Autism Services Demonstration Project for TRICARE Beneficiaries Under the Extended Care Health Option Program, 68130-68132 [E7-23477]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 4, 2007 / Notices
review meets the requirements of the
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
Dated: November 28, 2007.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office
of Protected Resources, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E7–23503 Filed 12–3–07; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Autism Services Demonstration
Project for TRICARE Beneficiaries
Under the Extended Care Health
Option Program
of Federal Regulations (CFR) 199.5,
except for the changes that will be
implemented in the demonstration
program noted above.
DATES: Effective Date: 60 days after
publication in the Federal Register.
This demonstration will remain in effect
for two years from the start date of the
Activity, Office of the Chief Medical
Officer, 5111 Leesburg Pike, Suite 810,
Falls Church, VA 22041–3206.
Captain Robert DeMartino, Office of the
Chief Medical Officer, TRICARE
Management Activity, telephone (703)
A. Background
The Military Health System (MHS) is
a $33 billion dollar enterprise,
consisting of 76 military hospitals, over
500 military health clinics, and an
extensive network of private sector
health care partners, which provides
medical care for over 9 million
beneficiaries and Active Duty Service
Members. While an accurate count of
the number of military-dependent
children with autism is not available,
estimates based on prevalence rates in
the general population suggest that
among the more than 1.2 million
children of Active Duty Military
personnel, between 7,000–9,000 would
carry one of the autism spectrum
disorder diagnoses.
Autistic spectrum disorders affect
essential human behaviors such as
social interaction, the ability to
communicate ideas and feelings,
imagination, and the establishment of
relationships with others. A number of
treatments, therapies and interventions
have been introduced to ameliorate the
negative impact of autism on these areas
of concern. Intensive Behavioral
Intervention (IBI) services (defined as an
intensive application of certain behavior
modification interventions) have been
shown to reduce or eliminate specific
problem behaviors and teach new skills
to individuals with autism. Applied
behavior analysis (ABA), a systematized
educational process of collecting data
on a child’s behaviors and using a
variety of behavioral conditioning
techniques to teach and reinforce
desired behaviors while extinguishing
harmful or undesired behaviors, is one
of the best studied IBI interventions.
Time-limited, focused ABA methods
have been shown to reduce or eliminate
specific problem behaviors and teach
new skills to individuals with autism.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Department of Defense.
Notice of an autism services
demonstration project for TRICARE
beneficiaries under the Extended Care
Health Option program.
SUMMARY: This notice is to advise
interested parties of a Military Health
System (MHS) demonstration project
entitled Enhanced Access to Autism
Services Demonstration Project.
The Department proposes a
demonstration program under the
Department’s demonstration authority
under 10 United States Code (U.S.C.)
1092 to expand the availability of
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI)
services (defined as an intensive
application of certain behavior
modification interventions) to Extended
Care Health Option (ECHO) program
beneficiaries with autism. The
demonstration program will permit
TRICARE cost sharing of services by IBI
tutors under a modified corporate
services model. This demonstration will
determine whether military families are
able to make more effective use of the
special education benefit in the ECHO
program. Additionally, the
demonstration will help determine the
effectiveness of expanding the provider
base in improving the access to services
for TRICARE and attendant
improvement in functional outcome for
those military dependent children
receiving services.
For purposes of this demonstration,
provider qualifications will be
established by the Department pending
development of national standards by a
nationally recognized certifying body
for ABA providers, which standards the
Department determines appropriate for
acceptance in the delivery of quality
care under the program. The
Department intends to retain the ECHO
benefit as currently outlined in 32 Code
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B. The Extended Care Health Option
(ECHO) Program
ECHO replaced the Program for
Persons with Disabilities (PFPWD) on
September 1, 2005, as authorized by
section 701(b) of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002,
Public Law 107–107, which revised
subsections (d), (e), and (f) of section
1079 of Title 10, United States Code,
and is implemented under 32 CFR
199.5. Under ECHO, qualifying Active
Duty family members may receive
benefits not available under the basic
program. For example, special
education services are specifically
excluded from the TRICARE basic
program under 10 U.S.C. 1079(a)(9).
Qualifying conditions under ECHO
include moderate or severe mental
retardation, a serious physical
disability, or an extraordinary physical
or psychological condition. Under 10
U.S.C. 1079(e), ‘‘* * * Extended
benefits for eligible dependents * * *
may include * * * training,
rehabilitation, special education, and
assistive devices.’’ IBI, as a behavioral
intervention that shapes behaviors and
teaches skills, is a special education
service that can be cost-shared under
ECHO. The government cost-share for
these extended benefits is limited under
10 U.S.C. 1079(f)(2)(A) to a maximum of
$2,500 per month.
While participation in ECHO is
voluntary, registration is required, by
law, for a TRICARE beneficiary to
receive the ECHO benefit. The
registration process includes providing
the managed care support contractor
(MCSC) with evidence that the
beneficiary is enrolled in the
Exceptional Family Member Program
provided by the sponsor’s branch of
C. The ECHO Program and Providers of
An authorized outpatient provider
under the ECHO program must, under
32 CFR 199.6(e), be a provider otherwise
authorized under the TRICARE basic
program. Alternatively, if not
recognized as such, if they provide
services that are only authorized under
the TRICARE ECHO program, such as
special education services, the provider
must meet all the applicable licensing
and other regulatory requirements in
that state, county, municipality or other
governmental jurisdiction in which the
ECHO service is rendered. In the
absence of such licensing or regulatory
requirements, the Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, or designee
determines the applicable requirements
necessary to be an authorized provider.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 4, 2007 / Notices
At the present time, no state is known
to license or have explicit regulatory
oversight over providers of ABA
As a health plan, TRICARE is
obligated to take reasonable steps to
assure the safety, efficacy, and quality of
care it provides. One of the most
common ways that health plans can
assure high quality care is to require
that the providers they reimburse meet
widely recognized and accepted
minimum standards for knowledge,
training and experience. The only
available nationally recognized
credential for IBI services is for ABA
providers through the Behavior Analyst
Certification Board (BACB) which
certifies providers at the bachelor’s
degree level (Board Certified Associate
Behavior Analyst—BCABA) and at the
master’s degree level (Board Certified
Behavior Analyst—BCBA).
Absent state licensing or regulation of
ABA providers, the Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, established a
requirement that ABA providers be
certified by the BACB. It was expected
that high demand for ABA services
would provide incentive for large
numbers of ABA providers to become
certified BCBAs and BCABAs. The
current TRICARE benefit allows cost
sharing of BACB-certified ABA
therapists when providing consultation
to the beneficiary in the home or at
school, designing and maintaining a
behavioral treatment plan, providing
hands-on IBI services, and training and
supervising family members in delivery
of IBI. TRICARE currently does not
authorize the reimbursement of the
‘‘hands-on’’ provider of IBI services
unless the provider is an authorized
TRICARE provider as described above.
Though the number of BCBAs and
BCABAs continues to increase, it is
widely recognized that there is a relative
paucity of board certified analysts. As a
result, it is difficult in most areas,
especially rural areas, for beneficiaries
to find TRICARE authorized ABA
The impact of the scarcity of certified
providers is ameliorated by the
commonly practiced business model in
which a supervising or lead therapist
develops the behavioral treatment plan
for a child and then provides indirect
supervision of the hands-on ABA tutors
(also referred to as technicians or
instructors) who engage in the one-onone treatment with the child. In the best
scenario, several tutors then provide
each client with the recommended
intensity of behavioral services (in the
range of 8–40 hours a week).
Unfortunately, such a provider type is
not currently regulated by the states or
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within the industry, nor is this provider
type officially recognized by the BACB.
In addition, there is no state or industry
oversight of IBI or ABA business
entities, no standardized education or
training of tutors, and no verification of
basic protections such as criminal
background checks as a condition of
employment. Therefore, none of the
criteria exist for tutors that were applied
by the Director, TRICARE Management
Activity, when authorizing BCABAs and
BCBAs as individual providers under
the ECHO program.
D. Congressional Directives to the
Department of Defense on Autism
The John Warner National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007,
section 717, required the Department to
develop a plan to provide services to
military-dependent children with
autism within the authority of the ECHO
program. Part of the plan was to develop
a demonstration project to expand the
availability of IBI services. This
demonstration implements the plan
outlined in the July 2007 report to
Congress that met the section 717
E. Description of Demonstration Project
The proposed demonstration project
will modify the corporate services
provider requirements of 32 CFR
199.6(f) as they apply to hands-on IBI
tutors who engage in the one-on-one
treatment with the child, while
employed and supervised by an
authorized IBI supervisor (requirements
for TRICARE authorized IBI Tutors and
IBI Supervisors will be detailed prior to
the start of the demonstration project in
the TRICARE Operations Manual,
available at (https:// Under 32 CFR
199.6(e)(2)(ii)(B), an ECHO outpatient
care provider includes an individual,
corporation, foundation, or public entity
that predominantly renders services of a
type uniquely allowable as an ECHO
benefit. The TRICARE corporate service
provider class under 32 CFR 199.6(f) is
established to accommodate individuals
who would meet the criteria for status
as a TRICARE authorized individual
professional provider as established by
paragraph (c) of section 199.6, but for
the fact that they are employed directly
or contractually by a corporation or
foundation that provides principally
professional services which are within
the scope of the TRICARE basic program
Currently, TRICARE authorizes IBI
services only by ABA trained outpatient
care providers who are generally
individual practitioners, and many
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practices are not incorporated. As a
result, they do not meet most of the
requirements under 32 CFR 199.6(f) to
qualify as a corporate service provider.
This demonstration project will expand
who is eligible to provide IBI
supervisory services and require IBI
Supervisors to meet the following
criteria to qualify as a ‘‘corporate
service’’ provider under this
demonstration, and receive
reimbursement for services provided by
tutors implementing their treatment
(1) IBI Tutors must be individuals
who are employed directly or
contractually by a TRICARE authorized
IBI Supervisor.
(2) Payment for otherwise allowable
services by tutors under this
demonstration project may be made to
a TRICARE-authorized IBI Supervisor
subject to the applicable requirements,
exclusions and limitations of this
(3) The Director, TRICARE,
Management Activity, or designee, may
create discrete types within the
allowable tutor category of provider
established by this demonstration to
improve the efficiency of TRICARE
(4) The Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, or designee, may
require, as a condition of authorization,
that the IBI Supervisor, or the IBI Tutor
established by this demonstration
(A) Maintain all applicable business
license requirements of state or local
(B) Cooperate fully with a designated
utilization and clinical quality
management organization which has a
contract with the Department of Defense
for the geographic area in which the
provider does business;
(C) Render services for which direct
or indirect payment is expected to be
made by TRICARE only after obtaining
TRICARE written authorization.
(5) Otherwise allowable services may
be rendered at the authorized
supervising IBI provider’s place of
business, or in the beneficiary’s home
under such circumstances as the
Director, TRICARE Management
Activity, or designee, determines to be
necessary for the efficient delivery of
such services.
(6) The Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, or designee, may
limit the term of a participation
agreement for any category or type of
provider established by this
demonstration project.
(7) The Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, or designee, shall
determine whether the appropriate
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 4, 2007 / Notices
employment or contractual relationship
exists between the IBI Supervisor and
IBI Tutor. Such determination is
conclusive and may not be appealed.
(8) Conditions of authorization.
An applicant must also meet the
following conditions to be eligible for
authorization as a TRICARE corporate
services provider under this
demonstration project:
(A) Meet the qualifications and
requirements for IBI Supervisors
established by the Director, TRICARE
Management Activity or designee; and
(B) Ensure that IBI Tutors meet the
requirements for TRICARE
authorization specified by The Director,
TRICARE Management Activity or
designee; and
(C) Comply with all applicable
organizational and individual licensing
or certification requirements that are
extant in the state, county, municipality,
or other political jurisdiction in which
the provider renders services; and
(D) Has entered into a participation
agreement approved by the Director,
TRICARE Management Activity, or
designee, which complies with the
participation agreement requirements
established by the Director; and
(E) Pricing and payment methodology:
The pricing and payment of procedures
rendered by a provider authorized
under this demonstration project shall
be limited to those methods for pricing
and payment allowed by 32 CFR part
199 which the Director, TRICARE
Management Activity, or designee,
determines contribute to the efficient
management of this demonstration
(F) Termination of participation
agreement. A provider may terminate a
participation agreement upon 45 days
written notice to the Director, TRICARE
Management Activity.
This demonstration will test the
advisability and feasibility of permitting
TRICARE reimbursement for IBI
services delivered by non-professional
providers, under a modified corporate
services model, in the absence of state
or industry oversight. Neither the
TRICARE Basic Program nor the ECHO
program currently authorizes
reimbursement for providers working
within this type of unregulated
corporate structure. Should the
demonstration result in a determination
to make a permanent change to the
TRICARE benefit to permit
reimbursement of services provided by
IBI tutors under a corporate services
model, such decision would require a
change to the Code of Federal
In addition to provider qualifications,
the demonstration project may outline
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criteria and requirements for covered
services, limitations to the benefit,
beneficiary eligibility, data gathering
and use requirements and
documentation of treatment
effectiveness that are specific to services
delivered under the demonstration
F. Evaluation
An evaluation of the demonstration
will be conducted. The evaluation will
be designed to use a combination of
administrative and survey measures of
health care outcomes (clinical,
utilization, financial, and humanistic
measures) to provide analyses and
comment on the effectiveness of the
demonstration in meeting its goal of
providing increased access to safe,
efficacious, and quality behavioral
services for military children with
Dated: November 28, 2007.
L.M. Bynum,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. E7–23477 Filed 12–3–07; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Notice
United States Election
Assistance Commission (EAC).
ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.
Tuesday, December 11,
2007, 9 a.m.–12 Noon (CST).
PLACE: Omni Hotel Downtown, 700 San
Jacinto Boulevard at 8th Street, Austin,
TX 78701, Phone number (512) 476–
AGENDA: The Commission will consider
the following items: Adoption of the
2006 Election Day Survey Report; an
amendment to EAC policy on the voting
system reports clearinghouse; whether
to transfer National Voter Registration
Act (NVRA) regulations originally
promulgated by the Federal Election
Commission to a new Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) site for EAC;
individual State requests to change
State-specific instructions to the
national voter registration form. The
Commission will receive end of year
report presentations: From the EAC
Testing and Certification; Election
Administration Support; and Research
Divisions and the EAC Executive
Director. The Commission will elect
officers and consider other
administrative matters.
This meeting will be open to the
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Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202) 566–
Thomas R. Wilkey,
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 07–5938 Filed 11–30–07; 1:41 pm]
Sunshine Act Notice
United States Election
Assistance Commission (EAC).
Notice of Public Meeting
Roundtable Discussion.
Tuesday, December 11,
2007, 1–6 p.m. (CST).
Omni Hotel Downtown, 700 San
Jacinto Boulevard at 8th Street, Austin,
TX 78701, Phone number (512) 476–
The Commission will host an
academic roundtable discussion
regarding the Technical Guidelines
Development Committee (TGDC)
recommended voluntary voting system
guidelines (VVSG). The discussion will
be focused upon the following topics:
(1) How to develop a risk assessment
framework to provide context for
evaluating the security implications of
using various technologies in voting
systems; (2) Whether the recommended
TGDC standards create appropriate
functional standards that promote
innovation; (3) Are existing
methodologies sufficient to test voting
system software; (4) Merits of the
various types of Direct (by the voter)
and Indirect (by automation)
Independent Verification techniques; (5)
How to evaluate innovative systems, for
which there are no standards for
purposes of certification.
This meeting will be open to the
Matthew Masterson, Telephone: (202)
Thomas R. Wilkey,
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 07–5939 Filed 11–30–07; 1:41 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 232 (Tuesday, December 4, 2007)]
[Pages 68130-68132]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-23477]
Office of the Secretary
Autism Services Demonstration Project for TRICARE Beneficiaries
Under the Extended Care Health Option Program
AGENCY: Department of Defense.
ACTION: Notice of an autism services demonstration project for TRICARE
beneficiaries under the Extended Care Health Option program.
SUMMARY: This notice is to advise interested parties of a Military
Health System (MHS) demonstration project entitled Enhanced Access to
Autism Services Demonstration Project.
The Department proposes a demonstration program under the
Department's demonstration authority under 10 United States Code
(U.S.C.) 1092 to expand the availability of Intensive Behavioral
Intervention (IBI) services (defined as an intensive application of
certain behavior modification interventions) to Extended Care Health
Option (ECHO) program beneficiaries with autism. The demonstration
program will permit TRICARE cost sharing of services by IBI tutors
under a modified corporate services model. This demonstration will
determine whether military families are able to make more effective use
of the special education benefit in the ECHO program. Additionally, the
demonstration will help determine the effectiveness of expanding the
provider base in improving the access to services for TRICARE and
attendant improvement in functional outcome for those military
dependent children receiving services.
For purposes of this demonstration, provider qualifications will be
established by the Department pending development of national standards
by a nationally recognized certifying body for ABA providers, which
standards the Department determines appropriate for acceptance in the
delivery of quality care under the program. The Department intends to
retain the ECHO benefit as currently outlined in 32 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 199.5, except for the changes that will be
implemented in the demonstration program noted above.
DATES: Effective Date: 60 days after publication in the Federal
Register. This demonstration will remain in effect for two years from
the start date of the demonstration.
ADDRESSES: TRICARE Management Activity, Office of the Chief Medical
Officer, 5111 Leesburg Pike, Suite 810, Falls Church, VA 22041-3206.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Captain Robert DeMartino, Office of
the Chief Medical Officer, TRICARE Management Activity, telephone (703)
A. Background
The Military Health System (MHS) is a $33 billion dollar
enterprise, consisting of 76 military hospitals, over 500 military
health clinics, and an extensive network of private sector health care
partners, which provides medical care for over 9 million beneficiaries
and Active Duty Service Members. While an accurate count of the number
of military-dependent children with autism is not available, estimates
based on prevalence rates in the general population suggest that among
the more than 1.2 million children of Active Duty Military personnel,
between 7,000-9,000 would carry one of the autism spectrum disorder
Autistic spectrum disorders affect essential human behaviors such
as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings,
imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others. A
number of treatments, therapies and interventions have been introduced
to ameliorate the negative impact of autism on these areas of concern.
Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) services (defined as an
intensive application of certain behavior modification interventions)
have been shown to reduce or eliminate specific problem behaviors and
teach new skills to individuals with autism. Applied behavior analysis
(ABA), a systematized educational process of collecting data on a
child's behaviors and using a variety of behavioral conditioning
techniques to teach and reinforce desired behaviors while extinguishing
harmful or undesired behaviors, is one of the best studied IBI
interventions. Time-limited, focused ABA methods have been shown to
reduce or eliminate specific problem behaviors and teach new skills to
individuals with autism.
B. The Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) Program
ECHO replaced the Program for Persons with Disabilities (PFPWD) on
September 1, 2005, as authorized by section 701(b) of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002, Public Law 107-107,
which revised subsections (d), (e), and (f) of section 1079 of Title
10, United States Code, and is implemented under 32 CFR 199.5. Under
ECHO, qualifying Active Duty family members may receive benefits not
available under the basic program. For example, special education
services are specifically excluded from the TRICARE basic program under
10 U.S.C. 1079(a)(9). Qualifying conditions under ECHO include moderate
or severe mental retardation, a serious physical disability, or an
extraordinary physical or psychological condition. Under 10 U.S.C.
1079(e), ``* * * Extended benefits for eligible dependents * * * may
include * * * training, rehabilitation, special education, and
assistive devices.'' IBI, as a behavioral intervention that shapes
behaviors and teaches skills, is a special education service that can
be cost-shared under ECHO. The government cost-share for these extended
benefits is limited under 10 U.S.C. 1079(f)(2)(A) to a maximum of
$2,500 per month.
While participation in ECHO is voluntary, registration is required,
by law, for a TRICARE beneficiary to receive the ECHO benefit. The
registration process includes providing the managed care support
contractor (MCSC) with evidence that the beneficiary is enrolled in the
Exceptional Family Member Program provided by the sponsor's branch of
C. The ECHO Program and Providers of ABA
An authorized outpatient provider under the ECHO program must,
under 32 CFR 199.6(e), be a provider otherwise authorized under the
TRICARE basic program. Alternatively, if not recognized as such, if
they provide services that are only authorized under the TRICARE ECHO
program, such as special education services, the provider must meet all
the applicable licensing and other regulatory requirements in that
state, county, municipality or other governmental jurisdiction in which
the ECHO service is rendered. In the absence of such licensing or
regulatory requirements, the Director, TRICARE Management Activity, or
designee determines the applicable requirements necessary to be an
authorized provider.
[[Page 68131]]
At the present time, no state is known to license or have explicit
regulatory oversight over providers of ABA services.
As a health plan, TRICARE is obligated to take reasonable steps to
assure the safety, efficacy, and quality of care it provides. One of
the most common ways that health plans can assure high quality care is
to require that the providers they reimburse meet widely recognized and
accepted minimum standards for knowledge, training and experience. The
only available nationally recognized credential for IBI services is for
ABA providers through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)
which certifies providers at the bachelor's degree level (Board
Certified Associate Behavior Analyst--BCABA) and at the master's degree
level (Board Certified Behavior Analyst--BCBA).
Absent state licensing or regulation of ABA providers, the
Director, TRICARE Management Activity, established a requirement that
ABA providers be certified by the BACB. It was expected that high
demand for ABA services would provide incentive for large numbers of
ABA providers to become certified BCBAs and BCABAs. The current TRICARE
benefit allows cost sharing of BACB-certified ABA therapists when
providing consultation to the beneficiary in the home or at school,
designing and maintaining a behavioral treatment plan, providing hands-
on IBI services, and training and supervising family members in
delivery of IBI. TRICARE currently does not authorize the reimbursement
of the ``hands-on'' provider of IBI services unless the provider is an
authorized TRICARE provider as described above.
Though the number of BCBAs and BCABAs continues to increase, it is
widely recognized that there is a relative paucity of board certified
analysts. As a result, it is difficult in most areas, especially rural
areas, for beneficiaries to find TRICARE authorized ABA providers.
The impact of the scarcity of certified providers is ameliorated by
the commonly practiced business model in which a supervising or lead
therapist develops the behavioral treatment plan for a child and then
provides indirect supervision of the hands-on ABA tutors (also referred
to as technicians or instructors) who engage in the one-on-one
treatment with the child. In the best scenario, several tutors then
provide each client with the recommended intensity of behavioral
services (in the range of 8-40 hours a week). Unfortunately, such a
provider type is not currently regulated by the states or within the
industry, nor is this provider type officially recognized by the BACB.
In addition, there is no state or industry oversight of IBI or ABA
business entities, no standardized education or training of tutors, and
no verification of basic protections such as criminal background checks
as a condition of employment. Therefore, none of the criteria exist for
tutors that were applied by the Director, TRICARE Management Activity,
when authorizing BCABAs and BCBAs as individual providers under the
ECHO program.
D. Congressional Directives to the Department of Defense on Autism
The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2007, section 717, required the Department to develop a plan to provide
services to military-dependent children with autism within the
authority of the ECHO program. Part of the plan was to develop a
demonstration project to expand the availability of IBI services. This
demonstration implements the plan outlined in the July 2007 report to
Congress that met the section 717 requirement.
E. Description of Demonstration Project
The proposed demonstration project will modify the corporate
services provider requirements of 32 CFR 199.6(f) as they apply to
hands-on IBI tutors who engage in the one-on-one treatment with the
child, while employed and supervised by an authorized IBI supervisor
(requirements for TRICARE authorized IBI Tutors and IBI Supervisors
will be detailed prior to the start of the demonstration project in the
TRICARE Operations Manual, available at (https:// Under 32 CFR 199.6(e)(2)(ii)(B), an ECHO
outpatient care provider includes an individual, corporation,
foundation, or public entity that predominantly renders services of a
type uniquely allowable as an ECHO benefit. The TRICARE corporate
service provider class under 32 CFR 199.6(f) is established to
accommodate individuals who would meet the criteria for status as a
TRICARE authorized individual professional provider as established by
paragraph (c) of section 199.6, but for the fact that they are employed
directly or contractually by a corporation or foundation that provides
principally professional services which are within the scope of the
TRICARE basic program benefit.
Currently, TRICARE authorizes IBI services only by ABA trained
outpatient care providers who are generally individual practitioners,
and many practices are not incorporated. As a result, they do not meet
most of the requirements under 32 CFR 199.6(f) to qualify as a
corporate service provider. This demonstration project will expand who
is eligible to provide IBI supervisory services and require IBI
Supervisors to meet the following criteria to qualify as a ``corporate
service'' provider under this demonstration, and receive reimbursement
for services provided by tutors implementing their treatment plan.
(1) IBI Tutors must be individuals who are employed directly or
contractually by a TRICARE authorized IBI Supervisor.
(2) Payment for otherwise allowable services by tutors under this
demonstration project may be made to a TRICARE-authorized IBI
Supervisor subject to the applicable requirements, exclusions and
limitations of this demonstration.
(3) The Director, TRICARE, Management Activity, or designee, may
create discrete types within the allowable tutor category of provider
established by this demonstration to improve the efficiency of TRICARE
(4) The Director, TRICARE Management Activity, or designee, may
require, as a condition of authorization, that the IBI Supervisor, or
the IBI Tutor established by this demonstration project:
(A) Maintain all applicable business license requirements of state
or local jurisdictions.
(B) Cooperate fully with a designated utilization and clinical
quality management organization which has a contract with the
Department of Defense for the geographic area in which the provider
does business;
(C) Render services for which direct or indirect payment is
expected to be made by TRICARE only after obtaining TRICARE written
(5) Otherwise allowable services may be rendered at the authorized
supervising IBI provider's place of business, or in the beneficiary's
home under such circumstances as the Director, TRICARE Management
Activity, or designee, determines to be necessary for the efficient
delivery of such services.
(6) The Director, TRICARE Management Activity, or designee, may
limit the term of a participation agreement for any category or type of
provider established by this demonstration project.
(7) The Director, TRICARE Management Activity, or designee, shall
determine whether the appropriate
[[Page 68132]]
employment or contractual relationship exists between the IBI
Supervisor and IBI Tutor. Such determination is conclusive and may not
be appealed.
(8) Conditions of authorization.
An applicant must also meet the following conditions to be eligible
for authorization as a TRICARE corporate services provider under this
demonstration project:
(A) Meet the qualifications and requirements for IBI Supervisors
established by the Director, TRICARE Management Activity or designee;
(B) Ensure that IBI Tutors meet the requirements for TRICARE
authorization specified by The Director, TRICARE Management Activity or
designee; and
(C) Comply with all applicable organizational and individual
licensing or certification requirements that are extant in the state,
county, municipality, or other political jurisdiction in which the
provider renders services; and
(D) Has entered into a participation agreement approved by the
Director, TRICARE Management Activity, or designee, which complies with
the participation agreement requirements established by the Director;
(E) Pricing and payment methodology: The pricing and payment of
procedures rendered by a provider authorized under this demonstration
project shall be limited to those methods for pricing and payment
allowed by 32 CFR part 199 which the Director, TRICARE Management
Activity, or designee, determines contribute to the efficient
management of this demonstration project.
(F) Termination of participation agreement. A provider may
terminate a participation agreement upon 45 days written notice to the
Director, TRICARE Management Activity.
This demonstration will test the advisability and feasibility of
permitting TRICARE reimbursement for IBI services delivered by non-
professional providers, under a modified corporate services model, in
the absence of state or industry oversight. Neither the TRICARE Basic
Program nor the ECHO program currently authorizes reimbursement for
providers working within this type of unregulated corporate structure.
Should the demonstration result in a determination to make a permanent
change to the TRICARE benefit to permit reimbursement of services
provided by IBI tutors under a corporate services model, such decision
would require a change to the Code of Federal Regulations.
In addition to provider qualifications, the demonstration project
may outline criteria and requirements for covered services, limitations
to the benefit, beneficiary eligibility, data gathering and use
requirements and documentation of treatment effectiveness that are
specific to services delivered under the demonstration project.
F. Evaluation
An evaluation of the demonstration will be conducted. The
evaluation will be designed to use a combination of administrative and
survey measures of health care outcomes (clinical, utilization,
financial, and humanistic measures) to provide analyses and comment on
the effectiveness of the demonstration in meeting its goal of providing
increased access to safe, efficacious, and quality behavioral services
for military children with autism.
Dated: November 28, 2007.
L.M. Bynum,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. E7-23477 Filed 12-3-07; 8:45 am]