DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program Regulation, 71847-71868 [E7-24359]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
or section 514(e)(3) of the Act, as
applicable, all such persons shall be
jointly and severally liable for such
failure. For purposes of paragraph
(a)(1)(iii) of this section, the term
‘‘administrator’’ shall include plan
sponsor (within the meaning of section
3(16)(B) of the Act).
(2) Any person, or persons under
paragraph (j)(1) of this section, against
whom a civil penalty has been assessed
under section 502(c)(4) of the Act,
pursuant to a final order within the
meaning of § 2570.131(g) of this chapter
shall be personally liable for the
payment of such penalty.
(k) Cross-references. (1) The
procedural rules in §§ 2570.130 through
2570.141 of this chapter apply to
administrative hearings under section
502(c)(4) of the Act.
(2) When applying procedural rules in
§§ 2570.130 through 2570.140:
(i) Wherever the term ‘‘502(c)(7)’’
appears, such term shall mean
(ii) Reference to § 2560.502c–7(g) in
2570.131(c) shall be construed as
reference to § 2560.502c–4(g) of this
(iii) Reference to § 2560.502c–7(e) in
§ 2570.131(g) shall be construed as
reference to § 2560.502c–4(e) of this
(iv) Reference to § 2560.502c–7(g) in
§ 2570.131(m) shall be construed as
reference to § 2560.502c–4(g); and
(v) Reference to §§ 2560.502c–7(g) and
2560.502c–7(h) in § 2570.134 shall be
construed as reference to §§ 2560.502c–
4(g) and 2560.502c–4(h), respectively.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 11th day of
December, 2007.
Bradford P. Campbell,
Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits
Security Administration, Department of
[FR Doc. E7–24386 Filed 12–18–07; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[DoD–2007–OS–0086; 0790–AI24]
32 CFR Part 286
DoD Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) Program Regulation
Department of Defense.
Proposed rule.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
SUMMARY: The Department of Defense is
proposing to update current policies
and procedures to reflect the DoD FOIA
Program as prescribed by Executive
Order 13392. The proposed changes will
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ensure appropriate agency disclosure of
information, and offer consistency with
the goals of section 552 of title 5, United
States Code.
DATES: Comments must be received by
February 19, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number and/or RIN
number and title, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Federal Docket Management
System Office, 1160 Defense Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20301–1160.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number or Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) for this
Federal Register document. The general
policy for comments and other
submissions from members of the public
is to make these submissions available
for public viewing on the Internet at as they are
received without change, including any
personal identifiers or contact
James Hogan (703) 696–4495.
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism’’
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
286 does not have federalism
implications, as set forth in Executive
Order 13132. This rule does not have
substantial direct effects on:
(1) The States;
(2) The relationship between the
National Government and the States; or
(3) The distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of Government.
Executive Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory
Planning and Review’’
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
286 does not:
(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the
economy; a section of the economy;
productivity; competition; jobs; the
environment; public health or safety; or
State, local, or tribal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another Agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees,
or loan programs, or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in this Executive Order.
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Section 202, Public Law 104–4,
‘‘Unfunded Mandates Reform Act’’
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
286 does not contain a Federal mandate
that may result in expenditure by State,
local and tribal governments, in
aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more in any one year.
Public Law 96–354, ‘‘Regulatory
Flexibility Act’’ (5 U.S.C. 601)
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
286 is not subject to the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601) because it
would not, if promulgated, have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Public Law 96–511, ‘‘Paperwork
Reduction Act ’’ (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
286 does not impose reporting or
recordkeeping requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 286
Freedom of information.
Accordingly, 32 CFR part 286 is
proposed to be revised to read as
Subpart A—General Provisions
Public access to DoD information.
Subpart B—FOIA Reading Rooms
286.7 Requirements.
286.8 Record availability.
286.9 Indexes.
286.10 ‘‘(a)(1)’’ records.
Subpart C—Exemptions
General provisions.
Applying the FOIA exemptions.
Subpart D—FOIA Request Processing
General provisions.
Processing procedures.
Initial determinations.
Judicial actions.
Subpart E—Fee Schedule
General provisions.
Collection of fees and fee rates.
Fees for technical data.
Fees for research data.
Subpart F—Education and Training
Purpose and responsibility.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Appendix A to Part 286—DoD FOIA
Program Components
Appendix B to Part 286—Addressing
FOIA Requests
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.
Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 286.1
This part promotes uniformity in the
DoD FOIA Program. It shall take
precedence over all DoD Component
publications that supplement and
implement the DoD FOIA Program. A
list of the DoD FOIA Program
Components is at Appendix A to this
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§ 286.2
The following terms and meanings
shall apply for the purposes of this part:
Administrative appeal. A request by a
member of the public, made under the
FOIA, asking the appellate authority of
the DoD Component to reverse any
adverse determination by an Initial
Denial Authority (IDA). A requester may
also appeal the failure of an agency to
respond within the statutory time limits.
Adverse determination. A decision by
an IDA to withhold all or part of a
requested record, deny a fee category
claim by a requester, deny a request for
waiver or reduction of fees, deny a
request to review an initial fee estimate,
deny a request for expedited processing,
confirm that no records were located
during the initial search, or any
determination that a requester believes
is adverse in nature.
Agency record. (1) Includes: (i) All
products of data compilation made or
received by an agency of the U.S.
Government under Federal law in
connection with the transaction of
public business and in DoD possession
and control at the time the search in
response to a FOIA request is made.
Examples include books, papers, maps,
photographs, machine-readable
materials inclusive of those in electronic
form or format, and other documentary
materials, regardless of physical form or
(ii) Research data produced under a
Federal grant used by the Federal
Government in developing an agency
action that has the force and effect of
law (Office of Management and Budget
Circular (OMB) A–110).
(2) Does not include:
(i) Objects or articles, such as
structures, furniture, vehicles, and
equipment, whatever their historical or
evidentiary value.
(ii) Anything that is not a tangible or
documentary record, such as an
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individual’s memory or an oral
(iii) Personal records of an individual
not subject to agency creation or
retention requirements, created and
maintained primarily for the
convenience of an agency employee and
not distributed to other agency
employees for their official use.
Personal papers fall into three
(A) Those created before entering
Government service.
(B) Private materials brought into,
created, or received in the office that
were not created or received in the
course of transacting Government
(C) Work-related personal papers that
are not used in the transaction of
Government business.
(iv) A record that is not in the
possession and control of the
Department of Defense when the search
is conducted in response to a FOIA
request. (There is no obligation to
create, compile, or obtain a record to
satisfy a FOIA request.)
Appellate authority. The Head of the
DoD Component, or designee, having
jurisdiction to review and possibly
reverse or amend any adverse
determination by an IDA.
Direct costs. Those expenditures the
DoD Component makes in searching for,
reviewing, and duplicating documents
to respond to a FOIA request. Direct
costs include, for example, the salary of
the employee performing the work (the
basic rate of pay plus 16 percent of that
rate to cover benefits) and the costs of
operating duplicating machinery. (These
factors have been included in the fee
rates prescribed at § 286.25. Not
included in direct costs are overhead
expenses such as the cost of space,
heating, or lighting the facility in which
the records are stored.
Electronic records. Records (including
e-mail) created, stored, and retrievable
by electronic means.
Federal agency. Defined in 5 U.S.C.
551(1) and 552(f)(1). (A Federal agency
cannot make FOIA requests.)
FOIA office. The DoD Component
office that receives FOIA requests from
and responds directly to the public.
FOIA public liaison. Defined in E.O.
FOIA request. A written request for
DoD records that reasonably describes
the record(s) sought. The request should
also indicate a willingness to pay
processing fees even if it contains a
request for a fee waiver. Written
requests may be received by postal
service or other commercial delivery
means, by facsimile, or electronically.
All requests must have a postal mailing
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address included, even if they are
received by facsimile or electronically.
FOIA requester. Any person,
including a partnership, corporation,
association, State or State agency,
foreign government, foreign national, or
a lawyer or other representative acting
on behalf of any person, who submits a
FOIA request. This definition
specifically excludes agencies within
the Executive Branch of the Federal
FOIA requester service center. Defined
in E.O. 13392.
IDA. An official who has been granted
authority by the Head of the DoD
Component to withhold information
requested under the FOIA for one or
more of the 9 categories of records
exempt from mandatory disclosure. An
IDA may also deny a fee category claim
by a requester, deny a request for
expedited processing, deny a request for
a waiver or reduction of fees, review a
fee estimate, and confirm that no
records were located in response to a
Perfected FOIA request. A FOIA
request that meets the conditions
identified in definition ‘‘FOIA request’’
and arrives at the FOIA office of the
DoD Component in possession of the
records. Also referred to as a ‘‘correct’’
Privacy Act system of records. Defined
in DoD 5400.11–R 1.
Public interest. The interest in
obtaining official information that sheds
light on an agency’s performance of its
statutory duties because the information
falls within the statutory purpose of the
FOIA to inform citizens about their
Government’s activities.
Search. Includes all time spent
looking, both manually and
electronically, for records that are
responsive to a FOIA request. The term
‘‘search’’ also includes a page-by-page or
line-by-line identification (if necessary)
of material in the record to determine if
it, or portions of it, are responsive to the
request. Time spent reviewing
documents to determine whether to
apply one or more of the statutory
exemptions is not search time; it is
review time.
(1) Duplication. The process of
making a copy of a document in
response to a FOIA request. Such copies
can take the form of paper, microfiche,
or audiovisual or machine-readable
documentation (e.g., magnetic tape or
disc), among others.
(2) Review. The examination of
documents located in response to a
FOIA request to determine whether one
1 Copies of unclassified DoD issuances may be
obtained at
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
or more of the statutory exemptions
permit withholding. Review also
includes processing the documents for
disclosure, such as excising them for
release. Review does not include the
time spent resolving general, legal or
policy issues regarding the application
of exemptions.
Submitter. A person or persons
outside of the Government providing
commercial or financial information or
trade secrets to the Government.
Submitter notice. The process
required by E.O. 12600 whereby when
a Component receives a FOIA request
for confidential commercial
information, it asks the submitter of the
information to advise the Component as
to the information it considers exempt
from release.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
§ 286.3
Public access to DoD information.
(a) The public has a right to
information concerning the activities of
its Government. DoD policy (32 CFR
part 285) is to conduct DoD activities in
an open manner and to provide the
public a maximum of accurate and
timely information concerning DoD
activities, consistent with the need for
security, public and private interests of
the American people, and adherence to
other requirements of law and
regulation. A record requested by a
member of the public who follows rules
established by proper authority in the
Department of Defense shall not be
withheld in whole or in part unless the
record is exempt from mandatory,
partial or total disclosure under the
FOIA. The existence of a sound legal
basis to withhold information does not
preclude the DoD Component from
making a discretionary release if release
of that information would serve the
public interest. Records requested
through public affairs channels by news
media representatives that would not be
withheld if requested under the FOIA
should be released promptly upon
request. Similarly, requests from other
members of the public for information
that would not be withheld under the
FOIA should continue to be honored
through appropriate means without
requiring the requester to invoke the
(b) The DoD FOIA Program
Components shall prepare, in addition
to normal FOIA regulations, a guide, or
handbook for the use of the public in
obtaining information from their
Components as required by 5 U.S.C.
552(g) and section 2(b)(v) of E.O. 13392.
This guide should be a short, simple
explanation of what the FOIA is
designed to do and how the public can
use it to access Government records.
Within OSD, DFOIPO is responsible for
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preparing this guide. Each guide shall
be available on paper and electronically
and shall include:
(1) An index of all major information
systems and a description of major
information and record locator systems.
(2) The types and categories of records
that can be obtained through FOIA
(3) A concise description of the FOIA
exemptions and how the Component
determines whether the record can be
(4) An explanation of how to make a
FOIA request, how long the requester
can expect to wait for a reply, and the
right of appeal.
(5) The location of the FOIA reading
rooms(s) within the Component.
(6) The location of the Component’s
Web site.
(7) A reference to the Component’s
FOIA regulation and how to obtain a
§ 286.4
(a) Compliance with the FOIA. DoD
personnel shall comply with the FOIA,
this part, and DoD FOIA policy (32 CFR
part 285) in both letter and spirit. This
strict adherence is necessary to assure
uniformity in implementation of the
DoD FOIA Program and to create
conditions that promote public trust.
(b) Customer service. (1) In signing
E.O. 13392, the President ordered
agencies to emphasize a new citizencentered approach to the FOIA with a
results-oriented focus. Because FOIA
requesters are seeking a service from the
Federal Government, the DoD
Components shall respond courteously
and appropriately to FOIA requesters.
Additionally, the Components shall
provide the public with citizen-centered
ways to learn about the FOIA process,
information about agency records that
are publicly available, and information
about the status of a person’s FOIA
request and appropriate information
about the agency’s response.
(2) To meet the objectives of E.O.
13392, the DoD Components shall:
(i) Establish one or more FOIA
Requester Service Centers. Normally,
every DoD Component FOIA office that
responds directly to the public is a
FOIA Requester Service Center;
however, the Components have the
discretion to assign more than one FOIA
Office under a FOIA Requester Service
(A) Each FOIA Requester Service
Center shall have an internet Web site
that serves to educate the public on the
FOIA process. At a minimum, each Web
site shall have the address, telephone
number, facsimile number, and
electronic mail address to which FOIA
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requests can be sent; a link to the
Component’s FOIA handbook or guide;
a description of the types of records that
can be requested; the name and contact
information of the Component’s FOIA
Public Liaison; and information on how
a requester can obtain the status of a
request. Additionally, each FOIA
Requester Service Center Web site will
have an electronic FOIA reading room
as described in Subpart B to this part.
(B) The Web sites of DoD Component
Headquarters FOIA Requester Service
Centers shall link to the Web sites of the
other Requester Service Centers within
their Components.
(C) The Internet home page of every
DoD Component shall link to the FOIA
Requester Service Center for that
(ii) Submit to the Director of
Administration and Management
(DA&M), OSD, the names of personnel
to serve as DoD Component FOIA Public
Liaisons. Each Component shall have at
least one FOIA Public Liaison.
Intermediate level Public Liaisons may
be named within those Components that
have a large number of FOIA Requester
Service Centers. The FOIA Public
Liaisons are responsible to ensure that
the FOIA Requester Service Centers’
Web sites comply with § 286.4
(b)(2)(i)(A). Additionally, the FOIA
Public Liaisons are responsible for the
Component’s compliance with the
objectives of E.O. 13392, to include the
reduction or elimination of FOIA
(c) Prompt action on requests. (1)
When a member of the public complies
with the procedures in this part and
DoD Component supplementing
regulations for obtaining DoD records,
and the request is received by the
official designated to respond, the DoD
Component shall endeavor to provide a
final response determination within the
statutory 20 working days (5 U.S.C.
552(a)(6)(A)(i)). If unusual
circumstances prevent a final response
determination within the statutory time
period, the Component shall advise the
requester of this in writing, and provide
a new completion date, which shall be
not later than an additional 10 working
days. If the Component needs more than
this 10-day extension, it will provide
the requester an opportunity to narrow
the scope of the request, or arrange for
an alternative timeframe.
(i) Unusual circumstances are:
(A) The responsive documents are
located at a facility geographically
separated from the office processing the
FOIA request.
(B) The responsive documents are
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
(C) One or more other outside
agencies have a substantial interest in
either the determination or the subject
matter of the request, requiring the DoD
Component processing the request to
consult with the other agencies. This
would include the submitter notice
process (§ 286.18(d)(1)(i)(A)).
(ii) A final response determination is
notification to the requester that the
records are released, or that the records
cannot be provided for one or more of
the reasons in § 286.13. Interim
responses acknowledging receipt of the
request are encouraged, as are
negotiations with the requester
concerning the scope of the request, the
response timeframe, and the fee
agreement. Such communications do
not, however, constitute a final response
(2) If a request fails to meet the
minimum requirements of this part, the
DoD Component shall inform the
requester how to perfect or correct the
request. The statutory 20-working day
time limit applies upon receipt of a
perfected or correct FOIA.
(d) Use of exemptions. It is DoD
policy (32 CFR part 285) to make
records publicly available, unless the
record or portions thereof qualify for
withholding under one or more of the 9
(e) Waiver of exemptions. Records
released under the authority of this part
are considered to be in the public
domain. The disclosure of exempt
records without authorization by the
appropriate DoD official is not
considered a FOIA release. Such a
release does not waive the Department
of Defense’s authority to assert FOIA
exemptions to withhold the same
records in response to a FOIA request.
Also, while authority may exist to
disclose records to individuals in their
official capacity, the provisions of this
part apply if the same individual seeks
the records in a private or personal
(f) Creating a record. (1) A record
must exist and be in DoD possession
and control at the time of the search to
be subject to this part and the FOIA. The
DoD Components are not obligated to
create, compile, or obtain a record to
satisfy a FOIA request. The DoD
Components, however, may compile a
new record when so doing would result
in a more useful response to the
requester or would be less burdensome
to the agency than providing existing
records. Any such compilation should
be coordinated with and approved by
the requester. The cost of creating or
compiling such a record may not be
charged to the requester unless the fee
for creating the record is equal to or less
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than the fee that would be charged for
providing the existing record. Fee
assessments shall be in accordance with
§ 286.25.
(2) With regards to electronic data, the
issue of whether records are actually
created or merely extracted from an
existing database is not always readily
apparent. Consequently, when
processing FOIA requests for electronic
data where creation of a record,
programming, or organizing in a
particular format is questionable, if the
Component has the capability to
respond to the request, and the effort
would be a business-as-usual approach
then the request should be processed.
(i) A business as usual approach
exists when the Component has the
capability to process the request without
a significant expenditure of resources. If
processing a request would cause a
significant interference with the
operation of the Component’s
automated information system, then it
has a significant expenditure of
(ii) Creating computer programs and/
or purchasing additional hardware to
extract electronic mail that has been
archived for the purpose of emergency
retrieval normally are not viewed as
business as usual. This is especially true
if extensive resources are needed to
complete the project.
(iii) Creating a computer program that
produces specific requested fields or
records contained within a database
normally is viewed as business as usual.
The time to create this program shall be
considered as ‘‘computer operator’’
[clarify] search time for fee assessment
purposes and the requester may be
assessed fees in accordance with
§ 286.25.
(3) The DoD Components are not
required to expend DoD funds to
establish data links that provide realtime or near-real-time data to a FOIA
requester. The Components are
responsible to provide existing data
downloaded to electronic media or
printed in hard copy at the time the
FOIA request is received or processed.
If the information would serve the
public interest or need, and is
economically feasible, the Component
may consider posting the information
on the Internet.
(g) Description of a requested record.
The requester is responsible to provide
a description of the desired record that
enables the Government to locate the
record with a reasonable amount of
effort. Generally, a reasonable
description contains sufficient
information to permit the conduct of an
organized, non-random search for the
record based on the DoD Component’s
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filing arrangements and existing
retrieval systems. The DoD Component’s
decision on the reasonableness of the
description must be based on a
knowledge of its files, and not on the
potential volume of records that may be
located and the concurrent review effort
to determine releasability. The fact that
a FOIA request appears broad or
burdensome does not, in itself, entitle
the DoD Component to deny the request
on the grounds that it does not
reasonably describe the record sought.
(h) Consultations and referrals. The
DoD FOIA referral procedures are based
on the concept that the originator of
information contained within a record
shall make a release determination on
that information.
(1) If the DoD Component receives a
request for records originated by another
DoD Component, it should contact that
Component to determine if it also
received the request, and if not, obtain
concurrence to transfer the request or to
advise the requester to send the request
to the correct Component. If the request
is to be transferred, the requester shall
be advised of the action taken, unless
exempt information would be revealed
by the fact of the referral. Any DoD
Component receiving a request that has
been misaddressed shall transfer the
request to the proper address and advise
the requester. DoD Components
transferring requests shall include point
of contact name, telephone number, and
e-mail address in the cover
(2) The DoD Component holding a
record originated by another DoD
Component or agency outside the
Department of Defense shall refer a
FOIA request for that record, as well as
the record, to the originating agency for
response directly to the requester. If the
DoD Component holding the record has
an equity in the document, it shall
provide an opinion on the releasability
of the record with the referral. If
appropriate, the name of the IDA
responsible for the decision to withhold
all or parts of the record should be
provided. Whenever a record is referred
to another DoD Component or to an
agency outside of the Department of
Defense for a release determination and
direct response, the requester shall be
informed of the referral, unless it has
been determined that notification would
reveal exempt information. Referred
records shall only be identified to the
extent consistent with security
requirements. DoD Components
referring requests shall include point of
contact name, telephone number, and email address in the cover memorandum.
(3) At times, a DoD Component may
locate a responsive record that it
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
originated and determine another DoD
Component or agency outside the
Department of Defense to have a valid
interest or equity in the record. In such
situations, the DoD Component shall
consult with the other DoD Component
or agency and obtain its release
recommendation. The consulted agency
will provide its release recommendation
back to the originating Component,
which will then respond to the
requester. Normally, the requester will
not be advised of this consultation
unless information is withheld by the
consulted agency. However, if the
record was created for the use of the
other DoD Component or agency by the
originating DoD Component (e.g.,
Defense Contract Audit Agency audit
reports), then the procedures of
§ 286.18(a) apply.
(4) DoD Components receiving
transferred or referred requests shall
answer them in accordance with the
time limits established by the FOIA, this
part, and their multi-track processing
systems, based upon the date of initial
receipt of the request at the referring
component or agency.
(5) Prior to notifying a requester of a
transfer or referral to another DoD
Component or agency outside the
Department of Defense, the DoD
Component possessing the initial
request shall, as appropriate, consult
with the other agency to determine if
that agency’s association with the
subject of the request is exempt. If the
association is exempt, the DoD
Component possessing the initial
request will protect the association and
any exempt information without
revealing the identity of the protected
agency. The protected agency shall be
responsible for submitting the
justifications required in any litigation.
(6) DoD Components locating records
originating with the National Security
Council (NSC), the White House, or the
White House Military Office (WHMO) or
containing information in which these
agencies would have a concurrent
reviewing interest, shall forward the
records to the Executive Services
Directorate, Office of Freedom of
Information (OFOI). OFOI is also the
FOIA Requester Service Center for the
OSD/Joint Staff. Its address is at
Appendix B to this part. The OFOI shall
coordinate with the NSC, White House,
or WHMO and return the records to the
originating agency after coordination for
response to the requester.
(7) On occasion, the Department of
Defense receives FOIA requests for U.S.
Government Accountability Office
(GAO) records containing DoD
information. Even though the GAO is
outside the Executive Branch and not
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subject to the FOIA, all FOIA requests
for GAO documents containing DoD
information received either from the
public, or on referral from the GAO,
shall be processed under the provisions
of the FOIA.
(i) Authentication. At the request of a
FOIA requester, records provided under
this part shall be authenticated with an
appropriate seal whenever necessary to
fulfill an official Government or other
legal function. This service is in
addition to that required under the
FOIA and is not included in the FOIA
fee schedule. The DoD Components may
charge a fee of $5.20 for each
(j) Combatant commands. (1) The
Combatant Commands are placed under
the jurisdiction of the OSD, instead of
the administering Military Department
or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, for the purpose of administering
the DoD FOIA Program. This policy
represents an exception to the policies
directed in DoD Directive 5100.3; it
authorizes and requires the Combatant
Commands to process FOIA requests in
accordance with 32 CFR part 285 and
this part. When requested, the
Combatant Commands shall forward
directly to the DFOIPO all
correspondence associated with the
appeal of an initial denial for records
under the provisions of the FOIA. The
Combatant Commands will advise
requesters that they have the right to
appeal any adverse determinations to
(2) The Combatant Commands shall
comply with all provisions of this part
that apply to the DoD Components
except the appointments of an appellate
authority and a FOIA Public Liaison.
(k) Security clearances and access for
FOIA personnel. Due to the nature of
their duties and responsibilities, FOIA
personnel need access to all records
requested through their respective
offices, regardless of the sensitivity or
classification of the information. The
DoD Components shall ensure FOIA
personnel have the appropriate
clearances and accesses to perform their
(l) Use of Contractors in FOIA
Administration. According to DoD
Instruction 1100.22 and OMB Circular
A–76, there are certain functions,
known as inherently governmental
activities that cannot be outsourced to a
contractor. Since some of the functions
of the FOIA Officer are inherently
governmental, the DoD Components
shall be careful not to outsource those
FOIA functions that are inherently
governmental. Primarily, activities
which require the exercise of substantial
discretion in applying government
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authority or in making decisions for the
government are inherently
governmental. Inherently governmental
FOIA functions include:
(1) Formulating and/or approving
FOIA policies and procedures.
(2) Making final determinations
regarding whether to treat incoming
correspondence as a FOIA or Privacy
Act request.
(3) Deciding any issues regarding the
scope or interpretation of the request.
(4) Determining the appropriateness
of claimed exemptions.
(5) Approving the approach taken in
negotiations/discussions with the
(6) Deciding administrative appeals.
(7) Conducting final review of all
outgoing correspondence, memoranda,
and release packages.
(8) Drafting court documents for filing
in FOIA lawsuit in which the
government’s legal strategy and
affirmative defense are determined.
(9) Conducting FOIA training if it
involves issues of DoD policy.
(10) Making final determination of
requests for expedited processing, fee
category, and fee waivers.
(m) Records management. FOIA
records shall be maintained and
disposed of in accordance with the
National Archives and Records
Administration General Records
Schedule and DoD Component records
(n) Relationship between the FOIA
and the Privacy Act. Not all requesters
are knowledgeable of the appropriate
statutory authority to cite when
requesting records, nor are all of them
aware of appeal procedures. In some
instances, requesters may cite either the
FOIA or 5 U.S.C. 552a, commonly
known as the Privacy Act, or they may
cite neither the FOIA nor the Privacy
Act but will imply one or both. For
these reasons, the below guidelines are
provided to ensure requesters receive
the greatest access rights under both
statutes. Privacy Act requests can be
made only by requesters asking for
information on themselves contained
within a Privacy Act system of records.
If the requested information is on
another person, the Privacy Act does not
apply. These requests shall be processed
under the FOIA.
(1) Requesters who seek records about
themselves contained in a Privacy Act
system of records, and who cite or
imply the FOIA and/or the Privacy Act,
will have their requests processed under
the provisions of both the Privacy Act
and the FOIA. If the Privacy Act system
of records is exempt from the provisions
of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1), and if the
records, or any portion thereof, are
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exempt under the FOIA, the requester
shall be so advised with the appropriate
Privacy Act and FOIA exemption(s).
Appeals shall be processed under both
the FOIA and the Privacy Act.
(2) Requesters who seek records about
themselves that are not contained in a
Privacy Act system of records and who
cite or imply the Privacy Act will have
their requests processed under the
provisions of the FOIA, since the
Privacy Act does not apply to these
records. Appeals shall be processed
under the FOIA.
(3) Requesters who seek access to
agency records and who cite or imply
the FOIA will have their requests and
appeals processed under the FOIA.
(4) If the record is required to be
released under the FOIA, the Privacy
Act does not bar its disclosure. Unlike
the FOIA, the Privacy Act applies only
to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for
permanent residence.
(5) Requesters shall be advised in the
final response letter which statutory
authorities were used, inclusive of
appeal rights.
(o) Non-responsive information in
responsive records. The DoD
Components shall interpret FOIA
requests liberally when determining
which records are responsive, and may
release non-responsive information.
Responsive documents may contain
large amounts of non-responsive
information, the review of which may
cause delays in responding to the
requester. In these cases, the DoD
Components should identify the
information which is non-responsive,
redact it, and annotate it as nonresponsive. The Components shall not
apply these procedures to documents
that have a relatively small percentage
of non-responsive information.
Additionally, redactions of nonresponsive information shall not be
made in sections smaller than the
paragraph level. That is, a nonresponsive sentence within an
otherwise responsive paragraph shall
not be redacted as non-responsive.
(p) Honoring form or format requests.
The DoD Components shall provide the
record in any form or format requested
if the record is readily reproducible in
that form or format in the Component’s
automated system. Every effort will be
made to ensure the copy provided is in
a reasonably usable form. The DoD
Components shall make reasonable
efforts to use available office equipment
to digitally reproduce hard copy records
onto digital media. If a Component must
outsource to reproduce a record into the
requested format, the readilyreproducible criterion is not met. In
responding to requests for records, the
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DoD Components shall make reasonable
efforts to search for records in electronic
form or format if maintained in
automated systems, except when such
efforts would significantly interfere with
the operation of the automated systems.
Such determinations shall be made on
a case by case basis.
(q) Annual report. The Annual FOIA
Report is mandated by 5 U.S.C. 552(e)(1)
and completed on a fiscal year basis.
Additionally, E.O. 13392 requires
additional reporting in the annual report
through fiscal year 2007. Due to the
magnitude of the requested statistics
and the need to ensure accuracy, the
DoD Components shall track this data as
requests are processed. This will also
facilitate quick compilation of the
statistics in completing the report.
(1) Each September, DFOIPO shall
post on its Web site instructions to the
Components concerning Component
input for the annual report. The DoD
Components shall forward their report
to DFOIPO no later than November 30.
In turn, the DA&M shall produce a
consolidated report for submission to
the Attorney General, and will place a
copy of this report on the Internet for
public access. The DoD Components
shall use the current edition of DD Form
2564, ‘‘Annual Report: Freedom of
Information Act.’’
(2) This reporting requirement is
assigned Report Control Symbol DD–
DA&M(A)1365, Freedom of Information
Act Report to Congress.
Subpart B—FOIA Reading Rooms
§ 286.7
(a) Reading room. The FOIA requires
records described in 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) be made
available in an appropriate facility
where the public may inspect or copy
them. This facility is known as the
‘‘FOIA reading room’’. In addition to
these records, the DoD Components may
elect to place other records in their
reading rooms. The DoD Components
shall comply with this provision of the
FOIA by providing a location accessible
to the public for viewing these
documents. In lieu of paper copies, the
Component may digitize the documents
and have them available on a personal
computer in the reading room. The DoD
Components may share reading room
facilities if the public is not unduly
inconvenienced, and also may establish
decentralized reading rooms.
(b) Electronic reading room. The FOIA
requires records described in 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) and
created on or after November 1, 1996, be
made available electronically. The DoD
Components will meet the electronically
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available requirement by posting the
records in an electronic reading room on
their FOIA Requester Service Center
Web sites.
(1) These electronic reading rooms
will have four designated sections, each
one corresponding to one of the four
sections described in paragraph (b) of
this section. If a Component does not
have relevant documents to post in any
of the four sections of the FOIA
Requester Service Center electronic
reading room, that section of the reading
room will contain the annotation that no
documents apply.
(2) If a DoD Component has
documents that meet the qualifications
of 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D)
posted on a separate Web site, the
Component’s FOIA Requester Service
Center is not required to post these same
documents. Instead, the electronic
reading room shall link to the other Web
site. For example, if a Component
maintains electronic copies of its
issuances on a separate Web site, then
the (a)(2)(C) section of the electronic
reading room shall have a link to that
(3) Exemptions. All information that
qualifies for withholding under one or
more of the FOIA exemptions described
in § 286.14 of this part shall be deleted
from all 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2) records that
are made available to the public.
§ 286.8
Record availability.
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D)
records are:
(a) ‘‘(a)(2)(A)’’ records. Final opinions,
including concurring and dissenting
opinions, and orders made in the
adjudication of cases, as defined in 5
U.S.C. 551, that may be cited, used, or
relied on as precedents in future
(b) ‘‘(a)(2)(B)’’ records. Statements of
policy and interpretations that have
been adopted by the agency and are not
published in the Federal Register.
(c) ‘‘(a)(2)(C)’’ records. Administrative
staff manuals and instructions, or
portions thereof, that establish DoD
policy or interpretations of policy that
affect the public. This provision does
not apply to instructions for employees
on tactics and techniques to be used in
performing their duties, or to
instructions relating only to the internal
management of the DoD Component.
Examples of manuals and instructions
not normally made available are:
(1) Those issued for audit,
investigation, and inspection purposes,
or those that prescribe operational
tactics, standards of performance, or
criteria for defense, prosecution, or
settlement of cases.
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(2) Operations and maintenance
manuals and technical information
concerning munitions, equipment,
systems, and intelligence activities.
(d) ‘‘(a)(2)(D)’’ records. Records
released to the public pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552(a)(3) because of the nature of
the subject matter, have become or are
likely to become the subject of
subsequent requests for substantially the
same records. Two additional requests
satisfy the criterion of subsequent
requests. These records are referred to as
‘‘FOIA-processed (a)(2) records.’’
(1) The DoD Components shall decide
on a case by case basis whether records
fall into this category, based on the
following factors:
(i) The previous experience of the
DoD Component with similar records.
(ii) The particular circumstances of
the records involved, including their
nature and the type of information they
(iii) The identity and number of
requesters and whether there is
widespread press, historic, or
commercial interest in the records.
(2) This provision of § 286.8 is
intended for situations where public
access in a timely manner is important.
It is not intended to apply where there
may be a limited number of requests
over a short period of time from a few
requesters. The DoD Components may
remove the (a)(2)(D) records from their
Web site when the appropriate officials
determine that access is no longer
necessary according to the factors of
§ 286.8(d)(1).
(3) Should a requester submit a FOIA
request for FOIA-processed ‘‘(a)(2)’’
records and insist that it be processed,
the DoD Components shall process the
request. However, the DoD Components
have no obligation to process a FOIA
request for 552(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C)
records because these records are
required to be made available to the
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§ 286.9
(a) ‘‘(a)(2)’’ records. (1) Each DoD
Component shall maintain in each FOIA
reading room an index of records
described in § 286.7 that are issued,
adopted, or promulgated, after July 4,
(2) Any ‘‘(a)(2)’’ record relied on,
used, or cited as precedent by an agency
against a party that is issued,
promulgated, or adopted after July 4,
1967, must be indexed and either made
available or published, or the individual
must have actual and timely notice of
the contents of such records. Such
records issued, promulgated, or adopted
before July 4, 1967, need not be
indexed, but must be made available
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upon request if not exempted under
§ 286.13.
(3) Each DoD Component shall
promptly publish quarterly or more
frequently, and distribute by sale or
otherwise, copies of each index of
‘‘(a)(2)’’ records or supplements thereto,
unless it publishes in the Federal
Register an order containing a
determination that publication is
unnecessary and impracticable. A copy
of each index or supplement not
published shall be provided to a
requester at a cost not to exceed the
direct cost of duplication as set forth in
§ 286.24 of this part.
(4) Each index of ‘‘(a)(2)’’ records or
supplement thereto shall be arranged by
topical or descriptive words, rather than
by case name or numbering system, so
that the public can readily locate
material. Case name and numbering
arrangements may also be included for
DoD Component convenience.
(5) Listing of electronically available
‘‘(a)(2)’’ documents in a Component’s
electronic reading room satisfies this
(b) Major information systems. 5
U.S.C. 552(g)(1) and (2) require agencies
to make publicly available an index of
all major information systems and a
description of major information and
record locator systems. This
requirement will be met for the entire
Department of Defense by DFOIPO on
its Web site.
§ 286.10 ‘‘(a)(1)’’records.
(a) Although (a)(1) records are not
required to be made available in
response to FOIA requests or in FOIA
reading rooms, they shall be made
available when feasible. Examples of
‘‘(a)(1)’’ records are descriptions of an
agency’s central and field organization
and, to the extent they affect the public,
rules of procedures; descriptions of
forms available; instructions as to the
scope and contents of papers, reports, or
examinations; and any amendments,
revisions, or reports of the
aforementioned records.
(b) In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(1), each DoD Component shall
disclose, through publication in the
Federal Register, information describing
its organization, functions, procedures,
substantive rules, and statements of
general policy. Any available index of
DoD Component records published in
the Federal Register, in addition to
‘‘(a)(1)’’ records, shall be made available
to the public in DoD Component FOIA
reading rooms and electronically.
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Subpart C—Exemptions
§ 286.13
General provisions.
(a) Records that meet FOIA exemption
criteria may be withheld from public
disclosure and need not be published in
the Federal Register, made available in
a reading room, or provided in response
to a FOIA request.
(b) Nine types of records may be
withheld in whole or in part from
public disclosure unless otherwise
prescribed by law. In addition, a
discretionary release of a record to one
requester shall prevent the withholding
of the same record under a FOIA
exemption if the record is subsequently
requested by someone else. However, a
FOIA exemption may be invoked to
withhold information that is similar or
related that has been the subject of a
discretionary release.
(c) In applying exemptions, the
identity of the requester and the
purpose for which the record is sought
are irrelevant, with the exception that
an exemption may not be invoked
where the particular interest to be
protected is the requester’s interest.
(d) The DoD Components may have a
situation where, in responding to a
FOIA request, admitting the existence or
nonexistence of a record would itself
reveal information protected from
release by one of the 9 Exemptions. In
this situation, the DoD Component shall
neither confirm nor deny the existence
or nonexistence of the requested record.
This is commonly called a ‘‘Glomar’’
response (U.S. Attorney General
Memorandum), and the appropriate
exemption must be cited in the
response. This situation most commonly
arises with Exemptions 1, 6, and 7;
however, it could arise with other
exemptions. A ‘‘refusal to confirm or
deny’’ response must be used
consistently, not only when a record
exists, but also when a record does not
exist. If not used consistently, the
pattern of a ‘‘no record’’ response when
a record does not exist, and a ‘‘refusal
to confirm or deny’’ when a record does
exist, will itself disclose exempt
§ 286.14
Applying the FOIA exemptions.
The 9 types of exempted records and
procedures for applying them are as
(a) Exemption 1. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(1), records properly and
currently classified in the interest of
national defense or foreign policy, as
specifically authorized under the
criteria established by an existing
Executive Order establishing
classification criteria and implemented
by regulation, such as DoD 5200.1–R,
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are exempt from disclosure. If the
responsive information is not classified
at the time of the FOIA request, a
classification review may be undertaken
to determine whether the information
should be classified. The procedures in
DoD 5200.1–R apply in this situation. If
the information qualifies as Exemption
1 information, there is no discretion
regarding its release. The requester will
be advised as to which sections of the
Executive Order apply in determining
the information classified. In addition,
Exemption 1 shall be invoked when the
following situations are apparent:
(1) Individual items of unclassified
information, when compiled, reveal
additional associations or relationships
that meet the standard for classification
under an existing Executive Order and
DoD 5200.1–R, and are not otherwise
revealed in the individual items of
information. This is known as the
‘‘mosaic,’’ or ‘‘compilation’’ approach.
(2) The existence or nonexistence of a
record would itself reveal classified
(b) Exemption 2. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(2), records related solely to the
internal personnel rules and practices of
the Department of Defense or any of the
DoD Components are exempt from
disclosure. This exemption has two
profiles, high ‘‘(b)(2)’’ and low ‘‘(b)(2).’’
(1) High ‘‘(b)(2).’’ Records qualifying
under high ‘‘(b)(2)’’ are those containing
or constituting rules, regulations, orders,
manuals, directives, instructions, and
unclassified portions of security
classification guides, the release of
which would allow circumvention of
these rules, regulations, and policies,
thereby substantially hindering the
effective performance of the mission of
the Department of Defense. Examples
(i) Critical infrastructure information
that reasonably could be expected to
enable someone to succeed in causing
the harms described in Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 7.2 This
exempt information could include
agency vulnerability assessments or
evaluations of items of critical
infrastructure that are internal to the
(ii) Those operating rules, guidelines,
and manuals for DoD investigators,
inspectors, auditors, or examiners that
must be protected in order for the DoD
Component to fulfill a legal
(iii) Personnel and other
administrative matters, such as
2 Copies of Homeland Security Presidential
Directive can be viewed at https://
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examination questions and answers
used in training courses or in the
determination of the qualifications of
candidates for employment, entrance on
duty, advancement, or promotion.
(iv) Computer software (Governmentowned), the release of which would
allow circumvention of a statute or of
DoD rules, regulations, orders, manuals,
directives, or instructions. In this
situation, the use of the software must
be closely examined to ensure a
circumvention possibility exists.
(2) Low ‘‘(b)(2).’’ Records qualifying
under low ‘‘(b)(2)’’ are those that are
trivial and housekeeping in nature for
which there is no legitimate public
interest or benefit to be gained by
release, and for which processing the
request would constitute an
administrative burden. Examples
include rules for personnel use of
parking facilities or regulation of lunch
hours, statements of policy as to sick
leave, and administrative data such as
file numbers, mail routing stamps,
initials, data processing notations, brief
references to previous communications,
and other like administrative markings.
(c) Exemption 3. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(3), records concerning matters
that another statute specifically exempts
from disclosure are exempt under this
exemption. This exemption allows for
the withholding of information because
its release is prohibited by another
statute only if one of two disjunctive
requirements is met: The statute
requires that the information be
withheld from the public in such a
manner as to leave no discretion on the
issue, or the statute establishes
particular criteria for withholding or
refers to particular types of matters to be
withheld. The DFOIPO maintains on its
Web site a list of Exemption 3 statutes
used within the Department of Defense.
(d) Exemption 4. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(4), records containing trade
secrets or commercial or financial
information received by the DoD
Component from a person or
organization outside the Government
are exempt from release. Information
protected by this exemption must be
trade secrets or commercial or financial
records, the disclosure of which is likely
to cause substantial harm to the
competitive position of the submitter
providing the information; impair the
Government’s ability to obtain necessary
information in the future; or impair
some other legitimate Government
interest. If the information qualifies as
Exemption 4 information, there is no
discretion in its release.
(1) Examples of information protected
by Exemption 4 include:
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(i) Commercial or financial
information received in confidence in
connection with loans, bids, contracts,
or proposals.
(ii) Statistical data and commercial or
financial information concerning
contract performance, income, profits,
losses, and expenditures.
(iii) Personal statements given in the
course of inspections, investigations, or
(iv) Financial data provided by
private employers in connection with
locality wage surveys that are used to fix
and adjust pay schedules applicable to
the prevailing wage rate of employees
within the Department of Defense.
(v) Scientific and manufacturing
processes or developments concerning
technical or scientific data or other
information submitted with an
application for a research grant, or with
a report while research is in progress.
(vi) Technical or scientific data
developed by a contractor or
subcontractor exclusively at private
expense, or developed in part with
Federal funds and in part at private
expense. The contractor or
subcontractor must retain legitimate
proprietary interests in such data in
accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2320–2321
and DoD Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement, Chapter 2 of title 48 Code
of Federal Regulations, Subpart 227.71–
227.72. Technical data developed
exclusively with Federal funds may be
withheld under Exemption 3, if it meets
the criteria of 10 U.S.C. 130 and 48 CFR.
See § 286.14.
(vii) Copyrighted information under
17 U.S.C. 106.
(viii) Proprietary information
submitted strictly on a voluntary basis,
absent any exercised authority
prescribing criteria for submission.
Examples of exercised authorities
prescribing criteria for submission are
statutes, Executive Orders, regulations,
invitations for bids, requests for
proposals, and contracts. Submission of
information under these authorities is
not voluntary.
(2) When the Components receive
FOIA requests for information that
could be protected by this Exemption,
submitter notice shall be provided. See
§ 286.2.
(e) Exemption 5. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(5), inter-agency or intra-agency
memorandums or letters containing
information considered privileged in
litigation are exempt from disclosure.
The courts have construed ‘‘privileged
in litigation’’ to mean information that
is normally privileged in the civil
discovery context (U.S. Department of
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Justice (DOJ) Guide).3 Merely being an
internal record is an insufficient basis
for withholding under this exemption.
Records that are not available routinely
through the discovery process in the
course of litigation with the agency
because they are privileged should not
be withheld under this exemption. The
most common discovery privileges have
been incorporated into Exemption 5.
These privileges are the deliberative
process, the attorney work product, and
the attorney client privilege.
(1) Threshold. (i) A document must
meet the threshold requirement of being
an inter- or intra-agency document
before the proper privilege can be
identified in any given case. Because in
many instances the Government must
seek expert advice from external entities
(or consultants), the courts developed
an ‘‘outside consultant’’ test which
helps in determining whether such an
external entity qualifies as an ‘‘agency’’
for the purposes of this exemption. If an
entity meets the test, then documents it
originates may be protected by
Exemption 5.
(ii) The Components should be careful
to ensure that the outside consultant is
not an interested party in the agency
decision-making process. In 2001, the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the
threshold of Exemption 5 does not
encompass communications between an
outside consultant (in this case, several
Indian tribes) and the Government (the
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)).
In this case, the outside consultants
offered an expert opinion on an issue
under consideration by DOI. The
Supreme Court found that the tribes had
an interest in the outcome of the DOI
final decision; therefore, the DOI
communications did not meet the
threshold of Exemption 5. (DOJ FOIA
Post Web site)
(2) The privileges and types of
information protected by Exemption 5
(i) Deliberative process privilege. To
withhold information under this
privilege, the information must be both
deliberative and predecisional, and part
of the decision-making process.
Deliberative means the information is
internal advice, recommendations, or
subjective evaluations, as contrasted
with factual matters, that are reflected in
records relied upon in the decisionmaking process of an agency, whether
within or among agencies. Predecisional
means the information was created
before the decision maker reached a
final decision. Factual information
3 Copies of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Guide can be viewed at
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cannot be withheld from a requester
under Exemption 5 except under one of
two circumstances. The first
circumstance is when the author of a
document selects specific facts out of a
larger group of facts and this very act is
deliberative in nature. This information
qualifies for withholding because its
release would reveal the author’s
internal thought processes. The second
circumstance exists when the factual
information is so inextricably connected
to the deliberative material that its
disclosure would expose or cause harm
to the agency’s deliberations. A
direction or order from a superior to a
subordinate generally does not qualify
as a deliberative process document if it
constitutes policy guidance or a
decision. However, correspondence
from a superior to a subordinate may
qualify if it constitutes a discussion of
preliminary matters or a request for
information or advice that would be
relied upon in the decision-making
process. An agency’s final decision
cannot be withheld under the privilege
unless it becomes part of another,
higher-level decision-making process
(such as the agency budgetary process).
The deliberative process privilege is
temporal in nature because once the
final agency decision is made the
privilege cannot be used to withhold the
final decision or any post-decisional
documents related to the decision.
Examples of deliberative process
documents include:
(A) Staff papers, to include afteraction reports, inspection reports,
lessons learned, and situation reports
containing staff evaluations, advice,
opinions, or suggestions.
(B) Advice, suggestions, or
evaluations prepared on behalf of the
Department of Defense by individual
consultants or by boards, committees,
councils, groups, panels, conferences,
commissions, task forces, or other
similar groups that are formed for the
purpose of obtaining advice and
(C) Evaluations by DoD Component
personnel of contractors and their
(D) Information of a speculative,
tentative, or evaluative nature, or such
matters as proposed plans to procure,
lease, or otherwise acquire and dispose
of materials, real estate, facilities or
functions, when such information
would provide undue or unfair
competitive advantage to private
personal interests or would impede
legitimate Government functions.
(E) Agency materials underlying the
President’s budget decisions as
described in OMB Circular No. A–11.
This includes planning, programming,
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and budgetary information that is
involved in the defense planning and
resource allocation process and outyear
discretionary data.
(ii) Attorney client privilege. This
privilege protects confidential
communications between an attorney
and a client relating to legal matters for
which the client has sought professional
advice. The information the client
supplies to the attorney and the advice
the attorney gives to the client in return
are protected under this privilege.
Courts extend the ‘‘confidential’’
element of this privilege to lower
echelon Government employees because
it is recognized when the Government is
seeking legal advice it usually involves
more than one client and one attorney.
This privilege cannot be used if
confidentiallity is compromised.
(iii) Attorney work product privilege.
This privilege protects documents
prepared by an attorney or at an
attorney’s direction in reasonable
anticipation of litigation. Unlike the
deliberative process privilege, under the
attorney work product privilege all of
the information can be withheld,
including the facts. Similarly, this
privilege has no time limit. This
privilege can be used after the litigation
is complete.
(iv) Government trade secret privilege.
This privilege protects trade secrets or
other confidential research,
development, or commercial
information owned by the Government,
where premature release is likely to
affect the Government’s negotiating
position or other commercial interest.
(v) Aircraft accident witness
statements privilege. This privilege
protects witness statements generated
during military aircraft accident
(vi) Presidential communications
privilege. This privilege protects
communications among the President
and his advisors created within an
agency to assist the President in the
exercise of his nondelegable
constitutional duties.
(f) Exemption 6. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(6), information in personnel and
medical files, as well as similar in other
files, that if disclosed to a requester
other than the person whom the
information is about, would result in a
clearly unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy is exempt from
disclosure. If the information qualifies
as Exemption 6 information, there is no
discretion in its release.
(1) When applying this exemption, an
agency must balance the public interest
in disclosure and the individual’s
privacy interest. When there is no
public interest in the requested
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information, the information can be
withheld even if there is only a
negligible privacy interest. The public
interest to be considered when applying
this exemption is whether the
information sheds light on the
operations or activities of the Federal
government. The requester has the
burden to show there is a public interest
in disclosure.
(2) A privacy interest may exist in
personal information even though the
information has been disclosed at some
place and time. This is known as the
concept of practical obscurity. For
example, information that was once
publicly known (a court-martial trial 40
years ago) may no longer be in the
public’s eye and has faded from
memory. In this case, the privacy
interest in this type of situation may
have increased over time, the public
interest may have decreased over time,
and therefore an agency can now
withhold the once public information.
(3) Examples of other files containing
personal information similar to that
contained in personnel and medical
files include:
(i) Those files compiled to evaluate or
adjudicate the suitability of candidates
for civilian employment or membership
in the Armed Forces, and the eligibility
of individuals (civilian, military, or
contractor employees) for security
clearances or for access to particularly
sensitive classified information.
(ii) Files containing reports, records,
and other material pertaining to
personnel matters in which
administrative action, including
disciplinary action may be taken.
(4) On November 9, 2001, subsequent
to the President declaring a national
emergency, the DA&M issued a
memorandum authorizing the DoD
Components to withhold lists of
personally identifying information of
DoD personnel, to include active duty
military personnel, civilian employees,
contractors, members of the National
Guard and Reserves, and military
dependents. Additionally, personally
identifying information of DoD military
and civilian personnel who are assigned
to overseas, sensitive, or routinely
deployable, units is exempt from release
under Exemption 3, with section 130b
of 10 U.S.C. as the withholding statute.
Names and duty addresses (postal and/
or e-mail) published in telephone
directories, organizational charts,
rosters, and similar materials for
personnel are considered ‘‘lists of
personally identifying information;’’
and therefore qualify for withholding
under Exemption 6 (and Exemption 3 if
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(5) Home addresses, telephone
numbers, and private e-mail addresses
are normally protected by this
exemption. This includes lists of home
addressees and military quarters’
addressees that do not include the
occupants’ names.
(6) This exemption shall not be used
in an attempt to protect the privacy of
a deceased person. It may be used to
protect the privacy of the deceased
person’s surviving family members if
disclosure would rekindle grief,
anguish, pain, embarrassment, or even
disruption of peace of mind of surviving
family members. In such situations, the
DoD Components shall balance the
surviving family members’ privacy
interests and the public’s interest to
determine its releasability.
(7) This exemption also applies when
the fact of the existence or nonexistence
of a responsive record would itself
reveal information in which a privacy
interest exists, and the public interest in
disclosure is not sufficient to outweigh
the privacy interest. In this situation,
the DoD Components shall neither
confirm nor deny the existence or
nonexistence of the record being
requested. This is known as a ‘‘Glomar
response’’, and Exemption 6 must be
cited in the response. Refusal to confirm
or deny should not be used when:
(i) The person whose personal privacy
is in jeopardy has provided the
requester with a privacy waiver.
(ii) The person seeking access to an
agency record initiated or directly
participated in an investigation that
leads to the creation of that record.
(iii) The person whose personal
privacy is in jeopardy is deceased, the
agency is aware of that fact, and
disclosure would not invade the privacy
of the deceased’s family.
(g) Exemption 7. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(7), records or information
compiled for law enforcement purposes
are exempt from disclosure upon the
identification of one of the six harms
delineated in the 6 subparts of
Exemption 7. Law enforcement
purposes include civil, criminal,
military, regulatory, and administrative
law, including the implementation of
Executive Orders or regulations issued
pursuant to law. This exemption may be
invoked to prevent disclosure of
documents not originally created for,
but later gathered for, law enforcement
(1) Conditions under which exception
7 applies. Exemption 7 applies only
when production of such law
enforcement records or information:
(i) Exemption 7A. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records could reasonably be expected to
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interfere with enforcement proceedings
(5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(A)).
(ii) Exemption 7B. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records would deprive a person of the
right to a fair trial or to an impartial
adjudication (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(B)).
(iii) Exemption 7C. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records could reasonably be expected to
constitute an unwarranted invasion of
the personal privacy of a living person,
including surviving family members of
an individual identified in such a record
(5 U.S.C 552(b)(7)(C)).
(iv) Exemption 7D. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records could reasonably be expected to
disclose the identity of a confidential
source, including a source within the
Department of Defense; a state, local, or
foreign agency or authority; or any
private institution that furnishes the
information on a confidential basis; and
could disclose information furnished
from a confidential source and obtained
by a criminal law enforcement authority
in a criminal investigation or by an
agency conducting a lawful national
security intelligence investigation
(section 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(D)).
(v) Exemption 7E. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records would disclose techniques and
procedures for law enforcement
investigations or prosecutions, or would
disclose guidelines for law enforcement
investigations or prosecutions, if such
disclosure could reasonably be expected
to risk circumvention of the law (5
U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(E)).
(vi) Exemption 7F. This applies when
the disclosure of law enforcement
records could reasonably be expected to
endanger the life or physical safety of
any individual (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(F)).
(2) Examples of Exemption 7
applications. (i) Statements of witnesses
and other material developed during the
course of the investigation and all
materials prepared in connection with
related Government litigation or
adjudicative proceedings may be
exempt from disclosure pursuant to
Exemptions 7A, 7C, and/or 7D.
(ii) The identity of firms or
individuals being investigated for
alleged irregularities involving
contracting with the Department of
Defense when no indictment has been
obtained nor any civil action filed
against them by the United States may
be exempt from disclosure pursuant to
Exemptions 7A and/or 7C.
(iii) Information obtained in
confidence, expressed or implied, in the
course of a criminal investigation by a
criminal law enforcement agency or a
lawful national security intelligence
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investigation, may be exempt from
disclosure pursuant to Exemptions 7A,
7C and/or 7D. National security
intelligence investigations include
background security investigations and
those investigations conducted for the
purpose of obtaining affirmative or
counterintelligence information.
(iv) Emergency action plans,
guidelines for response to terrorist
attacks, analyses of security procedures,
and other sensitive information that
could prove deadly if obtained by those
seeking to do harm to the public on a
large scale may be exempt from
disclosure pursuant to Exemptions 7E
and/or 7F. The Components should also
assert Exemption 2 in conjunction with
Exemption 7E to withhold this type of
law enforcement information.
(3) Exclusions. The FOIA contains 3
special protection provisions referred to
as record ‘‘exclusions.’’ Of these
exclusions, only 2 are used by the
Department of Defense. These
exclusions expressly authorize
Department of Defense law enforcement
agencies to treat especially sensitive
records under certain specified
circumstances as not subject to the
requirements of the FOIA. The DoD
Component considering invoking one of
these exclusions shall first consult with
legal counsel and with DFOIPO. In turn,
DFOIPO will consult with the Office of
Information and Privacy, Department of
Justice. If the records are determined to
be excluded, the response to the
requester will state that no records were
(i) Exclusion 1. The DoD Components
may treat records requested as not
subject to the FOIA when the following
circumstance applies:
(A) The request involves access to
records or information compiled for law
enforcement purposes.
(B) The investigation or proceeding
involves a possible violation of criminal
law where there is reason to believe that
the subject of the investigation or
proceeding is unaware of the pending
investigation or proceeding.
(C) The disclosure of the existence of
the records could reasonably be
expected to interfere with enforcement
(ii) Exclusion 2. The DoD Components
may treat records requested as not
subject to the FOIA when a third party
uses an informant’s name or personal
identifier to request informant records
maintained by a criminal law
enforcement organization within the
DoD Component, and the informant’s
status as an informant has not been
officially confirmed.
(h) Exemption 8. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(8) of Reference (b), records
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contained in or related to examination,
operation, or condition reports prepared
by, on behalf of, or for the use of any
agency responsible for the regulation or
supervision of financial institutions are
exempt from disclosure.
(i) Exemption 9. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(9), records containing geological
and geophysical information and data
(including maps) concerning wells are
exempt from disclosure.
Subpart D—FOIA Request Processing
§ 286.17
General provisions.
(a) Release of agency records. 5 U.S.C.
552(a) mandates release of agency
records in response to a written request,
(1) The record is subject to one or
more FOIA exemptions.
(2) The record has not been described
well enough to enable the DoD
Component to locate it with a
reasonable amount of effort by an
employee familiar with the files.
(3) The requester has failed to comply
with procedural requirements,
including failure to comply with a
written agreement to pay any required
fee incurred in processing previous
(b) Requests from private parties. (1)
The provisions of the FOIA are reserved
for members of the public as opposed to
U.S. Federal agencies seeking official
information. Requests may be submitted
in person, by mail, facsimile, or
electronically. Commercial delivery is
acceptable; however, due to security
concerns, the DoD Components may
refuse to accept commercial delivery of
(2) Individuals seeking DoD
information should address their FOIA
requests to one of the FOIA Requester
Service Center addresses listed in
Appendix B to this part. If a requester
is not sure where to send a FOIA for
DoD information, the request can be
sent to the OSD/Joint Staff FOIA
Requester Service Center.
(3) The subject of a FOIA request may
involve documents located at multiple
Federal Government agencies. When
this is the case, the DoD Components
should try to determine whether the
requester sent the request to the other
relevant agencies. The requester should
be contacted by the Component if the
request does not mention any other
agencies to which the request was sent.
(4) When personally-identifying
information in a record is requested by
the subject of the record or the subject’s
representative and the information is
contained within a Privacy Act system
of records, it will be processed under
both the FOIA and the Privacy Act. The
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Components shall comply with the
provisions of DoD 5400.11–R to confirm
the identity of the requester.
(c) Requests from government
officials, Congress, and foreign
governments. (1) State or local
Government officials, foreign officials
requesting on behalf of their
government, foreign individuals, or
foreign organizations requesting DoD
Component records under the FOIA
shall be considered the same as any
other FOIA requester. The provisions of
the FOIA do not apply to requests from
a non-U.S. government entity or
representative for records of the DoD
Component that is an element of the
intelligence community as defined in 50
U.S.C. 401a(4).
(2) Requests from members of
Congress who are not seeking records on
behalf of a Congressional committee or
subcommittee, or on behalf of the House
of Representatives or the Senate sitting
as a whole, shall be processed as FOIA
(3) Requests submitted by members of
Congress for Congressional business that
are received by the DoD Component’s
FOIA office shall be referred to the
appropriate office that handles
legislative inquiries for processing
under DoD Directive 5400.4 or
supplementing component directives.
Such requests will not be processed
under the FOIA.
(4) Requests from officials of foreign
governments that do not invoke the
FOIA shall be referred to the
appropriate office authorized to disclose
official DoD information to foreign
governments, and the requester shall be
so notified.
(5) Because it is a Component of the
Department of Defense, requests from
Stars and Stripes should not be
processed under the FOIA. A Federal
Agency cannot make a FOIA request.
(d) Privileged release outside of the
FOIA to U.S. government officials. (1)
Records exempt from release to the
public under the FOIA may be disclosed
in accordance with DoD Component
regulations to agencies of the Federal
Government, whether legislative,
executive, or administrative, as follows:
(i) To other Federal agencies, both
executive and administrative, as
determined by the Head of the DoD
Component or designee.
(ii) In response to a State or Federal
court order. The DoD Components shall
release this information along with a
description of the restrictions on its
release to the public.
(2) The DoD Components shall inform
officials receiving records under the
provisions of this paragraph that those
records are exempt from public release
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under the FOIA. The DoD Components
also shall advise officials of any special
handling instructions. Classified
information is subject to the provisions
of DoD 5200.1–R. Information contained
in a Privacy Act system of records is
subject to DoD 5400.11–R.
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§ 286.18
Processing procedures.
(a) Receipt and control. When a
request for records is received, DoD
FOIA Offices shall open a file in a
formal control system designed to
ensure accountability and compliance
with the FOIA. The control system
should include the data elements
needed to compile the statistics required
in the annual FOIA report or other
reports required by another authority.
Each request shall be assigned a unique
tracking number.
(b) Multi-track processing. (1) When a
FOIA Office has a significant number of
pending requests, the requests shall be
processed in a multi-track system.
(2) DoD FOIA Offices shall establish
a minimum of three processing tracks,
all based on a first-in/first-out concept
and with requests ranked by date of
receipt. One track shall be for simple
requests, one for complex requests, and
one for expedited requests. Each FOIA
Office shall determine whether a request
is simple or complex. Requesters whose
requests are categorized as ‘‘complex’’
shall be given an opportunity to limit in
writing the scope of the request in order
to qualify for the simple track.
(c) Expedited processing. Two
circumstances merit expedited
processing according to the procedures
that follow. These same procedures
apply to requests for expedited
processing of administrative appeals.
(1) Compelling need. Expedited
processing shall be granted to a
requester upon a specific request for
such and demonstration of a compelling
need for the information. The DoD
Component shall respond to the
requester with the determination
whether to grant or deny expedited
processing within 10 calendar days after
receipt of the request. Once the DoD
Component decides to grant expedited
processing, the request shall be
processed as soon as practicable.
Actions by the DoD Components to
initially deny or affirm the initial denial
on appeal of a request for expedited
processing, and failure to respond in a
timely manner shall be subject to
judicial review if the requester seeks
relief in United States District Court.
(i) ‘‘Compelling need’’ is the failure to
obtain the records on an expedited basis
could reasonably be expected to pose an
imminent threat to the life or physical
safety of an individual, or that the
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information is urgently needed by an
individual primarily engaged in
disseminating information in order to
inform the public concerning actual or
alleged Federal Government activity.
(A) ‘‘An individual primarily engaged
in disseminating information’’ is a
person whose primary activity involves
publishing or otherwise disseminating
information to the public. To meet this
criterion, an organization or person
must establish that information
dissemination is their principal
professional activity or occupation, and
not an incidental or secondary activity.
(B) ‘‘Urgently needed’’ means the
information has a particular value that
will be lost if not disseminated quickly,
such as a breaking story of general
public interest. Information of historical
interest only, or information sought for
litigation or commercial activities,
would not qualify as ‘‘urgently needed,’’
nor would a news media publication or
broadcast deadline unrelated to the
news-breaking nature of the
information. The burden of
demonstrating that the requested
information has a particular value that
will be lost if not disseminated quickly
is on the requester.
(ii) A ‘‘demonstration of compelling
need’’ means a statement certified to be
true and correct to the best of the
requester’s knowledge. This statement
must accompany the request in order to
be considered and responded to within
the 10 calendar days required for
decisions on expedited access.
(2) Imminent loss of due process
rights. Expedited processing shall also
be granted to a requester if loss of
substantial due process rights is
imminent. A demonstration of
imminent loss of substantial due
process rights by the requester shall
include a description of the due process
rights that would be lost and a statement
certified to be true and correct to the
best of the requester’s knowledge. This
statement must accompany the request
in order to be considered and responded
to within the 10 calendar days required
for decisions on expedited access. If the
DoD Component decides to expedite the
request for this reason, the request may
be processed in the expedited track
behind those requests qualifying for
compelling need.
(d) Consultation and referrals. The
DoD Component shall take appropriate
action as described in § 286.4(h)(2)
when the record is not under its release
authority because it requires
consultation with another DoD
Component or non-DoD agency, because
the record was not originated by the
Component, or because the record is not
in the Component’s system of records
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but is likely to be held by another DoD
Component or non-DoD agency. The
following actions are necessary when
the record was originated by a nonGovernment source:
(1) When a request is received for a
record that arguably contains
information exempt from release under
Exemption 4, the provisions of E.O.
12600 apply.
(i) When a FOIA request is received
for records that may contain
confidential commercial information
(e.g., government contracts), the
submitter shall be notified promptly of
that request and afforded reasonable
time (e.g., 20 calendar days) to present
any objections concerning release. This
practice of giving submitter notice is
required by E.O. 12600 for those FOIA
requests for data not deemed clearly
exempt from disclosure under
Exemption 4. The submitter notice letter
should include, as an attachment, a
copy of the requested information. Any
objections to release provided by the
submitter shall be evaluated. The final
decision to disclose information
claimed to be exempt under Exemption
4 shall be made by an official equivalent
in rank to the official who would make
the decision to withhold that
information under the FOIA. When a
substantial issue has been raised or
when the objections submitted lack
specificity, the DoD Component may
seek additional information from the
submitter and afford the submitter a
reasonable opportunity to present
arguments on the legal and substantive
issues involved prior to making an
agency determination. If the Component
and submitter cannot come to agreement
as to what information is exempt from
release under Exemption 4, the
Component shall provide the submitter
a date on which the information in
question will be released to the FOIA
requester. This date should provide the
submitter sufficient time to block the
release of the information by obtaining
an injunction in Federal Court (which is
known as a reverse FOIA lawsuit), if the
submitter so chooses. If no response is
forthcoming the component shall
release the information on the date
provided to the submitted.
(ii) The requester shall be notified
(A) The Component notifies the
submitter of the FOIA request and asks
for comments.
(B) The Component advises the
submitter that the requested information
will be released over the submitter’s
(iii) The submitter shall be notified
immediately whenever the requester
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brings suit seeking to compel disclosure
of the submitter’s information.
(iv) If the submitted information is a
proposal provided in response to a
solicitation for a competitive proposal,
and the proposal is in DoD possession
and control and meets the requirements
of 10 U.S.C. 2305(g), the proposal shall
not be disclosed, and no submitter
notification and subsequent analysis is
required. The proposal shall be
withheld from public disclosure
pursuant to Reference (m) and
Exemption 3. This statute does not
apply to bids, unsolicited proposals, or
any proposal that is set forth or
incorporated by reference in a contract
between the DoD Component and the
offeror that submitted the proposal. In
such situations, normal submitter notice
and analysis shall be conducted in
accordance with § 286.18 (l) except
sealed bids that are opened and read to
the public. The term ‘‘proposal’’ means
information contained in or originating
from any proposal, including a
technical, management, or cost proposal
submitted by an offeror in response to
solicitation for a competitive proposal.
The term ‘‘proposal’’ does not include
an offeror’s name, total price, or unit
prices when set forth in a record other
than the proposal itself.
(v) If the record or information was
submitted on a strictly voluntary basis,
absent any exercised authority that
prescribes criteria for submission, and it
is absolutely clear that the record or
information would customarily not be
released to the public the submitter
need not be notified. The Component
shall withhold this information under
Exemption 4.
(2) The coordination provisions of
this paragraph apply to the release of
responsive information received from
multi-national organizations, such as
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), United Nations Commands, the
North American Aerospace Defense
Command (NORAD), the Inter-American
Defense Board, foreign governments, or
international organizations (e.g., the
International Committee of the Red
(i) Coordination with foreign
governments under the provisions of
this paragraph may be made through the
Department of State, the specific foreign
embassy, or any other coordination
channel the Component has established.
OFOI has established a coordination
channel with the United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence (MOD). If the DoD
Component has MOD-originated
information within its files, it shall be
forwarded to OFOI, which shall
coordinate with the MOD for release.
The MOD release recommendation will
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be forwarded by OFOI back to the
Component for direct response to the
requester. Coordination with most
international organizations may be
made directly with those organizations.
However, for NORAD coordination the
Components shall refer the documents
to the FOIA Office at the United States
Northern Command, which will consult
with NORAD.
(ii) If an international organization or
foreign government asks the Department
of Defense to withhold classified
information originated by the multinational organization or foreign
government, it will be withheld under
the provisions of Exemption 1.
(iii) If the DoD Component is asked to
withhold sensitive unclassified
information originated by the multinational organization or foreign
government, then the Component will
withhold it under the provisions of
Exemption 3, and shall reference the
relevant statute as 10 U.S.C. 130c. To
qualify for withholding under this
statute, the Component IDA must make
the three following determinations
concerning the requested foreign
(A) The information was provided by
or produced in cooperation with a
foreign government or international
(B) The information is withheld from
public disclosure by the foreign
government or international
organization (the foreign government or
international organization should make
this representation in writing).
(C) Any of the following three
conditions are met:
(1) The foreign government or
international organization requests in
writing that the information be
(2) The foreign government or
international organization provides the
information to the U.S. Government on
the condition that it not released to the
(3) The requested information is
specified in agency regulations as being
information the release of which would
have an adverse effect on the ability of
the Government to obtain the same or
similar information in the future.
(D) To qualify for withholding, the
information must meet the following
(1) If the information came into the
possession or under the control of the
U.S. Government prior to October 30,
2000, and more than 25 years prior to
receipt of the FOIA request, the DoD
Component shall notify the foreign
government or international
organization of the request for
disclosure. The information then
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qualifies for withholding only if the
foreign government or international
organization requests in writing that the
information not be disclosed for a
specific period of time. This date can be
extended with a later request by the
foreign government or international
(2) If the information came into the
possession or under the control of the
U.S. Government after October 30, 2000,
the information cannot be withheld after
the release date specified by the foreign
government or international
organization. In the case where one or
more foreign governments or
international organizations provided the
information, the latest date specified by
any of them will be used. If no release
date was specified, and the information
came into the possession of the DoD
Component more than 10 years prior to
receipt of the FOIA request, the
procedures set forth in § 286.18(d)(1)(i)
§ 286.19
Initial determinations.
(a) IDA. (1) The determination
whether to withhold information
responsive to a FOIA request shall be
made by any suitable official designated
in writing as an IDA by the DoD
Component. In designating IDAs, the
DoD Component shall balance the goals
of centralization of authority to promote
uniform decisions, and decentralization
to facilitate responding to each request
within the time limitations of the FOIA.
The IDA shall review all withheld
information to determine whether it
meets the criteria for withholding under
one or more of the FOIA exemptions.
This determination may be made upon
the recommendation of a review official.
(2) IDAs and review officials shall not
use the existence of classification
markings, distribution limiting
statements, such as ‘‘For Official Use
Only’’ markings, as justification to
withhold information. Information so
marked must be reviewed after the
receipt of a FOIA request to determine
if the markings still apply.
(3) To deny, in whole or in part, a
requested record that is in the
possession and control of the DoD
Component, the IDA must determine
that one or more of the FOIA
exemptions justify withholding all or
part of the record.
(4) The IDA should consult with
public affairs officers (PAOs) to become
familiar with subject matter considered
to be newsworthy at the local or
national level, and advise PAOs of all
requests from news media
representatives. In addition, the IDA
should inform PAOs in advance when
they intend to withhold or partially
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withhold a record if it appears the
withholding action may be a media
(b) Reasons for not releasing a record.
The following are reasons for not
complying with a request for a record
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3). These
reasons are data items that should be
maintained in the control system
database for ease of retrieval and
reporting in the Annual FOIA Report.
(1) No records. A reasonable search of
files failed to identify responsive
(2) Referrals. The request is
transferred to another DoD Component
or Federal agency.
(3) Request withdrawn. The request is
withdrawn by the requester.
(4) Fee-related reason. The requester
is unwilling to pay fees associated with
a request; the requester is past due in
the payment of fees from a previous
FOIA request; or the requester disagrees
with the fee estimate.
(5) Records not reasonably described.
A record has not been described with
sufficient particularity to enable the
DoD Component to locate it by
conducting a reasonable search.
(6) Not a proper FOIA request for
some other reason. The requester has
failed to comply with procedural
requirements, other than fee-related
requirements, imposed by this part or by
DoD Component supplementing
(7) Not an agency record. The
information requested is not a record
within the meaning of the FOIA and this
(8) Duplicate request. The request is a
duplicate request (e.g., a requester asks
for the same information more than
once). This includes identical requests
received through different means (e.g.,
electronic mail, facsimile, mail, courier)
at the same or different times.
(9) Other (Specify). Any other reason
a requester does not comply with
published rules other than those
outlined in paragraph (b) of this section.
(10) Partial or total denial. The record
is denied in whole or in part in
accordance with procedures set forth in
the FOIA.
(c) Reasonably segregable portions.
Although portions of some records may
be denied, the remaining reasonably
segregable portions must be released to
the requester. Unless disclosing the
extent of the deletion would harm an
interest protected by an exemption, the
amount of deleted information shall be
indicated on the released portion of
paper records by use of brackets or
darkened areas. In no case shall the
deleted areas be left ‘‘white’’ without
the use of brackets to show the bounds
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of deleted information. In the case of
electronic deletion or deletion in
audiovisual or microfiche records, if
technically feasible, the amount of
redacted information shall be indicated
at the place in the record such deletion
was made, unless including the
indication would harm an interest
protected by the exemption under
which the deletion was made. This may
be done by use of brackets, shaded
areas, or some other identifiable
technique that will clearly show the
limits of the deleted information.
(d) Response to requester. (1) When a
decision is made to release a record, a
copy should be made available
promptly to the requester.
(2) When a request for a record is
denied in whole or in part, the official
designated to respond shall provide the
requester a written explanation of the
substantive basis for denial including
specific citation of the statutory
exemption applied under provisions of
this part (e.g., 5 U.S.C. 552 (b)(1)) and
advise the requester of their appeal
rights, including the address to which
any appeal should be mailed. The basis
for the determination shall be in
sufficient detail to permit the requester
to make a decision concerning an
appeal. If the IDA does not sign the
response letter, the name and duty title
of the IDA will be specified in the letter.
The official also shall advise the
requester that any appeal to the adverse
determination must be postmarked no
later than 60 days after the date of the
initial denial letter.
(3) The DoD Component shall make a
reasonable effort to estimate the volume
of the records denied and provide this
estimate to the requester, unless
providing such an estimate would harm
an interest protected by an exemption of
the FOIA. This estimate should be in
number of pages or in some other
reasonable form of estimation.
(4) When a denial is based on a statute
qualifying as a FOIA Exemption 3
statute, the DoD Components shall state
the particular statute relied upon to
deny the information.
(5) When a requester is assessed fees
for processing a request, the requester’s
fee category shall be specified in the
final response letter. The DoD
Components also shall provide the
requester with a complete cost
breakdown (e.g., 15 pages of office
reproduction at $.15 per page; three
hours of professional level search at
$53.00 per hour, etc.) in the response
(e) File of initial denials. Copies of all
initial denials shall be maintained by
each DoD Component in a form suitable
for rapid retrieval, periodic statistical
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compilation, and management
evaluation. Records denied for any of
the reasons contained in § 286.14 (for
which no appeal was filed) shall be
maintained for a period of 6 years to
meet the statute of limitations
(f) Special mail services. The DoD
Components are authorized to use
registered mail, certified mail,
certificates of mailing, and return
receipts. However, their use should be
limited to instances where it appears
advisable to establish proof of dispatch
or receipt of FOIA correspondence. The
requester shall be notified that they are
responsible for the full costs of special
services. A commercial delivery service
may be used provided the requester asks
for such service to receive the requested
information in a timelier manner and
the requester pays directly for the
(g) Receipt account. The Treasurer of
the United States has established an
account for FOIA receipts. This account,
receipt account 3210, shall be used for
depositing all FOIA receipts, except
receipts for ‘‘Working Capital’’ and non
appropriated funded activities.
Components are reminded that the
account number must be preceded by
the appropriate disbursing office twodigit prefix. ‘‘Working Capital’’ and nonappropriated funded activity FOIA
receipts shall be deposited to the
applicable fund. All money orders or
checks remitting FOIA fees should be
made payable to the U.S. Treasurer.
§ 286.20
(a) General. If the DoD Component
IDA denies a record for any of the
reasons contained in § 286.14 the DoD
Component shall advise the requester
that the decision may be appealed in
writing to a designated appellate
authority. The Component will further
advise the requester that the appeal
should be accompanied by a copy of the
denial letter. In addition to appeal rights
associated with the denial of
information, the following are adverse
determinations and are subject to
(1) The disapproval of a fee category
claim by a requester, the disapproval of
a request for waiver or reduction of fees,
and a dispute regarding fee estimates.
(2) A determination not to grant
expedited processing.
(3) Not providing a response
determination to a FOIA request within
the statutory time limits.
(4) Any determination found to be
adverse in nature by the requester.
(b) FOIA/Privacy Act appeals. When
denials have been made under the
provisions of the Privacy Act and the
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FOIA and the denied information is
contained in a Privacy Act system of
records, appeals shall be processed
under both the Privacy Act and the
FOIA. If the denied information is not
maintained in a Privacy Act system of
records, the appeal shall be processed
under the FOIA.
(c) Time of receipt. A FOIA appeal has
been received by the DoD Component
when it reaches the office of an
appellate authority having jurisdiction.
Misdirected appeals should be referred
expeditiously to the proper appellate
(d) Time limits. (1) If the requester
submits an appeal after the conclusion
of the 60-day time established by the
date of the initial denial letter, the
appeal may be considered closed.
However, the Components are
encouraged to make exceptions on a
case by case basis. In cases where the
requester is provided several
incremental determinations for a single
request, the time period for the appeal
shall not begin until the date of the final
response. Denied records shall be
retained for a period of 6 years after
final adjudication to meet the statute of
limitations requirement.
(2) Final determinations on appeals
normally shall be made within 20
working days after receipt. When the
DoD Component has a significant
number of appeals preventing a
response determination within 20
working days, the appeals shall be
processed in a multi-track system, based
at a minimum, on the three processing
tracks established for initial requests
according to § 286.18(b). The provisions
of § 286.18(b) also apply to appeals of
initial determinations, to include
establishing additional processing tracks
as needed.
(e) Delay in responding to an appeal.
If a determination cannot be made and
the requester notified within 20 working
days, the appellate authority or the
appellate authority’s representative
shall acknowledge to the requester, in
writing, the date of receipt of the appeal,
the circumstances surrounding the
delay, and the anticipated date for
substantive response. Requesters shall
be advised that, if the delay exceeds the
statutory extension provision or is for
reasons other than the unusual
circumstances identified in
§ 286.4(b)(2)(ii)(C), they may consider
their administrative remedies
exhausted. They may, however, without
prejudicing their right of judicial
remedy, await a substantive response.
(f) Response to the requester. (1)
When an appellate authority makes a
final determination to release all or a
portion of records withheld by an IDA,
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a written response and a copy of the
records released should be forwarded
promptly to the requester. If the
requester owes outstanding fees from
the initial request, and these fees were
not appealed, the final appellate
response will not be made until the fees
are paid.
(2) Final denial of an appeal must be
made in writing and signed by the
appellate authority. The response shall
include the following:
(i) The basis for the denial, to include
an explanation of the applicable
statutory exemption or exemptions
invoked under provisions of the FOIA,
and of other appeal matters set forth in
§ 286.20(a).
(ii) A determination that the record
meets the cited criteria and rationale of
the governing Executive Order if the
final refusal is based in whole or in part
on Exemption 1.
(iii) A statement that the information
being denied does not contain
meaningful portions that are reasonably
segregable in the case of appeals for
total denial of records.
(iv) The requester’s right to judicial
(g) Consultation. (1) Final denial of
access involving issues not previously
resolved or that the DoD Component
knows to be inconsistent with rulings of
other DoD Components ordinarily
should not be made before consultation
with the DoD Office of the General
(2) Tentative decisions to deny
records that raise new or significant
legal issues of potential significance to
other Government agencies shall be
discussed with the DoD Office of the
General Counsel.
§ 286.21
Judicial actions.
(a) General. (1) This paragraph states
current legal and procedural rules for
the convenience of the reader. The
statements of rules do not create rights
or remedies not otherwise available, nor
do they bind the Department of Defense
to particular judicial interpretations or
(2) A requester may seek an order
from a U.S. District Court to compel
release of a record after administrative
remedies have been exhausted; i.e.,
when the requester has filed an
administrative appeal from the denied
access to a record by the Head of the
DoD Component or an appellate
designee, or when the DoD Component
has failed to respond within the time
limits prescribed by the FOIA and in
this part.
(b) Venue. The requester may bring
suit in the U.S. District Court in the
district in which the requester resides,
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the district where the requester’s place
of business is located, the district in
which the record is located, or the
District of Columbia.
(c) Burden of proof. The burden of
proof is on the DoD Component to
justify its refusal to provide a record.
The court shall evaluate the case de
novo (anew) and may elect to examine
any requested record in camera (in
private) to determine whether the denial
was justified.
(d) Actions by the court. (1) The U.S.
District Court for the District of
Columbia has ruled that, when the DoD
Component has failed to make a
determination within the statutory time
limits but can demonstrate due
diligence in exceptional circumstances,
to include negotiating with the requester
to modify the scope of their request, the
court may retain jurisdiction and allow
the Component additional time to
complete its review of the records
(Department of Justice FOIA Update
Web site). The Component must request
that the Court retain jurisdiction by
seeking an ‘‘Open America’’ stay
(Department of Justice FOIA Update
Web site).
(2) If the Court determines that the
plaintiff substantially prevails, it may
require the United States to pay
reasonable attorney fees and other
litigation costs.
(3) When the Court orders the release
of denied records, it may also issue a
written finding that the circumstances
surrounding the withholding raise
questions as to whether DoD
Component personnel acted arbitrarily
and capriciously. In these cases, the
special counsel of the Merit System
Protection Board shall conduct an
investigation to determine whether or
not disciplinary action is warranted.
The DoD Component is obligated to take
the action recommended by the special
(4) The Court may punish the
responsible official for contempt when
the DoD Component fails to comply
with the court order to produce records
that it determines have been withheld
improperly, or to otherwise comply
with a court order.
(e) Non-United States Government
source information (business
information). A requester may bring suit
in a U.S. District Court to compel the
release of records obtained from a
submitter or records based on
information obtained from a submitter.
The submitter shall be notified
promptly of the court action pursuant to
E.O. 12600. When the submitter advises
that it is seeking court action to prevent
release, the DoD Component shall defer
answering or otherwise pleading to the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
complainant as long as permitted by the
court, or until a decision is rendered in
the court action of the source,
whichever is sooner.
(f) FOIA litigation. Personnel
responsible for processing FOIA
requests at the DoD Component level
shall be aware of litigation under the
FOIA. Whenever a complaint is filed in
a U.S. District Court under the FOIA,
the DoD Component named in the
complaint shall forward a copy of the
complaint to DFOIPO with an
information copy to the DoD Office of
the General Counsel, ATTN: Office of
Legal Counsel.
Subpart E—Fee Schedule
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§ 286.24
General provisions.
(a) Application. (1) The fees described
in this subpart apply to requests
submitted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 551, 552,
and 552(a) and conform to the OMB
Uniform Freedom of Information Act
Fee Schedule and Guidelines S. They
reflect direct costs for search, review (in
the case of commercial requesters), and
duplication of documents.
(2) The fees are neither intended to
imply they must be charged in
connection with providing information
to the public pursuant to the FOIA
request nor are they meant to substitute
for any other charges established by the
Department of Defense, such as DoD
7000.14–R, to recoup direct costs of
authorized services provided by DoD
Components that are not FOIA related.
(3) Nothing in this subpart shall
supersede fees chargeable under a
statute specifically providing for setting
the level of fees for particular types of
records, such as the GPO or the National
Technical Information Service. The
Components should ensure documents
responsive to a request are maintained
for distribution by agencies operating
statutory-based fee schedule programs
and inform requesters of the steps
necessary to obtain records from those
(b) Fee restrictions. (1) No fees may be
charged by any DoD Component if the
total assessable fees are less than or
equal $25.00. For requesters in the
educational institution, noncommercial
scientific institution, or news media
categories, the Components shall
provide all search time and the first 100
pages of duplication without charge. For
requesters in the ‘‘all other’’ category,
the Components shall provide the first
2 hours of search time, and the first 100
pages of duplication without charge.
The Components shall provide all
review time without charge except for
requesters in the commercial category.
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Time expended shall be computed to
the nearest 15 minutes.
(2) Requesters receiving the first 2
hours of search and the first 100 pages
of duplication without charge are
entitled to such only once per request.
Therefore, if the Component, after
completing its portion of a request, finds
it necessary to refer the request to a
subordinate office, another DoD
Component, or another Federal agency
for action on their portion of the
request, the referring Component shall
inform the recipient of the referral of the
expended amount of search time and
duplication cost to date.
(3) For the purposes of these
restrictions, the word ‘‘pages’’ refers to
paper copies of a standard size, which
will normally be ‘‘81⁄2 x 11’’ or ‘‘11 x
14’’. Thus, requesters would not be
entitled to 100 microfiche or 100
computer disks, for example.
(4) In the case of computer searches,
the first 2 free hours will be determined
against the salary scale of the individual
operating the computer for the purposes
of the search. As an example, when the
direct costs of the computer central
processing unit, input-output devices,
and memory capacity equal $40.00 (2
hours of equivalent search at the clerical
level), amounts of computer costs in
excess of that amount are chargeable as
computer search time. In the event the
direct operating cost of the hardware
configuration cannot be determined,
computer search shall be based on the
salary scale of the operator executing
the computer search. See § 286.25(b)(1)
for further details regarding fees for
computer searches.
(c) Fee waivers. (1) When assessable
costs for a FOIA request total $25.00 or
less, fees shall be waived automatically
for all requesters, regardless of category.
(2) Documents shall be furnished
without charge, or at a reduced charge,
when the Component determines that
waiver or reduction of the fees is in the
public interest because furnishing the
information is likely to contribute
significantly to public understanding of
the operations or activities of the
Department of Defense and is not
primarily in the commercial interest of
the requester. Decisions to waive or
reduce fees that exceed the automatic
waiver threshold shall be made on a
case-by-case basis and after a search for
responsive records is completed,
consistent with the following factors:
(i) Disclosure of the information ‘‘is in
the public interest because it is likely to
contribute significantly to public
understanding of the operations or
activities of the Government.’’ The
factors identified must be met to some
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degree to warrant waiving or reducing
assessable fees in the ‘‘public interest.’’
(A) The subject of the request. The
Components should analyze whether
the subject matter of the request
involves issues will significantly
contribute to the public understanding
of the operations or activities of the
Department of Defense. Requests for
records in the possession of the
Department of Defense that were
originated by non-government
organizations and are sought for their
intrinsic content, rather than
informative value, will likely not
contribute to public understanding of
the operations or activities of the
Department of Defense. An example of
such records might be press clippings,
magazine articles, or records forwarding
a particular opinion or concern from a
member of the public regarding a DoD
activity. Similarly, disclosures of
records of considerable age may or may
not bear directly on the current
activities of the Department of Defense;
however, the age of a particular record
shall not be the sole criterion for
denying relative significance under this
factor. It is possible to envisage an
informative issue concerning the current
DoD activities, based on historical
documentation. Requests of this nature
must be closely reviewed consistent
with the requester’s stated purpose for
desiring the records and the potential
for public understanding of DoD
operations and activities.
(B) The informative value of the
information to be disclosed. This factor
requires a close analysis of the
substantive contents of a record, or
portion of the record, to determine
whether disclosure is meaningful, and
shall inform the public on the
operations or activities of the
Department of Defense. While the
subject of a request may contain
information that concerns the
Department of Defense, it may not
always hold great potential for
contributing to a meaningful
understanding of these operations or
activities. An example of such would be
a previously released record that has
been heavily redacted, the balance of
which may contain only random words,
fragmented sentences, or paragraph
headings. A determination as to whether
a record in this situation will contribute
to the public understanding of DoD
operations or activities must be
approached with caution, and carefully
weighed against the arguments offered
by the requester. Another example is
information already known to be in the
public domain. Disclosure of
duplicative or nearly identical
information already existing in the
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public domain may not add meaningful
new information concerning the
operations and activities of the
Department of Defense.
(C) The contribution to an
understanding of the subject by the
general public likely to result from
disclosure. The key element in
determining the applicability of this
factor is whether disclosure will inform,
or have the potential to inform the
public, rather than simply the
individual requester or small segment of
interested persons. The identity of the
requester is essential in this situation in
order to determine whether such
requester has the capability and
intention to disseminate the information
to the public. Mere assertions of plans
to author a book, researching a
particular subject, doing doctoral
dissertation work, or indigence are
insufficient without demonstrating the
capacity to further disclose the
information in a manner that will be
informative to the general public.
Requesters should be asked to describe
their qualifications, the nature of their
research, the purpose of the requested
information, and their intended means
of dissemination to the public.
(D) The significance of the
contribution to public understanding. In
applying this factor, the Components
must differentiate the relative
significance or impact of the disclosure
against the current level of public
knowledge, or understanding which
exists before the disclosure. In other
words, will disclosure on a current
subject of wide public interest be
unique in contributing previously
unknown facts, thereby enhancing
public knowledge, or will it basically
duplicate what is already known by the
general public? A decision regarding
significance requires objective
judgment, rather than subjective
determination, and must be applied
carefully to determine whether
disclosure will likely lead to a
significant public understanding of the
issue. The Components shall not make
value judgments as to whether the
information is important enough to be
made public.
(ii) Disclosure of the information ‘‘is
not primarily in the commercial interest
of the requester.’’ Determining
‘‘commercial interest’’ requires
consideration of the following issues:
(A) The existence and magnitude of a
commercial interest. If the request is
determined to be of a commercial
interest, the Components should
address the magnitude of that interest to
determine if the requester’s commercial
interest is primary, as opposed to any
secondary personal or non-commercial
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interest. In addition to profit-making
organizations, individual persons or
other organizations may have a
commercial interest in obtaining certain
records. Where it is difficult to
determine whether the requester is of a
commercial nature, the Components
may draw inference from the requester’s
identity and circumstances of the
request. The Components are reminded
that in order to apply the commercial
standards of the FOIA, the requester’s
commercial benefit must clearly
override any personal or non-profit
(B) The primary interest in disclosure.
Once a requester’s commercial interest
has been determined, the Components
should then determine if the disclosure
would be primarily in that interest. This
requires a balancing test between the
commercial interest of the request
against any public benefit to be derived
as a result of that disclosure. Where the
public interest is served above and
beyond that of the requester’s
commercial interest, a waiver or
reduction of fees would be appropriate.
Conversely, even if a significant public
interest exists, and the relative
commercial interest of the requester is
determined to be greater than the public
interest, then a waiver or reduction of
fees would be inappropriate. As
examples, news media organizations
have a commercial interest as business
organizations; however, their inherent
role of disseminating news to the
general public can ordinarily be
presumed to be of a primary interest.
Therefore, any commercial interest
becomes secondary to the primary
interest in serving the public. Similarly,
scholars writing books or engaged in
other forms of academic research may
recognize a commercial benefit, either
directly, or indirectly (through the
institution they represent); however,
normally such pursuits are primarily
undertaken for educational purposes,
and the application of a fee charge
would be inappropriate. Conversely,
data brokers or others who merely
compile Government information for
marketing can normally be presumed to
have an interest primarily of a
commercial nature.
(3) Components are reminded that the
factors and examples used in this
paragraph are not all inclusive. Each fee
decision must be considered on a caseby-case basis and upon the merits of the
information provided in each request.
When the element of doubt as to
charging or waiving the fee cannot be
clearly resolved, Components should
rule in favor of the requester.
(4) In addition, the following
additional circumstances describe
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situations where waivers or reductions
of fees are most likely to be warranted:
(i) A record is voluntarily created to
prevent an otherwise burdensome effort
to provide voluminous amounts of
available records, including additional
information not requested.
(ii) A previous denial of records is
reversed in total, or in part, and the
assessable costs are not substantial (e.g.
(d) Fee assessment. (1) Fees may not
be used to discourage requesters.
Assessable FOIA fees are limited to
standard charges for direct search,
review (in the case of commercial
requesters), and duplication.
(2) Fees are assessed based on the
category determined to be appropriate
for the requester’s status and the FOIA
request should contain a willingness to
pay fees appropriate to that category.
The categories are identified below:
(i) Commercial. Requesters should
indicate a willingness to pay all search,
review, and duplication costs when the
records are requested for commercial
(A) The term ‘‘commercial use’’
request refers to a request from, or on
behalf of one who seeks information for
a use or purpose that furthers the
commercial, trade, or profit interest of
the requester or the person on whose
behalf the request is made. In
determining whether a requester
properly belongs in this category,
Components must determine the use to
which a requester will put the
documents requested. Moreover, where
a Component has reasonable cause to
doubt the use to which a requester will
put the records sought, or where that
use is not clear from the request itself,
Components should seek additional
clarification from the requester before
assigning the request to a specific
(B) When the Components receive a
request for documents for commercial
use, they should assess charges which
recover the full direct costs of searching
for, reviewing for release, and
duplicating the records sought.
Accordingly, commercial requesters are
not entitled to 2 hours of free search
time and 100 free pages of reproduction.
(C) Commercial requesters are not
normally entitled to a waiver or
reduction of fees based upon an
assertion that disclosure would be in the
public interest. However, because use is
the exclusive determining criterion, it is
possible to envision a commercial
enterprise making a request that is not
for commercial use. It is also possible
that a non-profit organization could
make a request that is for commercial
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
use. Such situations must be addressed
on a case-by-case basis.
(ii) Educational, non-commercial
scientific institution, or news media.
Requesters should indicate a
willingness to pay duplication charges
in excess of 100 pages if more than 100
pages of records are desired.
(A) Educational institution. Fees shall
be limited to only reasonable standard
charges for document duplication
(excluding charges for the first 100
pages) when the request is made by an
educational institution whose purpose
is scholarly research. The term
‘‘educational institution’’ refers to a preschool, a public or private elementary or
secondary school, an institution of
undergraduate higher education, an
institution of graduate higher education,
an institution of professional education,
and an institution of vocational
education, which operates a program or
programs of scholarly research. Fees
shall be waived or reduced in the public
interest if the fee waiver criteria are met.
(B) Non-commercial scientific
institution. Fees shall be limited to only
reasonable standard charges for
document duplication (excluding
charges for the first 100 pages) when the
request is made by a non-commercial
scientific institution whose purpose is
scientific research. The term ‘‘noncommercial scientific institution’’ refers
to an institution that is not operated on
a ‘‘commercial’’ basis as defined in
§ 286.24(d)(2)(i)(A), and is operated
solely for the purpose of conducting
scientific research, the results of which
are not intended to promote any
particular product or industry. Fees
shall be waived or reduced in the public
interest if the fee waiver criteria are met.
(C) Representatives of the news
media. Fees shall be limited to only
reasonable standard charges for
document duplication (excluding
charges for the first 100 pages). Fees
shall be waived or reduced if the fee
waiver criteria are met.
(1) The term ‘‘representative of the
news media’’ refers to any person
actively gathering news for an entity
that is organized and operated to
publish or broadcast news to the public.
The term ‘‘news’’ means information
about current events or that would be of
current interest to the public. Examples
of news media entities include
television or radio stations broadcasting
to the public at large, and publishers of
periodicals (but only in those instances
when they can qualify as disseminators
of ‘‘news’’) who make their products
available for purchase or subscription
by the general public. These examples
are not meant to be all-inclusive.
Moreover, as traditional methods of
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news delivery evolve (e.g., electronic
dissemination of newspapers through
telecommunications services and the
Internet), such alternative media might
be included in this category.
(2) To be eligible for inclusion in this
category, a requester must meet the
criteria in the preceding paragraph, and
his or her request must not be made for
commercial use. In the case of
‘‘freelance’’ journalists, they may be
regarded as working for a news
organization if they can demonstrate a
solid basis for expecting publication
though that organization, even though
not actually employed by it. A
publication contract would be the
clearest proof, but the Components may
also look to the past publication record
of a requester in making this
determination. A request for records
supporting the news dissemination
function of the requester shall not be
considered to be a request that is for a
commercial use.
(3) ‘‘Representative of the news
media’’ does not include private
libraries, private repositories of
Government records, information
vendors, data brokers or similar
marketers of information whether to
industries and businesses, or other
(D) All others. Requesters who do not
fit into any of the categories described
above should indicate a willingness to
pay assessable search and duplication
costs if more than 2 hours of search
effort or 100 pages of records are
desired. Fees shall be waived or reduced
if the fee waiver criteria are met.
(E) The fee provisions of E.O. 12600
apply when requesters ask for
information about themselves under the
Privacy Act of 1974. In these cases, the
only assessable processing fees are for
duplication. Components are reminded
in these cases requesters may also be
eligible for a waiver or reduction of fees
if the fee waiver criteria are met.
(3) To be as responsive as possible to
FOIA requests while minimizing
unwarranted costs to the taxpayer, the
Components shall adhere to the
following procedures:
(i) Analyze each request to determine
the category of the requester. If the
Component determination regarding the
category of the requester is different
than that claimed by the requester, the
Component shall:
(A) Notify the requester to provide
additional justification to warrant the
category claimed, and that a search for
responsive records will not be initiated
until agreement has been attained
relative to the category of the requester.
Absent further category justification
from the requester, and within a
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reasonable period of time (e.g., 30
calendar days), the Component shall
render a final category determination
and notify the requester of such
determination, to include normal
administrative appeal rights of the
(B) Advise the requester,
notwithstanding any appeal, a search for
responsive records will not be initiated
until the requester indicates a
willingness to pay assessable costs
appropriate for the category determined
by the Component.
(ii) If these conditions are not met the
request need not be processed and the
requester shall be so informed.
(iii) The Components must be
prepared to provide an estimate of
assessable fees if desired by the
requester. While it is recognized that
search situations will vary among
Components, and that an estimate is
often difficult to obtain prior to an
actual search, requesters who desire
estimates are entitled to such before
committing to a willingness to pay. If
Components’ actual costs exceed the
amount of the estimate or the amount
agreed to by the requester, the amount
in excess of the estimate or the
requester’s agreed amount shall not be
charged without the requester’s
agreement. Even though Components do
not need to advise requesters of their
appeal rights when provided fee
estimates, such estimates may be
appealed and litigated by the requester.
(iv) No DoD Component may require
advance payment of any fee; i.e.,
payment before work starts or continued
on a request, unless either of the
following conditions are met:
(A) The requester has a history of
failing to pay fees in a timely fashion
(within 30 days of the billing date) on
a previous request
(B) The Component determines that
the fee will exceed $250.00.
(iv) Where the Component estimates
or determines that allowable charges
that a requester may be required to pay
are likely to exceed $250.00, the
Component shall notify the requester of
the likely cost and obtain satisfactory
assurance of full payment. The
Component may ask for an advance
payment of an amount up to the full
estimated charges in the case of
requesters with no history of payment or
a history of late payments. If the
Component learns that a requester has
an outstanding overdue debt with any
other DoD Component or other Federal
agency, the Component may
administratively close all of the
requester’s requests after giving notice
to the requester.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
(v) Where a requester has previously
failed to pay a fee charged in a timely
fashion to any Federal agency, the
Component may require the requester to
pay the full amount owed, plus any
applicable interest, before the
Component begins to process a new or
pending request from the requester.
Interest will be at the rate prescribed in
32 U.S.C. 3717, and confirmed with
respective Finance and Accounting
(vi) When the Components dispute a
requester’s fee category assertion, the
administrative time limits of the FOIA
will begin only after the Component has
received a willingness to pay fees and
satisfaction as to category
determination, or fee payments (if
(vii) The Components may charge for
time spent searching for records, even if
that search fails to locate records
responsive to the request. The
Components may also charge search and
review (in the case of commercial
requesters) time if records located are
determined to be exempt from
(viii) If the Component estimates
processing charges are likely to exceed
what the requester is willing to pay, it
shall notify the requester of the estimate
of fees. Such a notice shall offer the
requester the opportunity to confer with
Component personnel with the object of
reformulating the request to meet his or
her needs at a lower cost.
(e) Aggregating requests. Except
requests that are for a commercial use,
the Component may not charge for the
first 2 hours of search time or for the
first 100 pages of reproduction.
However, a requester may not file
multiple requests at the same time, each
seeking portions of a document or
documents, solely in order to avoid
payment of fees. When a Component
reasonably believes that a requester or,
on rare occasions, a group of requesters
acting in concert, is attempting to break
a request down into a series of requests
for the purpose of avoiding the
assessment of fees, the Component may
aggregate any such requests and charge
accordingly. One element to be
considered in determining whether this
belief would be reasonable is the time
period in which the requests have
occurred. For example, it would be
reasonable to presume that multiple
requests of this type made within a 30
day period had been made to avoid fees.
For requests made over a longer period
however, such a presumption becomes
harder to sustain and Components
should have a solid basis for
determining that aggregation is
warranted in such cases. Components
are cautioned that before aggregating
requests from more than one requester,
they must have a concrete basis on
which to conclude that the requesters
are acting in concert and are acting
specifically to avoid payment of fees. In
no case may Components aggregate
multiple requests on unrelated subjects
from one requester.
(f) Effect of the ‘‘Debt Collection Act
of 1982’’ (Pub. L. 97–365). The Debt
Collection Act of 1982 provides for a
minimum annual rate of interest to be
charged on overdue debts owed the
Federal Government. Components may
levy this interest penalty for any fees
that remain outstanding 30 calendar
days from the date of billing (the first
demand notice) to the requester of the
amount owed. The interest rate shall be
as prescribed in DoD 7000.14–R,
Volume 11A. Components should verify
the current interest rate with respective
Finance and Accounting Offices. After
one demand letter has been sent, and 30
calendar days have lapsed with no
payment, Components may submit the
debt to respective Finance and
Accounting Offices for collection
pursuant to the Debt Collection Act of
(g) Computation of fees. The fee
schedule in this subchapter shall be
used to compute the assessable fees
based upon the time actually spent on
the search, review (in the case of
commercial requesters) and duplication
costs associated with processing a given
FOIA request. Neither time-based nor
dollar-based minimum charges for
search, review and duplication are
authorized. The appropriate fee category
of the requester shall be determined
before computing fees. All time
computations will be to the nearest 15
minutes or quarter hour.
(h) Refunds. In the event a
Component discovers it has overcharged
a requester or a requester has overpaid,
the Component shall promptly refund
the charge to the requester by
reimbursement methods that are
agreeable to the requester and the
§ 286.25
Collection of fees and fee rates.
(a) Collection of fees. Collection of
fees will be made at the time of
providing the documents to the
requester or recipient when the
requester specifically states the costs
involved shall be acceptable or
acceptable up to a specified limit that
covers the anticipated costs.
(b) Fees for search time. (1) Manual
search fees. This table shows FOIA
hourly processing fees.
Clerical .....................................................
Professional .............................................
Executive .................................................
Contractor ................................................
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
E9/GS8 and below/NSPS pay band 1 ....................................................................
O1–O6/W01–05/GS9–GS15/NSPS pay bands 2 and 3 .........................................
O7/GS16/SES and above ........................................................................................
(2) Computer search. Fee assessments
for computer search consists of 2 parts;
individual time (hereafter referred to as
human time), and machine time.
(i) Human time. Human time is all the
time spent by humans performing the
necessary tasks to prepare the job for a
machine to execute the run command.
This includes the time spent to create a
program to extract specific fields out of
a database. If execution of a run requires
monitoring by a human, that human
time may be also assessed as computer
search. The terms ‘‘programmer/
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operator’’ shall not be limited to the
traditional programmers or operators.
Rather, the terms shall be interpreted in
their broadest sense to incorporate any
human involved in performing the
computer job (e.g., technician,
administrative support, operator,
programmer, database administrator, or
action officer).
(ii) Machine time. Machine time
involves only direct costs of the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), input/output
devices, and memory capacity used in
the actual computer configuration. Only
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Hourly rate ($)
this CPU rate shall be charged. No other
machine related costs shall be charged.
In situations where the capability does
not exist to calculate CPU time, no
machine costs can be passed on to the
requester. When CPU calculations are
not available, only human time costs
shall be assessed to requesters. Should
the DoD Components lease computers,
the services charged by the lessor shall
not be passed to the requester under the
(c) Duplication. This table shows
duplication costs.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Cost per page (cents)
Pre-Printed material ..................................................................................
Office copy ................................................................................................
Microfiche .................................................................................................
Computer copies (tapes, discs or printouts) ............................................
Actual cost of duplicating the tape, disc or printout (includes operator’s
time and cost of the medium).
(d) Review Fees. See paragraph (b)(1)
of this section.
(e) Audiovisual documentary
materials. Search costs are computed as
for any other record. Duplication cost is
the actual direct cost of reproducing the
material, including the wage of the
person doing the work. If the
duplication is performed by a
contractor, then the actual cost charged
to the government by the contractor is
passed on to the requester. Audiovisual
materials provided to a requester need
not be in reproducible format or quality.
(f) Other records. Direct search and
duplication cost for any record not
described in this paragraph shall be
computed in the manner described for
audiovisual documentary material.
(g) Costs for special services.
Complying with requests for special
services is at the discretion of the
Components. Neither the FOIA nor its
fee structure covers these kinds of
services. Therefore, Components may
recover the costs of special services
requested by the requester after
agreement has been obtained in writing
from the requester to pay for one or
more of the following services:
(1) Certifying that records are true
(2) Sending records by special
methods such as express mail, etc.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
§ 286.26
Fees for technical data.
(a) Technical data is recorded
information related to experimental,
developmental, or engineering works
that can be used to define an
engineering or manufacturing process or
to design, procure, produce, support,
maintain, operate, repair, or overhaul
material. The data may be graphic or
pictorial delineations in media, such as
drawings or photographs, text in
specification or related performance or
design type documents, or computer
printouts. Examples of tech data include
research and engineering data,
engineering drawings, and associated
lists, specifications, standards, process
sheets, manuals, technical reports,
catalog item identification, and related
information and computer software
(b) Unless technical data qualifies for
withholding from public release under
one or more of the FOIA exemptions, it
shall be released to the requester after
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all reasonable costs attributed to search,
duplication, and review are paid as
authorized by 10 U.S.C. 2328. All
reasonable costs are the full costs to the
Federal Government for rendering the
service, or fair market value of the
service, whichever is higher. Fair
market value shall be determined in
accordance with commercial rates in the
local geographic area. In the absence of
a known market value, charges will be
based on recovery of all direct and
indirect costs to conduct the search,
review, and duplicate the documents.
This cost is to be differentiated from the
direct costs allowable under § 286.24 for
other types of information released
under the FOIA.
(1) The DoD Components shall retain
the amounts received by such a release,
and it shall be merged with and
available for the same purpose and the
same time period as the appropriation
from which the costs were incurred in
complying with request.
(2) The DoD Components that process
FOIA requests for technical data and are
eligible to recoup the direct costs for
providing the records shall establish an
appropriate fee schedule taking into
account the prevailing commercial rates.
(c) Waiver. The DoD Components
shall waive the payment of costs
required in § 286.24(a) which are greater
than the costs that would be required for
release of this same information under
§ 186.25(a) of this subchapter if:
(1) The request is made by a citizen
of the United States or a United States
corporation, and such citizen or
corporation certifies that the technical
data requested is required to enable it to
submit an offer, or determine whether it
is capable of submitting an offer to
provide the product to which the
technical data relates to the United
States or a contractor with the United
States. However, DoD Components may
require the citizen or corporation to pay
a deposit in an amount equal to not
more than the cost of complying with
the request, which will be refunded
upon submission of an offer by the
citizen or corporation;
(2) The release of technical data is
requested in order to comply with the
terms of an international agreement; or,
(3) The Component determines in
accordance with § 286.24(c)(4)(i)(D) that
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such a waiver is in the interest of the
United States.
§ 286.27
Fees for research data.
Research data described in § 286.2,
definition ‘‘Agency record’’ obtained by
the DoD Component from a grant
recipient solely in response to a request
submitted by a FOIA requester, may
charge that requester a reasonable fee
equaling the full incremental cost of
obtaining the research data. The fee
should reflect costs incurred by the
Component, grant recipient, and subrecipients. This fee is in addition to any
fees the Component may assess under
the FOIA.
Subpart F—Education and Training
§ 286.30
Purpose and responsibility.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of the
Component FOIA educational and
training programs is to promote a
positive attitude among DoD personnel
and raise the level of understanding and
appreciation of the DoD FOIA Program.
Fulfilling this purpose will improve
customer service with members of the
public and improve the public trust in
the Department of Defense.
(b) Responsibility. Each DoD
Component shall establish educational
and training programs on the provisions
and requirements of this part. These
should be targeted toward developing in
all Component personnel a general
understanding and appreciation of the
DoD FOIA Program. The training
programs should be focused on
providing personnel involved in the
day-to-day processing of FOIA requests
with a thorough understanding of the
procedures outlined in this part.
(c) Scope and principles. Each DoD
Component shall design its FOIA
educational and training programs to fit
the particular requirements of its
personnel, dependent upon their degree
of involvement in implementing this
part. These programs should be
designed for two target audiences; those
personnel who are involved in the dayto-day processing of FOIA requests, and
those staff personnel who provide
search and/or review staff support to the
Component FOIA process. The
programs should be designed to
accomplish the following objectives:
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
(1) Familiarize personnel with the
requirements of the FOIA and its
implementation by this part.
(2) Instruct personnel who act in
FOIA matters on the provisions of this
part; advise them of the legal hazards
involved and the strict prohibition
against arbitrary and capricious
withholding of information.
(3) Provide procedural and legal
guidance and instruction to initial
denial and appellate authorities
concerning the discharge of their
(4) Emphasize that the processing of
FOIA requests must be citizen-centered
and results-oriented.
(5) Advise personnel of the penalties
for noncompliance with the FOIA.
§ 28.31
To ensure uniformity of
interpretation, the Components should
coordinate their educational and
training programs with DFOIPO.
Appendix A to Part 286—DoD FOIA
Program Components ′
List of DoD FOIA Program Components
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Combatant Commands
DoD Field Activities
Department of the Army
Department of the Navy
Department of the Air Force
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Security Service
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaissance Office
National Security Agency
Office of the Inspector General, Department
of Defense
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Appendix B to Part 286—Addressing
FOIA Requests
AP2.1. General.
AP2.1.1. The Department of Defense does
not have a central repository for DoD records.
FOIA requests, therefore, should be
addressed to the FOIA Requester Service
Center of the DoD Component that has
custody of the record desired. DFOIPO
maintains a current list of links to FOIA
Requester Service Centers at https://
AP2.1.2. If uncertain as to the ownership
of the record, DoD personnel shall refer the
requester to the FOIA Requester Service
Center most likely to have the record, or to
the OSD/ Joint Staff FOIA Requester Service
AP2.2. DoD Component FOIA Requester
Service Center Addresses.
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AP2.2.1. OSD and the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
AP2.2.1.1. Address all requests to: FOIA
Requester Service Center, Office of the
Secretary of Defense/Joint Staff, 1155 Defense
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301–1155.
The OSD/Joint Staff FOIA Requester Service
Center also processes FOIA requests for the
activities in paragraph AP2.2.1.2.
AP2.2.1.2. Activities for Which the OSD/
Joint Staff FOIA Requester Service Center
Processes Requests.
American Forces Information Service
Armed Forces Radiology Research Institute
Defense Acquisition University
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Business Transformation Agency
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Persons
Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Systems Management College
Defense Technology Security Administration
DoD Counterintelligence Field Activity
DoD Human Resources Activity
Joint Professional Military Education
Missile Defense Agency
National Defense University
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
Uniformed Services University of the Health
Washington Headquarters Services
White House Military Office
AP2.2.2. Department of the Army. Address
requests for Headquarters, U.S. Army,
records, or if there is uncertainty as to which
Army activity may have the records, address
requests to: Department of the Army,
Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts
Office, TAPC–PDR–PF, 7798 Cissna Road,
Suite 205, Springfield, VA 22150–3166.
AP2.2.3. Department of the Navy. Address
requests to the Commanding Officer of any
Navy or Marine Corps activity. Clearly
indicate that the request is a FOIA request.
For Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval
Operations, and Naval Historical Center
records, or if there is uncertainty as to which
Navy activity may have the records, send
requests to: Chief of Naval Operations, DNS–
36, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, DC
20350–2000. Electronic requests may be filed
at For U.S. Marine
Corps records, or if there is uncertainty as to
which Marine activity may have the records,
send requests to: Commandant of the Marine
Corps, HQ USMC (ARSF), 2 Navy Annex,
Washington, DC 20380–0001. https://
AP2.2.4. Department of the Air Force.
Address requests to the Commander of any
Air Force installation, major command, or
field operating agency, to the attention of the
FOIA Requester Service Center. For
Headquarters, United States Air Force,
records, or if there is uncertainty as to which
Air Force activity may have the records, send
requests to: Department of the Air Force,
HAF/ICIOD (FOIA), 1000 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20330–1000. https://
AP2.2.5. Defense Commissary Agency.
Defense Commissary Agency, FOIA/Privacy
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Act Officer, 1300 E. Avenue, Fort Lee, VA
AP2.2.6. Defense Contract Audit Agency
(DCAA). Address requests to any DCAA
regional office or to DCAA Headquarters. For
Headquarters, DCAA, records, or if there is
uncertainty as to which DCAA region may
have the records, send requests to: Defense
Contract Audit Agency, ATTN: CMR, FOIA
Requester Service Center, 8725 John J.
Kingman Road, Suite 2135, Fort Belvoir, VA
22060–6219. DCAA regional office addresses
can be found at:
AP2.2.7. Defense Contract Management
Agency. Defense Contract Management
Agency, Attn: DCMA–DSA, 6350 Walker
Lane #300, Alexandria, VA 22310–3226.
AP2.2.8. Defense Finance and Accounting
Service (DFAS). Address requests to any
DFAS regional office or to Headquarters,
DFAS. For Headquarters, DFAS, records, or
if there is uncertainty as to which DFAS
region may have the records, address
requests to: Defense Finance and Accounting
Service, DFAS–HAC/DE, Corporate
Communications, 6760 East Irvington Place,
Denver, CO 80279–8000. Addresses for DFAS
regional office FOIA Requester Service
Centers are located at
AP2.2.9. Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA). DISA records may be
requested from any DISA field activity or
from its Headquarters. Requesters should
send FOIA requests to Defense Information
Systems Agency, Attn: Headquarters FOIA
Requester Service Center, P.O. Box 4502,
Arlington, VA 22204–4502. https://
AP2.2.10. Defense Intelligence Agency.
Defense Intelligence Agency, Attn: DIAC,
DAN–1A (FOIA), Washington, DC 20340–
AP2.2.11. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).
DLA records may be requested from its
headquarters or from any of its field
activities. Requesters should send FOIA
requests to Defense Logistics Agency, Attn:
DP–FOIA, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite
2533, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060–6221. Addresses
for DLA field activity FOIA Requester Service
Centers are located at
AP2.2.12. Defense Security Service.
Defense Security Service, Office of FOIA and
Privacy, 1340 Braddock Place, Alexandria,
VA 22314–1651.
AP2.2.13. Defense Threat Reduction
Agency. Defense Threat Reduction Agency,
COSMI FOI/Privacy Office, 8725 John J.
Kingman Rd., Fort Belvoir, VA 22060–6201.
AP2.2.14. National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency. National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency, Office of General Counsel, Attn:
GCP, Mail Stop D–10, 4600 Sangamore Road,
Bethesda, MD 20816–5003. https://
AP2.2.15. National Reconnaissance Office.
National Reconnaissance Office, Information
Access and Release Center, Attn: FOIA
Officer, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 19, 2007 / Proposed Rules
AP2.2.16. National Security Agency.
National Security Agency/Central Security
Service, FOIA/PA Services, DC34, 9800
Savage Road, Suite 6248, Fort George G.
Meade, MD 20755–6248. https://
AP2.2.17. Inspector General of the
Department of Defense. Inspector General of
the Department of Defense, Chief FOIA/PA
Office, 400 Army Navy Drive, Room 201,
Arlington, VA 22202–4704. https://
AP2.3. DoD Field Activity And Combatant
Command Addresses
Although the below FOIA Requester
Service Centers are OSD Components for the
purposes of the FOIA, these Centers respond
directly to the public on initial requests.
Accordingly, initial requests should be sent
to the addresses indicated.
AP2.3.1. DoD TRICARE Management
Activity. TRICARE Management Activity,
Attention: Freedom of Information Act
Officer, 16401 East Centretech Parkway,
Aurora, CO 80011–9043. https://
AP2.3.2. Chairman, Armed Services Board
of Contract Appeals. Chairman, Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals, Skyline
Six Room 703, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls
Church, VA 22041–3208.
AP2.3.3. Defense Technical Information
Center. Defense Technical Information
Center, Attn: FOIA Program Manager, 8725
John J. Kingman Road, Suite 0944, Fort
Belvoir, VA 22062–6218. https://
AP2.3.4 DoD Education Activity. DoD
Education Activity, Freedom of Information
Act Officer, 4040 North Fairfax Dr.,
Arlington, VA 22203–1635. https://
AP2.3.5. U.S. Central Command. U.S.
Central Command, CCJ6–RD (FOIA), 7115
South Boundary Blvd., MacDill Air Force
Base, FL 33621–5101. https://
AP2.3.6. U.S. European Command. U.S.
European Command, FOIA Requester Service
Center, Unit 30400 Box 1000, APO AE 09131.
AP2.3.7. U.S. Joint Forces Command. U.S.
Joint Forces Command, Code J024, 1526
Mitscher Ave., Ste. 200, Norfolk, VA 23511–
AP2.3.8. U.S. Northern Command. U.S.
Northern Command, FOIA Officer, 250
Vandenberg Street, Suite B016, Peterson Air
Force Base, CO 80914–38040. https://
AP2.3.9. U.S. Pacific Command. U.S.
Pacific Command, J151 FOIA, Box 64017,
Camp H. M. Smith, HI 96861–4017. https://
AP2.3.10. U.S. Southern Command. U.S.
Southern Command, SCJ1–A (FOIA), 3511
NW .91st Avenue, Miami, FL 33172–1217.
AP2.3.11. U.S. Special Operations
Command. U.S. Special Operations
Command, SOCS–SJS–I/FOIA Requester
Service Center, 7701 Tampa Point Blvd.,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:24 Dec 18, 2007
Jkt 214001
MacDill Air Force Base, FL 33621–5323.
AP2.3.12. U.S. Strategic Command. U.S.
Strategic Command, Attn: J01031 (FOIA), 901
SAC Blvd., Suite 1E5, Offutt Air Force Base,
NE 68113–6000.
AP2.3.13. U.S. Transportation Command.
U.S. Transportation Command, Attn: TCCS–
IM, 508 Scott Drive, Scott Air Force Base, IL
AP2.4. National Guard Bureau
The National Guard Bureau FOIA
Requester Service Center is unique in that it
processes its own initial FOIA requests;
however, FOIA appeals are handled either by
the Department of the Army or the
Department of the Air Force. The address is:
Chief, National Guard Bureau, Attn: NGB–
SDA (FOIA), 1411 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, VA 22202–3231. https://
Dated: December 11, 2007.
L.M. Bynum,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, DoD.
[FR Doc. E7–24359 Filed 12–18–07; 8:45 am]
Office of Inspector General
42 CFR Part 1001
Solicitation of New Safe Harbors and
Special Fraud Alerts
Office of Inspector General
ACTION: Notice of intent to develop
SUMMARY: In accordance with section
205 of the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of
1996, this annual notice solicits
proposals and recommendations for
developing new and modifying existing
safe harbor provisions under the Federal
anti-kickback statute (section 1128B(b)
of the Social Security Act), as well as
developing new OIG Special Fraud
To assure consideration, public
comments must be delivered to the
address provided below by no later than
5 p.m. on February 19, 2008.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code OIG–112–N. Because of staff
and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
You may submit comments in one of
three ways (no duplicates, please):
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on specific
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
recommendations and proposals
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
(Attachments should be in Microsoft
Word, if possible.)
2. By regular, express, or overnight
mail. You may send written comments
to the following address: Office of
Inspector General, Department of Health
and Human Services, Attention: OIG–
112–N, Room 5246, Cohen Building,
330 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201. Please allow
sufficient time for mailed comments to
be received before the close of the
comment period.
3. By hand or courier. If you prefer,
you may deliver, by hand or courier,
your written comments before the close
period to Office of Inspector General,
Department of Health and Human
Services, Cohen Building, 330
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201. Because access
to the interior of the Cohen Building is
not readily available to persons without
Federal Government identification,
commenters are encouraged to schedule
their delivery with one of our staff
members at (202) 358–3141.
For information on viewing public
comments, please see the
Supplementary Information section.
Schaer, (202) 619–0089, OIG
Regulations Officer.
Submitting Comments: We welcome
comments from the public on
recommendations for developing new or
revised safe harbors and Special Fraud
Alerts. Please assist us by referencing
the file code OIG–112–N.
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the end of the
comment period are available for
viewing by the public. All comments
will be posted on as soon as
possible after they have been received.
Comments received timely will also be
available for public inspection as they
are received at Office of Inspector
General, Department of Health and
Human Services, Cohen Building, 330
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201, Monday
through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an
appointment to view public comments,
phone (202) 619–0089.
I. Background
A. OIG Safe Harbor Provisions
Section 1128B(b) of the Social
Security Act (the Act) (42 U.S.C. 1320a–
7b(b)) provides criminal penalties for
individuals or entities that knowingly
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 243 (Wednesday, December 19, 2007)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 71847-71868]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-24359]
Office of the Secretary
[DoD-2007-OS-0086; 0790-AI24]
32 CFR Part 286
DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program Regulation
AGENCY: Department of Defense.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of Defense is proposing to update current
policies and procedures to reflect the DoD FOIA Program as prescribed
by Executive Order 13392. The proposed changes will ensure appropriate
agency disclosure of information, and offer consistency with the goals
of section 552 of title 5, United States Code.
DATES: Comments must be received by February 19, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number and/or
RIN number and title, by any of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Federal Docket Management System Office, 1160
Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1160.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number or Regulatory Information Number (RIN) for this
Federal Register document. The general policy for comments and other
submissions from members of the public is to make these submissions
available for public viewing on the Internet at
as they are received without change, including any personal identifiers
or contact information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Hogan (703) 696-4495.
Executive Order 13132, ``Federalism''
It has been certified that 32 CFR part 286 does not have federalism
implications, as set forth in Executive Order 13132. This rule does not
have substantial direct effects on:
(1) The States;
(2) The relationship between the National Government and the
States; or
(3) The distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of Government.
Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review''
It has been certified that 32 CFR part 286 does not:
(1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the economy; a section of the
economy; productivity; competition; jobs; the environment; public
health or safety; or State, local, or tribal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another Agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants,
user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and obligations of
recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in
this Executive Order.
Section 202, Public Law 104-4, ``Unfunded Mandates Reform Act''
It has been certified that 32 CFR part 286 does not contain a
Federal mandate that may result in expenditure by State, local and
tribal governments, in aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100
million or more in any one year.
Public Law 96-354, ``Regulatory Flexibility Act'' (5 U.S.C. 601)
It has been certified that 32 CFR part 286 is not subject to the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601) because it would not, if
promulgated, have a significant economic impact on a substantial number
of small entities.
Public Law 96-511, ``Paperwork Reduction Act '' (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
It has been certified that 32 CFR part 286 does not impose
reporting or recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 286
Freedom of information.
Accordingly, 32 CFR part 286 is proposed to be revised to read as
Subpart A--General Provisions
286.1 Purpose.
286.2 Definitions.
286.3 Public access to DoD information.
286.4 Procedures.
Subpart B--FOIA Reading Rooms
286.7 Requirements.
286.8 Record availability.
286.9 Indexes.
286.10 ``(a)(1)'' records.
Subpart C--Exemptions
286.13 General provisions.
286.14 Applying the FOIA exemptions.
Subpart D--FOIA Request Processing
286.17 General provisions.
286.18 Processing procedures.
286.19 Initial determinations.
286.20 Appeals.
286.21 Judicial actions.
Subpart E--Fee Schedule
286.24 General provisions.
286.25 Collection of fees and fee rates.
286.26 Fees for technical data.
286.27 Fees for research data.
Subpart F--Education and Training
286.30 Purpose and responsibility.
286.31 Implementation.
[[Page 71848]]
Appendix A to Part 286--DoD FOIA Program Components
Appendix B to Part 286--Addressing FOIA Requests
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.
Subpart A--General Provisions
Sec. 286.1 Purpose.
This part promotes uniformity in the DoD FOIA Program. It shall
take precedence over all DoD Component publications that supplement and
implement the DoD FOIA Program. A list of the DoD FOIA Program
Components is at Appendix A to this part.
Sec. 286.2 Definitions.
The following terms and meanings shall apply for the purposes of
this part:
Administrative appeal. A request by a member of the public, made
under the FOIA, asking the appellate authority of the DoD Component to
reverse any adverse determination by an Initial Denial Authority (IDA).
A requester may also appeal the failure of an agency to respond within
the statutory time limits.
Adverse determination. A decision by an IDA to withhold all or part
of a requested record, deny a fee category claim by a requester, deny a
request for waiver or reduction of fees, deny a request to review an
initial fee estimate, deny a request for expedited processing, confirm
that no records were located during the initial search, or any
determination that a requester believes is adverse in nature.
Agency record. (1) Includes: (i) All products of data compilation
made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal law
in connection with the transaction of public business and in DoD
possession and control at the time the search in response to a FOIA
request is made. Examples include books, papers, maps, photographs,
machine-readable materials inclusive of those in electronic form or
format, and other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or
(ii) Research data produced under a Federal grant used by the
Federal Government in developing an agency action that has the force
and effect of law (Office of Management and Budget Circular (OMB) A-
(2) Does not include:
(i) Objects or articles, such as structures, furniture, vehicles,
and equipment, whatever their historical or evidentiary value.
(ii) Anything that is not a tangible or documentary record, such as
an individual's memory or an oral communication.
(iii) Personal records of an individual not subject to agency
creation or retention requirements, created and maintained primarily
for the convenience of an agency employee and not distributed to other
agency employees for their official use. Personal papers fall into
three categories:
(A) Those created before entering Government service.
(B) Private materials brought into, created, or received in the
office that were not created or received in the course of transacting
Government business.
(C) Work-related personal papers that are not used in the
transaction of Government business.
(iv) A record that is not in the possession and control of the
Department of Defense when the search is conducted in response to a
FOIA request. (There is no obligation to create, compile, or obtain a
record to satisfy a FOIA request.)
Appellate authority. The Head of the DoD Component, or designee,
having jurisdiction to review and possibly reverse or amend any adverse
determination by an IDA.
Direct costs. Those expenditures the DoD Component makes in
searching for, reviewing, and duplicating documents to respond to a
FOIA request. Direct costs include, for example, the salary of the
employee performing the work (the basic rate of pay plus 16 percent of
that rate to cover benefits) and the costs of operating duplicating
machinery. (These factors have been included in the fee rates
prescribed at Sec. 286.25. Not included in direct costs are overhead
expenses such as the cost of space, heating, or lighting the facility
in which the records are stored.
Electronic records. Records (including e-mail) created, stored, and
retrievable by electronic means.
Federal agency. Defined in 5 U.S.C. 551(1) and 552(f)(1). (A
Federal agency cannot make FOIA requests.)
FOIA office. The DoD Component office that receives FOIA requests
from and responds directly to the public.
FOIA public liaison. Defined in E.O. 13392.
FOIA request. A written request for DoD records that reasonably
describes the record(s) sought. The request should also indicate a
willingness to pay processing fees even if it contains a request for a
fee waiver. Written requests may be received by postal service or other
commercial delivery means, by facsimile, or electronically. All
requests must have a postal mailing address included, even if they are
received by facsimile or electronically.
FOIA requester. Any person, including a partnership, corporation,
association, State or State agency, foreign government, foreign
national, or a lawyer or other representative acting on behalf of any
person, who submits a FOIA request. This definition specifically
excludes agencies within the Executive Branch of the Federal
FOIA requester service center. Defined in E.O. 13392.
IDA. An official who has been granted authority by the Head of the
DoD Component to withhold information requested under the FOIA for one
or more of the 9 categories of records exempt from mandatory
disclosure. An IDA may also deny a fee category claim by a requester,
deny a request for expedited processing, deny a request for a waiver or
reduction of fees, review a fee estimate, and confirm that no records
were located in response to a request.
Perfected FOIA request. A FOIA request that meets the conditions
identified in definition ``FOIA request'' and arrives at the FOIA
office of the DoD Component in possession of the records. Also referred
to as a ``correct'' request.
Privacy Act system of records. Defined in DoD 5400.11-R \1\.
\1\ Copies of unclassified DoD issuances may be obtained at
Public interest. The interest in obtaining official information
that sheds light on an agency's performance of its statutory duties
because the information falls within the statutory purpose of the FOIA
to inform citizens about their Government's activities.
Search. Includes all time spent looking, both manually and
electronically, for records that are responsive to a FOIA request. The
term ``search'' also includes a page-by-page or line-by-line
identification (if necessary) of material in the record to determine if
it, or portions of it, are responsive to the request. Time spent
reviewing documents to determine whether to apply one or more of the
statutory exemptions is not search time; it is review time.
(1) Duplication. The process of making a copy of a document in
response to a FOIA request. Such copies can take the form of paper,
microfiche, or audiovisual or machine-readable documentation (e.g.,
magnetic tape or disc), among others.
(2) Review. The examination of documents located in response to a
FOIA request to determine whether one
[[Page 71849]]
or more of the statutory exemptions permit withholding. Review also
includes processing the documents for disclosure, such as excising them
for release. Review does not include the time spent resolving general,
legal or policy issues regarding the application of exemptions.
Submitter. A person or persons outside of the Government providing
commercial or financial information or trade secrets to the Government.
Submitter notice. The process required by E.O. 12600 whereby when a
Component receives a FOIA request for confidential commercial
information, it asks the submitter of the information to advise the
Component as to the information it considers exempt from release.
Sec. 286.3 Public access to DoD information.
(a) The public has a right to information concerning the activities
of its Government. DoD policy (32 CFR part 285) is to conduct DoD
activities in an open manner and to provide the public a maximum of
accurate and timely information concerning DoD activities, consistent
with the need for security, public and private interests of the
American people, and adherence to other requirements of law and
regulation. A record requested by a member of the public who follows
rules established by proper authority in the Department of Defense
shall not be withheld in whole or in part unless the record is exempt
from mandatory, partial or total disclosure under the FOIA. The
existence of a sound legal basis to withhold information does not
preclude the DoD Component from making a discretionary release if
release of that information would serve the public interest. Records
requested through public affairs channels by news media representatives
that would not be withheld if requested under the FOIA should be
released promptly upon request. Similarly, requests from other members
of the public for information that would not be withheld under the FOIA
should continue to be honored through appropriate means without
requiring the requester to invoke the FOIA.
(b) The DoD FOIA Program Components shall prepare, in addition to
normal FOIA regulations, a guide, or handbook for the use of the public
in obtaining information from their Components as required by 5 U.S.C.
552(g) and section 2(b)(v) of E.O. 13392. This guide should be a short,
simple explanation of what the FOIA is designed to do and how the
public can use it to access Government records. Within OSD, DFOIPO is
responsible for preparing this guide. Each guide shall be available on
paper and electronically and shall include:
(1) An index of all major information systems and a description of
major information and record locator systems.
(2) The types and categories of records that can be obtained
through FOIA requests.
(3) A concise description of the FOIA exemptions and how the
Component determines whether the record can be released.
(4) An explanation of how to make a FOIA request, how long the
requester can expect to wait for a reply, and the right of appeal.
(5) The location of the FOIA reading rooms(s) within the Component.
(6) The location of the Component's Web site.
(7) A reference to the Component's FOIA regulation and how to
obtain a copy.
Sec. 286.4 Procedures.
(a) Compliance with the FOIA. DoD personnel shall comply with the
FOIA, this part, and DoD FOIA policy (32 CFR part 285) in both letter
and spirit. This strict adherence is necessary to assure uniformity in
implementation of the DoD FOIA Program and to create conditions that
promote public trust.
(b) Customer service. (1) In signing E.O. 13392, the President
ordered agencies to emphasize a new citizen-centered approach to the
FOIA with a results-oriented focus. Because FOIA requesters are seeking
a service from the Federal Government, the DoD Components shall respond
courteously and appropriately to FOIA requesters. Additionally, the
Components shall provide the public with citizen-centered ways to learn
about the FOIA process, information about agency records that are
publicly available, and information about the status of a person's FOIA
request and appropriate information about the agency's response.
(2) To meet the objectives of E.O. 13392, the DoD Components shall:
(i) Establish one or more FOIA Requester Service Centers. Normally,
every DoD Component FOIA office that responds directly to the public is
a FOIA Requester Service Center; however, the Components have the
discretion to assign more than one FOIA Office under a FOIA Requester
Service Center.
(A) Each FOIA Requester Service Center shall have an internet Web
site that serves to educate the public on the FOIA process. At a
minimum, each Web site shall have the address, telephone number,
facsimile number, and electronic mail address to which FOIA requests
can be sent; a link to the Component's FOIA handbook or guide; a
description of the types of records that can be requested; the name and
contact information of the Component's FOIA Public Liaison; and
information on how a requester can obtain the status of a request.
Additionally, each FOIA Requester Service Center Web site will have an
electronic FOIA reading room as described in Subpart B to this part.
(B) The Web sites of DoD Component Headquarters FOIA Requester
Service Centers shall link to the Web sites of the other Requester
Service Centers within their Components.
(C) The Internet home page of every DoD Component shall link to the
FOIA Requester Service Center for that activity.
(ii) Submit to the Director of Administration and Management
(DA&M), OSD, the names of personnel to serve as DoD Component FOIA
Public Liaisons. Each Component shall have at least one FOIA Public
Liaison. Intermediate level Public Liaisons may be named within those
Components that have a large number of FOIA Requester Service Centers.
The FOIA Public Liaisons are responsible to ensure that the FOIA
Requester Service Centers' Web sites comply with Sec. 286.4
(b)(2)(i)(A). Additionally, the FOIA Public Liaisons are responsible
for the Component's compliance with the objectives of E.O. 13392, to
include the reduction or elimination of FOIA backlogs.
(c) Prompt action on requests. (1) When a member of the public
complies with the procedures in this part and DoD Component
supplementing regulations for obtaining DoD records, and the request is
received by the official designated to respond, the DoD Component shall
endeavor to provide a final response determination within the statutory
20 working days (5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(A)(i)). If unusual circumstances
prevent a final response determination within the statutory time
period, the Component shall advise the requester of this in writing,
and provide a new completion date, which shall be not later than an
additional 10 working days. If the Component needs more than this 10-
day extension, it will provide the requester an opportunity to narrow
the scope of the request, or arrange for an alternative timeframe.
(i) Unusual circumstances are:
(A) The responsive documents are located at a facility
geographically separated from the office processing the FOIA request.
(B) The responsive documents are voluminous.
[[Page 71850]]
(C) One or more other outside agencies have a substantial interest
in either the determination or the subject matter of the request,
requiring the DoD Component processing the request to consult with the
other agencies. This would include the submitter notice process (Sec.
(ii) A final response determination is notification to the
requester that the records are released, or that the records cannot be
provided for one or more of the reasons in Sec. 286.13. Interim
responses acknowledging receipt of the request are encouraged, as are
negotiations with the requester concerning the scope of the request,
the response timeframe, and the fee agreement. Such communications do
not, however, constitute a final response determination.
(2) If a request fails to meet the minimum requirements of this
part, the DoD Component shall inform the requester how to perfect or
correct the request. The statutory 20-working day time limit applies
upon receipt of a perfected or correct FOIA.
(d) Use of exemptions. It is DoD policy (32 CFR part 285) to make
records publicly available, unless the record or portions thereof
qualify for withholding under one or more of the 9 exemptions.
(e) Waiver of exemptions. Records released under the authority of
this part are considered to be in the public domain. The disclosure of
exempt records without authorization by the appropriate DoD official is
not considered a FOIA release. Such a release does not waive the
Department of Defense's authority to assert FOIA exemptions to withhold
the same records in response to a FOIA request. Also, while authority
may exist to disclose records to individuals in their official
capacity, the provisions of this part apply if the same individual
seeks the records in a private or personal capacity.
(f) Creating a record. (1) A record must exist and be in DoD
possession and control at the time of the search to be subject to this
part and the FOIA. The DoD Components are not obligated to create,
compile, or obtain a record to satisfy a FOIA request. The DoD
Components, however, may compile a new record when so doing would
result in a more useful response to the requester or would be less
burdensome to the agency than providing existing records. Any such
compilation should be coordinated with and approved by the requester.
The cost of creating or compiling such a record may not be charged to
the requester unless the fee for creating the record is equal to or
less than the fee that would be charged for providing the existing
record. Fee assessments shall be in accordance with Sec. 286.25.
(2) With regards to electronic data, the issue of whether records
are actually created or merely extracted from an existing database is
not always readily apparent. Consequently, when processing FOIA
requests for electronic data where creation of a record, programming,
or organizing in a particular format is questionable, if the Component
has the capability to respond to the request, and the effort would be a
business-as-usual approach then the request should be processed.
(i) A business as usual approach exists when the Component has the
capability to process the request without a significant expenditure of
resources. If processing a request would cause a significant
interference with the operation of the Component's automated
information system, then it has a significant expenditure of resources.
(ii) Creating computer programs and/or purchasing additional
hardware to extract electronic mail that has been archived for the
purpose of emergency retrieval normally are not viewed as business as
usual. This is especially true if extensive resources are needed to
complete the project.
(iii) Creating a computer program that produces specific requested
fields or records contained within a database normally is viewed as
business as usual. The time to create this program shall be considered
as ``computer operator'' [clarify] search time for fee assessment
purposes and the requester may be assessed fees in accordance with
Sec. 286.25.
(3) The DoD Components are not required to expend DoD funds to
establish data links that provide real-time or near-real-time data to a
FOIA requester. The Components are responsible to provide existing data
downloaded to electronic media or printed in hard copy at the time the
FOIA request is received or processed. If the information would serve
the public interest or need, and is economically feasible, the
Component may consider posting the information on the Internet.
(g) Description of a requested record. The requester is responsible
to provide a description of the desired record that enables the
Government to locate the record with a reasonable amount of effort.
Generally, a reasonable description contains sufficient information to
permit the conduct of an organized, non-random search for the record
based on the DoD Component's filing arrangements and existing retrieval
systems. The DoD Component's decision on the reasonableness of the
description must be based on a knowledge of its files, and not on the
potential volume of records that may be located and the concurrent
review effort to determine releasability. The fact that a FOIA request
appears broad or burdensome does not, in itself, entitle the DoD
Component to deny the request on the grounds that it does not
reasonably describe the record sought.
(h) Consultations and referrals. The DoD FOIA referral procedures
are based on the concept that the originator of information contained
within a record shall make a release determination on that information.
(1) If the DoD Component receives a request for records originated
by another DoD Component, it should contact that Component to determine
if it also received the request, and if not, obtain concurrence to
transfer the request or to advise the requester to send the request to
the correct Component. If the request is to be transferred, the
requester shall be advised of the action taken, unless exempt
information would be revealed by the fact of the referral. Any DoD
Component receiving a request that has been misaddressed shall transfer
the request to the proper address and advise the requester. DoD
Components transferring requests shall include point of contact name,
telephone number, and e-mail address in the cover memorandum.
(2) The DoD Component holding a record originated by another DoD
Component or agency outside the Department of Defense shall refer a
FOIA request for that record, as well as the record, to the originating
agency for response directly to the requester. If the DoD Component
holding the record has an equity in the document, it shall provide an
opinion on the releasability of the record with the referral. If
appropriate, the name of the IDA responsible for the decision to
withhold all or parts of the record should be provided. Whenever a
record is referred to another DoD Component or to an agency outside of
the Department of Defense for a release determination and direct
response, the requester shall be informed of the referral, unless it
has been determined that notification would reveal exempt information.
Referred records shall only be identified to the extent consistent with
security requirements. DoD Components referring requests shall include
point of contact name, telephone number, and e-mail address in the
cover memorandum.
(3) At times, a DoD Component may locate a responsive record that
[[Page 71851]]
originated and determine another DoD Component or agency outside the
Department of Defense to have a valid interest or equity in the record.
In such situations, the DoD Component shall consult with the other DoD
Component or agency and obtain its release recommendation. The
consulted agency will provide its release recommendation back to the
originating Component, which will then respond to the requester.
Normally, the requester will not be advised of this consultation unless
information is withheld by the consulted agency. However, if the record
was created for the use of the other DoD Component or agency by the
originating DoD Component (e.g., Defense Contract Audit Agency audit
reports), then the procedures of Sec. 286.18(a) apply.
(4) DoD Components receiving transferred or referred requests shall
answer them in accordance with the time limits established by the FOIA,
this part, and their multi-track processing systems, based upon the
date of initial receipt of the request at the referring component or
(5) Prior to notifying a requester of a transfer or referral to
another DoD Component or agency outside the Department of Defense, the
DoD Component possessing the initial request shall, as appropriate,
consult with the other agency to determine if that agency's association
with the subject of the request is exempt. If the association is
exempt, the DoD Component possessing the initial request will protect
the association and any exempt information without revealing the
identity of the protected agency. The protected agency shall be
responsible for submitting the justifications required in any
(6) DoD Components locating records originating with the National
Security Council (NSC), the White House, or the White House Military
Office (WHMO) or containing information in which these agencies would
have a concurrent reviewing interest, shall forward the records to the
Executive Services Directorate, Office of Freedom of Information
(OFOI). OFOI is also the FOIA Requester Service Center for the OSD/
Joint Staff. Its address is at Appendix B to this part. The OFOI shall
coordinate with the NSC, White House, or WHMO and return the records to
the originating agency after coordination for response to the
(7) On occasion, the Department of Defense receives FOIA requests
for U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) records containing DoD
information. Even though the GAO is outside the Executive Branch and
not subject to the FOIA, all FOIA requests for GAO documents containing
DoD information received either from the public, or on referral from
the GAO, shall be processed under the provisions of the FOIA.
(i) Authentication. At the request of a FOIA requester, records
provided under this part shall be authenticated with an appropriate
seal whenever necessary to fulfill an official Government or other
legal function. This service is in addition to that required under the
FOIA and is not included in the FOIA fee schedule. The DoD Components
may charge a fee of $5.20 for each authentication.
(j) Combatant commands. (1) The Combatant Commands are placed under
the jurisdiction of the OSD, instead of the administering Military
Department or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for the
purpose of administering the DoD FOIA Program. This policy represents
an exception to the policies directed in DoD Directive 5100.3; it
authorizes and requires the Combatant Commands to process FOIA requests
in accordance with 32 CFR part 285 and this part. When requested, the
Combatant Commands shall forward directly to the DFOIPO all
correspondence associated with the appeal of an initial denial for
records under the provisions of the FOIA. The Combatant Commands will
advise requesters that they have the right to appeal any adverse
determinations to the DFOIPO.
(2) The Combatant Commands shall comply with all provisions of this
part that apply to the DoD Components except the appointments of an
appellate authority and a FOIA Public Liaison.
(k) Security clearances and access for FOIA personnel. Due to the
nature of their duties and responsibilities, FOIA personnel need access
to all records requested through their respective offices, regardless
of the sensitivity or classification of the information. The DoD
Components shall ensure FOIA personnel have the appropriate clearances
and accesses to perform their duties.
(l) Use of Contractors in FOIA Administration. According to DoD
Instruction 1100.22 and OMB Circular A-76, there are certain functions,
known as inherently governmental activities that cannot be outsourced
to a contractor. Since some of the functions of the FOIA Officer are
inherently governmental, the DoD Components shall be careful not to
outsource those FOIA functions that are inherently governmental.
Primarily, activities which require the exercise of substantial
discretion in applying government authority or in making decisions for
the government are inherently governmental. Inherently governmental
FOIA functions include:
(1) Formulating and/or approving FOIA policies and procedures.
(2) Making final determinations regarding whether to treat incoming
correspondence as a FOIA or Privacy Act request.
(3) Deciding any issues regarding the scope or interpretation of
the request.
(4) Determining the appropriateness of claimed exemptions.
(5) Approving the approach taken in negotiations/discussions with
the requester.
(6) Deciding administrative appeals.
(7) Conducting final review of all outgoing correspondence,
memoranda, and release packages.
(8) Drafting court documents for filing in FOIA lawsuit in which
the government's legal strategy and affirmative defense are determined.
(9) Conducting FOIA training if it involves issues of DoD policy.
(10) Making final determination of requests for expedited
processing, fee category, and fee waivers.
(m) Records management. FOIA records shall be maintained and
disposed of in accordance with the National Archives and Records
Administration General Records Schedule and DoD Component records
(n) Relationship between the FOIA and the Privacy Act. Not all
requesters are knowledgeable of the appropriate statutory authority to
cite when requesting records, nor are all of them aware of appeal
procedures. In some instances, requesters may cite either the FOIA or 5
U.S.C. 552a, commonly known as the Privacy Act, or they may cite
neither the FOIA nor the Privacy Act but will imply one or both. For
these reasons, the below guidelines are provided to ensure requesters
receive the greatest access rights under both statutes. Privacy Act
requests can be made only by requesters asking for information on
themselves contained within a Privacy Act system of records. If the
requested information is on another person, the Privacy Act does not
apply. These requests shall be processed under the FOIA.
(1) Requesters who seek records about themselves contained in a
Privacy Act system of records, and who cite or imply the FOIA and/or
the Privacy Act, will have their requests processed under the
provisions of both the Privacy Act and the FOIA. If the Privacy Act
system of records is exempt from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1),
and if the records, or any portion thereof, are
[[Page 71852]]
exempt under the FOIA, the requester shall be so advised with the
appropriate Privacy Act and FOIA exemption(s). Appeals shall be
processed under both the FOIA and the Privacy Act.
(2) Requesters who seek records about themselves that are not
contained in a Privacy Act system of records and who cite or imply the
Privacy Act will have their requests processed under the provisions of
the FOIA, since the Privacy Act does not apply to these records.
Appeals shall be processed under the FOIA.
(3) Requesters who seek access to agency records and who cite or
imply the FOIA will have their requests and appeals processed under the
(4) If the record is required to be released under the FOIA, the
Privacy Act does not bar its disclosure. Unlike the FOIA, the Privacy
Act applies only to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent
(5) Requesters shall be advised in the final response letter which
statutory authorities were used, inclusive of appeal rights.
(o) Non-responsive information in responsive records. The DoD
Components shall interpret FOIA requests liberally when determining
which records are responsive, and may release non-responsive
information. Responsive documents may contain large amounts of non-
responsive information, the review of which may cause delays in
responding to the requester. In these cases, the DoD Components should
identify the information which is non-responsive, redact it, and
annotate it as non-responsive. The Components shall not apply these
procedures to documents that have a relatively small percentage of non-
responsive information. Additionally, redactions of non-responsive
information shall not be made in sections smaller than the paragraph
level. That is, a non-responsive sentence within an otherwise
responsive paragraph shall not be redacted as non-responsive.
(p) Honoring form or format requests. The DoD Components shall
provide the record in any form or format requested if the record is
readily reproducible in that form or format in the Component's
automated system. Every effort will be made to ensure the copy provided
is in a reasonably usable form. The DoD Components shall make
reasonable efforts to use available office equipment to digitally
reproduce hard copy records onto digital media. If a Component must
outsource to reproduce a record into the requested format, the readily-
reproducible criterion is not met. In responding to requests for
records, the DoD Components shall make reasonable efforts to search for
records in electronic form or format if maintained in automated
systems, except when such efforts would significantly interfere with
the operation of the automated systems. Such determinations shall be
made on a case by case basis.
(q) Annual report. The Annual FOIA Report is mandated by 5 U.S.C.
552(e)(1) and completed on a fiscal year basis. Additionally, E.O.
13392 requires additional reporting in the annual report through fiscal
year 2007. Due to the magnitude of the requested statistics and the
need to ensure accuracy, the DoD Components shall track this data as
requests are processed. This will also facilitate quick compilation of
the statistics in completing the report.
(1) Each September, DFOIPO shall post on its Web site instructions
to the Components concerning Component input for the annual report. The
DoD Components shall forward their report to DFOIPO no later than
November 30. In turn, the DA&M shall produce a consolidated report for
submission to the Attorney General, and will place a copy of this
report on the Internet for public access. The DoD Components shall use
the current edition of DD Form 2564, ``Annual Report: Freedom of
Information Act.''
(2) This reporting requirement is assigned Report Control Symbol
DD-DA&M(A)1365, Freedom of Information Act Report to Congress.
Subpart B--FOIA Reading Rooms
Sec. 286.7 Requirements.
(a) Reading room. The FOIA requires records described in 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) be made available in an appropriate
facility where the public may inspect or copy them. This facility is
known as the ``FOIA reading room''. In addition to these records, the
DoD Components may elect to place other records in their reading rooms.
The DoD Components shall comply with this provision of the FOIA by
providing a location accessible to the public for viewing these
documents. In lieu of paper copies, the Component may digitize the
documents and have them available on a personal computer in the reading
room. The DoD Components may share reading room facilities if the
public is not unduly inconvenienced, and also may establish
decentralized reading rooms.
(b) Electronic reading room. The FOIA requires records described in
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) and created on or after
November 1, 1996, be made available electronically. The DoD Components
will meet the electronically available requirement by posting the
records in an electronic reading room on their FOIA Requester Service
Center Web sites.
(1) These electronic reading rooms will have four designated
sections, each one corresponding to one of the four sections described
in paragraph (b) of this section. If a Component does not have relevant
documents to post in any of the four sections of the FOIA Requester
Service Center electronic reading room, that section of the reading
room will contain the annotation that no documents apply.
(2) If a DoD Component has documents that meet the qualifications
of 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) posted on a separate Web
site, the Component's FOIA Requester Service Center is not required to
post these same documents. Instead, the electronic reading room shall
link to the other Web site. For example, if a Component maintains
electronic copies of its issuances on a separate Web site, then the
(a)(2)(C) section of the electronic reading room shall have a link to
that site.
(3) Exemptions. All information that qualifies for withholding
under one or more of the FOIA exemptions described in Sec. 286.14 of
this part shall be deleted from all 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2) records that are
made available to the public.
Sec. 286.8 Record availability.
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D) records are:
(a) ``(a)(2)(A)'' records. Final opinions, including concurring and
dissenting opinions, and orders made in the adjudication of cases, as
defined in 5 U.S.C. 551, that may be cited, used, or relied on as
precedents in future adjudications.
(b) ``(a)(2)(B)'' records. Statements of policy and interpretations
that have been adopted by the agency and are not published in the
Federal Register.
(c) ``(a)(2)(C)'' records. Administrative staff manuals and
instructions, or portions thereof, that establish DoD policy or
interpretations of policy that affect the public. This provision does
not apply to instructions for employees on tactics and techniques to be
used in performing their duties, or to instructions relating only to
the internal management of the DoD Component. Examples of manuals and
instructions not normally made available are:
(1) Those issued for audit, investigation, and inspection purposes,
or those that prescribe operational tactics, standards of performance,
or criteria for defense, prosecution, or settlement of cases.
[[Page 71853]]
(2) Operations and maintenance manuals and technical information
concerning munitions, equipment, systems, and intelligence activities.
(d) ``(a)(2)(D)'' records. Records released to the public pursuant
to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3) because of the nature of the subject matter, have
become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for
substantially the same records. Two additional requests satisfy the
criterion of subsequent requests. These records are referred to as
``FOIA-processed (a)(2) records.''
(1) The DoD Components shall decide on a case by case basis whether
records fall into this category, based on the following factors:
(i) The previous experience of the DoD Component with similar
(ii) The particular circumstances of the records involved,
including their nature and the type of information they contain.
(iii) The identity and number of requesters and whether there is
widespread press, historic, or commercial interest in the records.
(2) This provision of Sec. 286.8 is intended for situations where
public access in a timely manner is important. It is not intended to
apply where there may be a limited number of requests over a short
period of time from a few requesters. The DoD Components may remove the
(a)(2)(D) records from their Web site when the appropriate officials
determine that access is no longer necessary according to the factors
of Sec. 286.8(d)(1).
(3) Should a requester submit a FOIA request for FOIA-processed
``(a)(2)'' records and insist that it be processed, the DoD Components
shall process the request. However, the DoD Components have no
obligation to process a FOIA request for 552(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C)
records because these records are required to be made available to the
Sec. 286.9 Indexes.
(a) ``(a)(2)'' records. (1) Each DoD Component shall maintain in
each FOIA reading room an index of records described in Sec. 286.7
that are issued, adopted, or promulgated, after July 4, 1967.
(2) Any ``(a)(2)'' record relied on, used, or cited as precedent by
an agency against a party that is issued, promulgated, or adopted after
July 4, 1967, must be indexed and either made available or published,
or the individual must have actual and timely notice of the contents of
such records. Such records issued, promulgated, or adopted before July
4, 1967, need not be indexed, but must be made available upon request
if not exempted under Sec. 286.13.
(3) Each DoD Component shall promptly publish quarterly or more
frequently, and distribute by sale or otherwise, copies of each index
of ``(a)(2)'' records or supplements thereto, unless it publishes in
the Federal Register an order containing a determination that
publication is unnecessary and impracticable. A copy of each index or
supplement not published shall be provided to a requester at a cost not
to exceed the direct cost of duplication as set forth in Sec. 286.24
of this part.
(4) Each index of ``(a)(2)'' records or supplement thereto shall be
arranged by topical or descriptive words, rather than by case name or
numbering system, so that the public can readily locate material. Case
name and numbering arrangements may also be included for DoD Component
(5) Listing of electronically available ``(a)(2)'' documents in a
Component's electronic reading room satisfies this requirement.
(b) Major information systems. 5 U.S.C. 552(g)(1) and (2) require
agencies to make publicly available an index of all major information
systems and a description of major information and record locator
systems. This requirement will be met for the entire Department of
Defense by DFOIPO on its Web site.
Sec. 286.10 ``(a)(1)''records.
(a) Although (a)(1) records are not required to be made available
in response to FOIA requests or in FOIA reading rooms, they shall be
made available when feasible. Examples of ``(a)(1)'' records are
descriptions of an agency's central and field organization and, to the
extent they affect the public, rules of procedures; descriptions of
forms available; instructions as to the scope and contents of papers,
reports, or examinations; and any amendments, revisions, or reports of
the aforementioned records.
(b) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1), each DoD Component shall
disclose, through publication in the Federal Register, information
describing its organization, functions, procedures, substantive rules,
and statements of general policy. Any available index of DoD Component
records published in the Federal Register, in addition to ``(a)(1)''
records, shall be made available to the public in DoD Component FOIA
reading rooms and electronically.
Subpart C--Exemptions
Sec. 286.13 General provisions.
(a) Records that meet FOIA exemption criteria may be withheld from
public disclosure and need not be published in the Federal Register,
made available in a reading room, or provided in response to a FOIA
(b) Nine types of records may be withheld in whole or in part from
public disclosure unless otherwise prescribed by law. In addition, a
discretionary release of a record to one requester shall prevent the
withholding of the same record under a FOIA exemption if the record is
subsequently requested by someone else. However, a FOIA exemption may
be invoked to withhold information that is similar or related that has
been the subject of a discretionary release.
(c) In applying exemptions, the identity of the requester and the
purpose for which the record is sought are irrelevant, with the
exception that an exemption may not be invoked where the particular
interest to be protected is the requester's interest.
(d) The DoD Components may have a situation where, in responding to
a FOIA request, admitting the existence or nonexistence of a record
would itself reveal information protected from release by one of the 9
Exemptions. In this situation, the DoD Component shall neither confirm
nor deny the existence or nonexistence of the requested record. This is
commonly called a ``Glomar'' response (U.S. Attorney General
Memorandum), and the appropriate exemption must be cited in the
response. This situation most commonly arises with Exemptions 1, 6, and
7; however, it could arise with other exemptions. A ``refusal to
confirm or deny'' response must be used consistently, not only when a
record exists, but also when a record does not exist. If not used
consistently, the pattern of a ``no record'' response when a record
does not exist, and a ``refusal to confirm or deny'' when a record does
exist, will itself disclose exempt information.
Sec. 286.14 Applying the FOIA exemptions.
The 9 types of exempted records and procedures for applying them
are as follows:
(a) Exemption 1. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1), records properly
and currently classified in the interest of national defense or foreign
policy, as specifically authorized under the criteria established by an
existing Executive Order establishing classification criteria and
implemented by regulation, such as DoD 5200.1-R,
[[Page 71854]]
are exempt from disclosure. If the responsive information is not
classified at the time of the FOIA request, a classification review may
be undertaken to determine whether the information should be
classified. The procedures in DoD 5200.1-R apply in this situation. If
the information qualifies as Exemption 1 information, there is no
discretion regarding its release. The requester will be advised as to
which sections of the Executive Order apply in determining the
information classified. In addition, Exemption 1 shall be invoked when
the following situations are apparent:
(1) Individual items of unclassified information, when compiled,
reveal additional associations or relationships that meet the standard
for classification under an existing Executive Order and DoD 5200.1-R,
and are not otherwise revealed in the individual items of information.
This is known as the ``mosaic,'' or ``compilation'' approach.
(2) The existence or nonexistence of a record would itself reveal
classified information.
(b) Exemption 2. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(2), records related
solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of the Department
of Defense or any of the DoD Components are exempt from disclosure.
This exemption has two profiles, high ``(b)(2)'' and low ``(b)(2).''
(1) High ``(b)(2).'' Records qualifying under high ``(b)(2)'' are
those containing or constituting rules, regulations, orders, manuals,
directives, instructions, and unclassified portions of security
classification guides, the release of which would allow circumvention
of these rules, regulations, and policies, thereby substantially
hindering the effective performance of the mission of the Department of
Defense. Examples include:
(i) Critical infrastructure information that reasonably could be
expected to enable someone to succeed in causing the harms described in
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7.\2\ This exempt information
could include agency vulnerability assessments or evaluations of items
of critical infrastructure that are internal to the Government.
\2\ Copies of Homeland Security Presidential Directive can be
viewed at
(ii) Those operating rules, guidelines, and manuals for DoD
investigators, inspectors, auditors, or examiners that must be
protected in order for the DoD Component to fulfill a legal
(iii) Personnel and other administrative matters, such as
examination questions and answers used in training courses or in the
determination of the qualifications of candidates for employment,
entrance on duty, advancement, or promotion.
(iv) Computer software (Government-owned), the release of which
would allow circumvention of a statute or of DoD rules, regulations,
orders, manuals, directives, or instructions. In this situation, the
use of the software must be closely examined to ensure a circumvention
possibility exists.
(2) Low ``(b)(2).'' Records qualifying under low ``(b)(2)'' are
those that are trivial and housekeeping in nature for which there is no
legitimate public interest or benefit to be gained by release, and for
which processing the request would constitute an administrative burden.
Examples include rules for personnel use of parking facilities or
regulation of lunch hours, statements of policy as to sick leave, and
administrative data such as file numbers, mail routing stamps,
initials, data processing notations, brief references to previous
communications, and other like administrative markings.
(c) Exemption 3. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3), records concerning
matters that another statute specifically exempts from disclosure are
exempt under this exemption. This exemption allows for the withholding
of information because its release is prohibited by another statute
only if one of two disjunctive requirements is met: The statute
requires that the information be withheld from the public in such a
manner as to leave no discretion on the issue, or the statute
establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular
types of matters to be withheld. The DFOIPO maintains on its Web site a
list of Exemption 3 statutes used within the Department of Defense.
(d) Exemption 4. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), records containing
trade secrets or commercial or financial information received by the
DoD Component from a person or organization outside the Government are
exempt from release. Information protected by this exemption must be
trade secrets or commercial or financial records, the disclosure of
which is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position
of the submitter providing the information; impair the Government's
ability to obtain necessary information in the future; or impair some
other legitimate Government interest. If the information qualifies as
Exemption 4 information, there is no discretion in its release.
(1) Examples of information protected by Exemption 4 include:
(i) Commercial or financial information received in confidence in
connection with loans, bids, contracts, or proposals.
(ii) Statistical data and commercial or financial information
concerning contract performance, income, profits, losses, and
(iii) Personal statements given in the course of inspections,
investigations, or audits.
(iv) Financial data provided by private employers in connection
with locality wage surveys that are used to fix and adjust pay
schedules applicable to the prevailing wage rate of employees within
the Department of Defense.
(v) Scientific and manufacturing processes or developments
concerning technical or scientific data or other information submitted
with an application for a research grant, or with a report while
research is in progress.
(vi) Technical or scientific data developed by a contractor or
subcontractor exclusively at private expense, or developed in part with
Federal funds and in part at private expense. The contractor or
subcontractor must retain legitimate proprietary interests in such data
in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2320-2321 and DoD Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement, Chapter 2 of title 48 Code of Federal
Regulations, Subpart 227.71-227.72. Technical data developed
exclusively with Federal funds may be withheld under Exemption 3, if it
meets the criteria of 10 U.S.C. 130 and 48 CFR. See Sec. 286.14.
(vii) Copyrighted information under 17 U.S.C. 106.
(viii) Proprietary information submitted strictly on a voluntary
basis, absent any exercised authority prescribing criteria for
submission. Examples of exercised authorities prescribing criteria for
submission are statutes, Executive Orders, regulations, invitations for
bids, requests for proposals, and contracts. Submission of information
under these authorities is not voluntary.
(2) When the Components receive FOIA requests for information that
could be protected by this Exemption, submitter notice shall be
provided. See Sec. 286.2.
(e) Exemption 5. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5), inter-agency or
intra-agency memorandums or letters containing information considered
privileged in litigation are exempt from disclosure. The courts have
construed ``privileged in litigation'' to mean information that is
normally privileged in the civil discovery context (U.S. Department of
[[Page 71855]]
Justice (DOJ) Guide).\3\ Merely being an internal record is an
insufficient basis for withholding under this exemption. Records that
are not available routinely through the discovery process in the course
of litigation with the agency because they are privileged should not be
withheld under this exemption. The most common discovery privileges
have been incorporated into Exemption 5. These privileges are the
deliberative process, the attorney work product, and the attorney
client privilege.
\3\ Copies of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Guide can be
viewed at
(1) Threshold. (i) A document must meet the threshold requirement
of being an inter- or intra-agency document before the proper privilege
can be identified in any given case. Because in many instances the
Government must seek expert advice from external entities (or
consultants), the courts developed an ``outside consultant'' test which
helps in determining whether such an external entity qualifies as an
``agency'' for the purposes of this exemption. If an entity meets the
test, then documents it originates may be protected by Exemption 5.
(ii) The Components should be careful to ensure that the outside
consultant is not an interested party in the agency decision-making
process. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the threshold of
Exemption 5 does not encompass communications between an outside
consultant (in this case, several Indian tribes) and the Government
(the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)). In this case, the outside
consultants offered an expert opinion on an issue under consideration
by DOI. The Supreme Court found that the tribes had an interest in the
outcome of the DOI final decision; therefore, the DOI communications
did not meet the threshold of Exemption 5. (DOJ FOIA Post Web site)
(2) The privileges and types of information protected by Exemption
5 include:
(i) Deliberative process privilege. To withhold information under
this privilege, the information must be both deliberative and
predecisional, and part of the decision-making process. Deliberative
means the information is internal advice, recommendations, or
subjective evaluations, as contrasted with factual matters, that are
reflected in records relied upon in the decision-making process of an
agency, whether within or among agencies. Predecisional means the
information was created before the decision maker reached a final
decision. Factual information cannot be withheld from a requester under
Exemption 5 except under one of two circumstances. The first
circumstance is when the author of a document selects specific facts
out of a larger group of facts and this very act is deliberative in
nature. This information qualifies for withholding because its release
would reveal the author's internal thought processes. The second
circumstance exists when the factual information is so inextricably
connected to the deliberative material that its disclosure would expose
or cause harm to the agency's deliberations. A direction or order from
a superior to a subordinate generally does not qualify as a
deliberative process document if it constitutes policy guidance or a
decision. However, correspondence from a superior to a subordinate may
qualify if it constitutes a discussion of preliminary matters or a
request for information or advice that would be relied upon in the
decision-making process. An agency's final decision cannot be withheld
under the privilege unless it becomes part of another, higher-level
decision-making process (such as the agency budgetary process). The
deliberative process privilege is temporal in nature because once the
final agency decision is made the privilege cannot be used to withhold
the final decision or any post-decisional documents related to the
decision. Examples of deliberative process documents include:
(A) Staff papers, to include after-action reports, inspection
reports, lessons learned, and situation reports containing staff
evaluations, advice, opinions, or suggestions.
(B) Advice, suggestions, or evaluations prepared on behalf of the
Department of Defense by individual consultants or by boards,
committees, councils, groups, panels, conferences, commissions, task
forces, or other similar groups that are formed for the purpose of
obtaining advice and recommendations.
(C) Evaluations by DoD Component personnel of contractors and their
(D) Information of a speculative, tentative, or evaluative nature,
or such matters as proposed plans to procure, lease, or otherwise
acquire and dispose of materials, real estate, facilities or functions,
when such information would provide undue or unfair competitive
advantage to private personal interests or would impede legitimate
Government functions.
(E) Agency materials underlying the President's budget decisions as
described in OMB Circular No. A-11. This includes planning,
programming, and budgetary information that is involved in the defense
planning and resource allocation process and outyear discretionary
(ii) Attorney client privilege. This privilege protects
confidential communications between an attorney and a client relating
to legal matters for which the client has sought professional advice.
The information the client supplies to the attorney and the advice the
attorney gives to the client in return are protected under this
privilege. Courts extend the ``confidential'' element of this privilege
to lower echelon Government employees because it is recognized when the
Government is seeking legal advice it usually involves more than one
client and one attorney. This privilege cannot be used if
confidentiallity is compromised.
(iii) Attorney work product privilege. This privilege protects
documents prepared by an attorney or at an attorney's direction in
reasonable anticipation of litigation. Unlike the deliberative process
privilege, under the attorney work product privilege all of the
information can be withheld, including the facts. Similarly, this
privilege has no time limit. This privilege can be used after the
litigation is complete.
(iv) Government trade secret privilege. This privilege protects
trade secrets or other confidential research, development, or
commercial information owned by the Government, where premature release
is likely to affect the Government's negotiating position or other
commercial interest.
(v) Aircraft accident witness statements privilege. This privilege
protects witness statements generated during military aircraft accident
(vi) Presidential communications privilege. This privilege protects
communications among the President and his advisors created within an
agency to assist the President in the exercise of his nondelegable
constitutional duties.
(f) Exemption 6. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6), information in
personnel and medical files, as well as similar in other files, that if
disclosed to a requester other than the person whom the information is
about, would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy is exempt from disclosure. If the information qualifies as
Exemption 6 information, there is no discretion in its release.
(1) When applying this exemption, an agency must balance the public
interest in disclosure and the individual's privacy interest. When
there is no public interest in the requested
[[Page 71856]]
information, the information can be withheld even if there is only a
negligible privacy interest. The public interest to be considered when
applying this exemption is whether the information sheds light on the
operations or activities of the Federal government. The requester has
the burden to show there is a public interest in disclosure.
(2) A privacy interest may exist in personal information even
though the information has been disclosed at some place and time. This
is known as the concept of practical obscurity. For example,
information that w