Card Format Passport; Changes to Passport Fee Schedule, 74169-74173 [E7-25422]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
research on the exercise of options
issued to executives provides some
general support for outcomes that would
be produced by the application of this
Examples of situations in which the
staff believes that it may be appropriate
to use this simplified method include
the following:
• A company does not have sufficient
historical exercise data to provide a
reasonable basis upon which to estimate
expected term due to the limited period
of time its equity shares have been
publicly traded.
• A company significantly changes
the terms of its share option grants or
the types of employees that receive
share option grants such that its
historical exercise data may no longer
provide a reasonable basis upon which
to estimate expected term.
• A company has or expects to have
significant structural changes in its
business such that its historical exercise
data may no longer provide a reasonable
basis upon which to estimate expected
The staff understands that a company
may have sufficient historical exercise
data for some of its share option grants
but not for others. In such cases, the
staff will accept the use of the
simplified method for only some but not
all share option grants. The staff also
does not believe that it is necessary for
a company to consider using a lattice
model before it decides that it is eligible
to use this simplified method. Further,
the staff will not object to the use of this
simplified method in periods prior to
the time a company’s equity shares are
traded in a public market.
If a company uses this simplified
method, the company should disclose in
the notes to its financial statements the
second 25% vested) plus 3 year vesting term (for
the third 25% vested) plus 4 year vesting term (for
the last 25% vested)] divided by 4 total years of
vesting] plus 10 year contractual life] divided by 2;
that is, (((1+2+3+4)/4) + 10) /2 = 6.25 years.
78 J.N. Carpenter, ‘‘The exercise and valuation of
executive stock options,’’ Journal of Financial
Economics, 1998, pp. 127–158 studies a sample of
40 NYSE and AMEX firms over the period 1979–
1994 with share option terms reasonably consistent
to the terms presented in the fact set and example.
The mean time to exercise after grant was 5.83 years
and the median was 6.08 years. The ‘‘mean time to
exercise’’ is shorter than expected term since the
study’s sample included only exercised options.
Other research on executive options includes (but
is not limited to) J. Carr Bettis; John M. Bizjak; and
Michael L. Lemmon, ‘‘Exercise behavior, valuation,
and the incentive effects of employee stock
options,’’ forthcoming in the Journal of Financial
Economics. One of the few studies on nonexecutive
employee options the staff is aware of is S. Huddart,
‘‘Patterns of stock option exercise in the United
States,’’ in: J. Carpenter and D. Yermack, eds.,
Executive Compensation and Shareholder Value:
Theory and Evidence (Kluwer, Boston, MA, 1999),
pp. 115–142.
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use of the method, the reason why the
method was used, the types of share
option grants for which the method was
used if the method was not used for all
share option grants, and the periods for
which the method was used if the
method was not used in all periods.
Companies that have sufficient
historical share option exercise
experience upon which to estimate
expected term may not apply this
simplified method. In addition, this
simplified method is not intended to be
applied as a benchmark in evaluating
the appropriateness of more refined
estimates of expected term.
Also, as noted above in Question 5,
the staff believes that more detailed
external information about exercise
behavior will, over time, become readily
available to companies. As such, the
staff does not expect that such a
simplified method would be used for
share option grants when more relevant
detailed information becomes widely
[FR Doc. E7–25178 Filed 12–28–07; 8:45 am]
22 CFR Parts 22 and 51
[Public Notice: 6044]
Card Format Passport; Changes to
Passport Fee Schedule
Department of State.
Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule finalizes the
proposed rule published on October 17,
2006, and implements certain
provisions of Section 7209 of the
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). The
IRTPA provides that United States
citizens and nonimmigrant aliens may
enter the United States only with
passports or such alternative documents
as the Secretary of Homeland Security
may designate as satisfactorily
establishing identity and citizenship.
The statute requires that the Secretary of
Homeland Security, in consultation
with the Secretary of State, develop and
implement a plan to require virtually all
travelers entering the United States to
present a passport or other document or
combination of documents that are
deemed by the Secretary of Homeland
Security to be sufficient to denote
identity and citizenship. The legislation
also requires that the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) and the
Department of State seek to facilitate the
frequent travel of those living in border
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communities. This final rule takes into
account the amendment to section 7209
by the 2007 Department of Homeland
Security Appropriations Act calling for
the availability of a passport card for
land and sea travel between the United
States and Canada, Mexico, the
Caribbean and Bermuda.
The Administration’s proposal to
address the remainder of the legislative
requirements in section 7209, called the
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
(WHTI), is being addressed in separate
DATES: This rule is effective February 1,
Consuelo Pachon, Office of Legal Affairs
and Law Enforcement Liaison, Bureau
of Consular Affairs, 2100 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Suite 3000, Washington,
DC, telephone number 202–663–2431.
Department of State published an
Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule
Making (ANPRM) in September 2005,
which received approximately 2,000
comments. Many of these comments
from border resident communities
expressed a desire for a less expensive
and more portable alternative to the
traditional passport book. To be
responsive to the needs and concerns of
the border communities and to facilitate
the travel of border community
residents, consistent with Section 7209,
the Department of State issued a Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in
October 2006, at 71 FR 60928, proposing
to develop and issue a card format
passport as a less expensive and more
portable alternative to the passport
book. The comment period closed on
January 7, 2007. This final rule
implements provisions of Section 7209
of the IRTPA, Public Law 108–458, 118
Stat. 3638, 3823 (Dec. 17, 2004), as
amended. The Administration’s
proposal to address the remainder of the
legislative requirements of section 7209
is being addressed in separate
The rule was discussed in detail in
Public Notice 5558, as were the
Department of State’s reasons for
making the proposals. The Department
of State is now promulgating a final rule
with limited changes to clarify the
proposed rule. Primarily, the final rule
explains that the passport card does not
need to be signed in order to be valid,
whereas the passport book requires a
signature to be valid. In addition, it
makes clear that those requesting and
eligible for a no-fee passport will receive
a passport in book form only. The new
Passport Card charges are summarized
as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
All four Members of Congress, as well
as technology, security, and privacy
$20 groups, are concerned with the choice of
‘‘vicinity read’’ radio frequency
10 identification (RFID) technology for the
passport card. While the majority of
25 commenters opposed vicinity read
technology, there were some
Total first time adult .....................
45 commenters who supported the
Total first time child .....................
35 technology. The opinion expressed by
Total renewal (adult) ...................
20 many commenters is that vicinity read
Total renewal child ......................
10 technology is not as secure as the
proximity read technology currently
The Department is making additional
used in the United States e-Passport. In
changes to the passport regulations at 22 their opinion the use of vicinity read
CFR part 51 in a separate rulemaking.
technology could result in the
Those changes were published in the
unauthorized reading of information
Federal Register on Monday November
that would lead to identity theft and
19, 2007, will be effective February 1,
tracking of United States citizens by
2008, and are contained in Public
terrorists (security groups) and the
Notice 5991, Vol. 22 Federal Register
government (privacy groups). In
No. 222, pages 64930–64939.
addition, commenters asserted that
employing two different technologies at
Analysis of Comments
the same border crossing is redundant,
inefficient, and unnecessarily costly.
Over 4000 comments were received
Several comments mention a 2006
regarding this proposed rule. Among
Government Accountability Office
those submitting comments were: four
review of the US–VISIT program, which
Members of Congress, Senators Hillary
reported a low read rate using this type
Clinton and Charles Schumer of New
York, Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, of technology and a statement in the
report that it should not be used for
and Representative Louise Slaughter of
identification of people, only for the
New York; the governments of Canada
tracking of goods. All four Members of
and two of its provinces (Manitoba and
Congress also question the use of RFID
New Brunswick); a Native American
vicinity read technology. Two members
government (Haudenosaunee
of Congress expressed concern that the
Confederation, New York); and dozens
passport card had not received National
of city, county, and municipal
Institute of Standards and Technology
governments. Also represented are the
United States Postal Service (USPS), the (NIST) certification in accordance with
Section 546 of the Homeland Security
Air Transport Association, over two
Appropriations Act of 207 (Pub. L. 109–
dozen technology companies and
privacy interest groups, five tourism
The two comments that best represent
interest groups, and three offshore
the overall nature of comments
drilling concerns.
regarding choice of technology come
The vast majority of the comments
from the private sector. One industry
were generated from an e-petition
association, whose members produce
launched by Citizens Against
both vicinity read and proximity read
Government Waste opposing the choice technology, argues that vicinity read
of technology. Independent of the eRFID technology is inappropriate for
petition, we received an additional 28
implementing a secure card that is used
comments regarding technology. In
to verify a citizen’s identity. A private
addition, over 150 comments voiced
company that designs, manufactures
opposition to the change in the amount
and markets both vicinity and proximity
of the passport execution fee. Other key read technology chips commented that
topics include security issues (21),
the choice of vicinity read technology
privacy issues (18), and potential
could have the unexpected result of
negative economic implications,
compromising the security of our
including a decrease in tourism on both borders while severely impacting the
sides of the border (14). Only a small
personal privacy of United States
number of comments opposed the idea
citizens. They also questioned whether
of the passport card itself, and over 20
vicinity read technology would
comments specifically voiced support
necessarily improve border crossing
for the passport card.
Comments not specifically focused on
While State and DHS appreciate the
the passport card are not discussed in
comments received, the vast majority
this rule.
reflected an improper understanding of
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
9. Passport Card Services:
(a) Application fee for applicants age
16 or over (including renewals)
[Adult Passport Card] ......................
(b) Application fee for applicants
under age 16 [Minor Passport
Card] ...............................................
(c) Passport card execution fee, (first
time applicants only) .......................
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the business model that WHTI is
designed to meet and how the
technology selected would actually be
implemented. DHS remains committed
to vicinity-read radio frequency
identification (RFID) as the most
appropriate technological solution to
facilitate document processing at land
and sea ports-of-entry. Vicinity-read
RFID technology should allow CBP
officers to quickly obtain information
about the border crosser and perform
terrorist watch list checks while they are
still awaiting a personal inspection and
to read multiple cards simultaneously.
Therefore, to ensure compatibility and
interoperability with the DHS border
management system, and to secure
significant travel facilitation advantages,
the Department of State will produce
the passport card utilizing vicinity RFID
The operational concept that this rule
promulgates should enable information
about a border crosser to be queued
while they are awaiting their interviews
with the border officers, rather than
waiting until they are face to face with
the officer to provide their personal
information. This approach is designed
to substantially reduce wait times at the
border, which was the key driver in
development of the WHTI passport card
business case.
The vicinity RFID electronic chip
contains only one item of information—
a unique identifying number that has
meaning only inside the secure CBP
computer system. No other form of
personally identifiable information,
such as name, date of birth, SSN, place
of birth etc., will be electronically stored
on the passport card or transmitted
through RFID. All personal information
will be contained in DHS systems and
will only be accessible by authorized
personnel through secure networks.
Upon receipt of the passport card
number, the border crosser’s personal
information will be downloaded from
the CBP system and provided to the CBP
officer. The CBP officer will then
interview the individual, verify their
identities, and determine the
appropriate action to take. The WHTI
passport card approach was not
designed to be an automated system,
and the use of vicinity RFID technology
in this final rule reflects this reality.
Rather, the RFID-based approach allows
the CBP officers to do their jobs better
and faster.
While the passport card will transmit
only the card’s unique identifying
number, which is meaningless outside
the secure CBP computer system, the
Department of State and DHS
nonetheless take the submitted privacy
concerns seriously. All card holders will
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
also be issued a protective sleeve for the
card, which prevents transmission of
the card’s unique identifying number.
Additionally, use of the passport card is
not mandatory. Those border crossers
that would prefer to use traditional
passports may continue to do so.
Many comments also discussed the
technology solution in the e-passport,
whose business model is vastly different
than that of WHTI. In the e-passport
case, a different technology solution was
selected that enables transfer of actual
personal information in a secure,
encrypted, manner. The technology
solution for e-passports does not meet
the business model for the specific
WHTI application, so it was not
Section 546 of the Homeland Security
Appropriations Act of 2007 (Pub. L.
109–295) requires the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) to
certify that ‘‘the Departments of
Homeland Security and State have
selected a card architecture that meets
or exceeds ISO security standards and
meets or exceeds best available practices
for protection of personal identification
documents.’’ NIST certified the
proposed passport card on May 1, 2007.
Both the House and Senate
Appropriations Subcommittees on
Homeland Security received notice of
the certification on May 3, 2007.
Passport Application Fees
A limited number of commenters,
most notably Senator Leahy, believe that
the passport application fee, not just the
execution fee, should be reduced.
Senator Leahy also suggests that
consideration should be given to
waiving all fees to citizens with low
The collection of passport application
and execution fees is required by 22
U.S.C. 214. This section of the law
mandates fee exemptions for specified
groups, but does not allow the
Department to establish an incomebased waiver. The possibility of shorter
periods of passport validity and less
expensive passports for individuals,
such as low-income applicants, has
been proposed in the past. However, to
date, Congress has not promulgated law
that would give the Department of State
authority to reduce or waive the
passport fee for low-income citizens.
Thus, a no-fee passport, regardless of
format, for low-income citizens is not an
option that is legally available.
As established by OMB Circular A–
25, fees for government services are to
be based on the costs of service, in order
to ensure that such services be selfsustaining to the extent possible. Thus,
passport application fees are determined
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on a cost recovery basis and are
intended to recover, to the extent
possible, the costs of providing passport
adjudication and production as well as
consular services to citizen travelers
abroad. The Department of State did not
include the cost of consular services in
determining the cost of the passport
card, since travelers using the card are
likely to be on cross border trips
generally of short duration, and most
emergencies would be handled by
travelers relying on family members and
services in the United States.
Passport Execution Fee
We received comments from dozens
of municipal and county governments,
as well as the USPS, questioning the
reduction of the execution fee from $30
to $25. USPS’s comments acknowledge
the positive relationship it shares with
the Department of State and make clear
that it will work with the Department to
continue to offer passport acceptance
services if the execution fee is lowered.
USPS suggests that should the fee be
lowered, the Department of State, in
consultation with USPS, should provide
both a more streamlined application
process and conduct periodic reviews to
ensure that the execution fee covers the
cost of service. Comments also
requested clarification of exactly when
the execution fee is required.
We note that only first-time
applicants or those individuals required
to appear personally at passport
acceptance facilities are required to pay
the execution fee. Individuals applying
for renewal of a passport by mail, or
those who have a passport book and are
applying for a passport card, are not
required to pay the execution fee.
We also note that in the United States,
the largest numbers of first-time
passport applications are made by those
who appear in person at a local United
States Post Office or government office
(most often county, township,
municipal, or clerk of the court). The
execution fee is retained by these
designated passport application
acceptance facilities to cover the costs of
providing this service. We base the fee
on a cost of service study designed to
reimburse on an average basis, and
conduct such studies regularly to ensure
their accuracy in recovering relevant
The Department of State is committed
to providing a low-cost alternative to the
passport book to assist residents of
border communities. Based on the
considerations expressed in the NPRM,
including our cost of service study, the
Department of State will reduce the
execution fee to $25.00 for the passport
card. The Department of State values its
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significant national partnership with
USPS and is also committed to working
with USPS regarding any
implementation issues that may be
encountered with establishing this rate
for the passport card execution fee. The
Department of State is not proposing to
lower the execution fee for the passport
book at this time. Changes to the
passport book fee schedule will be
addressed in separate rulemakings.
First Nation Concerns
The Department received one
comment from the Haudenosaunee, a
Six National Confederacy made up of
the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga,
Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora Nations.
They expressed concern that the
proposed rule would unnecessarily and
unintentionally interfere with and
undermine the ability of the
Haudenosaunee to determine how to
document the identity and citizenship
of its people. They also expressed
concern that the proposed rule would
interfere with aboriginal and treaty
rights to freely pass the international
border without burdensome costly
documentation requirements.
These issues will be addressed as part
of the final WHTI joint rule making
process by DHS and the Department of
State. The Department of State is
sensitive to the issues of documenting
members of all United States Native
American Nations. We would like to
emphasize that the passport card will be
issued on the same basis as the
traditional passport book to Native
Americans who wish to apply.
Washington State
The Department of Licensing for the
State of Washington commented that it
strongly believes that enhanced driver’s
licenses would ‘‘better serve the
economic and convenience needs’’ of
United States citizens at border
The Department of State has
participated in discussions between
DHS and Washington State regarding
the development of the Washington
State Enhanced Driver’s License Project,
but is not a partner in the program. DHS
has the authority to determine what
documents or combination of
documents it will deem sufficient to
denote citizenship and identity for the
purposes of cross border travel. The
issue of alternative documentation will
be addressed in the final rule
implementing the land and sea portion
of the Western Hemisphere Travel
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Canadian Comments
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
The Government of Canada
The Government of Canada submitted
official comments encouraging the
movement of legitimate travelers across
the shared border while still complying
with WHTI. However, it expressed
concern that unless the public is
properly informed, there could be
significant disruption to the tourism and
service industries as well as to trade
between the two countries. The
Government of Canada encourages a
high-profile outreach campaign
regarding WHTI and the release of the
passport card. It also urges that the
implementation of WHTI be postponed
until June 1, 2009, and suggests that the
use of the passport card be expanded to
the air environment to increase its
versatility, thus making it a more
attractive option.
The Department of State appreciates
the comments expressed by the
Government of Canada. For the past
year, the Department of State and DHS
have conducted an extensive public
service campaign to educate the public
on the requirements of WHTI. The
success of this campaign is evidenced
by the surge in passport applications
through May 2007. We anticipate that
this momentum will continue as we get
closer to full implementation.
We note that the passport card, as
currently designed and conceived, is for
use at land and sea borders only. The
passport card will be available to United
States citizens nationwide, but its
primary purpose is to facilitate the
travel of those living in the border
region. It is not a globally interoperable
document. The Department of State
continues to believe that it is a valuable
low-cost alternative to the traditional
book format passport.
Governments of Manitoba and New
The Government of Manitoba
recommends (1) a delay in the
implementation of WHTI; (2)
development and funding for a public
awareness campaign; (3) expansion of
the trusted traveler and commercial
traffic programs; (4) affordable
documents; (5) flexibility of
documentation, especially for minors
under age 16; and, (6) exploration of the
use of enhanced drivers’ licenses as
alternative travel documents provided
for under WHTI. The Government of
New Brunswick expressed concern
about the implementation dates for
WHTI and the lack of availability of
NEXUS and FAST crossing sites at the
Maine-New Brunswick border. They call
for launching unspecified required
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technologies and infrastructure at all
border crossings.
The Department of State welcomes
comments from the Canadian provinces
and shares their commitment to
ensuring safe, affordable and efficient
travel across common borders. We note,
however, that the comments received
are more directed toward the WHTI
concept rather than the passport card.
We will continue to work with DHS,
Canadian provinces and the Canadian
central government to assist in the
implementation of WHTI and in the
introduction of the passport card.
Global Interoperability of the Passport
Several comments suggested that the
passport card should not be restricted
for use only at land borders but should
be available for use in the air
environment for travel between the
United States, Canada, Mexico and the
The passport card was specifically
designed to respond to the concerns
expressed by border communities in
regard to the requirements of WHTI. The
passport card is designed specifically to
address the unique circumstances of
land border crossings and is not
intended to be a globally interoperable
travel document. Therefore, passport
cards will not be designed to meet the
International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) standards and
recommendations for globally
interoperable passports.
Because the passport card will be
specifically designed to facilitate land
and sea border crossings, it is not
compatible with the global air
environment, which is already set up for
passport books. In addition, extending
the use of the passport card to the air
environment could create confusion
with the traveling public should they
attempt to use the passport card for
travel to a country other than Mexico,
Canada or the Caribbean.
Offshore Drilling Concerns
Three offshore drilling concerns
suggested that the passport card be
made available for return to the United
States by helicopter from a mobile
offshore drilling unit (MODU).
After careful consideration, the
Department of State believes that even
a limited use of the passport card in the
air environment, such as helicopter
travel from a MODU from outside the
United States, back to the United States,
would not be warranted. Travel of
individuals working on a MODU
attached to the Outer Continental Shelf
is being addressed in the WHTI land
and sea rulemaking.
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Regulatory Findings
Administrative Procedure Act
In accordance with provisions of the
Administrative Procedure Act governing
rules promulgated by federal agencies
that affect the public (5 U.S.C. 552), the
Department of State published a
proposed rule and invited and received
public comment.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Department of State, in
accordance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), has
reviewed this regulation and, by
approving it, certifies that this rule will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities
because only individuals can apply for
the passport card.
Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
This rule does not involve a mandate
that will result in the expenditure by
State, local, and tribal governments, in
the aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more in any year and it
will not significantly or uniquely affect
small governments. Therefore, no
actions were deemed necessary under
the provisions of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996
This rule is not a major rule as
defined by section 804 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement Act of
1996. This rule will not result in an
annual effect on the economy of $100
million or more; a major increase in
costs or prices; or significant adverse
effects on competition, employment,
investment, productivity, innovation, or
on the ability of United States-based
companies to compete with foreignbased companies in domestic and
import markets.
Executive Order 12866
The Department of State has reviewed
this rule to ensure its consistency with
the regulatory philosophy and
principles set forth in Executive Order
12866. The Department of State does not
consider the proposed rule to be an
economically significant regulatory
action within the scope of section 3(f)
(1) of the Executive Order since it is not
likely to have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or to
adversely affect in a material way the
economy, a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local, or tribal governments or
communities. However, the final rule
implements Department of State
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
decisions that require coordination with
action taken or planned by another
agency, in particular the Department of
Homeland Security. Accordingly, the
rule has been provided to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
Executive Order 13132
This regulation will not have
substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, in
accordance with section 6 of Executive
Order 13132, it is determined that this
rule does not have sufficient federalism
implications to require consultations or
warrant the preparation of a federalism
summary impact statement.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule does not impose any new
reporting or recordkeeping requirements
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act,
44 U.S.C. Chapter 35.
List of Subjects
22 CFR Part 22
Passports and visas.
Item No.
(b) Application fee for applicants
under age 16 [Minor Passport
(c) Execution fee, (first time applicant only) [Passport Card].
10. [Reserved].
3. The authority citation for part 51 is
revised to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1504; 18 U.S.C. 1621;
22 U.S.C. 211a, 212, 213, 213n (Pub. L. 106–
113 Div. B, Sec. 1000(a)(7) [Div. A, Title II,
Sec. 236], 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A–430); 214,
214a, 217a, 218, 2651a, 2671(d)(3), 2705,
2714, 2721, & 3926; 26 U.S.C. 6039E; 31
U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 652(k) [Div. B, Title
V of Pub. L. 103–317, 108 Stat. 1760]; E.O.
11295, Aug. 6, 1966, FR 10603, 3 CFR, 1966–
1970 Comp., p. 570; Sec. 1 of Pub. L. 109–
210, 120 Stat. 319; Sec. 2 of Pub. L. 109–167,
119 Stat. 3578; Sec. 5 of Pub. L. 109–472, 120
Stat. 3554; Pub. L. 108–447, Div. B, Title IV,
Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 2809; Pub. L. 108–458,
118 Stat. 3638, 3823 (Dec. 17, 2004).
4. Amend § 51.3 by adding a new
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Accordingly, 22 CFR Parts 22 and 51
are amended as follows:
§ 51.3
1. The authority citation for part 22
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1153 note, 1351, 1351
note; 10 U.S.C. 2602(c); 22 U.S.C. 214,
2504(a), 4201, 4206, 4215, 4219; 31 U.S.C.
9701; Pub. L. 105–277, 112 Stat. 2681 et seq.;
Pub. L. 108–447, 118 Stat. 2809 et seq.; E.O.
10718, 22 FR 4632, 3 CFR, 1954–1958 Comp.,
p. 382; E.O. 11295, 31 FR 10603, 3 CFR,
1966–1970 Comp., p. 570.
2. Section 22.1 is revised to read as
§ 22.1
Item No.
Passport and Citizenship Services
9. Passport Card Services:
(a) Application fee for applicants
age 16 or over (including renewals) [Adult Passport Card].
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:23 Dec 28, 2007
Jkt 214001
(d) Passport card. A passport card is
issued to a national of the United States
on the same basis as a regular passport.
It is valid only for departure from and
entry to the United States through land
and sea ports of entry between the
United States and Mexico, Canada, the
Caribbean and Bermuda. It is not a
globally interoperable international
travel document.
5. Section 51.4, paragraphs (a) and (b)
are revised to read as follows:
§ 51.4
Schedule of fees.
Types of passports.
Validity of passports.
(a) Signature of bearer. A passport
book is valid only when signed by the
bearer in the space designated for
signature, or, if the bearer is unable to
sign, signed by a person with legal
authority to sign on his or her behalf. A
passport card is valid without the
signature of the bearer.
(b) Period of validity of a regular
passport and a passport card.
(1) A regular passport or passport card
issued to an applicant 16 years of age or
older is valid for ten years from date of
issue unless the Department limits the
validity period to a shorter period.
(2) A regular passport or passport card
issued to an applicant under 16 years of
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
age is valid for five years from date of
issue unless the Department limits the
validity period to a shorter period.
(3) A regular passport for which
payment of the fee has been excused is
valid for a period of five years from the
date issued unless limited by the
Department to a shorter period.
6. Section 51.52 is revised to read as
§ 51.52 Exemption from payment of
passport fees.
22 CFR Part 51
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
(a) A person who is exempt from the
payment of passport fees under this
section may obtain a passport book only
for no charge. A passport card will not
be issued for no charge to the
individuals exempt from the payment of
passport fees under this section.
(b) The following persons are exempt
from payment of passport fees except for
the passport execution fee, unless their
applications are executed before a
federal official, in which case they are
also exempt from payment of the
passport execution fee:
(1) An officer or employee of the
United States traveling on official
business and the members of his or her
immediate family. The applicant must
submit evidence of the official purpose
of the travel and, if applicable,
authorization for the members of his or
her immediate family to accompany or
reside with him or her abroad.
(2) An American seaman who requires
a passport in connection with his or her
duties aboard a United States flag
(3) A widow, widower, child, parent,
brother or sister of a deceased member
of the United States Armed Forces
proceeding abroad to visit the grave of
such service member or to attend a
funeral or memorial service for such
(4) Other persons whom the
Department determines should be
exempt from payment of passport fees
for compelling circumstances, pursuant
to guidance issued by the Department;
(5) Other categories of persons
exempted by law.
Dated: December 21, 2007.
Patrick Kennedy,
Under Secretary for Management,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. E7–25422 Filed 12–28–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 249 (Monday, December 31, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 74169-74173]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-25422]
22 CFR Parts 22 and 51
[Public Notice: 6044]
Card Format Passport; Changes to Passport Fee Schedule
AGENCY: Department of State.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule finalizes the proposed rule published on October 17,
2006, and implements certain provisions of Section 7209 of the
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). The
IRTPA provides that United States citizens and nonimmigrant aliens may
enter the United States only with passports or such alternative
documents as the Secretary of Homeland Security may designate as
satisfactorily establishing identity and citizenship. The statute
requires that the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with
the Secretary of State, develop and implement a plan to require
virtually all travelers entering the United States to present a
passport or other document or combination of documents that are deemed
by the Secretary of Homeland Security to be sufficient to denote
identity and citizenship. The legislation also requires that the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State seek
to facilitate the frequent travel of those living in border
communities. This final rule takes into account the amendment to
section 7209 by the 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations
Act calling for the availability of a passport card for land and sea
travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and
The Administration's proposal to address the remainder of the
legislative requirements in section 7209, called the Western Hemisphere
Travel Initiative (WHTI), is being addressed in separate rulemakings.
DATES: This rule is effective February 1, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Consuelo Pachon, Office of Legal
Affairs and Law Enforcement Liaison, Bureau of Consular Affairs, 2100
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC, telephone number
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of State published an
Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) in September 2005,
which received approximately 2,000 comments. Many of these comments
from border resident communities expressed a desire for a less
expensive and more portable alternative to the traditional passport
book. To be responsive to the needs and concerns of the border
communities and to facilitate the travel of border community residents,
consistent with Section 7209, the Department of State issued a Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in October 2006, at 71 FR 60928,
proposing to develop and issue a card format passport as a less
expensive and more portable alternative to the passport book. The
comment period closed on January 7, 2007. This final rule implements
provisions of Section 7209 of the IRTPA, Public Law 108-458, 118 Stat.
3638, 3823 (Dec. 17, 2004), as amended. The Administration's proposal
to address the remainder of the legislative requirements of section
7209 is being addressed in separate rulemakings.
The rule was discussed in detail in Public Notice 5558, as were the
Department of State's reasons for making the proposals. The Department
of State is now promulgating a final rule with limited changes to
clarify the proposed rule. Primarily, the final rule explains that the
passport card does not need to be signed in order to be valid, whereas
the passport book requires a signature to be valid. In addition, it
makes clear that those requesting and eligible for a no-fee passport
will receive a passport in book form only. The new Passport Card
charges are summarized as follows:
[[Page 74170]]
9. Passport Card Services:
(a) Application fee for applicants age 16 or over (including $20
renewals) [Adult Passport Card]................................
(b) Application fee for applicants under age 16 [Minor Passport 10
(c) Passport card execution fee, (first time applicants only)... 25
Total first time adult...................................... 45
Total first time child...................................... 35
Total renewal (adult)....................................... 20
Total renewal child......................................... 10
The Department is making additional changes to the passport
regulations at 22 CFR part 51 in a separate rulemaking. Those changes
were published in the Federal Register on Monday November 19, 2007,
will be effective February 1, 2008, and are contained in Public Notice
5991, Vol. 22 Federal Register No. 222, pages 64930-64939.
Analysis of Comments
Over 4000 comments were received regarding this proposed rule.
Among those submitting comments were: four Members of Congress,
Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer of New York, Senator
Patrick Leahy of Vermont, and Representative Louise Slaughter of New
York; the governments of Canada and two of its provinces (Manitoba and
New Brunswick); a Native American government (Haudenosaunee
Confederation, New York); and dozens of city, county, and municipal
governments. Also represented are the United States Postal Service
(USPS), the Air Transport Association, over two dozen technology
companies and privacy interest groups, five tourism interest groups,
and three offshore drilling concerns.
The vast majority of the comments were generated from an e-petition
launched by Citizens Against Government Waste opposing the choice of
technology. Independent of the e-petition, we received an additional 28
comments regarding technology. In addition, over 150 comments voiced
opposition to the change in the amount of the passport execution fee.
Other key topics include security issues (21), privacy issues (18), and
potential negative economic implications, including a decrease in
tourism on both sides of the border (14). Only a small number of
comments opposed the idea of the passport card itself, and over 20
comments specifically voiced support for the passport card.
Comments not specifically focused on the passport card are not
discussed in this rule.
All four Members of Congress, as well as technology, security, and
privacy groups, are concerned with the choice of ``vicinity read''
radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for the passport card.
While the majority of commenters opposed vicinity read technology,
there were some commenters who supported the technology. The opinion
expressed by many commenters is that vicinity read technology is not as
secure as the proximity read technology currently used in the United
States e-Passport. In their opinion the use of vicinity read technology
could result in the unauthorized reading of information that would lead
to identity theft and tracking of United States citizens by terrorists
(security groups) and the government (privacy groups). In addition,
commenters asserted that employing two different technologies at the
same border crossing is redundant, inefficient, and unnecessarily
costly. Several comments mention a 2006 Government Accountability
Office review of the US-VISIT program, which reported a low read rate
using this type of technology and a statement in the report that it
should not be used for identification of people, only for the tracking
of goods. All four Members of Congress also question the use of RFID
vicinity read technology. Two members of Congress expressed concern
that the passport card had not received National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) certification in accordance with Section 546 of
the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 207 (Pub. L. 109-295).
The two comments that best represent the overall nature of comments
regarding choice of technology come from the private sector. One
industry association, whose members produce both vicinity read and
proximity read technology, argues that vicinity read RFID technology is
inappropriate for implementing a secure card that is used to verify a
citizen's identity. A private company that designs, manufactures and
markets both vicinity and proximity read technology chips commented
that the choice of vicinity read technology could have the unexpected
result of compromising the security of our borders while severely
impacting the personal privacy of United States citizens. They also
questioned whether vicinity read technology would necessarily improve
border crossing times.
While State and DHS appreciate the comments received, the vast
majority reflected an improper understanding of the business model that
WHTI is designed to meet and how the technology selected would actually
be implemented. DHS remains committed to vicinity-read radio frequency
identification (RFID) as the most appropriate technological solution to
facilitate document processing at land and sea ports-of-entry.
Vicinity-read RFID technology should allow CBP officers to quickly
obtain information about the border crosser and perform terrorist watch
list checks while they are still awaiting a personal inspection and to
read multiple cards simultaneously. Therefore, to ensure compatibility
and interoperability with the DHS border management system, and to
secure significant travel facilitation advantages, the Department of
State will produce the passport card utilizing vicinity RFID
The operational concept that this rule promulgates should enable
information about a border crosser to be queued while they are awaiting
their interviews with the border officers, rather than waiting until
they are face to face with the officer to provide their personal
information. This approach is designed to substantially reduce wait
times at the border, which was the key driver in development of the
WHTI passport card business case.
The vicinity RFID electronic chip contains only one item of
information--a unique identifying number that has meaning only inside
the secure CBP computer system. No other form of personally
identifiable information, such as name, date of birth, SSN, place of
birth etc., will be electronically stored on the passport card or
transmitted through RFID. All personal information will be contained in
DHS systems and will only be accessible by authorized personnel through
secure networks. Upon receipt of the passport card number, the border
crosser's personal information will be downloaded from the CBP system
and provided to the CBP officer. The CBP officer will then interview
the individual, verify their identities, and determine the appropriate
action to take. The WHTI passport card approach was not designed to be
an automated system, and the use of vicinity RFID technology in this
final rule reflects this reality. Rather, the RFID-based approach
allows the CBP officers to do their jobs better and faster.
While the passport card will transmit only the card's unique
identifying number, which is meaningless outside the secure CBP
computer system, the Department of State and DHS nonetheless take the
submitted privacy concerns seriously. All card holders will
[[Page 74171]]
also be issued a protective sleeve for the card, which prevents
transmission of the card's unique identifying number. Additionally, use
of the passport card is not mandatory. Those border crossers that would
prefer to use traditional passports may continue to do so.
Many comments also discussed the technology solution in the e-
passport, whose business model is vastly different than that of WHTI.
In the e-passport case, a different technology solution was selected
that enables transfer of actual personal information in a secure,
encrypted, manner. The technology solution for e-passports does not
meet the business model for the specific WHTI application, so it was
not selected.
Section 546 of the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 109-295) requires the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) to certify that ``the Departments of Homeland
Security and State have selected a card architecture that meets or
exceeds ISO security standards and meets or exceeds best available
practices for protection of personal identification documents.'' NIST
certified the proposed passport card on May 1, 2007. Both the House and
Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Homeland Security received
notice of the certification on May 3, 2007.
Passport Application Fees
A limited number of commenters, most notably Senator Leahy, believe
that the passport application fee, not just the execution fee, should
be reduced. Senator Leahy also suggests that consideration should be
given to waiving all fees to citizens with low incomes.
The collection of passport application and execution fees is
required by 22 U.S.C. 214. This section of the law mandates fee
exemptions for specified groups, but does not allow the Department to
establish an income-based waiver. The possibility of shorter periods of
passport validity and less expensive passports for individuals, such as
low-income applicants, has been proposed in the past. However, to date,
Congress has not promulgated law that would give the Department of
State authority to reduce or waive the passport fee for low-income
citizens. Thus, a no-fee passport, regardless of format, for low-income
citizens is not an option that is legally available.
As established by OMB Circular A-25, fees for government services
are to be based on the costs of service, in order to ensure that such
services be self-sustaining to the extent possible. Thus, passport
application fees are determined on a cost recovery basis and are
intended to recover, to the extent possible, the costs of providing
passport adjudication and production as well as consular services to
citizen travelers abroad. The Department of State did not include the
cost of consular services in determining the cost of the passport card,
since travelers using the card are likely to be on cross border trips
generally of short duration, and most emergencies would be handled by
travelers relying on family members and services in the United States.
Passport Execution Fee
We received comments from dozens of municipal and county
governments, as well as the USPS, questioning the reduction of the
execution fee from $30 to $25. USPS's comments acknowledge the positive
relationship it shares with the Department of State and make clear that
it will work with the Department to continue to offer passport
acceptance services if the execution fee is lowered. USPS suggests that
should the fee be lowered, the Department of State, in consultation
with USPS, should provide both a more streamlined application process
and conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the execution fee covers
the cost of service. Comments also requested clarification of exactly
when the execution fee is required.
We note that only first-time applicants or those individuals
required to appear personally at passport acceptance facilities are
required to pay the execution fee. Individuals applying for renewal of
a passport by mail, or those who have a passport book and are applying
for a passport card, are not required to pay the execution fee.
We also note that in the United States, the largest numbers of
first-time passport applications are made by those who appear in person
at a local United States Post Office or government office (most often
county, township, municipal, or clerk of the court). The execution fee
is retained by these designated passport application acceptance
facilities to cover the costs of providing this service. We base the
fee on a cost of service study designed to reimburse on an average
basis, and conduct such studies regularly to ensure their accuracy in
recovering relevant costs.
The Department of State is committed to providing a low-cost
alternative to the passport book to assist residents of border
communities. Based on the considerations expressed in the NPRM,
including our cost of service study, the Department of State will
reduce the execution fee to $25.00 for the passport card. The
Department of State values its significant national partnership with
USPS and is also committed to working with USPS regarding any
implementation issues that may be encountered with establishing this
rate for the passport card execution fee. The Department of State is
not proposing to lower the execution fee for the passport book at this
time. Changes to the passport book fee schedule will be addressed in
separate rulemakings.
First Nation Concerns
The Department received one comment from the Haudenosaunee, a Six
National Confederacy made up of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga,
Seneca, and Tuscarora Nations. They expressed concern that the proposed
rule would unnecessarily and unintentionally interfere with and
undermine the ability of the Haudenosaunee to determine how to document
the identity and citizenship of its people. They also expressed concern
that the proposed rule would interfere with aboriginal and treaty
rights to freely pass the international border without burdensome
costly documentation requirements.
These issues will be addressed as part of the final WHTI joint rule
making process by DHS and the Department of State. The Department of
State is sensitive to the issues of documenting members of all United
States Native American Nations. We would like to emphasize that the
passport card will be issued on the same basis as the traditional
passport book to Native Americans who wish to apply.
Washington State
The Department of Licensing for the State of Washington commented
that it strongly believes that enhanced driver's licenses would
``better serve the economic and convenience needs'' of United States
citizens at border crossings.
The Department of State has participated in discussions between DHS
and Washington State regarding the development of the Washington State
Enhanced Driver's License Project, but is not a partner in the program.
DHS has the authority to determine what documents or combination of
documents it will deem sufficient to denote citizenship and identity
for the purposes of cross border travel. The issue of alternative
documentation will be addressed in the final rule implementing the land
and sea portion of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.
[[Page 74172]]
Canadian Comments
The Government of Canada
The Government of Canada submitted official comments encouraging
the movement of legitimate travelers across the shared border while
still complying with WHTI. However, it expressed concern that unless
the public is properly informed, there could be significant disruption
to the tourism and service industries as well as to trade between the
two countries. The Government of Canada encourages a high-profile
outreach campaign regarding WHTI and the release of the passport card.
It also urges that the implementation of WHTI be postponed until June
1, 2009, and suggests that the use of the passport card be expanded to
the air environment to increase its versatility, thus making it a more
attractive option.
The Department of State appreciates the comments expressed by the
Government of Canada. For the past year, the Department of State and
DHS have conducted an extensive public service campaign to educate the
public on the requirements of WHTI. The success of this campaign is
evidenced by the surge in passport applications through May 2007. We
anticipate that this momentum will continue as we get closer to full
We note that the passport card, as currently designed and
conceived, is for use at land and sea borders only. The passport card
will be available to United States citizens nationwide, but its primary
purpose is to facilitate the travel of those living in the border
region. It is not a globally interoperable document. The Department of
State continues to believe that it is a valuable low-cost alternative
to the traditional book format passport.
Governments of Manitoba and New Brunswick
The Government of Manitoba recommends (1) a delay in the
implementation of WHTI; (2) development and funding for a public
awareness campaign; (3) expansion of the trusted traveler and
commercial traffic programs; (4) affordable documents; (5) flexibility
of documentation, especially for minors under age 16; and, (6)
exploration of the use of enhanced drivers' licenses as alternative
travel documents provided for under WHTI. The Government of New
Brunswick expressed concern about the implementation dates for WHTI and
the lack of availability of NEXUS and FAST crossing sites at the Maine-
New Brunswick border. They call for launching unspecified required
technologies and infrastructure at all border crossings.
The Department of State welcomes comments from the Canadian
provinces and shares their commitment to ensuring safe, affordable and
efficient travel across common borders. We note, however, that the
comments received are more directed toward the WHTI concept rather than
the passport card. We will continue to work with DHS, Canadian
provinces and the Canadian central government to assist in the
implementation of WHTI and in the introduction of the passport card.
Global Interoperability of the Passport Card
Several comments suggested that the passport card should not be
restricted for use only at land borders but should be available for use
in the air environment for travel between the United States, Canada,
Mexico and the Caribbean.
The passport card was specifically designed to respond to the
concerns expressed by border communities in regard to the requirements
of WHTI. The passport card is designed specifically to address the
unique circumstances of land border crossings and is not intended to be
a globally interoperable travel document. Therefore, passport cards
will not be designed to meet the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) standards and recommendations for globally
interoperable passports.
Because the passport card will be specifically designed to
facilitate land and sea border crossings, it is not compatible with the
global air environment, which is already set up for passport books. In
addition, extending the use of the passport card to the air environment
could create confusion with the traveling public should they attempt to
use the passport card for travel to a country other than Mexico, Canada
or the Caribbean.
Offshore Drilling Concerns
Three offshore drilling concerns suggested that the passport card
be made available for return to the United States by helicopter from a
mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU).
After careful consideration, the Department of State believes that
even a limited use of the passport card in the air environment, such as
helicopter travel from a MODU from outside the United States, back to
the United States, would not be warranted. Travel of individuals
working on a MODU attached to the Outer Continental Shelf is being
addressed in the WHTI land and sea rulemaking.
Regulatory Findings
Administrative Procedure Act
In accordance with provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act
governing rules promulgated by federal agencies that affect the public
(5 U.S.C. 552), the Department of State published a proposed rule and
invited and received public comment.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Department of State, in accordance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed this regulation and, by
approving it, certifies that this rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities because only
individuals can apply for the passport card.
Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
This rule does not involve a mandate that will result in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any year and it
will not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Therefore,
no actions were deemed necessary under the provisions of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
This rule is not a major rule as defined by section 804 of the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act of 1996. This rule will not
result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more; a
major increase in costs or prices; or significant adverse effects on
competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or on
the ability of United States-based companies to compete with foreign-
based companies in domestic and import markets.
Executive Order 12866
The Department of State has reviewed this rule to ensure its
consistency with the regulatory philosophy and principles set forth in
Executive Order 12866. The Department of State does not consider the
proposed rule to be an economically significant regulatory action
within the scope of section 3(f) (1) of the Executive Order since it is
not likely to have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or
more or to adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of
the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public
health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or
communities. However, the final rule implements Department of State
[[Page 74173]]
decisions that require coordination with action taken or planned by
another agency, in particular the Department of Homeland Security.
Accordingly, the rule has been provided to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review.
Executive Order 13132
This regulation will not have substantial direct effects on the
States, on the relationship between the national government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with section 6
of Executive Order 13132, it is determined that this rule does not have
sufficient federalism implications to require consultations or warrant
the preparation of a federalism summary impact statement.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule does not impose any new reporting or recordkeeping
requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter
List of Subjects
22 CFR Part 22
Passports and visas.
22 CFR Part 51
Accordingly, 22 CFR Parts 22 and 51 are amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 22 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1153 note, 1351, 1351 note; 10 U.S.C.
2602(c); 22 U.S.C. 214, 2504(a), 4201, 4206, 4215, 4219; 31 U.S.C.
9701; Pub. L. 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681 et seq.; Pub. L. 108-447, 118
Stat. 2809 et seq.; E.O. 10718, 22 FR 4632, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp.,
p. 382; E.O. 11295, 31 FR 10603, 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 570.
2. Section 22.1 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 22.1 Schedule of fees.
* * * * *
Schedule of Fees for Consular Services
Item No. Fee
Passport and Citizenship Services
* * * * *
9. Passport Card Services:
(a) Application fee for applicants age 16 or $20
over (including renewals) [Adult Passport
(b) Application fee for applicants under age 10
16 [Minor Passport Card].
(c) Execution fee, (first time applicant 25
only) [Passport Card].
10. [Reserved]..................................
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 51 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1504; 18 U.S.C. 1621; 22 U.S.C. 211a, 212,
213, 213n (Pub. L. 106-113 Div. B, Sec. 1000(a)(7) [Div. A, Title
II, Sec. 236], 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A-430); 214, 214a, 217a, 218,
2651a, 2671(d)(3), 2705, 2714, 2721, & 3926; 26 U.S.C. 6039E; 31
U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 652(k) [Div. B, Title V of Pub. L. 103-317,
108 Stat. 1760]; E.O. 11295, Aug. 6, 1966, FR 10603, 3 CFR, 1966-
1970 Comp., p. 570; Sec. 1 of Pub. L. 109-210, 120 Stat. 319; Sec. 2
of Pub. L. 109-167, 119 Stat. 3578; Sec. 5 of Pub. L. 109-472, 120
Stat. 3554; Pub. L. 108-447, Div. B, Title IV, Dec. 8, 2004, 118
Stat. 2809; Pub. L. 108-458, 118 Stat. 3638, 3823 (Dec. 17, 2004).
4. Amend Sec. 51.3 by adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 51.3 Types of passports.
* * * * *
(d) Passport card. A passport card is issued to a national of the
United States on the same basis as a regular passport. It is valid only
for departure from and entry to the United States through land and sea
ports of entry between the United States and Mexico, Canada, the
Caribbean and Bermuda. It is not a globally interoperable international
travel document.
5. Section 51.4, paragraphs (a) and (b) are revised to read as follows:
Sec. 51.4 Validity of passports.
(a) Signature of bearer. A passport book is valid only when signed
by the bearer in the space designated for signature, or, if the bearer
is unable to sign, signed by a person with legal authority to sign on
his or her behalf. A passport card is valid without the signature of
the bearer.
(b) Period of validity of a regular passport and a passport card.
(1) A regular passport or passport card issued to an applicant 16
years of age or older is valid for ten years from date of issue unless
the Department limits the validity period to a shorter period.
(2) A regular passport or passport card issued to an applicant
under 16 years of age is valid for five years from date of issue unless
the Department limits the validity period to a shorter period.
(3) A regular passport for which payment of the fee has been
excused is valid for a period of five years from the date issued unless
limited by the Department to a shorter period.
* * * * *
6. Section 51.52 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 51.52 Exemption from payment of passport fees.
(a) A person who is exempt from the payment of passport fees under
this section may obtain a passport book only for no charge. A passport
card will not be issued for no charge to the individuals exempt from
the payment of passport fees under this section.
(b) The following persons are exempt from payment of passport fees
except for the passport execution fee, unless their applications are
executed before a federal official, in which case they are also exempt
from payment of the passport execution fee:
(1) An officer or employee of the United States traveling on
official business and the members of his or her immediate family. The
applicant must submit evidence of the official purpose of the travel
and, if applicable, authorization for the members of his or her
immediate family to accompany or reside with him or her abroad.
(2) An American seaman who requires a passport in connection with
his or her duties aboard a United States flag vessel.
(3) A widow, widower, child, parent, brother or sister of a
deceased member of the United States Armed Forces proceeding abroad to
visit the grave of such service member or to attend a funeral or
memorial service for such member.
(4) Other persons whom the Department determines should be exempt
from payment of passport fees for compelling circumstances, pursuant to
guidance issued by the Department; or
(5) Other categories of persons exempted by law.
Dated: December 21, 2007.
Patrick Kennedy,
Under Secretary for Management, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E7-25422 Filed 12-28-07; 8:45 am]