Agency Information Collection Request. 60-Day Public Comment Request, 74296-74297 [E7-25383]

Download as PDF 74296 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Notices police efforts to prevent, control, or reduce crime or to apprehend criminals; to the activities of prosecutors, courts, and correctional, probation, pardon, or parole authorities; and to (a) information compiled for the purpose of identifying individual criminal offenders and alleged offenders and consisting only of identifying data and notations of arrests, the nature and disposition of criminal charges, sentencing, confinement, release, and parole and probation status; (b) information compiled for the purpose of a criminal investigation, including reports of informants and investigators, that is associated with an identifiable individual; or (c) reports of enforcement of the criminal laws, from arrest or indictment through release from supervision. This system is exempted to maintain the efficacy and integrity of the Office of Inspector General’s law enforcement function. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(k), this system of records is exempt from subsections (c)(3); (d); (e)(1); (e)(4); (G), (H), and (I); and (f) of the Privacy Act of 1974. THE SYSTEM IS EXEMPT: a. To the extent that the system consists of investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes. However, if an individual is denied any right, privilege, or benefit to which the individual would otherwise be eligible as a result of the maintenance of such material, such material shall be provided to such individual, except to the extent that the disclosure of such material would reveal the identity of a source who furnished information to the government under an express promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence, or prior to the effective date of the Act, under an implied promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence; and b. To the extent the system consists of investigatory material compiled solely for the purpose of determining suitability, eligibility, or qualifications for Federal civilian employment, military service, Federal contracts, or access to classified information, but only to the extent that the disclosure of such material would reveal the identity of a source who furnished information to the Government under an express promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence, or, prior to the effective date of the Act, under an implied promise that the identity of the source would be held in confidence. This system has been exempted to maintain the efficacy and integrity of lawful investigations conducted pursuant to the Office of Inspector General’s law enforcement responsibilities and responsibilities in the areas of Federal employment, government contracts, and access to security classified information. e-mail your request, including your address, phone number, OMB number, and OS document identifier, to, or call the Reports Clearance Office on (202) 690–6162. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collections must be directed to the OS Paperwork Clearance Officer at the above email address within 60 days. Proposed Project—Annual Appellant Climate Survey—0990–NEW—Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA). Abstract: The first annual OMHA Appellant Climate Survey is a survey of Medicare beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers who had a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA). Appellants dissatisfied with the outcome of their Level 2 appeal may request a hearing before an OMHA ALJ. The Appellant Climate Survey will be used to measure appellant satisfaction with their OMHA appeals experience, as opposed to their satisfaction with a specific ruling. OMHA was established by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 (Pub. L. 108–173) and became operational on July 1, 2005. The MMA legislation and implementing regulations issued on March 8, 2007 instituted a number of changes in the appeals process. The MMA legislation also directed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to consider the feasibility of conducting hearings using telephone or video-teleconference technologies. In carrying out this mandate, OMHA makes extensive use of video-teleconferencing to provide appellants with a vast nationwide network of access points for hearings close to their homes. The survey will gauge appellants’ satisfaction with this new service along with the overall appeals experience. The OMHA survey will be conducted annually over a threeyear period, beginning in FY08. Results from the surveys will be used to gauge progress made in increasing satisfaction among appellants. [FR Doc. E7–25425 Filed 12–28–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6820–14–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES [Document Identifier: OS–0990–New] Agency Information Collection Request. 60-Day Public Comment Request Office of the Secretary, HHS. In compliance with the requirement of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Secretary (OS), Department of Health and Human Services, is publishing the following summary of a proposed information collection request for public comment. Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including any of the following subjects: (1) The necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency’s functions; (2) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden. To obtain copies of the supporting statement and any related forms for the proposed paperwork collections referenced above, AGENCY: ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN TABLE Number of respondents sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES Forms Type of respondent OMHA Appellant Climate Survey ..... Appellants ......................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 20:08 Dec 28, 2007 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Number of responses per respondent 400 E:\FR\FM\31DEN1.SGM 1 31DEN1 Average burden hours per response (in hours) 11/60 Total burden hours 73 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 249 / Monday, December 31, 2007 / Notices Dated: November 26, 2007. Terri Nicolosi, Office of the Secretary, Paperwork Reduction Act Reports Clearance Officer. [FR Doc. E7–25383 Filed 12–28–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4150–46–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [Document Identifier: CMS–10232] Public Information Collection Requirements Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Correction Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. ACTION: Correction of notice. AGENCY: SUMMARY: This document corrects a technical error in the notice [Document Identifier: CMS–10232] entitled ‘‘State Plan Template to Implement Section 6062 of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005’’ that was published in the December 7, 2007 Federal Register. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melissa Musotto, (410) 786–6962. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES I. Background In the FR Doc. E7–23746 of December 7, 2007 (72 FR 69218), we published a Paperwork Reduction Act notice requesting a 30-day public comment period for the document entitled ‘‘State Plan Template to Implement Section 6062 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.’’ In the date December 7, 2007 notice, we inadvertently included information pertaining to another new collection (CMS–10251). Therefore, we are correcting that error in this notice. II. Correction of Error In FR Doc. E7–23746 of December 7, 2007 (72 FR 69218), make the following correction: On page 69218, first column, second full paragraph beginning with the phrase ‘‘1. Type of Information Collection’’ and ending with figure ‘‘600’’ is corrected to read as follows: ‘‘1. Type of Information Collection Request: New Collection; Title of Information Collection: State Plan Template to Implement Section 6062 of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005; Use: The DRA provides States with numerous flexibilities in operating their State Medicaid Programs. Section 6062 of the DRA (Opportunity for families of Disabled Children to VerDate Aug<31>2005 20:33 Dec 28, 2007 Jkt 214001 Purchase Medicaid Coverage for Such Children) allows States the opportunity to provide Medicaid benefits to disabled children who would otherwise be ineligible because of family income that is above the State’s highest Medicaid eligibility standards for children. It specifically allows families with disabled children to ‘‘buy-in’’ to Medicaid, and prevents them from having to stay impoverished, become impoverished, place their children in out-of-home placements, or simply give up custody of their child in order to access needed health care for their disabled children. Under the DRA, States must submit a SPA to CMS to effectuate this change to their Medicaid programs. CMS will provide a State Medicaid Director letter providing guidance on this provision and the associated SPA template for use by States to modify their Medicaid State Plans if they choose to implement this provision. Providing the State with this SPA template will reduce State burden significantly. Form Numbers: CMS– 10232 (OMB #: 0938–NEW); Frequency: Reporting—Once; Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal Governments; Number of Respondents: 56; Total Annual Responses: 30; Total Annual Hours: 600. Dated: December 26, 2007. Michelle Shortt, Director, Regulations Development Group, Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory Affairs. [FR Doc. 07–6256 Filed 12–26–07; 2:15 pm] BILLING CODE 4120–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Administration for Children and Families Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions; Notice of Grant Program Office: Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB). Program Announcement Number: HHS–2008 ACF–ACYF–SDVC–0122. Announcement Title: Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions. CFDA Number: 93.591. Due Date for Applications: January 30, 2008. Executive Summary: This announcement governs the proposed award of formula grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to private, non- PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 74297 profit State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Coalitions). The purpose of these grants is to assist in the conduct of activities to promote domestic violence intervention and prevention and to increase public awareness of domestic violence issues. This notice for family violence prevention and services grants to Coalitions serves two purposes. The first is to confirm a Federal commitment to reducing domestic violence; and the second purpose is to urge States, localities, cities, and the private sector to become involved in State and local planning towards an integrated service delivery approach. I. Description Legislative Authority: Title III of the Child Abuse Amendments of 1984 (Pub L. 98–457, 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.) is entitled the ‘‘Family Violence Prevention and Services Act’’ (FVPSA). FVPSA was first implemented in Fiscal Year (FY) 1986. The statute was subsequently amended by Public Law 100–294, the ‘‘Child Abuse Prevention, Adoptions, and Family Services Act of 1988;’’ further amended in 1992 by Public Law 102–295, the ‘‘Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Adoption, and Family Services Act;’’ and then amended in 1994 by Public Law 103– 322, the ‘‘Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.’’ FVPSA was amended again in 1996 by Public Law 104–235, the ‘‘Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA);’’ in 2000 by Public Law 106–386, the ‘‘Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act,’’ and amended further by Public Law 108–36, the ‘‘Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003.’’ FVPSA was most recently amended by Public Law 109–162, the ‘‘Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005’’ as amended by Public Law 109–271, which was enacted on August 17, 2006. Background Section 311 of FVPSA authorizes the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary to award grants to statewide, private, non-profit State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Coalitions) to conduct activities to promote domestic violence intervention and prevention and to increase public awareness of domestic violence issues. Annual State Domestic Violence Coalition Grantee Conference Coalitions should plan to send one or more representatives to the annual grantee conference. Subsequent correspondence will advise Coalition E:\FR\FM\31DEN1.SGM 31DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 249 (Monday, December 31, 2007)]
[Pages 74296-74297]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-25383]



[Document Identifier: OS-0990-New]

Agency Information Collection Request. 60-Day Public Comment 

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HHS.
    In compliance with the requirement of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Secretary (OS), 
Department of Health and Human Services, is publishing the following 
summary of a proposed information collection request for public 
comment. Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding this 
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, 
including any of the following subjects: (1) The necessity and utility 
of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of 
the agency's functions; (2) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (3) 
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and (4) the use of automated collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology to minimize the information 
collection burden. To obtain copies of the supporting statement and any 
related forms for the proposed paperwork collections referenced above, 
e-mail your request, including your address, phone number, OMB number, 
and OS document identifier, to, or call 
the Reports Clearance Office on (202) 690-6162. Written comments and 
recommendations for the proposed information collections must be 
directed to the OS Paperwork Clearance Officer at the above email 
address within 60 days.
    Proposed Project--Annual Appellant Climate Survey--0990-NEW--Office 
of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA).
    Abstract: The first annual OMHA Appellant Climate Survey is a 
survey of Medicare beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers who had a 
hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at the Office of 
Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA). Appellants dissatisfied with the 
outcome of their Level 2 appeal may request a hearing before an OMHA 
ALJ. The Appellant Climate Survey will be used to measure appellant 
satisfaction with their OMHA appeals experience, as opposed to their 
satisfaction with a specific ruling.
    OMHA was established by the Medicare Prescription Drug, 
Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-173) and 
became operational on July 1, 2005. The MMA legislation and 
implementing regulations issued on March 8, 2007 instituted a number of 
changes in the appeals process. The MMA legislation also directed the 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to consider the 
feasibility of conducting hearings using telephone or video-
teleconference technologies. In carrying out this mandate, OMHA makes 
extensive use of video-teleconferencing to provide appellants with a 
vast nationwide network of access points for hearings close to their 
homes. The survey will gauge appellants' satisfaction with this new 
service along with the overall appeals experience. The OMHA survey will 
be conducted annually over a three-year period, beginning in FY08. 
Results from the surveys will be used to gauge progress made in 
increasing satisfaction among appellants.

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Table
                                     Type of         Number of       Number of     burden hours    Total burden
             Forms                 respondent       respondents    responses per   per response        hours
                                                                    respondent      (in hours)
OMHA Appellant Climate Survey.  Appellants......             400               1           11/60              73

[[Page 74297]]

    Dated: November 26, 2007.
Terri Nicolosi,
Office of the Secretary, Paperwork Reduction Act Reports Clearance 
[FR Doc. E7-25383 Filed 12-28-07; 8:45 am]
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