Flood Mitigation Assistance, 61545-61552 [E7-21263]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services amends 42 CFR
chapter IV, part 488 as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 488
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the
Social Security Act, unless otherwise noted
(42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395(hh)); Pub. L. 110–
92, H. J. Res. 52 §§ 101 & 106 (2007).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.773, Medicare—Hospital
Insurance; and Program No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Program)
Dated: October 11, 2007.
Kerry Weems,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
Approved: October 25, 2007.
Michael O. Leavitt,
[FR Doc. 07–5400 Filed 10–26–07; 12:02 pm]
Federal Emergency Management
44 CFR Part 78
[Docket ID FEMA–2007–0003]
RIN 1660–AA00
Flood Mitigation Assistance
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
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SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is
adopting as final, without substantive
change, an interim rule that implements
sections 553 and 554 of the National
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994.
Section 553 authorizes a flood
mitigation assistance program through
which FEMA is authorized to provide
grants to States and communities for
planning assistance and for mitigation
projects that reduce the risk of flood
damage to structures covered under
contracts for flood insurance. Section
554 establishes the National Flood
Mitigation Fund to fund assistance
provided under section 553.
DATES: Effective Date: November 30,
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Cecelia Rosenberg, Mitigation
Directorate, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20472, (phone) 202–
646–3321, (facsimile) 202–646–2719, or
(e-mail) cecelia.rosenberg@dhs.gov.
I. Background
Sections 553 and 554 of the National
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994
(NFIRA) (Pub. L. 103–325, enacted
September 23, 1994) (also known as
Title V of the Riegle Community
Development and Regulatory
Improvement Act of 1994) amended the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968
(42 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.). Specifically,
section 553 authorized the Director
(now Administrator) of the Federal
Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) to carry out a flood mitigation
assistance program, known as the Flood
Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA).
Through the FMA Program, FEMA is
authorized to provide grants to States
and communities for planning
assistance and mitigation projects that
reduce the risk of flood damage to
structures covered under contracts for
flood insurance. Section 554 required
FEMA to establish the National Flood
Mitigation Fund (NFMF) to provide
funds for flood mitigation program
assistance described in section 553. On
March 20, 1997 (62 FR 13346), FEMA
published an interim rule implementing
section 553 and 554 of the National
Flood Insurance Reform Act.
This final rule adopts, without
substantive change, the regulations
established by the March 20, 1997
interim rule. It addresses the comments
received from the public in response to
the interim rule, and finalizes the
regulations contained in 44 CFR part 78.
Records Management
The Regulation Identifier Number
(RIN) listed in the March 20, 1997
interim final rule was 3067–AC45. Since
FEMA became a component of the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), FEMA’s RINs were renumbered
and 3067–AC45 became 1660–AA00.
II. Discussion of Public Comments
FEMA received seven public
comments on the interim rule. The
seven commenters included five States,
one local government, and one
association. The comments received,
together with FEMA’s responses, are set
forth below.
The Community Rating System. One
commenter wrote that while it is good
that the Community Rating System
(CRS) criterion may be a basis for a
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floodplain management plan, CRS
communities with repetitive loss or
floodplain management plans
developed prior to the publishing of 44
CFR part 78 in March 1997 may not
realize that their plans will require
modification to meet the new criteria of
44 CFR 78.5, and States and regions
should be counseled to closely review
these older plans. The commenter wrote
that the CRS plan reviewer for the
Insurance Services Organization (ISO)
should be consulted before any FEMA
region approves any CRS plans
developed prior to 1997 for the purpose
of receiving FMA project funds unless
the region or State carefully reviews
them to see that they meet FMA criteria.
The commenter wrote that the States
and regions should accept nothing less
than plan adoption by resolution of the
community’s governing board. The
commenter also wanted FEMA not to
accept as evidence of adoption a letter
from the Mayor stating that the
community will follow the plan since
the CRS criterion requires full adoption
by the governing board. The commenter
thought that FMA should be consistent
with the CRS plan adoption process and
require that all local elected officials see
the proposed plan and ratify it.
FEMA’s Response: The CRS program
is a voluntary program that predates
these regulations and creates an
incentive for communities that
participate in the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP) to implement
floodplain management practices that
exceed NFIP minimum requirements.
The CRS program, which was
established in 1993, provides credit for
communities in the form of lower flood
insurance premium rates for property
owners. The CRS has been and is
currently operated by FEMA through an
agreement with ISO. The schedule of
creditable activities is described in its
reference guide, the CRS Coordinator’s
Manual available through https://
intnfip.shtm. One of the approved CRS
activities that communities may receive
credit for is to develop a flood
mitigation or repetitive flood loss plan.
FEMA has addressed CRS plans
developed prior to 1997 by coordinating
with CRS staff to ensure that all review
criteria are consistent with FMA and
CRS plans. As a result, FEMA has
accepted CRS plans based on guidance
provided in FEMA Publication No. 299:
The FMA Program Guidance (August
1997), as meeting the requirements of
§ 78.5 as approvable local Flood
Mitigation Plans. Further, ISO continues
to review CRS plans submitted by local
communities against the requirements
of § 78.5 if requested by a local
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
community. Such plans would then be
forwarded to the State and FEMA for
approval as FMA plans.
Further, § 201.6(c)(5) states that the
planning process shall include,
documentation ‘‘that the plan has been
formally adopted by the governing body
of the jurisdiction requesting approval
of the plan (e.g. City Council, County
Commissioner, Tribal Council).’’ FEMA
has provided implementation
procedures in the Multi-Hazard
Mitigation Planning Guidance under
DMA2000 (Disaster Mitigation Act of
2000) located at https://www.fema.gov/
plan/mitplanning/index.shtm, which
describes how local executives and
governing bodies can facilitate plan
approval according to local laws and
procedures consistent with § 201.6(c)(5).
Insurable structures. One commenter
wrote that § 78.1(b) discusses assisting
State and local governments in funding
cost-effective actions on ‘‘insurable’’
structures, while § 78.12 discusses
eligible types of projects as being
‘‘insured structures.’’ The commenter
asked whether the regulation covers
‘‘insurable’’ structures or ‘‘insured’’
structures. Another commenter wrote
that since the State plan must be in
place to address insurable structures,
this limits the State’s eligibility for
project money for State agencies who do
not have public buildings to protect or
whose mission does not involve the
protection of private structures. A third
commenter asked if States that
participate in the self-insurance
program are eligible for FMA project
monies that affect State owned facilities
insured under their program.
FEMA’s Response: The terms
‘‘insurable’’ and ‘‘insured’’ were used in
part 78 interchangeably. FEMA realizes
it made a technical error in using
insurable and insured interchangeably
as the two terms have different
definitions. FEMA intended to mean
‘‘any structure covered by an insurance
policy underwritten by the NFIP.’’
FEMA has revised § 78.1(b) in this final
rule by replacing ‘‘insurable’’ with
The authorized purpose for the FMA
program is to reduce the risk of flood
damage to structures covered under
contracts for flood insurance.
Furthermore, activities funded under
FMA must be cost-beneficial to the
NFMF. Thus, self-insured structures
within States participating in the selfinsurance program are not eligible to
receive FMA project funds.
Use of Planning Grants. One
commenter wrote that under § 78.1(b),
planning grants can be used to ‘‘assess
the flood risk and identify actions to
reduce that risk’’ but the supplementary
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information section of the interim rule
on planning grants states that the
‘‘purposes of the planning grants is to
develop or update a Flood Mitigation
Plan.’’ The commenter asked if the State
or the community could receive a
planning grant without actually
developing a Flood Mitigation Plan.
FEMA’s Response: FEMA will only
fund planning activities that will result
in a completed project, which in this
case is a FEMA-approved State or local
flood mitigation plan. The language in
§ 78.1(b) states that FMA planning
grants are intended to help State and
local communities assess the flood risk
and identify actions to reduce risk. The
local mitigation plan is the process
FEMA uses for the community to assess
flood risk and identify actions to reduce
flood risk. Sections 78.4 and 78.5 define
eligible planning grant activities. States
may only use FMA planning funds to
develop State and local Flood
Mitigation Plans, which must be
adopted by the governing body of the
Definition of the term ‘‘community.’’
One commenter wrote that as written,
§ 78.2’s definition of ‘‘community’’
could be interpreted to mean that any
jurisdiction, city, or county that does
not have the authority to adopt a
building code or require zoning, even if
that jurisdiction, city, or county has a
good floodplain management program
would not be eligible for participation
in FMA. The commenter wrote that
numerous States do not give ordinancemaking authority to county level
government. For example, in Texas,
counties can participate in the NFIP,
and some have very strong floodplain
management programs, but without the
ability to adopt building codes or
regulate land use through zoning, would
this exclude them from FMA
participation? Additionally, the City of
Houston has an active floodplain
management program with over 45,000
flood policyholders who pay over $16.5
million annually in premiums; however,
the city has no zoning (although they
have adopted a building code). Does a
literal interpretation of the regulation
exclude the City of Houston from FMA
One commenter wrote that although
no one has explicitly included regional
agencies (e.g., regional planning
commissions, urban drainage districts,
metropolitan sewer or sanitary districts,
and similar agencies) within the
definition of ‘‘communities,’’ regional
agencies often manage sizable
floodplain management programs and
have their own mitigation programs;
thus, FEMA should consider regional
agencies as eligible applicants for grant
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funds. The commenter wrote that
regional agencies can also provide a
great deal of planning and technical
assistance support to eligible
FEMA’s Response: FEMA has
historically been flexible in providing
FMA planning and project subgrants to
local flood control districts that have the
capacity to plan for and implement
mitigation measures but that may not
have the delegated authority from the
State to adopt a building code or zoning
ordinances. Local flood control districts
acting on behalf of one or more local
communities would meet the
requirements of § 78.3(b)(2) for the
purpose of receiving FMA subgrants.
Further, FEMA would consider plans
developed by local flood control
districts to be multi-jurisdictional plans.
Section 201.6(c) requires that multijurisdictional plans include: (1)
Identifiable action items specific to each
jurisdiction requesting FEMA approval
or credit for the plan, and (2)
documentation that the plan has been
formally adopted by a governing body
representing each jurisdiction such as a
City Council, County Commissioner, or
Tribal Council.
Planning Grant Approval. One
commenter wrote that § 78.3(b)(2) says
that the State point of contact can award
the planning grants, but that it is
unclear whether FEMA approves the
planning grants, because § 78.3(a)(2)
states that the Director of the FEMA
Region will approve the Flood
Mitigation Plans.
FEMA’s Response: FEMA approves all
eligible FMA planning grant
applications submitted by the State. The
State in turn awards funds to local
communities as subgrants. Once the
local community has completed the
plan, it is forwarded to the State for
review and submission to FEMA for
approval in order for the local
community to become eligible to receive
FMA project subgrants.
Procedures for forwarding planning
documents to FEMA. One commenter
wrote that § 78.3(b), which refers to
alternative procedures outlined in
§ 78.14 that allow the community to
coordinate planning document directly
with FEMA, seems to imply that these
alternative procedures have been
formulated. The commenter believes
that it is vital that the procedures be
finalized and published as soon as
FEMA’s Response. The alternative
application procedures provided at
§ 78.3(b) have been seldom utilized by
local communities applying for FMA
project and planning grants. However,
procedures on alternative application
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procedures were described in more
detail in the FEMA 299 (‘‘Flood
Mitigation Assistance Guidance,’’) the
original FMA implementation
Eligibility for Technical Assistance.
One commenter wrote that under
§ 78.4(a), the State is eligible to apply
for Technical Assistance grants, and that
FEMA Region VII has stated that the
State can pass the TA funds through to
the local level (i.e., Council of
Governments) to administer the TA.
Does this mean that local jurisdictions
are not eligible to directly apply for the
TA funds?
FEMA’s Response: States have been
permitted to pass FMA technical
assistance funds through to the local
level under §§ 78.4(b) and 78.8(c) as
long as that amount does not exceed 10
percent of the local community’s project
allocation from the State.
Increase Project Grant funds. One
commenter wrote that the base amount
of $100,000 awarded to each State for
Project Grants is insufficient to perform
any meaningful flood mitigation
planning projects. The commenter cited
the project category of land acquisition
of insured structures and underlying
real property, where, in many cases, the
cost of acquiring a single real property
site may exceed $50,000. As a result, the
base amount of $100,000 awarded to a
State for Project Grants will only allow
a State to do very small and inexpensive
projects that may not significantly
impact a State’s long term goal to
advance its flood mitigation program
within the State.
FEMA’s Response: FEMA agrees with
the commenter, and will consider
removing the $100,000 base limitation
in a future rulemaking.
The 5 year grant allocation of
$150,000. One commenter asked if,
under § 78.8(b), the State can apply once
every 5 years for a single planning
subgrant of $150,000, and then carry
over any unobligated planning grant
dollars to the next fiscal year until the
5-year period expires. The commenter
also asked if the State can submit an
application for a $150,000 planning
grant and have FEMA make separate
subgrant awards in phases over 5 years,
as long as the total amount does not
exceed $150,000 in 5 years. Another
commenter wrote that, per § 78.9, if the
maximum performance period for a
planning grant is 3 years, why does a
State or community have to wait for 5
years to apply for another planning
grant. Another commenter wrote that
since planning grants can only be issued
to States once every 5 years for an
amount up to $150,000, the allocations
presented to the States will preclude
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most States from reaching the $150,000
ceiling if they chose to accept the
planning grant allocation in the interim
final rule. The commenter felt that the
emphasis seems to be the issuance of
one grant, not the maximum of
FEMA’s Response: The State may
apply for the full 5-year statutory limit
of $150,000 in one grant application if
FEMA allocates that amount to the State
based on the formula provided in
§ 78.8(a). Further, the State may apply
for multiple applications that total
$150,000 over any 5-year period. FEMA
believes that the 3-year performance
period on planning grants is sufficient
for completing and gaining FEMA
approval on an FMA plan, and this
statutory requirement is not related
directly to the 5-year cycle on limits for
FMA planning funds. Finally, the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,
as amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c) does not
require that each State receive the
maximum $150,000 over any 5-year
Limits on FMA funds. One commenter
asked if, under § 78.8, TA dollars are
included in the $20 million maximum
for project grants. Can the $20 million
be spread over 5 years? Do the awarded
funds also have to actually be spent
within the 5 years? Another commenter
wrote that although he understood
funding for the FMA project grant
funding was limited to $3,300,000 to
any community over 5 years, setting
arbitrary limits on States or
communities will only serve to stifle the
overall effectiveness of the program, and
establishing such a low limit puts an
unnecessary restraint on the
commenter’s potential program.
FEMA’s Response: The National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4104c) lists the statutory limits
on FMA project funds at $20,000,000.
Since the FMA technical assistance
allocation is currently 10 percent of the
project grant, all technical assistance
funds must be counted as part of the 5
year $20,000,000 for States. FEMA does
consider waivers of these statutory
funding limits during major disasters or
emergencies declared by the President
as a result of flood conditions consistent
with the National Flood Insurance Act
of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c).
Eligibility of mapping projects. One
commenter wrote that the limitation
regarding planning grants and
floodplain map updates in § 78.9 is a
concern. The commenter stated that
current floodplain maps and the
provision of map information in digital
format are fundamental in estimating
the population and structures at risk.
The commenter felt that flood
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mitigation plans will suffer without the
eligibility of funding updated floodplain
maps to write them. The commenter
asked that FEMA reconsider mapping
projects as eligible for FMA planning
FEMA’s Response: FEMA is actively
engaged in the development and update
of floodplain maps under a separate
authority of the NFIP (42 U.S.C. 4101),
and receives separate appropriations to
digitize maps under the Map
Modernization program for use by States
and local communities in their
floodplain management and mitigation
planning activities. FEMA determined
that mapping activities under FMA to be
a duplication of programs; therefore,
mapping activities are not included in
part 78. States and local communities
receive funds for flood mapping
activities under the Cooperating
Technical Partners Program (CTP). The
CTP is an innovative approach to
creating partnerships between FEMA
and participating NFIP communities,
regional agencies, and State agencies
that have the interest and capability to
become more active participants in the
FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping Program.
Also, FEMA provides States and local
communities with access to flood
hazards data including Flood Insurance
Rate Maps (FIRMs), Letters of Map
Changes, and other technical documents
through its Map Service Center at
Delay caused by FEMA final approval.
One commenter wrote that under
§ 78.10, the project grant approval
process, project applications will be
forwarded to FEMA for final approval,
and FEMA will provide funding on a
project-by-project basis through a
supplement to the annual Cooperative
Agreement (CA). The concern is that
project-by-project approval through the
regional offices can be very time
sensitive and not conducive to accessing
the FEMA dollars within the
performance period. Does project-byproject approval delay State access to
any of the 10 percent TA dollars
associated with the project dollars?
FEMA’s Response: FEMA currently
awards FMA grants to States using an
e-Grant system, rather than through a
CA. In 1997, FEMA opted to award most
non-disaster grant funds to States under
the combined Emergency Management
Performance Grant (EMPG). However,
FMA and other FEMA non-disaster
mitigation grants did not fit under the
EMPG structure. This is because the
EMPG process was designed for
awarding and tracking non-construction
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grants, and most mitigation grants,
including FMA grants, are awarded and
tracked as construction grants.
Therefore, FEMA developed a
Mitigation e-Grant system which
grantees must use to apply for FMA and
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program
grants, as required by the E-Government
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–347) and the
Federal Financial Assistance
Management Improvement Act of 1999
(Pub. L. 106–107). States receive one
FMA grant award each fiscal year that
includes project, planning, and
technical assistance subgrants. Each
time a new subgrant is awarded, the
annual State grant is automatically
amended in the e-Grant system. States
are awarded technical assistance funds
based on the total dollar amount of
eligible FMA project applications. The
e-Grant system has facilitated the
receipt of all FMA funds, including
technical assistance funds to States, in
a timelier basis than at the inception of
the program.
Eligible types of projects. One
commenter stated that a strict
interpretation of what encompasses an
eligible structure under § 78.12(a) could
have a harmful effect on a community’s
Flood Mitigation Plan. The commenter
suggested program flexibility to allow
communities the ability to complete
their plans; the commenter also
suggested a requirement that 90 percent
of the properties have flood insurance.
Three commenters wrote that the phrase
‘‘minor physical flood mitigation’’ in
§ 78.12(g) needs a better definition. The
term ‘‘minor’’ is subject to a great deal
of interpretation. Commenters suggested
that FEMA establish a dollar cap
($100,000), determine a scope of work
limitation on this category of project, or
further define the term ‘‘minor’’ to
clarify the type of project that is eligible
for funding. One commenter wrote that
the term ‘‘Beach nourishment activities’’
in § 78.12 needs a better definition. The
commenter stated that more specific
guidelines will reduce or prevent abuses
of FMA intent. Another commenter felt
that the acquisition of insured structures
and the demolition and removal of
insured structures on acquired property
per § 78.12 should be considered as one
type of project in its entirety.
FEMA’s Response: FEMA agrees that
a strict interpretation of what
encompasses an eligible structure could
be detrimental, and FEMA does not
dictate the definition of eligible
structure. In fact, FEMA allows local
communities to conduct their own risk
assessments in the process of
developing their local mitigation plans;
these risk assessments can include
identifying eligible insured and non-
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insured properties for future hazard
mitigation projects. In response to the
comment regarding a 90 percent flood
insurance requirement, if a local
community chooses to apply for an
FMA project grant, all properties
included in the application must have
an NFIP insurance policy in force at the
time of application. The local
community can encourage an uninsured
property owner to become NFIP-insured
in order to participate in an FMA
mitigation project that is otherwise cost
beneficial to NFMF. In response to the
comment that ‘‘minor physical flood
mitigation’’ be better defined, the phrase
is derived from the eligible mitigation
activities as stated in the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4104c):
Minor physical mitigation efforts that do
not duplicate the flood prevention activities
of other Federal agencies and that lessen the
frequency or severity of flooding and
decrease predicted flood damages, which
shall not include major flood control projects
such as dikes, levees, seawalls, groins, and
jetties unless the Director specifically
determines in approving a mitigation plan
that such activities are the most cost-effective
mitigation activities for the National Flood
Mitigation Fund.
FEMA does not place a funding limit on
the amount a local community may
apply for an individual minor localized
structural flood control project, since
the only limit provided by the statute is
the 5-year-statutory-funding limit of
$3,300,000 on FMA projects funds for
local communities. FEMA expects to
address the issue of beach nourishment
as well as the acquisition of real
property and demolition or relocation of
buildings for open space in a future
Grant administration. Three
commenters wrote that § 78.13 makes no
mention about administrative costs
incurred by grantees and subgrantees as
grant program participants. The
commenters wrote that this section is
unclear as to whether or not State and
local governments are expected to bear
these administrative costs (which can be
considerable) on their own or as part of
the grant program. One commenter
recommended that this section be
rewritten to state that the administrative
costs incurred by State and local
governments can be considered to be
part of the non-Federal 25 percent cost
share for an eligible grant. Another
commenter asked if the States received
administrative allowance funds to
administer the FMA dollars, as States do
with the Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program (HMGP). A commenter stated
that § 78.13(a) penalizes States that may
be willing to contribute a Full Time
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Employee (FTE) dedicated to providing
technical assistance to other State
agencies and communities. The
requirement of a cash contribution from
States may prohibit many States from
participating, especially with the
limited amount of funding available; the
commenter also opposes the 12.5
percent limit on in-kind contributions.
One commenter asked if time extensions
are awarded under § 78.13(c).
FEMA’s Response: Currently, States
are eligible to apply for FMA technical
assistance funds to pay State Program
Manager salaries as long as those
amounts are directly allocable to the
FMA program and do not duplicate
costs allowed under a State’s indirect
cost agreement. Any amount reimbursed
for salaries requires a 25 percent nonFederal cost share, half of which must
be provided as cash. The FMA costshare requirement for planning and
project activities and management costs
remains consistent with current
statutory requirements under the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,
as amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c):
The Director may not provide mitigation
assistance under this section to a State or
community in an amount exceeding 3 times
the amount that the State or community
certifies, as the Director shall require, that the
State or community will contribute from nonFederal funds to develop a mitigation plan
under subsection (c) and to carry out
mitigation activities under the approved
mitigation plan. In no case shall any in-kind
contribution by any State or community
exceed one-half of the amount of non-Federal
funds contributed by the State or community.
FMA grant performance periods may
be extended consistent with the
guidelines provided in § 13.23(b) and
implemented in annual program
guidance at https://www.fema.gov/
government/grant/fma/index.shtm and
consistent with statutory time
limitations on FMA planning grants
provided in the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4104c). Generally, the
performance period of FMA project
grants may be extended twice if work is
in progress and if financial and
programmatic progress reports are
current. FMA planning grants may be
extended one time within the maximum
statutory 3-year performance if work is
in progress and if financial and
programmatic progress reports are
Fund rollover. One commenter
requested additional information
regarding the appropriations rollover for
FMA dollars to the next fiscal year.
FEMA’s Response: If Congress
appropriates funds, States are awarded
FMA grants annually based upon State
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target allocations. Congress historically
has appropriated FMA funds with a 2year period of availability. FEMA will
carryover FMA funds, including
technical assistance funds, once during
the 2-year period of availability, if the
State has eligible projects that require
further benefit cost, engineering, or
environmental review and that could
not be obligated during the first fiscal
year. Eligible project, planning, and
technical assistance grants must be
obligated within the 2-year period of
availability. The maximum
recommended performance period for
FMA project and technical assistance
grants is 4 years, and the maximum
statutory performance period for FMA
planning grants is 3 years.
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance number. A commenter asked
for the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) number.
FEMA’s Response: The current CFDA
number for FMA grants awarded under
part 78 is 97.029. The FEMA Assistance
Officers and their State counterparts are
notified of the current CFDA number
through annual program guidance at
Plan revisions. A commenter asked if
a community has to follow the same
procedure for developing and adopting
the initial flood mitigation assistance
plan in order to submit a revision to the
plan. One commenter asked if an
administrative revision to the local plan
would require public participation.
Another commenter asked if the State
can approve a revision to the local plan
or if FEMA must approve the revision.
FEMA’s Response: Under part 78,
revisions to flood mitigation plans are
not required after initial approval of the
plan. Further, there is no FEMA
requirement for public participation in
administrative revisions to flood
mitigation plans. However, States may
establish their own policies and
procedures on requiring and approving
local plan updates and/or
administrative revisions.
Communities that have pre-existing
plans. A commenter asked whether
communities that already have
developed a flood mitigation plan can
obtain a planning grant to update or
revise its flood mitigation plan to fit
FMA requirements.
FEMA’s Response: States and local
communities can apply for FMA
planning funds every 5 years for the
purpose of plan updates and can
reapply for funds during the same 5year period if the State or local
community has not exceeded the State
limit of $150,000 or the local limit of
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Approval time. One commenter asked
for the amount of time that the FEMA
has to approve a revision to the plan.
FEMA’s Response: Under the terms of
the National Flood Insurance Act of
1968 as amended, (42 U.S.C. 4104c),
FEMA has 120 days to approve any
revisions or updates to the original
FEMA-approved plan if such revisions
or updates are funded with FMA
program funds.
The scope of mitigation planning. One
commenter wrote that all flood
mitigation projects are, in fact, local
projects, and that the interim final rule
places too much emphasis on
community flood mitigation planning as
opposed to planning on an entire
watershed basis. The commenter wrote
that the flood mitigation program
should encourage the development of a
flood mitigation planning approach that
will take into consideration all relevant
flood mitigation factors and impacts
within a watershed. The commenter
wrote that FEMA can take the lead in
promoting a much more comprehensive
solution to the nation’s flood mitigation
FEMA’s Response: Flood mitigation
plans developed to meet the FMA
planning requirements may be multijurisdictional, such as a watershedbased approach. Multi-jurisdictional
plans include local planning objectives
submitted from each community or
jurisdiction that would have its local
governing body adopt the plan for the
purpose of receiving FMA project funds.
State distribution of grant funds. One
commenter wrote that States should not
have full discretion for determining the
distribution of available grant funding
unless FEMA establishes and enforces
clear, specific, and objective criteria for
rating and prioritizing the grant
applications, and that criteria is
available to potential grant applicants
prior to development of their mitigation
plans. In addition, the commenter wrote
that eligible jurisdictions turned down
for a grant by their State should be given
the opportunity to appeal the decision
to FEMA and/or submit the application
directly to FEMA for consideration.
FEMA’s Response: FMA is a Stateadministered program, meaning that
States work with local communities to
identify, select, and forward to FEMA
projects and planning activities that will
reduce the risk of flood damage to NFIPinsured structures based on detailed
annual program guidance provided at
fma/index.shtm. Further, FEMA
regional offices oversee the adherence of
States to the annual program guidance
when awarding grants to communities.
FEMA does not use an appeals process
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for local communities whose FMA
subgrant applications are declined by
their State. However, if a State requests
that FEMA review an FMA grant
determination, FEMA would re-examine
prior planning grant decisions made by
the State. Furthermore, local
communities are able to resubmit, the
next fiscal year, subgrant applications
that have been declined.
Cost-effective mitigation measures.
One commenter wrote that the interim
rule limited certain structure retrofitting
that can be employed as part of costeffective mitigation measures. For
example, examinations of flood
insurance claims histories for repetitive
loss structures may suggest minimal
retrofitting efforts such as elevating the
electrical panel may remove repetitive
loss and be more cost effective and
practical than elevating the entire
FEMA’s Response: FMA project grants
may only be used to fund cost-effective
mitigation measures for individual
properties, such as acquisition or
elevation, which provide a 100-year
level of flood protection. FEMA has
determined that mitigation actions not
resulting in a 100-year level of flood
protection for individual properties are
inconsistent with the requirements of
the FEMA floodplain management
regulations provided in § 60.3.
Therefore, elevation and dryfloodproofing activities, such as
minimal retrofits for repetitive loss
properties recommended by the
commenter, are not considered eligible
for FMA project funds if they do not
result in a 100-year flood protection for
residential and non-residential
Premiums. One commenter asked
whether insurance premiums would be
reimbursable under the FMA program,
as they are under the Hazard Mitigation
Grant Program. The commenter stated
that reimbursed insurance premiums
were perceived as an incentive for
maintaining insurance during the
acquisition program after the 1993
floods in order to get property owners
to accept FEMA buyouts.
FEMA’s Response: Insurance
premiums are not reimbursable under
the FMA program. For acquisition
projects, HMGP provides States with the
opportunity to allow local communities
to reimburse flood insurance premium
amounts to property owners. However,
States and local communities are not
allowed to reimburse flood insurance
premiums amounts to participants in
FMA acquisition projects because the
flood insurance policy is a requirement
for program participation.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Tracking repetitive loss structures.
One commenter wrote that the Federal
Insurance Administration should
establish a method to track acquisition
of repetitive loss structures so that
FEMA can adjust allocation formulas to
reflect the actual number of structures at
risk. The commenter wanted to ensure
that FEMA is both tracking the number
of new repetitive loss properties as well
as the number of mitigated properties,
so that target allocation amounts are
computed in a fair manner.
FEMA’s Response: Since the inception
of the Community Rating System in
1990, FEMA has been tracking both new
and mitigated repetitive loss properties
present in NFIP participating
communities. New repetitive loss
properties are added through the FEMA
insurance databases which track claims
data on all NFIP insured structures.
Repetitive loss properties are mitigated
by several means including acquisition,
elevation, floodproofing, and structural
flood control projects. FEMA tracks
these mitigated properties through the
Bureau and Statistical Agent (BSA)
developed by the NFIP within its data
mainframe to capture and record both
the reported mitigation action and the
reported funding sources used to
achieve that mitigation action. As of
June 30, 2007, 13,477 repetitive loss
properties have been identified as
mitigated in some manner by the use of
local, State, and Federal funds. This
number includes 1,372 mitigated
properties which were partially or
completely demolished by fire, wind,
flood, or other natural disasters for
which FEMA or another local, State, or
Federal agency provided funds in order
to complete the removal of the original
structure. FEMA tracks mitigated and
demolished repetitive loss properties in
order to ensure an accurate count of the
remaining repetitive loss properties in
need of mitigation. Previously mitigated
structures are not counted when
determining the need for future
mitigation activities. FEMA uses the
most current data available on
unmitigated repetitive loss structures in
order to determine FMA target
allocations each fiscal year for States
and territories.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
III. Regulatory Requirements
A. Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review
FEMA has prepared and reviewed this
rule under the provisions of Executive
Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and
Review. OMB has determined that this
rule is not a significant regulatory
action. OMB has not reviewed this rule.
Under Executive Order 12866, a
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significant regulatory action is subject to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) review and the requirements of
the Executive Order. The Executive
Order defines ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ as one that is likely to result in
a rule that may:
(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the
economy, a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local, or tribal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees,
or loan programs or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in the Executive Order.
The interim rule published on March
20, 1997 at 62 FR 13346 established the
regulations that this document makes
final. FEMA calculates the annual
economic impact of the interim rule to
be approximately $40,000,000. As this
final rule makes no significant change to
the interim rule, FEMA is adopting the
$40,000,000 annual economic impact
estimate of the interim rule as the
annual economic impact of this final
rule. The following paragraphs provide
a more detailed explanation of the
economic impact of the rulemaking.
This rulemaking establishes the FMA
grant system. States receive one FMA
grant award each fiscal year that
includes three types of subgrants:
Project, Planning, and Technical
Assistance subgrants. FMA Project
Grants are available to States, and NFIPparticipating communities and Indian
tribal governments, to implement
measures to reduce flood losses. Up to
10 percent of the Project Grant may be
given to States as a Technical Assistance
Grant. These funds may be used to help
administer the program. FMA Planning
Grants are available to States, and NFIPparticipating communities and Indian
tribal governments, to prepare Flood
Mitigation Plans.
The development of community flood
mitigation plans is required as a
condition of receiving FMA project
grants under Section 553 of the National
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994,
Title V, (Pub. L. 103–325). Section 553
mandates that FEMA approve plans
before awarding any project grants to a
community or State applicant. The
purpose of the planning requirement is
to encourage communities and States to
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evaluate the flood hazards in their
jurisdiction(s) and devise a feasible
mitigation strategy to reduce the
impacts of the hazard. As communities
implement these strategies, fewer flood
losses to insured structures will occur,
resulting in reduced costs to the
National Flood Insurance Fund. There is
no renewal requirement with respect to
FMA plans, and only communities are
required to have approved FMA plans.
There is no such requirement for States.
There are 660 communities with
approved plans. There were
approximately 60 approved per year
from 1997–2005, with an annual
increase to 120 in 2006 after Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita. For the purpose of this
analysis, FEMA is estimating that there
will be 120 local plans that are
developed and reviewed for approval
each year. FEMA estimates that it takes
an average of 2,080 hours per local plan
to develop, resulting in 249,600 hours of
work. The hours of work is calculated
as follows: 120 × 2080. In addition, all
States must review the local plans
submitted. Assuming 120 local plans are
submitted annually and it takes 8 hours
to review each plan, the total annual
burden for both States, local, and tribal
governments would be 250,560 hours.
Total annual burden is calculated as
follows: ((120 × 8) + 249,600). Using
wage rates from the May 2004, U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS), Standard Occupation
Classification (SOC) System, the median
hourly wage for urban and regional
planners (SOC Code Number 19–3051)
is $26.31 per hour. Adding 30 percent
to the BLS figure to account for benefits,
FEMA has calculated the burden using
a wage rate of $34.20 per hour.
Therefore, the total cost to respondents
to collect the information required in
flood mitigation plans in this rule is
$8,569,152 annually. The total cost to
respondents is calculated as follows:
(250,560 × $34.20).
The next cost implication of this rule
is on the submission of FMA grant
applications. There are over 18,000
communities participating the NFIP,
however, the limited funding of the
program will not permit approval of a
large number of applicants. The number
of respondents used to calculate the
burden hours was, therefore, estimated
to be 56 States and Territories × 4
subgrants per State = 224 + 56 States to
review, coordinate and forward grant
applications to FEMA for approval =
280 total respondents. Using wage rates
from the May 2004, BLS SOC System,
the median hourly wage for urban and
regional planners (SOC Code Number
19–3051) is $26.31 per hour. Adding 30
percent to the BLS figure to account for
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
benefits, FEMA has calculated the
burden using a wage rate of $34.20 per
hour. Using the Paperwork Reduction
Act calculations approved by OMB for
‘‘FEMA Emergency Preparedness and
Response Directorate Grants
Administration Forms’’ (OMB 1660–
0025) and ‘‘Flood Mitigation Assistance
(eGrants) and Grant Supplemental
Information’’ (OMB 1660–0072), the
burden hours for the collection of
information for FMA grants with
supplemental information are estimated
at 6,642 hours. Therefore, the total cost
to respondents to apply for Flood
Mitigation Assistance is $227,156
annually (6,642 × $34.20).
The total Federal appropriations
available for the FMA program, which
establishes the annual award amounts,
began at $12,600,000 in FY 1997/1998
and has slowly risen to $31,000,000 for
FY 2007/2008. As the March 20, 1997
interim rule established the FMA
program, FEMA is counting the
$31,000,000 awarded as an economic
impact of this rule, as it represents a
‘‘transfer’’ from the Federal government.
Therefore, the annual economic impact
of this regulation, including the cost to
prepare local plans, apply for grants,
and the actual grant funds awarded is
$39,796,308, or approximately
$40,000,000. The economic impact is
calculated as follows: ($8,569,152 +
$227,156 + $31,000,000).
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (RFA), as amended
by the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub.
L. 104–121, 110 Stat. 857), FEMA is not
required to prepare a final regulatory
flexibility analysis for this final rule
because the agency has not issued a
notice of proposed rulemaking prior to
this action.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
C. National Environmental Policy Act
The National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
(NEPA) implementing regulations
governing FEMA activities at 44 CFR
10.8(d)(2)(ii) categorically exclude the
preparation, revision, and adoption of
regulations from the preparation of an
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement, where
the rule relates to actions that qualify for
categorical exclusions. Actions to be
implemented under program regulations
revised or adopted by this rulemaking
include structural mitigation measures.
These activities are categorically
excluded under 44 CFR 10.8(d)(2)(xv)
and (xvi). Thus, the preparation,
revision, and adoption of regulations
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related to these actions are also
categorically excluded.
D. Executive Order 12898,
Environmental Justice
Under Executive Order 12898,
‘‘Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low-Income
Populations’’ (59 FR 7629, published
February 16, 1994), FEMA incorporates
environmental justice into its policies
and programs. The Executive Order
requires each Federal agency to conduct
its programs, policies, and activities that
substantially affect human health or the
environment in a manner that ensures
that those programs, policies, and
activities do not have the effect of
excluding persons from participation in
programs, denying persons the benefits
of programs, or subjecting persons to
discrimination because of race, color, or
national origin.
FEMA believes that no action under
this rule will have a disproportionately
high or adverse effect on human health
or the environment. This rule is
intended to provide grant funding to
States and local communities to assist
them with efforts to mitigate against
flooding. This rulemaking is intended to
assist States and local communities in
reducing the adverse affects on human
health or the environment from
flooding. Accordingly, the requirements
of Executive Order 12898 do not apply
to this rule.
E. Congressional Review of Agency
FEMA has sent this final rule to the
Congress and to the Government
Accountability Office under the
Congressional Review of Agency
Rulemaking Act, (‘‘Congressional
Review Act,’’) Public Law 104–121. This
rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’ within the
meaning of the Congressional Review
Act. This rule will not result in a major
increase in costs or prices for
consumers, individual industries,
Federal, State, or local government
agencies, or geographic regions. It will
not have ‘‘significant adverse effects’’ on
competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the
ability of United States-based
enterprises to compete with foreignbased enterprises. The rule is not an
unfunded Federal mandate within the
meaning of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995, Public Law 104–4,
and any enforceable duties that FEMA
imposes are a condition of Federal
assistance or a duty arising from
participation in a voluntary Federal
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F. Unfunded Mandates
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995, enacted as Public
Law 104–4 on March 22, 1995, requires
each Federal agency, to the extent
permitted by law, to prepare a written
assessment of the effects of any Federal
mandate in a proposed or final agency
rule that may result in the expenditure
by State, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or by the private sector,
of $100 million or more (adjusted
annually for inflation) in any one year.
The rule is not an unfunded Federal
mandate as any enforceable duties that
FEMA imposes are a condition of
Federal assistance or a duty arising from
participation in a voluntary Federal
G. Executive Order 13132, Federalism
Executive Order 13132, entitled
‘‘Federalism,’’ (64 FR 43255, published
August 10, 1999), sets forth principles
and criteria that agencies must adhere to
in formulating and implementing
policies that have federalism
implications; that is, regulations that
have substantial direct effects on the
States, or on the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Federal agencies
must closely examine the statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States, and to the extent
practicable, must consult with State and
local officials before implementing any
such action. This rulemaking creates an
entirely voluntary grant program that
may be used by States and local
governments to receive Federal grants
for mitigation projects, plans and
technical assistance. States and local
governments are not required to seek
grant funding and this rulemaking does
not limit the States’ policymaking
discretion. This final rule involves no
policies that have federalism
implications under Executive Order
H. Paperwork Reduction Act
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid control number. This
final rule does not impose any new
reporting or recordkeeping requirements
under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
The regulations finalized by this rule
contain requirements for the submission
of information contained in OMBapproved collection titled ‘‘Flood
Mitigation Assistance—Flood Mitigation
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 210 / Wednesday, October 31, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Plan,’’ OMB approval number 1660–
I. Executive Order 13175, Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
FEMA has reviewed this rule under
Executive Order 13175, ‘‘Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments’’ (65 FR 67249, published
November 9, 2000). In reviewing the
portion of the rule which streamlines
the mitigation planning requirements
affecting Indian tribal governments,
FEMA finds that, while it does have
‘‘tribal implications’’ as defined in
Executive Order 13175, it will not have
a substantial direct effect on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.
J. Executive Order 12630, Governmental
Actions and Interference With
Constitutionally Protected Property
FEMA has reviewed this rule under
Executive Order 12630, ‘‘Governmental
Actions and Interference with
Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights’’ (53 FR 8859, published March
18, 1988) as supplemented by Executive
Order 13406, ‘‘Protecting the Property
Rights of the American People’’ (71 FR
36973, published June 28, 2006). This
rule will not effect a taking of private
property or otherwise have taking
implications under Executive Order
K. Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
FEMA has reviewed this rule under
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform’’ (61 FR 4729, published
February 7, 1996). This rule meets
applicable standards to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and
reduce burden.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 78
Flood insurance, Grant programs.
Accordingly, for the reasons stated in
the preamble, the interim rule amending
44 CFR part 78 which was published at
62 FR 13346 on March 20, 1997, is
adopted as final, with the following
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
1. The authority citation for part 78 is
revised to read as follows:
Authority: 6 U.S.C. 101; 42 U.S.C. 4001 et
seq.; 42 U.S.C. 4104c, 4104d; Reorganization
Plan No. 3 of 1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978
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Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3
CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376; E.O. 12148, 44 FR
43239, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 412; E.O.
13286, 68 FR 10619, 3 CFR, 2003 Comp., p.
§ 78.1
2. In § 78.1, paragraph (b), remove the
word ‘‘insurable’’ and add, in its place,
the word ‘‘insured’’.
Dated: October 24, 2007.
Harvey E. Johnson, Jr.,
Deputy Administrator/Chief Operating
Officer, Federal Emergency Management
[FR Doc. E7–21263 Filed 10–30–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Emergency Management
44 CFR Parts 201, 204, and 206
[Docket ID FEMA–2007–0004]
RIN 1660–AA17
Hazard Mitigation Planning and Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is
adopting as final, without substantive
changes, interim rules that establish
requirements for hazard mitigation
planning and the Hazard Mitigation
Grant Program (HMGP) pursuant to
sections 322 and 323 of the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act.
DATES: This final rule is effective
November 30, 2007.
Karen Helbrecht, Risk Analysis
Division, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, 500 C
Street, SW., Washington DC, 20472,
(phone) 202–646–3358, (facsimile) 202–
646–3104, or (e-mail)
I. Background
This rulemaking finalizes, without
substantive changes, interim rules
implementing sections 322 and 323 of
the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief
and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford
Act) (42 U.S.C. 5165), enacted by
section 104 of the Disaster Mitigation
Act of 2000 (DMA 2000), (42 U.S.C.
5121 note). Section 322 requires, as a
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condition of receipt of federal hazard
mitigation grant assistance, hazard
mitigation planning and is implemented
in the Emergency Management and
Assistance regulations at 44 CFR part
201 (Mitigation Planning). Section 323
requires, as a condition of receipt of
disaster loans or grants distributed
under the Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program (HMGP) that minimum repair
and construction codes, specifications,
and standards are followed. Section 323
is implemented at 44 CFR part 206
(Federal Disaster Assistance for
Disasters Declared On Or After
November 23, 1988), Subpart N (Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program).
Parts 201 and 206 outline mitigation
planning and hazard mitigation grant
requirements, respectively, for State,
Indian tribal, and local entities. To be
eligible for FEMA mitigation and public
assistance grant funds (except for
emergency assistance), State, local, or
Indian tribal governments must have a
FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan.
All hazard mitigation plans must be
submitted to FEMA for final review and
approval. FEMA will review and
comment on the plan within 45 days,
whenever possible. Once approved,
local plans are to be revised and
resubmitted to FEMA every 5 years,
State plans are to be revised and
resubmitted to FEMA every 3 years, and
Indian tribal governments may either
apply directly to FEMA, thereby
assuming the responsibilities of a State,
or may apply through a State, thereby
assuming the responsibilities of a local
Additionally, for States that complete
FEMA requirements for enhanced
mitigation planning, the amount of
HMGP funds available increases from 15
percent of the Federal share of disaster
assistance for that event to 20 percent of
the Federal share of disaster assistance
for that event. Up to 7 percent of hazard
mitigation grants may be used to
develop State, tribal, and/or local
mitigation planning activities outlined
in 44 CFR part 201.
There have been four interim rules
(IRs) and one correction published in
this rulemaking action. On February 26,
2002, FEMA published an IR at 67 FR
8844 implementing section 322 of the
Stafford Act. This first IR addressed
State mitigation planning, identified
new local mitigation planning grant
requirements, authorized HMGP funds
for planning activities, and increased
the amount of HMGP funds available to
States that develop a comprehensive,
enhanced mitigation plan.
On October 1, 2002, FEMA published
a second IR at 67 FR 61512. This IR
amended the February 26, 2002, IR to
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 210 (Wednesday, October 31, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61545-61552]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-21263]
Federal Emergency Management Agency
44 CFR Part 78
[Docket ID FEMA-2007-0003]
RIN 1660-AA00
Flood Mitigation Assistance
AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is adopting as
final, without substantive change, an interim rule that implements
sections 553 and 554 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of
1994. Section 553 authorizes a flood mitigation assistance program
through which FEMA is authorized to provide grants to States and
communities for planning assistance and for mitigation projects that
reduce the risk of flood damage to structures covered under contracts
for flood insurance. Section 554 establishes the National Flood
Mitigation Fund to fund assistance provided under section 553.
DATES: Effective Date: November 30, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cecelia Rosenberg, Mitigation
Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20472, (phone) 202-646-3321, (facsimile) 202-646-2719,
or (e-mail) cecelia.rosenberg@dhs.gov.
I. Background
Sections 553 and 554 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of
1994 (NFIRA) (Pub. L. 103-325, enacted September 23, 1994) (also known
as Title V of the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory
Improvement Act of 1994) amended the National Flood Insurance Act of
1968 (42 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.). Specifically, section 553 authorized the
Director (now Administrator) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) to carry out a flood mitigation assistance program, known as the
Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA). Through the FMA Program,
FEMA is authorized to provide grants to States and communities for
planning assistance and mitigation projects that reduce the risk of
flood damage to structures covered under contracts for flood insurance.
Section 554 required FEMA to establish the National Flood Mitigation
Fund (NFMF) to provide funds for flood mitigation program assistance
described in section 553. On March 20, 1997 (62 FR 13346), FEMA
published an interim rule implementing section 553 and 554 of the
National Flood Insurance Reform Act.
This final rule adopts, without substantive change, the regulations
established by the March 20, 1997 interim rule. It addresses the
comments received from the public in response to the interim rule, and
finalizes the regulations contained in 44 CFR part 78.
Records Management
The Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) listed in the March 20, 1997
interim final rule was 3067-AC45. Since FEMA became a component of the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FEMA's RINs were renumbered and
3067-AC45 became 1660-AA00.
II. Discussion of Public Comments
FEMA received seven public comments on the interim rule. The seven
commenters included five States, one local government, and one
association. The comments received, together with FEMA's responses, are
set forth below.
The Community Rating System. One commenter wrote that while it is
good that the Community Rating System (CRS) criterion may be a basis
for a floodplain management plan, CRS communities with repetitive loss
or floodplain management plans developed prior to the publishing of 44
CFR part 78 in March 1997 may not realize that their plans will require
modification to meet the new criteria of 44 CFR 78.5, and States and
regions should be counseled to closely review these older plans. The
commenter wrote that the CRS plan reviewer for the Insurance Services
Organization (ISO) should be consulted before any FEMA region approves
any CRS plans developed prior to 1997 for the purpose of receiving FMA
project funds unless the region or State carefully reviews them to see
that they meet FMA criteria. The commenter wrote that the States and
regions should accept nothing less than plan adoption by resolution of
the community's governing board. The commenter also wanted FEMA not to
accept as evidence of adoption a letter from the Mayor stating that the
community will follow the plan since the CRS criterion requires full
adoption by the governing board. The commenter thought that FMA should
be consistent with the CRS plan adoption process and require that all
local elected officials see the proposed plan and ratify it.
FEMA's Response: The CRS program is a voluntary program that
predates these regulations and creates an incentive for communities
that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to
implement floodplain management practices that exceed NFIP minimum
requirements. The CRS program, which was established in 1993, provides
credit for communities in the form of lower flood insurance premium
rates for property owners. The CRS has been and is currently operated
by FEMA through an agreement with ISO. The schedule of creditable
activities is described in its reference guide, the CRS Coordinator's
Manual available through https://www.fema.gov/business/nfip/
intnfip.shtm. One of the approved CRS activities that communities may
receive credit for is to develop a flood mitigation or repetitive flood
loss plan.
FEMA has addressed CRS plans developed prior to 1997 by
coordinating with CRS staff to ensure that all review criteria are
consistent with FMA and CRS plans. As a result, FEMA has accepted CRS
plans based on guidance provided in FEMA Publication No. 299: The FMA
Program Guidance (August 1997), as meeting the requirements of Sec.
78.5 as approvable local Flood Mitigation Plans. Further, ISO continues
to review CRS plans submitted by local communities against the
requirements of Sec. 78.5 if requested by a local
[[Page 61546]]
community. Such plans would then be forwarded to the State and FEMA for
approval as FMA plans.
Further, Sec. 201.6(c)(5) states that the planning process shall
include, documentation ``that the plan has been formally adopted by the
governing body of the jurisdiction requesting approval of the plan
(e.g. City Council, County Commissioner, Tribal Council).'' FEMA has
provided implementation procedures in the Multi-Hazard Mitigation
Planning Guidance under DMA2000 (Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000)
located at https://www.fema.gov/plan/mitplanning/index.shtm, which
describes how local executives and governing bodies can facilitate plan
approval according to local laws and procedures consistent with Sec.
Insurable structures. One commenter wrote that Sec. 78.1(b)
discusses assisting State and local governments in funding cost-
effective actions on ``insurable'' structures, while Sec. 78.12
discusses eligible types of projects as being ``insured structures.''
The commenter asked whether the regulation covers ``insurable''
structures or ``insured'' structures. Another commenter wrote that
since the State plan must be in place to address insurable structures,
this limits the State's eligibility for project money for State
agencies who do not have public buildings to protect or whose mission
does not involve the protection of private structures. A third
commenter asked if States that participate in the self-insurance
program are eligible for FMA project monies that affect State owned
facilities insured under their program.
FEMA's Response: The terms ``insurable'' and ``insured'' were used
in part 78 interchangeably. FEMA realizes it made a technical error in
using insurable and insured interchangeably as the two terms have
different definitions. FEMA intended to mean ``any structure covered by
an insurance policy underwritten by the NFIP.'' FEMA has revised Sec.
78.1(b) in this final rule by replacing ``insurable'' with ``insured.''
The authorized purpose for the FMA program is to reduce the risk of
flood damage to structures covered under contracts for flood insurance.
Furthermore, activities funded under FMA must be cost-beneficial to the
NFMF. Thus, self-insured structures within States participating in the
self-insurance program are not eligible to receive FMA project funds.
Use of Planning Grants. One commenter wrote that under Sec.
78.1(b), planning grants can be used to ``assess the flood risk and
identify actions to reduce that risk'' but the supplementary
information section of the interim rule on planning grants states that
the ``purposes of the planning grants is to develop or update a Flood
Mitigation Plan.'' The commenter asked if the State or the community
could receive a planning grant without actually developing a Flood
Mitigation Plan.
FEMA's Response: FEMA will only fund planning activities that will
result in a completed project, which in this case is a FEMA-approved
State or local flood mitigation plan. The language in Sec. 78.1(b)
states that FMA planning grants are intended to help State and local
communities assess the flood risk and identify actions to reduce risk.
The local mitigation plan is the process FEMA uses for the community to
assess flood risk and identify actions to reduce flood risk. Sections
78.4 and 78.5 define eligible planning grant activities. States may
only use FMA planning funds to develop State and local Flood Mitigation
Plans, which must be adopted by the governing body of the jurisdiction.
Definition of the term ``community.'' One commenter wrote that as
written, Sec. 78.2's definition of ``community'' could be interpreted
to mean that any jurisdiction, city, or county that does not have the
authority to adopt a building code or require zoning, even if that
jurisdiction, city, or county has a good floodplain management program
would not be eligible for participation in FMA. The commenter wrote
that numerous States do not give ordinance-making authority to county
level government. For example, in Texas, counties can participate in
the NFIP, and some have very strong floodplain management programs, but
without the ability to adopt building codes or regulate land use
through zoning, would this exclude them from FMA participation?
Additionally, the City of Houston has an active floodplain management
program with over 45,000 flood policyholders who pay over $16.5 million
annually in premiums; however, the city has no zoning (although they
have adopted a building code). Does a literal interpretation of the
regulation exclude the City of Houston from FMA eligibility?
One commenter wrote that although no one has explicitly included
regional agencies (e.g., regional planning commissions, urban drainage
districts, metropolitan sewer or sanitary districts, and similar
agencies) within the definition of ``communities,'' regional agencies
often manage sizable floodplain management programs and have their own
mitigation programs; thus, FEMA should consider regional agencies as
eligible applicants for grant funds. The commenter wrote that regional
agencies can also provide a great deal of planning and technical
assistance support to eligible communities.
FEMA's Response: FEMA has historically been flexible in providing
FMA planning and project subgrants to local flood control districts
that have the capacity to plan for and implement mitigation measures
but that may not have the delegated authority from the State to adopt a
building code or zoning ordinances. Local flood control districts
acting on behalf of one or more local communities would meet the
requirements of Sec. 78.3(b)(2) for the purpose of receiving FMA
subgrants. Further, FEMA would consider plans developed by local flood
control districts to be multi-jurisdictional plans. Section 201.6(c)
requires that multi-jurisdictional plans include: (1) Identifiable
action items specific to each jurisdiction requesting FEMA approval or
credit for the plan, and (2) documentation that the plan has been
formally adopted by a governing body representing each jurisdiction
such as a City Council, County Commissioner, or Tribal Council.
Planning Grant Approval. One commenter wrote that Sec. 78.3(b)(2)
says that the State point of contact can award the planning grants, but
that it is unclear whether FEMA approves the planning grants, because
Sec. 78.3(a)(2) states that the Director of the FEMA Region will
approve the Flood Mitigation Plans.
FEMA's Response: FEMA approves all eligible FMA planning grant
applications submitted by the State. The State in turn awards funds to
local communities as subgrants. Once the local community has completed
the plan, it is forwarded to the State for review and submission to
FEMA for approval in order for the local community to become eligible
to receive FMA project subgrants.
Procedures for forwarding planning documents to FEMA. One commenter
wrote that Sec. 78.3(b), which refers to alternative procedures
outlined in Sec. 78.14 that allow the community to coordinate planning
document directly with FEMA, seems to imply that these alternative
procedures have been formulated. The commenter believes that it is
vital that the procedures be finalized and published as soon as
FEMA's Response. The alternative application procedures provided at
Sec. 78.3(b) have been seldom utilized by local communities applying
for FMA project and planning grants. However, procedures on alternative
[[Page 61547]]
procedures were described in more detail in the FEMA 299 (``Flood
Mitigation Assistance Guidance,'') the original FMA implementation
Eligibility for Technical Assistance. One commenter wrote that
under Sec. 78.4(a), the State is eligible to apply for Technical
Assistance grants, and that FEMA Region VII has stated that the State
can pass the TA funds through to the local level (i.e., Council of
Governments) to administer the TA. Does this mean that local
jurisdictions are not eligible to directly apply for the TA funds?
FEMA's Response: States have been permitted to pass FMA technical
assistance funds through to the local level under Sec. Sec. 78.4(b)
and 78.8(c) as long as that amount does not exceed 10 percent of the
local community's project allocation from the State.
Increase Project Grant funds. One commenter wrote that the base
amount of $100,000 awarded to each State for Project Grants is
insufficient to perform any meaningful flood mitigation planning
projects. The commenter cited the project category of land acquisition
of insured structures and underlying real property, where, in many
cases, the cost of acquiring a single real property site may exceed
$50,000. As a result, the base amount of $100,000 awarded to a State
for Project Grants will only allow a State to do very small and
inexpensive projects that may not significantly impact a State's long
term goal to advance its flood mitigation program within the State.
FEMA's Response: FEMA agrees with the commenter, and will consider
removing the $100,000 base limitation in a future rulemaking.
The 5 year grant allocation of $150,000. One commenter asked if,
under Sec. 78.8(b), the State can apply once every 5 years for a
single planning subgrant of $150,000, and then carry over any
unobligated planning grant dollars to the next fiscal year until the 5-
year period expires. The commenter also asked if the State can submit
an application for a $150,000 planning grant and have FEMA make
separate subgrant awards in phases over 5 years, as long as the total
amount does not exceed $150,000 in 5 years. Another commenter wrote
that, per Sec. 78.9, if the maximum performance period for a planning
grant is 3 years, why does a State or community have to wait for 5
years to apply for another planning grant. Another commenter wrote that
since planning grants can only be issued to States once every 5 years
for an amount up to $150,000, the allocations presented to the States
will preclude most States from reaching the $150,000 ceiling if they
chose to accept the planning grant allocation in the interim final
rule. The commenter felt that the emphasis seems to be the issuance of
one grant, not the maximum of $150,000.
FEMA's Response: The State may apply for the full 5-year statutory
limit of $150,000 in one grant application if FEMA allocates that
amount to the State based on the formula provided in Sec. 78.8(a).
Further, the State may apply for multiple applications that total
$150,000 over any 5-year period. FEMA believes that the 3-year
performance period on planning grants is sufficient for completing and
gaining FEMA approval on an FMA plan, and this statutory requirement is
not related directly to the 5-year cycle on limits for FMA planning
funds. Finally, the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended
(42 U.S.C. 4104c) does not require that each State receive the maximum
$150,000 over any 5-year period.
Limits on FMA funds. One commenter asked if, under Sec. 78.8, TA
dollars are included in the $20 million maximum for project grants. Can
the $20 million be spread over 5 years? Do the awarded funds also have
to actually be spent within the 5 years? Another commenter wrote that
although he understood funding for the FMA project grant funding was
limited to $3,300,000 to any community over 5 years, setting arbitrary
limits on States or communities will only serve to stifle the overall
effectiveness of the program, and establishing such a low limit puts an
unnecessary restraint on the commenter's potential program.
FEMA's Response: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c) lists the statutory limits on FMA project
funds at $20,000,000. Since the FMA technical assistance allocation is
currently 10 percent of the project grant, all technical assistance
funds must be counted as part of the 5 year $20,000,000 for States.
FEMA does consider waivers of these statutory funding limits during
major disasters or emergencies declared by the President as a result of
flood conditions consistent with the National Flood Insurance Act of
1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c).
Eligibility of mapping projects. One commenter wrote that the
limitation regarding planning grants and floodplain map updates in
Sec. 78.9 is a concern. The commenter stated that current floodplain
maps and the provision of map information in digital format are
fundamental in estimating the population and structures at risk. The
commenter felt that flood mitigation plans will suffer without the
eligibility of funding updated floodplain maps to write them. The
commenter asked that FEMA reconsider mapping projects as eligible for
FMA planning grants.
FEMA's Response: FEMA is actively engaged in the development and
update of floodplain maps under a separate authority of the NFIP (42
U.S.C. 4101), and receives separate appropriations to digitize maps
under the Map Modernization program for use by States and local
communities in their floodplain management and mitigation planning
activities. FEMA determined that mapping activities under FMA to be a
duplication of programs; therefore, mapping activities are not included
in part 78. States and local communities receive funds for flood
mapping activities under the Cooperating Technical Partners Program
(CTP). The CTP is an innovative approach to creating partnerships
between FEMA and participating NFIP communities, regional agencies, and
State agencies that have the interest and capability to become more
active participants in the FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping Program. Also,
FEMA provides States and local communities with access to flood hazards
data including Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Letters of Map
Changes, and other technical documents through its Map Service Center
at https://msc.fema.gov/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/
Delay caused by FEMA final approval. One commenter wrote that under
Sec. 78.10, the project grant approval process, project applications
will be forwarded to FEMA for final approval, and FEMA will provide
funding on a project-by-project basis through a supplement to the
annual Cooperative Agreement (CA). The concern is that project-by-
project approval through the regional offices can be very time
sensitive and not conducive to accessing the FEMA dollars within the
performance period. Does project-by-project approval delay State access
to any of the 10 percent TA dollars associated with the project
FEMA's Response: FEMA currently awards FMA grants to States using
an e-Grant system, rather than through a CA. In 1997, FEMA opted to
award most non-disaster grant funds to States under the combined
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). However, FMA and other
FEMA non-disaster mitigation grants did not fit under the EMPG
structure. This is because the EMPG process was designed for awarding
and tracking non-construction
[[Page 61548]]
grants, and most mitigation grants, including FMA grants, are awarded
and tracked as construction grants. Therefore, FEMA developed a
Mitigation e-Grant system which grantees must use to apply for FMA and
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program grants, as required by the E-
Government Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-347) and the Federal Financial
Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999 (Pub. L. 106-107). States
receive one FMA grant award each fiscal year that includes project,
planning, and technical assistance subgrants. Each time a new subgrant
is awarded, the annual State grant is automatically amended in the e-
Grant system. States are awarded technical assistance funds based on
the total dollar amount of eligible FMA project applications. The e-
Grant system has facilitated the receipt of all FMA funds, including
technical assistance funds to States, in a timelier basis than at the
inception of the program.
Eligible types of projects. One commenter stated that a strict
interpretation of what encompasses an eligible structure under Sec.
78.12(a) could have a harmful effect on a community's Flood Mitigation
Plan. The commenter suggested program flexibility to allow communities
the ability to complete their plans; the commenter also suggested a
requirement that 90 percent of the properties have flood insurance.
Three commenters wrote that the phrase ``minor physical flood
mitigation'' in Sec. 78.12(g) needs a better definition. The term
``minor'' is subject to a great deal of interpretation. Commenters
suggested that FEMA establish a dollar cap ($100,000), determine a
scope of work limitation on this category of project, or further define
the term ``minor'' to clarify the type of project that is eligible for
funding. One commenter wrote that the term ``Beach nourishment
activities'' in Sec. 78.12 needs a better definition. The commenter
stated that more specific guidelines will reduce or prevent abuses of
FMA intent. Another commenter felt that the acquisition of insured
structures and the demolition and removal of insured structures on
acquired property per Sec. 78.12 should be considered as one type of
project in its entirety.
FEMA's Response: FEMA agrees that a strict interpretation of what
encompasses an eligible structure could be detrimental, and FEMA does
not dictate the definition of eligible structure. In fact, FEMA allows
local communities to conduct their own risk assessments in the process
of developing their local mitigation plans; these risk assessments can
include identifying eligible insured and non-insured properties for
future hazard mitigation projects. In response to the comment regarding
a 90 percent flood insurance requirement, if a local community chooses
to apply for an FMA project grant, all properties included in the
application must have an NFIP insurance policy in force at the time of
application. The local community can encourage an uninsured property
owner to become NFIP-insured in order to participate in an FMA
mitigation project that is otherwise cost beneficial to NFMF. In
response to the comment that ``minor physical flood mitigation'' be
better defined, the phrase is derived from the eligible mitigation
activities as stated in the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c):
Minor physical mitigation efforts that do not duplicate the
flood prevention activities of other Federal agencies and that
lessen the frequency or severity of flooding and decrease predicted
flood damages, which shall not include major flood control projects
such as dikes, levees, seawalls, groins, and jetties unless the
Director specifically determines in approving a mitigation plan that
such activities are the most cost-effective mitigation activities
for the National Flood Mitigation Fund.
FEMA does not place a funding limit on the amount a local community may
apply for an individual minor localized structural flood control
project, since the only limit provided by the statute is the 5-year-
statutory-funding limit of $3,300,000 on FMA projects funds for local
communities. FEMA expects to address the issue of beach nourishment as
well as the acquisition of real property and demolition or relocation
of buildings for open space in a future rulemaking.
Grant administration. Three commenters wrote that Sec. 78.13 makes
no mention about administrative costs incurred by grantees and
subgrantees as grant program participants. The commenters wrote that
this section is unclear as to whether or not State and local
governments are expected to bear these administrative costs (which can
be considerable) on their own or as part of the grant program. One
commenter recommended that this section be rewritten to state that the
administrative costs incurred by State and local governments can be
considered to be part of the non-Federal 25 percent cost share for an
eligible grant. Another commenter asked if the States received
administrative allowance funds to administer the FMA dollars, as States
do with the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). A commenter stated
that Sec. 78.13(a) penalizes States that may be willing to contribute
a Full Time Employee (FTE) dedicated to providing technical assistance
to other State agencies and communities. The requirement of a cash
contribution from States may prohibit many States from participating,
especially with the limited amount of funding available; the commenter
also opposes the 12.5 percent limit on in-kind contributions. One
commenter asked if time extensions are awarded under Sec. 78.13(c).
FEMA's Response: Currently, States are eligible to apply for FMA
technical assistance funds to pay State Program Manager salaries as
long as those amounts are directly allocable to the FMA program and do
not duplicate costs allowed under a State's indirect cost agreement.
Any amount reimbursed for salaries requires a 25 percent non-Federal
cost share, half of which must be provided as cash. The FMA cost-share
requirement for planning and project activities and management costs
remains consistent with current statutory requirements under the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4104c):
The Director may not provide mitigation assistance under this
section to a State or community in an amount exceeding 3 times the
amount that the State or community certifies, as the Director shall
require, that the State or community will contribute from non-
Federal funds to develop a mitigation plan under subsection (c) and
to carry out mitigation activities under the approved mitigation
plan. In no case shall any in-kind contribution by any State or
community exceed one-half of the amount of non-Federal funds
contributed by the State or community.
FMA grant performance periods may be extended consistent with the
guidelines provided in Sec. 13.23(b) and implemented in annual program
guidance at https://www.fema.gov/government/grant/fma/index.shtm and
consistent with statutory time limitations on FMA planning grants
provided in the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4104c). Generally, the performance period of FMA project grants
may be extended twice if work is in progress and if financial and
programmatic progress reports are current. FMA planning grants may be
extended one time within the maximum statutory 3-year performance if
work is in progress and if financial and programmatic progress reports
are current.
Fund rollover. One commenter requested additional information
regarding the appropriations rollover for FMA dollars to the next
fiscal year.
FEMA's Response: If Congress appropriates funds, States are awarded
FMA grants annually based upon State
[[Page 61549]]
target allocations. Congress historically has appropriated FMA funds
with a 2-year period of availability. FEMA will carryover FMA funds,
including technical assistance funds, once during the 2-year period of
availability, if the State has eligible projects that require further
benefit cost, engineering, or environmental review and that could not
be obligated during the first fiscal year. Eligible project, planning,
and technical assistance grants must be obligated within the 2-year
period of availability. The maximum recommended performance period for
FMA project and technical assistance grants is 4 years, and the maximum
statutory performance period for FMA planning grants is 3 years.
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number. A commenter
asked for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number.
FEMA's Response: The current CFDA number for FMA grants awarded
under part 78 is 97.029. The FEMA Assistance Officers and their State
counterparts are notified of the current CFDA number through annual
program guidance at https://www.fema.gov/government/grant/fma/
Plan revisions. A commenter asked if a community has to follow the
same procedure for developing and adopting the initial flood mitigation
assistance plan in order to submit a revision to the plan. One
commenter asked if an administrative revision to the local plan would
require public participation. Another commenter asked if the State can
approve a revision to the local plan or if FEMA must approve the
FEMA's Response: Under part 78, revisions to flood mitigation plans
are not required after initial approval of the plan. Further, there is
no FEMA requirement for public participation in administrative
revisions to flood mitigation plans. However, States may establish
their own policies and procedures on requiring and approving local plan
updates and/or administrative revisions.
Communities that have pre-existing plans. A commenter asked whether
communities that already have developed a flood mitigation plan can
obtain a planning grant to update or revise its flood mitigation plan
to fit FMA requirements.
FEMA's Response: States and local communities can apply for FMA
planning funds every 5 years for the purpose of plan updates and can
reapply for funds during the same 5-year period if the State or local
community has not exceeded the State limit of $150,000 or the local
limit of $50,000.
Approval time. One commenter asked for the amount of time that the
FEMA has to approve a revision to the plan.
FEMA's Response: Under the terms of the National Flood Insurance
Act of 1968 as amended, (42 U.S.C. 4104c), FEMA has 120 days to approve
any revisions or updates to the original FEMA-approved plan if such
revisions or updates are funded with FMA program funds.
The scope of mitigation planning. One commenter wrote that all
flood mitigation projects are, in fact, local projects, and that the
interim final rule places too much emphasis on community flood
mitigation planning as opposed to planning on an entire watershed
basis. The commenter wrote that the flood mitigation program should
encourage the development of a flood mitigation planning approach that
will take into consideration all relevant flood mitigation factors and
impacts within a watershed. The commenter wrote that FEMA can take the
lead in promoting a much more comprehensive solution to the nation's
flood mitigation problems.
FEMA's Response: Flood mitigation plans developed to meet the FMA
planning requirements may be multi-jurisdictional, such as a watershed-
based approach. Multi-jurisdictional plans include local planning
objectives submitted from each community or jurisdiction that would
have its local governing body adopt the plan for the purpose of
receiving FMA project funds.
State distribution of grant funds. One commenter wrote that States
should not have full discretion for determining the distribution of
available grant funding unless FEMA establishes and enforces clear,
specific, and objective criteria for rating and prioritizing the grant
applications, and that criteria is available to potential grant
applicants prior to development of their mitigation plans. In addition,
the commenter wrote that eligible jurisdictions turned down for a grant
by their State should be given the opportunity to appeal the decision
to FEMA and/or submit the application directly to FEMA for
FEMA's Response: FMA is a State-administered program, meaning that
States work with local communities to identify, select, and forward to
FEMA projects and planning activities that will reduce the risk of
flood damage to NFIP-insured structures based on detailed annual
program guidance provided at https://www.fema.gov/government/grant/fma/
index.shtm. Further, FEMA regional offices oversee the adherence of
States to the annual program guidance when awarding grants to
communities. FEMA does not use an appeals process for local communities
whose FMA subgrant applications are declined by their State. However,
if a State requests that FEMA review an FMA grant determination, FEMA
would re-examine prior planning grant decisions made by the State.
Furthermore, local communities are able to resubmit, the next fiscal
year, subgrant applications that have been declined.
Cost-effective mitigation measures. One commenter wrote that the
interim rule limited certain structure retrofitting that can be
employed as part of cost-effective mitigation measures. For example,
examinations of flood insurance claims histories for repetitive loss
structures may suggest minimal retrofitting efforts such as elevating
the electrical panel may remove repetitive loss and be more cost
effective and practical than elevating the entire structure.
FEMA's Response: FMA project grants may only be used to fund cost-
effective mitigation measures for individual properties, such as
acquisition or elevation, which provide a 100-year level of flood
protection. FEMA has determined that mitigation actions not resulting
in a 100-year level of flood protection for individual properties are
inconsistent with the requirements of the FEMA floodplain management
regulations provided in Sec. 60.3. Therefore, elevation and dry-
floodproofing activities, such as minimal retrofits for repetitive loss
properties recommended by the commenter, are not considered eligible
for FMA project funds if they do not result in a 100-year flood
protection for residential and non-residential properties.
Premiums. One commenter asked whether insurance premiums would be
reimbursable under the FMA program, as they are under the Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program. The commenter stated that reimbursed
insurance premiums were perceived as an incentive for maintaining
insurance during the acquisition program after the 1993 floods in order
to get property owners to accept FEMA buyouts.
FEMA's Response: Insurance premiums are not reimbursable under the
FMA program. For acquisition projects, HMGP provides States with the
opportunity to allow local communities to reimburse flood insurance
premium amounts to property owners. However, States and local
communities are not allowed to reimburse flood insurance premiums
amounts to participants in FMA acquisition projects because the flood
insurance policy is a requirement for program participation.
[[Page 61550]]
Tracking repetitive loss structures. One commenter wrote that the
Federal Insurance Administration should establish a method to track
acquisition of repetitive loss structures so that FEMA can adjust
allocation formulas to reflect the actual number of structures at risk.
The commenter wanted to ensure that FEMA is both tracking the number of
new repetitive loss properties as well as the number of mitigated
properties, so that target allocation amounts are computed in a fair
FEMA's Response: Since the inception of the Community Rating System
in 1990, FEMA has been tracking both new and mitigated repetitive loss
properties present in NFIP participating communities. New repetitive
loss properties are added through the FEMA insurance databases which
track claims data on all NFIP insured structures. Repetitive loss
properties are mitigated by several means including acquisition,
elevation, floodproofing, and structural flood control projects. FEMA
tracks these mitigated properties through the Bureau and Statistical
Agent (BSA) developed by the NFIP within its data mainframe to capture
and record both the reported mitigation action and the reported funding
sources used to achieve that mitigation action. As of June 30, 2007,
13,477 repetitive loss properties have been identified as mitigated in
some manner by the use of local, State, and Federal funds. This number
includes 1,372 mitigated properties which were partially or completely
demolished by fire, wind, flood, or other natural disasters for which
FEMA or another local, State, or Federal agency provided funds in order
to complete the removal of the original structure. FEMA tracks
mitigated and demolished repetitive loss properties in order to ensure
an accurate count of the remaining repetitive loss properties in need
of mitigation. Previously mitigated structures are not counted when
determining the need for future mitigation activities. FEMA uses the
most current data available on unmitigated repetitive loss structures
in order to determine FMA target allocations each fiscal year for
States and territories.
III. Regulatory Requirements
A. Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
FEMA has prepared and reviewed this rule under the provisions of
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. OMB has
determined that this rule is not a significant regulatory action. OMB
has not reviewed this rule. Under Executive Order 12866, a significant
regulatory action is subject to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) review and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Executive
Order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely
to result in a rule that may:
(1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the
economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public
health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants,
user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in
the Executive Order.
The interim rule published on March 20, 1997 at 62 FR 13346
established the regulations that this document makes final. FEMA
calculates the annual economic impact of the interim rule to be
approximately $40,000,000. As this final rule makes no significant
change to the interim rule, FEMA is adopting the $40,000,000 annual
economic impact estimate of the interim rule as the annual economic
impact of this final rule. The following paragraphs provide a more
detailed explanation of the economic impact of the rulemaking.
This rulemaking establishes the FMA grant system. States receive
one FMA grant award each fiscal year that includes three types of
subgrants: Project, Planning, and Technical Assistance subgrants. FMA
Project Grants are available to States, and NFIP-participating
communities and Indian tribal governments, to implement measures to
reduce flood losses. Up to 10 percent of the Project Grant may be given
to States as a Technical Assistance Grant. These funds may be used to
help administer the program. FMA Planning Grants are available to
States, and NFIP-participating communities and Indian tribal
governments, to prepare Flood Mitigation Plans.
The development of community flood mitigation plans is required as
a condition of receiving FMA project grants under Section 553 of the
National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, Title V, (Pub. L. 103-
325). Section 553 mandates that FEMA approve plans before awarding any
project grants to a community or State applicant. The purpose of the
planning requirement is to encourage communities and States to evaluate
the flood hazards in their jurisdiction(s) and devise a feasible
mitigation strategy to reduce the impacts of the hazard. As communities
implement these strategies, fewer flood losses to insured structures
will occur, resulting in reduced costs to the National Flood Insurance
Fund. There is no renewal requirement with respect to FMA plans, and
only communities are required to have approved FMA plans. There is no
such requirement for States.
There are 660 communities with approved plans. There were
approximately 60 approved per year from 1997-2005, with an annual
increase to 120 in 2006 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. For the
purpose of this analysis, FEMA is estimating that there will be 120
local plans that are developed and reviewed for approval each year.
FEMA estimates that it takes an average of 2,080 hours per local plan
to develop, resulting in 249,600 hours of work. The hours of work is
calculated as follows: 120 x 2080. In addition, all States must review
the local plans submitted. Assuming 120 local plans are submitted
annually and it takes 8 hours to review each plan, the total annual
burden for both States, local, and tribal governments would be 250,560
hours. Total annual burden is calculated as follows: ((120 x 8) +
249,600). Using wage rates from the May 2004, U.S. Department of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Standard Occupation Classification
(SOC) System, the median hourly wage for urban and regional planners
(SOC Code Number 19-3051) is $26.31 per hour. Adding 30 percent to the
BLS figure to account for benefits, FEMA has calculated the burden
using a wage rate of $34.20 per hour. Therefore, the total cost to
respondents to collect the information required in flood mitigation
plans in this rule is $8,569,152 annually. The total cost to
respondents is calculated as follows: (250,560 x $34.20).
The next cost implication of this rule is on the submission of FMA
grant applications. There are over 18,000 communities participating the
NFIP, however, the limited funding of the program will not permit
approval of a large number of applicants. The number of respondents
used to calculate the burden hours was, therefore, estimated to be 56
States and Territories x 4 subgrants per State = 224 + 56 States to
review, coordinate and forward grant applications to FEMA for approval
= 280 total respondents. Using wage rates from the May 2004, BLS SOC
System, the median hourly wage for urban and regional planners (SOC
Code Number 19-3051) is $26.31 per hour. Adding 30 percent to the BLS
figure to account for
[[Page 61551]]
benefits, FEMA has calculated the burden using a wage rate of $34.20
per hour. Using the Paperwork Reduction Act calculations approved by
OMB for ``FEMA Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate Grants
Administration Forms'' (OMB 1660-0025) and ``Flood Mitigation
Assistance (eGrants) and Grant Supplemental Information'' (OMB 1660-
0072), the burden hours for the collection of information for FMA
grants with supplemental information are estimated at 6,642 hours.
Therefore, the total cost to respondents to apply for Flood Mitigation
Assistance is $227,156 annually (6,642 x $34.20).
The total Federal appropriations available for the FMA program,
which establishes the annual award amounts, began at $12,600,000 in FY
1997/1998 and has slowly risen to $31,000,000 for FY 2007/2008. As the
March 20, 1997 interim rule established the FMA program, FEMA is
counting the $31,000,000 awarded as an economic impact of this rule, as
it represents a ``transfer'' from the Federal government. Therefore,
the annual economic impact of this regulation, including the cost to
prepare local plans, apply for grants, and the actual grant funds
awarded is $39,796,308, or approximately $40,000,000. The economic
impact is calculated as follows: ($8,569,152 + $227,156 + $31,000,000).
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (RFA),
as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996 (Pub. L. 104-121, 110 Stat. 857), FEMA is not required to prepare
a final regulatory flexibility analysis for this final rule because the
agency has not issued a notice of proposed rulemaking prior to this
C. National Environmental Policy Act
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.) (NEPA) implementing regulations governing FEMA activities at 44
CFR 10.8(d)(2)(ii) categorically exclude the preparation, revision, and
adoption of regulations from the preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact statement, where the rule relates to
actions that qualify for categorical exclusions. Actions to be
implemented under program regulations revised or adopted by this
rulemaking include structural mitigation measures. These activities are
categorically excluded under 44 CFR 10.8(d)(2)(xv) and (xvi). Thus, the
preparation, revision, and adoption of regulations related to these
actions are also categorically excluded.
D. Executive Order 12898, Environmental Justice
Under Executive Order 12898, ``Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations'' (59 FR 7629, published February 16, 1994), FEMA
incorporates environmental justice into its policies and programs. The
Executive Order requires each Federal agency to conduct its programs,
policies, and activities that substantially affect human health or the
environment in a manner that ensures that those programs, policies, and
activities do not have the effect of excluding persons from
participation in programs, denying persons the benefits of programs, or
subjecting persons to discrimination because of race, color, or
national origin.
FEMA believes that no action under this rule will have a
disproportionately high or adverse effect on human health or the
environment. This rule is intended to provide grant funding to States
and local communities to assist them with efforts to mitigate against
flooding. This rulemaking is intended to assist States and local
communities in reducing the adverse affects on human health or the
environment from flooding. Accordingly, the requirements of Executive
Order 12898 do not apply to this rule.
E. Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking
FEMA has sent this final rule to the Congress and to the Government
Accountability Office under the Congressional Review of Agency
Rulemaking Act, (``Congressional Review Act,'') Public Law 104-121.
This rule is not a ``major rule'' within the meaning of the
Congressional Review Act. This rule will not result in a major increase
in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal,
State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions. It will not
have ``significant adverse effects'' on competition, employment,
investment, productivity, innovation, or on the ability of United
States-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises. The
rule is not an unfunded Federal mandate within the meaning of the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, Public Law 104-4, and any
enforceable duties that FEMA imposes are a condition of Federal
assistance or a duty arising from participation in a voluntary Federal
F. Unfunded Mandates
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, enacted as
Public Law 104-4 on March 22, 1995, requires each Federal agency, to
the extent permitted by law, to prepare a written assessment of the
effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency rule that
may result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more
(adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year.
The rule is not an unfunded Federal mandate as any enforceable
duties that FEMA imposes are a condition of Federal assistance or a
duty arising from participation in a voluntary Federal program.
G. Executive Order 13132, Federalism
Executive Order 13132, entitled ``Federalism,'' (64 FR 43255,
published August 10, 1999), sets forth principles and criteria that
agencies must adhere to in formulating and implementing policies that
have federalism implications; that is, regulations that have
substantial direct effects on the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
Federal agencies must closely examine the statutory authority
supporting any action that would limit the policymaking discretion of
the States, and to the extent practicable, must consult with State and
local officials before implementing any such action. This rulemaking
creates an entirely voluntary grant program that may be used by States
and local governments to receive Federal grants for mitigation
projects, plans and technical assistance. States and local governments
are not required to seek grant funding and this rulemaking does not
limit the States' policymaking discretion. This final rule involves no
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
H. Paperwork Reduction Act
As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless the
collection of information displays a valid control number. This final
rule does not impose any new reporting or recordkeeping requirements
under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The regulations finalized by this
rule contain requirements for the submission of information contained
in OMB-approved collection titled ``Flood Mitigation Assistance--Flood
[[Page 61552]]
Plan,'' OMB approval number 1660-0075.
I. Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
FEMA has reviewed this rule under Executive Order 13175,
``Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments'' (65 FR
67249, published November 9, 2000). In reviewing the portion of the
rule which streamlines the mitigation planning requirements affecting
Indian tribal governments, FEMA finds that, while it does have ``tribal
implications'' as defined in Executive Order 13175, it will not have a
substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the
relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on
the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.
J. Executive Order 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference With
Constitutionally Protected Property Rights
FEMA has reviewed this rule under Executive Order 12630,
``Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected
Property Rights'' (53 FR 8859, published March 18, 1988) as
supplemented by Executive Order 13406, ``Protecting the Property Rights
of the American People'' (71 FR 36973, published June 28, 2006). This
rule will not effect a taking of private property or otherwise have
taking implications under Executive Order 12630.
K. Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
FEMA has reviewed this rule under Executive Order 12988, ``Civil
Justice Reform'' (61 FR 4729, published February 7, 1996). This rule
meets applicable standards to minimize litigation, eliminate ambiguity,
and reduce burden.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 78
Flood insurance, Grant programs.
Accordingly, for the reasons stated in the preamble, the interim rule
amending 44 CFR part 78 which was published at 62 FR 13346 on March 20,
1997, is adopted as final, with the following changes:
1. The authority citation for part 78 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 6 U.S.C. 101; 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; 42 U.S.C.
4104c, 4104d; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p.
376; E.O. 12148, 44 FR 43239, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 412; E.O. 13286,
68 FR 10619, 3 CFR, 2003 Comp., p. 166.
Sec. 78.1 [Amended]
2. In Sec. 78.1, paragraph (b), remove the word ``insurable'' and add,
in its place, the word ``insured''.
Dated: October 24, 2007.
Harvey E. Johnson, Jr.,
Deputy Administrator/Chief Operating Officer, Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
[FR Doc. E7-21263 Filed 10-30-07; 8:45 am]