Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Potato Provisions, 61273-61288 [E7-21238]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 72, No. 209
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of
new books are listed in the first FEDERAL
REGISTER issue of each week.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
7 CFR Part 353
[Docket No. APHIS–2006–0122]
RIN 0579–AC43
Export Certification for Wood
Packaging Material
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Affirmation of interim rule as
final rule.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
SUMMARY: We are adopting as a final
rule, without change, an interim rule
that amended the export certification
regulations to clarify that an
International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM
15) quality/treatment mark is an
industry-issued certificate and thus may
be issued only when the organization
applying the mark has entered into an
agreement with the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service. The interim
rule also removed all references to a
certificate of heat treatment from the
regulations because such certificates
have been replaced by the ISPM 15
quality/treatment mark. The interim
rule was necessary to ensure the
appropriate issuance of the ISPM 15
quality/treatment mark.
DATES: Effective on October 30, 2007,
we are adopting as a final rule the
interim rule published at 72 FR 35915–
35917 on July 2, 2007.
John Tyrone Jones II, Forestry Trade
Director, Phytosanitary Issues
Management Team, PPQ, APHIS, 4700
River Road Unit 140, Riverdale, MD
20737–1231; (301) 734–8860.
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rule 1
In an interim
effective and
published in the Federal Register on
July 2, 2007 (72 FR 35915–35917,
Docket No. APHIS–2006–0122), we
amended the export certification
regulations in 7 CFR part 353 by
clarifying that an International
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
No. 15 (ISPM 15) quality/treatment
mark is an industry-issued certificate
and thus may be issued only when the
organization applying the mark has
entered into an agreement with the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Comments on the interim rule were
required to be received on or before
August 31, 2007. We received one
comment by that date. The comment
was from a State department of natural
resources and supported the interim
rule. Therefore, for the reasons given in
the interim rule, we are adopting the
interim rule as a final rule.
This action also affirms the
information contained in the interim
rule concerning Executive Order 12866
and the Regulatory Flexibility Act,
Executive Orders 12372 and 12988, and
the Paperwork Reduction Act. Further,
for this action, the Office of
Management and Budget has waived its
review under Executive Order 12866.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 353
Exports, Plant diseases and pests,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Accordingly, we are adopting as a
final rule, without change, the interim
rule that amended 7 CFR part 353 and
that was published at 72 FR 35915–
35917 on July 2, 2007.
Done in Washington, DC, this 24th day of
October 2007.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. E7–21316 Filed 10–29–07; 8:45 am]
1 To view the interim rule and the comment we
received, go to
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Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
7 CFR Part 457
RIN 0563–AC05
Common Crop Insurance Regulations;
Potato Provisions
Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation, USDA.
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation (FCIC) finalizes
amendments to the Common Crop
Insurance Regulations; Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions, Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement, Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Processing Quality
Endorsement, Potato Crop Insurance
Certified Seed Endorsement, Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement, and the Central and
Southern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions. The intended effect of this
action is to provide policy changes and
clarify existing policy provisions to
better meet the needs of the insureds,
and to reduce vulnerability to fraud,
waste, and abuse. The changes will
apply for the 2008 and succeeding crop
years for the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement,
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement, Potato
Crop Insurance Certified Seed
Endorsement, and the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement. The Central and Southern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions
changes will apply for the 2009 and
succeeding crop years.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective
November 29, 2007.
Elizabeth Lopez, Risk Management
Specialist, Product Management,
Product Administration and Standards
Division, Risk Management Agency,
United States Department of
Agriculture, Beacon Facility, Stop 0812,
Room 421, PO Box 419205, Kansas City,
MO 64141–6205, telephone (816) 926–
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Executive Order 12866
This Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) has determined that this
rule is non significant for the purpose of
Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, it
has not been reviewed by OMB.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
Pursuant to the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35), the collections of
information in this rule have been
approved by OMB under control
number 0563–0053 through November
30, 2007.
E-Government Act Compliance
FCIC is committed to complying with
the E-Government Act, to promote the
use of the Internet and other
information technologies to provide
increased opportunities for citizen
access to Government information and
services, and for other purposes.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) establishes
requirements for Federal agencies to
assess the effects of their regulatory
actions on State, local, and tribal
governments and the private sector.
This rule contains no Federal mandates
(under the regulatory provisions of title
II of the UMRA) for State, local, and
tribal governments or the private sector.
Therefore, this rule is not subject to the
requirements of sections 202 and 205 of
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Executive Order 13132
It has been determined under section
1(a) of Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, that this rule does not have
sufficient implications to warrant
consultation with the States. The
provisions contained in this rule will
not have a substantial direct effect on
States, or on the relationship between
the national government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
FCIC certifies that this regulation will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Program requirements for the Federal
crop insurance program are the same for
all producers regardless of the size of
their farming operation. For instance, all
producers are required to submit an
application and acreage report to
establish their insurance guarantees and
compute premium amounts, and all
producers are required to submit a
notice of loss and production
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information to determine the amount of
an indemnity payment in the event of
an insured cause of crop loss. Whether
a producer has 10 acres or 1,000 acres,
there is no difference in the kind of
information collected. To ensure crop
insurance is available to small entities,
the Federal Crop Insurance Act
authorizes FCIC to waive collection of
administrative fees from limited
resource farmers. FCIC believes this
waiver helps to ensure that small
entities are given the same opportunities
as large entities to manage their risks
through the use of crop insurance. A
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has not
been prepared since this regulation does
not have an impact on small entities,
and therefore, this regulation is exempt
from the provisions of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605).
Federal Assistance Program
This program is listed in the Catalog
of Federal Domestic Assistance under
No. 10.450.
Executive Order 12372
This program is not subject to the
provisions of Executive Order 12372,
which require intergovernmental
consultation with State and local
officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR
part 3015, subpart V, published at 48 FR
29115, June 24, 1983.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in
accordance with Executive Order 12988
on civil justice reform. The provisions
of this rule will not have a retroactive
effect. The provisions of this rule will
preempt State and local laws to the
extent such State and local laws are
inconsistent herewith. With respect to
any direct action taken by FCIC or to
require the insurance provider to take
specific action under the terms of the
crop insurance policy, the
administrative appeal provisions
published at 7 CFR part 11 must be
exhausted before any action for judicial
review of any determination or action
by FCIC may be brought.
Environmental Evaluation
This action is not expected to have a
significant economic impact on the
quality of the human environment,
health, or safety. Therefore, neither an
Environmental Assessment nor an
Environmental Impact Statement is
On July 28, 2006, FCIC published a
notice of proposed rulemaking in the
Federal Register at 71 FR 42761–42770
to revise 7 CFR 457.142 Northern Potato
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Crop Insurance Provisions, 457.143
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement, 457.144 Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Processing Quality
Endorsement, 457.145 Potato Crop
Insurance Certified Seed Endorsement,
457.146 Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Storage Coverage Endorsement, and
457.147 Central and Southern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions. Following
publication of the proposed rule, the
public was afforded 60 days to submit
written comments and opinions.
A total of 91 comments were received
from 5 commenters. The commenters
were reinsured companies, an agent, a
trade association, an insurance service
organization, and other interested
parties. The comments received and
FCIC’s responses are as follows:
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Comment: A few commenters stated
that the proposed addition of Kansas,
San Juan county, NM; and ‘‘* * * any
other states or counties if allowed by the
Special Provisions’’ to the list of
counties/states that use the Northern
Potato Insurance Crop Provisions
appears to be an incorporation of
present policy rather than an actual
change since the 2006 Special
Provisions for Kansas and San Juan
County already refers to coverage under
the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions. The commenters stated that
with the addition of the text ‘‘and any
other states or counties if allowed by the
Special Provisions’’, it will need to be
made clear in the Special Provisions
whether the specific state and county is
covered under the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions or the Central and
Southern Provisions.
Response: The commenters are correct
that insurance in Kansas and San Juan
County, New Mexico was previously
allowed by the Special Provisions and
this merely codifies their inclusion.
Since Kansas is now included under
these provisions, a calendar date for the
end of the insurance period must be
added. After additional review, it was
determined that due to the agronomic
conditions in the state, the end of the
insurance period date needed to be
changed from the date published in
proposed rule. Once this final rule is
published, any additional states or
counties to be included under the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions will be specified in the
Special Provisions of the applicable
state and counties.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that the new language in the proposed
definition of ‘‘grade inspection,’’ that
states ‘‘produced or sold for’’ should be
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
revised to ‘‘produced for’’. The
commenters stated that in the Pacific
Northwest, some growers grow potatoes
for the open market and the potatoes
may be produced for a different purpose
for which they are sold. For example,
they may be intending to grow for fresh,
but they may change their minds if the
processor is paying a better price. Other
growers may be intending to go
processing, but they do not have a
processor contract, and they divert their
potatoes to the fresh market if the
quality and price is good. The
commenters stated that this language
does not have a big impact on the basic
policy, since the basic policy only
covers soft rot damage and freeze
damage, which is the same for fresh or
processing potatoes. However, it does
have a big impact on the Quality
Endorsement. The producer must select
their quality option based on the
intended use of the crop. The
commenters stated that their intended
use should be the basis for grading the
crop, not the use for which they are
sold. If the fresh potatoes are damaged,
they will most likely be sold for
processing. The commenters stated that
to prevent abuse, the Quality
Endorsement should state that
producers who are intending to grow for
the processing market as of the acreage
reporting date are not allowed to
purchase the fresh grades under the
Quality Endorsement. The commenters
agreed with the proposal to distinguish
between the different grading standards,
but recommend that, instead of
explaining what the U.S. Standards are
in this definition, a separate definition
for ‘‘U.S. Standards’’ or ‘‘U.S. Standards
for Grades of Potatoes’’ be created.
Within this definition, it also would
appear appropriate to include ‘‘intended
to be produced * * * ’’ This is because
the producer is now required to inform
the insurance provider of the insured’s
intention prior to any grade inspection
that would include one made for an
Response: The commenter is correct
that the definition of ‘‘grade inspection’’
should state, ‘‘produced for’’ and has
made this change. Producers should not
be penalized for attempting to mitigate
their losses by selling their damaged
potatoes in the processing market.
However, the commenter is also correct
that something needs to be done to
prevent producers who intend to sell
their crop for processing from
purchasing the fresh market option in
order to increase their indemnity.
Therefore, producers who are growing
potatoes for processing or chipping
should not be allowed to purchase
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protection under the fresh market
standards and FCIC has revised section
10 of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement
accordingly. There is no need to provide
a separate definition of ‘‘U.S.
Standards’’ or ‘‘U.S. Standards for
Grades of Potatoes’’. The term ‘‘grade
inspection’’ does not contain a
definition of U.S. Standards or U.S.
Standards for Grades of potatoes. It only
provides a reference so the reader will
know which standard is applicable.
Because those standards may change, it
would not be appropriate to include
them in this rule.
Comment: A few commenters
recommended optional units to be
allowed by type as well as by the
divisions allowed in the Basic
Provisions in the Unit Division section.
A commenter stated that since the
production for each potato type (red,
white, etc.) is stored and sold
separately, the proposed rule would
apply quality adjustment according to
the final use of the potato production.
The commenter stated that this proposal
might require further study before
implementation because of the effect it
might have on the premium rates (if
optional units are added by type but are
not elected by the insured, the basic
unit discount would apply). A
commenter stated that currently
production for each type is stored and
sold separately. Each type has a separate
end use, for example, reds are used for
table stock and whites are used for
chipping, and production records for
each type are being kept separate. The
commenter stated that the new
proposed rule is also adding language
for quality adjustments being made on
final use of the potato. It only seems
appropriate to allow the insured to have
separate units based on each type that
is listed in their respective Special
Response: Since no changes to the
Unit Division section were proposed,
the proposed changes would be
substantive in nature and the public was
not provided an opportunity to
comment on the recommended changes,
the recommendations cannot be
incorporated in the final rule. No
change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters had
concerns regarding the increasing of the
percentage of the price election from 80
percent to 90 percent for unharvested
acreage in proposed section 2(b). The
commenters stated that FCIC originally
included cost percentages for only 5
states. As most of the 5 states insure
potatoes grown under irrigation, which
would result in harvest costs being a
lesser percentage of the total, due to the
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increased costs for irrigation, the
commenters questioned whether these
percentages reflect all areas of potato
insurability. The commenters
recommended the percentage remain at
80 percent.
Response: This program change
recognizes reduced input costs for
unharvested production. Costs of
production budgets represent the best
available method for determining input
costs. FCIC reviewed all data available
including irrigated and non-irrigated
cost of production budgets. The harvest
costs were calculated as a percent of
total costs and 10 percent represents the
average cost for harvesting. No change
has been made.
Comment: A few commenters to
proposed section 2(b) referenced the
RMA Informational Memorandum
issued 1–13–00, which clarified
situations where the insured would not
qualify for 100 percent of the price
election even though the potato acreage
met the definition of harvested, and
recommended adding clarification to
the policy provisions.
Response: Although the informational
memorandum has expired, FCIC agrees
with the commenter and has included
information provided in the
memorandum into section 2(c). The
provision is revised to state that
potatoes that are lifted to the soil surface
but are not removed from the field for
will still receive the reduced price
election for unharvested acreage. The
provision also clarifies cases in which
potatoes are damaged to the extent
producers in the area would not
normally further care for the production
by clearly stating the reduced price
election will apply even if the producer
elects to continue to care for the crop.
Comment: A comment was also
received regarding section 2(c),
expressing concern with the text ‘‘will
be deemed to have been destroyed’’. The
commenter stated that in addition to the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions, this same phrase is found in
the Crop Provisions for: Central and
Southern Potatoes; Onions; Sugar Beets;
Sweet Corn (Fresh Market); Tomatoes
(Fresh Market); Tomatoes (Fresh
Market—GPP); and Tomatoes
(Processing). The commenter stated that
currently FCIC has advised this means,
‘‘No production will be counted against
such acreage’’ and that this would hold
true even if such acreage was later
harvested. The commenter stated that
this is contrary to section 11(e) of these
Crop Provisions, which states: ‘‘All
harvested production from the insurable
acreage * * *’’ is included as the total
production to count for the unit. This
should apply equally as well to the
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
amount of the appraised production
determined during an appraisal for
unharvested acreage. The commenter
asked that this text be revised and
clarified so all parties understand this
provision with the same meaning and
apply it equitably.
Response: While FCIC has not
proposed any changes to section 2(c),
revisions are necessary to conform to
the changes made in section 2(b). FCIC
has revised section 2(c) to clarify that
the reduced price election for
unharvested acreage applies when
producers in the area would not
normally continue to care for the crop,
even if the producer elects to continue
such care and has deleted the phrase
‘‘deemed to be destroyed’’. FCIC will
clarify other Crop Provisions containing
the ‘‘deemed to be destroyed’’ language
when proposed revisions are made.
When appraisals are required or when
there is harvested production, any
appraised or harvested production must
be counted, regardless of whether the
reduced price election is applicable.
Comment: A commenter
recommended removing section 2(c)
and allowing section 11 to take order of
precedence. If a loss is paid on acreage
and the insured later harvests those
acres, the loss should be reworked to
include the production sold from those
Response: Section 2(c) is necessary to
clarify situations in which the reduced
price election applies. As stated in the
response above, FCIC has removed the
provision relating to the crop having
been deemed destroyed and any
production to count must be determined
in accordance with applicable policy
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that section 9 be clarified
to indicate, ‘‘Fire due to lightning’’ (as
in the draft Tobacco Crop Provisions
Proposed Rule) or ‘‘Fire due to natural
causes’’ is covered (at least until the
‘‘Combo’’ Basic Provisions are issued
with the clarification that all insured
perils must be naturally occurring).
Response: FCIC has not proposed any
changes to section 9. Further, section 12
of the Basic Provisions already clearly
states all causes of loss listed in the
Crop Provisions must be due to a
naturally occurring event. No change
has been made.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that proposed section
11(d)(1)(iv) be revised to read as
follows: ‘‘Unharvested production,
including unharvested production on
insured acreage that you intend to put
to another use or abandon, or acreage
damaged by insurable causes * * *’’.
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This ties the intended use of both ‘‘put
to another’’ and ‘‘abandon’’ together.
Response: FCIC has revised section
11(d)(1)(iv) accordingly.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that under proposed section 11(e)(2),
they fully agree potatoes should be
sampled for quality at the end of the
insurance period if the Storage Coverage
Endorsement is not in effect. If the
Storage Coverage Endorsement is in
effect, the samples must be obtained
within 60 days of the end of the
insurance period. However, insurance
providers often have little control over
when the actual grading is completed
because state/federal graders do the
actual grading of the samples. The
commenters stated that it is possible
with a wide spread loss situation, the
state/federal graders would not be able
to complete the grading within 21 days
of sampling, and the growers should not
be penalized if this is the case. The
commenters stated that there should be
some flexibility built into this 21-day
grading period.
Response: The proposed policy for
1998 included a 7-day grading period.
The comments received for that
proposed rule requested a longer timeperiod. FCIC granted a 21-day timeperiod in final rule. The longer timeperiod was provided to give flexibility
to complete the grading process. In
addition, since the provision added to
the policy in 1998, FCIC is not aware of
any instances where the 21-day grading
period has proven to be inadequate as
a result of wide-spread losses. No
change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that under proposed section 11(e)(3) it
does not make sense for the basic policy
to state, ‘‘Prior to any quality
adjustment, you notify us of the
intended use of the potatoes so the
applicable United States Standards will
be applied.’’ The standards that apply
should be based on the quality option
the grower purchased.
Response: In some cases, it may not
be evident which standards should
apply based on the options a producer
purchased. A producer who purchased
the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Quality Option may grow for the
processing french fry market, and
another producer who elected the same
endorsement may grow for the chipping
market. In order to apply the proper
standard, a producer must notify the
insurance provider of the intended use.
No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters stated
the phrase, ‘‘Prior to any quality
adjustment, you must notify us of the
intended use * * *’’ in proposed
section 11(e)(3) makes it sound as
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though the insured is the one doing the
quality adjustment. The commenters
also recommended changing ‘‘* * * the
applicable United States Standards will
be applied’’ to ‘‘* * * the appropriate
United States Standards will be
applied’’ to avoid having ‘‘applicable’’
and ‘‘applied’’ in the same phrase, or
alternatively, ‘‘* * * the United States
Standards will be applied according to
the definition of ‘‘grade inspection’’.
Response: The commenter is correct
that the term ‘‘applicable’’ should be
changed to ‘‘appropriate’’ and has
revised the provision accordingly. FCIC
is not sure how the provision indicates
the producer is performing quality
adjustment. The provision only
specifies the time frame by which the
producer must provide notice of the
intended use of the potatoes so the
appropriate grading standards can be
used. The definition of ‘‘grade
inspection’’ makes it clear who will be
conducting the quality adjustment.
Comment: A few commenters
requested section 11(f) be revised to
state: ‘‘Potato production to count that
is eligible for quality adjustment * * *’’
The change should be made in section
11(f) since the first two phrases in
proposed section 11(g) and section 11(f)
are identical otherwise.
Response: FCIC agrees with the
commenters. Although not in proposed
rule, this is simply a conforming
amendment required for section 11(f) to
be consistent with the changes in
proposed section 11(g) since both
provisions were otherwise identical.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that, under proposed sections
11(g)(1) and (2), FCIC consider if the
various references in these subsections
to ‘‘(60 days after the end of insurance
period if the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable)’’ and two
references to ‘‘(61 or more days * * *)’’
could be moved to the Storage Coverage
Endorsement. That endorsement has the
different deadline and is of interest only
to those who take that endorsement. The
commenters stated that the remaining
provisions in the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions would be easier to
read without these parenthetical
interjections. Also, it would help to be
consistent in referring either to ‘‘the end
of insurance period’’ or ‘‘the end of the
insurance period’’ throughout.
Response: Proposed section 11(g)
provides the manner in which quality
adjustment will be conducted under the
policy. The Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement does not change this
calculation. It only adjusts the time
frame. Therefore, if FCIC were to
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
remove the parentheticals, it would
have to repeat the calculations in each
of the applicable endorsements which
would increase their complexity and
could result in potential conflicts. FCIC
agrees that the references to the end of
the insurance period should be the same
and has changed the references
throughout the Crop Provisions and
Endorsements to specify the ‘‘end of the
insurance period.’’
Comment: A few commenters asked
what is meant by the statement ‘‘* * *
Dividing the price that is received, or
will be received * * *’’ in proposed
section 11(g)(2)(i)(A). Oftentimes the
crop is put into storage and it will be up
to ten months before the crop is sold.
The commenters asked whether this
means the insurance provider should
hold the claim open until the crop is
actually sold. The commenters stated
that, with the volatility inherent in
potato pricing, insurance providers
cannot be expected to know what price
will be received 10 months after harvest,
and they cannot use a local market price
because that price will not reflect the
damage of the specific insured’s crop. If
insurance providers wait until the
potatoes are pulled out of storage and
sold, it will be almost impossible to
correlate production in the cellar with
sold production as there will be
shrinkage and rot showing up in storage
and the packing shed or processor will
likely blend between units before
providing price and production
information. The commenters stated
that the language that states the amount
of production will be the greater of the
amount determined off the charts or the
salvage value based on the price that
will be received will be impossible to
Response: There have been problems
in the past where the actual amount of
production sold exceeded the amount of
production used to determine the claim.
FCIC has a responsibility to ensure that
producers only receive the amount of
indemnity to which they are entitled.
Since the amount of production to count
is adjusted based on the price received
for the damaged production, the
insurance provider must establish the
value of the damaged production based
on the sales records when the crop is
sold. However, the use of the phrase
‘‘will be received’’ allows adjustment if
the producer and purchaser can agree
on a price even if the purchaser has not
paid for the crop yet. This will
minimize any delays in the loss
adjustment process. FCIC understands
the amount of production sold and the
amount in storage at the end of the
insurance period may not be the same
because there will be some production
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loss resulting from shrinkage, etc.
However, the loss will be based on the
amount of production determined in
accordance with section 11. The sales
records will only be used to establish
the price of damaged production for the
purposes of quality adjustment.
Comment: A commenter stated that
the potato industry and grower groups
have concerns with proposed section
11(g)(2)(ii) because combining the charts
is difficult or possibly not workable due
to the dramatic difference in the
causation and temporal impacts of
damage from events as different as
freeze and rot. The commenter stated
that it was not able to determine the
effect of this change on coverage as
there are different types of damages and
the proposed chart, which details the
changes and damages, is not published
with this proposed rule. The commenter
asked for an opportunity for discussion
with FCIC regarding a single chart to
handle these issues.
Response: FCIC combined the
adjustments for tuber rot and freeze
damage to adequately reflect the value
lost due to soft rot and freeze and to ease
the administration of the quality
adjustment provisions. The adjustment
factors were included in proposed
section 11(g)(2)(ii)(A) so any interested
party could determine the effects of the
changes on coverage. FCIC has
determined that although the causes are
dissimilar, the amount of damage and
effect of the damage is sufficiently
similar that it made sense to combine
these causes into one table to ease the
administration of the policy, especially
in cases where both causes of loss may
have occurred.
Comment: A commenter stated: that
the current policy allows producers the
opportunity to market potatoes even
when a qualifying loss exists. The
producer is allowed to accept 85 percent
of the indemnity and continue to market
the crop. This has been a positive aspect
to growers motivated to perform in the
market and positive to FCIC by reducing
the percent of indemnity paid. The
commenter states that the proposed
changes would remove the capability of
a grower to market the production while
receiving a smaller indemnity. The
commenter stated that the cost of the
program will increase as producers
maximize their indemnity and destroy
the production. The production to count
will decrease, as will their APH and
therefore their ability to properly insure
in the future. The commenter also stated
that the proposed rule creates timeline
limitations that may be unrealistic to the
grower’s normal market channels and
delivery period.
PO 00000
Frm 00005
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Response: In some cases, under
current quality adjustment provisions,
producers sold more production than
the amount used to determine the
production to count. For example, the
previous provision provided that only
15 percent of production would be
production to count when 10.4 percent
of the production had tuber rot and
production was retained by the
producer for more than 60 days after the
end of the insurance period. This
represented a vulnerability in the
program because FCIC only has the
authority to pay for actual production
losses. In cases where only 15 percent
of production is production to count,
the resulting indemnity payment
represents a significant loss of the crop.
If the producer is also able to market the
same production for fair market value,
the producer is receiving both an
indemnity payment and market value
on the same production. In order to
reduce this vulnerability, a change has
to be made in the policy provisions for
quality adjustment procedures. Now
producers will be paid an indemnity
based on the actual production to count
determined from the price received for
sold production or the price agreed to
between the producer and the purchaser
for production to be sold in the future
instead of the assignment of a set
amount of production to count. FCIC is
unaware of any timeline limitations
caused by this change. Producers may
still market their crop at any time.
Comment: A few commenters
commented on the prevented planting
provisions in section 13. The
commenters stated that they recommend
eliminating the option to increase
prevented planting coverage levels (in
the second sentence) and that FCIC
review the amount that is being paid for
prevented planting purposes. The
commenters stated that the 25 percent
payment rate may be excessive for
potatoes. The commenters stated that if
this sentence is retained, the reference
to ‘‘* * * limited or additional coverage
* * * should be updated to ‘‘* * *
additional coverage * * *’’
Response: Since no changes to this
section were proposed to section 13, the
recommended changes would be
substantive in nature and the public was
not provided an opportunity to
comment on the recommended changes,
the recommendations cannot be
incorporated in the final rule. No
change has been made.
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Quality Endorsement
Comment: A few commenters
recommended removing the references
to different deadlines in proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
sections 5(a)(1) and (2) and sections 6(a)
and (b), if the Storage Coverage
Endorsement is elected in accordance
with the comments provided to
proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Response: As stated above in response
to the same suggestion for proposed
sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, this
change would add complexity to the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage
Coverage Endorsement and would not
improve clarity. No change has been
Comment: A few commenters
recommended FCIC minimize the
repeated phrases in proposed section
5(a)(1) and in equivalent subsections of
the Northern Potato Crop Provisions.
The commenters recommend stating
‘‘For potatoes for which a price is agreed
upon between you and a buyer, or that
are delivered to a buyer with 21 days
* * *’’. Additional comments were
received regarding proposed section
5(a)(2)(i)(A). The commenters indicated
if a price has not been agreed upon, it
will not be possible for insurance
providers to know what price ‘‘will be
received’’ unless they wait to finalize
the claim until the production has been
Response: As stated above, it would
be more confusing and add more
complexity to the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement if the
provisions were moved. As stated
above, claims will have to remain open
until production is sold or a price is
agreed upon between the producer and
the purchaser. No change has been
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement
Comment: A few commenters
recommended removal of the proposed
definition of ‘‘percentage factor’’ since it
is also included in the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement.
Proposed section 2(a) states that this
endorsement also requires that the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement be in effect. Therefore,
there is no need to have this definition
in the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement as
Response: To avoid any potential
conflicts, there should only be one
definition of a term in the policy
documents unless exceptions are being
made. However, to enable the producer
to locate the definition, FCIC is
including a cross reference to the
definition in the Northern Potato
Quality Endorsement.
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Comment: A commenter inquired
about proposed section 2(b)(1), which
requires a copy of the processor contract
to be submitted on or before the acreage
reporting date. The commenter is
concerned the contract may not be
immediately available so as to comply
with this provision. In recent years,
contract negotiations have continued
into the planting season as a tactic to
force growers into completing the
negotiation process. Therefore, the
commenter states that there is a need for
a flexible time line for providing the
contract to FCIC.
Response: Since the acreage reporting
date is well after the final planting date,
most contracts should be executed by
the acreage reporting date. Additionally,
since insurance under the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Processing
Quality Endorsement is only provided
for acreage grown under contract, the
producer must know by the acreage
reporting date the acres that can be
reported for insurance under the
endorsement. No change has been made.
Comment: A commenter asked about
proposed section 5(b), which states that
the number of acres insured under the
endorsement will not exceed the actual
number of acres planted to the potato
types needed to fulfill the contract.
However, proposed section 5(a) states
all production of this type of potato
must be covered. The commenter stated
that excluding a small percentage of the
production, as in proposed section 5(b),
is contradictory to proposed section
5(a). As matter of production efficiency
growers will generally complete the
planting of a tract of land, particularly
under irrigated conditions, which may
create an uninsured portion of the field/
crop. Processors generally purchase the
‘‘overrun’’ production from these small
portions of the crop. The commenter
stated that making them ineligible to be
covered based on contract volume will
reduce participation under the
endorsement, reduce premium, and may
worsen the loss ratio for this
Response: FCIC has revised the
provision to indicate all acreage will be
insurable unless the number of acres
planted exceeds the amount necessary
to fulfill the contract. In that case, the
excess amount of acres will be insured
under the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement. FCIC
expects the number of acres not covered
under the processing endorsement will
be minimal and will not impact program
participation. Additionally, the acres
not covered under the processing
endorsement will still be covered under
the quality endorsement.
PO 00000
Frm 00006
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Comment: A commenter expressed
concern in proposed section 6(a)
regarding the requirement for
production to be rejected by the
processor. The commenter stated the
problem that potatoes cannot be
adjusted for quality if the potatoes are
not rejected and there are occasions
where the quality deficiencies (i.e.,
specific gravity, fry color and sugar
ends, and other internal quality
problems) result in a reduction of the
contract price the grower receives from
the buyer, not rejection. As a result,
some growers are being docked by the
buyer for these deficiencies but cannot
receive an indemnity payment. The
requirement for a letter of rejection from
the processor is not fair and essentially
denies the farmer his/her right of
ownership of the potatoes and the right
to receive indemnity payments from the
Response: FCIC has clarified section 6
of the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement to state
potatoes valued less than the maximum
price election because they do not meet
the quality standards in the
endorsement may qualify for quality
adjustment. FCIC has also separated out
the provisions that determine the
circumstances that must occur before
the potatoes are eligible for a quality
adjustment from the actual quality
standards and added a new section 7 for
clarity and ease of reading. Now the
provisions will allow quality adjustment
for potatoes that have been rejected by
the processor as well as those that have
been discounted below the base contract
price (and valued less than the
maximum price election) because they
do not meet any of the standards in
redesignated sections 7(a) through (d).
Comment: A few commenters
recommended including a definition for
‘‘rejected’’ under section 1 because most
processors have a sliding scale for
pricing that includes bonuses for
premium quality and reductions for less
than premium quality. For example,
even though the processor payment is
based on number two grade, the contract
may provide for a bonus if there are
greater than 40 percent number one
grade potatoes, and they may reduce the
base price if there are less than 40
percent number one potatoes in the lot.
The commenters stated that there is
confusion about whether to use the
salvage value if the potatoes receive less
than the base price. The commenters
stated that FCIC has provided
clarification on this issue, and the
adjustment only kicks in when the
potatoes are rejected. To be considered
rejected, the potatoes must be below the
minimum standards, and the growers
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
must be released from their contract.
The commenters state that the
clarification provided by FCIC needs to
be incorporated into the policy.
Oftentimes the processor will reject the
potatoes for being below the minimum
standards in the contract and then buy
them back. This is an acceptable
practice and the adjustment should
apply since the potatoes are released
and a new contract is negotiated. The
commenters recommended ‘‘rejected’’
be defined as not acceptable based on
the minimum standards in the contract.
Response: Clarification is needed with
respect to production to count for
potatoes failing to meet the quality
standards. To address this issue, FCIC
has revised the language to remove the
reference to rejection and include
adjustments to production to count
when potatoes are valued less than the
maximum price election for failure to
meet the quality standards in
redesignated section 7.
Comment: A few commenters stated
proposed sections 6(a) and (b) are so
lengthy they are difficult to follow. A
thorough revision could be difficult and
time-consuming, but a few small
changes might help somewhat. The
commenters recommended removing
some of the multiple references to ‘‘the
production to count * * * will be
determined’’ and similar phrases. In
addition, proposed sections 6(a)(1) and
(2) could begin ‘‘If a price. * * *’’
instead of ‘‘For potatoes for which a
price. * * *’’
Response: FCIC has revised the
proposed provision to eliminate
duplication. The proposed sections 6(a)
and (b) have been separated into
redesignated sections 6, 7 and 8 to make
them easier to read and to reduce
redundancy. Clarifications have also
been made in redesignated sections 8(a)
and (b) to make them easier to read.
Comment: A few commenters
objected to the language in proposed
section 6(a)(2)(i)(A) referring to the
‘‘price that is received, or will be
received.’’ The commenters state that
the old language is preferable. The old
language said if a price is not received
or agreed upon in writing, production to
count will be determined in accordance
with the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement. The
commenters stated that this new
language is really confusing (see
comments above for section
11(g)(2)(i)(A) of the Northern Potato
Crop Provision).
Response: As stated above, claims
cannot be finalized until after a price
has been determined for damaged
production. The provision states
‘‘received’’ or ‘‘will be received’’
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because a price may have been settled
on, but the actual financial transaction
may not yet have taken place. In cases
where there is no price received and
there is no agreed upon price, the claim
must remain open until the price is
Comment: A few commented on
proposed sections 6 and 7, regarding the
possibility of moving the references to
different deadlines if the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Storage
Endorsement is elected. The commenter
referred to the comments provided to
proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions and
proposed section 5(a)(1) and (2) and 6(a)
and (b) of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement.
Response: As stated above, moving
the deadlines will not improve clarity
and will add complexity to the other
endorsements. No change has been
Comment: A few commented
regarding proposed section 8
(redesignated section 9) and asked FCIC
to consider moving instructions for
determining any quality adjustment to
section 6 or possibly put into a
definition of ‘‘U.S. Standards,’’ as
suggested for the Northern Potato Crop
Provisions above. Proposed section 8
states (redesignated section 9) ‘‘all
quality determinations must be based
upon a grade inspection using the
United States Standards for Grades of
Potatoes for Processing or Chipping.’’
Response: It is not practical to put the
definition of such standards because
they are not determined by FCIC and the
policy must be able to quickly adjust to
any changes made to the standards by
the applicable government agency.
Therefore, the policy contains a
reference to the standards that are used.
However, redesignated section 9 has
been changed to include United States
Standards for Grades of Potatoes for
Processing or the United States
Standards for Grades of Potatoes for
Comment: A few commented
regarding proposed section 9
(redesignated section 10). The
commenters question whether the
changes are necessary and asked if the
statements in the actuarial documents
also will be revised to ‘‘U.S. No. 1
grade’’ and ‘‘U.S. No. 2 grade’’. This
same change was not made in section 10
of the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Quality Endorsement.
Response: FCIC made changes for
clarification purposes and will make the
same changes in the section 10 of the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement, as well as the actuarial
PO 00000
Frm 00007
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Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed
Comment: A few commenters had
concerns with provision proposed in
section 1 that stated ‘‘Any additional
premium paid for coverage under the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement will not apply to the
additional coverage provided under the
terms of this endorsement’’. The
commenters are concerned that while
the Background explanation in the
proposed rule makes it clear the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Certified Seed Endorsement extends the
time-period to discover damage beyond
harvest that results from a cause of loss
that occurred during the insurance
period, the actual endorsement does not
make this clear. The commenters point
out that section 8 stated, ‘‘Nothing
herein extends the insurance period
beyond the time period specified in
section 8 of the Northern Potato Crop
Provisions and section 11 of the Basic
Provisions.’’ The commenters also
stated that there should be something in
the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Certified Seed Endorsement that
overrides section 14(c) of the Basic
Provisions, which states you must
submit a claim for indemnity declaring
the amount of your loss not later than
60 days after the end of the insurance
period unless you request an extension
in writing. The commenters stated that
the section references in redesignated
sections 4 and 7 needs to be revised as
Response: Although notification of
failure to make certified seed can occur
after the end of the insurance period,
the damage and insured cause of loss
must occur within the insurance period.
FCIC has revised the provision to make
it clear that the insurance period under
this endorsement has not been
extended. The section references in
redesignated sections 4 and 7 should be
corrected and FCIC has done so.
Redesignated section 8 was also revised
to clarify the time-period for the
producer to submit any claim.
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Comment: A commenter requested
that sub-lethal freeze become an
insurable cause of loss under the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage
Coverage Endorsement. The commenter
further stated that freeze should be
covered in storage. Sub-lethal freezing
does not show up during harvest, and
can be confused with soft rot by graders
who are grading potatoes under the
storage coverage. The commenter
recommends the freeze damage that was
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
not apparent at harvest, but becomes
apparent in storage be covered under
the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Storage Coverage Endorsement and the
storage coverage rates increased
accordingly to cover this risk.
Response: Freeze damage that occurs
in the field is apparent at harvest and
there is no need to extend discovery
period for freeze. According to industry
experts sub lethal freeze can also be
detected at harvest. If the tuber is cut
open, it will brown much faster than a
tuber that is not damaged. Therefore, to
the extent this damage can be detected
at harvest it would be covered as freeze
damage. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters had
concerns with proposed section 5(c)(2)
and recommended allowing some
flexibility regarding the 21-day grading
period because it is possible state or
federal graders will not be able to
complete grading within this time
Response: The proposed policy for
1998 included a 7-day time-period. In
response to requests at that time to
extend the time-period, a 21-day period
was granted. The longer time-period
was provided to give flexibility to
complete the grading process. Since it is
unlikely that all of the sampling will
take place at the same time, the grading
time-period of 21 days should not be a
hindrance. In addition, FCIC is not
aware of any problems with the grading
time-period and, therefore, does not see
a need to extend the time allotment. No
change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters were in
favor of reducing the storage period.
Proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions, and the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement require samples to be
obtained within 60 days of the end of
insurance period. However, FCIC notes
on page 42764 of the Proposed Rule
that, ‘‘several potato industry experts
state that virtually all damage that
occurs within the insurance period will
become apparent within 45 days after
production is harvested’’. Based on this,
the commenters recommended the timeperiod be reduced from the current 60
days to 45 days.
Response: While FCIC has revised the
provision to be more clear, FCIC has not
proposed to revise the 60-day period for
discovery of damage that occurred
during the insurance period. Since a
change in the discovery period would
be a substantive change and the public
was not provided an opportunity to
comment, FCIC cannot make the
recommended change.
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Comment: A comment was received
stating that FCIC is incorrect when it
concluded that no extension of the 60
day storage coverage period was
necessary because ‘‘several potato
industry experts state virtually all
damage that occurs within the covered
insurance period will become apparent
within 45 days after production is
harvested.’’ The commenter stated that
the findings from this review actually
present the contrary result and are
exactly why the coverage is needed.
Problems occur in storage that are
caused by problems that occurred in the
field that may be unrecognizable at
harvest. With today’s improved
technology and storage capabilities,
field problems may not display
themselves until a later time.
Differences in production, storage, and
management cannot ensure that
virtually all damage will become
apparent within 45 days of harvest. It is
impossible to predict with 100 percent
certainty how each crop will react when
put into storage.
Response: It is possible that it may
take longer than 45 days to discover all
possible damage that occurred during
the insurance period. FCIC did not
propose to reduce the period to 45 days
for this reason. At the request of
producers, RMA reviewed the storage
coverage issue in detail and determined
the current provision of the 60-day
discovery period is sufficient. FCIC did
not discover any evidence of any
damage that cannot be discovered
within the current 60 day period. No
change has been made.
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions
Comment: A few commenters stated
that with the addition of the text ‘‘and
any other states or counties if allowed
by the Special Provisions’’, it will need
to be made clear in the Special
Provisions whether the specific state
and county is covered under the Central
and Southern Potato Crop Insurance
Response: Once the final rule is
published, any additional states or
counties to be included under the
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions will be specified
in the appropriate Special Provisions.
Comment: A commenter provided the
same comments they did to the
Northern Potato Insurance Crop
Provisions regarding the definition of
‘‘grade inspection’’, ‘‘unit division’’, the
increase in price election from 80
percent to 90 percent for unharvested
acreage, and naturally occurring causes
of loss.
PO 00000
Frm 00008
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Response: FCIC reiterates its
responses here and to the extent that it
has made changes in the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, the
same changes will be made to the
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions.
Comment: A few commented
regarding proposed section 4(c). The
commenters did not think it is necessary
to add a fourth contract change date for
the states and counties covered under
the Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions. Even if a fifth
cancellation/termination date is deemed
necessary, as proposed in section 5, the
states with the new January 31
cancellation/termination date could stay
under the September 30 contract change
date, with the states/counties with a
cancellation/termination date of
November 30 or December 31.
Response: The commenter is correct
and the states and counties covered
under the cancellation and termination
date of January 31 will remain under the
September 30 contract change date.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that they do not think that the states of
Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North
Carolina and Virginia need to have a
cancellation/termination date of January
31, but should continue to be included
under the December 31 date.
Response: This change was requested
from interested parties who felt that
January 31 would more accurately
reflect the growing conditions in those
areas. FCIC reviewed the request and
determined that the January 31 date was
more appropriate.
Comment: A few commenters had
concerns with proposed section
10(b)(1). The commenters asked FCIC to
consider revising the last phrase from
‘‘* * * occurs after potatoes have been
placed in storage’’ to ‘‘* * * occurs or
becomes evident in storage’’ to match
the earlier phrase and to match the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Response: FCIC changed the provision
Comment: A comment was received
regarding section 12(d)(1)(iv). The
commenter stated it appears there
should be reference made to section
12(e) within this section because
unharvested, appraised production is
also determined based on section 12(e).
Response: FCIC is not clear what is
meant by this comment. Reference is
already made to section 12(e) in section
12(d)(1)(iv). No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters had
concern regarding section 12(d)(1)(iv)–
(v). The commenter asked if these
provisions should be revised as
proposed in the Northern Potato Crop
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Insurance Provisions (i.e., reworded and
combined into one).
Response: Both the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions and the
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions should have the
consistent language where it is
appropriate and feasible to do so.
Section 12(d)(iv) will be revised and
section 12(d)(v) will be deleted in the
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions to be consistent
with the language in the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions.
Comment: A comment was received
regarding section 12(d)(2). The
commenter indicated the language in
this subsection is not the same as in the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions and
recommended that one or both be
revised to match. The Central/Southern
Crop Insurance Provisions state ‘‘All
harvested production from the insurable
acreage determined in accordance with
section 12(e)(1).’’ However, the
Northern Crop Insurance Provisions
state ‘‘All harvested production from the
insurable acreage (the amount of
production prior to the sorting or
discarding of any production).’’
Response: This provision cannot be
made consistent. In the Central and
Southern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions, only ‘‘marketable lots’’ of
potatoes are included as production to
count. In the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, all harvested
production is counted but can be
adjusted for quality deficiencies. No
change has been made.
Comment: A comment was received
regarding the first paragraph of
proposed section 12(e). The commenter
recommended removing the phrase
‘‘With the exception of production with
external defects’’. This sentence
currently gives the impression that this
section does not pertain to those
potatoes that have external defects,
which is not accurate. Also, as the
proposed rule reads, this section is not
specific as to how internal defect
determinations are made. The
commenters recommend changing
proposed section 12(e)(6)(ii) to read
‘‘Does not meet the standards of grading
U.S. No. 2 or better on a field run
sample due to internal defects; or’’. The
commenter believes this change would
clarify how samples are to be taken to
determine quality when internal defects
are in question.
Response: Clarification is needed
regarding production with external
defects. The provisions have been
revised to clarify how such production
will be handled for claims purposes.
Further, section 12(e) specifically
requires adjustments to be based on
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grade inspections, which determine the
manner in which samples are to be
taken. Therefore, the recommended
change is not necessary.
Comment: A comment was received
regarding proposed section 12(e)(1). The
commenter disagreed with the revised
text and recommend retaining the
provision currently being used. The
revised text now allows a determination
of practical to separate production for
unharvested production. This should
not be allowed as unharvested
production can always be separated.
Response: Only those potatoes not
grading U.S. No. 2 due to external
defects are eligible for an adjustment. It
does not matter whether the acreage is
harvested or not. Further, the
determination of whether it is practical
to separate production is not dependent
upon whether production is harvested
or unharvested. The ability to separate
production depends on the kind of
damage that occurred and the method
available to separate the damaged
production. No change has been made.
Comment: A question was asked
regarding proposed section 12(e)(3). The
commenter asked if there is any concern
in the situation where a grade
inspection must be made for
unharvested, appraised production, the
insured will always state his/her
intended use will be the use that
provides the most favorable grading
standards for the insured. The producer
will not be harvesting the production
and the true intended use will not be
Response: There is some concern the
producer may specify the most favorable
standard. However, given the fact a
standard must be used to grade the
potatoes, a standard must be identified.
Every attempt should be made to use the
most appropriate standard. For example,
the type of potato produced could
determine the standard used. If the type
is for multiple uses and there is concern
about which standard to apply, the
insurance provider can ask for previous
records and make a determination based
on previous production history. The
provision has been revised accordingly.
FCIC has also similarly revised the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Comment: A comment was received
regarding proposed section 12(e)(3). The
commenter suggested the text requiring
the insured to indicate the intended use
prior to a grade inspection included in
section 11 (Duties in the Event of
Damage or Loss).
Response: The placement of the
provision under section 11, Duties in
the Event of a Loss, does not
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substantially improve or clarify the
provision. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commented
regarding the prevented planting
provisions. The commenters
recommend eliminating the option to
increase prevented planting coverage
levels (in the second sentence), as well
as reviewing the amount that is being
paid for prevented planting purposes
(the 25 percent payment rate may be
excessive for potatoes). However, if this
sentence is retained, the reference to
‘‘* * * limited or additional coverage
* * *’’ should be updated to ‘‘* * *
additional coverage * * *’’
Response: Since no changes to this
section were proposed, the
recommended changes are substantive
in nature, and the public was not
provided an opportunity to comment on
the recommended changes, the
recommendations cannot be
incorporated in the final rule. No
change has been made.
In addition to the changes described
above, FCIC has made minor editorial
changes and the following changes:
1. In all policies, standardized the
references to the ‘‘Northern Potato Crop
Provisions,’’ ‘‘Northern Potato Quality
Endorsement,’’ ‘‘Northern Potato
Processing Quality Endorsement,’’
‘‘Potato Certified Seed Endorsement,’’
and ‘‘Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions (§ 457.142)
1. Revise the definition of ‘‘grade
inspection’’ to include a standard ‘‘for
all other potatoes, The United States for
Grades of Potatoes’’ and to include the
‘‘United States Standards of Potatoes for
Seed’’. This change is needed to
recognize the separate U.S. quality
standard for grading seed potatoes.
2. Revise the end of the insurance
period in Kansas to October 25.
Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed
Endorsement (§ 457.145)
1. Corrected the citation in
redesignated section 3 by replacing the
number 5 with the number 4.
2. Amend redesignated section 4 by
adding paragraphs (a) and (b). These
provisions were inadvertently omitted
in the previous version.
Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions (§ 457.147)
1. Correct the spelling of ‘‘Gains’’ to
Gaines County, Texas in section 9(e).
2. Amend section 9 by revising
paragraphs (a) through (e) and adding a
new paragraph (f) to change the end of
insurance dates for North Carolina and
Virginia. Requests were received from
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
state agriculture agencies and state
extension personnel to extend the end
of the insurance period in these states.
According to industry experts, changes
in cultural practices have extended
harvesting past the current dates.
Therefore, certain varieties will require
the extension of the end of the
insurance period so adequate insurance
protection can be offered. Although this
information was received after the
proposed rule was published, this
change would give the producers
sufficient time to complete harvest
without going beyond the insurance
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 457
Crop insurance, Potatoes, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Final Rule
Accordingly, as set forth in the
preamble, the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation amends 7 CFR part 457
effective for the 2008 and succeeding
crop years for the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement,
Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement, Potato
Crop Insurance Certified Seed
Endorsement, and the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Storage Coverage
Endorsement. The Central and Southern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions
changes will apply for the 2009 and
succeeding crop years as follows:
1. The authority citation for 7 CFR
part 457 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(p).
2. Amend § 457.142 as follows:
a. Revise the introductory text;
b. Remove the paragraph regarding
document priority immediately
preceding section 1 and revise the
remaining paragraph below the heading
‘‘Northern Potato Crop Provisions’’ and
before section 1;
I c. Amend section 1 by revising the
definitions of ‘‘Certified seed’’ and
‘‘Grade inspection’’, adding the
definition of ‘‘Potato certified seed
program’’, and removing the definitions
of ‘‘Processor contract’’ and ‘‘Reduction
I d. Amend section 2 by revising
paragraphs (b) and (c);
I e. Amend section 8 by revising
paragraphs (d) and (e), and adding a
new paragraph(f); and
I f. Amend section 11 as follows:
I A. Revise paragraph (b)(7);
I B. Remove paragraph (d)(1)(iv),
redesignate paragraph (d)(1)(v) as
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(d)(1)(iv) and revise newly redesignated
paragraph (d)(1)(iv) introductory text;
I C. Revise paragraph (e)(2);
I D. Add new paragraph (e)(3);
I E. Revise paragraph (f);
I F. Revise paragraph (g); and
I G. Remove paragraph (h).
The added and revised text reads as
accordance with procedure issued by
Potato certified seed program. The
state program administered by a public
agency responsible for the seed
certification process within the state in
which the seed is produced.
§ 457.142 Northern potato crop insurance
2. Insurance Guarantees, Coverage
Levels, and Prices for Determining
The Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions for the 2008 and succeeding
crop years are as follows:
These provisions will be applicable
in: Alaska; Humboldt, Modoc, and
Siskiyou Counties, California; Colorado;
Connecticut; Idaho; Indiana; Iowa;
Kansas; Maine; Massachusetts;
Michigan; Minnesota; Montana;
Nebraska; Nevada; San Juan County,
New Mexico; New York; North Dakota;
Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode
Island; South Dakota; Utah; Washington;
Wisconsin; and Wyoming; and any
other states or counties if allowed by the
Special Provisions.
1. Definitions
Certified seed. Potatoes that were
entered into the potato certified seed
program and that meet all requirements
for production to be used to produce a
seed crop for the next crop year or a
potato crop for harvest for commercial
uses in the next crop year.
Grade inspection. An inspection in
which samples of production are
obtained by us, or a party approved by
us, prior to the sale, storage, or disposal
of any lot of potatoes, or any portion of
a lot and the potatoes are evaluated and
quality (grade) determinations are made
by us, a laboratory approved by us, or
a potato grader licensed or certified by
the applicable State or the United States
Department of Agriculture, in
accordance with the United States
Standards for Grades of Potatoes. The
United States standards used to
determine the quality (grade)
deficiencies will be: For potatoes
produced for chipping, the United
States Standards for Grades of Potatoes
for Chipping; for potatoes produced for
processing, the United States Standards
for Grades of Potatoes for Processing; for
potatoes produced for seed, the United
States Standards for Grades of Seed
Potatoes; and for all other potatoes, the
United States Standards for Grades of
Potatoes. The quantity and number of
samples required will be determined in
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(b) If the production from any acreage
of the insured crop is not harvested, the
price used to determine your indemnity
will be 90 percent of your price election.
This requirement is not applicable to
the certified seed endorsement price
(c) The price election for unharvested
acreage will apply to any acreage of
potatoes damaged to the extent that
similarly situated producers in the area
would not normally care for the
potatoes even if you choose to continue
to care for or harvest them. Potatoes that
are lifted to the soil surface and not
removed from the field will also receive
the price election for unharvested
8. Insurance Period
(d) October 20 in Maine;
(e) October 25 in Kansas; and
(f) October 31 in Humboldt, Modoc,
and Siskiyou Counties, California;
Connecticut; Idaho; Massachusetts; San
Juan County, New Mexico; New York;
Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode
Island; and Washington.
11. Settlement of Claim
(b) * * *
(7) Multiplying the result of section
11(b)(6) by your share.
For example:
You have a 100 percent share in 100
harvested acres of potatoes in the unit,
with a guarantee of 150 hundredweight
per acre and a price election of $4.00
per hundredweight. You are only able to
harvest 10,000 hundredweight. Your
indemnity would be calculated as
(1) 100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee;
(2) 15,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $60,000.00 value of
(4) 10,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $40,000.00 value of
production to count;
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(6) $60,000.00 ¥ $40,000.00 =
$20,000.00 loss; and
(7) $20,000.00 × 100 percent =
$20,000.00 indemnity payment.
You also have a 100 percent share in
100 unharvested acres of potatoes in the
same unit, with a guarantee of 150
hundredweight per acre and a price
election of $3.60 per hundredweight.
(The price election for unharvested
acreage is 90.0 percent of your elected
price election ($4.00 × 0.90 = $3.60.))
This unharvested acreage was appraised
at 35 hundredweight per acre for a total
of 3500 hundredweight as production to
count. Your total indemnity for the
harvested and unharvested acreage
would be calculated as follows:
(1) 100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee for the
harvested acreage, and
100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee for the
unharvested acreage;
(2) 15,000 hundredweight guarantee ×
$4.00 price election = $60,000.00 value
of guarantee for the harvested acreage,
15,000 hundredweight guarantee ×
$3.60 price election = $54,000.00 value
of guarantee for the unharvested
(3) $60,000.00 + $54,000.00 =
$114,000.00 total value of guarantee;
(4) 10,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $40,000.00 value of
production to count for the harvested
acreage, and 3500 hundredweight ×
$3.60 = $12,600.00 value of production
to count for the unharvested acreage;
(5) $40,000.00 + $12,600.00 =
$52,600.00 total value of production to
(6) $114,000.00 ¥ $52,600.00 =
$61,400.00 loss; and
(7) $61,400.00 loss × 100 percent =
$61,400.00 indemnity payment.
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) Unharvested production,
including unharvested production on
insured acreage you intend to put to
another use or abandon, or acreage
damaged by insurable causes and for
which you cease to provide further care,
if you and we agree on the appraised
amount of production. Upon such
agreement, the insurance period for that
acreage will end when you put the
acreage to another use or cease
providing care for the crop. This
unharvested production may be
adjusted in accordance with sections
11(e), (f), and (g); and the value of all
unharvested production will be
calculated using the reduced price
election determined in section 2(b). If
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agreement on the appraised amount of
production is not reached:
(e) * * *
(2) A grade inspection is completed
no later than 21 days after the end of the
insurance period (if the Northern Potato
Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable, samples must be obtained
within 60 days after the end of the
insurance period and quality (grade)
determinations must be completed with
21 days of sampling); and
(3) Prior to any grade inspection, you
must notify us of the intended use of the
potatoes so the appropriate United
States standards will be applied (We
may request previous sales records to
verify your claimed intended use or
base the intended use on the type of
potato grown if such potatoes are not
usually grown for the intended use you
(f) Potato production to count that is
eligible for quality adjustment, as
specified in section 11(e), with 5
percent damage or less (by weight) will
be adjusted 0.1 percent for each 0.1
percent of damage through 5.0 percent.
(g) Potato production to count that is
eligible for quality adjustment, as
specified in section 11(e), with 5.1
percent damage or more (by weight) will
be determined as follows:
(1) If a price is agreed upon between
you and a buyer within 21 days (60 days
if the Northern Potato Storage Coverage
endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, or the
production is delivered to a buyer
within 21 days (60 days if the Northern
Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be determined by:
(i) Dividing the price per
hundredweight received or that will be
received by the highest price election
designated in the Special Provisions or
addendum thereto for the insured potato
type (if the production is sold for a price
lower than the value appropriate to and
representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(ii) Multiplying the result (not to
exceed 1.0) by the number of
hundredweight of sold or to be sold
production (We may verify this after the
production has actually been sold); or
(2) If a price is not agreed upon
between you and a buyer and the
production is not delivered within 21
days (60 days if the Northern Storage
Coverage Endorsement is applicable)
after the end of the insurance period,
and that remain in storage 22 or more
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days (61 or more days if the Northern
Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be the greater of:
(i) The amount determined by:
(A) Dividing the price per
hundredweight that is received, or will
be received after the end of the
applicable insurance period, by the
highest price election designated in the
Special Provisions or addendum thereto
for the insured potato type (if the
production is sold for a price lower than
the value appropriate to and
representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(B) Multiplying the result of section
11(g)(2)(i)(A) (not to exceed 1.0) by the
number of hundredweight of sold or to
be sold production (We may verify this
after the production has actually been
sold); or
(ii) The amount of production
determined by:
(A) Reducing any harvested or
appraised production:
(1) By 0.1 percent for each 0.1 percent
damage through 5.0 percent;
(2) By 0.5 percent for each 0.1 percent
of damage from 5.1 percent through 6.0
(3) By 1.0 percent for each 0.1 percent
of damage from 6.1 through 13.5
percent; or
(B) Including 15 percent of the
production when damage is in excess of
13.5 percent.
(iii) For any production discarded:
(A) Within 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be:
(1) Zero if we determine the
production could not have been sold; or
(2) Determined in accordance with
section 11(g)(2)(ii) if we determine the
production could have been sold; or
(B) Later than 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be adjusted
in accordance with section 11(g)(2)(ii).
I 3. Amend § 457.143 as follows:
I a. Revise introductory text;
I b. Remove section 9 and redesignate
sections 5 through 8 as 7 through 10;
I c. Redesignate sections 1 through 4, as
sections 2 through 5, and add new
section 1;
I d. Revise redesignated section 5;
I e. Add new section 6; and
I f. Revise redesignated section 10.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
The revised and added text read as
§ 457.143 Northern potato crop
insurance—quality endorsement.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
The Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Quality Endorsement Provisions for the
2008 and succeeding crop years are as
1. Definitions
Percentage factor. The historical
average percentage of potatoes grading
U.S. No. 2 or better, by type, determined
from your records. If at least 4
continuous years of records are
available, the percentage factor will be
the simple average of the available
records not to exceed 10 years. If less
than 4 years of records are available, the
percentage factor will be determined
based on a combination of your records
and the percentage factor contained in
the Special Provisions so that such a
combination would be the functional
equivalent of 4 years of records.
5. We will adjust the production to
count determined in accordance with
section 15 of the Basic Provisions and
section 11 of the Northern Potato Crop
Provisions for potatoes that do not meet
U.S. No. 2 grade requirements from
unharvested acreage or harvested
acreage that is stored or is marketed
after a grade inspection due to:
(a) Internal defects as long as the
number of potatoes with such defects
are in excess of the tolerances allowed
for the U.S. No. 2 grade potatoes on a
lot basis and are not separable from
undamaged production using methods
used by the packers or processors to
whom you normally deliver your potato
production as follows:
(1) If a price is agreed upon between
you and a buyer within 21 days (60 days
if the Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable) after the end
of the insurance period, or the
production is delivered to a buyer
within 21 days (60 days if the Northern
Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable) after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be determined by
(adjustment under section 5(a)(1) or
5(a)(2)(i) will not be performed if it
already has been performed under the
terms of section 11(g) of the Northern
Potato Crop Provisions):
(i) Dividing the price received or that
will be received per hundredweight by
the highest price election designated in
the Special Provisions or addendum
thereto for the insured potato type (if
the production is sold for a price lower
than the value appropriate to and
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representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(ii) Multiplying the result (not to
exceed 1.0) by the number of
hundredweight of sold or to be sold
production (We may verify this after the
production has actually been sold); or
(2) If a price is not agreed upon
between you and a buyer and the
production is not delivered within 21
days (60 days if the Northern Potato
Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable) after the end of the
insurance period, and the potatoes
remain in storage 22 or more days (61
or more days if the Northern Potato
Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be the greater of:
(i) The amount of production
determined by:
(A) Dividing the price per
hundredweight that is received, or will
be received after the end of the
applicable insurance period, by the
highest price election designated in the
Special Provisions or addendum thereto
for the insured potato type (if the
production is sold for a price lower than
the value appropriate to and
representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(B) Multiplying the result of section
5(a)(2)(i)(A) (not to exceed 1.0) by the
number of hundredweight of sold or to
be sold production (We may verify this
after the production has actually been
sold); or
(ii) The amount of production
determined as follows:
(A) The combined weight of sampled
potatoes grading U.S. No. 2 or better (the
amount of potatoes grading U.S. No. 2
will be based on a grade inspection
completed no later than 21 days after
the end of the insurance period (if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), samples
must be obtained within 60 days after
the end of the insurance period and a
grade inspection completed within 21
days of sampling) and are damaged by
freeze or tuber rot will be divided by the
total sample weight;
(B) The percentage determined in
section 5(a)(2)(ii)(A) will be divided by
the applicable percentage factor; and
(C) The result of section 5(a)(2)(ii)(B)
will be multiplied by the amount of
production to count determined in
accordance with section 15 of the Basic
Provisions and section 11 of the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions.
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(b) Factors other than those specified
in section 5(a), in accordance with
section 5(a)(2)(ii).
6. For any production that qualifies
for adjustment in accordance with
section 5(a) and that is discarded:
(a) Within 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be:
(1) Zero if we determine the
production could not have been sold; or
(2) Determined in accordance with
section 5(a)(2)(ii) if we determine the
production could have been sold; or
(b) Later than 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be adjusted
in accordance with section 5(a)(2)(ii).
10. The actuarial documents may
provide ‘‘U.S. No. 1 grade’’ in place of
‘‘U.S. No. 2 grade’’ as used in this
(a) If both U.S. No.1 and U.S. No. 2
grades are available in the actuarial
documents, you may elect U.S. No. 1 or
2 grade by potato type or group, if
separate types or groups are specified in
the Special Provisions.
(b) If both fresh and processing types
are specified in the actuarial documents,
you cannot elect the fresh type for any
potatoes grown for processing or
I 4. Revise § 457.144 to read as follows:
§ 457.144 Northern potato crop
insurance—processing quality
The Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement
Provisions for the 2008 and succeeding
crop years are as follows:
1. Definitions
Broker. Any business enterprise
regularly engaged in the buying and
selling of processing potatoes, that
possesses all licenses and permits as
required by the state in which it
operates, and when required, has the
necessary facilities or the contractual
access to such facilities, with enough
equipment to accept and transfer
processing potatoes to the broker within
a reasonable amount of time after
harvest or the typical storage period.
Percentage factor. The term as defined
in the Northern Potato Quality
Processor. Any business enterprise
regularly engaged in processing potatoes
for human consumption, that possesses
all licenses and permits for processing
potatoes required by the state in which
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
it operates, and that possesses facilities,
or has contractual access to such
facilities, with enough equipment to
accept and process processing potatoes
grown under a processing contract
within a reasonable amount of time after
harvest or the typical storage period.
Processor contract. A written
agreement between the producer and
processor, or between a producer and a
broker, containing at a minimum:
(a) The producer’s commitment to
plant and grow processing potatoes, and
to deliver the potato production to the
processor or broker;
(b) The processor’s or broker’s
commitment to purchase all the
production stated in the processing
contract; and
(c) A price or pricing mechanism to
determine the value of delivered
2. To be eligible for coverage under
this endorsement, you must have a:
(a) Northern Potato Quality
Endorsement in place and elect this
endorsement on or before the sales
closing date for the initial crop year in
which you wish to insure your potatoes
under this endorsement:
(1) Cancellation of your Northern
Potato Quality Endorsement will
automatically result in cancellation of
this endorsement;
(2) This endorsement may be canceled
by either you or us for any succeeding
crop year by giving written notice to the
other party on or before the cancellation
date: and
(b) Processor contract executed with a
processor or broker for the potato types
insured under this endorsement that is
applicable for the crop year:
(1) A copy of the processor contract
must be submitted to us on or before the
acreage reporting date for potatoes; and
(2) Failure to timely provide the
processor contract will result in no
coverage under this endorsement and
coverage will be provided only under
the terms of the Northern Potato Crop
Provisions and Northern Potato Quality
3. In return for payment of the
additional premium designated in the
actuarial documents, this endorsement
is attached to and made part of your
Northern Potato Crop Provisions and
Northern Potato Quality Endorsement
subject to the terms and conditions
described herein. In the event of a
conflict between the Northern Potato
Crop Provisions or Northern Potato
Quality Endorsement and this
endorsement, this endorsement will
4. All terms of the Northern Potato
Quality Endorsement not modified by
this endorsement will be applicable to
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acreage covered under this
5. If you elect this endorsement, all
insurable acreage of production under
contract with the processor or broker
must be insured under this
endorsement; however:
(a) When the processor contract
requires the processor or broker to
purchase a stated amount of production,
rather than all of the production from a
stated number of acres, the insurable
acres will be determined by dividing the
stated amount of production by the
approved yield for the acreage; and
(b) The number of acres insured under
this endorsement will not exceed the
actual number of acres planted to the
potato types needed to fulfill the
6. Potato lots may be adjusted in
accordance with section 8 if such
(a) Fail to meet the standards in
section 7(a), (b), (c), or (d), or a standard
contained in the processor contract, for
the same quality factors specified in
section 7(a), (b), (c), or (d), if such
standard is less stringent;
(b) Have a value less than the
maximum price election; and
(c) Fail to meet the applicable
standards and are not separable from
undamaged production using methods
used by processors to whom you
normally deliver your potato
7. To qualify for a quality reduction
under this endorsement, the potatoes
(a) Fail to meet the applicable U.S.
No. 2 grade requirements due to internal
defects as long as the number of
potatoes with such defects are in excess
of the tolerance allowed for U.S. No. 2
grade potatoes;
(b) Have a specific gravity lower than
(c) Have a fry color of No. 3 or darker
due to either sugar exceeding 10 percent
or sugar ends exceeding 19 percent; or
(d) Have an Agtron rating lower than
8. In lieu of the provisions contained
in section 5 of the Northern Potato
Quality Endorsement, production to
count determined in accordance with
section 15 of the Basic Provisions and
section 11 of the Northern Potato Crop
Provisions, from unharvested acreage or
harvested acreage that is stored or is
marketed after a grade inspection
determined in section 10, will be
adjusted in accordance with sections
8(a) or 8(b), whichever is applicable,
(adjustment under section 8(a) or 8(b)(1)
will not be performed if it already has
been performed under the terms of
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section 11(g) of the Northern Potato
Crop Provisions):
(a) If a price is agreed upon between
you and a buyer within 21 days (60 days
if the Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable) after the end
of the insurance period, or the
production is delivered to a buyer
within 21 days (60 days if the Northern
Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be determined by:
(1) Dividing the price per
hundredweight received or that will be
received by the highest price election
designated in the Special Provisions or
addendum thereto for the insured potato
type (If the production is sold for a price
lower than the value appropriate to and
representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(2) Multiplying the result of section
8(a)(1) (not to exceed 1.0) by the number
of hundredweight of sold or to be sold
production (We may verify this after the
production has actually been sold); or
(b) If a price is not agreed upon
between you and a buyer and the
production is not delivered within 21
days (60 days if the Northern Potato
Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, and the production
remains in storage 22 or more days (61
or more days if the Northern Potato
Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable), after the end of the
insurance period, the amount of
production will be the greater of:
(1) The amount of production
determined by:
(i) Dividing the price per
hundredweight that is received, or that
will later be received after the end of the
applicable insurance period, by the
highest price election designated in the
Special Provisions or addendum thereto
for the insured potato type (if the
production is sold for a price lower than
the value appropriate to and
representative of the local market, we
will determine the value of the
production based on the price you could
have received in the local market); and
(ii) Multiplying the result of section
8(b)(1)(i) (not to exceed 1.0) by the
number of hundredweight of sold or to
be sold production (We may verify this
after the production has actually been
sold); or
(2) The amount of production
determined as follows:
(i) The combined weight of sampled
potatoes that grade U.S. No. 2 or better
(the amount of potatoes grading U.S. No.
2 or better will be based on a grade
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
inspection completed no later than 21
days after the end of the insurance
period, if the Northern Potato Storage
Coverage Endorsement is applicable;
samples must be obtained within 60
days after the end of the insurance
period and grade inspection completed
within 21 days of sampling) and are
damaged by freeze or tuber rot will be
divided by the total sample weight;
(A) The percentage determined in
section 8(b)(2)(i) will be divided by the
applicable percentage factor; and
(B) The result of section 8(b)(2)(i)(A)
will be multiplied by the amount of
production to count determined in
accordance with section 15 of the Basic
Provisions and section 11 of the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions.
(c) The production to count for
potatoes that have a value less than the
maximum price election due to factors
other than those specified in section 7
will be adjusted in accordance with
section 8(b)(2).
9. For any production that qualifies
for adjustment in accordance with
section 7 and that is discarded:
(a) Within 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be:
(1) Zero if we determine the
production could not have been sold; or
(2) Determined in accordance with
section 8(b)(2) if we determine the
production could have been sold; or
(b) Later than 21 days (60 days if the
Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Endorsement is applicable), after the
end of the insurance period, the amount
of production to count will be adjusted
in accordance with section 8(b)(2).
10. All quality determinations must
be based upon a grade inspection using
the United States Standards for Grades
of Potatoes for Processing or the United
States Standards for Grades of Potatoes
for Chipping.
11. The actuarial documents may
provide ‘‘U.S. No. 1 grade’’ in place of
‘‘U.S. No. 2 grade’’ as used in this
endorsement. If both U.S. No. 1 and 2
grades are available in the actuarial
documents, you may elect U.S. No. 1 or
2 grade by potato type or group, if
separate types or groups are specified in
the Special Provisions.
I 5. Amend § 457.145 as follows:
I a. Revise the introductory text;
I b. Revise section 1;
I c. Remove section 2, and redesignate
sections 3 through 11 as 2 through 10;
I d. Amend redesignated section 3 by
removing the number ‘‘5’’ and replacing
it with the number ‘‘4’’;
I e. Amend redesignated section 4 by
adding paragraphs 4(a) and 4(b);
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f. Revise redesignated section 6;
g. Amend redesignated section 7 by
removing the number ‘‘8’’ and replacing
it with the number ‘‘7’’ each time it
I h. Revise redesignated section 8; and
I i. Revise redesignated section 10.
The revised text reads as follows:
§ 457.145 Potato crop insurance—certified
seed endorsement.
The Potato Crop Insurance Certified
Seed Endorsement Provisions for the
2008 and succeeding crop years are as
1. In return for payment of the
additional premium designated in the
actuarial documents, this endorsement
is attached to and made part of your
Northern Potato Crop Provisions subject
to the terms and conditions described
herein. In accordance with section 8,
since your insurance period is not
extended in this endorsement, any
additional premium paid for coverage
under the Northern Potato Storage
Coverage Endorsement will not apply to
the additional coverage provided under
the terms of this endorsement. In the
event of a conflict between the Northern
Potato Crop Provisions and this
endorsement, this endorsement will
4. * * *
(a) Multiply the average number of
your acres entered into and passing
certification in the potato certified seed
program the 3 previous calendar years
by 1.25 and divide this result by the
number of acres grown by you for
certified seed in the current crop year;
(b) Multiply the result of section 4(a)
(not to exceed 1.0) by the production
guarantee for certified seed for the
current crop year.
6. All potatoes insured for certified
seed production must be produced and
managed in accordance with the
regulations, standards, practices, and
procedures required for certification
under the potato certified seed program.
Any production that does not qualify as
certified seed because of varietal mixing
or your failure to meet any requirements
under the potato certified seed program
will be considered as lost due to
uninsured causes.
8. You must notify us of any loss
under this endorsement not later than
14 days after you receive notice from the
state certification agency that any
acreage or production has failed
certification. Nothing herein extends the
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insurance period beyond the time
period specified in section 8 of the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions and
section 11 of the Basic Provisions. In
lieu of the provisions in section 14(c) of
the Basic Provisions specifying that any
claim for indemnity must be filed not
later than 60 days after the end of the
insurance period, your claim for
indemnity must be filed by the later of:
(a) Sixty (60) days after the end of the
insurance period; or
(b) Thirty (30) days after you receive
notice from the state certifying agency
that production has failed certification.
10. Failure to meet any requirements
for seed to be used to produce a
subsequent seed crop will not be
covered. All the production that meets
requirements for certified seed used to
produce a commercial crop will be
included in production to count.
I 6. Amend § 457.146 as follows:
I a. Revise the introductory text; and
I b. Amend section 5 by revising the
introductory text, revising paragraphs
(a)(3) and (c) and removing paragraph
The revised text reads as follows:
§ 457.146 Northern potato crop
insurance—storage coverage endorsement.
The Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Storage Coverage Endorsement
Provisions for the 2008 and succeeding
crop years are as follows:
5. In lieu of section 9(b)(1) of the
Northern Potato Crop Provisions, the
extended coverage provided by this
endorsement will be applicable but only
(a) * * *
(3) The potatoes damaged by an
insurance cause of loss fail to meet any
of the following standards or a less
stringent standard for the same quality
factors specified below, contained in the
processor contract, if applicable, (this
coverage is applicable only to
production covered under the Northern
Potato Processing Quality
(i) A specific gravity lower than 1.074;
(ii) A fry color of No. 3 or darker due
to either sugar exceeding 10 percent or
sugar ends exceeding 19 percent; or
(iii) An Agtron rating lower than 58.
(b) * * *
(c) The percentage of production with
any of the quality deficiencies specified
in section 5(a) is determined based on
samples obtained no later than 60 days
after the end of the insurance period
and the potatoes are evaluated and
quality (grade) determinations are made
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
by us, a laboratory approved by us, a
potato grader licensed or certified by the
applicable State or the United States
Department of Agriculture, or us, in
accordance with the United States
Standards for Grades of Potatoes:
(1) Samples of damaged production
must be obtained by us or a party
approved by us prior to the sale or
disposal of any lot of potatoes; and
(2) If production is not sold or
disposed of within 60 days after the end
of the insurance period, samples must
be obtained within 60 days after the end
of the insurance period and a quality
(grade) determination must be
completed within 21 days of sampling.
I 7. Amend § 457.147 as follows:
I a. Revise the introductory text;
I b. Remove the paragraph regarding
document priority immediately
preceding section 1 and revise the
remaining paragraph below the heading
‘‘Central and Southern Potato Crop
Provisions’’ and before section 1;
I c. Amend section 1 by revising the
definition of ‘‘Certified seed’’ and
‘‘Grade inspection’’, and adding a new
definition for ‘‘Potato certified seed
I d. Amend section 3 by revising
paragraphs (b) and (c);
I e. Amend section 4 by revising
paragraph (b);
I f. Revise section 5;
I g. Revise section 9;
I h. Amend section 10 by revising
paragraph (b)(1); and
I i. Amend section 12 as follows:
I A. Revise paragraph (b)(7);
I B. Remove paragraph (d)(1)(iv),
redesignate paragraph (d)(1)(v) as
(d)(1)(iv) and revise newly redesignated
paragraph (d)(1)(iv) introductory text;
I C. Revise paragraph (e) in its entirety.
The added and revised text read as
§ 457.147 Central and Southern potato
crop insurance provisions.
The Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions for the 2009 and
succeeding crop years are as follows:
These provisions will be applicable in
Alabama; Arizona; all California
counties except Humboldt, Modoc, and
Siskiyou; Delaware; Florida; Georgia;
Maryland; Missouri; New Jersey; all
New Mexico counties except San Juan;
North Carolina; Oklahoma; Texas; and
Virginia; and other states or counties if
allowed by the Special Provisions.
States Standards for Grades of Seed
Potatoes; and for all other potatoes, the
United States Standards for Grades of
Potatoes. The quantity and number of
samples required will be determined in
accordance with procedure issued by
Potato certified seed program. The
state program administered by a public
agency responsible for the seed
certification process within the state in
which the seed is produced.
1. Definitions
3. Insurance Guarantees, Coverage
Levels, and Prices for Determining
Certified seed. Potatoes that were
entered into the potato certified seed
program and that meet all requirements
for production to be used to produce a
seed crop for the next crop year or a
potato crop for harvest for commercial
uses in the next crop year.
Grade inspection. An inspection in
which samples of production are
obtained by us, or a party approved by
us, prior to the sale, storage, or disposal
of any lot of potatoes, or any portion of
a lot and the potatoes are evaluated and
quality (grade) determinations are made
by us, a laboratory approved by us, or
a potato grader licensed or certified by
the applicable State or the United States
Department of Agriculture, in
accordance with the United States
Standards for Grades of Potatoes. The
United States standards used to
determine the quality (grade)
deficiencies will be: For potatoes
produced for chipping, the United
States Standards for Grades of Potatoes
for Chipping; for potatoes produced for
processing, the United States Standards
for Grades of Potatoes for Processing; for
potatoes produced for seed, the United
(b) If the production from any acreage
of the insured crop is not harvested, the
price used to determine your indemnity
will be 90 percent of your price election.
(c) The price election for unharvested
acreage will apply to any acreage of
potatoes damaged to the extent that
similarly situated producers in the area
would not normally care for the
potatoes even if you choose to continue
to care for or harvest them. Potatoes that
are lifted to the soil surface and not
removed from the field will also receive
the price election for unharvested
4. Contract Changes
(b) September 30 preceding the
cancellation date for counties with a
November 30, December 31, or January
31 cancellation date; and
5. Cancellation and Termination Dates
In accordance with section 2 of the
Basic Provisions, the cancellation and
termination dates are:
State and county
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Osceola, and Brevard Counties, Florida, and all Florida counties lying south thereof ................
Arizona; all California counties; and all Texas counties except Bailey, Castro, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Floyd, Gaines, Hale,
Hartley, Haskell, Knox, Lamb, Parmer, Swisher, and Yoakum.
Alabama; Georgia; Missouri; and All Florida Counties except Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Osceola, and Brevard Counties,
Florida, and all Florida counties to the south thereof.
Delaware; Maryland; New Jersey; North Carolina; and Virginia ................................................................................................
Oklahoma; and Haskell and Knox Counties, Texas ...................................................................................................................
Bailey, Castro, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Floyd, Gaines, Hale, Hartley, Lamb, Parmer, Swisher, and Yoakum counties, Texas;
and all New Mexico counties except San Juan County.
9. Insurance Period
In accordance with the provisions of
section 11 of the Basic Provisions, the
calendar date for the end of the
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insurance period is the date
immediately following planting as
follows (exceptions, if any, for specific
counties, varieties or types are
contained in the Special Provisions):
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September 30.
November 30.
December 31.
January 31.
February 28.
March 15.
(a) July 15 in Missouri; and all Texas
counties except Bailey, Castro, Dallam,
Deaf Smith, Floyd, Gaines, Hale,
Haskell, Hartley, Knox, Lamb, Parmer,
Swisher, and Yoakum.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
(b) July 25 in Arizona.
(c) August 15 in North Carolina;
Oklahoma; and Haskell and Knox
Counties, Texas.
(d) August 31 in Virginia.
(e) In Alabama; California; Florida;
and Georgia; the dates established by
the Special Provisions for each planting
period; and
(f) October 15 in Bailey, Castro,
Dallam, Deaf Smith, Floyd, Gaines,
Hale, Hartley, Lamb, Parmer, Swisher,
and Yoakum Counties, Texas; Delaware;
Maryland; New Jersey; and all counties
in New Mexico except San Juan.
10. Cause of Loss
(b) * * *
(1) Damage that occurs or becomes
evident after the end of the insurance
period, including, but not limited to,
damage that occurs or becomes evident
in storage; or
12. Settlement of Claim
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
(b) * * *
(7) Multiplying the result of section
12(b)(6) by your share.
For example: You have a 100 percent
share in 100 harvested acres of potatoes
in the unit, with a guarantee of 150
hundredweight per acre and a price
election of $4.00 per hundredweight.
You are only able to harvest 10,000
hundredweight. Your indemnity would
be calculated as follows:
(1) 100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee;
(2) 15,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $60,000.00 value of
(4) 10,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $40,000.00 value of
production to count;
(5) $60,000.00 ¥ $40,000.00 =
$20,000.00 loss; and
(6) $20,000.00 × 100 percent =
$20,000.00 indemnity payment.
You also have a 100 percent share in
100 unharvested acres of potatoes in the
same unit, with a guarantee of 150
hundredweight per acre and a price
election of $3.60 per hundredweight.
(The price election for unharvested
acreage is 90.0 percent of your elected
price election ($4.00 × 0.90 = $3.60.))
This unharvested acreage was appraised
at 35 hundredweight per acre for a total
of 3500 hundredweight as production to
count. Your total indemnity for the
harvested and unharvested acreage
would be calculated as follows:
(1) 100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee for the
harvested acreage, and
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100 acres × 150 hundredweight =
15,000 hundredweight guarantee for the
unharvested acreage;
(2) 15,000 hundredweight guarantee ×
$4.00 price election = $60,000.00 value
of guarantee for the harvested acreage,
15,000 hundredweight guarantee ×
$3.60 price election = $54,000.00 value
of guarantee for the unharvested
(3) $60,000.00 + $54,000.00 =
$114,000.00 total value of guarantee;
(4) 10,000 hundredweight × $4.00
price election = $40,000.00 value of
production to count for the harvested
acreage, and 3500 hundredweight ×
$3.60 = $12,600.00 value of production
to count for the unharvested acreage;
(5) $40,000.00 + $12,600.00 =
$52,600.00 total value of production to
(6) $114,000.00 ¥ $52,600.00 =
$61,400.00 loss; and
(7) $61,400.00 loss × 100 percent =
$61,400.00 indemnity payment.
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) Unharvested production,
including unharvested production on
insured acreage you intend to put to
another use or abandon, or acreage
damaged by insurable causes and for
which you cease to provide further care,
if you and we agree on the appraised
amount of production. Upon such
agreement, the insurance period for that
acreage will end when you put the
acreage to another use or cease
providing care for the crop. This
unharvested production may be
adjusted in accordance with sections
12(e), and the value of all unharvested
production will be calculated using the
reduced price election determined in
section 3(b). If agreement on the
appraised amount of production is not
(e) Only marketable lots of mature
potatoes will be production to count for
loss adjustment purposes, except for
production specified in 12(e)(1):
(1) Production not meeting the
standards for grading U.S. No. 2 due to
external defects will be determined on
an individual basis for all harvested and
unharvested potatoes if we determine it
is or would be practical to separate the
damaged production;
(2) All determinations must be based
upon a grade inspection; and
(3) Prior to any grade inspection, you
must notify us of the intended use of the
potatoes so the appropriate United
States Standard will be applied (We
may request previous sales records to
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verify your claimed intended use or
base the intended use on the type of
potato grown if such potatoes are not
usually grown for the intended use you
(4) Marketable lots of potatoes will
include any lot of potatoes that is:
(i) Stored;
(ii) Sold as seed;
(iii) Sold for human consumption; or
(iv) Harvested and not sold or that is
appraised if such lots meet the
standards for grading U.S. No. 2 grade
or better on a sample basis.
(5) Marketable lots will also include
any potatoes that we determine:
(i) Could have been sold for seed or
human consumption in the general
marketing area;
(ii) Were not sold as a result of
uninsured causes including, but not
limited to, failure to meet chipper or
processor standards for fry color or
specific gravity; or
(iii) Were disposed of without our
prior written consent and such
disposition prevented our determination
of marketability.
(6) Unless included in section 12(e)(4)
or (5), a potato lot will not be
considered marketable if, due to
insurable causes of damage, it:
(i) Is partially damaged, and is
salvageable only for starch, alcohol, or
livestock feed;
(ii) Does not meet the standards for
grading U.S. No. 2 grade or better due
to internal defects; or
(iii) Does not meet the standards for
grading U.S. No. 2 grade or better due
to external defects, and it is not
practical to separate the damaged
Signed in Washington, DC on October 23,
Eldon Gould,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance
[FR Doc. E7–21238 Filed 10–29–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2007–29235; Directorate
Identifier 2007–NM–232–AD; Amendment
39–15245; AD 2007–22–09]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier
Model DHC–8–400 Series Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 209 (Tuesday, October 30, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61273-61288]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-21238]
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
7 CFR Part 457
RIN 0563-AC05
Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Potato Provisions
AGENCY: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) finalizes
amendments to the Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions, Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement, Northern Potato Crop Insurance Processing Quality
Endorsement, Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed Endorsement, Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement, and the Central and
Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions. The intended effect of this
action is to provide policy changes and clarify existing policy
provisions to better meet the needs of the insureds, and to reduce
vulnerability to fraud, waste, and abuse. The changes will apply for
the 2008 and succeeding crop years for the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement, Northern Potato Crop Insurance Processing Quality
Endorsement, Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed Endorsement, and the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement. The
Central and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions changes will
apply for the 2009 and succeeding crop years.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective November 29, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elizabeth Lopez, Risk Management
Specialist, Product Management, Product Administration and Standards
Division, Risk Management Agency, United States Department of
Agriculture, Beacon Facility, Stop 0812, Room 421, PO Box 419205,
Kansas City, MO 64141-6205, telephone (816) 926-7730.
[[Page 61274]]
Executive Order 12866
This Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has determined that this
rule is non significant for the purpose of Executive Order 12866 and,
therefore, it has not been reviewed by OMB.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
Pursuant to the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the collections of information in this rule
have been approved by OMB under control number 0563-0053 through
November 30, 2007.
E-Government Act Compliance
FCIC is committed to complying with the E-Government Act, to
promote the use of the Internet and other information technologies to
provide increased opportunities for citizen access to Government
information and services, and for other purposes.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal governments and
the private sector. This rule contains no Federal mandates (under the
regulatory provisions of title II of the UMRA) for State, local, and
tribal governments or the private sector. Therefore, this rule is not
subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of UMRA.
Executive Order 13132
It has been determined under section 1(a) of Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, that this rule does not have sufficient implications to
warrant consultation with the States. The provisions contained in this
rule will not have a substantial direct effect on States, or on the
relationship between the national government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of
Regulatory Flexibility Act
FCIC certifies that this regulation will not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small entities. Program requirements
for the Federal crop insurance program are the same for all producers
regardless of the size of their farming operation. For instance, all
producers are required to submit an application and acreage report to
establish their insurance guarantees and compute premium amounts, and
all producers are required to submit a notice of loss and production
information to determine the amount of an indemnity payment in the
event of an insured cause of crop loss. Whether a producer has 10 acres
or 1,000 acres, there is no difference in the kind of information
collected. To ensure crop insurance is available to small entities, the
Federal Crop Insurance Act authorizes FCIC to waive collection of
administrative fees from limited resource farmers. FCIC believes this
waiver helps to ensure that small entities are given the same
opportunities as large entities to manage their risks through the use
of crop insurance. A Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has not been
prepared since this regulation does not have an impact on small
entities, and therefore, this regulation is exempt from the provisions
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605).
Federal Assistance Program
This program is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance under No. 10.450.
Executive Order 12372
This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order
12372, which require intergovernmental consultation with State and
local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V,
published at 48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive Order
12988 on civil justice reform. The provisions of this rule will not
have a retroactive effect. The provisions of this rule will preempt
State and local laws to the extent such State and local laws are
inconsistent herewith. With respect to any direct action taken by FCIC
or to require the insurance provider to take specific action under the
terms of the crop insurance policy, the administrative appeal
provisions published at 7 CFR part 11 must be exhausted before any
action for judicial review of any determination or action by FCIC may
be brought.
Environmental Evaluation
This action is not expected to have a significant economic impact
on the quality of the human environment, health, or safety. Therefore,
neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact
Statement is needed.
On July 28, 2006, FCIC published a notice of proposed rulemaking in
the Federal Register at 71 FR 42761-42770 to revise 7 CFR 457.142
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, 457.143 Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement, 457.144 Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Processing Quality Endorsement, 457.145 Potato Crop Insurance Certified
Seed Endorsement, 457.146 Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage
Coverage Endorsement, and 457.147 Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions. Following publication of the proposed rule, the
public was afforded 60 days to submit written comments and opinions.
A total of 91 comments were received from 5 commenters. The
commenters were reinsured companies, an agent, a trade association, an
insurance service organization, and other interested parties. The
comments received and FCIC's responses are as follows:
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions
Comment: A few commenters stated that the proposed addition of
Kansas, San Juan county, NM; and ``* * * any other states or counties
if allowed by the Special Provisions'' to the list of counties/states
that use the Northern Potato Insurance Crop Provisions appears to be an
incorporation of present policy rather than an actual change since the
2006 Special Provisions for Kansas and San Juan County already refers
to coverage under the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions. The
commenters stated that with the addition of the text ``and any other
states or counties if allowed by the Special Provisions'', it will need
to be made clear in the Special Provisions whether the specific state
and county is covered under the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Provisions or the Central and Southern Provisions.
Response: The commenters are correct that insurance in Kansas and
San Juan County, New Mexico was previously allowed by the Special
Provisions and this merely codifies their inclusion. Since Kansas is
now included under these provisions, a calendar date for the end of the
insurance period must be added. After additional review, it was
determined that due to the agronomic conditions in the state, the end
of the insurance period date needed to be changed from the date
published in proposed rule. Once this final rule is published, any
additional states or counties to be included under the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions will be specified in the Special Provisions
of the applicable state and counties.
Comment: A few commenters stated that the new language in the
proposed definition of ``grade inspection,'' that states ``produced or
sold for'' should be
[[Page 61275]]
revised to ``produced for''. The commenters stated that in the Pacific
Northwest, some growers grow potatoes for the open market and the
potatoes may be produced for a different purpose for which they are
sold. For example, they may be intending to grow for fresh, but they
may change their minds if the processor is paying a better price. Other
growers may be intending to go processing, but they do not have a
processor contract, and they divert their potatoes to the fresh market
if the quality and price is good. The commenters stated that this
language does not have a big impact on the basic policy, since the
basic policy only covers soft rot damage and freeze damage, which is
the same for fresh or processing potatoes. However, it does have a big
impact on the Quality Endorsement. The producer must select their
quality option based on the intended use of the crop. The commenters
stated that their intended use should be the basis for grading the
crop, not the use for which they are sold. If the fresh potatoes are
damaged, they will most likely be sold for processing. The commenters
stated that to prevent abuse, the Quality Endorsement should state that
producers who are intending to grow for the processing market as of the
acreage reporting date are not allowed to purchase the fresh grades
under the Quality Endorsement. The commenters agreed with the proposal
to distinguish between the different grading standards, but recommend
that, instead of explaining what the U.S. Standards are in this
definition, a separate definition for ``U.S. Standards'' or ``U.S.
Standards for Grades of Potatoes'' be created. Within this definition,
it also would appear appropriate to include ``intended to be produced *
* * '' This is because the producer is now required to inform the
insurance provider of the insured's intention prior to any grade
inspection that would include one made for an appraisal.
Response: The commenter is correct that the definition of ``grade
inspection'' should state, ``produced for'' and has made this change.
Producers should not be penalized for attempting to mitigate their
losses by selling their damaged potatoes in the processing market.
However, the commenter is also correct that something needs to be done
to prevent producers who intend to sell their crop for processing from
purchasing the fresh market option in order to increase their
indemnity. Therefore, producers who are growing potatoes for processing
or chipping should not be allowed to purchase protection under the
fresh market standards and FCIC has revised section 10 of the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement accordingly. There is no need
to provide a separate definition of ``U.S. Standards'' or ``U.S.
Standards for Grades of Potatoes''. The term ``grade inspection'' does
not contain a definition of U.S. Standards or U.S. Standards for Grades
of potatoes. It only provides a reference so the reader will know which
standard is applicable. Because those standards may change, it would
not be appropriate to include them in this rule.
Comment: A few commenters recommended optional units to be allowed
by type as well as by the divisions allowed in the Basic Provisions in
the Unit Division section. A commenter stated that since the production
for each potato type (red, white, etc.) is stored and sold separately,
the proposed rule would apply quality adjustment according to the final
use of the potato production. The commenter stated that this proposal
might require further study before implementation because of the effect
it might have on the premium rates (if optional units are added by type
but are not elected by the insured, the basic unit discount would
apply). A commenter stated that currently production for each type is
stored and sold separately. Each type has a separate end use, for
example, reds are used for table stock and whites are used for
chipping, and production records for each type are being kept separate.
The commenter stated that the new proposed rule is also adding language
for quality adjustments being made on final use of the potato. It only
seems appropriate to allow the insured to have separate units based on
each type that is listed in their respective Special Provisions.
Response: Since no changes to the Unit Division section were
proposed, the proposed changes would be substantive in nature and the
public was not provided an opportunity to comment on the recommended
changes, the recommendations cannot be incorporated in the final rule.
No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters had concerns regarding the increasing of
the percentage of the price election from 80 percent to 90 percent for
unharvested acreage in proposed section 2(b). The commenters stated
that FCIC originally included cost percentages for only 5 states. As
most of the 5 states insure potatoes grown under irrigation, which
would result in harvest costs being a lesser percentage of the total,
due to the increased costs for irrigation, the commenters questioned
whether these percentages reflect all areas of potato insurability. The
commenters recommended the percentage remain at 80 percent.
Response: This program change recognizes reduced input costs for
unharvested production. Costs of production budgets represent the best
available method for determining input costs. FCIC reviewed all data
available including irrigated and non-irrigated cost of production
budgets. The harvest costs were calculated as a percent of total costs
and 10 percent represents the average cost for harvesting. No change
has been made.
Comment: A few commenters to proposed section 2(b) referenced the
RMA Informational Memorandum issued 1-13-00, which clarified situations
where the insured would not qualify for 100 percent of the price
election even though the potato acreage met the definition of
harvested, and recommended adding clarification to the policy
Response: Although the informational memorandum has expired, FCIC
agrees with the commenter and has included information provided in the
memorandum into section 2(c). The provision is revised to state that
potatoes that are lifted to the soil surface but are not removed from
the field for will still receive the reduced price election for
unharvested acreage. The provision also clarifies cases in which
potatoes are damaged to the extent producers in the area would not
normally further care for the production by clearly stating the reduced
price election will apply even if the producer elects to continue to
care for the crop.
Comment: A comment was also received regarding section 2(c),
expressing concern with the text ``will be deemed to have been
destroyed''. The commenter stated that in addition to the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, this same phrase is found in the Crop
Provisions for: Central and Southern Potatoes; Onions; Sugar Beets;
Sweet Corn (Fresh Market); Tomatoes (Fresh Market); Tomatoes (Fresh
Market--GPP); and Tomatoes (Processing). The commenter stated that
currently FCIC has advised this means, ``No production will be counted
against such acreage'' and that this would hold true even if such
acreage was later harvested. The commenter stated that this is contrary
to section 11(e) of these Crop Provisions, which states: ``All
harvested production from the insurable acreage * * *'' is included as
the total production to count for the unit. This should apply equally
as well to the
[[Page 61276]]
amount of the appraised production determined during an appraisal for
unharvested acreage. The commenter asked that this text be revised and
clarified so all parties understand this provision with the same
meaning and apply it equitably.
Response: While FCIC has not proposed any changes to section 2(c),
revisions are necessary to conform to the changes made in section 2(b).
FCIC has revised section 2(c) to clarify that the reduced price
election for unharvested acreage applies when producers in the area
would not normally continue to care for the crop, even if the producer
elects to continue such care and has deleted the phrase ``deemed to be
destroyed''. FCIC will clarify other Crop Provisions containing the
``deemed to be destroyed'' language when proposed revisions are made.
When appraisals are required or when there is harvested production, any
appraised or harvested production must be counted, regardless of
whether the reduced price election is applicable.
Comment: A commenter recommended removing section 2(c) and allowing
section 11 to take order of precedence. If a loss is paid on acreage
and the insured later harvests those acres, the loss should be reworked
to include the production sold from those acres.
Response: Section 2(c) is necessary to clarify situations in which
the reduced price election applies. As stated in the response above,
FCIC has removed the provision relating to the crop having been deemed
destroyed and any production to count must be determined in accordance
with applicable policy provisions.
Comment: A few commenters recommended that section 9 be clarified
to indicate, ``Fire due to lightning'' (as in the draft Tobacco Crop
Provisions Proposed Rule) or ``Fire due to natural causes'' is covered
(at least until the ``Combo'' Basic Provisions are issued with the
clarification that all insured perils must be naturally occurring).
Response: FCIC has not proposed any changes to section 9. Further,
section 12 of the Basic Provisions already clearly states all causes of
loss listed in the Crop Provisions must be due to a naturally occurring
event. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters requested that proposed section
11(d)(1)(iv) be revised to read as follows: ``Unharvested production,
including unharvested production on insured acreage that you intend to
put to another use or abandon, or acreage damaged by insurable causes *
* *''. This ties the intended use of both ``put to another'' and
``abandon'' together.
Response: FCIC has revised section 11(d)(1)(iv) accordingly.
Comment: A few commenters stated that under proposed section
11(e)(2), they fully agree potatoes should be sampled for quality at
the end of the insurance period if the Storage Coverage Endorsement is
not in effect. If the Storage Coverage Endorsement is in effect, the
samples must be obtained within 60 days of the end of the insurance
period. However, insurance providers often have little control over
when the actual grading is completed because state/federal graders do
the actual grading of the samples. The commenters stated that it is
possible with a wide spread loss situation, the state/federal graders
would not be able to complete the grading within 21 days of sampling,
and the growers should not be penalized if this is the case. The
commenters stated that there should be some flexibility built into this
21-day grading period.
Response: The proposed policy for 1998 included a 7-day grading
period. The comments received for that proposed rule requested a longer
time-period. FCIC granted a 21-day time-period in final rule. The
longer time-period was provided to give flexibility to complete the
grading process. In addition, since the provision added to the policy
in 1998, FCIC is not aware of any instances where the 21-day grading
period has proven to be inadequate as a result of wide-spread losses.
No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters stated that under proposed section
11(e)(3) it does not make sense for the basic policy to state, ``Prior
to any quality adjustment, you notify us of the intended use of the
potatoes so the applicable United States Standards will be applied.''
The standards that apply should be based on the quality option the
grower purchased.
Response: In some cases, it may not be evident which standards
should apply based on the options a producer purchased. A producer who
purchased the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality Option may grow
for the processing french fry market, and another producer who elected
the same endorsement may grow for the chipping market. In order to
apply the proper standard, a producer must notify the insurance
provider of the intended use. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters stated the phrase, ``Prior to any quality
adjustment, you must notify us of the intended use * * *'' in proposed
section 11(e)(3) makes it sound as though the insured is the one doing
the quality adjustment. The commenters also recommended changing ``* *
* the applicable United States Standards will be applied'' to ``* * *
the appropriate United States Standards will be applied'' to avoid
having ``applicable'' and ``applied'' in the same phrase, or
alternatively, ``* * * the United States Standards will be applied
according to the definition of ``grade inspection''.
Response: The commenter is correct that the term ``applicable''
should be changed to ``appropriate'' and has revised the provision
accordingly. FCIC is not sure how the provision indicates the producer
is performing quality adjustment. The provision only specifies the time
frame by which the producer must provide notice of the intended use of
the potatoes so the appropriate grading standards can be used. The
definition of ``grade inspection'' makes it clear who will be
conducting the quality adjustment.
Comment: A few commenters requested section 11(f) be revised to
state: ``Potato production to count that is eligible for quality
adjustment * * *'' The change should be made in section 11(f) since the
first two phrases in proposed section 11(g) and section 11(f) are
identical otherwise.
Response: FCIC agrees with the commenters. Although not in proposed
rule, this is simply a conforming amendment required for section 11(f)
to be consistent with the changes in proposed section 11(g) since both
provisions were otherwise identical.
Comment: A few commenters requested that, under proposed sections
11(g)(1) and (2), FCIC consider if the various references in these
subsections to ``(60 days after the end of insurance period if the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement is
applicable)'' and two references to ``(61 or more days * * *)'' could
be moved to the Storage Coverage Endorsement. That endorsement has the
different deadline and is of interest only to those who take that
endorsement. The commenters stated that the remaining provisions in the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions would be easier to read
without these parenthetical interjections. Also, it would help to be
consistent in referring either to ``the end of insurance period'' or
``the end of the insurance period'' throughout.
Response: Proposed section 11(g) provides the manner in which
quality adjustment will be conducted under the policy. The Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement does not change this
calculation. It only adjusts the time frame. Therefore, if FCIC were to
[[Page 61277]]
remove the parentheticals, it would have to repeat the calculations in
each of the applicable endorsements which would increase their
complexity and could result in potential conflicts. FCIC agrees that
the references to the end of the insurance period should be the same
and has changed the references throughout the Crop Provisions and
Endorsements to specify the ``end of the insurance period.''
Comment: A few commenters asked what is meant by the statement ``*
* * Dividing the price that is received, or will be received * * *'' in
proposed section 11(g)(2)(i)(A). Oftentimes the crop is put into
storage and it will be up to ten months before the crop is sold. The
commenters asked whether this means the insurance provider should hold
the claim open until the crop is actually sold. The commenters stated
that, with the volatility inherent in potato pricing, insurance
providers cannot be expected to know what price will be received 10
months after harvest, and they cannot use a local market price because
that price will not reflect the damage of the specific insured's crop.
If insurance providers wait until the potatoes are pulled out of
storage and sold, it will be almost impossible to correlate production
in the cellar with sold production as there will be shrinkage and rot
showing up in storage and the packing shed or processor will likely
blend between units before providing price and production information.
The commenters stated that the language that states the amount of
production will be the greater of the amount determined off the charts
or the salvage value based on the price that will be received will be
impossible to administer.
Response: There have been problems in the past where the actual
amount of production sold exceeded the amount of production used to
determine the claim. FCIC has a responsibility to ensure that producers
only receive the amount of indemnity to which they are entitled. Since
the amount of production to count is adjusted based on the price
received for the damaged production, the insurance provider must
establish the value of the damaged production based on the sales
records when the crop is sold. However, the use of the phrase ``will be
received'' allows adjustment if the producer and purchaser can agree on
a price even if the purchaser has not paid for the crop yet. This will
minimize any delays in the loss adjustment process. FCIC understands
the amount of production sold and the amount in storage at the end of
the insurance period may not be the same because there will be some
production loss resulting from shrinkage, etc. However, the loss will
be based on the amount of production determined in accordance with
section 11. The sales records will only be used to establish the price
of damaged production for the purposes of quality adjustment.
Comment: A commenter stated that the potato industry and grower
groups have concerns with proposed section 11(g)(2)(ii) because
combining the charts is difficult or possibly not workable due to the
dramatic difference in the causation and temporal impacts of damage
from events as different as freeze and rot. The commenter stated that
it was not able to determine the effect of this change on coverage as
there are different types of damages and the proposed chart, which
details the changes and damages, is not published with this proposed
rule. The commenter asked for an opportunity for discussion with FCIC
regarding a single chart to handle these issues.
Response: FCIC combined the adjustments for tuber rot and freeze
damage to adequately reflect the value lost due to soft rot and freeze
and to ease the administration of the quality adjustment provisions.
The adjustment factors were included in proposed section
11(g)(2)(ii)(A) so any interested party could determine the effects of
the changes on coverage. FCIC has determined that although the causes
are dissimilar, the amount of damage and effect of the damage is
sufficiently similar that it made sense to combine these causes into
one table to ease the administration of the policy, especially in cases
where both causes of loss may have occurred.
Comment: A commenter stated: that the current policy allows
producers the opportunity to market potatoes even when a qualifying
loss exists. The producer is allowed to accept 85 percent of the
indemnity and continue to market the crop. This has been a positive
aspect to growers motivated to perform in the market and positive to
FCIC by reducing the percent of indemnity paid. The commenter states
that the proposed changes would remove the capability of a grower to
market the production while receiving a smaller indemnity. The
commenter stated that the cost of the program will increase as
producers maximize their indemnity and destroy the production. The
production to count will decrease, as will their APH and therefore
their ability to properly insure in the future. The commenter also
stated that the proposed rule creates timeline limitations that may be
unrealistic to the grower's normal market channels and delivery period.
Response: In some cases, under current quality adjustment
provisions, producers sold more production than the amount used to
determine the production to count. For example, the previous provision
provided that only 15 percent of production would be production to
count when 10.4 percent of the production had tuber rot and production
was retained by the producer for more than 60 days after the end of the
insurance period. This represented a vulnerability in the program
because FCIC only has the authority to pay for actual production
losses. In cases where only 15 percent of production is production to
count, the resulting indemnity payment represents a significant loss of
the crop. If the producer is also able to market the same production
for fair market value, the producer is receiving both an indemnity
payment and market value on the same production. In order to reduce
this vulnerability, a change has to be made in the policy provisions
for quality adjustment procedures. Now producers will be paid an
indemnity based on the actual production to count determined from the
price received for sold production or the price agreed to between the
producer and the purchaser for production to be sold in the future
instead of the assignment of a set amount of production to count. FCIC
is unaware of any timeline limitations caused by this change. Producers
may still market their crop at any time.
Comment: A few commenters commented on the prevented planting
provisions in section 13. The commenters stated that they recommend
eliminating the option to increase prevented planting coverage levels
(in the second sentence) and that FCIC review the amount that is being
paid for prevented planting purposes. The commenters stated that the 25
percent payment rate may be excessive for potatoes. The commenters
stated that if this sentence is retained, the reference to ``* * *
limited or additional coverage * * * should be updated to ``* * *
additional coverage * * *''
Response: Since no changes to this section were proposed to section
13, the recommended changes would be substantive in nature and the
public was not provided an opportunity to comment on the recommended
changes, the recommendations cannot be incorporated in the final rule.
No change has been made.
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement
Comment: A few commenters recommended removing the references to
different deadlines in proposed
[[Page 61278]]
sections 5(a)(1) and (2) and sections 6(a) and (b), if the Storage
Coverage Endorsement is elected in accordance with the comments
provided to proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions.
Response: As stated above in response to the same suggestion for
proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, this change would add complexity to the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement and would not
improve clarity. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters recommended FCIC minimize the repeated
phrases in proposed section 5(a)(1) and in equivalent subsections of
the Northern Potato Crop Provisions. The commenters recommend stating
``For potatoes for which a price is agreed upon between you and a
buyer, or that are delivered to a buyer with 21 days * * *''.
Additional comments were received regarding proposed section
5(a)(2)(i)(A). The commenters indicated if a price has not been agreed
upon, it will not be possible for insurance providers to know what
price ``will be received'' unless they wait to finalize the claim until
the production has been sold.
Response: As stated above, it would be more confusing and add more
complexity to the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement if
the provisions were moved. As stated above, claims will have to remain
open until production is sold or a price is agreed upon between the
producer and the purchaser. No change has been made.
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Processing Quality Endorsement
Comment: A few commenters recommended removal of the proposed
definition of ``percentage factor'' since it is also included in the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement. Proposed section
2(a) states that this endorsement also requires that the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement be in effect. Therefore,
there is no need to have this definition in the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Processing Quality Endorsement as well.
Response: To avoid any potential conflicts, there should only be
one definition of a term in the policy documents unless exceptions are
being made. However, to enable the producer to locate the definition,
FCIC is including a cross reference to the definition in the Northern
Potato Quality Endorsement.
Comment: A commenter inquired about proposed section 2(b)(1), which
requires a copy of the processor contract to be submitted on or before
the acreage reporting date. The commenter is concerned the contract may
not be immediately available so as to comply with this provision. In
recent years, contract negotiations have continued into the planting
season as a tactic to force growers into completing the negotiation
process. Therefore, the commenter states that there is a need for a
flexible time line for providing the contract to FCIC.
Response: Since the acreage reporting date is well after the final
planting date, most contracts should be executed by the acreage
reporting date. Additionally, since insurance under the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Processing Quality Endorsement is only provided for
acreage grown under contract, the producer must know by the acreage
reporting date the acres that can be reported for insurance under the
endorsement. No change has been made.
Comment: A commenter asked about proposed section 5(b), which
states that the number of acres insured under the endorsement will not
exceed the actual number of acres planted to the potato types needed to
fulfill the contract. However, proposed section 5(a) states all
production of this type of potato must be covered. The commenter stated
that excluding a small percentage of the production, as in proposed
section 5(b), is contradictory to proposed section 5(a). As matter of
production efficiency growers will generally complete the planting of a
tract of land, particularly under irrigated conditions, which may
create an uninsured portion of the field/crop. Processors generally
purchase the ``overrun'' production from these small portions of the
crop. The commenter stated that making them ineligible to be covered
based on contract volume will reduce participation under the
endorsement, reduce premium, and may worsen the loss ratio for this
Response: FCIC has revised the provision to indicate all acreage
will be insurable unless the number of acres planted exceeds the amount
necessary to fulfill the contract. In that case, the excess amount of
acres will be insured under the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality
Endorsement. FCIC expects the number of acres not covered under the
processing endorsement will be minimal and will not impact program
participation. Additionally, the acres not covered under the processing
endorsement will still be covered under the quality endorsement.
Comment: A commenter expressed concern in proposed section 6(a)
regarding the requirement for production to be rejected by the
processor. The commenter stated the problem that potatoes cannot be
adjusted for quality if the potatoes are not rejected and there are
occasions where the quality deficiencies (i.e., specific gravity, fry
color and sugar ends, and other internal quality problems) result in a
reduction of the contract price the grower receives from the buyer, not
rejection. As a result, some growers are being docked by the buyer for
these deficiencies but cannot receive an indemnity payment. The
requirement for a letter of rejection from the processor is not fair
and essentially denies the farmer his/her right of ownership of the
potatoes and the right to receive indemnity payments from the policy.
Response: FCIC has clarified section 6 of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Processing Quality Endorsement to state potatoes valued less
than the maximum price election because they do not meet the quality
standards in the endorsement may qualify for quality adjustment. FCIC
has also separated out the provisions that determine the circumstances
that must occur before the potatoes are eligible for a quality
adjustment from the actual quality standards and added a new section 7
for clarity and ease of reading. Now the provisions will allow quality
adjustment for potatoes that have been rejected by the processor as
well as those that have been discounted below the base contract price
(and valued less than the maximum price election) because they do not
meet any of the standards in redesignated sections 7(a) through (d).
Comment: A few commenters recommended including a definition for
``rejected'' under section 1 because most processors have a sliding
scale for pricing that includes bonuses for premium quality and
reductions for less than premium quality. For example, even though the
processor payment is based on number two grade, the contract may
provide for a bonus if there are greater than 40 percent number one
grade potatoes, and they may reduce the base price if there are less
than 40 percent number one potatoes in the lot. The commenters stated
that there is confusion about whether to use the salvage value if the
potatoes receive less than the base price. The commenters stated that
FCIC has provided clarification on this issue, and the adjustment only
kicks in when the potatoes are rejected. To be considered rejected, the
potatoes must be below the minimum standards, and the growers
[[Page 61279]]
must be released from their contract. The commenters state that the
clarification provided by FCIC needs to be incorporated into the
policy. Oftentimes the processor will reject the potatoes for being
below the minimum standards in the contract and then buy them back.
This is an acceptable practice and the adjustment should apply since
the potatoes are released and a new contract is negotiated. The
commenters recommended ``rejected'' be defined as not acceptable based
on the minimum standards in the contract.
Response: Clarification is needed with respect to production to
count for potatoes failing to meet the quality standards. To address
this issue, FCIC has revised the language to remove the reference to
rejection and include adjustments to production to count when potatoes
are valued less than the maximum price election for failure to meet the
quality standards in redesignated section 7.
Comment: A few commenters stated proposed sections 6(a) and (b) are
so lengthy they are difficult to follow. A thorough revision could be
difficult and time-consuming, but a few small changes might help
somewhat. The commenters recommended removing some of the multiple
references to ``the production to count * * * will be determined'' and
similar phrases. In addition, proposed sections 6(a)(1) and (2) could
begin ``If a price. * * *'' instead of ``For potatoes for which a
price. * * *''
Response: FCIC has revised the proposed provision to eliminate
duplication. The proposed sections 6(a) and (b) have been separated
into redesignated sections 6, 7 and 8 to make them easier to read and
to reduce redundancy. Clarifications have also been made in
redesignated sections 8(a) and (b) to make them easier to read.
Comment: A few commenters objected to the language in proposed
section 6(a)(2)(i)(A) referring to the ``price that is received, or
will be received.'' The commenters state that the old language is
preferable. The old language said if a price is not received or agreed
upon in writing, production to count will be determined in accordance
with the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement. The
commenters stated that this new language is really confusing (see
comments above for section 11(g)(2)(i)(A) of the Northern Potato Crop
Response: As stated above, claims cannot be finalized until after a
price has been determined for damaged production. The provision states
``received'' or ``will be received'' because a price may have been
settled on, but the actual financial transaction may not yet have taken
place. In cases where there is no price received and there is no agreed
upon price, the claim must remain open until the price is known.
Comment: A few commented on proposed sections 6 and 7, regarding
the possibility of moving the references to different deadlines if the
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage Endorsement is elected. The
commenter referred to the comments provided to proposed sections
11(g)(1) and (2) of the Northern Potato Crop Provisions and proposed
section 5(a)(1) and (2) and 6(a) and (b) of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement.
Response: As stated above, moving the deadlines will not improve
clarity and will add complexity to the other endorsements. No change
has been made.
Comment: A few commented regarding proposed section 8 (redesignated
section 9) and asked FCIC to consider moving instructions for
determining any quality adjustment to section 6 or possibly put into a
definition of ``U.S. Standards,'' as suggested for the Northern Potato
Crop Provisions above. Proposed section 8 states (redesignated section
9) ``all quality determinations must be based upon a grade inspection
using the United States Standards for Grades of Potatoes for Processing
or Chipping.''
Response: It is not practical to put the definition of such
standards because they are not determined by FCIC and the policy must
be able to quickly adjust to any changes made to the standards by the
applicable government agency. Therefore, the policy contains a
reference to the standards that are used. However, redesignated section
9 has been changed to include United States Standards for Grades of
Potatoes for Processing or the United States Standards for Grades of
Potatoes for Chipping.
Comment: A few commented regarding proposed section 9 (redesignated
section 10). The commenters question whether the changes are necessary
and asked if the statements in the actuarial documents also will be
revised to ``U.S. No. 1 grade'' and ``U.S. No. 2 grade''. This same
change was not made in section 10 of the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Quality Endorsement.
Response: FCIC made changes for clarification purposes and will
make the same changes in the section 10 of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Quality Endorsement, as well as the actuarial documents.
Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed Endorsement
Comment: A few commenters had concerns with provision proposed in
section 1 that stated ``Any additional premium paid for coverage under
the Northern Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement will not apply to the
additional coverage provided under the terms of this endorsement''. The
commenters are concerned that while the Background explanation in the
proposed rule makes it clear the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Certified Seed Endorsement extends the time-period to discover damage
beyond harvest that results from a cause of loss that occurred during
the insurance period, the actual endorsement does not make this clear.
The commenters point out that section 8 stated, ``Nothing herein
extends the insurance period beyond the time period specified in
section 8 of the Northern Potato Crop Provisions and section 11 of the
Basic Provisions.'' The commenters also stated that there should be
something in the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed
Endorsement that overrides section 14(c) of the Basic Provisions, which
states you must submit a claim for indemnity declaring the amount of
your loss not later than 60 days after the end of the insurance period
unless you request an extension in writing. The commenters stated that
the section references in redesignated sections 4 and 7 needs to be
revised as well.
Response: Although notification of failure to make certified seed
can occur after the end of the insurance period, the damage and insured
cause of loss must occur within the insurance period. FCIC has revised
the provision to make it clear that the insurance period under this
endorsement has not been extended. The section references in
redesignated sections 4 and 7 should be corrected and FCIC has done so.
Redesignated section 8 was also revised to clarify the time-period for
the producer to submit any claim.
Northern Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement
Comment: A commenter requested that sub-lethal freeze become an
insurable cause of loss under the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Storage Coverage Endorsement. The commenter further stated that freeze
should be covered in storage. Sub-lethal freezing does not show up
during harvest, and can be confused with soft rot by graders who are
grading potatoes under the storage coverage. The commenter recommends
the freeze damage that was
[[Page 61280]]
not apparent at harvest, but becomes apparent in storage be covered
under the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage Coverage Endorsement
and the storage coverage rates increased accordingly to cover this
Response: Freeze damage that occurs in the field is apparent at
harvest and there is no need to extend discovery period for freeze.
According to industry experts sub lethal freeze can also be detected at
harvest. If the tuber is cut open, it will brown much faster than a
tuber that is not damaged. Therefore, to the extent this damage can be
detected at harvest it would be covered as freeze damage. No change has
been made.
Comment: A few commenters had concerns with proposed section
5(c)(2) and recommended allowing some flexibility regarding the 21-day
grading period because it is possible state or federal graders will not
be able to complete grading within this time period.
Response: The proposed policy for 1998 included a 7-day time-
period. In response to requests at that time to extend the time-period,
a 21-day period was granted. The longer time-period was provided to
give flexibility to complete the grading process. Since it is unlikely
that all of the sampling will take place at the same time, the grading
time-period of 21 days should not be a hindrance. In addition, FCIC is
not aware of any problems with the grading time-period and, therefore,
does not see a need to extend the time allotment. No change has been
Comment: A few commenters were in favor of reducing the storage
period. Proposed sections 11(g)(1) and (2) of the Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions, and the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Storage
Coverage Endorsement require samples to be obtained within 60 days of
the end of insurance period. However, FCIC notes on page 42764 of the
Proposed Rule that, ``several potato industry experts state that
virtually all damage that occurs within the insurance period will
become apparent within 45 days after production is harvested''. Based
on this, the commenters recommended the time-period be reduced from the
current 60 days to 45 days.
Response: While FCIC has revised the provision to be more clear,
FCIC has not proposed to revise the 60-day period for discovery of
damage that occurred during the insurance period. Since a change in the
discovery period would be a substantive change and the public was not
provided an opportunity to comment, FCIC cannot make the recommended
Comment: A comment was received stating that FCIC is incorrect when
it concluded that no extension of the 60 day storage coverage period
was necessary because ``several potato industry experts state virtually
all damage that occurs within the covered insurance period will become
apparent within 45 days after production is harvested.'' The commenter
stated that the findings from this review actually present the contrary
result and are exactly why the coverage is needed. Problems occur in
storage that are caused by problems that occurred in the field that may
be unrecognizable at harvest. With today's improved technology and
storage capabilities, field problems may not display themselves until a
later time. Differences in production, storage, and management cannot
ensure that virtually all damage will become apparent within 45 days of
harvest. It is impossible to predict with 100 percent certainty how
each crop will react when put into storage.
Response: It is possible that it may take longer than 45 days to
discover all possible damage that occurred during the insurance period.
FCIC did not propose to reduce the period to 45 days for this reason.
At the request of producers, RMA reviewed the storage coverage issue in
detail and determined the current provision of the 60-day discovery
period is sufficient. FCIC did not discover any evidence of any damage
that cannot be discovered within the current 60 day period. No change
has been made.
Central and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions
Comment: A few commenters stated that with the addition of the text
``and any other states or counties if allowed by the Special
Provisions'', it will need to be made clear in the Special Provisions
whether the specific state and county is covered under the Central and
Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions.
Response: Once the final rule is published, any additional states
or counties to be included under the Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions will be specified in the appropriate Special
Comment: A commenter provided the same comments they did to the
Northern Potato Insurance Crop Provisions regarding the definition of
``grade inspection'', ``unit division'', the increase in price election
from 80 percent to 90 percent for unharvested acreage, and naturally
occurring causes of loss.
Response: FCIC reiterates its responses here and to the extent that
it has made changes in the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions,
the same changes will be made to the Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions.
Comment: A few commented regarding proposed section 4(c). The
commenters did not think it is necessary to add a fourth contract
change date for the states and counties covered under the Central and
Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions. Even if a fifth
cancellation/termination date is deemed necessary, as proposed in
section 5, the states with the new January 31 cancellation/termination
date could stay under the September 30 contract change date, with the
states/counties with a cancellation/termination date of November 30 or
December 31.
Response: The commenter is correct and the states and counties
covered under the cancellation and termination date of January 31 will
remain under the September 30 contract change date.
Comment: A few commenters stated that they do not think that the
states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina and Virginia
need to have a cancellation/termination date of January 31, but should
continue to be included under the December 31 date.
Response: This change was requested from interested parties who
felt that January 31 would more accurately reflect the growing
conditions in those areas. FCIC reviewed the request and determined
that the January 31 date was more appropriate.
Comment: A few commenters had concerns with proposed section
10(b)(1). The commenters asked FCIC to consider revising the last
phrase from ``* * * occurs after potatoes have been placed in storage''
to ``* * * occurs or becomes evident in storage'' to match the earlier
phrase and to match the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions.
Response: FCIC changed the provision accordingly.
Comment: A comment was received regarding section 12(d)(1)(iv). The
commenter stated it appears there should be reference made to section
12(e) within this section because unharvested, appraised production is
also determined based on section 12(e).
Response: FCIC is not clear what is meant by this comment.
Reference is already made to section 12(e) in section 12(d)(1)(iv). No
change has been made.
Comment: A few commenters had concern regarding section
12(d)(1)(iv)-(v). The commenter asked if these provisions should be
revised as proposed in the Northern Potato Crop
[[Page 61281]]
Insurance Provisions (i.e., reworded and combined into one).
Response: Both the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions and
the Central and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions should have
the consistent language where it is appropriate and feasible to do so.
Section 12(d)(iv) will be revised and section 12(d)(v) will be deleted
in the Central and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions to be
consistent with the language in the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Comment: A comment was received regarding section 12(d)(2). The
commenter indicated the language in this subsection is not the same as
in the Northern Potato Crop Provisions and recommended that one or both
be revised to match. The Central/Southern Crop Insurance Provisions
state ``All harvested production from the insurable acreage determined
in accordance with section 12(e)(1).'' However, the Northern Crop
Insurance Provisions state ``All harvested production from the
insurable acreage (the amount of production prior to the sorting or
discarding of any production).''
Response: This provision cannot be made consistent. In the Central
and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, only ``marketable lots''
of potatoes are included as production to count. In the Northern Potato
Crop Insurance Provisions, all harvested production is counted but can
be adjusted for quality deficiencies. No change has been made.
Comment: A comment was received regarding the first paragraph of
proposed section 12(e). The commenter recommended removing the phrase
``With the exception of production with external defects''. This
sentence currently gives the impression that this section does not
pertain to those potatoes that have external defects, which is not
accurate. Also, as the proposed rule reads, this section is not
specific as to how internal defect determinations are made. The
commenters recommend changing proposed section 12(e)(6)(ii) to read
``Does not meet the standards of grading U.S. No. 2 or better on a
field run sample due to internal defects; or''. The commenter believes
this change would clarify how samples are to be taken to determine
quality when internal defects are in question.
Response: Clarification is needed regarding production with
external defects. The provisions have been revised to clarify how such
production will be handled for claims purposes. Further, section 12(e)
specifically requires adjustments to be based on grade inspections,
which determine the manner in which samples are to be taken. Therefore,
the recommended change is not necessary.
Comment: A comment was received regarding proposed section
12(e)(1). The commenter disagreed with the revised text and recommend
retaining the provision currently being used. The revised text now
allows a determination of practical to separate production for
unharvested production. This should not be allowed as unharvested
production can always be separated.
Response: Only those potatoes not grading U.S. No. 2 due to
external defects are eligible for an adjustment. It does not matter
whether the acreage is harvested or not. Further, the determination of
whether it is practical to separate production is not dependent upon
whether production is harvested or unharvested. The ability to separate
production depends on the kind of damage that occurred and the method
available to separate the damaged production. No change has been made.
Comment: A question was asked regarding proposed section 12(e)(3).
The commenter asked if there is any concern in the situation where a
grade inspection must be made for unharvested, appraised production,
the insured will always state his/her intended use will be the use that
provides the most favorable grading standards for the insured. The
producer will not be harvesting the production and the true intended
use will not be known.
Response: There is some concern the producer may specify the most
favorable standard. However, given the fact a standard must be used to
grade the potatoes, a standard must be identified. Every attempt should
be made to use the most appropriate standard. For example, the type of
potato produced could determine the standard used. If the type is for
multiple uses and there is concern about which standard to apply, the
insurance provider can ask for previous records and make a
determination based on previous production history. The provision has
been revised accordingly. FCIC has also similarly revised the Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Provisions.
Comment: A comment was received regarding proposed section
12(e)(3). The commenter suggested the text requiring the insured to
indicate the intended use prior to a grade inspection included in
section 11 (Duties in the Event of Damage or Loss).
Response: The placement of the provision under section 11, Duties
in the Event of a Loss, does not substantially improve or clarify the
provision. No change has been made.
Comment: A few commented regarding the prevented planting
provisions. The commenters recommend eliminating the option to increase
prevented planting coverage levels (in the second sentence), as well as
reviewing the amount that is being paid for prevented planting purposes
(the 25 percent payment rate may be excessive for potatoes). However,
if this sentence is retained, the reference to ``* * * limited or
additional coverage * * *'' should be updated to ``* * * additional
coverage * * *''
Response: Since no changes to this section were proposed, the
recommended changes are substantive in nature, and the public was not
provided an opportunity to comment on the recommended changes, the
recommendations cannot be incorporated in the final rule. No change has
been made.
In addition to the changes described above, FCIC has made minor
editorial changes and the following changes:
1. In all policies, standardized the references to the ``Northern
Potato Crop Provisions,'' ``Northern Potato Quality Endorsement,''
``Northern Potato Processing Quality Endorsement,'' ``Potato Certified
Seed Endorsement,'' and ``Northern Potato Storage Coverage
Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions (Sec. 457.142)
1. Revise the definition of ``grade inspection'' to include a
standard ``for all other potatoes, The United States for Grades of
Potatoes'' and to include the ``United States Standards of Potatoes for
Seed''. This change is needed to recognize the separate U.S. quality
standard for grading seed potatoes.
2. Revise the end of the insurance period in Kansas to October 25.
Potato Crop Insurance Certified Seed Endorsement (Sec. 457.145)
1. Corrected the citation in redesignated section 3 by replacing
the number 5 with the number 4.
2. Amend redesignated section 4 by adding paragraphs (a) and (b).
These provisions were inadvertently omitted in the previous version.
Central and Southern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions (Sec. 457.147)
1. Correct the spelling of ``Gains'' to Gaines County, Texas in
section 9(e).
2. Amend section 9 by revising paragraphs (a) through (e) and
adding a new paragraph (f) to change the end of insurance dates for
North Carolina and Virginia. Requests were received from
[[Page 61282]]
state agriculture agencies and state extension personnel to extend the
end of the insurance period in these states. According to industry
experts, changes in cultural practices have extended harvesting past
the current dates. Therefore, certain varieties will require the
extension of the end of the insurance period so adequate insurance
protection can be offered. Although this information was received after
the proposed rule was published, this change would give the producers
sufficient time to complete harvest without going beyond the insurance
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 457
Crop insurance, Potatoes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Final Rule
Accordingly, as set forth in the preamble, the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation amends 7 CFR part 457 effective for the 2008 and succeeding
crop years for the Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions, Northern
Potato Crop Insurance Quality Endorsement, Northern Potato Crop
Insurance Processing Quality Endorsement, Potato Crop Insurance
Certified Seed Endorsement, and the Northern Potato Crop Insurance
Storage Coverage Endorsement. The Central and Southern Potato Crop
Insurance Provisions changes will apply for the 2009 and succeeding
crop years as follows:
1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 457 continues to read as
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(p).
2. Amend Sec. 457.142 as follows:
a. Revise the introductory text;
b. Remove the paragraph regarding document priority immediately
preceding section 1 and revise the remaining paragraph below the
heading ``Northern Potato Crop Provisions'' and before section 1;
c. Amend section 1 by revising the definitions of ``Certified seed''
and ``Grade inspection'', adding the definition of ``Potato certified
seed program'', and removing the definitions of ``Processor contract''
and ``Reduction percentage'';
d. Amend section 2 by revising paragraphs (b) and (c);
e. Amend section 8 by revising paragraphs (d) and (e), and adding a new
paragraph(f); and
f. Amend section 11 as follows:
A. Revise paragraph (b)(7);
B. Remove paragraph (d)(1)(iv), redesignate paragraph (d)(1)(v) as
(d)(1)(iv) and revise newly redesignated paragraph (d)(1)(iv)
introductory text;
C. Revise paragraph (e)(2);
D. Add new paragraph (e)(3);
E. Revise paragraph (f);
F. Revise paragraph (g); and
G. Remove paragraph (h).
The added and revised text reads as follows:
Sec. 457.142 Northern potato crop insurance provisions.
The Northern Potato Crop Insurance Provisions for the 2008 and
succeeding crop years are as follows:
* * * * *
These provisions will be applicable in: Alaska; Humboldt, Modoc,
and Siskiyou Counties, California; Colorado; Connecticut; Idaho;
Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Maine; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota;
Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; San Juan County, New Mexico; New York; North
Dakota; Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Dakota; Utah;
Washington; Wisconsin; and Wyoming; and any other states or counties if
allowed by the Special Provisions.
* * * * *
1. Definitions
* * * * *
Certified seed. Potatoes that were entered into the potato
certified seed program and that meet all requirements for production to
be used to produce a seed crop for the next crop year or a potato crop
for harvest for commercial uses in the next crop year.
* * * * *
Grade inspection. An inspection in which samples of production are
obtained by us, or a party approved by us, prior to the sale, storage,
or disposal of any lot of potatoes, or any portion of a lot and the