Upper Peninsula Power Company; Notice of Application and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests, 1341-1342 [E8-73]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 8, 2008 / Notices
and motions filed need to carefully
specify the appropriate project number
in order to avoid confusion with the
SMP’s concurrently filed by UPPCO for
four other projects (see item k below).
Comments, protests and interventions
may be filed electronically via the
Internet in lieu of paper. See, 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s web site under the
‘‘e-Filing’’ link. The Commission
strongly encourages electronic filings.
k. Description of Proposal: UPPCO
filed a proposed SMP for the Cataract
Project to address the land use pressures
and potential impacts anticipated from
the sale of adjacent non-project lands to
residential real estate developers. The
licensee is also requesting articles 410
(wildlife management plan), article 411
(land management plan), and 413
(recreation plan) of the license be
amended. SMP’s for the Au Train
Project (P–10856–061), the Bond Falls
Project (P–1864–083), the Escanaba
Project (P–2506–144), and the Prickett
Project (P–2402–108) were filed
concurrently with the SMP for the
Cataract Project, and are being noticed
separately by the Commission.
l. This filing is available for review at
the Commission in the Public Reference
Room or may be viewed on the
Commission’s Web site at https://
www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call
toll-free 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
call (202) 502–8659.
m. Individuals desiring to be included
on the Commission’s mailing list should
so indicate by writing to the Secretary
of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to
Intervene—Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214.
In determining the appropriate action to
take, the Commission will consider all
protests or other comments filed, but
only those who file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
Commission’s Rules may become a
party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must
be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular
o. Filing and Service of Responsive
Documents—Any filings must bear in
all capital letters the title
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:32 Jan 07, 2008
Jkt 214001
applicable, and the Project Number of
the particular application to which the
filing refers. A copy of any motion to
intervene must also be served upon each
representative of the Applicant
specified in the particular application.
p. Agency Comments—Federal, state,
and local agencies are invited to file
comments on the described application.
A copy of the application may be
obtained by agencies directly from the
Applicant. If an agency does not file
comments within the time specified for
filing comments, it will be presumed to
have no comments. One copy of an
agency’s comments must also be sent to
the Applicant’s representatives.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–71 Filed 1–7–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 1864–083]
Upper Peninsula Power Company;
Notice of Application and Soliciting
Comments, Motions To Intervene, and
December 28, 2007.
Take notice that the following
application has been filed with the
Commission and is available for public
a. Application Type: Shoreline
Management Plan (SMP).
b. Project No.: 1864–083.
c. Date Filed: November 29, 2007.
d. Applicant: Upper Peninsula Power
Company (UPPCO).
e. Name of Project: Bond Falls
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The project is located on
the Ontonagon River in Ontonagon and
Gogebic Counties, Michigan, and Vilas
County, Wisconsin, and partially on
lands within the Ottawa National
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Shawn C.
Puzen, Environmental Consultant,
Integrys Business Support, LLC, 700
North Adams Street, P.O. Box 19001,
Green Bay, WI 54307–9001, (920) 433–
i. FERC Contact: Any questions on
this notice should be addressed to
Lesley Kordella at (202) 502–6406, or by
e-mail: lesley.kordella@ferc.gov.
j. Deadline for filing comments and/
or motions: January 29, 2008.
PO 00000
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All documents (original and eight
copies) should be filed with: Kimberly
D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, DHAC, PJ–
12.1, 888 First Street, NE., Washington,
DC 20426. Please reference the project
number (P–1864–083) on any comments
or motions filed. Comments and
motions filed need to carefully specify
the appropriate project number in order
to avoid confusion with the SMP’s
concurrently filed by UPPCO for four
other projects (see item k below).
Comments, protests and interventions
may be filed electronically via the
Internet in lieu of paper. See, 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s web site under the
‘‘e-Filing’’ link. The Commission
strongly encourages electronic filings.
k. Description of Proposal: UPPCO
filed a proposed SMP for the Bond Falls
Project to address the land use pressures
and potential impacts anticipated from
the sale of adjacent non-project lands to
residential real estate developers. The
project includes the Bond Falls,
Bergland, Cisco, and Victoria
impoundments; the SMP applies only to
the Bond Falls and Victoria
impoundments. UPPCO is also
requesting articles 416 (recreation plan)
and 413 (buffer zone plan) of the license
be amended. SMP’s for the Au Train
Project (P–10856–061), the Cataract
Project (P–10854–080), the Escanaba
Project (P–2506–144), and the Prickett
Project (P–2402–108) were filed
concurrently with the SMP for the Bond
Falls Project, and are being noticed
separately by the Commission.
l. This filing is available for review at
the Commission in the Public Reference
Room or may be viewed on the
Commission’s Web site at https://
www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call
toll-free 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
call (202) 502–8659.
m. Individuals desiring to be included
on the Commission’s mailing list should
so indicate by writing to the Secretary
of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to
Intervene—Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214.
In determining the appropriate action to
take, the Commission will consider all
protests or other comments filed, but
only those who file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 8, 2008 / Notices
Commission’s Rules may become a
party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must
be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular
o. Filing and Service of Responsive
Documents—Any filings must bear in
all capital letters the title
applicable, and the Project Number of
the particular application to which the
filing refers. A copy of any motion to
intervene must also be served upon each
representative of the Applicant
specified in the particular application.
p. Agency Comments—Federal, state,
and local agencies are invited to file
comments on the described application.
A copy of the application may be
obtained by agencies directly from the
Applicant. If an agency does not file
comments within the time specified for
filing comments, it will be presumed to
have no comments. One copy of an
agency’s comments must also be sent to
the Applicant’s representatives.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–73 Filed 1–7–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket Nos. ER08–200–000; ER08–200–
Waterbury Generation, LLC; Notice of
Issuance of Order
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
December 27, 2007.
Waterbury Generation, LLC
(Waterbury) filed an application for
market-based rate authority, with an
accompanying market-based rate tariff.
The proposed market-based rate tariff
provides for the sale of energy, capacity
and ancillary services at market-based
rates. Waterbury also requested waivers
of various Commission regulations. In
particular, Waterbury requested that the
Commission grant blanket approval
under 18 CFR part 34 of all future
issuances of securities and assumptions
of liability by Waterbury.
On December 26, 2007, pursuant to
delegated authority, the Director,
Division of Tariffs and Market
Development—West, granted the
requests for blanket approval under Part
34 (Director’s Order). The Director’s
Order also stated that the Commission
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:32 Jan 07, 2008
Jkt 214001
would publish a separate notice in the
Federal Register establishing a period of
time for the filing of protests.
Accordingly, any person desiring to be
heard concerning the blanket approvals
of issuances of securities or assumptions
of liability by Waterbury, should file a
protest with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure. 18 CFR 385.211, 385.214
Notice is hereby given that the
deadline for filing protests is January 28,
Absent a request to be heard in
opposition to such blanket approvals by
the deadline above, Waterbury is
authorized to issue securities and
assume obligations or liabilities as a
guarantor, indorser, surety, or otherwise
in respect of any security of another
person; provided that such issuance or
assumption is for some lawful object
within the corporate purposes of
Waterbury, compatible with the public
interest, and is reasonably necessary or
appropriate for such purposes.
The Commission reserves the right to
require a further showing that neither
public nor private interests will be
adversely affected by continued
approvals of Waterbury’s issuance of
securities or assumptions of liability.
Copies of the full text of the Director’s
Order are available from the
Commission’s Public Reference Room,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426. The Order may also be viewed
on the Commission’s Web site at
https://www.ferc.gov, using the eLibrary
link. Enter the docket number excluding
the last three digits in the docket
number filed to access the document.
Comments, protests, and interventions
may be filed electronically via the
internet in lieu of paper. See, 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site under the
‘‘e-Filing’’ link. The Commission
strongly encourages electronic filings.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8–55 Filed 1–7–08; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket Nos. ER08–200–000; ER08–200–
Waterbury Generation, LLC; Notice of
Issuance of Order
December 27, 2007.
Waterbury Generation, LLC
(Waterbury) filed an application for
market-based rate authority, with an
accompanying market-based rate tariff.
The proposed market-based rate tariff
provides for the sale of energy, capacity
and ancillary services at market-based
rates. Waterbury also requested waivers
of various Commission regulations. In
particular, Waterbury requested that the
Commission grant blanket approval
under 18 CFR part 34 of all future
issuances of securities and assumptions
of liability by Waterbury.
On December 26, 2007, pursuant to
delegated authority, the Director,
Division of Tariffs and Market
Development—West, granted the
requests for blanket approval under part
34 (Director’s Order). The Director’s
Order also stated that the Commission
would publish a separate notice in the
Federal Register establishing a period of
time for the filing of protests.
Accordingly, any person desiring to be
heard concerning the blanket approvals
of issuances of securities or assumptions
of liability by Waterbury, should file a
protest with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure. 18 CFR 385.211, 385.214
Notice is hereby given that the
deadline for filing protests is January 28,
Absent a request to be heard in
opposition to such blanket approvals by
the deadline above, Waterbury is
authorized to issue securities and
assume obligations or liabilities as a
guarantor, indorser, surety, or otherwise
in respect of any security of another
person; provided that such issuance or
assumption is for some lawful object
within the corporate purposes of
Waterbury, compatible with the public
interest, and is reasonably necessary or
appropriate for such purposes.
The Commission reserves the right to
require a further showing that neither
public nor private interests will be
adversely affected by continued
approvals of Waterbury’s issuance of
securities or assumptions of liability.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 5 (Tuesday, January 8, 2008)]
[Pages 1341-1342]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-73]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 1864-083]
Upper Peninsula Power Company; Notice of Application and
Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests
December 28, 2007.
Take notice that the following application has been filed with the
Commission and is available for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Shoreline Management Plan (SMP).
b. Project No.: 1864-083.
c. Date Filed: November 29, 2007.
d. Applicant: Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO).
e. Name of Project: Bond Falls Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The project is located on the Ontonagon River in
Ontonagon and Gogebic Counties, Michigan, and Vilas County, Wisconsin,
and partially on lands within the Ottawa National Forest.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Shawn C. Puzen, Environmental Consultant,
Integrys Business Support, LLC, 700 North Adams Street, P.O. Box 19001,
Green Bay, WI 54307-9001, (920) 433-1094.
i. FERC Contact: Any questions on this notice should be addressed
to Lesley Kordella at (202) 502-6406, or by e-mail:
j. Deadline for filing comments and/or motions: January 29, 2008.
All documents (original and eight copies) should be filed with:
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
DHAC, PJ-12.1, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. Please
reference the project number (P-1864-083) on any comments or motions
filed. Comments and motions filed need to carefully specify the
appropriate project number in order to avoid confusion with the SMP's
concurrently filed by UPPCO for four other projects (see item k below).
Comments, protests and interventions may be filed electronically via
the Internet in lieu of paper. See, 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the
instructions on the Commission's web site under the ``e-Filing'' link.
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings.
k. Description of Proposal: UPPCO filed a proposed SMP for the Bond
Falls Project to address the land use pressures and potential impacts
anticipated from the sale of adjacent non-project lands to residential
real estate developers. The project includes the Bond Falls, Bergland,
Cisco, and Victoria impoundments; the SMP applies only to the Bond
Falls and Victoria impoundments. UPPCO is also requesting articles 416
(recreation plan) and 413 (buffer zone plan) of the license be amended.
SMP's for the Au Train Project (P-10856-061), the Cataract Project (P-
10854-080), the Escanaba Project (P-2506-144), and the Prickett Project
(P-2402-108) were filed concurrently with the SMP for the Bond Falls
Project, and are being noticed separately by the Commission.
l. This filing is available for review at the Commission in the
Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at
https://www.ferc.gov using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to
access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-free 1-866-208-3676, or for
TTY, call (202) 502-8659.
m. Individuals desiring to be included on the Commission's mailing
list should so indicate by writing to the Secretary of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene--Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211,
.214. In determining the appropriate action to take, the Commission
will consider all protests or other comments filed, but only those who
file a motion to intervene in accordance with the
[[Page 1342]]
Commission's Rules may become a party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must be received on or before the
specified comment date for the particular application.
o. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--Any filings must
bear in all capital letters the title ``COMMENTS'', ``RECOMMENDATIONS
applicable, and the Project Number of the particular application to
which the filing refers. A copy of any motion to intervene must also be
served upon each representative of the Applicant specified in the
particular application.
p. Agency Comments--Federal, state, and local agencies are invited
to file comments on the described application. A copy of the
application may be obtained by agencies directly from the Applicant. If
an agency does not file comments within the time specified for filing
comments, it will be presumed to have no comments. One copy of an
agency's comments must also be sent to the Applicant's representatives.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E8-73 Filed 1-7-08; 8:45 am]