Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries, 61565-61567 [E7-21442]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Despite this determination, FEMA
has, and continues to, consult with
Indian tribal governments with respect
to hazard mitigation. Before FEMA
developed the interim rule, the agency
met with representatives from State and
local governments and the Bureau of
Indian Affairs to discuss the new
planning requirements of section 322 of
the Stafford Act. The same opportunity
for comment was offered to all parties.
FEMA received valuable input from all
attendees, which helped FEMA to
develop the interim rule. Also, since
FEMA published the interim rule, it has
coordinated more directly with Indian
tribal governments, and with
organizations that represent them. For
example, in conjunction with the
National Congress of American Indians,
FEMA hosted a Tribal Mitigation
Conference in October 2002 at the AkChin Indian Community, Arizona. This
conference provided FEMA with an
opportunity to better understand its
responsibilities related to Indian tribal
governments and to build a working
relationship with many of the Indian
tribal representatives. A follow-up
conference was held at the Salish
Kootenai Community, Montana in
August 2003. As a direct result of these
conferences, FEMA developed an EMI
resident course titled ‘‘Mitigation for
Tribal Officials.’’ This course provides a
direct opportunity for coordination and
information sharing between Indian
tribal representatives and FEMA,
resulting in refinements to FEMA’s
Indian tribal policy and guidance.
Finally, FEMA believes that planning
is critical to successful mitigation at all
levels of government. The agency has
been working to technically assist all
federally-recognized Indian tribal
governments regarding the availability
of grant funding, training opportunities,
as well as program requirements.
List of Subjects
44 CFR Part 201
Administration practice and
procedure, Disaster assistance, Grant
programs, Reporting and recordkeeping
44 CFR Part 204
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Administration practice and
procedure, Fire prevention, Grant
programs, Reporting and recordkeeping
Insurance, Intergovernmental relations,
Loan programs—housing and
community development, Natural
resources, Penalties, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, for the reasons stated in
the preamble, the interim rules
amending 44 CFR parts 201, 204, and
206 that were published at 67 FR 8844
on February 26, 2002, 67 FR 61512 on
October 1, 2002, 68 FR 61368 on
October 28, 2003, 69 FR 55094 on
September 13, 2004, and the correcting
amendment published at 68 FR 63738
on November 10, 2003, are adopted as
final with the following changes:
1. The authority citation for part 201
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 5121–5206; 6 U.S.C.
101; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 43
FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O.
12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p.
376; E.O. 12148, 44 FR 43239; 3 CFR, 1979
Comp., p. 412; E.O. 13286, 68 FR 10619, 3
CFR, 2003 Comp., p. 166.
2. Revise § 201.4 (c)(2)(ii) to read as
§ 201.4
Standard State Mitigation Plans.
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) An overview and analysis of the
State’s vulnerability to the hazards
described in this paragraph (c)(2), based
on estimates provided in local risk
assessments as well as the State risk
assessment. The State shall describe
vulnerability in terms of the
jurisdictions most threatened by the
identified hazards, and most vulnerable
to damage and loss associated with
hazard events. State owned or operated
critical facilities located in the
identified hazard areas shall also be
Dated: October 24, 2007.
Harvey E. Johnson, Jr.,
Deputy Administrator/Chief Operating
Officer, Federal Emergency Management
[FR Doc. E7–21264 Filed 10–30–07; 8:45 am]
44 CFR Part 206
Administrative practice and
procedure, Coastal zone, Community
facilities, Disaster assistance, Fire
prevention, Grant programs—housing
and community development, Housing,
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 635
RIN 0648–XD44
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule; inseason
retention limit adjustment.
SUMMARY: NMFS has determined that
the Atlantic tunas General category
daily Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT)
retention limit should be adjusted for
the November and December time
periods of the 2007 fishing year and the
January period of the 2008 fishing year.
NMFS increases the daily BFT retention
limits, including on previously
scheduled Restricted Fishing Days
(RFDs), to provide enhanced
commercial fishing opportunities to
harvest the established General category
DATES: The effective dates for the
adjusted BFT daily retention limits are
November 1, 2007, through January 31,
McHale or Sarah McLaughlin, 978–281–
Regulations implemented under the
authority of the Atlantic Tunas
Convention Act (16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.)
and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act; 16 U.S.C. 1801
et seq.) governing the harvest of BFT by
persons and vessels subject to U.S.
jurisdiction are found at 50 CFR part
635. Section 635.27 subdivides the U.S.
BFT quota recommended by the
International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
among the various domestic fishing
categories, per the allocations
established in the Consolidated Highly
Migratory Species Fishery Management
Plan (Consolidated HMS FMP). The
latest (2006) ICCAT recommendation for
western Atlantic BFT included a U.S.
quota of 1,190.12 mt, effective beginning
in 2007, through 2008, and thereafter
until changed (i.e., via a new ICCAT
The 2007 fishing year began on June
1, 2007, and ends December 31, 2007.
NMFS published final specifications on
June 18, 2007 (72 FR 33401) and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
increased the default General category
retention limit of one large medium or
giant BFT (measuring 73 inches (185
cm) curved fork length (CFL) or greater)
per vessel per day/trip to three large
medium or giant BFT, measuring 73
inches CFL or greater, per vessel per
day/trip through August 31, 2007. On
August 31, 2007 (72 FR 50257), NMFS
published a notice to increase the
General category retention limit for
September 1–October 31, 2007, to three
large medium or giant BFT. NMFS took
these actions to enhance commercial
BFT fishing opportunities to those
vessels permitted in the Atlantic tunas
General category and the Highly
Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/
Headboat category, while fishing
commercially. In addition, NMFS stated
that it would consider adjustment of
retention limits for future time periods,
if warranted.
Daily Retention Limits
Pursuant to this action, the daily BFT
retention limits for the Atlantic tunas
General and HMS Charter/Headboat
categories are as follows:
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Adjustment of General Category Daily
Retention Limits
Under 50 CFR 635.23(a)(4), NMFS
may increase or decrease the daily
retention limit of large medium and
giant BFT over a range of zero to a
maximum of three per vessel to provide
for maximum utilization of the General
category quota for BFT. Such
adjustments to the commercial retention
limit are based on NMFS’ consideration
of the criteria provided under
§ 635.27(a)(8), which include: the
usefulness of information obtained from
catches in the particular category for
biological sampling and monitoring of
the status of the stock; the catches of the
particular category quota to date and the
likelihood of closure of that segment of
the fishery if no adjustment is made; the
projected ability of the vessels fishing
under the particular category quota to
harvest the additional amount of BFT
before the end of the fishing year; the
estimated amounts by which quotas for
other gear categories of the fishery might
be exceeded; effects of the adjustment
on BFT rebuilding and overfishing;
effects of the adjustment on
accomplishing the objectives of the
fishery management plan; variations in
seasonal distribution, abundance, or
migration patterns of BFT; effects of
catch rates in one area precluding
vessels in another area from having a
reasonable opportunity to harvest a
portion of the category’s quota; and a
review of dealer reports, daily landing
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Jkt 214001
trends, and the availability of the BFT
on the fishing grounds.
As of October 22, 2007, the coastwide
General category has landed 74.8 metric
tons (mt) out of a possible 643.6 mt, and
catch rates remain less that 1.0 mt per
day even though the General category
retention limit was increased to three
BFT per vessel per trip, measuring 73
inches (185 cm) CFL or greater for June
through October 2007. Starting on
November 1, 2007, the General category
daily retention limit, located at 50
C.F.R. 635.23(a)(2), is scheduled to
revert back to the default retention limit
of one large medium or giant BFT
(measuring 73 inches (185 cm) CFL) or
greater per vessel per day/trip. This
scheduled retention limit applies to
General category permitted vessels and
HMS Charter/Headboat category
permitted vessels (when fishing
commercially for BFT).
Each of the General category time
periods (January, June-August,
September, October-November, and
December) is allocated a portion of the
coastwide General category quota,
thereby ensuring fishing opportunities
are provided in years where high catch
rates are experienced. In combination
with the subquota rollover from
previous 2007 fishing year time-periods,
scheduled RFDs, current catch rates,
and the daily retention limit reverting to
one large medium or giant BFT per
vessel per day on November 1, 2007,
NMFS anticipates the full 2007 fishing
year General category quota and January
2008 subquota will not be harvested.
Adding an excessive amount of unused
quota from one time-period subquota to
the subsequent time-period subquota is
undesirable because it effectively
changes the time-period subquota
allocation percentages established in the
Consolidated HMS FMP and may
contribute to excessive carry-overs to
subsequent fishing years.
NMFS has considered the set of
criteria cited above and their
applicability to the commercial BFT
retention limit for the remainder of the
2007 fishing year and the January
portion of the 2008 fishing year. Based
on these considerations, NMFS has
determined that the General category
retention should be adjusted to allow for
retention of the established General
category quota. Therefore, NMFS
increases the General category retention
limit from the default limits effective
November 1, 2007, through January 31,
2008. This adjustment increases the
General category daily retention limit to
three large medium or giant BFT,
measuring 73 inches (185 cm) CFL or
greater, per vessel per day/trip. This
General category retention limit is
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effective in all areas, except for the Gulf
of Mexico, and applies to those vessel
permitted in the General category as
well as to those HMS Charter/Headboat
permitted vessels fishing commercially
for BFT.
Restricted Fishing Days
The 2007 fishing year BFT
specifications and effort controls
included the following RFDs: all
Saturdays and Sundays from November
17, 2007, through December 31, 2007,
plus November 22 and December 25,
2007. These RFDs were designed to
provide for an extended late season,
south Atlantic BFT fishery for the
commercial handgear fishermen in the
General category. For the reasons
referred to above, NMFS has determined
that the scheduled RFDs are no longer
required to meet their original purpose,
but may in fact exacerbate low catch
rates, and waives all previously
scheduled RFDs for the 2007 fishing
year. Therefore, NMFS has determined
that an increase in the General category
daily BFT retention limit effective from
November 1, 2007, through January 31,
2008, inclusive of days that were
previously scheduled as RFDs, is
warranted. Thus, NMFS is extending the
General category daily retention limit of
three large medium or giant BFT per
vessel per day/trip through January 31,
2008, including all Saturdays and
Sundays in November and December
2007 as well as November 22 and
December 25, 2007.
This adjustment is intended to
provide a reasonable opportunity to
harvest the U.S. landings quota of BFT
while maintaining an equitable
distribution of fishing opportunities, to
help achieve optimum yield in the
General category BFT fishery, to collect
a broad range of data for stock
monitoring purposes, and to be
consistent with the objectives of the
Consolidated HMS FMP.
Monitoring and Reporting
NMFS selected the daily retention
limit and the duration after examining
an array of data as it pertains to the
determination criteria. These data
included, but were not limited to,
current and previous catch and effort
rates, quota availability, previous public
comments on inseason management
measures, stock status, etc. NMFS will
continue to monitor the BFT fishery
closely through the mandatory dealer
landing reports, which NMFS requires
to be submitted within 24 hours of a
dealer receiving BFT. Depending on the
level of fishing effort and catch rates of
BFT, NMFS may determine that
additional retention limit adjustments
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
are necessary to ensure available quota
is not exceeded or to enhance scientific
data collection from, and fishing
opportunities in, all geographic areas.
Closures or subsequent adjustments to
the daily retention limits, if any, will be
published in the Federal Register. In
addition, fishermen may call the
Atlantic Tunas Information Line at (888)
872–8862 or (978) 281–9260, or access
the internet at, for
updates on quota monitoring and
retention limit adjustments.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
The Assistant Administrator for
NMFS (AA), finds that it is
impracticable and contrary to the public
interest to provide prior notice of, and
an opportunity for public comment on,
this action for the following reasons:
NMFS continues to receive
information refining its understanding
of the commercial sector’s specific
needs regarding retention limits through
the latter portions of the 2007 season.
NMFS assessments and analyses show
catch rates to date have been low and
that there is sufficient quota for an
increase to the General category
retention limit during the months of
November 2007 through January 2008.
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The regulations implementing the
Consolidated HMS FMP provide for
inseason retention limit adjustments to
respond to the unpredictable nature of
BFT availability on the fishing grounds,
the migratory nature of this species, and
the regional variations in the BFT
fishery. Affording prior notice and
opportunity for public comment to
implement these retention limits is
impracticable as it would preclude
NMFS from acting promptly to allow
harvest of BFT that are available on the
fishing grounds. Analysis of available
data shows that the General category
BFT retention limits may be increased
with minimal risks of exceeding the
ICCAT-allocated quota.
Delays in increasing these retention
limits would adversely affect those
General and Charter/Headboat category
vessels that would otherwise have an
opportunity to harvest more than the
default retention limit of one BFT per
day and may exacerbate the problem of
low catch rates and quota rollovers.
Limited opportunities to harvest the
respective quotas may have negative
social and economic impacts to U.S.
fishermen that either depend upon
catching the available quota within the
time periods designated in the
Consolidated HMS FMP. Adjustment to
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the retention limit needs to be effective
November 1, 2007, to minimize any
unnecessary disruption in fishing
patterns and for the impacted sectors to
benefit from the adjustments so as to not
preclude fishing opportunities from
fishermen who only have access to the
fishery during this time period.
Therefore, the AA finds good cause
under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) to waive prior
notice and the opportunity for public
comment. For all of the above reasons,
and because this action relieves a
restriction (i.e., current default retention
limit is one fish per vessel/trip but this
action increases that limit and allows
retention of more fish), there is also
good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d) to
waive the 30–day delay in effectiveness.
This action is being taken under 50
CFR 635.23(a)(4) and (b)(3) and is
exempt from review under Executive
Order 12866.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 1801
et seq.
Dated: October 25, 2007.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E7–21442 Filed 10–30–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 210 (Wednesday, October 31, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61565-61567]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-21442]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 635
RIN 0648-XD44
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Temporary rule; inseason retention limit adjustment.
SUMMARY: NMFS has determined that the Atlantic tunas General category
daily Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) retention limit should be adjusted
for the November and December time periods of the 2007 fishing year and
the January period of the 2008 fishing year. NMFS increases the daily
BFT retention limits, including on previously scheduled Restricted
Fishing Days (RFDs), to provide enhanced commercial fishing
opportunities to harvest the established General category quota.
DATES: The effective dates for the adjusted BFT daily retention limits
are November 1, 2007, through January 31, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brad McHale or Sarah McLaughlin, 978-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Regulations implemented under the authority
of the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.) and the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
Stevens Act; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) governing the harvest of BFT by
persons and vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction are found at 50 CFR
part 635. Section 635.27 subdivides the U.S. BFT quota recommended by
the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
(ICCAT) among the various domestic fishing categories, per the
allocations established in the Consolidated Highly Migratory Species
Fishery Management Plan (Consolidated HMS FMP). The latest (2006) ICCAT
recommendation for western Atlantic BFT included a U.S. quota of
1,190.12 mt, effective beginning in 2007, through 2008, and thereafter
until changed (i.e., via a new ICCAT recommendation).
The 2007 fishing year began on June 1, 2007, and ends December 31,
2007. NMFS published final specifications on June 18, 2007 (72 FR
33401) and
[[Page 61566]]
increased the default General category retention limit of one large
medium or giant BFT (measuring 73 inches (185 cm) curved fork length
(CFL) or greater) per vessel per day/trip to three large medium or
giant BFT, measuring 73 inches CFL or greater, per vessel per day/trip
through August 31, 2007. On August 31, 2007 (72 FR 50257), NMFS
published a notice to increase the General category retention limit for
September 1-October 31, 2007, to three large medium or giant BFT. NMFS
took these actions to enhance commercial BFT fishing opportunities to
those vessels permitted in the Atlantic tunas General category and the
Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/Headboat category, while fishing
commercially. In addition, NMFS stated that it would consider
adjustment of retention limits for future time periods, if warranted.
Daily Retention Limits
Pursuant to this action, the daily BFT retention limits for the
Atlantic tunas General and HMS Charter/Headboat categories are as
Adjustment of General Category Daily Retention Limits
Under 50 CFR 635.23(a)(4), NMFS may increase or decrease the daily
retention limit of large medium and giant BFT over a range of zero to a
maximum of three per vessel to provide for maximum utilization of the
General category quota for BFT. Such adjustments to the commercial
retention limit are based on NMFS' consideration of the criteria
provided under Sec. 635.27(a)(8), which include: the usefulness of
information obtained from catches in the particular category for
biological sampling and monitoring of the status of the stock; the
catches of the particular category quota to date and the likelihood of
closure of that segment of the fishery if no adjustment is made; the
projected ability of the vessels fishing under the particular category
quota to harvest the additional amount of BFT before the end of the
fishing year; the estimated amounts by which quotas for other gear
categories of the fishery might be exceeded; effects of the adjustment
on BFT rebuilding and overfishing; effects of the adjustment on
accomplishing the objectives of the fishery management plan; variations
in seasonal distribution, abundance, or migration patterns of BFT;
effects of catch rates in one area precluding vessels in another area
from having a reasonable opportunity to harvest a portion of the
category's quota; and a review of dealer reports, daily landing trends,
and the availability of the BFT on the fishing grounds.
As of October 22, 2007, the coastwide General category has landed
74.8 metric tons (mt) out of a possible 643.6 mt, and catch rates
remain less that 1.0 mt per day even though the General category
retention limit was increased to three BFT per vessel per trip,
measuring 73 inches (185 cm) CFL or greater for June through October
2007. Starting on November 1, 2007, the General category daily
retention limit, located at 50 C.F.R. 635.23(a)(2), is scheduled to
revert back to the default retention limit of one large medium or giant
BFT (measuring 73 inches (185 cm) CFL) or greater per vessel per day/
trip. This scheduled retention limit applies to General category
permitted vessels and HMS Charter/Headboat category permitted vessels
(when fishing commercially for BFT).
Each of the General category time periods (January, June-August,
September, October-November, and December) is allocated a portion of
the coastwide General category quota, thereby ensuring fishing
opportunities are provided in years where high catch rates are
experienced. In combination with the subquota rollover from previous
2007 fishing year time-periods, scheduled RFDs, current catch rates,
and the daily retention limit reverting to one large medium or giant
BFT per vessel per day on November 1, 2007, NMFS anticipates the full
2007 fishing year General category quota and January 2008 subquota will
not be harvested. Adding an excessive amount of unused quota from one
time-period subquota to the subsequent time-period subquota is
undesirable because it effectively changes the time-period subquota
allocation percentages established in the Consolidated HMS FMP and may
contribute to excessive carry-overs to subsequent fishing years.
NMFS has considered the set of criteria cited above and their
applicability to the commercial BFT retention limit for the remainder
of the 2007 fishing year and the January portion of the 2008 fishing
year. Based on these considerations, NMFS has determined that the
General category retention should be adjusted to allow for retention of
the established General category quota. Therefore, NMFS increases the
General category retention limit from the default limits effective
November 1, 2007, through January 31, 2008. This adjustment increases
the General category daily retention limit to three large medium or
giant BFT, measuring 73 inches (185 cm) CFL or greater, per vessel per
day/trip. This General category retention limit is effective in all
areas, except for the Gulf of Mexico, and applies to those vessel
permitted in the General category as well as to those HMS Charter/
Headboat permitted vessels fishing commercially for BFT.
Restricted Fishing Days
The 2007 fishing year BFT specifications and effort controls
included the following RFDs: all Saturdays and Sundays from November
17, 2007, through December 31, 2007, plus November 22 and December 25,
2007. These RFDs were designed to provide for an extended late season,
south Atlantic BFT fishery for the commercial handgear fishermen in the
General category. For the reasons referred to above, NMFS has
determined that the scheduled RFDs are no longer required to meet their
original purpose, but may in fact exacerbate low catch rates, and
waives all previously scheduled RFDs for the 2007 fishing year.
Therefore, NMFS has determined that an increase in the General category
daily BFT retention limit effective from November 1, 2007, through
January 31, 2008, inclusive of days that were previously scheduled as
RFDs, is warranted. Thus, NMFS is extending the General category daily
retention limit of three large medium or giant BFT per vessel per day/
trip through January 31, 2008, including all Saturdays and Sundays in
November and December 2007 as well as November 22 and December 25,
This adjustment is intended to provide a reasonable opportunity to
harvest the U.S. landings quota of BFT while maintaining an equitable
distribution of fishing opportunities, to help achieve optimum yield in
the General category BFT fishery, to collect a broad range of data for
stock monitoring purposes, and to be consistent with the objectives of
the Consolidated HMS FMP.
Monitoring and Reporting
NMFS selected the daily retention limit and the duration after
examining an array of data as it pertains to the determination
criteria. These data included, but were not limited to, current and
previous catch and effort rates, quota availability, previous public
comments on inseason management measures, stock status, etc. NMFS will
continue to monitor the BFT fishery closely through the mandatory
dealer landing reports, which NMFS requires to be submitted within 24
hours of a dealer receiving BFT. Depending on the level of fishing
effort and catch rates of BFT, NMFS may determine that additional
retention limit adjustments
[[Page 61567]]
are necessary to ensure available quota is not exceeded or to enhance
scientific data collection from, and fishing opportunities in, all
geographic areas.
Closures or subsequent adjustments to the daily retention limits,
if any, will be published in the Federal Register. In addition,
fishermen may call the Atlantic Tunas Information Line at (888) 872-
8862 or (978) 281-9260, or access the internet at,
for updates on quota monitoring and retention limit adjustments.
The Assistant Administrator for NMFS (AA), finds that it is
impracticable and contrary to the public interest to provide prior
notice of, and an opportunity for public comment on, this action for
the following reasons:
NMFS continues to receive information refining its understanding of
the commercial sector's specific needs regarding retention limits
through the latter portions of the 2007 season. NMFS assessments and
analyses show catch rates to date have been low and that there is
sufficient quota for an increase to the General category retention
limit during the months of November 2007 through January 2008.
The regulations implementing the Consolidated HMS FMP provide for
inseason retention limit adjustments to respond to the unpredictable
nature of BFT availability on the fishing grounds, the migratory nature
of this species, and the regional variations in the BFT fishery.
Affording prior notice and opportunity for public comment to implement
these retention limits is impracticable as it would preclude NMFS from
acting promptly to allow harvest of BFT that are available on the
fishing grounds. Analysis of available data shows that the General
category BFT retention limits may be increased with minimal risks of
exceeding the ICCAT-allocated quota.
Delays in increasing these retention limits would adversely affect
those General and Charter/Headboat category vessels that would
otherwise have an opportunity to harvest more than the default
retention limit of one BFT per day and may exacerbate the problem of
low catch rates and quota rollovers. Limited opportunities to harvest
the respective quotas may have negative social and economic impacts to
U.S. fishermen that either depend upon catching the available quota
within the time periods designated in the Consolidated HMS FMP.
Adjustment to the retention limit needs to be effective November 1,
2007, to minimize any unnecessary disruption in fishing patterns and
for the impacted sectors to benefit from the adjustments so as to not
preclude fishing opportunities from fishermen who only have access to
the fishery during this time period.
Therefore, the AA finds good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) to
waive prior notice and the opportunity for public comment. For all of
the above reasons, and because this action relieves a restriction
(i.e., current default retention limit is one fish per vessel/trip but
this action increases that limit and allows retention of more fish),
there is also good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d) to waive the 30-day
delay in effectiveness.
This action is being taken under 50 CFR 635.23(a)(4) and (b)(3) and
is exempt from review under Executive Order 12866.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 1801 et seq.
Dated: October 25, 2007.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E7-21442 Filed 10-30-07; 8:45 am]