond the five that have been
Environmental Impacts
The following presents a brief summary of the environmental impacts
considered in the SpaceX Falcon Program EA. The SpaceX Falcon Program
EA is incorporated by reference in this FONSI and the FAA's FONSI is
based upon the impacts discussed in that EA.
Air Quality: Emissions from site preparation activities are not
expected to exceed USAKA Environmental Standards (UES). Levels of
generator emissions are not expected to impact the regional air quality
or exceed the USAKA ambient air standards. However, generators may not
be in compliance with the incremental degradation standards allowable
by the UES. Operational measures, such as limiting fuel consumption or
increasing stack height, would be enacted to ensure generator
compliance with the UES incremental degradation standards and USAKA
ambient air standards. The operation of the proposed LOX plant on
Kwajalein would use the existing power supply on Kwajalein that is
already subject to the Army's current Document of Environmental
Protection (DEP) (U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll/Kwajalein Missile Range
1999. Document of Environmental Protection (DEP), Activity: Air
Emissions from Major Stationary Sources at USAKA/KMR [Modified November
2000], November).
Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launches would have only a localized, minimal
impact on air quality. Long-term effects are not expected because the
launches would be infrequent and the resulting emissions would be
rapidly dispersed and diluted by trade winds. Regional air quality
would not be impacted and USAKA ambient air quality standards would not
be exceeded by launches of the Falcon launch vehicles or reentry of the
Dragon vehicle. No significant impacts to air quality are expected.
Airspace: USAKA/RTS is located under international airspace and
therefore, has no formal airspace restrictions governing it. Bucholz
Army Airfield is approximately 35 kilometers (22 miles) south of the
Omelek launch site. Although site preparation activities may involve
flights in and out of Bucholz Army Airfield, they would not restrict
access to, nor affect the use of the Airfield. Falcon 1 and Falcon 9
launches could potentially impact flight patterns for military aircraft
in the area. However, SpaceX would coordinate Falcon launches with the
FAA and USAKA/RTS Commander, which would include scheduling launches to
avoid airspace conflicts. No significant impacts to airspace are
Biological Resources: Site preparation activities would result in
the removal of trees and vegetation from existing non-forested areas
and some forested areas (primarily Pisonia trees) from the north point,
south point, and along the west coast of the island totaling
approximately 10 percent of the total acreage of Omelek. Additionally,
some trees would need to be removed around the Falcon 1 launch site,
and from the area of the Falcon 9 hangar. No threatened or endangered
vegetation has been identified in the area.
Construction noise and the increased presence of personnel could
temporarily affect wildlife in the area. Construction ground
disturbance and equipment noise-related impacts could include a loss of
habitat, displacement of wildlife, and short-term disruption of daily/
seasonal behavior. Vegetation removal would likely result in the
permanent removal of some of the habitat available for nesting seabirds
or foraging shorebirds on Omelek.
Sedimentation from the installation of pilings and a concrete
barge-dock 3 meters (10 feet) into the harbor could temporarily degrade
water quality in the vicinity due to short-term turbidity. Effects to
reef fish and benthic species would be temporary. Work would be delayed
if threatened or endangered species are observed in the area.
Potential habitat for sea turtles on Omelek includes sandy beaches
along the southern and northern tips of the island and the area of the
lagoon shoreline from the northern tip of the island south to the north
jetty. Personnel would be instructed to avoid all contact with sea
turtles or turtle nests that might occur within the area. Within two
hours prior to the launch, SpaceX personnel would survey the shoreline
100 meters (328 feet) on both
[[Page 4042]]
sides of the launch site to determine whether sea turtles are present
or hauling out in the area. If turtles are observed in the area, SpaceX
would consult with USAKA Environmental before continuing with launch
activities. A fence may be required to prevent a sea turtle take during
Disturbances to vegetation and wildlife during Falcon launches
would be minimal and brief. Based on existing analyses of prior and
current launches within the region, launch disturbances on migratory
birds, threatened or endangered species and other wildlife would be
minimal. There is a very small possibility that debris or booster drops
could impact migratory whales or sea turtles; however, the majority of
the potential impact area is open ocean, where the probability of
impacting a species would be very low. No significant impacts to
biological resources are expected.
Cultural Resources: All ground-disturbing activities would be
planned so that archeologically sensitive areas such as those areas at
the northern portion of the islet would be avoided to the extent
possible. If the proposed facilities cannot be located to avoid these
areas, archeological monitoring with systemic sampling as necessary
would accompany construction of any facilities. To minimize
disturbances to cultural resources, appropriate measures would be
taken, such as installing signage to designate sensitive areas and
educating facility personnel about protecting sensitive island
Personnel involved in launch and other operational activities would
follow UES requirements in handling or avoiding any cultural resources
uncovered during operational or monitoring activities. In addition, no
structures eligible for listing on the Republic of the Marshall Islands
(RMI) National Register have been identified on Omelek. No significant
impacts to cultural resources are anticipated.
Geology and Soils: Due to the minimal duration of site preparation
activities, and adherence to Best Management Practices and the USAKA
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, adverse geological or soil
impacts are not anticipated.
Falcon launch vehicle emissions would consist mainly of carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and water and would not result in
any impacts to geology or soils. There would be a slight risk of soil
contamination from accidental spills of propellants or premature flight
termination; however, this risk would be minimized because emergency
response personnel would comply with the UES, the Emergency Response
Plan prepared by SpaceX, and the Kwajalein Environmental Emergency
Plan. No significant impacts to geology and soils are expected.
Hazardous Materials and Waste: All hazardous materials used and
waste generated during site preparation activities would be handled,
transported, stored, treated, and disposed of off-site in accordance
with a Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan and Hazardous Waste
Management Plan, which would be prepared by SpaceX. These plans would
follow regulations established in the UES and the Kwajalein
Environmental Emergency Plan.
Materials proposed for use as a result of the proposed action are
similar to hazardous materials already in use for other operations at
USAKA/RTS. Hazardous materials associated with the proposed action
would represent only a small increase in the total amount of materials
handled and could easily be accommodated by existing hazardous
materials management systems.
Hazardous waste management at USAKA/RTS would continue to be
performed in accordance with the UES, which requires hazardous waste to
be shipped to the continental United States for treatment and/or
disposal. A trained immediate spill response team would be established
onsite, and spills would be contained and cleaned up according to the
procedures identified in the Kwajalein Environmental Emergency Plan and
a SpaceX-specific emergency plan. Therefore, there would not be a
significant impact from hazardous materials and hazardous waste
Health and Safety: Proposed construction activities would comply
with all applicable UES and USAKA/RTS Range Safety Requirements.
Additionally, Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launches would comply with all UES
and USAKA/RTS Range Safety Requirements.
All operations involving explosives would require implementation of
a written procedure, approved by the USAKA/RTS safety office. These
operations would be conducted under the supervision of an approved
ordnance officer using explosive-certified personnel.
The Range Safety Officer would review and agree on all missile
flight safety specifications prior to all Falcon 1 or Falcon 9
launches. Protection circles, based on the payload, missile and launch
azimuth, would be established for each launch. Access to Omelek would
be limited to all but mission essential personnel, and personnel would
be evacuated from the islet prior to launch. Therefore, significant
impacts to health and safety would not be expected.
Infrastructure: The proposed new helipad would be located on the
southeast side of the island in order to reduce the potential of
impacting the approach and departure path when additional facilities
are added.
Unimproved paths used to access the island would be paved. Road
design would include an evaluation of rainwater drainage on Omelek, and
rainwater control channels or conduit would be installed during paving
construction. SpaceX would manage rainwater run-off from paved areas on
Omelek by allowing run-off to drain naturally along the access road to
the north and along the paved roads to the east toward vegetated areas,
and by constructing surface or underground culverts to divert water
from the central and southern portions of the island to the harbor.
Power, communications, water, and sewage would be routed through
new underground conduits to and from the facilities. Additional
trenching would be required in several areas to extend power and
communication availability to the new facilities. Construction would
include a generator facility with ample power to support proposed
launch activities. A Kerosene Propellant, Diesel Fluid, and Water
Storage Area on Omelek would be developed to store kerosene and diesel
fuel in aboveground tanks or standardized containers, within a concrete
containment area. A proposed reverse osmosis system would generate
approximately 11,356 liters (3,000) gallons of water per day to support
the deluge system; water would be stored in the proposed new Kerosene
Propellant, Diesel Fluid, and Water Storage Area.
The demand on electrical, wastewater, solid waste, and water
systems to support the storage facility is expected to be within the
current capacity of utility systems on Kwajalein and Meck. No
significant impacts to existing infrastructure are expected.
Land Use: Construction and operation of proposed facilities and
upgrades to existing facilities would not change any existing land uses
on Omelek or Kwajalein. Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launches would be
entirely consistent with the mission of the island and would not
conflict with any known land use plans, policies, or controls at USAKA.
The establishment and activation of a launch hazard area would
require the temporary clearance of the Pacific Ocean area adjacent to
the launch site. Temporary clearance of this launch
[[Page 4043]]
hazard area should have no impacts on recreational or commercial use of
these waters since the area off the island is not used frequently by
commercial fisherman or for recreational use by residents of USAKA/RTS.
No significant impacts to land use are expected.
Noise: Noise produced during site preparation activities would be
minor and short-term, resulting in little to no effect on construction
workers or launch personnel. To minimize noise level impacts, all
personnel or contractors involved in construction activities would wear
hearing protection in areas where noise levels would exceed limits set
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
No sensitive noise receptors are in the vicinity of Omelek. The
island has been developed solely as a launch support facility with no
permanent inhabitants, and there are no inhabited islands within 21
kilometers (13 miles) of the site; therefore, no significant noise
impacts from launch activities are expected.
Socioeconomics: Approximately 30 people would be involved in both
Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch activities. Up to 8 of the 30 SpaceX
personnel would live temporarily on Omelek in the SpaceX office
facility, as necessary. The remaining transient personnel would reside
on Kwajalein and would commute daily between the two islands. No
additional facilities would be required to house personnel.
Launch procedures on Omelek could continue to employ a small number
of Marshallese from Ebeye and possibly from Majuro in support of ground
and facility maintenance. The personal income of the three to seven
Marshallese employed to support the launches from Omelek may increase.
There would be no impact on the permanent population size, employment
characteristics, and the type of housing available on Ebeye and Majuro.
No significant impacts to socioeconomics are expected.
Water Resources: Construction of the new Falcon 9 launch pad and
the Payload Processing Facility would be confined within the immediate
construction area in compliance with the UES and would thus not impact
water resources. Proposed construction activities would be performed in
accordance with the USAKA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to
minimize potential erosion and stormwater runoff. Impacts to the waters
surrounding Omelek due to stormwater runoff would be in compliance with
the UES nonpoint source requirements and the USAKA Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan. Best Management Practices would be used to limit
turbidity during installation of new pilings and the proposed concrete
barge dock.
There is the potential for carbonic acid (a mild acid similar to
that in a carbonated beverage) to be produced during launch from the
reaction of carbon dioxide in the exhaust plume and water. This
carbonic acid would be expected to rapidly evaporate and would have a
similar pH to that of rainwater; therefore, no impacts to water
resources would be expected to occur from launch emissions.
There is the potential for an accidental propellant spill or
premature flight termination to result in released propellant
contaminating water resources. This risk, however, would be minimized
through compliance with the Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan and
Hazardous Waste Management Plan prepared by SpaceX and the Kwajalein
Environmental Management Plan. No significant impacts to water
resources are expected.
Cumulative Impacts: The proposed action would not occur at the same
time as other programs such as Ground-Based Midcourse Defense or
Minuteman III planned for the region. The increased size and use of the
power station may not comply with the allowable UES incremental
degradation standards. Operational options, including a wind-based
generator or limiting fuel consumption, are available that would
achieve compliance with ambient air quality and incremental degradation
standards. With the implementation of such options, it is not likely
that the proposed action at Omelek would result in significant
cumulative impacts to the regional air quality.
Launches are short-term, discrete events, thus allowing time
between launches for emission products to be dispersed and minimizing
the potential for impacts to airspace users, biological resources, and
public health and safety. Using the required scheduling process for
international airspace would minimize the potential for cumulative
impacts to the airspace above the open ocean. The loss of approximately
12 percent of the vegetation on Omelek would contribute cumulatively to
the reduction of wildlife habitat in the area. No significant
cumulative impacts to terrestrial or marine biological resources have
been identified as a result of prior launch-related activities in the
region. Avoidance would minimize the potential for cumulative cultural
resources impacts. Preparation of the launch site and adherence to
established hazardous waste and spill prevention procedures and
regulations would minimize the potential for cumulative impacts to
geology or soils.
Adherence to the hazardous materials and waste management systems
of USAKA/RTS and SpaceX would preclude the potential accumulation of
hazardous materials or waste. Adherence to the high safety standards at
USAKA/RTS would serve to keep any cumulative safety impacts
attributable to all USAKA/RTS operations within acceptable standards to
both workers and the public. The additional demand on transportation,
electrical, wastewater, solid waste, and water systems to support the
small number of project-related personnel would be accomplished by the
proposed infrastructure upgrades or be within the current capacity of
USAKA/RTS. The sound level generated by each Falcon launch would be a
short, discrete event and no cumulative noise impacts are anticipated.
Adherence to established hazardous waste and spill prevention
procedures and regulations would minimize the potential for cumulative
impacts to water resources.
Determination: An analysis of the proposed action has concluded
that there are no significant short-term or long-term effects to the
environment or surrounding populations. After careful and thorough
consideration of the facts herein, the undersigned finds that the
proposed Federal action is consistent with existing national
environmental policies and objectives set forth in section 101(a) of
the NEPA and other applicable environmental requirements and will not
significantly affect the quality of the human environment or otherwise
include any condition requiring consultation pursuant to section
102(2)(c) of NEPA. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement for the
proposed action is not required.
Date Issued: January 10, 2008, Washington, DC.
Patricia Grace Smith,
Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation.
[FR Doc. E8-1068 Filed 1-22-08; 8:45 am]