PSEG Nuclear, LLC; Hope Creek Generating Station Draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to the Proposed License Amendment To Increase the Maximum Reactor Power Level, 59563-59572 [E7-20761]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
[Docket No. 50–354]
PSEG Nuclear, LLC; Hope Creek
Generating Station Draft
Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact
Related to the Proposed License
Amendment To Increase the Maximum
Reactor Power Level
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
SUMMARY: The NRC has prepared a draft
Environmental Assessment (EA) as its
evaluation of a request by the PSEG
Nuclear, LLC (PSEG) for license
amendments to increase the maximum
thermal power at Hope Creek
Generating Station (HCGS) from 3,339
megawatts-thermal (MWt) to 3,840
MWt. The EA assesses environmental
impacts up to a maximum thermal
power level of 3,952 MWt, as the
applicant’s environmental report was
based on that power level. As stated in
the NRC staff’s position paper dated
February 8, 1996, on the Boiling-Water
Reactor (BWR) Extended Power Uprate
(EPU) Program, the NRC staff would
prepare an environmental impact
statement if it believes a power uprate
would have a significant impact on the
human environment. The NRC staff did
not identify any significant impact from
the information provided in the
licensee’s EPU application for HCGS or
from the NRC staff’s independent
review; therefore, the NRC staff is
documenting its environmental review
in an EA. The draft EA and Finding of
No Significant Impact are being
published in the Federal Register with
a 30-day public comment period.
Environmental Assessment
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Plant Site and Environs
HCGS is located on the southern part
of Artificial Island, on the east bank of
the Delaware River, in Lower Alloways
Creek Township, Salem County, New
Jersey. While called Artificial Island, the
site is actually connected to the
mainland of New Jersey by a strip of
tideland, formed by hydraulic fill from
dredging operations on the Delaware
River by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. The site is 15 miles south of
the Delaware Memorial Bridge, 18 miles
south of Wilmington, Delaware, 30
miles southwest of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and 7.5 miles southwest
of Salem, New Jersey. The station is
located on a 300-acre site.
The site is located in the southern
region of the Delaware River Valley,
which is defined as the area
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immediately adjacent to the Delaware
River and extending from Trenton to
Cape May Point, New Jersey, on the
eastern side, and from Morrisville,
Pennsylvania, to Lewes, Delaware, on
the western side. This region is
characterized by extensive tidal
marshlands and low-lying
meadowlands. Most land in this area is
undeveloped. A great deal of land
adjacent to the Delaware River, near the
site, is public land, owned by the
Federal and State governments. The
main access to the plant is from a road
constructed by PSEG. This road
connects with Alloways Creek Neck
Road, about 2.5 miles, east of the site.
Access to the plant site and all activities
thereon are under the control of PSEG.
Identification of the Proposed Action
HCGS is a single unit plant that
employs a General Electric BWR that
was designed to operate at a rated core
thermal power of 3,339 MWt, at 100percent steam flow, with a turbinegenerated rating of approximately 1,139
megawatts-electric (MWe).
In 1984, NRC issued operating license
NPF–57 to HCGS, authorizing operation
up to a maximum power level of 3,293
MWt. In 2001, NRC authorized a license
amendment for a 1.4 percent power
uprate from 3,293 MWt to 3,339 MWt
and issued an Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact for Increase in
Allowable Thermal Power Level (NRC
By letter dated September 18, 2006,
PSEG proposed an amendment to the
operating license for HCGS, to increase
the maximum thermal power level by
approximately 15 percent, from 3,339
MWt to 3,840 MWt. The change is
considered an EPU because it would
raise the reactor core power levels more
than 7 percent above the originally
licensed maximum power level.
According to the licensee, the proposed
action would involve installation of a
higher efficiency turbine and an
increase in the heat output of the
reactor. This would increase turbine
inlet flow requirements and increase the
heat dissipated by the condenser to
support increased turbine exhaust steam
flow requirements. In the turbine
portion of the heat cycle, increases in
the turbine throttle pressure and steam
flow would result in a small increase in
the heat rejected to the cooling tower
and the temperature of the water being
discharged into the Delaware River. In
addition, there would be an increase in
the particulate air emission and an
increase in the contaminants that are in
the blowdown water discharge.
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The Need for the Proposed Action
PSEG (2005) evaluated the need for
additional electrical generation capacity
in its service area for the planning
period of 2002–2011. Information
provided by the North American
Electric Reliability Council showed that,
in order to meet projected demands,
generating capacity must be increased
by at least 2 percent per year for the
Mid-Atlantic Area Council and the PJM
Interconnection, LLC (PSEG 2005). Such
demand increase would exceed PSEG’s
capacity to generate electricity for its
PSEG determined that a combination
of increased power generation and
purchase of power from the electrical
grid would be needed to meet the
projected demands. Increasing the
generating capacity at HCGS was
estimated to provide lower-cost power
than can be purchased on the current
and projected energy market. In
addition, increasing nuclear generating
capacity would lessen the need to
depend on fossil fuel alternatives that
are subject to unpredictable cost
fluctuations and increasing
environmental costs.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
At the time of issuance of the
operating license for HCGS, the NRC
staff noted that any activity authorized
by the license would be encompassed
by the overall action evaluated in the
Final Environmental Statement (FES)
for the operation of HCGS that was
issued by the NRC in December 1984
(NRC 1984). This EA summarizes the
non-radiological and radiological
impacts that may result from the
proposed action.
Non-Radiological Impacts
Land Use Impacts
The potential impacts associated with
land use (including aesthetics and
historic and archaeological resources)
include impacts from construction and
plant modifications at HCGS. While
some plant components would be
modified, most plant changes related to
the proposed EPU would occur within
existing structures, buildings, and
fenced equipment yards housing major
components within the developed part
of the site. No new construction would
occur, and no expansion of buildings,
roads, parking lots, equipment storage
areas, or transmission facilities would
be required to support the proposed
EPU (PSEG 2005).
Existing parking lots, road access,
offices, workshops, warehouses, and
restrooms would be used during
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
construction and plant modifications.
Therefore, land use would not change at
HCGS. In addition, there would be no
land use changes along transmission
lines (no new lines would be required
for the proposed EPU), transmission
corridors, switchyards, or substations.
Because land use conditions would not
change at HCGS and because any
disturbance would occur within
previously disturbed areas, there would
be no impact to aesthetic resources and
historic and archeological resources in
the vicinity of HCGS (PSEG 2005).
The Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA) was promulgated to encourage
and assist States and territories in
developing management programs that
preserve, protect, develop, and, where
possible, restore the resources of the
coastal zone. A ‘‘coastal zone’’ is
generally described as the coastal waters
and the adjacent shore lands strongly
influenced by each other. This includes
islands, transitional and intertidal areas,
salt marshes, wetlands, beaches, and
Great Lakes waters. Activities of Federal
agencies that are reasonably likely to
affect coastal zones shall be consistent
with the approved coastal management
program (CMP) of the State or territory
to the maximum extent practical. The
CZMA provisions apply to all actions
requiring Federal approval (new plant
licenses, license renewals, materials
licenses, and major amendments to
existing licenses) that affect the coastal
zone in a State or territory with a
Federally approved CMP. On April 23,
2007, PSEG submitted an application
requesting the State of New Jersey to
perform the Federal consistency
determination in accordance with
CZMA. On July 3, 2007, the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection
(NJDEP) Land Use Regulation Program,
acting under Section 307 of the Federal
Coastal Management Act, agreed with
the certification that the EPU is
consistent with the approved New
Jersey Coastal Management Program.
The impacts of continued operation of
HCGS under EPU conditions are
bounded by the evaluation in the FES
for operation (NRC 1984). Therefore, the
potential impacts to land use, aesthetics,
and historic and archaeological
resources from the proposed EPU would
not be significant.
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Cooling Tower Impacts
HCGS has one natural draft cooling
tower that is currently used to reduce
the heat output to the environment. The
potential impacts associated with
cooling tower operation under the
proposed EPU could affect aesthetics,
salt drift deposition, noise, fogging or
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icing, wildlife, and particulate
The proposed EPU would not result
in significant changes to aesthetics such
as cooling tower plume dimension at
HCGS. Atmospheric emissions from the
natural draft cooling tower consist
primarily of waste heat and water vapor
resulting in persistent cloudlike plumes.
The size of the cooling tower plume
depends on the meteorological
conditions such as temperature, dew
point, and relative humidity. For the
proposed EPU, NRC does not anticipate
any change in the dimension of the
plume under equivalent meteorological
conditions as evaluated in the FES.
Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that
there would be no significant aesthetic
impacts associated with HCGS cooling
tower operation for the proposed action.
Native, exotic, and agricultural plant
productivity may be adversely affected
by the increased salt concentration in
the drift deposited directly on soils or
directly on foliage. FES has indicated
that the salt drift deposition must be
above 90 lbs/acre/year before agriculture
plant productivity would be reduced.
PSEG has estimated that the proposed
EPU would not significantly increase
the rate of salt drift deposition from the
increase in cooling tower operation.
PSEG has estimated that the increase in
salt drift deposition rate would be 9
percent to a maximum of 0.109 lbs/acre/
year. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes
that there would be no significant salt
drift deposition impacts associated with
HCGS cooling tower operation for the
proposed action.
Because the HCGS cooling tower is
natural draft, no increase in noise is
expected. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that there would be no
significant noise impacts associated
with HCGS cooling tower operation for
the proposed action.
PSEG has indicated that there would
be no significant increase in fogging or
icing expected for the proposed EPU.
Increased ground-level fogging and icing
resulting from water droplets in the
cooling tower drift may interfere with
highway traffic. The 1984 FES evaluated
the impacts of fogging and icing
associated with the operation of the
natural draft cooling tower at HCGS and
found these impacts to be insignificant
and inconsequential. The fact that the
nearest agricultural or residential land is
located several miles from the site
further minimizes the potential for
impact. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that there would be no
significant fogging or icing impacts
associated with HCGS cooling tower
operation for the proposed action.
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The 1984 FES has stated that although
some birds may collide with cooling
tower, unpublished surveys at existing
cooling towers indicated that the
number would be relatively small. The
proposed EPU would not increase the
risk of wildlife colliding with cooling
tower. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that there would be no
significant wildlife impacts associated
with HCGS cooling tower operation for
the proposed action.
The proposed EPU would increase the
particulates emission rate from the
HCGS cooling tower, from the current
rate of 29.4 pounds per hour (lbs/hr) to
an average rate of 35.6 lbs/hr (maximum
42.0 lbs/hr). Particulates (primarily
salts) from the cooling tower have an
aerodynamic particle size of less than 10
microns in diameter (PM10). The NJDEP
has imposed a maximum hourly
emission rate for particulates at 30 lbs/
hr. Therefore, the projected particulate
emission rate from the HCGS cooling
tower, due to the proposed EPU, would
exceed the NJDEP emission regulatory
limit. On March 30, 2007, NJDEP issued
a Public Notice and Draft Title V Air
Operating Permit for the HCGS cooling
tower, proposing to authorize a variance
to the HCGS air operating permit with
an hourly emission rate of 42 lbs/hr
(NJDEP 2007a). On June 13, 2007,
NJDEP issued the final Title V Air
Operating Permit for HCGS allowing a
42 lbs/hr particulate emission rate for
the proposed EPU.
Since particulates from HCGS cooling
tower consist primarily of salts with
particle size of less than 10 microns, the
FES evaluated the environmental
impacts on air quality and found the
impacts to be minor. Furthermore, a
prevention of significant deterioration
(PSD) non-applicability analysis was
submitted to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
Region 2, by PSEG on March 4, 2004.
Based on the information provided by
PSEG, EPA concluded that the EPU
project would not result in a significant
increase in emissions and would not be
subject to PSD review (NJDEP 2007a). In
addition, NJDEP has stated that the
Bureau of Technical Services reviewed
the Air Quality Modeling for the
proposed Hope Creek uprate project and
determined that the project would meet
the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards and the New Jersey Ambient
Air Quality Standards. Therefore, the
NRC staff concludes that there would be
no significant particulate emission
impacts associated with HCGS cooling
tower operation for the proposed action.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
Transmission Facility Impacts
The potential impacts associated with
transmission facilities include changes
in transmission line right-of-way (ROW)
maintenance and electric shock hazards
due to increased current. The proposed
EPU would not require any physical
modifications to the transmission lines.
PSEG’s transmission line ROW
maintenance practices, including the
management of vegetation growth,
would not change. PSEG did not
provide an estimate of the increase in
the operating voltage due to the EPU.
Based on experience from EPUs at other
plants, the NRC staff concludes that the
increase in the operating voltage would
be negligible. Because the voltage would
not change significantly, there would be
no significant change in the potential for
electric shock. Modifications to onsite
transmission equipment are necessary to
support the EPU; such changes include
replacement of the high- and lowpressure turbines, and the replacement
of the main transformer (PSEG 2005).
No long-term environmental impacts
from these replacements are anticipated.
The proposed EPU would increase the
current, which would affect the
electromagnetic field. The National
Electric Safety Code (NESC) provides
design criteria that limit hazards from
steady-state currents. The NESC limits
the short-circuit current to the ground to
less than 5 milliamperes. There would
be an increase in current passing
through the transmission lines
associated with the increased power
level of the proposed EPU. The
increased electrical current passing
through the transmission lines would
cause an increase in electromagnetic
field strength. However, since the
increase in power level is approximately
15 percent, the impact of exposure to
electromagnetic fields from the offsite
transmission lines would not be
expected to increase significantly over
the current impact. The transmission
lines meet the applicable shock
prevention provision of the NESC.
Therefore, even with the slight increase
in current attributable to the EPU,
adequate protection is provided against
hazards from electrical shock.
The 1984 FES evaluated bird
mortality resulting from collision with
towers and conductors. The FES has
estimated that only 0.07 percent of the
mortality of waterfowls from causes
other than hunting resulted from
collision with towers and conductors at
HCGS. Because the proposed EPU does
not require physical modifications to
the transmission line system, the
additional impacts of bird mortality
would be minimal.
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The impacts associated with
transmission facilities for the proposed
action would not change significantly
relative to the impacts from current
plant operation. There would be no
physical modifications to the
transmission lines, transmission line
ROW maintenance practices would not
change, there would be no changes to
transmission line ROW or vertical
ground clearances, and electric current
passing through the transmission lines
would increase only slightly. Therefore,
the NRC staff concludes there would be
no significant impacts associated with
transmission facilities for the proposed
Water Use Impacts
Potential water use impacts from the
proposed EPU include localized effects
on the Delaware Estuary and changes to
plant water supply. HCGS is located on
the eastern shore of the Delaware
Estuary. The estuary is approximately
2.5 miles wide, and the tidal flow past
HCGS is approximately 259,000 million
gallons per day (MGD) (NRC 2001). The
Delaware Estuary is the source of
cooling water for the HCGS circulating
water system, a closed-cycle system that
utilizes a natural draft cooling tower.
During normal plant operations, water
usage at HCGS accounts for less than
0.03 percent of the average tidal flow of
the Delaware Estuary (PSEG 2005).
HCGS’s service water system
withdraws approximately 67 MGD from
the Delaware Estuary for cooling and
makeup water. When estuary water
temperature is less than 70 degrees
Fahrenheit (°F), two pumps operate to
supply an average service water flow
rate of approximately 37,000 gallon per
minute (gpm). When estuary water
temperature is greater than 70 °F, three
pumps operate to supply an average
service water flow rate of approximately
52,000 gpm (Najarian Associates 2004).
Estuary water is delivered to the cooling
tower basin and acts primarily as
makeup water to the circulating water
system—replacing 47 MGD that are
returned to the estuary as cooling tower
blowdown, and depending upon
meteorological conditions and the
circulating water flow rate, replacing
approximately 10–13 MGD of cooling
water that are lost through evaporation
from the cooling tower. Approximately
7 MGD of the 67 MGD are used for
intake screen wash water and strainer
backwash. The circulating water system
has an operating capacity of 11 million
gallons; however, approximately 9
million gallons of water actually reside
in the circulating water system at any
given time. Water is re-circulated
through the condensers at a rate of
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approximately 550,000 gpm (PSEG
2005). No changes to the HCGS
circulating water or service water
systems are expected due to the
proposed EPU; therefore, the proposed
EPU would not increase the amount of
water withdrawn from or discharged to
the Delaware Estuary.
Consumptive use of surface water by
HCGS is not expected to change
substantively as a result of the proposed
EPU and is regulated by the Delaware
River Basin Commission (DRBC)
through a water use contract. The
proposed EPU would likely result in a
small increase in cooling tower
blowdown temperature. To mitigate this
temperature increase, PSEG has
modified its cooling tower to improve
its thermal performance, and as
discussed in the following section,
thermal discharge to the Delaware
Estuary would remain within the
regulatory limits set by the New Jersey
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NJPDES) permit granted to HCGS by
NJDEP (PSEG 2005; NJDEP 2002).
Two groundwater wells access the
Raritan aquifer to provide domestic and
process water to HCGS. The wells are
permitted by NJDEP and are also
regulated by DRBC. The proposed EPU
would not increase the use of
groundwater by HCGS or change the
limits of groundwater use currently set
by DRBC (PSEG 2005). As such, the
conclusions in the 1984 FES regarding
groundwater use at HCGS would remain
valid for the proposed EPU.
The proposed EPU would not increase
the amount of surface water withdrawn
from the Delaware Estuary and
groundwater use at HCGS would not
increase. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes the proposed EPU would
have negligible water use impacts on the
Discharge Impacts
Potential impacts to a water body
from power plant discharge include
increased turbidity, scouring, erosion,
sedimentation, contamination, and
water temperature. Because the
proposed EPU would not increase the
amount of cooling tower blowdown
discharged to the Delaware Estuary,
turbidity, scouring, erosion, and
sedimentation would not be expected to
significantly impact the estuary.
Additionally, the proposed EPU would
not introduce any new contaminants to
the Delaware Estuary and would not
significantly increase any potential
contaminants that are presently
regulated by the station’s NJPDES
permit. The concentration of total
dissolved solids (TDS) in the cooling
tower blowdown would increase due to
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
the increased rate of evaporation;
however, the amount of blowdown
discharged to the estuary would
decrease, and the concentration of TDS
would remain within the station’s
NJPDES permit limits.
Although the amount of water
withdrawn from the Delaware Estuary
would remain unchanged, the proposed
EPU would result in a slight increase in
the temperature of the cooling tower
blowdown discharged to the estuary.
The station’s NJPDES permit imposes
limits on the temperature of the
blowdown and the amount of heat
rejected to the estuary by the HCGS
circulating water system. The NJDES
permit specifies that the 24-hour
average maximum blowdown
temperature is limited to 97.1 °F, and
heat rejection is limited to 662 million
British thermal units per hour (MBTU/
hr) from September 1 through May 31
and 534 MBTU/hr from June 1 through
August 31. DRBC also imposes thermal
regulations on HCGS through the
NJPDES permit, specifying that the net
temperature increase of the Delaware
Estuary may not exceed 4 °F from
September through May, and 1.5 °F
from June through August or estuary
water temperature may not exceed a
maximum of 86 °F, whichever is less.
These limitations apply to waters
outside of the heat dissipation area,
which extends 2,500 feet upstream and
downstream of the discharge point and
1,500 feet offshore from the discharge
point. The NJPDES permit provides an
exception for occasional excess
blowdown temperatures during extreme
meteorological conditions (a coincident
occurrence of a wet-bulb temperature
above 76 °F and relative humidity below
60 percent); however, the net
temperature limitations may never be
exceeded (Najarian Associates 2004).
The 1984 FES concluded that the
station’s shoreline discharge would not
adversely affect the estuary because of
its large tidal influence, which would
dilute, mix, and rapidly dissipate the
heated effluent (PSEG 2005).
Hydrothermal modeling conducted for
the proposed EPU determined that, even
during extreme meteorological
conditions, the post-EPU increase in
cooling tower blowdown temperature
would not exceed 91.7 °F, and the
station would continue to comply with
all applicable Delaware Estuary water
quality standards set by the station’s
NJPDES permit and DRBC (Najarian
Associates 2004).
In addition to setting thermal
discharge limits, the NJPDES permit
also regulates all surface and wastewater
discharges from the station. The NJPDES
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permit, effective March 1, 2003,
regulates discharge from six outfalls at
HCGS, including the cooling tower
blowdown, low volume oily wastewater,
stormwater, and sewage treatment; these
discharges ultimately flow to the
Delaware Estuary. As required by the
NJPDES permit, in addition to
temperature, cooling tower blowdown is
monitored for flow, pH, chlorine
produced oxidants (CPOs), total
suspended solids, TDS, and total
organic carbon. HCGS operates a
dechlorination system that utilizes
ammonium bisulfate to reduce CPOs in
the blowdown. Furthermore, acute and
chronic biological toxicity tests were
routinely performed on cooling tower
blowdown from 1998 through 2001 to
comply with NJDEP non-toxicity
regulations (PSEG 2005).
The NJPDES permit sets monitoring,
sampling, and reporting requirements
for all HCGS discharges. A search of the
NJDEP Open Public Records Act
Datamine online database revealed no
water quality violations for HCGS
(NJDEP 2007).
With the exception of increased
blowdown temperature and TDS
concentration, as discussed above, the
proposed EPU would not be expected to
alter the composition or volume of any
other effluents, including stormwater
drainage, oily water, and sewage
treatment (PSEG 2005). Blowdown
temperature and composition, and
Delaware Estuary water temperatures
would remain in compliance with the
station’s NJPDES permit, and the
proposed EPU would not result in
changes in any other effluents to the
estuary. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that the proposed EPU would
result in negligible impacts on the
Delaware Estuary from HCGS discharge.
Impacts on Aquatic Biota
The potential impacts to aquatic biota
from the proposed action are primarily
due to operation of the cooling water
system and to maintenance of
transmission line ROWs. Cooling water
withdrawal affects aquatic populations
through impingement of larger
individuals (e.g., fish, some crustaceans,
turtles) on the intake trash bars and
debris screens and entrainment of
smaller organisms that pass through the
screens into the cooling water system.
The proposed action would not change
the volume or rate of cooling water
withdrawn. Most of the additional heat
generated under the proposed EPU
would be dissipated by the cooling
tower, and PSEG proposes no changes to
the cooling water system.
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Discharge of heated effluent alters
natural thermal and current regimes and
can induce thermal shock in aquatic
organisms. The HCGS effluent would
change under the proposed EPU.
Because the volume of makeup water
withdrawn from the estuary would
remain unchanged and the volume of
evaporative loss from the cooling tower
would increase, the volume of the
blowdown released as effluent, which is
the difference between the water
withdrawn and the water lost to
evaporation, would decrease. The
increased evaporation would leave
behind more solids in the blowdown, so
the concentration of TDS in the effluent
would be an average of about 9 percent
higher than under current operations
(Najarian Associates 2004). The effluent
would also be somewhat warmer, but
modeling predicts that all present
NJPDES permit conditions for the
effluent would still be met (Najarian
Associates 2004).
PSEG proposes no new transmission
line ROWs and no change in current
maintenance procedures for
transmission line ROWs under the
proposed EPU, so this potential source
of impact will not be considered further
for aquatic resources.
The potential receptors of the
environmental stressors of
impingement, entrainment, and heat
shock are the aquatic communities in
the Delaware Estuary near HCGS.
Ecologists typically divide such
communities into the following
categories for convenience when
considering ecological impacts of power
plants: Microbes, phytoplankton,
submerged aquatic vegetation,
invertebrate zooplankton, benthic
invertebrates, fish, and sometimes birds,
reptiles (e.g., sea turtles), and marine
mammals. Of these, effects of power
plant operation have been consistently
demonstrated only for fish.
Unless otherwise noted, the following
information on Delaware Estuary fish
and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is
from information summarized in the
2006 Salem NJPDES Permit Application
(NJDEP 2006). Salem is an adjacent
nuclear power plant that has conducted
several large studies in support of
permitting of its once-through cooling
water system. About 200 species of fish
have been reported from the Delaware
Estuary. Some are resident, some are
seasonal migrants, and some are
occasional strays. In its NJPDES Permit
Application, PSEG selected 11 species,
one invertebrate and ten fish, as species
representative of the aquatic community
(Table 1).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
Common name
Scientific name
Blue Crab .............................
Alewife ..................................
American Shad ....................
Callinectes sapidus ............
Alosa pseudoharengus ......
Alosa sapidissima ..............
Atlantic Croaker ...................
Micropogonias undulatus ...
Atlantic Menhaden ...............
Atlantic Silverside .................
Bay Anchovy ........................
Blueback Herring .................
Spot ......................................
Brevoortia tyrannus ............
Menidia menidia .................
Anchoa mitchelli .................
Alosa aestivalis ..................
Leiostomus xanthurus ........
Striped Bass .........................
Weakfish ..............................
Morone saxatilis .................
Cynoscion regalis ...............
White Perch .........................
Morone americana .............
Swimming crab, abundant in the estuary. Recreational and commercial species.
Anadromous herring; abundant in the estuary.
Anadromous herring; abundant in the estuary. Recreational and commercial species.
Drum family. Delaware Estuary stock may be single population. Recreational and
commercial species.
Herring. Larvae and juveniles use the estuary as a nursery. Commercial species.
Resident in intertidal marsh creeks and shore zones.
Common in the bay and tidal river zones.
Anadromous herring; abundant in the estuary.
Drum family. Juveniles use the estuary as a nursery. Recreational and commercial
Anadromous temperate bass. Recreational and commercial species.
Drum family. Larvae and juveniles use the estuary as nursery. Recreational and
commercial species.
Temperate bass. Year-round residents anadromous within estuary. Recreational
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Source: NJDEP 2006.
HCGS is located in the Delaware
Estuary between the Delaware River
upstream and the wide Delaware Bay
downstream. Estuaries are drowned
river valleys where fresh water from
rivers mixes with the higher salinity
water of the ocean and bays. In
estuaries, salinity and water
temperature may change with season,
tides, and meteorological conditions.
Typically, few species are resident in an
estuary all of their lives, perhaps
because surviving the wide variations in
salinity and temperature poses
physiological challenges to fish and
invertebrates. The predominant resident
fish species in the Delaware Estuary are
hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus), white
perch (Morone americana), bay anchovy
(Anchoa mitchelli), Atlantic and
tidewater silversides (Menidia menidia
and M. peninsulae, respectively), naked
goby (Gobiosoma bosc), and
mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus).
Resident fish species are represented
by Atlantic silversides, bay anchovy,
and white perch (Table 1). Atlantic
silversides are relatively small common
fish that inhabit intertidal creeks and
shore zones. They mature in less than a
year and seldom live beyond 2 years.
Although there may be no discernable
long-term trend in abundance in the
Delaware Estuary, the short-term trend
appears to be decreasing abundance.
Bay anchovy may be the most abundant
species in the estuary. This small fish
overwinters in deep areas of the lower
estuary and near-shore coastal zone.
Though bay anchovies tend to stay in
the lower part of the estuary, they stray
as far north as Trenton. They tend to
mature in the summer following their
birth. Typically two spawning peaks
occur, one in late May and one in midJuly, although some spawning occurs all
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summer. Most spawning occurs where
salinity exceeds 20 parts per thousand
(ppt), but some spawning may occur
throughout the estuary. Although no
long-term trend in abundance is
evident, abundance since the mid-1990s
appears to be declining. White perch are
found throughout the brackish portions
of the estuary. They are anadromous
within the estuary (‘‘semianadromous’’), meaning that they
undergo a seasonal migration from the
deeper, more saline areas where they
overwinter in fresh, shallow waters in
the spring to spawn and then return to
more brackish waters. They typically
mature in 2 to 3 years. The abundance
of white perch in the Delaware Estuary
appears to be stable or increasing,
possibly in response to long-term
improvements in water quality.
Adult blue crabs are resident macroinvertebrates in the Delaware Estuary,
although their larvae are not. After
mating in shallow brackish areas of the
upper estuary in spring, adult females
migrate to the mouth of the bay. The
eggs, which are extruded and carried on
the undersides of females, hatch
typically in the warm (77–86 °F), high
salinity (18–26 ppt) waters of the lower
bay in summer. After hatching, the
larvae pass through seven planktonic
stages, called zoeae, and move offshore
with near-shore surface currents. The
first post-larval stage, called a megalops,
uses wind-driven currents and tides to
move inshore. They then metamorphose
to the first crab stage and move up the
estuary. Adult male crabs do not migrate
from the upper estuary. Crabs typically
mature when 1 or 2 years old. Between
1980 and 2004, blue crab abundance in
the Delaware Estuary appears to have
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Anadromous species live their adult
lives at sea and migrate into fresh water
to spawn. The most common
anadromous fish species in the
Delaware Estuary are alewife (Alosa
pseudoharengus), American shad (A.
sapidissima), blueback herring (A.
aestivalis), and striped bass (Morone
saxatilis), of which the first three are
members of the herring family. The
endangered shortnose sturgeon
(Acipenser brevirostrum) is also
anadromous. The ecology of the three
herrings is similar, as is their
appearance. All use the estuary as
spawning and nursery habitat. All
migrate to fresh water in the spring and
are believed to return to their natal
streams to spawn. The newly hatched
larvae are planktonic and move
downstream with the current. Juveniles
remain in freshwater nursery areas
throughout the summer and migrate to
sea in the fall. They then remain at sea
until maturity and migrate along the
coast. Alewife have become more
abundant since 1980, although the trend
since 1990 is unclear. Abundance of
American shad in the Delaware Estuary
drastically declined in the early 1900s
due to poor water quality, dam
construction, over-fishing, and habitat
destruction. American shad began to
recover in the 1960s and 1980s and
appears to be recovering still. No trends
are evident in blueback herring
Striped bass is a fairly large member
of the temperate bass family, which also
includes white perch. Adult striped
bass, which may reach weights of over
100 pounds, migrate up the estuary to
fresh and brackish waters in the spring
to spawn and are believed to return to
their natal rivers and streams for
spawning. The newly hatched larvae are
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planktonic and move downstream with
the current. Small juveniles use fresh
and brackish areas as nurseries, and
larger juveniles use the higher salinity
waters of the lower estuary as feeding
grounds. Adult striped bass live at sea
and the lower estuary and migrate along
the coast. Like American shad, the
striped bass population in the Delaware
Estuary declined prior to the 1980s but
is now recovering.
The most common marine species
that use the estuary include weakfish
(Cynoscion regalis), spot (Leiostomus
xanthurus), Atlantic croaker
(Micropogonias undulatus), bluefish
(Pomatomus saltatrix), summer flounder
(Paralichthys dentatas), and Atlantic
menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Four
of these, weakfish, spot, Atlantic
croaker, and Atlantic menhaden, are
shown as representative in Table 1.
Atlantic croaker, spot, and weakfish are
members of the drum family. Adult
Atlantic croaker inhabit the deep, open
areas of the lower bay from late spring
through mid-fall. They spawn from July
through April along the continental
shelf. Larval Atlantic croaker first move
with the currents and later move to the
shallow areas of the bay. Juveniles use
the shallow areas and tidal creeks in
fresh and brackish water as nurseries,
but move into deeper water during
colder periods. They mature at about 2
to 4 years of age. Abundance of Atlantic
croaker in the Delaware Estuary has
been increasing since the early 1990s.
Spot spawn over the continental shelf
from late September through April.
Larvae live in the ocean then move to
the Bay. The young juveniles move
upstream into tidal creeks and
tributaries with low salinity. Like
Atlantic croaker, spot move into deeper
water during colder periods. Spot
mature at 1 to 3 years old. Abundance
of spot appears to be negatively related
to the abundance of Atlantic croaker
and has been decreasing. Weakfish
spawn in the mouth of Delaware Bay in
mid-May through mid-September, and
after hatching, the larvae move up into
the estuary to nursery areas of lower
salinity (3 to 15 ppt). In mid-to-late
summer they move south to mesohaline
nursery grounds, and as temperatures
decline in fall, the juveniles move south
from the nursery areas to the continental
shelf and south. They mature at an age
of 1 or 2 years. Abundance of weakfish
in the Delaware Estuary appear to have
increased from the 1970s to 1990s and
then declined.
Atlantic menhaden is a pelagic
species that overwinters on the shelf,
and large numbers overwinter off Cape
Hatteras, North Carolina. The
population moves north along the coast
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in the spring and south in the fall. The
populations spawn all year, and peak
spawning occurs off the Delaware Bay
in spring and fall. The larvae move by
wind-driven currents into estuarine
nursery grounds, where they transform
to juveniles and move upstream to
oligohaline waters and then move out
the estuary with falling temperatures. In
the fall, they congregate into dense
schools and move out of the estuary and
south along the coast. Atlantic
menhaden mature at about age two. No
trend in abundance in the Delaware
Estuary is apparent.
While the identity of species
potentially affected by entrainment,
impingement, and heat shock may be
inferred from ecological information
about the Delaware Estuary, the species
affected cannot be verified, and the
numbers cannot be quantified because
no environmental monitoring programs
are conducted at the HCGS. Impinged
organisms are most likely to die, and the
fish-return system does not function
continuously to minimize mortality. All
organisms entrained at HCGS, which
operates a cooling tower, are probably
killed from exposure to heat,
mechanical, pressure-related stresses,
and possibly biocidal chemicals before
being discharged to the estuary.
The NRC staff found few data with
which to assess impacts to aquatic
organisms due to operation of HCGS.
Under the proposed EPU, water
withdrawal rates would not change from
present conditions. Entrainment and
impingement impacts may change over
time due to changes in the aquatic
populations even though HCGS’s water
withdrawal rate would not change from
present conditions. Impacts due to
impingement and entrainment losses are
minimized because the closed-cycle
cooling system at the plant minimizes
the amount of cooling water withdrawn
from and heated effluent returned to the
estuary. The water quality of the
effluent (e.g., temperature, toxicity, TDS
concentrations) would continue to meet
present NJPDES permit conditions for
protection of aquatic life. The staff
concludes that the proposed EPU would
have no significant impact to aquatic
Essential Fish Habitat Consultation
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(MSA) identifies the importance of
habitat protection to healthy fisheries.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is defined
as those waters and substrata necessary
for spawning, breeding, feeding, or
growth to maturity (Magnuson-Stevens
Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.). Designating
EFH is an essential component in the
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development of Fishery Management
Plans to minimize habitat loss or
degradation of fishery stocks and to take
actions to mitigate such damage. The
consultation requirements of Section
305(b) of the MSA provide that Federal
agencies consult with the Secretary of
Commerce on all actions or proposed
actions authorized, funded, or
undertaken by the agency that may
adversely affect EFH. An EFH
assessment for the proposed EPU was
sent to the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) under separate cover to
initiate an EFH consultation.
Impacts on Terrestrial Biota
The potential impacts to terrestrial
biota from the proposed action would be
those from transmission line ROW
maintenance. Under EPU conditions,
PSEG does not plan to change
transmission line maintenance or add
new transmission lines. In addition,
PSEG does not plan to conduct major
refurbishment of significant landdisturbing activities in order to
implement the proposed EPU. Because
no changes are planned that have the
potential to impact terrestrial biota, the
NRC staff concludes that the proposed
EPU would have no impacts to
terrestrial biota associated with
transmission line ROW maintenance.
Threatened and Endangered Species
and Critical Habitat
In a letter dated December 8, 2006,
pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered
Species Act of 1969, as amended, the
NRC requested from the NMFS a list of
species and information on protected,
proposed, and candidate species and
critical habitat that are under their
jurisdiction and may be in the vicinity
of HCGS and its associated transmission
lines. In response, NMFS issued a letter
dated January 26, 2007, that provided
information on the endangered
shortnose sturgeon; Atlantic sturgeon
(Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus), a
candidate species for listing; and five
species of endangered or threatened sea
turtles: Loggerhead (Caretta caretta),
Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii),
leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea),
green (Chelonia mydas), and hawksbill
(Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles. The
NRC staff investigated the effects of
HCGS operation on these species and
found that the primary concern for these
endangered and threatened species is
the risk of impingement or entrainment
due to cooling water intake by the plant.
The proposed EPU would not change
the intake flow, and, therefore, would
not increase in the risk of impingement
and entrainment. To dissipate the
additional heat created by the EPU, the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
temperature of the plant’s cooling water
discharge would be slightly elevated,
but still within the NJPDES 24-hour
average temperature limit of 97.1 °F. In
addition, HCGS has had no takes of any
of the endangered or threatened species
listed above. Therefore, the NRC staff
anticipates no effects related to the
intake or discharge on threatened or
endangered species under NMFS’s
jurisdiction, and on May 3, 2007, sent
a letter to NMFS concluding the
informal Section 7 consultation.
Although an informal consultation
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
regarding bald eagles was initiated for
the HCGS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service delisted bald eagles pursuant to
the Endangered Species Act on July 9,
2007, and concluded the informal
Socioeconomic Impacts
The potential socioeconomic impacts
due to the proposed EPU include
changes in the payments in lieu of taxes
for Lower Alloways Creek Township
and Salem County and changes in the
size of the workforce at HCGS. Nearly
70 percent of HCGS employees
currently resides in Salem, Cumberland,
and Gloucester Counties in New Jersey.
The proposed EPU would not increase
the size of the HCGS workforce, since
proposed plant modifications and other
planned activities would be handled by
the current workforce or would be
phased in during planned outages. Also,
the proposed EPU would not increase
the size of the HCGS workforce during
future refueling outages. Therefore, the
proposed EPU would not have any
measurable effect on annual earnings
and income in Salem, Cumberland, and
Gloucester Counties nor would there be
any increased demand for community
According to the 2000 Census, Salem,
Cumberland, and Gloucester County
populations were about 20.4, 41.6, and
14.3 percent minority, respectively
(USCB 2000). The percentages of
minority populations residing in Salem
and Gloucester Counties were well
below the State minority population of
34.0 percent. In addition, the poverty
rates for individuals living in Salem and
Cumberland Counties were 9.5 and 15.0
percent, respectively, which were
higher than the State’s average of 8.5
percent (the Gloucester County poverty
rate was 6.2 percent)(USCB 2000a).
Even though these percentages are
relatively high, the proposed EPU
would not have any disproportionately
high and adverse impacts to minority
and low-income populations, because
no significant environmental impacts
were identified during the analysis.
The proposed EPU could affect the
value of HCGS and the amount of
monies paid to local jurisdictions, inlieu-of-property tax payments, because
the total amount of tax money to be
distributed would increase as power
generation increases and because the
proposed EPU would increase HCGS’s
value, thus resulting in potentially
larger payments to Lower Alloways
Creek Township and Salem County.
Also, because the proposed EPU would
increase the economic viability of
HCGS, the probability of early plant
retirement would be reduced. Early
plant retirement would have a negative
impact on the local economy by
reducing or eliminating payments to
Lower Alloways Creek Township and
Salem County and limiting employment
opportunities in the region.
Since the proposed EPU would not
affect annual earnings and income in
Salem County, nor demand for
community services and due to the lack
of significant environmental impacts on
minority or low-income populations,
there would be no significant
socioeconomic or environmental justice
impacts associated with the proposed
EPU. Conversely, the proposed EPU
could have a positive effect on the
regional economy because of the
potential increase in the payments inlieu-of-taxes received by the Lower
Alloways Creek Township and Salem
County, due to the potential increase in
the book value of HCGS and long-term
viability of HCGS.
The proposed EPU would not result
in a significant change in nonradiological impacts in the areas of land
use, water use, waste discharges,
cooling tower operation, terrestrial and
aquatic biota, transmission facility
operation, or socioeconomic factors. No
other non-radiological impacts were
identified or would be expected. Table
2 summarizes the non-radiological
environmental impacts of the proposed
Land Use ..............................
Cooling Tower ......................
Transmission Facilities .........
Water Use ............................
Discharge .............................
Aquatic Biota ........................
Terrestrial Biota ....................
ebenthall on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
Threatened and Endangered
Socioeconomic .....................
No significant land use modifications; installed temporary office space to support EPU.
No significant aesthetic impact; no significant fogging or icing.
No physical modifications to transmission lines or ROWs; lines meet shock safety requirements; small increase in
electrical current would cause small increase in electromagnetic field around transmission lines.
No configuration change to intake structure; no increase rate of withdrawal; slight increase in water consumption
due to increased evaporation; no water use conflicts.
Increase in water temperature and containment concentration discharged to Delaware River; would meet discharge limits in current NJPDES permit following EPU implementation.
Entrainment and impingement losses may change over time due to changes in the aquatic population but are
minimized because of the closed-cycle cooling system utilized at the plant. The water quality of the effluent
would continue to meet NJPDES permit conditions for protection of aquatic life. EFH consultation ongoing.
No land disturbance or changes to transmission line ROW maintenance are expected; therefore, there would be
no significant effects on terrestrial species or their habitat.
No significant impacts are expected on threatened or endangered species or their habitat. Informal consultation
with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ongoing.
No change in the size of HCGS labor force required for plant operation and planned outages; proposed EPU
could increase payments in-lieu-of-taxes to Lower Alloways Creek Township and Salem County as well as the
book value of HCGS; there would be no disproportionately high and adverse impact on minority and low-income populations.
Radiological Impacts
The NRC staff evaluated radiological
environmental impacts on waste
streams, dose, accident analysis, and
fuel cycle and transportation factors.
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Following is a general discussion of
these issues and an evaluation of their
environmental impacts.
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Radioactive Waste Stream Impacts
HCGS uses waste treatment systems
designed to collect, process, and dispose
of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes that
might contain radioactive material in a
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safe and controlled manner such that
the discharges are in accordance with
the requirements of Title 10 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 20,
and Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50.
The licensee has indicated that
operation at EPU conditions would not
result in any changes in the operation or
design of equipment in the radioactive
waste solid waste, liquid waste, or
gaseous waste management systems
(GWMS). The safety and reliability of
these systems would be unaffected by
the power uprate. Neither the
environmental monitoring of any of
these waste streams nor the radiological
monitoring requirements of the HCGS
Technical Specifications and/or Offsite
Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)
would be affected by the EPU.
Furthermore, the EPU would not
introduce any new or different
radiological release pathways, nor
would it increase the probability of
either an operator error or an equipment
malfunction, that would result in an
uncontrolled radioactive release (PSEG
2005). The EPU would produce a larger
amount of fission and activation
products; however, the waste treatment
systems are designed to handle the
additional source term. The specific
effects on each of the radioactive waste
management systems are evaluated
Gaseous Radioactive Waste and Offsite
During normal operation, HCGS’s
GWMS processes and controls the
release of gaseous radioactive effluents
to the environment. The GWMS
includes the off-gas system and various
building ventilation systems. The
radioactive release rate of the gaseous
effluent is well monitored and
administratively controlled by the
HCGS ODCM (PSEG 2005). The single
year highest annual releases of gaseous
radioactive material, for the time period
2000–2004, were 6.30 Curies (Ci) for
noble gases in 2003, 0.0060 Ci for
particulates in 2000, and 0.014 Ci for
iodines in 2004 (PSEG 2005).
The licensee has estimated that the
amount of radioactive material released
in gaseous effluents would increase in
proportion to the increase in power
level (15 percent) (PSEG 2005). Based
on experience from EPUs at other
plants, the NRC staff concludes that this
is an acceptable estimate. The dose to a
member of the public, including the
additional gaseous radioactive material
that would be released from the
proposed EPU, is calculated to still be
well within the radiation standards of
10 CFR Part 20 and the dose design
objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part
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50. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes
that the impact from the EPU would not
be significant.
Liquid Radioactive Waste and Offsite
During normal operation, HCGS’s
Liquid Waste Management System
(LWMS) processes and controls the
release of liquid radioactive effluents to
the environment, such that the doses to
individuals offsite are maintained
within the limits of 10 CFR part 20 and
the design objectives of Appendix I to
10 CFR part 50. The LWMS is designed
to process the waste and then recycles
it within the plant as condensate,
reprocesses it through the radioactive
waste system for further purification, or
discharges it to the environment as
liquid radioactive waste effluent in
accordance with facility procedures
which comply with New Jersey and
Federal regulations. The radioactive
release rate of the liquid effluent is well
monitored and administratively
controlled by the HCGS ODCM (PSEG
2005). The single year highest annual
releases of liquid radioactive material,
for the time period 2000–2004, were
54,742,400 gallons (2.072E+8 liters) and
0.068 Ci of fission and activating
products in 2003 (PSEG 2005).
Even though the EPU would produce
a larger amount of radioactive fission
and activation products and a larger
volume of liquid to be processed, the
licensee expects the LWMS to remove
all but a small amount of the increased
radioactive material. The licensee has
estimated that the volume of radioactive
liquid effluents released to the
environment and the amount of
radioactive material in the liquid
effluents would increase by 2.2 percent,
due to the EPU. Based on experience
from EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff
concludes that this is an acceptable
estimate. The dose to a member of the
public, including the additional liquid
radioactive material that would be
released from the proposed EPU, is
calculated to still be well within the
radiation standards of 10 CFR part 20
and the dose design objectives of
Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50.
Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that
the impact from the EPU would not be
Solid Radioactive Waste and Offsite
During normal operation, HCGS’s
Solid Waste Management System
(SWMS) collects, processes, packages,
and temporarily stores radioactive dry
and wet solid wastes prior to shipment
offsite and permanent disposal. The
SWMS is designed to package the wet
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and dry types of radioactive solid waste
for offsite shipment and burial, in
accordance with the requirements of
applicable NRC and Department of
Transportation regulations, including 10
CFR part 61, 10 CFR part 71, and 49
CFR parts 170 through 178. This results
in radiation exposures to a member of
the public to be well within the limits
of 10 CFR part 20 and the design
objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part
50. The volume of solid radioactive
waste generated varied from about 11.7
to almost 90.4 cubic meters per year for
the time period 2000–2004; the largest
volume generated was 90.4 cubic meters
in 2002. The amount of solid radioactive
material in the waste generated varied
from 1 to almost 600 Ci per year during
that same period. The largest amount of
radioactive material generated in the
solid waste was 591 Ci in 2001 (PSEG
The EPU would produce a larger
amount of radioactive fission and
activation products, and treatment of
this increase would require more
frequent replacement or regeneration of
SWMS filters and demineralizer resins.
The licensee has estimated that the
volume and radioactivity of solid
radioactive waste would increase by
approximately 14.7 percent from the
average of the time period 2000–2004,
due to the EPU (PSEG 2005). Based on
experience from EPUs at other plants,
the NRC staff concludes that this is an
acceptable estimate. Therefore, the staff
concludes that the impact from the
increased volume of solid radwaste
generated due to the EPU would not be
The licensee estimates that the EPU
would require replacement of 10
percent more fuel assemblies at each
refueling. This increase in the amount of
spent fuel being generated would
require an increase in the number of dry
fuel storage casks used to store spent
fuel. However, the current dry fuel
storage facility at HCGS can
accommodate the increase.
Occupational Radiation Doses
The proposed EPU would result in the
production of more radioactive material
and higher radiation dose rates in some
areas at HCGS. PSEG’s radiation
protection staff will monitor these
increased dose rates and make
adjustments in shielding, access
requirements, decontamination
methods, and procedures as necessary
to minimize the dose to workers. In
addition, occupational dose to
individual workers must be maintained
within the limits of 10 CFR part 20 and
as low as reasonably achievable.
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The licensee has estimated that after
the implementation of EPU, the
estimated annual average collective
occupational dose would be in the range
of 146 person-rem, representing a 16percent increase of in-plant occupation
exposure (PSEG 2005). According to the
2004 report on ‘‘Occupational Radiation
Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power
Reactors and Other Facilities,’’ the
highest HCGS occupational exposure is
240 person-rem in 2004, for the time
period 2002–2004 (NUREG 2004). The
dose to a member of HCGS personnel
from the radiation exposures described
above, increased by 20 percent, would
still be well within the radiation
standards of 10 CFR part 20. Based on
experience from EPUs at other plants,
the NRC staff concludes that these
estimates are acceptable. Based on these
estimates, the NRC staff concludes that
the increase in occupational exposure
would not be significant.
Offsite Radiation Doses
Offsite radiation dose consists of three
components: Gaseous, liquid, and direct
gamma radiation. As previously
discussed under the Gaseous
Radiological Wastes and Liquid
Radiological Wastes sections, the
estimated doses to a member of the
public from gaseous and liquid effluents
after the EPU is implemented would be
within the dose design objectives of
Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50.
The final component of offsite dose is
from direct gamma radiation dose from
radioactive waste stored temporarily
onsite, including spent fuel in dry cask
storage, and radionuclides (mainly
nitrogen-16) in the steam from the
reactor passing through the turbine
system. The high energy radiation from
nitrogen-16 is scattered or reflected by
the air above the site and represents an
additional public radiation dose
pathway known as ‘‘skyshine.’’ The
licensee estimated that the offsite
radiation dose from skyshine would
increase linearly with the increase in
power level from the EPU (15 percent);
more nitrogen-16 is produced at the
higher EPU power and less of the
nitrogen-16 decays before it reaches the
turbine system because of the higher
rate of steam flow due to the EPU. The
licensee’s radiological environmental
monitoring program measures radiation
dose at the site boundary and in the area
around the plant with an array of
thermoluminescent dosimeters. The
licensee estimated that the offsite
radiation dose would increase to
approximately 9.3 millirem (mrem), in
proportion to the EPU power increase
(15 percent) (PSEG 2005). Based on
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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experience from EPUs at other plants,
the NRC staff concludes that this is an
acceptable estimate. EPA regulation 40
CFR part 190, and NRC regulation 10
CFR Part 20, limit the dose to any
member of the public to 25 mrem per
year to the whole body from the entire
nuclear fuel cycle. The offsite dose from
all sources, including radioactive
gaseous and liquid effluents and direct
radiation, would still be well within this
limit after the EPU is implemented.
Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that
the increase in offsite radiation dose
would not be significant.
Postulated Accident Doses
As a result of implementation of the
proposed EPU, there would be an
increase in the inventory of
radionuclides in the reactor core; the
core inventory of radionuclides would
increase as power level increases. The
concentration of radionuclides in the
reactor coolant may also increase;
however, this concentration is limited
by the HCGS technical specifications.
Therefore, the reactor coolant
concentration of radionuclides would
not be expected to increase
significantly. Some of the radioactive
waste streams and storage systems may
also contain slightly higher quantities of
radioactive material. The calculated
doses from design basis postulated
accidents for HCGS are currently well
below the criteria of 10 CFR 50.67. The
licensee has estimated that the
radiological consequences of postulated
accidents would increase approximately
in proportion to the increase in power
level from the EPU (15 percent). Based
on experience from EPUs at other
plants, the NRC staff concludes that this
is an acceptable estimate. The
calculated doses from design basis
postulated accidents would still be well
within the criteria of 10 CFR 50.67 after
the increase due to the implementation
of the EPU. These calculated doses are
based on conservative assumptions for
the purposes of safety analyses.
Estimates of the radiological
consequences of postulated accidents
for the purposes of estimating
environmental impact are made by the
NRC using best estimate assumptions,
which result in substantially lower dose
estimates. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that the increase in
radiological consequences for
postulated accidents due to the EPU
would not be significant.
Fuel Cycle and Transportation Impacts
The environmental impacts of the fuel
cycle and transportation of fuel and
waste are described in Tables S–3 and
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
S–4 of 10 CFR 51.51 and 10 CFR 51.52,
respectively. An additional NRC generic
EA (53 FR 30355, dated August 11,
1988, as corrected by 53 FR 32322,
dated August 24, 1988) evaluated the
applicability of Tables S–3 and S–4 to
a higher burn-up fuel cycle and
concluded that there would be no
significant change in environmental
impact from the parameters evaluated in
Tables S–3 and S–4 for fuel cycles with
uranium enrichments up to 5 weight
percent uranium-235 and burn-ups less
than 60,000 MW days per metric ton of
uranium-235 (MWd/MTU).
The proposed EPU would increase the
power level to 3,840 MWt, which is
approximately 1 percent above the
reference power level of 3,800 MWt for
Table S–4. The increased power level of
3,840 MWt corresponds to
approximately 1,265 MWe, which is
26.5 percent above the reference power
level of 1,000 MWe for Table S–3. Part
of the increase is due to a more efficient
turbine design; this increase in
efficiency does not affect the impacts of
the fuel cycle and transportation of
waste. More fuel will be used in the
reactor (more fuel assemblies will be
replaced at each refueling outage), and
that will potentially affect the impacts
of the fuel cycle and transportation of
waste. However, the fuel enrichment
and burn-up rate criteria will still be
met because fuel enrichment will be
maintained no greater than 5 weight
percent uranium-235, and the fuel burnup rate will be maintained within 60
MWd/MTU. The NRC staff concludes
that after adjusting for the effects of the
more efficient turbine, the potential
increases in the impact due to the
uranium fuel cycle and the
transportation of fuel and waste from
the increased amount of fuel used
would not be significant.
Based on the NRC staff review of
licensee submission and the FES for
operation, it is concluded that the
proposed EPU would not significantly
increase the consequences of accidents,
would not result in a significant
increase in occupational or public
radiation exposure, and would not
result in significant additional fuel cycle
environmental impacts. Accordingly,
the Commission concludes that there
would be no significant radiological
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action. Table 3
summarizes the radiological
environmental impacts of the proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 203 / Monday, October 22, 2007 / Notices
Gaseous Radiological
Liquid Radiological Effluents
Solid Radioactive Waste ......
Occupational Radiation
Offsite Radiation Doses .......
Postulated Accident Doses ..
Fuel Cycle and Transportation Impacts.
Increased gaseous effluents (20 percent) would remain within NRC limits and dose design objectives.
Increased liquid effluents (2.2 percent) would remain within NRC limits and dose design objectives.
Increased amount of solid radioactive waste generated (14.7 percent by volume & 20 percent by radioactivity)
would remain bounded by evaluation in the FES.
Occupational dose would increase by roughly 16 percent. Doses would be maintained within NRC limits and as
low as is reasonably achievable.
Radiation doses to members of the public would increase to approximately 9.3 mrem and continue to be well
within NRC and EPA regulations.
Calculated doses for postulated design-basis accidents would remain within NRC limits.
Fuel enrichment and burnup rate criteria would be met. Potential increases in the impact due to uranium fuel
cycle and the transportation of fuel and waste would not be significant.
ebenthall on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
Alternatives to Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed
action, the NRC staff considered denial
of the proposed EPU (i.e., the ‘‘noaction’’ alternative). Denial of the
application would result in no change
in the current environmental impacts.
However, if the proposed EPU were not
approved, other agencies and electric
power organizations may be required to
pursue alternative means of providing
electric generation capacity to offset the
increased power demand forecasted for
the PJM regional transmission territory.
A reasonable alternative to the
proposed EPU would be to purchase
power from other generators in the PJM
network. In 2003, generating capacity in
PJM consisted primarily of fossil fuelfired generators: Coal generated 36.2
percent of PJM capacity, oil 14.3
percent, and natural gas 6.8 percent.
This indicates that purchased power in
the PJM territory would likely be
generated by a fossil-fuel-fired facility.
Construction (if new generation is
needed) and operation of a fossil fuel
plant would create impacts in air
quality, land use, and waste
management significantly greater than
those identified for the proposed EPU at
HCGS. HCGS does not emit sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon
dioxide, or other atmospheric pollutants
that are commonly associated with
fossil fuel plants. Conservation
programs such as demand-side
management could feasibly replace the
proposed EPU’s additional power
output. However, forecasted future
energy demand in the PJM territory may
exceed conservation savings and still
require additional generating capacity.
Furthermore, the proposed EPU does
not involve environmental impacts that
are significantly different from those
originally identified in the 1984 HCGS
FES for operation.
Alternative Use of Resources
This action does not involve the use
of any resources not previously
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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considered in the original FES for
construction (AEC 1974).
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on July 24, 2007, the NRC staff
consulted with the New Jersey State
official, Mr. Jerry Humphreys, of the
New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection, regarding the
environmental impact of the proposed
action. The state official stated that any
comments would be provided during
the 30-day public comment period.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the EA, the NRC
concludes that the proposed action
would not have a significant effect on
the quality of the human environment.
Accordingly, the NRC has determined
not to prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement for the proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s
application dated September 18, 2006,
as supplemented on October 10, and
October 20, 2006; February 14, February
16, February 28, March 13 (2 letters),
March 22, March 30 (2 letters), April 13,
April 18, April 30, May 10, May 18 (3
letters), May 24, June 22, and August 3,
2007. Documents may be examined,
and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC’s
Public Document Room (PDR), located
at One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville,
Maryland 20852. Publicly available
records will be accessible electronically
from the Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Public Electronic Reading
Room on the NRC Web site, https://
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, or
301–415–4737, or send an e-mail to
DATES: The comment period expires
November 21, 2007. Comments received
PO 00000
Frm 00062
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
after this date will be considered if it is
practical to do so, but the Commission
is only able to assure consideration of
comments received on or before
November 21, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
to Chief, Rules and Directives Branch,
Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop T–
6D59, Washington, DC 20555–0001.
Written comments may also be
delivered to 11545 Rockville Pike, Room
T–6D59, Rockville, Maryland 20852
from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. on Federal
workdays. Copies of written comments
received will be electronically available
at the NRC’s Public Electronic Reading
Room link,, on the NRC Web site or
at the NRC’s PDR located at One White
Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first
floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, or
301–415–4737, or by e-mail to
is considering issuance of an
amendment to Facility Operating
License No. NPF–057 issued to PSEG
Nuclear, LLC for the operation of Hope
Creek Generating Station, Unit 1,
located in Salem County, New Jersey.
G. Lamb, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, Mail Stop O–8B1A, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001, by
telephone at (301) 415–3100, or by email at
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 12th day
of October 2007.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Harold K. Chernoff,
Chief, Plant Licensing Branch I–2, Division
of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E7–20761 Filed 10–19–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 203 (Monday, October 22, 2007)]
[Pages 59563-59572]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-20761]
[[Page 59563]]
[Docket No. 50-354]
PSEG Nuclear, LLC; Hope Creek Generating Station Draft
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related
to the Proposed License Amendment To Increase the Maximum Reactor Power
AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
SUMMARY: The NRC has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) as
its evaluation of a request by the PSEG Nuclear, LLC (PSEG) for license
amendments to increase the maximum thermal power at Hope Creek
Generating Station (HCGS) from 3,339 megawatts-thermal (MWt) to 3,840
MWt. The EA assesses environmental impacts up to a maximum thermal
power level of 3,952 MWt, as the applicant's environmental report was
based on that power level. As stated in the NRC staff's position paper
dated February 8, 1996, on the Boiling-Water Reactor (BWR) Extended
Power Uprate (EPU) Program, the NRC staff would prepare an
environmental impact statement if it believes a power uprate would have
a significant impact on the human environment. The NRC staff did not
identify any significant impact from the information provided in the
licensee's EPU application for HCGS or from the NRC staff's independent
review; therefore, the NRC staff is documenting its environmental
review in an EA. The draft EA and Finding of No Significant Impact are
being published in the Federal Register with a 30-day public comment
Environmental Assessment
Plant Site and Environs
HCGS is located on the southern part of Artificial Island, on the
east bank of the Delaware River, in Lower Alloways Creek Township,
Salem County, New Jersey. While called Artificial Island, the site is
actually connected to the mainland of New Jersey by a strip of
tideland, formed by hydraulic fill from dredging operations on the
Delaware River by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The site is 15
miles south of the Delaware Memorial Bridge, 18 miles south of
Wilmington, Delaware, 30 miles southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
and 7.5 miles southwest of Salem, New Jersey. The station is located on
a 300-acre site.
The site is located in the southern region of the Delaware River
Valley, which is defined as the area immediately adjacent to the
Delaware River and extending from Trenton to Cape May Point, New
Jersey, on the eastern side, and from Morrisville, Pennsylvania, to
Lewes, Delaware, on the western side. This region is characterized by
extensive tidal marshlands and low-lying meadowlands. Most land in this
area is undeveloped. A great deal of land adjacent to the Delaware
River, near the site, is public land, owned by the Federal and State
governments. The main access to the plant is from a road constructed by
PSEG. This road connects with Alloways Creek Neck Road, about 2.5
miles, east of the site. Access to the plant site and all activities
thereon are under the control of PSEG.
Identification of the Proposed Action
HCGS is a single unit plant that employs a General Electric BWR
that was designed to operate at a rated core thermal power of 3,339
MWt, at 100-percent steam flow, with a turbine-generated rating of
approximately 1,139 megawatts-electric (MWe).
In 1984, NRC issued operating license NPF-57 to HCGS, authorizing
operation up to a maximum power level of 3,293 MWt. In 2001, NRC
authorized a license amendment for a 1.4 percent power uprate from
3,293 MWt to 3,339 MWt and issued an Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact for Increase in Allowable Thermal
Power Level (NRC 2001).
By letter dated September 18, 2006, PSEG proposed an amendment to
the operating license for HCGS, to increase the maximum thermal power
level by approximately 15 percent, from 3,339 MWt to 3,840 MWt. The
change is considered an EPU because it would raise the reactor core
power levels more than 7 percent above the originally licensed maximum
power level. According to the licensee, the proposed action would
involve installation of a higher efficiency turbine and an increase in
the heat output of the reactor. This would increase turbine inlet flow
requirements and increase the heat dissipated by the condenser to
support increased turbine exhaust steam flow requirements. In the
turbine portion of the heat cycle, increases in the turbine throttle
pressure and steam flow would result in a small increase in the heat
rejected to the cooling tower and the temperature of the water being
discharged into the Delaware River. In addition, there would be an
increase in the particulate air emission and an increase in the
contaminants that are in the blowdown water discharge.
The Need for the Proposed Action
PSEG (2005) evaluated the need for additional electrical generation
capacity in its service area for the planning period of 2002-2011.
Information provided by the North American Electric Reliability Council
showed that, in order to meet projected demands, generating capacity
must be increased by at least 2 percent per year for the Mid-Atlantic
Area Council and the PJM Interconnection, LLC (PSEG 2005). Such demand
increase would exceed PSEG's capacity to generate electricity for its
PSEG determined that a combination of increased power generation
and purchase of power from the electrical grid would be needed to meet
the projected demands. Increasing the generating capacity at HCGS was
estimated to provide lower-cost power than can be purchased on the
current and projected energy market. In addition, increasing nuclear
generating capacity would lessen the need to depend on fossil fuel
alternatives that are subject to unpredictable cost fluctuations and
increasing environmental costs.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
At the time of issuance of the operating license for HCGS, the NRC
staff noted that any activity authorized by the license would be
encompassed by the overall action evaluated in the Final Environmental
Statement (FES) for the operation of HCGS that was issued by the NRC in
December 1984 (NRC 1984). This EA summarizes the non-radiological and
radiological impacts that may result from the proposed action.
Non-Radiological Impacts
Land Use Impacts
The potential impacts associated with land use (including
aesthetics and historic and archaeological resources) include impacts
from construction and plant modifications at HCGS. While some plant
components would be modified, most plant changes related to the
proposed EPU would occur within existing structures, buildings, and
fenced equipment yards housing major components within the developed
part of the site. No new construction would occur, and no expansion of
buildings, roads, parking lots, equipment storage areas, or
transmission facilities would be required to support the proposed EPU
(PSEG 2005).
Existing parking lots, road access, offices, workshops, warehouses,
and restrooms would be used during
[[Page 59564]]
construction and plant modifications. Therefore, land use would not
change at HCGS. In addition, there would be no land use changes along
transmission lines (no new lines would be required for the proposed
EPU), transmission corridors, switchyards, or substations. Because land
use conditions would not change at HCGS and because any disturbance
would occur within previously disturbed areas, there would be no impact
to aesthetic resources and historic and archeological resources in the
vicinity of HCGS (PSEG 2005).
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was promulgated to encourage
and assist States and territories in developing management programs
that preserve, protect, develop, and, where possible, restore the
resources of the coastal zone. A ``coastal zone'' is generally
described as the coastal waters and the adjacent shore lands strongly
influenced by each other. This includes islands, transitional and
intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, beaches, and Great Lakes
waters. Activities of Federal agencies that are reasonably likely to
affect coastal zones shall be consistent with the approved coastal
management program (CMP) of the State or territory to the maximum
extent practical. The CZMA provisions apply to all actions requiring
Federal approval (new plant licenses, license renewals, materials
licenses, and major amendments to existing licenses) that affect the
coastal zone in a State or territory with a Federally approved CMP. On
April 23, 2007, PSEG submitted an application requesting the State of
New Jersey to perform the Federal consistency determination in
accordance with CZMA. On July 3, 2007, the New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Land Use Regulation Program, acting
under Section 307 of the Federal Coastal Management Act, agreed with
the certification that the EPU is consistent with the approved New
Jersey Coastal Management Program.
The impacts of continued operation of HCGS under EPU conditions are
bounded by the evaluation in the FES for operation (NRC 1984).
Therefore, the potential impacts to land use, aesthetics, and historic
and archaeological resources from the proposed EPU would not be
Cooling Tower Impacts
HCGS has one natural draft cooling tower that is currently used to
reduce the heat output to the environment. The potential impacts
associated with cooling tower operation under the proposed EPU could
affect aesthetics, salt drift deposition, noise, fogging or icing,
wildlife, and particulate emissions.
The proposed EPU would not result in significant changes to
aesthetics such as cooling tower plume dimension at HCGS. Atmospheric
emissions from the natural draft cooling tower consist primarily of
waste heat and water vapor resulting in persistent cloudlike plumes.
The size of the cooling tower plume depends on the meteorological
conditions such as temperature, dew point, and relative humidity. For
the proposed EPU, NRC does not anticipate any change in the dimension
of the plume under equivalent meteorological conditions as evaluated in
the FES. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that there would be no
significant aesthetic impacts associated with HCGS cooling tower
operation for the proposed action.
Native, exotic, and agricultural plant productivity may be
adversely affected by the increased salt concentration in the drift
deposited directly on soils or directly on foliage. FES has indicated
that the salt drift deposition must be above 90 lbs/acre/year before
agriculture plant productivity would be reduced. PSEG has estimated
that the proposed EPU would not significantly increase the rate of salt
drift deposition from the increase in cooling tower operation. PSEG has
estimated that the increase in salt drift deposition rate would be 9
percent to a maximum of 0.109 lbs/acre/year. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that there would be no significant salt drift deposition
impacts associated with HCGS cooling tower operation for the proposed
Because the HCGS cooling tower is natural draft, no increase in
noise is expected. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that there would
be no significant noise impacts associated with HCGS cooling tower
operation for the proposed action.
PSEG has indicated that there would be no significant increase in
fogging or icing expected for the proposed EPU. Increased ground-level
fogging and icing resulting from water droplets in the cooling tower
drift may interfere with highway traffic. The 1984 FES evaluated the
impacts of fogging and icing associated with the operation of the
natural draft cooling tower at HCGS and found these impacts to be
insignificant and inconsequential. The fact that the nearest
agricultural or residential land is located several miles from the site
further minimizes the potential for impact. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that there would be no significant fogging or icing impacts
associated with HCGS cooling tower operation for the proposed action.
The 1984 FES has stated that although some birds may collide with
cooling tower, unpublished surveys at existing cooling towers indicated
that the number would be relatively small. The proposed EPU would not
increase the risk of wildlife colliding with cooling tower. Therefore,
the NRC staff concludes that there would be no significant wildlife
impacts associated with HCGS cooling tower operation for the proposed
The proposed EPU would increase the particulates emission rate from
the HCGS cooling tower, from the current rate of 29.4 pounds per hour
(lbs/hr) to an average rate of 35.6 lbs/hr (maximum 42.0 lbs/hr).
Particulates (primarily salts) from the cooling tower have an
aerodynamic particle size of less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10).
The NJDEP has imposed a maximum hourly emission rate for particulates
at 30 lbs/hr. Therefore, the projected particulate emission rate from
the HCGS cooling tower, due to the proposed EPU, would exceed the NJDEP
emission regulatory limit. On March 30, 2007, NJDEP issued a Public
Notice and Draft Title V Air Operating Permit for the HCGS cooling
tower, proposing to authorize a variance to the HCGS air operating
permit with an hourly emission rate of 42 lbs/hr (NJDEP 2007a). On June
13, 2007, NJDEP issued the final Title V Air Operating Permit for HCGS
allowing a 42 lbs/hr particulate emission rate for the proposed EPU.
Since particulates from HCGS cooling tower consist primarily of
salts with particle size of less than 10 microns, the FES evaluated the
environmental impacts on air quality and found the impacts to be minor.
Furthermore, a prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) non-
applicability analysis was submitted to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
Region 2, by PSEG on March 4, 2004. Based on the information
provided by PSEG, EPA concluded that the EPU project would not result
in a significant increase in emissions and would not be subject to PSD
review (NJDEP 2007a). In addition, NJDEP has stated that the Bureau of
Technical Services reviewed the Air Quality Modeling for the proposed
Hope Creek uprate project and determined that the project would meet
the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the New Jersey Ambient
Air Quality Standards. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that there
would be no significant particulate emission impacts associated with
HCGS cooling tower operation for the proposed action.
[[Page 59565]]
Transmission Facility Impacts
The potential impacts associated with transmission facilities
include changes in transmission line right-of-way (ROW) maintenance and
electric shock hazards due to increased current. The proposed EPU would
not require any physical modifications to the transmission lines.
PSEG's transmission line ROW maintenance practices, including the
management of vegetation growth, would not change. PSEG did not provide
an estimate of the increase in the operating voltage due to the EPU.
Based on experience from EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff concludes
that the increase in the operating voltage would be negligible. Because
the voltage would not change significantly, there would be no
significant change in the potential for electric shock. Modifications
to onsite transmission equipment are necessary to support the EPU; such
changes include replacement of the high- and low-pressure turbines, and
the replacement of the main transformer (PSEG 2005). No long-term
environmental impacts from these replacements are anticipated.
The proposed EPU would increase the current, which would affect the
electromagnetic field. The National Electric Safety Code (NESC)
provides design criteria that limit hazards from steady-state currents.
The NESC limits the short-circuit current to the ground to less than 5
milliamperes. There would be an increase in current passing through the
transmission lines associated with the increased power level of the
proposed EPU. The increased electrical current passing through the
transmission lines would cause an increase in electromagnetic field
strength. However, since the increase in power level is approximately
15 percent, the impact of exposure to electromagnetic fields from the
offsite transmission lines would not be expected to increase
significantly over the current impact. The transmission lines meet the
applicable shock prevention provision of the NESC. Therefore, even with
the slight increase in current attributable to the EPU, adequate
protection is provided against hazards from electrical shock.
The 1984 FES evaluated bird mortality resulting from collision with
towers and conductors. The FES has estimated that only 0.07 percent of
the mortality of waterfowls from causes other than hunting resulted
from collision with towers and conductors at HCGS. Because the proposed
EPU does not require physical modifications to the transmission line
system, the additional impacts of bird mortality would be minimal.
The impacts associated with transmission facilities for the
proposed action would not change significantly relative to the impacts
from current plant operation. There would be no physical modifications
to the transmission lines, transmission line ROW maintenance practices
would not change, there would be no changes to transmission line ROW or
vertical ground clearances, and electric current passing through the
transmission lines would increase only slightly. Therefore, the NRC
staff concludes there would be no significant impacts associated with
transmission facilities for the proposed action.
Water Use Impacts
Potential water use impacts from the proposed EPU include localized
effects on the Delaware Estuary and changes to plant water supply. HCGS
is located on the eastern shore of the Delaware Estuary. The estuary is
approximately 2.5 miles wide, and the tidal flow past HCGS is
approximately 259,000 million gallons per day (MGD) (NRC 2001). The
Delaware Estuary is the source of cooling water for the HCGS
circulating water system, a closed-cycle system that utilizes a natural
draft cooling tower. During normal plant operations, water usage at
HCGS accounts for less than 0.03 percent of the average tidal flow of
the Delaware Estuary (PSEG 2005).
HCGS's service water system withdraws approximately 67 MGD from the
Delaware Estuary for cooling and makeup water. When estuary water
temperature is less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F), two pumps
operate to supply an average service water flow rate of approximately
37,000 gallon per minute (gpm). When estuary water temperature is
greater than 70 [deg]F, three pumps operate to supply an average
service water flow rate of approximately 52,000 gpm (Najarian
Associates 2004). Estuary water is delivered to the cooling tower basin
and acts primarily as makeup water to the circulating water system--
replacing 47 MGD that are returned to the estuary as cooling tower
blowdown, and depending upon meteorological conditions and the
circulating water flow rate, replacing approximately 10-13 MGD of
cooling water that are lost through evaporation from the cooling tower.
Approximately 7 MGD of the 67 MGD are used for intake screen wash water
and strainer backwash. The circulating water system has an operating
capacity of 11 million gallons; however, approximately 9 million
gallons of water actually reside in the circulating water system at any
given time. Water is re-circulated through the condensers at a rate of
approximately 550,000 gpm (PSEG 2005). No changes to the HCGS
circulating water or service water systems are expected due to the
proposed EPU; therefore, the proposed EPU would not increase the amount
of water withdrawn from or discharged to the Delaware Estuary.
Consumptive use of surface water by HCGS is not expected to change
substantively as a result of the proposed EPU and is regulated by the
Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) through a water use contract.
The proposed EPU would likely result in a small increase in cooling
tower blowdown temperature. To mitigate this temperature increase, PSEG
has modified its cooling tower to improve its thermal performance, and
as discussed in the following section, thermal discharge to the
Delaware Estuary would remain within the regulatory limits set by the
New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit
granted to HCGS by NJDEP (PSEG 2005; NJDEP 2002).
Two groundwater wells access the Raritan aquifer to provide
domestic and process water to HCGS. The wells are permitted by NJDEP
and are also regulated by DRBC. The proposed EPU would not increase the
use of groundwater by HCGS or change the limits of groundwater use
currently set by DRBC (PSEG 2005). As such, the conclusions in the 1984
FES regarding groundwater use at HCGS would remain valid for the
proposed EPU.
The proposed EPU would not increase the amount of surface water
withdrawn from the Delaware Estuary and groundwater use at HCGS would
not increase. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes the proposed EPU would
have negligible water use impacts on the estuary.
Discharge Impacts
Potential impacts to a water body from power plant discharge
include increased turbidity, scouring, erosion, sedimentation,
contamination, and water temperature. Because the proposed EPU would
not increase the amount of cooling tower blowdown discharged to the
Delaware Estuary, turbidity, scouring, erosion, and sedimentation would
not be expected to significantly impact the estuary. Additionally, the
proposed EPU would not introduce any new contaminants to the Delaware
Estuary and would not significantly increase any potential contaminants
that are presently regulated by the station's NJPDES permit. The
concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the cooling tower
blowdown would increase due to
[[Page 59566]]
the increased rate of evaporation; however, the amount of blowdown
discharged to the estuary would decrease, and the concentration of TDS
would remain within the station's NJPDES permit limits.
Although the amount of water withdrawn from the Delaware Estuary
would remain unchanged, the proposed EPU would result in a slight
increase in the temperature of the cooling tower blowdown discharged to
the estuary. The station's NJPDES permit imposes limits on the
temperature of the blowdown and the amount of heat rejected to the
estuary by the HCGS circulating water system. The NJDES permit
specifies that the 24-hour average maximum blowdown temperature is
limited to 97.1 [deg]F, and heat rejection is limited to 662 million
British thermal units per hour (MBTU/hr) from September 1 through May
31 and 534 MBTU/hr from June 1 through August 31. DRBC also imposes
thermal regulations on HCGS through the NJPDES permit, specifying that
the net temperature increase of the Delaware Estuary may not exceed 4
[deg]F from September through May, and 1.5 [deg]F from June through
August or estuary water temperature may not exceed a maximum of 86
[deg]F, whichever is less. These limitations apply to waters outside of
the heat dissipation area, which extends 2,500 feet upstream and
downstream of the discharge point and 1,500 feet offshore from the
discharge point. The NJPDES permit provides an exception for occasional
excess blowdown temperatures during extreme meteorological conditions
(a coincident occurrence of a wet-bulb temperature above 76 [deg]F and
relative humidity below 60 percent); however, the net temperature
limitations may never be exceeded (Najarian Associates 2004).
The 1984 FES concluded that the station's shoreline discharge would
not adversely affect the estuary because of its large tidal influence,
which would dilute, mix, and rapidly dissipate the heated effluent
(PSEG 2005). Hydrothermal modeling conducted for the proposed EPU
determined that, even during extreme meteorological conditions, the
post-EPU increase in cooling tower blowdown temperature would not
exceed 91.7 [deg]F, and the station would continue to comply with all
applicable Delaware Estuary water quality standards set by the
station's NJPDES permit and DRBC (Najarian Associates 2004).
In addition to setting thermal discharge limits, the NJPDES permit
also regulates all surface and wastewater discharges from the station.
The NJPDES permit, effective March 1, 2003, regulates discharge from
six outfalls at HCGS, including the cooling tower blowdown, low volume
oily wastewater, stormwater, and sewage treatment; these discharges
ultimately flow to the Delaware Estuary. As required by the NJPDES
permit, in addition to temperature, cooling tower blowdown is monitored
for flow, pH, chlorine produced oxidants (CPOs), total suspended
solids, TDS, and total organic carbon. HCGS operates a dechlorination
system that utilizes ammonium bisulfate to reduce CPOs in the blowdown.
Furthermore, acute and chronic biological toxicity tests were routinely
performed on cooling tower blowdown from 1998 through 2001 to comply
with NJDEP non-toxicity regulations (PSEG 2005).
The NJPDES permit sets monitoring, sampling, and reporting
requirements for all HCGS discharges. A search of the NJDEP Open Public
Records Act Datamine online database revealed no water quality
violations for HCGS (NJDEP 2007).
With the exception of increased blowdown temperature and TDS
concentration, as discussed above, the proposed EPU would not be
expected to alter the composition or volume of any other effluents,
including stormwater drainage, oily water, and sewage treatment (PSEG
2005). Blowdown temperature and composition, and Delaware Estuary water
temperatures would remain in compliance with the station's NJPDES
permit, and the proposed EPU would not result in changes in any other
effluents to the estuary. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the
proposed EPU would result in negligible impacts on the Delaware Estuary
from HCGS discharge.
Impacts on Aquatic Biota
The potential impacts to aquatic biota from the proposed action are
primarily due to operation of the cooling water system and to
maintenance of transmission line ROWs. Cooling water withdrawal affects
aquatic populations through impingement of larger individuals (e.g.,
fish, some crustaceans, turtles) on the intake trash bars and debris
screens and entrainment of smaller organisms that pass through the
screens into the cooling water system. The proposed action would not
change the volume or rate of cooling water withdrawn. Most of the
additional heat generated under the proposed EPU would be dissipated by
the cooling tower, and PSEG proposes no changes to the cooling water
Discharge of heated effluent alters natural thermal and current
regimes and can induce thermal shock in aquatic organisms. The HCGS
effluent would change under the proposed EPU. Because the volume of
makeup water withdrawn from the estuary would remain unchanged and the
volume of evaporative loss from the cooling tower would increase, the
volume of the blowdown released as effluent, which is the difference
between the water withdrawn and the water lost to evaporation, would
decrease. The increased evaporation would leave behind more solids in
the blowdown, so the concentration of TDS in the effluent would be an
average of about 9 percent higher than under current operations
(Najarian Associates 2004). The effluent would also be somewhat warmer,
but modeling predicts that all present NJPDES permit conditions for the
effluent would still be met (Najarian Associates 2004).
PSEG proposes no new transmission line ROWs and no change in
current maintenance procedures for transmission line ROWs under the
proposed EPU, so this potential source of impact will not be considered
further for aquatic resources.
The potential receptors of the environmental stressors of
impingement, entrainment, and heat shock are the aquatic communities in
the Delaware Estuary near HCGS. Ecologists typically divide such
communities into the following categories for convenience when
considering ecological impacts of power plants: Microbes,
phytoplankton, submerged aquatic vegetation, invertebrate zooplankton,
benthic invertebrates, fish, and sometimes birds, reptiles (e.g., sea
turtles), and marine mammals. Of these, effects of power plant
operation have been consistently demonstrated only for fish.
Unless otherwise noted, the following information on Delaware
Estuary fish and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is from information
summarized in the 2006 Salem NJPDES Permit Application (NJDEP 2006).
Salem is an adjacent nuclear power plant that has conducted several
large studies in support of permitting of its once-through cooling
water system. About 200 species of fish have been reported from the
Delaware Estuary. Some are resident, some are seasonal migrants, and
some are occasional strays. In its NJPDES Permit Application, PSEG
selected 11 species, one invertebrate and ten fish, as species
representative of the aquatic community (Table 1).
[[Page 59567]]
Table 1.--Species Representative of the Delaware Estuary Aquatic Community Near Artificial Island
Common name Scientific name Comment
Blue Crab............................... Callinectes sapidus........ Swimming crab, abundant in the estuary.
Recreational and commercial species.
Alewife................................. Alosa pseudoharengus....... Anadromous herring; abundant in the
American Shad........................... Alosa sapidissima.......... Anadromous herring; abundant in the
estuary. Recreational and commercial
Atlantic Croaker........................ Micropogonias undulatus.... Drum family. Delaware Estuary stock may
be single population. Recreational and
commercial species.
Atlantic Menhaden....................... Brevoortia tyrannus........ Herring. Larvae and juveniles use the
estuary as a nursery. Commercial
Atlantic Silverside..................... Menidia menidia............ Resident in intertidal marsh creeks and
shore zones.
Bay Anchovy............................. Anchoa mitchelli........... Common in the bay and tidal river zones.
Blueback Herring........................ Alosa aestivalis........... Anadromous herring; abundant in the
Spot.................................... Leiostomus xanthurus....... Drum family. Juveniles use the estuary as
a nursery. Recreational and commercial
Striped Bass............................ Morone saxatilis........... Anadromous temperate bass. Recreational
and commercial species.
Weakfish................................ Cynoscion regalis.......... Drum family. Larvae and juveniles use the
estuary as nursery. Recreational and
commercial species.
White Perch............................. Morone americana........... Temperate bass. Year-round residents
anadromous within estuary. Recreational
Source: NJDEP 2006.
HCGS is located in the Delaware Estuary between the Delaware River
upstream and the wide Delaware Bay downstream. Estuaries are drowned
river valleys where fresh water from rivers mixes with the higher
salinity water of the ocean and bays. In estuaries, salinity and water
temperature may change with season, tides, and meteorological
conditions. Typically, few species are resident in an estuary all of
their lives, perhaps because surviving the wide variations in salinity
and temperature poses physiological challenges to fish and
invertebrates. The predominant resident fish species in the Delaware
Estuary are hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus), white perch (Morone
americana), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchelli), Atlantic and tidewater
silversides (Menidia menidia and M. peninsulae, respectively), naked
goby (Gobiosoma bosc), and mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus).
Resident fish species are represented by Atlantic silversides, bay
anchovy, and white perch (Table 1). Atlantic silversides are relatively
small common fish that inhabit intertidal creeks and shore zones. They
mature in less than a year and seldom live beyond 2 years. Although
there may be no discernable long-term trend in abundance in the
Delaware Estuary, the short-term trend appears to be decreasing
abundance. Bay anchovy may be the most abundant species in the estuary.
This small fish overwinters in deep areas of the lower estuary and
near-shore coastal zone. Though bay anchovies tend to stay in the lower
part of the estuary, they stray as far north as Trenton. They tend to
mature in the summer following their birth. Typically two spawning
peaks occur, one in late May and one in mid-July, although some
spawning occurs all summer. Most spawning occurs where salinity exceeds
20 parts per thousand (ppt), but some spawning may occur throughout the
estuary. Although no long-term trend in abundance is evident, abundance
since the mid-1990s appears to be declining. White perch are found
throughout the brackish portions of the estuary. They are anadromous
within the estuary (``semi-anadromous''), meaning that they undergo a
seasonal migration from the deeper, more saline areas where they
overwinter in fresh, shallow waters in the spring to spawn and then
return to more brackish waters. They typically mature in 2 to 3 years.
The abundance of white perch in the Delaware Estuary appears to be
stable or increasing, possibly in response to long-term improvements in
water quality.
Adult blue crabs are resident macro-invertebrates in the Delaware
Estuary, although their larvae are not. After mating in shallow
brackish areas of the upper estuary in spring, adult females migrate to
the mouth of the bay. The eggs, which are extruded and carried on the
undersides of females, hatch typically in the warm (77-86 [deg]F), high
salinity (18-26 ppt) waters of the lower bay in summer. After hatching,
the larvae pass through seven planktonic stages, called zoeae, and move
offshore with near-shore surface currents. The first post-larval stage,
called a megalops, uses wind-driven currents and tides to move inshore.
They then metamorphose to the first crab stage and move up the estuary.
Adult male crabs do not migrate from the upper estuary. Crabs typically
mature when 1 or 2 years old. Between 1980 and 2004, blue crab
abundance in the Delaware Estuary appears to have increased.
Anadromous species live their adult lives at sea and migrate into
fresh water to spawn. The most common anadromous fish species in the
Delaware Estuary are alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), American shad (A.
sapidissima), blueback herring (A. aestivalis), and striped bass
(Morone saxatilis), of which the first three are members of the herring
family. The endangered shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) is
also anadromous. The ecology of the three herrings is similar, as is
their appearance. All use the estuary as spawning and nursery habitat.
All migrate to fresh water in the spring and are believed to return to
their natal streams to spawn. The newly hatched larvae are planktonic
and move downstream with the current. Juveniles remain in freshwater
nursery areas throughout the summer and migrate to sea in the fall.
They then remain at sea until maturity and migrate along the coast.
Alewife have become more abundant since 1980, although the trend since
1990 is unclear. Abundance of American shad in the Delaware Estuary
drastically declined in the early 1900s due to poor water quality, dam
construction, over-fishing, and habitat destruction. American shad
began to recover in the 1960s and 1980s and appears to be recovering
still. No trends are evident in blueback herring abundance.
Striped bass is a fairly large member of the temperate bass family,
which also includes white perch. Adult striped bass, which may reach
weights of over 100 pounds, migrate up the estuary to fresh and
brackish waters in the spring to spawn and are believed to return to
their natal rivers and streams for spawning. The newly hatched larvae
[[Page 59568]]
planktonic and move downstream with the current. Small juveniles use
fresh and brackish areas as nurseries, and larger juveniles use the
higher salinity waters of the lower estuary as feeding grounds. Adult
striped bass live at sea and the lower estuary and migrate along the
coast. Like American shad, the striped bass population in the Delaware
Estuary declined prior to the 1980s but is now recovering.
The most common marine species that use the estuary include
weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic
croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix),
summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatas), and Atlantic menhaden
(Brevoortia tyrannus). Four of these, weakfish, spot, Atlantic croaker,
and Atlantic menhaden, are shown as representative in Table 1. Atlantic
croaker, spot, and weakfish are members of the drum family. Adult
Atlantic croaker inhabit the deep, open areas of the lower bay from
late spring through mid-fall. They spawn from July through April along
the continental shelf. Larval Atlantic croaker first move with the
currents and later move to the shallow areas of the bay. Juveniles use
the shallow areas and tidal creeks in fresh and brackish water as
nurseries, but move into deeper water during colder periods. They
mature at about 2 to 4 years of age. Abundance of Atlantic croaker in
the Delaware Estuary has been increasing since the early 1990s. Spot
spawn over the continental shelf from late September through April.
Larvae live in the ocean then move to the Bay. The young juveniles move
upstream into tidal creeks and tributaries with low salinity. Like
Atlantic croaker, spot move into deeper water during colder periods.
Spot mature at 1 to 3 years old. Abundance of spot appears to be
negatively related to the abundance of Atlantic croaker and has been
decreasing. Weakfish spawn in the mouth of Delaware Bay in mid-May
through mid-September, and after hatching, the larvae move up into the
estuary to nursery areas of lower salinity (3 to 15 ppt). In mid-to-
late summer they move south to mesohaline nursery grounds, and as
temperatures decline in fall, the juveniles move south from the nursery
areas to the continental shelf and south. They mature at an age of 1 or
2 years. Abundance of weakfish in the Delaware Estuary appear to have
increased from the 1970s to 1990s and then declined.
Atlantic menhaden is a pelagic species that overwinters on the
shelf, and large numbers overwinter off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
The population moves north along the coast in the spring and south in
the fall. The populations spawn all year, and peak spawning occurs off
the Delaware Bay in spring and fall. The larvae move by wind-driven
currents into estuarine nursery grounds, where they transform to
juveniles and move upstream to oligohaline waters and then move out the
estuary with falling temperatures. In the fall, they congregate into
dense schools and move out of the estuary and south along the coast.
Atlantic menhaden mature at about age two. No trend in abundance in the
Delaware Estuary is apparent.
While the identity of species potentially affected by entrainment,
impingement, and heat shock may be inferred from ecological information
about the Delaware Estuary, the species affected cannot be verified,
and the numbers cannot be quantified because no environmental
monitoring programs are conducted at the HCGS. Impinged organisms are
most likely to die, and the fish-return system does not function
continuously to minimize mortality. All organisms entrained at HCGS,
which operates a cooling tower, are probably killed from exposure to
heat, mechanical, pressure-related stresses, and possibly biocidal
chemicals before being discharged to the estuary.
The NRC staff found few data with which to assess impacts to
aquatic organisms due to operation of HCGS. Under the proposed EPU,
water withdrawal rates would not change from present conditions.
Entrainment and impingement impacts may change over time due to changes
in the aquatic populations even though HCGS's water withdrawal rate
would not change from present conditions. Impacts due to impingement
and entrainment losses are minimized because the closed-cycle cooling
system at the plant minimizes the amount of cooling water withdrawn
from and heated effluent returned to the estuary. The water quality of
the effluent (e.g., temperature, toxicity, TDS concentrations) would
continue to meet present NJPDES permit conditions for protection of
aquatic life. The staff concludes that the proposed EPU would have no
significant impact to aquatic biota.
Essential Fish Habitat Consultation
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA)
identifies the importance of habitat protection to healthy fisheries.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is defined as those waters and substrata
necessary for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity
(Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.). Designating EFH is an
essential component in the development of Fishery Management Plans to
minimize habitat loss or degradation of fishery stocks and to take
actions to mitigate such damage. The consultation requirements of
Section 305(b) of the MSA provide that Federal agencies consult with
the Secretary of Commerce on all actions or proposed actions
authorized, funded, or undertaken by the agency that may adversely
affect EFH. An EFH assessment for the proposed EPU was sent to the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under separate cover to
initiate an EFH consultation.
Impacts on Terrestrial Biota
The potential impacts to terrestrial biota from the proposed action
would be those from transmission line ROW maintenance. Under EPU
conditions, PSEG does not plan to change transmission line maintenance
or add new transmission lines. In addition, PSEG does not plan to
conduct major refurbishment of significant land-disturbing activities
in order to implement the proposed EPU. Because no changes are planned
that have the potential to impact terrestrial biota, the NRC staff
concludes that the proposed EPU would have no impacts to terrestrial
biota associated with transmission line ROW maintenance.
Threatened and Endangered Species and Critical Habitat
In a letter dated December 8, 2006, pursuant to Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act of 1969, as amended, the NRC requested from the
NMFS a list of species and information on protected, proposed, and
candidate species and critical habitat that are under their
jurisdiction and may be in the vicinity of HCGS and its associated
transmission lines. In response, NMFS issued a letter dated January 26,
2007, that provided information on the endangered shortnose sturgeon;
Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus), a candidate
species for listing; and five species of endangered or threatened sea
turtles: Loggerhead (Caretta caretta), Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys
kempii), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green (Chelonia mydas),
and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles. The NRC staff
investigated the effects of HCGS operation on these species and found
that the primary concern for these endangered and threatened species is
the risk of impingement or entrainment due to cooling water intake by
the plant. The proposed EPU would not change the intake flow, and,
therefore, would not increase in the risk of impingement and
entrainment. To dissipate the additional heat created by the EPU, the
[[Page 59569]]
temperature of the plant's cooling water discharge would be slightly
elevated, but still within the NJPDES 24-hour average temperature limit
of 97.1 [deg]F. In addition, HCGS has had no takes of any of the
endangered or threatened species listed above. Therefore, the NRC staff
anticipates no effects related to the intake or discharge on threatened
or endangered species under NMFS's jurisdiction, and on May 3, 2007,
sent a letter to NMFS concluding the informal Section 7 consultation.
Although an informal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service regarding bald eagles was initiated for the HCGS, the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service delisted bald eagles pursuant to the Endangered
Species Act on July 9, 2007, and concluded the informal consultation.
Socioeconomic Impacts
The potential socioeconomic impacts due to the proposed EPU include
changes in the payments in lieu of taxes for Lower Alloways Creek
Township and Salem County and changes in the size of the workforce at
HCGS. Nearly 70 percent of HCGS employees currently resides in Salem,
Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties in New Jersey.
The proposed EPU would not increase the size of the HCGS workforce,
since proposed plant modifications and other planned activities would
be handled by the current workforce or would be phased in during
planned outages. Also, the proposed EPU would not increase the size of
the HCGS workforce during future refueling outages. Therefore, the
proposed EPU would not have any measurable effect on annual earnings
and income in Salem, Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties nor would
there be any increased demand for community services.
According to the 2000 Census, Salem, Cumberland, and Gloucester
County populations were about 20.4, 41.6, and 14.3 percent minority,
respectively (USCB 2000). The percentages of minority populations
residing in Salem and Gloucester Counties were well below the State
minority population of 34.0 percent. In addition, the poverty rates for
individuals living in Salem and Cumberland Counties were 9.5 and 15.0
percent, respectively, which were higher than the State's average of
8.5 percent (the Gloucester County poverty rate was 6.2 percent)(USCB
2000a). Even though these percentages are relatively high, the proposed
EPU would not have any disproportionately high and adverse impacts to
minority and low-income populations, because no significant
environmental impacts were identified during the analysis.
The proposed EPU could affect the value of HCGS and the amount of
monies paid to local jurisdictions, in-lieu-of-property tax payments,
because the total amount of tax money to be distributed would increase
as power generation increases and because the proposed EPU would
increase HCGS's value, thus resulting in potentially larger payments to
Lower Alloways Creek Township and Salem County. Also, because the
proposed EPU would increase the economic viability of HCGS, the
probability of early plant retirement would be reduced. Early plant
retirement would have a negative impact on the local economy by
reducing or eliminating payments to Lower Alloways Creek Township and
Salem County and limiting employment opportunities in the region.
Since the proposed EPU would not affect annual earnings and income
in Salem County, nor demand for community services and due to the lack
of significant environmental impacts on minority or low-income
populations, there would be no significant socioeconomic or
environmental justice impacts associated with the proposed EPU.
Conversely, the proposed EPU could have a positive effect on the
regional economy because of the potential increase in the payments in-
lieu-of-taxes received by the Lower Alloways Creek Township and Salem
County, due to the potential increase in the book value of HCGS and
long-term viability of HCGS.
The proposed EPU would not result in a significant change in non-
radiological impacts in the areas of land use, water use, waste
discharges, cooling tower operation, terrestrial and aquatic biota,
transmission facility operation, or socioeconomic factors. No other
non-radiological impacts were identified or would be expected. Table 2
summarizes the non-radiological environmental impacts of the proposed
Table 2.--Summary of Non-Radiological Environmental Impacts
Land Use..................... No significant land use modifications;
installed temporary office space to
support EPU.
Cooling Tower................ No significant aesthetic impact; no
significant fogging or icing.
Transmission Facilities...... No physical modifications to transmission
lines or ROWs; lines meet shock safety
requirements; small increase in
electrical current would cause small
increase in electromagnetic field around
transmission lines.
Water Use.................... No configuration change to intake
structure; no increase rate of
withdrawal; slight increase in water
consumption due to increased
evaporation; no water use conflicts.
Discharge.................... Increase in water temperature and
containment concentration discharged to
Delaware River; would meet discharge
limits in current NJPDES permit
following EPU implementation.
Aquatic Biota................ Entrainment and impingement losses may
change over time due to changes in the
aquatic population but are minimized
because of the closed-cycle cooling
system utilized at the plant. The water
quality of the effluent would continue
to meet NJPDES permit conditions for
protection of aquatic life. EFH
consultation ongoing.
Terrestrial Biota............ No land disturbance or changes to
transmission line ROW maintenance are
expected; therefore, there would be no
significant effects on terrestrial
species or their habitat.
Threatened and Endangered No significant impacts are expected on
Species. threatened or endangered species or
their habitat. Informal consultation
with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Socioeconomic................ No change in the size of HCGS labor force
required for plant operation and planned
outages; proposed EPU could increase
payments in-lieu-of-taxes to Lower
Alloways Creek Township and Salem County
as well as the book value of HCGS; there
would be no disproportionately high and
adverse impact on minority and low-
income populations.
Radiological Impacts
The NRC staff evaluated radiological environmental impacts on waste
streams, dose, accident analysis, and fuel cycle and transportation
factors. Following is a general discussion of these issues and an
evaluation of their environmental impacts.
Radioactive Waste Stream Impacts
HCGS uses waste treatment systems designed to collect, process, and
dispose of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes that might contain
radioactive material in a
[[Page 59570]]
safe and controlled manner such that the discharges are in accordance
with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR) Part 20, and Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50.
The licensee has indicated that operation at EPU conditions would
not result in any changes in the operation or design of equipment in
the radioactive waste solid waste, liquid waste, or gaseous waste
management systems (GWMS). The safety and reliability of these systems
would be unaffected by the power uprate. Neither the environmental
monitoring of any of these waste streams nor the radiological
monitoring requirements of the HCGS Technical Specifications and/or
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) would be affected by the EPU.
Furthermore, the EPU would not introduce any new or different
radiological release pathways, nor would it increase the probability of
either an operator error or an equipment malfunction, that would result
in an uncontrolled radioactive release (PSEG 2005). The EPU would
produce a larger amount of fission and activation products; however,
the waste treatment systems are designed to handle the additional
source term. The specific effects on each of the radioactive waste
management systems are evaluated below.
Gaseous Radioactive Waste and Offsite Doses
During normal operation, HCGS's GWMS processes and controls the
release of gaseous radioactive effluents to the environment. The GWMS
includes the off-gas system and various building ventilation systems.
The radioactive release rate of the gaseous effluent is well monitored
and administratively controlled by the HCGS ODCM (PSEG 2005). The
single year highest annual releases of gaseous radioactive material,
for the time period 2000-2004, were 6.30 Curies (Ci) for noble gases in
2003, 0.0060 Ci for particulates in 2000, and 0.014 Ci for iodines in
2004 (PSEG 2005).
The licensee has estimated that the amount of radioactive material
released in gaseous effluents would increase in proportion to the
increase in power level (15 percent) (PSEG 2005). Based on experience
from EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff concludes that this is an
acceptable estimate. The dose to a member of the public, including the
additional gaseous radioactive material that would be released from the
proposed EPU, is calculated to still be well within the radiation
standards of 10 CFR Part 20 and the dose design objectives of Appendix
I to 10 CFR part 50. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the impact
from the EPU would not be significant.
Liquid Radioactive Waste and Offsite Doses
During normal operation, HCGS's Liquid Waste Management System
(LWMS) processes and controls the release of liquid radioactive
effluents to the environment, such that the doses to individuals
offsite are maintained within the limits of 10 CFR part 20 and the
design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50. The LWMS is designed
to process the waste and then recycles it within the plant as
condensate, reprocesses it through the radioactive waste system for
further purification, or discharges it to the environment as liquid
radioactive waste effluent in accordance with facility procedures which
comply with New Jersey and Federal regulations. The radioactive release
rate of the liquid effluent is well monitored and administratively
controlled by the HCGS ODCM (PSEG 2005). The single year highest annual
releases of liquid radioactive material, for the time period 2000-2004,
were 54,742,400 gallons (2.072E+8 liters) and 0.068 Ci of fission and
activating products in 2003 (PSEG 2005).
Even though the EPU would produce a larger amount of radioactive
fission and activation products and a larger volume of liquid to be
processed, the licensee expects the LWMS to remove all but a small
amount of the increased radioactive material. The licensee has
estimated that the volume of radioactive liquid effluents released to
the environment and the amount of radioactive material in the liquid
effluents would increase by 2.2 percent, due to the EPU. Based on
experience from EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff concludes that this
is an acceptable estimate. The dose to a member of the public,
including the additional liquid radioactive material that would be
released from the proposed EPU, is calculated to still be well within
the radiation standards of 10 CFR part 20 and the dose design
objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50. Therefore, the NRC staff
concludes that the impact from the EPU would not be significant.
Solid Radioactive Waste and Offsite Doses
During normal operation, HCGS's Solid Waste Management System
(SWMS) collects, processes, packages, and temporarily stores
radioactive dry and wet solid wastes prior to shipment offsite and
permanent disposal. The SWMS is designed to package the wet and dry
types of radioactive solid waste for offsite shipment and burial, in
accordance with the requirements of applicable NRC and Department of
Transportation regulations, including 10 CFR part 61, 10 CFR part 71,
and 49 CFR parts 170 through 178. This results in radiation exposures
to a member of the public to be well within the limits of 10 CFR part
20 and the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50. The
volume of solid radioactive waste generated varied from about 11.7 to
almost 90.4 cubic meters per year for the time period 2000-2004; the
largest volume generated was 90.4 cubic meters in 2002. The amount of
solid radioactive material in the waste generated varied from 1 to
almost 600 Ci per year during that same period. The largest amount of
radioactive material generated in the solid waste was 591 Ci in 2001
(PSEG 2005).
The EPU would produce a larger amount of radioactive fission and
activation products, and treatment of this increase would require more
frequent replacement or regeneration of SWMS filters and demineralizer
resins. The licensee has estimated that the volume and radioactivity of
solid radioactive waste would increase by approximately 14.7 percent
from the average of the time period 2000-2004, due to the EPU (PSEG
2005). Based on experience from EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff
concludes that this is an acceptable estimate. Therefore, the staff
concludes that the impact from the increased volume of solid radwaste
generated due to the EPU would not be significant.
The licensee estimates that the EPU would require replacement of 10
percent more fuel assemblies at each refueling. This increase in the
amount of spent fuel being generated would require an increase in the
number of dry fuel storage casks used to store spent fuel. However, the
current dry fuel storage facility at HCGS can accommodate the increase.
Occupational Radiation Doses
The proposed EPU would result in the production of more radioactive
material and higher radiation dose rates in some areas at HCGS. PSEG's
radiation protection staff will monitor these increased dose rates and
make adjustments in shielding, access requirements, decontamination
methods, and procedures as necessary to minimize the dose to workers.
In addition, occupational dose to individual workers must be maintained
within the limits of 10 CFR part 20 and as low as reasonably
[[Page 59571]]
The licensee has estimated that after the implementation of EPU,
the estimated annual average collective occupational dose would be in
the range of 146 person-rem, representing a 16-percent increase of in-
plant occupation exposure (PSEG 2005). According to the 2004 report on
``Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors
and Other Facilities,'' the highest HCGS occupational exposure is 240
person-rem in 2004, for the time period 2002-2004 (NUREG 2004). The
dose to a member of HCGS personnel from the radiation exposures
described above, increased by 20 percent, would still be well within
the radiation standards of 10 CFR part 20. Based on experience from
EPUs at other plants, the NRC staff concludes that these estimates are
acceptable. Based on these estimates, the NRC staff concludes that the
increase in occupational exposure would not be significant.
Offsite Radiation Doses
Offsite radiation dose consists of three components: Gaseous,
liquid, and direct gamma radiation. As previously discussed under the
Gaseous Radiological Wastes and Liquid Radiological Wastes sections,
the estimated doses to a member of the public from gaseous and liquid
effluents after the EPU is implemented would be within the dose design
objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50.
The final component of offsite dose is from direct gamma radiation
dose from radioactive waste stored temporarily onsite, including spent
fuel in dry cask storage, and radionuclides (mainly nitrogen-16) in the
steam from the reactor passing through the turbine system. The high
energy radiation from nitrogen-16 is scattered or reflected by the air
above the site and represents an additional public radiation dose
pathway known as ``skyshine.'' The licensee estimated that the offsite
radiation dose from skyshine would increase linearly with the increase
in power level from the EPU (15 percent); more nitrogen-16 is produced
at the higher EPU power and less of the nitrogen-16 decays before it
reaches the turbine system because of the higher rate of steam flow due
to the EPU. The licensee's radiological environmental monitoring
program measures radiation dose at the site boundary and in the area
around the plant with an array of thermoluminescent dosimeters. The
licensee estimated that the offsite radiation dose would increase to
approximately 9.3 millirem (mrem), in proportion to the EPU power
increase (15 percent) (PSEG 2005). Based on experience from EPUs at
other plants, the NRC staff concludes that this is an acceptable
estimate. EPA regulation 40 CFR part 190, and NRC regulation 10 CFR
Part 20, limit the dose to any member of the public to 25 mrem per year
to the whole body from the entire nuclear fuel cycle. The offsite dose
from all sources, including radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents
and direct radiation, would still be well within this limit after the
EPU is implemented. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the
increase in offsite radiation dose would not be significant.
Postulated Accident Doses
As a result of implementation of the proposed EPU, there would be
an increase in the inventory of radionuclides in the reactor core; the
core inventory of radionuclides would increase as power level
increases. The concentration of radionuclides in the reactor coolant
may also increase; however, this concentration is limited by the HCGS
technical specifications. Therefore, the reactor coolant concentration
of radionuclides would not be expected to increase significantly. Some
of the radioactive waste streams and storage systems may also contain
slightly higher quantities of radioactive material. The calculated
doses from design basis postulated accidents for HCGS are currently
well below the criteria of 10 CFR 50.67. The licensee has estimated
that the radiologic